👾 Code.org Unit 3: Animations and Games Lessons 1 - 12

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A graphic character on the screen with properties that describe its location, movement, and look.

Draw Function

A loop that repeats the code over and over again.


A note in the source code of a computer program that helps explain the code to people who read it. (The text appears gray and does NOT run in the code program.) Example: // Update Values


A placeholder for a piece of information that can change.


A precise sequence of instructions for processes that can be executed by a computer.


A series of images that create the illusion of motion by being shown rapidly one after the other.


A single image within an animation.


A single value of either TRUE or FALSE.


A variable used throughout a program that never changes value.


An algorithm that has been coded into something that can be run by a machine.


An extra piece of information passed to a function to customize it for a specific need.


Attribute that describes an object's characteristics. Ex: Scale, Rotation, X and Y Location.

If Statement

Code that only runs IF a condition is met, also called a conditional.

Coordinate Grid

Code.org Game Lab's 400 by 400 grid with a "flipped" y-axis.

Problem Solving Process

Define, Prepare, Try, Reflect (with Empathy)


Finding and fixing problems in an algorithm or program.

Random Numbers

Generate number values in the closed range from min to max.

rect(x, y, w, h)

JavaScript (JS) code that draws a rectangle onto the display positioned at x and y with sides length w(idth) and h(eight).

ellipse(x, y, w, h)

JavaScript (JS) code that draws an oval (circle) onto the display centered at x and y and inscribed in a rectangle with sides length w(idth) and h(eight).


JavaScript (JS) code to set the inside color of a shape.


JavaScript (JS) code to set the outside border color of a shape.


Part of a program that does not work correctly.

JavaScript (JS)

Programming language used to create animations and games in Code.org's Game Lab.


Statements that only run under certain conditions.

Frame Rate

The rate at which frames in an animation are shown, typically measured in frames per second.

Dot Notation

The way that sprites' properties are used in Game Lab, by connecting the sprite and property with a dot. Example: cat.setAnimation("cat");


Typed, written, or printed words.

Counter Pattern

Used to increase or decrease numbers in an incredibly useful way in programming. Can animate images, count down, or track clicks. Example: cat.x = cat.x + 1;

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