CLAS 401-Exam 2

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What does Python mean?

-AKA Serpent/dragon/monster -At Delphi with Themis before Apollo -Very ancient form of primal God -Apollo and Pythia "Python" -Apollo kills the python -Apollo slaying the "chthonic (adjective concerning, belonging to, or inhabiting the underworld.) child of Gaia -This story is evereywhere: Norse, Christian, Jewish -Succession: primal gods vs Apollo/Olympians who are closer to humans, Succession of Human nature

Describe the story of Icarius and Erigone

"Father Liber" (Dionysus) shows Icarius and his daughter (Erigone) the pleasant grape- and wine, because of their great hospitality. Dionysus tells them to spread the wine and show it to the people of the land. They do this and come across shepherds and give them wine, but the shepherds drink to much and get too drunk, they think Icarius has tricked them and cursed/poisoned them, so they beat him to death, when Erigone finds this out later, she hangs herself. Dionysus later finds out of this, he makes the shepherd's daughters hang themselves, the shepherds then ask God why this happened and the Gods tell them. The Gods honor Erigone and Icarius w/ a holiday (1st fruits of the harvest) and also become constellations: Erigone->Virgo (Justice) Icarius -> Arcturus

Life advice from the Pythian Priestess(Oracle at Delphi)

"Sophocles is wise, Euripedes is wiser, but of all men Socrates is wisest." "Your guide in life should be to make your own nature, not the advice of others"

Case Study: Judgement of Arms

-Achilles' Armor is so magnificnet for it was crafted by Hephaistos -When he dies in battle, the question was asked: who will get his armor? -Two people say they are deserving of it: 1. Ajax: -For he is brute strength/brawn, Achilles' cousin and an amazing warrior 2. Odysseus -For he is a tactical genius, and the smartest military man in all the land; came up with Trojan horse idea -So the elites of Greece want to determine which of the two should wear the armor, they do this by: asking their captured POWs who they fear more: Ajax or Odysseus? -The overwhelming answer is Odysseus -This highlights the importance and superiority of brain/intellect to that of brawn

Paian Apollo

-Ancient God, named Paiawon is ancient God of war/healing >At some point Apollo swallows up this ancient God (Metaphorically) and takes on his role -It then becomes his epithet: >"Paian Apollo" /"Paean"=war/healing -Best way to pray to Apollo is to sing to him

Why is Asclepios and his kin often depicted with a snake?

-Apollo killed Python at Delphi >Apollo's destruction of python establishes end of primal Gods and more focus now on the Olympians who are much more similar to humans -Apollo/Asclepious takes the Python/snake and makes it his sidekick Whole different reason: -On Epidauras (a place known for its amzing healing) there is a temple -In the Temple is an abaton: >Where a sick person enters and "incubate" >Hang out there for as long as it takes to get better >In and around the altar within the abaton were a bunch of snakes >It is said there were so many snakes you had to watch your step when walking >You would sleep here with all the snakes and they would slither all over you Think this: -Snakes shed their skin: >Reborn, rejuvenated >Healthy >Embodiment of rebirth

Describe Asclepios' birth

-Apollo+Coronis(womb)=Asclepios -She dies but is pregnant -Apollo grabs his son from the funeral pyre -Asclepios: full God of healing

Who is Hermes?

-Born from Zeus+Maia(daughter of Atlas and she is a beautiful Nymph) -Hermes is thus a "Descendant" of Atlas, and sometimes referred to as "Grandson of Atlas" -Latin=Mercury -He is the second most Greek god second only to Apollo -God of: >Thieves >Messengers/heralds >Luck >Athletes >Speech/Language >Commerce/Merchant -Herm=Rock -Epithets include: >Argophontos /Slayer of Argos >Psychopompus /Guide of Souls: from upperworld to lower world >"Cyllenian" /Born on Arcadia on Mt. Cyellen -He is often depicted...: >wearing a broad brimmed hat often worn by travelers >Wearing a loose fitting cloak hanging over one shoulder worn by travelers > On his feet: sandals with wings >With a golden staff: the Caduces; which sometimes shepherds/messengers carry for protection -Early on he is depicted with a beard, but with time, without for he is considered a more new/young Olympian -He is a major part in the story of Io >Often depicted stabbing Argos -He is depicted in the story of Ixion for he must bring Ixion down to the underworld -For he does not need time to prepare for travel (unlike the other Gods, he is always ready) -He is depicted on the Euphcronios (the painter) Krater (pot that holds the wine at a party):>He is seen escorting a dead soldier to the underworld

What are the Pythian Games? How are they different than the Olympics? Why are they called the Pythian games?

-Happened at Delphi -Every 4 years -Different than Olympic games: more emphasis on the Arts: >Music, Poetry, Dance -Athletics aswell: Chariot racing -Laurel ("Daphne") wreath: >"Resting on your laurels": After achieving amazing victory just relaxing >Mark of vigorous physical/mental/genius accomplishment -Theatron (theater) at Delphi: "Greeces -Chariot racing: so dangerous only slaves participated >Charioteer at Delphi: made of complete bronze 450 BCE, a slave

Describe the story of Croesus

-He is the king of Lydia -The first to mint coins and as such, is incredibly wealthy -The Persians are very close to him/his borders so he is very scared of them: >What should I do? he asks -Croesus then sends a messenger to all of the oracles scattered around Greece and asks them what he will be doing in exactly 100 days: >They all fail but one: /The Oracle at Delphi correctly states that he is boiling lamb -Croesus (paranoid) then asks the Oracle at Delphi: "What should i do about the Persians?" -She responds "If you cross the river, you will destroy a mighty empire" -So Croesus does so and he fails: the Oracle had been talking of his own empire because she speaks with such ambiguity

Describe the Homeric Hymn to Hermes

-Hermes is born from Zeus and Maia (beautiful nymph that dwells ina cave). "born in the dawn and by midday he played the Lyre and in the evening he sole Apollo's cattle" -As soon as he is born, he runs from his cribs to seek out Apollo's cattle, along the way, the stumbles across a tortoise and devises a plan: he cuts out the tortoise from its shell, uses reeds, an ox hide, and string and creates the first 7-stringed lyre; he then tunes the lyre and splays it/sings of HIS OWN CONCEPTION praising his parents -He then becomes more interested in Apollo's cattle and craves meat, so he heads out. During the night, he comes across the cattle and steals it: to prevent being tracked down/caught he places boards under the cos feet and leads them backwards. -Hermes takes the cattle and kills a couple of them for sacrifice (here he literally invents sacrifice) and offers to the Gods -Apollo comes out and doesnt know where his cattle are, he eventually finds out a child stole itso he goes to Maia's cave where Hermes is -Apollo confronts Hermes, Hermes tries to trick Apollo and acts all innocent: how could i have done it I was born yesterday: acts oblivious -Apollo shakes and throws baby Hermes before eventually taking him to Zeus for justice -Zeus makes Hermes tell Apollo where his cattle is and Hermes finally accepts. Zeus then makes them become great friends: >Hermes gives up his Lyre to Apollo >An Apollo gives Hermes the power to prophecize/tell the future -They then become best of friends

Describe chariot racing

-Incredible entertainment for the Greeks -Mainly done at The Pythian Games of Apollo -So dangerous; only slaves participated

What is the story of Pentheus?

-Pentheus is Dionysus' cousin -Story takes place at Thebes and is as follows: >Dionysus comes to Thebes and ask Pentheus to give him praise/worship, Pentheus refuses >He then goes to Pentheus' family; they all refuse >Dionysus plants a seed of madness in Pentheus >The madness drives Pentheus to find where the women of Thebes go to worship Gods >He finds where all the women of the court are worshipping Dionysus >He then makes the women go mad(specifically his female family members), and his mom, sisters and aunt see Pentheus and think he is a mtn. lion >So they jump on him and attack him; tearing him apart limb from limb -Dionysus=Bacchhus ("Bacchic Frenzy") >Means drunken madness

Describe Dionysus birth

-Remember the story of Zeus and Semele: Hera comes disguised as crone to Semele telling her to ask Zeus to prove he is Zeus by showing her his true form. Zeus tells Semele he will give her whatever she asks, she asks to see his true form, he begs her not to ask this, she persists, he does this and it kills her, for no mortal can gaze upon a God's true form. -Right before Zeus kills Semele he saves the child (she is pregnant) -He then sews the newborn to his thigh -A few months later he is born out of Zeus "making him born of two mothers" -Hermes then gave the child (to be raised as a girl) to some people: >Hera, in a fit of rage, finds out and makes the people that take in Zeus bastard child go mad and as a result they kill their kids -Remember: Hermes is the product of the violent explosion from Zeus to Semele

What is rationalization? Who is known for it, and what story is specifically used with it?

-Shows that many Greeks did not actually believe the myths. -A way to make sense of a ridiculous myth/story -Most notably done by Steisichorus first and later Pausanias

Who is Asclepios?

-Son of Apollo and Coronis -God of Healing -Roman: Aesculapius -Has five daughters (only two of importance): >Hygeia: Goddess of hygiene and cleanliness >Panacea: Goddess: Goddess that helps all -Depicted with the snake/serpent staff which is associated with healing: snake is reborn (sheds skin) >This is even seen in today's depiction of the world on ambulances...etc. /Seen in The Hippocratic oath: Doctors swear by Apollo, Asclepios, Hygeia, Panaceia -He and kin often depicted with a bowl represents drugs (one way Greeks cured themselves. But also the snake which Greeks symbolized as divine intervention: when the Gods had to save you for the illness is out of your hands -Exceeded his father's (Apollo) power in healing

What did sick people in ancient Greece do to cure themselves?

-Take drugs (depicted by the bowl) -Or pray to the Gods, mainly Asclepios or Apollo (depicted by the snake) >Do this by entering a temple on Epidauras (a place known for its amzing healing) there is a temple -In the Temple is an abaton: >Where a sick person enters and "incubate" >Hang out there for as long as it takes to get better >In and around the altar within the abaton were a bunch of snakes >It is said there were so many snakes you had to watch your step when walking >You would sleep here with all the snakes and they would slither all over you Also, equally important: -At Epidauras there was a large theater: >Sick people would come and go to the theater and listen/watch a show/performance >It has been proven that music/live performance can improve ones sickness

Who is Dionysus

-The God of wine, fertility, madness >God of fertility because when people get drunk they hook up >When drunk you act wild: thus madness -Born from Zeus and Semele on Thebes -Dios +Nysa(the Mtn. where he was born) -Firm believer that drinking culture should be on going -He drinks impulsively: this is often showed through what the Greeks sometimes drank out of: a drinking horn: which you cant put down must keep drinking -Dionysus is crazy, energetic and always moving >Good side >Bad side: Aggressive, fighting -He is fun and crazy >The exact opposite of Apollo >Always changing opinion

Describe Artemis, and her epithets

-The Hunt -Associated with girls and virginity -remember story of Callisto/turned into bear -"Free-Spirited": will freely kill you: never mess with her -Dealer of life and death -"Huntress" -Associated with willow tree: "Willow Bound" -Roman equivalent: Diana -Indo-European -Unlike Apollo; she does come from an ancient "Hunting Godess", which predates Greece -Epithets: >"Delian"/"Cynthian" born on Delos atop Mt. Cynthas >"Shining" but different than Athena, light of the moon and thus is associated with the moon >"Of the golden shaft";Bow and Arrow >"Raining arrows" can also bring down disease through arrows to man >"Potniatheron" -Diana of the hunt(hunt =neutral0 >she kills to survive not out of want >also tends to animals >To preserve nature -the midwife to Apollos birth -No sex/exact opposite to Aphrodite

S-curve pose

-more realistic than chiastic -Greek/Roman -Extreme bend in body -Over accentuate/curve -Especially used by women -Contrapasto on acid

What are the to Roman thoughts on Dionysus.

1. Young, intoxicated, boyish 2. Older, sloppy, ugly, drunk man who is very fat

Who is Loxias?

Apollo, Loxias means "Side Eye"- trying to muddy the waters and make it difficult to see the truth and/or his thoughts

What are the Homeric Hymns?

Acollection attributed to Homer The first five are longer They preced his epic, and are narratives about different olympians. His hymn to Demeter is two aetiologies: 1. The seasons 2. Eleusinian mysteries

Describe the story of Actaeon and Diana

Actaeon is a hunter who hunts with a pack of dogs, and one day he is cruising around in the woods searching for prey, he then hears women so he follows the sound, he sneaks up to the women and watches them as they bathe NAKED (peeping tom) the women are part of Dianas cult and Diana herself, Artemis (Diana) becomes aware of Actaeon's presence and so Actaeson scurries away thinking home free,. he gets backl to camp but his dogs are looking at him weird: horns grow from his head, then his feet turn to hooves and hair grows from all over, his dogs see him as prey (a stag) and as such attack him unknowingly and kill him his dogs search all over but dont find him not knowing they killed him

Describe the story of Venus and Adonis (also of Atalanta and Hippomenes.

Adonis is Myrrha's child, and has grown very beautiful so much so that Venus (Aphrodite has even taken notice), and then Cupid pricks her with an arrow making her fall more in love with Adonis. Aphrodite meets with him and sees him hunting,(sexual relationship) and tell him to be weary of the wild animals for they are dangerous. She tells him the story of Atalanta and Hippomenes: Atalants is a young very beautiful maiden who can outrun any man in the land, Gods tell her not to have a husband for they are awful, so she remains unmarried in the woods offering marriage to a man only if he can out run her in a foot race but if they lose:they die. At first, a man by the name of Hippomenes, laughs and says why would anyone do that, but understands when he sees her beauty, and so Hippomenes challenges her and she likes him so begs him not to, Atalanta is at a cross roads: on one hand she wants to win but doesnt want him to die, prior he prayed to Venus for help in the race and she gave him 3 apples which would help in the race. As Atalanta and Hippomenes race he throws the Apples one by one each distracting Atalanta and making her fall behind in the race, just as Atalanta is about to win the race Hippomenus throws the last apple and Atalanta runs back for it and loses the race (mainly due to Venus). The two then run off and get married, but they foprget to do one thing:thank Venus. So Venus guides them into a sacred temple where they have sex where some Goddess of the temple, Cybele punishes them by turning them into Lions. Story ends. Venus tells this story to warn Adonis of the Dangers of hunting wild animals venus then leaves and Adonis hunts a boar and it kills him, this makes Venus sad and she cries

Contrapasto pose

An Italian term that means counterpoise. It is used in the visual arts to describe a human figure standing with most of its weight on one foot so that its shoulders and arms twist off-axis from the hips and legs. This gives the figure a more dynamic, or alternatively relaxed appearance.

Apollo and Marsyas

An amazing Lyre player who is incredibly cocky, he loves to play and thinks he can out play Apollo so he challenges Apollo, Apollo, being challenged, makes rules for it: they must play the Lyre upside down. Apollo easily beats him after this person struggles. as punishment, Apollo flays his skin off of his body and hangs him in a tree.

Who is Steisichorus?

An ancient Rationalizer who predates Pausanias. Pausanias studies his work. Most notable for his rationalization of the story of Actaeon: Artemis saw Actaeon but did not turn him into a stag (for thats not possible) but instead, threw a deer skin on him so his dogs would mistake him for a deer

Does the Oracle at Delphi give straight answers? Why not?

Apollo works in mysterious ways Loxias

Describe the Hymn to Aphrodite

Aphrodite goes around making people fall in love unwantingly in a way she even does this to the Gods but cant to the Goddesses So Zeus gets fed up and makes her fall in love with a mortal: Anchises She goes to him in disguise and Anchises falls for her and he thinks she is immortal but either way she convinces him she wants him to marry and so they bang Aphrodite makes him sleep When he wakes he sees shes really the Goddess Aphrodite and is shocked She is pregnant, she says their child will be very powerful, and his lineage close to the Gods She describes how she once boasted for being the only god to not sleep with a mortal but clearly that is no longer the case-makes her distraught Says the nymphs will raise the boy importantly: she says he is never to speak of this interaction, and if any one asks who Aineias' mom is to say "One of the Flower-faced Nymphs" and if he doesnt, Zeus's wrath will reign down upon him

Describe Aphrodite, her epithets, and her origins

Aphrodite was literally born from the Gonads of Ouranos giving her a passion for sex Godess of love from the primal God-Eros-pure lusty sexual desire In Roman "Venus" Has the Erotes which also come from Eros, who are Cupids The Cupids are worse than commonly thought: They are very naughty,mischievos, make you want to cheat on your partner through sexual desire Also has the Charites(graces) which represent the classy side to sex Depicted with a cestus-neglige(a bra) made by Hephaistos Important; Two different sides to her/sex: 1. Erotes: savage and animalistic sex 2. Charites-Classy and elegant side Some of her Epithets include: -Pandemos(all people) -heavenly -"mistress" -"the armed" "The shapely" -"Post-poner of age" -"smile/genital loving -Cypris/cythereia Negative Epithets: -"The Black/Dark one" -"The un-holy" -"The Grave Digger" -"Killer of men" Its important to note she is not merely lustfull and animalistic, she is also charming and beautiful, well groomed and educated:thats what Greeks thought of as the most beautiful Often depicted with a mirror

Describe Aphrodite/us

Aphrodite=woman Aphroditus=man Gender Bending /Trans Born attracted to both men and women

Difference between Apollo's sex with mortals and Zeus'?

Apollo cant be refused Zeus must ravish them

Why is Apollo called the Pythian?

Apollo killed the dragon that guarded the site..

Apollonian V.S. Dionysian

Apollonian: "Inscrutable Apllo"- he is impossible to understand or interpret. you dont know what he is thinking >Inscrutable, wise, philosophical >Cold-blooded, rationally implied >Plans ahead and is analytical >Calm, sober, -Obama Dionysian: -Impulsive, creative -Rash, emotional, affirming -Party, drunk, embrace, randomness -Loud, chaotic -Trump Neither better than the other, both necessary, both a side to the coin that is the human being

Describe Hermes' birthplace

Arcadia -Landlocked area with no access to the sea -Said to be the oldest place in Greece -Beautiful/Idealic/Rustic landscape with a very pasturical based lifestyle -Arcadia is so old it pre-dates agriculture -Extremely mountainous -He was born in the north on Mt. Cyellene -Very close to nature and rustic

Describe Ares and Aphrodites relationship

Ares is very handsome and strong and never lost a battle: exact opposite to Hephaistos. So Aphrodite and him have sex a lot and Hephaistos becomes suspicious. Ares and Aphrodite have some kids: Harmonia:(yin/yang) represents both love=war Phobos: Fear Deimos:Terror Ares is Mars and Phobos and Deimos are two moons that orbit Mars Aphrodite is Venus It is important to note how Earth lies between Venus and Mars: Earth between love and war

Who is Delphic Oracle or "The Pythia"

Arguably "The most interesting woman/person in the world" -a woman who would sit in a temple (dedicated to Apollo at Delphi) and answer questions: >She would never give a straight answer -sometimes the woman was bat-shit crazy other times she was a noble/successful woman -Her process of telling your prophecy went as follows: >She would bathe by a priest >Sacrifice a goat >The Oracle was very choosey to see you: yes or no >Through the entrails of the goat she saw the Gods future for the man seeking the epiphany >Then she would bathe >Then she would enter a cave, where people would wait for her to come out >After a time she would appear w/ utter madeness, bloody, worked up and she had "met with Apollo" >And tell the future

What is the story of Apollo's servitude?

Asclepios becomes so good at healing he even surpasses his father in the department, and as such, gets cocky. Some random mortal (not important who) brings a dead guy to Asclepios and Asclepios brings him back to life. Asclepios continues to do so; bringing people back to life left and right: depriving Hades of his one purpose. This in turn upsets Hades, so much so, that Zeus ends up killing Asclepios. This in turn enrages Apollo (for obvious reasons, Zeus just murdered his son) and so Apollo kills the Cyclopes. This pisses off Zeus even more and he banishes Apollo, and then makes him a servant to work for a shepard. Apollo then finds Admetus: a boy shepard, and they fall in love. Admetus then tells Apollo: I want this woman's hand in marriage, but her father says she is only to marry a man who can kill/yoke a boar and a lion. Apollo helps him (important to note that Apollo doesnt care Admetus wants another) and allows him the strength to do these things. Admetus then marries the woman. Apollo's servitude then ends, and he wants to thank him somehow: he does so by going to the fates, he gets them drunk and then convinces them to bless Admetus, they then do this: they tell Admetus; "If you can get someone to say they will die for you, you will become young again." So Admetus thinks this is easy and goes to his parents who say "no gtfo of here." He asks all over including to strangers they all say "no." Death finally catches up with Admetus and his wife agrees to it (without his consent) and she dies and he is devastated. She is then in the underworld (as the dead reside down there) With Apollo's blessing heracles (Hercules) comes down to the underworld and literally wrestles with death off of Admetus' wife (Ascletus) and wins, he then brings her back to Admetus.

What did the Greeks find incredibly attractive?

Beauty Intelligence

Why is Apollo the Greekiest Greek God?

Because he has no ancient God predecessors and is solely composed by Greek thought, also is what Greece is all about: beauty, intelligence, high culture... etc.

Why is Apollo a complicated God?

Because he has no one trait, but multiple Artemis=one trait(hunting)

What is Book 14 of The Illiad about?

Before getting into this, one thing that is important to note: -Gods that sided with Torjans: >Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite -Gods who sided with Greeks: >Hera, Athena, Poseidon, Hermes, Hephaistos -Zeus however is different: >Being the strongest of the Gods he vows to remain neutral but it is said he favored the Trojans -The story is as follows After he's done helping the injured healer Machaon, Nestor steps out of the tent to see how the battle's going. He doesn't like what he sees: the Achaians are getting their butts whipped. Nestor is debating whether he should go join the battle himself, or whether he should go report to Agamemnon. He decides on the latter course of action. He finds Agamemnon sitting with Diomedes and Odysseus away from the fighting. All three are injured. Nestor tells Agamemnon the bad news. Agamemnon thinks they're beat. He suggests they should just start moving the ships down into the water. Odysseus says, "No way. As soon as the men see that we're starting to sail off, they won't keep fighting. There will be total disorder and the Trojans will kill us all." Agamemnon says, "Fine. So what do you other brainiacs think we should do?" Eventually, Diomedes speaks up. He says that the three of them should go back to the battle. Even if they don't join in the fighting, they can still shout out encouragement to the men. Everyone thinks this is a good idea, so they head out. On their way, they encounter the god Poseidon, in disguise. He tells Agamemnon that the gods aren't entirely against them - the day will come when the Trojans will turn tail and run. Then Poseidon races off with a shout as loud as nine or ten thousand men, instilling great courage in the hearts of the Achaians. Up on Mount Olympos, Hera sees what Poseidon is doing and is overjoyed. All the same, she is afraid of what might happen if Zeus catches wind of it. She decides to distract him—with the power of a woman's touch. First she dolls herself up all nicely, then she calls Aphrodite, the goddess of love, to put on some finishing touches. Specifically, she wants to borrow loveliness and desirability. (You can think of this as asking to borrow Aphrodite's prized bottle of Chanel Number 5.) The would-be cover girl's cover story is as follows: she wants to go start some chemistry between Okeanos, god of the ocean, and the sea-goddess Tethys, whose relationship is on the rocks. Aphrodite is thrilled with this idea, and forks over the goods. Now Hera heads off to find Zeus. On the way, however, she pays a visit to Sleep, the brother of Death. Hera asks him to knock Zeus out as soon as she's had a chance to use her wiles on him. Sleep hesitates, recalling a previous occasion when he helped Hera put Zeus under—only to have Zeus give him a royal thumping when he woke up. Hera says, "Don't worry about it. And anyhow, if you help me, I'll let you have one of the younger Graces as your wife—Pasithea, the one you've had a crush on for so long." (The Graces were goddesses of, well, gracefulness, beauty, etc.) Sleep says, "Oooh, yes." And off they go. When they reach Mount Ida, where Zeus is, Sleep takes the form of a bird, and Hera heads up to find the god. As soon as Zeus sees her, he is instantly overpowered with lust. He asks her where she's going. Hera tells him the same story she told Aphrodite. Zeus says, "That can wait. Right now: you, me, right here." Hera says, "Right here? Won't somebody see us?" Zeus says, "Not to worry. I'll wrap the mountain in a cloud of mist." Which he does. Once they're done, Sleep knocks Zeus unconscious. Then he speeds down to find Poseidon on the beach of Troy. Sleep tells Poseidon to hurry up and kick some Trojan butt while Zeus is still asleep. Now Poseidon leads the Achaians on the attack. Hektor throws a spear at Aias, but it is deflected where his shield- and sword-straps overlap. In response, Aias throws a huge rock at Hektor, hitting him in the chest. Some guys grab Hektor and pull him out of harm's way. They put him on a chariot and take him back towards Troy, stopping by the River Xanthos. There they splash some water on him. He throws up and blacks out. Poseidon, with Hera's help turns the tides for the Greeks against the Trojans

Describe the story of Apollo and Daphne

Daphne is Apollos first love, Apollo mocks Cupid/Erotes, and as a result, Cupid hits him witrh an arrow (Gold tipped) and makes him fall desperately in love with Daphne, but at the same time Cupid strikes Daphne with an arrow that makes Daphne hate Apollo (led tipped). Long story short: he chases her around and after a while he is finally about to catch her when she begs her father, Peneus, to morph her into something Apollo cant sex with- she turns into a laurel tree (Daphne literally means Laurel tree in Greek). Apollo says "Although you cant be my bride, you will assuredley be my tree". The laurel becomes sacred to Apollo, and is seen as prestigous in Roman and Greek culture, often the laurel is given out to victors of the Pythians/Olympic games and the best Roman Generals. this myth is often depicted with Daphne turning into the tree as branches sprout from her. and was drawn by many famous artists

Who is the most beautiful of the Greek (male) Gods? What features did the Greeks really praise?

Bigger pointy/straight Nose long flowing hair like that of Apollo's

How do the Europeans during the renaissance differently depict Aphrodite than that of the ancient Greek?


Who is Hephaistos?

Born of Parthenogenesis from Hera while enraged about Zeus having Athena. He is the God of the Forge. In roman="Vulcan"(Volcano). Also "Crafty" he literally makes things that are art-like such as Pandora and other very fancy stuff like Artemis' bow and arrow. Hes the one that hits zeus on the head and thus Athena is born. He is also known as "Lame-foot": crippled one, this is because (one story) when he was born he was very ugly which dissapointed Hera, Hera then throws him out of Olympos. (other story): Hephaistos is mad that Zeus is mistreating Hera so he confronts him and Zeus throws him to Earth, in both cases he is injured. Is often depicted with a backwards foot and devine chariot (wheelchair?) associated with arsenic bronze for that caused ancient ailments.

Describe Demeter and her epithets

DE-we don't know this' origins METER-means mother. In Latin she is known as "Ceres" (Cereal) Epithets: "She of the Grain"-Law Giver Comes from Linear B so she is an ancient Goddes of Agriculture that was in many cutures She had sex with Zeus and together they made Persephone. Depicted with grain=if there is grain it is her or Persephone. One of the Original 6 Olympians

Describe the rape of Persephone

Demeter is the Goddess of fertility and Agriculture, she has a daughter: Persephone. One day persephone is hanging out in meadow, Hades goes to Zeus and asks him for a wife-Persephone- Zeus give consent. Hades comes out of the underworld and grabs Persephone from the meadow and pulls her down into the underworld. Demeter finds out and is devastated/very upset, and asks everey god what happened, no one is willing to tell her because it would in a way be opposing Zeus. She becomes more mad so she brings a cold air upon the earth and as such, nothing grows (no plants or food), humans as a result become famished and starving and thus cant sacrifice to the Gods. This upsets the Gods and they ask Demeter to calm down and restore the land to fertile. she ignores them and just wants her daughter. Someone eventually tells Demeter where her daughter is. Two stroies that differentiate: 1st: Zeus cracks and relents; giving Persephone back. 2nd:Demeter goes and gets her daughter. Either way when Persephone is about to leave, Hades has her eat the pomegranite seeds (food of the underworld), Hades fully knowing what hes doing. Her eating this essentially puts her in Hades debt: She must then stay in the underworld with Hades for 1/3 the year(Winter), and is allowed on Olympos 2/3 the year.

Describe the Succession at at Delphi

First Gaia has a temple/oracle here Then Themis takes it over and has her own Oracle and resides here with her Python-protector Then, and finally, Apollo comes and kills the python and makes it his own temple/oracle Important because it reinforces the thought that as time goes on the Gods become more similar to man: we get away and kill off the Primal Gods and get to the Olympians and man

Describe the hymn to Dionysus

Dionysus discovered the grape vine, Hera then casts madness upon him (for he is Zeus' bastard son). He then wanders through Egypt and Syria, welcomed evereywhere until he meets Lycourgos, king of the Edonoi. Lycourgos treats him poorly and kicks him out of the region. Dionysus flees and later returns and casts madness upon Lycourgos making him kill his son. The land of the Edonoi is very infertile and Dionysus promises it will become fertile if the people of the Edonoi kill Lycourgos, they don't hesitate and do this . Dionysus leaves and wanders the earth again making people who refuse to worship him go mad. He comes across a pirate ship who tries to sell him into slavery; Dionysus turns the ships masts into snakes and makes the pirates go mad then turn into dolphins . After this incident Dionysus is praised by all mortals and then brings Semele from underworld to heaven.

What is the Eleusinian Mysteries?

Eleusis is a city next to Athens There were special secret ritiuals; some were public others secret Ceremony from the 15th of september - 23rd The Greeks of all the cities would become neutral and bind together It begins at Athens: Day1-2:Proccamation and Purification Days 3-4 Days of fasting Day 5 walk to Eleusis by means of a sacred way, then they go to a temple and inside drink "Kykeon" Days6-8: we dont know what happened:"Things shown, things done, things seen" "The most profound thing one can experience" Day 9: Back to Athens It is heavily debated what occured within the temple for the participants were sworn to secrecy However the strongest theory is as follows: they were given some "Edible" form of ergot, a hallucinigan, which made them experience the impossible and see insane things that are unexplainable

Descrfibe the healing power of Asclepios and HOW he cures mortals

Epidauras was the most important site in the Greek world for healing and the healing God Asclepios. In the 4th cent. the Greeks on Epidauras underwent a massive building campaign, they even built a huge temple dedicated to Asclepios: -Sick people from all over, would come to this temple to be cured: >They would enter a room in the temple called an Abaton, and after worshipping the God or performing some kind of sacrifice the God accepted, Asclepios would then come to them in some sort of dream (rarely in person) and cure them of all ailments >The document gives several types of things he cures: /blind man cured /woman pregnant cant have baby allowed to have baby finally /etc....

Describe Hades and his epithets

Epithets: -Aidoneus -Dis -Orcus -Pluto "He who recieves many" He is in the underworld, "In Hades' House" "The Unseen one" due to being in the underworld Depicted with :three headed dog Cerberus Hades is a place but also a person his two tasks: 1. Recieve the Dead 2.Keep the dead where they are

What is Herostratic fame?

Fame for doing something horribly terrible: he burned down the ancient temple to Artemis and achieved such fame he desired John Wilkes booth

What does Pythia mean?

Female Oracle, a priestess who tells the future and speaks from Apollo

Describe Demeter's festival

Festival in her honor to promote fertility and make sure crops grow, and so they pray to her and offer things


God of music, poetry, arts, oracles, archery, herds and flocks, diseases, healing, light, sun, knowledge and protection of young -He is an intellectual pretty boy, radiant, elegant, classy, beautiful, not like Aphrodite and her crave for sex -Most Greek Greek -always depicted beardless, young look as opposed to Zeus and Poseidon -Considered a "Lesser Olympian" (not part of original six) -Epithets: >"Delian" Apollo-born on Delios >"Cynthian" Apollo- born on Mt. Cynthas- island >"Phoebus"-"Gleaming (like sun/means Gorgeous) >Far-Worker"-Bow and Arrow:long distance shooting >Delphic >"Pythian" Apollo- killed Python >"Musagtes": because he is a musician and the leader of the Muses, and a master Lyre player, anytime a Lyre is played he listens -He is not in Linear B (not around long enough): >So he does not come from an ancient god -The Romans do not have an equivalent so he is just Apollo for both -Depicted with a bow and a lyre(guitar type instrument made of horn and hide) -Associated with high culture in Europe: >What makes Europe Europe, the foundations of culture >Europeans loved him" "Hes our guy" -two important things: 1. Educated and athletic (To Greeks: important to not only exercise the body but also the mind) 2. Beauty -He has a very beautiful nose that the Greeks loved: not small, but larger and pointy/straight -Has flowing locks for hair -"Inscrutable Apllo"- he is impossible to understand or interpret. you dont know what he is thinking -"Apollonian": >Inscrutable, wise, philosophical >Cold-blooded, rationally implied >Plans ahead and is analytical >Calm, sober, -Opposite of Dionysian

Who is Pygmalion?

Greek myth that tells the story of a sculpture who wouldn't marry because no women was perfect enough for him. Creates a sculpture and prays to Aphrodite to turn it into a woman. He believes he has created perfection then marries his creation. and Aphrodite allows the sculpture to come alive

What does Pythe mean?

Greek word meaning "rot", like a tree rotting back into the earth, origin of all other pyth words

What is ergot? and Kykeon?

Hallucinogen, alkaloid toxin that affects dopamine. Found on improperly stored grain. Gives reason to the Eleusinian mysteries-what happened in temple-"The Fungus Theory" Ergot is a grain fungus "Cockspur"(looks like the spur on a cock) Ergot was found on wheat, and so common it was thought to be a normal part of wheat There are mushrooms on Ergot If it is extracted and ground it becomes water-soluble: dissolves in water and can be put in water and drunk If a person has too much Ergot it can result in disease

Who is Cerberus and what is his job?

He is Hades' three headed hound/monster Placed at the gates of the underworld He at first meeting him (dead entering Underworld) appears nice and happy, but if you try to leave he becomes incredibly mean and will attack you, hence his job is to keep the Dead where they are; doesnt let them leave.

Who is Actaeon?

He is a hunter who hunts with a pack of dogs, one day he is cruising around the woods searching for prey, he hears some women so he approaches and sneaks up on them (like a peeping tom) and watches them bathing naked. The women are part of Diana's cult and Diana is present, he sees her naked. Artemis then becomes aware of his presence so he runs away and gets back to camp, his dogs begin to look at him differently a he feels weird; horns then begin to grow from his head, hair grows all over his body, his feet turn to hooves: he turns into a deer and as such his dogs turn on him and unknowingly kill him. Dont mess with Artemis, This story is later rationalized by Steisichorus and then Pausanias who both give different reasons as to why his dogs killed him

What is the story of Hephaistos, Hera and the Chair?

Hephaistos is outcasted from Olympos, so he lives in a Volcano where he summons the Cyclopes, with them he builds a ton of dope stuff (plotting his revenge) he sends Zeus and Hera a "gift"-its a beautiful chair, but once seated you can not get up from it, so Hera sits in it and sure enough she can not get up, no can free her from the chair. There are 2 versions of the conclusion: First one: Zeus sends Hermes, Hermes tells Hephaistos he will be granted anything if he can free Hera, Hephaistos accepts but wants to marry Aphrodite and reside on Olympos: granted. Second one: Dionysus(god of wine) goes down to meet with Hephaistos and gets Hephaisto very drunk, Dionysus brings black out Hephaistos to Olympos and there he frees Hera. in any case he comes back to Olympos.

What are the Greek female typologies?

Hera=Queen Athena(male-like?)=warrior Demeter/Persephone=Woman, fertility, Mother/fertility(esp Demeter) Aphrodite=Love/sex Artemis=Huntress/girl Aphrodite and Artmeis represent two very different side of women/girl. Artemis is against sex, Aphrodite breathes it


In Greek mythology, Leto (/ˈliːtoʊ/; Greek: Λητώ Lētṓ; Λατώ, Lātṓ in Doric Greek) is a daughter of the Titans Coeus and Phoebe, the sister of Asteria.[1] Zeus is the father of her twins,[3] Apollo and Artemis, which Leto conceived after her hidden beauty accidentally caught the eyes of Zeus. Classical Greek myths record little about Leto other than her pregnancy and her search for a place where she could give birth to Apollo and Artemis, since Hera in her jealousy caused all lands to shun her. Finally, she found an island that was not attached to the ocean floor so it was not considered land and she could give birth.[4] This is her only active mythic role: once Apollo and Artemis are grown, Leto withdraws, to remain a dim[5] and benevolent matronly figure upon Olympus, her part already played. In Roman mythology, Leto's Roman equivalent is Latona, a Latinization of her name, influenced by Etruscan Letun.[6]

What does Pythian mean?

It is an epithet of Apollo, because Apollo conquered the Python

Who is Pausanias?

Later Greek rationalizer who comes after Steisichorus, notable for his rationalization of the story of Actaeon: He is not fully content with Steischorus' idea of what happens so he says: Actaeson was using the odor of a deer which later confused his dogs and thus they attacked him

Who is Coronis?

Love interest of Apollo -Apollo's wife -Mother of Asclepios -Daughter of Phlegyas

Who are the six original olympians?

Males: Zeus, Posiedon, Hades Females: Hestia, Demeter, Hera

Who is Myrrha? And what is her story?

Myrrha is a very beautiful girl who makes a serious mistake: she does not give praise to Aphrodite for making her so beautiful due to her arrogance. Aprhodite punishes her: puts a fire inside of Myrrha that makes her only crave one thing:sex with her father. There are different accounts on how exactly this takes place, but in any sense she (most likely disguised as a nurse) has sex with her father for 9 nine nights with the lights off, until the tenth night when he finds out he chases her with an ax ready to kill her, she gets away-she then pleads/confesses to the gods-wishes to be neither dead nor alive so they turn her into a tree she is pregnant and gives birth to a very beautiful child who "resembles one of the naked cherubs often depicted by artists" Incest is a horrible deed to the Greeks and as such was a fitting punishment to Myrrha for not worshiping Aphrodite

Where does Apollo come in today?

NASA missions

Who is Hestia?

Name literally means "Fireplace", she is the Goddess of Fire, hearth and home. In Roman mythology she is called "Vesta". Not really too important in myth, she's not involved in the Gods' drama, just the domestic world. Fire=Warmth She keeps mortals warm Not very important in terms of myth.

What is Delphi

Naval/belly button of earth, Apollo puts his fountain here -means womb/dolphin -Mt. Parassus -Where the Omphalos (Navel stone-belly button of Gaia) -Succession eventually leads to Apollo taking over and erecting a temple

Who is Niobe? What is her story?

Niobe's boasting: Niobe has seven daughter and seven sons and boasts about abundant family, saying that she has a better family than that of Leto (with Artemis and Apollo). This enrages Leto (and Apollo and Artemis) and as such she dispatches her kids to earth and together they begin to kill her children off one by one until they are all dead, they then turn Niobe into stone and bury her deep in the ground Dont mess with the Gods

Who is Oeneus, and what is "The Sacrifice of Oeneus?"

Oeneus was the king of Itolia, and a very lucky man for the Gods decided to let him be the man to invent wine (booze) so he is the first to grow grapes which he then turned into wine, for this reasons he is highly honored: famous and rich but he makes one mistake: he forgets to thank the Gods:one year he forgets to thank Artemis and to give her the first fruits of his harvest, so Artemis punishes him: calls a massive beast (boar) from the forest to bring destruction to Oeneus farm/land, so Oeneus calls for his son (Meleager) to help him kill the beast, Meleager calls for the mightiest of men of Greece to help kill the beast (at Calydon), all of Greece sends a representative to help kill the boar. In Greece the kill goes to the man who gets first blood: Atalanta (woman) and Meleager do this. Story is important because: 1. Do not mock the Gods 2. Greece came together and unified to solve the problem 3. Women were shown as strong: Artemis can hunt, and Atalanta kills the boar -An "Oenophile" is someone who loves wine

Who is Meleager?

Oeneus's son, calls for Greece to unify and help his father kill the boar terrorizing his land. Along with Atalanta he draws first blood and thus gets the kill

What was the Ancient temple to Artemis, and who destroyed it, and why?

One of the Seven wonders of the ancient world, an ancient temple to Artemis that Herostratis burned down so he would be remembered: -believed best way to leave legacy and be remembered is not to do something good but rather do something incredibly terrible -"Herostratic Fame"

Who is the most important person in the ancient world? And Why?

Oracle at Delphi

Describe Poseidon and his Epithets

Posis "Husband" + Don "God". He comes from Linear B. Known in Roman as "Neptune". Depicted with a trident. Epithets include: "Hippios"-means horse, he was originally most likey a horse god. "Earth shaker"for he controls earth and brings earth quakes/makes it tremble (Earth quakes very prominent in Greece). He is the king of the Ocean :it is his domain. Poseidon+Amphitrite=Triton(merman. Also Aquaman=Poseidon+Triton

What is the ceremony of the Eleusinian mysteries?

Praise to Demeter and Persephone from their cult

What is the relationship between Aphrodite and Hephaistos like? Why are they married, and are they happily married?

Remember the story of Hephaistos and how he acquires Aphrodite (for marriage) and returns to his post at Olympos. Aphrodite marries him because she has to, not because she wants to (she does not) and as a result she does what she wants: sleeps with who she wants to (only Greek female character to do so). She begins to have sex with Ares, Hephaistos becomes suspicous so he does something about it: He crafts a golden net to try and catch Ares, but can never catch him in act until one time- he finally catches him and throws the net on him, Ares cant get out, Hephaistos shows Zeus and Zeus doesnt care laughs it off (for he cheats too) and does nothing about it, Zeus demands Ares is released

Describe Persephone and her epithets

She is called Kore sometimes, which means "Young girl or Maiden" "Prosere->Prosepina: "Subtaranean Queen" "The two Godesses" She is the reason for the Eleusinian Mysteries- the secret iniatiation of this cult and everything that comes from it

Describe Athena and her epithets

She is from the process of Parthenogenesis, and solely from Zeus' head. This ultimately makes her forever a virgin and thus ends succession. She is known as "Promachos": First in battle. She is wise, magnificent, and unstoppable in every way. She is also known as "Glaukopis": Grey-eyed-metal is grey and metal shines in the sun. She is also associated with the Owl (The owl is a pure death machine, relentless, and has the eyes of a killer and incredibly wise: she is, on one hand, wise and beautiful but on the other a deadly killer. At first, she was depicted savagely, war-driven w/ Gorgon and Aegis. Later she becomes much more classy and beautiful without either aegis or gorgon. The Parthenon on Acropolis in ATHENS is a derivative of her name: "Athena Parthenos Depicted with, Armor, aegis, Gorgon In Latin:"Minerva" succession

What is the importance of Artemis of and Atalanta's involvement in the killing of the bore?

Showed women could hunt

Who is Pan?

Son of a nymph & (usually) hermes. He's Part man, part goat; a wandering god. -God of the flocks -Always sexually incline: sex addict -Depiction: horns, half animal(goat)/half human, hooves, covered in hair -He resembles the beastly nature of a goat for goats are very sexually active -In early christianity, the Christians often depicted the devil as a similar creature to that of Pan: for the devil is beastly with horns, a heightened sexuality, human-like, all things considered "unholy" that go against their "good virgin" narrative. -Famous sculpture of Pan and Aphrodite, Pan is clearly trying to sexually advance on her, this is obvious because of his facial expressions but more importantly because he is grabbing her wrist: a tell-tale sign in Greece that meant sex is about to ensue -The sandal Aphrodite is holding, is most likely one similar to ones prostitutes would carry, that on the bottom read "follow me" inviting their clients to sex, but its overall very ambiguos for maybe shes holding it to slap him-goes either way -Either way Pan's craze for sexual activity is very prominent and obvious in this depiction

Who is Telphousa?

TELPHOUSA (Telphusa) was the Naiad-nymph of the Telphousian spring on Mount Tilphousios (Tilphusius) in Boiotia (central Greece). She tried to trick the god Apollon into not building a shrine beside her spring and as punishment he buried her waters beneath a pile of stones. Did this so she would remain the only one worshipped in the area

What is the aetiology for the seasons? And why 2/3 of the year you can grow but not 1/3 of the year?

The 1/3 of the year Persephone is in the underworld, Demeter is upset/Persephone is not present (and she has agricultural powers) and this is the reason nothing grows-Winter. The 2/3 of the year Persephone is present and not in the underworld, Demeter is happy and as such, The land is fertile and warm enough to grow.

What is the contest over Athens? Which Olympians were involved?

The Greeks wanted to determine how to choose Gods/who they would worship. So two Gods show up to display their awesomeness: Poseidon and Athena. Greeks: what can you Gods do for us? (example of humanity pitting the Gods against each other). Athena goes first: She gives an Olive tree (Poseidon laughs) Poseidon goes: Gives a stream/water source but its of salt water (so not drinkable). Humans pick Athena. From Olive tree=Olives/olive oil. The city is hence names Athens and she is forever worshipped there.

What is the most beautiful way a woman can be?

Venus de milo: Hair is up with a little volume/curl Bigger eyes and bigger nose(a small nose is not attractive) For Greeks: Dark Eyes, Dark Skin Euro. Renaissance: Lighter skin/eyes Blonde

What is the Omphalos?

The navel stone/belly button stone of Gaia

Apollo Belvedere

The statue of the Greek sun-god Apollo, probably a Roman marble copy of a Greek bronze original, that was widely regarded in the eighteenth century as the pinnacle of classical culture. -depicts Apollo and is what the ancient romans considered what the most beautiful man could look like -Apollo slept with as many peopel as Zeus but its important to note the differences in how they conduct sex: >Zeus ravishes and does as he pleases, where as Apollo doesnt need to for he can not be resisted -When he has sex with mortals the product is Demi Gods This statue is an example of a Contrapasto stance like the David, David was modelled after Apollo Belvedere

Describe the Hymn to Demeter, and the story of Erysichichton

The story is told by people at the Samaphoria- a festival of the Goddess for reasons to promote fertility. The story gives reason to fast, and bring offerings to Demeter. The story is told as follows: Erysichton runs into Demeter's Grove and cuts down her largest best tree, Demeter takes the form of a priestess and confronts Erysichton and asks why? He laughs and threatens her and talks of his greed. Demeter then turns back into her true God form and punishes him: He is forever hungry insatiable/intractable hunger. So whatever he eats does nothing for him and even makes him hungrier, His parents dont bring him to any parties or festivals for he will embarress himself with his appetite. He then eats himself till he melts himself into his sinews. Return to "present day" at the festival, where the people are giving thanks to Demeter. this is Why not tomess with Demeter.

What does the rape of Persephone mean for the world of agriculture?

The worship of Persephone is essential for agriculture and for things to grow. There are Persephone cults to make sure she is worshiped properly. Its important to note that a drought or problems with growing food could result in a serious population decrease and as such the serious worship of Persephone was crucial.

What most likely happened to the people during the ceremony of the Elesinian?

They spent long days sweating and fasting then drank Ergot-filled Kyoke: -resulted in hallucinating -seeing something mindblowing -only way to explain This is highly debated

What is the story of Admetus and Apollo?

This pisses off Zeus even more and he banishes Apollo, and then makes him a servant to work for a shepard. Apollo then finds Admetus: a boy shepard, and they fall in love. Admetus then tells Apollo: I want this woman's hand in marriage, but her father says she is only to marry a man who can kill/yoke a boar and a lion. Apollo helps him (important to note that Apollo doesnt care Admetus wants another) and allows him the strength to do these things. Admetus then marries the woman. Apollo's servitude then ends, and he wants to thank him somehow: he does so by going to the fates, he gets them drunk and then convinces them to bless Admetus, they then do this: they tell Admetus; "If you can get someone to say they will die for you, you will become young again." So Admetus thinks this is easy and goes to his parents who say "no gtfo of here." He asks all over including to strangers they all say "no." Death finally catches up with Admetus and his wife agrees to it (without his consent) and she dies and he is devastated. She is then in the underworld (as the dead reside down there) With Apollo's blessing heracles (Hercules) comes down to the underworld and literally wrestles with death off of Admetus' wife (Ascletus) and wins, he then brings her back to Admetus.

Who is Hyacinthas, and describe Hermes and Apollo's discussion about him

This story opens with Hermes and Apollo talking after the incident. Hermes notices Apollo is visibly upset and asks him what is wrong. The story unfolds: Hyacinthas is Apollo's newest male lover, and one day they are playing discus when the wind (God?) Zephyros is watching at a distance very jealously. For Zephyros has always loved Hyacinthas but the boy paid him no mind and ignored him. So, with Zephyros power of the wind, he makes the (just thrown by Apollo) airborne discuss descend rapidly upon Hyacinthas, and the discus strikes him in the head thus killing him. Apollo then chases Zephyros back up his Mtn. but thats not really important. Apollo laments the boy and from his grave sprouts a flower (the brightest of all) that apparently in Greek spells out "lament for the dead." The story ends. We zoom back out to Hermes and Apollo, and Apollo asks Hermes if his grief is unreasonable. Hermes says yes I do..."You knew that you'd chosen a boyfriend who was mortal. So dont be upset because he died."

Describe the cult of Diana during Renassaince

Women that were part of this cult: "I do not want to dress up or participating normal social activities of a woman like partying, love, or sex" -Opposite to Aphrodite

Describe Artemis' and Apollo's birth

Zeus bangs Leto and she gets pregnant but Hera puts a curse on Leto saying the child(s) (twins-Apollo and Artemis) can not be born on land or sea, so L:eto searched high and wide to find a place to birth her kids, no one dares take her in, except on Delos where they take her in: Artemis is born first and it is said she is so powerful even just from birth that she is the midwife to her brothers birth minutes later. There is a temple and cult on Delos for them.

What is the definition of typology?

a classification according to general type, especially in archaeology, psychology, or the social sciences.

chiastic pose

from the Greek letter chi: an asymmetrical stance, where the body carries the weight on one leg (and often bears a weight with the opposite arm) -doesnt really look real -standing straight -ancient Egypt -Squar and stiff

Why is Apollo called the Musagetes?

leader of the muses

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