Climate Change

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How many °C increase is projected to occur in winter in the northernmost parts of Alaska and Canada?


How long do dust and soot generally remain in the air?

10 days

People have been concerned about the rise in carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, the result of human activity, since what period of time?

19th Century

How high will the sea rise if the Arctic and western shelf of the Antarctic melt away?

20 feet

Increasing temperatures from climate change are causing ticks that carry Lyme disease to become active earlier in the year and expand their distribution north. How many cases of Lyme disease per year are reported in the United States on average?


Which of the following changes in climate has NOT already occurred?

A decrease in the sea ice around Antarctica

What are the potential reasons below that may be the foundation for the first U.S. Dust Bowl to happen?

A drought hit the region in the late 1880s that ran from 1889 through 1892 and led to certain shifts in agricultural production and agronomic techniques. Farmers shifted to deeper plowing to utilize moisture deeper in the soil. Demand for grain increased in the U.S. and abroad and railroads expanded. A drought in 1910-1913 affected the southern plains.

According to the United Nations Development Program, of the world's population are currently malnourished.

About 50%

Numerous scientific studies have linked exposure to fine particle pollution to .

Aggravated asthma Decreased lung function Development of chronic bronchitis

The following exposures may (possibly) cause lung cancer.

Air pollution (indoor and outdoor) Cigarette smoking. Climate change through increases in exposure to toxic chemicals that are known or suspected to cause cancer following heavy rainfall and by increased volatilization of chemicals under conditions of increased temperature.

In the Greenough et al. paper published in the Journal of Environmental Health Perspectives in 2001 with the tornado data from 1945 to 1989 in the US, which state had the lowest frequency of severe tornadoes?


Which of the following factors are included in the WHO "environment" definition?

All modifiable physical, chemical, and biological factors external to the human host All related behaviors that are critical to establishing and maintaining a healthy livable environment

Climate change will lead to in asthma attacks.

An increase

How far can air pollution travel from its source?

Around the World

Which statement below is NOT correct?

At this point we cannot be certain that climate changes will occur nor do we know the mode, timing, or magnitude of changes or environmental responses even at a regional scale. --- true Cumulative effects mean the impact on the environment which results from the incremental impact of the action when added to other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions. Human-induced climate change is itself a cumulative impact of multiple human activities. In climate change, a change in one aspect causes a cascade of responses that in some cases counteract and in others magnify the initial change.

Under changing climate conditions, extreme weather events and changes in temperature and precipitation patterns are anticipated to .

Become a "chronic" problem

Is air quality in the U.S. better or worse on average than it was 20 years ago?


Is ozone good or bad for humans?


What are sources of nitrogen dioxide?

Car exhaust Lightning Factories Plant decay

Which are possible solutions for climate change?

Carbon capture and storage Hybrid technology Creating carbon emission caps More wind power

Carbon dioxide is not the only carbon-containing compound in the atmosphere researchers are studying. What else are scientists looking at?

Carbon monoxide Methane Black carbon (soot)

Climate change may impact human health in which of the following ways?

Change in the pattern of the existing infectious diseases. More infectious disease. Climate sensitivity for several cardiovascular diseases Potential impacts on cancer both directly from climate change and indirectly from climate change mitigation strategies.

How can climate change affect the frequency of West Nile virus infections?

Changing weather conditions alter mosquito habitat Changing weather conditions alter bird habitat Changes in mosquito hatching and survival rates

Which population below are likely to suffer the most from fossil fuel addition?


Which statement below is NOT correct?

Climate change tends to make wet areas dry and dry areas wet. -- True Unlike a flood, drought is rarely a direct killer. Droughts also have huge economic costs even in developed countries. Extreme heat can be deadly particularly among the poor who may not have the luxury of retreating to air-conditioned rooms.

Which one is the most dangerous to human health and disease development?

Combination Heat Ozone Small particulate matters

Rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide will the nutritional value of wheat and rice.


Cardiovascular mortality associated with extreme heat or extreme cold has been due to global warming.

Decreasing due to heat but constant due to cold

The health care infrastructure in the U.S. is vulnerable to climate change in a number of very important ways:

Disasters can severely hinder the delivery of health care with long-term impacts. Changes in the numbers of patients and the spectrum of diseases with which they present could occur in some regions as the climate changes. The types of advice offered to patients with chronic conditions and the infrastructure to support them may need to be adapted to protect against climate-induced changes that may make these individuals more vulnerable.

Guiding Principles for Program Design has two critical features: cap on emissions and accountability


Increases in extreme temperature events in North America shortened hot spells and increased diurnal temperature range.


Sea levels are likely to stabilize globally.


Warming is very likely to be smaller than the global annual mean warming throughout the African continent.


What type of pollution is not pumped out directly from cars and trucks?

Ground-level ozone

How can more frequent intense storms affect drinking water sources?

Heavy precipitation can overwhelm sewage and storm water systems and pollute drinking water sources. Excessive precipitation and storms can damage water treatment, wastewater, and storm water structures.

The risk of extreme weather events is expected to when global warming occurs.


If global temperatures increase by 2 to 3°C, as expected, it is estimated that the population at risk for malaria will

Increase by 3-5%

In global climate projection, almost everywhere, daily minimum temperatures are projected to:

Increase faster than daily maximum temperatures Lead to a decrease in diurnal temperature range

How can the changing climate and weather affect human health?

Increase frequency or severity of existing health risks. Introduce health risks to geographic regions where they have not previously occurred. Shift the timing of seasonal health risks.

Another air contaminant of particular concern in Ohio is small particulate pollution (or soot), which may

Increase the severity of asthma attacks in children Increase the number of heart attacks and hospitalizations for cardiovascular disease Cause early deaths from heart and lung disease

The adverse health impacts from air pollution on respiratory diseases globally as temperatures rise.


Which case below may not be regarded as an increase in "susceptibility" in terms of health effects from multiple stresses and vulnerable populations?

Individual's living condition (such as in mud brick houses in earthquake zones) to possible injury from building collapse

Which statement below is NOT correct in terms of extreme weather events?

It is appropriate to convey an "average" impact over time to summarize the health impacts of extreme weather events.

Which theories below have NOT been proposed to account for the Viking Settlement disappearance?

It is very possible that low winter temperatures would have been more difficult than low summer temperatures for the Vikings.

The world's first agreement between nations to cut greenhouse-gas emissions is called:

Kyoto Protocol

Different foods have different impacts on greenhouse gas emissions. Which food(s) below have the worst carbon footprint?

Lamb and Beef

The indirect health impacts from extreme weather events .

May reflect a loss of access to critical resources Can result from disruption to routines

What are aerosols?

Minute particles suspended in the atmosphere

In global climate projection, heat waves are projected to be likely to be_____.

More intense More frequent

Climate change mitigation policies and actions should be taken by

National governments Private sectors Other areas of civil society

Which state below is NOT included in the US Dust Bowl area?

Nebraska ARE INCLUDED Oklahoma Kansas Texas Colorado

In the U.S., the waterborne diseases could affect the

Neurological system Respiratory system Liver Gastrointestinal system

Which statement below is NOT correct?

New technologies and inexpensive energy made it possible to irrigate large areas with groundwater, which is sustainable. -- CORRECT Livestock are a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions. Groundwater is only loosely regulated in the U.S. As related to the Great Plains and U.S. Dust Bowl development, the current agriculture, supported by cheap energy and finite groundwater, cannot remain indefinitely

Several approaches to land management have been developed in the face of high uncertainty concerning the outcomes of management actions, which may include .

Precautionary principle "Adaptive management" It will be important to re-evaluate management tools that are based on empirical correlations to ensure that the underlying assumptions remain valid under changing climatic conditions.

The climate of the Midwest has already changed measurably over the last half century including:

Rise in average annual temperatures A number of major heat waves in the last few years Fewer cold snaps Ice and snow melting sooner in the spring and arriving later in the fall Heavy rains occurring about twice as frequently as they did a century ago and increasing the risk of flooding

Studies have shown that within the displaced population that evacuated New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina, older people who were of low income were the slowest to recover from the disaster. This specific population can be best described as

Sensitive population

What is the relationship between the increase in risk and the health impacts from future extreme weather events?

Sensitivity of health impact totals to single events means marginal impacts could have either a minimal or significant health impact. Socio-demographic changes in population location, size, health, and wealth likely are as significant as impact of climate change on event's future health impact. Adaptation in the form of hazard planning, preparation, and response will play a critical role in determining the magnitude of future health impacts from extreme weather events.

Which statement below is NOT correct?

Since Greenland and Iceland are relatively near to each other with a distance of only about 175 km at their closest, this settlement was relatively easy. -- CORRECT Greenland is an autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark. The Vikings, who came from Iceland, were the first Europeans to settle in Greenland. The Viking settling expeditions were, in fact, highly organized.

What are some forms of air pollution?

Smoke Haze or smog Dust

Why do levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere fall during the summer in the Northern Hemisphere?

The Northern Hemisphere is covered by a significant amount of vegetation and during the summer this vegetation takes up more carbon dioxide and during the winter when it decays it releases more carbon dioxide.

What role do the oceans play in the carbon cycle?

They are a major source of carbon dioxide They are a major absorber (sink) of carbon dioxide

All models assessed for all the non-mitigation scenarios considered, project increases in global mean surface air temperature (SAT).


CO2 is the most significant of the greenhouse gases causing global warming


Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a technology being developed in an attempt to slow global warming


Extreme rainfall and winds associated with tropical cyclones are likely to increase in most of Asian regions.


Some kinds of pollution in the atmosphere can act to cool the planet by reducing the amount of solar radiation that reaches Earth's surface.


The market-based approach enshrined in the U.S. Acid Rain program has demonstrated that environmental protections need not compete with economic well-being.


The surface warming in the US is projected to exceed 4°C by some projections


Which statement below is NOT correct?

Urbanized population is all well-equipped to cope with climate change -- true Urbanization and climate change may work synergistically to increase disease burdens Urbanization can positively influence population health by making it easier to provide safe water and improved sanitation Problems associated with rapid and unplanned urbanization are expected to increase over the next few decades, especially in low-income countries.

EPA warns that a climate change-induced increase in ozone could

damage human health increase human death damage plant life

In most of North America, snow season length and snow depth are very likely to _____


It is well regarded that,

the countries that emit the least greenhouse gasses will suffer the most from the climate change

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