CMO1 - 2

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(______) cost remain constant in total with in the relevant range of activities


the relevant range of activity is approximated by

a straight line

using the high low method, the fixed cost is calculated

after the variable cost is calculated or using either the high or low level of acticity

mixed costs contains

both fixed and variable cost

direct cost

costs that can be easily and conveniently traced to a specific product are

cost objectives

customers organizational subunits anything for which data is desired

3 factors of product cost

direct materials direct labor mfg.o head

the equation for a straight line can be used to

express the relationship between mixed costs and activity

direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing over head are all

manufacturing cost

period cost

non mfg cost selling adm

a potential benefit that is forfieted or lost when one decision is chosen over another is know as a

opportunity cost

with in a (______) variable costs remain constant on a per unit basis

relevant range

with in the (_______) of activity cost assumptions are reasonably valid

relevant range

cost that have already been incurred and can not be changed by decions made in the current period or in future periods


marginal cost is

the cost incurred to produce one unit of a product

marginal revenue.

the revenue obtained from selling an additional unit of product

(____) cost vary in total in direct proportion in changes in activity level


the term for sales revenue minus variable expenses is

contribution margin

generally include rent and supervisor salaries

fixed cost

remain constant within the relevant range of activity

fixed cost

with in the(__) of activity variable costs vary in total and remain constant per unit

relevant range

contribution margin is the excess of

sales revenues over variable cost

cost that are shared by multiple departments in a company are know as


free cash flow

company's ability to fund its capital expenditures and dividends from its net cash provided by operating activities

variable cost remain fixed in total with in the relevant range of activity


factory rent factory insurance administrative salaries

fixed cost

should not be expressed on a per unit basis in internal reports

fixed cost

contribution format.

income statement that categorizes cost by their behavior of variable or fixed

with in the relevant range of activity, fixed cost

remain constant in total

variable cost

remain constant per unit and very in total

fixed cost

should not be expressed on a per unit basis in internal reports generally include rent and supervisor salaries remain constant within the relevant range of activity

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