Clean Getaway by Nic Stone

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In what Mexican state is Ciudad Juarez?


Why was Ruby Jean (G'ma) under investigation?

For thefts at jewelry stores in the Atlanta area.

What breakfast food did Scoob's G'ma make that was delicious?

French toast

What is Texas's state motto?


What is the highest point in Louisiana?

Mount Driskill (535 feet above sea level)

Who was the principal of Casey M. Weeks Magnet Middle School?

Mr. Armand

Who was the man in a big RV in the campsite full of sand dunes in the desert who called 911 when he saw how sick G'ma was?

Mr. Winston

What emergency alert did Scoob see on the TV when he was waiting for his G'ma inside the RV in Abilene, Texas?

An Amber Alert about HIM from the City of Atlanta Police Department

In what city is the tallest office chair?

Anniston, Alabama

What school did Scoob attend?

Casey M. Weeks Magnet Middle School

Where is the highest point in Alabama?

Cheaha State Park

Where did Scoob and his G'ma camp the first night of their adventure?

Cheaha State Park in Alabama

What is Georgia's state flower?

Cherokee rose

What did Scoob's dad call his own father?

A non-entity

How long did it take for the man who murdered Medgar Evers to be sent to jail?

30 years

For how many years had Scoob's G'ma waited to see the view from Cheaha mountain?

Fifty one years

How many years did it take for the men who bombed the 16th Street Baptist Church and killed the four girls to be convicted?

39 years.

How tall was Scoob's G'ma?

4 feet 11 inches

What was the max speed of the Winnebago?

120 miles per hour

When was the old tower on Cheaha mountain built?


In what year did Ruby Bridges attend a white school?


When was Scoob's G'ma's green book dated?


When was the Runaway Mine Train roller coaster built?


In what state did a Six Flags open in Georgia?


Why did G'ma and G'pop wait six years to get married?

It wasn't legal for whites and blacks to marry until 1967

What is Alabama's state capitol?


How many Gs did the Shock Wave ride promise?

5.9 Gs

What kind of car had Scoob's G'ma driven before buying the RV?

A mini Cooper

What was the class quiz average when Mr. Atsbani got suspicious?


What did G'ma say was the only thing of interest in Vicksburg?

A Civil War memorial

What was a GPS, according to Scoob and his G'ma?

A G'ma Protein Shake - Ensure

What movie had G'ma watched that got her obsessed about the injustice of the lack of girl knights?

A Kid in King Arthur's Court

What were places called in the 60's where black people could be killed just for being there after dark?

A Sundown Town

What state's license plate did G'ma put onto the RV?

A Vermont tag

What does an Amber Alert mean?

A child has been kidnapped.

What did Scoob draw on the Alabama part of the map G'ma gave him?

A church.

What did G'ma bring with her while she and Scoob hiked into the forest?

A compass

Which piece of jewelry that G'ma had stolen was a the thing that got Jimmy (G'pop) arrested?

A diamond tennis bracelet

What did Scoob's dad and Principal Armand agree on as a punishment for Scoob, rather than an expulsion as suggested by Mr. Atsbani?

A five day suspension

What was the radio that G'ma kept inside her treasure box?

A flask

What did Scoob find in the hidden compartment in the bottom of G'ma's treasure box?

A folded sheet of white paper with William Armando "Scoob-a-doob" Lamar written on it and a bunch of jewelry.

What didn't G'ma want after she died?

A funeral

What did Scoob see G'ma put on the table when she had her treasure box out?

A gold necklace with a small pendant and a pair of pinkish diamond earrings

What did Scoob see his grandma carrying as she tiptoed behind the RV?

A green license plate

What coin did Scoob find in G'ma's treasure box that he had never seen before?

A half dollar

What happened when G'ma was driving the RV while her husband, Jimmy, was sleeping?

A highway patrol officer pulled her over.

What store did G'ma get excited about and go inside with Scoob?

A jewelry store

Where was Scoob and G'ma when she left him in the RV to get fresh air and a new map?

Abilene, Texas

What was the official name of the trouble Scoob got into in computer science class?

Academic defraudment scandal

Why did Scoob's G'ma call the Winnebago 'Senior'?

After her late husband

How many hours did it take to drive from Monahans, Texas to Ciudad Juarez in Chihuahua, Mexico?

Almost four hours

What is the capital of Alabama?


What sound did Scoob's G'ma make in the forest for Scoob to find her by listening?

Ca-caw like a crow

What is Georgia's state capital?


What is Texas's state capital?


What were G'ma's favorite pastimes when she was eleven?

Pickpocketing and petty theft

What is Louisiana's state tree?

Bald cypress

What did G'ma call small towns that she got from her husband?

Bass ackwards

What is Louisiana's capital?

Baton Rouge

What did Scoob's G'ma's Winnebago smell like?

Pine mixed with truck exhaust

Where was the Six Flags amusement park G'ma took Scoob to?

Arlington, Texas

What drink did Scoob's G'ma drink on the porch swing?

Arnold Palmers

What words were written inside the front cover of the green book?

Assured Protection for the Negro Traveler

Where did G'ma and G'pop meet?

At a gas station where he was pumping gas.

Where is Alabama's midpoint?


Where did Scoob and his G'ma stop to refuel the RV and go number two?

Birmingham, Alabama

What was the name of the RV park in Mississippi where Scoob and his G'ma stayed?

Bonita Lakes RV Park

What song always made Scoob think of penguins?

Boogie Wonderland

What was inside the 'radio' inside G'ma's treasure box?

Bourbon, Scoob's G'pop's favorite

What were the buildings like at the intersection of 5th Street and 25th Avenue?

Broken down and boarded up

What is Louisiana's state bird?

Brown pelican

What is Georgia's state bird?

Brown thrasher

What was the name of the African American karate master G'ma introduced Scoob to?

Bruce Leroy

Why was Scoob the one to get in trouble for the computer class hack?

Bryce ratted him out as the mastermind.

Why did Scoob and Bryce Benedict stop being friends?

Bryce started playing football and started picking on Shenice's little brother, Drake.

What did Scoob's G'ma teach him how to do at their campsite at Bonita Lake RV Park?

Build a fire

What is Alabama's state motto?

By valor and arms

What was Scoob allowed to do in G'ma's house that he wasn't allowed to do anywhere else?

Close his door

What was the name of the white man leaning against an old car with his arms crossed in the photo Scoob's G'ma showed him?

Clyde Alexander

Who saw Scoob change his grade from 90% to 100%?

Cody Williams, the soccer superstar who sat to Scoob's left

What happened after Scoob taught Cody Williams how to cheat?

Cody taught Dasia, Daisa taught Holly, and Holly taught Bryce.

When was the first time Scoob ever saw his G'ma cry?

Coming down Cheaha mountain

What was the name of the first place Scoob and his G'ma ate dinner?

Damn Yankees

What was Scoob's mom's name?


Who called and left a voicemail right before Scoob turned ten?

Destiny, Scoob's mom

What was Scoob's father's name?

Dr. James Robert Lamar Jr.

Where did Ruby Jean and James Lamar Sr. plan to travel in the RV they bought in 1968?

Drive from their home in Georgia across five southern states to Mexico.

What was G'ma's favorite band?

Earth, Wind and Fire

What was Dr. Martin Luther King's home church?

Ebenezer Baptist Church

What city was Jimmy's (G'pop's) and Ruby Jean's (G'ma's) stopping point where they turned around in the RV?

Edwards, Mississippi

Who had actually stolen the jewelry the police found when they raided G'pop and G'ma's house?

G'ma had stolen it.

What did Scoob call the baths he took in his G'ma's bathtub with a bath bomb?

Galaxy baths

What was Scoob's favorite fruit?

Georgia peaches

What was GOS to Scoob and his G'ma?

Grandma Orthopedic Sneaker

Where was the second circle drawn on the map of Mexico in addition to the one around the city of Juarez?

Guaymas on the Gulf of California

What did Scoob deliver to two gas station workers in Shreveport, Louisiana?

Hand drawn cards to say Thanks for the Anonymous Tip

What did Scoob do with G'mas treasure box with all the jewelry, the Green Book, and Scoob's map?

He buried it in a hole.

What did Scoob say when his dad told him he could meet his mom (Destiny) if he wanted to?

He didn't think he was ready yet.

Why did Scoob's G'ma have to save him on the way back to the RV park from the forest?

He fell into a creek

What did Mr. Atsbani do every time Scoob raised his hand or got a good grade?

He frowned.

Why was Scoob's trip to St. Simons Island cancelled?

He got in trouble at school

What did Medgar Evers do to help Black people in the 60's?

He helped them vote and brought national attention to the murder of Emmett Till

Why did Scoob want to try and hack the computer to fix his score on a test?

He knew the answer but just clicked the wrong letter and didn't like getting a 90% when he knew all the answers.

Why did G'ma say Scoob's dad was always mad?

He knew too much about Scoob's mom and his own dad

What did Scoob's G'ma call their adventure?

Her chance at redemption, to finish what she and his G'pop started 51 years before.

What was underlined underneath Guaymas in the Green Book?

Playa de Cortes

Why didn't Scoob like to finish books?

He preferred imagining different endings that could happen.

Why did Scoob's dad push him so hard to be perfect?

He said there were always people who didn't want to see Black boys do well.

Where did Scoob used to play in G'ma's backyard where he wasn't supposed to play?

In her old toolshed

What happened to Scoob while walking down Cheaha mountain?

He tripped on a root and cut his leg.

Why was Shenice's great-grandfather famous?

He was a famous baseball player

What did Scoob's father do for work?

He was an aeronautical engineer.

Why did people stare at Scoob and his G'ma when they were together in person?

He was black and she was white.

What did Scoob tell his G'ma about how his dad treated him?

He was hard on him, didn't listen to him, didn't understand him, would never give him a break, and made him feel like he was never good enough.

Why did Scoob want to help Cody?

He was one of the most popular guys in school

What happened to Medgar Evers?

He was shot in his driveway as he got out of his car.

Why didn't Scoob's dad ever want to learn how to build a fire in the wilderness?

He wasn't into outdoorsy things.

What excuse did G'ma make for not letting him call Shenice in private?

He wouldn't be safe walking while they were in motion (even though she had him get up and get her a protein shake when they were in motion)

What did G'ma set out on a picnic table at the campsite in Alabama to show Scoob?

Her rosewood treasure box

What was the one thing that Scoob was not allowed to touch in his G'ma's house?

Her rosewood treasure box

What did Scoob smell when they got to Mexico that upset him?

His G'ma had been smoking

Who did Scoob see asleep with shoes and glasses on when he woke up in the hospital room?

His dad

What was Scoob's favorite sound in the world?

His grandmother's laugh

What photos did the police display on TV of Scoob and G'ma?

His school picture from October and her photo Scoob had taken of her at a 4th of July barbecue the previous year.

What place did G'ma want to show Scoob on Page 33, second to last listen?

Hotel E.F. Young Jr. in Meridian

Where did Scoob and his dad stay in Mexico?

Hotel Playa de Cortes

What did Scoob's dad say about his G'ma's laugh?

It grated on him because it reminded him of when she smoked.

What was the purpose of the green book?

It let Negro travelers know which hotels and other businesses would accept Black people as customers.

What happened at the 16th Street Baptist Church in 1963?

It was bombed and four little girls were killed.

Why did G'pop mention the date out loud when G'ma realized she had morning sickness and was pregnant?

It was his father's birthday.

Why was the Hotel E.F. Young Jr. in Meridian so important to G'ma?

It was the last place she took a photo of Jimmy (her husband) and the last good night they had together.

What did the gas station attendant tell G'ma about the Runaway Mine Train?

It was the oldest roller coaster in the park.

What did G'ma start calling Scoob by accident?

Jimmy (the name of her late husband, Scoob's G'pop)

What town in Mexico did G'ma want to reach?


What was Scoob's G'ma's license plate number on her Mini Cooper?


What city was circled on the back of the photo in the west of the state of Texas, not far from the Mexican border?


What did the detective say people who had lived through the Depression often did?

Kept large amounts of cash where they could see it.

What did the store owner do when G'ma told the man that the black little boy was her son?

Kicked them both out of the store.

What made it impossible to see the stars from Atlanta?

Light pollution

What is Georgia's state tree?

Live oak

What was the name of the man in Jackson, Mississippi who fought in World War 2 and then fought for Negro rights?

Medgar Wiley Evers

Where was Dr. Martin Luther King killed?

Memphis, Tennessee

Where did Scoob and G'ma stop for tacos?

Monroe, Louisiana

Where had G'ma thrown her phone into the trash where it was later found?

Monroe, Louisiana

In what city in Louisiana did Ruby Bridges live and go to a white school?

New Orleans, Louisiana

Who is the author of Clean Getaway?

Nic Stone

What was special about the 16th Street Baptist Church?

On April 3, 1968, the day before he was assassinated, Martin Luther King Jr. preached there.

What did a store owner once offer to do to G'ma's son (Scoob's dad) when they were in the store together?

Paddle him for bugging her.

What sickness did G'ma have?

Pancreatic cancer

What are the 'Three P's' that Georgia produces the most of in the U.S.?

Peanuts, pecans, and peaches

What happens when you hit F5?


What did Scoob discover behind the kitchen TV?

Rubber banded piles of money

What was Scoob's G'ma's name?

Ruby Jean

What was Scoob's G'ma's full name?

Ruby Jean Lamar

What did Scoob's dad buy for him to eat, even though he wished he didn't?

S'mores Pop-Tarts

What nickname did William Lamar go by?


What caused Ms. Manasmith to gasp?

Scoob tackled Bryce when he was making fun of Bryce

What was the unlock code for G'ma's phone?

Scoob's birthdate

What was Scoob's full nickname?


What was Scoob's nervous tell?

Scratching the back of his neck

Who was Scoob's best friend?

Shanice Lockwood

What did Scoob notice when he and G'ma left the jewelry store?

She 'forgot' to take the ring off

Why didn't G'ma tell the truth to the police, that she had stolen the jewelry?

She didn't want them to take away her baby.

Why didn't G'ma ever take her son (Scoob's dad) on the trip they were taking?

She didn't want to answer the questions he would ask about his dad.

How did Scoob's G'ma afford the RV?

She sold her house

Why did G'ma say she never visited Jimmy (G'pop) in jail?

She thought the white inmates would give him trouble if they saw her.

What caused Scoob's G'ma to look snaggletoothed?

She took out her partial to eat.

Why didn't G'ma tell her son (Scoob's dad) the truth about the jewelry?

She wanted him to keep loving her.

What did Mae Jemison do?

She was an astronaut

Why did Scoob's mom, Destiny, leave when he was a baby?

She wasn't ready to be a mom.

What did Drake sometimes have to do when he felt overwhelmed?

Take a deep breathe

For how long had G'ma known she had pancreatic cancer and told the doctor she didn't want treatment?

Six months

How long were G'ma and G'pop together after 1961 before they got married?

Six years

Why did Scoob leave his phone at home when he went with his G'ma?

So his dad couldn't call him.

What was one of the reasons Scoob's G'ma and G'pop bought the RV?

So they wouldn't have to worry about finding a place to sleep while they were on the road.

What is the state tree of Alabama?

Southern longleaf pine

What is corporal punishment?

Spanking and other physical forms of discipline

Where had Scoob's dad promised him a trip to?

St. Simons Island

What did Scoob like to do at his G'ma's house before she sold it?

Swing on the tire swing in her backyard and sit and read in the window seat in the attic

What state was the new white license plate on the RV from?


What card games had Scoob's G'ma taught him?

Texas Hold'em and blackjack

What did Scoob's dad tell him about his G'pop?

That he was a jewel thief who went to prison before his birth and died there.

What building is at the intersection of 16th Street and 6th Avenue in Birmingham, Alabama?

The 16th Street Baptist Church

What was Georgia's train roller coaster called?

The Dahlonega Mine Train

What ride at Six Flags had a lot of upside down parts?

The Joker

What did Scoob hit with his forehead when he lost control on his rollerblades?

The LO in his G'ma's license plate

What is Texas's nickname?

The Lone Star State

What was the nickname for the state of Mississippi?

The Magnolia State

What band did Smokey Robinson sing with?

The Miracles

What is Georgia's nickname?

The Peach State

What roller coaster did G'ma want to ride at Arlington Six Flags?

The Runaway Mine Train

What was the last roller coaster G'ma and Scoob rode on at Six Flags?

The Superman: Tower of Power

Which ride at Six Flags had a sudden big drop?

The Titan

What is the nickname for the state of Alabama?

The Yellowhammer State

Why did Scoob and his G'ma have to be careful about using water on the RV?

The collection tanks for dirty water had to be emptied by hand.

Where did G'pop steal money from?

The gas station and other jobs he did

Who was the teddy bear named for?

Theodore Roosevelt because he wouldn't shoot a bear.

What happened when Scoob tried calling Destiny (his mom) 27 days after he heard the voice mail?

The number was disconnected

What is the state of Louisiana's nickname?

The pelican state

What did Scoob give to a guy named Todd in Mississippi?

The pink diamonds his G'ma had stolen from the jewelry store.

What song did G'ma teach Scoob when he was about three years old?

The song to teach him to spell Mississippi

Who called the Atlanta police with an anonymous tip about G'ma and Scoob?

The two gas station attendants in Shreveport, Louisiana

What did Scoob and his dad do after Scoob found all the jewels in his G'ma's treasure box?

They drove the whole trip Scoob and his G'ma had taken but continued on to Guaymas in Mexico.

Why did G'ma suggest that she and G'pop run away to Mexico?

They had both been stealing

What did the police do with G'ma's RV?

They impounded it.

Why was the entrance to Medgar Evers' home in the carport, rather than in front?

They thought it would be safer for him.

What did Scoob's G'ma think when she found out he had left his phone at home?

They were both trying to make a run for it.

What did Scoob's father say about peaches?

They were the pits

What did Scoob's dad say about careless mistakes?

They would ruin his future.

What is the state motto for Alabama?

We dare maintain our rights.

What three words did Scoob's G'ma teach him about in order to start a fire without matches?

Tinder, kindling, and oxygen

What book had Scoob read in language arts?

To Kill a Mockingbird

Why did Scoob's G'ma once tackle him?

To get to first base when they were playing baseball

Why did Jimmy and Ruby Jean have to turn their RV around in Edwards, Mississippi?

To go back and find someone who would be willing to treat a white woman carrying a black man's child.

What was the name of the man at the jewelry store?


What was circled in the Mexico section of the green book on page 80?

Tourist Camp - Jardin Fronterizo

What was the little green book Scoob's G'ma have?

Travelers' Green Book For Vacation Without Aggravation

How long did Jimmy (G'pop) get sentenced to in prison?

Twenty-five years

What is Louisiana's state motto?

Union, justice, and confidence

Where did Scoob really want to go?

Universal Studios

What did Scoob's G'ma call Survival 101?

Using all your available senses

When did G'ma know she wanted to marry G'pop?

When she realized how much danger he was in by being with her.

What did G'ma ask Scoob when he asked her why she would marry a guy who liked to steal from people?

Who says he liked it?

What is Georgia's state motto?

Wisdom, justice, and moderation

What kind of cheese did Scoob think of as grandma cheese?


What is Louisiana's state song?

You Are My Sunshine

Usually G'ma respected Scoob's _____(what?)


What kind of young woman was G'ma when she was young?


What is missing in Texas chili?


What is Texas's state flower?


What is the state flower of Alabama?


What kind of matching overalls did Scoob and his G'ma wear?


What word means hidden, illegal or prohibited things?


What medical condition did Shenice's brother, Drake, have?


How many safe places were listed in Monroe, Louisiana?


How old was Scoob when his G'ma gave him his nickname?


What color had the new owners of G'ma's old bright turquoise house painted it?


What kind of animal did Scoob's dad make him watch a documentary about on National Geographic?


What is Alabama's state flower?


What is Alabama's state tree?


What is Louisiana's state flower?


What type of wood was the urn they kept G'ma's ashes in and also what her treasure chest was made of?


What is Alabama's state bird


What is Texas's state bird?


What were black people called in the 60's


How old was Scoob's G'ma when her dad gave her a photo of himself and then took off in his Chevy and left her?


What is Texas's state tree?


How did it make G'ma feel when she stole people's stuff?


What was Scoob's dad's favorite word?


How many missed calls from his dad did Scoob find on G'ma's phone?


How many more days did G'ma live after they got back home to Georgia?


How old was G'ma?


What is grand larceny?


How many weeks of school did Scoob have between Thanksgiving and winter break?


What sport did Scoob try out for?


How old was G'ma when she started stealing jewelry?


What was G'ma's bluffing tell?


What color were most license plates in Georgia?


What word had a military meaning as well as a more current dating scene meaning?


What color is the road in the Wiz?


What is the state bird of Alabama?


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