Chem Ch 7 Questions

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(i) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1 (ii) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 (iii) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p1 (iv) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p4 (v) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5 The electron configuration belonging to the atom with the highest second ionization energy is ________. 1. A) (i) 2. B) (ii) 3. C) (iii) 4. D) (iv) 5. E) (v)


All of the following are ionic compounds except ________. 1. A) CH4 2. B) K2O 3. C) Be(OH)2 4. D) NiCl2 5. E) Sr3N2


An alkaline earth metal forms a compound with oxygen with the formula ________. (The symbol M represents any one of the alkaline earth metals.) 1. A) MO 2. B) M2O 3. C) MO2 4. D) M2O2 5. E) MO3


Astatine has a(n) ________ density and a(n) ________ atomic radius compared to iodine. 1. A) greater; greater 2. B) smaller; greater 3. C) smaller; smaller 4. D) greater; smaller 5. E) equal; equal


Atomic radius generally increases as we move ________. 1. A) down a group and from right to left across a period 2. B) up a group and from left to right across a period 3. C) down a group and from left to right across a period 4. D) up a group and from right to left across a period 5. E) down a group; the period position has no effect


Between which two elements is the difference in metallic character the greatest? 1. A) Rb and O 2. B) O and I 3. C) Rb and I 4. D) Li and O 5. E) Li and Rb


Bromine is much more apt to exist as an anion than is potassium. This is because ________. 1. A) Bromine has a greater electron affinity than potassium does 2. B) Bromine is bigger than potassium 3. C) Bromine has a greater ionization energy than potassium does 4. D) Bromine is a liquid and potassium is a solid 5. E) Bromine is more metallic than potassium


Cl2 (g) + H2O (l) → ________ 1. A) HCl (aq) + HOCl (aq) 2. B) 2Cl-(aq) + H2O (l) 3. C) 2HCl (aq) + O2 (g) 4. D) 2HCl (aq) + O2- (g) 5. E) Cl2(aq) + H2O (l)


Electrons in the 1s subshell are much closer to the nucleus in Ar than in He due to the larger ________ in Ar. 1. A) nuclear charge 2. B) paramagnetism 3. C) diamagnetism 4. D) Hund's rule 5. E) azimuthal quantum number


Element M reacts with chlorine to form a compound with the formula MCl2. Element M is more reactive than magnesium and has a smaller radius than barium. This element is ________. 1. A) Sr 2. B) K 3. C) Na 4. D) Ra 5. E) Be


Element M reacts with oxygen to form an oxide with the formula M2O. When M2O is dissolved in water, the resulting solution is basic. Element M could be ________. 1. A) calcium 2. B) bromine 3. C) oxygen 4. D) carbon 5. E) nitrogen


Element M reacts with oxygen to form an oxide with the formula MO. When MO is dissolved in water, the resulting solution is basic. Element M could be ________. 1. A) strontium 2. B) bromine 3. C) selenium 4. D) germanium 5. E) nitrogen


Hydrogen is unique among the elements because ________. 1. It is not really a member of any particular group. 2. Its electron is not at all shielded from its nucleus. 3. It is the lightest element. 4. It is the only element to exist at room temperature as a diatomic gas. 5. It exhibits some chemical properties similar to those of groups 1A and 7A. 6. A) 1, 2, 3, 5 7. B) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 8. C) 1, 4, 5 9. D) 3, 4 10.E) 2, 3, 4, 5


In nature, the noble gases exist as ________. 1. A) monatomic gaseous atoms 2. B) the gaseous fluorides 3. C) solids in rocks and in minerals 4. D) alkali metal salts 5. E) the sulfides


In which orbital does an electron in a copper atom experience the greatest effective nuclear charge? 1. A) 1s 2. B) 4s 3. C) 4p 4. D) 4d 5. E) 3d


In which set of elements would all members be expected to have very similar chemical properties? 1. A) O, S, Se 2. B) N, O, F 3. C) Na, Mg, K 4. D) S, Se, Si 5. E) Ne, Na, Mg


Nonmetals can be ________ at room temperature. 1. A) solid, liquid, or gas 2. B) solid or liquid 3. C) solid only 4. D) liquid only 5. E) liquid or gas


Of the compounds below, ________ has the smallest ionic separation. 1. A) KF 2. B) K2S 3. C) RbCl 4. D) SrBr2 5. E) RbF


Of the elements below, ________ is the most metallic. 1. A) Sn 2. B) P 3. C) Br 4. D) Rn 5. E) As


Of the following elements, ________ has the most negative electron affinity. 1. A) F 2. B) Cl 3. C) Br 4. D) H 5. E) I


Oxides of most nonmetals combine with water to form ________. 1. A) an acid 2. B) a base 3. C) water and a salt 4. D) water 5. E) hydrogen gas


Oxides of the active metals combine with water to form ________. 1. A) metal hydroxides 2. B) metal hydrides 3. C) hydrogen gas 4. D) oxygen gas 5. E) water and a salt


The effective nuclear charge of an atom is primarily affected by ________. 1. A) inner electrons 2. B) outer electrons 3. C) nuclear charge 4. D) electron distribution 5. E) orbital radial probability


The first ionization energies of the elements ________ as you go from left to right across a period of the periodic table, and ________ as you go from the bottom to the top of a group in the table. 1. A) increase, increase 2. B) increase, decrease 3. C) decrease, increase 4. D) decrease, decrease 5. E) The first ionization energies of the elements are completely unpredictable.


The ion with the largest diameter is ________. 1. A) Po2- 2. B) S2- 3. C) Se2- 4. D) Te2- 5. E) O2-


The ion with the smallest diameter is ________. 1. A) Li+ 2. B) Na+ 3. C) K+ 4. D) Rb+ 5. E) Cs+


The list that correctly indicates the order of metallic character is ________. 1. A) Sr > Ca > Mg 2. B) F > Cl > Br 3. C) C > Ge > Si 4. D) Li > Na > K 5. E) O > Se > S


The most common sulfur ion has a charge of ________. 1. A) 2- 2. B) 1- 3. C) 4+ 4. D) 6+ 5. E) Sulfur does not form ions.


The reaction of potassium metal with elemental hydrogen produces ________. 1. A) KH 2. B) KH2 3. C) K2H 4. D) None of the above; potassium will not react directly with hydrogen. 5. E) KOH


This element is more reactive than lithium and magnesium but less reactive than potassium. This element is ________. 1. A) Na 2. B) Rb 3. C) Ca 4. D) Be 5. E) Fr


This element reacts with hydrogen to produce a gas with the formulaHX. When dissolved in water, HX forms an acidic solution. X is ________. 1. A) chlorine 2. B) calcium 3. C) oxygen 4. D) germanium 5. E) arsenic


Which alkaline earth metal will not react with liquid water or with steam? 1. A) Be 2. B) Mg 3. C) Ca 4. D) Ba E) They all react with liquid water and with steam.


Which equation correctly represents the electron affinity of calcium? 1. A) Ca (g) + e- → Ca- (g) 2. B) Ca (g) → Ca+ (g) + e 3. C) Ca (g) → Ca- (g) + e- 4. D) Ca-(g) → Ca (g) + e- 5. E) Ca+(g) + e- → Ca (g)


Which equation correctly represents the first ionization of calcium? 1. A) Ca (g) → Ca+ (g) + e 2. B) Ca (g) → Ca- (g) + e 3. C) Ca (g) + e- → Ca- (g) 4. D) Ca-(g) → Ca (g) + e- 5. E) Ca+(g) + e- → Ca (g)


Which equation correctly represents the first ionization of copper? 1. A) Cu(g) → Cu+(g) + e- 2. B) Cu+(g) → Cu2+(g) + e 3. C) Cu(g) → Cu-(g) + e 4. D) Cu+(g) + e-→ Cu(g) 5. E) Cu2+(g) → Cu3+(g) + e


Which equation correctly represents the first ionization of phosphorous? 1. A) P(g) → P+(g) + e- 2. B) P+(g) → P2+(g) + e3. C) P(g) → P-(g) + e- 4. D) P+(g) + e-→ P(g) 5. E) P2+(g) → P3+(g) + e


Which equation correctly represents the third ionization of aluminum? 1. A) Al2+(g) → Al3+(g) + e 2. B) Al(g) → Al+(g) + e- 3. C) Al2-(g) → Al3-(g) + e 4. D) Al3+(g) + e-→ Al2+(g) 5. E) Al+(g) → Al2+(g) + e


Which of the following generalizations cannot be made with regard to reactions of alkali metals? (The symbol M represents any one of the alkali metals.) 1. A) M (s) + O2 (g) → MO2 (s) 2. B) 2M (s) + 2H2O (l) → 2MOH (aq) + H2 (g) 3. C) 2M (s) + H2 (g) → 2MH (s) 4. D) 2M (s) + Cl2 (g) → 2MCl (s) 5. E) 2M (s) + S (s) → M2S (s)


Which of the following is not a characteristic of metals? 1. A) acidic oxides 2. B) low ionization energies 3. C) malleability 4. D) ductility 5. E) These are all characteristics of metals.


Which one of the following atoms has the largest radius? 1. A) In 2. B) Sn 3. C) Sb 4. D) Te 5. E) I


Which one of the following compounds produces a basic solution when dissolved in water? 1. A) Rb2O 2. B) SO2 3. C) OBr2 4. D) ZnCl2 5. E) N2


Which one of the following is a metal? 1. A) Li 2. B) S 3. C) I 4. D) He 5. E) Si


Which one of the following is a metalloid? 1. A) Si 2. B) S 3. C) Cl 4. D) In 5. E) Li


Which periodic table group contains only nonmetals? 1. A) 8A 2. B) 2A 3. C) 6A 4. D) 7A 5. E) 5A


Xenon has been shown to form compounds only when it is combined with ________. 1. A) something with a tremendous ability to remove electrons from other substances 2. B) another noble gas 3. C) something with a tremendous ability to donate electrons to other substances 4. D) an alkali metal 5. E) an alkaline earth metal


_______ have the lowest first ionization energies of the groups listed. 1. A) Alkali metals 2. B) Transition elements 3. C) Halogens 4. D) Alkaline earth metals 5. E) Noble gases


________ is isoelectronic with argon, and ________ is isoelectronic with neon. 1. A) P3-, N3- 2. B) P2-, N2- 3. C) P3+, N3+ 4. D) N3-, P3- 5. E) P, N


________ is isoelectronic with argon. 1. A) Cl- 2. B) P4- 3. C) Ca 4. D) K 5. E) F


________ is isoelectronic with helium. 1. A) H- 2. B) H+ 3. C) H 4. D) B3- 5. E) N3-


________ is isoelectronic with krypton. 1. A) Se2- 2. B) Se3- 3. C) Br 4. D) Se2+ 5. E) Te2-


________ is isoelectronic with scandium. 1. A) Cr3+ 2. B) Mn5+ 3. C) Mn 4. D) Mn4- 5. E) K+


(i) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1 (ii) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 (iii) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p1 (iv) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p4 (v) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5 The electron configuration of the atom that is expected to have a positive electron affinity is ________. 1. A) (i) 2. B) (ii) 3. C) (iii) 4. D) (iv) 5. E) (v)


(i) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1 (ii) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 (iii) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p1 (iv) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p4 (v) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5 The electron configuration that belongs to the atom with the lowest second ionization energy is ________. 1. A) (i) 2. B) (ii) 3. C) (iii) 4. D) (iv) 5. E) (v)


Atomic radius generally decreases as we move ________. 1. A) down a group and from right to left across a period 2. B) up a group and from left to right across a period 3. C) down a group and from left to right across a period 4. D) up a group and from right to left across a period 5. E) down a group; the period position has no effect


Element X reacts with chlorine to form a compound with the formula XCl2. The oxide of element X is basic. Element X is ________. 1. A) Rb 2. B) Ca 3. C) Al 4. D) P 5. E) H


In which of the following atoms is the 3s orbital closest to the nucleus? 1. A) S 2. B) Po 3. C) Te 4. D) Se 5. E) P


Of the choices below, which gives the order for first ionization energies? 1. A) Cl > S > Al > Ar > Si 2. B) Ar > Cl > S > Si > Al 3. C) Al > Si > S > Cl > Ar 4. D) Cl > S > Al > Si > Ar 5. E) S > Si > Cl > Al > Ar


Of the choices below, which gives the order for first ionization energies? 1. A) Kr > Se > Br > Ga > Ge 2. B) Kr > Br > Se > Ge > Ga 3. C) Ga > Br > Ge > Kr > Se 4. D) Ga > Ge > Se > Br > Kr 5. E) Br > Se > Ga > Kr > Ge


Of the following elements, ________ has the most negative electron affinity. 1. A) S 2. B) Cl 3. C) Se 4. D) Br 5. E) I


Of the following oxides, ________ is the most acidic. 1. A) CaO 2. B) CO2 3. C) Al2O3 4. D) Li2O 5. E) Na2O


Ozone is a a(n) ________ of oxygen. 1. A) isotope 2. B) allotrope 3. C) precursor 4. D) peroxide 5. E) free radical


Screening of the nuclear charge by core electrons in atoms is ________. 1. A) less efficient than that by valence electrons 2. B) more efficient than that by valence electrons 3. C) essentially identical to that by valence electrons 4. D) responsible for a general decrease in atomic radius going down a group 5. E) both essentially identical to that by valence electrons and responsible for a general decrease in atomic radius going down a group


The acidity of carbonated water is due to the ________. 1. A) presence of sulfur 2. B) reaction of CO2and H2O 3. C) addition of acid 4. D) nonmetal oxides 5. E) none of the above


The element phosphorus exists in two forms in nature called white phosphorus and red phosphorus. These two forms are examples of ________. 1. A) isotopes 2. B) allotropes 3. C) oxidation 4. D) metalloids 5. E) noble gases


The element(s) ________ could be used to produce a red or crimson color in fireworks. 1. A) Mg or Ba 2. B) Sr 3. C) Ca, Sr, or Li 4. D) Ba 5. E) Na or K


The reaction of a metal with a nonmetal produces a(n) ________. 1. A) base 2. B) salt 3. C) acid 4. D) oxide 5. E) hydroxide


What is the coefficient of H2O when the following equation is completed and balanced? Ba (s) + H2O (l) → 1. A) 1 2. B) 2 3. C) 3 4. D) 5 5. E) Ba(s) does not react with H2O (l).


What is the coefficient of M when the following equation is completed and balanced if M is an alkali metal? M (s) + H2O (l) → 1. A) 1 2. B) 2 3. C) 3 4. D) 4 5. E) 0


When two elements combine to form a compound, the greater the difference in metallic character between the two elements, the greater the likelihood that the compound will be ________. 1. A) a gas at room temperature 2. B) a solid at room temperature 3. C) metallic 4. D) nonmetallic 5. E) a liquid at room temperature


Which of the following correctly lists the five atoms in order of increasing size (smallest to largest)? 1. A) Ge < Si < S < O < Ne 2. B) Ne < O < S < Si < Ge 3. C) Ne < S < O < Si < Ge 4. D) Ne < Si < O < S < Ge 5. E) Ne < Ge < Si < S < O


Which of the following correctly represents the electron affinity of phosphorus? 1. A) P (g) → P+ (g) + e 2. B) P (g) + e- → P- (g) 3. C) P4(g) + e- → P- (g) 4. D) P4(g) + 4e- → 4P- (g) 5. E) P+(g) + e- → P (g)


Which of the following correctly represents the electron affinity of bromine? 1. A) Br (g) → Br+ (g) + e 2. B) Br (g) + e- → Br- (g) 3. C) Br2(g) + e- → Br- (g) 4. D) Br2(g) + 2e- → 2Br- (g) 5. E) Br+(g) + e- → Br (g)


Which of the following correctly represents the second ionization of calcium? 1. A) Ca (g) → Ca+ (g) + e- 2. B) Ca+ (g) → Ca2+ (g) + e 3. C) Ca-(g) + e- → Ca2- (g) 4. D) Ca+(g) + e- → Ca2+ (g) 5. E) Ca+(g) + e- → Ca (g)


Which of the following correctly represents the second ionization of copper? 1. A) Cu (g) → Cu+ (g) + e- 2. B) Cu+(g) → Cu2+ (g) + e 3. C) Cu-(g) + e- → Cu2- (g) 4. D) Cu+(g) + e- → Cu2+ (g) 5. E) Cu+(g) + e- → Cu (g)


Which one of the following elements has an allotrope that is produced in the upper atmosphere by lightning? 1. A) N 2. B) O 3. C) S 4. D) Cl 5. E) He


Which one of the following has the smallest radius? 1. A) Na 2. B) Al 3. C) K 4. D) Ca


Which periodic table group contains only metals? 1. A) 8A 2. B) 2A 3. C) 6A 4. D) 7A 5. E) 5A


2F2 (g) + 2H2O (l) → ________ 1. A) 2HF (aq) + 2HFO (aq) 2. B) 2F-(aq) + 2H+ (aq) + H2O2 (aq) 3. C) 4HF (aq) + O2 (g) 4. D) 2HF2(aq) + 2OH- (aq) 5. E) 4HF (aq) + 2O2- (aq)


Alkaline earth metals ________. 1. A) have the smallest atomic radius in a given period 2. B) form monoanions 3. C) form basic oxides 4. D) exist as triatomic molecules 5. E) form halides with the formula MX


All the elements in group 8A are gases at room temperature. Of all the groups in the periodic table, only group ________ contains examples of elements that are gas, liquid, and solid at room temperature. 1. A) 2A 2. B) 1A 3. C) 7A 4. D) 5A 5. E) 6A


Ca reacts with element X to form an ionic compound with the formula CaX. Al will react with X to form ________. 1. A) AlX2 2. B) AlX 3. C) Al2X3 4. D) Al3X2 5. E) Al3X


In nature, sulfur is most commonly found in ________. 1. A) pure elemental sulfur 2. B) sulfur oxides 3. C) metal sulfides 4. D) sulfuric acid 5. E) H2S


In which orbital does an electron in a nitrogen atom experience the greatest shielding? 1. A) 3p 2. B) 3s 3. C) 2p 4. D) 2s 5. E) 1s


Metals can be ________ at room temperature. 1. A) liquid only 2. B) solid only 3. C) solid or liquid 4. D) solid, liquid, or gas 5. E) liquid or gas


Of the elements below, ________ has the highest melting point. 1. A) Ca 2. B) K 3. C) Fe 4. D) Na 5. E) Ba


Of the following elements, which have been shown to form compounds? Helium neon argon krypton xenon 1. A) xenon and argon 2. B) xenon only 3. C) xenon, krypton, and argon 4. D) xenon and krypton 5. E) None of the above can form compounds.


Of the following species, ________ has the largest radius. 1. A) Rb+ 2. B) Sr2+ 3. C) Br4. D) Kr 5. E) Ar


Of the hydrogen halides, only ________ is a weak acid. 1. A) HCl (aq) 2. B) HBr (aq) 3. C) HF (aq) 4. D) HI (aq) 5. E) They are all weak acids.


Oxides of the active metals combine with acid to form ________. 1. A) hydrogen gas 2. B) metal hydrides 3. C) water and a salt 4. D) oxygen gas 5. E) metal hydroxides


The ________ have the most negative electron affinities. 1. A) alkaline earth metals 2. B) alkali metals 3. C) halogens 4. D) transition metals 5. E) chalcogens


The alkali metal that is used to treat manic-depressive illness is ________. 1. A) Na 2. B) K 3. C) Li 4. D) Rb 5. E) Cs


The list that correctly indicates the order of metallic character is ________. 1. A) B > N > C 2. B) F > Cl > S 3. C) Si > P > S 4. D) P > S > Se 5. E) Na > K > Rb


The only noble gas that does not have the ns2np6 valence electron configuration is ________. 1. A) radon 2. B) neon 3. C) helium 4. D) krypton 5. E) All noble gases have the ns2np6 valence electron configuration.


Transition metals within a period differ mainly in the number of ________ electrons. 1. A) s 2. B) p 3. C) d 4. D) f 5. E) all of the above


Which ion below has the largest radius? 1. A) Cl 2. B) K+ 3. C) Br 4. D) F 5. E) Na+


Which of the following statements is not true for oxygen? 2. A) The most stable allotrope of oxygen is O2. 3. B) The chemical formula of ozone is O3. 4. C) Dry air is about 79% oxygen. 5. D) Oxygen forms peroxide and superoxide anions. 6. E) Oxygen is a colorless gas at room temperature


Which one of the following is not true about the alkali metals? 1. A) They are low density solids at room temperature. 2. B) They all readily form ions with a +1 charge. 3. C) They all have 2 electrons in their valence shells. 4. D) They are very reactive elements. 5. E) They have the lowest first ionization energies of the elements.


________ is a unique element and does not truly belong to any family. 1. A) Nitrogen 2. B) Radium 3. C) Hydrogen 4. D) Uranium 5. E) Helium


________ is credited with developing the concept of atomic numbers. 1. A) Dmitri Mendeleev 2. B) Lothar Meyer 3. C) Henry Moseley 4. D) Ernest Rutherford 5. E) Michael Faraday


Alkali metals tend to be more reactive than alkaline earth metals because ________. 1. A) alkali metals have lower densities 2. B) alkali metals have lower melting points 3. C) alkali metals have greater electron affinities 4. D) alkali metals have lower ionization energies 5. E) Alkali metals are not more reactive than alkaline earth metals.


An alkali metal forms a compound with chlorine with the formula ________. (The symbol M represents any one of the alkali metals.) 1. A) M2Cl2 2. B) M2Cl 3. C) MCl2 4. D) MCl 5. E) MCl3


An electron in a ________ subshell experiences the greatest effective nuclear charge in a many-electron atom. 1. A) 3f 2. B) 3p 3. C) 3d 4. D) 3s 5. E) 4s


Consider the following properties of an element: (i) It is solid at room temperature. (ii) It easily forms an oxide when exposed to air. (iii) When it reacts with water, hydrogen gas evolves. (iv) It must be stored submerged in oil. Which element fits the above description the best? 1. A) sulfur 2. B) copper 3. C) mercury 4. D) sodium 5. E) magnesium


Consider the general valence electron configuration of ns2np5 and the following statements: (i) Elements with this electron configuration are expected to form -1 anions. (ii) Elements with this electron configuration are expected to have large positive electron affinities. (iii) Elements with this electron configuration are nonmetals. (iv) Elements with this electron configuration form acidic oxides. Which statements are true? 1. A) (i) and (ii) 2. B) (i), (ii), and (iii) 3. C) (ii) and (iii) 4. D) (i), (iii,) and (iv) 5. E) All statements are true.


Elements in the modern version of the periodic table are arranged in order of increasing ________. 1. A) oxidation number 2. B) atomic mass 3. C) average atomic mass 4. D) atomic number 5. E) number of isotopes


In general, as you go across a period in the periodic table from left to right: (1) the atomic radius ________; (2) the electron affinity becomes ________ negative; and (3) the first ionization energy ________. 1. A) decreases, decreasingly, increases 2. B) increases, increasingly, decreases 3. C) increases, increasingly, increases 4. D) decreases, increasingly, increases 5. E) decreases, increasingly, decreases


In the generation of most anions, the energy change (kJ/mol) that _______ an electron is ________. 1. A) removes, positive 2. B) adds, positive 3. C) removes, negative 4. D) adds, negative 5. E) None of the above is correct.


Na reacts with element X to form an ionic compound with the formula Na3X. Ca will react with X to form ________. 1. A) CaX2 2. B) CaX 3. C) Ca2X3 4. D) Ca3X2 5. E) Ca3X


Of the following atoms, which has the largest first ionization energy? 1. A) K 2. B) Rb 3. C) Sr 4. D) Ca 5. E) Ba


Of the following elements, ________ has the most negative electron affinity. 1. A) P 2. B) Al 3. C) Si 4. D) Cl 5. E) B


Of the following metals, ________ exhibits multiple oxidation states. 1. A) Al 2. B) Rb 3. C) Mg 4. D) Ni 5. E) Cs


Of the following, which gives the correct order for atomic radius for Ca, K, As, Ge and Kr? 1. A) Ca > K > As > Ge > Kr 2. B) Kr > Ge > As > K > Ca 3. C) Ge > As > Kr > K > Ca 4. D) K > Ca > Ge > As > Kr 5. E) Kr > As > Ge > Ca > K


Of the following, which gives the correct order for atomic radius for Mg, Na, P, Si and Ar? 1. A) Mg > Na > P > Si > Ar 2. B) Ar > Si > P > Na > Mg 3. C) Si > P > Ar > Na > Mg 4. D) Na > Mg > Si > P > Ar 5. E) Ar > P > Si > Mg > Na


Sodium is much more apt to exist as a cation than is chlorine. This is because _______. 1. A) chlorine is a gas and sodium is a solid 2. B) chlorine has a greater electron affinity than sodium does 3. C) chlorine is bigger than sodium 4. D) chlorine has a greater ionization energy than sodium does 5. E) chlorine is more metallic than sodium


The alkali metal that is naturally radioactive is ________. 1. A) rubidium 2. B) cesium 3. C) lithium 4. D) francium 5. E) sodium


The atomic radius of main-group elements generally increases down a group because ________. 1. A) effective nuclear charge increases down a group 2. B) effective nuclear charge decreases down a group 3. C) effective nuclear charge zigzags down a group 4. D) the principal quantum number of the valence orbitals increases 5. E) both effective nuclear charge increases down a group and the principal quantum number of the valence orbitals increases


The element in the periodic table that looks like a metal, is a poor thermal conductor, and acts as an electrical semiconductor is ________. 1. A) Sn 2. B) B 3. C) As 4. D) Si 5. E) Ge


The most common and stable allotrope of sulfur is ________. 1. A) S 2. B) S2 3. C) S4 4. D) S8 5. E) Sulfur does not form allotropes.


The noble gases were, until relatively recently, thought to be entirely unreactive. Experiments in the early 1960s showed that Xe could, in fact, form compounds with fluorine. The formation of compounds consisting of Xe is made possible by ________. 1. A) the availability of xenon atoms 2. B) xenon's noble gas electron configuration 3. C) the stability of xenon atoms 4. D) xenon's relatively low ionization energy 5. E) xenon's relatively low electron affinity


The oxide of which element below can react with hydrochloric acid? 1. A) sulfur 2. B) selenium 3. C) nitrogen 4. D) sodium 5. E) carbon


The reaction of alkali metals with oxygen produce ________. 1. A) oxides 2. B) peroxides 3. C) superoxides 4. D) all of the above 5. E) none of the above


The substance ________ is always produced when an active metal reacts with water. 1. A) NaOH 2. B) H2O 3. C) CO2 4. D) H2 5. E) O2


Which element is solid at room temperature? 1. A) Cl2 2. B) F2 3. C) Br2 4. D) I2 5. E) H2


Which isoelectronic series is correctly arranged in order of increasing radius? 1. A) K+ < Ca2+ < Ar < Cl 2. B) < Ar < K+ < Ca2+ 3. C) Ca2+ < Ar < K+ < Cl- 4. D) Ca2+ < K+ < Ar < Cl5. E) Ca2+ < K+ < Cl- <Ar


Which nonmetal exists as a diatomic solid? 1. A) bromine 2. B) antimony 3. C) phosphorus 4. D) iodine 5. E) boron


Which of the following correctly represents the second ionization of phosphorus? 1. A) P+(g) + e- → P2+ (g) 2. B) P (g) → P+ (g) + e- 3. C) P-(g) + e- → P2- (g) 4. D) P+(g) → P2+ (g) + e 5. E) P+(g) + e- → P (g)


Which of the following has the largest second ionization energy? 1. A) Si 2. B) Mg 3. C) Al 4. D) Na 5. E) P


Which of the following traits characterizes the alkali metals? 1. A) very high melting point 2. B) existence as diatomic molecules 3. C) formation of dianions 4. D) the lowest first ionization energies in a period 5. E) the smallest atomic radius in a period


Which one of the following atoms has the largest radius? 1. A) As 2. B) O 3. C) Sn 4. D) Cs 5. E) Ca


Which one of the following compounds would produce an acidic solution when dissolved in water? 1. A) Na2O 2. B) CaO 3. C) MgO 4. D) CO2 5. E) SrO


(i) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1 (ii) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 (iii) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p1 (iv) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p4 (v) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5 The electron configuration of the atom with the most negative electron affinity is ________. 1. A) (i) 2. B) (ii) 3. C) (iii) 4. D) (iv) 5. E) (v)


A tin atom has 50 electrons. Electrons in the ________ subshell experience the lowest effective nuclear charge. 1. A) 1s 2. B) 3p 3. C) 3d 4. D) 5s 5. E) 5p


All of the halogens ________. 1. A) exist under ambient conditions as diatomic gases 2. B) tend to form positive ions of several different charges 3. C) tend to form negative ions of several different charges 4. D) exhibit metallic character 5. E) form salts with alkali metals with the formula MX


Hydrogen is unique among the elements because ________. 1. It has only one valence electron. 2. It is the only element that can emit an atomic spectrum. 3. Its electron is not at all shielded from its nucleus. 4. It is the lightest element. 5. It is the only element to exist at room temperature as a diatomic gas. 6. A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 7. B) 1, 3, 4 8. C) 1, 2, 3, 4 9. D) 2, 3, 4 10.E) 3, 4


In which set of elements would all members be expected to have very similar chemical properties? 1. A) P, Se, I 2. B) Cl, Br, Na 3. C) Si, As, Te 4. D) Ne, Na, Mg 5. E) Br, I, At


Most of the elements on the periodic table are ________. 1. A) gases 2. B) nonmetals 3. C) metalloids 4. D) liquids 5. E) metals


Of the elements below, ________ is the most metallic. 1. A) sodium 2. B) barium 3. C) magnesium 4. D) calcium 5. E) cesium


Of the following elements, ________ has the most negative electron affinity. 1. A) O 2. B) K 3. C) B 4. D) Na 5. E) S


Of the halogens, which are gases at room temperature and atmospheric pressure? 1. A) fluorine, bromine, and iodine 2. B) fluorine, chlorine, and bromine 3. C) fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine 4. D) fluorine, chlorine, and iodine 5. E) fluorine and chlorine


Oxides of most nonmetals combine with base to form ________. 1. A) hydrogen gas 2. B) an acid 3. C) a base 4. D) water 5. E) water and a salt


The first noble gas to be incorporated into a compound was ________. 1. A) Ar 2. B) Kr 3. C) He 4. D) Ne 5. E) Xe


Which element would be expected to have chemical and physical properties closest to those of rubidium? 1. A) Cu 2. B) Fe 3. C) S 4. D) Ca 5. E) K


Which group 6A element is a metal? 1. A) tellurium and polonium 2. B) sulfur 3. C) selenium 4. D) tellurium 5. E) polonium


Which of the following correctly represents the second ionization of aluminum? 1. A) Al+(g) + e- → Al (g) 2. B) Al (g) → (g) + e- 3. C) Al-(g) + e- → Al2- (g) 4. D) Al+ (g) + e- → Al2+ (g) 5. E) Al+(g) → Al2+ (g) + e


Which of the following correctly represents the third ionization of aluminum? 1. A) Al2+(g) + e- → Al+ (g) 2. B) Al (g) → Al+ (g) + e- 3. C) Al2-(g) + e- → Al3- (g) 4. D) Al2+(g) + e- → Al3+ (g) 5. E) Al2+(g) → Al3+ (g) + e


Which of the following is an isoelectronic series? 1. A) B5-, Si4-, As3-, Te2- 2. B) F-, Cl-, Br-, I- 3. C) S, Cl, Ar, K 4. D) Si2-, P2-, S2-, Cl2- 5. E) O2-, F-, Ne, Na+


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