Chemical Applications

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Which set of coefficients balance the following chemical equation? ___N2+___H2=___NH3


When the hydronium ion concentration is 1x10^-13 mol, the pH of the solution is,


Whats the mass of a single molecule of ammonia, NH3, in atomic mass units

17 amu

How much energy is release upon the formation of the bonds within 1 mole of hydrazine, N2H4?

1715 kJ

Which set of coefficients balances the following chemical equation? ___NaClO3=___NaCl+___O2


pH of 1x10^-3M


Which has the greatest number of atoms? 64 g fluorine 2 76 g oxygen 2 32 of methane 4

32 g of methane 4.

Which set of coefficients balance the following chemical equations? ___PH3+___O2=___P4O10+___H2O


If we combine oxygen and hydrogen gas together to make water, and we want to completely use 5 grams of hydrogen gas, how many grams of oxygen gas do we need?

40 grams of oxygen gas

To make carbon dioxide gas CO2, we need to react 12 grams of carbon with how many grams of oxygen

44 grams

How many molecules is the concentration of water, H2O, in units of moles per liter?

55.6 M

pH of 1x10^-6 M


When the hydroxide ion concentration is 1x10^-5 what is the pH of the solution


Hyrdorxide ion concentrations in an aqueous solution with a pH of 4, how many moles?

C= 1x10^-10 M

What salt is formed when a solution of calcium hydroxide, CA(OH)3, is neutralized by hydrochloric acid, HCI?


Product of reaction between carbon dioxide and water


A base dissolved in water liberates


A substance whose formula does not contain OH, yet yields basic solution when dissolved in water is


You are given 5 g of two different chemical. which of the following statements is true?

One sample contains more molecules than the other

Unsaturated fatty acid reacts with hydrogen to form a saturated fatty acid, what to place?


What would happen to dissolved carbon dioxide if you were to increase the pH of the sample?

The concentration of dissolved CO2 would increase because the acid forms in neutralized

We measure acidity of a solution by measuring the concentration of hydronium ions, H3O. What does it mean to say one has a neutral solution?

The concentration of hydronium ions equals the concentration of hydroxide, OH- ions.

Which is true of a reaction that has reached chemical equilibrium?

The forward reaction rate is equal to the reverse reaction rate

Why is carbon dioxide able to be stored more effectively in ocean water vs. fresh water?

The pH of the ocean is pretty high and so the carbon dioxide is trapped in a neutralization reaction

A pH of 7 signifies

a neutral solution

If you had 1 mole of marbles, how many marbles would you have

a very large number

Forms negative ions


When a chemical loses hydrogen ions it is behaving like a,


When a chemical gains hydrogen ions it is behaving like a,


When a ion concentration solution increases the pH


If something dissolves easily in water it,

has a strong electrical current

If something does not dissolve easily in water it,

has a weak electrical current

The difference between an exothermic and endothermic reaction is that an exothermic reaction,

has energy as a product, and an endothermic reaction has energy as a reactant

A chemical is most likely to behave as an acid when

it has a strong attraction for hydrogen ions

electronegativity increases from

left to right, bottom to top

What is the source of acid rain?

none of the above

to say a chemical equation is balanced means the

number of times each element appears as a reactant is equal to the number of times it appears as a product

rank by acidity, least to greatest ocean water rainwater purewater acid rain

ocean water pure water rainwater acid rain

When an acid and base react to form salt, the base forms

positive ions

To say that an acid is stron in aqueous solutions means that acid

produces a large concentration of hydronium ions

Since Kw is so very

small, pure water ionizes only to a small extent

Lakes lying in granite basins, such as those in the nnortheastern US, tend to become acidified by acid rain more readily because

the limestone, which is calcium carbonate, serves to neutralize the acid in the rain.

in a battery the anode is near

the oxidation

In a battery the cathode in near

the reduction

How might warmer oceans accelerate global warming

the solubility CO2 in water decreases as temperature rises.

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