CJ 2340 | Midterm

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How might a failure to verify the address of a crime scene negatively impact the investigation?

A failure to verify the address of a crime scene may negatively impact the investigation as incorrect info may be repeated to arriving investigators, arriving at the wrong address, that may be eventually accidentally recorded into the investigation leading to later confusion.

How might a natural or man made barrier (e.g. a row of trees or a roadway) in the crime scene negatively affect what an officer includes in his initial crime scene boundary?

A natural or man made barrier may negatively affect what an officer includes in their initial crime scene boundary as the officer may prematurely block off a scene without considering the entry and exit points used by the suspects.

According to Gardner, why is it unnecessary to orient a Total Station to true north?

According to Gardner, it is unnecessary to orient a Total Station to true north as it cannot be aligned using a magnetic compass with the same accuracy with which it can measure an angle. Additionally, the internal survey that it creates requires no reference to magnetic north.

Forensic analysis of a pistol casing includes evaluating: Ejector marks Firing pin marks Breech block marks All of the above A and B

All of the above

In what circumstance is Baseline mapping most effective?

Baseline mapping is most effective in outdoor crime scenes where there are no evident landmarks.

Dr. Christiansen recommended practicing the three B's to help address anxiety. These include: Biology, burnout, and breaks Burgers, bees and biopsies Body, breathing, and the brain

Body, breathing, and the brain

If an officer is asked to accompany the victim to the hospital, what is the officer concerned with? Declarations or statements recovery of items such as bullets, clothing or other evidence found during treatment Notifying the family Notifying the medical examiner that they may be getting a call Both a and b

Both a and b

What is the most common soft tissue injury suffered by victims of violence? Sharp force injury Bruising Abrasions Petichiae


Bruises are also referred to as ________. Abrasions Protrusion Contusions Confusion


Explain how the conversion of light is utilized as a search tool in the crime scene.

Conversion of light is utilized as a search tool in the crime scene as residue or markings may not be readily apparent in the visible light spectrum. Alternative light sources can be manipulated to produce a specific wavelength of light, which is reflected and absorbed. The absorbed energy creates excitation in the projected substance's electrons. When the electrons fall back to a normal state, excess energy is released as light but within a different wavelength. A barrier filter allows the crime scene technician to eliminate the original wavelength leaving the fluorescence to be observed.

During the first recheck of the scene, are the methods used for the recheck visual or physical?

During the first recheck of the scene, the methods used for recheck are visual. Nothing has been touched up to this point and the technician reevaluates the scene to make sure that nothing has been missed and that all items have been properly documented.

Blood will brightly fluoresce when exposed to Ultra Violet light. True or False?


Controlling the crime scene perimeter is easily accomplished by mere presence and vocal commands. True or False?


Release of information at the scene is usually left up to the initial responding officer, mainly due to the fact that the press will get their story anyway. True or False?


The Condition of the Scene section of a crime scene report is intended to describe the building, any doors, openings and the static conditions found at the scene. True or False?


The six step process for a crime scene is the only way to be successful and collect all evidence. True or False?


In applying rectangular measurements at an interior scene, measurements are usually made to the center of mass of the object. One problem with this system is that it does not________the item of evidence, thus allowing for some error in reconstruction. Place Triangulate Fix Coordinate


Which of the following search methods allows documentation and provides a total number of evidence items in a particular area of the search Grid Spiral Cross Projection None of the above


If tasked to accompany a victim to the hospital, what is the officer concerned with?

If tasked to accompany a victim to the hospital, the officer is concerned with listening to dying declarations or crucial information from the victim, as well as collecting evidence from the victim's body, including clothing and personal belongings.

When is it appropriate to slow or stop EMS from entering a crime scene?

It is appropriate to slow or stop EMS from entering a crime scene if the body is badly decomposed or very clearly deceased, beyond any doubt.

Why is it important to establish standard team processing techniques at a mass crime scene?

It is important to establish standard team processing techniques at a mass crime scene because the team could endanger themselves if they do not follow the standard operating procedure for certain chemicals and biohazards.

During initial observations, the crime scene technician accomplishes an initial scan of the scene, this includes: Looking for victims, central theme items, secondary scenes, avenues of entry or exit and fragile evidence. Looking for victims, central theme items and avenues of entry or exit. Looking for victims, suspects, secondary scenes and central theme items. Looking for victims, suspects, evidentiary items and points of entry

Looking for victims, central theme items, secondary scenes, avenues of entry or exit and fragile evidence.

The focus at the scene regarding elements of sketching includes: Creation of a computer generated diagram Creation of a photo matching drawing Measurements and placement of evidence None of the above

Measurements and placement of evidence

Light wavelengths are measured in what? Nanometers Kilometers Picograms Lightspeed


Re-checks of the crime scene are accomplished until they are_____________. Negative Free of mistakes No longer needed because all the equipment has been recovered. All of the above


Crime scene photography seeks to establish a visual record of the crime scene and the items in it. That record should lead the viewer from the_____________ to the details of specific objects. Initial call Point of entry Overall perspective Central theme

Overall perspective

Why is post-processing exposure to bio-hazards a problem and how might it occur?

Post-processing exposure to biohazards poses problems when not properly disposed of, such as blood or other materials on clothing, tyvek suits, booties, and pens. The most efficient way to avoid issues is to wear personal protective gear before stepping into the scene and appropriate removal and disposal of the suit afterwards to contain the biohazards.

Rechecks of the scene are continued until when?

Rechecks of the scene are continued until the recheck is negative.

The color of an object (e.g., red apple, yellow banana) is a function of which behavior of light? Conversion Reflection Transmission Absorption


What type of information is described in the "Characteristics of the Scene" section of the crime scene report?

The "Characteristics of the Scene" section of the crime scene report should include a general description of the scene, referring to the building, room, or area. Additionally, this section should have information regarding associated features of the scene, such as doors, windows, entrances and exits as well as the relationship of the geographical features of exterior scenes and the surrounding areas. In this section, static conditions of the scene should be recorded, such as furniture and appliances.

What type of information is described in the "Conditions of the Scene" section of the crime scene report?

The "Conditions of the Scene" section of the crime scene report should identify the specific conditions that are pertinent to the investigation. This section should identify cleanliness, the level of disarray, and descriptions of evidence items - including transient evidence. This section should also include parts of the scene that are lacking evidence.

What is the purpose of an overall photograph?

The purpose of an overall photograph is to document the general condition and layout of the scene. When capturing an overall photograph, the crime scene technician should ensure that orientation, major landmarks, and the condition of the scene prior to alteration is included. After one round of overall photographs are taken, a second round showing number placards is taken to help the viewer see the significant points more clearly.

In what situation would Triangulation on a Baseline be effective?

Triangulation on a Baseline would be most effective in situations involving exterior crime scenes where the field of evidence is not too widely scattered, but where there are no adequate landmarks. The investigator can then apply a combination of baseline and triangulation.

According to the author the term "Process" is a very simple word that means "to submit something to a treatment or preparation." True or False?


Crime scene notes must be retained even after creating the crime scene report. True or False?


It is important that others reading our notes and final reports are able to make sense of the included information. True or False?


There are two basic critical incident goals the responding officer must try to achieve. Which of the following are those goals? Bring the site under control Locate and interview the victim Coordinate the employment of available resources Collect all evidence Both a and c

Both a and c

Mitch has just completed a homicide investigation. As he reviews his notes and prepares to type his final report he notices he included information that was ultimately determined to be irrelevant. Mitch should "rewrite" his notes and discard the original copy. True or False?


Notes by the crime scene technician become unnecessary when good photographs and sketches are completed as a part of the scene processing. True or False?


One can map without sketching, but one cannot sketch without mapping. True or False?


Rectangular coordinates are more effective at fixing evidence than triangulation techniques. True or False?


Running commentary on the audio track of the video photography by the crime scene investigators is a standard and functional crime scene practice. True or False?


The Environmental Conditions section of the crime scene report should only discuss the exterior conditions (e.g. raining, snowing, sunshine). True or False?


The basic purpose behind creating a crime scene sketch is to create a drawing of the scene that is accurate in every detail and drawn to scale. True or False?


The context of physical evidence is not important, and its mere presence always proves that a crime has been committed. True or False?


The crime scene report should be synopsized and report only that information that ultimately supports the conclusions of the technician. True or False?


The factors that effect the search swathe size assigned to each searcher depends on the time of day and the amount of time that he or she has been working that particular day. True or False?


The hazards present in the crime scene are limited to bio hazards from blood and body fluids, especially in homicide and assault scenes. True or False?


The most effective crime scene light is the halogen work light, as it allows colors to be viewed without distortion. True or False?


The nature of the area being searched will have little or no effect on the search swathe size. It is mostly dependent on the environmental conditions of the day. True or False?


Triangulation on a measured baseline is primarily used as an interior scene mapping method. True or False?


Where different biological stains are on the item (the context of the stains) can be revealing; thus improper handling can result in cross contamination from one point on the item to another. True or False?


With regard to being intrusive in a crime scene, generally crime scene technicians are exempt from Locard's principle of evidence exchange because of the great care they take to prevent evidence destruction or contamination. True or False?


With the control of the scene, is paramount that numerous individuals at the scene who do not appear to be directly involved, should be chased off to preserve the evidence. They can be identified later. True or False?


According to the author, the essential elements of the crime scene sketch or diagram include: Heading, Diagram Area, Time/Date, Title Block, Scale and Direction Notations. Heading, Legend, Diagram Area, Title Block, Scale and Direction Notations. Heading, Diagram Area, Time and Date, Scale and Direction Notations. None of the above.

Heading, Legend, Diagram Area, Title Block, Scale and Direction Notations.

The initial responding officer considers which of the following when defining the initial perimeter? Primary focal points, secondary scenes and body dump sites Primary focal points, avenues of entry and exit, and secondary scenes Primary focal points, avenues of entry and exit and the presence or absence of a crowd none of the above

Primary focal points, avenues of entry and exit, and secondary scenes

Why must the crime scene technician retain crime scene notes even after the crime scene report is completed?

The crime scene technician must retain crime scene notes even after the crime scene report is completed because they include additional details that may be left out of reports. These notes may still be referred to, especially in the case of an incomplete report or if it is being questioned.

In terms of the crime scene processing goal, why are the terms "in as pristine a condition as possible" an important distinction for the crime scene technician?

There is a proper order of operations at a crime scene. Haphazard behavior, or wandering about throwing a little dust here and there, is more harmful than helpful. Without order and process, evidence will be lost unnecessarily.

Is there a specific wavelength (nm) of light that should be used when searching for hairs and fibers?

There is not a specific wavelength of light that should be used when searching for hairs and fibers because no one wavelength affects every single dye encountered.

How are bullets marked for evidence and why?

These items should not be marked on directly because this may mar or destroy microscopic detail. Ballistics evidence should always be individually containerized and the container clearly annotated as to where in the scene the item was recovered. The container should prevent the bullet or casing from rolling around or rubbing up against other hard objects, so as to avoid damage to the microscopic detail. In the case of shotguns, all shot pellets and evident wadding should be collected, but can be packaged together due to a lack of individual characteristics.

Notes and crime scene reports share some common characteristics, these include: They are detailed, accurate, typed, and understandable. They are detailed, accurate, and understandable. They are detailed, accurate, and understandable. None of the above.

They are detailed, accurate, and understandable.

Describe how tape is used to collect hair and fiber evidence at the crime scene.

To collect hair and fiber evidence at a crime scene, a single piece of tape is used to cover a specific area until the tackiness is reduced. The tape can then be applied to a piece of transparent plastic. Tapings from the ame area can be put on the same piece of plastic, however forensic investigators should use separate backings when moving between different areas.

According to the DOJ, an alternate light source can aid in examining subjects' bodies, hair, and clothing to identify evidence such as dried secretions, fluorescent fibers, and subtle injuries. True or False?


Alternate light sources are not diagnostic tools. True or False?


An effective method of creating overall photographs is to shoot across the scene from the four corners of the scene limits. True or False?


An example of an elevation sketch is one that tends to map and document evidence such as, defects, bloodstains, or other evidence of interest on a vertical surface. True or False?


Any observations made at the crime scene and recorded in notes could be of significance at a later date. True or False?


Because IR interacts with the dye, not the fabric, it may not have any effect on the visualization of evidence. True or False?


Class characteristics are effective for eliminating an item for inclusion in a group, reducing the necessity of conducting further time or resource consuming examinations. True or False?


Emotions deemed culturally inappropriate may be placed under the "shelf", where they are stored and protected. These can result in feelings of inadequacy, guilt, shame, hopelessness, and anger. True or False


Individual characteristics allow the forensic scientist to compare the item with a specific object or person and include or exclude it as having originated from that object or person. True or False?


It is appropriate for the initial responders to slow the entry of medical personnel into a scene in the case of certain death, such as decomposed bodies or decapitation. True or False?


It is important to document everything including observations and actions. True or False?


Looking for victims, central theme items, secondary scenes, avenues of entry or exit and fragile evidence. True or False?


Mitochondrial DNA (mDNA) is currently used as a class characteristic that allows a DNA source to be included or excluded in a blood line on the matriarchal side. True or False?


The 4R rule for glass fragment examination states that ridge lines are at right angles to the rear of radial fractures. True or False?


The crime scene investigator can never take too many photographs. True or False?


The existential response to a traumatic crime scene may cause a crime scene investigator to question their career choice and lead to job burnout. True or False?


The initial responding officer sets the foundation for a successful investigation. Their action to control the scene, preserve the evidence, identify who is present and what actions they took, will significantly enhance the ability of the investigators to resolve the investigation. True or False?


The primary concern of scene assessment by the crime scene technician is to assess a variety of technical and logistical aspects of the scene which will ultimately define the needed resources and the action taken by the crime scene team. True or False?


The use of photo placards in a second series of overall photographs can significantly reduce the problems associated with creating evidence establishing photographs. True or False?


This statement "the call you got isn't the call you get", simply means that the initial information provided to the police is often incorrect. True or False?


Thorough and methodical documentation of the crime scene provides the jury with a chronological and complete story of what happened at the crime scene. True or False?


Typical impression evidence includes shoe and tire marks, but also includes evidence such as tool marks. True or False?


UV can act as a presumptive field test for blood due to the reaction of blood absorbing the light and becoming dark or black. True or False?


Biological stains are particularly responsive to what type of light? UV IR RUVIS White


The light wavelength used most often during Crime Scene Investigator is what? Blue 420nm-470nm Infrared 800-900nm UV 350-380nm White 400-700nm

White 400-700nm

Which of the following are ways that POST SCENE processing exposure to bio-hazards might occur? Sneezing a. shoes, coveralls or other clothing not protected in the scene b. burning of paper coveralls, gloves, etc c. contaminated crime scene markers, pens, and flashlights d. both a and c

d. both a and c

Explain why it is necessary for the crime scene technician to be prepared to return to an earlier stage of the processing model?

"Going back" becomes necessary when the technician discovers previously unobserved evidence. For example, imagine a situation in which the processing has proceeded to the collection stage and as the technician collects a large item and physically moves it, the technician discovers a bloody fingerprint beneath it. The technician must "go back" and perform each step of documentation on the newly discovered item of evidence.

It is important to remember that when arriving at the scene of a crime, the immediate preservation of evidence and controlling the area is the first responsibility of the initial responders. True or False?


Describe at least three critical mistakes that occur when using video cameras in the crime scene?

1). A camera cannot focus as well as a human eye. The technician operating the camera must take video deliberately. 2). Problems regarding lighting often occur. The technician operating the camera may need to use fill lighting techniques as flashlights are not sufficient to illuminate the scene. 3). Crime scene technicians should turn off the audio to avoid background noise. If necessary, the video operator should plan ahead in order to speak deliberately and should remove non-essential personnel from the scene as the video is recording.

What are the six basic processes accomplished during crime scene processing?

1). Assessing: The crime scene technician must assess the circumstances in order to decide a proper course of action (and what resources will be necessary) and must be flexible enough to adjust the processing plan when necessary. 2). Observing: Looking and mentally registering the condition of the scene and artifacts found in the scene. Observing can often become an intrusive act, with the technician moving through the scene and finding items of interest and touching/moving these items before proper documentation. You may have to employ limited observation, stop to document, and then return to observing/searching later. 3). Documenting: Keep in mind that every measurement presents an opportunity to change or damage the condition of the scene. Documentation of observations, then detailed photography, then sketching and measuring, and lastly close-up photography and blood mapping. It is through documentation that the technician backs up claims regarding the original condition and context of the scene. 4). Searching: This is always intrusive and as such is always done AFTER initial documentation efforts. 5). Collecting: Always intrusive and as such is always done AFTER documentation efforts. If an item is moved prior to documentation, then the technician must live with the decision and simply provide whatever written documentation is possible regarding its original location or condition. 6). Processing/analyzing: This is an intrusive step. Powders and chemical processing are done starting with the least intrusive method and then moving on to more intrusive means.

There are generally three debriefings that occur during a crime scene processing. The first is the initial debriefing by the first responding officer to the crime scene team. The remaining two occur after all of the primary documentation and collection activities are complete. When where and with who are they conducted?

2nd debriefing: On-scene debriefing of the investigative team- check your work and compare it with your teammates' to make sure that nothing was missed 3rd debriefing: Formal debriefing usually occurs within 24 hours of the completion of the scene processing. Everyone involved should be invited (including the ME investigator and initial responding officer, when appropriate). This meeting serves as an outlet for considering and validating possible hypotheses and for thoroughness sake.

Visible light falls within which area of the light spectrum? 1 - 200nm 200 - 400nm 400 - 700nm 2000 - 12000nm

400 - 700nm

According to the research presented, alternate light sources are more effective at detecting bruises than white light specifically: 415nm to 450nm (purple to blue in color) 585nm to 597nm (yellow to gold) 520nm to 550 nm (green) Regular white ligth

415nm to 450nm (purple to blue in color)

The crime scene report should not include which of the following: A discourse on why a suspect committed the crime. A discussion of only central theme items. A discussion of negative evidence. All of the above. A and B.

A and B

A "blue light" is an effective crime scene tool that provides the following capabilities: Clean color corrected white light. A broad pass band filter that will case many crime scene items to flouresce. All of the above. None of the above.

A broad pass band filter that will case many crime scene items to flouresce.

How can a crime scene technician prevent over exposure or bleaching out of close-up photographs when using fill flash techniques?

A crime scene technician can prevent over exposure of close-up photographs when using fill flash techniques by moving further away from the subject. If the camera is too near the subject, the flash may overexpose the view. Fill flash techniques, such as lighting the area with a flashlight rather than the included flash, the technician can avoid bleaching out the photograph.

Describe how a photograph might create a confusion problem..

A photograph might create a confusion problem if multiple photographs are taken by the same area showing the scene in altered conditions. The coffee cup example was discussed in class to show how easy it is to create confusion. One way to address this problem is to use a photo log.

Describe how a photograph might create an identification problem.

A photograph might create an identification problem if the viewer is unable to tell what the subject or item is in the photo. Additionally, an identification problem can occur when the viewer cannot tell why the photograph was taken. If there are no supporting photographs to help the viewer see the evidence better, then the photo becomes limited as the context is lost.

An alternate light source (ALS) can be used in the following ways: To locate semen urine or saliva using UV light (365-415 nm). As a crime scene search tool using a broad pass band filter (430-520 nm). To observe fluoroscein reactions in bloodstains using wavelengths of 455-485nm. Correct! All of the above. Only A and B.

All of the above

Which of the following are recurring problems when photographing the crime scene? Identification issues orientation issues confusion issues Incomplete documentation issues all of the above

All of the above

When the investigator describes item of evidence he/she may do so by using the following aspects of the item: 1. Quantity 2. Item 3. Color 4. Type of construction 5. Approximate size 6. Identifying features 7. Condition 8.Location. This method is referred to as using an______________. Overall methodology Obvious general description Essential combination of characteristics An eight-step descriptive set

An eight-step descriptive set

The composition of the crime scene team is first defined by whether the team's approach is one of_____________. Function or purpose Area or function Specialty or purpose Area or zone

Area or function

Describe the differences between class and individual characteristics of evidence.

Class characteristics allow the item to be compared with a group. These types of characteristics are beneficial for including or excluding an item. Individual characteristics allow the item to be compared with a specific object or person. Additionally, individual characteristics are unique.

Of the following mapping techniques, which was not discussed in the lectures or by the author? Baseline coordinates Polar coordinates Triangulation Complete Station

Complete Station

It is not important to the investigation to keep medical personnel on the scene to be interviewed after their response because they can be easily found to be interviewed at any time. True or False?


How can enforcing use of personal protective equipment (PPE) help control scene integrity with regard to any police supervisors on scene?

Enforcing the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) can help control the scene integrity with regard to police supervisors on the scene by reminding those that the scene is not safe. Additionally, the inconvenience of putting on the PPE can help "weed" out those who do not need to be inside of the scene.

Comparison of soil samples is based on environmental variations from one sample to the next. What are some of the most significant forms of environmental variation?

Environmental contamination or unique environmental settings can lead to variation from sample to sample. One useful approach is to evaluate pollens contained in a sample. Plant pollens are easily identified by their structure, and the presence or absence of a specific pollen type in the soil may allow the examiner to exclude the soil as having originated from a particular source.

In terms of intrusiveness and alteration to the scene, how might the step of documentation alter a crime scene?

Every measurement presents an opportunity to change or damage the condition of the scene. Other documentation efforts, such as blood pattern mapping can alter the original state of the scene as well. Not to mention that just walking around in the scene can result in Locard exchanges and the movement and addition/loss of evidence.

An identification issue in crime scene photography is when it is impossible to determine up from down and left from right from a photo. True or False?


Controlling the scene and everyone in it requires cordoning off a section of the immediate scene and having all witnesses wait there. True or False?


Crime scene photography is so simple that it has become a matter of point and shoot. True or False?


Each of the six steps a basic activities of crime scene processing, has three basic activities. True or False?


Fingerprints differ in every individual except identical twins. True or False?


There are five basic objectives the officer uses to achieve these goals. Identify and briefly discuss each one.

First, document the provided information. The officer should be clear about and make written notes regarding what he was told about the situation and specifically identify who told it to him. Second, not becoming a casualty. If the officer himself becomes the victim there is no way for him to help the others arriving on scene and the victims. Third, provide for emergency care. Caring for injured parties or those who may be in danger in the scene after ensuring there are no immediate threats. Fourth, secure and control the scene and all those within it. This includes sorting onlookers from witnesses, or those directly involved, setting up an initial perimeter, and starting a perimeter log. Fifth, release the scene to the appropriate authorities (such as the investigating detective or crime scene technician). The officers must brief them on all aspects of info discovered, what they found, and what they did upon arrival.

In rectangular coordinates, how are fixing measurements made to surrounding walls?

In rectangular coordinates, a technician fixes the evidence by measuring at right angles from the evidence to the surrounding walls and surfaces.

Why is it important to document investigative efforts that fail to produce evidence?

It is important to document investigative efforts that fail to produce evidence because the technician can conclude that their work in the investigation was complete and that there was no attempt to hide or falsify evidence. This is especially pertinent in court.

The two hemispheres of the brain function differently. The left hemisphere is designed for: Shame Compassion Logic Empathy


Of the available methods for DNA analysis, which is the best for individualization in forensic work and why?

Of the available methods of DNA analysis, the method best suited for individualization in forensic work is short tandem repeat technology (STR). As STR generates accurate results from a relatively small sample, this technology is preferred based on both efficiency and accuracy.

How is paint layering used to differentiate two paint samples, such as when comparing a paint sample from a hit and run to a suspect vehicle?

Paint layering can be used to differentiate between to paint samples by providing discrimination. To differentiate between samples, the transfers and paint chips should be collected in their entirety. It is also noted that the investigator should try to cut beneath the transfer in order to get the full thickness when recovering a paint transfer on a solid object. Then, known samples of paint are collected from the source believed to be involved in the transfer. If possible, the investigator should cut a small section from the known sample to ensure that a complete standard is recovered.

Give an example and describe fixing a regular shaped object with triangulation?

Primarily, the foundation of triangulation is based on whether the item has an irregular or regular shape. If the item has a regular shape, meaning they will not change with movement and contain specific identifiable points, they can be fixed using a minimum of four measurements. An example of a regularly shaped item includes a firearm. In order to fix the item in the scene, the investigator takes a total of four straight-line measurements from two distinct landmarks in the room to two distinct points on the article. This in effect creates a pair of measurements that produce a triangle.

How would evaluating crime scene evidence involving a pistol differ from that involving a revolver?

Projectiles and cartridge cases can be examined for a number of marks, so evaluating crime scene evidence involving a pistol versus one involving a revolver can differ based on how and where the casings may be deposited. Once fired, a revolver's casings remain in the cylinder of the revolver until it is manually emptied. A pistol has an ammunition magazine and when the slide is pulled back, a cartridge is pulled up into the chamber. Once the cartridge has been fired, the casing is ejected from the side of a slide and then once pulled into the chamber, the casings will continue to be pulled up until the magazine is emptied or removed.

It is not necessary to draw crime scene sketches exactly to scale, but they must be _______________ correct Proportionally Actually Apportionally Possibly All of the above


For what type of evidence examinations is RUVIS best suited?

RUVIS evidence examinations are best suited for the visualization for latent prints before dusting or development. This examination is suited for enhancing cyanoacrylate latent prints.

The concept of "going back" in the processing methodology means: Returning to the office to obtain additional resources when required Returning to an earlier step, in order to bring a newly discovered item of evidence to the same level of processing is other items Rechecking areas that have been searched, to ensure no items were overlooked. None of the above.

Returning to an earlier step, in order to bring a newly discovered item of evidence to the same level of processing is other items

Rifling refers to what two manufactured components of a barrel?

Rifling of the interior of the barrel is made up of projections (lands) and depressions (grooves) that will twist either right or left.

Of the available methods for DNA analysis, which of the following is the best for individualization in forensic analysis? RFLP PCR STR mDNA


Which of the following search patterns is most effective when processing a scene for scattered remains over a wide area? Strip or Grid Point to Point Zone Area Strip and Line

Strip and Line

In what situation are Rectangular Coordinates on a grid particularly effective?

The situation where Rectangular Coordinates on a grid are most effective are during gravesite excavations where evidence is measured at right angles to the grid side.

How does the f-stop affect the resulting photograph?

The f-stop affects the resulting photograph's depth of field. The smaller the aperture, the greater the depth of field. And the larger the aperture, the shorter the depth of field.

Identify and describe the five basic patterns used to search a crime scene?

The five basic patterns to search a crime scene include: 1). Circle/spiral 2). Strip/line search 3). Grid search 4). Zone search 5). Point-to-point search

What are the five essential elements of the crime scene sketch?

The five essential elements of the crime scene sketch include: 1). The heading - a notation that indicates why the sketch was created 2). A diagram area - the drawing itself 3). A legend - a key to tell the viewer what the labels depict 4). A title block - including report number, address of the scene, sketcher's name, and time/date of creation 5). A scale and direction for notations - Indicate compass direction, and include a note stating "not to scale" if the scaling is off.

Identify and describe three of the four factors that affect decisions about team composition?

The four factors that affect decisions about team composition include: 1). Single or multiple scenes 2). Order of activity involving specialty examination needs 3). Available resources (equipment or personnel) 4). Physical size of the scene

What are the four key elements of crime scene documentation?

The four key elements of crime scene documentation include notes, photographs and video, sketches, and reports.

The area contained within the initial responding officer's crime scene barrier should include three things. Identify and briefly describe each of the three.

The initial perimeter should contain primary focal points, which are the key areas the officer was drawn to initially. This may include a deceased, a ransacked bedroom, or other eye-catching areas. Additionally, the barrier should include natural entry and exit points. These areas are where a suspect entered or exited and may be rich with evidence such as fingerprints, shoe print impressions, care tire mark impressions, and trace evidence. Finally, the barrier should include secondary scenes which are possible staging areas used by the criminals or where objects and items were deposited as the suspects fled.

What are the minimum requirements to include in a crime scene photography log?

The minimum requirements to include in a crime scene photography log include the identification of the subject and the exposure number.

When confronted with numerous individuals at a crime scene who do not appear to be directly involved, what should the officer consider before chasing them off?

The officer should consider that the individual may in fact be a witness. One should identify this initial group of people so that when the crowd builds they can be isolated and later interviewed.

What is the primary concern of scene assessment by the crime scene technician?

The primary concern of scene assessment by the crime scene technician is to determine the scope of the scene, maintain scene integrity and contamination control, organize a search team approach and composition, establish search methods, and utilize personal protective measures (PPE).

What is the primary difference between a broad band "blue light" and a standard ALS?

The primary difference between a broad band "blue light" and a standard ALS is that a broad band ALS is limited as it offers only a single wavelength for us in basic crime scene searches and rarely can produce clean color-corrected whitelight, whereas a standard ALS can have the wavelength changed.

What is the primary purpose of the crime scene sketch?

The primary purpose of the crime scene sketch is to serve as a graphic document to show the layout, orientation, and relationship of the scene and the evidence. A crime scene sketch is used to support the final report and it allows the viewers to quickly understand the set-up of the scene. It is important to note that the sketch is not meant to replace photographs, but rather should be used to supplement the work.

What is the purpose of a crime scene entry log and when it is put in place?

The purpose of a crime scene entry log is to document who entered the crime scene, why they entered the crime scene, and what time they entered the crime scene. The entry log should be put in place after the initial perimeter has been established.

What is the purpose of an evidence establishing photograph?

The purpose of an evidence establishing photograph is to frame the subject or item alongside a landmark that is included in the overall photographs. As most items in scenes consist of small items and objects, it is difficult to recognize them in overall photographs. These help the viewer figure out where items are in the general scene. The evidence establishing photographs are used to help provide a transition between overall photographs and close-up photographs.

Why is sequence of order so important in crime scene processing?

The sequence and order is so important because scene processing is a one-shot operation. You only get one chance to do it right. By being in the scene, the forensic investigator is altering the scene. Crime scene processes are scene altering. And once the investigator leaves the scene, all future questions (both for investigation as well as court) must be able to be answered by the documentation done by the forensic investigator while they had the original scene.

What are the three basic photographs associated with crime scene photography?

The three basic photographs associated with crime scene photograph include overall photographs, evidence-establishing photographs (mid-range), and evidence quality photographs (close-up).

Name the three general attributes that all crime scene reports and narrative descriptions should share?

The three general attributes that all crime scene reports and narrative descriptions should share are detailed, accurate, and understandable. Detailed descriptions include the pertinent fact and the conditions documented. Accuracy refers to minimizing inferences and subjective evaluations to maintain objectivity. And, finally, it is important that the narrative descriptions should be understandable, meaning it is logical and organized properly.

When setting up crime scene teams, what are the two basic approaches to team composition and how do they differ?

The two basic approaches to team composition are defined by whether the team's approach is one of area or function. With an area approach, a single team handles all activities associated with processing. With a functional approach, specific groups are formed to handle different scene processing aspects (e.g. photo team, sketch team, latent team).

What are the two primary goals of concern to the initial responding officer when reacting to any critical incident?

The two primary goals of concern to the initial responding officer when reacting to any critical incident are to bring the site under control and coordinate resources.

What two primary types of evidence respond to Infrared light?

The two primary types of evidence that respond to Infrared light include gunpowder residues and blood (including bruises).

What are two variations in creating a sketch that will effectively allow the crime scene technician to document evidence on vertical objects?

The two variations in creating a sketch that effectively allows the crime scene technician to document evidence on vertical objects are cross-projections and elevation sketches. Cross-projection sketches are also referred to as exploded sketches. These include a bird's eye view with walls "laying down" so the vertical objects can be easily seen. An elevation sketch is where the technician draws from the side view staring directly at the wall in question. Additionally, a three-dimensional sketch can be used through the FARO software. This can allow the viewer to virtually walk through the scene.

Investigators may view a crime scene from different philosophical perspectives. Which of the following was not discussed by Dr. Christiansen? The use of observable data The use of logic The use of "heart" The use of 3rd party information

The use of 3rd party information

Why is the use of a single crime scene barrier ineffective?

The use of a single crime scene barrier is ineffective as it will cause the scene to lose its integrity and quickly become contaminated. The second barrier is necessary to create a buffer and working area between onlookers, general law enforcement, and the immediate crime scene where most of the evidence will be found.

Prior to placing a corpse in a body bag, what are some of the documentation efforts the technician must take?

Unless the body is situationally a problem, there is no investigative reason to rush the body from the scene. The body should remain in situ through the photography and sketching processes. Before removing the body, preserve fragile evidence on hands or feet by bagging them in paper bags. Physically examine the body and use ALS to detect hard to find evidence. Make sure that the clothing condition and position are documented thoroughly and keep in mind that once the body is bagged, this evidence is lost and/or contaminated. Make sure to photo body photography protocol, such as photographing the hands and back and where the body had been, once it is moved.

When evaluating glass fractures for direction of force, which fragments can be used in the evaluation?

When evaluating glass fractures for the direction of force only the interior radial fracture fragments can be used in the evaluation.

When presented with a possible drug lab, how does the crime scene technician respond?

When presented with a possible drug lab, the crime scene technician should withdraw from the scene and await assistance from a team that is capable of making the scene safe.

What two additional steps are required when using Polar Coordinates to map a scene in which elevation data is required?

When using Polar Coordinates to map a scene in which elevation data is required, there are two additional steps. First, the difference between the datum point elevation and the sighting instrument must be determined. This means that the height of the instrument should be above the datum point. The second step involves properly placing the sighting device in the scene, ensuring that the sighting device is at a higher elevation than any of the items of evidence.

Of the two methods used to collect tool mark evidence (collection of the entire item or casting of the mark) which is better and why?

Whenever possible, the tool mark itself should be collected as evidence so that the evidentiary value is not reliant on a possible bad cast.

With regard to evidence preservation and emergency care, what is the overriding rule for the responding officer?

With regard to evidence preservation and emergency care, the overriding rule for the responding officer is that lifesaving always takes priority over evidence preservation.

What are the variations of the Zone search and when are they used?

Zone searches can be used inside of a very confined space, like processing the inside of a car. Additionally, zone searches can be used in a very expansive search, such as over an entire property where it is more effective to break up the scene into smaller zones.

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