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They type of code that uses only seven bits for each character is ___


Digital devices can use___ as a code to represent character data

ASCII, extended ASCII, or Unicode

___ tools cloak a persons identity


___are the result of a series of test used to gauge overall microprocessor speed and are useful in comparing microprocessor performance

Bench marks

In a computer most processing takes place in ___


____ computing provides accesss to information, applications, communications, and storage over the Internet


____the process of converting text, numbers, sound photos, and video into data that can be processed by devices


A___ chip os a type of non-volatile memory chip that does not require power to hold data


In terms of of an authentication protocol, the phrase something a person posesses could refer to___

ID card

A global computer network originally developed as a military project is the _____


A hacker posing as a legitimate representative of an offiical organization such as your bank is an example of __


___is a temporary holding area for data application program instructions and the operating system.


A microprocessor whose instruction set includes a limited set of simple instructions uses __ technology


___is a type of memory circuitry that holds the computers startup routine

ROM (Read only Memory)

__is used by most of todays personal computers because it is fast and relatively inexpensive


___ media are cloud-based applications designed for social interaction and consumer generated content.


ROM BIOS is a small set of instructions that tells the computer all of the following except___

WHat it does do- Access the hard disk, where to find the operating system, how to OS into RAM

they type of data that is represented using an infinite scale of ales is ____


A set of computer programs that helps a person carry out tasks is ___

application software

A problem a hacker can cause after breaking into you computer might be___

apply for credit in your name, send embarrassing emails, or apply for mortgage

The type of data where text, numbers, graphics, sound, and video have been converted into discrete digits is ___

digital data

A __ media player is a handheld device designed for playing music and videos which offers a camera access to the internet and a variety of apps


The type of code that uses eight bits for each character is___

extended ASCII

A named collection of data that exists on a storage medium is known as a ___


1,073,741,824 bytes is a___


__ means a billion cycles per second


Data becomes__ when it is presented in a format that people can understand and use.


A super thin slice of semiconducting material packed with microscopic circuit elements is a ___

integrated circuit

1,024 bytes is a __


____software refers to any software that is installed on a computers hard disk


1,048,576 bytes is a ___

mega byte

An area of a computer that temporarily holds data waiting to be processed is ___


An electronic component that can be programmed to preform tasks is a ___

mirco processor

A group of computers linked together to share data and resources is a ____


The master controller for all activities that take place within a computer is ___

operating system

Many of todays microprocessors preform___, in which multiple instructions are executed at the same time

parallel processing

In terms of an authentication protocol, thee phrase something a person knows refers to ___


A___ is a microprocessor-based computing device designed to meet the computing needs of an individual

personell computer

a technology called ___ allows the processor to begin executing another instruction before it completes the previous instruction


__ is used to enhance processor performance

pipelining and parallel processing

Overclocking is a technique for increasing the speed of a computer component such as___. It can be very risky

processor, graphics card or memory

___intercepts information sen over computer networks


You might represent ___ using character codes

social security numbers

The term___ designates equipment that might be added to a computer system to enhance its functionality


A compute-intensive problem runs on a ___

super computer

The___ houses all essential chips and provides connecting circuitry between them

system board

A set of computer programs that helps a computer moniter itself and function more efficiently is ___

system software

A__ computer is a handheld computer that is essentially a large version of an enhanced media player.


According to the text, a key aspect of ___ is that it adds content content and substance to ___

the web, internet

A___ is a series of characters that becomes a persons unique identifier

unique indentifier

Gaming computers typically include___

very fast processors, lots of memory, and state of the art sound capabilities

If a program exceeds its allocated space the operating system uses an area of the hard disk called___to store parts of a program or data file until they are needed

virtual memory

Unlike disk storage most RAM is ___


The ___ is a collection linked documents, graphics, and sounds


__ refers to the number of bits that a microprocessor can manipulate at one time

word size

In terms of an authentication protocol, the phrase something a person is refers to an

biometric device

Data transmission speeds are typically expressed as ____

bits per second

Storage is typically expressed as ___

bits per second

A term which can refer to a person who manipulates computers with malicious intent is ___

black hat, cracker, hacker

A___attack uses password cracking software.

brute force attack

In an advertisement a speed specification such as 3.4 Ghz indicates the speed of the micro processor ___

clock speed

Technology ___ is a process by which several different technologies with distant functionally evolve to form a single product.


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