CMST 2064 Ch. 7

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Two committee members make significantly different recommendations for the date and format of the company's annual picnic. Which type of listening will help you decide which suggestion to support? a. analytical listening b. empathic listening c. comprehensive listening d. appreciative listening e. discriminative listening


Thought speed is the speed (in words per minute) that most people can think compared to the speed at which others can speak.


Women are more likely to use empathic listening.


You can enhance listening comprehension by asking good questions during a discussion.


Differences in personality types may affect the way group members listen. Which of the MyersBriggs personality types may be the best comprehensive listeners in a group? a. introverts b. extroverts c. feelers d. judgers e. all of the above


Suppose Julia says, "Among all the other things I worry about, I have an important exam coming up and I fear that, given my busy schedule, I won't have enough time to study." Responding with, "You seem to be very upset about doing well on the exam" would be an inaccurate paraphrase because a. it responds to only one example, instead of responding to Julia's larger problem of coping with a busy schedule. b. you are repeating the exact words Julia said. c. you have not matched Julia's depth of feeling, given how important this exam is to her future and her hopes of getting a better job. d. you add unintended meaning to Julia's statement. e. you use language that is too simple to capture Julia's meaning.


The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator predicts that introverts will be better comprehensive listeners than extroverts.


You can help your group by regularly interrupting a group discussion to remind everyone that it's important to listen well.


Members who assume self-centered group roles may be excellent listeners.


Men are more likely to listen comprehensively and analytically.


Of the total time we spend communicating, about 10-20% of that time is spent reading.


Paraphrasing is a form of feedback—a listening check—that asks, "Am I right—is this what you mean?"


Persons from high context cultural backgrounds tend to listen more to the nonverbal behaviors of others than do persons from low context cultural backgrounds.


Pseudo listening involves faking attention or pretending to listen to others while our minds are elsewhere.


Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, defines a habit as a practice requiring knowledge, skills, and desire.


Surveys of business leaders often point to listening as the communication skill most lacking in new employees.


All of the following behaviors are examples of self-centered listening EXCEPT: a. listening to evaluate the quality of arguments and evidence used by others. b. listening that shows no respect for the opinions of others. c. listening for the purpose of criticizing the ideas of others. d. listening for personal information that can be used to humiliate or criticize others. e. faking listening in order to impress high-status members.


Effective listening engages your short term memory.


What type of listening is most appropriate when you want to accurately understand the meaning of group members' spoken and nonverbal messages? a. comprehensive listening b. empathic listening c. analytical listening d. appreciative listening e. discriminative listening


When engaging in this poor listening habit, a member may fake attention or pretending to listen to others. a. pseudo listening b. selective listening c. superficial listening d. defensive listening e. disruptive listening


Which type of listening focuses on accurately grasping the meaning of a group member's spoken or verbal messages in order to better understand? a. comprehensive listening b. empathic listening c. memory listening d. analytical listening e. responsive listening


Evaluating evidence while it is being presented interferes with good listening skills.


If a member of your group is deaf, keep in mind that most people who are deaf are alike when it comes to communication.


In general, women are more likely to listen to the content of what is said, while men tend to focus on the relationships among speakers.


A study of ways in which the college students from different cultures listen concludes that ________ students are less willing and less patient listeners than students from other cultures. a. African b. U.S. American c. Asian d. South American e. European


Several studies report that without listening training, most people listen at ______ efficiency. a. 15% b. 25% c. 35% d. 45% e. 55%


Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of High Effective People, uses listening to illustrate the 3 components of an effective habit. According to Covey, which of the following answers is a critical component of an effective listening habit? a. hearing b. desire c. opportunity d. memory e. empathy


Suppose your group suggests having a meeting on Saturday morning. Nicole seems upset. You want to understand how she feels about the proposed meeting. When she explains her concerns, you should focus your efforts on a. analytical listening. b. empathic listening. c. comprehensive listening. d. appreciative listening. e. discriminative listening.


What type of listening is most appropriate when you want to understand and identify a person's feelings or motives? a. comprehensive listening b. empathic listening c. analytical listening d. appreciative listening e. discriminative listening


When engaging in this poor listening habit, a member may avoid listening or look for faults in what others in the group are saying. a. pseudo listening b. selective listening c. superficial listening d. defensive listening e. disruptive listening


Which type of listening focuses on understanding a person's situation, feelings, or motives ? a. comprehensive listening b. empathic listening c. memory listening d. analytical listening e. responsive listening


Your textbook describes the dilemma a student often faces when taking notes during a discussion or in the classroom. Which of the following statements best describes this dilemma? a. Most of us listen at only 25% efficiency. b. The value of notes decreases as the volume of your notes increase. c. We are not flexible notetakers. d. A meeting's minutes or an instructor's handouts are better than the notes taken by a listener. e. Effective notetakers take notes in outline form.


__________ is the ability to understand, analyze, respect, and respond to the meaning of another person's spoken and nonverbal messages. a. Feedback b. Listening c. Self-centered listening d. The Golden Listening Rule e. Working memory


____________refers to the degree to which you match the importance of and emotions in the speaker's message in your response. a. Paraphrasing content b. Paraphrasing depth c. Paraphrasing meaning d. Paraphrasing language e. Paraphrasing nonverbal


Studies have found that listening occupies _______________ of a college student's communicating time. a. less than 10% b. less than 30% c. more than 50% d. more than 70% e. about 95%


Unlike working memory theory, short-term memory a. has a large capacity, enabling group members to remember names, numbers, and discussion issues. b. is highly effective for listening to speeches and lectures. c. helps you remember about 7 (plus or minus 2) different items or bits of information at one time. d. allows you to sift through what you've heard to create new meaning. e. does all of the above.


What type of listening is most appropriate when you want to form appropriate opinions about the content of a message? a. comprehensive listening b. empathic listening c. analytical listening d. appreciative listening e. discriminative listening


When engaging in this poor listening habit, a member may pay more attention to the way a member looks or how they speak rather than to what they say. a. pseudo listening b. selective listening c. superficial listening d. defensive listening e. disruptive listening


Which of the following statements is NOT a positive listening attitude? a. interested b. group-centered c. impatient d. equal e. open-minded


Listening is the same thing as hearing.


Most people can speak much faster than they can think.


Of the total time we spend communicating, about 20-35% of that time is spent listening.


One study concludes that international students see U.S. students as being more willing and more patient as listeners than students from African, Asian, South American, or European cultures.


Ralph Nichols notes that the volume of notes taken increases their value to the note taker.


The Golden Listening Rule is: speak unto others as you would have them speak to you.


Working memory functions to help people remember a series of numbers, words, sentences, or paragraphs immediately after hearing them.


Identify the negative listening attitude that does not follow the Golden Listening Rule. a. interested b. responsible c. group-centered d. superior e. open-minded


When Ralph Nichols wrote "We must always withhold evaluation until our comprehension is complete," which listening strategy was he describing? a. listen for big ideas b. overcome distractions c. "listen" to nonverbal behavior d. listen before you leap e. help your group listen


When engaging in this poor listening habit, a member may interpret critical remarks by others as a personal attack. a. pseudo listening b. selective listening c. superficial listening d. defensive listening e. disruptive listening


Which type of listening requires critical thinking skills to analyze what you hear? a. comprehensive listening b. empathic listening c. memory listening d. analytical listening e. responsive listening


You can become a more effective analytical listener by a. avoiding evaluative reactions. b. paying attention to the clarity of a member's words. c. maintaining a strong belief in your own position. d. evaluating the quality of arguments and evidence. e. doing all of the above.


Good listeners use their extra thought speed productively. They do all of the following EXCEPT: a. Identify and summarize main ideas. b. Pay extra attention to nonverbal behavior. c. Analyze arguments. d. Assess the relevance of a speaker's comments. e. Listen exclusively for specific facts and statistics.


Researchers conclude that of the total time most people spend communicating in a given day, they spend about ________% of that time listening. a. 10-20 b. 20-40 c. 30-50 d. 40-60 e. 40-70


When engaging in this poor listening habit, a member may interrupt others in the group who are speaking. a. pseudo listening b. selective listening c. superficial listening d. defensive listening e. disruptive listening


Which of the follow listening strategies would you be using if you asked "How can I use what I am hearing?" a. listen for big ideas b. overcome distractions c. "listen" to nonverbal behavior d. listen before you leap e. ask WIIFM


Which of the following is NOT part of the HURIER Listening Model? a. hearing b. responding c. evaluating d. interpreting e. repeating


You can become a more empathic listener by a. being conscious of your feedback. b. focusing on the speaker, not yourself. c. avoiding talking about your own experiences and feelings. d. monitoring your feedback to show concern. e. Doing all of the above.


According to your textbook, the phrasing of an effective paraphrase can vary in 3 critical ways: knowledge, emotion, and desire.


Distractions in the listening process are primarily environmental.


Effective empathic listeners welcome opportunities to hear something new or challenging and pay special attention to the eloquence of a member's words.


Effective leaders fake attention when listening to others as a way of showing that they are interested in all members and their comments.


A person's role in a group can influence their listening behavior.


According to your textbook, it may be easier to "listen" to group members in a text-based virtual meeting than in a face-to-face setting.


According to your textbook, people without listening training listen at only 25% efficiency.


Effective analytical listeners ask themselves, "Are group members' claims valid and based on logical reasoning?"


Effective comprehensive listeners ask themselves, "Can I accurately identify the main ideas and evidence used to support a group member's claims?"


Effective listeners make themselves listen even when the topic or members' comments are boring


Good listeners adjust their note-taking system to a group's agenda or impose a note-taking pattern on a disorganized discussion.


In many ways, it can be easier to listen to others more effectively in virtual meetings than in face-to-face meetings.


In the corporate world, managers devote more than 60% of their day to listening to others


Listening can be more difficult in groups than in almost any other communication situation.


Listening is our number one communication activity.


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