CHILD300 Midterm

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If a young child is obeying a request by their father to put away their toys and the child is staying on task instead of playing with their toys or finding other distractions, they are showing what capability?

Effortful attention

Newborn baby Sam can't see as well as six month-old Sally can. This difference in sensory ability is a difference in a. sensation b. perception c. touch d. intermodal perception

a. sensation

Researchers were interested in analyzing how mothers' reading style affected infants' vocabularly skills. They recruited a group of mothers of 18-month-old infants to participate in the study. They randomly assigned half of the mothers to two groups. Then they assessed the vocabulary skills of infants in both groups to ensure there were no base-line differences between the groups. One group of mothers was assigned to read to their infants using an expressive style (elaborating on the story with emotional emphasis) and the other group of the mothers was assigned to read to the infants using a descriptive style (simply describing people and objects in a story). All mothers read to their infants in the assigned reading style twice a day for four weeks. At the end of the four-week period the infants were assessed on their vocabulary skills. 1) Given this information, what type of study design does this research utilize? 2) What is the dependent variable in this study? 3) What was the independent variable in this study?

1) Experimental 2) Vocabulary Skills 3) Reading Style

Researchers were interested in examining how emotional expressiveness changes from 4 to 7 months of age. They videotaped infants in their homes twice a week for this three month period. 1) What type of research design did these researchers utilize? 2) This study takes place in what kind of setting?

1) Micro genetic 2) Naturalistic

Researchers were interested in how toddlers with sensory processing disorder responded to a low-sensory environment. They selected a toddler with the disorder and observed him in their research lab. First, they observed him doing a puzzle task in a "typical" sensory environment in a room with fluorescent lights and a TV that was turned on and provided constant noise. They had him come back a week later and observed him doing a similar puzzle-task in low-sensory room with soft light and constant soothing white noise. They looked at how his behavior changed from one environment to the next to determine the type of environment in which this little boy is best-suited. 1) What type of research design did these researchers utilize? 2) This study takes place in what kind of setting?

1) Single-subject 2) Laboratory

Researchers were interested in the how infants' language abilities changed throughout the first year of life. Their participants included one group of six month-old infants, a different group of nine month-old infants, and a different group of twelve month-old infants. They had infants in each group come into their laboratory one time and they assessed their language ability. 1) What type of research design did these researchers utilize? 2) This study takes place in what kind of setting? 3) Which of the following best explains the benefit of random assignment in this study?

1)Experimental 2) Laboratory 3) Random assignment gives greater confidence that group differences in infant vocabulary skills are due to differences in maternal reading style.

Identify three specific and distinct ways that children begin learning before they are even born.

1. They learn frequently heard sounds, such as their mother's voice. 2. They learn language from listening to their mother's voice. 3. They learn flavors; they can taste flavors in the amniotic fluid from the foods that their mom eats. 4. They learn from the uterine environment which helps prepare them for the world that they are going to enter.

On average, the first stage of labor lasts between

12-24 hours

When does neurogenesis begin?

42 days after conception

After implantation, the cells of the embryo release chemicals that suppress the mother's immune system. This happens due to which of the following reasons?

A mother's immune system may attack the foreign cells of the embryo.

A sperm may need to undergo changes in order to become compatible with the egg. Which of the following best explains how these changes occur? A) The sperm releases chemicals that change itself to become more compatible with the egg B) Hormones from the testicle change the proteins on the sperm C) Genes in the sperm get turned on to make it compatible with the egg D) Chemicals in a woman's body change the proteins on the sperm while in the fallopian tube

Chemicals in a woman's body change the proteins on the sperm while in the fallopian tube

Which of the following is NOT a behavior that would affect the epigenetic marks on a mother's developing fetus? a. Diet b. Stress c. Working d. Clothing


Locke's view of children is explained by the term...

Blank Slate

Fertilization/Conception takes place in which of the following structures?

Fallopian tube

True or False: Home births in the US are just as safe as hospital births.


True or false: New crawlers are more cautious around steep inclines than are experienced crawlers.


During ovulation the cervix thins and produces a white mucous. This is important for ____________ to occur.


The process by which cells of the embryo begin to differentiate is called.


Which of the following is not one of the four factors Scarr identified that lead children from a single family to turn out differently? A) Different choices of environments. B) Gender. C) Differences in reactions to similar experiences. D) Genetic differences.


A fetus that has high activity levels in utero could be expected to also score high on which of the following behaviors after birth? a) High stress level b) High crying intensity c) High activity level d) High hunger response

High activity level

What types of experience described below would increase methyl in a rat's brain?

having a neglectful mother

After reading the article "Over-selling breast-feeding", write a paragraph explaining why you either agree or disagree with the points the author makes.

I agree that it could seem a little skewed that jobs are required to give woman time to pump and that insurances are required to pay for a breast-pump for the reason that they want women at work, instead of being at home breast-feeding. Although, I am also grateful for this since I am pregnant, and I was able to order an expensive breast pump. I plan to use this when I need to be away from my baby and someone else needs to feed him (such as if I am in class or at a business conference). I also think that it is nice if a woman has to work (for financial reasons) that she has the opportunity to continue to pump so that she can breastfeed her baby. I believe that those women who don't breastfeed are not bad people. There are just some people who don't have the ability to breastfeed or don't produce enough milk, and that is okay. However, I strongly encourage those who can to breastfeed because of all of the positive benefits that come from it. As I mentioned in the above question, I disagree with how the author was talking about how the benefits that we hear of about breastfeeding are false, and are put out from the companies who will benefit from women breastfeeding (such as companies that sell breast milk). I do agree with her last statement that a woman should breastfeed because she wants to, and not because she is told that she has to. It should be a personal choice for each mother, but I do believe that they should be encouraged to breastfeed, because there are so many benefits that the baby and mom receive from it.

Which of the following statements is true regarding twins?

Identical twins result from one sperm fertilizing one egg.

In assessing the development of these children, the study employs which type of research design?


The process that ensures genetic variation across individuals is________________ because _____________.

Meiosis: it produces cells with new combinations of genes

This study takes place in what kind of setting?


What does epigenetics mean? A) The theory of genes. B) The map of genes. C) On top of genes. D) The beginning of genes.

On top of genes.

What is the reason for the infant mortality rate in the US?


Researchers are interested in examining the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on infant cognitive development. Which of the following is the best research design to study this relationship?

Quasi experimental

A newborn spends the most time in which of the following states?

Quiet Sleep

Which of the following choices reflect the reasons for studying child development?

Raising children, choosing social policy, and understanding human nature.

The idea that children should be given maximum freedom from the beginning, and that they learn best through spontaneous interactions with objects and people rather than instruction, was promoted by who?


What first starts the process of sex differentiation for male embryos?

SRY Gene

Which of the following children's parents should be concerned about their child's motor development?

Sam who started walking many months after the average child and is also behind on his verbal abilities.

The squeezing of the baby's head during birth to reduce its size is made possible through

Separate skull plates that can overlap.

Cell death occurs during what process?

Synaptic Pruning

Social reform that led to laws forbidding employment of boys and girls younger than 10 was at the effort of...

The Earl of Shaftesbury

After reading the article "Over-selling breast-feeding", identify one thing that the author writes that contradicts what your textbook says.

The author says, "The benefits associated with breast-feeding just don't seem to warrant the scrutiny and interventions surrounding American infant feeding practices." I totally disagree with this statement. As we have learned in class, breastfeeding provides so many good benefits for our babies. Such as antibodies, reduced allergens, helps improve cognitive abilities, strengthens the immune system, etc. The article suggests that this research is put out by companies who benefit from mothers breastfeeding, such as companies that sell breast pumps, however I would argue that this is not the reason. I would suggest that breast milk is a wonderful thing! And that God created our bodies to do exactly what they needed to in order to provide for the next generation. Breast milk is how babies have been fed since the beginning, and formula is a new thing. Thus, I believe that breast milk is the best thing for our babies, if we are physically able to do it.

A basic principle of child development that is relevant to many aspects of human nature is:

The timing of experiences influences their effects.

What is the result for infants who grow up in cultures where there are no pictures or images for them to view regularly?

They do not understand that pictures are representations of real objects

Implantation refers to:

They zygote burrows into the lining of the uterus.

The placenta is delivered during which stage of labor?

Third stage

You watched a video and read in your text about habituation methods. What does it mean for an infant to habituate?

To get bored or lose interest in a stimulus.

What does it mean to dishabituate?

To show increased interest or attention.

True or false: On average, newborn infants cry about 2 hours per day.


True or false: The average age at which babies achieve motor milestones varies from culture to culture.


How does the fetus get nutrition from his mother?

Villi cells suck nutrients and oxygen from mom's blood and carry it through the umbilical cord.

The research-based theorist that was influenced by Pavlov and conducted experiments on Little Albert was:


Why do we begin to learn things before we are even born? How do things that are learned before you are born help a baby as he enters the world? What implications does this have for babies who are adopted? Answer each question thoroughly. Your response should be at least two paragraphs long

We begin to learn things before we are born so that we will be prepared to enter the world and the specific environment that we will live in. This allows the baby to adjust their physiology to the environment that they are going to enter. These adjustments can be things such as adjusting their metabolism. I find it incredible that a baby, before it is born, is able to adjust itself so that it has the best chance of survival. For example, if I lived in extreme poverty and I was very malnourished, then the baby might adjust himself accordingly. Meaning that his body would alter itself to hold onto more calories. Although, this can affect the child later on in life if his circumstances change. Such as, if he is no longer malnourished (maybe he was adopted into a wealthy family) then he is holding onto too many calories and can be at a higher risk for becoming diabetic later in life.

What can we learn from studies that measure habituation/dishabituation?

We learn about when infants are capable of detecting subtle differences between different stimuli.

What is neural darwinism?

a competitive process where synapses that are frequently activated are selectively preserved.

Which of the following is NOT something that first starts developing during the period of the fetus? a) neurons b) heart c) fetus


A missionary returning from serving in China who can speak Chinese has changed their neural structure to be able to map the meaning of more than one language. This is an example of

an experience dependent process.

When a child experiences light each day as they open their eyes certain cells receive continued visual input. This is an example of

an experience-expectant process

What is not true about myelination? a. it increases speed of neural conduction b. it occurs in the hippocampus, a brain region important for memory process. c. it provides a myelin sheath around axons that increases information processing abilities. d. occurs rapidly during first few months after birth, slows somewhat during toddlerhood and continues slowly into young adulthood.

b. it occurs in the hippocampus, a brain region important for memory process.

Baby Jill can hear her dad speak and see his lips move and she organizes this information into one cohesive event. This is an example of: a. sensation b. perception c. continuity d. habituation

b. perception

Which of the following images could a young infant see the best? a. pastel colored shapes b. grey and white polka dots c. black and white stripes d. yellow lines

c. black and white stripes

What component of breast-milk is thought to improve IQ scores for the developing child? a. colostrum (the pre-milk substance) b. antibodies c. fatty acids d. prolactin

c. fatty acids

Which of the following is NOT one of the benefits of breast-milk? a. it is sterile (no bacteria) b. strengthens baby's immune system c. helps babies gain weight faster than formula does d. contains antibodies

c. helps babies gain weight faster than formula does

When birth is initiated, which of the following occurs? a. the baby rotates his feet downward b. contractions occur in the vagina c. the lungs of the fetus release a protein that triggers labor d. all of the options listed are correct

c. the lungs of the fetus release a protein that triggers labor

Which of the following is most important in experience-expectant processing? a. parental relations b. stress c. timing of experiences d. nutrition

c. timing of experiences

The squeezing that the fetus experiences when passing through the birth canal is important because: a. It stimulates hormones that helps the fetus to withstand oxygen deprivation. b. It stimulates hormones that help the fetus regulate breathing after birth. c. It forces amniotic fluid out of the lungs. d. All of the answers listed are correct.

d. All of the answers listed are correct.

An infant who is low-birth-weight is likely to face which of the following difficulties: a. behavior problems b. sensory impairment c. poor academic achievement d. all of the options listed are correct

d. all of the options listed are correct

Kangaroo care helps to promote all of the following except: a. breast-feeding b. infant growth c. attachment d. immune system health

d. immune system health

Which of the following is NOT true regarding perception of monkey faces? a. 6 month-old infants can tell the difference between two monkey faces b. Adults who have not been exposed to monkey faces cannot tell the difference between two monkeys c. 9 month-old infants who have not been exposed to monkey faces cannot tell the difference between two monkeys. d.Most adults have the ability to distinguish between two monkey faces

d.Most adults have the ability to distinguish between two monkey faces

What can parents do to help their infants overcome fear of unfamiliar foods?

encourage the child to taste the new food at least six times

Infants sucked on a pacifier that they were prevented from seeing. When they were shows a picture of a pacifier that had been in their mouth as well as a picture of a novel pacifier, they were able to identify the one that they had sucked on. This is an example of:

intermodal perception

Meaney and Szyf's third study demonstrated that

methyl in the brain caused the behavior change in rats

Babies learn to roll-over before they gain control of their fingers. This is an example of

proximo-distal development

Caesarean deliveries increase the likelihood of

respiratory problems after birth

The baby is delivered during which stage of labor?

second stage

Which of the following is a likely reason why newborns cannot locate sounds as well as older children?

small heads

The economic circumstances, physical and social environment, particular culture, and time of history constitute the _______________________ of a child's life.

sociocultural context

The baby transitions from the cervix to the birth canal during which stage of labor?

stage 1

In Meaney and Szyf's second experiment, they demonstrated that

the effects were due completely to the mother's behavior and not simply due to her genes

Growth occurs most rapidly during which part(s) of the life-span?

the first two years

Why do reflexes disappear?

they come under control of the outer-cortex of the brain

Which of the following is true about epidural injections? a. the baby has less pain during labor after an epidural injections b. they slow labor c. they do not relieve pain for the mother d. they are more common in home births

they slow labor

Very young infants like to touch objects with their


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