Chemistry Ch.21,22,23,24

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Complexes containing metals with d10 electron configurations are typically colorless because A) there is no d electron that can be promoted via the absorption of visible light. B) the empty d orbitals absorb all of the visible wavelengths. C) there are no d electrons to form bonds to ligands. D) a complex must be charged to be colored. E) d electrons must be emitted by the complex in order for it to appear colored.


During the formation of a coordination compound, ligands act as __________. A) Lewis bases B) Arrhenius bases C) Br∅nsted bases D) Lewis acids E) Arrhenius acids


During the formation of a coordination compound, the metal acts as a __________. A) Lewis acid B) Bronsted acid C) Arrhenius acid D) Bronsted base E) Lewis base


Isotopes of hydrogen A) have the same atomic number and different mass numbers. B) have the same atomic number and the same mass number. C) have different atomic numbers and different mass numbers. D) have different atomic numbers and the same mass number. E) are exactly alike.


Nuclei above the belt of stability can lower their neutron-to-proton ratio by __________. A) beta emission B) gamma emission C) positron emission D) electron capture E) Any of the above processes will lower the neutron-to-proton ratio.


Of the following compounds, which is the most stable? A) XeF6 B) XeOF4 C) XeO3 D) XeO2F2 E) XeF2


Replacement of CaO by PbO in soda-lime glass results in A) denser glass with a higher refractive index. B) glass with a deep blue color. C) opaque glass. D) a softer glass with a lower melting point. E) a harder glass with a higher melting point


The curie is a measure of the A) number of disintegrations per second of a radioactive substance. B) total energy absorbed by an object exposed to a radioactive source. C) lethal threshold for radiation exposure. D) number of alpha particles emitted by exactly one gram of a radioactive substance. E) None of the above is correct.


The oxidation of ethanol produces __________. A) acetic acid B) formic acid C) citric acid D) lactic acid E) oxalic acid


The purpose of the salt bridge in an electrochemical cell is to __________. A) maintain electrical neutrality in the half-cells via migration of ions. B) provide a source of ions to react at the anode and cathode. C) provide oxygen to facilitate oxidation at the anode. D) provide a means for electrons to travel from the anode to the cathode. E) provide a means for electrons to travel from the cathode to the anode.


The simplest alkyne is __________. A) ethylene B) ethane C) acetylene D) propyne E) benzene


The standard cell potential (E°cell) for the reaction below is +0.63 V. The cell potential for this reaction is __________ V when [Zn2+] = 3.5 M and [Pb2+] = 2.0 × 10-4 M. Pb2+ (aq) + Zn (s) → Zn2+ (aq) + Pb (s) A) 0.50 B) 0.84 C) 0.39 D) 0.76 E) 0.63


The standard cell potential (E°cell) for the voltaic cell based on the reaction below is __________ V. 2Cr (s) + 3Fe2+ (aq) → 3Fe (s) + 2Cr3+ (aq) A) +0.30 B) +2.80 C) +3.10 D) +0.83 E) -0.16


The standard cell potential (E°cell) of the reaction below is +0.126 V. The value of ΔG° for the reaction is __________ kJ/mol. Pb (s) + 2H+ (aq) → Pb2+ (aq) + H2 (g) A) -24.3 B) +24.3 C) -12.6 D) +12.6 E) -50.8


How much energy (in J) is produced when 0.082 g of matter is converted to energy? A) 7.4 × 1018 B) 7.4 × 1012 C) 2.5 × 104 D) 7.4 × 1015 E) 2.5 × 107


Hydrocarbons containing three bonds between the carbon atoms are called __________. A) alkenes B) alkynes C) aromatics D) alkanes E) ketones


In metallic hydrides, the oxidation number of hydrogen is considered to be __________. A) -2 B) -1 C) 0 D) +1 E) +2


Only the most active metals react with oxygen to form __________. A) oxides B) superoxides C) peroxides D) ozonides E) water


Proteins are biopolymers formed via multiple condensation coupling of which two functional groups? A) ester and amine B) amine and carboxylic acid C) alcohol and carboxylic acid D) alcohol and amine E) ester and carboxylic acid


Soda-lime glass contains A) SiO2 and aluminum B) SiO2, CaO, and Na2O C) SiO2, CO2, and citric acid D) SiO2, CO2, Na2O E) pure SiO2


The carbon-14 dating method can be used to determine the age of a A) flint arrowhead. B) papyrus scroll. C) stone axe head. D) clay pot. E) rock.


The compound below is an __________. H-C=CH-CH3 A) alkyne B) alkene C) alkane D) aromatic compound E) olefin


The standard cell potential (E°cell) of the reaction below is -0.34 V. The value of ΔG° for the reaction is __________ kJ/mol. Cu (s) + 2H+ (aq) → Cu2+ (aq) + H2 (g) A) -0.34 B) +66 C) -130 D) +130 E) none of the above


The standard emf for the cell using the overall cell reaction below is +2.20 V: 2Al (s) + 3I2 (s) → 2Al3+ (aq) + 6I- (aq) The emf generated by the cell when [Al3+] = 4.5 × 10-3 M and [I-] = 0.15 M is ________ V. A) 2.20 B) 2.32 C) 2.10 D) 2.39 E) 2.23


What happens to the mass number and the atomic number of an element when it undergoes beta decay? A) Neither the mass number nor the atomic number change. B) The mass number decreases by 4 and the atomic number decreases by 2. C) The mass number does not change and the atomic number increases by 1. D) The mass number does not change and the atomic number decreases by 2. E) The mass number increases by 2 and the atomic number increases by 1.


What is the coefficient of Fe3+ when the following equation is balanced? CN- + Fe3+ → CNO- + Fe2+ (basic solution) A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 E) 5


What is the general formula for a ketone? A) ROR B) R-CO-R' C) RCOOH D) ROH E) RCHO


What order process is radioactive decay? A) zeroth B) first C) second D) third E) fourth


What two oxidation states are more frequently observed in the first transition series than in the third? A) +3 and +7 B) +2 and +3 C) +2 and +7 D) +5 and +6 E) +3 and +5


What type of reaction is known as a thermonuclear reaction? A) fission B) fusion C) transmutation D) beta emission E) neutron emission


Which of the following would produce the most strongly basic aqueous solution? A) CO B) CO32- C) CO2 D) HCO3- E) NaHCO3


Which one of the following could be a cyclic alkane? A) C5H5 B) C3H6 C) C4H6 D) C2H6 E) C9H20


The standard emf for the cell using the overall cell reaction below is +0.48 V: Zn (s) + Ni2+ (aq) → Zn2+ (aq) + Ni (s) The emf generated by the cell when [Ni2+] = 2.50 M and [Zn2+] = 0.100 M is ________ V. A) 0.40 B) 0.50 C) 0.52 D) 0.56 E) 0.44


What are the respective central-metal oxidation state, coordination number, and overall charge on the complex ion in Na2[Cr(NH3)2 (NCS)4]? A) +3; 6; -1 B) +3; 6; +1 C) +2; 6; -2 D) +2; 4; -1 E) +1; 6; -2


What is required for a nuclear transmutation to occur? A) very high temperature B) a corrosive environment C) a particle to collide with a nucleus D) spontaneous nuclear decay E) gamma emission


What is the anode in an alkaline battery? A) MnO2 B) KOH C) Zn powder D) Mn2O3 E) Pt


Which amino acid is not chiral? A) leucine B) isoleucine C) glycine D) alanine E) threonine


Which of the following react with oxygen to form superoxides? A) Ca B) Na C) K D) Sr E) Ba


Which of these nuclides is most likely to be radioactive? A) K B) Al C) I D) Am E) Bi


Which one of the following devices converts radioactive emissions to light for detection? A) Geiger counter B) photographic film C) scintillation counter D) none of the above E) radiotracer


Which one of the following forms of radiation can penetrate the deepest into body tissue? A) alpha B) beta C) gamma D) positron E) proton


Which one of the following processes results in an increase in the atomic number? A) gamma emission B) positron emission C) beta emission D) alpha emission E) corrosion


Which substance is serving as the oxidizing agent in the following reaction? 14H+ + Cr2O72- + 3Ni → 3Ni2+ + 2Cr3+ + 7H2O A) Ni B) H+ C) Cr2O72- D) H2O E) Ni2+


__________ is a disaccharide. A) Glucose B) Galactose C) Sucrose D) Ribose E) Fructose


__________ is a monosaccharide. A) Sucrose B) Maltose C) Glucose D) Lactose


The molecular geometry of each carbon atom in an alkane is __________. A) octahedral B) square planar C) trigonal planar D) tetrahedral E) trigonal pyramidal


The reduction half reaction occurring in the standard hydrogen electrode is __________. A) H2 (g, 1 atm) → 2H+ (aq, 1M) + 2e- B) 2H+ (aq) + 2OH- → H2O (l) C) O2 (g) + 4H+ (aq) + 4e- → 2H2O (l) D) 2H+ (aq, 1M) + 2e- → H2 (g, 1 atm) E) 2H+ (aq, 1M) + Cl2 (aq) → 2HCl (aq


The standard cell potential (E°cell) of the reaction below is -0.55 V. The value of ΔG° for the reaction is __________ J/mol. I2 (s) + 2Br- (aq) → 2I- (aq) + Br2 (l) A) 0.54 B) 0.55 C) 5.5 × 10-6 D) 1.1 × 105 E) none of the above


What gas has the odor of bitter almonds? A) H2S B) NO2 C) CO D) HCN E) Cl2


Of the following, the most nonmetallic element is __________. A) carbon B) selenium C) iodine D) fluorine E) phosphorus


The coordination number of cobalt in CoCl3 ∙ 6NH3 is __________. A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 6 E) 8


The coordination number of cobalt in CoCl3 ∙ 6NH3 is __________. A) 22 B) 3 C) 4 D) 6 E) 8


The formation of krypton from rubidium decay is a result of __________. A) alpha emission B) beta emission C) positron emission D) electron capture E) neutron capture


The most stable allotrope of oxygen is __________. A) H2O B) O3 C) O2 D) HClO E) O


What are the donor atoms in a porphine molecule? A) N B) O C) S D) Br E) F


What is the cathode in the hydrogen fuel cell? A) O2 B) KOH C) Li D) H2 E) Pt


What is the coefficient of the dichromate ion when the following equation is balanced? Fe2+ + Cr2O72- → Fe3+ + Cr3+ (acidic solution) A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 5 E) 6


Which element is oxidized in the reaction below? Fe(CO)5 (l) + 2HI (g) → Fe(CO)4I2 (s) + CO (g) + H2 (g) A) Fe B) C C) O D) H E) I


Which of the following is not a chelating agent? A) chloride anion B) EDTA C) porphine D) ethylenediamine E) oxalate anion


Which one of the following is a monosaccharide? A) fructose B) lactose C) sucrose D) maltose E) none of the above


Which one of the following is not an alcohol? A) acetone B) glycerol C) ethanol D) cholesterol E) ethylene glycol


The standard cell potential (E°cell) for the reaction below is +1.10 V. The cell potential for this reaction is __________ V when the concentration of [Cu2+] = 1.0 × 10-5 M and [Zn2+] = 3.5 M. Zn (s) + Cu2+ (aq) → Cu (s) + Zn2+ (aq) A) 1.42 B) 1.26 C) 0.94 D) 0.78 E) 1.10


10) How much energy (in J) is produced when 0.082 g of matter is converted to energy? A) 7.4 × 1018 B) 7.4 × 1012 C) 2.5 × 104 D) 7.4 × 1015 E) 2.5 × 107


A voltaic cell is constructed with two silver-silver chloride electrodes, where the half-reaction is AgCl (s) + e- → Ag (s) + Cl- (aq) E° = +0.222 V The concentrations of chloride ion in the two compartments are 0.0222 M and 2.22 M, respectively. The cell emf is __________ V. A) 0.212 B) 0.118 C) 0.00222 D) 22.2 E) 0.232


Atoms containing radioactive nuclei are called __________. A) radionuclides B) radioisotopes C) nucleons D) nuclides E) radioisophores


Based on the crystal-field strengths Cl- < F- < H2O < NH3 < H2NC2H4NH2, which octahedral Ti(III) complex below has its d-d electronic transition at shortest wavelength? A) [Ti(NH3)6]3+ B) [Ti(H2NC2H4NH2)3]3+ C) [Ti(H2O)6]3+ D) [TiCl6]3- E) [TiF6]3-


Corrosion of iron is retarded by __________. A) the presence of salts B) high pH conditions C) low pH conditions D) both the presence of salts and high pH conditions E) both the presence of salts and low pH conditions


Galvanized iron is iron coated with __________. A) magnesium. B) zinc. C) chromium. D) phosphate. E) iron oxide.


) The coordination sphere of a complex consists of __________. A) the central metal ion only B) the ligands C) the central metal ion and the ligands bonded to it D) the primary and secondary valencies E) coordination and steric numbers


A borane is a A) compound containing only boron and oxygen. B) compound containing only boron and aluminum. C) compound containing only boron and hydrogen. D) compound containing only boron and carbon. E) three-dimensional covalent network of boron atoms.


A complex of correctly written formula [Pt(NH3)3Br]BrH2O has which set of ligands in its inner coordination sphere? A) 3 NH3 B) 3 NH3 and 2Br- C) 3 NH3 and 1Br- D) 3 NH3, 1Br-, and 1H2O E) 3 NH3, 2Br-, and 1H2O


A voltaic cell is constructed with two Zn2+-Zn electrodes, where the half-reaction is Zn2+ + 2e- → Zn (s) E° = -0.763 V The concentrations of zinc ion in the two compartments are 5.50 M and 1.11 × 10-2 M, respectively. The cell emf is __________ V. A) -1.54 × 10-3 B) -378 C) 0.0798 D) 0.160 E) -0.761


Cathodic protection of a metal pipe against corrosion usually entails A) attaching an active metal to make the pipe the anode in an electrochemical cell. B) coating the pipe with another metal whose standard reduction potential is less negative than that of the pipe. C) attaching an active metal to make the pipe the cathode in an electrochemical cell. D) attaching a dry cell to reduce any metal ions which might be formed. E) coating the pipe with a fluoropolymer to act as a source of fluoride ion (since the latter is so hard to oxidize).


Cesium-131 has a half-life of 9.7 days. What percent of a cesium-131 sample remains after 60 days? A) 100 B) 0 C) 1.4 D) 98.6 E) more information is needed to solve the problem


Diamagmetic solids __________. A) have atoms with one or more unpaired electrons B) have atoms with randomly oriented magnetic moments C) show very slight magnetic character when placed in a magnetic field D) have atoms with strongly aligned electrons when placed in a magnetic field E) both a and d


How many isomers are possible for C5H12? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 E) 10


In the compound, CaNa[Fe(CN)6], what ligands are in the coordination sphere? A) Ca2+ B) Na+ C) CN- D) H2O E) none of the above


One of the differences between a voltaic cell and an electrolytic cell is that in an electrolytic cell __________. A) an electric current is produced by a chemical reaction B) electrons flow toward the anode C) a nonspontaneous reaction is forced to occur D) O2 gas is produced at the cathode E) oxidation occurs at the cathode


Optically active molecules that are mirror images of each other are called __________. A) allotropes B) geometrical isomers C) enantiomers D) cofactors E) chiral compounds


The Haber process is used to make __________ from __________. A) HNO3, N2 B) O2, KClO3 C) NH3, N2 D) NO2, O2 E) NO, N2


The basis for the carbon-14 dating method is that A) the amount of carbon-14 in all objects is the same. B) carbon-14 is very unstable and is readily lost from the atmosphere. C) the ratio of carbon-14 to carbon-12 in the atmosphere is a constant. D) living tissue will not absorb carbon-14 but will absorb carbon-12. E) All of the above are correct.


The lanthanide contraction is responsible for the fact that A) Zr and Y have about the same radius. B) Zr and Nb have similar oxidation states. C) Zr and Hf have about the same radius. D) Zr and Zn have similar oxidation states. E) Zr and Hf have the same oxidation states.


A ligand with a single donor atom is called __________. A) a chelon B) a chelate C) polydentate D) monodentate E) bidentate


Alcohols are hydrocarbon derivatives in which one or more hydrogens have been replaced by a hydroxyl functional group. __________ is the general formula of an alcohol. A) ROR B) RCOR C) RCOOH D) ROH E) RCOH


How are the oxygen-containing compounds of xenon made? A) by direct combination of the elements B) by reaction of xenon with peroxide C) by thermal decomposition of the xenon hydroxide D) by reaction of the corresponding xenon fluoride with water E) Xenon is inert and does not form compounds with oxygen.


How many hydroxyl groups are in a glycerol molecule? A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 D) 3 E) 4


Hydrocarbons containing only single bonds between the carbon atoms are called __________. A) alkenes B) alkynes C) aromatics D) alkanes E) ketones


All atoms of a given element have the same __________. A) mass number B) number of nucleons C) atomic mass D) number of neutrons E) atomic number


Changes in the coordination sphere of a complex compound may lead to changes in __________. A) color B) physical properties C) chemical properties D) stability E) all of the above


In a voltaic cell, electrons flow from the __________ to the __________. A) salt bride, anode B) anode, salt bridge C) cathode, anode D) salt bridge, cathode E) anode, cathode


Interhalogen compounds __________. A) are exceedingly reactive B) contain halogens in both positive and negative oxidation states C) are powerful oxidizing agents D) that contain fluorine are very active fluorinating agents E) all of the above


Linkage isomerism would most likely occur when which of the following ligands is present? A) H2O B) NH3 C) Cl- D) PF3 E) NCS-


Of the following processes, which one changes the atomic number? A) alpha emission B) beta emission C) electron capture D) positron emission E) All of these processes change the atomic numbers.


Replacement of Na2O by K2O in soda-lime glass results in A) opaque glass. B) a softer glass with a lower melting point. C) glass with a deep blue color. D) denser glass with a high refractive index. E) a harder glass with a higher melting point.


The coordination number and oxidation number of the central atom in [Mn(CO)4Br2] are __________ and __________, respectively. A) 4, +1 B) 6, +1 C) 5, +2 D) 4, +2 E) 6, +2


The coordination numbers of cobalt(III) and of chromium(III) in their complexes are always __________. A) 4 B) 5 C) 2 D) 3 E) 6


The correct name for [Ni(NH3)6](NO3)3 is __________. A) dinitrohexaamminenickel (II) B) hexaamminenickel (III) trinitrate C) dinitrohexaamminenickelate (III) D) hexaamminenickel (II) nitrate E) hexaamminenickel (III) nitrate


The following reaction would produce a(n) __________. R-OH + R'COOH → A) ketone B) ether C) aldehyde D) alcohol E) ester


The principal difference between fructose and glucose is that __________. A) fructose is a disaccharide and glucose is a monosaccharide B) fructose is a monosaccharide and glucose is a disaccharide C) fructose is chiral and glucose is not D) glucose is chiral and fructose is not E) fructose is a ketone sugar and glucose is an aldehyde sugar


The tertiary structure of proteins is maintained by __________ bonds. A) hydrogen B) dipole-dipole C) ion-dipole D) covalent E) all of the above


Water gas is ________. A) H2O and H2 B) CO2 and O2 C) H2O and CO2 D) H2O and CO E) H2 and CO


When two atoms of 2H are fused to form one atom of 4He, the total energy evolved is 3.83 × 10-12 J. What is the total change in mass (in kg) for this reaction? (C = 3.00 × 108 m/s) A) 1.28 × 10-17 B) 4.26 × 10-26 C) 3.45 × 108 D) 1.15 E) 4.26 × 10-29


Which elemental halogen(s) can be used to prepare I2 from NaI? A) F2only B) Cl2 only C) Br2 only D) both Cl2 and Br2, but not F2 E) F2, Cl2, and Br2


Which of the following will display optical isomerism? A) square-planar [Rh(CO)2Cl2]- B) square-planar [Pt(H2NC2H4NH2)2]2+ C) octahedral [Co(NH3)6]3+ D) octahedral [Co(NH3)5Cl]2+ E) octahedral [Co(H2NC2H4NH2)3]3+


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