CJUS 3630

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The "Coffee Shop" culture in the Netherlands:

All of the above

Cocaine consumption in Europe has tripled in the past 10 years.


Cocaine withdrawal does not cause dangerous and extreme physical conditions.


Broad objectives of the UK regarding drug use and trafficking include:

All of the above

What drink is made from distilled sugar cane?


Which country does not have a drug control strategy?


Which of the following is a possible penalty for drug offending depending on where in the world the conviction occurs?


Which of the following was a reason why levels of beer intake were so much higher during the 16th century?


Researchers estimate that INTERPOL members conduct more than _____________ database searches every minute of every day of the year.


Which amendment to the Constitution provided for the legally enforced abstention of alcohol in the US in 1920?


The world's first international police congress was held in Monaco in:


Globally, how many people consume illicit drugs each year?

210 million

Regardless of wording of legislation or law, human trafficking is in essence:

21st century slavery

How many immigrants are estimated by UNODC to be smuggled, trafficked, and entered into the US each year from Central and South America?

3 million

Overall, what percent of the global population between the ages of 15 and 64 is believed to consume an illicit substance at least once per year?


The United Self Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC) has told the press that what percent of its income is derived from drugs?


According to the 2011 World Drug Report, opium production increased how much from 1998 to 2009?


The Sentencing Council for England and Wales has produced guidelines that the government intends to show:

A distinction between mules and those who are engaged in trafficking commercially

Relevant factors that contribute to the establishment of cartel operations include:

All of the above

EUROPOL, resulting from the growth of the European Union and banking on the success and broadening of the EDU, is formally:

A genuine law enforcement agency designed to combat crime and terrorism

The short-term effects of alcohol poisoning are often referred to as what?

A hangover

The association of police agencies that meet regularly through the chief constables to create policies and exchange best practices to combat crime issues that impact all member countries is known as what?


According to the text, in the near future we can expect to see an increase in the use of which drug?


Which country produces 90% of the world's illicit opium?


According to the 2011 "Trafficking in Persons" Report issued by the US Department of State, which country is considered a source country for men, women and children to be sold into the sex industry and forced labor, including the forced begging of children?


Of all the substances that humans consume to alter their view of life, it is _______________that has established itself as preeminent and has lost very little popularity over time.


What are the two most popular substances for mixed consumption?

Alcohol and cocaine

A striking similarity of cartels to terrorist organizations is:

All of the above

The classification of whether a drug is considered legal or illegal seems to depend on which of the following factors:

All of the above

What is your BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration) a measurement of?

All of the above

According to the text, which country has one of the lowest rates of tobacco use in the world today?


According to the text, why is the crime of drug trafficking designated to hold international jurisdiction?

Because it is a crime that impacts all of humanity

According to the text, why is the crime of drug trafficking designated to hold international jurisdiction? Selected Answer: Incorrect Because drug trafficking is a worldwide problem

Because it is a crime that impacts all of humanity

Which country lodged a reservation against the United Nations Convention regarding the classification of the coca leaf as a criminal offense to "consume, possess, purchase or cultivate for personal consumption"?


Which of the following, according to the text, do terrorist groups and drug cartels NOT have in common?

Both groups are hyper-religious zealots in their framework and core beliefs

Which drug is consumed the most widely in the US?


All of the countries in the South, Central, and Caribbean region are involved in the growing and supplying of which drug?


As enforcement priority is given over to ATS, the interdiction of ______________ will inevitably diminish.


Which of the following is not considered a "hard drug" in the Netherlands?


In 2013, SOCA was replaced by the National Crime Agency (NCA), a national and international crime agency that will include all of the aspects and powers contained within the SOCA as well as the addition of:

Child Exploitation and Online Protection

The SOCA prioritizes in dealing with cases involving what?

Class A drugs

According to the text, North America is the world's largest consumer of which drug, although its use is decreasing?


Which drug was used to treat eating disorders, alcohol addiction and asthma, as well as purported to be an aphrodisiac?


Which drug's use is increasing across Asia, particularly in the southwest region where continuing wealth and a growing westernization of youth is resulting in an uptake in club drugs not dissimilar to Western use trends of the 1990s?


Which of the following drugs is a stimulant?


Drug cartels originated from which country?


Which is the only country to grow, produce and traffic cocaine, heroin and marijuana?


The EDU was established in order to:

Create a Europe-wide police force focused on the growing international drug problem

The EDU was established in order to: Selected Answer: Correct Create a Europe-wide police force focused on the growing international drug problem

Create a Europe-wide police force focused on the growing international drug problem

Cocaine consumption has been steadily increasing in North America.


The hallmark of all successful crime groups, drug cartels and terrorist organizations is:

Diversification of criminal enterprise

According to the UNODC, more than 6 billion fake articles are in circulation in any one year.


Because of its geographical borders and multiple shipping ports, as well as being a licensed opium grower, Turkey has a rampant drug abuse problem.


Caffeine, alcohol and tobacco are still strictly regulated like the Big 4 in many countries across the globe.


Coordinating the applicable laws that govern the actions of individual state drug enforcement agents is a rather simple affair since the European Union binds their laws together under its sovereignty.


Drug addicts are frequently incarcerated in Iran.


Europe is not a significant illicit drug export region with the exception of cocaine.


Heroin was used to treat eating disorders, alcohol addiction and asthma, as well as purported to be an aphrodisiac.


Human trafficking victims are limited to women and children.


Increased budgets have made Europe stronger in the fight against organized crime threats.


India is by far the largest producer of heroin in the world.


Los Zetas have long been classified as a terrorist organization, giving Central America international support against the violent cartel.


Major drug traffickers up to this point have remained exclusively males.


Many of the African countries that receive drugs illegally have strong governments that help them combat drug trafficking, which is why it is not as widespread in Africa as it is in other continents.


Marijuana is the newest of all the substances discussed in the text.


Most Muslims do not have a problem with Islamic groups associating itself with drugs because the use of drugs of any type is not restricted in their religion.


Nation states who decide to become part of the European Union (EU) lose their ability to create their own criminal laws and to establish bi-lateral agreements with other member and non-member states.


Operation Withdrawal was initiated by the DEA in 2002 and is an on-going, long-term commitment to collaborative international efforts to disrupt and prevent the terrorist-drugs nexus.


Over the course of the last 20 years, the significant political events that have taken place within Russia have meant that the opportunity factor for an increase in internal organized crime has decreased exponentially.


Prior to extensive misuse of the drug, MDMA was a key ingredient in diet pills.


Repeal of the nationwide ban on manufacturing and consuming alcohol means that states can no longer be "dry."


The Gulf Cartel members were originally members of the Mexican government's elite Special Forces Unit, Grupo Aeromovil de Fuerzas Especiales, GAFES, the Airborne Special Forces Group, before they deserted the Mexican military when recruited to become paramilitary cartel enforcers.


The biggest fear the cartel leaders have is of prison sentences in their native country, for they know that if they get caught they will likely spend the rest of their natural lives in prison.


The focus of the Mexican government's approach towards drug use inside Mexico is to penalize small time users with the fullest extent of the law.


The most infamous base for all sex trade is China.


The theft of humans for the Chinese sex industry has been declining.


The word "drug" is synonymous with narcotic.


The world trade of fake designers is estimated to have lost Americans 1,000,000 jobs.


Today the US remains the strictest country in the Western world with regard to drinking laws aimed at drinking by young persons and it has the highest minimum drinking age in the world.


Under the US Anti-Drug Abuse Acts in 1986 and 1988, the imprisonment terms were increased for selling and supply of illegal substances.


Under the new sentencing guidelines, drug possession is explicitly linked to volume.


Under the new sentencing guidelines, drug possession is no longer directly linked to volume.


The Narcotic Control Act of 1956 is federal legislation that supersedes all previous legislative measures with regard to the manufacture, supply and possession of drugs in the US.

False It aimed at increasing penalties for sale, supply and possession of drugs in the U.S.

Which country banned Red Bull until its Austrian manufacturers agreed to lower the level of taurine in the product?


Which drug is a depressant that acts on the central nervous system and is used legally for the treatment of cataplexy, a type of narcolepsy?


Which drug was marketed in America at the beginning of the 20th century as a cure for morphine and opium addiction?


Which drug was sold openly by traveling salesmen, department stores and as an over-the-counter drug after it was introduced in the US?


Which of the following is NOT a depressant?


Which of the following is considered one of the "Big 4?"


According to the 2011 UNODC report, which country led the world in murders per capita?


What is the difference between human trafficking and smuggling humans?

In trafficking the victim is forced; in smuggling the victim is a willing participant

_____________ and Turkey are the only two countries that are permitted under the 1961 UN Drugs Convention to produce opium for pharmaceutical purposes.


Initial enforcement of the Harrison Act was placed by which agency?

Internal Revenue Service

The total cost of funding the terrorist attacks of 9/11 is believed to be:

Less than $500,000

The maximum sentence for drug trafficking in the UK is:

Life imprisonment

Does the problem of drugs and drug trafficking really affect the daily lives of most of the world's population? Selected Answer: Correct No, it impacts a small number of people but in a very large way

No, it impacts a small number of people but in a very large way

According to the 2011 World Drug Report, which area remains the world's largest illicit drug market?

North America

The most smuggled brand of cigarettes is:


The number one recreational drug of choice in Russia is now:


Which drug causes "highs" that can last up to 15 hours, extreme insomnia, dry mouth, antisocial behavior, and eventually can cause psychosis?


Which drug would very likely have not come into extensive use so quickly had it not been for World War II?


All national and international agencies now conduct investigations of what crime to parallel criminal investigations into large scale drug trafficking?

Money laundering

Which country, according to the text, ranks as one of the world's most corrupt nations and is of major concern to the UN and the World Health Organization?


The Golden Triangle is a region of intense drug trafficking that includes:

Myanmar, Thailand and Laos

Drugs that derive from opiates are called:


What class of drugs has the capacity to induce dreaming and sleepiness as well as to provide pain relief?


Which kind of drug numbs the senses and is excellent at relieving pain?


Perhaps the largest single barrier to effectively preventing an escalation of illicit drug trafficking in all regions of the world is:

National sovereignty

Does the problem of drugs and drug trafficking really affect the daily lives of most of the world's population?

No, it impacts a small number of people but in a very large way

For every one kilo brick of cocaine recovered, the Philippine government offers___________________ as an unusual approach towards community interdiction of the drug.

One sack of rice

Which drug became a very popular medicine for a number of ailments, such as gout, headaches, diabetes, cholera, and general pain management?


The principal legislation that deals with the global offenses of human trafficking and smuggling is sometimes referred to as the:

Palermo Convention

Colombia was the world leader in coca plant production until it was overtaken in 2010 by:


What is the term used to describe mixing illicit drugs with other substances?


Which country implemented a nationwide decriminalization of all drugs in 2001?


What makes growing coca more attractive than coffee, what makes becoming a mule necessary, what makes carrying out a cartel execution impossible to avoid; all of these actions are intrinsically linked to drugs and driven mainly by what?


In many instances, the most effective way of preventing drug trafficking is by:

Preventing drug traffickers access to illegal money

In many instances, the most effective way of preventing drug trafficking is by: Selected Answer: Correct Preventing drug traffickers access to illegal money

Preventing drug traffickers access to illegal money

The Drug Kingpin Act attempts to identify and deal with individual drug traffickers once they have been designated as a Kingpin by:

Secretary of the treasury

More people die from _____________ each year than from all of the murder, car accident, alcohol, heroin, crack cocaine and AIDS deaths combined.


What type of drug is available in more variations than any other drug?


What class of drugs creates a sensation of euphoric well-being with an experience of greater magnitude of normal pleasures such as sex and emotions?


ccording to the text, what does "Taliban" mean?


Which of the following is not one of the main treaties designed to stem the international production and supply of international drugs? Selected Answer: Incorrect The Convention on Psychotropic substances 1971

The Convention on Arms and Drugs Trafficking 1968*

Which European nation decriminalized the possession of heroin in 2010?

The Czech Republic

The original name for what is now INTERPOL was:

The International Crime Police Commission

The dominant trafficking mechanism for the future will be:

The Internet

Which country has the largest population of illicit drug users and the largest number of persons incarcerated for drug offenses?

The US

The dominant crime group within Guatemala is now established as:

The Zetas

In reality, the global crimes of money laundering and drug trafficking can be difficult to investigate and prosecute due to:

The concept of national legal sovereignty

The beginnings of the Temperance Movement started when?

The late 18th century

According to the text, the biggest impact upon the negative social upheaval of Mexicans more than any other element of the drug wars in that country is:

The levels of violence seen around the border town of Juarez

A significant amount of criminals are brought to court annually for the offense of human trafficking due to the knowledge that this is a huge sphere of criminality conducted by most drug cartels as well as by numerous other organized crime groups.


According to the text, several well-known physicians who supported the use of cocaine ended up becoming users/addicts of the drug themselves.


According to the text, the zenith of the alcohol prohibition movement was when the Senate passed the Volstead Act in 1917.


Anabolic steroids are synthetic drugs that replicate the natural hormones, such as testosterone, estrogen and cholesterol.


At one time, the family members El Chapo, El Azul, Beltran, and El Mayo were known as the Blood Alliance and represented a formidable force within Mexico.


Because we as a society choose to consume illegal substances, there is a ready market for illicit enterprise to supply these goods and in doing so make billions of dollars every year from such illicit sales.


Cannabis is illegal in Holland.


Cocaine consumption has been steadily decreasing in North America.


Cocaine withdrawal does not cause dangerous and extreme physical conditions.


Domestic law enforcement agencies in France are responsible for the majority of all major drug operations.


FinCEN is considered the lead Financial Intelligence Unit for the United States.


France and the US have extradition agreements for the delivery of wanted drug traffickers in either jurisdiction.


IMoLIN is an Internet based group that supplies information to governments, institutions, and individuals to better help them prevent and detect money laundering.


INTERPOL is a support agency that does not undertake its own operations.


In 1988 Russia legalized free trade and this event provided the mechanism to allow organized crime to take off in the country.


It is complex to measure the global pattern of illicit drug prices because of the large number of variables, such as the distance from farm to arm, the amount of local resistance or the effectiveness of legal measures in the producing or receiving state, in addition to natural factors such as weather.


It is important for the future that the use of evocative terms such as "Drug War," "battles," and "fighting" be missing from future plans.


Italian authorities concluded in 2011 that Mexican cartels, Italian Ndrangheta and Albanian Mafia are colluding to supply cocaine across Europe.


Legal cooperation will always be challenged by national sovereignty and domestic ownership of the criminal law.


Moonshine is the word used to describe the process of manufacturing illegal spirits.


One of the greatest contemporary threats to North America and Europe is the ability of multi-crime activity groups to flourish due to the inability of governments in both the northern and southern hemispheres to cooperate over policing and law enforcement strategies.


PCP was initially researched for use as a human anesthetic.


The British government is making strenuous efforts to assure the public that the NCA is not a quasi-FBI or a re-branded SOCA but an entirely new law enforcement agency whose primary function is liaison and assistance.


The Drugs Act of 2005 in the UK reversed the burden of proof so that the defendant assumes the responsibility of proving that the quantity of drugs found in his possession is not for the purposes of supplying.


The acronym MAFIA (Morte Alla Francia Italia Anela) was used as a battle cry in 1282, although it is not considered to be a reliable etymology for the common use of the word mafia.


The alleged "boss of bosses" of the Russian Mafia, Semion Yudkovich Mogilevich, is not wanted for drug trafficking.


The human trafficking operation is considered worth in the neighborhood of $6.5 billion per annum to the human traffickers.


The kidnapping of people for supply into the sex trade is frequently closely associated with drugs as it is the same syndicates that operate across both fields of crime.


The metabolization rate of alcohol in the body is not affected by the consumption of coffee or strenuous exercise.


When departing Plymouth, England, for America, the Puritans put more beer than water aboard the Mayflower.


Wine is viewed as a healer of ailments, something to be used in religious ceremonies and as a gift from the gods.


Which alcoholic drink is made from water, along with starch, which is normally a cereal, and a fermenting agent, yeast?


Which drug is derived from the South American coca plant?


The Big 4?

heroin, cocaine, marijuana, amphetamine

The serious concern about ________________ as abused substances is that they are very commonly available to very young users and have known devastating effects upon mental growth.


Which type of drug may be prescribed legally to treat coughs, diarrhea and narcolepsy?


State legislation to supplement the federal Harrison Act finally occurred in 1934 with the passage of this act (which included the criminalization of cannabis)

the Uniform State Narcotics Drug Act 1934

Schedule ___ drugs are those that still have a high potential for abuse and addiction or dependency but may have a recognized medical use with severe restrictions placed upon prescribing the substance.


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