College Planning & Preperation - Module 3 & Study Set #1 (LUOA)

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Some colleges are more hands-on with ____________ than are others.


Identify advice from professors on navigating college life: - "Sit in the back of the class for the best view." - "You are a customer purchasing a product and professors are here to give you what you want." - "Always complete the assigned readings so you have a background of what is going on." - "Follow instructions, and ask questions if you do not understand."

- "Always complete the assigned readings so you have a background of what is going on." - "Follow instructions, and ask questions if you do not understand."

Identify advice from professors on navigating college life. [Select all that apply.] - "Don't miss class." - "Don't sleep in my class to make up for sleep you missed the night before." - "Always ask for help while your professor is setting up the materials at the podium." - "Ignore your professor until the end of the course."

- "Don't miss class." - "Don't sleep in my class to make up for sleep you missed the night before.

How long should pre-writing take? - 15% of the time - 25% of the time - 75% of the time - 85% of the time

- 85% of the time

Which of the following is true to help cure homesickness? - Avoid spending a lot of time thinking about home. - Call or facetime your family and friends all of the time. - Call home often, but not incessantly. - Get involved in your local community.

- Avoid spending a lot of time thinking about home. - Call home often, but not incessantly. - Get involved in your local community.

Which of the following means communication etiquette? [Select all that apply.] - Being aware of your manners. Say "please," "thank you," and "you're welcome." - Not wasting time. Get to the point quickly, state it, and wait for a response. - Being cordial but distantly cold. - Watching your words. Sometimes the way you order words can miscommunicate your thoughts.

- Being aware of your manners. Say "please," "thank you," and "you're welcome." - Not wasting time. Get to the point quickly, state it, and wait for a response. - Watching your words. Sometimes the way you order words can miscommunicate your thoughts.

Which of the following is true in how to handle an in-person meeting with a professor? - Come prepared. - Stay for a really long time, even if there is a line. You were there first, after all. - Tell them what they need to do for you, don't ask them questions. - Stop during office hours or make an appointment.

- Come prepared. - Stop during office hours or make an appointment.

What does Liberty University call their roadmap of courses to earn a specific degree? - Degree Completion Plans - Degree Information Audit - Major Class Audit - Transfer Sheet

- Degree Completion Plans

Choose which of the following your reading indicates will be responsibilities expected of you in college: - Do your own laundry, regularly. - Study, don't cram. - Eat only the food served in the dining hall. - Hold yourself to a standard and meet it.

- Do your own laundry, regularly. - Study, don't cram. - Hold yourself to a standard and meet it.

_____________ has dignity. - Every person you communicate with - Your professors - Your roommates - Only those in authority over you

- Every person you communicate with

What should you do about church family when you're at college? - Only talk to friends from your home church on FaceTime. - Attend all the live stream services of your home church. - Find a church family in your new, temporary home. - Avoid making connections with anyone in your new environment.

- Find a church family in your new, temporary home.

What is one of the most important things to do before you leave for college? - Prepay your student loans. - Find housing on campus. - Find your spiritual center. - Meet your instructors.

- Find your spiritual center.

Academic work and Professional or church settings are examples of ___________ writing. - Formal - personal - casual - creative

- Formal

How can you build your spiritual well-being? - Have other people pray for you. - Talk to your close family and friends about concerns and successes. - Stay accountable with your support system. - Challenge all your beliefs beforehand.

- Have other people pray for you. - Talk to your close family and friends about concerns and successes. - Stay accountable with your support system.

Communication etiquette is important because: [Select all that apply.] - You have to hook people with a clever and well-crafted thesis statement. - People only respond to coercion via email. - It gives the recipient the ability and motivation to respond in like manner. - It helps the recipient focus on what you say more than on how you say it.

- It gives the recipient the ability and motivation to respond in like manner. - It helps the recipient focus on what you say more than on how you say it.

Which of the following is true about taking an upper level course early in your college career? - It is really challenging because of all the new things you're getting used to. - It may be advantageous to get ahead of your peers. - Professors love to see freshmen in advanced classes. - There are pre-requisites to your upper level courses.

- It is really challenging because of all the new things you're getting used to. - It may be advantageous to get ahead of your peers. - There are pre-requisites to your upper level courses.

Which is true about attending a Christian school? - It is more difficult to maintain your spiritual center. - It should be easier to maintain your spiritual center. - They offer 24-hour prayer service. - Prayer service is only optional.

- It should be easier to maintain your spiritual center

Communication etiquette is important because: - You will need to manipulate people to like you. - You need to be seen as nice, while not actually being so. - It shows that you have respect for yourself and for others. - It will be important for your professional life—get used to it now.

- It shows that you have respect for yourself and for others. - It will be important for your professional life—get used to it now.

How should you approach working with your advisor? - Listen to them and take advice. - Blindly follow exactly what they say. - Understand your own goals and ask for help to those ends. - Ignore everything they say.

- Listen to them and take advice. - Understand your own goals and ask for help to those ends.

Why is reading important in college? - It is a good relaxing pastime. - It helps you deepen your understanding. - Some material found on tests is only found in the reading, not in class. - You have to do the bare minimum to get by.

- Some material found on tests is only found in the reading, not in class.

What happens to most students when they are in their first semester of college? - They lose fifteen pounds. - They increase their grades by a letter grade. - They find their dream job. - Their grades drop by one letter grade.

- Their grades drop by one letter grade.

Why are activities important to engage in at college? - They help make you stronger, and stronger people are smarter. - They help you procrastinate, making you older and wiser when you do your work. - They are good for your mental health. - They help you to decompress.

- They are good for your mental health. - They help you to decompress

Which is true about your study methods? - They will be different from discipline to discipline. - They will be the same. - They should all take the same time. - They'll change each term.

- They will be different from discipline to discipline.

Which of the following is true about framing an email to a professor? - Understand the title they go by. - Be curt and quick—they are busy. - Give clear information for them to understand your question or issue. - Give them which class you are in, including section. - Proofread your emails for clarity and grammar. - Tone means nothing in email.

- Understand the title they go by. - Give clear information for them to understand your question or issue. - Give them which class you are in, including section. - Proofread your emails for clarity and grammar.

Which of the following are questions you should ask to prepare for tests? - Where is the test? - When is the test? - How many points is it worth? - What content is being tested? - How much is the test? - What will the format be? - When is the retake day? - How many questions are on Chegg?

- When is the test? - How many points is it worth? - What content is being tested? - How much is the test? - What will the format be?

____________ should be the shortest part of the process of writing. - Pre-writing - Writing - Revisions

- Writing

Why is it beneficial to get someone to look over your work? - No need to do this as you need to be focused on speed. - It is actually cheating to let someone else read it. - You have seen it many times and you are used to reading it. - Someone else edits for you and saves you time.

- You have seen it many times and you are used to reading it.

Why is it important to know exactly what you believe spiritually before going to college? - You will be in contact with ideas and opinions that are new or contradictory to your worldview. - You will be tested on it in college. - You will be taking responsibility for your own spiritual and physical well-being. - You will be commanded to proselytize as part of the curriculum.

- You will be in contact with ideas and opinions that are new or contradictory to your worldview. - You will be taking responsibility for your own spiritual and physical well-being.

Which of the following is true about talking to your friends, classmates, parents, professors, and administrators? - You will talk to them the same. - You will talk to them with deference. - You will talk to them with derision. - You will talk to them differently.

- You will talk to them differently.

Why is reading a college textbook different than reading a novel? - You're reading for understanding. - You're not reading for basic information. - The main plot is ambiguous. - You're running into unfamiliar information that you'll need to review.

- You're reading for understanding. - You're not reading for basic information. - You're running into unfamiliar information that you'll need to review.

Which of the following are examples of campus activities? - academic clubs - volunteer organizations - social events class attendance

- academic clubs - volunteer organizations - social events

What does the student government do? - makes policies on campus - plans homecoming events - changes the food options at the dining hall - acts as an intermediary between students and the school administration

- acts as an intermediary between students and the school administration

Which of the following are common problems that roommates fight about? - borrowing things without permission - being messy - not using good personal hygiene - throwing a party that everyone consented to have - not respecting personal space - eating your roommates food - sharing your ow pizza - improper behavior

- borrowing things without permission - being messy - not using good personal hygiene - not respecting personal space - eating your roommates food - improper behavior

You need to be sure to set _________ and __________ as soon as possible so there are no assumptions and miscommunications. - assumptions; miscommunications - boundaries; responsibilities - borders; regions - rules; rights

- boundaries; responsibilities

When learning to read a textbook, what should you do to help get you started? - read everything in one sitting - only read with no distracting material, including pens and paper - break down reading assignments into smaller chunks - read with loud music.

- break down reading assignments into smaller chunks

How should you divide time on a weekly schedule? - by blocks devoted to specific tasks or purposes - minute by minute to plan focused productivity - just write down ideas of what you want to do and fill it in - You should really be planning per day.

- by blocks devoted to specific tasks or purposes

Which of the following words should encompass how to approach an RA? - panicked - calm - frantic - manic

- calm

The best ___________ are the ones you take yourself. - photos - class notes - study breaks

- class notes

Respect and patience are important aspects of ______________. - writing - communication - applying to college - choosing friends

- communication

Which of the following would be good advice for taking notes? [Select all that apply.] - don't take notes, use PowerPoint - never use someone else's notes - compare notes with a classmate to see a different perspective - use PowerPoint, if available, to guide your own notes structure

- compare notes with a classmate to see a different perspective - use PowerPoint, if available, to guide your own notes structure

How you handle ________ between roommates says as much about your ________ relationship with Christ as it does your abilities to work through issues. - fights; emotional - cooking; metaphysical - cleaning; religious - conflict; spiritual

- conflict; spiritual

Write down a summary of the section you just read, connect the chapter with the rest of the readings, and review the main points are all approaches you should take in the ____________step of reading your college textbook. - preview - reading - consider

- consider

Brainstorming is an example of _____________ writing. - formal - personal - casual - creative

- creative

What does it show when you choose to make the hard choices to be responsible? - dedication - integrity - apathy - fortitude

- dedication - integrity

It is necessary to be a good roommate before you can _______ it of others. - request - enforce - demand - dictate

- demand

When should you establish a study pattern? - after your first year - after 2 or 3 tests - early - immediately

- early

What would count as casually writing for others? [Select all that apply.] - emails or texts to your teacher - emails or texts to family - emails or texts to friends - emails or texts to your doctor

- emails or texts to family - emails or texts to friends

How does test anxiety manifest itself? - emotionally - spiritually - behaviorally - physically

- emotionally - behaviorally - physically

Which of the following are likely to be present at larger universities? - football - basketball - hockey - soccer

- football - basketball

What kind of classes may you be required to take your freshman year? - higher-level physics - Advanced Trigonometry - special topic seminars - general studies courses

- general studies courses

Which of the following are good tips for taking notes on a computer? - constantly change your strategy - get familiar with your note-taking program of choice - have no organization for your work - create folders for all of your organization

- get familiar with your note-taking program of choice - create folders for all of your organization

What would teachers rather do? - give instruction before rather than correction later - give correction after rather than instruction before - give correction before rather than instruction after - give solutions before questions

- give instruction before rather than correction later

What should you do if you feel completely overwhelmed by a test? - dig in deeper and focus on the test - go for a run - decompress - call a family member or friend

- go for a run - decompress - call a family member or friend

What do Resident Assistants do to help in dorm life? - help coordinate activities - resolve conflict - assist with cleaning rooms - evict students without cause

- help coordinate activities - resolve conflict

What do Academic Advisors do? - tell you exactly what classes you take and when - help guide you in your academic career - keep you on track with program requirements - tell you when to withdraw and give up

- help guide you in your academic career - keep you on track with program requirements

What does the Student Advocate Office do? - helps with financial aid or student accounts - engages in mock trials - supports the Student Government Association - helps with conflicts on campus

- helps with financial aid or student accounts - helps with conflicts on campus

No matter if you attend a secular or Christian school, what should you do? [Select all that apply.] - hold Bible studies - find people to hold you accountable for your Christian walk - do whatever feels best - attend prayer groups

- hold Bible studies - find people to hold you accountable for your Christian walk - attend prayer groups

When is it a good idea to take notes on a computer? - if you are a fast typer - if your professor approves of electronics in the classroom - if you can stay disciplined to not be distracted - so you can multitask

- if you are a fast typer - if your professor approves of electronics in the classroom - if you can stay disciplined to not be distracted

Which of the following athletic groups could you join or make friends in? - intramural sports - international chess championships - competitive basket weaving - club sports

- intramural sports - club sports

Which of the following is true about the revision phase of writing a research paper? - many skip this step as it is deemed unnecessary - you'll adjust your language to be appropriate to your audience - review for clarity and grammar - meeting the word count means you're done - you will only revise once - the rest of the time you have left on the paper should be in this stage

- many skip this step as it is deemed unnecessary - you'll adjust your language to be appropriate to your audience - review for clarity and grammar - the rest of the time you have left on the paper should be in this stage

As a college student, what are the three tools you should use to keep track of your time? - monthly calendar - weekly schedule - daily to-do list - personal digital assistant

- monthly calendar - weekly schedule - daily to-do list

What is a good rule of thumb to know how much time you'll spend reading a chapter? - multiply 5 pages by 1 minute - multiply number of pages by 5 minutes - 1 chapter is equal to 1 hour - divide 30 pages into 1 hour

- multiply number of pages by 5 minutes

Why are clubs good for you to engage in at college? - They help waste time between classes. - They help to get your money's worth out of college. - networking opportunities - internship opportunities

- networking opportunities - internship opportunities

To what standard should you write if you're writing for yourself? [Select all that apply.] - very organized and neat - no clear grammatical style - proper grammar so you can practice - just needs to be legible and understandable later

- no clear grammatical style - just needs to be legible and understandable later

If you're writing for yourself, what kind of writing would this feature? [Choose all that apply.] - case logs - notes - journaling - organizing your thoughts

- notes - journaling - organizing your thoughts

Which of the following are important aspects of communication? [Select all that apply.] - patience - grammar - respect - accolades

- patience - respect

Which of the following can you build right now to carry with you as a spiritual habit? [Select all that apply.] - listening to music - personal prayer and Bible reading - hanging out with friends - devotional time

- personal prayer and Bible reading - devotional time

Research, note-taking, and outlining are all part of the _______________ phase. - pre-writing - writing - revision

- pre-writing

What are the three steps of writing? - pre-writing - writing - undoing - revision

- pre-writing - writing - revision

What are the three steps to effectively read a textbook? - previewing - reading - considering - reviewing

- previewing - reading - considering

What should you do as a best practice when writing casually? - highly edit your work - send to an editor - proofread - leave all the typos in

- proofread

What standards should you follow to write formally? [Choose all that apply.] - proofread carefully - send to an editor - leave the typos - follow clear expectations so you're understood well

- proofread carefully - follow clear expectations so you're understood well

What is involved with the writing stage of writing a research paper? - pulling together notes - everything must be ready to submit - fleshing out an outline - bringing in your supporting evidence - thorough editing

- pulling together notes - fleshing out an outline - bringing in your supporting evidence

A highlighter, pen and paper, and computer are all things you may need while ___________. - reading - going home on breaks - typing - making friends

- reading

Simply read your textbook, do not take notes, and highlight only when you understand the point are all approaches you should take in the ____________step of reading your college textbook. - preview - reading - consider

- reading

What is a bad strategy for reading in college? - reading and taking notes - reading and asking questions - reading in a quiet space - reading 50 pages and expecting to retain it all

- reading 50 pages and expecting to retain it all

Which of the following should be used in your preparation schedule? - record all test dates for the course on a calendar - start studying one to two hours a day, a week before the test - stay up all night - get a good night's sleep and eat a meal before the test - don't drink or eat so you don't have to go to the bathroom - study at the last minute - plan week to week when your tests are - avoid all-nighters

- record all test dates for the course on a calendar - start studying one to two hours a day, a week before the test - stay up all night - get a good night's sleep and eat a meal before the test - avoid all-nighters

We must remember to be _______, _________, and_________ in our communication. - courteous - respectful - thoughtful - encouraging

- respectful - thoughtful

What is one thing you should do with dorm or roommates? - passive-aggressively ignore issues - avoid each other - set boundaries - actively conflict with each other over laundry

- set boundaries

What should you do in previewing a textbook? - skim the chapter - review section headers - look at charts, tables, and photos - just read the chapter

- skim the chapter - review section headers - look at charts, tables, and photos

You have to figure out why you're writing before you __________________. - ask your professor questions about the assignment - start writing - choose a topic - find sources

- start writing

Who would benefit from joining student government? - students who are interested in education - students who are interested in government - students who are interested in engineering - students who are interested in public policy

- students who are interested in government - students who are interested in public policy

You should establish a _____________ early on. - friend group - procrastination method - study pattern - means of transportation

- study pattern

What are the two ways we communicate when we send emails, Tweet, or speak up in class? - the amount of hashtags we use - the words you say - the slang we know - the way we say them

- the words you say - the way we say them

Which of the following is NOT true about college academic advisors? - they will be your tutors if necessary - every school handles who they are and what they do differently - you need to establish and maintain a relationship with your advisor - they are the people who keep you on track toward graduation

- they will be your tutors if necessary

What is the purpose of a Daily To-Do list? - to show how many things you have to do - to stress you out about how much you need to do - to create priorities per day of what needs to get accomplished

- to create priorities per day of what needs to get accomplished

What can help you be a better roommate? - understanding yourself - ignoring feedback - understanding others - concentrating on how others treat you

- understanding yourself

What are some tips for taking hand-written notes? - keep everything together in one big binder, unorganized - using colored pens - separate your notes by class in separate notebooks or sections of a binder - annotate your notes after you have finished them

- using colored pens - separate your notes by class in separate notebooks or sections of a binder - annotate your notes after you have finished them

What would be an example of writing to solve a problem? [Choose all that apply.] - working out thought process - making a decision - taking a position - writing poetry

- working out thought process - making a decision - taking a position

What standards should you follow to write to solve a problem? [Choose all that apply.] - write to understand why - leave it messy - don't get it perfect - present it clearly and proofread

- write to understand why - don't get it perfect - present it clearly and proofread

What is a resource you should take advantage of to help with writing? - athletic center - academic advising - registrar's office - writing center

- writing center

Meeting with your advisor can save you time, trouble, regret and __________.


Use _________________ to help you keep up with what's being covered in class.


Preparing index cards is an _________ ____________ ______________.

active study strategy

Which of the following are questions that you can ask to prepared for a test? [choose all that apply] - What content is covered? - When is the test? - What is the format? - How much is it worth?


Meeting with your academic advisor should be a ____________________.


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