CIS 240 Chapter 8A IPv6 Addressing

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A9CD:47FF:FE57:FE64 Refer to curriculum topic: 7.2.3 The interface ID of an IPv6 address is the rightmost 64 bits, or last four hextets, of the address if no interface ID bits have been used for subnets.

What is the interface ID of the IPv6 address 2001:DB8::1000:A9CD:47FF:FE57:FE94/64?

52 or /52 Refer to curriculum topic: 8.3.1 All the addresses have the part 2001:0DB8:BC15:0 in common. Each number or letter in the address represents 4 bits, so the prefix is /52.

Consider the following range of addresses:2001:0DB8:BC15:0600:: to 2001:0DB8:BC15:0FFF:: The prefix length for the range of addresses is:


Refer to the exhibit. What is the global IPv6 address of the host in uncompressed format?

link-local Refer to curriculum topic: 7.2.3 When IPv6 is enabled on any interface, that interface will automatically generate an IPv6 link-local address.

What type of address is automatically assigned to an interface when IPv6 is enabled on that interface?

FE80::/10 Refer to curriculum topic: 7.2.3 FE80::/10 is a link-local prefix. Devices with only link-local addresses can communicate with other devices on the same network but not with devices on any other network.

Which IPv6 network prefix is only intended for local links and can not be routed?

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