CIS 2336 Internet Applications Development Final

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1. What does HTML stand for

Hyper Text Markup Language

4. What is the correct HTML tag for inserting a line break

<br />

14. How to insert a comment that has more than one line

/*This comment has more than one line*/

7. Choose the correct HTML tag to make a text italic


19. With SQL, how can you delete the records where the "FirstName" is "Peter" in the Persons Table

DELETE FROM Persons WHERE FirstName = 'Peter'

5. Which SQL statement is used to insert new data in a database


10. The OR operator displays a record if ANY conditions listed are true. The AND operator displays a record if ALL of the conditions listed are true


10. Include files must have the file extension ".inc"


19. JavaScript is the same as Java.


8. Which property is used to change the background color


6. The PHP syntax is most similar to:

Perl and C

1. What does SQL stand for

Structured Query Language

11. What is the correct way to include the file ""

<?php include "">

18. How can you change "Hansen" into "Nilsen" in the "LastName" column in the Persons table

UPDATE Persons SET LastName='Nilsen' WHERE LastName='Hansen'

11. Which of these tags are all <table> tags


17. How do you display a border like this: The top border = 10 pixels The bottom border = 5 pixels The left border = 20 pixels The right border = 1pixel

border-width:10px 1px 5px 20px

10. How do you change the text color of an element


8. How do you call a function named "myFunction"


20. How can you detect the client's browser name


12. What is the correct CSS syntax for making all the <p> elements bold

p {font-weight:bold}

18. What is the correct JavaScript syntax for opening a new window called "w2""")

20. Which one of these variables has an illegal name


1. What does PHP stand for

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor

2. Who is making the Web standards

The World Wide Web Consortium

2. What is the correct JavaScript syntax to write "Hello World"

document.write("Hello World")

16. How do you make the text bold


13. What is the correct way to open the file "time.txt" as readable


12. How does a FOR loop start

for (i = 0; i <=; 5 i++)

12. What is the correct way to create a function in PHP

function myFunction()

7. How do you create a function in JavaScript

function myFunction()

9. How do you add a background color for all <h1> elements

h1 {background-color:#FFFFFF}

10. How to write an IF statement for executing some code if "i" is NOT equal to 5

if (i != 5)

9. How to write an IF statement in JavaScript

if (i==5)

20. How do you make a list that lists its items with squares

list-style-type: square

18. PHP can be run on Microsoft Windows IIS(Internet Information Server):


1. What does CSS stand for

Cascading Style Sheets

5. The external JavaScript file must contain the <script> tag.


8. When using the POST method, variables are displayed in the URL:


14. Which SQL keyword is used to sort the result-set


15. With SQL, how can you return all the records from a table named "Persons" sorted descending by "FirstName"


14. PHP allows you to send emails directly from a script


11. Which CSS property controls the text size


4. Which HTML tag is used to define an internal style sheet


12. Choose the correct HTML to left-align the content inside a tablecell

<td align="left">

18. What is the correct HTML for making a text area


2. PHP server scripts are surrounded by delimiters, which


8. What is the correct HTML for creating a hyperlink

<a href="">W3Schools</a>

9. How can you create an e-mail link

<a href="mailto:xxx@yyy">

6. Choose the correct HTML tag to make a text bold


19. What is the correct HTML for inserting an image

<img src="image.gif" alt="MyImage" />

16. How do you round the number 7.25, to the nearest integer


8. With SQL, how do you select all the records from a table named "Persons" where the value of the column "FirstName" is "Peter"

SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName='Peter'

13. Which SQL statement is used to return only different values


4. All variables in PHP start with which symbol


7. How do you get information from a form that is submitted using the "get" method


16. What is the correct way to add 1 to the $count variable


7. How do you insert a comment in a CSS file

/* this is a comment */

17. What is a correct way to add a comment in PHP


13. How can you add a comment in a JavaScript

//This is a comment

20. What is the correct HTML for inserting a background image

41 <body background="background.gif">

14. How can you make a list that lists the items with bullets


3. Where is the correct place to insert a JavaScript

Both the <head> section and the <body> section are correct

4. Which SQL statement is used to delete data from a database


17. With SQL, how can you insert "Olsen" as the "LastName" in the "Persons" table

INSERT INTO Persons (LastName) VALUES ('Olsen')

16. With SQL, how can you insert a new record into the "Persons" table

INSERT INTO Persons VALUES ('Jimmy', 'Jackson')

15. What is the correct way to connect to a MySQL database


14. How do you make each word in a text start with a capital letter


15. What is the correct way to write a JavaScript array

var txt = new Array("tim","kim","jim")

11. How does a WHILE loop start

while (i<=10)

5. What is the correct way to end a PHP statement


10. How can you open a link in a new browser window

<a href="url" target="_blank">

5. What is the preferred way for adding a background color in HTML

<body style="background-color:yellow">

3. Choose the correct HTML tag for the largest heading


15. What is the correct HTML for making a checkbox

<input type="checkbox" />

16. What is the correct HTML for making a text input field

<input type="text" />

2. What is the correct HTML for referring to an external style sheet

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyle.css">

13. How can you make a list that lists the items with numbers


4. What is the correct syntax for referring to an external script called "xxx.js"

<script src="xxx.js">

1. Inside which HTML element do we put the JavaScript


17. What is the correct HTML for making a drop-down list


3. Where in an HTML document is the correct place to refer to an external style sheet

In the <head> section

17. How do you find the number with the highest value of x and y


19. To define the space between the element's border and content, you use the padding property, but are you allowed to use negative values


2. Which SQL statement is used to extract data from a database


7. With SQL, how do you select all the columns from a table named "Persons"


9. With SQL, how do you select all the records from a table named "Persons" where the value of the column "FirstName" starts with an "a"

SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName LIKE 'a%'

11. With SQL, how do you select all the records from a table named "Persons" where the "FirstName" is "Peter" and the "LastName" is "Jackson"

SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName='Peter' AND LastName='Jackson'

12. With SQL, how do you select all the records from a table named "Persons" where the "LastName" is alphabetically between (and including) "Hansen" and "Pettersen"

SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE LastName BETWEEN 'Hansen' AND 'Pettersen'

20. With SQL, how can you return the number of records in the "Persons" table


6. With SQL, how do you select a column named "FirstName" from a table named "Persons"

SELECT FirstName FROM Persons

5. Which HTML attribute is used to define inline styles


19. In PHP, the die() and exit() functions do the exact same thing.


9. In PHP you can use both single quotes ( ' ' ) and double quotes ( " " ) for strings:


3. Which SQL statement is used to update data in a database


13. How do you display hyperlinks without an underline

a {text-decoration:none}

6. How do you write "Hello World" in an alert box

alert("Hello World")

6. Which is the correct CSS syntax

body {color: black}

3. How do you write "Hello World" in PHP

echo "Hello World"

15. How do you change the font of an element


18. How do you change the left margin of an element


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