CHES Final Exam

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In general, at what grade level should materials be written to account for the health literacy of most adults?

8th grade

A health education specialist has been asked to collect qualitative data from participants. Given a short time period to collect data, which method takes the least amount of time?

Focus groups

A health education specialist is considering how people might adopt a program in order to understand how best to tailor specific messages. If the health education specialist wants to get the first people to adopt the program using the diffusion of innovations, which strategy might be the best?

Focus on how new and different the program is from what exists

The social media campaign to change social norms related to teen pregnancy developed by a health education specialist is review by a group of adolescents from the priority population. Their feedback allows the health education specialist to make changes before implementing the campaign. What type of evaluation is this?


The videos and accompanying workbook activities chosen for an intervention are pretested then revised and improved right before the start of the intervention. This type of evaluation is called:


A group of health education specialist run into a situation where they need to elicit specialized guidance and expert opinion on a specific health topic in order to aid in decision-making. Of the following, which type of group should be consulted?

Advisory board

To help improve intervention fidelity, a health education specialist should create:

An implementation plan

When forming coalitions, which of the following should occur first?

Analyze the issue or problem that will be the focus of the coalition

A health education specialist wishes to use the ecological model in a needs assessment . Which of the following is an example of a way to assess levels of this model?

Assessing attitudes, behaviors, policies, and social norms in a community

A large group of tourists traveled on an ocean liner to a tropical island and developed an acute, flu-like illness. The suspected cause of illness is associated with cruising on this liner. Health authorities need to know the number of all passengers who became ill, as well as those traveled on the ocean liner. Which rate should the health education specialist calculate to provide information to health authorities?

Attack rate

When creating a marketing plan for a program, which of the following should be identified first?


When pilot testing materials for an intervention, which of the following should be assessed before implementation of the program?

Comprehension and acceptability of the intervention and materials

When inferring needs of a priority population, the health education specialist:

Considers feedback from the priority population along with data collected on health issues in the population

A client comes to health education specialist for health counseling and coaching. The client feels stress associated with unresolved conflict and poor coping patterns. The health coach decides to use which of the following approaches/theoretical orientations to counseling in order to meet his specific client need?

Counseling for decision-making

A new HIV testing intervention is being planned to support efforts to increase screening rates. The intervention is planned to start in 6 months. Which of the following is a proven method to create a timeline and plan for the intervention?

Critical path model

Print material was selected as the appropriate way to provide a take-home message to reinforce concepts presented during a behavior change intervention. The first step in planning the specific materials to be developed is to:

Define the audience for the material

If a health education specialist wished to use the application of Bloom's taxonomy in an intervention aimed at decreasing fat consumption, what might the health education specialist have the priority population do?

Demonstrate how to prepare a healthy meal

A health education specialist is planning to train staff from partners and community members to help implement a healthy food access initiative with corner stores and convenience stores. A needs assessment is being planned to identify trainee knowledge on the subject. What should the assessment focus on?

Desired learning outcomes

Which of the following is the first step in designing a survey?

Determining the objectives of the survey

A health education specialist is having difficulty in segmenting the priority population when designing a marketing strategy for a health promotion intervention. Building the strategy on which of the following theories would help him/her segment the audience and assist with a marketing mix decision?

Diffusion theory

Which of the following contains the correct steps in the generalized model of program planning and evaluation?

Understand and engage the population, create a needs assessment, write goals and objectives, create intervention, implement the program, and evaluate intervention

Although the mortality rates of children have declined over the years, the leading cause of mortality in children is:

Unintentional injury

When calculating mortality statistics in a population, the health education needs to weigh deaths of the very young more than the deaths of the very old. Which of the following would he/she calculate?


In planning a health education/promotion program, a health education/promotion program, a health education specialist needs to develop a timeline for delivery of the intervention. Which of the following accomplishes this task?

Gantt chart

The intervention program has been adopted, and the priority population is ready to participate. The implementation team needs to know their tasks and associated due dates, and the health education specialist needs a relatively simple way to track the team's projected and actual task completion progress. To meet both needs, as well as to identify and prioritize all of tasks needed for full implementation, the health education specialist creates a:

Gantt chart

The most critical step in the implementation process is to:

Get the priority population to accept the program

"The moving Mommas Program will reduce risk of preeclampsia in Shelbyville" is an example of:

Goal statement

The healthy hearts coalition emails all PTA/PTO members and asks them to contact their district school board members to vote for the healthy snacks in school policy. This appeal is considered:

Grassroots lobbying

In a priority population, the infant mortality rate and overall death rate for mothers with less than a high school education is almost twice as high as mothers with 13 or more years of education. These are examples of:

Health disparities

Providing access to fruit and milk in a school vending machine is an example of which of the following strategies?

Health engineering

A foodborne outbreak has closed three local restaurants, and the epidemiologists and food safety staff are hoping to identify the outbreak source. Health education specialists and communication specialist plan to use earned media and social media to educate local community members about the outbreak. What should the health education specialists and communication specialists do first?

Identify the audience

The community heart health coalition was formed about one year ago, and it is now in the process of collecting needs assessment data and creating a strategic plan. This coalition is cycling through which stage of coalition development?


Which of the following is an example of a correctly written learning objective?

Individuals participating in the health education program will be able to identify 3 ways to protect their skin from the sun by the end of the program."

Which represents primary sources that could be used for a community needs assessment?

Informal interviews, observations, and surveys.

A health education specialist is identifying the types of activities included in a health education/promotion program. In a logic model, these activities would be included in:


The local health promotion coalition elected to implement a single strategy intervention for a complex health problem because of its ease of implementation and lower cost. The health education specialist advises the use of a multi-strategy intervention in hopes that at least one or a combination of the strategies makes a difference; however, he/she understands that the greatest drawback to the multi-strategy intervention is:

It is difficult to separate the effects of each strategy in evaluation

For this objective, "women in the program will increase their physical activity rates by the 4th week of the program," what is missing?

It is neither specific nor measurable

When considering materials to use for a health education/promotion program, which of the following should a health education specialist first?

Look for evidence-based interventions and use exisiting protocols and materials, if possible.

When writing objectives for the worksite exercise promotion intervention, the health education specialist wishes to measure any morbidity, mortality, and health status change occurred as a result of the intervention. He/she would write which type of objective?


After conducting a needs assessment, a health education specialist finds the community lacks the infrastructure to support the physically active lifestyles. However, community members are more concerned about drug use in the community. In this example, drug use is a: Normative need

Perceived need

A health education specialist needs to conduct training for individuals who will be delivering the intervention. Which of the following is a critical consideration when conducting trainings?

Personal characteristics of the instructor

In a community, twice as many people over the course of one year in house fires than in car crashes. Community members demand the health education specialist immediately create a fire prevention intervention. Before planning the fire prevention intervention, the health education specialist should first determine the:

Population at risk

A health education specialist has been charged to develop a comprehensive childhood obesity intervention in a community identified as having a high prevalence of childhood obesity . What planning model would be best assist with the health education specialist in developing the program?

Precede-proceed model

A hospital is expanding outreach services and facilities with a new unit focused on prevention and the treatment of chronic disease. The health education specialist is tasked with gathering local data on these conditions. Which is most useful rate to use?

Prevalence rate

By 2018, volunteers will distribute informational fliers to at least 50% of program participants. This is an example of which type of objective?


Using a written questionnaire, a cross-sectional survey about personal alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use behaviors was administered to a priority population. The priority population for the survey did not respond. The health education specialist would then need to find other evidence that the behaviors occurred or did not occur using:

Proxy Measures

Health illiteracy, economics, and poverty are considered which type of factors that cause racial and ethnic health disparities?


In a meeting, community members offer suggestions for curbing the community's obesity problem. They focus on the behaviors of individuals in the community, thinking if community members change their dietary behaviors, then the obesity problem will be solved. A health education specialist explains the solution is not this simple because:

Sometimes behaviors are influenced by other factors, such as lack to healthy food , that are out of a person's control.

When facilitating a training workshop on a new electronic medical records system at a clinic, the health education specialist is following the steps for successful training programs. He/she is confident in implementing the training steps, as there is little difference between this process and general health education program implementation, except for the need to:

Specify job performance

One of the influences on health behaviors is the pressure to conform to what others in the priority population are doing. According to the Theory of Planned Behavior, which construct describes this phenomenon?

Subjective norm

The health department administrator just returned from a meeting where someone used a focus group to gather data and now has a great idea. The administrator tasks the health education specialist with conducting a focus group of low-income citizens from the south side of town to answer questions about which heart disease intervention the department should offer city wide. Knowing the limitations of this strategy, the health education specialist is rightfully concerned about:

the generalization of the findings.

During a teen pregnancy program, the health education specialist discusses confidence so participants can talk to their partners about using a condom. The construct he/she is focusing on is:


Consumption, medication compliance, and self-care are considered which type of factors to health?


Among program particpants, smoking rates will decrease by 35 percent in 12 months is an example of a/an:

Behavioral objective

To understand the three human subject's protection guidelines of respect for persons", "beneficence", and "justice" one would look to the:

Belmont report

Following the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model, which type of factor in the educational and ecological assessment would assess whether community members have adequate access to oral health care:


The trainer's primary responsibility is to:

Ensure program objectives are met

The health education specialist would use a prioritization matrix in which phase of the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model?

Epidemiological assessment

The health education specialist is charged with establishing collaborative relationships with organizations to gain access to data for country wide community needs assessments. Which of the following is the best approach to secure the data needed.

Establish a data sharing agreement including the outcome, purpose, data ownership, and conditions of release

In health education presentations, which of the following is an appropriate guideline to promote learning?

Establish the relevance of the information of learners

A health education specialist finds there are more people requesting a smoking cessation program that can be accommodated. This is an example of which type of need?

Expressed need

As a health education specialist monitors program implementation, he/she finds several lessons were not implemented as originally planned. This illustrates lack of:


During delivery of a health promotion, it becomes apparent the amount of time allotted to each lesson or activity is not sufficient. The person delivering the program decides to delete some content to make the lesson fit. This action could result in lack of:


When applying the ecological perspective to behavior change, the health education specialist bases his/her smoking cessation intervention on the Precaution Adoption Process Model. At what level of influence is this intervention addressing?

Public policy

Which method represents a secondary source for a needs assessment?

Published data from a CDC article

When evaluating training, a health education specialist is investigating the impact of reduced turnover in a company. Which level of training is this?


In a community-based heart disease intervention, mass hypertension screenings at the shopping mall were used as the "kick-off" activity. Which level of prevention are the screenings?


Which of the following is an effective strategy for a health education specialist to determine the training needs of parents of preschool children regarding infectious disease prevention?

Survey parents of preschool aged children regarding their knowledge of infectious disease prevention

The health education specialist must analyze the meaning of the data collected during the assessment and determine health education/promotion needs. If the health education specialist aggregates the data, which cognitive process of qualitative research is he/she focusing on?


In a health education program, participants are asked about their readiness for change so that content in a message can be personalized. This is an example of:

Tailoring a message

A health education specialist serves as a patient educator at a hospital. Part of his/her job is to work with patients who have recently suffered a heart attack. This is an example of:

Tertiary prevention

What would a health education specialist need to know to calculate age-specific death rates from cardiovascular disease?

The breakdown of deaths by age group and the midyear population by age

The health education specialist chose the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model as the organizational framework for the needs assessment of a childhood obesity intervention. Which of the following best represents the behavioral and environmental factors phase?

The school districts are institutions with agents that can make change

A health education specialist is concerned about HIV infection in the community. The health education specialist might use the data from a graph on estimated new HIV infections in the US, 2010:

To compare to primary data in the community to understand community need.

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