CIS 464 Exam 1

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What questions to ask on how to choose a Lifecycle Method?

o How much are requirements likely to change the during the project o How well do we know requirements at the beginning o How frequently do we need to deliver results

What does a "Structural Frame" mean in regard to organizational frames?

o How organization is structured (Organizational chart) o Focuses on different groups' roles and responsibilities to meet goals o Very rational & focuses on coordination and control

What does "Planning" mean within Process Groups?

o Include devising and maintaining a workable scheme to ensure that the project address the organization's need o Includes several plans, such as scope management plan, schedule management, cost management, and procurement management

What is within the Agile Software Development Manifesto?

o Individuals and interactions over processes and tools o Customer collaboration over contract negotiation o Working software over comprehensive documentation o Responding to change over following a plan

What does "Forming" mean in Tuckman's Model of Team Formation?

o Little agreement; unclear purpose o Guidance and direction

What is the "Agile" methodology?

o Method based on iterative and incremental development, in which requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration · Agile means being able to move quickly and easily

What do Virtual teams have to offer?

o More flexibility o Limited physical interaction o Dependent on internet connections to work o Greener o Safe from Covid

What must Project Managers be able to do?

o Must be able to say NO when difficult o Giving client all their wants could derail project

What are some Organizational Issues?

o Often most difficult part of working on and managing projects o Most projects fail because of organizational issues

What does "Systems Philosophy" mean in Systems Approach?

o Overall model for thinking about things as systems

What does "Systems Analysis" mean in Systems Approach?

o Problem-solving approach that requires defining the scope of systems, dividing it into components o Identifying and evaluating problems, opportunities, constraints, and needs

What does the Product Life Cycle allow us to do?

o Process used to define, create, and deliver products o Early phases of a project life cycle, resource needs are usually lowest, and the level of uncertainty is the highest

What does "Adjourning" mean in Tuckman's Model of Team Formation?

o Recognize successes at the end of project

What does "Monitoring & Controlling Processes" mean within Process Groups?

o Regularly measuring and monitoring progress to ensure that the project team meets the project objectives o Measure progress against the plans and take corrective action when necessary

What are attributes of a "Matrix/Hybrid" Organizational Structure

o Represents the middle ground between functional and project structures o Personnel report both to a functional manager and to one or more project managers o Project managers have staff from various functional areas working on their projects

What does a "Iterative Life Cycle" mean within SDLC

o Scope is determined early, but time and cost estimates are modified as the understanding of the product increases o Iterations used to develop the product through a series of repeated cycles

Who/What is a "Project Champion"?

o Someone who is very supportive of project o Social capital/ power within organization

What does a "Adaptive Life Cycle" mean within SDLC

o Stakeholders define and approve the detailed scope before the start of an iteration, producing a useable product at the end of each iteration o PMI also refers to adaptive life cycle as agile or change-driven

What are some aspects within Systems Approach that make it up as a whole?

o Systems Philosophy o Systems Analysis o Systems Management

What does a "Predictive Life Cycle" mean within SDLC

o The scope, schedule, and cost are determined early, and changes to scope are carefully managed

What makes IT Projects Especially Difficult?

o Vast o Diverse o Complicated o Amorphous o Dynamic o Unknown o Multi-layered o Highly skilled o Learned as you go

What are Attributes of a Predictive Project Management Method?

o Waterfall method/ Spiral lifecycle o Assumes we know everything at the beginning of project o Significant planning before doing majority of the work o Highly structured o Can takes years

What's an example of "Predictive Life Cycle" methodologies?

o Waterfall, Spiral, Prototyping, RAD

What are some attributes of "Cost" regarding the triple constraint

o What should it cost to complete the project? o What is the project's budget? o How will costs be tracked o Who can authorize changes to the budget?

What are some attributes of "Scope" regarding the triple constraint

o What work will be done as part of the project? o What unique product, service, or result does the customer or sponsor expect from the project o How will the scope be verified

What is purpose of DevOps?

· Building software(projects) for rapid deployment in operations

What are some attributes of Operations

· Continuous and ongoing · Varies by time of year or industry · Day to day function to stay in business

What happens when you reach the end of a project?

· End when the object is reached, or project has been terminated

How do you motivate a project team?

· Expertise · Experience · Available · Willing

What does operations focus on rather than a project?

· Focuses on the ongoing production of goods and services

What is Tuckman's Model of Team Formation?

· Forming · Storming · Norming · Performing · Adjourning

What is a Systems Approach?

· Holistic and analytical approach to solving complex problems

What are aspects of Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions Theory?

· Individual/ collective · Power Distance · Masculine/feminine · Uncertainty Avoidance · Long Term/ Short term orientation · Indulgence/restraint

What are Self-Determination Theories (Ryan & Deci)

· Intrinsic Motivation · Extrinsic Motivation

What are some attributes of Project Managers

· Most important traits: Flexibility & Adaptability · Every project is unique · Must be comfortable with ambiguity and increasingly, complexity

What are ways PM's can better "Team Development"

· Pay attention to team dynamics · Create set of rules at the outset · Test whether everyone understands what they mean -----Assign someone to keep the team accountable for the rules

What are steps within the "SCRUM Framework"?

· Product owner creates a prioritized wish list called a Product Backlog · During sprint planning, team pulls a small chunk from the top of wish list · Team has a certain amount of time, a sprint, to complete its work (Usually 2-4 weeks) · ScrumMaster keeps team focused on its goal · End of sprint, the work should be potentially shippable; Ready to hand customer some functioning software · Sprint ends with sprint review & retrospective

What are some Team Operating Principles?

· Reduce conflict by making expectations clear · Build ownership · Increase accountability and engagement

What are some common roles on a project?

· Stakeholder · Project Manager/ SCRUM master · Project Champion · Project Sponsor · Project Team · Customer/ Client/ Product owner · Steering committee · Project Management Office (PMO)

What are (4) Frames of Organizations?

· Structural Frame · Human Resources Frame · Political Frame · Symbolic Frame

What are some attributes of a Project?

· Temporary and unique · Stages or life cycles · Progressive elaboration · Make major changes or responds to external pressure

What are Human Resources?

- All Project Stakeholders: o Sponsors, customers, project team members, support staff, suppliers supporting project o Organizational chart, detailed information on roles and responsibilities, staffing management plan

What are some ways Organizations fail at projects?

- Don't account for ALL stakeholders and organizational culture - Don't get top management commitment or organizational commitment for IT or projects in general - Lack standards or guidelines and then don't learn from past mistakes

What does "politics" mean in the political frame?

- In organizations take form of competition among groups or individuals for power, resources, and leadership

What is the 4th hidden dimension in the triple constraint

- Quality ---- Can be very subjective to the eye of beholder

What are some trends affecting projects?

1. Diversity in projects, people, and technology 2. Globalization 3. Outsourcing 4. Virtual Teams

What are (4) Organizational Structures?

1. Functional 2. Project 3. Matrix/Hybrid 4. Anything in between

What are the (5) Process Groups? (IPEMCC)

1. Initiating 2. Planning 3. Executing 4. Monitoring & Controlling 5. Closing

What are 10 Characteristics of Organizational Culture? (Robbins & Judge)

1. Member Identity 2. Group emphasis 3. People focus 4. Unit Integration 5. Control 6. Risk Tolerance 7. Reward Criteria 8. Conflict Tolerance 9. Means-end orientation 10. Open-system focus

What are Physical Resources?

Facilities, equipment, materials, and supplies

What is Resource Breakdown Structure (RBS)?

Hierarchal structure that identifies the projects resources by category and type

What is Project Resource Management?

Includes the processes required to make the most effective use of the human and physical resources (Facilities, equipment, materials, etc.)

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Knowing and managing one's own emotions and understanding the emotions of others for improved performance

What is "Project Management Process Groups" ?

Progress of initiating activities, and closing activities

What is the project constraint known as the "triple constraint"?

Scope , Time , Cost

What does SDLC mean?

Systems Development Life Cycle

What is a Project?

Temporary endeavor undertake to create a unique product, service, or result

What/who is a Project Sponsor

Usually provides the direction and funding of the project o Client o Signing power, executives (VP and up)

What does a "Political Frame" mean in regard to organizational frames?

o Address organizational and personal politics o Emphasizes that organizations are coalitions composed of varied individuals and interest groups

What does "Systems Management" mean in Systems Approach?

o Addresses the business, technological, and organizational issues o Associated with creating, maintaining, and modifying a system

What does "Norming" mean in Tuckman's Model of Team Formation?

o Agreement & consensus o Clear roles and responsibility o Facilitation

What are attributes of a "Project" Organizational Structure

o Also, hierarchical but instead of functional managers/VPs reporting to CEO; Program managers report to CEO o Staff have a variety of skills need to complete the projects within their program o Organizations that use this structure earns it revenue primarily from performing projects for other groups under contract

Who is a "Stakeholder" in a project?

o Anyone who is affected by a project or thinks they are affected

When is the Iterative Life Cycle best used?

o Best if high degree of change and a low frequency of delivery

When is the Adaptive Life Cycle best used?

o Best when there is a high degree of change and a high frequency of delivery

When is the Incremental Life Cycle best used?

o Best when there is a low degree of change and a high frequency of delivery

Who/what is a "Steering Committee"

o Body within organization that has oversight of all projects in a particular area o Double check work; Meeting all goals; Not conflicting with other projects

What does a "Hybrid Life Cycle" mean within SDLC

o Combination of approaches used based on the nature of work o Might have a low degree of change and low frequency of delivery o Might have a high degree of change and high frequency of delivery

What does "Storming" mean in Tuckman's Model of Team Formation?

o Conflict, Power struggles o Increased clarity and purpose

What does "Executing Process" mean within Process Groups?

o Coordinating people and other resources to carry out the various plans and create the products, services, or results of the project or phase o Directing and managing project work, managing project knowledge, acquiring resources, and conducting procurements

What does "Initiating" mean within Process Groups?

o Defining and authorizing a project or project phase o Initiating processes take place during each phase of a project

What does "Conflict Tolerance" mean within Organizational Culture?

o Degree to which employees are encouraged to air conflicts and criticisms openly o Important all project stakeholders have good communications o Best works in organization people feel comfortable discussing differences openly

What does "Risk Tolerance" mean within Organizational Culture?

o Degree to which employees are encouraged to be aggressive, innovative, and risk seeking o Projects often involve new technologies, ideas, and processes

What does "Member Identity" mean within Organizational Culture?

o Degree to which employees identify with the organization as a whole, rather than their type of job or profession

What does "People Focus" mean within Organizational Culture?

o Degree to which management decisions take into account the effect of outcomes on people within the organization o Project managers need to balance the needs of individuals and the organization

What does "Reward Criteria" mean within Organizational Culture?

o Degree to which rewards, such as promotions and salary increases, are allocated according to employee performance rather than seniority

What does "Control" mean within Organizational Culture?

o Degree to which rules, policies, and direct supervision are used to oversee and control employee behavior o Balance the degree of control to get good project results

What does "Open-System Focus" mean within Organizational Culture?

o Degree to which the organization monitors and responds to changes in the external environment

What does "Unit Integration" mean within Organizational Culture?

o Degree to which units or departments within in an organization are encouraged to coordinate with each other o Strive for strong unit integration to deliver a successful product, service, or result

What does "Group Emphasis" mean within Organizational Culture?

o Degree to which work activities are organized around groups or teams, rather than individuals o Organizational culture that emphasizes group work is best for managing projects

What does a "Incremental Life Cycle" mean within SDLC

o Deliverable are produced through a series of iterations that add functionality within a set time frame o Deliverable not complete until after final iteration

What are Attributes of a Adaptive/Agile Project Management Method?

o Focus on customer's needs or outcomes o Get a working product completed quickly, even without all the functionality o Relies on iterative, constructive feedback o Work must be divisible into separate parts o Shorter time frame o Don't need to know everything in the beginning

What does "Performing" mean in Tuckman's Model of Team Formation?

o Focus on goal achievement o Clear vision and purpose o Getting work done

What does "Means-End Orientation" mean within Organizational Culture?

o Focus on outcome rather than techniques and processes used to achieve results o What are we trying to accomplish

What does a "Human Resources Frame" mean in regard to organizational frames?

o Focuses on producing harmony between: Organization Needs vs People needs o Recognizes that mismatches can occur between the needs of the organization and those of individuals and groups

What does a "Symbolic Frame" mean in regard to organizational frames?

o Focuses on symbols and meanings o Culture

What does "Closing Process" mean within Process Groups?

o Formalizing acceptance of the project or project phase and ending it efficiently o Administrative activities are often involved in this process group, such as archiving project files, documenting lessons learned, etc.

What are attributes of a "Functional" Organizational Structure

o Hierarchy most people think of when picturing organizational chart o Functional Managers, or VPs in specialties such as engineering, manufacturing, IT, & HR ---- Staff has specialized skills in their respective disciplines

Who/what is a "Project Management Office"?

o House company approved templates for projects o Reach out to if new PM o All information regarding standards for projects o Constantly improving project management

What does "Culture" mean in the Symbolic frame?

o How do people dress? How many hours do people work? How do they run meetings? o Understanding those cultures is a crucial part of the symbolic frame

What are some attributes of "Time" regarding the triple constraint

o How long should it take to complete the project? o What is the project's schedule o How will the team track actual schedule performance o Who can approve changes to the schedule

What are the (6) Work Processes in Resource Management?

1. Planning Resource Management 2.Estimating Activity Resources 3. Acquiring Resources 4. Developing Project Team 5. Managing Project Team 6. Controlling Resources

What are the steps to the Product Life Cycle?

1. Starting the project 2. Organizing the project 3. Carrying out the work 4. Finishing the project

What is the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

A framework for describing the phases involved in developing and maintaining information systems

What is a Deliverable?

A product or service, such as technical report, a training session, a piece of hardware, or a segment of software code, produced or provided as part of a project

What is a Process?

A series of actions directed toward a particular result

What is DevOps

Culture of collaboration between software development and operations teams to build, test, and release reliable software more quickly

What is Request for Proposal (RFP)?

Draft contract often provides the basis for defining and finalizing work requirements, which are then document in a final contract and technical baseline

What are operations?

Work done in the organization to sustain the business

What/Who is a Project Manager

Work with project sponsors, team, and the other people involved to achieve project goals

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