Code Practice

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When installing outlet boxes (flush mounted) in noncombustible walls such as sheet rock, plaster, and the like, the box is to be set back no more than _____ from the surface.

1/4 inch (314.20

An electrical circuit has a voltage of 60 V and a resistance of 6 ohms. What is the value of current?

10 A

According to the NEC, the volume of a 3 x 2 x 2 in. device box is _______ .

10 cu. in (314.16(A) Table)

Underground service conductors that supply power to limited loads of a single branch circuit shall not be smaller than ______ .

12 AWG copper (230.31(B)Ex)

The minimum size conductor permitted for branch circuits under 600V is ______ AWG.


The standard ampere rating for fuses includes _______ .

1A, 6A, 601A (240.6(A))

In a dwelling unit, each wall space ______ or wider requires a receptacle.

2 ft (210.52(A)(2), (1))

There shall be a minimum of one ______ branch circuit for the laundry outlet(s) required by 210.52(F) .

20A (210.11(C)(2))

The feeder/service calculated load for a multifamily dwelling containing nine 12 kW ranges is _______ .

24,000W (220.55, Table Column C)

Access and Egrees in trenches 4 feet or greater must be provided by ladders, steps, ramps, or other safe means of exit. These devices must be located within ________of all workers.

25 ft

For outlet boxes or outlet box systems designed to support ceiling fans that weigh more than _______ pounds, the required marking shall include the maximum weight to be supported.

35 (314.27(C))

Grounded conductors _______ and larger can be identified by distinctive white or gray markings at their terminations.

4 AWG (200.6)(B)(4))

An electric circuit has a resistance of 30 ohms . The current is measured to be 16 A. How many volts are applied to the circuit?


Trenches ____________ deep or greater require a protective system unless the excavationis made entirely in stable rock.

5 ft

What is the standard height for fall protection in construction?

6 ft

Boxes and conduit bodies, covers, extension rings, plaster rings, and the like shall be durably and legibly marked with the manufactures's name or trademark.


Single-pole breakers with identified handle ties can be used to protect each ungrounded conductor for line-to-line connected loads.


Capable of being reached quickly for operation, renewal, or inspections without resorting to portable ladders and such is known as _______ .

accessible, readily

According to Ugly's Electrical Safety and NFPA 70E, an electricaly safe work condition is when _____. [See "Safe Electircal Work Practices" in the text.]

all the power is turned off

The rating of a branch circuit shall be determined by the rating of the _______ .

branch-circuit overcurrent device (210.3)

In straight pulls, the length of the box shall not be less than _____times the trade size of the largest raceway.


The neutral conductor is also referred to as the _____ conductor.


Unless identified for use in the operating environment, no conductors or equipment shall be _____ having a deteriorating effect on the conductors or equipment.

located in damp or wet locations, exposed to fumes, vapors, liquids or gases, exposed to excessive temperatures (110.11)

Conductors shall be ________ unless otherwise provided.

of copper (110.5)

The 3 VA per-square-foot general lighting load for dwelling units does not include ______ .

open porches, garages, unused or unfinished spaces not adaptable for future use (220.12)

Overcurrent devices shall be _______ .

readily accessible

Multiwire branch circuits shall ______ .

supply only line-to-neutral loads (210.4(C))

Each service disconnecting means shall be suitable for _______ .

the prevailing conditions (230.70(C))

The requirement for maintaining a 3 ft vertical clearance from the edge of the roof shall not apply to the final feeder conductor span where the conductors are attached to ______ .

the side of a building (225.19(A) Ex 4)

A heater is listed as 1250 W. When it is plugged into a 120 V circuit and starts to make toast, how many amperes will it draw?


In dwelling units, the required bathroom receptacle outlet can be installed on the side or face of the basin cabinet if no lower than _______ below the countertop.

12 in (210.52(D))

What is the minimum cover requirement for Type UF cable supplying power to a 120V, 15A GFCI-protected circuit outdoors under a driveway of a one-family dwelling?

12 in.

A receptacle outlet shall be installed in dwelling units for every kitchen and ining area countertop space ________, and no point along the wall line shall be more than 2 ft, measured horizontally, from a receptacle outlet in that space.

12 in. or wider (210.52(C)(1))

You are installing a 120 volt receptacle in the yard of a residence (a single family dwelling). It is to be fed underground using direct burial cable (UF) from a 20 amp GFCI (ground fault) circuit breaker in the house panel. According to Table 300.5 of the NEC, the minimum depth of this installation in the ground is __________

12 inches (You can see this in column 4 of Table 300.5. There is no wiring method specified for this rule, only that the underground circuit is protected by a GFCI, it is no more that 20 amps, and the circuit is a residential installation.

The minimum feeder conductor ampacity before the application of any adjustment or correction factors, must be no less than the noncontinuous load plus ______ percent of the continuous load.

125 (215.2(A)(1))

A bare 4 AWG copper conductor installed horizontally near the bottom or vertically, and within that portion of a concrete foundation or footing that is in direct contact with the earth can be used as as grounding electrode when the conductor is at least _______ in length.

20 ft

An electric heater is opperating on 120 V. The current is measured to be 5 A. How many ohms of resistance is the heater?


In dwelling unit bathrooms, not less than one 15A or 20A, 125V receptacle outlet nust be installed within ______ from the outside edge of each bathroom basin.

3 ft (210.52(D))

Service conductors installed as unjacketed multiconductor cable shall have a minimum clearance of ______ from windows that are designed to be opened, doors, porches, stairs, fire escapes, or similar locations.

3 ft (230.9(A))

A load is considered to be continuous if the maximum current is expected to continue for _____ or more.

3 hours

A dwelling unit containing two 120V small-appliance branch circuits has a calculated load of ______ VA for the small appliance circuits.

3,000 (220.52(A)Each circuit is calculated at 1500 VA for load requriements.)

Listed outlet boxes to support ceiling-suspended fans that weigh more than ________lb shall have the maximum allowable weight marked on the box.

35 (314.27(C))

Grounding electrodes that are driven rods require a minimum of _______ in contact with the soil.

8 ft

The next higher standard rating overcurrent device above the ampacity of the ungrounded conductors veing protected shall be permitted to be used, provided all of the following conditions are met :

The conductors are not part of a branch circuit supplying more than one receptacle for cord-and-plug-connected portable loads. The ampacity of the conductors doesn't correspond with the standard ampere rating of a fuse or circuit breaker. The next higher standard rating selected doesn't exceed 800A. (240.4(B)(1), (2), and (3))

A laundry receptacle outlet shall not be required in each dwelling unit of a multifamily building, if laundry facilities are provided on the premises for all building occupants.

True (210.52(F) Ex 1)

15A and 20A, 125V receptacles located in patient bed locations of general care critical care areas of health care facilities aren't required to be GFCI protected.

True (210.8(B)(5) Ex 2)

Where mast is used for overhead conductor support, it shall be of adequate strength or be supported by braces or guy wire to withstand safely the strain imposed by the overhead drop.

True (225.17)

The flow of electrical current is measured in _______.


A complete circuit is often referred to as a(n) _____ circuit.


In dwelling units, the voltage between conductors that supply the terminals of _____ shall not exceed 120V, nominal.

luminaires, cord-and-plug-connected loads of 1,440 VA or less (210.6(A)(1) and (2))

This Code covers the installation of _______ for public and private premises, including buildings, structures, mobile homes, recreational vehicles, and floating buildings.

optical fiber cables, electrical equipment, raceways (90.2(A)(1))

A(n) _____ circuit generally occurs when the conductors leading from and back to the power source become connected.


Where a luminaire stud or hickey is present in the box, a _____ volume allowance in accordance with Table 314.16(B) shall be made for each type of fitting, based on the largest conductor present in the box.

single (314.16(B)(3))

Where angle or U pulls are made, the distance between each raceway entry inside the box and the opposite wall of the box shall not be less than _____ times the trade size of the largest raceway in a row plus the sum of the trade sizes of the remaining raceways in the same row.


There shall be no more than _______ switches or circuit breakers to serve as the disconnecting means for a building supplied by a feeder.

six (225.33(A))

Conductors, splices or terminations in a hand hole enclosure shall be listed as _____.

suitable for wet conditions

Service conductors can supply ________ service disconnecting means as permitted in 230.71(A).

up to 6 (230.40 Ex 2)

The unit of electrical "pressure" that causes current to flow is called the _____.


The _____ is used to measure electrical power being used in a circuit.


OSHA standards require safe access and egress to all excavations, including ladders, steps, ramps, or other safe means of exit for employees working in trench excavations ________.

4 ft

Within sight means visible and not more than ______ ft distant from the equipment.

50 (100 In Sight From)

Overhead service conductors installed over roofs shall have a vertical clearance of ______ above the roof surface, unless a lesser distance is permitted by an exception.

8 ft (230.24(A))

The minimum height of working spaces about electrical equipment, switchboards, panelboards, or motor control centers operating at 600V, normal, or less and likely to require examination, adjustment, servicing, or maintenance while energized shall be 6 1/2 ft or the height of the equipment, whichever is greater, except for service equipment or panelboards in existing dwelling units that do not exceed 200A.

True (110.26(A)(3) and 110.26(A)(3) Ex 1)

If used for single-pole, 3-way or 4-way switch loops, the reidentified conductor with white or gray insulation or three continuous white stripes can be used for the supply to the switch but not as a return conductor from the switch to the outlet.

True (200.7(C)(1))

If used for single-pole, 3-way or 4-way switch loops, the reidentified conduxtor with white or gray insulation or three continuous white stripes can be used for the supply to the switch but not as a return conductor from the switch to the outlet.

True (200.7(C)(1))

When breaks occur in dwelling unit kitchen countertop spaces for rangetops, refrigerators or sinks, each countertop surface shall be considered a separate counter space for determining receptacle placement.

True (210.52(C)(4))

The next higher standard rating overcurrent device above the ampacity of the ungrounded conductors being protected shall be permitted to be used, provided all of the following conditions are met :

a. The conductors are not part of a branch circuit supplying more than one receptacle for cord-and-plug-connected portable loads. b. The ampacity of the conductors doesn't correspond with the standard ampere rating of a fuse or circuit breaker. c. The next higher standard rating selected doesn't exceed 800A. (240.4(B)(1), (2), and (3))

The conductors between the final overcurrent device protecting the circuit and the outlet(s) are known as " _______ conductors."


Each strap containing one or more devices shall count as a _____ volume allowance in accordance with Table 314.16(B), based on the largest conductor connected to a device(s) or equipment supported by the strap.


The three principle parts of an atom are the _____.

electron, neutron, proton

The NEC defines a " ______" as all circuit conductors between the service equipment, the source of a separately derived system, or other power-supply source and the final branch-circuit overcurrent device.


A device comprised of _______ or more receptacles shall be calculated at not less than 90 VA per receptacle.

four (220.14(I))

If you need to change a drill bit in an electric drill, which is the safest way to do it to avoid injury to your hand and fingers?

make sure the bill is unplugged from power

Where cables or nonmetallic raceways are installed through bored holes in joists, rafters, or wood members, holes shall be bored so that the edge of the hole is _______ the nearest edge of the wood member.

not less than 1 1/4 in. from (300.4(A)(1)

A building or structure shall be supplied by a maximum of ______ feeder(s) or branch circuit(s), unless specifically permitted otherwise.

one (225.3)

A building or structure shall be supplied by a maximum of _______ service(s), unless specifically permitted otherwise.

one (230.2)

Where angle or U pulls are made, the distance between each raceway entry inside the box or conduit body and the opposite wall of the box or conduit body shall not be less than _____ times the trade size of the largest raceway in a row plus the sum of the trade sizes of the remaining raceways in the same wall and row.

six (314.28(A)(2))

The total amount of resistance to current flow in a series circuit is equal to the _____ of the resistance in that circuit.


When counting the number of conductors in a box, a conductor running through the box with an unbroken loop or coil not less than twice the minimum length required for free conductors shall be counted as _______ conductor(s).

two (314.16(B)(1))

Electromotive force (EMF) is ________.


If you increase the resistance of an electric heater you will also increase the ______ measured across the heater element.

voltage drop

The interior of underground raceways shall be considered a _____ location.

wet (300.5(B))

A main bonding jumper shall be a _______ or similar suitable conductor.

wire, bus, screw (250.28(A))

The load for electric clothes dryers in a dwelling unit shall be _______ watts or the nameplate rating, whichever is larger, per dryer.

5,000 (220.54)

Conductors installed in overhead service masts on the outside surface of the building traveling through the eave of that building are considered to be outside of the building.

True (230.6(5))

Where conductors in parallel are run in separate raceways, the raceways shall have the same electrical characteristics.

True (310.10(H)(3)

Where one or more internal cable clamps are present in the box, a single volume allowance in accordance with Table 314.16(B) shall be made based on the largest conductor present in the box.

True (314.16(B)(2))

Overcurrent devices aren't permitted to be located in the bathrooms of ________ .

dwelling units, dormitories, guest rooms or guest suites of hotels or motels (240.24(E))

A 15A or 20A, 125V receptacle outlet shall be located within 25 ft of heating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration equipment for _______ occupancies.

dwelling, commercial, industrial (210.63)

Unused openings other than those intended for the operation of equipment, intended for mounting purposes, or permitted as part of the design for listed equipment shall be _____ .

effectively closed to afford protection substantially equivalent to the wall of the equipment (110.12(A))

For grounded systems, electrical equipment and electrically conductive material likely to become energized, shall be installed in a manner that creates a low-impedance circuit capable of safely carrying the maximum ground-fault current likely to be imposed on it from where a ground fault may occur to the _______ .

electrical supply source (250.4(A)(5))

For the purpose of determining box fill, each device or utilization equipment in the box which is wider than a single device box counts as two conductors for each ______ required for the mounting.


Concrete, brick, or tile walls are considered ______ , as applied to working space requirements.

grounded (110.26(A)(1) and Table 110.26(A)(1) , Condition 2)

All 15A and 20A, 125V receptacles installed in bathrooms of _______ shall have ground-fault circuit-interrupter ( GFCI ) protection for personnel.

guest rooms in hotels/motels, dwelling units, office buildings (210.8(A)(1) and (B)(1))

In other than dwelling locations, GFCI protection is required in _____ .

indoor wet locations, locker rooms adjacent to showering facilities, garages, service bays, and similar areas (210.8(B)(6), (7) and (8))

Type UF cable used with a 24V landscape lighting system can have a minimum cover of _____ in.

6 (300.5(A) and Table 300.5 Column 5)

An insulated grounded conductor of ______ or smaller shall be identified by a continuous white or gray outer finish, or by three continuous white stripes on other than green insulation along its entire length.

6 AWG (200.6(A)(1), (2) and (3))

Receptacle outlets installed for a specific appliance in a dwelling unit, such as laundry equipment, shall be located within ______ of the intended location of the appliance,

6 ft (210.50(C))

Where a building or structure is supplied by more than one service, a permanent plaque or directory shall be installed at each service disconnect location denoting all other services supplying that building or structure and the area served by each.

True (230.2(E))

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