Christina 2- Built Space: Deconstruction of the Box, Raumplan, De Stijl and Free Plan
Theo van Doesburg, "De nieuwe architectuur" ["Towards a Plastic Architecture"
"In place of the cube, the scene of the base (not to be mistaken with the form) of the new architecture should be approximated with the four dimensional polytype of Howard Hinton, the so called Tassaract"
Theo van Doesburg, "Towards a Plastic Architecture", De Stijl, XII, 6-7, 1924
"The new architecture is anti-cubic , its space-cells projecting centrifugally, making the whole thing appear to float" "a four dimensional plastic space time aspect"
Theo van Doesburg and Cornelis van Eesteren, Vers une Construction Collective ("Towards a Collective Construction", 1924):
"We have established the true place of colour in architecture and we declare that painting, without architectural construction (that is easel painting) has no further reason for existence."
Theo van Doesburg and Cornelis van Eesteren, "Manifesto V", De Stijl, XII, 6-7, 1924
"We have examine the relationship between space and time and we have found that the plastic visualisation of these two elements produces a new dimension through the use of colour"
Neo-Plasticism features
- primary colour palette -restrinction of geometry to horizontals and verticals -based around nature
What were the demands for the Frederick Kiesler City in Space
-adequate to the elasticity of the life function -transformatino of spherical space into cities -to set us free from the ground -no walls, no foundations -a new building system of tensions in free space -creation of new possibilities of living and though them needs that will restructure society
The dates of the Stijl magazine were
Le Corbusier Towards a new architecture was published in french in
Le Corbuser Towards a new architecture was published in english in
"This is architectures great revolutionary moment- the transformation of the floor plan into volume. Before Immanuel Kant, men could not think in terms of volume, architects were forced to make the bathroom the same height as the great hall. The only way of creating lower ceilings was to divide them in half. But as with the invention of 3D chess, future architects will now be able to expand floor plans into space"
Adolf Loos
Who wrote Raumplan
Adolf Loos
"children are amoral and so are Papuans. If a paupan slaughters an emery and eats him, that doesn't make him a criminal. But if a modern man kills someone and eats him, he must be either a criminal or a degenerate. The papuans tattoo themselves decorate their boats , everything they can get they hands on. But a modern man tattoos himself either as a criminal or a degenerate. ......... I have therefor evolved the following maxim,and pronounce it to the world. The evolution of culture marches with the elimination of ornament from useful objects"
Adolf Loos, Ornament and Crime, 1908
"we reject the closed spatial circumference as the plastic expression of the moulding space. We assert that space can only be modelled from within outward in its depth, not from without inward through its volume......We are no longer content with the static elements of form in plastic art. We demand the inclusion of time as a new element and asset that real movement must be employed in plastic art in order to make possible the use of kinetic rhythms in a way that is not merely illusionistic. "
Basic Principles of Constructivism
There is an old and new consciousness of the age. The old one is directed towards the individual. The new one is directed towards the universal. The struggle of the individual against the universal may be seen both in the world of war and modern art.
De Stijl Manifesto
Who wrote "destruction of the Box"
Frank Lloyd Wright
"Now to go on , there in the Johnson building you catch no sense of enclosure, whatever at any angle, top or sides. You are looking at the sky and feel the freedom of space. The columns are designed to stand up and take over the ceiling, the column is made a part of the ceiling: continuity."
Frank Lloyd Wright, "The Destruction of the Box" (1952),
"Now when you support this points you have created a short cantilever age to the corners that lessens actual spans and sets the corner free or on for whatever distance you choose. The corners disappear altogether if you choose to let the space come in there, or let it go out. Instead of post and beam construction , the usual box building, you now have a new sense of building construction by the way of the cantilever and continuity. Both are new structural elements as they now enter architecture. But all you see of this radical liberation of space all over the world today, is the corner window. But in this simple change on though lies the essential of the architectural change from the box to free plan and the new reality that is space instead of matter"
Frank Lloyd wright "destruction of the box"
What does Plan Libre mean
Free Plan
Art Nouvuea Architects
Horts Rennnie Mackintosh Gaudi
Who made the Plan Libre
Le Corbusier
what was neoplasticism influenced by
MHJ schoenmaekers neo Platonic "positive mysticicm"
"These residences are no longer conceived in plan dan elevate but they have become part of an invisible unit - space. .... "my work does not really have a ground floor, firs floor or basement. It only has connected rooms, annexes, terraces. Each room requires a particular height, the dining room a different one from the lader. That accounts for the different floor levels. The rooms must be then connected in such a way as to make the transition imperceptible and to effect it in a natural and efficient fashion.
Max RISSELADA, Raumplan versus Plan Libre: Adolf Loos and Le Corbusier, 1919-1930 (New York: Rizzoli, 1988)
Nieuwe Beelding =
Neo Plasticism
The first Manifesto of the Stijl group was made in
November 1918
Bert Van der Leck was a
Piet Mondrain was a
Theo Van Doesburg was a
Vilmos Huszar was a
Who were the founding members of De Stijl
Piet Mondrain Theo Van Doesburg Bart Van De leck Vilmos Huszar Georges Vantongerloo Jacobus Johannes Pieter Oud Jan Wils Robert vant Hoff Anthony Kok
Who were the architects involved in De Stijl and Neo Plasticise
Theo Van Doesburg Cornelis Van Eesteren Gerrit Rietveld
In neo plasticism Yellow symbolised
Jacobus Johannes Pieter Oud was a
Robert Vant Hoff was a
In neo plasticism the horizontal represented the
Neoplasticism emerged from
plastic mathematics
Anthony Kok was a
Georges Vantongerloo was a
sculptor and painter
In neo plasticism the vertical represented the
Le Corbusier Towards a new architecture discusses
the free plan
In neo plasticism Blue symbolised
the horizontal
In neo plasticism Red symbolised
the mating of yellow and blue
The goal of the stijl group was
the organic combination of architecture, sculpture and painting in a lucid elemental unsentimental construction.