Christian Scriptures Gospel Exam #3 - Baylor - Holleyman

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What is the inscription above the cross?

"King of the Jews"


"Lawyers" interpreters of Jewish law, but not creators of it Opposed Jesus because he claimed to be above the Jewish Law

Crucifixion words in Matthew and Mark:

"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

What was the Centurion's (roman soldier's) conclusion after the death of Jesus in Mark?

"This surely was the Son of God."

Crucifixion words in John:

"Woman here is your son, I am thirsty, it is finished."

What does Jesus say on the Cross in John?

"Woman here is your son, I am thirsty, it is finished."

Who wrote the Gospel of John?

"disciple whom Jesus loved" John

What does "euthys" mean and where is it primarily found?

"immediately" Gospel of Mark

What is Golgotha?

"place of the skull" Hill where Jesus was crucified


"sitting together" Assembly of men in every city in the Land of Israel, a large council of religious Judges

Who are the Hasidim?

"the pious ones" hope in Israel's restoration through the Israeli government

Crucifixion words in Luke:

(to the roman soldiers) "Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." (to the other criminal on the cross) "Truly I tell you today that you will be with me in Paradise." "Father into your hands I commend my spirit!"

When was the Hasmonean Dynasty? What was it?

142 B.C. Last Israelite government until WW2

When was the Maccabean Revolt? What was it?

167 B.C. Revolt of the Israeli people against their foreign government in favor of Israel's restoration through their own government.

What is the 1st and 7th signs in the Book of Signs?

1st - Water into wine 7th - Raising Lazarus from death

What is the Book of Signs in John?

1st half of John telling Jesus and his 7 miracles

How many books are in the New Testament?


What is the Book of Glory in John?

2nd half of John telling Jesus' last week with his apostles and that Peter swung the sword.

How many "passion predictions" are there in the Synoptic Gospels?

3 in each

How long is Jesus' public ministry? Which book makes it longer than just a year and 1/2?

3 years John

What type of writing found in Matthew is not found in Mark?

5 teaching discourses

When was the book of Mark written?

70 C.E. (or A.D.)

When was Matthew written?

80-85 C.E. (or A.D.)

What is the time frame of the crucifixion?

9 AM to 3 PM

What leader spread Hellenism?

Alexander the Great

Who was Matthew?

An apostle of Jesus

What two languages became important during the time between the Old Testament and the New Testament?

Aramaic (Jews) and Greek (commerce)

When does it get dark during the crucifixion?

As Jesus died on the cross at noon

Who was John Mark?

Author of Gospel of Mark Close associate of Simon Peter, deserts 1st mission of Paul, not an apostle of Jesus


Authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls

What does John omit from the Synoptic Gospels?

Baptism and temptation. Exorcisms and parables. Confession and Transfiguration. Last Supper. Agonizing Prayer.

332 B.C.

Beginning of Greek Domination

Where is Jesus' Galilean Headquarters?


Where is Bethany and what happens there?

City outside Jerusalem where Jesus spent his last nights

Ending 3 of Mark (long ending):

Compilation of gospel, acts, and epistles

What is the turning point in the Gospel of Mark?

Confession and Transfiguration

30 C.E.

Crucifixion of Christ

How does Matthew end?

Earthquake Jesus appears to women and meets them in Galilee with the Great Commission

When and where was John written?

Ephesus, 90-100 C.E. (or A.D.)

What do the gospels claim?

Faith and the proclamation of Jesus' identity

What 2 primary locations do the Gospels occur in?

Galilee and Jerusalem

What does the term "gospel" mean?

Good News

What are the 4 sections of the New Testament?

Gospels, Historiography/biography, Epistles, Apocalypse

What is Hellenism?

Greek Culture and ideas and education

In Luke, who does Jesus appear to following his resurrection?

His disciples in Jerusalem on the road to Emmaus

What is the Moses Motif?

Idea that Jesus relates to Moses because he is the supreme teacher and interpreter

What are the commonalities between the trials?

Invalid case against Jesus. Jesus basically remains silent. Verbal and physical abuse

What Genealogy is included in Luke?

Jesus all the way to Adam

Ending 2 of Mark (additional short):

Jesus sent out an imperishable gospel

What is the messianic secret?

Jesus telling his apostles not to identify him as the messiah

Who is the main audience in Matthew?

Jewish Christians


Jewish sect aiming the world at Jewish Theocracy and resisting Romans until 70 A.D.


Jewish sect believing only in the word of the Pentateuch, as opposed to Judaism

Who wrote Luke and Acts?


What are the 4 Gospels?

Mark, Matthew, John, Luke

Who does Jesus appear before in the book of John?

Mary Magdalene, disciples, and doubting Thomas

What are the Synoptic Gospels?

Matthew, Mark, Luke

What type of belief does Jesus ask for at the end of John?

One that does not require a miracle

Who was Luke?

Physician (doctor), non-Jew, an associate of Paul

What 2 trials does Jesus go before?

Pilate and Sanhedrin (high priest)

How does John begin?


How does Luke begin?

Prologue 2 birth narratives following Jesus and John the Baptist

What does the "synoptic problem" mean?

Relationship between the gospels and how they are connected to the subject material

What were some new theological emphases during the time between the gospels?

Resurrection and Messianic Hope

63 B.C.

Roman Control of Israel

Who was Herod the Great?

Ruler of Israel for the Roman Empire, lived until 3 or 4 B.C.

Who encompasses the inner circle of the apostles?

Simon Peter, James, John

Who was John the Baptist?

Son of Zacharias and Elizabeth One like Elijah, priest who had disciples and baptized Jesus Beheaded by Herod Antipa


Strongly opposed the Sadducess. Believed in resurrection, written, and oral scriptures. Generally lower class commoners and poor people Opposed Jesus

70 C.E.

Temple in Jerusalem destroyed

What empire ruled after the Hasmonean Dynasty?

The Roman Empire

What happened the moment Jesus died according to all of the gospels?

The curtain was torn

What does Matthew start with?

The genealogy of Jesus, tracing back to David, Abraham, BUT NOT ADAM.

What is the main question in Mark?

The identity of Jesus

What is the main struggle that Jesus' apostles face?

The identity of Jesus

Who is Luke addressed to?

Theophilus, Gentiles (a specific and general audience)

What is the 2 Source Theory?

Theory that states the Gospels of Matthew and Luke are based on the Gospel of Mark and a Christian oral tradition called "Q"

Why did Jesus' apostles fall asleep during the prayer on the Mount of Olives?

They did not realize the gravity of the moment

Why would the chief priests not arrest Jesus?

They feared the crowd of people

Why does the Gospel of Mark include the naked guy at the arrest scene?

To show a specific audience was being spoken to


Wealthiest and most powerful members of the Sanhedrin. Did not believe in any resurrection of any type and only followed the written word of God (with Greek philosophy) Were more concerned with politics rather than religion Opposed Jesus


Where Jesus takes his apostles to a mountain and the sky opens up a beam of light and Jesus is transformed before their eyes. The prophets Moses and Elijah appear next to him. Like when the prophets spoke to God on Mt. Sinai


Where Jesus tells his apostles that he will be the Messianic King but not in the way they believe

Ending 1 of Mark (the OG):

Woman afraid to speak about what they saw in the tomb

What does "logos" mean?

Word, aka creation force


one who believes in Jesus Christ and his teachings

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