Clinical Exercise Physiology Final

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Normal bone-density tscore?

-1 or above

Low bone-density or osteopenia tscore?

-1 to -2.5

Osteoporosis tscore?

-2.5 or below

According to a prediction by the CDC _____ out of _____ adults in the US will have some form of diabetes by the year 2050.

1 out of 3

Which of the following fasting plasma glucose values would indicate prediabetes?

115 mg/dL

Which of the following BP scores would be indicatie of pre-hypertension?


Which LDL score is indicative of increased CVD risk?

135 mg/dL

Which of the following BP readings would be suggestive of hypertension?


The ACSM recommendation of aerobic exercise is _____minutes of moderate or _____minutes of vigorous intensity aerobic activity per week.


Calculate the RPP for the following individual: 44years old, 5'10", weight=192lbs. HR=116, SBP=150, DBP=92


The lifetime risk of sustaining an osteoporotic fracture for a male is ______.


Which of the following BMI scores would qualify as normal?


A single bout of moderate-to-vigorous intensity exercise will improve insulin sensitivity for how long?

24-72 hours

What is the preferred walking speed of the Grim Reaper?


A metabolic equivalent (MET), an estimation of oxygen consumption at rest, is _____ml/kg/min.


According to ACSM guidelines "high altitude" is defined as:


John, a 45-year old male walked into your clinic with the goal of running a 10k race. He is 5'8", weighs 202lbs, and has been sedentary for the last 20 years. His resting BP 130/82, total cholesterol is 204, LDL cholesterol is 112, HDL is 46 and he does not know what his fasting blood sugar reading is. He also tells you that his father died of a heart attack at the age of 67 and he quit smoking about 14 months ago.


Ideally, a symptom-limited GXT should last approximately ____ to ____ minutes.


Which of the following Hba1c values would indicate diabetes?

6.5% or higher

An oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is accomplished by having the patient drink a very concentrated glucose beverage. What is the standard amount of glucose?


To qualify as a negative cardiovascular risk factor an HDL cholesterol score must be:


Individuals with poorly controlled diabetes may develop ketoacidosis. One of the tell-tale signs of ketoacidosis is fruity smelling breath. This is referred to as_____

Acetone breath

What is the most common form of altitude-related illness?

Acute mountain sickness

Which of the following would NOT be an indication to end a GXT?

An increase in SBP of 40mm/Hg

Which of the following is NOT a component of the female athlete triad?


Which of the following terms describes "programmed" cell death?


Which of the following blood glucose responses to an oral glucose tolerance test would indicate diabetes? (Hint: read the choices carefully).

Blood glucose is greater than 200mg/dL, at 2 hours post glucose ingestion

Which of the following is the most prevalent form of cancer in females?


According to the latest guidelines provided by the American College of Sports Medicine, the screening algorithm or patients/clients begins with which component?

Determination of exercise participation

Atherosclerosis begins with ______-

Endothelial dysfunction

Atherosclerosis begins with....?

Endothelial dysfunction

Atherslerosis begins with _______

Endothelial dysfunction

Cachexia refers to which of the following?

Excessive loss of body mass due to disease or illness

The mechanism by which systemic blood pressure reflexively increases during exercise is called that ______

Exercise pressor reflex

A FEV1/FVC ratio of 0.86 indicates the presence of lung impairment


A individual with T2D reports to you that they have been consistently excersising 5-6 days/wk at a moderate intensity for the last 18 months. According to ACSM guidelines this individual should seek medical clearance before continuing with their exercise prescription.


A tumor that is characterized as "benign" has already metastasized to other parts of the body?


A woman that has gestational diabetes during pregnancy is substantially more likely to develop Type 1 diabetes later in life.


According to ACSM guidelines if an individual is on anti-hypertensive drug therapy, but their BP is 115/75, this does not count as a CVD risk factor.


An increase in gastrointestinal transmit time reduces the likelihood of developing cancers of bowel.


Exercise is a commonly prescribed therapy for the treatment of cancer and has demonstrated a significant ability to shrink tumor size in a variety of cancers.


High intensity interval training (HIIT) is contraindicated for individuals that are in an outpatient cardiac rehab program.


It is within the scope of practice of a clinical exercise physiologist to diagnose hypertension.


Obstructive lung disease is characterized by greater difficulty with inhalation, while restrictive lung disease is characterized by greater difficulty with exhalation.


One of the defining characteristics of T2D is an excessive storage of intramuscular triglycerides. For this reason a ketogenic diet would likely be dangerous for individuals with this disease.


Only individuals with Type 1 diabetes require or will ever use insulin therapy for glucose regulation


Osteoblasts exert a catabolic effect, while osteoclasts exert an anabolic effect.


Peak bone mass is achieved between the ages of 40 and 50 years


Resistance training as a form of exercise therapy, is generally not recommendation for individuals with Type 2 diabetes as it has a minimal impact on blood glucose regulation.


Significant modification to exercise testing are typically indicated for individuals with osteoporosis


T2D is a progressive disease, therefore it is not possible to reverse or "cure" this disease.


The ACSM recommends that all individuals with cancer undergo physician-supervised exercise testing prior to beginning any exercise program


The percentage of oxygen at sea level is 20.94%, therefore the percentage of oxygen at high altitude (i.e. >10,000) would be less


The primary osteogenic stimulus in standard resistance training is a ground reaction force


The sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system is responsible for the arterial vasoconstriction that occurs during the periods of stress (such as exercise)


The valsalva manuever shoulds always be avoided when performing resistance, even for athletes


Training which involves excessive twisting, bending and compression of the vertebra is an optimal training strategy for the treatment of osteoporosis


Vitamin D plays an important role in maintaining appropriate bone density primarily by stimulating the secretion of growth hormone


You take the blood pressure of your client/patient 5 minutes after the end of their workout and notice that SBP and DBP have both dropped by 10mmHg compared to their pre-exercise levels. This is an abnormal BP response and is cause for concern.


Which of the following HR responses immediately following an exercsie test would indicate a higher likelihood of cardiovascular disease?

HR decrease 9 bpm during 1st minute after exercise

Which of the following is NOT a sign/symptom suggestive of CVD, Renal, or metabolic disease?


What is the most common form of serious heat illness?

Heat exhaustion

Which type of stroke is most likely to occur form an arterial aneurysm?

Hemorrhagic stroke

The "tight-fit" hypothesis applies to which conditions?

High altitude cerebral edema

The most fundamental problems associated with diabetes is ______


You are training a client that has type 1 diabetes. Half way through that workout they begin to complain of excessive fatigue and you notice they appear to be unsteady on their feet. The most likely causee of this is _____


Which of the following describes the contractile force generated with muscle that is passed along to bone?

Joint rxn force

Which of the following is NOT a health-related component of fitness?

Kinesthetic awareness

Which of the following pulmonary function tests assess pulmonary power?


The RPP is a measure of:

Myocardial workload

A _______ is a gene that is predisposed to initiating abnormal cell growth, which can turn into cancer.


The "unifying hypothesis" suggests that _____ is the underlying cause of all physiological damage that ocurrs in diabetes.

Oxidative stress

Which of the following is a health screening tool commonly used by exercise physiologists?


Which branch of the ANS predomination during periods of rest and recovery and is also associated with fitness level?


For which disease should you be using the claudication scale?

Peripheral artery disease

Which of the following diseases is characterized by intermittent claudication?

Peripheral artery disease

Which of the following is NOT a common sign/symptom of diabetes?


The 2-3 hour period of time after eating a meal is known as the ______ period.


Which of the following is an indication that a patient/client has achieved a maximal effort on a GXT?

RER > 1.0

Which of the following physiological systems is NOT a major contributing factor to VO2max?

Renal system

Which type of lung impairment is most closely associated with inhalatory difficulty?

Restrictive lung disease

Which of the following conditions can be caused by excessive exertion and result in significant kidney damage?


Which of the following is not a potential side effect of cancer treatment?

Rheumatoid arthritis

Which sports is likely to have the least positive impact on bone mineral density?

Rock climbing

While training an individual with diabetes it is possible that they will experience cardiac ischemia, but not have noticeable symptoms, such as angina. This is known as _____

Silent ischemia

Which aspect of the nervous system is responsible for maintaining vascular tone?

Sympathetic nervous system

You are conducting a GXT on a 59yr old male with suspected IHD. Six minutes into the test you check his BP and note that the DBP has increased 15mmHg above his resting values. Your most appropriate response is:

Terminate the GXT

Which of the following most closely represents the Warburg Effect?

The Warburg Effect relates to the bienergetics of cancer cells.

The term "wedging" is associated with which of the following?

The unilateral collapse of a vertebra

Which of the following is NOT a long-term adaptation to exposure to high altitude?

There will be a decrease in pulmonary blood pressure

48-96 hours of bed rest is a common medical recommendation for cancer patients following surgery


A "true positive" means that an individual actually has a disease and the test performed indicates the presence of this disease.


A FEV1/FVC ratio of 0.68 is indicative of lung impairment.


A diagnosis of osteoporosis may be made in the absence of a BMD test, if there is evidence of a low trauma fracture


A relative risk (RR) of 2.5 indicates that a particular population has a risk that is 2.5x greater than that of a reference population.


According to ACSM guidelines individuals with Type 2 diabetes should do aerobic exercise 3-7 times per week and accumulate 150min of moderate intensity or 75 min of vigorous intensity exercise for a combination of both.


After the 4th decade of life the rate of bone loss is approximately 0.5% per year


An effective osteogenic stimulus should be unique, variable and dynamic in nature.


Atherosclerosis and insulin resistance both play a prominent role in the development of Alzheimer's disease.


Currently, little evidence exists regarding the optimal exercise regime for individuals with or at risk of osteoporosis


Cyanosis is a sign of poor perfusion


Exercise has been shown to increase autophagy.


Exercise prescription for individuals with cancer does not differ from the exercise recommendations for the general (healthy) population


Exposure to warm, moist air is a common environmental trigger for asthma


John, a 45-year old male walked into your clinic with the goal of running a 10k race. He is 5'8", weighs 202lbs, and has been sedentary for the last 20 years. His resting BP 130/82, total cholesterol is 204, LDL cholesterol is 112, HDL is 46 and he does not know what his fasting blood sugar reading is. He also tells you that his father died of a heart attack at the age of 67 and he quit smoking about 14 months ago. According to the ACSM screening algorithm John does not need medical clearance to begin an exercise program of light-to-moderate intensity and he may progress to vigorous intensity (following established guidelines).


Nitric oxide plays an important role in arterial vasodilation


Osteoporosis is a disease that begins in childhood.


Osteoporosis is a hypokinetic disease.


Processed meats (such as bologna and hot dogs) are categorzied by the World Health Organization as a class 1 carcinogen, which puts them in the same category as tobacco products.


T2D is a non-communicable, hypokinetic disease, in contrast in T1D, which is an autoimmune disease.


The ACSM recommends that an Exercise Physiologist perform 50 to 200 supervised GXT's prior to being allowed to perform unsupervised tests


There is evidence indicating that higher levels of exercise intensity may benefit individuals with Type 2 diabetes more than lower intensity exercise.


You are performing a GXT on a client/patient and they state that they want to stop the test. This is an absolute contraindication and you should immediately terminate the test.


You have been training a 22-year old collegiate soccer player during his off-season. He has a VO2max of 62, BMI of 19, all lipid values are within the recommended limits and his BP 106/66. He has no family history of heart disease and reports that he has never smoked a cigarette. On his last training day with you he complained of unusual breathlessness during a routine exercise and his performance was clearly diminished. Your next action should be to seek medical clearance before allowing him to continue with training.


Which type of diabetes is known as an autoimmune disease?

Type 1

Arterial blood vessels never completely relax. This is referred to as ______-

Vascular tone

In FITT-VP, the "V" stands for:


_______'s Law states that bones will adjust their tensile strength in relation to the stress that is placed upon them.


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