CJ Admin exam 2

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Houston suggests that theory Z has application to corrections in two specific areas. It is important to ____

(1) involve everyone in every-thing and (2) use self-managing teams in task completion.

The achievement-power-affiliation theory

1.Seek to achieve success through their own efforts and not have their successattributed to other factors. 2. Work on projects that are challenging but not impossible. 3. Receive identifiable and recurring feedback about their work and avoid si-tuations where their level of achievement is in question.

Maslow argued that human beings have ____ basic needs.


Preconceived Ideas

People hear what they want to hear "best describes this phenomenon.

Theory Y:

The belief that higher order needs — ego needs, social need, and self-fulfillment needs — must be addressed by management in order to achieve organizationalobjectives and goals. Management is central to addressing these needs in the work setting.

Theory X:

The belief that in order to motivate employees they must be rewarded,punished, persuaded, controlled, and directed toward activities and tasks specified by management.

leader is born, not made

This approach, which tends to emphasize inherent personality traits, also assumes that leadership can be evaluated on the basis of these traits.

emotional intelligence

This concept suggests that leaders are most effective when they understand people in organizations and have a passion about doing what is right in an organization such that people perform for them.

According to ____ (1994), the criminal courts for the most part process lower-level cases; the sheer volume of these cases is what overwhelms the system. Accordingly, the idea that the courts process cases in an assembly-line fashion makes sense. The real goal is the quick processing and efficient handling of cases.


Expectancy theory

based on the belief that if a certain amount of effort is put forth, a calculated outcome will result, is a rational approach to motivation.

This theory posits that police work, for example, relies on an expectation among police officers that their efforts will produce a reduction in crime.

Expectancy theory

The two contingency theories we examine in this chapter, _____

Fiedler s contingency model and the path-goal theory,

there is a growing body of research in organizational behavior that suggests that questions of equity must be placed in the context of larger issues of justice within organizations. Two concepts within this evolving discussion are _____

procedural justice and interactional justice

Under a human relations model, motivation is best understood as a ____ where both managers and employees work together to create a motivating environment.


Under a human relations model, motivation is best understood as a_____ where both managers and employees work together to create a motivating environment.


The Michigan studies, in contrast, sought to dichotomize the leadership process into two dimensions of supervisory behavior: ______

production-centered and employee-centered.

Upward communication

provides managers with their primary source of feedback, allows lower-level staff to share information with managers, and can encourage employee participation.

Employee ownership

refers to gaining a greater voice in the creation of institutional policy.


reinforces this view by stating that correctional employees are the essence of prison organizations.

Research conducted in the 1950s and 1960s sought to understand the relationship between the ____ of managers and leaders and subordinates that produces a motivating environment.


orthodox job enrichment

build on motivation - hygiene theory by assuming that workers will be motivated only after hygiene needs are met and sources of intrinsic satisfaction are built into jobs.

These situational variables of The contingency approach include______

characteristics of subordinates, organizational context, and style of leadership.

The Ohio State studies

concluded that effective leadership is present in an organization when the levels of consideration and initiating structure are high among leaders.

These two concepts, ______guide the behavioral approach to leadership.

consideration for subordinates and initiating structures

Examining various situational variables is central to understanding leadership in organizations, according to _____

contingency theorists.

Contingency theories of leadership differ from both trait and behavioral theories in emphasizing the_____

situation or context.

The human relations school replaced Taylors portrait of the workers as motivated by money and leisure with a view of workers as motivated also by _____

social attachments

technical skills

specialized knowledge or expertise

These " _____ " (Lipsky, 1980:5) are the essence of the criminal justice system,and how these employees are supervised and evaluated is one of the most pressing issues facing criminal justice administration in this century.

street-level bureaucrats

procedural justice

stresses the importance of process and explanation as to why certain outcomes occurred in an organization.

we can conclude that effective supervision occurs within criminal justice organizations when supervisors exhibit ______to complete the supervision function (Robbins and Judge, 2007:7), and these activities are linked to specific organizational goals.

technical skills , human skills ,and conceptual skills (the ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations)

conceptual skills

the ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations

human skills

the ability to work with and motivate people

As suggested by Tosi, Rizzo, and Carroll , behavioral approaches fall into two distinct areas:

the distribution of influence and the task and social behaviors of leaders.

maintenance network

through which members learn about social roles and power relationships and links between work groups


two individuals transmitting symbols back and forth or, more simply, two people communicating.

these three ideas generate a work philosophy that seeks toinstitutionalize greater authority in the hands of employees and respects their intelligence and creativity in a changing correctional environment. Such a philosophy has been the model for the Federal Bureau of Prisons since the mid 1960s and is known as ____.

unit management

Motivation - hygiene theory

was developed by Herzberg from critical incident research in which he asked workers to describe the high and low points in their work lives.

human relations school

were concerned about how employees fit into organizations beyond simply being workers and viewed motivation as an interactive process between workers and supervisors.

innovation network

where messages about new ideas and concepts are shared

Hawthorne effect

which suggested that the novelty of having research conducted and the increased attention from management could lead to temporary increases in productivity.

According to Fiedler contingency model, the leadership process is constrained by three major situational dimensions;

— leader-member relations, task structure,and position power

This ownership is structured within the concept of ____.


This trend toward decreased discretion and increased control has been referred to as the ____

deprofessionalization syndrome

Contentment with these hygiene factors does not motivate workers; it simply prevents _____


some have suggested that an important element of effective leadership is ____

emotional intelligence.

The behavioral school of management

emphasizes the importance of manager and leader behavior to motivate and other critical administrative actions.

Wrights ideas center around three fundamental concepts:

employee ownership, delegation, and the sharing of power.

According to the Michigan studies, the effective leader mostly attempts to be _____,a behavior that in turn engenders productive subordinates.


Fundamentally, equity theory stresses the importance of _____ in the organization and how employees perceive its application in the workforce.


Equity theory

holds that an individual ' s motivation level is affected by her or his perception of fairness in the workplace and that individual motivation must be understood in relation to how other employees are treated by management and the organization.

Excessive reliance on_____ can also isolate groups from the hierarchy.

horizontal communication

For supporters of the human relations school, motivation was tied to ____ their supervisors treated employees and how organizational relations between managers and employees were cultivated to achieve organizational goals.


For supporters of the human relations school, motivation was tied to _____

how their supervisors treated employees and how organizational relations between managers and employees were cultivated to achieve organizational goals.

Herzberg research uncovered two sets of factors involved in motivation at the workplace called _____

hygiene factors and motivators

effort performance expectancies

in which the person believes that a specific level of effort will result in a particular performance.

performance outcome expectancies

in which the person has an " expectation about the relation-ship between a particular level of performance and attaining certain outcomes "

equity theory rests on two fundamental assumptions:

individuals evaluate their interpersonal relationships as they would any other commodity; and second, individuals develop expectations about their evaluation in the organization equivalent to the amount of individual contributions they make.

The linking pin acts as an _____, making ad hoc efforts to smooth the work flow between units.

informal coordinator and communicator

Dyads may range from ______

intimate to professional to ad hoc


is a process that effectively accomplishes organizational goals. administrators can learn leadership skills. is a group process.

The contingency approach

is a product of the 1970s and tends to emphasize multiple variables, particularly situational variables that constrain leadership.

interactional justice

is concerned with how employees are treated and the degree to which dignity, concern, and respect are afforded them.

Initiating structure (ohio)

is the leaders direction of subordinates toward specific goals.

Consideration (ohio)

is the leaders expression of concern for subordinates ' feelings, ideas, and opinions about job-related matters.

Job enrichment models, which Herzberg calls ______ build on motivation - hygiene theory by assuming that workers will be motivated only after hygiene needs are met and sources of intrinsic satisfaction are built into jobs.

orthodox job enrichment

this theory, is concerned not simply with improved efficiency but with motivating employees by meeting their higher-order needs.

orthodox job enrichment

What are Maslows 5 basic needs?

physiological, safety, security, belonging(love), self esteem, self actualization

Lipsky(1980) makes a similar point when he remarks that ____ continue to exercise considerable discretion because of the way their jobs are designed.

police, judges, and probation officers

In the field of criminal justice, ____ has been described as a " Taylorized occupation "


leadership in public bureaucracies, such as criminal justice agencies,is inherently ____and must be examined within the political arena.


In this form of expectancy, the police officer may believe that a relationship exists between activity and a positive evaluation from superiors that is ultimately expressed in some type of reward, such as a promotion.

performance outcome expectancies

The most recognized theory of motivation comes from the work of

Abraham Maslow (1943),

The achievement-power-affiliation theory of motivation was originally developed by ____

David McClelland

myths, symbols, and image maintenance cover fundamental ways in which correctional administrators make decisions. As a result;

Many of these decisions support the idea that the primary purpose of prison is actually punitive control over large segments of the offender population, with very little concern about rehabilitation or change among prisoners.

Need theory:

The relationship between human physical and psychological needs and the work environment. This theory stressed that if human needs are not met in organizations employees will not be motivated to work.


These factors,intrinsic to the work itself, include responsibility, recognition, and opportunities for achievement and growth

1970s strike in a Lordstown, Ohio, automobile plant.

Workers there did not protest low wages but instead voiced opposition to routine and boring labor.

According to ___, correctional employees who are able to express their concerns within the context of decision making are more productive employees and experience less stress. In his words, " People who ' own ' their job and ' own ' their organization feel strong, capable, and committed


the behavioral approach

accentuates how leaders get subordinates to accomplish organizational tasks, a process known as initiating structures.


allows employees, within prescribed limits, the opportunities to make decisions that affect their ability to perform tasks.

Downward communication

allows executives a clear path to send information downward. It gives organizational members job-related information, job performance review, and indoctrination in recognizing and implementing organizational goals.

Horizontal communication

among organizational members at the same level can facilitate task coordination, provide a means of sharing information, provide a formal channel of communication for problem solving, and facilitate mutual support for staff involved.

Hygiene factors

are external to the work being performed. These include pay, supervision, physical conditions at the work site, and interpersonal relations

Linking pins

are individuals who make a concerted effort to have credibility and influence in their own units as well as in other units that affect the efficient operation of their units.


are the level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction produced by various outcomes. In brief, they are the individual ' s estimate of the advantages or dis-advantages of a particular outcome.


are the visible products of individual effort. Examples of outputs are promotion, salary or pay, recognition, and benefits.


are those items brought into the organization by the individual.Common examples of input include age, seniority, training, and education, to mention a few.

Abraham Maslow

argued that we can examine motivation as one result of various physical and psychological needs. (need theory)

Sharing power

assumes that power is not a finite entity. Instead, power is viewed as " energy, potential, and competence "

The basic element of communication is a ____


Employers could minimize complaints of unfair treatment and discrimination with _____and constructive evaluation of employees.

effective supervision

The police officer, for example, may believe that a connection exists between the level of patrol activity and the crime rate in the precinct. In short, there is a correlation between the amount of work done and the end result, which in this example is the amount of crime in a specific area.

effort performance expectancies

Expec-tancies take two forms. First are

effort performance expectancies and performance outcome expectancies

The development of______ for offenders also appears to be altering the jobs of probation and parole agents.

electronic monitoring systems

Scientific management

formed the foundation of industrial engineering and technology and has remained a principal influence in the engineer ' s design of job content in industrial settings.

The central objective of criminal justice administrators is to determine the ____ of their communities and the most efficient ways to meet those goals.


the flow of information through formal channels gives rise to the _____, or informal communication,


Stojkovic and Lovell (1997)

have argued that myths, symbols, and image maintenance cover fundamental ways in which correctional administrators make decisions.

Much of what we know about leadership comes from research taking one of three approaches. The first, and probably the oldest, assumes that a _____

leader is born, not made.

The interlocking groups are bound together by ____, persons who serve as members of two or more groups or are part of the social system of two or more groups.

linking pins

In the police example, if the effort required to produce a reduction in crime does not lead to a satisfactory level of reward from the organization, this activity has a____ valence

low positive

Wright (1981) has argued that the construction of a system of criminal justice tied together by the activities of its various components does not make sense either organizationally or politically.

monolithic system

the goals of criminal justice are_____

multiple, complex, and often contradictory.

The most recognized theory of motivation comes from the work of Abraham Maslow (1943), who argued that we can examine motivation as one result of various physical and psychological needs. The central theme of _____ theory is that all people have needs, both physical and psychological, which affect their behavioral patterns.


the Hawthorne studies at the Western Electric Company in Chicago began to demonstrate the importance of_____ considerations in job design.


the entire field of ____ has its roots in the human relations school and the behavioral research findings of the 1950s and 1960s.

organizational development

the entire field of _____ has its roots in the human relations school and the behavioral research findings of the 1950s and 1960s.

organizational development

The Hawthorne studies at the Western Electric Company in Chicago

researchers under the direction of Elton Mayo tested the effectsof experimentally induced conditions on worker fatigue and monotony. Set up as standard engineering experiments, the research focused on independent variables that were physical or technical in nature. Researchers found, however, that productivity increased regardless of increased or decreased illumination and regardless of the timing of work breaks or the length of the working day.

Lower level needs

safety and security and physiological

because of limited resources and an unlimited demand for service, probation and parole organizations, like other social service agencies, will always operate under conditions of_____ (Lipsky, 1980) and will adapt to their situations as best they can.


higher level needs

self esteem, self actualization, belonging

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