CIS 321 Exam 3

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(1) a subdivision of a message header or trailer. (2) an IPv6 field is a group of lowercase hexadecimal symbols. each field represents 16 bits. fields are separated by colons.

cable modem

(1) broadband data transmission service using cable television. (2) the modem used in this service


(1) in a wireless LAN, a change in access points when a user moves to another location. (2) in cellular telephony, transfer from one cellsite to another, which occurs when a subscriber moves from one cell to another within a system


(1) the forwarding of IP packets. (2) the exchange of routing protocol information through routing protocols.

In the mask /14, how many 1s are there?


If your subnet part is 8 bits long, you can have ________ subnets.


Deciding what interface and to what device to send the packet back out is step ________ in the routing process.


A mask has ________ bits.


If the subnet ID in an IPv6 address is 32 bits, how long is the routing prefix?

32 bits

The DNS ________ record is for the host name's ________ address

A; IPv4

Which of the following does the carrier NOT own?

B. customer premises equipment

Corporations wish to have ________ domain names.

B. second-level

To use a leased line, the customer must have a(n) ________ at each site.


In a telephone system, the lines that connect customers to the nearest switch are called ________.

D. the local loop

Four-way closes use ________ segments.


Which of the following is the most expensive to use?


An abrupt close uses a ________ segment.


Which is less expensive to implement?


In SNMP, companies are often reluctant to use ________ commands because of security dangers.


In the IPv4 address, what is the network part?

We cannot say.

Which is a problem with IPv4 addresses? A. They are incompatible with wireless devices. B. They are too complex. C. Routers find it difficult to handle them. D. We have run out of them.

We have run out of them.

metropolitan area network

a WAN that spans a single urban area

mobile telephone switching office

a control center that connects cellular customers to one another and to wired telephone users, as well as overseeing all cellular calls (determining what to do when people move from one cell to another, including which cellsite should handle a caller when the caller wishes to place a call.)

echo reply

a message that responds to an Echo message

prefix notation

a way of representing masks; gives the number of initial 1s in the mask. a mask is represented by a slash followed by the number of initial 1s in the mask.


act of breaking into a computer, the method used to break in, or the crimeware software used to break in

In SNMP, the manager communicates directly with a(n) ________.


two-way amplifiers

amplifier that amplifies signals in both directions

private IP address ranges

an IP address that may be used only within a firm. there are three designated ranges.

security association

an agreement between two parties on the security methods and parameters they will use in their subsequent interactions


an aspect of a managed device about which data is kept


at the top of the DNS hierarchy consisting of all domain names

internet service provider

carrier that provides internet access and transmission

Which of the following receive rights of way for transmission beyond sites?


Two-way amplifiers are needed for cable ________ service.


If no other row matches, the router will select the ________ row as its best match.


traffic engineering

designing and managing traffic on a network


equipment at a site near the middle of each cell, containing a transceiver and supervising each cellphone's operation

lower-level domains

further qualified domains. ex.

e-line service

gives an ethernet connection between two sites, effectively connecting them into a single ethernet network

e-LAN service

gives ethernet connections between multiple sites, effectively connection them into a single ethernet network

If a router receives 20 packets in a row going to the same destination IP address, the standard calls for it to ________.

go through all three steps for each

For human reading, IPv6 addresses are written in ________ notation.


hop limit fields

in IPv6, the field that limits the number of hops an IPv6 packet may make among routers.

sequence number fields

in TCP, a header field that tells a TCP segment's order among the multiple TCP segments sent by one side.

acknowledgment number fields

in TCP, a header field that tells what TCP segment is being acknowledged in a segment.

default row

in general, a "default" is something you get if you do not have a more specific choice; the row of a routing table that will be selected automatically if no other row matches. its value is

Router ports are called ______.


traffic shaping

limiting access to a network based on type of traffic

ADSL modem

modem used in asynchronous digital subscriber line service. terminantes the carrier's connection

WAN optimization devices

network device that optimizes wide area network traffic through compression and other methods. desirable because WAN traffic is more expensive than LAN traffic per bit transmitted.

A border router connects different IP ________ and an internal router connects different IP ________.

networks, subnets

fiber to the home

optical fiber brought by carriers to individual homes and businesses

label switched path

path that all packets to a particular address will take across and MLPS label-switched network


reducing the number of bits needed to be transmitted when the traffic has redundancy that can be removed

For cost reasons, you should ________ where you can, ________ where you must.

switch; route

channel reuse

the ability to use each channel multiple times in different cells in the network

head end

the cable television operator's central distribution point

network core

the central part of a network

time to live (TTL) field

the field added to a packet and given a value by the source host, usually between 64 and 128. each router along the way decrements the TTL field by one. a router decrementing the TTL to zero will discard the packet; this prevents misaddressed packets from circulating endlessly among packet switches in search of their nonexistent destinations

class 5 switches

the switch at the lowest level switching hierarchy. subscribers connect to these switches

second-level domains

the third level of a DNS hierarchy that specifies the organization

host to host VPN

virtual private network that creates cryptographically protected connections between an individual host and a corporate site.

site to site VPN

virtual private network that secures all communication between two sites

carrier WANs

wide area networking services offered by a carrier

In the mask, how many 1s are there?


How does carrier Ethernet differ from traditional Ethernet?

A. It is offered by carriers instead of being installed and managed by the company using it. B. It is for MAN and WAN services.

Why is Carrier Ethernet popular?

A. It uses familiar technology. B. It has attractive prices.

A company has a domain name. What else must it have before it can make a website available to the public?

A. a DNS server to host its domain name B. the website itself

WAN optimization devices are deployed ________.

A. at the ends of leased lines

Which of the following affects what cellular throughput an individual user will receive?

A. being in a moving car B. being far from the cellsite

An MTSO ________.

A. controls cellsites in a cellular system B. links mobile users to wired telephone customers

Compared to ADSL service, cable modem traditionally has been ________.

A. faster and more expensive

A WAN is the network that ________.

A. links different sites together

Compared to the Internet, carrier WANs ________.

A. offer higher-quality service

Traffic shaping reduces traffic by ________.

A. preventing certain undesirable traffic from entering the network B. limiting the amount of certain undesirable traffic entering the network

IPsec is used for ________ VPNs.

A. remote-access B. site-to-site

In ADSL, the customer should have ________.

A. splitters B. an ADSL modem

An advantage of using DHCP to configure clients is that ________.

A. the configuration information will be up-to-date

DSL offers ________.

A. voice transmission B. data transmission

NAT ______________. A. allows a firm to have more internal IP addresses B. provides some security C. both A and B D. neither A nor B

C. both A and B

The domain name system ________. A. is a way to find a host's IP addresses if your computer only knows the host's host name B. is a general naming system for the Internet C. both A and B D. neither A nor B

C. both A and B

For their transmission medium, cable television companies primarily use ________.

C. coaxial cable

Which is NOT one of the three parts of a public IPv6 unicast address? A. subnet ID B. routing prefix C. host part D. All of the above are parts in a public IPv6 unicast address.

C. host part

The PSTN core is organized as a ________.

C. modified hierarchy

What transmission medium do ALL DSL services use?

C. one-pair voice-grade UTP

echo request

ICMP message that asks a host to send back an echo reply message. this lets the sender know that the other device is reachable and also gives the round-trip latency to that device

SA protections are applied in the ________.

IPsec protection

________ is the process of presenting external IP addresses that are different from internal IP addresses used within the firm.


DSL access multiplexer

a device at the end office of a telephone company that sends voice signals over the ordinary PTSN and sends data over a data network such as an ATM network


a group of resources (routers, single networks, and hosts) under the control of an organization

leased lines

a high-speed, point to point, always on connection

decision cache

a list a router keeps of recent routing decisions for specific IP addresses so that it does not have to go through the entire routing decision again if another packet to that IP address arrives. this is nonstandard and somewhat risky.

wide area network

a network that links different sites together

local area network

a network within a customer's premises


a number describing the desirability of a route represented by a certain row in a routing table

flag fields

a one-bit field

sniffer program

a program that intercepts traffic to read it in order to find information useful to an attacker

border router

a router that sits at the edge of a site to connect the site to the outside world through leased lines, PSDNs, and VPNs. its main job is to connect different networks.

next-hop router

a router to which another router forwards a packet in order to get the packet a step closer to reaching its destination host

domain name system

a server that provides IP addresses for users who know only a target host's host name. DNS servers also provide a hierarchical system for naming domains.


a small network that is a subdivision of a large organization's network

management information base

a specification that defines what objects can exist on each type of managed device and also specifies characteristics of each object; the actual database stored on a manager in SNMP. there are separate MIBs for different types of managed devices; both a schema and a database.

IPv4 mask

a string of 32 bits, beginning with a series of 1s and follows by a series of 0s; used by routers to assign routes to all packets going to a particular network or subnet on a network.

IPsec gateway

border device at a site that converts internal traffic data into protected traffic data that travels over an untrusted system such as the Internet

domain registrars

companies that allow individuals and organizations to purchase the right to use a particular second-level domain name on the Internet

The first step in the routing process involves ________.

comparing the packet's destination IP address to all rows

OSPF dynamic routing protocol

complex, but highly scalable interior routing protocol

ICMP error advisement

contains type and code values indicating what the problem is. not error correction. only sent to help the sending process or its human user diagnose problems.

network address translation

converting an IP address into another IP address, usually at a border firewall; disguises a host's true IP address from sniffers. Allows more internal addresses to be used than an ISP supplies a firm with external addresses

coaxial cable

copper transmission medium in which there is a central wire and a coaxial metal tube as the second connector


device on a customer premises that terminates a carrier's transmission line. carrier service unit/data service unit


devices that forwards packets within an internet. routers connect two or more single networks (subnets).


different in two directions

ICMP control messages

directs a device to change how it operates. echo request and echo reply messages.

load balancing

dividing traffic across routers in order not to overload any single route

customer premises equipment

equipment owned by the customer, including PBXs, internal vertical and horizontal wiring, and telephone handsets

carrier ethernet

ethernet service provided in a MAN or WAN by a carrier to user organizations.

In IPv6 addresses, ________ are separated by ________.

fields; colons

One-bit fields are called ________ fields and if it is not set, this means its value is ______.

flag, 0

label number

number in the label header that aids label-switching routers in packet sending

tunnel mode

one of IPsec's two modes of operation, in which the IPsec connection extends only between IPsec gateways at the two sites. tunnel mode provides no protection within sites, but it offers transparent security.

transport mode

one of IPsec's two modes of operation, in which the two computers that are communicating implement IPsec. transport mode give strong end-to-end security between the computers, but it requires IPsec configuration and a digital certificate on all machines

internal router

only connects different subnets within a network; a router that connects different LANs within a site.


protects communication using encapsulating security protocol and authentication header.

internet control message protocol

protocol created by the IETF to oversee supervisory messages at the internet layer

simple network management protocol

protocol that allows a general way to collect rich data from various managed devices in a network

dynamic routing protocol

protocol that allows router to exchange routing table information

dynamic host configuration protocol

protocol used by DHCP servers, which provide each user PC with a temporary IP address to use each time he or she connects to the Internet

interior dynamic routing protocols

protocol used within a firm's internet

digital subscriber line

provides digital data signaling over the residential customer's existing single-pair UTP voice-grade copper access line


router ports that must be designed for the network to which it connects

label switching router

router that implements MPLS label switching

Dynamic ________ protocols allow routers to transmit routing table information to one another.


In a routing table, a ________ represents a route for a group of IP addresses.


synchronous DSL

same speed in both directions. normally used in business

The second step in the routing process involves ________.

selecting the best-match row


small, geographical region served by a cellsite


storing very temporary information for retrieval. in routing, storing routing decisions for particular IP addresses that were recently handled instead of going through the entire routing process again.

local loop

the line used by a customer to reach the PTSN's central transport core

access links

the line used by the customer to reach the PTSN's central transport core

border gateway protocol

the most common exterior routing protocol on the internet. gateway = router

end office switches

the nearest switch to the telephone company to the customer premises

default router

the next-hop router that a router will forward a packet to if the routing table does not have a row that governs the packet's IP address except for the default row.

top-level domains

the second level of a DNS hierarchy, which organizes the domain by organization type or by country.

asymmetrical digital subscriber line

the type of DSL designed to go into residential homes, offers high downstream speeds, but limited upstream speed

public switched telephone network

the worldwide telephone network

".com" is a ________.

top-level domain

multiprotocol label switching

traffic management tool used by many ISPs

TCP/IP standards are set at the ________.

transport layer

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