Chemistry C15C

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What percentage of the electricity produced in the world today comes from nuclear fusion?


The efficiency of current solar cells is approximately -


What proportion of electricity in Canada is generated by nuclear power plants?

About 15%.

What is biomass?

Plant material used as fuel.

Most solar cells are composed primarily of -


Fuel cells are more efficient in converting chemical energy to electricity than internal combustion engines are.


What's the energy source? (Based on limitations.) 1) Requires dams, which can flood croplands, disrupt migrating fish, and impact natural beauty. 2)Suited only for islands due to low power output and low efficiency. 3) Releases pollutants like hydrogen sulfide, H2S, which has the odor or rotten eggs. Disposal of corrosive salt water is difficult. 4) Suitable locations are limited since ideal conditions in bays or estuaries are required. 5) Nighttime and cloudy days seriously limit the amount of energy produced. 6) Turbines pose a hazard to flying wildlife such as birds, they can be considered unsightly, and their output depends on weather conditions.

1) Hydroelectric Power 2) Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion 3) Geothermal 4) Tidal Power 5) Solar Energy 6) Wind Energy

Label the components of this Fission Reactor.

1: Containment Shell 2: Control Rods 3: Uranium-235 Fuel Rods 4: Steam Turbine and Electric Generator 5: Coolant (Water)

At present, what approximate percentage of electricity generated in the United States comes from Nuclear Energy.


What proportion of U.S electricity is generated by nuclear power plants?


The overall efficiency of biomass as a method of harvesting solar energy is approximately -


Fracking accounts for ________ percent of the natural gas production in the United States.


What percentage of U.S. energy production comes from wind power?


What is a photovoltaic cell?

A cell that converts light directly to electricity.

Control rods in a nuclear reactor are used to -

Absorb neutrons and slow down fission.

Breeder reactors allow for the use of -

Abundant and naturally occurring U-238 as a nuclear fuel.

Geothermal energy cannot meet all of our energy needs because -

Access to geothermal energy is limited to certain regions.

Identify the advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of hydroelectric power as an energy source.

Advantages: Clean; efficient. Disadvantages: Declining Fish Populations; Environmental Impacts of Changing Waterways; Catastrophic Floods. Limitations: Future Expansion.

Identify the advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of biodiesel as a fuel.

Advantages: Emits less greenhouse gasses; renewable; cleaner biofuel refineries; better fuel economy. Disadvantages: Increased Nitrogen Oxide emissions; food shortages in poorer areas due to more demand of animal and vegetable fat; expensive. Limitations: Availability.

What are the advantages and disadvantages to an all-electric car?

Advantages: Quiet; Non-polluting. Disadvantages: Time required to recharge the batteries after driving 100-200 miles; higher initial cost; not enough convenient recharging stations; high cost of replacing the lithium batteries after about 100,000 miles.

What are the problems and advantages of biomass as an energy source?

Advantages: Renewable Disadvantages: Inefficient and Expensive

What are the advantages and disadvantages to using wind turbines for electrical energy?

Advantages: Wind is clean, free, and abundant. Disadvantages: Alternative sources of energy are needed; The rotating blade kills thousands of birds; wind does not blow constantly.

What is NOT a problem associated with Nuclear Power Plants?

Air Pollution.

Biomass does NOT produce -


What are the benefits and disadvantages to Nuclear Power?

Benefits: Does not depend of fossil fuel reserves; No sulfur oxides, leading to acid rain, produced; No carbon dioxide produced, reducing greenhouse gasses. Disadvantages: Waste from the reactions that must be stored; Safety issues require heavy shielding of the radiation to protect the public; The time it takes to build a new plant.

The most energy efficient method for converting biomass into useful energy is to -

Burn the plant material directly.

The principle fuel(s) for nuclear fusion would be -

Deuterium and tritium (2H and 3H).

Electricity produced by nuclear power is especially important in which part of the United States?

Eastern seaboard and the Upper Midwest.

As the _________ car industry develops, costs will significantly come down; ___________ costs will be much cheaper than _____________ , along with low upkeep cost. Self-driving _____________ cars may be common in the future, and _____________ cars will respond better, with much quicker response times.

Electric; fuel; gas; electric; electric

What are the main challenges in the development of nuclear fusion reactors?

Extremely high temperatures are required; No physical container is able to withstand the reaction conditions.

Nuclear power plants generate large amounts of air pollution.


Which country leads in percentage of electricity produced by nuclear energy?


What is NOT powered by the sun?

Geothermal Energy

What reaction occurs during nuclear fusion?

Hydrogen-2 and hydrogen-3 combine to form helium-4.

You cannot make a bomb from reactor grade uranium because it -

Is not enriched enough in uranium-235.

Hydrogen gas has been proposed as a fuel of the future because -

It burns to produce water.

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using hydrogen as a fuel for cars?

Liquid hydrogen must be stored at very low temperatures.

Hydraulic fracturing (fracking) is widely used to produce -

Natural Gas.

Can a nuclear bomb be made from reactor-grade uranium? Explain.

No; Reactor-grade uranium is about 3% of uranium-235, whereas nuclear bombs require about 90% uranium-235.

A breeder reactor converts -

Nonfissionable U-238 to fissionable Pu- 239.

Which technology is NOT used at all today for the production of electricity?

Nuclear Fusion.

Describe the status of nuclear fusion as an energy source.

Nuclear fusion may help solve our energy problems in the future.

One of the major difficulties in developing nuclear fusion as a possible source of continuous energy is that temperatures of _______________ are needed to initiate fusion reactions.

Over 100,000,000 Degrees Celsius.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of petroleum as a source of fuels?

Petroleum is easy to move from location to location; Petroleum products can be burned fairly cleanly, but inefficient combustion produces pollution; Petroleum is valuable for many other uses besides as a fuel; Current petroleum consumption may lead to shortages in the near future.

The state of matter characterized by atomic nuclei and free electrons is called a -


What is a correct statement about Plutonium and Breeder reactors.

Plutonium is relatively easy to separate from uranium because they are chemically different.

Tailings are the names for -

Radioactive waste produced during the mining of uranium.

Nuclear power plants use the ___________ fission reactions employed in nuclear bombs. However, the uranium used in power plants is enriched to ____________ uranium-235 whereas a bomb requires about ___________ uranium-235. A power plant uses Nuclear Material _____________ the required U-235 concentration needed to create a nuclear explosion, meaning a power plant cannot explode.

Same; only 3% to 4%; 90%; far below.

Photovoltaic cells convert -

Solar energy into electrical energy.

Biomass may be burned directly or chemically converted to a more convenient form (liquid or gas). What is a true statement?

The conversion of biomass to a more convenient form decreases the overall efficiency of the energy conversion.

What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of breeder reactors?

The plutonium could be used to make bombs; Highly reactive sodium must be used as a coolant.

Which problems do all power plants have in common?

Thermal Pollution.

In hydraulic fracturing (fracking), high-pressure liquids are forced into fractures in rocks to remove natural gas.


Used oil from fast food restaurants can be used in making biodiesel fuel.


Nuclear Fusion is the source of energy that powers the sun.


Given the potential benefits and risks associated with nuclear power, the desirability quotient for electrical generation by nuclear power is best described as -


The fastest growing energy source in the United States is -

Wind Power.

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