CIT 496 Chapter 10
The height of a keyboard from the floor should normally be ____.
26 to 28 inches
Which of these application software installation options is likely to ask the most questions of the installer and require the greatest expertise?
Which of these application software installation options installs the most commonly used set of features and capabilities?
A disaster/contingency plan describes actions a support specialist will take when a user accidentally deletes important files.
A display screen should be positioned so the user directly faces a light source in order to avoid glare on the screen.
A multimeter is a software utility that can detect whether multiple operating systems are installed on a PC.
A support specialist who installs an application software package normally edits the Registry and configuration files before the software will operate correctly.
According to the chapter, most security challenges are due to physical threats from an organization's employees.
An express software installation option and a minimal installation are two words for the same option
Any type of fire extinguisher can be safely used on a fire in a hardware device.
Every technology installation always follows the steps listed in the installation checklists provided in the text.
Fluorescent lights can cause flicker on the screen of both older CRT monitors and newer LCD flat panel displays.
Installation of an operating system is a common task today for a support specialist during a PC installation.
Most small office and home PCs operate best in specially air conditioned spaces
Obsolete technology components and used supplies are normally discarded with other office trash.
Poorly designed office chairs are a principle cause of eyestrain.
The electrical code in most areas recommends the use of power strips as electrical extension cords for technology equipment
The footprints of a PC case are rubber protectors mounted to the bottom of a case that will rest on the floor.
The recommended height of a laptop keyboard is not the same as the recommended height of a desktop keyboard because laptops are often used outside an office environment.
The textbook emphasizes that proper planning by a support specialist guarantees a successful installation.
Wrist and finger pain is usually the result of a mouse that needs maintenance.
Which of these is not a common physical access control used in computer facilities?
Internet firewall
A site management notebook is especially useful in which of these situations?
Multiple PCs installed in an office or training facility
A biometric reader is a hardware device that can uniquely identify a user's eye patterns, hand geometry, voice or signature.
A common problem with media backups of user data is failure to test file restoration procedures.
A media backup procedure copies files and folders of software and data from a PC onto a separate medium in case the original media is damaged or accidentally erased.
A parts-picker is included in many tool kits designed for use in devices in order to pick up small screws, nuts, bolts and other small parts.
Hardware upgrades, such as additional memory, are often installed at the time a PC is installed at a user's site.
Installation of technology usually takes less time for a user support specialist than for an end user.
Most small office and home PCs do not require special air conditioning beyond what is necessary for user comfort.
Since there are no user-serviceable components inside a display screen, preventive maintenance is limited to external cleaning and adjustment.
Software utilities are available to prepare information sheets such as those in the chapter to include in a site management notebook.
Support specialists often add to or delete from a site installation check list as user and support needs change over time.
The purpose of business interruption insurance is to help offset the cost of returning an organization to normal operation after an unforeseen event.
To calculate the air conditioning requirements for most installations, an HVAC specialist considers the heat generated by both the equipment and end users.
One of the primary causes of eyestrain is ____.
a display screen that reflects light
Which of these is primarily an ergonomic device?
all of these (adjustable chair, footrest, document holder)
The purpose of a pre-installation site visit is to ____
anticipate possible installation problems
An uninterruptable power supply contains a ____.
A disaster management tool that can provide an organization with additional financial resources at the time an unforeseen event occurs is ____.
business interruption insurance
Which of these application software installation options often requires the most disk space on a user's hard drive?
A user's forearms should extend ____ to a keyboard.
down slightly
The display screen attached to a PC should be located so a user looks ____.
down slightly
The most effective fire extinguisher for computer equipment is ____.
halon gas or a substitute
Utility software, such as virus checker, screen saver, and security software, is usually installed on a PC ____.
immediately after the operating system is installed
If a PC is plugged into a 15-amp circuit, the total amperage of all devices plugged into the circuit should be ____.
less than 15 amps
The biggest enemy of most printers is ____.
printer paper dust
The purpose of a UPS backup battery is to permit a PC or server to ____
shutdown normally
The footprint of a desktop PC system case is ____.
the width times the length of the case
Recommended preventive maintenance for a printer often includes ____.
vacuuming printer dust inside the case