cog test 3

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Despite scientific evidence to the contrary, Harry believes that drinking dandelion tea would improve his long-term memory because he saw several news stories and articles about it online. What is Harry experiencing?

Illusory Truth Effect

What is likely to occur if a person sustains damage to the parietal lobe of the brain?

Image processing will be reduced by half.

According to the _____ approach to memory, what people report as memories is based on what actually happened plus additional factors such as other knowledge, experiences, and expectations.


The technique in which things to be remembered are placed at different locations in a mental image of of a spatial layout is known as...

the method of loci

Shepard and Metzler's "image rotation" experiment was so influential and important to the study of cognition because it demonstrated

imagery and perception may share the same mechanisms.

Your text's discussion of eyewitness testimony illustrates that this type of memory is frequently influenced by all of the following EXCEPT...

failing to elaborately rehearse these kinds of events due to fear

"Early" researchers of imagery (beginning with Aristotle until just prior to the dominance of behaviorism) proposed all of the following ideas EXCEPT

imagery requires a special mechanism.

The observation that older adults often become nostalgic for the "good old days" reflects the self-image hypothesis, which states that

memory for life events is enhanced during the time we assume our life identities.

Kosslyn's transcranial magnetic stimulation experiment on brain activation that occurs in response to imagery found that the brain activity in the visual cortex

plays a causal role in both perception and imagery.

_____ is a "typical" member of a category


Memories of the past that have been pushed out of a person's consciousness are considered to be


Autobiographical memory research shows that a person's brain is more extensively activated when viewing photos

the person took himself or herself

According to the concept of topographical mapping, which of the following stimuli encountered on a beach trip will activate the farthest forward in the visual cortex?

A pink beachball on your towel

Your text describes an experiment by Talarico and Rubin (2003)...

After 32 weeks, participants had a high level of confidence in their memories of the terrorist events, but lower belief in their memories of "everyday" events

Which statement below is NOT true, based on the results of memory research?

Although eyewitness testimony is often faulty, people who have just viewed a videotape of a crime are quite accurate at picking the "perpetrator" from a lineup.

According to the hub and spoke model, which area of the brain serves as the hub?

Anterior temporal lobe

Which of the following is most commonly associated with music-enhanced autobiographical memories (MEAMS)?


Which of the following is the most accurate statement regarding post-event information and the misinformation effect?

Even when participants are told that the post-event information is incorrect, the misinformation effect can still occur

Which of the following is the most accurate statement regarding post-event information and the misinformation effect?

Even when participants are told that the post-event information is incorrect, the misinformation effect can still occur.

___________ are actual members of a category that a person has encountered in the past.


Which of the following represents a basic level item?


Suppose we ask people to perform the following cognitive tasks. Which is LEAST likely to strongly activate the visual cortex?

Imagine the meaning of the word "ethics."

Flashbulb memory is best represented by which of the following statements?

It is memory for the circumstances surrounding how a person heard about an emotional event that remains especially vivid but not necessarily accurate over time.

After witnessing a bank robbery downtown, Javier completed a cognitive interview at the police station. What term would Javier likely use to describe his interview experience?


Which of the following is a connectionist model proposing that concepts are represented by activity that is spread across a network?

Parallel distributed processing theory

Which of the following statements is true of the cognitive interview technique?

Police allow witnesses to talk with a minimum of interruption from the officer

__________ occurs when reading a sentence leads a person to expect something that is not explicitly stated or necessarily implied by the sentence.

Pragmatic inference

Which type of research employed a "train on perception, test on perception" method to demonstrate imagery/perception overlap?

Transcranial magnetic stimulation

Your text describes cross-cultural studies of categorization with U.S. and Itzaj participants. Given the results of these studies, we know that if asked to name basic level objects for a category, U.S. participants would answer ___________ and Itzaj participants would answer ___________.

Tree; oak

Monique is an interior design student. As part of her internship, she is redesigning a small kitchen for a client. She would like to expand the kitchen and add a dining area. Before creating sketches for the client, she imagines the new layout in her mind, most likely using

a depictive representation

Mental scanning experiments found

a direct relationship between scanning time and distance on the image.

in a lexical decision task, participants have to decide whether

a presented stimulus is a word

A script is a type of schema that also includes knowledge of...

a sequence of actions

The propositional approach may use any of the following EXCEPT

a spatial layout.

A task for determining how prototypical an object is would be

a task where participants rate the extent to which each member represents the category title.

Suppose that, as a participant in an imagery study, you are asked to memorize the four outside walls of a three-story rectangular house. Later, you are asked to report how many windows are on the front of the house. You will probably be fastest to answer this question if you create an image as though you were standing

at the far side of the front yard, away from the house

In Lindsay's "misinformation effect" experiment, participants saw a sequence of slides showing a maintenance man stealing money and a computer, narration by female speaker, results showed that the misinformation effect was greatest when presentation of misleading post-event information was

auditory from a female speaker

Learning takes place in a connectionist network through a process of ___________ in which an error signal is transmitted starting from the property units.

back propagation

Peggy is participating in a paired-associate learning experiment. During the study period, she is presented with pairs of words such as boat- hat and car- house. While taking the test, she would be presented with

boat _______ - car ________.

which of the choices best represents cognitive economy in the following sentence? the property ____ is stored at the _____ node.

can fly; bird

Measuring the amount of time a person requires to complex different cognitive tasks is the goal of mental...


Schrauf and Rubin's "two groups of immigrants" study found that the reminiscence bump coincided with periods of rapid change, occurring at a normal age for people emigrating early in life but shifting to 15 years later for those who emigrated later. These results support the...

cognitive hypothesis

Learning in the connectionist network is represented by adjustments to network

connection weights

The "telephone game" is often played by children. One child creates a story and whispers it to a second child, who does the same to a third child, and so on. When the last child recites the story to the group, his or her reproduction of the story is generally shorter than the original and contains many omissions and inaccuracies. This game shows how memory is a __________ process.


In the "word list" false memory experiment where several students incorrectly remembered hearing the word sleep, false memory occurs because of

constructive memory processes.

Bartlett's experiment in which English participants were asked to recall the "War of the Ghosts" story that was taken from the French Indian culture illustrated the...

constructive nature of memory

the key difference between depicitive representation and propositional representation is based on which of the following?


Which of the following has been shown to play a role in the strength of memories that are associated with emotion?


Arkes and Freedman's "baseball game" experiment asked participants to indicate whether the following sentence was present in a passage they had previously read about events in a game: "The batter was safe at first." Their findings showed inaccurate memories involved

creations from inferences based on baseball knowledge.

In the multiple-factor approach, the fact that people exhibit physical attributes, actions, and emotions is known as...


Unconscious plagiarism of the work of others is known as


Lindsay's misinformation effect experiment, in which participants were given a memory test about a sequence of slides showing a maintenance man stealing money and a computer, showed that participants are influenced by MPI...

even if they are told to ignore the post-event information

Research suggests that the _____ approach to categorization works best for small categories (e.g., U.S. presidents)


Mental imagery involves

experiencing a sensory impression in the absence of sensory input.

A lesson to be learned from the research on flashbulb memories is that

extreme vividness of a memory does not mean it is accurate.

Imagine that a young child is just learning about the category "dog." Thus far, she has experienced only two dogs, one a poodle and the other a German shepherd. On her third encounter with a dog, she will be LEAST likely to correctly categorize the animal as a dog if that animal

is a breed of dog that is hairless and teacup-sized

The "imagery debate" is concerned with whether imagery

is based on spatial or language mechanisms.

In drawing conclusions about the relationship between imagery and perception, a notable difference between them is that

it is harder to manipulate mental images than perceptual images

According to the typicality effect,

items that are high in prototypicality are judged more rapidly as being in a group.

A spatial imagery test measures a person's capacity with imaging which of the following?


"S" who had a photographic memory that was described as virtually limitless, was able to achieve many feats of memory. According to the discussion in your text, S's memory system operated

less efficiently than normal

Experiments that argue against a special flashbulb memory mechanism find that as time increases since the occurrence of the flashbulb event, participants

make more errors in their recollections

The scanning task used by Kosslyn involves

mental images

In the semantic network model, a specific category or concept is represented as a


The pegword technique is particularly suitable for use when you need to remember items based on their


Perky's imagery study (1910) had participants describe images of objects that were dimly projected onto a screen. The significance of Perky's results was that

people were influenced by the projected images when forming their mental images, even when they were unaware that the projected images were present

Your friend has been sick for several days, so you go over to her home to make her some chicken soup. Searching for a spoon, you first reach in a top drawer beside the dishwasher. Then, you turn to the big cupboard beside the stove to search for a pan. In your search, you have relied on a kitchen


According to the ___________ approach, there are certain types of concepts that have specific neural circuits in the brain.

semantic category

The experiment for which people were asked to make fame judgments for both famous and non-famous names (and for which Sebastian Weissdorf was one of the names to be remembered) illustrated the effect of __________ on memory.

source misattributions

A mental rotation task is focused on the ________ aspect of imagery.


Items high on prototypicality have ___________ family resemblances.


For the category "fruit," people give a higher typicality rating to "banana" than to "kiwi." Knowing that, we can also reason that

the word "fruit" will lead to a larger priming effect for banana than for kiwi.

The lesson to be learned from the imagery techniques for memory enhancement (e.g.,, the pegword technique) is that these techniques work because

they showcase the fact that memory improvement requires a great deal of practice and perseverance

Leaving a footprint in the wet sand - with a deep indentation for the heel; a rise for the arch, and each toe clearly identified

topographic map

Asking people to recall the most influential events that happened during their college careers shows that __________ in people's lives appear to be particularly memorable.

transition points

Luis is taking his girlfriend, Rosa, to a resort town neither one of them has visited. Luis wants to make a good impression on Rosa, so he spends the week before the trip reading about fun places to go while they are there. He also memorizes a map of the small resort town, so he can lead her around without bothering to ask for directions. When they arrive, they first visit a botanical garden. When Rosa says, "Where to next?" Luis conjures a mental image of the map and says, "art museum." Let's assume the garden was six inches due south on the map and that it took Luis four seconds to scan the map image between the two. After they visit the museum, Luis takes Rosa to a fancy restaurant. On the map, the restaurant was three inches northwest of the museum, so it is most likely that when Luis scanned the image to find the restaurant, the scan took approximately ___________ seconds.


According to Collins and Quillian's semantic network model, it should take longest to verify which statement below?

A turtle is an animal.

Behaviorists branded the study of imagery as being unproductive because

visual images are invisible to everyone except the person experiencing them.

According to Rosch, the ___________ level of categories reflects people's everyday experience.


The conceptual peg hypothesis would predict enhanced memory for which word pair?

Cake mug

Which of the following terms is most closely associated with semantic networks?

Cognitive economy

Latoya is remembering a fun day at the beach that she had with her dad when she was a little girl. Which region of the brain will have the LEAST connection to the more personal aspects of Latoya's memory?

Prefrontal cortex

As described in your text, the pegword technique relies on all of the following EXCEPT


"3 x + 9 = 16" is a ___________representation.


Which of the following representation types is associated with abstract concepts?


Rosch found that participants respond more rapidly in a same-different task when presented with "good" examples of colors such as "red" and "green" than when they are presented with "poor" examples such as "pink" and "light green." The result of this experiment was interpreted as supporting the ___________ approach to categorization.


Which approach to categorization involves forming a standard representation based on an average of category members that a person has encountered in the past?


Which of the following is key to the illusory truth effect?


The ____ model includes associations between concepts and the property of spreading activation.

Semantic Network

The other day, Thuy experienced a Proustian effect memory. What did Thuy likely do to trigger this experience?

Smell perfume

Wei has allergy symptoms. He has gone to his regular doctor and an allergy specialist, but he wasn't given a prescription by either doctor. Instead, he was advised to buy an over-the-counter medicine. While he was in the specialist's waiting area, he read a magazine where he saw three ads for an allergy medicine called SneezeLess. A week later, in a drug store, Wei says to his brother, "My doctor says SneezeLess works great. I'll buy that one." Wei and his doctor never discussed SneezeLess. Wei has fallen victim to which of the following errors?

Source monitoring

Kosslyn interpreted the results of his research on imagery (such as the island experiment) as supporting the idea that the mechanism responsible for imagery involves ___________ representations.


Complete the following analogy: Perception is to ________ as imagery is to ________.

Stone; Smoke

According to the cognitive hypothesis, experiences that occur during periods of rapid personal development followed by periods of stability tend to be easier to remember due to which of the following?

Strong encoding

According to the connectionist model, which of the following is impacted by connection weight?

Synapse activity

Which of the following theories on conceptual representation combines both sensory and motor experiences?

The embodied approach

Which of the following would be in a basic level category?


One criticism of the embodied approach is that it doesn't explain how humans can recognize ________.


Which of the following terms does NOT reflect the concept of flashbulb memories?


For most adults over age 40, the reminiscence bump describes enhanced memory for

adolescence and young adulthood

Imagery neurons respond to

an actual visual image as well as imagining that same image

in the context of cognitive psychology and conceptual models, a tool would be classified as an ____


Two different definitions of ________ offered by your book include (a) "the mental representation of a class or individual," and (b) "the meaning of objects, events, and abstract ideas."


One of the key properties of the ___________ approach is that a specific concept is represented by activity that is distributed over many units in the network.


The process of back propagation is most closely associated with

connectionist networks

It may be difficult for young Matthew, who is only 4 years of age, to understand the difference between the iPad that his mother uses, the Kindle that his brother uses, and the Galaxy tablet that his sister uses. After all, all of them are tablets, have touch screens, are electronic technology, and run "apps" that include games and educational programs. These similarities remind us of the concept of ___________, which refers to the fact that animals tend to share many different properties.


In the "War of Ghosts" experiment, participants' reproductions contained inaccuracies based on

cultural expectations

One beneficial property of connectionist networks is graceful degradation, which refers to the property that

damage to the system does not completely disrupt its operation

Not all of the members of everyday categories have the same features. Most fish have gills, fins, and scales. Sharks lack the feature of scales, yet they are still categorized as fish. This poses a problem for the ___________ approach to categorization.


Priming occurs when presentation of one stimulus

facilitates the response to another stimulus that usually follows closely in time.

The principle illustrated when most people are able to recognize a variety of examples of chairs even though no one category member may have all of the characteristic properties of "chairs" (e.g., most chairs have four legs but not all do) is

family resemblance.

Ira and his sister are playing "Name that Tune," the object of which is to name the title of the song when given the song's first line. Ira suggests the line "Sleigh bells ring, are you listening?" His sister can't come up with the answer at first, but realizing that the title is often embedded in the lyrics, she tries to sing them silently to herself. She then bursts out "Ah! It's 'Winter Wonderland'!" It is most likely that Ira's sister used _____ in playing the game.

inner audition

The experiment in which participants first read sentences about a baseball game and were then asked to identify sentences they had seen before, illustrated that memory

involves making inferences

Kosslyn concluded that the image field is limited in size. This conclusion was drawn from the ___________ experiment.

mental walk

Jorge and Bob are neighbors. Jorge loves birds and his father works for the zoo. He has been to a dozen bird sanctuaries, and he and his dad go on bird watching hikes once a month. In contrast, Bob doesn't think much about birds. His only contact with them is in his backyard. It would be correct to say that Jorge's standard probably involves

more exemplars than Bob's.

Jackie went to the grocery store to pick up yogurt, bread, and apples. First, she picked up a hand basket for carrying her groceries, and then she searched the store. After finding what she needed, she stood in a check-out line. Then, the cashier put her items in a plastic bag, and soon after, Jackie left the store. As readers of this event, we understand that Jackie paid for the groceries, even though it wasn't mentioned, because we are relying on a grocery store _____ that is stored in _______ long-term memory.


According to the sensory-functional hypothesis, our ability to differentiate living things and artifacts depends on a semantic memory system that distinguishes _____ and one that distinguishes _____.

sensory attributes; function

Your text describes the case of M.G.S. who underwent brain surgery as treatment for severe epilepsy. Testing of M.G.S. pre- and post-surgery revealed that the right visual cortex is involved in the

size of the field of view.

The "wedding reception" false memory experiment shows that false memories can be explained as a product of familiarity and

source misattribution

The experiment for which people were asked to make fame judgments for both famous and non-famous names (and for which Sebastian Weissdorf was one of the names to be remembered) illustrated the effect of _____ on memory.

source misattributions

The semantic network model predicts that the time it takes for a person to retrieve information about a concept should be determined by

the distance that must be traveled through the network.

The connectionist network has learned the correct pattern for a concept when

the error signals are reduced to nearly none and the correct properties are assigned.

Stanny and Johnson's "weapons focus" experiment, investigating memory for crime scenes, found that

the presence of a weapon hinders memory for other parts of the event

Rosch and coworkers conducted an experiment in which participants were shown a category label, like a car or vehicle, and then, after a brief delay, saw a picture. The participants' task was to indicate as rapidly as possible whether the picture was a member of the category. Their results showed

the priming effect was most robust for basic level categories.

Collins and Quillian's semantic network model predicts that the reaction time to verify "a canary is a bird" is _____ the reaction time to verify "an ostrich is a bird."

the same as

The repeated reproduction technique used in memory studies involves

the same participants remembering some information at longer and longer intervals after learning the information.

Jacoby's experiment, in which participants made judgments about whether they had previously seen the names of famous and non-famous people, found that inaccurate memories based on source misattributions occurred after a delay of...

24 hours

Which of the following reaction time data sets illustrates the typicality effect for the bird category, given the following three trials? (NOTE: Read data sets as RTs for Trial 1: Trial 2: Trial 3) Trial 1: An owl is a bird. Trial 2: A penguin is a bird. Trial 3: A sparrow is a bird.

583: 653: 518 ms

Suppose we asked people to form simultaneous images of two or more animals such as a rabbit alongside an elephant. Then, we ask them basic questions about the animals. For example, we might ask if the rabbit has whiskers. Given our knowledge of imagery research, we would expect the fastest response to this question when the rabbit is imagined alongside

A bumblebee

The four proposals addressing the representation of concepts in the brain all agree that the information is ______


Much research has been dedicated to improving the reliability of eyewitness testimony. One finding reveals that when constructing a lineup..

increasing similarity between "fillers" and a suspect leads to an increased level of missed identification of some guilty suspects

In the experiment in which participants sat in an office and then were asked to remember what they saw in the office, participants "remembered" some things, like books, that weren't actually there. This experiment illustrates the effect of _____ on memory.


Trinh is a famous chef. Since she does not like to share her secret family recipes, she does not write down her special creations, which makes it difficult to remember their ingredients. To aid her memory, she has created a unique "mental walk" that she takes to recall each recipe. For each one, she has a familiar "route" she can imagine walking through (e.g., from the end of her driveway to her living room) where she places each item in the recipe somewhere along the way (e.g., fish sauce splattered on the front door). By doing so, Trinh is using ___________ to organize her memories.

the method of loci

Ganis and coworkers (2004) used fMRI to measure brain activation for perception and imagery of objects. Their results showed that

perception and imagery activate the same areas of the frontal lobe, but perception activates more of the back of the brain than imagery does.

Spreading activation

primes associated concepts.

An advantage of the exemplar approach over the prototype approach is that the exemplar approach provides a better explanation of the ___________ effect.


Amedi and coworkers (2005) used fMRI to investigate the differences between brain activation for perception and imagery. Their findings showed that when participants were ___________, some areas associated with nonvisual sensation (such as hearing and touch) were ___________.

using visual images; deactivated

Paivio (1963) proposed the conceptual peg hypothesis. His work suggests which of the following would be most difficult to remember?


Extrapolating from the cultural life script hypothesis, which of the following events would be easiest to recall?

Graduating from college at age 22

Which statement below is most closely associated with the early history of the study of imagery?

Thought is always accompanied by imagery

Kosslyn's island experiment used the _____ procedure.

mental scanning

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