CLEP Social Sciences and History

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Brown v. Board of Education

(1954) U.S. Supreme Court decision that struck down racial segregation in public education and declared "separate but equal'' unconstitutional.

Roe v. Wade

(1973) legalized abortion on the basis of a woman's right to privacy.

Han Dynasty

(206 BC-220 AD) Golden Age of China.

Second Punic War

(218-201 BC) Rome began expanding into Spain-an area of Carthaginian control. Hannibal led his army- including elephants-across the Alps to the Italian peninsula. Hannibal was forced to return to Africa when the Romans launched an invasion. Carthage was forced to surrender its overseas possessions and give up its navy.

Chi Dynasty

(221-207 BC) Great Wall of China.


(2400-605 BC) Known as great empire builders. Maintained power by strict discipline and cruelty.

First Punic War

(264-241 BC) Well-trained Roman legions defeated Carthage's mercenary armies in Sicily.

Caesar Augustus

(29-14 BC) Restored some power to the Senate. In return the Senate gave him the title of Augustus. Ruled with Senates advice, but controlled lots by himself. Established Pax Romana - a time of peace in the Mediterranean. First emperor over entire empire.

Peloponnesian War

(431-404 BC) Essence of the war was the conflict of who was the leader if the Greek cities - Athens or Sparta. Eventually Athens fell to Sparta, which weakened it militarily and set 30 Spartan tyrants over the city. Democracy was restored in 403 by the naval commander, Thrasybulus.


(650 BC-330 AD) Modern day Iran. This people group overthrew Babylon. Became the masters of Mesopotamia, Asia Minor, and invaded Greece. Ruled from India to Egypt. Developed the religion of Zoroastrianism (belief that man can choose between right and wrong and was the official religion of Persia). Great Kings: Cyrus II, Cambyses, Darius I, and Xerxes.


(?-1800 BC) Sargon I created the first empire. Developed bronze and the wheel. Created cuneiform writing on clay tablets. Epic of Gilgamesh written here.

Dates of Industrial Revolution, the Progressive Era, and WWI? (U.S. HISTORY)


Chinese dynasty ended


partition of Africa


Panama Canal

1914 Links New York and San Fransisco

Dates of 1920s, Great Depression, and WWII? (U.S. HISTORY)


Dates of Cold War, Cultural Revolutions, Social Change, Emergence of Modern America? (U.S. HISTORY)


by 1777

10 states had constitutions

US population

10 times that of Canada


100 members, 2 members for each state. Members are elected every 6 years. The Vice President is the head of this body.


107 million Mexico City coffee cotton corn sugar cane and rice oil gold silver and gas, textiles steel tourism petrolium

Prince Henry

1394 - 1460 Portuguese prince who directed the search for a sea route to the gold mines of western Africa and designed the caravel

Christopher Columbus

1451 - 1506 Italian explorer in the service of Spain who arrived in the America;s in 1492.

Pedro Alvarez Cabrel

1467 - 1520 Portuguese navigator who landed on the coast of Brazil in 1500 and claimed it for Portugal.


1468 - 1520 Aztec chieftain; encountered Cortes and the Spanish and saw that they rode horses; Montezuma assumed that the Soanush were gods. He welcomed them hospitably, but the explorers soon turned on the natives and ruled them for three centuries.

Ferdinand Magellan

1480 - 1521 Portuguese explorer in the service of Spain; set out to find a route to Asia by sailing around the tip of South America

Modern World

1492 - Present

LA Purchase

15 million in april 1803, no authority to buy more han the city of New Orleans

Chinese and Indian Empires

1500 BCE, India ruled by Indo-Aryans, religion god siva, reincarnation, yoga. Indos based on Pantheon of Gods, sacrifices, hymns Vedas, scriptures of Hiduism. Caste system. Feel under Mauryan Empire 3rd century. Asoka buddhist religion. ignored vedic gods and caste, simple life, flourished together Buddhism disappeared in 13th century. Chinese Yellow River went South. Xia, Shang and Zhou, teachings of Confucius, good order of society. Taoists were different--identified with forces of nature, and did not deal with political affairs.

Triangular Trade Continued.

1500's to Mid-1800's Involved buying and selling of captive Africans as well as guns, sugar, and iron goods.


1502 - 1533 Last Inca emperor; executed by Spanish Francisco Pizarro.

Galileo Galilei

1564 - 1642 Italian astronomer, mathematician, and physicist. His telescopes proved the sun is the center of the solar system.

Thomas Hobbes

1588 - 1679 Believed humans were no more than machines functioning off of cause and effect

Dates of Colonial Period? (U.S. HISTORY)


Colonial Period

1607 - 1776 Covers events leading up to the American Revolutionary War; Colonialism, colonist, and settlers arrived from Europe looking for religious freedom, land, and wealth.

Issac Newton

1642 - 1727 English scientist who studied gravity.

Act of Toleration

1649 Act which states that Maryland will tolerate Catholics.

Salem Witch Trials

1692 women were accused of being witches, put on trial, and burned at the stake

French and Indian War

1754 - 1763 France allied with the Indians against the British

Treat of Paris

1763 Ended French and Indian war and French intervention in America

Sugar Act

1764 Part of the intolerable Acts, Britain placed a heavy tax on sugar

Stamp Act

1765 Part of the Intolerable Acts, which stated that every import had to get a stamp from Britain

Dates of American Revolution? (U.S. HISTORY)


Treaty of Paris

1783 The British recognized the U.S. as an independent nation. It's borders were from the Atlantic to the Mississippi River, and then stopped at Florida which was returned to Spain.

George Washington

1789 - 1797 1st President, 2 Terms, Supported the Bank of U.S.

John Adams

1797 - 1801 Federalist, Alien and Sedition Acts, XYZ Affair, 1 Term.

Thomas Jefferson

1801 - 1809 Democratic Republican, Embargo Act, Non- Intercourse Act, Wanted small military, John Marshall, Louisiana Purchase, James Monroe, Robert Livingston, Lewis and Clark expedition, 2 Terms.

James Madison

1809 - 1817 Democratic Republican, Macon's Bill #2, War of 1812 - Treaty of Ghent in 1814, Tariff of 1816, rejected nationally funded roads, 2 Terms.

James Monroe

1817 - 1825 Democratic Republican, Era of Good Feelings, Panic of 1819, Missouri Compromise, Monroe Doctrine, 2 Terms.

John Quincy Adams

1825 - 1829 Democrat, strong nationalist, opposed slavery, supported the building of nationally funded roads and canals, 1 Term.

Andrew Jackson

1829 - 1837 Democrat, Bank War, Panic of 1837, Trail of Tears, Common Man, Spoils System, 2 Terms.

Martin Van Buren

1837 - 1841 Democratic, Divorce Bill, Independent Treasury Bill, His delayed actions at the end of the panic of 1837 caused the economic downturn to continue for many years, 1 Term.

John Tyler

1841 - 1845 Whig, democrat at heart, vetoed Bank of the U.S., lowered tariff, 1 Term.

William Henry Harrison

1841 Whig, died in office on April 4, 1841 - Only 32 days in office.

Dates of Civil War and Reconstruction? (U.S. HISTORY)


Civil War

1850 - 1865

George Calvert

1st baron of Baltimore


1st civilization in Europe, advances to our civilization from Greece include, architecture, art, science, sports, language, and government.

Mayflower Compact

1st constitution in America, allowed religious freedom.

Samuel Gompers

1st president of american federation of labor union, also leader of cigar makers union.

Which of the following factors possibly influencing aggressive behavior are environmental? 1.) High testosterone level 2.) Family of living environment 3.) Competition for scarce resources

2 and 3

Leonardo da Vinci

A "true" renaissance man

Age of Reason

A movement in the 18th century that advocated the use of reason in the reappraisal of accepted ideas and social institutions.


A narrow channel or body of water connecting two larger bodies of water.


A passage or speech which introduces another longer passage or speech: "We the People"


A person who teaches his or her religion to people with different beliefs.


A picture made up from small pieces of glass or stone


A piece of art with Christ upon his mother's lap

President's powers

A president may not veto particular items in a bill (I). Such a power is called a line-item veto, and is held by 43 governors in the United States. A president may not pocket-veto a bill by holding it 10 days while Congress is in session (II). In such a case the bill becomes law without the president's signature. If Congress adjourns during the 10-day period, the bill is pocket-vetoed. The only true statement is III, the president's veto can be overridden if two-thirds of both houses vote to pass the bill despite the veto.

Peter Principle

A principle of organized life according to which every employee within a hierarchy tends to rise to their level of competence.

Vietnam War

A prolonged war (1954-1975) between the communist armies of North Vietnam who were supported by the Chinese and the non-communist armies of South Vietnam who were supported by the United States.


A region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers that developed the first urban societies. In the Bronze Age this area included Sumer and the Akkadian, Babylonian and Assyrian empires, In the Iron Age, it was ruled by the Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian empires.

Hagia Sophia

A sacred site in Istanbul for both Christians and Muslims.


A sailing ship developed in Portugal in the 1400's that had greater directional control than earlier ships and was able to sail great distances more safely.

Caribbean Sea

A sea bounded by the North and East by the west indies and by Central and by South America on the West and South

Magna Carta

A series of promises made by King John regarding how to treat his subjects

Phillis Wheatly

A slave during the Revolutionary Era and a published poet.

Nation State

A sovereign state inhabited by a relatively homogeneous group of people.


A state of society without government or law.

Fragmented State

A state that includes several discontinuous pieces of territory.

Perforated State

A state whose territory completely surrounds that of another state.


A system in which power is divided between the national and state governments.

Realistic-Nominalist Controversy

Adelard, Lombard and Magnus were part of this, initiated over Plato's doctrine of ideas. Was truth obtained through reason reconcilible with truth from revelation.


Advisory council for the president consisting of the heads of the executive departments, the vice president, and a few other officials selected by the president.

The second largest continent on Earth is


What is Devaluation?(ECONOMY)

An official governmental act to intentionally depreciate the state currency so as to increase foreign interest.

A reduction of European immigration during WWI led to?

An opening of jobs to African American workers.

What are the Three time periods in Western Civ?

Ancient World- 5,000bc-476ad Middle Ages- 476-1492 Modern World- 1492-present

Britain's empire

Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (Sudan) Basutoland (Lesotho) Balleland (Benin) Bechuanaland (Botswana) British East Africa (Kenya) British Somaliland (northern Somalia) British Togoland (eastern Ghana) British Cameroons (split between Nigeria and Cameroon) British Egypt Khedivate of Egypt Sultanate of Egypt Kingdom of Egypt Gambia Colony and Protectorate Gold Coast (Ghana) Colonial Nigeria Niger Coast Protectorate Northern Nigeria Protectorate Southern Nigeria Protectorate Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria Northern Rhodesia (Zambia) Nyasaland (Malawi) Sierra Leone Colony and Protectorate South Africa British Cape Colony Colony of Natal Orange Free State Transvaal Colony South-West Africa (Namibia) Walvis Bay Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) Swaziland Tanganyika Territory (mainland Tanzania) Uganda Protectorate Sultanate of Zanzibar (insular Tanzania)

Who are Prominent Proponents of Physiocracy? (ECONOMY)

Anne Roberts Jacques Turgot Francois Quesnay John Law Pierre le Pesant de Boisguilibert

Study of the origin, behavior, and culture of human beings.


Second Triumvirate

Antony, Lepidus, and Octavius. Defeated the traitors of Julius Caesar and became joint rulers of the Roman empire.

Social change

Any significant alteration over time in behavior patterns, cultural values, and norms that yields profound social consequences

3.9 Million

Approximate U.S. population in 1790 when the first census was taken.

Thomas Becket

Archbishop of Canterbury - later became a saint


Archenemy of Athens. Leader of the Peloponnesian league. The education of the ruling class focused on development of martial spirit. Unfit babies were killed. At age 7 all boys were removed from their families and placed into "military schools." Learned to suffer hardship and pain through rigorous military training.

Mining and Mineral Extraction

Are both primary economic activities.

South American population

Argentina 43 mill Brazil 204 mill (biggest country) Chile 18 mil Venezuela 30 mill Ecuador 16 mill

countries which don't have indigenous population

Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay


Arguin Island (in Mauritania) Dutch Cape Colony Dutch Gold Coast (settlements along coast of Ghana, including El Mina) Dutch Loango-Angola (Luanda, Sonyo and Cabinda) Gorée (Senegal) Moçambique (Delagoa Bay) São Tomé South Africa

Athenian Imperialism

Athen's acquisition of rule over most of the people's inhabiting the Aegean coast of Anatolia in the first half of the 5th century.

treaties with germanies allies

Austria gave up territory to italy, and new states of Czech, Poland, and Yugoslavia.

The total costs divided by the total output

Average Cost

Total quantity divided by the total quantity of input.

Average Productivity

The total variable costs divided by the total output.

Average Variable Costs

Elizabeth I plots

Babington plan to assassinate, throckmorton to cut off communication, Ridolfi to assassinate and replace with Mary, Queen of the Scots


Balkans outpost for Germans began collapsing. Red Army arrived Romania, King Michael withdrew alliance with Germany, Bulgaria changed sides too, Germans left Greece.

Islamic Philosophy

Based on Aristotle and Napoleon


Battle of Verdun Germans and French, French lost 300,000 lives but defended their position. In 1914 Germany lost domination of seas. Germany sunk British vessel called Lusitania.

Treaty of Paris of 1763 (Seven Year's War--French and Indian War)

British got Canada and East of Mississippi and France got NOTHING

leaders at time of WWII

Churchhill and Roosevelt


Civilizations developed along the yellow river in this country.

Dates of Ancient Greece? (WESTERN CIVILIZATION)

Classical Antiquity - c. 146 B.C.E.


Colonial islands held by Spain in South America from the 1500's to the 1800's.

Quartering Act

Colonist must house British troops

Late 19th century European Imperialism in Africa

Combined commerce with extensive territorial acquisitions.

What happened during Dates of Cold War, Cultural Revolutions, Social Change, Emergence of Modern America? (U.S. HISTORY)

Communism, nuclear arms buildup, the Space Race, civil rights movement, women's liberation, consumerism, recent history.

This is the 1848 book written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels which urges an uprising by workers to seize control of the factors of production from the upper and middle classes.

Communist Manifesto

Louis VIII

Richelieu was prime minister for him in thirty years war and la rochelle crisis with Hugeunots

What happened during Dates of 1920s, Great Depression, and WWII? (U.S. HISTORY)

Roaring 20s, 1929 stock market crash, Great Depression, the New Deal, isolationism, American involvement in WWII, emergence as a super power.

What happened during Ancient Rome? (WESTERN CIVILIZATION)

Roman kingdom, republic and empire, Roman political structure, Roman culture and thought, early Christianity, Germanic invasions, the fall of Rome.

Punic Wars

Rome vs. Cathage

Imperialism and Colonialsm

Roots for the cause of the Vietnam War

Julius Caesar

Ruled Rome - was assassinated by peers in 44 BC

plains states

SD, ND, NE, KS, MN, IA, MI, WI, IL, MI, IN, OH agriculture of wheat, corn and oats , industrialized and have coal and iron deposits with skilled laborers

American Fed of Labor

Samuel Gompers skilled labor union

What is Cartography? (GEOGRAPHY)

Science of making maps.

Primarily concerned with acquiring objective empirical knowledge (the acutal knowledge derived from experience or observation that can be measured or counted).

Scientific Perspective

early groups

Scots, Irish, British, Germans

Thomas Jefferson

Sec of state beleived Hamiltons idea would enrich a small elite group.

Humanistic perspective

Seeing Sociology as a means to advance human welfare.

Hellenic Kingdoms

Seleucid Asia, Ptolemaic Egypt, Antigonid Macedonia

What is Classical?(ECONOMY)

Self-regulating market system that is specifically designed to meet the economic needs of the people.

Hellenistic age and Macedonia

Semibarbaric, large territory, Philip 2 king in 359. conquered city stes athens fell. alex great son killed rivals made empire of syria and persia to india 70 cities and trade network

Virginia Resolution

Series of resolves passed to speak out against the stamp act, No taxation without representation

Julius Caesar

Set out to conquer Gaul during wars. Gained the personal support of his mighty army. During Caesar's military conquest, the Senate regained some power. Offered to disband his army is Pompey would. Pompey wouldn't, but fled, and Caesar took over. He was stabbed by Brutus. Ruled 47-44 BC.

John Winthrop

Settler and governor of Massachusetts

Lincoln's reelection

Sherman and his men had started a campaign that culminated in the capture of Atlanta on Sept. 2, a victory that probably clinched President Abraham Lincoln's re-election. But their most recent accomplishments were the destruction and civilian depopulation of Atlanta and other North Georgia towns. Under Sherman's orders, by the end of September nearly all of Atlanta's residents had been forcibly removed, although most had no place to go.

Production Possibilities Curve

Shows different combinations of goods that can be made using all resources - limited resources at the curve, inefficient production inside the curve.

Edict of Milan

Signed 313 AD. Legalized several religions. Organized Council of Nicaea to work out doctrinal differences in sects (led to formulation of Nicene Creed). Church and state were allied together.

Gadsden Purchase

Signed in New Mexico city by Santa Anna and James Gadsden to settle disputes over Mexican border, paid $10 million of Mesilla Valley - U.S. now owned all territory in the 48 states.

Petrarch believed in

Simple life and meditation

Michelangelo painted

Sistine ceiling

What happened during Civil War and Reconstruction? (U.S. HISTORY)

Slavery and abolition movement, political and economic tensions between North and South, Civil War, abolition of slavery, reconstruction


Small businessmen, farmers

How society changes

Social Dynamics

How society is held together

Social Statics

the process through which we learn or are trained to be members of society, to take part in new social situations, or to social situations, or to participate in social groupings.


-Sigmund Freud -Charles Horton Cooley -George Herbert Mead -Erving Goffman -Jean Piaget -Erik Erikson -Lawrence Kohlberg -Carol Gilligan are all Major Figures in what field?


Latin word for "companion"


Cuban Missile Resolution

Soviets remove missiles, and Americans agree not to invade.

Adams-Onis Treaty

Spain sell Florida territory to USA

New Spain

Spanish Colony in North America including Mexico, Central America, The Southwestern U.S., and many of the Caribbean islands from the 1500's to the 1800's

Hernando Cortes

Spanish conquistador who defeated the Aztecs and conquered Mexico in 1521; (1485-1547)

Francisco Pizarro

Spanish explorer who conquered the Incas in 1532 and founded the city of Lima (1475-1541).

Pickney treaty

Spanish opened mississippi river to america traffic and northern boundary of Florida

Ethnic Enclaves

Spatial concentrations of ethnic groups; members established business and employ mainly members of the group

pork barrel legislation

Special spending projects sponsored by members of Congress for their home states or districts are known as pork barrel legislation

In which country is the original buddhist tradition still the dominant religion

Sri Lanka

Blue Sky Laws

State Securities Laws; enacted to protect the public against securities fraud, regulates the offering and sale of securities, require registration of all securities, brokers, and brokerage firms.

Navigation Acts

Stated America could only trade with Britain

Proclamation of 1763

Stated that America was not allowed to expand past the Appalachian Mountains


TX, OK, LA, AR, MI, AL, FL, GA, SC, NC TN, KY, VA, mild weather and good soil growing cotton, corn, tobacco peanuts and rice

Virginia House of Burgess

The 1st assembly elected in the English colony, 1st governing body.

Six Eras of Egyptian History

The archaic or early dynastic period, the Old Kingdom, the 1st Intermediate peroid, Middle Kingdom, 2nd Intermediate period, the New Kingdom

Social Dilema

The experience of each person in a group pursuing his or her own self-interest without regard for everyone else

Treaty of Nanjing

The first Opium War, which ran from 1839 to 1842, began when the Chinese government, in an attempt to stop the trade of opium with the British, seized millions of dollars worth of opium from traders in Canton. In 1839 the British declared war to regain the opium market and other lucrative trading rights. The Opium War ended in 1842 with the Treaty of Nanjing, the first of what China dubbed her "unequal treaties" opened chinese ports and ceded hong kong to uk

The Arabs

The first group to establish trade links with both east Africa and the upper Niger Valley.

what paradigm views society as being characterized by conflict and inequality?

Conflict Paradigm

Fall of Greece

Conflict and competition between city-states, disloyalty in Mediterranean colonies, constant war, and Philip of Macedonia's power to overthrow the city states led to the destruction of Greece.

Peloponnesian Wars

Conflict between Athenian and Spartan alliance systems in the late 5th century. Ultimately Sparta prevailed because of Athenian errors and Persian financial support.

Alexander the Great

Conquered Egypt in 332 BC. Pupil of Aristotle. Used fear of traditional enemy Persia to launch conquest that took him to India. 334-324 Alexander takes on mighty Persian empire. By 32 he was the ruler of the known world. Died of a fever in Babylon a year later.

The condition where the maximum output is produced with given resources and technology.


1786 a Revolutionary war veteran led a rebellion of farmers against the tax collection and the banks that were seizing their property

Daniel Shays

Michelangelo sculpted


What happened during American Revolution? (U.S. HISTORY)

Declaration of Independence, Revolutionary War, founding fathers, The Constitution, American Govt., Democracy, Political Parties, Western exploration, economic growth.


Defeated opponents and became emperor of entire empire. Moved capital to Constantinople (modern day Istanbul). Made provinces smaller to allow for more direct control. Created the Edict of Milan.


Delineates a region of common dialect.

Inflationary Pressure

Demand and supply side of pressures that can cause a ride in the general price level.


Denied existence of spiritual world

The 13 colonies were...

Dependent on ocean transport for trade.

"I think, therefore I am"

Descartes: searches for absolute certainty by using a method of systematic doubt. Rejecting the certainty of all knowledge but the knowledge that a thinking process was occurring, he believed that he had established one certain fact his own existence. Rules for the Direction of the Mind is his book. Only follows logic, NOT god. Also wrote Discourse of the Method.

A measure of the responsiveness of quantity demanded or quantity supplied to a change in one of its determinants.



Emperor of the Roman, King of the Franks

Significance of English Civil War

End led to affirmation of the primacy of parliament.

Treaty of Westphalia

Ended the Thirty Years War, gave Swiss independence of Austria, gave the Netherlands independence of Spain.

The Industrial Revolution came first to which of the following nations?


John Lock

English philosopher and physician regarded as one of the most influential people of the enlightenment thinkers, "Father of classical liberalism"


Epic poem

A situation in which the market price has reached the level at which quantity supplied equals quantity demanded.


Lost generation disgusted with materialism

Ernest Hemingway, F Scott Fitzgerald, Exra Pound, and TS Eliot, moved to Europe--hopes and dreams crushed by war, Americans moved to France, felt they had more artistic freedom (The sun also rises)

Alfred B. Nobel

Established Nobel prizes for physics, chemistry, literature, peace, philosophy, and medicine, and also invented dynamite.

The 1st Amendment

Established foundations for church and state relations.

1914 indepedent African states

Ethiopia and Liberia, Algeria--france, congo--belgium, angola- portuguese, egypt- British

excellent harbors

Despite its extensive coastline, Sub-Saharan Africa doesn't have this, which can be defined as a natural body of water that has: (1) a sufficient depth to allow large ships to anchor there; and (2) strong protection in the form of a land mass.

Abolition of the Atlantic Slave Trade was...

Difficult to achieve during the early 1800's because profits from the trade were so high.

Stratified Sampling

Dividing the population into sub-populations and taking random samples from each division.


Dollar diplomacy--American investments would encourage economic, social and political stability. Just an ILLUSION.

Ahmose I

Drove out Hyksos. After 200 years of foreign rule they moved the capital to Thebes.

19th century liberalist mill

E)Although he was not typical of nineteenth-century liberalism in every respect "" he favored the unions as a means of helping the working class, for example "" John Stuart Mill wrote extensively on politics and is generally considered the most notable nineteenth-century liberal writer. His On Liberty (1859) is one of the most famous defenses of individual rights. The other choices may be quickly eliminated if the identity of the individuals involved is known. As the leader of the British Conservative party in the second half of the nineteenth century, Disraeli opposed many liberal programs. Napoleon III, emperor of France during the 1850s and 1860s, worked to limit one of the major liberal goals, the achievement of true parliamentary government in France. The other choices list lesser-known individuals but are also incorrect. Proudhon was the most famous anarchist of the first half of the nineteenth century, while Fourier was one of the best-known Utopian Socialists of the same period.

Martin Luther king

Earl Ray in Memphis killed him, riots ensued in 100 cities


Early European belief that the Earth was the center of the universe.

Tertiary Economic Activity

Economic activity associated with the provision of services--such transportation, banking, retailing, education, and routine office-based jobs.

What is the Gross Domestic Product? (ECONOMY)

Economic measurement that indicates the market value of all the final goods and services produced within the economy in one year.

Francis Petrarch

First Renaissance scholar in Italy


First colonists to come to Plymouth, escaping persecution from England.


First permanent colony in 1607


First ruler to unite upper and lower Egypt.

A Keynesian method used by Government to influence aggregate demand, price stability, and economic growth. Government policy that attempts to manage the economy by controlling taxing and spending.

Fiscal Policy

The costs resulting from fixed inputs, sometimes called overhead costs.

Fixed Costs

Minoan Civilization

Flourished on the island of Crete. It peaked between 1800-1500 BC. Important trading partner with Egypt and Phoenicia. The wealthy lived in luxury; vast palaces were built with frescoes, sculptures, and indoor plumbing. Music, poetry, and art flourished.

The Coriolis Effect

Force, resulting from Earth's rotation; deflects moving objects in the northern hemisphere to the right, and objects in the southern hemisphere to the left.

Neo-Babylonian Empire

Formed in 612 BC. This nation was a combination of the Chaldeans and Medes who overthrew the Assyrians. Nebuchadnezzar was the greatest of all their kings. They rebuilt the city of Babylon, the greatest city in the world. Created the hanging gardens, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.


Formed the first true democracy in Athens

Rosetta Stone

Found in 1799 by Napoleon. This stone contained one proclamation in three different languages: Hieroglyphs, Greek, and Demotic. Through their understanding of Greek they were able to learn about the Egyptian written language and, therefore, a lot about the Egyptian culture.


Founder of Islam


Founder of the old kingdom

Social theory

Framewords of imperial evidence used to study and interpret social phenomena

1930s and 1940s opposing thought of Maynard keyes

Friedrich Hayek

GDP per captial

GDP divided by people in country.


Gage Gernal destroyed colnial arms and ammunication at Concord.

Milan became famous for

Garment production


Gave law to mankind


General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. A global organization designed to promote free trade.

James Oglethorpe



German East Africa (Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania) German South-West Africa (Namibia) Kamerun (split between Cameroon and Nigeria) Togoland (split between Togo and Ghana) Wituland


German mercenary fighting for the British

German u-Boats

German u-boats very effective. protect coast. Began using air raids on both sides (machine guns shooting out of plans at the enemy). Began secretly using illegal chemical warfare against each other.


Germans entered Blegium, then France, Russia attacked them, Germany had to divide its resources. Battle of the Marne, created a battlefront determining demarcation of western front. Textile center Lodz in German hands

treaty of versailles

Germany took blame for war. no u-boats, no modern weapons, army restricted 6.6 billion pounds in war reparations, Germany lost national territory, lost Chinese ports

Central Powers in WWI

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey

UK leaders: William Gladstone vs. Benjamin Disraeli

Gladstone: Irish home rule, fiscal responsibility, free trade, democratic principles, limit imperialism, opposed decentralization of British government. Disraeli: aggreesive foreign policy, expansion of empire, opposed democratic reforms

a symbol of the power and strength of religion during the middle ages

Gothic Cathedral

six articles of faith

Henrican reaffirmation of catholic theology

Defense of Seven Sacraments

Henry 8 position on seven Sacraments and how it led to salvation

Angkor Wat

Hindu Temple

Hiss and Chambers

Hiss accused by Chambers and convicted of perjury for denying under oath he was a communist agent.

Why did African Americans move North in the 1st 1/4 of the 20th Century?

Impact of the boll weevil, availability of industrial jobs, impact of segregation legislation in the South.

The Republican Party, formed in Ripon, Wisconsin in 1854, developed a party platform that included support for a movement advocating

In 1846, a Pennsylvania congressman named David Wilmot proposed a bill that prohibited slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico, and this concept soon became known as "free soil." In 1854, as the Whig Party was collapsing over its inability to come to terms with the Kansas-Nebraska Act, the Republican Party was formed with former Whigs, northern Democrats, and members of the short-lived Free Soil Party.

Gramm-Rudman Act

In 1985, Congress passed act with the intent to balance the federal budget by 1992. The law created a plan whereby the budget deficit for each year from 1986 through 1991 could not exceed a specified, declining amount

All-African People's Conference

In December 1958, Kwame Nkrumah invited representatives from nationalist movements in 28 territories still under colonial rule to meet in Accra for the first. Nkrumah had often stated that once Ghana attained independence, it would be his goal to lead the rest of the African continent to freedom and unity. Ghana achieved independence on March 6, 1957, and he attempted to fulfill the second part of his objective the next year in 1958.

Where did the world's earliest civilizations tend to develop?

In river valleys.

studies the processes whereby human beings attach meaning to their lives.

Interpretive Sociology

Grand Theory

Involved the building of a theory of society based on aspects of the real world and he organization of these concepts to form a conception of society as a stable system of integrated parts.

Book of Kells

Irish book of art/calligraphy

Irish home rule

Irish to rule themselves- Gladstone proposed three times and repeatedly unsuccessful

Proposed principle of economics that asserts that real wages always tend, in the long run, toward the minimum wage necessary to sustain the life of the worker. Written by David Ricardo.

Iron Law of Wages

Temperature inversion

Is associated with increasing air pollution.

Control Group

Is like the experimental group except for differences in exposure to the independent variable.


Islamic Philosophers

How does mass media effect the U.S. National Elections?

It helps shape the agenda for the political debate.

New England

MN MA NH Vt, RI, CT fishing,shipping, manufacturing, and dairy farming

mountain states

MN, ID, WY, NV, UT, CO, AZ, NM Rocky Mountains sparsely populated

Developed Keynesian method. English economist who advocated the use of government monetary and fiscal policy to maintain full employment without inflation (1883-1946)

John Maynard Keynes

Arguably the most famous English philosopher and politician of the 1800s. Champion of liberty over unlimited state control. Developed Utilitarianism.

John Stuart Mill

medicare and medicaid

Johnson's efforts

Massachusetts Bay Colony

Joint-stock company in Massachusetts, located on the harbor

By which method can the judiciary check the power of Congress in the United States?

Judicial review

Who are the Prominent Proponents of Marxism? (ECONOMY)

Karl Marx Friedrich Engels

Imperial Russia

Kept Polish under control. Nicholas I died, Alexander II followed. Declared serfdom, people had movement and could change means of livelihodd, serfs could own proeprty. People tried assassinating czar, populists grew, wanted reforms. Wanted realism, as written about by Ivan Turgenev in Fathers and Sons. Populists orignally wanted agrarian utopian order, Three leaders held power oppositon grew strong. Russian social democrats and russian social revolutionaries were marxist vladimir lenin leader of bolshekis was part of social democrats, group submitted list of grievance to czar, but military killed them on Bloody Sunday. Made reforms consititutional democrats wanted even more reforms. Nicholas 2 recovered government until 1909 until the war.


Killed emperor Valens at the Battle of Adrianople. Empire divided for final time in 395 AD. Sacked Rome in 410 AD. Also invaded Italy.

Feudalism in Japan

Kofun era when started. Nomads started , Heian period--nomadic warriors made themselves land owners and managers of estates. People defended shoen, warriors organized into groups called Bushidan. Warrior clans grew. Kamakura Shogunate started and survived 148 years. provincial governers (shugo) a go between of vassals. Ashikaga Shogunate full blown feudal system. Power returned to emperor during Tokugawa under Meiji Restoration when samarai class privileges were abolished. No longer isolated.


Kwantung army conquered Manchuria, Japan resigned from league in 1933 when English created a investigatory commission of their actions. .

Ramses III

Last great Pharaoh of Egypt

As the price of a good rises, the quantity demanded of the good falls, and as the price of a good falls, the quantity demanded of the good rises, ceteris paribus.

Law of Demand

As the price of a good rises, the quantity supplied of the good rises, and as the price of a good falls, the quantity supplied of the good falls, ceteris paribus.

Law of Supply

Immigration Act of 1965

Led to an increased immigration of professionals from Asia.

French Revolution order

Legislative Assembly, Convention, Directory


Lepidus was given charge of Africa, but was later killed by Octavian.

independence of African Nations

Liberia has been an independent state since its founding in 1847. Tanzania (B) achieved independence in 1964, Sierre Leone (C) in 1961, Gambia (D) in 1965, and Ghana (E) in 1957. Score Overview Multiple Choice Section Your AnswerCorrect Answer

National Government in UK

MacDonald Labor govt made coalition suggested by king George, abandoned gold standard and adopted tariffs on imports. unemployment dropped to 2 million. Stanley Baldwin followed him.

The study of the economy as a whole. Includes: inflation, economic growth, and unemployment.


Dutch trading outposts

Manhattan Island and Present Day Albany

Treaty of Utrecht

March and April of 1713 Series of peace treaties that ended Queen Anne's war. Transferred Nova Scotia and Newfoundland to the English.

Who was one of the Five Good Emperors?

Marcus Aurelius

Emergence of New Left

Marx ideas reigned after failed revolutions in 1848. Writings include Communist Manifesto, Critique of Political Economy, and Capital.

formation of new state governments

Massachusetts did set a valuable example for other states by stipulating that its constitution should be created via a special convention rather than via the legislature. This way, the constitution would take precedence over the legislature, which would be subject to the rules of the constitution.

proposal for French government to model after Englands

Montesqueiu in The Spirit of the laws

circular flow of income model

Most, if not all, people go to work daily to earn a living. The money that is earned is used to purchase goods and services from businesses such as food, clothes, rent, basic commodities, entertainment services, health and wellness products, etc. The income earned daily flows back to businesses continuously in a cycle known as the circular flow of income.


Movement to formally or informally end African and Indian slavery in America and Western Europe during the 18th century.


NATO US Canada Britain and nine European nations, Soviet formed Warsaw Treaty organization including Eastern block countries

middle atlantic states

NY WV DE MD NJ and PA industrialized


Named after King Charles I by King Charles II

Hundred Days

Napolean's failed attempt to restore himself as leader.

What is Physiocracy? (ECONOMY)

Nations wealth is derived from "land agriculture" or "land development".

Victorian Compromise

Queen Victoria succeeded king William, liberal reform of British government. alliance between middle class and aristorcracy from keeping working class from political power, abolished slvary 1833, factory act employemnet under age 9. Municipal reform gave control of cities to middle class. 1848 revolutions unsuccessful. Realpolitik or realistic and iron fisted politics and diplomacy followed (Otto Van Bismark)

A tax in which the rich pay a larger fraction of their income than the poor.

Progressive Tax

Domino Theory

Proposed by Eisenhower; Belief that the fall of Vietnam to communism would trigger the fall for the rest of Asia.

Headright System

Proprietorship; set up a legal grant for land to new settlers

John Peter Zenger

Publisher of New York weekly. Started freedom of press and prosecution and threats to make him silent against political discrepancies

John Brown

Raided arsenal of Harpers Ferry inciting a violent slave uprising, was convicted and murdered. seen as martyr in the north and criminal by Lincoln and the south. Lincoln won north in 3 party election.

Huckleberry Finn


Shay's Rebellion

Rebellion led by Daniel Shay (war vet), uprising farmers and agrarians against the Articles of Confederation.

What is the goal of decreasing government expenditures? (ECONOMY)

Reduce Inflation

What is the goal of decreasing governmental borrowing? (ECONOMY)

Reduce inflation

What is the goal of raising taxes? (ECONOMY)

Reduce inflation

Social Stratification

Refers to a system by which a society ranks categories of people in hierarchy

Secondary Analysis

Refers to analysis of existing sources of information.

the 16th century movement for reforming the Roman Catholic Church which resulted in the establishment of protestant churches



Religion of New England, specifically MA.

the great revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe beginning in the 14th century in Italy and extending to the rest of Europe. Marked the transition from the medieval world to the modern world


What happened during Renaissance and Reformation? (WESTERN CIVILIZATION)

Renaissance culture and politics, the Plague, scientific revolution, the role and influence of the Catholic Church, the Protestant Reformation.


Representative to a party convention.

54 BC. in Rome

Republic came to an end when Julius Caesar became Emperor.

birth rates

Research shows that, as economic development (industrialization, urbanization, higher levels of education) expands, birth rates tend to decline.

They influence the level of excess reserves in the banking system and consequently the banking system's ability to extend credit and create money.

Reserves Ratio

the process of discarding behavioral practices and adopting new ones as part of a transition in life.



Rests on the devotion of the followers to an individual with exceptional qualities.

Fashoda Crisis

imperial territorial disputes between Britain and France in Eastern Africa, occurring in 1898. A French expedition to Fashoda on the White Nile river sought to gain control of the Upper Nile river basin and thereby exclude Britain from the Sudan.

elastic clause

implied powers to implement delegated powers such as judicial, war and peace powers

an industrial development program that uses protective tariffs, imports quotas, exchange rate controls, preferential licensing for capital goods imports, and subsidized loans to benefit local infant industries is know as

import substitution industrialization

Price revolution of 16th century

importation of silver and gold into european economy

Germany: The Depression

income dropped 20 percent, 43 percent of workforce without jobs. Adolf Hitler joined German workers party or NAZIs. had 25 point plan. Marched on Berlin and Munich to seize power. Dictated Mein Kampf to Rudolf Hess while in jail. after failing realized he needed to come to power in a more legit way. in 1932 only got 30 percent of vote. Ended up becoming chancellor. Dissolved the Reichtag (parliament). Civil and Press liberties as a move against communism. Brought all agencies under his control, took non aryans and nazi opponetns from civil service, court systems and higher education. illegal strikes, labor unions, and forced people to join German Lagor Front. Gestago created who operated concentration camps. Nazi started 1933. Nuremburg laws- outlawed Jewish citizenship, outlawed sexual and marital relationsh bt Jews/Germans. Quit league of Nations. Would not be bound by treaty of Versailles military restrictions, created army of 500,000

Malthusian Theory predicts that population growth will

increase exponentially while food production will increase arithmetically

Louisiana Purchase

increased land by 100 percent. Doubled size of nation. Orignally just planned ot buy only New Orleans but Napolean offered to sell the entire territory. Jefferson's strict belief in constitution required approval to buy.

purchase of bonds by Federal Reserve Bank

increases money supply, because they say for them with money that increases money supply

theory Based on observations

inductive theory

1. Quantities of manufactured goods increased the standard of living 2. a financial revolution created banks, investors and corporations 3. The middle class became the largest class 4. Slums, pollution, overcrowding... 5. led to imperialism as the industrialized countries needed more and more raw materials. 6. changed the western world from a basically agricultural society to an urban society are all examples of the importance of the ___ ___ to western civ

industrial revolution


inner light, less emphasis on Bible, pacifists

technology and productivity

land, capital, labor, and enterpreneurial ability--combined=productive economy.

resources of production

land, labor, capital, entrepenuership, technology, and scarcity.


largest country. mountains block moderating temps from Indian adn Pacific Oceans, lives west of ural mountains, population is heterogenous, many ethnic groups, multicultural, most of infrastructure lies in east, extensive industrial development, many minerals, fuels, coal reserves and petroleum, coal, Siberia's resources hard to use as far away, does not export goods. Regions one part of russia look outside russia for help

Normandy invasion

largest operation in history-1,000,000 people, seized France, Allied armies now surrounding east and west of Germany.

HOP centralized

late 1800s and early 1900s, power was centralized in hands of speaker of houses

speaker of the house

leader of house of representatives


leaders of Protestant reformation, seen as an attack on Roman empire a judgment by god

International developments (1918-35)

league was for international friendship peace, and security. Agreed to avoid war, maintain peaceful relations, and honor international law. Started in Geneva at Treaty of Versailles, 1919. suggested economic sanctions if member breaks rules.

Industrial Revolution

led to Glorious, French and American revolutions, with creation of James Watt's steam engine


led to formation of Republican Party

Peace of Westphalia

led to nation state- took away popes power over Feudal Europe and led to geographic and political entities . Concluded 30 years war.

parts of the political system in the United States utilize laws and bureaucratic rules to define who has what kind of power and authority over whom

legal-rational: type of authority based on rules and laws.

"If your neighbor's house was on fire, and he didn't have a garden hose, wouldn't it make sense to let him use your hose to fight the fire so the fire could be put out before it spread to your house?"

lend-lease act

England, Scotland, Ireland

limited or absolute monarchy?


limited power of gov't

Where were the persians located?

located in Central Asia/Russia

Central America

long coastline

Federal Reserve Act of 1913

lost value of dollar, creates money out of nothing. 12 regions-fed reserve in each region. Backed by commercial paper and 40 percent gold.

Invason of poland

made allies question Soviet Unions motives


major crop in South America

powerful leaders in senate

majority and minority leaders


majority of Americans lived in urban areas (51 percent). Suburbs grew. Birth control promoted by Margaret Sanger, although illegal. Divorce laws liberalized. Rates of pay for women lower. Migration of blacks to cities. Held low paying jobs, confined to segregated areas of the city.

Office of Management and Budget

makes budget for president to submit to congress.

European economy

manufacturing, low level development in the east

Family descent that is reckoned through women with inheritance passing from mother to daughter is known as

matrilineal descent

Unification of Italy

mid nineteenth century

blacks resistance to slavery

minor offences like slowing pace of work or breaking tools...uncommon for Underground Railroad, arson, or violent uprisings

Second Continental congress

new england: declare independence, middle colonies: not go so far

wartime employment

new jobs for mexicans and african americans in war industries

judicial restraint

The tendency of judges to interpret the Constitution in light of the original intent of its framers

Aggregate Demand

The total demand for final goods and services in an economy at any given time.

What is Foreign Exchange Rate? (ECONOMY)

The value of foreign currency.


The vast majority of bills never make it out of committee to the floor of the chamber. Many are introduced by a member only to get publicity, or so the member can tell constituents that (s)he did something about the matter


Two people in which either member's departure destroys the group.



Cape to Cairo railway

UK proposed this idea as their territories were in Egypt and South Africa

French revolution

Violent changing of government from monarchy to democracy in 1789 - 1799.

election of 1798

federalist majority in houses of congress, alient act, hurdles in path of immigrants, sedition act couldnt speak against govt

If a nation can produce a product at a lower opportunity cost than its trading partner, it is said to have

a comparative advantage in the production of the good

The Constitution

a direct popular vote for members of the House of Representatives. -Direct popular vote means that the general public votes on the item and that vote immediately determines the outcome of the election or issue.

Escobedo vs Illinois

able to get counsel prior to interrogation by police

Yellow River

about 2,700 miles long, runs west to east across China, bringing in the summer heavy deposits of yellow silt which give the river its name. The river enters the Pacific Ocean near the Shandong Peninsula. The nickname "China's Sorrow" Score Overview Multiple Choice Section Your AnswerCorrect Answer

Peter the Greats foreign policy achievement

acquisition of ports on Baltic Sea


advocate for Prussian based Germany. Defeated Denmark to give up territory under Treaty of Vienna. War over France and Germany brewing. Prussians beat French. Treaty of Frankfurt concluded the war France gave up territory. German Emprie began Jaunary 1871. Wilhelm emperor, Bismarck, Chancellor.

Roe Vs. Wade

allowed abortion if child isn't viable (able to survive outside womb)

Delegate Powers

also called enumerated powers; powers for federal government that include power to coin money, regulate interstate and foreign trade, maintain the armed forces, and create federal courts

article 5

amendments allowed


an asset turned into spendable form

specialization and division of labor

an efficient way for team of production to be given parts of a production plan. Certain people specialize in parts of labor. Way to maximize economic growth


anabaptist baptized again Menno simons early church

normative economics

analysis of what should be

John Adams

appointed John Marshall as chief justice to guarantee federalist principles before Jefferson took office--midnight appointments

three fifths compromise

apportioning representation and taxation on states 3/5 slaves counted

what are Advances to our civilization from Greece?

architecture and art, language and lit, philosophy, science, sports, statescraft and government

William McKinley

assassinated in Buffalo New York, Theodore Roosevelt took over. Roosevelt did much to encourage trust busting

Dawes Act

assimilation of Indians into society. break up of reservations. 2/3 of land committed to indians taken by 1932. Indian Reorganization act to give lands back.

the Age of Reason brought advancement in what four areas?

astronomy, electricity, chemistry, and analytical geometry


attempt in the Senate to talk a bill to death by preventing it from coming up for a vote.

Thomas Cranmer

author of forty-two articles of faith protestant doctrines

Federal Home Loan Act

avoid foreclosures by making home-loan banks

functions of fed

bank regulation (financially strong banks?)

expanding economy

banks hold 50 million excess reserves to use as credit, lower interest rates and standards to attract people. when loans are made money supply expands,

economy between 1860-1894

became largest, abundence of iron oil and coal, steel industry, electrical energy

Theodore Roosevelt

big stick policy diplomacy

contributionary standard

entitled to share of goods based on contribution

equality standard

equal share of goods and services

intersection of supply and demand curves

equilibrium. when there's a surplus producers must lower price

delian league

escabished in 477 nc after war with Persia. Intended to defend itself against Persia. Later viewed as an Athenian attempt to dominate the Greek world (they grew very rich), defend against crisis of Persian aggression


escape church in England many moved to new world.

Tinker vs. Des Moines School District

black armbands a written protest protected by first amendment

Sherman Antitrust Act

break up trusts

Black Death

brought from Asia. Fleas on rats. 25 to 40 percent of population killed. cities suffered more.

Berlin Wall

built in 1961 and torn down in 1989. Kennedy spoke against it in 1963

Watergate Scandal

burglars funded by Richard Nixon's re-election campaign, Nixon recorded all conversations in oval office, stealing private information to prop up his re-election

effect of buying bonds

buying 10 million in bonds equal to printing 10 million, both "new money"

open market operations

buying bonds to increase reserves and extends abilitiy for credit and creation of money.

Dates of Renaissance and Reformation? (WESTERN CIVILIZATION)

c. 1300s C.E. - c. 1600s C.E.

Dates of Early Modern Period? (WESTERN CIVILIZATION)

c. 1500s C.E. - c. 1800s c.e.

Dates of Medieval Age? (WESTERN CIVILIZATION)

c. 476 C.E. - c. 1526 C.E.

Dates of Ancient Near East? (WESTERN CIVILIZATION)

c. 4th millennium B.C.E.- c 6th to 4th century B.C.E.

Potsdam declaration

caleld for Japanese surrender. August 1945 bomb dropped in Hiroshima, 70,000 lives lost. Radiation poisoning. Nagasaki bombed also, Hirohito remained emperor after surrender.

Lord Rockingham's Declaratory Act

cancelled, stamp act, however, power to tax americans whatsoever

fourteenth amendment

cannot deny civil liberties to people in the states (equal protection under the law)

Mapp vs. Ohio

cannot introduce illegally obtained material as evidence in a trial.

Global warming occurs when industry, agriculture, and transportation release gases such as...

carbon dioxide that cause the earth's atmosphere to trap energy from sunlight

Hostage situation

caused because Carter let Shah who was exiled come to USA for cancer treatment on humanitarian grounds. Looked like Americans still supported Shah's regime.

Boulanger Crisis

caused by right wing sceme to overthrow the third French Republic and install Geroges Boulanger as leader--supported by onarchists and other rightist enemies of the republic

command system

central authority (dictator) makes economic decisions.


church and state should be united

conflictual political culture

citizens have conflicting views about how government should be run

Martin Luther King's strategy

civil disobedience

The united states government reacted to the golf of Tolkin incident by...

claiming an unprovoked attack and pushing the public to accept war with North Vietnam

empirical analysis

compare predictions with actual performance of economy

West Virginia vs. Barnette

compulsory saluting of the flag unconstitutional

The tendency for individuals to look for, notice, and remember information that is consistent with their beliefs is...

confirmation bias

differences between parliament and congress

congress more personalist, parliament is through party efforts C D A A B D B C A D C D D B B B B C B C


constitution supporters and centralized power, versus not supporters

formula for GDP

consumer spending (70 percent of GDP)+ business investment+government spending+ net exports . Preferred measurement tools for economists

consumer sovereignty

consumers determine what's produced. Meet consumers tastes or go out of business!


control foreign policy, veyo, could impeach, four years and reeclecatble, electoral college. If no one had majority, chosen by HOP. 1788, nine ratified constitution, two did not. after proposing bill of rights, changed their minds. Washington president in 1789.

Korematsu vs . united states

could imprison Japanese to protect during wartime, civil liberties restricted

Gideon vs. Wainright

courts provide support to poor people in felony cases

deterrent capabilities

creating nuclear arms so as to avoid war and keep peace.


cruel and unusual punishment

Western Roman Empre

declined until 476 when Germanic tribes took over

theory based on prior knowledge

deductive theory

Europe After WWII

demilitarization of Germany...United Nations Organization began, regulate internaila relations and keep peace. Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Finland had to pay war reparations.

Hoover during the Great Depression

desired localism and private initiative rather than gov't intervention, urged nations business leaders to maintain wages and employement, strategy in the end was a failure.


destroyed Mayans and gave them smallpox.

Paris Peace Conference

determine peace agreements after war. italy france UK and us known as big four.


different from GDP because it includes income earned out of US by US firms and citizens, but reduces foreign firms and citizens in US

The feeling that one's group has a mode of living, values ,and patterns of adaptation that are superior to those of other groups is called


Population Growth 1860-2017

every 10 years: up 7, up 12, up 12, up 14, up 16, up 14, up 17, up 9, up 16, up 27 (1960), up 24 (1970), up 23 (1980), up 22 (1990), up 34 (2000), up 26, up 18 (2017). Total growth is x 10.

intermediate goods

example is tires sold to Ford--final sale is what counts, not tires in process

What is money?

exchanged for goods and services, has four functions: medium of exchange (no money=barter economy), unit of value (worth in dollars, not items), store of value (can be put away), standard of deferred payment (payments to be made in future)

investment of human capital

expenditures to increase an individual's earning power, such as money spent to get an education

role of prices in market economy

expensive prices in demand and scarce, low prices not and plentiful

New imperialism

external markets, foreign investment=high returns,raw materials needed, missionary practices, asserting power by controlling colonies, Africa was focus, focus on greatness of Africa south of the Sahara. British=suez canal, Zulu war, Boers regained it in victory of Majuba Hill. Belgium=Congo, France=Tunisia, French Equitorial Africa, Italy=east africa. Germany= Cameroons, Togoland, German South West Africac. Berlin Conference: Gongo=Belgium, 2)liberal use of Niger and Congo Rivers, 3) European Powers could acquire territory through occupation. Conlfict between Boers and British. Gold discovered. Boers restircted politcal and economics rights of British settlers, Boer war started, Britain won. Interest also in Pacific. Naval officer Alfred Thayer Mahan Influence of Sea Power Upon History, nations controlling seas previaled, Germany and US very active there, US took Philippines in 1898. Rivalry over China led to Russo Japanese War in 1904.

Shay's Rebellion

farmers to rebel against government during critical period, a of c couldn't maintain order.

US largest economy

has growing population, domestic/international capital, tech innovation, resources, and large national market

number of bureaucrats in US govt

has not grown but power has grown


how does national gov't function

west europe

hub of europe and economics


humans needs and wants are never able to be satisfied due to economic reasons. Not enough to go around.

In Freudian theory, the reservoir of unconscious psychic energy governed by the pleasure principle that seeks instant gratification is know as the


HOP more powerful than senate

early 1800s, leadership centralized under House Speaker Henry Clay


economic health of a nation based on quantity of gold and silver--associated with mercantilism and need to maintain a favorable balance of trade


economy as a whole--inflation, unemployment and economic growth.

Edict of Fontainbleau

edict of Nantes--Henr IV had to extend religious liberties to French Protestants.

Which of the following is NOT one of the United Nations four main purposes?

eliminate all weapons of mass destruction


emphasizing individual's actions

Rush-Bagot Treaty 1817

no armed fleets on Great Lakes

market system

no central authority, not based on customs. consumers make decisions based on needs, desires, and income. Motivated by profit concerns

Scientific Revolution

no need to secularize science in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Age of Enlightenment (secular mindset). man's intellect apart from God. Empiricists--inductive observation--the scientific method.

22nd amendment

no one shall be elected more than twice

Stamp Act Congress

no tax without rep, also got states officials to know each other and a chance to chill

level of measurement for discreet categories for data



not willing to negotiate on issues of theology

Hamilton's efforts

number of important steps, including establishing a national bank, assuming state and national debt, creating a tariff and a whiskey tax, and establishing a patent office. He did not, however, put the U.S. currency on any type of gold standard.


number of patents doubled

positive economics

objective or scientific analysis of what is

scientific method in political science

observational/evidential (characteristics_, observation laws (predictions based on what you see), theories (ideas that can be formed based on evidence)

Europe in Antiquity

occupied by Germanic tribes. 476 forced Augustulus to abducate ended power. Fraknish kingdom important staet. Charlemagne founded the Carolingian dynasty. Pope named him emperor of Holy Roman emperor. Manorialism developed during this time due to repeated attacks on the 3 kingdoms of Charlemagne's sons. self-sufficiency, manor occupied several villages, decentralize political power, peasants bound to land, pope power grew

mark-up sessions

occur in committees and subcommittees

Mexico natural resources

oil, gold, gas, silver


old kingdom 2600 to 2200 pharaohs were like gods. cap moved to memphis, pyramids of after hyksos invasion new kingdom expanded and invaded palestine and syra enslaved jews, gindle god and closed temples, tutankhamen who followed started pantheism (tolerance of all gods) giza built in 2600 , post empire period was under control of assyrians and persians alexander the great and roman empire made papyrus, med advances, afterlife beliefs

Gibbons vs. Ogden

only congress has right to regulate commerce

Commodore Matthew Perry

opened Japan to American commerce

William Lloyd Garrison and Theodore Weld

opposed slavery- Wrote the Liberator--wanted emancipation--new party called liberty party fought for free soil (nonexpansion of slavery in new territories)

1964 civil right acts

outlawed racial discrimination by employers and unions, elimated restrictions on black voting

The Pact of Paris (Kellogg-Briand pact)

period of diplomatic friendship. 65 countries signed Kellogg-Briand Pact which renounced war as a means of solving international differences. No way to enforce it, therefore was useless

5th century greec

persian war, athen delian league, pericles built athens parthenon and buildings, started war with Sparta. Pelopo: athens vs sparta. athen lost, sparta weakened. Alex the Great later conquered them. unified city states started hellenistic age. Revolution in philosphy through plato, aristotle and socrates. Plato's Republic= ideal state represented. . Greek art individual Euripedes tragedian comedy aristophanes. Greek developed study of history

a principle of organizational life according to which every employee within a hierarchy tends to rise to his or her level of incompetence

peter principle

What branch of early roman government was free citizens?


Thomas Nast

political cartoonist calling out Boss Tweed


purchased in 1867 for 7 mill


puritans and separatists

Wisbech stirs

quarrel between English Roman Catholic clergy held prisonertowards the end of the reign of Elizabeth I of England. It set the regular clergy represented by the Society of Jesus, who wished for a more ordered communal life in the prison, against some of the secular clergy.

Frances troubles

radical groups arose. socialists wanted nationalization, radicalists wanted to reduce gov't spending

Hawley-Smoot Tariff

raised duties on imports

stratified sampling

random sample proportionate to size of sampling unit.


realism on international stage. Interest defined as power.


recognized in the peace of Westphalia

peace of westphalia

recognized indepedence of Switzerland and Netherlands

how a country encourages politlca leadership

recruitment of elites

checks and balances

reflective of selfishness of man, a unanimous idea at meeting in Philadelphia in 1787.

civil service act

reformed spoils system


relationship between price and amount producers are willing to supply


relationship between the price of a product and the amount customers are willing to buy . willing and able to buy more if product is cheaper.


relaxing of tensions between China and USA when admitted them to UN.

procedures repeatable, yield same readings


Peace of Ausburg

religion of leader equaled religion of people.

PM Lord North

repealed all taxes but tea tax, just to prove it could tax them

twenty-first amendment

repealed prohibition

required reserves

required reserve x deposits

anglo-French entente

resolved Anglo-French colonial disputes in Egypt and Morocco--Northeast Africa British, Northwest French.

Achieving re-employment

resources in surplus lower resources prices, leading to re-employment

Berlin Blockade

response to unification of British, French and America zones in West Germany

FDR good neighbor

retreat from the military interventionism and blatant economic domination which had characterized previous American policy toward Latin America, create new free trade opportunities for America, ends when Yalta conference begins and US realizes communism is a threat.

Renaissance Humanism threat

return to original sources of Christianity

Roosevelt Corollary

right to intervene in affairs of Latin America to keep European power from using military force to collect debts in WH

executive privilege

right to withhold information from congress and the public in case of US vs. Nixon

Russian Revolution 1917

riots of citizens from the war. Romanav dynasty ended after Duma encouraged czar to abdicate the throne due to civil unrest. Lenin and Trotsky enocraged people to take the city transportation and community centers in Petrograd. Decrees made on peace bread and land, soviets left war signed treaty at Brest-Litovsk in 1918. US hoped only to supply naval and economic support but had to get fully involved. lost territory and 62 million people. Land lost to Austria Hungary and Germany. November 11, 1918 war ended.

Wilson's cabinet

segregated workers with no objection, WEB Dubois pissed, vetoed literacy test for immigrants

Democratic National Party Convention does not

selects the state party chairmen, states do that. It determines the national party platform. It nominates the party's candidate for president. It has "super delegates" It sets the time and place for the next national convention.

contracting economy

sell bonds to open market. deficient in reserves. Make credit difficult to get. Interest goes up. money supply will fall

US aided Great Britain in WWI

selling destroyers, US navy patrolling atlantic waters, lend-lease act

yellow journalism

sensationalist newpaper highlighting Cubans

first amendment

separation of church and state, freedom of press, speech, religion

According to Robert Merton's Theory of Deviance, individuals experience anomie when...

something prevents them from achieving a socially approved goal.

wealth of nations Adam Smith

specialize and trade--world wealth is enhanced.

effect of industrial revolution

speed rather than quality of work

government spending

spending on goods and services (battle ship, space shuttle) versus transfer payments (welfare, unemployment compensation)

executive branch depts

state, treasury, and war

population of US

steadily increased

Gentleman's agreement with Japan

stop emigration of unskilled Japanese due to racial discrimination

Thomas Hutchinson

stopped tea ships from leaving Hrbor. BTP. Consequneces: Threw tea in harbor. Coercive Acts: port of of Boston closed. Governmnet lost power, Brits could quarter troops anywhere they wanted.

deterrance in nuclear age

strategists perspective--concerned with deterrance, importance of weapon systems, maximize national security, minimize possibility of nuclear war

the population is divided into subpopulations (strata) and random samples are taken of each stratum

stratified sampling

elitist view of politics

stresses that the policy-making process is dominated by a small, unrepresentative minority. In The Power Elite, published in 1956, the American sociologist C. Wright Mills argued that corporate leaders, top military officers, and key political leaders dominated American politics.

Jefferson and Madison

strict interpretation of constitution, if something not permitted, then prohibited

Bismarck Age

strong united German state, able to defend itself, monetary system unified. created laws to provide social security, regulate chld labor, and improve working conditions of Germans. Wanted to isolate France. Fought with Russia by putting an embargo on beef after famine. Bismarck dismissed by Wilhelm 2 the leader at the time for his policies.

Achieving technical efficiency

struggle for profits equals cutting costs--self interest, not public.

Hazelwood School District vs. Kuhlmier

student publications not protected under rights to show their ideas might reflect ideas of people in the school

Social psychology, sociology and anthropology have what in common?

study how people live and work in groups

Berlin Conference

sub-saharan conquest of Africa

Dred vs Sanford

sue for freedom in a new state, could not outlaw slavery, no black slave could be a citizen of the US


sumer land of Ur. dikes and resvoirs conferderation of city stes cunieform, babylon made a captial, hammurabi created laws and social class determined crime. assyrians conquered syria palestine and mesopotamia. chaldeans conquered them and jerusalem. cyrus of persians defeated them, persians created road system and gave religion zoroastrianism

economic policies since 1980 s

supply side Arthur Laffer--Andrew Mellon similar policies US treatury, reducing taxes on business and wealthy--induce production of goods and services, create more jobs, Reaganomic stimulated the econmies, high budget deficits and national debt, increase in defense spending


support militarily for Soviet union's efforts in the WWII

Truman doctrine

supporting nations possibly weak to communism

everyone in the member of the population is selected

systematic sampling

East Asia

taiwan north korea, south korea mongolia, china and japan, taiwan and nk not considered countries.

Sacco and Venzetti

targets of anti-radical immigration, arrested for armed robbery, weak evidence of crime, appeals denied, in 1927, they were condemned and were electrocuted despite many protests.

In a single-member district, plurality vote system

the candidate with the most votes represents the district.

What was the single most important social, economic and political influence in the medieval ages?

the church

Why did Rome fall?

the empire became too large to be effectively governed from the central city

English Utilitarianism

the greatest good for the greatest number.--Bentham, Mill and Stuart

Who developed the monotheistic religion of Zoarastrianism?

the persians

Most important contribution made by Rome to Western Civilization

the political system with its influence on law and politics

a common property resource shared by multiple participants combined with free entry results in...

the tragedy of commons

Battle of Midway

turning point in Pacific where America won

Bourban France

unquestioned authority. Louix XIV. Peasants 95 percent of popultion. People wanted more power, less tax. Louis 14 wanted changes, granted toleration to French Huguenots (protestants), could not obtain fiscal reform or new laws. French Revolution began


used to designate vote-swapping by members of Congress for special projects. (I'll vote for your bill if you vote for my bill


veto power used than any president before. beginning of two party system. Mass conventions for nominating candidates


victory in Stalingrad, North Africa and Battle of Atlantic helped become turning point for allies in war. planned on freeing italy and sicily of german occupation. Italians invaded British Egypt Brits and US won.

Who built the first ocean going sea vessels?


booker t washington

vocational school about balcks

Marcus Garvey

wanted blacks to create a new nation in Africa (repatriation), wanted to uplift them, founded UNIA, create Black Star Line to send blacks back to Africa, convicted of mail fraud, moved to London after imprisonment, prophet of Rastafari religion and national hero in Jamaica

Italian Foreign Policy

wanted normalcy, did not get what it wanted a Paris Peace Conference, took over Corfu when Italian was killed settling a Greek-Albanian border dispute. Took over Fiume, Croatia on Adriatic

Congress of Vienna

wanted to restore European unity after Napolean. Redraw map. Arrest any threat to peace= Quadruple alliance between Russia, Prussia, Austria and England. Controlled this by Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle, Congress of Troppau, and Congress of Laibach and Congress of Verona

William Wilberforce

wanted to set slaves free and end the slave trade.

McClellan/ Stonewall Jackson

war hero in north and war hero in south (who was shot by one of his own men)

Hobbes Leviathian

war of all against all--State of nature--people are politary, poor, nasty, brutish and short

the Assyrians Specialized in what?


The Spanish Armada (Spanish: Grande y Felicísima Armada, literally "Great and Most Fortunate Navy")

was a Spanish fleet of 130 ships that sailed from A Coruña in late May 1588, under the command of the Duke of Medina Sidonia, with the purpose of escorting an army from Flanders to invade England. The strategic aim was to overthrow Queen Elizabeth I and her establishment of Protestantism in England, with the expectation that this would put a stop to English interference in the Spanish Netherlands and to the harm caused to Spanish interests by English and Dutch privateering. England won decisively.

war of 1812

was an armed conflict between the United States and the British Empire. The British restricted the American trade since they feared it was harmful for their war with France and they also wanted to set up an Indian state in the Midwest in order to maintain their influence in the region. That's why 10,000 Native Americans fought on the side of the British in this war. Since Canada was a British colony back then, Canadians were also British allies. The Americans objected to the British Empire restricting their trade and snatching their sailors to serve on British ships. They were also eager to prove their independence from the British Empire once and for all.

FDIC or federal bank account insurance

was part of the New Deal to restore confidence in banks, not stocks.

articles of confederation

weak and inffective constitution, unicameral legislature, couldn't regulate trade, no court system, and amendments needed unanimous consent.


wealth measured by commodities, purchase little from enemies, colonies existed for benefit of mother country, great improvements in industry

problems of scarcity

what goods and services to produce how to produce the goods and services how to distribute the goods and services produced.

Newburgh conspiracy

worries at end of revolutionary war that continental congress would disband military without paying their pensions

Fought between the Central Powers and the Allies. Beginning on July 28, 1914 and ending on November 11, 1918


Problems created by WWI, Rise of dictatorships, the desire of Germany, Italy and Japan for more power are all causes of what?


The war between the Axis and the Allies beginning in 1939 with the German invasion of Poland and ending with the German surrender in 1945


Two achievements of Athens

Vineyards and Olive Yards

House of Representatives

435 Members, based on population of the state

Middle Ages

476 A.D. - 1492

When were the Middle Ages


writ of habeus corpus


Ancient World

5,000 B.C. - 476 A.D.

when did Julius Ceasar become Emperor of rome?

54 BC


551 BCE - 479 BCE Chinese philosopher who focused on creating ethical modules of family and public interaction and setting educational standards

appearance of civilization

6000 and 3000 plow, wheel, wind, smelt copper, solar celdnars, cities created, writing started, 3000 bc marks beginning of civilization

Dates of Ancient Rome? (WESTERN CIVILIZATION)

753 B.C.E.-1453 C.E.

When was Rome built?


northern states at beginning of civil war

81 percent of factory capacity

Agents of Socialization

Family, Social Groups, Peers, Mass Media.

tensions of Imperialism

Fashoda Crisis, Moroccan Crisis, Balkan Crisis, Agadir Crisis, Ottoman empire falling apart, Austria took land, Britain angered, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austro-Hungarian throne killed, Serbian and Austria went to war, Britain France and Russia at war to Germany and Austro-Hungary, other nations joined.

Hugo Grotias

Father of International law

The Central Bank of America, Structure, A Board of Governors, 12 Regions Nationwide.

Federal Reserve System

Enforces federal antitrust and consumer protection laws by investigating complaints against individual companies.

Federal Trade Commission


Feeding off war vets, nationalists pissed off, and fearful of communism, Mussolini got support. showed he alone could bring peace and prosperity. king of italy asked Mossolini to become Premier of Italy for fear there'd be an uprising. began arresting opponents, closing newspapers, and civil liberties taken away, death penalty for speaking out against king, greatly increased power

Betty Friedan

Feminine Mystique, middle class women stifled fought for equal employment opportunities and equal pay

First people to circumnavigate globe

Ferdinand Magellan's Crew (he was killed in the Philippines) from Portugal in 1521.

the legal and social system in which vassals were protected and maintained by their lords usually through the granting of fiefs (farms) and were required to serve under them in times of war.


hypotheses based on what has been observed

Observational laws

What happened during Dates of Industrial Revolution, the Progressive Era, and WWI? (U.S. HISTORY)

Occupational structure change, work/labor organization, urbanization and industrialization, economic growth, European immigration, progressive reform, American imperialism, WWI.

What is Favorable Balance of Trade? (ECONOMY)

Occurs when more physical merchandise is exported than imported.

Paleolithic Period

Old Stone Age. Earliest period of human development.


Olympia, 776

Refers to the Fed's buying or selling of U.S. Government bonds in the open market.

Open Market Operations

Cost of the next best alternative use of money, time, or resources when one choice is made rather than another.

Opportunity Cost

American missionaries

Oregon fever, of 1840s, people trekked out there to live

Who Proposed Theory of Cognitive Development?


Albany Plan of Union

Plan made after the French and Indian war that gave Britain dominant control of the Easter U.S. and Cannda


Platt Amendment--US a protectorate, could not make a treaty impairing independence, could not get a public debt. allowed to leave naval base 99 years, could preserve order there.

the organized study of government and politics

Political Science

What happened during Ancient Greece? (WESTERN CIVILIZATION)

Political evolution, Ancient Greek culture, philosophy, Hellenistic religion, Greek mythology

First Triumvirate

Pompey, Caesar, Crassus.


The act of slave owners freeing their slaves before the 13th amendment

constitutional convention

new constitution was created

Virginia Plan

"Large state" proposal for the new constitution, calling for proportional representation in both houses of a bicameral Congress. The plan favored larger states and thus prompted smaller states to come back with their own plan for apportioning representation.

Adams - Onis Treaty

"Transcontinental Treaty", Between the U.S. and Spain in 1819 that ceded Florida to the U.S. and defined the border between the U.S. and New Spain.

Chou Dynasty

(1046-256 BC) Developed feudalism. Age of Confucius.

Third Punic War

(149-146 BC) Romans totally defeated Carthage, which Rome alleged had violated the peace treaty. Carthage was burnt to the ground by the Romans.

Shang Dynasty

(1600-1046 BC) Lasted 700 years and was the longest lasting Chinese dynasty.


(1800-1178 BC) Excelled in producing iron. Extended their empire via iron weapons and horse drawn carriages.


(1800-1500 BC) Adapted the Sumerian culture to themselves and reunified Mesopotamia under their rule. Developed the Hammurabi laws: Laws codified based on existing customs, and punishments based on the status of the victim and offender.

Results of World War I

- Map of Europe changed and new countries were created - led to conditions that allowed the communists to seize power in Russia - deepened feelings of isolationism in the US -League of Nations marked the beginning of international co-operation -WWII by reducing Germany to a third rate power

Key Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation

-inability to regulate interstate and foreign trade -its lack of a chief executive and a national court system -its rule that amendments must be approved by unanimous consent

Describe the ways each governmental branch keeps the others in "check".


An estimate of the total money value of all the final goods and services produced in a given one-year period using the factors of production located within a particular country's borders

.Gross Domestic Product

Which of the following statements is true concerning the rise of organized labor in the US in the 19th century. 1.) large-scale and more systematic production employed low-payed, unskilled workers driving skilled artisans out of work. 2.) workplace accidents were common, and there was no compensation for work-related injuries. 3.) competition from inexpensive imports threatened american jobs and standards of living.

1 and 2

market economy conditions for allocative (what people want) and technical (maximize resources) efficiency

1) people need adequate information, 2) competition, 3) no externalities (positive and negative effects on third parties) 4) no public goods

Which of the following psychological needs are often satisfied by religion? 1.) Religions give meaning to individual existence and society by tying individuals to a mythical and spiritual past. 2.) Religions grant a sense of continuity tying the present to the past, future, and the afterlife. 3.) Religions bestow mundane routines of everyday existence with greater meaning by giving them spieritul connections

1, 2, and 3

Bill of Rights

1. Freedom of religion, speech, petition, press and, assembly 2. Right to bear arms 3. Government cannot force people to house soldiers 4. protection against unreasonable search and seizure 5. The right to remain silent 6. The right to speedy trial and proper representation 7. Right to trial by jury 8. prohibits cruel and unusual punishment 9. Rights no specified to the government go to the people 10. Same ^

What are some of the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?

1. Lack of chief executive 2. Inability to regulate domestic and foreign trade. 3. No rules for a national court system. 4. Amendments must pass by a unanimous decision.

Name and describe 3 influential British documents in the shaping of the Constitution.

1. Magna Carta (1215) 2. Petition of Right (1628) 3. Bill of Rights (1689) All 3 promote the principle of limited government.

What are the three statements of the scientific method according to political sciences?

1. Observational/evidential: describes the characteristics of what has been studied. 2. Observational Law: hypotheses based on what has been observed. 3. Theories: analyze data that has been collected to provide plausible generalizations according to the data observed.

South Asia

20 percent of world pop, seven states, bang, bhutan, india maldives nepal pakistan and sri lanka, instability, military conflicts,monsoons, monsoons grow jute, tea, rice and vegetables. half pop subsistence agriculture, poverty, poor health, India is heaviest populated place in world, 2,000 ethnic groups,invasions led to similar cultural practices

increase in pop from 1970 to 80


When did the Persian empire rise again?


Dictatorship in Europe

25 percent of labor force unemployment in UK, 1.7 mill to 3 mill. Budget cuts and tax increases. Government fell in 1933.


2nd largest territory


32 million second largest territory in world. Ottawa


39 states 731 mill people, south europe more populous, transit corridors in east, continuous conflcit do to diverse popuations, balkanization when division and fragmentization occurs

business cycle

4 parts. Peak: high point, 2 Contraction declining business activity, trough is low point, expanison is growing busniess, not fixed times. There are seasonal fluctuations (ice cream in summer and toys in winter).

Pentagon Papers

A 7,000-page top-secret United States government report on the history of the internal planning and policy-making process within the government itself concerning the Vietnam War. Published in American newspapers, exposing Nixon for illegally bombing Viet Cong. sites in neutral Cambodia. Forced Nixon to push for a peace settlement.


A Caribbean island settled by the Spaniards in 1493; a present day island that is divided into the Dominican Republic and Haiti.

Santo Domingo

A Spanish colony established on Hispaniola in 1496, the capital of the Dominican Republic


A Spanish conqueror who came to the Americas to search for gold, land, and glory.

Thomas Nast

A cartoonist for Harper's Weekly. played a major role in turning public sentiment against NYC's Boss Tweed.

Federalist Papers

A collection of 85 articles written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison under the name "Publius" to defend the Constitution in detail.

Describe the Federalist Papers

A collection of essays written by James Madison and John Jay expressing the political philosophy of the Founding Fathers. Instrumental in the ratification of the Constitution.

What is Marxism? (ECONOMY)

A commodity's value is directly related to the labor required to produce it.

Factory orders of WWII

A common misconception is that FDR's New Deal policies, including many job creation programs, such as the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) and the Works Progress Administration (WPA), were enough to end the Great Depression and bring down the unemployment rate to pre-depression levels. The primary reason that drove unemployment to below 5% were the massive factory orders associated with World War II.


A community, often urban, that is large and impersonal, with little commitment to the group or consensus on values.

Carolingian Renaissance

A cultural and legal revival led by Charlemagne

What is Depreciation? (ECONOMY)

A decline in the purchasing power of a given currency in comparison to that of other currencies.

What is Balance of Payments Deficit? (ECONOMY)

A deficit in the balance of payments that occurs when a country does not receive an adequate level of foreign currency to pay for its imports.


A democracy. Nurtured creativity, commerce, endeavors, and individualism. Children were taught oietrr, dreams, history, science, mathematics, music, and public speaking. Built an mercantile empire through the use of naval superiority. Solon was an important figure.


A form of government in which all powers is vested withing a few elite persons.


A form of government in which power is in the hands of representatives and leaders are elected by citizens who have the right to vote.

New Jersey Plan

A framework for the Constitution proposed by a group of small states; its key points were a one-house legislature with one vote for each state, the establishment of the acts of Congress as the "supreme law" of the land, and a supreme judiciary with limited power.

Stateless Nation

A group of people with a common political identity who do not have a territoriality defined, sovereign country of their own.


A group that opposed slavery and racial discrimination

Tet Offensive

A huge attack launched by the North Vietnam army and Viet Cong. seen as a loss by United States media coverage, caused support for the war to plummet.


A large agricultural estate owned by Spaniards or churches in Spain's American colonies


A large farming estate where mainly a single crop is grown; until the mid-1800's slaves often worked them.

Delian League

A league of city-states for protection from attacks. Athens expanded its influence in the Aegean sea and the Corinthian Peninsula. Athenian expansion brought conflict with Persia and Sparta. Ruthless domination of Athenian allies led to civil was in the Delian League, with Athens opposing Corinth.

Miranda Rights

A list of rights that police in the United States must read to suspects in custody before questioning them, pursuant to the Supreme Court decision in Miranda v. Arizona.

Checks and Balances

A system that allows each branch of government to limit the powers of the other branches in order to prevent abuse of power.

What is Protectionism? (ECONOMY)

A tactic used by a nation to restrict the influx of imports with the intention of reducing their ability to compete with similar domestic products by imposing tariffs or non-tariff barriers.

Sugar Cane

A tall grass with a thick, wooden stem, containing the liquid that is the source of sugar.

The Green Revolution

A time of increased agricultural productivity due to the introduction of new crops and technologies during the mid-twentieth century.

What is Floating/Flexible Exchange Rate? (ECONOMY)

A type of exchange rate wherein supply and demand determine the value of foreign currency.

Pure Monolpoly

A type of market characterized by a single seller or producer of a unique product.


A type of society in which life is intimate; a community in which everyone knows everyone else and people share a sense of togetherness.

Pocket Veto

A veto taking place when Congress adjourns within 10 days of submitting a bill to the president, who simply lets it die by neither signing nor vetoing it.

Middle Passage

A voyage that brought enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to North America and the West Indies


A war policy in Vietnam initiated by Nixon in June of 1969. This strategy called for dramatic reduction of U.S. troops followed by an increased injection of S. Vietnamese troops in their place. A considerable success, this plan allowed for a drop in troops to 24,000 by 1972. . This policy became the cornerstone of the so-called "Nixon Doctrine". As applied to Vietnam, it was labeled "Vietnamization".

Who are the Prominent Proponents of Classical? (ECONOMY)

Adam Smith David Hume Thomas Malthus David Ricardo John Stuart Mill

Neutrality legislation

Act of 1935- war by foreign nations, no weapons, 1936-prohibit loans when war exists, 1937-is this civil war a threat to world peace? No weapons!

Primary Economic Activities

Activities whose natural resources are extracted from the earth.

(1723-1790) Scottish philosopher who formulated laws that governed the economy to benefit human society.

Adam Smith

what is the name of the intellectual revolution in the 17th and 18th centuries with it's introduction of scientific method?

Age of reason

What was the chief source of income for most in the dark ages?



Ajuda (Whydah, in Benin) Angola Annobon Cabinda Cape Verde Ceuta Gorée (in Senegal) Malindi Mombasa Algarve Ultramar (Morocco) Agadir Alcacer Ceguer Arzila Azamor Mazagan Mogador Safim Nigeria (Lagos area) Mozambique Portuguese Gold Coast (settlements along coast of Ghana) Portuguese Guinea (Guinea-Bissau) Quíloa São Tomé and Príncipe Tangier Zanzibar Ziguinchor

Confederate states of America

Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas. Montgomery meeting, Jefferson Davis president, slavery recognized, single six year term of president, line item veto allowed, state sovereignty recognized. Later, Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, and Arkansas declared succession .

John Lock asserted...

All human beings posses the natural rights to life, liberty, and property.

Factory Act of 1833

Alleviated some of the abuses of child labor in the textile industry

This will be represented by the point on the curve that best satisfies society's needs and wants (either guns or butter).

Allocative Efficiency

Which of the following statements about China and Taiwan since World War II is most accurate?

Although China has liberalized economically, only Taiwan liberalized politically

subfields of political science

American government and politics, comparative government, international relations

Norman Rockwell

American painter and illustrator in 1894 - 1978, Boy's Life magazine, everyday American scenes.


Americans crossed Rhine. Attacked by troops on both sides, Hitler committed suicide. General Alfred Jodl surrendered. (Churchvill, Stalin and Roosevelt Big 3) Yalta conference. divide germany into zones of occupation, Berlin on Russia's side divided into four zones

What is Comparative Politics? (GOVERNMENT/POLITICAL SCIENCE)

An approach to studying the world's various political systems that is intended and specifically designed to allow us to better understand such systems through comparison.

West Indies

An archipelago stretching from Florida to Venezuela, separating the Caribbean sea from the Atlantic ocean.


An economic system where good and services are echanges

Line of Demarcation

An imaginary line drawn by Alexander VI, running down the middle of the Atlantic Ocean from the North Pole to the South Pole dividing the Americas between Spain and Portugal.

Speaker of the House

An office mandated by the Constitution. The Speaker is chosen in practice by the majority party, has both formal and informal powers, and is second in line to succeed to the presidency should that office become vacant.


Armed with horses, chariots, and bronze weapons he conquered Egypt, destroyed the nobility, and established their own government.

industrial reovulation

Arnold Toynbee named it this, machines replaced humans, gained momentum each decard, not on purpose, helped solidify mercantilism, inventions and technological advances, increase in population from 140 mill to 266 mill, political and social revolutions of various countries, middle class raised up. cotton and metallurgical industries, coal replaced wood, steam engine invented, factory system perfected, canal systems grew, use of steamboat by Robert Fulton grew and railway locomotive by George Stephenson, new fields open for new people no longer in agriculture due to machine production, union helped improve working conditions, wages, and hours first of skilled, then unkilled labor. urbanization began as a result pulling peple from towns.

Elastic Clause

Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution, which allows Congress to make all laws that are "necessary and proper" to carry out the powers of the Constitution.

Sir Edward Taylor

Assigned anthropological meaning to the term culture in 1897.

Who Lived in the northern Tigris-Euphrates valley?


who developed iron capped rams to break down walls?


who used chariots for mobility in warfare?


who were first to use iron weapons?


Great Compromise

At the Constitutional Convention, larger states wanted to follow the Virginia Plan, which based each state's representation in Congress on state population. Smaller states wanted to follow the New Jersey Plan, which gave every state the same number of representatives. The convention compromised by creating the House and the Senate, and using both of the two separate plans as the method for electing members of each.


Became a nation on March 26, 1971.


Belgian Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo) Lado Enclave Ruanda-Urundi (Rwanda and Burundi)

Mesopotamia is Greek for what?

Between two rivers


Bona Bougie Jerba Fernando Po and Annobon (insular Equatorial Guinea) Oran Port Guinea Rio Muni (mainland Equatorial Guinea) Spanish North Africa Spanish Protectorate in Morocco Spanish West Africa Río de Oro Saguia el-Hamra Tarfaya Strip Ifni

Winslow Homer

Born 1836 in Boston, watercolor artist, painted Abraham Lincoln's at his inauguration.

Grant Wood

Born in 1891 in Iowa, interior designer, silversmith, illustrator, camouflager, and art teacher.


Branch of early Roman government, descended from an aristocracy and made up the senate.

Democracy in Western Europe

Britain democracy grew, Pariliament Act of 1911, House of Commons national power. Problem with Ireland who grew economically, Protestants against it.

Tea Act of 1773

British Est India Company allowed ship tea directly to colonies rather than only by british, cheaper than smuggled Dutch Tea. Americans resisted cheaper tea.

Balfour declaration

British support for a state for the Jewish people in Israel

Byzantine Empire

Built the Hagia Sophia. Eastern Empire did not attempt to control Western politics until the reign of Justinian. Justinian led this empire to greatness with his influential wife Theodora. Justinian incorporated Italy and North Africa into this empire.

Another name for Eastern Roman Empire?

Byzantine Empire

Church of Santa Sophia

Byzantine piece of architecture

Three civilizations from the Mediterranean Sea?

Byzantine, Islam, Western Christian

What happened during Medieval Age? (WESTERN CIVILIZATION)

Byzantium and the spread of Islam, the Crusades, medieval politics and cultures, rise of the medieval Church, feudalism, medieval monarchies.

The sociology imagination

C. Wright Mills said that a certain quality of mind is required if we are to understand ourselves in relation to society; therefore it expresses the humanistic aspect of the sociological perspective.

Which of the following factors does NOT change the demand curve? A.) Consumer income B.) The price of goods C.) Technology to produce goods D.) Available subsitutes E.) complimentary goods

C.) Technology to produce goods

Presidents limit of powers

CAN NOT introduce legislation in either house of congress. 1. He is directly elected by people. 2. Presidential powers expanded in Korematsu vs. USA 3. High public ratings=legislation pushed through congress. 4. Has veto power

Realpolitic and Triumph of Nationalism

Camillo de cacour Giuseeppe Garibaldi, Victor Emmanuel realpolitik leaders, formation of italy--when one government deals straightforwardly with another government in order to meet goals

Favorite Son

Candidate that receives the backing of his home state rather than of the national party.

An economic system based on a free market, open competition, profit motive and private ownership of the means of production.



Capital of the Inca empire from the 1200's o the 1500's.

Captain John Smith

Captain from Britain, recorded all of his account of Jamestown.

Great Depression

Caused by stock market crash on Black Tuesday, wheat over production, and dust bowl.

Spanish American War

Caused by sugar cane industry and interest in Cuba; Spain sunk the U.S.S Maine, Big Stick diplomacy, U.S. became a world power after winnning.


Central Asia and Russia from 2000 BC. - 331 BC. Formed a good banking system and were conquered by Alexander the Great; formed a monotheistic religion of Zoroastrianism in 500 BC., rose again in 226 AD.

What frankish ruler Set up schools to train the clerics?


Who was the greatest of the Frankish rulers?


Massachusetts Bay Company

Charles one persecuted Puritans, must follow god,Roger Williams was a dissident, left colony and founded Providence, separation of church and state there


Consolidated powers and became the most powerful pharaoh. Built the Great Pyramids.

Where was the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire?


-James Madison -George Washington -Gouverneur Morris -Alexander Hamilton -John Jay were all apart of what?

Constitutional Convention in 1787

Separation of Powers

Constitutional division of powers among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, with the legislative branch making law, the executive applying and enforcing the law, and the judiciary interpreting the law.

Habeas Corpus

Constitutional protection against unlawful imprisonment.

To maximize total utility a consumer will...

Consume a product at a point where a marginal utility per dollar spent on each good is equal.


Copernicus's idea that the Earth and the other planets revolved around the sun.


Council of Nobles

New Deal Agencies

Created by President Roosevelt to help economy

the 1780s was a decade in the United States marked by internal conflict called what?

Critical Period

Fidel Castro

Cuban socialist leader who overthrew a dictator in 1959 and established a Marxist socialist state in Cuba (born in 1927)

What is the process by which one civilization shares knowledge with another civilization

Cultural Diffusion

Which of the following factors would not increase conformity? A.) Ambiguity in the situation, task, of stimulus B.) Stresses such as limited time or fear C.) Need for affiliation, acknowledgment, or validation D.) Lack of group consensus

D.) Lack of group consensus

Who settled in Canaan around 3000BC


What happened during Colonial Period? (U.S. HISTORY)

European discovery, early colonization, indigenous societies, origins of slavery, early immigration, role of religion, colonial expansion and development, colonial relations with Great Britain.

What happened during Early Modern Period? (WESTERN CIVILIZATION)

European exploration, discovery of the Americas, the Commercial Revolution, early modern political development, colonialism and imperialism, the Age of Revolution.

Marshall plan

European recovery after the war

Bacon's Rebellion

Event in which frontiersmen led by Nathaniel Bacon were angry at the governor of Virginia for lacking to protect them against indian raids

A tax on a particular good or service.

Excise Tax

Law of Retaliation

Eye for an Eye, etc.

Land for England

John Cabot (Canada)


France Albreda (in Gambia) Dahomey (Benin) French Algeria French Cameroons (91% of modern Cameroon) French Chad French Congo (Republic of Congo) French Guinea (Guinea) French Upper Volta (Republic of Upper Volta, Burkina Faso) French Somaliland (Djibouti) French Sudan (Mali) French Togoland (Togo) Gabon Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire) Malagasy Protectorate Colonial Mauritania French protectorate in Morocco (89% of Morocco) Niger Oubangui-Chari (Central African Republic) Senegambia and Niger( Upper Senegal and Niger Colony of Niger French protectorate of Tunisia

1956 attack of Egypt

France and Britain over control of Suez canal

Allies in WWI

France, Britain, Russia

Who arose around 480 in Gaul?



Free citizens

the violent changing of government from monarchy to democracy in 1789-1799

French Revolution

Pierre Lescot

French architect

What is Keynesian? (ECONOMY)

Government intervention needed to increase spending during a recession. John Maynard Keyes.

Which of the following best describes a typical Keynesian fiscal policy response to recession?

Government spending is increased in excess of revenues to expand aggregate demand

What is Fiscal Policy? (ECONOMY)

Governments ability to tax and spend in order to ensure economic stability.

Roger Williams

Governor of Rhode Island as a haven for all prejudices.

Corruption in Grant's administration

Grant was an intensely loyal man who was, sadly, not the best judge of character in choosing his administrative appointees. During his first term in office, his administration was beset with financial scandals involving the vice president, Grant's brother-in-law, and a well-known financial entrepreneur named Jay Gould. In his second term, the "whiskey ring"


Greatly reduced unemployment!

Greek-Persian Wars

Greek colonies in Asia Minor revolted against Persian rule. Persians crossed the Hellespont to occupy Thrace and subdue Macedonia. Greek Gen. Militates with 10K tops formed new infantry movement called the "the phalanx." Battle of Marathon. King Darius with about 40K troops is defeated. Invaded in 480 B.C. by Xerxes. Battle of Thermopylae.

It is a measure of the dollar value of final goods and services produced by the economy over a given period of time, usually one year.

Gross National Product

federalist party

Hamilton, strong federal government- pro British

How did President Roosevelt justify the concessions made to Stalin at Yalta?

He obtained a promise that Russia would go to war with Jaban

Important Farming Tools

Heavy plow, horse shoes, horse collars

World War II to Post Communist Era

Hitler reccupied Rhineland, France and Britain not willing to oppose moves. Spanish Civil War angered ppl bc land reform and legislation against catholic church, right wing general started military insurrection, Francisco Franco emerged as leader, became devastating civil war. Democracies (neutrality), Germany and Italy intervened, seen as a defeat for anti-fascists. When Central powers made an alliance. Rome-Berlin Axis. Annexed Austria. Demanded control of Czech defensive boundary by Germany. Seized Czech, Italy seized Albania. Surprise 1939 Nazi-Soviet Pact of Friendship. German invasion of Poland 1939 began war. Russia promised to stay neutral in pact after receiving many new lands. Finland and Russia go to war, Finland must give up lands after losing near Leningrad. War began as germany attacked poland on east, sept 3 1939. France, Belgium and Netherlands all fell to Germans. Began exporting Jews to concentration camps and putting Jews to work in war factories. Nobody knew atrocities until after war in 1945 when Allies surveyed camps. Hilter tried to invade England operation sea lion. invasion of Russia began 1941. Russian efforts saved the capital. Japan and China started war in Beijing. US and Russia opposed expansion. attacked a peral harbor, japan gained naval bases in pcific led to US being in total war after Japan's allies declared war on US. Germans attacked Russia by Caucaus and vital oil eilds, Germans were surrounded and stopped.

Wars on religons

Holy Roman empire divided between Gernidand and Philip II. England ruled by two queens. Catholic who killed many protestants, Elizabeth, rituals of catholicism doctrine of catholics. Calvanist stopped reunification of Catholicism in Europe.


Homer poems dramatized values. Hesiod works categorized life. Theogony recounted myths, 800-500 BCE Archaic period, city-states. oligrach controled, tyrants replaced them. democratic government replaced them in 500s. Sparta organized Peloponnesian league to fight Athens. Athens= Attica. Draco=strict law. Peisistratus= tyrant 527 bce. Cleisthenes, reform- democratic

International Relations Theory

How countries relate to one another, how they work together, and how they may conflict

Social statistics

How society is held together.

Seeing sociology as a means to advance human welfare.

Humanistic Perspective

Third French Republic

II collapsed by Prussian Armies. Napolean 3 captured, fled to England.Radical entity aParis Commune came into existance, extraordinary power, led by radical Marissts, repudiated conservatiove and monarchist leadership of narional assemly and get French glory. National assembly wanted to get in order, make consitutional government, remove troops from Frnech lands, Dreyfus affair, classified info given to Germans, a Jew blamed, led to anti-semitism, turned out he was innoced, catholics and monarchists willing to support claims against innocent man. French republic supported by citizens

What is Appreciation? (ECONOMY)

Increase in the purchasing power of a given currency in comparison of other currencies.

An increase in the price of a product would?

Increase the Demand for workers in the short run.

Fall of Rome

Increasing Germanic tribe infiltration and internal political chaos, poor rule and further loss of territory destroyed Rome.

A period of major industrialization that took place during the late 1700s and early 1800s. beginning in Great Britain, quickly spread throughout the world. This time period saw the mechanization of agriculture and textile manufacturing and a revolution in power (i.e., steam ships and railroads) and had a massive effect on social, cultural and economic conditions.

Industrial Revolution

Primary Socialozation

Initial socialization that a child receives.


Instituted monotheism and the worship of Aton in place of the traditional gods; these reforms did not outlast his death.

Frederick the Great of Prussia

Interested in enlightened government and had a wide range of reforms (censorship, improved edu, etc)

Provides trade expertise to both the legislative and executive branches of government, determines the impact of imports on U.S. industries, and directs actions against certain unfair trade practices, such as patent, trademark, and copyright infringement.

International Trade Commission

What is Free Trade? (ECONOMY)

International trading that is not subject to tariff or non-tariff restrictions.

James Smith and John Rolfe

It is not true that John Smith's governance helped Jamestown more than John Rolfe's discovery that a certain type of East Indian tobacco could be grown in Virginia. Smith's strong leadership from 1608-1609 gave great support to the struggling colony. However, when Smith's return to England left Jamestown without this support, the future of the colony was again in question. In 1612, however, when John Rolfe found that an East Indian tobacco strain popular in Europe could be farmed in Virginia, the discovery gave Jamestown and Virginia a lucrative crop. Therefore, both Smith's time in office and Rolfe's discovery were beneficial to Jamestown.


Italian East Africa Italian Ethiopia Italian Eritrea Italian Somaliland Italian Libya

Russia under Muscovites and Romanovs

Ivan the Great ended Mongol domination. Eastern Orthodox church. Ivan the terrible his grandson westernized russia. Opened trade. Michael Romanav became new leader czar for 30 years. Extended to Pacififc. Bible translated into Russian. Peter I helped Russia produce more iron than England. Developed very strong military. Catherine II followed, annexed Crimea and fought with Turkey.

Byzantines were famous for?

Ivory paintings, jewelry making and mosaics

War on Bank of US

Jackson vetoed Nicholas Biddle's conservative bank

James Polk

Jacksonian, admitted Texas to union in 1845. Oregon treaty--territory extended by treaty with British. War with mexico ceded southwest territory from Texas to Cali coast, new question of slavery in new territories

Founding Fathers

James Madison, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Gouverneur Morris.

Glorious Revolution

James the 2nd assumed Charles' power. James was catholic, English wanted Protestant. Promised to keep status quo (dissolved parliament). English had laws against catholics, James used dispensing power and appointed catholic supporters to high position. Parliament and bishops angry. James suddenly had a son suddenly James Edward Stuart. He would be Catholic. Angered took action. Wrote a letter to dutch head of state who would invade England, wanted to restore protestantism and free elections . Government split--have to keep have to exclude James from being leader. His successor was a protestant in Dutch. Holy Roman Empire promised to protect Dutch Republic so he left for England. William and Mary were crowned after he left. Passed bill of rights. no more absolute monarchy, banned catholics from inheriting throne, Louis 14 opposed to invasion, started the 9 years war. Irish also supported James so they started rebelling against william's rule. James came back to retake thrown, but with Wilhelms popular support defeated James. People still felt James had right to thrown, led to two additional wars.

Which was the first permanent English colony in America?


Taft-Katsura Memo

Japanese protectorate over Korea, maintain open door policy in China

A french girl who led an army during the One Hundred Years War. She was tried for heresy and was burned at the stake

Joan of Arc

Italian Renaissance Discoveries

Linear Perspective, human anatomy and oil painting

Latin word for "study of"


What is goal of lowering taxes? (ECONOMY)

Lower Unemployment

What is the goal of increasing government expenditures? (ECONOMY)

Lower Unemployment

What is the goal of increasing governmental borrowing? (ECONOMY)

Lower Unemployment

Calvanism, Lutheranism, Anabaptism

Luther himself was forced to rely on sympathetic members of the nobility of the Holy Roman Empire in order to defend Lutheranism against the Holy Roman Emperor. Calvinism held special appeal for the new middle class, particularly business elements. Anabaptism drew most of its membership from the peasantry in western Germany and the Low Countries.

US money supply

M1 currency (coins and paper $), demand deposits (checks in checking accounts in banks), checkable deposits (credit unions) and travelors checks M2 (savings accounts, CDs, money market mutual funds (investment accounts-not protected by government) eurodollars (checking accounts in other countries) M2 not medium of exchange

American Civilizations

Mayans- 3 parts, religious centers deteriorated when Spanish came. Olmecs high level civilization, built ceremonial calendar and pyramids for religious rites. Aztecs- human sacrifice of chief god, centralized gov't, king and big army, builders and engineers, astronomers mathematicians. Incas- Andes area children of sun, sun worshipped, fixed positions in life, people all powerful. Anasazi- AZ and NM adobe architecture, irrigations etc. Hohokam, separate stone houses in desert southwest

Dow Jones Industrial Average

Measures the stock market.

Constitutional Convention

Meeting held in Philadelphia by the Founding Fathers in result of the instability of the Articles of Confederation.

an economic and political policy in which a government regulates the national economy in order to accumulate gold and silver. Exports are favored over imports


What happened during Ancient Near East? (WESTERN CIVILIZATION)

Mesopotamia, Sumer, the Fertile Crescent, early development of law and politics, early religions, Ancient Egypt.

what developmental stage do scientists begin to look to the real world for an explanation of what they have observed?

Metaphysical Stage

What is Economic Measurements? (ECONOMY)

Methods we use to gauge the general health of the economy.


Mexico City is biggest city by far.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo

Mexico gave up all claims to Texas above the Rio Grande, ceded California and new mexico, paid $15 million for the land.


Michel de Montaigne was representative of an intellectual movment known as baroque which was a quest for a new synthesis

Study of the individual parts that make up the economy.


scholar theory of arms races

Middle range theory - theory of arms races, war and peace, escalation of violence processes, relations between prejudice and national hostility

Origins of WWI

Modern Germany one problem, destroyed balance of power, Germany maintained this by Dreikaiserbund (league of three emperors), and dual and triple alliances, Triple Entente of England, France and Russia drew them closer, arms race between Germany and England. Colonies in Africa and Asia another proble. Nationalism strong. Unable Balkans, ethnic nationalism grew there from deterioration of Ottoman Empire, rivalry between Austria Hungary and Russia for spheres of Influence. Russia mobilized and Germans saw it as an act of war. Schlieffen plan a two front war on Russia and France. Russia would not mobilize, so Germany declared war. Other countries like Japan and USA joined.

Islam in the Middle Ages

Mohammed went to Mecca. Five pillars. Koran has 114 Suras (verse), Mullahs occupy positons of authority, but no hierarchical system. Split between beleivers (Abu Bakr was caliph and was his father in law), Omayyah acaliphs governed after Bakr. They were Shiites, exposed to Hellenic culture, took control of Spain, France, India and parts of China

What is Balance of Payments? (ECONOMY)

Monetary payments made by a particular country to other countries and payments made by other countries to that particular country.

civil servants can resist presidential initiatives because

Nearly all civil servants have jobs that are, practically speaking, beyond reach of the president. The only reasons for which a federal civil servant can be fired are misconduct or poor performance, and then only if the person's supervisor is willing to invest a great deal of time and effort. Civil servants cannot be fired for political reasons. This gives civil servants the opportunity to thwart or delay presidential initiatives by half-hearted compliance or passive noncompliance with presidential directives.

Federal Deposit insurance

New Deal- guarantees bank deposits if bank fails

Cotton Mather

New England puritan minister who started the Salem Witch Trials

City on a Hill

New Haven, MA; closest city to heaven.

Neolithic Period

New Stone Age. The period of the Stone Age associated with the ancient Agricultural Revolution. It follows the Paleolithic period.

Was there a distinction between intentional or accidental crime?


Sub-Saharan Kingdoms

Nok- Nigeria-peaceful farmers. Ghana traded with Berber merchants, gave gold to merchants, Mali kingdom conquered them. Mali huge kingdom on savanna near desrt, Timbuktu in 13th century a cultural place with mosques. Songhai Niger River, independent of Mali. Sunni Ali extended empire. Bantu people lived in chiefdoms, develop own versions of Bantu language.


North American Free Trade Agreement. Instituted a common market among US, Canada, and Mexico.

Venice became famous for

Outside trade

Tragedy of the Commons

Overuse of resources due to greed resulting in an over consumption of public resources

Islamic Inventions

Paper making, distillation of alcohol

Dawes Severality Act

Passed by congress in 1887; Divided tribal held lands among individual Native Americans.

What are the 2 branches of early roman government

Patricians and plebeians

Social Organization

Pattern of relationships between and among individuals in groups

a series of wars fought between Athens and Sparta. Left Greece vulnerable to outside invaders- the Romans in 146 BC

Peloponnesian Wars

Salutary Neglect

Period in which the colonies were left alone to live as they please and trade with whomever in the colonies

dominant languages in ME

Persian and Arabic



Who founded Carthage which would challenge Rome for supremacy?


who was the first to build a seafaring trade empire along the Mediterranean Sea?


2nd century Rome

Populares (people's party), Equites (rich knights), Optimates (best men)--political and economic noble class

explorations and conquests

Portugal-Africa and india in search for gold Spain-Christopher colombus, new route to india- sent gold and silver to Spain Swedes, Dutch, English and French also did exploration

Vasco De Gama

Portuguese explorer who started exploring the east African coast and eventually reached Calicut on the southwestern coast of India; gave Portugal a direct sea route to Asia.

Bartholomew Dias

Portuguese navigator that discovered the Cape of Good Hope in Southern Afica.

what developmental stage do scientists search for general ideas or laws?

Positive Stage

A model of the economy to illustrate the problems associated with scarcity.

Possibilities Curve

Marshall Plan

Post World War II foreign-aid plan to restore economic stability in western Europe.

Erasmus of Rotterdam

Praise of Folly critized ambitions of church clergy

A measure of the level of prices found by comparing the cost of a certain basket of goods in one year with that cost in a base year.

Price Index

Scientific perspective

Primarily concerned with acquiring objective empirical knowledge; the actual knowledge derived from experience or observation that can be measured or counted.

sir isacc

Principia 1687 scientism as credible alternative of other methods

electric motor not part of industrial rev

Steam and waterpower drove the early machines and the mechanized looms of the Industrial Revolution, and so choice (B) is an important part of that event. Choice (E) is unhistorical, since the electric motor was developed after the First Industrial Revolution; the electricity was often produced by a steam engine. The spinning jenny and flying shuttle were involved in the production of thread and cloth, while the Bessemer process was involved in the production of steel.

What is Mercantilism? (ECONOMY)

Strong governmental control of foreign trade.

Anti-War Movement

Student protesters, counterculture hippies, and even mainstream Americans protested against the Vietnam war; became more and more violent resulting in police brutality at the Democratic National Convention and 4 deaths at Kent State University in 1970. Nixon declared a "silent majority" still supported the war.

Interpretive sociology

Studies the processes whereby human beings attach meaning to their lives.


Study of individual cultures and people's customs.

What is Biogeography? (GEOGRAPHY)

Study of plant and animal life.

What is Meterology/Climatology? (GEOGRAPHY)

Study of the Earth's atmosphere and weather.

What is International Relations? (GOVERNMENT/POLITICAL SCIENCE)

Study of the relationships shared between various countries.

Secondary Socialization

Subsequent experience of socialization into new sectors by an already socializ hiered person.

Renaissance, Reformation

Suffered Black Death, Italy renaissance started. Monarchs fighting, 100 years war between France and England. England lost continental possessions, Joan of Arc led French to victory. Nationalism grew, peasants taxed heavily. Literature grew, written in Vernacular now. After war, military threats low, Isabela and Ferdinand made Spain strong.

Thomas Aquinas

Summa Theoliogica, Catholic priest in the Dominican Order

Democratic presidential nominee Williams Jennings Bryan made which issue the overwhelming focus of his 1896 campaign?

Support for silver as the nation's monetary standard


Supporters of the Constitution that were led by Alexander Hamilton and John Adams. They firmly believed the national government should be strong. They didn't want the Bill of Rights because they felt citizens' rights were already well protected by the Constitution.


Supreme power held by one person.

John F. Kennedy

Sworn in January 20th, 1961

geographical techniques

Systematic, regional, descriptive, and analytical

Content Analysis

Techniques employed to describe the contents of the materials.

Indentured Servant

Term for people obligated to forced labor for 7 years in exchange for passage to the New World


Term given when people began to believe religious laws weren't real.

Virtual Representation

Term which stated that Americans are still British people and therefore are represented by Britain.

Kansas-Nebraska Popular Sovereignty

Territory north of the sacred 36°30' line was now open to popular sovereignty. The North was outraged. The Kansas-Nebraska act made it possible for the Kansas and Nebraska territories (shown in orange) to open to slavery. The Missouri Compromise had prevented this from happening since 1820.

The territory of which nation was never colonized entirely of in part by a European power


Poor Richard's Almanac

The 1st almanac created by Benjamin Franklin and forecast the weather

Tea Act of 1773

The British East India Company was suffering financially because Americans were buying tea smuggled from Holland. Parliament granted concessions to the British East India Company to ship tea straight to America, bypassing England. American colonists refused to buy less expensive tea from the British East India Company on the principle of taxation. Not True: Colonists found that even with added taxes, tea directly shipped by the British East India Company cost less, and they bought it.

The greatest crisis of the U.S. federalist system occurred during...

The Civil War

Congress of Berlin

The Congress of Berlin (13 June - 13 July 1878) was a meeting of the representatives of six great powers of the time (Russia, Great Britain, France, Austria-Hungary, Italy and Germany),[1] the Ottoman Empire and four Balkan states (Greece, Serbia, Romania and Montenegro). It aimed at determining the territories of the states in the Balkan peninsula following the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78 and signing of the Treaty of Berlin, which replaced the preliminary Treaty of San Stefano German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, who led the Congress, undertook to stabilise the Balkans, recognise the reduced power of the Ottoman Empire and balance the distinct interests of Britain, Russia and Austria-Hungary. At the same time, he tried to diminish Russian gains in the region and to prevent the rise of a Greater Bulgaria. As a result, Ottoman lands in Europe declined sharply, Bulgaria was established as an independent principality inside the Ottoman Empire, Eastern Rumelia was restored to the Turks under a special administration and the region of Macedonia was returned outright to the Turks, who promised reform

1096-1270 a series of holy wars fought to liberate the Holy land from Moslem occupation.

The Crusades

Order of Revolutions

The Glorious Revolution was initiated in 1688-89, the French Revolution in 1789, the Russian Revolution in 1917, and the Iranian (Islamic) Revolution in 1978-79

Compromise of 1787

The Great Compromise, also known as the Connecticut Compromise, occurred at the Constitutional Convention of 1787. It was a compromise between two plans known as the Virginia, or Large State Plan, and the New Jersey, or Small State Plan. It provided for a Senate in which each state would receive two senators, and a House of Representatives in which representation would be based on population.

Dates of Late Modern/Contemporary Period? (WESTERN CIVILIZATION)

The Industrial Revolution, political and economic progress and thought, technological developments, imperials in Africa and Asia, WWI, the interwar period, WWII, the Cold War, recent history.


The Minoan civilization was taken over by this people. It lasted until 1184 BC. Specialized in architecture. They displayed a love of war. Built their cities with high walls. Were shipbuilders, travelers, and traders.

What was the lifeline of the Egyptian Civilization?

The Nile

Halfway Covenant

The Puritan minister plan to offer partial church membership through baptism

Marco Polo in Kublai Khan's Court

The Venetian merchant and explorer Marco Polo arrived at the court of Kublai Khan in 1275. The grandson of Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan established the Yuan Dynasty in China in 1271 and ruled until his death in 1294. After Marco Polo returned from China to Venice, he was imprisoned for a short period by the Genoese (who were at war with the Venetians). While in prison, he told the tales of his travels to another prisoner, who wrote down these elaborate stories. In time, these stories were published in a book, The Tales of Marco Polo. This book excited the imaginations of many Europeans, especially the explorers who set off in search of fame and riches during the so-called Age of Exploration.

Which of the following statements is not true regarding the colony of Jamestown

The Virginia Company of London was based in London, not Massachusetts. It had a charter to colonize American land between the Hudson and Cape Fear rivers. The other Virginia Company was the Virginia Company of Plymouth, which was based in the American colony of Plymouth, Massachusetts. It had a charter to colonize North America between the Potomac River and the northern boundary of Maine. Both Virginia Companies were joint-stock companies, which had often been used by England for trading with other countries.

Mexico City

The capital and largest city of Mexico, formerly Tenochtitlan; became the capital of New Spain after the Spanish conquered the Aztec in the 1500's.


The capital of Peru, founded by Francisco Pizarro in 1535.

Division of Labor

The division of workers into specialized jobs.

Rule of Law

The enforcement of government within limits.

Popular Sovereignty

The idea that government derives its power from the people.

Colombian Exchange

The introduction of horses and cattle into the western hemisphere.

Normal Lapse Rate

The lapse rate of nonrising air - highly variable; affected by radiation, convection, and condensation.

Missouri Compromise

The measures provided for the admission of Maine as a free state along with Missouri as a slave state, thus maintaining the balance of power between North and South in the United States Senate. As part of the compromise, slavery was prohibited north of the 36°30′ parallel, excluding Missouri. President James Monroe signed the legislation on March 6, 1820.[1]

Parkinson's Law

The observation that "work expands to fill time available for its completion.

Representative Sample

The population is divided into strata and a random sample is taken from each stratum.

Tenth Amendment

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

How do the government of Germany and France differ

The president plays a leading role in policy making in France but not in Germany.


The religious group that settled primarily in Pennsylvania and believed in peace and the Holy Spirit

1st Great Awakening

The religious revival of the 1730's and 1740's that implied churches taught value, not law

What is economics?

The science of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.


The science or discipline that studies societies, social groups, and the relationships between people.

Cultural Diffusion

The sharing of knowledge between cultures.

Triangle Trade

The small but profitable trade route that linked New England, Africa, and the Americas (West Indies). Transported goods to Africa, and slaves to America.

Compromise of 1850

The south gained by the strengthening of the fugitive slave law, the north gained a new free state, California. Texas lost territory but was compensated with 10 million dollars to pay for its debt. Slave trade was prohibited in Washington DC, but slavery was not.

What is geomorphology? (GEOGRAPHY)

The study of Earth's physical landscape.

What is Pedology? (GEOGRAPHY)

The study of soils.

What is Balance of Trade? (ECONOMY)

The sum total value of all exports and imports of physical merchandise.

What is Monetarism? (ECONOMY)

The supply of money is the primary determinant of economic viability; minimal government intervention. Milton Friedman.

Status Polarization

The tendency for an individuals rank on one dimension of status to be positively correlated on other dimensions of status.

Byzantine Empire

Theodisis divided empire into east and west with his sons ruling. Rome was destroyed, Constantinople became leading city. A rebellion broke out there. Crusaders further weakened them. Finally taken Over by the ottomon empire

what developmental stage do scientists look toward the supernatural realm of ideas for an explanation of what they observed?

Theological Stage

Pattern of Development in Sciences

Theological Stage, Metaphysical Stage, Positive Stage

Greek city-states

These were the basic form of government for this country. Were one of these things: monarchy, oligarchy, tyranny, and democracy.

The Articles of Confederation were of limited usefulness because

They did not create a strong enough federal government


They were seafarers and traders. Known for their purple dyed cloth and timber. Traded with Britain and Gaul. Created the alphabet. Major cities consisted of Tyre, Sidon, and, especially, Carthage.


Third Crusade, Holy Roman Empire experienced no crusades

Aegean Civilization

This civilization was based in Crete, the Cyanides, and the Greek mainland. Their government of a monarchy, their nobles were powerful military forces, and citizen controlled assemblies played a major role in government. Women had more rights in this nation than in most others.

Aryan Invaders

This people group moved their culture from the Indus river to the Ganges river in India. They destroyed the original culture. Formed into city-states. Developed the caste system. Language = Sanskrit Writing = Vedas Famous ruler = Ashuka

Who are the Prominent Proponents of Mercantilism? (ECONOMY)

Thomas Mun Jean Bodin Jean Baptiste Colbert John Locke


Those who separate from the Anglican Church of England and the Crown because of a belief that the Church is beyond salvation. Many become migrants to continental Europe or the New World, and sometimes both.

Middle Ages 476 - 1492

Throughout the medieval period the church remained the single most important social, economic, and political influence.

Gracchi Brothers

Tiberius: passed laws to help plebeians: limit land ownership of wealthy, divide extra land among the disposed farmers, assassinated. Gaius: continued reforms, full Roman citizenship for more people, lower prices for poor, trying senators by equestrian class, assassinated.

The four rivers civilization first appeared by...

Tigris, Nile, Indus, Hwang Ho/Yellow River.

Four rivers that civilization first appeared by

Tigris-Euphrates - Middle East Nile - Egypt Indus - Pakistan Hwang Ho/Yellow River - China


To adopt or cause someone to adopt a new religion.


Took over the main portion of Rome upon Julius' death. Later became Caesar Augustus.

What group was based in Scandinavia?


Treasury and Feds at odds with each other

Treasury needs to borrow to finance a debt, and wants low interest rates, but monetary restraint is at odds with this goal.

1919 the treaty that ended World War I

Treaty of Versailles

Soviet Russia

Trotsky put down a naval rebellion in 1921, Lenin died 1924. Stalin took over organizations, Poliiburo, Orgburo, Inspectorare Commissariat, Secretariat. Trotsy was chairman of Petrograd Soveit, brusque and overbearing. Soviet helps China found Chinese Communist party. Chiang Kai-shek mistrustful of the communists. Soviets wanted to coordinate revolutionary commuist ideas, organized by Stalin in 1928.

Who were known for lightening raids through Europe?


Monroe Doctrine

US beginning to industrialize, new markets and want Latin America to be our territory and keep west europe out of American colonialism.

Hay-Bunau-Varilla treaty

US control of Panama Canal

Treaty of Paris of 1783

US independent declaration, west boundary at MI river, North boundary of Florida, Britain retained Canada, creditors free to colect debts, Congress restore confiscated loyalist property

France war with Europe

US neutrality

resources of US and Canada

US: coal, copper, gold nickel silver zinc Canada nickel, gold lead silver zinc

Teapot Dome Scandal

Under Harding: oil reserves only for US navy. Albert Fall secretary of interior. Was given money to steal oil by Mammoth oil corporations, let them drill for oil. Fall went to jail

characterizing economy over last few decades

Union membership peaked in the 1950s at 35 percent of the workforce and has declined steadily to about 13.5 percent today. (A) is wrong because corporate concentration has become even greater than a few decades ago. (B) is wrong because market forces are at least as powerful as a few decades ago. (C) is incorrect because the economic sphere is probably more important to the power elite than in the past. (E) is wrong because the industrial sector has been declining as a proportion of the economy.

Paris became famous for

University and education


Unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority.

Campaign of 1828

Up until this point the presidential candidates were nominated by party leaders in congress, campaign was marked by mudslinging and was between Andrew Jackson and John Adams.


Upper class landlords, aristocrats, etc.

Sir Thomas Moore wrote


Thomas More

Utopia- perfect imaginary world.



Plymouth Colony

Very first colony in America, founded by the Puritans.

Geneva Accords

Vietnam divided at 17th parallel. North Communist, south free market


Vigorously persecuted Christians. Divided empire in half-east and west to govern more effectively.

influence of enlightenment

Voltaire, Denis Diderot, Baron de Montesquieu, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. progress met by environment, use reason to reform evils, material leads to moral improvement, inhuman practices removed, human liberty=ability to dictate what was good. impersonal god who didn't interfere with human lives. political or social contract (locke and Rosseau), limited monarchy sharing power with nobility, start of laissez faire in France, knowledge a result of sensory experiences.

Thomas Hobbes' Enlightenment thinker

Voltaire--best form of government despotism (absolute power), government rules people.

Austria-Hungary, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire were disintegrated


Pearl Harbor

Wanted to destroy US fleet , US declared war on Japan, Germany and Italy declared war on USA.

Monroe Doctrine

Warned European countries to end the intervention in the Americas, "Big Stick".

Chiang Kai-Shek

Was defeated by the Chinese Communist Party in 1949, him and many of his supporters fled to Taiwan, known and Formosa.

The Atomic Bomb

Was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6th, 1945, effectively ending WWII.

Rome 753 BC. - 476 AD.

Was first a republic and then an empire; built well planned cities, roads, aqueducts, public baths, and stadiums; introduced the arch into building structures.


Was given Rome's eastern provinces, but because of his affair with Cleopatra VII he was defeated by Octavian.

Whiskey rebellion

Washington sent militia to stop protestors who didnt wanna pay tax. showed power of young govt.


Washington, Hawaii, Oregon and Cali, Cali largest population in USA. High in agriculture, OG and WA known for farming. Tourism a major industry

British philosopher and writer Adam Smith's 1776 book that described his theory on free trade, otherwise known as laissez-faire economics.

Wealth of Nations

South America

West Hem, Andes Mountains streth west coast while Amazon north central, also many plateaus, half pop brazil, interior sparsely populated, colombia venezuela guyana and french giana and surname carribean vibe, were planation slaves, immigrants from africa absorbed into culture, amerindian states of ecuador peru bolivia and paraguay, south argentina chile and uruguay strong european influence. Brazil influence of portugal not spain and afro influence, cultural pluralism, exist side by sde more than other places, substinence farming common among minority populations.


Western Front: Italy joined Allies signing secret treaty of London, gave them Austrian providences and Turkish territory. Eastern Front: Russian Poland was in German hands.

French and Indian War

When France's expansion into the Ohio River valley brought repeated conflict with the claims of the British colonies, a series of battles led to the official British declaration of war in 1756. Boosted by the financing of future Prime Minister William Pitt, the British turned the tide with victories at Louisbourg, Fort Frontenac and the French-Canadian stronghold of Quebec. At the 1763 peace conference, the British received the territories of Canada from France and Florida from Spain, opening the Mississippi Valley to westward expansion. Did not contribute to revolution.

Emanicipation Proclamation

When Lincoln issued the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation in September 1862, England had been threatening to intervene in the American Civil War for over a year. Lincoln's intent to issue the final document on January 1, 1863, effectively prevented England, which had abolished slavery in its own territories, from stepping into the U.S. conflict.

Napoleanic Wars

When World War I broke out during the summer of 1914, it had been approximately 100 years since the end of the Napoleonic Wars.


When businesses own colonies.

Thirty Years war

When catholic forces from southern germany and austria were close to pushing lutheran forces into the baltic sea, the lutheran convert Gustavus Adolphus of Swedwen intervened helping the Lutheran cause

dispatch riders in revolution

William Dawes and Paul Revere

Anne Hutchinson

Woman who believed your faith is your law and that you don't have to listen to the church

Dec of Ind

Work of Thomas Jefferson of VA. Adopted July 4, 1776.

Declaration of Independence

Written in 1776, written by Thomas Jefferson. Incorporated the ideology of Hobbes and Locke. Specifically the concept of social contract.

4 Main Contributions of Early Civilization

Written language and literature, an alphabet, code of laws, and the idea of one god.

Four main contributions of early civilization

Written language and literature, code of laws, an alphabet, the idea of one god (monotheism)

The Election of 1848

Zachary Taylor V. Martin Van Buren, wanted to avoid the issue of slavery , popular sovereignty - each territory should decide for themselves - Van Buren won.

Reciprocity Treaty

`Pierce opened Canada to more trade with USA

Ways and Means Committee

a permanent committee of the United States House of Representatives that makes recommendations to the House on all bills that would raise revenue.


a plan to invade Itlay and Sicily, annouced thatunconditional surrender of axis power requred, they could help rebuild countries taken by Germanss

Williams Jennings Bryan Cross of Gold Speech

a staunch defender of farmers' rights, delivered his "Cross of Gold" speech to a somewhat desperate Democratic Party, which had been searching for an identity after being blamed for the Panic of 1893. A key political issue of the day was whether the U.S. currency should be backed by silver or gold. Whereas most Republicans favored gold, Democrats were somewhat divided between backing gold or silver. By their 1896 national convention, however, the Democrats had attracted Bryan from the Populist Party and adopted a pro-silver, anti-gold stance. In brief, Bryan argued that indebted farmers would benefit from the inflation caused by a silver-backed money supply, which would grow more quickly than it would if it were backed by gold. The logic was as follows: since the supply of silver was more plentiful than the supply of gold, inflation would develop throughout the United States and allow farmers to pay back their outstanding debts in lesser-valued dollars.

Magna Carta, Bill of Rights

affected limited government ideas of constitution

The most significant end result of the english civil war

affirmation of the primacy of parliament

Anti-saloon league

against drunkenness, promoted prohibition


against strong federal govermnet, strict constructionist.

Jeffersonian Era

agrarian utopia with little govt influence, nation growing industiralized and urban

populist party

agrarian, coinage of silver to gold, federal loans to farmers, immigration restriction, eight hour workday, use of secret ballot, right of initiative and referendum, William Jennings Bryan elected their candidate...lost election to McKinley and lost influence. Lost three times !!!! Tried to make teaching of evolution illegal

LABOUR strike

all ended by force

schools of economic thought

classical (Adam Smith: laissez faire: hands off government, 1700-1930s, combination of self interst, competiton, and supply and demand determines markets, markets correct themselves, labor specialization, SELF INTEREST, ideas led to balanced budgets) and keynesian (John Maynard Keynes, 1930s to 1980s, government needs to help in recession, aggregate demand, increase govt spending to raise GDP, fiscal policy (manipulate taxes and government spending and monetary (manipulate interst rates and money supply to help economy)., people act irrationally, coined term "animal spirits", booms and busts occur due to peoples irrational decisions, paradox of thrift (when booming- spend too much, when busting-spend to little even thought government needs them to spend) Keynes theories lead to high unemployment/inflation (stagflation)

Causes of French revolution

clergy tax exempt, other bore economic burden, Frnech state poorer and relied more on people. election fever happened in France for first time. grain shortage and inflation at this time. reign of terror, campaign against counterrevolutionaries and internal enemies. abolished monarchy. Marie Antonionette and Louis XVI executed. property owners in control. Napolean Bonaparte in control of France from 1799-1804, gave him a large empire. French people viewed him as a tyrant, Napolean exiled Battle of Leipzig. Exiled again after trying to take back power in 1821.

Sino-Japanese war

colonialization potential, US created China open doors policy helping China's independence

seventeenth amendment

direct election of senators (Wilson)

Henry Hudson

discovered Hudson River

Henry VII

dissolve marriage of Catherine of Aragon, transubstanitation (celibacy), church later adopted Anglicanism.


distributes goods in a fair way


distribution of wealth is equal, created by Karl Marx a German scholar, his ideas were 1)all human history has been determined by econmoic factors, class struggle between rich and poor, 3) value of a product is labor, worker received small value, stolen from capitalist, 4) problems with capitalism (unemployment, overproduction). class difference would be large and lower class would overthrow creating a classless society.


doesn't go through Bangladesh


double jeopardy

Miranda vs. Arizona

due process rights before interrogated by police.

financial system

financial intermediaries (get many depositors and able to offer loans including banks, unions, loan institutions, etc) assets include reserves loans securities and propert and liabilities include demand deposits, savings, time and other deposits including net worth.


firms must lower costs to compete and produce items in high demand (goods people want)

achieving growth

firms want better products than others, leading to constant growth

Leaders of Soviet union

first Trotsky and Lenin, then Stalin

slave trade

first banned by Denmark, Britain, Holland, France, then Spain and Portugal

Stamp Act Congress

first opportunity for states to meet each other

Holy Roman Empire

five centuries of decline, population doubled, serfs were freed during this time, called enfranchisement. Charlemagne's grandson was emperor under treaty of Verdun, Franconian dynasty took over, 1214 Magna Carta limited English monarchy, check on royal party began (checks and balances). Muslims conquered Spain in 710. Spain prosperous. 20 muslim states created in 1031CE. Reconquista took control away from Muslims in 1234 (fall of Cordoba). Russia/East Europe not part of Roman Empire. Russia Orthodox, Mongols cut off Russia's contact with the west for 100 years. Latin used, as weell as vernacular. Dante and Chaucer from this time period. polyphonic music introduced. Romanesque and Gothic Architecture flourished.


followed Rockingham, passed a series of taxes called Townshend Duties

due process

following appropriate legal proceedings

Sedition Act

forbid criticism of government flag and uniform

What do Political Scientists explore?

fundamental questions

Weimar Germany (1918-1919)

forced creation of German republic after war. threats of revolution after temp government instituted. Aug 11, 1919-new bicameral legislature began. war reps. handicapped government, inflation rampant, printed useless money made allies more sympathetic. six chancellors over 4 year period. 350 political murders due to discontent. New leader was war hero Paul von Hindenburg, chancellor was Hermann Muller


formed UN promising not to make peace with common enemies


founded 753 BC. Etruscans conquered rome in sixth and seventh centuries. Romans kicked them out in sixth entury, made republic, hands of patricians, very powerful. passed to military leader for 80 years. Pompey and Julias powerful. Caesar convinced Pompey and Crassus to form First Triumvirate fought for leadership, civil war followed, caesar was assassinated after he become king. Octavian his nephew followed. Assembly had little power. Cicero opposed Caesar, Roman religion family centered. Octavian became Augustus and introduced coinage, tax collection fire and police protection and land in providences. Pax Romana: Roman Peace: Virgil wrote Aenead, about Rome's rise. Silver age lasted 14-180 CE. Literature was negative. created civil law, law of people, and natural law. civil war broke after pasx. tax pop heavy attacked many times. COnstantine moved capital to Constantinople. Christianity led to decide. new religion spread in pax, constantine made it legal and national religion, hierarchy developed.

WEB Dubois

founded Niagara Movement for racial equality and full rights of citizenship. NAACP created in 1909

populist movement

free silver

Five year plan

from 1933-37, Soviet Russia leading industrial power, gave up quality for quanitity, social and econmic discord, NKYD secret police violent purge eradicated 70 percent of central committee. 8 to 9 million in camps/prisons, in 1934 joined league of nations. Allied against facism.


fuding of national debt, esstablishment of national bank, government given all powers not purposely denied to it., called federalists

a type of society in which life is intimate; a community in which everyone knows everyone else and people share a sense of togetherness


a community, often urban, that is large and impersonal, with little commitment to the group or consensus on values


eighteenth century

golden age of diplomacy


good and service produced in country's borders (quarter or year). Also foreign firms producing in country, excludes US firms producing overseas

needs standard

goods and services provided based on needs of households

goods and services

goods: foods, cars, clothing services: education, health care, leisure


government ruled by middle class citizens (rich exploit poor)

sixteenth amendment

graduated income tax ( Wilson)

This involved the building of a theory of society based on aspects of the real world and the organization of these concepts to form a conception of society as a stable system of interrelated parts

grand theory

baroque and Rococo

granduaer, spaciousness, unity emotional impact, happened in many nations of different religions

What was the first civilization in Europe?


secular trends

growth but unsteady change in the long run

Locarno Pact (1925)

guaranteed Germany's west border and demilitarized zones. Went into play when joined league of nations in 1926. Gave support for Austria's independence.

Teheran Congerence

invade France with Stalin operating another offensive

Italian invasion

invaded British based Egypt. Germans sent support, US and UK managed to force them to surrender after pushing them to the border with Tunisia

Federal Trade Commission

investigagte unfair business practices


money holdings used to be cashed. reserve holdings is relative to banks deposits.

The organizers of the "Boston Tea Party" objected to the

monopoly granted to the East India company that harmed local business

multipolar system

more than two ideological philosophies worldwide (new world order)

opportunity costs

most make choices to forgo other. ex. if you buy a tv you may have to cancel cell phone membership

St Barthelemeaus Day

murder by catholics of French Huguenots (Calvinist Protestants)

A sacred account of the origin and evolution of the world in its present form is known as a


Fourteen Points

n January 1918, Woodrow Wilson proposed Fourteen Points which enunciated his goals for the peace that would follow World War I. These were idealistic goals based on notions of open diplomacy, the elimination of secret treaties, self-determination, arms reduction, open trade, and a League of Nations to serve as an international forum to prevent future wars. The thrust of the Fourteen Points emphasized fairness and openness in international relationships. By November 1918, the Germans faced military and political collapse, but they approached an armistice with the Allies convinced that the postwar treaty would be a fair one based upon Wilson's Fourteen Points. They reasoned that since the United States had turned the tide and saved France and Britain from almost certain defeat, the United States would dominate the peace negotiations. Unfortunately, they reasoned incorrectly and the Treaty of Versailles reflected British and French desires for vengeance more than it reflected the Wilsonian principles elucidated in his Fourteen Points.

late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries

nation states grew. people wanted to unite ethnic groups

political geography

national boundaries and relations between states

The Revolutionary Tradition

nations and people wanted to be included in society. discontent grew from increase in poulation and industrailsm and urbaniation. 1848 is the year of change. food shortages, financial crises, busniess failure, unemploiyment, wages diminished, poor living conditions, nationalism very strong. French revolution led to many other world revolutions.

physical geograph

natural features of earths surface

Charlees V and papacy

negotiated peace of Ausburg

Crimean War

over groups of Christians over holy land. Palestine part of Turkish empire, gave enclaves to Roman Catholics with French. Orthodox already had rights, war between Turks and Russians transpired. Peace of Paris ruled in Turks favor and Russia had several punishments.


overall condition over a period of time

interstate commerce act

oversee fair and just railway rates, end discriminatory practice, and look for financial statements

federal reserve system

oversees stability of banking system and try to stimulate economic growth. Consists of 12 regional banks, subregional banks and commecial banks. Created in 1913, privately owned by member banks. 14 year term members appointed by president/congress. chair 4 years.

Peter the Great

overthrew his sister Sophia

what law says the observation that "work expands to fill the time available for its completion"?

parkinson's law


particularly easy to grow in deep south rich soil


parts of economy--households, business firms, and government agencies.


passed many pieces of legislation in first 100 days of New Deals, setting a precedent. Emergency banking relief act: provided funds for banks from federal reserve, encouraged people to deposit money in banks, Glass-Steagall Act, FDIC, insure individual deposits in banks, Home Owners Loan Corp: refinanced loans, gave money to one million home owners. Devalued currency. Federal emergy releif: 500 million to aid the poor., social security act and unemployment benefits began. Supreme court overturned legislation, tried to pass Judicial Reorganization bill, allowing presidnet to name new federal judge for judges who would not retire by 70 and a half. not popular!!

What branch of early roman government descended from aristocracy and made up the senate?


Peterloo Massacre

peaceful protest in England when few people had right to vote--Lord Liverpool passed the Six Acts measures forbiding people from meeting for purposes of governmental reform in 1819

rational behavior

people act in ways to achieve goals and avoid activities that might detract from their goals

marginal analysis

people make choices by waying costs and benefits

Nordic Europe

poor natural resources, cold climate. Norway fourth richest coutnry in Europe

tradition systems

poor third world countries-custom determines production and distribution questions.

From war with France (George Greenville was the leader

poor, needed to pay for war from colonists 1. sugar act- taxes on imports by Americans 2. stamp act- all paper had stamps to be paid for, a drain on American currency.

Italy's depression

pope prisoner in Vatican. Italy rec vaican as an independent state, catholicism state religion, teaching it in schools. Created protestive bond with Austria and Hungary. Italy France and England met after Germany's rearmament policy. Ethiopia area of interest. joined league of nations in 1923. Mussolini made military base there. Edopted economic sanctions when Italy invaded. Annexed country joining Somalia and Eritrea

population geography

population patterns, birth and death rates.

Locke Treatises

power in hands of people, only give up some power.

judicial review

power to determine constitutionality of a law or action of legislative and executive branches of government. started by Marbury vs. Madison

tenth amendment

powers not given to national government go to states. federalist ideal

Palestine and Hebrews

present day lebanon, colonies and carthage and spain. Hebrew came to Egypt in 1700 BCE and enslaved, fled Egypt with Moses in 1200 BCE and went to Palestine, Under David, Philistines defeated and capital mdae at Jerusalem, divided into israel 10 and judah 2 , lost tribes disappeared after Assyria conquered in 722. Jews returned in 529 BC. in 300 governed themselves, under romans, autonomy was restricted, jeews lost holy land in 132. Contributed monotheism.

presidential succession

president dies, vp dies, speaker of house takes office.

initial socialization that a child receives

primary socialization

location of europ

prime location, led to wide ranging colonial empires

technical efficiency

producing the greatest quantity of goods from available resources

allocative efficiency

producing the right goods people want.

four basic economic activities

production, distribution, manufacturing, service (labor is used in all four activities)


productive resources owned by private individuals


productive resources owned by society or by government

eighteenth amendement


Czar's October manifesto

promised a duma, civil liberties, a Russian parliament, and political forms, but not democratic voting system.

Hobbes Leviathan

promoted totalitarianism


promoting violence and revolution. strikes in textile industry, after Red Scare, deported.

British Isles

protect it from attack, look outward for needs, was large empire.

Thomas Jefferson

protect life liberty and property

Bill of Rights

protections of Americans rights

Gadsden Purchase from Mexico

provide a route for transcontinental railroad

Espionage Act

provided for fines and imprisonment for people who made false statements which aided the enemy or obstructed recruitment of the draft

impact on thought systems around world

romanticism (feelings, beauty and imagination most important topics in art and music), considered revolutionary, focused on idealism, reality based on ideas, not materialism, impersonal god, convervatism (support for restored monarchies, peasants, tradtional ruling classes, liberalism was freedom and well-being are reason we are alive, close to Enlightenment advocated for laissez-faire by Adam SMith, Wealth of Nations. nationalism arose from liberal thought.

North Africa

sahara desert separates from sub sahara, algeria egtpr librya morocco sudan atlas mountains across moroco, farming base of economy. Nile and valleys provide rich land, cereals rice cotton cedar and cork crops orlives gihs dates and fruits grown here, libya and algeria found oil in 20 centeryEgypt depends on technology.

city populations

san diego 1.3 mill omaha 400 K Baltimore: 600 K Boston 667 K new York 8.1 mill

fourth amendment

search warrant


second largest state, large physical regions, 24.3 million, varied

subsequent experience of socialization into new sectors of society by an already socialized person

secondary socialization


secretary of state opposed to military intervention in the hemisphere

The Renaissance

secular literature grew. Dante Divine Comedy show reason and god must both be combined. Petrarch studied ancient Rome. Leo Davinci, Raphael- The School of Athens, Michelangelo- architecture, sculpture and painting (work called Mannerism), Machiavelli wrote the Prince (politics from expedience (hold power only by acting on self-interest).

heptarchy in Anglo-Saxon states

seven states which were autonomous including Essex, Wessex, Sussex. Kent, East Anglia, Mercia, and Northumbria

Ally invention

shipped routes needed to Britain. new aircraft, vessesl, radar and sonar deterction, radio direction finding, deciphering German signals, etc, helped fight Germany and made Atlantic very dangerous.

capital to output ratio

should decrease in order to lead to economic growth

Judiciary act of 1789

six justices, power to rule constitutional valid of state laws

paternalist view of slavery

slavery was necessary to protect blacks from the mistreatment and abuse they would receive if they were freed. blacks were inferior, mentally weak and ignorant, requiring "protection"

Anne Hutchison

taught info contrary to beliefs of Puritans, went to discover Portsmouth, RI with his people. Father was Anglican. Married William Hutchinson. Belief in god, not laws and rules. Believed women should've been their own. Vocal about beliefs. Works do not equal salvation. Chosen people of god could recognize each other. John Winthrop VERY anxious about her. She was banned from Boston. Moved to Bronx, was killed by Indians, people called it God's judgment. Where the Hutch comes from!

non-denominational prayers in schools

the Court declared in Engel v. Vitale, 1962, that a nondenominational prayer written by New York officials for recitation in public schools at the beginning of each school day was unconstitutional.

Who did Alexander the Great conquer in 2000BC-331BC?

the Persians


their work to strengthen the French absolute monarchs, royal ministers Cardinals Mazarin and Richelieu placed government agent in areas throughout France, where they acted as both the "king's ears"

Weapons by confederates

there was no shortage of weapons, but north cut off transportation system at one point that severe shortages of ammunition and weapons developed

san diego

third largest city followed by New York and Houston

market economy and equity

those with money determine patterns of production


total goods and services in a year

a place of residence to where persons are confined for a period of time and cut off from the rest of society.

total institution

the belief that people have a kinship or mystical relationship with particular animals, plants, or natural objects through decent from common ancestral spirits is known as...


production possibilities curve

two goods, fixed quantity of goods, used productively, more of one less of other and vice versa, plays into opportunity costs

Swahili word

ujamaa means socialism

Harriet Beacher Stowe

uncle tom's cabin, deipicted evils of slavery, turned people against slavery.

Articles of Confederation


Bakke vs Regents of California

universities quota system unconstitutional

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