CJ1000 UCM Final

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A Crime Index is?

An estimate of crimes committed.

Courts have rules that inmates are entitled to have legal materials and resources available to assist them in filing complaints, this includes?

An inmate who can assist in legal matters, sometimes called a jailhouse lawyer

Which courts review whether the judge conducted the trial in an approved manner?

Appellate courts

Which of the following is false regarding appellate courts?

Appellate courts try cases

At what stage of the criminal justice process does the defendant enter a plea of guilty or not guilty?


The legal basis for the federal court system is found in the:

Article 3, Section 1 of the US Constitution

It is unlikely that plea bargaining will be eliminated in the future because it:

Eases the pressure of congested caseloads

Which of the following is false regarding education and the police?

Educated officers have greater disciplinary problems due to job boredom

The _______ Amendment to the Constitution prohibits excess bail.


Withholding medical treatment is a violation of the ______ Constitutional amendment.


Defined as the ability to monitor one's own and others feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide ones thinking and actions is the concept of?

Emotional Intelligence

Ethical issues transcend all elements of the justice system. Why are ethical standards so important in criminal justice?

Ethical standards are important in the justice system for all these reasons.

Which of the following is not one of the five primary purposes for jails?

Hold mental patients when asylums are overcrowded

According to the justice perspective, the justice system serves as a mechanism if caring and treating people who cannot manage themselves. It assumes people are at the mercy of social, economic, and interpersonal conditions.


Which of the following is not true about the sexual exploitation of female inmates?

Most of the acts are consensual due to isolation and loneliness

According to this justice perspective, the justice serves as a mechanism of caring for and treating people who cannot manage themselves. It assumes people are at the mercy of social, economic, and interpersonal conditions.


Which of the following is an advantage of diversion programs?

Rehabilitation services can be accessed while in the community.

What happens when probation is revoked?

The probation contract is terminated and the original sentence is imposed

What was the final fate of convicts transported to North America or Australia once their period of service was completed in the colonies?

They were granted pardons to gain freedom

What was the name of the form of organized private police that patrolled 18th century England?

Thief Takers

What is consider to be the most difficult problem involving incriminatory statement made by juveniles during the course of police questioning?

Whether juveniles can intelligently waive their own rights

Who has final say in the duration of the offender's prison stay in the determinate sentence?


The U.S. Supreme Court is composed of _____ members that are ________?

9; appointed for lifetime sentences

Approximately _________ of the states have a three-strikes laws but nearly all of them require the third felony be a serous one.


One day in prison cost more than _____ day(s) on parole.


About how many juvenile cases are processed and treated each year?

2.6 Million

For every 1000 crime, approximately ________ people are sent to prison.


Approximately _______ percent of the people arrested on felony charges are eventually convicted in criminal court?


UCR data suggests that the average police officer makes less than one felony arrest every _____ months?


The exclusionary rule is used as part of which protection afforded to the accused by the U.S. Constitution?

4th Ammendment

Roughly how many metropolitan police agencies employ more than 1,000 sworn officers?


Roughly how many metropolitan police agencies employ just one sworn officer?


To qualify for federal funds under truth-in-sentencing laws, states must require persons convicted of a violent felony crime to serve not less than ______ percent of the prison sentence.


Almost ______ jail inmates are adult males.

9 out of 10

Almost _______ percent of all cases end in a plea bargain, rather than criminal trial.


Which of the following crimes would be placed in the top layer (layer 1) of the criminal justice system?

A noted celebrity is arrested for shooting her bodyguard.

What is operation Ceasefire?

A problem-orientated policing program in Boston to get guns off the street

The corrections system is vast and cost federal, state, and local governments:

About $215 billion per year

When police routinely use excessive force against suspects, it is consider:

Abuse of Power

Sentencing for the purpose of general deterrence has most to do with:

Affecting the perception of the general public

Which of the following groups experience violent crimes at a higher rate than other groups?

African Americans

What stage in the juvenile justice process is designed to help youths make the transition from residential or institutional setting back into the community?


According to the court, which of the following was the reason for the speedy trial guarantee?

All of the above

In the "new" inmate culture:

All of the above

What pattern does research reveal regarding officer's involvement in use-of-force incidents?

All of the above are correct.

Which of the following is a pretrial procedure?

All of these

Which of the following statements is true?

All of these statements are true.

Which of the following is not a source of criminal law?

Biblical decree

Which American city created the first formal U.S. police department?


Henry Fielding operated his own monied police that attempted to clean up earlier policing efforts by deciding which cases to investigate and which streets to protect, they were called:

Bow Street Runners

Which of the following would not constitute a specialty court?

Circuit court

What have evaluations of foot patrol programs in New Jersey and Michigan demonstrated?

Citizen attitudes towards the police improved

This therapy assumes that most people can become conscious of their own thoughts and behaviors and then make positive changes.

Cognitive behavioral therapy

American civil law is primarily concerned with:

Compensating the injured party for harm

_____________ theory focuses on the economic and political forces operating in a society and views these factors as the fundamental cause of criminality.


Using this definition, criminal law is a set of rules, codified by state authorities, that express norms, goals, and values of the vast majority of society.


According to this justice perspective, the proper role of the justice system is to prevent crime thought the judicious use of criminal sanctions. It demands an efficient system that hands out tough sanctions to those who violate the law.

Crime Control

According to this justice perspective, the proper role of the justice system is to prevent crime through the judicious use of criminal sanctions. It demands an efficient system that hands out though sanctions to those who violate the law.

Crime Control

An officer approaches a group of teenagers standing in a parking lot, drinking beer. She checks them for gang symbols and calls into the station to ascertain if any of them have active warrants. This officer typifies which officer style?

Crime Fighter

What term is used to describe the use of computer software to identify geographic "hot spots" where a majority of predatory crimes are committed?

Crime Mapping

Which of the following is not a focus of community policing?

Crime fighting

Which of the following is a branch of the Department of Homeland Security?

Customs and Border Protection

Which of the following traits is said to be found on all levels of policing?


Advocates of this justice perspective point out that the justice system remains an adversarial process that pits the forces of the state against those of a solitary individual accused of a crime.

Due proccess

What type of fine is geared to the offender's net daily income?

Day fines

Which of the following is the primary goal of Intensive Probation Services(IPS)?


If an individual is permitted a trial, who chooses whether it will be before a judge or a jury?


What is the most typical emotion felt by most inmates during the early part of their prison stay?


_______________ theory recognizes that as people mature, the factors that influence their behavior change.


Under what system does the prosecutor have the discretion of filing charges for certain legislatively designated offenses in either juvenile or criminal court?

Direct File Waiver

What term is used to describe the phenomena where black officers must deal with the expectation that they will give members of their own race a break, while at the same time they experience overt racism from their police colleagues?

Double marginality

Adherents of this justice perspective believe that the greatest concern of the justice system should be providing fair and equitable treatment to those accused of committing a crime.

Due Process

Adherents to this justice perspective believe the greatest concern of the justice system should be providing far and equitable treatment to those accused of committing a crime.

Due proccess

Courts of general jurisdiction are also known as what?

Felony courts

The defendant's right to an impartial trial and jury under the fifth and sixth amendments often runs into direct conflict with the _______ amendment's guarantee of the press and public access.


Which constitutional amendment outlaws illegal searches and seizures by police?


Which model allows private companies to set up manufacturing units on prison grounds or purchase goods made by inmates in shops owned and operated by the corrections department?

Free enterprise model

Which U.S. Supreme Court decision set fourth the "reasonable officer" standard for police use of deadly force?

Graham v Connor

Using mandatory life sentences so criminals cannot hurt other citizens is the core goal of what?


"Let the sentence fit the criminal" best describes the basic philosophy of:

Indeterminate Sentencing

Discretion be police officers occurs during the first four stages of the criminal justice process. In order, what are those stages?

Initial Contact, investigation, arrest, custody

Which judicial hearing in the juvenile court process is similar to arraignment in the adult system?

Initial appearance hearing

What term refers to the screening of cases by the juvenile system?


_________ refers to the process in which a probation officer settles cases at the initial appearance before the onset of formal criminal proceedings.


Some scholars contend that bail is problematic because:

Is discriminatory to the poor

Which of the following is not one of the major purposes of police patrol?

Issue arrest warrents

What impact did the Supreme Court have on the juvenile system in the 1960s and 1970s?

It radically altered the juvenile justice system though ruling that established due process rights for juveniles that rivaled those in the adult court system.

Which punishment philosophy holds that criminals sentences could be proportional to the seriousness of the criminal act?

Just desert

What office was created in 1326 under the watch system of policing to assist the sire reeve in controlling the county?

Justice of the peace

The contemporary criminal justice system can be divided into three main components:

Law enforcement, the courts, and the correctional system

An officer approaches group of teenagers drinking beer, she checks everyone's ID and arrests all who are underage. This example best typifies which officer style?

Law enforcer

Which policing style utilizes the lest amount of discretion?

Law enforcer

What city was the first to hire and award the title of police officer to a women in 1910?

Los Angeles

What is term used to describe those that aggressively misuse police power for gain by demanding bribes, threatening legal action, or cooperative with criminals?

Meat eaters

To stand trial, a criminal defendant must be considered to be be?

Mentally competent

Many states have adopted some form of what is known as the _________ Plan to select judges.


Approximately how many know executions have been carried out in America under civil authority since 1608?

More than 14,000

The National Crime Victimization Survey asks participants to report on the frequency and characteristics of all but which one of the following crimes?


The "modern" American correctional system had it's origin in what state?

New York

Which federal law enforcement agency has unlimited jurisdiction?

No federal agency has unlimited jurisidiction

Proponents of this justice perspective are concerned about the effect of the stigma that criminal suspects bear when they are given negative labels such as "rapist" or "child molester." They believe that justice agencies should limit their involvement with criminal defendants.


The first state to establish a court administrative office was _____ in 1927.

North Dakota

Criminal Justice can be viewed as a process that takes an offender through a series of decisions points, beginning with the arrest and concluding with reentry. Which of the following is an extralegal factor that critics argue may be involved in this process?

Offenders Race

Where were the English forced to house large numbers of prisoners in the late eighteenth century?

On prison hulks and barges

The approach of the early American juvenile court is best described as:


The Pennsylvania system is corrections, was the first to take the radical step of what?

Placing each inmate in a single cell

An adjustment for a juvenile is comparable to a(n) ____ for an adult.

Plea bargin

Which of the following is not commonly identified as a factor related to police shootings?

Poverty levels

Which of the following is not a factor contributing to individual violence in prison?

Prison mismanagement

Jurisdiction that encourages patrol officers to aggressively arrests and detain suspicious persons experience lower crime rates than other jurisdiction that do not practice this type of policing?


The concept of hot spots of crime is most closely associated with which model of policing?

Problem-orientated policing (POP)

Which goal of sentencing attempts to convince the criminal through punishment that future crime would not be in their own future best interests?

Specific detterence

The law today can generally be divided into four broad categories. Which of the following is not one of these categories?

Procedural civil law

What group formed the Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons?


Which of the following factors best fits under the heading of extralegal discretionary factors?

Racial profiling

As a result of an increase in violent behavior during the 19th century in America, early criminal justice agencies:

Rarely worked together in a systematic fashion

Which of the following is not believed to be a reason that people fail on parole?

The parole system places unrealistic expectations on ex-offenders that they cannot possible meet

What is the most punitive alternative on the punishment ladder?

Residential community center

Community service is an example of what?


All evidence points to the conclusion that prosecutorial discretion is used to:

Screen out the weakest cases

What type of study is the best measure of unreported crimes?

Self-report stduies

Which of the following is not a form of intermediate sanction?

Sentencing circles

The _______ Amendment guarantees the defendant the right to trial by jury.


While not explicitly stated in the constitution, the court has found support for legal self-representation in the ______ Amendment.


Which officer's style involves acting as problems solvers and is therefore well suited for community policing?

Social agent

Prison farms and camps are found primarily in what section of the country?

South and West

Which intermediate sanction makes a jail term a condition of porbation?

Split sentencing

Which is the term used to describe organized groups of detectives who deceive criminals into openly committing illegal acts or conspiring to engage in criminal activity?

Sting operations

The concept of attorney competence was defined by the U.S. Supreme Court in what case?

Strickland v Washington

Narcotics control laws, health and safety regulations, and sanitation laws are examples of what legal principals?

Strict liability

The branch of law that defines crime and their punishment?

Substantive criminal law

More reported crime occurs during which season?


Which of the following is a difference between juvenile and adult justice systems?

The constitutional right to a jury trial in all states

What U.S. Supreme Court Decision case deemed the use of deadly force against an unarmed and non-dangerous feeling felon an illegal seizure under the Fourth Amendment?

Tennessee v. Garner

Which state had the earliest example of state police?


In the federal system, prosecutors are appointed by whom?

The President

What is known about the correctional population in the United States over the past decade?

The correctional population has been consistently increasing with 7 million people currently under the control of the correctional system.

Which of the following statements is false regarding the use of DNA?

The U.S. is the only country with a DNA database

What is known about the correctional population in the United States over the past decade?

The correctional populations has been constantly increasing with 7 million people currently under the control of the correctional system.

Which of the following factors in not a legitimate consideration in setting the length of a prison term?

The offender's age

What is one commonly used method for treating drug-dependent inmates in today's prisons?

Therapeutic communities

What was the principle finding of the Kansas City patrol study?

There is little evidence that police patrol deters crime

Which of the following statements is false regarding bail issues?

There is no racial or ethnic disparity in the bail process.

Which of the following is true for peremptory challenges during jury selection?

They can be used to excuse jurors for no particular reason

The greatest factor in controlling the use of unwanted police brutality is/are?

Threat of civil judgment against individual officers

How do most municipal police departments determine promotion eligibility?


The term 'stare decisis' means:

To stand by decided cases

Courts of limited jurisdiction are most likely to handle which of the following crimes?

Traffic violations

What is another term for an indictment issued by a grand jury?

True bill

Regardless of its source, all criminal laws in the U.S. must conform to the rules and dictates of the:

U.S. Constitution

What federal agency is responsible for the transportation of federal prisoners?

U.S. Marshals

The federal governments' three tiered hierarchy if court jurisdiction includes all of the following except?

U.S. Special Jurisdiction Court

What type of bail system allows the defendant to be released with no immediate requirement of payment but leaves him/her liable for the full bail amount is he/she fails to appear in court?

Unsecured bond

The exercise of power is granted to those who control the criminal justice system. In policing, they are given power to:

Use force, when neccesary

What is the lowest level of reasonable officer response mapped out in the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center's use-of-force model?

Verbal Commands

Which style of policing prefers to ignore or treat informally issues of concern, unless the social or political order is being jeopardized?


Which regions of the country usually have significantly higher rates of crime?

West and South

In early US policing, which area of the country encouraged individual initiative and offered rewards for the capture of felons and law breakers?

Western Territories

Crime is generally grouped into three basic categories. They are:

felonies, misdemeanors, and violations

According to non-interventionists, the efforts to treat offenders may lead to further stigmata beyond the scope of the original offense is called?

Widening the Net of Justice

The greater the proportion of _____ in the population, the higher the crime rate and the greater the number of persistent offenders.

Young men

Shock incarceration is generally desgined with what target population in mind?

Youthful, first time offenders

What is most common definition of a felony?

a crime punishable in the statute by death or imprisonment in a state prision

The juvenile system developed as a result of?

a desire to help and treat children

A fixed term of incarceration is called what?

a determinate sentence

The statement "Aggressively policing increases community perception that police arrest many criminals and therefore most violators get caught" is an example of what?

a deterrent effect

For misdemeanors, probation usually extends for the entire period of a would-be jail sentence, whereas felonies are more likely to warrant probationary periods that are _____ the suspended prison sentence.

actually shorter than

Community policing is often exemplified by which of the following models?

broken windows

In cases where the convicted is convicted of two or more charges, and the judges sentences begin on the same day and are completed when the longest term is served it is called a:

concurrent sentence

When a jury trial is waved, the judge must:

decide whether the defendant is guilty using a bench trial

Bail is typically granted in a felony hearing:

during court hearings

The first prison treatment programs in the United Sates were:


Court decisions that limit police discretion are an example of a(n)?

external stressor

The term 'actus reus' refers to the:

guilty act

Many scholars argue that probation will continue to be the sentence of choice in both felony and misdemeanor cases because it:

holds the promise of great financial savings

A(n) ______ is a charging document drawn up by a prosecutor in jurisdictions that do not use the grand jury system.


What is the most commonly used formal sentence for juvenile offenders?


Which of the following is a factor that helps contribute to the swelling prison populations?

mandatory sentencing laws

The individual's state of mind or intent to commit a crime is formally referred to as:

mens rea

Which of the following is an index crime?

motor vehicle theft

The inmate population in the US has ___________ despite a decade long crime drop.

one decreased minimally

When the U.S Supreme court justices reach a split decision, the chief justice assigns a member of the majority group to write the ______.


While there are many goals of patrol, most police experts agree that the majority of police patrol efforts are devoted to:

order maintenance

Community orientated policing links police effectiveness to:

productive interaction with the community being served

The Baston doctrine holds that:

prosecutorial peremptory challenges based on race are unconstitutional

The primary purpose of maximum-security prisons is:


In adapting to a female institution a common practice is:

self-mutilation or carving

Re-sentencing an offender to probation after a short prison stay is termed:

shock probation

The juvenile court labels ungovernable, habitually disobedient, and truant children to b:

status offenders

What entity initially sets down the conditions or rules of behavior that must be followed by the probationer?

the court

What procedure is often used as an alternative to the grand jury?

the preliminary hearing

The 'blue curtain' is a term used to describe?

the secrecy and insulation from others in society that is a consequence of the police subculture

Courts of limited jurisdiction are named as such because:

they are restricted to hearing minor or less serious civil and criminal cases

What is the duty of a defense lawyer to his client and the legal system?

to fully and competently defend his client

The fact that prisons have inmates locked within their walls, are under constant scrutiny, and are forced to obey rules refers to the concept of:

total institution

The time-in-rank system used in police departments often discourages the:

transfer of experienced officers to other departments

If the prosecution can present sufficient evidence, the grand jury will issue a(n) _________, which specifies the exact charges on which the accused must stand trial.

true bill of indictment

This gives the victim the opportunity to tell of their experiences and describe their ordeal.

victim impact statement

The process of determining the appropriates of jurors to sit on the jury is known as:

voir dire

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