Civics ch. 6 Guided Reading

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How does legislative oversight support the separation of powers and checks and balances?

How does legislative oversight support the separation of powers and checks and balances?

How does tension between Congress and the president influence the work of Congress?

How does tension between Congress and the president influence the work of Congress?

How has the power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce changed over time?

How has the power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce changed over time?

The senate must approve presidential ________ to office and must also ___________ formal treaties with other nations

appointments, ratify

There is a two-step process for laws that approve the spending of money: first an ____________ ________ establishes a program and its financial limits, and then an _________ _______ funds the programs.

authorization bill, appropriations bill

The power of Congress also includes the power to ________ money, most often by selling government ________ or notes, and to coin money

borrow, bonds

Legislative oversight is a good example of how _________ ________ __________ work as Congress makes laws, as the executive branch interprets these laws to carry them out, and as Congress checks on the executive branch's job of administrating the law

checks and balances

Since Congress must respect the __________ _________ of witnesses just as a court does, congressional committees may offer ________, or freedom from prosecution, to encourage testimony

congressional rights, immunity

Congressional powers also include naturalization, admitting new states, governing territories and federal property, granting _______ and _________, and the establishment of a post office and federal courts

copyright, patent

How do checks and balances create tension between Congress and the president?

each branch guards its powers and tries to hold the other in check

Through the years, the power of Congress to regulate _________ has expanded far beyond the mere buying and selling of goods and services


What was accomplished by the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act in 1974?

established permanent budget committee for each house; congressional budget office; limited president's ability to impound funds

The Constitution gives Congress stated, or ________ powers


Removal of any federal official begins by ________, or formal accusation, in the House of Representatives followed by a trial in the ________ presided over by the _______ _________ of the United States, with removal from office if two-thirds of the senators present vote to convict

impeachment, senate, chief justice

Congressional use of the ________ _________ was declared unconstitutional; in 1983 and the power to appoint a _________ _________ has expired

legislative veto, independent council

How does the difference in constituents between the president and members of Congress create tension?

members of congress have a more narrow view on an issue than the president's national perspective

How can partisan policies affect relations between the president and Congress?

most elected leaders are loyal to political party and its philosophies - divided government

The implied powers of Congress come from the so-called elastic clause, which gives Congress the power to do whatever is "_________ _________ _________" to carry out its other powers

necessary and proper

Most ________ functions require _________ between the houses, but each house usually plays a distinct role in exercising these powers

non-legislative, cooperation

Congressional investigations can lead to ________ in a government program, to officials being fired, or to ______ laws to deal with a problem

reforms, new

The Constitution states that laws for raising money, called ________ ________, must start in the House of Representatives

revenue bills

How does the organization of Congress provide tools for tension between Congress and the president?

rules of procedure and committee system

A _________ committee or a _________ committee may conduct investigations

standing; select

Committees have the power to _______ witnesses, or documents, and an prosecute witnesses who lie for ________, and hold them in _________ for failure to testify or cooperate

subpoena, perjury, contempt

Congress exercises oversight by requiring reports from the executive branch, through studies by congressional ________ _________, and through _________ decisions on whether to expand, reduce, or eliminate programs

support agencies, congressional

How do political timetables impact the relationship between the president and Congress?

Congress has longer timetables than president

The lengthy and costly U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War led Congress to pass the _______ ________ Act in 1973, which requires a president to tell Congress about any decision to send troops to other countries

War Powers

Congress shares with state legislatures the power to propose _________ to the Constitution


__________ _________ is inconsistently used due to a lack of staff, time, money; lack of voter interest; vagueness of some laws; and lack of objectively in assessing the performance of agency workers

legislative oversight

The _______ ________ of Congress include taxing, spending, and regulating foreign and interstate commerce

legislative powers

What are the legislative veto and the line-item veto, and what part has the Supreme Court played in the use of each?

legislative veto - invalidate executive branch's actions - unconstitutional line-item veto - the power of an executive to reject one or more items in a bill w/out vetoing the entire - unconstitutional

What emergency powers has Congress given to the president in times of crisis?

marital law, seized property, an controlled transportation and communications

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