Church History Chapter 10 Quiz - Section 2 to 5

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What famous hypocrisy did Zwingli commit in regards to baptism?

At certain points he criticized Catholics for believing that water could literally wash away original sin in Baptism, while later defending the practice of infant baptism against the Anabaptists

Why did Zwingli criticize the rituals of worship of the time, such as choirs, special vestments, religious music, and elaborate artwork in churches?

Because he claimed that it distracted you from being able to study the Bible

Why was it so important that Henry and Catherine have a son?

Because their son would eventually go on to become king of both England and Spain when his parents die

What was a major flaw in Queen Isabella of Spain's plan to restore the English-Spanish Alliance?

Canon Law at the time forbid in-laws from marrying, and because Catherine was once married to Henry's brother, she was technically his sister-in-law.

After divorcing Anne of Cleves, Henry VIII married this girl, who was Anne Boleyn's cousin

Catherine Howard

Because Henry and I had no children, I was brought up on charges of adultery after being married for two years and executed

Catherine Howard

I married Henry VIII in 1543 and outlived him

Catherine Parr

What plan did Queen Isabella of Spain propose in order to recreate the alliance between England and Spain?

Catherine would marry the new king Henry VIII

In order for someone to do something that would normally be against Canon Law, they must obtain this legal document


Jane Seymour died from complications from childbirth after giving birth to Henry's only male heir, named

Edward VI

I am the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn

Elizabeth I

This book changed essential parts of the rituals of liturgy used for centuries in the Church.

English Book of Common Prayer

What did Calvinists believe about dancing, play games, consumption of alcohol, fashion, and indulging in leisure?

It's sinful and are forbidden

After Henry killed Anne Boleyn, Henry married this woman, who was Catherine of Aragon's former maid of honor

Jane Seymour

As a classically taught, well educated, and sophisticated citizen of the upper-class, I held very little respect for the magisterium, rituals, sacramentals, and traditions of the Church and also found the study of biblical theology boring

John Calvin

I was born in France in 1509, made a tremendous impact in the history of the Church, and contributed just as much to the Protestant Revolution as Martin Luther did.

John Calvin

I would go on to abolish all Sacraments, although there would still be Baptisms and commemorations of the Lord's Supper, but they do not bring about any additional grace in the person's life.

John Calvin

When was Thomas hung, drawn, and quartered, decapitated, and had his head placed on display at the London Bridge as a message to all would-be traitors?

July 6, 1535

John Calvin was classically trained in this trade, which Luther rejected


This appointed rank in England was second in command and importance in the entire kingdom to the king himself.

Lord Chancellor

Thomas More's legal suave was noted by Henry VIII when he and Thomas fought against Lutheranism, which would lead Thomas to be appointed to this position in 1529

Lord Chancellor

According to Catholics, God is...


Without free will, there wouldn't be...


Henry petitioned this pope to overturn the decision of Julius II and to issue a decree of annulment, which would mean that Henry and Catherine were never validly married.

Pope Clement VII

Who approved the marriage between Catherine of Aragon and Henry VIII?

Pope Julius II

When speaking of this, St. Thomas Aquinas is alluding to the fact that humans are created in the image and likeness of God, whose intention it is for us to be with Him in heaven.


I am the daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon who was the only one of my siblings to live longer than a few weeks after childbirth

Princess Mary I

the Church of England would move from schism to full blown __________ when church leaders began to modify doctrine in order to suit their own interpretations and personal desires.


I succeeded my sister Mary and undid almost all of her religious reforms, which led me to reinstate Protestantism to England

Queen Elizabeth I

After King Henry died, Thomas Cranmer replaced this book, which contained the traditional prayers used at Mass, with this book

Roman Misal; English Book of Common Prayer

According to Calvin, God elects some people to be saved, which means that that Christ's death on the cross was meant to...

Save those who were predestined to be saved

Like Luther, Calvin held that this is the supreme revelation of God to man and rejected the authority of Sacred Tradition.

Scripture alone (Sola Scriptura)

I was a well respected noble in King Henry VIII's court in the sixteenth century who served as Lord Chancellor under Henry VIII, until the time of my martyrdom.

Sir Thomas Moore

I tried to resign from my position as Lord Chancellor of England but couldn't because in 1534, I was found guilty of treason and was executed

Sir Thomas More

I was the Lord Chancellor of England who openly spoke out against Henry's plan to marry Anne Boleyn and sided with the pope on all issues.

Sir Thomas More

I believe that all things are 'predetermined by God' in the sense that God knows everything that has ever happened and everything that will ever happen.

St. Thomas Aquinas

I believe that human beings still make their own decisions and have free will, but God knows in advance how human free will is going to be used.

St. Thomas Aquinas

Although Henry was the head of his church, nearly all ecclesial responsibility was delegated to this office

The Archbishop of Canterbury

In 1536, John Calvin published the first edition of this work, which outlined his ideas for the role of the Church and how Christianity ought to exist.

The Institutes of the Christian Religion

How did Luther and Zwingli's religious theories differ?

Their theories were mostly the same, but the two disagreed about their beliefs in the Eucharist

What kind of government did Calvin set up in Geneva?


What did Calvinist state of Geneva do to ensure that other calvinists weren't doing "sinful" activities such as dancing, play games, consumption of alcohol, fashion, or indulging in leisure?

They inspected citizen's homes twice a year to ensure there was no contraband and that nothing forbidden was taking place behind closed doors.

In Calvinism, what happened to religious images, clerical vestments, traditional church architecture, and statues of saints?

They were all to be destroyed, as these all represent the old way of the Church.

Because Charles V kidnapped the Pope, Henry decided that he was now with odds at the pope (since the Pope, according to him, shouldn't be more powerful than royalty) and conspired with this person to establish the Church of England

Thomas Cranmer

I, a secret Lutheran agent, was the Archbishop of Canterbury who helped Henry VIII declare that the pope is the leader of the Roman Church, and that the King of England is the head of the English Church, giving Henry supreme ecclesial authority and officially causing a schism between the Catholic Church and the Church of England.

Thomas Cranmer

When Henry's and Catherine of Aragon's daughter Mary came to the throne, I was imprisoned for the work I had done to renovate the Church in England.

Thomas Cranmer

Calvin also believed that human beings were in a state of...

Total depravity

True or False: According to Calvin, any happiness a person experienced that is not directly rooted in God was considered sinful.


True or False: Although Zwingli didn't believe in the sacraments, his argument changed over time


True or False: For Calvin, because human beings have no free will, they also have no free choice on whether or not they will go to heaven.


True or False: the idea of God predetermining everything in creation has Catholic roots, but the conclusion that Calvin arrives at is not accurate.


I lived in Switzerland during the sixteenth century around the same time as John Calvin, and is considered one of the three most significant reformers of his time, along with Luther and Calvin.

Ulrich Zwingli

Like his contemporaries, this Swiss man deemphasized most of the widely accepted Catholic rituals, sacramentals, and traditions, arguing that studying Scripture alone is all that's needed to be considered Christian. Therefore, he rejected the teachings of saints, Church Fathers, ecumenical councils, papal encyclicals, and all oral traditions of the Church.

Ulrich Zwingli

This book outlined what a perfect society ought to look like, founded under the divine law of God, encouraged virtuous behavior by its citizens, and showed how much of a brilliant humanist thinker Sir Thomas More was


It was believed by Calvin that all of this ought to be directly from God.


After claiming that God didn't require music in Scripture, what did Ulrich Zwingli do?

he destroyed the organ of the local church.

Instead of becoming a priest, Calvin studied in Paris and became involved with a new way of thinking that was particularly popular in the university scene called...


This philosophy sought to find meaning for all things through the study and tradition found in classical art, poetry, literature, and philosophy


According to Calvin, God is...

illogical, ruthless, and tyrannical.

After a long time in prison and after many refusals to surrender to the authority of the King of England over the Bishop of Rome, what was Henry forced to do with Thomas?

Execute him

True or False: Annulment is the same as divorce


True or False: Calvin argued that human beings inherently have a free will

False. Calvin believed that humans had no free will because to him, everything a person thinks, says, or does has been predetermined by God.

True or False: Religious freedom was the foundation of Geneva

False. Every person in Calvin's Geneva was compelled to follow Calvin's teaching and there was no expression of religious freedom whatsoever.

True or False: Frustrated after four years of marriage, Henry brought Jane Seymour up on charges of adultery, incest, and high treason and had her executed.

False. Henry executed Anne Boleyn on these charges and later married Jane Seymour after, who died in childbirth after giving birth to Henry's only male son

True o False: John Calvin is a priest.

False. Though he studied theology, Calvin never became a priest

Because Calvin's teachings were radically different from anything that had been preached earlier, Calvin was forced to leave this country and take refuge in this country

France; Switzerland

Where can you get a dispensation?

From your local bishop, but if it's a really serious matter, you can get one straight from the Holy See

Calvin was invited to this city in Switzerland and is where he would eventually set up his own Christian society


According to Calvin, salvation comes directly from...


What is the Calvinist teaching of Double Predestination?

God has already decided who is saved and who is damned

According to Calvin, all of this had already been predetermined by God


What did Ulrich Zwingli believe about the Eucharist?

He argued that Christ's body and blood are in no way present in the Eucharist, claiming the Lord's Supper to be only a memorial of the Last Supper.

I was to marry Catherine, princess of Aragon, to create an alliance between England and Spain but died in 1502, leaving Catherine a widow and the alliance between Spain and England in question

Arthur of Wales

Henry's theological training earned him this honorary title of by Pope Leo X because he condemned the errors of Martin Luther.

"Defender of the Faith"

How old was Henry VIII when he inherited the English throne from his father in 1509?


How many times was Catherine of Aragon pregnant during the time period of 1510 and 1518?

6 times

In 1534, Henry forced Parliament to pass this law, which officially declared Henry the head of the Church of England and forced all members of the clergy and important nobles to take an oath that sweared allegiance to the king.

Act of Supremacy

What did Luther believe about the Eucharist?

Although he didn't believe in the teaching of transubstantiation, he did believe that the Eucharist was the same sacrifice offered by Christ on the cross, and was Christ's Body and Blood (along with the bread; consubstantiation).

This protestant sect believed that Baptism should reserved for adults only and could be administered to the same person multiple times.


After 1518, Catherine was unable to become pregnant any longer, which made Henry cheat on her with this woman in order to continue his own familial line

Anne Boleyn

In 1540, Henry married this girl but had second thoughts about it, which would lead to both he and this girl getting a divorce after never consummating the marriage

Anne of Cleves

What did Henry do immediately after the Church of England was established?

He granted himself an annulment from Catherine, clearing the way to marry Anne Boleyn.

How did Charles V make sure that Clement VII wouldn't issue Henry an annulment?

He kidnapped him

I was groomed to be a priest so I could become a cardinal in the Church because it would extend my family's influence from England all the way to the Vatican

Henry VIII

I was the second son born in the English royal family and my older brother was Arthur of Wales.

Henry VIII

What stopped Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn from getting married in 1532?

Henry VIII was still married to Catherine of Aragon

What happened to Thomas More when he refused to sign the Act of Supremacy?

Henry imprisoned Thomas in the Tower of London and while Thomas sat in prison, Henry sent messengers to him in order to persuade him to swear his allegiance to the Crown.

What did Henry VIII do to divorce Catherine of Aragon?

Henry petitioned the pope at the time, Pope Clement VII, to overturn the decision of Julius II and to issue a decree of annulment, which would mean that Henry and Catherine were never validly married.

I am Catherine of Aragon's nephew who discovered Henry VIII's request of an annulment

Holy Roman Emperor Charles V

Instead of Mass, Calvinist church services consisted of these

prayers, sermons, and the singing of Psalms.

Ulrich Zwingli's writing was predominantly influential within this organization

the Swiss Confederation

What does total depravity mean?

the human person was inherently corrupt and incapable of doing anything that is morally good.

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