Chemistry 1.1-1.3

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Matter is anything that has __1__ and occupies __2__.

1. mass 2. space

A chemist is likely to be working in __12__ area of chemistry at the same time.

12. two

Chemists design materials to fit __13__ needs.

13. specific

Objects that can be seen only under magnification are part of the __14__ world.

14. microscopic

Chemistry is important in the production and conservation of __15__.

15. energy

One of the easiest ways to __16__ energy is through the use of insulation.

16. conserve

New kinds of __17__ for the storage of energy are also being developed.

17. methods

Chemistry plays a role in efforts to increase the __18__ of farmland and to protect __19__ from insect pests.

18. production 19. crops

What is a molecular compound?

2 or more nonmentals (metal always first in formula)

The trend is toward chemicals that treat __20__

20. insect pests

Astronomy and __21__ exploration also benefit from chemistry.

21. space

For example, a robotic vehicle delivered to the surface of Mars can determine the __22__ of Mars rocks.

22. matter

Before there were chemists, __23__ were studying matter.

23. alchemists

They developed __24__ and __25__ for working with chemicals.

24. tools 25. techniques

Lavoisier helped make chemistry a science of __26__.

26. measurement

A logical, __27__ approach is the best way to solve a difficult problem.

27. systematic

One logical approach to solving scientific problems is the __28__.

28. scientific method

This method may begin with an observation, followed by __29__, or a proposed explanation for what is observed.

29. hypothesis

Chemistry is the study of the __3__ of matter and the __4__ that matter undergoes.

3. composition 4. changes

You can conduct an __30__ to test a hypothesis.

30. experiment

If a hypothesis meets the test of repeated experimentation, it may become a __31__, which is a well-tested explanation for a broad set of observations.

31. theory

A __32__ is a concise statement that summarizes the results of many observations and experiments.

32. scientific law

Chemistry has traditionally been divided into __5__ areas of study.

5. five

Organic chemistry is the study of chemicals that contain __6__, while inorganic chemistry is primarily the study of chemicals that do not contain __7__.

6. carbon 7. carbon

Biochemistry is the study of the processes that take place in __8__.

8. organisms

__9__ is focused on the composition of mater, while __10__ deals with the mechanism, the rate, and the __11__ that occurs when matter undergoes a change.

9. analytical chemistry 10. physical chemistry 11. energy transfer

Applied chemistry is used to attain specific goals. (AT;ST;NT)


Biochemistry involves the study of living organisms. (AT;ST;NT)


Insulin can be produced when genes from bacteria are inserted into humans. (AT;ST;NT)


Low levels of lead in the blood can permanently damage the nervous system of a growing child. (AT;ST;NT)


Organic chemistry is the study of chemicals that do not contain carbon. (AT;ST;NT)


Scientific laws explain observations. (AT;ST;NT)


A theory can be easily proved. (AT;ST;NT)


A well-planned experiment will disprove a hypothesis. (AT;ST;NT)


An organic chemist uses analytical chemistry. (AT;ST;NT)


Some human genes have been inserted into bacteria. (AT;ST;NT)


The goal of chemistry is to accumulate knowledge. (AT;ST;NT)


World energy demand is decreasing. (AT;ST;NT)


Scientific Method

a logical approach to the solution of scientific problems


a means to test a hypothesis


a proposed explanation for an observation


anything that has mass and occupies space


applies science to the production of biological products or processes

What is an ionic compound?

composed of 1 metal and 1 or more nonmental (metal always first in formula)

Formulas represent __?__



describes objects that are large enough to see with the unaided eye


describes objects that can be seen only under magnification

Human Genome Project

determined the sequence of genes in human DNA

On the periodic table, symbols represent __?__.


What are vertical columns (1-18) called?

groups or families


information obtained through one's senses


material found in air, water, or soil that is harmful to humans or other organisms

Fossil Fuels

materials formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals

Most elements on the PT are __?__.


Shiny; usually solids at room temperature;malleable; ductile; good conductors of heat and electricity


Mellatoids (semimetals) are between the __?__ and the __?__.

metals and nonmetals

Solids, liquids, or gases at room temperature; not shiny; brittle; not good conductors of heat or electricity


What are horizontal rows (1-7) called?


Applied Chemistry

research that is directed toward a practical goal or application.

Organic Chemistry

study of essentially all chemicals that contain carbon

Inorganic Chemistry

study of essentially all chemicals that do not contain carbon


study of the chemistry of living organims

Analytical Chemistry

study of the composition of matter and the changes it undergoes


study of the composition of substances

Physical Chemistry

study of the mechanism, the rate, and the energy transfer that occurs when matter undergoes a change


the means by which a society provides its members with those things needed and desired

Pure Chemistry

the pursuit of chemistry knowledge for its own sake

Responding Variable

variable that is observed during an experiment

Manipulated Variable

variable that one changes during an experiment

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