cog ch2

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c. occipital

After a head injury, Mary has difficulty with her sight. Which lobe of the brain was probably affected? a. frontal b. temporal c. occipital d. parietal e. central

c. cerebellum.

After a head injury, Sarah has trouble coordinating muscle activity. Sarah most likely suffered damage to the: a. pons. b. medulla oblongata. c. cerebellum. d. thalamus. e. hypothalamus.

c. hippocampus

Which of these structures is involved in the formation of long-term memories? a. thalamus b. hypothalamus c. hippocampus d. pons e. amygdala

e. amygdala

Which of these structures modulates the strength of emotional memories and is involved in emotional learning? a. thalamus b. hypothalamus c. hippocampus d. pons e. amygdala

a. Broca's area.

A patient who could not produce language fluently might be suffering from damage to: a. Broca's area. b. Wernicke's area. c. the corpus callosum. d. the temporal lobe. e. the cerebellum.

a. central sulcus

A structure known as the _________ divides the frontal and parietal lobes. a. central sulcus b. anterior commissure c. corpus callosum d. lateral sulcus e. amygdala

b. CAT scan

A technique in which a highly focused beam of X-rays is passed through the body from many different angles, allowing visualization of an organ such as the brain: a. MRI b. CAT scan c. PET scan d. fMRI e. EEG

c. loss of the ability to form new memories.

Damage to the hippocampus would result in: a. death. b. blindness. c. loss of the ability to form new memories. d. deafness. e. loss of balance.

c. death.

Damage to the medulla oblongata would most likely result in: a. blindness. b. amnesia. c. death. d. loss of balance. e. inability to speak.

d. visual information.

Damage to the occipital lobe could result in difficulty processing: a. auditory information. b. memories. c. sensations of pain. d. visual information. e. sensations of temperature.

a. relay information from one part of the brain to another.

Damage to the thalamus might result in an inability to: a. relay information from one part of the brain to another. b. coordinate muscle activity. c. processing visual and auditory information. d. regulate hormones. e. remember information from one's early life.

a. aphasia.

Disruption of language abilities is referred to as: a. aphasia. b. deafness. c. prosopagnosia. d. somatosensory deficit. e. epilepsy.

a. hindbrain

Evolutionary structures within the _________ are the most primitive. a. hindbrain b. thalamus c. forebrain d. midbrain e. cerebral cortex

a. produce language fluently.

Injury to Broca's area results in an inability to: a. produce language fluently. b. understand spoken language. c. understand written language. d. write. e. understand both spoken and written language.

d. the bumps and indentations on Ray Kroc's skull

It has been reported that the parents of Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald's, were told when their son was a baby that he would have a fine career in the food industry. This pronouncement was made by a phrenologist. Upon what would the phrenologist have based such a prediction? a. a preverbal IQ test b. a CAT scan c. the position of the stars on the day of Ray Kroc's birth d. the bumps and indentations on Ray Kroc's skull e. an fMRI

b. Wernicke's area.

Jan has difficulty understanding spoken language. Jan may have suffered damage to: a. Broca's area. b. Wernicke's area. c. the hippocampus. d. the cerebellum. e. the medulla oblongata.

b. EEG.

Jane is taking part in a sleep study. Her brain wave patterns are being measured to determine her level of consciousness at various points throughout the night. The brain recording technique that is being used on Jane is: a. CAT. b. EEG. c. ERP. d. PET. e. MRI.

b. forebrain.

The thalamus, hypothalamus, and hippocampus are all structures of the: a. hindbrain. b. forebrain. c. midbrain. d. medulla. e. spinal cord.

b. medulla oblongata

This structure transmits information from the spinal cord to the brain, and regulates life support functions such as respiration: a. hypothalamus b. medulla oblongata c. pons d. cerebellum e. hippocampus

d. ERP.

To measure an area of the brain's response to a specific event, we use: a. CAT. b. MRI. c. EEG. d. ERP. e. PET.

d. regulating homeostatic behaviors

Which is NOT a function of the pons? a. acting as a neural relay center b. facilitating the crossover of information between the left side of the body and the right side of the brain c. processing visual and auditory information d. regulating homeostatic behaviors e. balance

e. basic sensory processing.

"Executive functioning" involves all of the following EXCEPT: a. planning. b. making decisions. c. using working memory. d. inhibiting inappropriate behavior. e. basic sensory processing.

a. left hemisphere.

About 95% of all human beings show a specialization for language in the: a. left hemisphere. b. right hemisphere. c. frontal lobe. d. temporal lobe. e. occipital lobe.

e. MRI requires no exposure to radiation and permits clearer pictures

An advantage of MRI as compared to CAT scans: a. MRI provides information about neuroanatomy b. MRI requires no exposure to radiation c. MRI can be used on people who have pacemakers d. MRI often permits clearer pictures e. MRI requires no exposure to radiation and permits clearer pictures

a. pinpoint areas of brain damage.

CAT scans are usually used to: a. pinpoint areas of brain damage. b. measure cerebral blood flow. c. track areas of brain activity while performing a particular task. d. detect different states of consciousness. e. measure the electrical activity of a single brain cell.

a. pons

Joseph has suffered a stroke. He now experiences difficulty with balance, as well as trouble processing visual and auditory information. Which area of the brain has most likely been damaged? a. pons b. thalamus c. medulla oblongata d. hippocampus e. cerebellum

a. the total amount of cortex removed.

Lashley's studies of ablation in rats suggested that maze running was related to: a. the total amount of cortex removed. b. the rat's age at the time of cortex removal. c. the particular part of the cortex removed. d. both the location and amount of cortex removed. e. both the age of the rat and the total amount of cortex removed.

a. midbrain

Many of the structures of the _______ are involved in relaying information between other brain regions. a. midbrain b. hindbrain c. forebrain d. cerebral cortex e. frontal lobes

b. cerebellum.

Muscle activity is coordinated in the primitive brain structure called the: a. pons. b. cerebellum. c. medulla oblongata. d. thalamus. e. hypothalamus.

c. understand speech.

Patients with Wernicke's aphasia are often unable to: a. produce speech. b. speak with fluent rhythm. c. understand speech. d. modulate pitch when speaking. e. speak with fluent rhythm and appropriately modulated pitch.

a. premotor cortex

Phil was once an accomplished pianist, but after a head injury, he has lost his ability to play the piano. Which part of the cortex was probably damaged? a. premotor cortex b. prefrontal cortex c. frontal cortex d. occipital cortex e. parietal cortex

a. hypothalamus

Rats with damage to the _________ may starve themselves to death because they fail to eat. a. hypothalamus b. thalamus c. cerebellum d. hippocampus e. amygdala

b. corpus callosum

Split brain operations involved severing which brain structure? a. medulla oblongata b. corpus callosum c. anterior commisure d. amygdala e. superior colliculi

b. temporal

The _____ lobes are involved in the processing of sensory information from the body, such as pain, pressure, touch, and temperature. a. occipital b. temporal c. frontal d. prefrontal e. anterior

a. premotor cortex

The _______ is involved in the planning of fine motor movements. a. premotor cortex b. motor cortex c. prefrontal cortex d. frontal cortex e. occipital cortex

b. relay information.

The function of the thalamus is to: a. coordinate muscle activity. b. relay information. c. regulate hormones. d. regulate emotional reactions. e. form memories.

a. faculty psychology

The idea that different mental abilities, such as reading and arithmetic, are independent functions carried out by different parts of the brain: a. faculty psychology b. Gestalt psychology c. functionalism d. structuralism e. phrenology

c. corpus callosum.

The left and right hemispheres of the frontal, parietal, and occipital lobes are connected by the: a. medulla oblongata. b. anterior commissure. c. corpus callosum. d. amygdale. e. superior colliculi.

c. occipital

The part of the cerebral cortex at the back of the head is called the ______ lobe. a. frontal b. parietal c. occipital d. temporal e. superior

d. each part receives information from a specific part of the body, and more sensitive parts of the body have correspondingly larger areas of the brain associated with them.

The primary somatosensory cortex is organized such that: a. each part receives information from a specific part of the body. b. the total amount of "brain real estate" devoted to a particular body part is proportional to the size of that body part. c. more sensitive parts of the body have correspondingly larger areas of the brain associated with them. d. each part receives information from a specific part of the body, and more sensitive parts of the body have correspondingly larger areas of the brain associated with them. e. each part receives information from a specific part of the body, and the total amount of "brain real estate" devoted to a particular body part is proportional to the size of that body part.

a. Different parts of the brain control different functions.

Which of the following assumptions of phrenology was basically correct? a. Different parts of the brain control different functions. b. The size of a portion of the brain corresponds to its relative power. c. Bumps on the skull coincide with enlarged brain areas. d. Different brain faculties are absolutely independent of each other. e. The size of the overall brain is a good measure of intelligence.

c. the fingertips

Which of the following body parts is associated with the greatest amount of "brain real estate" in the somatosensory cortex? a. the back b. the chest c. the fingertips d. the thigh e. the upper arm

c. EEG

Which of the following can detect different states of consciousness? a. CAT b. MRI c. EEG d. ERP e. PET

c. hypothalamus

Which of the following controls the pituitary gland by releasing hormones? a. thalamus b. medulla c. hypothalamus d. pons e. cerebellum

d. postcentral gyrus

Which of the following is NOT a region of the frontal lobes? a. motor cortex b. prefrontal cortex c. premotor cortex d. postcentral gyrus

a. memory formation

Which of the following is NOT regulated by the hypothalamus? a. memory formation b. temperature c. eating and drinking d. sexual behavior e. sleeping

b. language processing

Which of the following is associated primarily with the left hemisphere? a. working on geometric puzzles b. language processing c. musical ability d. navigating around familiar spaces e. drawing sketches

d. the ability to navigate around familiar spaces

Which of the following is associated primarily with the right hemisphere? a. the ability to speak b. the ability to understand language c. the ability to do arithmetic d. the ability to navigate around familiar spaces e. the ability to read

e. both PET scans and fMRI

Which of the following neuropsychological method(s) provide(s) information about the amount of dynamic blood flow to various regions of the brain? a. CAT scans b. MRI c. PET scans d. fMRI e. both PET scans and fMRI

a. Franz Gall

Who originated the idea of localization of function? a. Franz Gall b. William James c. Wilhelm Wundt d. Paul Broca e. Sigmund Freud

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