collins Level 2 vocabulary

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Q: <b> bodyguard <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bCdigB:d</font>]</b><br>

A: A bodyguard is a person or a group of people employed to protect someone.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Three of his bodyguards were injured in the attack.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The King had brought his own bodyguard of twenty armed men.</font><br>

Q: <b> borough <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bQrE</font>]</b><br>

A: A borough is a town, or a district within a large town, which has its own council.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the South London borough of Lambeth.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the New York City borough of Brooklyn.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Kirklees Borough Council.</font><br>

Q: <b> borrower <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bCrEuE</font>]</b><br>

A: A borrower is a person or organization that borrows money.<br><font color=red>= lender</font><br>

Q: <b> brand-new <br>BRAND-NEW </b><br>

A: A brand-new object is completely new.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yesterday he went off to buy himself a brand-new car.</font><br>

Q: <b> bride <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">braid</font>]</b><br>

A: A bride is a woman who is getting married or who has just got married.<br>

Q: <b> bruise <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bru:z</font>]</b><br>

A: A bruise is an injury which appears as a purple mark on your body, although the skin is not broken.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How did you get that bruise on your cheek?.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was treated for cuts and bruises.</font><br><br>If you bruise a part of your body, a bruise appears on it, for example because something hits you. If you bruise easily, bruises appear when something hits you only slightly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I had only bruised my knee.</font><br><font color=red>* bruised </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I escaped with severely bruised legs.</font><br><br>If a fruit, vegetable, or plant bruises or is bruised, it is damaged by being handled roughly, making a mark on the skin.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Choose a warm, dry day to cut them off the plants, being careful not to bruise them.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...bruised tomatoes and cucumbers...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Be sure to store them carefully as they bruise easily.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...bruises on the fruit's skin.</font><br><br>If you are bruised by an unpleasant experience, it makes you feel unhappy or upset.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The government will be severely bruised by yesterday's events.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their egos are so easily bruised.</font><br><font color=red>= wound</font><br><font color=red>* bruising </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The bruising experience of near-bankruptcy has left him chastened.</font><br>

Q: <b> balcony <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bAlkEni</font>]</b><br>

A: A balcony is a platform on the outside of a building, above ground level, with a wall or railing around it.<br><br>The balcony in a theatre or cinema is an area of seats above the main seating area.<br><font color=red>= circle</font><br>

Q: <b> balloon <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bE5lu:n</font>]</b><br>

A: A balloon is a small, thin, rubber bag that you blow air into so that it becomes larger and rounder or longer. Balloons are used as toys or decorations.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She popped a balloon with her fork.</font><br><br>A balloon is a large, strong bag filled with gas or hot air, which can carry passengers in a container that hangs underneath it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They are to attempt to be the first to circle the Earth non-stop by balloon.</font><br><br>When something balloons, it increases rapidly in amount.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In London, the use of the Tube has ballooned.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The budget deficit has ballooned to $25 billion.</font><br><font color=red>= soar, rocket</font><br>

Q: <b> barn <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bB:n</font>]</b><br>

A: A barn is a building on a farm in which crops or animal food can be kept.<br>

Q: <b> batch <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bAtF</font>]</b><br>

A: A batch of things or people is a group of things or people of the same kind, especially a group that is dealt with at the same time or is sent to a particular place at the same time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the current batch of trainee priests...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She brought a large batch of newspaper cuttings.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We're still waiting for the first batch to arrive.</font><br>

Q: <b> battlefield <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bAt(E)lfi:ld</font>]</b><br>

A: A battlefield is a place where a battle is fought.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the battlefields of the Somme.</font><br><font color=red>= battleground</font><br><br>You can refer to an issue or field of activity over which people disagree or compete as a battlefield.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the domestic battlefield of family life.</font><br><font color=red>= battleground</font><br>

Q: <b> biscuit <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5biskit</font>]</b><br>

A: A biscuit is a small flat cake that is crisp and usually sweet. (BRIT; in AM use cookie)<br><br>A biscuit is a small round dry cake that is made with baking powder, baking soda, or yeast. (AM)<br><br>If someone has done something very stupid, rude, or selfish, you can say that they take the biscuit or that what they have done takes the biscuit, to emphasize your surprise at their behaviour. (BRIT; in AM use take the cake)<br>

Q: <b> bloc <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">blCk</font>]</b><br>

A: A bloc is a group of countries which have similar political aims and interests and that act together over some issues.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the former Soviet bloc.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the world's largest trading bloc.</font><br>See also en bloc.<br>

Q: <b> bloke <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">blEuk</font>]</b><br>

A: A bloke is a man. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is a really nice bloke.</font><br>

Q: <b> Jan. <br>JAN. </b><br>

A: Jan.<br>Jan. is a written abbreviation for January.<br>

Q: <b> journalism <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dVE:nElizEm</font>]</b><br>

A: Journalism is the job of collecting news and writing about it for newspapers, magazines, television, or radio.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He began a career in journalism, working for the North London Press Group.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was an accomplished piece of investigative journalism.</font><br>See also cheque-book journalism.<br>

Q: <b> judicial <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dVu(:)5diFEl</font>]</b><br>

A: Judicial means relating to the legal system and to judgements made in a court of law.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; independent judicial inquiry...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The last judicial hanging in Britain was in l964.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...judicial decisions.</font><br><font color=red>* judicially </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Even if the amendment is passed it can be defeated judicially.</font><br>

Q: <b> local government <br>LOCAL GOVERNMENT </b><br>

A: Local government is the system of electing representatives to be responsible for the administration of public services and facilities in a particular area.<br><br>A local government is the same as a local authority. (AM)<br>

Q: <b> lunchtime <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lQntFtaim</font>]</b><br>

A: Lunchtime is the period of the day when people have their lunch.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Could we meet at lunchtime?</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a lunchtime meeting.</font><br>

Q: <b> maggot <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mAgEt</font>]</b><br>

A: Maggots are creatures that look like very small worms and turn into flies.<br>

Q: <b> Mar. <br>MAR. </b><br>

A: Mar.<br>Mar. is a written abbreviation for March.<br>

Q: <b> Mediterranean <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7meditE5reinjEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Mediterranean </b></font><br>The Mediterranean is the sea between southern Europe and North Africa.<br><br>The Mediterranean refers to the southern part of Europe, which is next to the Mediterranean Sea.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Barcelona has become one of the most dynamic and prosperous cities in the Mediterranean.</font><br><br>Something that is Mediterranean is characteristic of or belongs to the people or region around the Mediterranean Sea.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was very little meat in the classic Mediterranean diet.</font><br>

Q: <b> Member of Congress <br>MEMBER OF CONGRESS </b><br>

A: Member of Congress Members of Congress </b></font><br>A Member of Congress is a person who has been elected to the United States Congress.<br><font color=red>= MP</font><br>

Q: <b> miniature <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5minjEtFE</font>]</b><br>

A: Miniature is used to describe something which is very small, especially a smaller version of something which is normally much bigger.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Rosehill Farm has been selling miniature roses since 1979.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He looked like a miniature version of his handsome and elegant big brother.</font><br><br>If you describe one thing as another thing in miniature, you mean that it is much smaller in size or scale than the other thing, but is otherwise exactly the same.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ecuador provides a perfect introduction to South America; it's a continent in miniature.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If it can be done full-size, I can do it in miniature.</font><br><br>A miniature is a very small detailed painting, often of a person.<br><br>A miniature is a very small bottle of strong alcohol such as whisky or brandy, and usually contains enough for one or two drinks.<br>

Q: <b> boring <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bC:riN</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone or something boring is so dull and uninteresting that they make people tired and impatient.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Not only are mothers not paid but also most of their boring or difficult work is unnoticed.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...boring television programmes.</font><br><font color=red>= dull, tedious <> interesting</font><br><font color=red>* boringly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The meal itself was not so good -- everything was boringly brown including the vegetables.</font><br>

Q: <b> disabled <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5eib(E)ld</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone who is disabled has an illness, injury, or condition that tends to restrict the way that they can live their life, especially by making it difficult for them to move about.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; insight into the practical problems encountered by disabled people in the workplace.</font><br><font color=red>= handicapped</font><br><br>People who are disabled are sometimes referred to as the disabled.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There are toilet facilities for the disabled.</font><br>

Q: <b> grandchild <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5grAndtFaild</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone's grandchild is the child of their son or daughter.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mary loves her grandchildren.</font><br>

Q: <b> disturbing <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5stE:biN</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is disturbing makes you feel worried or upset.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was something about him she found disturbing.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There are disturbing reports of killings at the two centres.</font><br><font color=red>* disturbingly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Government has itself recognised the disturbingly high frequency of racial attacks.</font><br>

Q: <b> enjoyable <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5dVCiEb(E)l</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is enjoyable gives you pleasure.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was much more enjoyable than I had expected.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the most enjoyable activity they did.</font><br><font color=red>* enjoyably </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; enjoyably nasty thriller.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the place in which he has enjoyably spent his working life.</font><br>

Q: <b> lb <br>LB </b><br>

A: The baby was born three months early at 3 lb 5oz.</font><br><font color=red>= pound</font><br>

Q: <b> cavalry <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kAvElri</font>]</b><br>

A: The cavalry is the part of an army that uses armoured vehicles for fighting.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Cavalry were exercising on Salisbury Plain.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the US Army's 1st Cavalry Division.</font><br><br>The cavalry is the group of soldiers in an army who ride horses.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a young cavalry officer.</font><br>

Q: <b> closure <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5klEuVE</font>]</b><br>

A: The closure of a place such as a business or factory is the permanent ending of the work or activity there.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the closure of the Ravenscraig steelworks.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...British Coal's proposed pit closures...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Almost three in four clinics say they face closure by the end of the year.</font><br><br>The closure of a road or border is the blocking of it in order to prevent people from using it.<br>

Q: <b> demise <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5maiz</font>]</b><br>

A: The demise of something or someone is their end or death. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the demise of the reform movement...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Smoking, rather than genetics, was the cause of his early demise.</font><br>

Q: <b> deployment <br>DEPLOYMENT </b><br>

A: The deployment of troops, resources, or equipment is the organization and positioning of them so that they are ready for quick action.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the deployment of troops into townships.</font><br>

Q: <b> dole <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dEul</font>]</b><br>

A: The dole is money that is given regularly by the government to people who are unemployed. (BRIT; in AM usually use welfare)<br><font color=red>= benefit</font><br><br>Someone who is on the dole is registered as unemployed and receives money from the government. (mainly BRIT; in AM usually use on welfare)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's not easy living on the dole.</font><br>

Q: <b> duration <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">djuE5reiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: The duration of an event or state is the time during which it happens or exists.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was given the task of protecting her for the duration of the trial.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Courses are of two years' duration.</font><br><br>If you say that something will happen for the duration, you mean that it will happen for as long as a particular situation continues.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His wounds knocked him out of combat for the duration.</font><br>

Q: <b> ecu <br>ECU </b><br>

A: The ecu is a unit of currency used for accounting purposes by the European Union's financial institutions. Ecu is an abbreviation for `European Currency Unit'.<br>

Q: <b> electorate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">i5lektErEt</font>]</b><br>

A: The electorate of a country or area is all the people in it who have the right to vote in an election.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has the backing of almost a quarter of the electorate.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Maltese electorate.</font><br>

Q: <b> emergence <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">i5mE:dVEns</font>]</b><br>

A: The emergence of something is the process or event of its coming into existence.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the emergence of new democracies in East and Central Europe.</font><br>

Q: <b> eve <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">i:v</font>]</b><br>

A: The eve of a particular event or occasion is the day before it, or the period of time just before it. (JOURNALISM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...on the eve of his 27th birthday.</font><br>See also Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve.<br>

Q: <b> exclusion <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">iks5klu:VEn</font>]</b><br>

A: The exclusion of something is the act of deliberately not using, allowing, or considering it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It calls for the exclusion of all commercial lending institutions from the college loan program.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Certain exclusions and limitations apply.</font><br><br>Exclusion is the act of preventing someone from entering a place or taking part in an activity.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...women's exclusion from political power...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A spokeswoman for Mr Prescott yesterday made it clear that he had been unhappy at his exclusion.</font><br><br>If you do one thing to the exclusion of something else, you only do the first thing and do not do the second thing at all.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Diane had dedicated her life to caring for him to the exclusion of all else.</font><br>

Q: <b> blonde <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">blCnd</font>]</b><br>

A: The form blonde is usually used to refer to women, and blond to refer to men</b></font><br>A woman who has blonde hair has pale-coloured hair. Blonde hair can be very light brown or light yellow. The form blond is used when describing men.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There were two little girls, one Asian and one with blonde hair.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The baby had blond curls.</font><br><br>Someone who is blonde has blonde hair.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was tall, blonde, and attractive.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was blonder than his brother.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the striking blond actor.</font><br><br>A blonde is a woman who has blonde hair.<br>

Q: <b> genetics <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dVi5netiks</font>]</b><br>

A: The form genetic is used as a modifier</b></font><br>Genetics is the study of heredity and how qualities and characteristics are passed on from one generation to another by means of genes.<br><br>You use genetic to describe something that is concerned with genetics or with genes.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cystic fibrosis is the most common fatal genetic disease in the United States.</font><br><font color=red>* genetically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some people are genetically predisposed to diabetes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...fetuses that are genetically abnormal.</font><br>

Q: <b> formation <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fC:5meiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: The formation of something is the starting or creation of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...with time running out for the formation of a new government.</font><br><font color=red>= creation</font><br><br>The formation of an idea, habit, relationship, or character is the process of developing and establishing it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My profession had an important influence in the formation of my character and temperament.</font><br><font color=red>= development</font><br><br>If people or things are in formation, they are arranged in a particular pattern as they move.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was flying in formation with seven other jets.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They saw a squadron of fifteen motorcycle policemen driving in V-formation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The dancers step into a formation which represents the human being.</font><br><br>A rock or cloud formation is rock or cloud of a particular shape or structure.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a vast rock formation shaped like a pillar...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Enormous cloud formations formed a purple mass.</font><br>

Q: <b> frequency <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fri:kwEnsi</font>]</b><br>

A: The frequency of an event is the number of times it happens during a particular period.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The frequency of Kara's phone calls increased rapidly.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The tanks broke down with increasing frequency.</font><br><br>In physics, the frequency of a sound wave or a radio wave is the number of times it vibrates within a specified period of time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You can't hear waves of such a high frequency.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a frequency of 24 kilohertz.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...low frequency waves.</font><br>

Q: <b> bow 2 <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bau</font>]</b><br>

A: The front part of a ship is called the bow or the bows. The plural bows can be used to refer either to one or to more than one of these parts.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The waves were about five feet now, and the bow of the boat was leaping up and down.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the sight of that magnificent ship lit up from bow to stern.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...spray from the ship's bows.</font><br>

Q: <b> high street <br>HIGH STREET </b><br>

A: The high street of a town is the main street where most of the shops and banks are. (mainly BRIT; in AM use Main Street)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Vegetarian restaurants and health food shops are springing up in every high street.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...West Bromwich high street.</font><br><br>High street banks and businesses are companies which have branches in the main shopping areas of most towns. (mainly BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The scanners are available from high street stores.</font><br>

Q: <b> hull <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">hQl</font>]</b><br>

A: The hull of a boat or tank is the main body of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The hull had suffered extensive damage to the starboard side.</font><br><font color=red>* -hulled </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a steel-hulled narrowboat.</font><br><br>The hull of a soft fruit such as a strawberry is the stalk and ring of leaves at the base.<br><br>If you hull soft fruit such as strawberries, you remove the hulls.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wash and hull the strawberries.</font><br>

Q: <b> infrastructure <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5infrE5strQktFE</font>]</b><br>

A: The infrastructure of a country, society, or organization consists of the basic facilities such as transport, communications, power supplies, and buildings, which enable it to function.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...improvements in the country's infrastructure...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The infrastructure, from hotels to transport, is old and decrepit.</font><br>

Q: <b> inhabitant <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5hAbitEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: The inhabitants of a place are the people who live there.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the inhabitants of Glasgow.</font><br>

Q: <b> inmate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5inmeit</font>]</b><br>

A: The inmates of a prison or mental hospital are the prisoners or patients who are living there.<br>

Q: <b> judiciary <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dVu(:)5diFiEri</font>]</b><br>

A: The judiciary is the branch of authority in a country which is concerned with law and the legal system. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The judiciary must think very hard before jailing non-violent offenders.</font><br>

Q: <b> living room <br>LIVING ROOM </b><br>

A: The living room in a house is the room where people sit and relax.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We were sitting on the couch in the living room watching TV.</font><br><font color=red>= sitting room, lounge</font><br>

Q: <b> monarch <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mCnEk</font>]</b><br>

A: The monarch of a country is the king, queen, emperor, or empress.<br>

Q: <b> km <br>KM </b><br>

A: The spelling km. is used in American English; km can also be used as the plural form.<br>Km is a written abbreviation for kilometre.<br>

Q: <b> identical <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">ai5dentikEl</font>]</b><br>

A: Things that are identical are exactly the same.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nearly all the houses were identical.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The two parties fought the last election on almost identical manifestos.</font><br><font color=red>* identically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...nine identically dressed female dancers.</font><br>

Q: <b> choke off <br>CHOKE OFF </b><br>

A: To choke off financial growth means to restrict or control the rate at which a country's economy can grow.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They warned the Chancellor that raising taxes in the Budget could choke off the recovery.</font><br>

Q: <b> clamp down <br>CLAMP DOWN </b><br>

A: To clamp down on people or activities means to take strong official action to stop or control them. (JOURNALISM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If the government clamps down on the movement, that will only serve to strengthen it in the long run.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They may not have informed banking regulators, who failed to clamp down until earlier this month.</font><br>

Q: <b> classify <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5klAsifai</font>]</b><br>

A: To classify things means to divide them into groups or types so that things with similar characteristics are in the same group.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is necessary initially to classify the headaches into certain types.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Rocks can be classified according to their mode of origin.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The coroner immediately classified his death as a suicide.</font><br><font color=red>= categorize</font><br><font color=red>* classification classifications </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the arbitrary classification of knowledge into fields of study.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the British Board of Film Classification.</font><br>

Q: <b> grind out <br>GRIND OUT </b><br>

A: To grind something out means to produce it in a boring or routine manner. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Were it not for this misfortune, he might never have been forced into the business of grinding out novels to support his family.</font><br>

Q: <b> gum up <br>GUM UP </b><br>

A: To gum something up means to stop it working properly or efficiently. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Regulators may gum up an efficient system.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The house price chain is gummed up.</font><br>

Q: <b> hype up <br>HYPE UP </b><br>

A: To hype someone up means to deliberately make them very excited about something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Everyone at school used to hype each other up about men all the time.</font><br>See also hype 2.<br>

Q: <b> inflict <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5flikt</font>]</b><br>

A: To inflict harm or damage on someone or something means to make them suffer it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Rebels say they have inflicted heavy casualties on government forces.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the damage being inflicted on Britain's industries by the recession...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The dog then attacked her, inflicting serious injuries.</font><br><font color=red>* infliction </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...without the unnecessary or cruel infliction of pain.</font><br>

Q: <b> jerk off <br>JERK OFF </b><br>

A: To jerk off means to masturbate. (INFORMAL, RUDE)<br>

Q: <b> bang up <br>BANG UP </b><br>

A: When a prisoner is banged up, they are put in prison and locked in a cell. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You become a rebel if you are banged up in a cell 23 hours a day.</font><br>

Q: <b> audit <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5C:dit</font>]</b><br>

A: When an accountant audits an organization's accounts, he or she examines the accounts officially in order to make sure that they have been done correctly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Each year they audit our accounts and certify them as being true and fair.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The bank first learned of the problem when it carried out an internal audit.</font><br>

Q: <b> log out, log off <br>LOG OUT, LOG OFF </b><br>

A: When someone who is using a computer system logs out or logs off, they finish using the system by typing a particular command.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If a computer user fails to log off, the system is accessible to all.</font><br>

Q: <b> heel over <br>HEEL OVER </b><br>

A: When something heels over, it leans over very far as if it is about to fall over.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The little sailing-boat moved briskly along, heeling over under a nice breeze.</font><br>

Q: <b> expire <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">iks5paiE, eks-</font>]</b><br>

A: When something such as a contract, deadline, or visa expires, it comes to an end or is no longer valid.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had lived illegally in the United States for five years after his visitor's visa expired.</font><br><font color=red>= run out</font><br><br>When someone expires, they die. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He endured excruciating agonies before he finally expired.</font><br><font color=red>= die</font><br>

Q: <b> law and order <br>LAW AND ORDER </b><br>

A: When there is law and order in a country, the laws are generally accepted and obeyed, so that society there functions normally.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If there were a breakdown of law and order, the army might be tempted to intervene.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...people who had no respect for law and order.</font><br>

Q: <b> halve <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">hB:v</font>]</b><br>

A: When you halve something or when it halves, it is reduced to half its previous size or amount.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dr Lee believes that men who exercise can halve their risk of cancer of the colon.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The work force has been halved in two years.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Meanwhile, sales of vinyl records halved in 1992 to just 6.7m.</font><br><br>If you halve something, you divide it into two equal parts.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Halve the pineapple and scoop out the inside.</font><br>3 Halves is the plural of half.<br>

Q: <b> ending <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5endiN</font>]</b><br>

A: You can refer to the last part of a book, story, play, or film as the ending, especially when you are considering the way that the story ends.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The film has a Hollywood happy ending.</font><br><br>The ending of a word is the last part of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...common word endings, like `ing' in walking.</font><br>

Q: <b> albeit <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">C:l5bi:it</font>]</b><br>

A: You use albeit to introduce a fact or comment which reduces the force or significance of what you have just said. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Charles's letter was indeed published, albeit in a somewhat abbreviated form.</font><br><font color=red>= although</font><br>

Q: <b> effectively <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">i5fektivli</font>]</b><br>

A: You use effectively with a statement or opinion to indicate that it is not accurate in every detail, but that you feel it is a reasonable description or summary of a particular situation.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This effectively means that the government does not agree with the proposals.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The region was effectively independent.</font><br><font color=red>= in effect</font><br>

Q: <b> greatly <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5greitli</font>]</b><br>

A: You use greatly to emphasize the degree or extent of something. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;People would benefit greatly from a pollution-free vehicle.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We were greatly honoured that Sheik Hasina took the trouble to visit us.</font><br>

Q: <b> lengthy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5leNWi</font>]</b><br>

A: You use lengthy to describe an event or process which lasts for a long time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a lengthy meeting.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the lengthy process of filling out passport application forms.</font><br><br>A lengthy report, article, book, or document contains a lot of speech, writing, or other material.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a lengthy report from the Council of Ministers...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is a lengthy article on Spike Milligan in the Observer newspaper.</font><br>

Q: <b> majesty <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mAdVisti</font>]</b><br>

A: You use majesty in expressions such as Your Majesty or Her Majesty when you are addressing or referring to a King or Queen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I quite agree, Your Majesty.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His Majesty requests your presence in the royal chambers.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their Majesties celebrated our arrival by giving us each a little silver spoon.</font><br><font color=red>= highness</font><br><br>Majesty is the quality of being beautiful, dignified, and impressive.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the majesty of the mainland mountains.</font><br>

Q: <b> bowel <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bauEl</font>]</b><br>

A: Your bowels are the tubes in your body through which digested food passes from your stomach to your anus.<br><br>You can refer in a polite way to someone getting rid of the waste from their body by saying that they move, open, or empty their bowels.<br><br>You can refer to the parts deep inside something such as the earth, a building, or a machine as the bowels of that thing. (LITERARY or HUMOROUS)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...deep in the bowels of the earth...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lyn went off into the dark bowels of the building.</font><br><font color=red>= depths</font><br>

Q: <b> common sense <br>COMMON SENSE </b><br>

A: Your common sense is your natural ability to make good judgements and to behave in a practical and sensible way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Use your common sense.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She always had a lot of common sense.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a common-sense approach.</font><br>

Q: <b> eyebrow <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5aibrau</font>]</b><br>

A: Your eyebrows are the lines of hair which grow above your eyes.<br><br>If something causes you to raise an eyebrow or to raise your eyebrows, it causes you to feel surprised or disapproving.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;An intriguing item on the news pages caused me to raise an eyebrow over my morning coffee.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He raised his eyebrows over some of the suggestions.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was looking at her with his eyebrows raised questioningly.</font><br>

Q: <b> grandmother <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5grAnd7mQTE</font>]</b><br>

A: Your grandmother is the mother of your father or mother.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My grandmothers are both widows.</font><br>

Q: <b> builder <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bildE</font>]</b><br>

A: A builder is a person whose job is to build or repair houses and other buildings.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The builders have finished the roof.</font><br>

Q: <b> bulb <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bQlb</font>]</b><br>

A: A bulb is the glass part of an electric lamp, which gives out light when electricity passes through it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The stairwell was lit by a single bulb.</font><br><font color=red>= light bulb</font><br><br>A bulb is a root shaped like an onion that grows into a flower or plant.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...tulip bulbs.</font><br>

Q: <b> bullet <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bulit</font>]</b><br>

A: A bullet is a small piece of metal with a pointed or rounded end, which is fired out of a gun.<br>See also plastic bullet, rubber bullet.<br><br>If someone bites the bullet, they accept that they have to do something unpleasant but necessary. (JOURNALISM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tour operators may be forced to bite the bullet and cut prices.</font><br>

Q: <b> bulletin <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bulitin</font>]</b><br>

A: A bulletin is a short news report on the radio or television.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the early morning news bulletin.</font><br><br>A bulletin is a short official announcement made publicly to inform people about an important matter.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At 3.30 p.m. a bulletin was released announcing that the president was out of immediate danger.</font><br><br>A bulletin is a regular newspaper or leaflet that is produced by an organization or group such as a school or church.<br>

Q: <b> bunker <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bQNkE</font>]</b><br>

A: A bunker is a place, usually underground, that has been built with strong walls to protect it against heavy gunfire and bombing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; extensive network of fortified underground bunkers.</font><br><br>A bunker is a container for coal or other fuel.<br><br>On a golf course, a bunker is a large area filled with sand, which is deliberately put there as an obstacle that golfers must try to avoid.<br><br>In golf, if you bunker a shot, you hit your ball into the bunker.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She bunkered her second shot.</font><br>

Q: <b> bureaucracy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bjuE5rCkrEsi</font>]</b><br>

A: A bureaucracy is an administrative system operated by a large number of officials.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;State bureaucracies can tend to stifle enterprise and initiative.</font><br><br>Bureaucracy refers to all the rules and procedures followed by government departments and similar organizations, especially when you think that these are complicated and cause long delays.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;People usually complain about having to deal with too much bureaucracy.</font><br><font color=red>= red tape</font><br>

Q: <b> catastrophe <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kE5tAstrEfi</font>]</b><br>

A: A catastrophe is an unexpected event that causes great suffering or damage.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;From all points of view, war would be a catastrophe.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If the world is to avoid environmental catastrophe, advanced economies must undergo a profound transition.</font><br><font color=red>= disaster</font><br>

Q: <b> cathedral <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kE5Wi:drEl</font>]</b><br>

A: A cathedral is a very large and important church which has a bishop in charge of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...St. Paul's Cathedral.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the cathedral city of Canterbury.</font><br>

Q: <b> cemetery <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5semitri</font>]</b><br>

A: A cemetery is a place where dead people's bodies or their ashes are buried.<br><font color=red>= graveyard</font><br>

Q: <b> cent <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">sent</font>]</b><br>

A: A cent is a small unit of money worth one hundredth of the main unit of money in many countries, for example the United States or Australia.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A cup of rice which cost thirty cents a few weeks ago is now being sold for up to one dollar.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We haven't got a cent.</font><br>See also per cent.<br>

Q: <b> chap <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">tFAp</font>]</b><br>

A: A chap is a man or boy. (mainly BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`I am a very lucky chap,' he commented. `The doctors were surprised that I was not paralysed.'</font><br><font color=red>= bloke, guy</font><br>

Q: <b> chef <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">Fef</font>]</b><br>

A: A chef is a cook in a restaurant or hotel.<br>

Q: <b> chick <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">tFik</font>]</b><br>

A: A chick is a baby bird.<br><br>Some men refer to women as chicks. This use could cause offence. (INFORMAL)<br>

Q: <b> civil servant <br>CIVIL SERVANT </b><br>

A: A civil servant is a person who works in the Civil Service in Britain and some other countries, or for the local, state, or federal government in the United States.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...two senior civil servants.</font><br>

Q: <b> clan <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">klAn</font>]</b><br>

A: A clan is a group which consists of families that are related to each other.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...rival clans.</font><br><br>You can refer to a group of people with the same interests as a clan. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a powerful clan of industrialists from Monterrey.</font><br>

Q: <b> classroom <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5klB:srum</font>]</b><br>

A: A classroom is a room in a school where lessons take place.<br>

Q: <b> clearing <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kliEriN</font>]</b><br>

A: A clearing is a small area in a forest where there are no trees or bushes.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A helicopter landed in a clearing in the dense jungle.</font><br>

Q: <b> cluster <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5klQstE</font>]</b><br>

A: A cluster of people or things is a small group of them close together.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...clusters of men in formal clothes...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There's no town here, just a cluster of shops, cabins and motels at the side of the highway.</font><br><br>If people cluster together, they gather together in a small group.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The passengers clustered together in small groups.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The children clustered around me.</font><br>See also clustered.<br>

Q: <b> columnist <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kClEmnist</font>]</b><br>

A: A columnist is a journalist who regularly writes a particular kind of article in a newspaper or magazine.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Clarence Page is a columnist for the Chicago Tribune.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the gossip columnists' favourite target.</font><br>

Q: <b> comedian <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kE 5mi:diEn</font>]</b><br>

A: A comedian is an entertainer whose job is to make people laugh, by telling jokes or funny stories.<br><font color=red>= comic</font><br>

Q: <b> composer <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kCm5pEuzE</font>]</b><br>

A: A composer is a person who writes music, especially classical music.<br>

Q: <b> congressman <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCNgresmEn</font>]</b><br>

A: A congressman is a male member of the US Congress, especially of the House of Representatives.<br>

Q: <b> constituent <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5stitjuEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: A constituent is someone who lives in a particular constituency, especially someone who is able to vote in an election.<br><br>A constituent of a mixture, substance, or system is one of the things from which it is formed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Caffeine is the active constituent of drinks such as tea and coffee.</font><br><br>The constituent parts of something are the things from which it is formed. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a plan to split the company into its constituent parts and sell them separately.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the leaders of Russia's constituent republics.</font><br>

Q: <b> cupboard <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kQbEd</font>]</b><br>

A: A cupboard is a piece of furniture that has one or two doors, usually contains shelves, and is used to store things. In British English, cupboard refers to all kinds of furniture like this. In American English, the word closet is usually used instead to refer to larger pieces of furniture.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The kitchen cupboard was stocked with tins of soup and food.</font><br><br>A cupboard is a very small room that is used to store things, especially one without windows. (BRIT; in AM use closet)<br>

Q: <b> dictator <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dik5teitE</font>]</b><br>

A: A dictator is a ruler who has complete power in a country, especially power which was obtained by force and is used unfairly or cruelly.<br>

Q: <b> fin <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fin</font>]</b><br>

A: A fish's fins are the flat objects which stick out of its body and help it to swim and keep its balance.<br><br>A fin on something such as an aeroplane, rocket, or bomb is a flat part which sticks out and which is intended to help control its movement.<br>

Q: <b> footballer <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fut7bC:lE(r)</font>]</b><br>

A: A footballer is a person who plays football, especially as a profession. (BRIT; in AM use soccer player)<br>

Q: <b> fragrance <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5freigrEns</font>]</b><br>

A: A fragrance is a pleasant or sweet smell.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A shrubby plant with a strong characteristic fragrance.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the fragrance of his cologne.</font><br><br>Fragrance is a pleasant-smelling liquid which people put on their bodies to make themselves smell nice.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The advertisement is for a male fragrance.</font><br><font color=red>= perfume</font><br>

Q: <b> ghetto <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5getEu</font>]</b><br>

A: A ghetto is a part of a city in which many poor people or many people of a particular race, religion, or nationality live separately from everyone else.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the black ghettos of New York and Los Angeles.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the gang kids who will never escape the ghetto.</font><br>

Q: <b> gold medal <br>GOLD MEDAL </b><br>

A: A gold medal is a medal made of gold which is awarded as first prize in a contest or competition.<br>

Q: <b> guitarist <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">gi5tB:rist</font>]</b><br>

A: A guitarist is someone who plays the guitar.<br>

Q: <b> head of state <br>HEAD OF STATE </b><br>

A: A head of state is the leader of a country, for example a president, king, or queen.<br>

Q: <b> homeland <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hEumlAnd</font>]</b><br>

A: Your homeland is your native country. (mainly WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many are planning to return to their homeland.</font><br><br>The homelands were regions within South Africa in which black South Africans had limited self-government.<br>

Q: <b> heavyweight <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5heviweit</font>]</b><br>

A: A heavyweight is a boxer weighing more than 175 pounds and therefore in the heaviest class.<br><br>If you refer to a person or organization as a heavyweight, you mean that they have a lot of influence, experience, and importance in a particular field, subject, or activity.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was a political heavyweight.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...jazz heavyweights.</font><br>

Q: <b> herd <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">hE:d</font>]</b><br>

A: A herd is a large group of animals of one kind that live together.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chobe is also renowned for its large herds of elephant and buffalo.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...dairy herds.</font><br><br>If you say that someone has joined the herd or follows the herd, you are criticizing them because you think that they behave just like everyone else and do not think for themselves.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They are individuals; they will not follow the herd.</font><br><font color=red>= pack</font><br><br>If you herd people somewhere, you make them move there in a group.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He began to herd the prisoners out.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The group was herded into a bus.</font><br><font color=red>= shepherd</font><br><br>If you herd animals, you make them move along as a group.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Stefano used a motor cycle to herd the sheep.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A boy herded half a dozen camels down towards the water trough.</font><br>

Q: <b> highway <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5haiwei</font>]</b><br>

A: A highway is a main road, especially one that connects towns or cities. (mainly AM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I crossed the highway, dodging the traffic.</font><br>

Q: <b> historian <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">his5tC:riEn</font>]</b><br>

A: A historian is a person who specializes in the study of history, and who writes books and articles about it.<br>

Q: <b> hormone <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hC:mEun</font>]</b><br>

A: A hormone is a chemical, usually occurring naturally in your body, that makes an organ of your body do something.<br>

Q: <b> kidney <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kidni</font>]</b><br>

A: Your kidneys are the organs in your body that take waste matter from your blood and send it out of your body as urine.<br><br>Kidneys are the kidneys of an animal, for example a lamb, calf, or pig, that are eaten as meat.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...lambs' kidneys.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...steak and kidney pie.</font><br>

Q: <b> lab <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">lAb</font>]</b><br>

A: A lab is the same as a laboratory.<br>2 Lab<br>In Britain, Lab is the written abbreviation for Labour.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...David Blunkett, MP for Sheffield (Lab).</font><br>

Q: <b> lama <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lB:mE</font>]</b><br>

A: A lama is a Buddhist priest or monk in Tibet or Mongolia.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It takes twenty to twenty-five years of study and meditation to qualify as a lama.</font><br>

Q: <b> lily <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lili</font>]</b><br>

A: A lily is a plant with large flowers that are often white.<br>

Q: <b> lorry <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lCri</font>]</b><br>

A: A lorry is a large vehicle that is used to transport goods by road. (BRIT; in AM use truck)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a seven-ton lorry.</font><br><br>If someone says that something has fallen off the back of a lorry, or that they got something off the back of a lorry, they mean that they bought something that they knew was stolen. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He gets caviare that has fallen off the back of a lorry.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Pete once bought the boys a bicycle cheap off the back of a lorry.</font><br>

Q: <b> lucrative <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lu:krEtiv, lju:-</font>]</b><br>

A: A lucrative activity, job, or business deal is very profitable.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thousands of ex-army officers have found lucrative jobs in private security firms.</font><br>

Q: <b> lung <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">lQN</font>]</b><br>

A: Your lungs are the two organs inside your chest which fill with air when you breathe in.<br>

Q: <b> machine gun <br>MACHINE GUN </b><br>

A: A machine gun is a gun which fires a lot of bullets one after the other very quickly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The two sides joined battle once again using artillery, mortars and heavy machine guns.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a burst of machine-gun fire.</font><br>See also sub-machine gun.<br>

Q: <b> magistrate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mAdVistrit, -treit</font>]</b><br>

A: A magistrate is an official who acts as a judge in law courts which deal with minor crimes or disputes.<br>

Q: <b> mare <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mZEri</font>]</b><br>

A: A mare is an adult female horse.<br>

Q: <b> mom <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mCm</font>]</b><br>

A: Your mom is your mother. (INFORMAL) (AM; in BRIT use mum)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We waited for Mom and Dad to get home.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mom, can you tell me how to do it?</font><br>

Q: <b> massacre <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mAsEkE</font>]</b><br>

A: A massacre is the killing of a large number of people at the same time in a violent and cruel way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Maria lost her 62-year-old mother in the massacre.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...reports of massacre, torture and starvation.</font><br><br>If people are massacred, a large number of them are attacked and killed in a violent and cruel way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;300 civilians are believed to have been massacred by the rebels.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Troops indiscriminately massacred the defenceless population.</font><br>

Q: <b> melody <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5melEdi</font>]</b><br>

A: A melody is a tune. (FORMAL)<br><br>Melody is the quality of having a pleasant tune.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her voice was full of melody.</font><br>

Q: <b> microwave <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5maikrEuweiv</font>]</b><br>

A: A microwave or a microwave oven is an oven which cooks food very quickly by electromagnetic radiation rather than by heat.<br><br>To microwave food or drink means to cook or heat it in a microwave oven.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Steam or microwave the vegetables until tender.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...microwaved food.</font><br>

Q: <b> militia <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mi5liFE</font>]</b><br>

A: A militia is an organization that operates like an army but whose members are not professional soldiers.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The troops will not attempt to disarm the warring militias.</font><br>

Q: <b> mineral <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5minErEl</font>]</b><br>

A: A mineral is a substance such as tin, salt, or sulphur that is formed naturally in rocks and in the earth. Minerals are also found in small quantities in food and drink.<br>

Q: <b> molecule <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mClikju:l, 5mEu-</font>]</b><br>

A: A molecule is the smallest amount of a chemical substance which can exist by itself.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the hydrogen bonds between water molecules.</font><br>

Q: <b> monk <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mQNk</font>]</b><br>

A: A monk is a member of a male religious community that is usually separated from the outside world.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...saffron-robed Buddhist monks.</font><br>

Q: <b> mosque <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mCsk</font>]</b><br>

A: A mosque is a building where Muslims go to worship.<br>

Q: <b> motorist <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mEutErist</font>]</b><br>

A: A motorist is a person who drives a car. (mainly BRIT; in AM use driver)<br><font color=red>= driver</font><br>

Q: <b> murderer <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mE:dErE(r)</font>]</b><br>

A: A murderer is a person who has murdered someone.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One of these men may have been the murderer.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a notorious mass murderer.</font><br>

Q: <b> nanny <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5nAni</font>]</b><br>

A: A nanny is a woman who is paid by parents to look after their child or children.<br><font color=red>= nursemaid</font><br>

Q: <b> narrative <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5nArEtiv</font>]</b><br>

A: A narrative is a story or an account of a series of events.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a fast-moving narrative...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sloan began his narrative with the day of the murder.</font><br><br>Narrative is the description of a series of events, usually in a novel.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Neither author was very strong on narrative.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Nye's simple narrative style.</font><br>

Q: <b> dimension <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5menFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: A particular dimension of something is a particular aspect of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is a political dimension to the accusations.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This adds a new dimension to our work.</font><br><font color=red>= aspect</font><br><br>If you talk about the dimensions of a situation or problem, you are talking about its extent and size.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He considers the dimensions of the problem.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The dimensions of the market collapse, in terms of turnover and price, were certainly not anticipated.</font><br><font color=red>= scale</font><br><br>A dimension is a measurement such as length, width, or height. If you talk about the dimensions of an object or place, you are referring to its size and proportions.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Drilling will continue on the site to assess the dimensions of the new oilfield.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I don't think it would spoil the dimensions of the room.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the grandiose dimensions of the building.</font><br><br>In mathematics and science, dimension is used in describing spatial concepts such as points, lines, and solids.<br>

Q: <b> gender <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dVendE</font>]</b><br>

A: A person's gender is the fact that they are male or female.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Women are sometimes denied opportunities solely because of their gender.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...groups that are traditionally discriminated against on grounds of gender, colour, race, or age.</font><br><font color=red>= sex</font><br><br>You can refer to all male people or all female people as a particular gender.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;While her observations may be true about some men, they could hardly apply to the entire gender.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the different abilities and skills of the two genders.</font><br><font color=red>= sex</font><br><br>In grammar, the gender of a noun, pronoun, or adjective is whether it is masculine, feminine, or neuter. A word's gender can affect its form and behaviour. In English, only personal pronouns such as `she', reflexive pronouns such as `itself', and possessive determiners such as `his' have gender.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In both Welsh and Irish the word for `moon' is of feminine gender.</font><br>

Q: <b> lethal <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5li:WEl</font>]</b><br>

A: A substance that is lethal can kill people or animals.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a lethal dose of sleeping pills.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...chemicals lethal to fish and aquatic mammals.</font><br><br>If you describe something as lethal, you mean that it is capable of causing a lot of damage.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;High-powered cars are lethal weapons in the hands of inexperienced drivers.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shearer was the most lethal striker in British football.</font><br>

Q: <b> ie. <br>IE. </b><br>

A: ADJ-GRADED</b></font><br>

Q: <b> glamour <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5glAmE</font>]</b><br>

A: AM) also glamor</b></font><br>Glamour is the quality of being more attractive, exciting, or interesting than ordinary people or things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the glamour of show biz.</font><br><font color=red>= glitter</font><br>

Q: <b> centred <br>CENTRED </b><br>

A: AM) centered</b></font><br>If an industry or event is centred in a place, it takes place to the greatest extent there.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the silk industry, which was centered in Valencia.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the tremor, which was centred on the Carpathian Mountains.</font><br>

Q: <b> clean-up <br>CLEAN-UP </b><br>

A: AM) cleanup</b></font><br>A clean-up is the removing of dirt, pollution, crime, or corruption from somewhere.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the need for a clean-up of Italian institutions...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Governor has now called in the National Guard to assist the cleanup operation.</font><br>

Q: <b> favourable <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5feiErEbl</font>]</b><br>

A: AM) favorable</b></font><br>If your opinion or your reaction is favourable to something, you agree with it and approve of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His recently completed chapel for Fitzwilliam is attracting favourable comment.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In Switzerland, banks and big companies are favourable to EC membership.</font><br><font color=red>* favourably </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He listened intently, and responded favourably to both my suggestions.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was quite favourably impressed with the new French commander.</font><br><br>If something makes a favourable impression on you or is favourable to you, you like it and approve of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His ability to talk tough while eating fast made a favourable impression on his dining companions.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These terms were favourable to India.</font><br><font color=red>= positive, good</font><br><br>Favourable conditions make something more likely to succeed or seem more attractive.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's believed the conditions in which the elections are being held are too favourable to the government.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...favourable weather conditions.</font><br><font color=red>= good</font><br><font color=red>* favourably </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Japan is thus favourably placed to maintain its lead as the most successful manufacturing nation.</font><br><br>If you make a favourable comparison between two things, you say that the first is better than or as good as the second.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The film bears favourable technical comparison with Hollywood productions costing 10 times as much.</font><br><font color=red>* favourably </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Britain's overall road safety record compares favourably with that of other European countries.</font><br>

Q: <b> chilli <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5tFili</font>]</b><br>

A: AM) usually and (BRIT) sometimes chili</b></font><br>Chillies are small red or green peppers. They have a very hot taste and are used in cooking.<br><br>Chilli is the same as chilli con carne.<br>

Q: <b> catalogue <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kAtElCg</font>]</b><br>

A: AM) usually catalog</b></font><br>A catalogue is a list of things such as the goods you can buy from a particular company, the objects in a museum, or the books in a library.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the world's biggest seed catalogue.</font><br><font color=red>= list</font><br><br>To catalogue things means to make a list of them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Royal Greenwich Observatory was founded to observe and catalogue the stars.</font><br><font color=red>= list</font><br><br>A catalogue of similar things, especially bad things, is a number of them considered or discussed one after another.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His story is a catalogue of misfortune.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a catalogue of nuclear disasters.</font><br><br>If you catalogue a series of similar events or qualities, especially bad ones, you list them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaker after speaker lined up to catalogue a series of failures under his leadership.</font><br><font color=red>= list</font><br>

Q: <b> advertising <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5AdvEtaiziN</font>]</b><br>

A: Advertising is the activity of creating advertisements and making sure people see them.<br>

Q: <b> enthusiast <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5Wju:ziAst</font>]</b><br>

A: An enthusiast is a person who is very interested in a particular activity or subject and who spends a lot of time on it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is a great sports enthusiast.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...keep-fit enthusiasts.</font><br>

Q: <b> envelope <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5envilEup</font>]</b><br>

A: An envelope is the rectangular paper cover in which you send a letter to someone through the post.<br>

Q: <b> estate agent <br>ESTATE AGENT </b><br>

A: An estate agent is someone who works for a company that sells houses and land for people. (BRIT; in AM use realtor or real estate agent)<br>

Q: <b> even 2 <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5i:vEn</font>]</b><br>

A: An even measurement or rate stays at about the same level.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How important is it to have an even temperature when you're working?.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The brick-built property keeps the temperature at an even level throughout the year.</font><br><font color=red>= steady</font><br><font color=red>* evenly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Stock is added evenly during the first 18 minutes while the mixture cooks.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He looked at Ellen, breathing evenly in her sleep.</font><br><br>An even surface is smooth and flat.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The tables are fitted with a glass top to provide an even surface.</font><br><font color=red>= level</font><br><br>If there is an even distribution or division of something, each person, group, or area involved has an equal amount.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Divide the dough into 12 even pieces and shape each piece into a ball.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many are tired of being unpopular because of their wealth and would encourage more even distribution of it.</font><br><font color=red>= equal</font><br><font color=red>* evenly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The meat is divided evenly and boiled in a stew.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Within manufacturing, the loss of jobs has been far more evenly spread across the regions.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The blood vessels in the skin are not evenly distributed around the face and neck.</font><br><font colo </b></font><br>

Q: <b> expedition <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7ekspi5diFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: An expedition is an organized journey that is made for a particular purpose such as exploration.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Byrd's 1928 expedition to Antarctica.</font><br><br>You can refer to a group of people who are going on an expedition as an expedition.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Forty-three members of the expedition were killed.</font><br><br>An expedition is a short journey or trip that you make for pleasure.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Caroline joined them on the shopping expeditions.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a fishing expedition.</font><br><font color=red>= trip</font><br>

Q: <b> heir <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">ZE</font>]</b><br>

A: An heir is someone who has the right to inherit a person's money, property, or title when that person dies.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His heir, Lord Doune, cuts a bit of a dash in the city.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the heir to the throne.</font><br><font color=red>= successor</font><br>

Q: <b> inn <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in</font>]</b><br>

A: An inn is a small hotel or pub, usually an old one. (OLD-FASHIONED)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Waterside Inn.</font><br>

Q: <b> inning <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5iniN</font>]</b><br>

A: An inning is one of the nine periods that a standard baseball game is divided into. Each team is at bat once in each inning.<br>

Q: <b> insect <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5insekt</font>]</b><br>

A: An insect is a small animal that has six legs. Most insects have wings. Ants, flies, butterflies, and beetles are all insects.<br>

Q: <b> instinctive <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5stiNktiv</font>]</b><br>

A: An instinctive feeling, idea, or action is one that you have or do without thinking or reasoning.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's an absolutely instinctive reaction -- if a child falls you pick it up.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ms Senatorova showed an instinctive feel for market economics.</font><br><font color=red>= automatic, natural</font><br><font color=red>* instinctively </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jane instinctively knew all was not well with her 10-month old son.</font><br>

Q: <b> insurer <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5FuErE</font>]</b><br>

A: An insurer is a company that sells insurance.<br>

Q: <b> intermediate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7intE5mi:djEt</font>]</b><br>

A: An intermediate stage, level, or position is one that occurs between two other stages, levels, or positions.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You should consider breaking the journey with intermediate stopovers at airport hotels.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...hourly trains to Perugia, Assisi, and intermediate stations.</font><br><br>Intermediate learners of something have some knowledge or skill but are not yet advanced.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Badminton Club holds coaching sessions for beginners and intermediate players on Friday evenings.</font><br><br>An intermediate is an intermediate learner.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The ski school coaches beginners, intermediates, and advanced skiers.</font><br>

Q: <b> inventory <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5invEntri</font>]</b><br>

A: An inventory is a written list of all the objects in a particular place.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Before starting, he made an inventory of everything that was to stay.</font><br><br>An inventory is a supply or stock of something. (AM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; inventory of twelve sails for each yacht.</font><br>

Q: <b> antibiotic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7Antibai5Ctik</font>]</b><br>

A: Antibiotics are medical drugs used to kill bacteria and treat infections.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Your doctor may prescribe a course of antibiotics.</font><br>

Q: <b> apartheid <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5pB:t(h)eit</font>]</b><br>

A: Apartheid was a political system in South Africa in which people were divided into racial groups and kept apart by law.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He praised her role in the struggle against apartheid.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the anti-apartheid movement.</font><br>

Q: <b> Aug. <br>AUG. </b><br>

A: Aug.<br>Aug. is a written abbreviation for August.<br>

Q: <b> industrialize <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5dQstriElaiz</font>]</b><br>

A: BRIT) also industrialise</b></font><br>When a country industrializes or is industrialized, it develops a lot of industries.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Energy consumption rises as countries industrialise.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Stalin's methods had industrialized the Russian economy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Britain was the first nation to be industrialised.</font><br><font color=red>* industrialization </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Industrialization began early in Spain.</font><br>

Q: <b> industrialized <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5dQstriElaizd</font>]</b><br>

A: BRIT) also industrialised</b></font><br>An industrialized area or place is one which has a lot of industries.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Industrialized countries could reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 20 per cent.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the industrialized world.</font><br>

Q: <b> liberalize <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5libErElaiz</font>]</b><br>

A: BRIT) also liberalise</b></font><br>When a country or government liberalizes, or liberalizes its laws or its attitudes, it becomes less strict and allows people more freedom in their actions.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...authoritarian states that have only now begun to liberalise.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the decision to liberalize travel restrictions.</font><br><font color=red>* liberalization </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the liberalization of divorce laws in the late 1960s.</font><br><font color=red>= relaxation</font><br>

Q: <b> lounge around <br>LOUNGE AROUND </b><br>

A: BRIT) also lounge about</b></font><br>If you lounge around or lounge about, you spend your time in a relaxed and lazy way, sometimes when you should be doing something useful.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It gives him a reason for lounging around doing nothing.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He remembered mowing the lawn, lounging around the swimming pool.</font><br><font color=red>= loll about</font><br>

Q: <b> modernize <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mCdE(:)naiz</font>]</b><br>

A: BRIT) also modernise</b></font><br>To modernize something such as a system or a factory means to change it by replacing old equipment or methods with new ones.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...plans to modernize the refinery...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is a pressing need to modernise our electoral system.</font><br><font color=red>* modernizing </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In effect, modernizing societies are portrayed as battlegrounds.</font><br><font color=red>* modernization </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the modernization of the region.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a five-year modernization programme.</font><br>

Q: <b> bacon <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5beikEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Bacon is salted or smoked meat which comes from the back or sides of a pig.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...bacon and eggs.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...smoked streaky bacon.</font><br><br>If you bring home the bacon, you achieve what you needed to achieve. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Voters are interested in the representative's ability to bring home the bacon.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I will be most upset if this book does not bring home the bacon.</font><br><br>The person in a family who brings home the bacon provides the family with the money they need to live. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Who brings up the baby and who brings home the bacon?</font><br><br>If someone or something saves your bacon, they get you out of a dangerous or difficult situation. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Your mother once saved my bacon. She lent me money when I needed it.</font><br>

Q: <b> bacteria <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bAk5tiEriE</font>]</b><br>

A: Bacteria are very small organisms. Some bacteria can cause disease.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chlorine is added to kill bacteria.</font><br>

Q: <b> banana <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bE5nB:nE</font>]</b><br>

A: Bananas are long curved fruit with yellow skins.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a bunch of bananas.</font><br><br>If someone is behaving in a silly or crazy way, or if they become extremely angry, you can say that they are going bananas. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;People went bananas with boredom.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Adamson's going to go bananas on this one.</font><br>

Q: <b> basketball <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bB:skitbC:l</font>]</b><br>

A: Basketball is a game in which two teams of five players each try to score goals by throwing a large ball through a circular net fixed to a metal ring at each end of the court.<br><br>A basketball is a large ball which is used in the game of basketball.<br>

Q: <b> beef <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bi:f</font>]</b><br>

A: Beef is the meat of a cow, bull, or ox.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...roast beef.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...beef stew.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...exports of beef and powdered milk.</font><br>See also corned beef.<br><br>If someone beefs about something, they keep complaining about it. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Instead of beefing about what Mrs Martin has not done, her critics might take a look at what she is trying to do.</font><br><font color=red>= moan</font><br><br>Also a noun. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I really don't have a beef with Wayne.</font><br><font color=red>= complaint</font><br>

Q: <b> berry <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5beri</font>]</b><br>

A: Berries are small, round fruit that grow on a bush or a tree. Some berries are edible, for example blackberries and raspberries.<br>

Q: <b> bias <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5baiEs</font>]</b><br>

A: Bias is a tendency to prefer one person or thing to another, and to favour that person or thing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bias against women permeates every level of the judicial system.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There were fierce attacks on the BBC for alleged political bias.</font><br><font color=red>= prejudice</font><br><br>Bias is a concern with or interest in one thing more than others.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Department has a strong bias towards neuroscience.</font><br><br>To bias someone means to influence them in favour of a particular choice.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We mustn't allow it to bias our teaching.</font><br><br>A dress or skirt that is cut on the bias or that is bias-cut has been cut diagonally across the material so that it hangs down in a particular way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The fabric, cut on the bias, hangs as light as a cobweb off a woman's body.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a bias-cut dress.</font><br> </b></font><br>

Q: <b> Bible <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5baibl</font>]</b><br>

A: Bible </b></font><br>The Bible is the holy book on which the Jewish and Christian religions are based.<br><br>A Bible is a copy of the Bible.<br><br>If someone describes a book or magazine about their job or interest as their bible, they mean that it is the best and most useful book about the subject.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the photographer's bible -- Amateur Photographer.</font><br>

Q: <b> bilateral <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bai5lAtErEl</font>]</b><br>

A: Bilateral negotiations, meetings, or agreements, involve only the two groups or countries that are directly concerned. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...bilateral talks between Britain and America.</font><br><font color=red>* bilaterally </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Agreement provided for disputes and differences between the two neighbours to be solved bilaterally.</font><br>

Q: <b> blossom <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5blCsCm</font>]</b><br>

A: Blossom is the flowers that appear on a tree before the fruit.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The cherry blossom came out early in Washington this year.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the blossoms of plants, shrubs and trees.</font><br><br>If someone or something blossoms, they develop good, attractive, or successful qualities.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Why do some people take longer than others to blossom?.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What began as a local festival has blossomed into an international event.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the blossoming relationship between Israel and Eastern Europe.</font><br><font color=red>= bloom</font><br><font color=red>* blossoming </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the blossoming of British art, pop and fashion.</font><br><br>When a tree blossoms, it produces blossom.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Rain begins to fall and peach trees blossom.</font><br>

Q: <b> boat people <br>BOAT PEOPLE </b><br>

A: Boat people are people who escape from their country in small boats to travel to another country in the hope that they will be able to live there..<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...50,000 Vietnamese boat people.</font><br>

Q: <b> borrowing <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bCrEuiN</font>]</b><br>

A: Borrowing is the activity of borrowing money.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We have allowed spending and borrowing to rise in this recession.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the huge {Pound}50 billion public sector borrowing requirement.</font><br><br>A borrowing is something such as a word or an idea that someone has taken from another language or from another person's work and used in their own language or work.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The names are direct borrowings from the Chinese.</font><br>

Q: <b> bowling <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bEuliN</font>]</b><br>

A: Bowling is a game in which you roll a heavy ball down a narrow track towards a group of wooden objects and try to knock down as many of them as possible.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I go bowling for relaxation.</font><br><br>In cricket, bowling is the action or activity of bowling the ball towards the batsman.<br>

Q: <b> boxing <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bCksiN</font>]</b><br>

A: Boxing is a sport in which two people wearing large padded gloves fight according to special rules.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some speakers argued that boxing was less dangerous than rugby.</font><br>

Q: <b> Br. <br>BR. </b><br>

A: Br.<br>Br. is a written abbreviation for British.<br>

Q: <b> bronze <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">brCnz</font>]</b><br>

A: Bronze is a yellowish-brown metal which is a mixture of copper and tin.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a bronze statue of Giorgi Dimitrov.</font><br><br>A bronze is a statue or sculpture made of bronze.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a bronze of Napoleon on horseback.</font><br><br>A bronze is a bronze medal.<br><br>Something that is bronze is yellowish-brown in colour.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her hair shone bronze and gold.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...huge bronze chrysanthemums.</font><br>

Q: <b> bureaucrat <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bjuErEukrAt</font>]</b><br>

A: Bureaucrats are officials who work in a large administrative system. You can refer to officials as bureaucrats especially if you disapprove of them because they seem to follow rules and procedures too strictly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The economy is still controlled by bureaucrats.</font><br>

Q: <b> CIA <br>CIA </b><br>

A: CIA </b></font><br>The CIA is the government organization in the United States that collects secret information about other countries. CIA is an abbreviation for `Central Intelligence Agency'.<br>

Q: <b> capital gains <br>CAPITAL GAINS </b><br>

A: Capital gains are the profits that you make when you buy something and then sell it again at a higher price.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He called for the reform of capital gains tax.</font><br>

Q: <b> Capt. <br>CAPT. </b><br>

A: Capt.</b></font><br>Capt. is a written abbreviation for captain.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Capt. Hunt asked which engine was on fire.</font><br>

Q: <b> carrot <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kArEt</font>]</b><br>

A: Carrots are long, thin, orange-coloured vegetables. They grow under the ground, and have green shoots above the ground.<br><br>Something that is offered to people in order to persuade them to do something can be referred to as a carrot. Something that is meant to persuade people not to do something can be referred to in the same sentence as a `stick'.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They will be set targets, with a carrot of extra cash and pay if they achieve them.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Why the new emphasis on sticks instead of diplomatic carrots?</font><br>See also carrot and stick.<br><font color=red>= incentive</font><br>

Q: <b> Celtic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5keltik; 5seltik</font>]</b><br>

A: Celtic </b></font><br>If you describe something as Celtic, you mean that it is connected with the people and the culture of Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and some other areas such as Brittany.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...important figures in Celtic tradition.</font><br>

Q: <b> champagne <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">FAm5pein</font>]</b><br>

A: Champagne is an expensive French white wine with bubbles in. It is often drunk to celebrate something.<br><br>If you say that champagne corks are popping, you mean that people are celebrating something.<br>

Q: <b> chartered <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5tFB:tEd</font>]</b><br>

A: Chartered is used to indicate that someone, such as an accountant or a surveyor, has formally qualified in their profession. (BRIT; in AM usually use certified)<br>

Q: <b> Christ <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kraist</font>]</b><br>

A: Christ </b></font><br>Christ is one of the names of Jesus, whom Christians believe to be the son of God and whose teachings are the basis of Christianity.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the teachings of Christ.</font><br><br>Some people say `Christ!' when they are surprised, shocked, or annoyed, or in order to emphasize what they are saying. This use could cause offence. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He looked at her watch. `Christ! We only have three minutes!'</font><br>

Q: <b> coastal <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kEustl</font>]</b><br>

A: Coastal is used to refer to things that are in the sea or on the land near a coast.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Local radio stations serving coastal areas often broadcast forecasts for yachtsmen.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The fish are on sale from our own coastal waters.</font><br>

Q: <b> communism <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCmjunizEm</font>]</b><br>

A: Communism.</b></font><br>Communism is the political belief that all people are equal and that workers should control the means of producing things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the ultimate triumph of communism in the world.</font><br><font color=red><> capitalism</font><br>

Q: <b> compassion <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEm5pAFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Compassion is a feeling of pity, sympathy, and understanding for someone who is suffering.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Elderly people need time and compassion from their physicians.</font><br>

Q: <b> computing <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEm5pju:tiN</font>]</b><br>

A: Computing is the activity of using a computer and writing programs for it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Courses range from cookery to computing.</font><br><br>Computing means relating to computers and their use.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many graduates are employed in the electronics and computing industries.</font><br>

Q: <b> consecutive <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5sekjutiv</font>]</b><br>

A: Consecutive periods of time or events happen one after the other without interruption.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Cup was won for the third consecutive year by the Toronto Maple Leafs.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Photographs taken at the same time on two consecutive sunny days can be quite different from one another.</font><br><font color=red>= successive</font><br><font color=red>* consecutively </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a CD player which plays six CDs consecutively.</font><br>

Q: <b> Conservative Party <br>CONSERVATIVE PARTY </b><br>

A: Conservative Party </b></font><br>The Conservative Party is the main right of centre party in Britain.<br>

Q: <b> correction <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kE5rekFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Corrections are marks or comments made on a piece of work, especially school work, which indicate where there are mistakes and what are the right answers.<br><br>Correction is the punishment of criminals. (mainly AM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...jails and other parts of the correction system.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Department of Correction.</font><br>

Q: <b> correspondence <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7kCris5pCndEns</font>]</b><br>

A: Correspondence is the act of writing letters to someone.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The judges' decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His interest in writing came from a long correspondence with a close college friend.</font><br><br>Someone's correspondence is the letters that they receive or send.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He always replied to his correspondence.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She virtually never mentions him in her correspondence or notebooks.</font><br><br>If there is a correspondence between two things, there is a close similarity or connection between them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In African languages there is a close correspondence between sounds and letters.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...correspondences between Eastern religions and Christianity.</font><br>

Q: <b> countless <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kautlis</font>]</b><br>

A: Countless means very many.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She brought joy to countless people through her music.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There are countless small ski areas dotted about the province.</font><br><font color=red>= innumerable</font><br>

Q: <b> Crown Court <br>CROWN COURT </b><br>

A: Crown Court Crown Courts </b></font><br>In England and Wales, a Crown Court is a court in which criminal cases are tried by a judge and jury rather than by a magistrate.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He appeared at Manchester Crown Court on Thursday on a drink-driving charge.</font><br>

Q: <b> DJ <br>DJ </b><br>

A: DJ DJs also D.J. or dj.</b></font><br>A DJ is the same as a disc jockey.<br><br>A DJ is the same as a dinner jacket. (BRIT)<br>

Q: <b> DNA <br>DNA </b><br>

A: DNA </b></font><br>DNA is an acid in the chromosomes in the centre of the cells of living things. DNA determines the particular structure and functions of every cell and is responsible for characteristics being passed on from parents to their children. DNA is an abbreviation for `deoxyribonucleic acid'.<br>

Q: <b> dame <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">deim</font>]</b><br>

A: Dame is a title given to a woman as a special honour because of important service or work that she has done. (BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Dame Judi Dench.</font><br><br>A dame is a woman. This use could cause offence. (AM, OLD-FASHIONED, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Who does that dame think she is?</font><br>

Q: <b> damned <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dAmd</font>]</b><br>

A: Damned is used by some people to emphasize what they are saying, especially when they are angry or frustrated. (INFORMAL, RUDE)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The damned meeting seemed endless.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They're a damned nuisance most of the time.</font><br><br>Also an adverb.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We are making a damned good profit, I tell you that.</font><br><br>According to some religions, the damned are people whose punishment is to stay in hell for ever after they have died.<br><br>If someone says `I'm damned if I'm going to do it' or `I'll be damned if I'll do it', they are emphasizing that they do not intend to do something and think it is unreasonable for anyone to expect them to do it. (INFORMAL, RUDE)<br><br>Some people say `I'll be damned!' when they are expressing surprise at something. (INFORMAL, RUDE)<br>

Q: <b> day-to-day <br>DAY-TO-DAY </b><br>

A: Day-to-day things or activities exist or happen every day as part of ordinary life.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I am a vegetarian and use a lot of lentils in my day-to-day cooking.</font><br>

Q: <b> daylight <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5deilait</font>]</b><br>

A: Daylight is the natural light that there is during the day, before it gets dark.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was still daylight but all the cars had their headlights on.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lack of daylight can make people feel depressed.</font><br><font color=red><> night</font><br><br>Daylight is the time of day when it begins to get light.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Quinn returned shortly after daylight yesterday morning.</font><br><font color=red>= dawn</font><br><br>If you say that a crime is committed in broad daylight, you are expressing your surprise that it is done during the day when people can see it, rather than at night.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A girl was attacked on a train in broad daylight.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The recent murder happened in broad daylight in a supposedly `safe' part of London.</font><br>

Q: <b> Dec. <br>DEC. </b><br>

A: Dec.<br>Dec. is a written abbreviation for December.<br>

Q: <b> decent <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5di:snt</font>]</b><br>

A: Decent is used to describe something which is considered to be of an acceptable standard or quality.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nearby is a village with a decent pub.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He didn't get a decent explanation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The lack of a decent education did not defeat Rey.</font><br><font color=red>= reasonable, acceptable</font><br><font color=red>* decently </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The allies say they will treat their prisoners decently.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This year's festival can boast a decently long list of sponsors.</font><br><font color=red>= reasonably, acceptably</font><br><br>Decent is used to describe something which is morally correct or acceptable.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;But, after a decent interval, trade relations began to return to normal.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She watched his face, as the coffin was lowered into the ground. As soon as it was decent, he plunged through the crowd towards the cars.</font><br><font color=red>= respectable</font><br><font color=red>* decently </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There were at least four hours before he could decently go to the pub.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;And can't you dress more decently -- people will think you're a tramp.</font><br><font color=red>= respectably</font><br><br>Decent people are honest and behave in a way that most people approve of.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The majority of people around here are decent people.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The jury will see what a decent guy he is.</font><br><font color=red>= upright</font><br><br>If you say that someone should </b></font><br>

Q: <b> decision-making <br>DECISION-MAKING </b><br>

A: Decision-making is the process of reaching decisions, especially in a large organization or in government.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She wants to see more women involved in decision making.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shortening the decision-making process would provide one solution.</font><br>

Q: <b> defiance <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5faiEns</font>]</b><br>

A: Defiance is behaviour or an attitude which shows that you are not willing to obey someone.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...his courageous defiance of the government.</font><br><br>If you do something in defiance of a person, rule, or law, you do it even though you know that you are not allowed to do it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thousands of people have taken to the streets in defiance of the curfew.</font><br>

Q: <b> determination <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di tE:mi5neiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Determination is the quality that you show when you have decided to do something and you will not let anything stop you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Everyone concerned acted with great courage and determination.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He reaffirmed their determination to tackle inflation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His cooking reflects a determination to acknowledge his northern roots.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was an expression of fierce determination on her face.</font><br>

Q: <b> digital <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5didVitl</font>]</b><br>

A: Digital systems record or transmit information in the form of thousands of very small signals. Compare analogue.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The new digital technology would allow a rapid expansion in the number of TV channels.</font><br><font color=red>* digitally </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...digitally recorded sound.</font><br><br>Digital devices such as watches or clocks give information by displaying numbers rather than by having a pointer which moves round a dial. Compare analogue.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a digital display.</font><br>

Q: <b> dinosaur <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dainEsC:</font>]</b><br>

A: Dinosaurs were large reptiles which lived in prehistoric times.<br><br>If you refer to an organization as a dinosaur, you mean that it is large, inefficient, and out of date.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...industrial dinosaurs.</font><br>

Q: <b> disappointment <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7disE5pCintmEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: Disappointment is the state of feeling disappointed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Despite winning the title, their last campaign ended in great disappointment.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Book early to avoid disappointment.</font><br><font color=red>= dissatisfaction</font><br><br>Something or someone that is a disappointment is not as good as you had hoped.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;For many, their long-awaited homecoming was a bitter disappointment.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...this ne'er-do-well brother who was such a disappointment to his family.</font><br><font color=red>= let down</font><br>

Q: <b> disciplinary <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5disiplinEri</font>]</b><br>

A: Disciplinary bodies or actions are concerned with making sure that people obey rules or regulations and that they are punished if they do not.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He will now face a disciplinary hearing for having an affair.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was unhappy that no disciplinary action was being taken.</font><br>

Q: <b> disclosure <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5klEuVE</font>]</b><br>

A: Disclosure is the act of giving people new or secret information.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...insufficient disclosure of negative information about the company.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...unauthorised newspaper disclosures.</font><br><font color=red>= revelation</font><br>

Q: <b> discrimination <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis7krimi5neiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Discrimination is the practice of treating one person or group of people less fairly or less well than other people or groups.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She is exempt from sex discrimination laws.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...discrimination against immigrants.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...measures to counteract racial discrimination.</font><br><br>Discrimination is knowing what is good or of high quality.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They cooked without skill and ate without discrimination.</font><br><font color=red>= taste</font><br><br>Discrimination is the ability to recognize and understand the differences between two things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We will then have an objective measure of how colour discrimination and visual acuity develop at the level of the brain.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the system that allows a mother to make the discrimination between her own and alien lambs.</font><br>

Q: <b> disgust <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5gQst</font>]</b><br>

A: Disgust is a feeling of very strong dislike or disapproval.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He spoke of his disgust at the incident.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A look of disgust came over his face.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I threw the book aside in disgust.</font><br><font color=red>= revulsion</font><br><br>To disgust someone means to make them feel a strong sense of dislike and disapproval.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He disgusted many with his boorish behaviour.</font><br>

Q: <b> dual <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dju(:)El</font>]</b><br>

A: Dual means having two parts, functions, or aspects.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...his dual role as head of the party and head of state...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Rob may be entitled to dual nationality.</font><br>

Q: <b> earliest <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5iEliist</font>]</b><br>

A: Earliest is the superlative of early.<br><br>At the earliest means not before the date or time mentioned.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The first official results are not expected until Tuesday at the earliest.</font><br>

Q: <b> efficiency <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">i5fiFEnsi</font>]</b><br>

A: Efficiency is the quality of being able to do a task successfully, without wasting time or energy.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There are many ways to increase agricultural efficiency in the poorer areas of the world.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; efficiency.</font><br><br>In physics and engineering, efficiency is the difference between the amount of energy a machine needs to make it work, and the amount it produces. (TECHNICAL)<br>

Q: <b> electronics <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">ilek5trCniks</font>]</b><br>

A: Electronics is the technology of using transistors and silicon chips, especially in devices such as radios, televisions, and computers.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Europe's three main electronics companies.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...cheaper, better consumer electronics.</font><br><br>You can refer to electronic devices, or the part of a piece of equipment that consists of electronic devices, as the electronics.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All the electronics are housed in a waterproof box.</font><br>

Q: <b> embarrassment <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">im5bArEsmEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: Embarrassment is the feeling you have when you are embarrassed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is a source of embarrassment to Londoners that the standard of pubs is so low.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I think I would have died of embarrassment.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We apologise for any embarrassment this may have caused.</font><br><br>An embarrassment is an action, event, or situation which causes problems for a politician, political party, government, or other public group.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The poverty figures were undoubtedly an embarrassment to the president.</font><br><br>If you refer to a person as an embarrassment, you mean that you disapprove of them but cannot avoid your connection with them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You have been an embarrassment to us from the day Douglas married you.</font><br><br>If you say that someone has an embarrassment of riches, you mean that they have so many good things that these things are a problem.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The art gallery's problem is an embarrassment of riches, with nowhere to put most of them.</font><br>

Q: <b> equality <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">i(:)5kwCliti</font>]</b><br>

A: Equality is the same status, rights, and responsibilities for all the members of a society, group, or family.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...equality of the sexes.</font><br>

Q: <b> ethic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5eWik</font>]</b><br>

A: Ethics are moral beliefs and rules about right and wrong.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Its members are bound by a rigid code of ethics which includes confidentiality.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Refugee workers said such action was a violation of medical ethics.</font><br><br>Someone's ethics are the moral principles about right and wrong behaviour which they believe in.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is common to distinguish between personal and social ethics.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He told the police that he had thought honestly about the ethics of what he was doing.</font><br><br>Ethics is the study of questions about what is morally right and wrong.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the teaching of ethics and moral philosophy.</font><br><br>An ethic of a particular kind is an idea or moral belief that influences the behaviour, attitudes, and philosophy of a group of people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the ethic of public service.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; indomitable work ethic and determination to succeed.</font><br>

Q: <b> evolution <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7i:vE5lu:FEn, 7evE-</font>]</b><br>

A: Evolution is a process of gradual change that takes place over many generations, during which species of animals, plants, or insects slowly change some of their physical characteristics.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the evolution of plants and animals.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the theory of evolution by natural selection.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...human evolution.</font><br><br>Evolution is a process of gradual development in a particular situation or thing over a period of time. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a crucial period in the evolution of modern physics.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; accurate account of his country's evolution...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His long life comprised a series of evolutions.</font><br><font color=red>= development</font><br>

Q: <b> expenditure <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">iks5penditFE, eks-</font>]</b><br>

A: Expenditure is the spending of money on something, or the money that is spent on something. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Policies of tax reduction must lead to reduced public expenditure.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They should cut their expenditure on defence.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;An expenditure for clothing will qualify as a trade or business expense.</font><br><br>Expenditure of something such as time or energy is the using of that thing for a particular purpose. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The financial rewards justified the expenditure of effort.</font><br>

Q: <b> FBI <br>FBI </b><br>

A: FBI </b></font><br>The FBI is a government agency in the United States that investigates crimes in which a national law is broken or in which the country's security is threatened. FBI is an abbreviation for `Federal Bureau of Investigation'.<br>

Q: <b> FM <br>FM </b><br>

A: FM <br>FM is a method of transmitting radio waves that can be used to broadcast high quality sound. FM is an abbreviation for `frequency modulation'.<br>

Q: <b> external <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">eks5tE:nl</font>]</b><br>

A: External is used to indicate that something is on the outside of a surface or body, or that it exists, happens, or comes from outside.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a much reduced heat loss through external walls.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...internal and external allergic reactions.</font><br><font color=red><> internal</font><br><font color=red>* externally </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Vitamins can be applied externally to the skin.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...externally imposed conditions.</font><br><br>External means involving or intended for foreign countries.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the commissioner for external affairs.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Jamaica's external debt.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the republic's external borders.</font><br><font color=red>* externally </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...protecting the value of the mark both internally and externally.</font><br><br>External means happening or existing in the world in general and affecting you in some way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a reaction to external events...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Such events occur only when the external conditions are favorable.</font><br><br>External experts, for example, external examiners, come into an organization from outside in order to do a particular job fairly and impartially, or to check that a particular job was done properly. (mainly BRIT)<br><font color=red>= outside</font><br><font color=red>* externally </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There must be externally moderated tests.</font><br><br>If medicine is for external use, it is intended to be used only on the outside of your body, and not to be eaten or drunk.<br>

Q: <b> farming <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fB:miN</font>]</b><br>

A: Farming is the activity of growing crops or keeping animals on a farm.<br>

Q: <b> fascism <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fAFiz(E)m</font>]</b><br>

A: Fascism is a set of right-wing political beliefs that includes strong control of society and the economy by the state, a powerful role for the armed forces, and the stopping of political opposition.<br>

Q: <b> Feb. <br>FEB. </b><br>

A: Feb.<br>Feb. is a written abbreviation for February.<br>

Q: <b> First World War <br>FIRST WORLD WAR </b><br>

A: First World War </b></font><br>The First World War or the First War is the major war that was fought between 1914 and 1918 in Europe.<br>

Q: <b> fishery <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fiFEri</font>]</b><br>

A: Fisheries are areas of the sea where fish are caught in large quantities for commercial purposes.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the fisheries off Newfoundland.</font><br><font color=red>= fishing ground</font><br><br>A fishery is a place where fish are bred and reared.<br><font color=red>= fish farm</font><br>

Q: <b> footage <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5futidV</font>]</b><br>

A: Footage of a particular event is a film of it or the part of a film which shows this event.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They are planning to show exclusive footage from this summer's festivals.</font><br>

Q: <b> Foreign Office <br>FOREIGN OFFICE </b><br>

A: Foreign Office Foreign Offices </b></font><br>The Foreign Office is the government department, especially in Britain, which has responsibility for the government's dealings and relations with foreign governments.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a Foreign Office spokesman.</font><br>

Q: <b> foreign exchange <br>FOREIGN EXCHANGE </b><br>

A: Foreign exchanges are the institutions or systems involved with changing one currency into another.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;On the foreign exchanges, the US dollar is up point forty-five.</font><br><br>Foreign exchange is used to refer to foreign currency that is obtained through the foreign exchange system.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; important source of foreign exchange.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...foreign-exchange traders.</font><br>

Q: <b> fortunately <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fC:tFEnEtli</font>]</b><br>

A: Fortunately is used to introduce or indicate a statement about an event or situation that is good.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fortunately, the weather that winter was reasonably mild.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fortunately for me, my friend saw that something was seriously wrong.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bombs had hit the building a number of times but fortunately no one was hurt.</font><br><font color=red>= luckily</font><br>

Q: <b> freight <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">freit</font>]</b><br>

A: Freight is the movement of goods by lorries, trains, ships, or aeroplanes.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;France derives 16% of revenue from air freight.</font><br><br>Freight is goods that are transported by lorries, trains, ships, or aeroplanes.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...26 tons of freight...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;90% of managers wanted to see more freight carried by rail.</font><br><br>When goods are freighted, they are transported in large quantities over a long distance.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;From these ports the grain is freighted down to Addis Ababa.</font><br>

Q: <b> full-time <br>FULL-TIME </b><br>

A: Full-time work or study involves working or studying for the whole of each normal working week rather than for part of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a full-time job.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...full-time staff.</font><br><br>Also an adverb.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Deirdre works full-time.</font><br><br>If you describe a regular activity or task as a full-time job, you mean that it takes up so much of your time it is like doing a paid job.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The way she did it, mothering was a full-time job.</font><br><br>In games such as soccer, full-time is the end of a match. (BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The score at full-time was Arsenal 1, Sampdoria 1.</font><br>

Q: <b> fundamentalism <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fQndE5mentEliz(E)m</font>]</b><br>

A: Fundamentalism is the belief in the original form of a religion or theory, without accepting any later ideas.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Religious fundamentalism was spreading in the region.</font><br><font color=red>* fundamentalist fundamentalists </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He will try to satisfy both wings of the party, the fundamentalists and the realists.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...fundamentalist Christians.</font><br>

Q: <b> GB <br>GB </b><br>

A: GB </b></font><br>GB is an abbreviation for Great Britain.<br>

Q: <b> glove <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">glQv</font>]</b><br>

A: Gloves are pieces of clothing which cover your hands and wrists and have individual sections for each finger. You wear gloves to keep your hands warm or dry or to protect them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He stuck his gloves in his pocket.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a pair of white cotton gloves.</font><br><br>If you say that something fits like a glove, you are emphasizing that it fits exactly.<br>

Q: <b> Grand Prix <br>GRAND PRIX </b><br>

A: Grand Prix Grands Prix or Grand Prix </b></font><br>A Grand Prix is one of a series of races for very powerful racing cars; also used sometimes in the names of competitions in other sports.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He never won the British Grand Prix.</font><br>

Q: <b> half-time <br>HALF-TIME </b><br>

A: Half-time is the short period of time between the two parts of a sporting event such as a football, soccer, or basketball game, when the players have a short rest.<br>

Q: <b> hardship <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hB:d7Fip</font>]</b><br>

A: Hardship is a situation in which your life is difficult or unpleasant, often because you do not have enough money.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many people are suffering economic hardship.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One of the worst hardships is having so little time to spend with one's family.</font><br><font color=red>= privation</font><br>

Q: <b> High Court <br>HIGH COURT </b><br>

A: High Court High Courts </b></font><br>In England and Wales, the High Court is a court of law which deals with very serious or important cases.<br>

Q: <b> higher education <br>HIGHER EDUCATION </b><br>

A: Higher education is education at universities and colleges.<br>

Q: <b> cm <br>CM </b><br>

A: His height had increased by 2.5 cm.</font><br>

Q: <b> Hispanic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">his5pAnik</font>]</b><br>

A: Hispanic </b></font><br>A Hispanic person is a citizen of the United States of America who originally came from Latin America, or whose family originally came from Latin America.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a group of Hispanic doctors in Washington...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The former mayor of San Antonio is Hispanic.</font><br><br>A Hispanic is someone who is Hispanic.<br>

Q: <b> hockey <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hCki</font>]</b><br>

A: Hockey is an outdoor game played between two teams of 11 players who use long curved sticks to hit a small ball and try to score goals. (BRIT; in AM usually use field hockey)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She played hockey for the national side.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the British hockey team.</font><br><br>Hockey is a game played on ice between two teams of 11 players who use long curved sticks to hit a small rubber disk, called a puck, and try to score goals. (AM; in BRIT usually use ice hockey)<br>

Q: <b> Home Office <br>HOME OFFICE </b><br>

A: Home Office </b></font><br>The Home Office is the department of the British Government which is responsible for things such as the police, broadcasting, and making decisions about people who want to come to live in Britain.<br>

Q: <b> huh <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">hQ</font>]</b><br>

A: Huh is used in writing to represent a noise that people make at the end of a question if they want someone to agree with them or if they want someone to repeat what they have just said. Huh is also used to show that someone is surprised or not impressed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Can we just get on with it, huh?.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Clever, huh?.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Huh? What's going on? You want to tell me what I did?.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Huh. What are you so excited about?</font><br>

Q: <b> humiliation <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">hju:7mili5eiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Humiliation is the embarrassment and shame you feel when someone makes you appear stupid, or when you make a mistake in public.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She faced the humiliation of discussing her husband's affair.</font><br><br>A humiliation is an occasion or a situation in which you feel embarrassed and ashamed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The result is a humiliation for the prime minister.</font><br>

Q: <b> hunting <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hQntiN</font>]</b><br>

A: Hunting is the chasing and killing of wild animals by people or other animals, for food or as a sport.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hunting is one of Italy's most popular sports.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Deer hunting was banned in Scotland in 1959.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a hunting accident.</font><br><br>Hunting is the activity of searching for a particular thing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Job hunting should be approached as a job in itself.</font><br><br>Also a combining form.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lee has divided his time between flat-hunting and travelling.</font><br>

Q: <b> hydrogen <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5haidrEudVEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Hydrogen is a colourless gas that is the lightest and commonest element in the universe.<br>

Q: <b> IMF <br>IMF </b><br>

A: IMF </b></font><br>The IMF is an international agency which tries to promote trade and improve economic conditions in poorer countries, sometimes by lending them money. IMF is an abbreviation for `International Monetary Fund'.<br>

Q: <b> ITV <br>ITV </b><br>

A: ITV </b></font><br>ITV refers to the group of British commercial television companies that broadcasts programmes on one channel. ITV is an abbreviation for `Independent Television'. (BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ITV has set its sights on winning a younger and more upmarket audience.</font><br><br>ITV is the television channel that is run by ITV.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The first episode will be shown tomorrow at 10.40pm on ITV.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...ITV viewers.</font><br>

Q: <b> ideological <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7aidiE5lCdVikEl</font>]</b><br>

A: Ideological means relating to principles or beliefs.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Others left the party for ideological reasons.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The ideological divisions between the parties aren't always obvious.</font><br><font color=red>* ideologically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ideologically sound organisation...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The army was ideologically opposed to the kind of economic solution proposed.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ideologically, there was nothing in common between them.</font><br>

Q: <b> bang out <br>BANG OUT </b><br>

A: If a company bangs out a poor quality product, they produce large quantities of it in order to make money.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...factories that banged out the same product year after year.</font><br><br>If someone bangs out a tune on a musical instrument such as a piano, they play it loudly and not very well.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the same version of `Mr Tambourine Man' he's been banging out since the world was young.</font><br>

Q: <b> melt away <br>MELT AWAY </b><br>

A: If a crowd of people melts away, members of the crowd gradually leave until there is no-one left.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The crowd around the bench began to melt away.</font><br>See also melt 2.<br>

Q: <b> bog down <br>BOG DOWN </b><br>

A: If a plan or process bogs down or if something bogs it down, it is delayed and no progress is made.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We intended from the very beginning to bog the prosecution down over who did this.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The talks have bogged down over the issue of military reform.</font><br>See also bogged down.<br>

Q: <b> forge <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fC:dV</font>]</b><br>

A: If one person or institution forges an agreement or relationship with another, they create it with a lot of hard work, hoping that it will be strong or lasting.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Prime Minister is determined to forge a good relationship with America's new leader.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They agreed to forge closer economic ties.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The programme aims to forge links between higher education and small businesses.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Community was trying to forge a common foreign and security policy.</font><br><font color=red>= form</font><br><br>If you say that a person has forged something that you approve of, you mean that you admire them for having done something difficult.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The project will help inmates forge new careers.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tito forged a unique model of communism after breaking with Stalin in 1948.</font><br><br>If someone forges something such as a banknote, a document, or a painting, they copy it or make it so that it looks genuine, in order to deceive people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He admitted seven charges including forging passports.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She alleged that Taylor had forged her signature on the form.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They used forged documents to leave the country.</font><br><font color=red>* forger forgers </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the most prolific art forger in the country.</font><br><br>A forge is a place where someone makes metal goods and equipment by heating pieces of metal and then shaping them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the blacksmith's forge.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Woodbury Blacksmith & Forge Co.</font><br><br>If someone forges an object out of metal, they heat the metal and then hammer and bend it into the required shape.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;To forge a blade takes great skill.</font><br>

Q: <b> hammer out <br>HAMMER OUT </b><br>

A: If people hammer out an agreement or treaty, they succeed in producing it after a long or difficult discussion.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I think we can hammer out a solution.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The new fixture package has been hammered out by the Premiership clubs in talks over the last ten days.</font><br>

Q: <b> dignity <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5digniti</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone behaves or moves with dignity, they are calm, controlled, and admirable.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...her extraordinary dignity and composure.</font><br><font color=red>= self-possession</font><br><br>If you talk about the dignity of people or their lives or activities, you mean that they are valuable and worthy of respect.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the sense of human dignity.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the integrity and the dignity of our lives and feelings.</font><br><br>Your dignity is the sense that you have of your own importance and value, and other people's respect for you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If you were wrong, admit it. You won't lose dignity, but will gain respect.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She still has her dignity.</font><br><font color=red>= self-respect</font><br>

Q: <b> adventure <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">Ed5ventFE</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone has an adventure, they become involved in an unusual, exciting, and rather dangerous journey or series of events.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I set off for a new adventure in the United States on the first day of the new year.</font><br><br>Adventure is excitement and willingness to do new, unusual, or rather dangerous things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their cultural backgrounds gave them a spirit of adventure.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a feeling of adventure and excitement.</font><br><br>If you adventure somewhere, you go somewhere new, unusual, and exciting. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The group has adventured as far as the Austrian alps.</font><br>

Q: <b> abolish <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5bCliF</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone in authority abolishes a system or practice, they formally put an end to it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The following year Parliament voted to abolish the death penalty for murder.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The whole system should be abolished.</font><br>

Q: <b> defender <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5fendE</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone is a defender of a particular thing or person that has been criticized, they argue or act in support of that thing or person.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the most ardent defenders of conventional family values.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a strong defender of human rights or religious freedom.</font><br><br>A defender in a game such as soccer, football, or hockey is a player whose main task is to try and stop the other side scoring.<br>

Q: <b> bind over <br>BIND OVER </b><br>

A: If someone is bound over by a court or a judge, they are given an order and must do as the order says for a particular period of time. (LEGAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;On many occasions demonstrators were bound over to keep the peace.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They put us in a cell, and the next day some bumbling judge bound us over.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This imposes a duty on courts to bind over parents when they have no control over their children.</font><br>

Q: <b> gore <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">gC:</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone is gored by an animal, they are badly wounded by its horns or tusks.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Carruthers had been gored by a rhinoceros.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was gored to death in front of his family.</font><br><br>Gore is blood from a wound that has become thick. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There were pools of blood and gore on the pavement.</font><br>

Q: <b> loosen <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lu:sn</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone loosens restrictions or laws, for example, they make them less strict or severe.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many business groups have been pressing the Federal Reserve to loosen interest rates.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Drilling regulations, too, have been loosened to speed the development of the fields.</font><br><font color=red>* loosening </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Domestic conditions did not justify a loosening of monetary policy.</font><br><br>If someone or something loosens the ties between people or groups of people, or if the ties loosen, they become weaker.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Federal Republic must loosen its ties with the United States.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The deputy leader is cautious about loosening the links with the unions.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The ties that bind them together are loosening.</font><br><br>If you loosen your clothing or something that is tied or fastened, you undo it slightly so that it is less tight or less firmly held in place.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He reached up to loosen the scarf around his neck.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Loosen the bolt so the bars can be turned.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her hair had loosened and was tangled around her shoulders.</font><br><font color=red><> tighten</font><br><br>If you loosen something that is stretched across something else, you make it less stretched or tight.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Insert a small knife into the top of the chicken breast to loosen the skin.</font><br><br>If you loosen your grip on something, or if your grip loosens, you hold it less tightly.<br><font color=blue </b></font><br>

Q: <b> comeback <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kQmbAk</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone such as an entertainer or sports personality makes a comeback, they return to their profession or sport after a period away.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sixties singing star Petula Clark is making a comeback.</font><br><br>If something makes a comeback, it becomes fashionable again.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tight fitting T-shirts are making a comeback.</font><br><br>If you have no comeback when someone has done something wrong to you, there is nothing you can do to have them punished or held responsible.<br><font color=red>= redress</font><br>

Q: <b> arouse <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5rauz</font>]</b><br>

A: If something arouses a particular reaction or attitude in people, it causes them to have that reaction or attitude.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His revolutionary work in linguistics has aroused intense scholarly interest.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the deep public anger you have aroused.</font><br><br>If something arouses a particular feeling or instinct that exists in someone, it causes them to experience that feeling or instinct strongly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is nothing quite like a crisp, dry sherry to arouse the appetite.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He aroused her mothering instincts.</font><br><br>If you are aroused by something, it makes you feel sexually excited.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some men are aroused when their partner says erotic words to them.</font><br><font color=red>* aroused </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some men feel that they get most sexually aroused in the morning.</font><br><font color=red>* arousing </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Being stroked by a partner is usually more arousing than stroking yourself.</font><br><br>If something arouses you, it makes you feel angry.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He apologized, saying this subject always aroused him.</font><br><br>If something arouses you from sleep, it wakes you up. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;About two o'clock, we were aroused from our sleep by a knocking at the door.</font><br><font color=red>= awaken</font><br>

Q: <b> formerly <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fC:mEli</font>]</b><br>

A: If something happened or was true formerly, it happened or was true in the past.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had formerly been in the Navy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...east Germany's formerly state-controlled companies.</font><br>

Q: <b> merit <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5merit</font>]</b><br>

A: If something has merit, it has good or worthwhile qualities.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The argument seemed to have considerable merit.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Box-office success mattered more than artistic merit.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Your feature has the merit of simply stating what has been achieved.</font><br><br>The merits of something are its advantages or other good points.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They have been persuaded of the merits of peace.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the technical merits of a film...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was obvious that, whatever its merits, their work would never be used.</font><br><br>If someone or something merits a particular action or treatment, they deserve it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He said he had done nothing wrong to merit a criminal investigation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Such ideas merit careful consideration.</font><br><font color=red>= deserve</font><br><br>If you judge something or someone on merit or on their merits, your judgement is based on what you notice when you consider them, rather than on things that you know about them from other sources.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Everybody is selected on merit.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Each case is judged on its merits.</font><br>

Q: <b> freshly <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5freFli</font>]</b><br>

A: If something is freshly made or done, it has been recently made or done.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...freshly baked bread.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...freshly cut grass.</font><br><font color=red>= recently</font><br>

Q: <b> frightening <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fraitEniN</font>]</b><br>

A: If something is frightening, it makes you feel afraid, anxious, or nervous.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was a very frightening experience and they were very courageous.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The number of youngsters involved in crime is frightening.</font><br><font color=red>= alarming</font><br><font color=red>* frighteningly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The country is frighteningly close to possessing nuclear weapons.</font><br>

Q: <b> frown upon, frown on <br>FROWN UPON, FROWN ON </b><br>

A: If something is frowned upon or is frowned on people disapprove of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This practice is frowned upon as being wasteful.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many teachers frown on such practices.</font><br>

Q: <b> frighten <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fraitn</font>]</b><br>

A: If something or someone frightens you, they cause you to suddenly feel afraid, anxious, or nervous.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He knew that Soli was trying to frighten him, so he smiled to hide his fear.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Most children are frightened by the sight of blood.</font><br><font color=red>= scare</font><br><br>If something frightens the life out of you, frightens the wits out of you, or frightens you out of your wits, it causes you to feel suddenly afraid or gives you a very unpleasant shock.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fairground rides are intended to frighten the life out of you.</font><br>

Q: <b> inevitably <br>INEVITABLY </b><br>

A: If something will inevitably happen, it is certain to happen and cannot be prevented or avoided.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Technological changes will inevitably lead to unemployment.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Inevitably, the proposal is running into difficulties.</font><br><font color=red>= unavoidably</font><br>

Q: <b> bucket down <br>BUCKET DOWN </b><br>

A: If the rain buckets down, or if it buckets down with rain, it rains very heavily. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As soon as we were inside, the rain began to bucket down.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If it hadn't been bucketing down with rain and blowing a gale, I would have had a glorious view.</font><br><font color=red>= pour</font><br>

Q: <b> break-in <br>BREAK-IN </b><br>

A: If there has been a break-in, someone has got into a building by force.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The break-in had occurred just before midnight.</font><br><font color=red>= burglary</font><br>

Q: <b> distributed <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5tribju:tid</font>]</b><br>

A: If things are distributed throughout an area, object, or group, they exist throughout it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These cells are widely distributed throughout the body.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Galactic surveys show that distant galaxies are not as evenly distributed in space as theory predicts.</font><br>

Q: <b> howl down <br>HOWL DOWN </b><br>

A: If you are howled down, people prevent you from speaking or giving your opinion, often by shouting angrily. (mainly BRIT; in AM use shout down)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The president was howled down by hundreds of opponents.</font><br><font color=red>= shout down</font><br>

Q: <b> batter down <br>BATTER DOWN </b><br>

A: If you batter a door down, you hit it so hard that it falls to pieces.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He would have to batter the door down.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They used lorries to batter down embassy gates.</font><br>

Q: <b> beef up <br>BEEF UP </b><br>

A: If you beef up something, you increase, strengthen, or improve it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a campaign to beef up security...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Both sides are still beefing up their military strength.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a beefed up police presence.</font><br>

Q: <b> dash off <br>DASH OFF </b><br>

A: If you dash off to a place, you go there very quickly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He dashed off to lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They dashed off to Paris for a couple of days.</font><br><br>If you dash off a piece of writing, you write or compose it very quickly, without thinking about it very much.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He dashed off a couple of novels.</font><br>

Q: <b> evaluate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">i5vAljueit</font>]</b><br>

A: If you evaluate something or someone, you consider them in order to make a judgement about them, for example about how good or bad they are.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They will first send in trained nurses to evaluate the needs of the individual situation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The market situation is difficult to evaluate.</font><br><font color=red>= assess</font><br><font color=red>* evaluation evaluations </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the opinions and evaluations of college supervisors...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Evaluation is standard practice for all training arranged through the school.</font><br>

Q: <b> exaggerate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">ig5zAdVEreit</font>]</b><br>

A: If you exaggerate, you indicate that something is, for example, worse or more important than it really is.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He thinks I'm exaggerating.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Don't exaggerate.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sheila admitted that she did sometimes exaggerate the demands of her job.</font><br><font color=red>* exaggeration exaggerations </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Like many stories about him, it smacks of exaggeration.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It would be an exaggeration to call the danger urgent.</font><br><br>If something exaggerates a situation, quality, or feature, it makes the situation, quality, or feature appear greater, more obvious, or more important than it really is.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These figures exaggerate the loss of competitiveness.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The dress exaggerates her wasp waist and enlarges her bosom.</font><br>

Q: <b> forge ahead <br>FORGE AHEAD </b><br>

A: If you forge ahead with something, you continue with it and make a lot of progress with it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He again pledged to forge ahead with his plans for reform.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The two companies forged ahead, innovating and expanding.</font><br>

Q: <b> hack off <br>HACK OFF </b><br>

A: If you hack something off, you cut it off with strong, rough strokes using a sharp tool such as an axe or knife.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kim even hacked off her long hair.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Surgeons saved a man's arm after it was hacked off at the elbow.</font><br>

Q: <b> injection <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5dVekFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: If you have an injection, a doctor or nurse puts a medicine into your body using a device with a needle called a syringe.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They gave me an injection to help me sleep.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It has to be given by injection, usually twice daily.</font><br><br>An injection of money or resources into an organization is the act of providing it with more more money or resources, to help it become more efficient or profitable.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;An injection of cash is needed to fund some of these projects.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The company is hoping to obtain a {Pound}250 million cash injection from the government.</font><br>

Q: <b> integrity <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5tegriti</font>]</b><br>

A: If you have integrity, you are honest and firm in your moral principles.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have always regarded him as a man of integrity.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was praised for his fairness and high integrity.</font><br><br>The integrity of something such as a group of people or a text is its state of being a united whole. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Separatist movements are a threat to the integrity of the nation.</font><br>

Q: <b> disposal <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5pEuzEl</font>]</b><br>

A: If you have something at your disposal, you are able to use it whenever you want, and for whatever purpose you want. If you say that you are at someone's disposal, you mean that you are willing to help them in any way you can.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Do you have this information at your disposal?.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has said he will use all the weapons at his disposal.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If I can be of service, I am at your disposal.</font><br><br>Disposal is the act of getting rid of something that is no longer wanted or needed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...methods for the permanent disposal of radioactive wastes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...waste disposal sites.</font><br>

Q: <b> hike up <br>HIKE UP </b><br>

A: If you hike up your clothing, you pull or lift it up quickly or roughly, especially so you can move more easily.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He hiked up his trouser legs.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I hiked my nightgown right up and I ran.</font><br>See also hike 4.<br><font color=red>= hitch up</font><br>

Q: <b> hollow out <br>HOLLOW OUT </b><br>

A: If you hollow something out, you remove the inside part of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Someone had hollowed out a large block of stone.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bake some big red peppers and hollow them out.</font><br>

Q: <b> hurry up, hurry along <br>HURRY UP, HURRY ALONG </b><br>

A: If you hurry something up or hurry it along, you make it happen faster or sooner than it would otherwise have done.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...if you're not a traditionalist and you want to hurry up the process...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Petter saw no reason to hurry the divorce along.</font><br><font color=red>= hasten</font><br>

Q: <b> idle away <br>IDLE AWAY </b><br>

A: If you idle away a period of time, you spend it doing very little.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Residents were mowing their lawns, washing their cars and otherwise idling away a pleasant, sunny day.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He idled the time away in dreamy thought.</font><br>

Q: <b> indulge <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5dQldV</font>]</b><br>

A: If you indulge in something or if you indulge yourself, you allow yourself to have or do something that you know you will enjoy.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Only rarely will she indulge in a glass of wine.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He returned to Britain so that he could indulge his passion for football.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You can indulge yourself without spending a fortune.</font><br><br>If you indulge someone, you let them have or do what they want, even if this is not good for them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He did not agree with indulging children.</font><br><font color=red>= spoil</font><br>

Q: <b> inquire after <br>INQUIRE AFTER </b><br>

A: If you inquire after someone, you ask how they are or what they are doing. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Elsie called to inquire after my health.</font><br>

Q: <b> mug up <br>MUG UP </b><br>

A: If you mug up a subject or mug up on it, you study it quickly, so that you can remember the main facts about it. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...visitors who want to mug up their knowledge in the shortest possible time...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is advisable to mug up on your Spanish, too, as few locals speak English.</font><br><font color=red>= swot up</font><br>

Q: <b> grind down <br>GRIND DOWN </b><br>

A: If you say that someone grinds you down, you mean that they treat you very harshly and cruelly, reducing your confidence or your will to resist them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`You see,' said Hughes, `there's people who want to humiliate you and grind you down.'</font><br>

Q: <b> developed <br>DEVELOPED </b><br>

A: If you talk about developed countries or the developed world, you mean the countries or the parts of the world that are wealthy and have many industries.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The developed nations have to recognize the growing gap between rich and poor around the world.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This scarcity is inevitable in less developed countries.</font><br>

Q: <b> fur up <br>FUR UP </b><br>

A: If your veins or arteries fur up or are furred up, they become blocked, so that your blood cannot flow properly. (BRIT; in AM use clog up)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Three of my veins had furred up and I needed a triple bypass.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Oxidized cholesterol may be responsible for furring up the arteries.</font><br>

Q: <b> imprisonment <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">im5prizEnmEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: Imprisonment is the state of being imprisoned.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was sentenced to seven years' imprisonment.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the prospect of imprisonment.</font><br>

Q: <b> anymore <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5enimC:</font>]</b><br>

A: In British English, the spelling anymore is sometimes considered incorrect, and any more is used instead</b></font><br>If something does not happen or is not true anymore, it has stopped happening or is no longer true.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I don't ride my motorbike much anymore.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I couldn't trust him anymore.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;People are not interested in movies anymore.</font><br><font color=red>= any longer</font><br>

Q: <b> cockpit <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCkpit</font>]</b><br>

A: In an aeroplane or racing car, the cockpit is the part where the pilot sits.<br>

Q: <b> birdie <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bE:di</font>]</b><br>

A: In golf, if you get a birdie, you get the golf ball into a hole in one stroke fewer than the number of strokes which has been set as the standard for a good player.<br><br>If a golfer birdies a hole, he or she gets a birdie at that hole.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He birdied five of the first seven holes.</font><br>

Q: <b> goddess <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5gCdis</font>]</b><br>

A: In many religions, a goddess is a female spirit or being that is believed to have power over a particular part of the world or nature.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Diana, the goddess of war.</font><br>

Q: <b> e.g. <br>E.G. </b><br>

A: It is used before a noun, or to introduce another sentence.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We need helpers of all types, engineers, scientists (e.g. geologists) and teachers.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Or consider how you can acquire these skills, e.g. by taking extra courses.</font><br><font color=red>= for instance</font><br>

Q: <b> et al <br>ET AL </b><br>

A: It is used especially when referring to books or articles which were written by more than two people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Blough et al.</font><br>

Q: <b> analyse <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5AnElaiz</font>]</b><br>

A: AM) analyze</b></font><br>If you analyse something, you consider it carefully or use statistical methods in order to fully understand it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;McCarthy was asked to analyse the data from the first phase of trials of the vaccine.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This book teaches you how to analyse what is causing the stress in your life.</font><br><br>If you analyse something, you examine it using scientific methods in order to find out what it consists of.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We haven't had time to analyse those samples yet.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They had their tablets analysed to find out whether they were getting the real drug or not.</font><br>

Q: <b> aerospace <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5ZErEuspeis</font>]</b><br>

A: Aerospace companies are involved in developing and making rockets, missiles, space vehicles, and related equipment.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The US government also helps its aerospace industry, chiefly via the space agency, Nasa.</font><br>

Q: <b> ammunition <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7Amju5niFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Ammunition is bullets and rockets that are made to be fired from guns.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had only seven rounds of ammunition for the revolver.</font><br><br>You can describe information that you can use against someone in an argument or discussion as ammunition.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The improved trade figures have given the government fresh ammunition.</font><br>

Q: <b> amongst <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5mQNst</font>]</b><br>

A: Amongst means the same as among. (LITERARY)<br><font color=red>= among</font><br>

Q: <b> abbey <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5Abi</font>]</b><br>

A: An abbey is a church with buildings attached to it in which monks or nuns live or used to live.<br>

Q: <b> accountant <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5kauntEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: An accountant is a person whose job is to keep financial accounts.<br>

Q: <b> admirable <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5AdmErEbl</font>]</b><br>

A: An admirable quality or action is one that deserves to be praised and admired.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beyton is an admirable character.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The film tells its story with admirable economy.</font><br><font color=red>= excellent, estimable</font><br><font color=red>* admirably </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Peter had dealt admirably with the sudden questions about Keith.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Johnstone's research is admirably wide-ranging.</font><br>

Q: <b> admiral <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5AdmErEl</font>]</b><br>

A: An admiral is a very senior officer who commands a navy.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Admiral Hodges.</font><br>

Q: <b> allowance <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5lauEns</font>]</b><br>

A: An allowance is money that is given to someone, usually on a regular basis, in order to help them pay for the things that they need.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He lives on a single parent's allowance of {Pound}70 a week.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She gets an allowance for looking after Lillian.</font><br><br>A child's allowance is money that is given to him or her every week or every month by his or her parents. (mainly AM; in BRIT use pocket money)<br><br>Your tax allowance is the amount of money that you are allowed to earn before you have to start paying income tax. (BRIT; in AM use personal exemption)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...those earning less than the basic tax allowance.</font><br><br>A particular type of allowance is an amount of something that you are allowed in particular circumstances.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Most of our flights have a baggage allowance of 44lbs per passenger.</font><br><br>If you make allowances for something, you take it into account in your decisions, plans, or actions.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They'll make allowances for the fact it's affecting our performance.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The raw exam results make no allowance for social background.</font><br><br>If you make allowances for someone, you accept behaviour which you would not normally accept or deal with them less severely than you would normally, because of a problem that they have.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's tired so I'll make allowances for him.</font><br>

Q: <b> ambulance <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5AmbjulEns</font>]</b><br>

A: An ambulance is a vehicle for taking people to and from hospital.<br>

Q: <b> allocate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5AlEukeit</font>]</b><br>

A: If one item or share of something is allocated to a particular person or for a particular purpose, it is given to that person or used for that purpose.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tickets are limited and will be allocated to those who apply first.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The 1985 federal budget allocated $7.3 billion for development programmes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Our plan is to allocate one member of staff to handle appointments.</font><br><font color=red>= assign</font><br>

Q: <b> accomplished <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5kCmpliFt</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone is accomplished at something, they are very good at it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She is an accomplished painter and a prolific author of stories for children.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; of the most accomplished composers of our time.</font><br>

Q: <b> accomplish <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5kCmpliF</font>]</b><br>

A: If you accomplish something, you succeed in doing it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If we'd all work together, I think we could accomplish our goal.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They are skeptical about how much will be accomplished by legislation.</font><br><font color=red>= realize</font><br>

Q: <b> ain't <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">eint</font>]</b><br>

A: People sometimes use ain't instead of `am not', `aren't', `isn't', `haven't', and `hasn't'. Some people consider this use to be non-standard. (DIALECT, SPOKEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Well, it's obvious, ain't it?.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I ain't got kids, but I have to pay towards the schools.</font><br>

Q: <b> gallon <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5gAlEn</font>]</b><br>

A: A gallon is a unit of measurement for liquids that is equal to eight pints. In Britain, it is equal to 4.564 litres. In America, it is equal to 3.785 litres.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...80 million gallons of water a day.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a gasoline tax of 4.3 cents a gallon.</font><br>

Q: <b> angler <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5ANglE</font>]</b><br>

A: An angler is someone who fishes with a fishing rod as a hobby.<br>

Q: <b> aviary <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5eivjEri</font>]</b><br>

A: An aviary is a large cage or covered area in which birds are kept.<br>

Q: <b> emperor <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5empErE</font>]</b><br>

A: An emperor is a man who rules an empire or is the head of state in an empire.<br>

Q: <b> entrepreneur <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7CntrEprE5nE:</font>]</b><br>

A: An entrepreneur is a person who sets up businesses and business deals.<br>

Q: <b> asthma <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5AsmE</font>]</b><br>

A: Asthma is a lung condition which causes difficulty in breathing.<br>

Q: <b> catering <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5keitEriN</font>]</b><br>

A: Catering is the activity of providing food and drink for a large number of people, for example at weddings and parties.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His catering business made him a millionaire at 41.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He recently did the catering for a presidential reception.</font><br>

Q: <b> climbing <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5klaimiN</font>]</b><br>

A: Climbing is the activity of climbing rocks or mountains.<br>See also climb, rock climbing, social climbing.<br>

Q: <b> cocaine <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kE5kein</font>]</b><br>

A: Cocaine is a powerful drug which some people take for pleasure, but which they can become addicted to.<br>

Q: <b> dissident <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5disidEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: Dissidents are people who disagree with and criticize their government, especially because it is undemocratic.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...political dissidents.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...former Soviet dissident Natan Schransky.</font><br><br>Dissident people disagree with or criticize their government or a powerful organization they belong to.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a dissident Russian novelist...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was suspected of having links with a dissident group.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...dissident shareholders.</font><br>

Q: <b> eh <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">ei</font>]</b><br>

A: Eh is used in writing to represent a noise that people make as a response in conversation, for example to express agreement or to ask for something to be explained or repeated.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Let's talk all about it outside, eh?.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`He's um ill in bed.' --- `Eh?' --- `He's ill in bed.'</font><br>

Q: <b> esteem <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">is5ti:m</font>]</b><br>

A: Esteem is the admiration and respect that you feel towards another person. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is held in high esteem by colleagues in the construction industry.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their public esteem has never been lower.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He said he retained immense regard and esteem for the prime minister.</font><br><br>If you esteem someone or something, you respect or admire them. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I greatly esteem your message in the midst of our hard struggle.</font><br>

Q: <b> exclusively <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">ik5sklu:sivli</font>]</b><br>

A: Exclusively is used to refer to situations or activities that involve only the thing or things mentioned, and nothing else.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; exclusively male domain...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Instruction in these subjects in undergraduate classes is almost exclusively by lecture.</font><br>

Q: <b> expertise <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7ekspE5ti:z</font>]</b><br>

A: Expertise is special skill or knowledge that is acquired by training, study, or practice.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The problem is that most local authorities lack the expertise to deal sensibly in this market.</font><br>

Q: <b> ext. <br>EXT. </b><br>

A: Ext. is the written abbreviation for extension when it is used to refer to a particular telephone number.<br><font color=red>= extension</font><br>

Q: <b> famine <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fAmin</font>]</b><br>

A: Famine is a situation in which large numbers of people have little or no food, and many of them die.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thousands of refugees are trapped by war, drought and famine.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The civil war is obstructing distribution of famine relief by aid agencies.</font><br>

Q: <b> farewell <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fZE5wel</font>]</b><br>

A: Farewell means the same as goodbye. (OLD-FASHIONED, LITERARY)<br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They said their farewells there at the cafe.</font><br>

Q: <b> fatty <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fAti</font>]</b><br>

A: Fatty food contains a lot of fat.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Don't eat fatty food or chocolates.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The report dispels the myth that Northerners have a fattier diet than people in the south.</font><br><br>Fatty acids or fatty tissues, for example, contain or consist of fat.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...fatty acids...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The woman lost about 1.8kg of fatty tissue during the week's fast.</font><br><br>If you call someone a fatty, you are criticizing or insulting them for being fat. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Consuming this amount of food could turn these fit players into fatties.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Get another one, Fatty,' said Jerry.</font><br>

Q: <b> feminine <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5feminin</font>]</b><br>

A: Feminine qualities and things relate to or are considered typical of women, in contrast to men.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...male leaders worrying about their women abandoning traditional feminine roles.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a manufactured ideal of feminine beauty.</font><br><font color=red>= female</font><br><br>Someone or something that is feminine has qualities that are considered typical of women, especially being pretty or gentle.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I've always been attracted to very feminine women who are not overpowering, the delicate English-rose type.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The bedroom has a light, feminine look.</font><br><font color=red><> masculine</font><br><br>In some languages, a feminine noun, pronoun, or adjective has a different form from a masculine or neuter one, or behaves in a different way.<br>

Q: <b> delicious <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5liFEs</font>]</b><br>

A: Food that is delicious has a very pleasant taste.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There's always a wide selection of delicious meals to choose from.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Pecan nuts are delicious both raw and cooked.</font><br><font color=red>= tasty</font><br><font color=red>* deliciously </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This yoghurt has a deliciously creamy flavour.</font><br><br>If you describe something as delicious, you mean that it is very pleasant.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is a delicious irony in all this.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...that delicious feeling of surprise.</font><br><font color=red>* deliciously </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It leaves your hair smelling deliciously fresh and fragrant.</font><br>

Q: <b> genius <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dVi:njEs</font>]</b><br>

A: Genius is very great ability or skill in a particular subject or activity.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This is the mark of her real genius as a designer.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The man had genius and had made his mark in the aviation world.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Its very title is a stroke of genius.</font><br><br>A genius is a highly talented, creative, or intelligent person.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chaplin was not just a genius, he was among the most influential figures in film history.</font><br>

Q: <b> Great Britain <br>GREAT BRITAIN </b><br>

A: Great Britain </b></font><br>Great Britain is the island consisting of England, Scotland, and Wales, which together with Northern Ireland makes up the United Kingdom.<br><font color=red>= GB</font><br>

Q: <b> grunge <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">grQndV</font>]</b><br>

A: Grunge is the name of a fashion and of a type of music. Grunge fashion involves wearing clothes which look old and untidy. Grunge music is played on guitars and is very loud.<br><br>Grunge is dirt. (AM, INFORMAL)<br><font color=red>* grungy </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...grungy motel rooms.</font><br>

Q: <b> high tech <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">tek</font>]</b><br>

A: High tech activities or equipment involve or result from the use of high technology.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...such high-tech industries as computers or telecommunications.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the latest high-tech medical gadgetry.</font><br>

Q: <b> Hindu <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hindu:</font>]</b><br>

A: Hindu Hindus </b></font><br>A Hindu is a person who believes in Hinduism and follows its teachings.<br><br>Hindu is used to describe things that belong or relate to Hinduism.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a Hindu temple.</font><br>

Q: <b> Home Secretary <br>HOME SECRETARY </b><br>

A: Home Secretary Home Secretaries </b></font><br>The Home Secretary is the member of the British government who is in charge of the Home Office.<br>

Q: <b> honey <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hQni</font>]</b><br>

A: Honey is a sweet, sticky, yellowish substance that is made by bees.<br><br>You call someone honey as a sign of affection. (mainly AM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Honey, I don't really think that's a good idea.</font><br>

Q: <b> House of Commons <br>HOUSE OF COMMONS </b><br>

A: House of Commons </b></font><br>The House of Commons is the part of parliament in Britain or Canada whose members are elected. The building where they meet is also called the House of Commons.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The House of Commons has overwhelmingly rejected demands to bring back the death penalty for murder.</font><br>

Q: <b> ice cream <br>ICE CREAM </b><br>

A: Ice cream is a very cold sweet food which is made from frozen cream or a substance like cream and has a flavour such as vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'll get you some ice cream.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...vanilla ice cream.</font><br><br>An ice cream is an amount of ice cream sold in a small container or a cone made of thin biscuit.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Do you want an ice cream?.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They stuffed themselves with ice creams, chocolate and lollies.</font><br><font color=red>= ice</font><br>

Q: <b> boycott <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bCikEt</font>]</b><br>

A: If a country, group, or person boycotts a country, organization, or activity, they refuse to be involved with it in any way because they disapprove of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The main opposition parties are boycotting the elections.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Opposition leaders had called for a boycott of the vote.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the lifting of the economic boycott against Israel.</font><br>

Q: <b> flare up <br>FLARE UP </b><br>

A: If a disease or injury flares up, it suddenly returns or becomes painful again.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Students often find that their acne flares up before and during exams.</font><br>See also flare 2, 3, flare-up.<br>

Q: <b> mandate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mAndeit</font>]</b><br>

A: If a government or other elected body has a mandate to carry out a particular policy or task, they have the authority to carry it out as a result of winning an election or vote.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The President and his supporters are almost certain to read this vote as a mandate for continued economic reform.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The union already has a mandate from its conference to ballot for a strike .</font><br><br>If someone is given a mandate to carry out a particular policy or task, they are given the official authority to do it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How much longer does the independent prosecutor have a mandate to pursue this investigation?.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A mandate from the UN would be needed before any plans could be implemented.</font><br><br>You can refer to the fixed length of time that a country's leader or government remains in office as their mandate. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...his intention to leave politics once his mandate ends.</font><br><br>When someone is mandated to carry out a particular policy or task, they are given the official authority to do it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He'd been mandated by the West African Economic Community to go in and to enforce a ceasefire.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The elections are mandated by a peace accord signed by the government last May.</font><br><br>To mandate something means to make it mandatory. (AM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The proposed initiative would mandate a reduction of carbon dioxide of 40%.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sixteen years ago, Quebec mandated that all immigrants send their children to French schools.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...constitutionally mandated civil rights.</font><br>

Q: <b> loosen up <br>LOOSEN UP </b><br>

A: If a person or situation loosens up, they become more relaxed and less tense.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Relax, smile; loosen up in mind and body and behaviour.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Things loosened up, in politics and the economy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I think people have loosened up their standards.</font><br><br>If you loosen up your body, or if it loosens up, you do simple exercises to get your muscles ready for a difficult physical activity, such as running or playing football.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Squeeze the foot with both hands, again to loosen up tight muscles.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Close your eyes. Relax. Let your body loosen up.</font><br>

Q: <b> convenient <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5vi:njEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: If a way of doing something is convenient, it is easy, or very useful or suitable for a particular purpose.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a flexible and convenient way of paying for business expenses...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The family thought it was more convenient to eat in the kitchen.</font><br><font color=red><> inconvenient</font><br><font color=red>* convenience </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They may use a credit card for convenience.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the convenience of a fast non-stop flight.</font><br><font color=red>* conveniently </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The body spray slips conveniently into your sports bag for freshening up after a game.</font><br><br>If you describe a place as convenient, you are pleased because it is near to where you are, or because you can reach another place from there quickly and easily.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The town is well placed for easy access to London and convenient for Heathrow Airport.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Martin drove along until he found a convenient parking place.</font><br><font color=red>= handy</font><br><font color=red>* conveniently </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was very conveniently situated just across the road from the City Reference Library.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He chose Simi Valley in Ventura County mainly because it was conveniently close to Los Angeles.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...two conveniently placed push-buttons.</font><br><font color=red><> inconveniently</font><br><br>A convenient time to do something, for example to meet someone, is a time when you are free to do it or would like to do it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She will try to arrange a mutually convenient time and place for an interview.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Would this evening be convenient for you?</font><br><font color=red><> inconvenient</font><br><br>If you describe someone's attitudes or actions as convenient, you think they are only adopting those attitudes or performing those actions in order to avoid something difficult or unpleasant.<br><font color=blue>& </b></font><br>

Q: <b> guideline <br>GUIDELINE </b><br>

A: If an organization issues guidelines on something, it issues official advice about how to do it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The government should issue clear guidelines on the content of religious education.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The accord also lays down guidelines for the conduct of American drug enforcement agents.</font><br><br>A guideline is something that can be used to help you plan your actions or to form an opinion about something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The effects of the sun can be significantly reduced if we follow certain guidelines.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A written IQ test is merely a guideline.</font><br>

Q: <b> doubtful <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dautful</font>]</b><br>

A: If it is doubtful that something will happen, it seems unlikely to happen or you are uncertain whether it will happen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;For a time it seemed doubtful that he would move at all.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is doubtful whether Tweed, even with his fluent French, passed for one of the locals.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Whether the authorities will allow inspection is highly doubtful.</font><br><font color=red>= debatable</font><br><br>If you are doubtful about something, you feel unsure or uncertain about it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was still very doubtful about the chances for success.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Why did he sound so doubtful?</font><br><font color=red>= dubious</font><br><font color=red>* doubtfully </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Keeton shook his head doubtfully.</font><br><font color=red>= dubiously</font><br><br>If you say that something is of doubtful quality or value, you mean that it is of low quality or value.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...selling something that is overpriced or of doubtful quality...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They also seemed of very doubtful value.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...information that he described as having doubtful reliability.</font><br><font color=red>= dubious</font><br><br>If a sports player is doubtful for a match or event, he or she seems unlikely to play, usually because of injury. (JOURNALISM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Forsyth is doubtful for tonight's game with a badly bruised leg.</font><br>

Q: <b> boast <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bEust</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone boasts about something that they have done or that they own, they talk about it very proudly, in a way that other people may find irritating or offensive.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Witnesses said Furci boasted that he took part in killing them.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Carol boasted about her costume.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's boasted of being involved in the arms theft.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We remember our mother's stern instructions not to boast.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is the charity's proud boast that it has never yet turned anyone away.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was asked about earlier boasts of a quick victory.</font><br><br>If someone or something can boast a particular achievement or possession, they have achieved or possess that thing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The houses will boast the latest energy-saving technology.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Frommen says his country boasts a healthy economy.</font><br>

Q: <b> buzz off <br>BUZZ OFF </b><br>

A: If someone buzzes off, they go away. People sometimes say buzz off as a rude way of telling someone to go away. (mainly BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He buzzed off downstairs.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Now be quiet and buzz off.</font><br><font color=red>= clear off</font><br>

Q: <b> con <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kCn</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone cons you, they persuade you to do something or believe something by telling you things that are not true. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He claimed that the businessman had conned him of {Pound}10,000.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;White conned his way into a job as a warehouseman with Dutch airline, KLM.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The British motorist has been conned by the government.</font><br><font color=red>= cheat, trick</font><br><br>A con is a trick in which someone deceives you by telling you something that is not true. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Slimming snacks that offer miraculous weight loss are a con.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She is the victim of a big con trick.</font><br><font color=red>= confidence trick</font><br><br>A con is the same as a convict. (INFORMAL)<br>

Q: <b> fit 3 <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fit</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone has a fit they suddenly lose consciousness and their body makes uncontrollable movements.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;About two in every five epileptic fits occur during sleep.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Once a fit has started there is nothing you can do to stop it.</font><br><font color=red>= seizure</font><br><br>If you have a fit of coughing or laughter, you suddenly start coughing or laughing in an uncontrollable way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Halfway down the cigarette she had a fit of coughing.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was so unreal that I broke into a fit of giggles.</font><br><font color=red>= bout</font><br><br>If you do something in a fit of anger or panic, you are very angry or afraid when you do it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Pattie shot Tom in a fit of jealous rage.</font><br><br>If you say that someone will have a fit when they hear about something, you mean that they will be very angry or shocked. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Will Mrs Winterton have a fit if we add one more to the guest list at this late stage?.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He'd have a fit if he knew what we were up to!</font><br><font color=red>= go mad</font><br><br>Someone who is in fits is laughing uncontrollably.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was a much more entertaining person, who used to have us all in fits.</font><br><font color=red>= stitches</font><br><br>Something that happens in fits and starts or b </b></font><br>

Q: <b> mock <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mCk</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone mocks you, they show or pretend that they think you are foolish or inferior, for example by saying something funny about you, or by imitating your behaviour.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I thought you were mocking me.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I distinctly remember mocking the idea.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`I'm astonished, Benjamin,' she mocked.</font><br><br>You use mock to describe something which is not real or genuine, but which is intended to be very similar to the real thing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`It's tragic!' swoons Jeffrey in mock horror.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One of them was subjected to a mock execution.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a mock Tudor mansion.</font><br><br>Mocks are practice exams that you take as part of your preparation for real exams. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She went from a D in her mocks to a B in the real thing.</font><br>

Q: <b> bulk up, bulk out <br>BULK UP, BULK OUT </b><br>

A: If someone or something bulks up or bulks out, they become bigger or heavier.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Use extra vegetables to bulk up the omelette.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Holyfield has bulked up to 210 pounds using weights.</font><br>

Q: <b> discourage <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5kQridV</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone or something discourages you, they cause you to lose your enthusiasm about your actions.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It may be difficult to do at first. Don't let this discourage you.</font><br><font color=red>= dishearten</font><br><font color=red>* discouraged </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was determined not to be too discouraged.</font><br><font color=red>* discouraging </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Today's report is rather more discouraging for the economy.</font><br><br>To discourage an action or to discourage someone from doing it means to make them not want to do it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...typhoons that discouraged shopping and leisure activities.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a campaign to discourage children from smoking.</font><br><font color=red>= deter</font><br>

Q: <b> disrupt <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5rQpt</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone or something disrupts an event, system, or process, they cause difficulties that prevent it from continuing or operating in a normal way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Anti-war protesters disrupted the debate.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The drought has severely disrupted agricultural production.</font><br><font color=red>= disturb</font><br>

Q: <b> exert <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">ig5zE:t</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone or something exerts influence, authority, or pressure, they use it in a strong or determined way, especially in order to produce a particular effect. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He exerted considerable influence on the thinking of the scientific community on these issues.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The cyst was causing swelling and exerting pressure on her brain.</font><br><br>If you exert yourself, you make a great physical or mental effort, or work hard to do something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Youngsters get so absorbed that they don't realise how much they're exerting themselves, visually and mentally.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Do not exert yourself unnecessarily.</font><br><font color=red>* exertion exertions </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He clearly found the physical exertion exhilarating.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thanks to the exertions of a few sensible and courageous men, the compromise was accepted.</font><br>

Q: <b> hamper <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hAmpE</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone or something hampers you, they makes it difficult for you to do what you are trying to do.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The bad weather hampered rescue operations.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was hampered by a lack of information.</font><br><br>A hamper is a basket containing food of various kinds that is given to people as a present.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a luxury food hamper.</font><br><br>A hamper is a large basket with a lid, used especially for carrying food in.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a picnic hamper.</font><br>

Q: <b> blend in <br>BLEND IN </b><br>

A: If something blends into the background, it is so similar to the background that it is difficult to see or hear it separately.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The toad had changed its colour to blend in with its new environment.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a continuous pale neutral grey, almost blending into the sky...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You can blend in so that the voice becomes just another instrument in the band.</font><br><br>If someone blends into a particular group or situation, they seem to belong there, because their appearance or behaviour is similar to that of the other people involved.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It must have reinforced my determination to blend into my surroundings.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She felt she would blend in nicely.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He blended in with the crowd at the art sale.</font><br>

Q: <b> conform <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5fC:m</font>]</b><br>

A: If something conforms to something such as a law or someone's wishes, it is of the required type or quality.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Night Rider lamp has been designed to conform to new British Standard safety requirements.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The meat market can continue only if it is radically overhauled to conform with strict EC standards.</font><br><br>If you conform, you behave in the way that you are expected or supposed to behave.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many children who can't or don't conform are often bullied.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He did not feel obliged to conform to the rules that applied to ordinary men.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We conformed with social and family expectations.</font><br><font color=red><> rebel</font><br><br>If someone or something conforms to a pattern or type, they are very similar to it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I am well aware that we all conform to one stereotype or another.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Like most `peacetime wars' it did not conform to preconceived ideas.</font><br>

Q: <b> constitute <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCnstitju:t</font>]</b><br>

A: If something constitutes a particular thing, it can be regarded as being that thing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Testing patients without their consent would constitute a professional and legal offence.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The vote hardly constitutes a victory.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What constitutes abuse?</font><br><br>If a number of things or people constitute something, they are the parts or members that form it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;China's ethnic minorities constitute less than 7 percent of its total population.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the four companies constituting the Aramco partnership.</font><br><font color=red>= comprise</font><br><br>When something such as a committee or government is constituted, it is formally established and given authority to operate. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;On 6 July a People's Revolutionary Government was constituted.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The accused will appear before a specially constituted military tribunal.</font><br><font color=red>= set up</font><br>

Q: <b> disintegrate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5intigreit</font>]</b><br>

A: If something disintegrates, it becomes seriously weakened, and is divided or destroyed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;During October 1918 the Austro-Hungarian Empire began to disintegrate.</font><br><font color=red>* disintegration </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the violent disintegration of Yugoslavia.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the disintegration of an ordinary marriage.</font><br><br>If an object or substance disintegrates, it breaks into many small pieces or parts and is destroyed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At 420 mph the windscreen disintegrated.</font><br><font color=red>* disintegration </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The report describes the catastrophic disintegration of the aircraft after the explosion.</font><br>

Q: <b> compulsory <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEm5pQlsEri</font>]</b><br>

A: If something is compulsory, you must do it or accept it, because it is the law or because someone in a position of authority says you must.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In East Germany learning Russian was compulsory.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many young men are trying to get away from compulsory military conscription.</font><br><font color=red>= mandatory</font><br><font color=red>* compulsorily </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Five of the company's senior managers have been made compulsorily redundant.</font><br>

Q: <b> deem <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di:m</font>]</b><br>

A: If something is deemed to have a particular quality or to do a particular thing, it is considered to have that quality or do that thing. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;French and German were deemed essential.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He says he would support the use of force if the UN deemed it necessary.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was deemed to be a competent shorthand typist.</font><br><font color=red>= judge</font><br>

Q: <b> destined <br>DESTINED </b><br>

A: If something is destined to happen or if someone is destined to behave in a particular way, that thing seems certain to happen or be done.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He feels that he was destined to become a musician.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;London seems destined to lose more than 2,000 hospital beds.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Everyone knew that Muriel was destined for great things.</font><br><br>If someone is destined for a particular place, or if goods are destined for a particular place, they are travelling towards that place or will be sent to that place.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...products destined for Saudi Arabia.</font><br><font color=red>= bound for</font><br>

Q: <b> inland <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5inlEnd</font>]</b><br>

A: If something is situated inland, it is away from the coast, towards or near the middle of a country. If you go inland, you go away from the coast, towards the middle of a country.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The vast majority live further inland.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's about 15 minutes' drive inland from Cannes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The car turned away from the coast and headed inland.</font><br><br>Inland areas, lakes, and places are not on the coast, but in or near the middle of a country.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a rather quiet inland town.</font><br>

Q: <b> loom up <br>LOOM UP </b><br>

A: If something looms up, it comes into sight as a tall, unclear shape, often in a frightening way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The great house loomed up ahead of them.</font><br>

Q: <b> alike <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5laik</font>]</b><br>

A: If two or more things are alike, they are similar in some way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We looked very alike.</font><br><font color=red><> different</font><br><br>Alike means in a similar way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They even dressed alike.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...their assumption that all men and women think alike.</font><br><font color=red><> differently</font><br><br>You use alike after mentioning two or more people, groups, or things in order to emphasize that you are referring to both or all of them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The techniques are being applied almost everywhere by big and small firms alike.</font><br><font color=red>= equally</font><br>

Q: <b> fame <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">feim</font>]</b><br>

A: If you achieve fame, you become very well-known.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At the height of his fame, his every word was valued.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The film earned him international fame.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...her rise to fame and fortune as a dramatist.</font><br>claim to fame: see claim.<br>

Q: <b> depressed <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5prest</font>]</b><br>

A: If you are depressed, you are sad and feel that you cannot enjoy anything, because your situation is so difficult and unpleasant.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He seemed somewhat depressed.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She's been very depressed and upset about this whole situation.</font><br><font color=red>= despondent</font><br><br>A depressed place or industry does not have enough business or employment to be successful.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many states already have Enterprise Zones and legislation that encourage investment in depressed areas.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The construction industry is no longer as depressed as it was.</font><br><font color=red>= run-down <> thriving</font><br><br>A depressed point on a surface is lower than the parts around it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Acupressure is manual pressure applied to a specific slightly depressed point on the body.</font><br>

Q: <b> fed up <br>FED UP </b><br>

A: If you are fed up, you are unhappy, bored, or tired of something, especially something that you have been experiencing for a long time. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I am fed up with reading how women should dress to please men.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had become fed up with city life.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm just fed up and I don't know what to do.</font><br><font color=red>= cheesed off</font><br>

Q: <b> frantic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5frAntik</font>]</b><br>

A: If you are frantic, you are behaving in a wild and uncontrolled way because you are frightened or worried.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A bird had been locked in and was by now quite frantic.</font><br><font color=red>= frenzied</font><br><font color=red>* frantically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She clutched frantically at Emily's arm.</font><br><br>If an activity is frantic, things are done quickly and in an energetic but disorganized way, because there is very little time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A busy night in the restaurant can be frantic in the kitchen.</font><br><font color=red>* frantically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We have been frantically trying to save her life.</font><br>

Q: <b> brink <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">briNk</font>]</b><br>

A: If you are on the brink of something, usually something important, terrible, or exciting, you are just about to do it or experience it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their economy is teetering on the brink of collapse.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Failure to communicate had brought the two nations to the brink of war.</font><br><font color=red>= verge</font><br>

Q: <b> attribute <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5tribju(:)t</font>]</b><br>

A: If you attribute something to an event or situation, you think that it was caused by that event or situation.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Women tend to attribute their success to external causes such as luck.</font><br><font color=red>= ascribe</font><br><br>If you attribute a particular quality or feature to someone or something, you think that they have got it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;People were beginning to attribute superhuman qualities to him.</font><br><font color=red>= ascribe</font><br><font color=red>* attribution </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There's usually a lot of attribution of evil intent to those who have different views.</font><br><br>If a piece of writing, a work of art, or a remark is attributed to someone, people say that they wrote it, created it, or said it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This, and the remaining frescoes, are not attributed to Giotto.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a Madonna and Child attributed to Pietro Lorenzetti.</font><br><br>An attribute is a quality or feature that someone or something has.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cruelty is a normal attribute of human behaviour.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has every attribute you could want and could play for any team.</font><br><font color=red>= characteristic</font><br>

Q: <b> bump up <br>BUMP UP </b><br>

A: If you bump up an amount, you increase it suddenly, usually by a lot. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The extra cost will bump up the price.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Add pasta to your salads to bump up your fibre intake.</font><br><font color=red>= boost</font><br>

Q: <b> construct <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5strQkt</font>]</b><br>

A: If you construct something such as a building, road, or machine, you build it or make it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The French constructed a series of fortresses from Dunkirk on the Channel coast to Douai.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The boxes should be constructed from rough-sawn timber.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They thought he had escaped through a specially constructed tunnel.</font><br><font color=red>= build</font><br><br>If you construct something such as an idea, piece of writing, or system, you create it by putting different parts together.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You will find it difficult to construct a spending plan without first recording your spending.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He eventually constructed a business empire which ran to Thailand and Singapore.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The novel is constructed from a series of on-the-spot reports.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...using carefully constructed tests.</font><br><font color=red>= create</font><br><br>A construct is a complex idea. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the underlying constructs (beliefs, philosophy, etc.) which influence action and behaviour...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was a re-enactment of the same mental construct under which slavery was justified.</font><br><font color=red>= concept</font><br><br>A construct is something that is built, made, or created. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As the flimsy constructs soared, the men paid out twine until the kites reached three or four thousand feet.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The country was an artificial construct held together by force and intimidation for more than 70 years.</font><br><font color=red>= creation</font><br>

Q: <b> consume <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5sju:m</font>]</b><br>

A: If you consume something, you eat or drink it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Martha would consume nearly a pound of cheese per day.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...serving chocolate ice-creams for the children to consume in the kitchen.</font><br><br>To consume an amount of fuel, energy, or time means to use it up.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some of the most efficient refrigerators consume 70 percent less electricity than traditional models.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...plans which will consume hours of time and deplete your cash reserves.</font><br><font color=red>= use up</font><br><font color=red>* -consuming </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...oil-consuming countries...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is very space-consuming.</font><br><br>If a fire consumes a building, it completely destroys it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the fire which consumed the dwelling.</font><br><br>If a feeling or idea consumes you, it affects you very strongly indeed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The memories consumed him.</font><br>

Q: <b> crunch <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">krQntF</font>]</b><br>

A: If you crunch something hard, such as a sweet, you crush it noisily between your teeth.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She sucked an ice cube into her mouth, and crunched it loudly.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Richard crunched into the apple.</font><br><br>If something crunches or if you crunch it, it makes a breaking or crushing noise, for example when you step on it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A piece of china crunched under my foot.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He crunched the sheets of paper in his hands.</font><br><font color=red>= scrunch</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She heard the crunch of tires on the gravel driveway.</font><br><br>If you crunch across a surface made of very small stones, you move across it causing it to make a crunching noise.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I crunched across the gravel.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...wheels crunching over a stony surface.</font><br><br>If you say that something will happen if or when it comes to the crunch, you mean that it will happen if or when the time comes when something has to be done.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tomorrow, though, is the crunch.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He can rely on my support when the crunch comes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Prime Minister is expected to call a crunch meeting on Monday.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If it comes to the crunch, I'll resign over this.</font><br><br>

Q: <b> deprive <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5praiv</font>]</b><br>

A: If you deprive someone of something that they want or need, you take it away from them, or you prevent them from having it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The disintegration of the Soviet Union deprived western intelligence agencies of their main enemies.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They've been deprived of the fuel necessary to heat their homes.</font><br>

Q: <b> contradiction <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7kCntrE5dikFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe an aspect of a situation as a contradiction, you mean that it is completely different from other aspects, and so makes the situation confused or difficult to understand.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the contradictions between her private life and the public persona...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The performance seemed to me unpardonable, a contradiction of all that the Olympics is supposed to be.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The militants see no contradiction in using violence to bring about a religious state.</font><br><br>If you say that something is a contradiction in terms, you mean that it is described as having a quality that it cannot have.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A public service run for profit -- a contradiction in terms if there ever was one.</font><br>

Q: <b> experienced <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">ik5spiEriEnst</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe someone as experienced, you mean that they have been doing a particular job or activity for a long time, and therefore know a lot about it or are very skilful at it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...lawyers who are experienced in these matters...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's a team packed with experienced and mature professionals.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Perhaps I'm a bit more experienced about life than my contemporaries.</font><br>

Q: <b> middle-aged <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5midl5eidVd</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe someone as middle-aged, you mean that they are neither young nor old. People between the ages of 40 and 60 are usually considered to be middle-aged.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His sisters are grown up and his parents are middle-aged.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...middle-aged, married businessmen.</font><br><br>The middle-aged are people who are middle-aged.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the perfect holiday for the middle-aged.</font><br><br>If you describe someone's activities or interests as middle-aged, you are critical of them because you think they are typical of a middle-aged person, for example by being conventional or old-fashioned.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her novels are middle-aged and boring.</font><br>

Q: <b> moody <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mu:di</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe someone as moody, you mean that their feelings and behaviour change frequently, and in particular that they often become depressed or angry without any warning.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;David's mother was unstable and moody.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ray is a complicated, moody man behind the joking front.</font><br><font color=red>= temperamental</font><br><font color=red>* moodily </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He sat and stared moodily out the window.</font><br><font color=red>* moodiness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His moodiness may have been caused by his poor health.</font><br><br>If you describe a picture, film, or piece of music as moody, you mean that it suggests particular emotions, especially sad ones.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...moody black and white photographs.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a blend of melancholy guitars and moody lyrics.</font><br><font color=red>= atmospheric</font><br>

Q: <b> comic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCmik</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe something as comic, you mean that it makes you laugh, and is often intended to make you laugh.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The novel is comic and tragic.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Most of these trips had exciting or comic moments.</font><br><br>Comic is used to describe comedy as a form of entertainment, and the actors and entertainers who perform it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Grodin is a fine comic actor.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a comic opera.</font><br><br>A comic is an entertainer who tells jokes in order to make people laugh.<br><font color=red>= comedian</font><br><br>A comic is a magazine that contains stories told in pictures. (mainly BRIT; in AM usually use comic book)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Joe loved to read `Superman' comics.</font><br><font color=red>= comic book</font><br><br>The comics is the part of a newspaper that contains the comic strips. (AM)<br>

Q: <b> crap <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">krAp</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe something as crap, you think that it is wrong or of very poor quality. (INFORMAL, RUDE)<br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is a tedious, humourless load of crap.</font><br><font color=red>= rubbish</font><br><br>Crap is sometimes used to refer to faeces. (INFORMAL, RUDE)<br><br>To crap means to get rid of faeces from your body. (INFORMAL, RUDE)<br><br>Craps or crap is a gambling game, played mainly in North America, in which you throw two dice and bet what the total will be.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'll shoot some craps or play some blackjack.</font><br>

Q: <b> erotic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">i5rCtik</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe something as erotic, you mean that it involves sexual feelings or arouses sexual desire.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It might sound like some kind of wild fantasy, but it wasn't an erotic experience at all.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...photographs of nude women in erotic poses.</font><br><font color=red>* erotically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The film is shot seductively, erotically.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He may get a woman erotically obsessed with him but he will never get her love.</font><br><br>Erotic art shows naked people or sexual acts, and is intended to produce feelings of sexual pleasure.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Erotic paintings also became a fine art.</font><br>

Q: <b> fabulous <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fAbjulEs</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe something as fabulous, you are emphasizing that you like it a lot or think that it is very good. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This is a fabulous album. It's fresh, varied, fun.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The scenery and weather were fabulous.</font><br><font color=red>= wonderful</font><br><br>If you talk about someone's fabulous beauty, for example, or their fabulous success, you are emphasizing that they are extremely beautiful or extremely successful.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Despite his fabulous wealth, he is very much a man of the people.</font><br><font color=red>* fabulously </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...their fabulously rich parents.</font><br>

Q: <b> fascinating <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fAsineitiN</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe something as fascinating, you find it very interesting and attractive, and your thoughts tend to concentrate on it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Madagascar is the most fascinating place I have ever been to.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her perceptions and intuitions about human nature were fascinating.</font><br>

Q: <b> immense <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">i5mens</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe something as immense, you mean that it is extremely large or great.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; immense cloud of smoke...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;With immense relief I stopped running.</font><br><font color=red>= enormous</font><br><font color=red>* immensity </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The immensity of the universe is difficult to grasp.</font><br>

Q: <b> excessive <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">ik5sesiv</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe the amount or level of something as excessive, you disapprove of it because it is more or higher than is necessary or reasonable.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the alleged use of excessive force by police...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The government says that local authority spending is excessive.</font><br><font color=red>* excessively </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Managers are also accused of paying themselves excessively high salaries.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mum had started taking pills and drinking excessively.</font><br>

Q: <b> differentiate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7difE5renFieit</font>]</b><br>

A: If you differentiate between things or you differentiate one thing from another, you recognize or show the difference between them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A child may not differentiate between his imagination and the real world.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At this age your baby cannot differentiate one person from another.</font><br><font color=red>= distinguish</font><br><br>A quality or feature that differentiates one thing from another makes the two things different.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...distinctive policies that differentiate them from the other parties.</font><br><font color=red>= distinguish</font><br><font color=red>* differentiation </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their marketing director claims the differentiation between the two ranges will increase.</font><br>

Q: <b> long 4 <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">lCN</font>]</b><br>

A: If you long for something, you want it very much.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Steve longed for the good old days.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm longing to meet her.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He longed for the winter to be over.</font><br>See also longing.<br> </b></font><br>

Q: <b> locked <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">lCkt</font>]</b><br>

A: If you say that people are locked in conflict or in battle, you mean they are arguing or fighting in a fierce or determined way, and neither side seems likely to stop.<br>

Q: <b> guaranteed <br>GUARANTEED </b><br>

A: If you say that something is guaranteed to happen, you mean that you are certain that it will happen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Reports of this kind are guaranteed to cause anxiety.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's guaranteed that my colleagues think I'm deranged.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Success is not guaranteed.</font><br>See also guarantee.<br>

Q: <b> hedge about, hedge around <br>HEDGE ABOUT, HEDGE AROUND </b><br>

A: If you say that something such as an offer is hedged about or is hedged around with rules or conditions, you mean that there are a lot of rules or conditions.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The offer was hedged around with conditions.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many reduced fares are hedged around with restrictions.</font><br>

Q: <b> ink <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">iNk</font>]</b><br>

A: Ink is the coloured liquid used for writing or printing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The letter was handwritten in black ink.</font><br><br>If you ink something, you put ink on it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ritter took his left hand and inked the fingertips.</font><br>

Q: <b> learning <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lE:niN</font>]</b><br>

A: Learning is the process of gaining knowledge through studying.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The brochure described the library as the focal point of learning on the campus.</font><br>See also learn, seat of learning.<br>

Q: <b> Midlands <br>MIDLANDS </b><br>

A: Midlands </b></font><br>The Midlands is the region or area in the central part of a country, in particular the central part of England.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; engineering company in the Midlands.</font><br>

Q: <b> beneficial <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">beni5fiFEl</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is beneficial helps people or improves their lives.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...vitamins which are beneficial to our health...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Using computers has a beneficial effect on children's learning.</font><br>

Q: <b> cargo <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kB:gEu</font>]</b><br>

A: The cargo of a ship or plane is the goods that it is carrying.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The boat calls at the main port to load its regular cargo of bananas.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...cargo planes.</font><br><font color=red>= consignment</font><br>

Q: <b> destination <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7desti5neiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: The destination of someone or something is the place to which they are going or being sent.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Spain is still our most popular holiday destination.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Only half of the emergency supplies have reached their destination.</font><br>

Q: <b> front door <br>FRONT DOOR </b><br>

A: The front door of a house or other building is the main door, which is usually in the wall that faces a street.<br>

Q: <b> broadly <br>BROADLY </b><br>

A: You can use broadly to indicate that something is generally true.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The President broadly got what he wanted out of his meeting.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The idea that software is capable of any task is broadly true in theory.</font><br>See also broad.<br><font color=red>= more or less</font><br>

Q: <b> limb <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">lim</font>]</b><br>

A: Your limbs are your arms and legs.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She would be able to stretch out her cramped limbs and rest for a few hours.</font><br><br>The limbs of a tree are its branches. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This entire rickety structure was hanging from the limb of an enormous leafy tree.</font><br><br>If someone goes out on a limb, they do something they strongly believe in even though it is risky or extreme, and is likely to fail or be criticized by other people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They can see themselves going out on a limb, voting for a very controversial energy bill.</font><br><br>If someone risks life and limb, they do something very dangerous that may cause them to die or be seriously injured.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Aid workers have risked life and limb and we have had to hire our own protection to safeguard workers at our centres.</font><br><br>If someone threatens to tear you limb from limb, they mean that they are extremely angry with you, and may use violence against you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The police were lucky they found him before I did. I would have torn him limb from limb.</font><br>

Q: <b> liver <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5livE</font>]</b><br>

A: Your liver is a large organ in your body which processes your blood and helps to clean unwanted substances out of it.<br><br>Liver is the liver of some animals, especially lambs, pigs, and cows, which is cooked and eaten.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...grilled calves' liver.</font><br>

Q: <b> motive <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mEutiv</font>]</b><br>

A: Your motive for doing something is your reason for doing it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Police have ruled out robbery as a motive for the killing.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the motives and objectives of British foreign policy...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The doctor's motive was to bring an end to his patient's suffering.</font><br>

Q: <b> lash <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">lAF</font>]</b><br>

A: Your lashes are the hairs that grow on the edge of your upper and lower eyelids.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...sombre grey eyes, with unusually long lashes...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Joanna studied him through her lashes.</font><br><font color=red>= eyelash</font><br><br>If you lash two or more things together, you tie one of them firmly to the other.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Secure the anchor by lashing it to the rail.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The shelter is built by lashing poles together to form a small dome.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cindy lashed her motorboat alongside.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We were worried about the lifeboat which was not lashed down.</font><br><font color=red>= tie</font><br><br>If wind, rain, or water lashes someone or something, it hits them violently. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The worst winter storms of the century lashed the east coast of North America.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Suddenly rain lashed against the windows.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The rain was absolutely lashing down.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...gales of lashing rain.</font><br><br>If someone lashes you or lashes into you, they speak very angrily to you, criticizing you or saying you have done something wrong.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She went quiet for a moment while she summoned up the words to lash him.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The report lashes into police commanders for failing to act on intelligence information.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Never before had he felt the full lash of John's temper.</font><br><br>A lash is a thin strip of leather at the end of a whip.<br><br>A lash is a blow with a whip, especially a blow on someone's back as a punishment.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The villagers sentenced one man to five lashes for stealing a ham from his neighbor.</font><br><br>If someone lashes another person, they hit that person with a whip.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They snatched up whips and lashed the backs of those who had fallen.</font><br><font color=red>= whip</font><br><br>If an animal lashes its tail, or if its tail lashes, it </b></font><br>

Q: <b> A level <br>A LEVEL </b><br>

A: A level A levels </b></font><br>A levels are British educational qualifications which schoolchildren take when they are seventeen or eighteen years old. People usually need A levels if they want to go to university in Britain.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He left school with four A levels.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Laura is taking A levels next summer in theatre and religious studies.</font><br>

Q: <b> airway <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5ZEwei</font>]</b><br>

A: A person's airways are the passages from their nose and mouth down to their lungs, through which air enters and leaves their body.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; inflammation of the airways.</font><br><br>The airways are all the routes that planes can travel along.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How does a private pilot get access to the airways?</font><br><br>Airways means the same as airwaves.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The interview went out over the airways.</font><br>

Q: <b> ABC <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5eibi:5si:</font>]</b><br>

A: ABC </b></font><br>The ABC of a subject or activity is the parts of it that you have to learn first because they are the most important and basic.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the ABC of Marxism.</font><br><br>Children who have learned their ABC or their ABCs have learned to recognize, write, or say the alphabet. (INFORMAL)<br>

Q: <b> aesthetic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">i:s5Wetik</font>]</b><br>

A: AM) also esthetic</b></font><br>Aesthetic is used to talk about beauty or art, and people's appreciation of beautiful things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...products chosen for their aesthetic appeal as well as their durability and quality.</font><br><br>The aesthetic of a work of art is its aesthetic quality.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He responded very strongly to the aesthetic of this particular work.</font><br><font color=red>* aesthetically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A statue which is aesthetically pleasing to one person, however, may be repulsive to another.</font><br>

Q: <b> academy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5kAdEmi</font>]</b><br>

A: Academy is sometimes used in the names of schools and colleges, especially those specializing in particular subjects or skills, or private high schools in the United States.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If you want to be a musician, you go to the Royal Academy of Music.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...her experience as a police academy instructor.</font><br><br>Academy appears in the names of some societies formed to improve or maintain standards in a particular field.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the American Academy of Psychotherapists...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The British Academy of Film and Television Arts.</font><br>

Q: <b> acceptance <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">Ek5septEns</font>]</b><br>

A: Acceptance of an offer or a proposal is the act of saying yes to it or agreeing to it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Party is being degraded by its acceptance of secret donations.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I sent them more than 6,000 cartoons before I had my one and only acceptance by them.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Several shareholders have withdrawn earlier acceptances of the offer.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a letter of acceptance.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...his acceptance speech for the Nobel Peace Prize.</font><br><font color=red><> rejection</font><br><br>If there is acceptance of an idea, most people believe or agree that it is true.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a theory that is steadily gaining acceptance...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There's a general acceptance that the US defence budget will shrink considerably over the next few years.</font><br><br>Your acceptance of a situation, especially an unpleasant or difficult one, is an attitude or feeling that you cannot change it and that you must get used to it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Popular acceptance of authority had been an early aim of the Nationalists.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The most impressive thing about him is his calm acceptance of whatever comes his way.</font><br><font color=red><> rejection</font><br><br>If there is acceptance of a new product, people start to like it and get used to it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Car manufacturers are already producing small numbers of electric vehicles to test customer acceptance.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Avant-garde music to this day has not found general public acceptance.</font><br><font color=red><> rejection</font><br><br>Acceptance of someone into a group means beginning to think of them as part of the group and to act in a friendly way towards them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A very determined effort by society will ensure that the disabled achieve real acceptance and integration.</font><br><font color=red>= recognition <> rejection</font><br>

Q: <b> accessory <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">Ak5sesEri</font>]</b><br>

A: Accessories are items of equipment that are not usually essential, but which can be used with or added to something else in order to make it more efficient, useful, or decorative.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; exclusive range of hand-made bedroom and bathroom accessories.</font><br><br>Accessories are articles such as belts and scarves which you wear or carry but which are not part of your main clothing.<br><br>If someone is guilty of being an accessory to a crime, they helped the person who committed it, or knew it was being committed but did not tell the police. (LEGAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She had been charged with being an accessory to the embezzlement of funds from a co-operative farm.</font><br><font color=red>= accomplice</font><br><br>You can use accessory to describe something which is part of an activity or process, but not the most essential or important part of it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Forster established the essentiality of minerals as accessory food factors required for maintaining life.</font><br>

Q: <b> accommodation <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E7kCmE5deiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Accommodation is used to refer to buildings or rooms where people live or stay. (BRIT; in AM use accommodations)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The government will provide temporary accommodation for up to three thousand people sleeping rough in London.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Prices start at {Pound}2,095 per person, including flights, hotel accommodation and various excursions.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Rates are higher for deluxe accommodations and lower in the off-season.</font><br><br>Accommodation is space in buildings or vehicles that is available for certain things, people, or activities. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The school occupies split-site accommodation on the main campus.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some trains carry bicycles, but accommodation is restricted so a reservation is essential.</font><br><br>An accommodation is an agreement between different people which enables them to exist together without trouble. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His instinct would be to seek a new accommodation with the nationalists.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Religions, to survive, must make accommodations with the larger political structures that nurture them.</font><br>

Q: <b> accounting <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5kauntiN</font>]</b><br>

A: Accounting is the activity of keeping detailed records of the amounts of money a business or person receives and spends.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...allegations of theft, forgery and false accounting.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the accounting firm of Leventhal & Horwath.</font><br>See also account.<br>

Q: <b> acting <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5AktiN</font>]</b><br>

A: Acting is the activity or profession of performing in plays or films.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Saffron Burrows returned to London to pursue her acting career after four years of modelling.</font><br><br>You use acting before the title of a job to indicate that someone is doing that job temporarily.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The new acting President has a reputation of being someone who is independent.</font><br>

Q: <b> addiction <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5dikFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Addiction is the condition of taking harmful drugs and being unable to stop taking them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She helped him fight his drug addiction.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...long-term addiction to nicotine.</font><br><br>An addiction to something is a very strong desire or need for it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He needed money to feed his addiction to gambling.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I discovered an addiction to housework which I had never felt before.</font><br>

Q: <b> administrative <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">Ed5ministrEtiv</font>]</b><br>

A: Administrative work involves organizing and supervising an organization or institution.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Other industries have had to sack managers to reduce administrative costs.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The project will have an administrative staff of 12.</font><br><font color=red>= management</font><br><font color=red>* administratively </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cuba is politically and administratively divided into 14 provinces.</font><br>

Q: <b> admiration <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7AdmE5reiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Admiration is a feeling of great liking and respect for a person or thing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have always had the greatest admiration for him.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Meg's eyes widened in admiration.</font><br>

Q: <b> admission <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">Ed5miFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Admission is permission given to a person to enter a place, or permission given to a country to enter an organization. Admission is also the act of entering a place.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Students apply for admission to a particular college.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Poland and Czechoslovakia have vigorously pursued admission to the European Community.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There have been substantial increases in hospital admissions of children.</font><br><font color=red>= admittance</font><br><br>Admissions to a place such as a school or university are the people who are allowed to enter or join it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Each school sets its own admissions policy.</font><br><br>Admission at a park, museum, or other place is the amount of money that you pay to enter it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Gates open at 10.30am and admission is free.</font><br><font color=red>= entrance</font><br><br>Also used before a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The admission price is $8 for adults.</font><br><br>An admission is a statement that something bad, unpleasant, or embarrassing is true.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;By his own admission, he is not playing well.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She wanted some admission of guilt from her father.</font><br>

Q: <b> adolescent <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7AdEu5lesnt</font>]</b><br>

A: Adolescent is used to describe young people who are no longer children but who have not yet become adults. It also refers to their behaviour.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is important that an adolescent boy should have an adult in whom he can confide.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He spent his adolescent years playing guitar in the church band.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...adolescent rebellion.</font><br><font color=red>= teenage</font><br><br>An adolescent is an adolescent boy or girl.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Young adolescents are happiest with small groups of close friends.</font><br><font color=red>= teenager</font><br>

Q: <b> adverse <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5AdvE:s</font>]</b><br>

A: Adverse decisions, conditions, or effects are unfavourable to you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The police said Mr Hadfield's decision would have no adverse effect on the progress of the investigation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Despite the adverse conditions, the road was finished in just eight months.</font><br><font color=red><> favourable</font><br><font color=red>* adversely </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Price changes must not adversely affect the living standards of the people.</font><br>

Q: <b> aggression <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5greFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Aggression is a quality of anger and determination that makes you ready to attack other people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Aggression is by no means a male-only trait.</font><br><font color=red>= belligerence <> gentleness</font><br><br>Aggression is violent and attacking behaviour.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The raid was an unjustifiable act of aggression.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the threat of massive military aggression.</font><br>

Q: <b> agony <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5AgEni</font>]</b><br>

A: Agony is great physical or mental pain.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A new machine may save thousands of animals from the agony of drug tests.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They sat and listened as she called out in agony.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As a young man he suffered agonies of religious doubt.</font><br><font color=red>= torment</font><br>

Q: <b> alien <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5eiljEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Alien means belonging to a different country, race, or group, usually one you do not like or are frightened of. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He said they were opposed to what he described as the presence of alien forces in the region.</font><br><font color=red>= foreign</font><br><br>You use alien to describe something that seems strange and perhaps frightening, because it is not part of your normal experience.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His work offers an insight into an alien culture.</font><br><font color=red>= strange</font><br><br>If something is alien to you or to your normal feelings or behaviour, it is not the way you would normally feel or behave. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Such an attitude is alien to most businessmen.</font><br><font color=red>= foreign</font><br><br>An alien is someone who is not a legal citizen of the country in which they live. (FORMAL or LEGAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Both women had hired illegal aliens for child care.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When war broke out, he was interned as an enemy alien.</font><br><font color=red>= foreigner</font><br><br>In science fiction, an alien is a creature from outer space.<br>

Q: <b> aluminium <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7Alju:5minjEm</font>]</b><br>

A: Aluminium is a lightweight metal used, for example, for making cooking equipment and aircraft parts. (BRIT; in AM use aluminum)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...aluminium cans.</font><br>

Q: <b> abrupt <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5brQpt</font>]</b><br>

A: An abrupt change or action is very sudden, often in a way which is unpleasant.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Rosie's idyllic world came to an abrupt end when her parents' marriage broke up.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The recession brought an abrupt halt to this happiness.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His abrupt departure is bound to raise questions.</font><br><font color=red>= unexpected</font><br><font color=red>* abruptly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He stopped abruptly and looked my way.</font><br><font color=red>= suddenly</font><br><br>Someone who is abrupt speaks in a rather rude, unfriendly way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was abrupt to the point of rudeness.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cross was a little taken aback by her abrupt manner.</font><br><font color=red>= offhand</font><br><font color=red>* abruptly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Good night, then,' she said abruptly.</font><br><font color=red>* abruptness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I think Simon was hurt by your abruptness this afternoon.</font><br>

Q: <b> abstract <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5AbstrAkt</font>]</b><br>

A: An abstract idea or way of thinking is based on general ideas rather than on real things and events.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...starting with a few abstract principles...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's not a question of some abstract concept of justice.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the faculty of abstract reasoning.</font><br><font color=red>= theoretical</font><br><font color=red>* abstractly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is hard to think abstractly in these conditions.</font><br><br>When you talk or think about something in the abstract, you talk or think about it in a general way, rather than considering particular things or events.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Money was a commodity she never thought about except in the abstract.</font><br><br>In grammar, an abstract noun refers to a quality or idea rather than to a physical object.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...abstract words such as glory, honor, and courage.</font><br><font color=red><> concrete</font><br><br>Abstract art makes use of shapes and patterns rather than showing people or things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A modern abstract painting takes over one complete wall.</font><br><font color=red><> figurative</font><br><br>An abstract is an abstract work of art.<br><br>An abstract of an article, document, or speech is a short piece of writing that gives the main points of it.<br><font color=red>= summary</font><br>

Q: <b> accidental <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7Aksi5dentl</font>]</b><br>

A: An accidental event happens by chance or as the result of an accident, and is not deliberately intended.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Video evidence was shown to the inquest jury, before it returned a verdict of accidental death.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His hand brushed against hers; it could have been either accidental or deliberate.</font><br><font color=red><> deliberate</font><br><font color=red>* accidentally </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A policeman accidentally killed his two best friends with a single bullet.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A special locking system means the door cannot be opened accidentally.</font><br><font color=red><> deliberately</font><br>

Q: <b> ace <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">eis</font>]</b><br>

A: An ace is a playing card with a single symbol on it. In most card games, the ace of a particular suit has either the highest or the lowest value of the cards in that suit.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the ace of hearts.</font><br><br>If you describe someone such as a sports player as an ace, you mean that they are very good at what they do. (JOURNALISM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...former motor-racing ace Stirling Moss.</font><br><br>Also an adjective.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...ace horror-film producer Lawrence Woolsey.</font><br><br>If you say that something is ace, you think that it is good and you like it a lot. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's been a while since a really ace film came out of Germany.</font><br><br>In tennis, an ace is a serve which is so fast that the other player cannot reach the ball.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The American served three aces in the opening game of the set.</font><br><br>If you say that someone holds all the aces, you mean that they have all the advantages in a contest or situation.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`When I was an adolescent,' says a thirty-one-year-old man, `I thought girls held all the aces.'</font><br><br>Something that is an ace in the hole is an advantage which you have over an opponent or rival, and which you can use if necessary.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Our superior technology is our ace in the hole.</font><br><fo </b></font><br>

Q: <b> acoustic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5ku:stik</font>]</b><br>

A: An acoustic guitar or other instrument is one whose sound is produced without any electrical equipment.<br><font color=red>* acoustically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's a very exciting time, I think, to be writing acoustically based music.</font><br><br>If you refer to the acoustics or the acoustic of a space, you are referring to the structural features which determine how well you can hear music or speech in it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In this performance, Rattle had the acoustic of the Symphony Hall on his side.</font><br><font color=red>* acoustically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The church is fully air-conditioned and acoustically perfect.</font><br><br>Acoustics is the scientific study of sound.<br><br>Acoustic means relating to sound or hearing. Compare aural.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...acoustic signals.</font><br>

Q: <b> acquaintance <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5kweintEns</font>]</b><br>

A: An acquaintance is someone who you have met and know slightly, but not well.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He exchanged a few words with the proprietor, an old acquaintance of his.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have a large circle of friends and acquaintances engaged in photography.</font><br><br>If you have an acquaintance with someone, you have met them and you know them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a writer who becomes involved in a real murder mystery through his acquaintance with a police officer...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;On first acquaintance she is cool and slightly distant.</font><br><br>Your acquaintance with a subject is your knowledge or experience of it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They had little or no acquaintance with Chinese philosophy or history.</font><br><br>When you make someone's acquaintance, you meet them for the first time and get to know them a little. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I first made his acquaintance and that of his wife and young family in the early 1960s.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I am so pleased to make your acquaintance, Mr Tweed.</font><br><br>A person of your acquaintance is someone who you have met and know. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a highly cultivated woman of our acquaintance.</font><br>

Q: <b> addict <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5dikt</font>]</b><br>

A: An addict is someone who takes harmful drugs and cannot stop taking them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's only 24 years old and a drug addict.</font><br><br>If you say that someone is an addict, you mean that they like a particular activity very much and spend as much time doing it as they can.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She is a TV addict and watches as much as she can.</font><br>

Q: <b> adjustment <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5dVQstmEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: An adjustment is a small change that is made to something such as a machine or a way of doing something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Compensation could be made by adjustments to taxation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Investment is up by 5.7% after adjustment for inflation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a technician made an adjustment to a smoke machine at the back of the auditorium.</font><br><br>An adjustment is a change in a person's behaviour or thinking.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He will have to make major adjustments to his thinking if he is to survive in office.</font><br>

Q: <b> administrator <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">Ed5ministreitE</font>]</b><br>

A: An administrator is a person whose job involves helping to organize and supervise the way that an organization or institution functions.<br>

Q: <b> advert <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">Ed5vE:t</font>]</b><br>

A: An advert is an announcement in a newspaper, on television, or on a poster about something such as a product, event, or job. (BRIT; in AM use ad)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I saw an advert for a transport job with a large steel and engineering company.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many caravans are let by private individuals through adverts in papers or shop windows.</font><br><font color=red>= ad, advertisement</font><br><br>If you say that an example of something is an advert for that thing in general, you mean that it shows how good that thing is. (BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This courtroom battle has been a poor advert for English justice.</font><br><font color=red>= advertisement</font><br><br>You can use the adverts to refer to the interval in a commercial television programme, or between programmes, during which advertisements are shown. (INFORMAL) (BRIT; in AM use commercial break)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;After the adverts, the presenter tried to pretend that everything was back to normal.</font><br><font color=red>= commercials</font><br>

Q: <b> advertisement <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">Ed5vE:tismEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: An advertisement is an announcement in a newspaper, on television, or on a poster about something such as a product, event, or job. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Miss Parrish recently placed an advertisement in the local newspaper.</font><br><font color=red>= advert, ad</font><br><br>If you say that an example of something is an advertisement for that thing in general, you mean that it shows how good that thing is. (mainly BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Treviso team were an effective advertisement for the improving state of Italian club rugby.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That would not be a good advertisement for Hungary's emerging democracy.</font><br>

Q: <b> advisory <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">Ed5vaizEri</font>]</b><br>

A: An advisory group regularly gives suggestions and help to people or organizations, especially about a particular subject or area of activity. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...members of the advisory committee on the safety of nuclear installations...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Now my role is strictly advisory.</font><br><br>An advisory is an official announcement or report that warns people about bad weather, diseases, or other dangers or problems. (AM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;26 states have issued health advisories.</font><br><font color=red>= warning</font><br>

Q: <b> aeroplane <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5ZErEplein</font>]</b><br>

A: An aeroplane is a vehicle with wings and one or more engines that enable it to fly through the air. (BRIT; in AM use airplane)<br><font color=red>= plane, aircraft</font><br>

Q: <b> affiliate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5filieit</font>]</b><br>

A: An affiliate is an organization which is officially connected with another, larger organization or is a member of it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...twelve companies, including three affiliates of a Texas oil firm...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The World Chess Federation has affiliates in around 120 countries.</font><br><br>If an organization affiliates to or with another larger organization, it forms a close connection with the larger organization or becomes a member of it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All youth groups will have to affiliate to the National Youth Agency.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Government will not allow the staff association to affiliate with outside unions.</font><br><br>If a professional person such as a lawyer or doctor affiliates with an organization, they become officially connected with that organization. (mainly AM, FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He said he wanted to affiliate with a U.S. firm because he needed `expert advice and counsel in legal affairs'.</font><br>

Q: <b> aggregate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5Agrigeit</font>]</b><br>

A: An aggregate amount or score is made up of several smaller amounts or scores added together.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The rate of growth of GNP will depend upon the rate of growth of aggregate demand.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;England have beaten the Welsh three times in succession with an aggregate score of 83-12.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The highest aggregate came in the third round where Leeds and Middlesbrough drew 4-4.</font><br><br>An aggregate is a number of people or things that are being considered as a single thing. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...society viewed as an aggregate of individuals.</font><br><br>If amounts or things are aggregated, they are added together and considered as a single amount or thing. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Different economies, with different currencies, should not be aggregated to produce uniform policies..</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We should never aggregate votes to predict results under another system.</font><br><font color=red>* aggregation </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A bigger objection is that aggregation of the results invites distortion.</font><br><br>If a number of different things or amounts are considered in aggregate, or in the aggregate, they are considered as a single thing or amount. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Expenses are deductible only to the extent that in aggregate they exceed 7 percent of gross income.</font><br><font color=red>= in total</font><br><br>If one team beats another on aggregate, it wins because it has a higher total score than the other team after a series of games. (BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;United won 5-3 on aggregate.</font><br>

Q: <b> aide <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">eid</font>]</b><br>

A: An aide is an assistant to someone who has an important job, especially in government or in the armed forces.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A close aide to the Prime Minister repeated that Israel would never accept it.</font><br>

Q: <b> airlift <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5eElift</font>]</b><br>

A: An airlift is an operation to move people, troops, or goods by air, especially in a war or when land routes are closed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;President Garcia has ordered an airlift of food, medicines and blankets.</font><br><br>If people, troops, or goods are airlifted somewhere, they are carried by air, especially in a war or when land routes are closed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The injured were airlifted to hospital in Prestwick.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Other nationalities, such as Pakistanis, were being airlifted out by their governments.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The government is trying to replenish supplies by airlifting food.</font><br>

Q: <b> airplane <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5ZE7plein</font>]</b><br>

A: An airplane is a vehicle with wings and one or more engines that enable it to fly through the air. (AM; in BRIT use aeroplane)<br>

Q: <b> alcoholic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7AlkE5hClik</font>]</b><br>

A: An alcoholic is someone who cannot stop drinking large amounts of alcohol, even when this is making them ill.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He showed great courage by admitting on television that he is an alcoholic.</font><br><br>Alcoholic drinks are drinks that contain alcohol.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The serving of alcoholic drinks was forbidden after six o'clock.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...tea, coffee, and alcoholic beverages.</font><br>

Q: <b> amnesty <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5Amnesti</font>]</b><br>

A: An amnesty is an official pardon granted to a group of prisoners by the state.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Activists who were involved in crimes of violence will not automatically be granted amnesty.</font><br><font color=red>= pardon</font><br><br>An amnesty is a period of time during which people can admit to a crime or give up weapons without being punished.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The government has announced an immediate amnesty for rebel fighters.</font><br>

Q: <b> anchor <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5ANkE</font>]</b><br>

A: An anchor is a heavy hooked object that is dropped from a boat into the water at the end of a chain in order to make the boat stay in one place.<br><br>When a boat anchors or when you anchor it, its anchor is dropped into the water in order to make it stay in one place.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We could anchor off the pier.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They anchored the boat.</font><br><br>If you anchor an object somewhere, you fix it to something to prevent it moving from that place.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The roots anchor the plant in the earth.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The child seat belt was not properly anchored to the car.</font><br><font color=red>= fix</font><br><br>If one thing is the anchor for something else, it makes that thing stable and secure.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He provided an emotional anchor for her.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He remains the anchor of the country's fragile political balance.</font><br><br>If something is anchored in something or to something, it has strong links with it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A united Germany must be firmly anchored in NATO if Europe is to remain stable.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His basic outlook remains anchored in the liberal tradition.</font><br><font color=red>= rooted in</font><br><br>The person who anchors a television or radio programme, especially a news programme, is the person who presents it and acts as a link between interviews and reports which come from other places or stu </b></font><br>

Q: <b> angel <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5eindVEl</font>]</b><br>

A: Angels are spiritual beings that some people believe are God's servants in heaven.<br><br>You can call someone you like very much an angel in order to show affection, especially when they have been kind to you or done you a favour.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thank you a thousand times, you're an angel.</font><br><br>If you describe someone as an angel, you mean that they seem to be very kind and good.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Poppa thought her an angel.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was such an angel to put up with it.</font><br><br>If you say that someone is on the side of the angels, you believe very strongly that what they are doing is right.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Billy is on the side of the angels when it comes to racial tolerance.</font><br><br>If you say that someone rushes in where angels fear to tread, you are criticizing them gently because they get themselves into dangerous or difficult situations without thinking carefully enough about what they are doing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Martin is inclined to rush in where angels fear to tread.</font><br>

Q: <b> am. <br>AM. </b><br>

A: Compare p.m..<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The program starts at 9 a.m.</font><br>

Q: <b> accommodate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5kCmEdeit</font>]</b><br>

A: If a building or space can accommodate someone or something, it has enough room for them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The school in Poldown was not big enough to accommodate all the children.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The CD-ROMS will accommodate the works of all English poets from 600 to 1900.</font><br><br>To accommodate someone means to provide them with a place to live or stay.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a hotel built to accommodate guests for the wedding of King Alfonso...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Students are accommodated in homes nearby.</font><br><br>If something is planned or changed to accommodate a particular situation, it is planned or changed so that it takes this situation into account.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The roads are built to accommodate gradual temperature changes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The way that American history is taught may change in order to accommodate some more of those cultures.</font><br><br>If you do something to accommodate someone, you do it with the main purpose of pleasing or satisfying them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has never put an arm around his wife to accommodate photographers.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's already altered several of the proposals in his economic plan to accommodate demands of special interests.</font><br><font color=red>= oblige</font><br><br>If you accommodate to something new, you change your behaviour or ideas so that you are able to deal with it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some animal and plant species cannot accommodate to the rapidly changing conditions.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nb </b></font><br>

Q: <b> ambush <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5AmbuF</font>]</b><br>

A: If a group of people ambush their enemies, they attack them after hiding and waiting for them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Guatemalan army says rebels ambushed and killed 10 patrolmen.</font><br><font color=red>= waylay</font><br><br>An ambush is an attack on someone by people who have been hiding and waiting for them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A policeman has been shot dead in an ambush in County Armagh.</font><br><br>If someone is lying in ambush, they are hiding and waiting for someone, usually to attack them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The gunmen, lying in ambush, opened fire, killing the driver.</font><br>

Q: <b> accessible <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">Ek5sesEbl</font>]</b><br>

A: If a place or building is accessible to people, it is easy for them to reach it or get into it. If an object is accessible, it is easy to reach.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Gateshead Shopping Centre is easily accessible to virtually all the population of Tyne and Wear.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The premises are wheelchair accessible.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I had to keep the video camera readily accessible in case I saw something that needed to be filmed.</font><br><font color=red>* accessibility </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Unlike the other South Western reservoirs it has uniquely easy accessibility.</font><br><br>If something is accessible to people, they can easily use it or obtain it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The aim of any reform of legal aid should be to make the system accessible to more people.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This device helps make virtual reality a more usable and accessible technology.</font><br><font color=red>* accessibility </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...growing public concern about the cost, quality and accessibility of health care.</font><br><br>If you describe a book, painting, or other work of art as accessible, you think it is good because it is simple enough for people to understand and appreciate easily.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Both say they want to write literary books that are accessible to a general audience.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...their reputation for providing exciting and accessible theatre for young people.</font><br><font color=red>* accessibility </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Seminar topics are chosen for their accessibility to a general audience.</font><br>

Q: <b> administer <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">Ed5ministE</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone administers something such as a country, the law, or a test, they take responsibility for organizing and supervising it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The plan calls for the UN to administer the country until elections can be held.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We hope that they're going to administer justice impartially.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Next summer's exams would be straightforward to administer and mark.</font><br><br>If a doctor or a nurse administers a drug, they give it to a patient. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sister came to watch the staff nurse administer the drugs.</font><br><font color=red>= give</font><br><br>If someone administers a punch or a kick, they punch or kick someone. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is shown in the tape of the beating as administering most of the blows.</font><br>

Q: <b> absent <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5AbsEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone or something is absent from a place or situation where they should be or where they usually are, they are not there.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has been absent from his desk for two weeks.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The pictures, too, were absent from the walls.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Any soldier failing to report would be considered absent without leave and punished accordingly.</font><br><br>If someone appears absent, they are not paying attention because they are thinking about something else.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Nothing,' Rosie said in an absent way.</font><br><font color=red>= inattentive</font><br><font color=red>* absently </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He nodded absently.</font><br><br>An absent parent does not live with his or her children.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...absent fathers who fail to pay towards the costs of looking after their children.</font><br><br>If someone absents themselves from a place where they should be or where they usually are, they do not go there or they do not stay there. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was old enough to absent herself from the lunch table if she chose.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He pleaded guilty before a court martial to absenting himself without leave.</font><br><br>If you say that absent one thing, another thing will happen, you mean that if the first thing does not happen, the second thing will happen. (AM, FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Absent a solution, people like Sue Godfrey will just keep on fighting.</font><br><font color=red>= without </b></font><br>

Q: <b> acclaim <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5kleim</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone or something is acclaimed, they are praised enthusiastically. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;More recently she has been acclaimed for the TV dramas `Prime Suspect' and `Civvies'.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was acclaimed as England's greatest modern painter.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The group's debut album was immediately acclaimed a hip hop classic.</font><br><font color=red>* acclaimed </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She has published six highly acclaimed novels.</font><br><br>Acclaim is public praise for someone or something. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Angela Bassett has won critical acclaim for her excellent performance.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All this equipment has received international acclaim from the specialist hi-fi press.</font><br><font color=red>= praise</font><br>

Q: <b> absorb <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">Eb5sC:b</font>]</b><br>

A: If something absorbs a liquid, gas, or other substance, it soaks it up or takes it in.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and moisture from the soil.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Refined sugars are absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly.</font><br><font color=red>= soak up</font><br><br>If something absorbs light, heat, or another form of energy, it takes it in.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A household radiator absorbs energy in the form of electric current and releases it in the form of heat.</font><br><br>If a group is absorbed into a larger group, it becomes part of the larger group.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Colonial Office was absorbed into the Foreign Office.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; economy capable of absorbing and supporting thousands of immigrants.</font><br><br>If something absorbs a force or shock, it reduces its effect.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...footwear which does not absorb the impact of the foot striking the ground.</font><br><br>If a system or society absorbs changes, effects, or costs, it is able to deal with them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The banks would be forced to absorb large losses.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We can't absorb those costs.</font><br><font color=red>= cope with</font><br><br>If something absorbs something valuable such as money, space, or time, it uses up a great deal of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It absorbed vast amounts of capital that could have been used for investment.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It might help if campaigning didn't absorb so much time and money.</font><br><font color=red>= eat up</font><br><br>If you absorb information, you learn and understand it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Too often he only absorbs half the information in the manual.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We closed our offices at 2:00 p.m. to give employees time to absorb the bad news.</font><br><font color=red>= digest, take in</font><br><br>

Q: <b> amaze <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5meiz</font>]</b><br>

A: If something amazes you, it surprises you very much.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He amazed us by his knowledge of Welsh history.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Riverside Restaurant promises a variety of food that never ceases to amaze!</font><br><font color=red>= astonish</font><br><font color=red>* amazed </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He said most of the cast was amazed by the play's success.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was amazed to learn she was still writing her stories.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She is amazed that people still risk travelling without insurance.</font><br><font color=red>= astonished</font><br>

Q: <b> accelerate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">Ak5selEreit</font>]</b><br>

A: If the process or rate of something accelerates, it gets faster and faster.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Growth will accelerate to 2.9 per cent next year.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The government is to accelerate its privatisation programme.</font><br><br>When a moving vehicle accelerates, it goes faster and faster.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Suddenly the car accelerated.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She accelerated away from the kerb.</font><br>

Q: <b> ample <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5Ampl</font>]</b><br>

A: If there is an ample amount of something, there is enough of it and usually some extra.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There'll be ample opportunity to relax, swim and soak up some sun.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The design of the ground floor created ample space for a good-sized kitchen.</font><br><font color=red>* amply </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This collection of his essays and journalism amply demonstrates his commitment to democracy.</font><br><br>If you describe someone's figure as ample, you mean that they are large in a pleasant or attractive way. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a young mother with a baby resting against her ample bosom.</font><br>

Q: <b> ache <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">eik</font>]</b><br>

A: If you ache or a part of your body aches, you feel a steady, fairly strong pain.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The glands in her neck were swollen, her head was throbbing and she ached all over.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My leg is giving me much less pain but still aches when I sit down.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The weary holidaymakers soothed their aching feet in the sea.</font><br><br>An ache is a steady, fairly strong pain in a part of your body.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You feel nausea and aches in your muscles.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Poor posture can cause neck ache, headaches and breathing problems.</font><br>See also backache, headache, heartache, stomach ache.<br><br>If you ache for something or your heart aches, you want something very much, and feel very unhappy because you cannot have it. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She still ached for the lost intimacy and sexual contact of marriage.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;But Spain was a country aching to get away from its past.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was quite an achievement to keep smiling when his heart must have been aching.</font><br><font color=red>= long</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You also feel an overwhelming ache for support from others which you cannot put into words.</font><br><br>You can use aches and pains to refer in a general way to any minor pains that you feel in your body.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It seems to ease all the aches and pains of a hectic and tiring day.</font><br>

Q: <b> adapt <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5dApt</font>]</b><br>

A: If you adapt to a new situation or adapt yourself to it, you change your ideas or behaviour in order to deal with it successfully.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to adapt to the change.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They have been tightening their belts for months, adapting themselves to a war economy.</font><br><font color=red>= adjust</font><br><br>If you adapt something, you change it to make it suitable for a new purpose or situation.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shelves were built to adapt the library for use as an office.</font><br><font color=red>= modify</font><br><br>If you adapt a book or play, you change it so that it can be made into a film or a television programme.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The scriptwriter helped him to adapt his novel for the screen.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The film has been adapted from a play of the same title.</font><br>

Q: <b> affirm <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5fE:m</font>]</b><br>

A: If you affirm that something is true or that something exists, you state firmly and publicly that it is true or exists. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The European Community has repeatedly affirmed that it's in agreement with the Americans on this point.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a speech in which he affirmed a commitment to lower taxes...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`This place is a dump,' affirmed Miss T.</font><br><font color=red>= assert</font><br><font color=red>* affirmation affirmations </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;After the meeting, the ministers issued a robust affirmation of their faith in the European Monetary System.</font><br><br>If an event affirms something, it shows that it is true or exists. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Everything I had accomplished seemed to affirm that opinion.</font><br><font color=red>= confirm</font><br><font color=red>* affirmation </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The high turnout was an eloquent affirmation of the importance that the voters attached to the election.</font><br>

Q: <b> alienate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5eiljEneit</font>]</b><br>

A: If you alienate someone, you make them become unfriendly or unsympathetic towards you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The government cannot afford to alienate either group.</font><br><br>To alienate a person from someone or something that they are normally linked with means to cause them to be emotionally or intellectually separated from them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His second wife, Alice, was determined to alienate him from his two boys.</font><br><font color=red>* alienated </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He felt alienated from his peers.</font><br><font color=red>* alienation </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the alienation of many from the political process...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her sense of alienation from the world disappeared.</font><br>

Q: <b> allege <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5ledV</font>]</b><br>

A: If you allege that something bad is true, you say it but do not prove it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She alleged that there was rampant drug use among the male members of the group.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The accused is alleged to have killed a man.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was alleged that the restaurant discriminated against black customers.</font><br><font color=red>= claim</font><br>

Q: <b> amend <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5mend</font>]</b><br>

A: If you amend something that has been written such as a law, or something that is said, you change it in order to improve it or make it more accurate.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kaunda agreed to amend the constitution and allow multi-party elections.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`You must admit that the man has got charm,' said Nicolson. `Glamour,' amended Wells.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the amended version of the Act.</font><br><font color=red>= revise</font><br><br>If you make amends when you have harmed someone, you show that you are sorry by doing something to please them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He wanted to make amends for causing their marriage to fail.</font><br><font color=red>= atone</font><br>

Q: <b> aboard <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5bC:d</font>]</b><br>

A: If you are aboard a ship or plane, you are on it or in it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She invited 750 people aboard the luxury yacht, the Savarona.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They said goodbye to him as he got aboard the train at Union Station.</font><br><font color=red>= on board</font><br><br>Also an adverb.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It had taken two hours to load all the people aboard.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The United States has a naval task force offshore, with two thousand marines aboard.</font><br><font color=red>= on board</font><br>

Q: <b> accountable <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5kauntEbl</font>]</b><br>

A: If you are accountable to someone for something that you do, you are responsible for it and must be prepared to justify your actions to that person.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Public officials can finally be held accountable for their actions.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The major service industries should be accountable to their customers.</font><br><font color=red>= answerable</font><br><font color=red>* accountability </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; impetus towards democracy and greater accountability.</font><br>

Q: <b> allergy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5AlEdVi</font>]</b><br>

A: If you have a particular allergy, you become ill or get a rash when you eat, smell, or touch something that does not normally make people ill.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Food allergies can result in an enormous variety of different symptoms.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Allergy to cats is one of the commonest causes of asthma.</font><br><br>If you say that you have an allergy to something or someone, you mean that you dislike them very strongly and try to avoid them. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I developed a temporary allergy to the company of couples.</font><br>

Q: <b> accusation <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">Akju(:)5zeiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: If you make an accusation against someone, you criticize them or express the belief that they have done something wrong.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kim rejects accusations that Country music is over-sentimental.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Another accusation levelled at the Minister is that he does not understand ordinary people.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was surprised that he had no words of blame or accusation for her.</font><br><font color=red>= charge</font><br><br>An accusation is a statement or claim by a witness or someone in authority that a particular person has committed a crime, although this has not yet been proved.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...people who have made public accusations of rape...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The government denied the accusation that it was involved in the murders.</font><br>

Q: <b> affection <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5fekFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: If you regard someone or something with affection, you like them and are fond of them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She thought of him with affection.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She had developed quite an affection for the place.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...trying to win their affection.</font><br><font color=red>= love</font><br><br>Your affections are your feelings of love or fondness for someone.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The distant object of his affections is Caroline.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jack Russell has a special place in the affections of the cricketing public.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...her fear of being replaced in his affections.</font><br>

Q: <b> absurd <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">Eb5sE:d</font>]</b><br>

A: If you say that something is absurd, you are criticizing it because you think that it is ridiculous or that it does not make sense.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is absurd to be discussing compulsory redundancy policies for teachers.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I've known clients of mine go to absurd lengths, just to avoid paying me a few pounds.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That's absurd.</font><br><font color=red>= ridiculous</font><br><br>The absurd is something that is absurd. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Parkinson had a sharp eye for the absurd.</font><br><font color=red>* absurdly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Prices were still absurdly low, in his opinion.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Absurdly, it makes shoppers overpay farmers to grow too much food.</font><br><font color=red>* absurdity absurdities </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I find myself growing increasingly angry at the absurdity of the situation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the absurdities of fashionable childcare methods.</font><br>

Q: <b> ageing <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5eidViN</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone or something that is ageing is becoming older and less healthy or efficient.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;John lives with his ageing mother.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ageing aircraft need more frequent safety inspections.</font><br><br>Ageing is the process of becoming old or becoming worn out.<br>

Q: <b> amusing <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5mju:ziN</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone or something that is amusing makes you laugh or smile.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had a terrific sense of humour and could be very amusing.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They recounted amusing stories about their first sexual experiences.</font><br><font color=red>= entertaining</font><br><font color=red>* amusingly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It must be amusingly written.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Recline & Sprawl is an amusingly named furniture shop in London.</font><br>

Q: <b> ambitious <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">Am5biFEs</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone who is ambitious has a strong desire to be successful, rich, or powerful.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chris is so ambitious, so determined to do it all.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's a very ambitious lad and he wants to play at the highest level.</font><br><font color=red><> unambitious</font><br><br>An ambitious idea or plan is on a large scale and needs a lot of work to be carried out successfully.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The ambitious project was completed in only nine months.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their goal was extraordinarily ambitious.</font><br><font color=red>* ambitiously </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Its trade and industrial policies should be used more ambitiously.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is working on his life story, ambitiously planned as a 50-volume work.</font><br>

Q: <b> accent <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5AksEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone who speaks with a particular accent pronounces the words of a language in a distinctive way that shows which country, region, or social class they come from.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had developed a slight American accent.</font><br><br>An accent is a short line or other mark which is written above certain letters in some languages and which indicates the way those letters are pronounced.<br><br>If you put the accent on a particular feature of something, you emphasize it or give it special importance.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is putting the accent on military readiness.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is often a strong accent on material success.</font><br><font color=red>= emphasis</font><br>

Q: <b> alarming <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5lB:miN</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is alarming makes you feel afraid or anxious that something unpleasant or dangerous might happen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The disease has spread at an alarming rate.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the alarming increase in crime.</font><br><font color=red>= worrying</font><br><font color=red>* alarmingly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the alarmingly high rate of heart disease.</font><br>

Q: <b> accuracy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5AkjurEsi</font>]</b><br>

A: The accuracy of information or measurements is their quality of being true or correct, even in small details.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The preceding text cannot be guaranteed as to the accuracy of speakers' words or spelling.</font><br><font color=red><> inaccuracy</font><br><br>If someone or something performs a task, for example hitting a target, with accuracy, they do it in an exact way without making a mistake.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...weapons that could fire with accuracy at targets 3,000 yards away...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Every bank pays close attention to the speed and accuracy of its staff.</font><br><font color=red><> inaccuracy</font><br>

Q: <b> aftermath <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5B:ftEmAW</font>]</b><br>

A: The aftermath of an important event, especially a harmful one, is the situation that results from it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In the aftermath of the coup, the troops opened fire on the demonstrators.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;During the Soviet era and its immediate aftermath, the region was officially known as `Middle Asia and Kazakhstan'.</font><br>

Q: <b> accumulate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5kju:mjuleit</font>]</b><br>

A: When you accumulate things or when they accumulate, they collect or are gathered over a period of time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It suggests that households accumulate wealth across a broad spectrum of assets.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lead can accumulate in the body until toxic levels are reached.</font><br><font color=red>= build up</font><br>

Q: <b> alternate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">C:l5tE:nit</font>]</b><br>

A: When you alternate two things, you keep using one then the other. When one thing alternates with another, the first regularly occurs after the other.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her aggressive moods alternated with gentle or more co-operative states.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The three acts will alternate as headliners throughout the tour.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Now you just alternate layers of that mixture and eggplant.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a German big band that alternated romantic American love songs with bouncy Bavarian numbers.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; imaginative novel, with alternating chapters presenting each partner's point of view.</font><br><font color=red>* alternation alternations </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The alternation of sun and snow continued for the rest of our holiday.</font><br><br>Alternate actions, events, or processes regularly occur after each other.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They were streaked with alternate bands of colour.</font><br><font color=red>* alternately </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He could alternately bully and charm people.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She became alternately angry and calm.</font><br><br>If something happens on alternate days, it happens on one day, then happens on every second day after that. In the same way, something can happen in alternate weeks, years, or other periods of time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lesley had agreed to Jim going skiing in alternate years.</font><br><font color=red>= every other</font><br><br>You use altern </b></font><br>

Q: <b> acute <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5kju:t</font>]</b><br>

A: You can use acute to indicate that an undesirable situation or feeling is very severe or intense.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The war has aggravated an acute economic crisis.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The report has caused acute embarrassment to the government.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The labour shortage is becoming acute.</font><br><font color=red>= severe</font><br><br>An acute illness is one that becomes severe very quickly but does not last very long. Compare chronic. (MEDICAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a patient with acute rheumatoid arthritis.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; acute case of dysentery.</font><br><br>If a person's or animal's sight, hearing, or sense of smell is acute, it is sensitive and powerful.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I like how in the dark my sense of smell and hearing become so acute.</font><br><font color=red>= keen</font><br><br>If you say that someone is acute or has an acute mind, you mean that they are quick to notice things and are able to understand them clearly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Into her nineties, her thinking remained acute and her character forceful.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His relaxed exterior hides an extremely acute mind.</font><br><font color=red>= keen, perceptive</font><br><font color=red>* acuteness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Everything he writes demonstrates the acuteness of his intelligence.</font><br><br>An acute angle is less than 90{Deg}. Compare obtuse angle.<br><br>An acute accent is a symbol that is placed over vowels in some languages in order to indicate how that vowel is pronounced or over one letter in a word to indicate where it is stressed. You refer to a letter with this accent as, for example, e acute. For example, there is an acute accent over the letter `e' in the French word `cafe'.<br>

Q: <b> accordingly <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5kC:diNli</font>]</b><br>

A: You use accordingly to introduce a fact or situation which is a result or consequence of something that you have just referred to.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We have a different background, a different history. Accordingly, we have the right to different futures.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The workforce have recently been calling for their working hours to be reduced. Many companies have accordingly switched to a five-day week.</font><br><font color=red>= therefore, consequently</font><br><br>If you consider a situation and then act accordingly, the way you act depends on the nature of the situation.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is a difficult job and they should be paid accordingly.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The new government will make a judgment about its interests and act accordingly.</font><br>

Q: <b> aged <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5eidVid</font>]</b><br>

A: You use aged followed by a number to say how old someone is.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Alan has two children, aged eleven and nine.</font><br><br>Aged means very old.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She has an aged parent who's capable of being very difficult.</font><br><br>You can refer to all people who are very old as the aged.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The American Society on Aging provides resource services to those dealing with the aged.</font><br><font color=red>= the elderly</font><br>

Q: <b> alternatively <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">C:l5tE:nEtivli</font>]</b><br>

A: You use alternatively to introduce a suggestion or to mention something different to what has just been stated.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Allow about eight hours for the drive from Calais. Alternatively, you can fly to Brive.</font><br><font color=red>= otherwise</font><br>

Q: <b> ancestor <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5AnsistE</font>]</b><br>

A: Your ancestors are the people from whom you are descended.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...our daily lives, so different from those of our ancestors...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He could trace his ancestors back seven hundred years.</font><br><font color=red><> descendant</font><br><br>An ancestor of something modern is an earlier thing from which it developed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The direct ancestor of the modern cat was the Kaffir cat of ancient Egypt.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The immediate ancestor of rock `n' roll is rhythm-and-blues.</font><br><font color=red><> descendant</font><br>

Q: <b> ankle <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5ANkl</font>]</b><br>

A: Your ankle is the joint where your foot joins your leg.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;John twisted his ankle badly.</font><br>

Q: <b> defendant <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5fendEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: A defendant is a person who has been accused of breaking the law and is being tried in court.<br>

Q: <b> broadcaster <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5brC:dkB:stE</font>]</b><br>

A: A broadcaster is someone who gives talks or takes part in interviews and discussions on radio or television programmes.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the prominent naturalist and broadcaster, Sir David Attenborough.</font><br>

Q: <b> balanced <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bAlEnst</font>]</b><br>

A: A balanced report, book, or other document takes into account all the different opinions on something and presents information in a fair and reasonable way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a fair, balanced, comprehensive report.</font><br><font color=red>= objective</font><br><br>Something that is balanced is pleasing or useful because its different parts or elements are in the correct proportions.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a balanced diet.</font><br><br>Someone who is balanced remains calm and thinks clearly, even in a difficult situation.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have to prove myself as a respectable, balanced, person.</font><br>

Q: <b> bang <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bAN</font>]</b><br>

A: A bang is a sudden loud noise such as the noise of an explosion.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I heard four or five loud bangs.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She slammed the door with a bang.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The television went bang.</font><br><br>If something bangs, it makes a sudden loud noise, once or several times.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The engine spat and banged.</font><br><br>If you bang a door or if it bangs, it closes suddenly with a loud noise.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the sound of doors banging...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All up and down the street the windows bang shut.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The wind banged a door somewhere.</font><br><font color=red>= slam</font><br><br>If you bang on something or if you bang it, you hit it hard, making a loud noise.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We could bang on the desks and shout till they let us out.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is no point in shouting or banging the table.</font><br><br>If you bang something on something or if you bang it down, you quickly and violently put it on a surface, because you are angry.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She banged his dinner on the table.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He banged down the telephone.</font><br><br>If you bang a part of your body, you accidentally knock it against something and hurt yourself.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She'd fainted and banged her head.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbs </b></font><br>

Q: <b> banner <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bAnE</font>]</b><br>

A: A banner is a long strip of cloth with something written on it. Banners are usually attached to two poles and carried during a protest or rally.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A large crowd of students followed the coffin, carrying banners and shouting slogans denouncing the government.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A big banner was draped across one of the streets saying, `Idaho Falls Says NO to Drugs.'</font><br><br>If someone does something under the banner of a particular cause, idea, or belief, they do it saying that they support that cause, idea, or belief.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Russia was the first country to forge a new economic system under the banner of Marxism.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Under the banner of education, we herd our children from ballet to basketball and back again.</font><br>

Q: <b> barge <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bB:dV</font>]</b><br>

A: A barge is a long, narrow boat with a flat bottom. Barges are used for carrying heavy loads, especially on canals.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Carrying goods by train costs nearly three times more than carrying them by barge.</font><br><font color=red>= canal boat</font><br><br>If you barge into a place or barge through it, you rush or push into it in a rough and rude way. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Students tried to barge into the secretariat buildings.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The FBI barged through the gates, demanding to search the plant for evidence.</font><br><font color=red>= butt in</font><br><br>If you barge into someone or barge past them, you bump against them roughly and rudely. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He would barge into them and kick them in the shins.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He barged past her and sprang at Gillian, knocking her to the floor.</font><br><font color=red>= shove</font><br>

Q: <b> barrack <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bArEk</font>]</b><br>

A: A barracks is a building or group of buildings where soldiers or other members of the armed forces live and work. `Barracks' is the singular and plural form.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; army barracks in the north of the city.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the parade grounds of Wellington Barracks.</font><br><font color=red>= camp, billet</font><br><br>If people in an audience barrack public speakers or performers, they interrupt them, for example by making rude remarks. (BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fans gained more enjoyment barracking him than cheering on the team.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;President Alan Garcia was barracked by the right wing opposition.</font><br><font color=red>= heckle, jeer</font><br><font color=red>* barracking </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was affected badly by the barracking that he got from the crowd.</font><br><font color=red>= heckling</font><br>

Q: <b> barricade <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7bAri5keid</font>]</b><br>

A: A barricade is a line of vehicles or other objects placed across a road or open space to stop people getting past, for example during street fighting or as a protest.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Large areas of the city have been closed off by barricades set up by the demonstrators.</font><br><font color=red>= blockade</font><br><br>If you barricade something such as a road or an entrance, you place a barricade or barrier across it, usually to stop someone getting in.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The rioters barricaded streets with piles of blazing tyres.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The doors had been barricaded.</font><br><font color=red>= fortify</font><br><br>If you barricade yourself inside a room or building, you place barriers across the door or entrance so that other people cannot get in.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The students have barricaded themselves into their dormitory building.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;About forty prisoners are still barricaded inside the wrecked buildings.</font><br>

Q: <b> bash <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bAF</font>]</b><br>

A: A bash is a party or celebration, especially a large one held by an official organization or attended by famous people. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He threw one of the biggest showbiz bashes of the year as a 36th birthday party for Jerry Hall.</font><br><font color=red>= thrash</font><br><br>If someone bashes you, they attack you by hitting or punching you hard. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If someone tried to bash my best mate they would have to bash me as well.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I bashed him on the head and dumped him in the cold, cold water.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Two women were hurt and the chef was bashed over the head with a bottle.</font><br><br>If you bash something, you hit it hard in a rough or careless way. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Too many golfers try to bash the ball out of sand. That spells disaster.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A stand-in drummer bashes on a single snare and a pair of cymbals.</font><br><br>If you get a bash on a part of your body, someone or something hits you hard, or you bump into something. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=red>= knock</font><br><br>To bash someone means to criticize them severely, usually in a public way. (JOURNALISM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The President could continue to bash Democrats as being soft on crime.</font><br><br>If you have a bash at something, you try to do it. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's prepared to have a bash at discussing it intelligently.</font><br>

Q: <b> basin <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5beisn</font>]</b><br>

A: A basin is a large or deep bowl that you use for holding liquids, or for mixing or storing food.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Place the eggs and sugar in a large basin.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a pudding basin.</font><br><br>A basin of something such as water is an amount of it that is contained in a basin.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We were given a basin of water to wash our hands in.</font><br><br>A basin is the same as a washbasin.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a cast-iron bath with a matching basin and wc.</font><br><br>The basin of a large river is the area of land around it from which streams run down into it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Amazon basin.</font><br><br>In geography, a basin is a particular region of the world where the earth's surface is lower than in other places. (TECHNICAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...countries around the Pacific Basin.</font><br><br>A basin is a partially enclosed area of deep water where boats or ships are kept.<br>

Q: <b> basket <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bB:skit</font>]</b><br>

A: A basket is a stiff container that is used for carrying or storing objects. Baskets are made from thin strips of materials such as straw, plastic, or wire woven together.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...big wicker picnic baskets filled with sandwiches.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a laundry basket.</font><br><br>A basket of things is a number of things contained in a basket.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a small basket of fruit and snacks.</font><br><br>In economics, a basket of currencies or goods is the average or total value of a number of different currencies or goods. (TECHNICAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The pound's value against a basket of currencies hit a new low of 76.9.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; inflation measure that gauges the price of a fixed basket of goods and services.</font><br><br>In basketball, the basket is a net hanging from a ring through which players try to throw the ball in order to score points.<br>

Q: <b> battalion <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bE5tAljEn</font>]</b><br>

A: A battalion is a large group of soldiers that consists of three or more companies.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ten hours later Anthony was ordered to return to his battalion.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When war broke out, he joined the second battalion of the Grenadier Guards.</font><br><font color=red>= garrison</font><br><br>A battalion of people is a large group of them, especially a well-organized, efficient group that has a particular task to do.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There were battalions of highly paid publicists to see that such news didn't make the press.</font><br><font color=red>= horde</font><br>

Q: <b> bee <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bi:</font>]</b><br>

A: A bee is an insect with a yellow-and-black striped body that makes a buzzing noise as it flies. Bees make honey, and can sting.<br><br>If you have a bee in your bonnet about something, you are so enthusiastic or worried about it that you keep mentioning it or thinking about it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's got a bee in his bonnet about factory farming.</font><br><br>A bee is a social event where people get together for a competition or to do something such as sew. (AM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That year I won first prize in the spelling bee.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a group of friends at a quilting bee.</font><br>

Q: <b> beginner <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bi5ginE</font>]</b><br>

A: A beginner is someone who has just started learning to do something and cannot do it very well yet.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The course is suitable for beginners and advanced students.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I am a complete beginner to bird-keeping.</font><br>

Q: <b> brochure <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">brEu5FjuE</font>]</b><br>

A: A brochure is a magazine or thin book with pictures that gives you information about a product or service.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; brochures.</font><br>

Q: <b> bench <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bentF</font>]</b><br>

A: A bench is a long seat of wood or metal that two or more people can sit on.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He sat down on a park bench.</font><br><br>A bench is a long, narrow table in a factory or laboratory.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the laboratory bench.</font><br><br>In parliament, different groups sit on different benches. For example, the government sits on the government benches. (BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Members of Hungary's former ruling Communist party watched the day's proceedings from the opposition benches.</font><br>See also backbencher, backbenches, front bench.<br><br>In a court of law, the bench is the judge or magistrates.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The chairman of the bench adjourned the case until October 27.</font><br><br>If someone serves on the bench, they work as a judge or magistrate.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Allgood served on the bench for more than 50 years.</font><br><br>If a member of a sports team is on the bench for a particular match, he or she waits at the side of the field until the manager tells them to play. (JOURNALISM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ian Ferguson was preferred to Stuart McCall, who was on the bench.</font><br>

Q: <b> bicycle <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5baisikl</font>]</b><br>

A: A bicycle is a vehicle with two wheels which you ride by sitting on it and pushing two pedals with your feet. You steer it by turning a bar that is connected to the front wheel.<br><font color=red>= bike</font><br><br>If you bicycle somewhere, you cycle there. (OLD-FASHIONED)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I bicycled on towards the sea.</font><br>

Q: <b> bin <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bin</font>]</b><br>

A: A bin is a container that you put rubbish in. (mainly BRIT; in AM usually use garbage can, trash can)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He screwed the paper small and chucked it in the bin.</font><br><br>A bin is a container that you keep or store things in.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a bread bin.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...big steel storage bins.</font><br><br>If you bin something, you throw it away. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He decided to bin his paintings.</font><br>

Q: <b> binding <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5baindiN</font>]</b><br>

A: A binding promise, agreement, or decision must be obeyed or carried out.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...proposals for a legally binding commitment on nations to stabilise emissions of carbon dioxide...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The panel's decisions are secret and not binding on the government.</font><br><br>The binding of a book is its cover.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Its books are noted for the quality of their paper and bindings.</font><br><br>Binding is a strip of material that you put round the edge of a piece of cloth or other object in order to protect or decorate it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Regency mahogany dining table with satinwood binding.</font><br><br>Binding is a piece of rope, cloth, tape, or other material that you wrap around something so that it can be gripped firmly or held in place.<br>

Q: <b> biography <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bai5CgrEfi</font>]</b><br>

A: A biography of someone is an account of their life, written by someone else.<br><br>Biography is the branch of literature which deals with accounts of people's lives.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a volume of biography and criticism.</font><br>

Q: <b> feather <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5feTE</font>]</b><br>

A: A bird's feathers are the soft covering on its body. Each feather consists of a lot of smooth hairs on each side of a thin stiff centre.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a hat that she had made herself from black ostrich feathers.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a feather bed.</font><br>See also feathered.<br><br>If you describe two people as birds of a feather, you mean that they have very similar characteristics, interests, or beliefs.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She and my mother were birds of a feather.</font><br><br>If you describe something that someone has achieved as a feather in their cap, you mean that they can be proud of it or that it might bring them some advantage.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Harry's appointment to this important post was a feather in his cap.</font><br> </b></font><br>

Q: <b> blanket <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5blANkit</font>]</b><br>

A: A blanket is a large square or rectangular piece of thick cloth, especially one which you put on a bed to keep you warm.<br><br>A blanket of something such as snow is a continuous layer of it which hides what is below or beyond it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The mud disappeared under a blanket of snow.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cold damp air brought in the new year under a blanket of fog.</font><br><br>You can refer to something such as an unpleasant emotion or an undesirable quality that seems to affect every aspect of a particular situation as a blanket of that emotion or quality. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It seems as if the blanket of depression is in some way necessary to help them blot out the even greater pain of real life.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A blanket of silence descended.</font><br><br>If something such as snow blankets an area, it covers it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;More than a foot of snow blanketed parts of Michigan.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;With a thick mist now blanketing the trees, I got thoroughly lost.</font><br><br>You use blanket to describe something when you want to emphasize that it affects or refers to every person or thing in a group, without any exceptions.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There's already a blanket ban on foreign unskilled labour in Japan.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the blanket coverage of the Barcelona Olympics.</font><br><font color=red>= comprehensive</font><br>

Q: <b> build-up <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bildQp</font>]</b><br>

A: A build-up is a gradual increase in something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There has been a build-up of troops on both sides of the border.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The disease can also cause a build up of pressure in the inner ear leading to severe earache.</font><br><br>The build-up to an event is the way that journalists, advertisers, or other people talk about it a lot in the period of time immediately before it, and try to make it seem important and exciting.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We should wait at least until winter before we start the build-up to Christmas.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The exams came, almost an anti-climax after the build-up that the students had given them.</font><br>

Q: <b> blessing <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5blesiN</font>]</b><br>

A: A blessing is something good that you are grateful for.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Rivers are a blessing for an agricultural country.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the blessings of prosperity.</font><br><br>If something is done with someone's blessing, it is done with their approval and support.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;With the blessing of the White House, a group of Democrats in Congress is meeting to find additional budget cuts.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In April Thai and Indonesian leaders gave their formal blessing to the idea.</font><br><font color=red>= approval</font><br><br>A blessing is a prayer asking God to look kindly upon the people who are present or the event that is taking place.<br><br>If you tell someone to count their blessings, you are saying that they should think about how lucky they are instead of complaining.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some would argue this was no burden in fact, and that she should count her blessings.</font><br><br>If you say that something is a blessing in disguise, you mean that it causes problems and difficulties at first but later you realize that it was the best thing that could have happened.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The failure to conclude the trade talks last December could prove a blessing in disguise.</font><br><br>If you say that a situation is a mixed blessing, you mean that it has disadvantages as well as advantages.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;For ordinary Italians, Sunday's news probably amounts to a mixed blessing.</font><br>

Q: <b> blockade <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">blC5keid</font>]</b><br>

A: A blockade of a place is an action that is taken to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Striking lorry drivers agreed to lift their blockades of main roads.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's not yet clear who will actually enforce the blockade.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the economic blockade of Lithuania.</font><br><br>If a group of people blockade a place, they stop goods or people from reaching that place. If they blockade a road or a port, they stop people using that road or port.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Truck drivers have blockaded roads to show their anger over new driving regulations.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;About 50,000 people are trapped in the town, which has been blockaded for more than 40 days.</font><br>

Q: <b> bloom <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">blu:m</font>]</b><br>

A: A bloom is the flower on a plant. (LITERARY or TECHNICAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The sweet fragrance of the white blooms makes this climber a favourite.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Harry carefully plucked the bloom.</font><br><font color=red>= flower</font><br><br>A plant or tree that is in bloom has flowers on it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a pink climbing rose in full bloom.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the sweet smell of the blackberry in bloom.</font><br><font color=red>= in flower</font><br><br>When a plant or tree blooms, it produces flowers. When a flower blooms, it opens.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This plant blooms between May and June.</font><br><font color=red>* -blooming </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the scent of night-blooming flowers.</font><br><br>If someone or something blooms, they develop good, attractive, or successful qualities.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Not many economies bloomed in 1990, least of all gold exporters like Australia.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She bloomed into an utterly beautiful creature.</font><br><font color=red>= blossom</font><br><br>If something such as someone's skin has a bloom, it has a fresh and healthy appearance.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The skin loses its youthful bloom.</font><br><font color=red>= glow</font><br>

Q: <b> blur <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">blE:</font>]</b><br>

A: A blur is a shape or area which you cannot see clearly because it has no distinct outline or because it is moving very fast.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Out of the corner of my eye I saw a blur of movement on the other side of the glass.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her face is a blur.</font><br><br>When a thing blurs or when something blurs it, you cannot see it clearly because its edges are no longer distinct.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This creates a spectrum of colours at the edges of objects which blurs the image.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If you move your eyes and your head, the picture will blur.</font><br><font color=red>= smudge</font><br><font color=red>* blurred </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...blurred black and white photographs.</font><br><br>If something blurs an idea or a distinction between things, that idea or distinction no longer seems clear.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...her belief that scientists are trying to blur the distinction between `how' and `why' questions...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The evidence is blurred by central banks' reluctance to reveal their blunders.</font><br><font color=red>= obscure</font><br><font color=red>* blurred </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The line between fact and fiction is becoming blurred.</font><br><br>If your vision blurs, or if something blurs it, you cannot see things clearly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her eyes, behind her glasses, began to blur.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sweat ran from h </b></font><br>

Q: <b> bog <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bCg</font>]</b><br>

A: A bog is an area of land which is very wet and muddy.<br><br>The bog is another name for the toilet. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=red>= toilet</font><br>

Q: <b> brisk <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">brisk</font>]</b><br>

A: A brisk activity or action is done quickly and in an energetic way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Taking a brisk walk can often induce a feeling of well-being.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The horse broke into a brisk trot.</font><br><font color=red>= energetic</font><br><font color=red>* briskly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Eve walked briskly down the corridor to her son's room.</font><br><font color=red>= energetically</font><br><font color=red>* briskness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;With determined briskness, Amy stood up and put their cups back on the tray.</font><br><br>If trade or business is brisk, things are being sold very quickly and a lot of money is being made.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Vendors were doing a brisk trade in souvenirs.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Its sales had been brisk since July.</font><br><font color=red>= good</font><br><font color=red>* briskly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A trader said gold sold briskly on the local market.</font><br><br>If the weather is brisk, it is cold and fresh.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a typically brisk winter's day on the South Coast...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The breeze was cool, brisk and invigorating.</font><br><font color=red>= bracing</font><br><br>Someone who is brisk behaves in a busy, confident way which shows that they want to get things done quickly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Chief summoned me downstairs. He was brisk and businesslike.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She is noted for her brisk handling of business.</font><br><font color=red>= businesslike</font><br><font color=red>* briskly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Anyhow,' she added briskly, `it's none of my business.'</font><br><font color=red>* briskness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He felt her familiar briskness, and he knew that it was all over.</font><br>

Q: <b> environmentalist <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in7vaiErEn5mentlist</font>]</b><br>

A: An environmentalist is a person who is concerned with protecting and preserving the natural environment, for example by preventing pollution.<br>

Q: <b> bolt <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bEult</font>]</b><br>

A: A bolt is a long metal object which screws into a nut and is used to fasten things together.<br><br>When you bolt one thing to another, you fasten them firmly together, using a bolt.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The safety belt is easy to fit as there's no need to bolt it to seat belt anchorage points.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bolt the components together.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The doors were bolted on.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a wooden bench which was bolted to the floor.</font><br><br>A bolt on a door or window is a metal bar that you can slide across in order to fasten the door or window.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I heard the sound of a bolt being slowly and reluctantly slid open.</font><br><br>When you bolt a door or window, you slide the bolt across to fasten it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He reminded her that he would have to lock and bolt the kitchen door after her.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The building is a shell, its masonry rough, the bolted doors opening on dizzy drops.</font><br><br>If a person or animal bolts, they suddenly start to run very fast, often because something has frightened them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The pig rose squealing and bolted.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I made some excuse and bolted for the exit.</font><br><font color=red>= scarper</font><br><br>If you bolt your food, you eat it so quickly that you hardly chew it or taste it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Being under stress can cause you </b></font><br>

Q: <b> bomber <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bCmE</font>]</b><br>

A: A bomber is a military aircraft which drops bombs.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a high speed bomber with twin engines.</font><br><br>Bombers are people who cause bombs to explode in public places.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Detectives hunting the London bombers will be keen to interview him.</font><br>

Q: <b> bonus <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bEunEs</font>]</b><br>

A: A bonus is an extra amount of money that is added to someone's pay, usually because they have worked very hard.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Workers in big firms receive a substantial part of their pay in the form of bonuses and overtime.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a {Pound}15 bonus.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a special bonus payment.</font><br><font color=red>= gratuity</font><br><br>A bonus is something good that you get in addition to something else, and which you would not usually expect.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We felt we might finish third. Any better would be a bonus.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's made from natural ingredients, but with the added bonus of containing 30 per cent less fat than ordinary cheese.</font><br><font color=red>= plus</font><br>

Q: <b> booking <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bukiN</font>]</b><br>

A: A booking is the arrangement that you make when you book something such as a hotel room, a table at a restaurant, a theatre seat, or a place on public transport.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I suggest you tell him there was a mistake over his late booking.</font><br><font color=red>= reservation</font><br>

Q: <b> booklet <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5buklit</font>]</b><br>

A: A booklet is a small book that has a paper cover and that gives you information about something.<br><font color=red>= pamphlet</font><br>

Q: <b> boxer <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bCksE(r)</font>]</b><br>

A: A boxer is someone who takes part in the sport of boxing.<br><br>A boxer is a dog with short hair and a rather flat face.<br>

Q: <b> breakthrough <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5breik5Wru:</font>]</b><br>

A: A breakthrough is an important development or achievement.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The company looks poised to make a significant breakthrough in China.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The breakthrough came hours before a UN deadline.</font><br>

Q: <b> breeze <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bri:z</font>]</b><br>

A: A breeze is a gentle wind.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a cool summer breeze.</font><br><br>If you breeze into a place or a position, you enter it in a very casual or relaxed manner.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lopez breezed into the quarter-finals of the tournament.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Are you all right?' Francine asked as she breezed in with the mail.</font><br><br>If you breeze through something such as a game or test, you cope with it easily.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;John seems to breeze effortlessly through his many commitments at work.</font><br><br>If you say that something is a breeze, you mean that it is very easy to do or to achieve. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;And after being an office manager for 20 people, handling my own tiny staff of three is a breeze!.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Making the pastry is a breeze if you have a food processor.</font><br><font color=red>= cinch</font><br>

Q: <b> bribe <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">braib</font>]</b><br>

A: A bribe is a sum of money or something valuable that one person offers or gives to another in order to persuade him or her to do something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was being investigated for receiving bribes.</font><br><br>If someone bribes someone else, they give them a bribe.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was accused of bribing a senior bank official.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The government bribed the workers to be quiet.</font><br>

Q: <b> briefing <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bri:fiN</font>]</b><br>

A: A briefing is a meeting at which information or instructions are given to people, especially before they do something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They're holding a press briefing tomorrow.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Security staff did not then receive any briefing before they started each shift.</font><br>See also brief.<br>

Q: <b> brigade <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bri5geid</font>]</b><br>

A: A brigade is one of the groups which an army is divided into.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the men of the Seventh Armoured Brigade.</font><br>See also fire brigade.<br><br>You can use brigade to refer to a group of people who believe strongly in a particular thing or who share a particular characteristic. (HUMOROUS)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the healthy eating brigade.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the black T-shirt brigade.</font><br>

Q: <b> brutal <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bru:tl</font>]</b><br>

A: A brutal act or person is cruel and violent.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was the victim of a very brutal murder.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the brutal suppression of anti-government protests...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jensen is a dangerous man, and can be very brutal and reckless.</font><br><font color=red>= vicious, savage</font><br><font color=red>* brutally </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her real parents had been brutally murdered.</font><br><br>If someone expresses something unpleasant with brutal honesty or frankness, they express it in a clear and accurate way, without attempting to disguise its unpleasantness.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was refreshing to talk about themselves and their feelings with brutal honesty.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He took an anguished breath. He had to be brutal and say it.</font><br><font color=red>* brutally </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The talks had been brutally frank.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Lotte Bruckner is dead.' It came out more brutally than Brand had intended.</font><br><br>Brutal is used to describe things that have an unpleasant effect on people, especially when there is no attempt by anyone to reduce their effect.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The dip in prices this summer will be brutal.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The afternoon sun had been brutal.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...The twentieth century brought brutal change to some countries.</font><br><font color=red>= merciless</font><br><font color=red>* brutally </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The early-morning New York air can be brutally cold.</font><br><font color=red>= mercilessly</font><br>

Q: <b> buck <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bQk</font>]</b><br>

A: A buck is a US or Australian dollar. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That would probably cost you about fifty bucks.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Why can't you spend a few bucks on a coat?.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This means big bucks for someone.</font><br><font color=red>= dollar</font><br><br>A buck is the male of various animals, including the deer, antelope, rabbit and kangaroo.<br><br>A buck is a young Native American or African American man. (AM, INFORMAL, OFFENSIVE)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He'd been a real hell-raiser as a young buck.</font><br><br>If someone has buck teeth, their upper front teeth stick forward out of their mouth.<br><font color=red>= protruding</font><br><br>If a horse bucks, it kicks both of its back legs wildly into the air, or jumps into the air wildly with all four feet off the ground.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The stallion bucked as he fought against the reins holding him tightly in.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...cowboys riding bucking broncos.</font><br><br>If you buck the trend, you obtain different results from others in the same area. If you buck the system, you get what you want by breaking or ignoring the rules.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;While other newspapers are losing circulation, we are bucking the trend.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He wants to be the tough rebel who bucks the system.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The company believes it is bucking the recession and says orders continue to be satisfactory.</font><br><br>If you get more bang for the buck, you spend your money wisely and get more for your money than if you were to spend it in a different way. (mainly AM, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I think it's very important for those governments to do whatever they can to get a bigger bang for the buck.</font><br><font color=red>= value for money</font><br><br>When someone makes a fast buck or makes a quick buck, they earn a lot of money quickly and easily, often by doing something which is considered to be dishonest. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His life isn't ruled by looking for a fast buck.</font><br><font col </b></font><br>

Q: <b> bucket <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bQkit</font>]</b><br>

A: A bucket is a round metal or plastic container with a handle attached to its sides. Buckets are often used for holding and carrying water.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We drew water in a bucket from the well outside the door.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The girls happily played in the sand and sea with buckets and spades.</font><br><br>A bucket of water is the amount of water contained in a bucket.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She threw a bucket of water over them.</font><br><font color=red>= bucketful</font><br><br>Buckets or bucket-loads of something means a large amount of it. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They obviously have buckets of confidence.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They didn't exactly sell bucket-loads of records the first time around.</font><br><font color=red>= bucketful</font><br><br>If someone cries buckets, they cry a lot because they are very upset. If it rains buckets, it rains a lot. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was weeping buckets.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The rain was still coming down in buckets when we went back out.</font><br><br>If you say that someone has kicked the bucket, you mean that they have died. (INFORMAL)<br>

Q: <b> bud <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bQd</font>]</b><br>

A: A bud is a small pointed lump that appears on a tree or plant and develops into a leaf or flower.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Rosanna's favourite time is early summer, just before the buds open.</font><br><br>When a tree or plant is budding, buds are appearing on it or are beginning to open.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The leaves were budding on the trees below.</font><br><br>Some men use bud as a way of addressing other men. (AM, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You heard what the boss said, bud.</font><br><font color=red>= buddy</font><br><br>When a tree or plant is in bud or has come into bud, it has buds on it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The flowers are bronzy in bud and bright yellow when open.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...almond trees that should come into bud soon.</font><br><br>If you nip something such as bad behaviour in the bud, you stop it before it can develop very far. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is important to recognize jealousy and to nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand.</font><br>

Q: <b> bug <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bQg</font>]</b><br>

A: A bug is an insect or similar small creature. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We noticed tiny bugs that were all over the walls.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a bloodsucking bug which infests poor housing.</font><br><br>A bug is an illness which is caused by small organisms such as bacteria. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I think I've got a bit of a stomach bug.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was a bug going around at the club.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the killer brain bug meningitis.</font><br><br>If there is a bug in a computer programme, there is a mistake in it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is a bug in the software.</font><br><br>A bug is a tiny hidden microphone which transmits what people are saying.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was a bug on the phone.</font><br><br>If someone bugs a place, they hide tiny microphones in it which transmit what people are saying.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He heard that they were planning to bug his office.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I found out my phone was bugged.</font><br><font color=red>= wire, tap</font><br><font color=red>* bugging </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; electronic bugging device.</font><br><br>You can say that someone has been bitten by a particular bug when they suddenly become very enthusiastic about something. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I've definitely been bitten by the gardening bug.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Roundhay Park in Leeds was the place I first got the fishing bug.</font><br><br>If someone or something bugs you, they worry or annoy you. (INFORMAL)<b </b></font><br>

Q: <b> cabin <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kAbin</font>]</b><br>

A: A cabin is a small room in a ship or boat.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He showed her to a small cabin.</font><br><br>A cabin is one of the areas inside a plane.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He sat quietly in the First Class cabin of the British Airways flight looking tired.</font><br><br>A cabin is a small wooden house, especially one in an area of forests or mountains.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a log cabin.</font><br>

Q: <b> bull <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bul</font>]</b><br>

A: A bull is a male animal of the cow family.<br><br>Some other male animals, including elephants and whales, are called bulls.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Suddenly a massive bull elephant with huge tusks charged us.</font><br><br>On the stock market, bulls are people who buy shares in expectation of a price rise, in order to make a profit by selling the shares again after a short time. Compare bear.<br><br>In the Roman Catholic church, a papal bull is an official statement on a particular subject that is issued by the Pope.<br><font color=red>= decree</font><br><br>If you say that something is bull or a load of bull, you mean that it is complete nonsense or absolutely untrue. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I think it's a load of bull.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The press couldn't deal with that so they made up all this bull.</font><br><font color=red>= rubbish</font><br><br>If you say that someone rushes into a situation like a bull in a china shop, you are critical of them because they do not stop to think, and are insensitive to other people's feelings. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Still, it'll stop him rampaging all over the place like a bull in a china shop.</font><br><br>You say that someone is like a bull in a china shop when they are very clumsy.<br><br>If you take the bull by the horns, you do something that you feel you ought to do even though it is difficult, dangerous, or unpleasant.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Now is the time for the Chancellor to take the bull by the horns and announce a two per cent cut in interest rates.</font><br>

Q: <b> bully <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5buli</font>]</b><br>

A: A bully is someone who uses their strength or power to hurt or frighten other people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I fell victim to the office bully.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's a coward and a bully who confuses physical strength with manhood.</font><br><br>If someone bullies you, they use their strength or power to hurt or frighten you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I wasn't going to let him bully me.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I asked her if she was bullied by the other children.</font><br><font color=red>= push around</font><br><font color=red>* bullying </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...schoolchildren who were victims of bullying.</font><br><br>If someone bullies you into something, they make you do it by using force or threats.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We think an attempt to bully them into submission would be counterproductive.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She used to bully me into doing my schoolwork.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The government says it will not be bullied by the press.</font><br>

Q: <b> bundle <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bQndl</font>]</b><br>

A: A bundle of things is a number of them that are tied together or wrapped in a cloth or bag so that they can be carried or stored.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She produced a bundle of notes and proceeded to count out one hundred and ninety-five pounds.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He gathered the bundles of clothing into his arms.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have about 20 year's magazines tied up in bundles.</font><br><br>You can refer to a tiny baby as a bundle.<br><br>If you describe someone as, for example, a bundle of fun, you are emphasizing that they are full of fun. If you describe someone as a bundle of nerves, you are emphasizing that they are very nervous.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I remember Mickey as a bundle of fun, great to have around.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Life at high school wasn't a bundle of laughs, either.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He confessed to having been a bundle of nerves.</font><br><br>If you refer to a bundle of things, you are emphasizing that there is a wide range of them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The profession offers a bundle of benefits, not least of which is extensive training.</font><br><font color=red>= package</font><br><br>If someone is bundled somewhere, someone pushes them there in a rough and hurried way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was bundled into a car and driven 50 miles to a police station.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was bundled in and arrested as soon as he was airborne.</font><br><br>If you say that something costs a bundle, or cos </b></font><br>

Q: <b> bush <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">buF</font>]</b><br>

A: A bush is a large plant which is smaller than a tree and has a lot of branches.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Trees and bushes grew down to the water's edge.</font><br><font color=red>= shrub</font><br><br>The wild, uncultivated parts of some hot countries are referred to as the bush.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They walked through the dense Mozambican bush for thirty six hours.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The jeep was found lying in thick bush.</font><br><br>If you tell someone not to beat about the bush, you mean that you want them to tell you something immediately and quickly, rather than in a complicated, indirect way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Stop beating about the bush. What's he done?</font><br>

Q: <b> butterfly <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bQtEflai</font>]</b><br>

A: A butterfly is an insect with large colourful wings and a thin body.<br><br>Butterfly is a swimming stroke which you do lying on your front, kicking your legs and bringing your arms over your head together.<br><br>If you have butterflies in your stomach or have butterflies, you are very nervous or excited about something. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;An exam, or even an exciting social event may produce butterflies in the stomach.</font><br>

Q: <b> cab <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kAb</font>]</b><br>

A: A cab is a taxi.<br><br>The cab of a truck or train is the front part in which the driver sits.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A Luton van has additional load space over the driver's cab.</font><br>

Q: <b> cabbage <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kAbidV</font>]</b><br>

A: A cabbage is a round vegetable with white, green or purple leaves that is usually eaten cooked.<br><br>If someone refers to a very sick or disabled person as a cabbage, they are saying in an offensive way that the sick person is so badly brain-damaged or ill that they cannot do anything. (INFORMAL, OFFENSIVE)<br><font color=red>= vegetable</font><br>

Q: <b> cafe <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kAfei; (us) kA5fei</font>]</b><br>

A: A cafe is a place where you can buy drinks, simple meals, and snacks, but, in Britain, not usually alcoholic drinks.<br><br>A street cafe or a pavement cafe is a cafe which has tables and chairs on the pavement outside it where people can eat and drink.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Italian street cafe.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...sidewalk cafes and boutiques.</font><br>

Q: <b> cage <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">keidV</font>]</b><br>

A: A cage is a structure of wire or metal bars in which birds or animals are kept.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I hate to see birds in cages.</font><br>See also rib cage.<br><br>If someone rattles your cage, they do something which is intended to make you feel nervous.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If he's trying to rattle your cage, it's working.</font><br>

Q: <b> calculation <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7kAlkju5leiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: A calculation is something that you think about and work out mathematically. Calculation is the process of working something out mathematically.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Leonard made a rapid calculation: he'd never make it in time.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the calculation of their assets.</font><br><br>A calculation is something that you think about and arrive at a conclusion on after having considered all the relevant factors.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The President has two years of power left and he is deep in his calculations.</font><br><br>If you describe someone's behaviour as calculation, you are criticizing them because they seem to think only of themselves and not of other people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...cold, unspeakably cruel calculation.</font><br>

Q: <b> calendar <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kAlindE</font>]</b><br>

A: A calendar is a chart or device which displays the date and the day of the week, and often the whole of a particular year divided up into months, weeks, and days.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was a calendar on the wall above, with large squares around the dates.</font><br><br>A calendar is a particular system for dividing time into periods such as years, months, and weeks, often starting from a particular point in history.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Christian calendar was originally based on the Julian calendar of the Romans.</font><br><br>You can use calendar to refer to a series or list of events and activities which take place on particular dates, and which are important for a particular organization, community, or person.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is one of the British sporting calendar's most prestigious events.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Franklin joined her and the children whenever his crowded calendar allowed.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They tried to make a calendar of Spain's festivals.</font><br><font color=red>= diary</font><br>

Q: <b> caller <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kC:lE</font>]</b><br>

A: A caller is a person who is making a telephone call.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;An anonymous caller told police what had happened.</font><br><br>A caller is a person who comes to see you for a short visit.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She ushered her callers into a cluttered living-room.</font><br><font color=red>= visitor</font><br>

Q: <b> campaigner <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kAm5peinE</font>]</b><br>

A: A campaigner is a person who campaigns for social or political change.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...anti-hunting campaigners.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...campaigners for multi-party democracy.</font><br>

Q: <b> campus <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kAmpEs</font>]</b><br>

A: A campus is an area of land that contains the main buildings of a university or college.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...during a rally at the campus...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Private automobiles are not allowed on campus.</font><br>

Q: <b> canal <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kE5nAl</font>]</b><br>

A: A canal is a long, narrow stretch of water that has been made for boats to travel along or to bring water to a particular area.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Grand Union Canal.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Venetian canals and bridges.</font><br><br>A canal is a narrow tube inside your body for carrying food, air, or other substances.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...delaying its progress through the alimentary canal.</font><br>

Q: <b> candle <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kAndl</font>]</b><br>

A: A candle is a stick of hard wax with a piece of string called a wick through the middle. You light the wick in order to give a steady flame that provides light.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The bedroom was lit by a single candle.</font><br><br>If you burn the candle at both ends, you try to do too many things in too short a period of time so that you have to stay up very late at night and get up very early in the morning to get them done.<br><br>If you say that one person or thing can't hold a candle to another, you meant that the first person or thing is not nearly as good as the second.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Girls today can't hold a candle to the beauties of the Fifties.</font><br><br>If you say that the game is not worth the candle, you mean that something is not worth the trouble or effort needed to achieve or obtain it. (OLD-FASHIONED)<br>

Q: <b> cannon <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kAnEn</font>]</b><br>

A: A cannon is a large gun, usually on wheels, which used to be used in battles.<br><br>A cannon is a heavy automatic gun, especially one that is fired from an aircraft.<br><br>If one person or thing cannons into another, they bump into them with great force.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One of the reporters cannoned into Arnold.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The ball cannoned off the back of a Spartak defender and into the net.</font><br><font color=red>= bump into</font><br><br>If someone is a loose cannon, they do whatever they want and nobody can predict what they are going to do.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Max is a loose cannon politically.</font><br>See also water cannon.<br>

Q: <b> cape <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">keip</font>]</b><br>

A: A cape is a large piece of land that sticks out into the sea from the coast.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In 1978, Naomi James became the first woman to sail solo around the world via Cape Horn.</font><br><br>A cape is a short cloak.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a woollen cape.</font><br>

Q: <b> companion <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEm5pAnjEn</font>]</b><br>

A: A companion is someone who you spend time with or who you are travelling with.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fred had been her constant companion for the last six years of her life.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I asked my travelling companion what he thought of the situation in Algeria.</font><br>

Q: <b> capitalist <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kApitElist</font>]</b><br>

A: A capitalist country or system supports or is based on the principles of capitalism.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;China has pledged to retain Hong Kong's capitalist system for 50 years.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...capitalist economic theory.</font><br><br>A capitalist is someone who believes in and supports the principles of capitalism.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lenin had hoped to even have a working relationship with the capitalists.</font><br><br>A capitalist is someone who owns a business which they run in order to make a profit for themselves.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They argue that only private capitalists can remake Poland's economy.</font><br><font color=red>= entrepreneur</font><br>

Q: <b> captive <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kAptiv</font>]</b><br>

A: A captive person or animal is being kept imprisoned or enclosed. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her heart had begun to pound inside her chest like a captive animal.</font><br><br>A captive is someone who is captive.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He described the difficulties of surviving for four months as a captive.</font><br><font color=red>= prisoner</font><br><br>A captive audience is a group of people who are not free to leave a certain place and so have to watch or listen. A captive market is a group of people who cannot choose whether or where to buy things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We all performed action songs, sketches and dances before a captive audience of parents and patrons.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Airlines consider business travellers a captive market.</font><br><br>If you take someone captive or hold someone captive, you take or keep them as a prisoner.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Richard was finally released on February 4, one year and six weeks after he'd been taken captive.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Rebels in Liberia have released four foreigners after holding them captive for a week.</font><br>

Q: <b> car park <br>CAR PARK </b><br>

A: A car park is an area or building where people can leave their cars. (BRIT; in AM use parking lot)<br>

Q: <b> cardinal <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kB:dinEl</font>]</b><br>

A: A cardinal is a high-ranking priest in the Catholic church.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In 1448, Nicholas was appointed a cardinal.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They were encouraged by a promise from Cardinal Winning.</font><br><br>A cardinal rule or quality is the one that is considered to be the most important. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As a salesman, your cardinal rule is to do everything you can to satisfy a customer.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Harmony, balance and order are cardinal virtues to the French.</font><br><font color=red>= chief, principal</font><br><br>A cardinal is a common North American bird. The male has bright red feathers.<br>

Q: <b> carnival <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kB:nivEl</font>]</b><br>

A: A carnival is a public festival during which people play music and sometimes dance in the streets.<br><br>A carnival is a travelling show which is held in a park or field and at which there are machines to ride on, entertainments, and games. (AM; in BRIT use funfair)<br><br>A carnival of something such as colours or sounds is a bright or exciting mixture of them. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The avenues lined with jacaranda trees burst into a carnival of purple.</font><br>

Q: <b> carp <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kB:p</font>]</b><br>

A: A carp is a kind of fish that lives in lakes and rivers.<br><br>If you say that someone is carping, you mean that they keep criticizing or complaining about someone or something, especially in a way you think is unnecessary or annoying.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He cannot understand why she's constantly carping at him.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This was the man whom other trainers love to carp about.</font><br><font color=red>* carping </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was in no mood to put up with Blanche's carping.</font><br>

Q: <b> carpet <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kB:pit</font>]</b><br>

A: A carpet is a thick covering of soft material which is laid over a floor or a staircase.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They put down wooden boards, and laid new carpets on top.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the stain on our living-room carpet.</font><br><br>If a floor or a room is carpeted, a carpet is laid on the floor.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The room had been carpeted and the windows glazed with coloured glass.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The main gaming room was thickly carpeted.</font><br><br>A carpet of something such as leaves or plants is a layer of them which covers the ground. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The carpet of leaves in my yard became more and more noticeable.</font><br><font color=red>= layer</font><br><br>If the ground is carpeted with something such as leaves or plants, it is completely covered by them. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The ground was thickly carpeted with pine needles.</font><br><font color=red>= cover</font><br>

Q: <b> carriage <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kAridV</font>]</b><br>

A: A carriage is an old-fashioned vehicle, usually for a small number of passengers, which is pulled by horses.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The President-elect followed in an open carriage drawn by six beautiful gray horses.</font><br><br>A carriage is one of the separate, long sections of a train that carries passengers. (BRIT; in AM usually use car)<br><font color=red>= coach</font><br><br>A carriage is the same as a baby carriage. (AM)<br><br>Carriage is the cost or action of transporting or delivering goods. (FORMAL) (BRIT; in AM usually use delivery charge)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It costs {Pound}10.86 for one litre including carriage.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If the Government introduces a carbon tax on road haulage, then carriage by water will become more attractive.</font><br><font color=red>= delivery charge</font><br><br>Your carriage is the way you hold your body and head when you are walking, standing, or sitting. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her legs were long and fine, her hips slender, her carriage erect.</font><br><font color=red>= deportment</font><br>

Q: <b> market share <br>MARKET SHARE </b><br>

A: A company's market share in a product is the proportion of the total sales of that product that is produced by that company. (TECHNICAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ford has been gaining market share this year at the expense of GM and some Japanese car manufacturers.</font><br>

Q: <b> cart <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kB:t</font>]</b><br>

A: A cart is an old-fashioned wooden vehicle that is used for transporting goods or people. Some carts are pulled by animals.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a country where horse-drawn carts far outnumber cars.</font><br><font color=red>= wagon</font><br><br>If you cart things or people somewhere, you carry them or transport them there, often with difficulty. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;After both their parents died, one of their father's relatives carted off the entire contents of the house.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One of them protests loudly, and the Americans cart him away in plastic handcuffs.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I've been trying to cut down on the stuff that I cart around with me.</font><br><br>A cart is a small vehicle with a motor. (AM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cars are prohibited, so transportation is by electric cart or by horse and buggy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He drove up in a golf cart to watch them.</font><br><br>A cart or a shopping cart is a large metal basket on wheels which is provided by shops such as supermarkets for customers to use while they are in the shop. (AM; in BRIT use trolley)<br><br>If you say that someone is putting the cart before the horse, you mean that they are doing things in the wrong order. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This puts the cart before the horse; elections should follow, not precede, agreement on a constitution.</font><br>

Q: <b> cartel <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kB:5tel</font>]</b><br>

A: A cartel is an association of similar companies or businesses that have grouped together in order to prevent competition and to control prices.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a drug cartel...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Since 1993 OPEC, the oil cartel dominated by Saudi Arabia, has kept its output constant at around 25m barrels a day</font><br>

Q: <b> cartoon <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kB:5tu:n</font>]</b><br>

A: A cartoon is a humorous drawing or series of drawings in a newspaper or magazine.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One of Britain's best-loved cartoon characters, Rupert the Bear, celebrates his seventieth birthday today.</font><br>See also strip cartoon.<br><br>A cartoon is a film in which all the characters and scenes are drawn rather than being real people or objects.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a TV set blares out a cartoon comedy.</font><br>

Q: <b> case 2 <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">keis</font>]</b><br>

A: A case is a container that is specially designed to hold or protect something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a black case for his spectacles.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a 10-foot-long stuffed alligator in a glass case.</font><br>See also attache case, bookcase, briefcase, packing case, pillowcase, showcase.<br><br>A case is a suitcase.<br><br>A case of wine or other alcoholic drink is a box containing a number of bottles, usually twelve, which is sold as a single unit.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a case of champagne.</font><br>

Q: <b> casino <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kE5si:nEu</font>]</b><br>

A: A casino is a building or room where people play gambling games such as roulette.<br>

Q: <b> cassette <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kB:5set</font>]</b><br>

A: A cassette is a small, flat, rectangular plastic case containing magnetic tape which is used for recording and playing back sound or film.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His two albums released on cassette have sold more than 10 million copies.</font><br><font color=red>= tape</font><br><br>A cassette is the container or case for the film that you load into a camera.<br>

Q: <b> caste <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kB:st</font>]</b><br>

A: A caste is one of the traditional social classes into which people are divided in a Hindu society.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Most of the upper castes worship the Goddess Kali.</font><br><font color=red>= class</font><br><br>Caste is the system of dividing people in a society into different social classes.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Caste is defined primarily by social honour attained through personal life-style.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The caste system shapes nearly every facet of Indian life.</font><br><font color=red>= class</font><br>

Q: <b> ceiling <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5si:liN</font>]</b><br>

A: A ceiling is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The rooms were spacious, with tall windows and high ceilings.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The study was lined from floor to ceiling on every wall with bookcases.</font><br><br>A ceiling on something such as prices or wages is an official upper limit that cannot be broken.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; informal agreement to put a ceiling on salaries...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The agreement sets the ceiling of twenty-two-point-five million barrels a day on OPEC production.</font><br><font color=red>= limit</font><br><br>A ceiling is the greatest height at which a particular aircraft can fly safely. (TECHNICAL)<br>

Q: <b> celebrated <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5selibreitid</font>]</b><br>

A: A celebrated person or thing is famous and much admired.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was soon one of the most celebrated young painters in England.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dean died three days before the opening of Rebel Without Cause, his most celebrated film.</font><br><font color=red>= renowned</font><br>

Q: <b> celebrity <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">si5lebriti</font>]</b><br>

A: A celebrity is someone who is famous, especially in areas of entertainment such as films, music, writing, or sports.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In 1944, at the age of 30, Hersey suddenly became a celebrity.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a host of celebrities.</font><br><font color=red>= star</font><br><br>If a person or thing achieves celebrity, they become famous, especially in areas of entertainment such as films, writing, or sport.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Joanna has finally made it to the first rank of celebrity after 25 years as an actress.</font><br>

Q: <b> census <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5sensEs</font>]</b><br>

A: A census is an official survey of the population of a country that is carried out in order to find out how many people live there and to obtain details of such things as people's ages and jobs.<br>

Q: <b> certificate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">sE5tifikit</font>]</b><br>

A: A certificate is an official document stating that particular facts are true.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...birth certificates.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...share certificates.</font><br><br>A certificate is an official document that you receive when you have completed a course of study or training. The qualification that you receive is sometimes also called a certificate.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;To the right of the fireplace are various framed certificates.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Post-Graduate Certificate of Education.</font><br>

Q: <b> challenger <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5tFAlindVE(r)</font>]</b><br>

A: A challenger is someone who competes with you for a position or title that you already have, for example being a sports champion or a political leader.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Draskovic has emerged as the strongest challenger to the leader of the Serbian government.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The One Australia syndicate is to become the sixth challenger for the 1995 Americas Cup.</font><br>

Q: <b> challenging <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5tFAlindViN</font>]</b><br>

A: A challenging task or job requires great effort and determination.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mike found a challenging job as a computer programmer.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm ready to do all those things which are more challenging.</font><br><font color=red>= demanding <> unchallenging, undemanding</font><br><br>If you do something in a challenging way, you seem to be inviting people to argue with you or compete against you in some way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mona gave him a challenging look.</font><br><font color=red>= defiant</font><br>

Q: <b> chant <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">tFB:nt</font>]</b><br>

A: A chant is a word or group of words that is repeated over and over again.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was greeted by the chant of `Judas! Judas!'.</font><br><br>A chant is a religious song or prayer that is sung on only a few notes.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a Gregorian chant.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a Buddhist chant.</font><br><br>If you chant something or if you chant, you repeat the same words over and over again.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Demonstrators chanted slogans.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The crowd chanted `We are with you.'.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Several thousand people chanted and demonstrated outside the building.</font><br><font color=red>* chanting </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A lot of the chanting was in support of the deputy Prime Minister.</font><br><br>If you chant or if you chant something, you sing a religious song or prayer.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Muslims chanted and prayed.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mr Sharma lit incense and chanted Sanskrit mantras.</font><br><font color=red>* chanting </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The chanting inside the temple stopped.</font><br>

Q: <b> chapel <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5tFApEl</font>]</b><br>

A: A chapel is a part of a church which has its own altar and which is used for private prayer.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the chapel of the Virgin Mary.</font><br><br>A chapel is a small church attached to a hospital, school, or prison.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We married in the chapel of Charing Cross Hospital in London.</font><br><br>A chapel is a building used for worship by members of some Christian churches. Chapel refers to the religious services that take place there.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a Methodist chapel...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;On Sundays, the family went three times to chapel.</font><br>

Q: <b> charitable <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5tFAritEbl</font>]</b><br>

A: A charitable organization or activity helps and supports people who are ill, disabled, or very poor.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...charitable work for the handicapped.</font><br><br>Someone who is charitable to people is kind or understanding towards them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They were rather less than charitable towards the referee.</font><br><font color=red>* charitably </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Still, he reflected charitably, it was hardly her fault.</font><br>

Q: <b> chemist <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kemist</font>]</b><br>

A: A chemist or a chemist's is a shop where drugs and medicines are sold or given out, and where you can buy cosmetics and some household goods. Compare drugstore, pharmacy. (BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There are many creams available from the chemist which should clear the infection.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She went into a chemist's and bought some aspirin.</font><br><font color=red>= pharmacy</font><br><br>A chemist is someone who works in a chemist's shop and is qualified to prepare and sell medicines. (BRIT; in AM use druggist or pharmacist)<br><font color=red>= pharmacist</font><br><br>A chemist is a person who does research connected with chemistry or who studies chemistry.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She worked as a research chemist.</font><br>

Q: <b> choir <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kwaiE</font>]</b><br>

A: A choir is a group of people who sing together, for example in a church or school.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has been singing in his church choir since he was six.</font><br><br>In a church building, the choir is the area in front of the altar where the choir sits.<br>

Q: <b> chord <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kC:d</font>]</b><br>

A: A chord is a number of musical notes played or sung at the same time with a pleasing effect.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the opening chords of `Stairway to Heaven'.</font><br>See also vocal cords.<br><br>If something strikes a chord with you, it makes you feel sympathy or enthusiasm.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mr Jenkins' arguments for stability struck a chord with Europe's two most powerful politicians.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Burke's sentiments undoubtedly struck a responsive chord in Parliament.</font><br>

Q: <b> condom <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCndEm</font>]</b><br>

A: A condom is a covering made of thin rubber which a man can wear on his penis as a contraceptive or as protection against disease during sexual intercourse.<br>

Q: <b> chorus <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kC:rEs</font>]</b><br>

A: A chorus is a part of a song which is repeated after each verse.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Caroline sang two verses and the chorus of her song.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Everyone joined in the chorus.</font><br><font color=red>= refrain</font><br><br>A chorus is a large group of people who sing together.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The chorus was singing `The Ode to Joy'.</font><br><font color=red>= choir</font><br><br>A chorus is a piece of music written to be sung by a large group of people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Hallelujah Chorus.</font><br><br>A chorus is a group of singers or dancers who perform together in a show, in contrast to the soloists.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Students played the lesser parts and sang in the chorus.</font><br><br>When there is a chorus of criticism, disapproval, or praise, that attitude is expressed by a lot of people at the same time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The government is defending its economic policies against a growing chorus of criticism.</font><br><br>When people chorus something, they say it or sing it together.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Hi,' they chorused.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was greeted with a rousing chorus of Happy Birthday.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`All the best,' called the other typists in chorus.</font><br>

Q: <b> chronic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5krCnik</font>]</b><br>

A: A chronic illness or disability lasts for a very long time. Compare acute.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...chronic back pain.</font><br><font color=red>= persistent</font><br><font color=red>* chronically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Most of them were chronically ill.</font><br><br>You can describe someone's bad habits or behaviour as chronic when they have behaved like that for a long time and do not seem to be able to stop themselves.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Anyone who does not believe that smoking is an addiction has never been a chronic smoker.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a chronic worrier.</font><br><font color=red>= habitual, inveterate</font><br><br>A chronic situation or problem is very severe and unpleasant.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One cause of the artist's suicide seems to have been chronic poverty.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is a chronic shortage of patrol cars in this police district.</font><br><font color=red>= severe</font><br><font color=red>* chronically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Research and technology are said to be chronically underfunded.</font><br>

Q: <b> circus <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5sE:kEs</font>]</b><br>

A: A circus is a group that consists of clowns, acrobats, and animals which travels around to different places and performs shows.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My real ambition was to work in a circus.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...circus performers.</font><br><br>The circus is the show performed by these people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My dad took me to the circus.</font><br><br>If you describe a group of people or an event as a circus, you disapprove of them because they attract a lot of attention but do not achieve anything useful.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It could well turn into some kind of a media circus.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the travelling circus of political journalists.</font><br><br>Circus is sometimes used as part of the name of a street which goes in a circle. (BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Piccadilly Circus.</font><br>

Q: <b> clamp <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">klAmp</font>]</b><br>

A: A clamp is a device that holds two things firmly together.<br><br>When you clamp one thing to another, you fasten the two things together with a clamp.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Somebody forgot to bring along the U-bolts to clamp the microphones to the pole.</font><br><br>To clamp something in a particular place means to put it or hold it there firmly and tightly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Simon finished dialing and clamped the phone to his ear.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He clamped his lips together.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You entreat him to try just one spoonful, and he clamps his mouth shut.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Peter jumped to his feet with his hand clamped to his neck.</font><br><br>A clamp is a large metal device which is fitted to the wheel of an illegally parked car or other vehicle in order to prevent it from being driven away. The driver has to pay to have the clamp removed. (BRIT; in AM use Denver boot)<br><font color=red>= wheel clamp</font><br><br>To clamp a car means to fit a clamp to one of its wheels so that it cannot be driven away. (BRIT; in AM use boot)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Courts in Scotland have ruled it illegal to clamp a car parked on private ground and then to demand a fine.</font><br><font color=red>* clamping </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Automobile Association yesterday called for laws to regulate clamping firms.</font><br><font color=red>* clamper clampers </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Private clampers demanded {Pound}57 to release her van.</font><br>

Q: <b> clause <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">klC:z</font>]</b><br>

A: A clause is a section of a legal document.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has a clause in his contract which entitles him to a percentage of the profits.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a compromise document sprinkled with escape clauses.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a complaint alleging a breach of clause 4 of the code.</font><br><br>In grammar, a clause is a group of words containing a verb. Sentences contain one or more clauses. There are finite clauses and non-finite clauses.<br>See also main clause, relative clause, subordinate clause.<br>

Q: <b> cleaner <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kli:nE</font>]</b><br>

A: A cleaner is someone who is employed to clean the rooms and furniture inside a building.<br><br>A cleaner is someone whose job is to clean a particular type of thing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was a window cleaner.</font><br><br>A cleaner is a substance used for cleaning things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...oven cleaner.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...abrasive cleaners.</font><br><br>A cleaner is a device used for cleaning things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; air cleaner.</font><br>See also pipe cleaner, vacuum cleaner.<br><br>A cleaner or a cleaner's is a shop where things such as clothes are dry-cleaned.<br><br>If someone takes you to the cleaners, they unfairly take most of your money, for example in a business deal or in gambling. (INFORMAL)<br>

Q: <b> clerk <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">klB:k; klE:k</font>]</b><br>

A: A clerk is a person who works in an office, bank, or law court and whose job is to look after the records or accounts.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was offered a job as an accounts clerk with a travel firm.</font><br><br>In a hotel, office, or hospital, a clerk is the person whose job is to answer the telephone and deal with people when they arrive. (mainly AM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a hotel clerk.</font><br><br>A clerk is someone who works in a store. (AM)<br><font color=red>= sales clerk</font><br><br>To clerk means to work as a clerk. (mainly AM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Gene clerked at the auction.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He clerked for the chief justice of the Supreme Court.</font><br>

Q: <b> cliff <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">klif</font>]</b><br>

A: A cliff is a high area of land with a very steep side, especially one next to the sea.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The car rolled over the edge of a cliff.</font><br>

Q: <b> clip <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">klip</font>]</b><br>

A: A clip is a small device, usually made of metal or plastic, that is specially shaped for holding things together.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She took the clip out of her hair.</font><br><br>When you clip things together, you fasten them together using a clip or clips.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He clipped his safety belt to a fitting on the deck.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He clipped his cufflinks neatly in place.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; electronic pen which clips to the casing...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His flashlight was still clipped to his belt.</font><br><br>A clip from a film or a radio or television programme is a short piece of it that is broadcast separately.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; historical film clip of Lenin speaking.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a clip from the movie `Shane'.</font><br><br>If you clip something, you cut small pieces from it, especially in order to shape it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I saw an old man out clipping his hedge.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had already clipped his hair close to the skull.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Give hedges a last clip.</font><br><br>If you clip something out of a newspaper or magazine, you cut it out.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kids in his neighborhood clipped his picture from the newspaper and carried it around.</font><br><br>If something clips something else, it hits it accidentally at an angle before moving off in a different direction.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The lorry clipped the rear of a tanker and then crashed into a second truck.</font><br><br>If you give someone a clip round the ear, you hit their head fairly lightly with the palm of your hand, usually as a punishment.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The </b></font><br>

Q: <b> closed <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">klEuzd</font>]</b><br>

A: A closed group of people does not welcome new people or ideas from outside.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They said that the EC had never been a closed circle.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is a closed society in the sense that they've not been exposed to many things.</font><br><font color=red><> open</font><br>

Q: <b> clue <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">klu:</font>]</b><br>

A: A clue to a problem or mystery is something that helps you to find the answer to it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Geneticists in Canada have discovered a clue to the puzzle of why our cells get old and die.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How a man shaves may be a telling clue to his age.</font><br><br>A clue is an object or piece of information that helps someone solve a crime.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The vital clue to the killer's identity was his nickname, Peanuts.</font><br><br>A clue in a crossword or game is information which is given to help you to find the answer to a question.<br><br>If you haven't a clue about something, you do not know anything about it or you have no idea what to do about it. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I haven't a clue what I'll give Carl for his birthday next year.</font><br>

Q: <b> cock <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kCk</font>]</b><br>

A: A cock is an adult male chicken. (mainly BRIT; in AM use rooster)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The cock was announcing the start of a new day.</font><br><font color=red>= rooster</font><br><br>You refer to a male bird, especially a male game bird, as a cock when you want to distinguish it from a female bird. (mainly BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a cock pheasant.</font><br><br>A man's cock is his penis. (INFORMAL) ([!] VERY RUDE)<br><br>If you cock a part of your body in a particular direction, you lift it or point it in that direction.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He paused and cocked his head as if listening.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Brigadier thought about this for a moment, head cocked to one side.</font><br><br>If someone cocks their ear, they try very hard to hear something from a particular direction.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He suddenly cocked an ear and listened.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All ears were cocked for the footsteps on the stairs.</font><br><br>When someone cocks a gun, they set a small device in the gun so that it is ready to fire.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His hands were too weak to cock his revolver.</font><br>

Q: <b> cocktail <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCkteil</font>]</b><br>

A: A cocktail is an alcoholic drink which contains several ingredients.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;On arrival, guests are offered wine or a champagne cocktail.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A cocktail party was thrown at the British Officers Club.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; expert at mixing cocktails.</font><br><br>A cocktail is a mixture of a number of different things, especially ones that do not go together well.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The court was told she had taken a cocktail of drugs and alcohol.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Children and guns are a potentially lethal cocktail.</font><br>

Q: <b> coffin <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCfin</font>]</b><br>

A: A coffin is a box in which a dead body is buried or cremated.<br><br>If you say that one thing is a nail in the coffin of another thing, you mean that it will help bring about its end or failure.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A fine would be the final nail in the coffin of the airline.</font><br>

Q: <b> commentary <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCmEntEri</font>]</b><br>

A: A commentary is a description of an event that is broadcast on radio or television while the event is taking place.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He gave the listening crowd a running commentary.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That programme will include live commentary on the England-Ireland game.</font><br><br>A commentary is an article or book which explains or discusses something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mr Rich will be writing a twice-weekly commentary on American society and culture.</font><br><br>Commentary is discussion or criticism of something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The show mixed comedy with social commentary.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When I was able to elicit only a gentle smile, I thought perhaps this was a commentary on my humor.</font><br><font color=red>= comment</font><br>

Q: <b> coin <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kCin</font>]</b><br>

A: A coin is a small piece of metal which is used as money.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...50 pence coins.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Frederick's gold coin collection.</font><br><br>If you coin a word or a phrase, you are the first person to say it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jaron Lanier coined the term `virtual reality' and pioneered its early development.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The word `lunatic' was coined to describe people who went mad at the full moon.</font><br><br>If you say that someone is coining it or is coining money, you are emphasizing that they are making a lot of money very quickly, often without really earning it. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many private colleges are coining it.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One wine shop is coining money selling Wembley-label champagne.</font><br><br>Coining in means the same as coining.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She's coining it in with a $10 million contract with Revlon.</font><br><br>You say `to coin a phrase' to show that you realize you are making a pun or using a cliche.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fifty local musicians have, to coin a phrase, banded together to form the Jazz Umbrella.</font><br><br>You use the other side of the coin to mention a different aspect of a situation.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These findings are a reminder that poverty pay is the other side of the coin of falling unemployment.</font><br><br>If you say that two things are two sides of the same coin, you mean that they are different ways of looking at or dealing with the same situation.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The minister reporte </b></font><br>

Q: <b> coincidence <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEu5insidEns</font>]</b><br>

A: A coincidence is when two or more similar or related events occur at the same time by chance and without any planning.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mr. Berry said the timing was a coincidence and that his decision was unrelated to Mr. Roman's departure.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a string of amazing coincidences...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The premises of Chabert and Sons were situated by the river and, by coincidence, not too far away from where Eric Talbot had met his death.</font><br>

Q: <b> collector <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kE5lektE</font>]</b><br>

A: A collector is a person who collects things of a particular type as a hobby.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a stamp-collector.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a respected collector of Indian art...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His work is much sought after by collectors.</font><br><br>You can use collector to refer to someone whose job is to take something such as money, tickets, or rubbish from people. For example, a rent collector collects rent from people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He earned his living as a tax collector.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a garbage collector.</font><br>

Q: <b> collision <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kE5liVEn</font>]</b><br>

A: A collision occurs when a moving object crashes into something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They were on their way to the Shropshire Union Canal when their van was involved in a collision with a car.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I saw a head-on collision between two aeroplanes.</font><br><font color=red>= crash</font><br><br>A collision of cultures or ideas occurs when two very different cultures or people meet and conflict.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's the collision of disparate ideas that alters one's perspective.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The play represents the collision of three generations.</font><br><font color=red>= clash</font><br>

Q: <b> colony <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kClEni</font>]</b><br>

A: A colony is a country which is controlled by a more powerful country.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In France's former North African colonies, anti-French feeling is growing.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Puerto Rico, though it calls itself a Commonwealth, is really a self-governing American colony.</font><br><br>You can refer to a place where a particular group of people lives as a particular kind of colony.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In 1932, he established a school and artists' colony in Stone City, Iowa.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a penal colony.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...industrial colonies.</font><br><font color=red>= settlement</font><br><br>The colonies means all the countries that used to be British colonies. (BRIT, OLD-FASHIONED)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many of our troops and officers were scattered around the world in the service of His Majesty in the colonies.</font><br><br>The colonies means the 13 British colonies in North America which formed the original United States. (AM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;On the eve of the Revolution, the colonies produced thirty thousand tons of crude iron a year.</font><br><br>A colony of birds, insects, or animals is a group of them that live together.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Shetlands are famed for their colonies of sea birds.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The caterpillars feed in large colonies.</font><br>

Q: <b> combined <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEm5baind</font>]</b><br>

A: A combined effort or attack is made by two or more groups of people at the same time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These refugees are looked after by the combined efforts of the host countries and non-governmental organisations.</font><br><font color=red>= joint</font><br><br>The combined size or quantity of two or more things is the total of their sizes or quantities added together.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Banco Central and Banco Hispano Americano will have combined assets worth 8.8 trillion pesetas.</font><br><font color=red>= total</font><br>

Q: <b> comet <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCmit</font>]</b><br>

A: A comet is a bright object with a long tail that travels around the sun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Halley's Comet is going to come back in 2061.</font><br>

Q: <b> commodity <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kE5mCditi</font>]</b><br>

A: A commodity is something that is sold for money. (TECHNICAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The government increased prices on several basic commodities like bread and meat.</font><br><font color=red>= goods</font><br>

Q: <b> gypsy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dVipsi</font>]</b><br>

A: A gypsy is a member of a race of people who travel from place to place, usually in caravans, rather than living in one place.<br><font color=red>= Romany</font><br><br>Also an adjective.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the largest gypsy community of any country.</font><br>

Q: <b> compelling <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEm5peliN</font>]</b><br>

A: A compelling argument or reason is one that convinces you that something is true or that something should be done.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Factual and forensic evidence makes a suicide verdict the most compelling answer to the mystery of his death.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My second and more compelling reason for going to Dearborn was to see the Henry Ford Museum.</font><br><br>If you describe something such as a film or book, or someone's appearance, as compelling, you mean you want to keep looking at it or reading it because you find it so interesting.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a frighteningly violent yet compelling film...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her eyes were her best feature, wide-set and compelling.</font><br><font color=red>* compellingly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She wrote compellingly, with great zest.</font><br>

Q: <b> complication <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7kCmpli5keiF(E)n</font>]</b><br>

A: A complication is a problem or difficulty that makes a situation harder to deal with.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The age difference was a complication to the relationship.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;An added complication is the growing concern for the environment.</font><br><br>A complication is a medical problem that occurs as a result of another illness or disease.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Blindness is a common complication of diabetes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He died of complications from a heart attack.</font><br>

Q: <b> compliment <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCmplimEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: A compliment is a polite remark that you say to someone to show that you like their appearance, appreciate their qualities, or approve of what they have done.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You can do no harm by paying a woman compliments.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Well done, Cassandra,' Crook said. She blushed, but accepted the compliment with good grace.</font><br><br>If you compliment someone, you pay them a compliment.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They complimented me on the way I looked each time they saw me.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Firstly I compliment you on most of your excellent Spring issue of `Triangle'.</font><br><br>If you consider something that a person says or does as a compliment, it convinces you of your own good qualities, or that the person appreciates you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We consider it a compliment to be called `conservative'.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's obvious he's worried about us and I'm taking it as a compliment.</font><br><br>You can refer to your compliments when you want to express thanks, good wishes, or respect to someone in a formal way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My compliments to the chef.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Give my compliments to your lovely wife when you write home.</font><br><br>If you say that someone returns the compliment, you mean that they do the same thing to someone else as that person has done to them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The actors have entertained us so splendidly during this weekend, I think it's time we returned the compliment.< </b></font><br>

Q: <b> composite <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCmpEzit, -zait</font>]</b><br>

A: A composite object or item is made up of several different things, parts, or substances.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Galton devised a method of creating composite pictures in which the features of different faces were superimposed over one another.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Spain is a composite of diverse traditions and people.</font><br>

Q: <b> compound <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCmpaund</font>]</b><br>

A: A compound is an enclosed area of land that is used for a particular purpose.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Police fired on them as they fled into the embassy compound.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a military compound.</font><br><font color=red>= enclosure</font><br><br>In chemistry, a compound is a substance that consists of two or more elements.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Organic compounds contain carbon in their molecules.</font><br><br>If something is a compound of different things, it consists of those things. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Honey is basically a compound of water, two types of sugar, vitamins and enzymes.</font><br><font color=red>= mixture</font><br><br>Compound is used to indicate that something consists of two or more parts or things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a tall shrub with shiny compound leaves.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the compound microscope.</font><br><font color=red>= composite <> simple</font><br><br>In grammar, a compound noun, adjective, or verb is one that is made up of two or more words, for example `fire engine', `bottle-green', and `force-feed'.<br><br>In grammar, a compound sentence is one that is made up of two or more main clauses. Compare complex.<br><br>To compound a problem, difficulty, or mistake means to make it worse by adding to it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Additional bloodshed and loss of life will only compound the tragedy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The problem is compounded by the medical system here.</font><br><font color=red>= add to</font><br>

Q: <b> concentrated <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCnsentreitid</font>]</b><br>

A: A concentrated liquid has been increased in strength by having water removed from it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sweeten dishes sparingly with honey, or concentrated apple or pear juice.</font><br><font color=red><> diluted</font><br><br>A concentrated activity is directed with great intensity in one place.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a more concentrated effort to reach out to troubled kids.</font><br><font color=red>= concerted <> half-hearted</font><br>

Q: <b> conception <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5sepFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: A conception of something is an idea that you have of it in your mind.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My conception of a garden was based on gardens I had visited in England.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I see him as someone with not the slightest conception of teamwork.</font><br><font color=red>= notion</font><br><br>Conception is the forming of an idea for something in your mind.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The symphony is admirable in conception.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The other fundamental consideration in the conception of a plan is function.</font><br><br>Conception is the process in which the egg in a woman is fertilized and she becomes pregnant.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Six weeks after conception your baby is the size of your little fingernail.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Teenage conceptions have risen steadily in the last ten years.</font><br>

Q: <b> conductor <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5dQktE</font>]</b><br>

A: A conductor is a person who stands in front of an orchestra or choir and directs its performance.<br><br>On a bus, the conductor is the person whose job is to sell tickets to the passengers.<br><br>On a train, a conductor is a person whose job is travel on the train in order to help passengers and check tickets. (AM; in BRIT use guard)<br><br>A conductor is a substance that heat or electricity can pass through or along.<br>See also lightning conductor, semiconductor.<br>

Q: <b> confederation <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn7fedE5reiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: A confederation is an organization or group consisting of smaller groups or states, especially one that exists for business or political purposes.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Confederation of Indian Industry.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...plans to partition the republic into a confederation of mini-states.</font><br>

Q: <b> confession <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5feFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: A confession is a signed statement by someone in which they admit that they have committed a particular crime.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They forced him to sign a confession.</font><br><br>Confession is the act of admitting that you have done something that you are ashamed of or embarrassed about.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The diaries are a mixture of confession and observation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have a confession to make.</font><br><br>If you make a confession of your beliefs or feelings, you publicly tell people that this is what you believe or feel.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Tatyana's confession of love.</font><br><font color=red>= declaration</font><br><br>In the Catholic church and in some other churches, if you go to confession, you privately tell a priest about your sins and ask for forgiveness.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He never went to Father Porter for confession again.</font><br>

Q: <b> congress <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCNgres</font>]</b><br>

A: A congress is a large meeting that is held to discuss ideas and policies.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A lot has changed after the party congress.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a congress of coal miners.</font><br>

Q: <b> conjunction <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5dVQNkFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: A conjunction of two or more things is the occurrence of them at the same time or place. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the conjunction of two events.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a conjunction of religious and social factors.</font><br><br>In grammar, a conjunction is a word or group of words that joins together words, groups, or clauses. In English, there are co-ordinating conjunctions such as `and' and `but', and subordinating conjunctions such as `although', `because', and `when'.<br><br>If one thing is done or used in conjunction with another, the two things are done or used together. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The army should have operated in conjunction with the fleet to raid the enemy's coast.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Since iron destroys vitamin E, these two nutrients should not be taken in conjunction.</font><br><font color=red>= together</font><br>

Q: <b> consensus <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5sensEs</font>]</b><br>

A: A consensus is general agreement among a group of people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The consensus amongst the world's scientists is that the world is likely to warm up over the next few decades.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The question of when the troops should leave would be decided by consensus.</font><br>

Q: <b> consortium <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5sC:tjEm</font>]</b><br>

A: A consortium is a group of people or firms who have agreed to co-operate with each other.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The consortium includes some of the biggest building contractors in Britain.</font><br>

Q: <b> constituency <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5stitjuEnsi</font>]</b><br>

A: A constituency is an area for which someone is elected as the representative in a parliament or government.<br><br>A particular constituency is a section of society that may give political support to a particular party or politician.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mr Jackson had a natural constituency among American blacks.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In France, farmers are a powerful political constituency.</font><br>

Q: <b> constraint <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5streint</font>]</b><br>

A: A constraint is something that limits or controls what you can do.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their decision to abandon the trip was made because of financial constraints.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Water shortages in the area will be the main constraint on development.</font><br><br>Constraint is control over the way you behave which prevents you from doing what you want to do.<br><font color=red>= restraint</font><br>

Q: <b> constructive <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5strQktiv</font>]</b><br>

A: A constructive discussion, comment, or approach is useful and helpful rather than negative and unhelpful.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She welcomes constructive criticism.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;After their meeting, both men described the talks as frank, friendly and constructive.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Prime Minister has promised that Israel will play a constructive role.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At least I'm doing something constructive.</font><br><font color=red>= positive <> negative</font><br><font color=red>* constructively </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We are prepared to sit down and talk constructively with our European partners.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Use the time constructively.</font><br>

Q: <b> controller <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5trEulE</font>]</b><br>

A: A controller is a person who has responsibility for a particular organization or for a particular part of an organization. (mainly BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the job of controller of BBC 1.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...The financial controller of W H Smith.</font><br>See also air traffic controller.<br><br>A controller is the same as a comptroller.<br>

Q: <b> consultation <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7kCnsEl5teiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: A consultation is a meeting which is held to discuss something. Consultation is discussion about something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Next week he'll be in Florida for consultations with President Mitterrand.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The plans were drawn up in consultation with the World Health Organisation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The strike was called in protest at the government's lack of consultation with the unions.</font><br><br>A consultation with a doctor or other expert is a meeting with them to discuss a particular problem and get their advice. Consultation is the process of getting advice from a doctor or other expert. (mainly BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A personal diet plan is devised after a consultation with a nutritionist.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...fees paid for consultation and advice in tax matters.</font><br><br>A consultation is a meeting where several doctors discuss a patient and his or her condition and treatment. (AM)<br><br>Consultation of a book or other source of information is looking at it in order to find out certain facts.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;With such excellent studies available for consultation, it should be easy to avoid the pitfalls.</font><br><br>A consultation paper or document is a document containing ideas for changes in the law. It is published by the government or by an organization, so that people can discuss it and give their opinions on it. (mainly BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Government proposed a common retirement age of 63 in a consultation paper published yesterday.</font><br>

Q: <b> consuming <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5sju:miN</font>]</b><br>

A: A consuming passion or interest is more important to you than anything else.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has developed a consuming passion for chess.</font><br>See also consume, time-consuming.<br>

Q: <b> container <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5teinE</font>]</b><br>

A: A container is something such as a box or bottle that is used to hold or store things in.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the plastic containers in which fish are stored and sold.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...stainless steel or glass containers.</font><br><font color=red>= receptacle</font><br><br>A container is a very large metal or wooden box used for transporting goods so that they can be loaded easily onto ships and lorries.<br>

Q: <b> contender <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5tendE(r)</font>]</b><br>

A: A contender is someone who takes part in a competition. (JOURNALISM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her trainer said yesterday that she would be a strong contender for a place in Britain's Olympic squad.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Our British Affairs correspondent reports on how the three contenders reacted to the news of the resignation.</font><br>

Q: <b> contingent <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5tindVEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: A contingent of police, soldiers, or military vehicles is a group of them. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nigeria provided a large contingent of troops to the West African Peacekeeping Force.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There were contingents from the navies of virtually all EC countries.</font><br><br>A contingent is a group of people representing a country or organization at a meeting or other event. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The strong British contingent suffered mixed fortunes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The whistles from the large contingent of England fans away to our left are deafening.</font><br><br>If something is contingent on something else, the first thing depends on the second in order to happen or exist. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In effect, growth is contingent on improved incomes for the mass of the low-income population.</font><br><font color=red>= dependent</font><br>

Q: <b> continual <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5tinjuEl</font>]</b><br>

A: A continual process or situation happens or exists without stopping.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The school has been in continual use since 1883.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They felt continual pressure to perform well.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Despite continual pain, he refused all drugs.</font><br><font color=red>= continuous</font><br><font color=red>* continually </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She cried almost continually and threw temper tantrums.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The large rotating fans whirred continually.</font><br><font color=red>= continuously</font><br><br>Continual events happen again and again.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the government's continual demands for cash to finance its chronic deficit...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She suffered continual police harassment.</font><br><font color=red>* continually </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Malcolm was continually changing his mind.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I had been writing him continually, trying to get him to call me.</font><br>

Q: <b> continuous <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5tinjuEs</font>]</b><br>

A: A continuous process or event continues for a period of time without stopping.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Residents report that they heard continuous gunfire.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...all employees who had a record of five years' continuous employment with the firm...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is a continuous stream of phone calls.</font><br><font color=red>= unbroken <> spasmodic</font><br><font color=red>* continuously </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The civil war has raged almost continuously since 1976.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is the oldest continuously inhabited city in America.</font><br><br>A continuous line or surface has no gaps or holes in it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a continuous line of boats.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the continuous frieze of sculpted figures.</font><br><font color=red>= unbroken</font><br><br>In English grammar, continuous verb groups are formed using the auxiliary `be' and the present participle of a verb, as in `I'm feeling a bit tired' and `She had been watching them for some time'. Continuous verb groups are used especially when you are focusing on a particular moment. Compare simple.<br><font color=red>= progressive</font><br>

Q: <b> contractor <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5trAktE</font>]</b><br>

A: A contractor is a person or company that does work for other people or organizations.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We told the building contractor that we wanted a garage big enough for two cars.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a major US defense contractor.</font><br>

Q: <b> convertible <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5vE:tEbl</font>]</b><br>

A: A convertible is a car with a soft roof that can be folded down or removed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her own car is a convertible Golf.</font><br><font color=red>= soft top</font><br><br>In finance, convertible investments or money can be easily exchanged for other forms of investments or money. (TECHNICAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the introduction of a convertible currency.</font><br><font color=red>* convertibility </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the convertibility of the rouble.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...rapid export growth based on currency convertibility.</font><br>

Q: <b> convoy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCnvCi</font>]</b><br>

A: A convoy is a group of vehicles or ships travelling together.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a U.N. convoy carrying food and medical supplies.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...humanitarian relief convoys...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They travel in convoy with armed guards.</font><br><br>To convoy goods or people somewhere means to move them there in a convoy.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He ordered the combined fleet to convoy troops to Naples.</font><br>

Q: <b> cop <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kCp</font>]</b><br>

A: A cop is a policeman or policewoman. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Frank didn't like having the cops know where to find him.</font><br><br>If you cop it, someone punishes you or speaks to you angrily because you have done something wrong. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Motel owners and restaurant managers copped it for neglecting their clients.</font><br><br>If you say that something is not much cop, you mean that it is not very good, and is disappointing. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Jane's `Triple X Album' came out in 1986, and wasn't much cop actually.</font><br>

Q: <b> corps <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kC:</font>]</b><br>

A: A corps is a part of the army which has special duties.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Army Medical Corps.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Russian Officer Corps.</font><br><br>The Corps is the United States Marine Corps. (AM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...seventy-five men, all combat veterans, all members of The Corps' most exclusive unit.</font><br><font color=red>= Marines</font><br><br>A corps is a small group of people who do a special job.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the diplomatic corps.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the foreign press corps.</font><br>

Q: <b> corpse <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kC:ps</font>]</b><br>

A: A corpse is a dead body, especially the body of a human being.<br><font color=red>= body</font><br>

Q: <b> corridor <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCridC:</font>]</b><br>

A: A corridor is a long passage in a building or train, with doors and rooms on one or both sides.<br><br>A corridor is a strip of land that connects one country to another or gives it a route to the sea through another country.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;East Prussia and the rest of Germany were separated, in 1919, by the Polish corridor.</font><br>

Q: <b> costing <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCstiN</font>]</b><br>

A: A costing is an estimate of all the costs involved in a project or a business venture. (mainly BRIT; in AM use costs)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We'll put together a proposal, including detailed costings, free of charge.</font><br><font color=red>= estimate</font><br>

Q: <b> couch <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kautF</font>]</b><br>

A: A couch is a long, comfortable seat for two or three people.<br><font color=red>= sofa, settee</font><br><br>A couch is a narrow bed which patients lie on while they are being examined or treated by a doctor.<br><br>If a statement is couched in a particular style of language, it is expressed in that style of language. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The new centre-right government's radical objectives are often couched in moderate terms.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This time the proposal was couched as an ultimatum.</font><br><font color=red>= phrase</font><br>

Q: <b> heritage <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5heritidV</font>]</b><br>

A: A country's heritage is all the qualities, traditions, or features of life there that have continued over many years and have been passed on from one generation to another.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The historic building is as much part of our heritage as the paintings.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the rich heritage of Russian folk music.</font><br>

Q: <b> coupon <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5ku:pCn</font>]</b><br>

A: A coupon is a piece of printed paper which allows you to pay less money than usual for a product, or to get it free.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bring the coupon below to any Tecno store and pay just {Pound}10.99.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a 50p money-off coupon.</font><br><font color=red>= voucher</font><br><br>A coupon is a small form, for example in a newspaper or magazine, which you send off to ask for information, to order something, or to enter a competition.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Send the coupon with a cheque for {Pound}18.50, made payable to `Good Housekeeping'.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was filling in his pools coupon.</font><br>

Q: <b> courier <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kuriE</font>]</b><br>

A: A courier is a person who is paid to take letters and parcels direct from one place to another.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He worked as a motorcycle courier.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The cheques were delivered to the bank by a private courier firm.</font><br><br>A courier is a person employed by a travel company to look after people who are on holiday.<br><font color=red>= rep</font><br>

Q: <b> covering <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kQvEriN</font>]</b><br>

A: A covering is a layer of something that protects or hides something else.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Leave a thin covering of fat.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sawdust was used as a hygienic floor covering.</font><br>

Q: <b> deer <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">diE</font>]</b><br>

A: A deer is a large wild animal that eats grass and leaves. A male deer usually has large, branching horns.<br>

Q: <b> cowboy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kaubCi</font>]</b><br>

A: A cowboy is a male character in a western.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Boys used to play at cowboys and Indians.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...cowboy films.</font><br><br>A cowboy is a man employed to look after cattle in North America, especially in former times.<br><br>You can refer to someone who runs a business as a cowboy if they run it dishonestly or are not experienced, skilful, or careful in their work. (BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We don't want to look like a bunch of cowboys.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fortunately, such cowboy firms are becoming rarer.</font><br><font color=red><> professional</font><br>

Q: <b> crack 2 <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">krAk</font>]</b><br>

A: A crack is a very narrow gap between two things, or between two parts of a thing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kathryn had seen him through a crack in the curtains.</font><br><font color=red>= chink</font><br><br>If you open something such as a door, window, or curtain a crack, you open it only a small amount.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He went to the door, opened it a crack, and listened.</font><br><br>A crack is a line that appears on the surface of something when it is slightly damaged.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The plate had a crack in it.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hundreds of office buildings and homes developed large cracks in walls and ceilings.</font><br><br>A crack is a sharp sound, like the sound of a piece of wood breaking.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Suddenly there was a loud crack and glass flew into the car.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Crack!' -- The first shot rang out, dropping Paolo.</font><br><br>If you have or take a crack at something, you make an attempt to do or achieve something. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I should love to have a crack at the Olympia title in my last year.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She decided to head for the dormitory to take another crack at locating Blanche.</font><br><font color=red>= go, shot</font><br><br>A crack is a slightly rude or cruel joke.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When Paul made the crack about the `famous girl detective', I began to suspect that he had it in for you.</font><br><font color=red>= jibe</font><br><br>Crack is a very pure form of the drug cocaine.<br>See also crack cocaine.<br><br>A crack soldier or sportsman is highly trained and very skilful.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a crack undercover police officer...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is said to be a crack shot, despite weak vision in one eye.</font><br><br>If you say that someone does something at the crack of dawn, you are emphasizing that they do it very early in the morning.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I often start work at the crack of dawn when there is a big order to get out.</font><br><br>If you paper over the cracks, you try to hide all the things that are wrong with something. (mainly BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The meeting was stormy, and the two sides managed only to paper over the cracks on some issues.</font><br><br>If you get a fair crack of the whip, you are allowed a reasonable opportunity to succeed at something. (BRIT; INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;None of them is expecting any favours, just a fair crack of the whip.</font><br>

Q: <b> crackdown <br>CRACKDOWN </b><br>

A: A crackdown is strong official action that is taken to punish people who break laws.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...anti-government unrest that ended with the violent army crackdown.</font><br><font color=red>= clampdown</font><br>

Q: <b> crane <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">krein</font>]</b><br>

A: A crane is a large machine that moves heavy things by lifting them in the air.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The little prefabricated hut was lifted away by a huge crane.</font><br><br>A crane is a kind of large bird with a long neck and long legs.<br><br>If you crane your neck or head, you stretch your neck in a particular direction in order to see or hear something better.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She craned her neck to get a better view.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Children craned to get close to him.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She craned forward to look at me.</font><br>

Q: <b> credit card <br>CREDIT CARD </b><br>

A: A credit card is a plastic card that you use to buy goods on credit. Compare charge card.<br>

Q: <b> criterion <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">krai5tiEriEn</font>]</b><br>

A: A criterion is a factor on which you judge or decide something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The most important criterion for entry is that applicants must design and make their own work.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;British defence policy had to meet three criteria if it was to succeed.</font><br>

Q: <b> crook <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kruk</font>]</b><br>

A: A crook is a dishonest person or a criminal. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The man is a crook and a liar.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Donaldson was a petty crook with a string of previous offences.</font><br><br>The crook of your arm or leg is the soft inside part where you bend your elbow or knee.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She hid her face in the crook of her arm.</font><br><br>If you crook your arm or finger, you bend it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He crooked his finger: `Come forward,' he said.</font><br><br>A crook is a long pole with a large hook at the end. A crook is carried by a bishop in religious ceremonies, or by a shepherd.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a shepherd's crook.</font><br><br>If someone says they will do something by hook or by crook, they are determined to do it, even if they have to make a great effort or use dishonest means.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They intend to get their way, by hook or by crook.</font><br>

Q: <b> crossing <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5krCsiN</font>]</b><br>

A: A crossing is a journey by boat or ship to a place on the other side of a sea, river, or lake.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He made the crossing from Cape Town to Sydney in just over twenty-six days.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The vessel docked in Swansea after a ten-hour crossing.</font><br><br>A crossing is a place where two roads, paths, or lines cross.<br><br>A crossing is the same as a pedestrian crossing. (BRIT; in AM use crosswalk)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A car hit her on a crossing.</font><br>See also pelican crossing, zebra crossing.<br><br>A crossing is the same as a grade crossing or a level crossing.<br>

Q: <b> crude <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kru:d</font>]</b><br>

A: A crude method or measurement is not exact or detailed, but may be useful or correct in a rough, general way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Standard measurements of blood pressure are an important but crude way of assessing the risk of heart disease or strokes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Birthplace data are only the crudest indicator of actual migration paths.</font><br><font color=red><> rough</font><br><font color=red>* crudely </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The donors can be split -- a little crudely -- into two groups.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Put crudely, the liberationists favour extending a number of rights to children.</font><br><br>If you describe an object that someone has made as crude, you mean that it has been made in a very simple way or from very simple parts.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...crude wooden boxes.</font><br><font color=red>* crudely </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a crudely carved wooden form...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In some places maps are scarce, and are often crudely produced.</font><br><br>If you describe someone as crude, you disapprove of them because they speak or behave in a rude, offensive, or unsophisticated way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nev! Must you be quite so crude?</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...crude language.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...crude sexual jokes.</font><br><font color=red>= coarse</font><br><font color=red>* crudely </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He hated it when she spoke so crudely.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;To put it crudely, nobody really gives a toss about this any more.</font><br><font color=red>* crudity </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had not expected such crudity from so sophisticated a minister.</font><br><font color=red>* crudeness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Crudeness is on the rise in all fields of entertainment.</font><br><br>Crude substances are in a natural or unrefined state, and have not yet been used </b></font><br>

Q: <b> envoy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5envCi</font>]</b><br>

A: An envoy is someone who is sent as a representative from one government or political group to another.<br><font color=red>= emissary</font><br><br>An envoy is a diplomat in an embassy who is immediately below the ambassador in rank.<br>

Q: <b> cube <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kju:b</font>]</b><br>

A: A cube is a solid object with six square surfaces which are all the same size.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...cold water with ice cubes in it.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a box of sugar cubes...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The cabinet comes with locks and key and is shaped like a cube.</font><br><br>When you cube food, you cut it into cube-shaped pieces.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Remove the seeds and stones and cube the flesh.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Serve with cubed bread.</font><br><br>The cube of a number is another number that is produced by multiplying the first number by itself twice. For example, the cube of 2 is 8.<br>

Q: <b> cult <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kQlt</font>]</b><br>

A: A cult is fairly small religious group, especially one which is considered strange.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The teenager may have been abducted by a religious cult.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The cult of Isis was carried from Egypt into Greece and Rome.</font><br><br>Cult is used to describe things that are very popular or fashionable among a particular group of people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Since her death, she has become a cult figure.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The film is destined to become a cult classic.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Osaka-based group is popular home in Japan and has developed a cult following in the United States.</font><br><br>Someone or something that is a cult has become very popular or fashionable among a particular group of people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ludlam was responsible for making Ridiculous Theatre something of a cult.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The bra has gone from being a fashion classic to a fashion cult.</font><br><br>The cult of something is a situation in which people regard that thing as very important or special.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the cult of youth that recently gripped publishing...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Society is entitled and bound to protect itself against a cult of violence.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Meanwhile the personality cult around this campaigner grew.</font><br>

Q: <b> curfew <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kE:fju:</font>]</b><br>

A: A curfew is a law stating that people must stay inside their houses after a particular time at night, for example during a war.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The village was placed under curfew.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In Lucknow crowds of people defied the curfew to celebrate on the streets.</font><br>

Q: <b> curriculum <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kE5rikjulEm</font>]</b><br>

A: A curriculum is all the different courses of study that are taught in a school, college, or university.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There should be a broader curriculum in schools for post-16-year-old pupils.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Russian is the one compulsory foreign language on the school curriculum.</font><br>See also National Curriculum.<br><br>A particular curriculum is one particular course of study that is taught in a school, college, or university.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the history curriculum.</font><br><font color=red>= syllabus</font><br>

Q: <b> curve <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kE:v</font>]</b><br>

A: A curve is a smooth, gradually bending line, for example part of the edge of a circle.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the curve of his lips.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a curve in the road.</font><br><br>If something curves, or if someone or something curves it, it has the shape of a curve.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her spine curved.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The track curved away below him.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a knife with a slightly curving blade...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A small, unobtrusive smile curved the cook's thin lips.</font><br><br>If something curves, it moves in a curve, for example through the air.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The ball curved strangely in the air.</font><br><br>You can refer to a change in something as a particular curve, especially when it is represented on a graph.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Each firm will face a downward-sloping demand curve.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Was it just a temporary blip on an otherwise healthy growth curve?</font><br>See also learning curve.<br>

Q: <b> cushion <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kuFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: A cushion is a fabric case filled with soft material, which you put on a seat to make it more comfortable.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a velvet cushion.</font><br><br>A cushion is a soft pad or barrier, especially one that protects something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The company provides a styrofoam cushion to protect the tablets during shipping.</font><br><br>Something that cushions an object when it hits something protects it by reducing the force of the impact.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is also a new steering wheel with an energy absorbing rim to cushion the driver's head in the worst impacts.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The suspension is designed to cushion passengers from the effects of riding over rough roads.</font><br><br>To cushion the effect of something unpleasant means to reduce it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They said Western aid was needed to cushion the blows of vital reform.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The price rises will be cushioned by welfare benefits.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The subsidies are designed to cushion farmers against unpredictable weather.</font><br><br>Something that is a cushion against something unpleasant reduces its effect.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Housing benefit provides a cushion against hardship.</font><br>

Q: <b> defect <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5fekt</font>]</b><br>

A: A defect is a fault or imperfection in a person or thing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was born with a hearing defect.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a defect in the aircraft caused the crash...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A report has pointed out the defects of the present system.</font><br><font color=red>= imperfection</font><br><br>If you defect, you leave your country, political party, or other group, and join an opposing country, party, or group.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He tried to defect to the West last year.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He defected from the party in the late 1970s.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a KGB officer who defected in 1963.</font><br><font color=red>* defection defections </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the defection of at least sixteen Parliamentary deputies.</font><br>

Q: <b> custom <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kQstEm</font>]</b><br>

A: A custom is an activity, a way of behaving, or an event which is usual or traditional in a particular society or in particular circumstances.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The custom of lighting the Olympic flame goes back centuries.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chung has tried to adapt to local customs.</font><br><br>If it is your custom to do something, you usually do it in particular circumstances.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was his custom to approach every problem cautiously.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As is the custom, police forensic experts carried out a painstaking search of the debris.</font><br><br>If a shop has your custom, you regularly buy things there. (BRIT, FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You have the right to withhold your custom if you so wish.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Providing discounts is not the only way to win custom.</font><br><br>If you use custom to describe something such as a vehicle or a piece of clothing, you mean that it has been designed for one particular customer.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her one-of-a-kind custom garments are priced from one hundred dollars to more than a thousand dollars.</font><br> </b></font><br>

Q: <b> cut-off <br>CUT-OFF </b><br>

A: A cut-off or a cut-off point is the level or limit at which you decide that something should stop happening.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The cut-off point depends on age and length of employment.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The cut-off date for registering is yet to be announced.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;On young girls it can look really great, but there is a definite age cut-off on this.</font><br><br>The cut-off of a supply or service is the complete stopping of the supply or service.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A total cut-off of supplies would cripple the country's economy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The United States resisted an arms cutoff.</font><br>

Q: <b> cylinder <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5silindE</font>]</b><br>

A: A cylinder is an object with flat circular ends and long straight sides.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a cylinder of foam...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was recorded on a wax cylinder.</font><br><br>A gas cylinder is a cylinder-shaped container in which gas is kept under pressure.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...oxygen cylinders.</font><br><br>In an engine, a cylinder is a cylinder-shaped part in which a piston moves backwards and forwards.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a 2.5 litre, four-cylinder engine.</font><br>

Q: <b> dairy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dZEri</font>]</b><br>

A: A dairy is a shop or company that sells milk and food made from milk, such as butter, cream, and cheese.<br><br>On a farm, the dairy is the building where milk is kept or where cream, butter, and cheese are made.<br><br>Dairy is used to refer to foods such as butter and cheese that are made from milk.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...dairy produce.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...vitamins found in eggs, meat and dairy products.</font><br><br>Dairy is used to refer to the use of cattle to produce milk rather than meat.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a small vegetable and dairy farm.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the feeding of dairy cows.</font><br>

Q: <b> dam <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dAm</font>]</b><br>

A: A dam is a wall that is built across a river in order to stop the water flowing and to make a lake.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They went ahead with plans to build a dam on the Danube River.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Aswan Dam.</font><br><br>To dam a river means to build a dam across it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...plans to dam the nearby Delaware River...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This reservoir was formed by damming the River Blith.</font><br><br>In the breeding of farm animals, an animal's dam is its mother. (TECHNICAL)<br>

Q: <b> dancer <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dB:nsE</font>]</b><br>

A: A dancer is a person who earns money by dancing, or a person who is dancing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His previous girlfriend was a dancer with the Royal Ballet.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The dancers began to walk away from the floor.</font><br><br>If you say that someone is a good dancer or a bad dancer, you are saying how well or badly they can dance.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was the best dancer in LA.</font><br>

Q: <b> decree <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5kri:</font>]</b><br>

A: A decree is an official order or decision, especially one made by the ruler of a country.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In July he issued a decree ordering all unofficial armed groups in the country to disband.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is prepared to use his recently-acquired powers to introduce reform by presidential decree.</font><br><br>If someone in authority decrees that something must happen, they decide or state this officially.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The government decreed that all who wanted to live and work in Kenya must hold Kenyan passports.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Within 48 hours the king got the two deputies off the hook by decreeing a general amnesty.</font><br><br>A decree is a judgement made by a law court. (mainly AM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...court decrees.</font><br>

Q: <b> deduction <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5dQkFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: A deduction is a conclusion that you have reached about something because of other things that you know to be true.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was a pretty astute deduction.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My mother had consequently made her own shrewd deductions about what was going on in my marriage.</font><br><br>Deduction is the process of reaching a conclusion about something because of other things that you know to be true.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Miss Allan beamed at him. `You are clever to guess. I'm sure I don't know how you did it.' --- `Deduction,' James said.</font><br><br>A deduction is an amount that has been subtracted from a total.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...your gross income (before tax and National Insurance deductions)...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;After deductions for war reparations, the balance would be used to buy food and humanitarian supplies.</font><br><br>Deduction is the act or process of subtracting an amount of money from a total amount.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;After the deduction of tax at 20 per cent, the interest rate will be 6.2 per cent.</font><br>

Q: <b> denial <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5naiEl</font>]</b><br>

A: A denial of something is a statement that it is not true, does not exist, or did not happen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It seems clear that despite official denials, differences of opinion lay behind the Ambassador's decision to quit.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Denial of the Mafia's existence is nothing new.</font><br><br>The denial of something to someone is the act of refusing to let them have it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the denial of visas to international relief workers...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This does not justify the denial of constitutional protection.</font><br><br>In psychology, denial is when a person cannot or will not accept an unpleasant truth.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;With major life traumas, like losing a loved one, for instance, the mind's first reaction is denial.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I literally didn't know how fat I was. I was in denial about it, I guess.</font><br>

Q: <b> dentist <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dentist</font>]</b><br>

A: A dentist is a person who is qualified to examine and treat people's teeth.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Visit your dentist twice a year for a check-up.</font><br><br>The dentist or the dentist's is used to refer to the surgery or clinic where a dentist works.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's worse than being at the dentist's.</font><br>

Q: <b> department store <br>DEPARTMENT STORE </b><br>

A: A department store is a large shop which sells many different kinds of goods.<br>

Q: <b> developer <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5velEpE</font>]</b><br>

A: A developer is a person or a company that buys land and builds houses, offices, shops, or factories on it, or buys existing buildings and makes them more modern.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...common land which would have a high commercial value if sold to developers.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a corrupt, self-made property developer.</font><br><br>A developer is someone who develops something such as an idea, a design, or a product.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;John Bardeen was also co-developer of the theory of superconductivity.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a software developer.</font><br><br>Developer is a chemical used for developing photographs or films.<br>

Q: <b> dial <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5daiEl</font>]</b><br>

A: A dial is the part of a machine or instrument such as a clock or watch which shows you the time or a measurement that has been recorded.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The luminous dial on the clock showed five minutes to seven.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The dials of most barometers are inscribed with weather terms.</font><br><br>A dial is a control on a device or piece of equipment which you can move in order to adjust the setting, for example to select or change the frequency on a radio or the temperature of a heater.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He turned the dial on the radio.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The heat dial was set at 150 degrees.</font><br><br>On some telephones, especially older ones, the dial is the disc on the front that you turn with your finger to choose the number that you want to call. The disc has holes in it, and numbers or letters behind the holes.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...turning the dial on the phone.</font><br><br>If you dial or if you dial a number, you turn the dial or press the buttons on a telephone in order to phone someone.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He lifted the phone and dialled her number.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He dialled, and spoke briefly to the duty officer.</font><br>

Q: <b> diamond <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5daiEmEnd</font>]</b><br>

A: A diamond is a hard, bright, precious stone which is clear and colourless. Diamonds are used in jewellery and for cutting very hard substances.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a pair of diamond earrings.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a sphere made of diamond without impurity or flaw.</font><br><br>Diamonds are jewellery such as necklaces and rings which have diamonds set into them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nicole loves wearing her diamonds, even with jeans and a white T-shirt.</font><br><br>A diamond is a shape with four straight sides of equal length where the opposite angles are the same, but none of the angles is equal to 90{Deg}: #.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...forming his hands into the shape of a diamond.</font><br><br>Diamonds is one of the four suits of cards in a pack of playing cards. Each card in the suit is marked with one or more red symbols in the shape of a diamond.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He drew the seven of diamonds.</font><br><br>A diamond is a playing card of this suit.<br><br>In baseball, the diamond is the diamond-shaped area of the playing field between the four bases.<br>

Q: <b> dictionary <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dikFEnEri</font>]</b><br>

A: A dictionary is a book in which the words and phrases of a language are listed alphabetically, together with their meanings or their translations in another language.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a Welsh-English dictionary.</font><br><br>A dictionary is an alphabetically ordered reference book on one particular subject or limited group of subjects.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Dictionary of National Biography.</font><br>

Q: <b> dilemma <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5lemE7 dai-</font>]</b><br>

A: A dilemma is a difficult situation in which you have to choose between two or more alternatives.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was faced with the dilemma of whether or not to return to his country.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The issue raises a moral dilemma.</font><br>on the horns of a dilemma: see horn.<br>

Q: <b> directive <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5rektiv, dai5rektiv</font>]</b><br>

A: A directive is an official instruction that is given by someone in authority.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thanks to a new EC directive, insecticide labelling will be more specific.</font><br><font color=red>= ruling</font><br>

Q: <b> directory <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5rektEri</font>]</b><br>

A: A directory is a book which gives lists of facts, for example people's names, addresses, and telephone numbers, or the names and addresses of business companies, usually arranged in alphabetical order.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a telephone directory.</font><br>

Q: <b> disability <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7disE5biliti</font>]</b><br>

A: A disability is a permanent injury, illness, or physical or mental condition that tends to restrict the way that someone can live their life.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Facilities for people with disabilities are still insufficient.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...athletes who have overcome a physical disability to reach the top of their sport.</font><br><font color=red>= handicap</font><br><br>Disability is the state of being disabled.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Disability can make extra demands on financial resources because the disabled need extra care.</font><br>

Q: <b> disadvantage <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7disEd5vB:ntidV</font>]</b><br>

A: A disadvantage is a factor which makes someone or something less useful, acceptable, or successful than other people or things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His two main rivals suffer the disadvantage of having been long-term political exiles.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Military commanders had been weighing up the advantages and disadvantages of allowing their soldiers to marry.</font><br><font color=red><> advantage</font><br><br>If you are at a disadvantage, you have a problem or difficulty that many other people do not have, which makes it harder for you to be successful.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The children from poor families were at a distinct disadvantage.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;England's players would be left at a disadvantage against those of the rest of the world.</font><br><br>If something is to your disadvantage or works to your disadvantage, it creates difficulties for you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; opposition attempt to prevent a snap election which would be to their disadvantage...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Depression is the third thing that works to my patients' disadvantage.</font><br><font color=red>= to your detriment</font><br>

Q: <b> disastrous <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5zB:strEs</font>]</b><br>

A: A disastrous event has extremely bad consequences and effects.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the recent, disastrous earthquake...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The effect on coffee prices has been disastrous for the producers.</font><br><font color=red>= terrible</font><br><font color=red>* disastrously </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The vegetable harvest is disastrously behind schedule.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their scheme went disastrously wrong.</font><br><br>If you describe something as disastrous, you mean that it was very unsuccessful.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;England's cricketers have had another disastrous day.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...after their disastrous performance in the general election of 1906.</font><br><font color=red>* disastrously </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...debts resulting from the company's disastrously timed venture into property development.</font><br>

Q: <b> disco <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5diskEu</font>]</b><br>

A: A disco is a place or event at which people dance to pop music.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fridays and Saturdays are regular disco nights.</font><br>

Q: <b> disorder <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5C:dE</font>]</b><br>

A: A disorder is a problem or illness which affects someone's mind or body.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a rare nerve disorder that can cause paralysis of the arms.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a psychiatrist who specialises in eating disorders...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He appeared to be suffering from a severe mental disorder and had served a term in prison.</font><br><font color=red>= complaint</font><br><br>Disorder is a state of being untidy, badly prepared, or badly organized.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The emergency room was in disorder.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Inside all was disorder: drawers fallen out, shoes and boots scattered.</font><br><font color=red>= confusion</font><br><br>Disorder is violence or rioting in public.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The government issued a decree calling on the authorities to uphold the law and stop public disorder.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There are other forms of civil disorder -- most notably, football hooliganism.</font><br><font color=red>= unrest</font><br>

Q: <b> distributor <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5tribjutE</font>]</b><br>

A: A distributor is a company that supplies goods to shops or other businesses.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Spain's largest distributor of petroleum products...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bulmer is the UK distributor for Perrier and the Jamaican lager Red Stripe.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Theater owners lease films from film distributors.</font><br><br>The distributor in a car or other motor vehicle is a device that sends electric current to the spark plugs in the engine.<br>

Q: <b> disturbance <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5tE:bEns</font>]</b><br>

A: A disturbance is an incident in which people behave violently in public.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;During the disturbance which followed, three Englishmen were hurt.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the worst of last September's disturbances.</font><br><br>Disturbance means upsetting or disorganizing something which was previously in a calm and well-ordered state.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The home would cause less disturbance to local residents than a school.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The animals are very sensitive to disturbance and have never bred in captivity.</font><br><br>You can use disturbance to refer to a medical or psychological problem, when someone's body or mind is not working in the normal way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Poor educational performance is related to emotional disturbance.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the treatment of certain heart rhythm disturbances.</font><br>

Q: <b> feeder <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fi:dE</font>]</b><br>

A: A feeder road, railway, or river is a smaller one that leads to a more important one.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the feeder road leading to the airport.</font><br><br>Feeder airline and railway services connect major routes and local destinations.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a feeder to British Airways's transatlantic destinations.</font><br><br>A feeder school or team provides students or players for a larger or more important one.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...children coming up from two infant feeder schools.</font><br><br>A feeder is a container that you fill with food for birds or animals.<br>

Q: <b> disturbed <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5tE:bd</font>]</b><br>

A: A disturbed person is very upset emotionally, and often needs special care or treatment.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...working with severely emotionally disturbed children...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The murderer was apparently mentally disturbed.</font><br><br>You can say that someone is disturbed when they are very worried or anxious.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Doctors were disturbed that less than 30 percent of the patients were women.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was disturbed to hear that the selection committee originally decided not to send a British team to this year's Championships.</font><br><font color=red>= troubled</font><br><br>If you describe a situation or period of time as disturbed, you mean that it is unhappy and full of problems.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...these disturbed times.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...women from disturbed backgrounds.</font><br><font color=red>= troubled</font><br>

Q: <b> ditch <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">ditF</font>]</b><br>

A: A ditch is a long narrow channel cut into the ground at the side of a road or field.<br><br>If you ditch something that you have or are responsible for, you abandon it or get rid of it, because you no longer want it. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I decided to ditch the sofa bed.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Unpopular policies such as unilateral disarmament were ditched.</font><br><font color=red>= dump</font><br><br>If someone ditches someone, they end a relationship with that person. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I can't bring myself to ditch him and start again.</font><br><font color=red>= dump</font><br><br>If a pilot ditches an aircraft or if it ditches, the pilot makes an emergency landing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One American pilot was forced to ditch his jet in the Gulf.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A survivor was knocked unconscious when the helicopter ditched.</font><br><font color=red>= crash-land</font><br>

Q: <b> dock <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dCk</font>]</b><br>

A: A dock is an enclosed area in a harbour where ships go to be loaded, unloaded, and repaired.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the loading dock...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She headed for the docks, thinking that Ricardo might be hiding in one of the boats.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What other ships are in dock here?</font><br><br>When a ship docks or is docked, it is brought into a dock.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The vessel docked at Liverpool in April 1811.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Russian commanders docked a huge aircraft carrier in a Russian port.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The aircraft carrier has been docked there since last month.</font><br><br>When one spacecraft docks or is docked with another, the two crafts join together in space.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The space shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to dock with Russia's Mir space station.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They have docked a robot module alongside the orbiting space station.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The shuttle will spend five days docked with Mir.</font><br><br>A dock is a platform for loading vehicles or trains. (AM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The truck left the loading dock with hoses still attached.</font><br><br>A dock is a small structure at the edge of water where boats can tie up, especially one that is privately owned. (AM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had a house there and a dock and a little aluminum boat.</font><br><font color=red>= jetty</font><br><br>In a law court, the dock is where the person accused of a crime stands or sits.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What about the odd chance that you do put an innocent man in the dock?</font><br><br>If you dock someone's wages or money, you take some of the money away. If you dock someone points in a contest, you take away some of the points that they have.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He threatens to dock her fee.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;To dock points would be wrong.</font><br><br>A dock is a plant with large leaves which grows wild in Britain, the United States, and some other northern countries. Dock leaves are supposed to heal nettle stings.<br>

Q: <b> doctrine <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dCktrin</font>]</b><br>

A: A doctrine is a set of principles or beliefs, especially religious ones.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Marxist doctrine of perpetual revolution...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I disagree with the doctrine that the writer's life and intention have no bearing on his texts.</font><br><br>A doctrine is a statement of official government policy, especially foreign policy. (AM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Following World War II, the first U.S. commitment to Europe came in the form of the 1947 Truman Doctrine.</font><br>

Q: <b> documentary <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7dCkju5mentEri</font>]</b><br>

A: A documentary is a television or radio programme, or a film, which shows real events or provides information about a particular subject.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a TV documentary on homelessness.</font><br><br>Documentary evidence consists of things that are written down.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The government says it has documentary evidence that the two countries were planning military action.</font><br>

Q: <b> doll <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dCl</font>]</b><br>

A: A doll is a child's toy which looks like a small person or baby.<br>

Q: <b> dolphin <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dClfin</font>]</b><br>

A: A dolphin is a mammal which lives in the sea and looks like a large fish with a pointed mouth.<br>

Q: <b> dome <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dEum</font>]</b><br>

A: A dome is a round roof.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the dome of St Paul's cathedral.</font><br><br>A dome is any object that has a similar shape to a dome.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the dome of the hill.</font><br>

Q: <b> donation <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dEu5neiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: A donation is something which someone gives to a charity or other organization.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Employees make regular donations to charity.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Charities appealed for donations of food and clothing for victims of the hurricane.</font><br>See also donate.<br><font color=red>= gift</font><br>

Q: <b> donor <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dEunE</font>]</b><br>

A: A donor is someone who gives a part of their body or some of their blood to be used by doctors to help a person who is ill.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Doctors removed the healthy kidney from the donor.</font><br><br>Donor organs or parts are organs or parts of the body which people allow doctors to use to help people who are ill.<br><br>A donor is a person or organization who gives something, especially money, to a charity, organization, or country that needs it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Donor countries are becoming more choosy about which countries they are prepared to help.</font><br>

Q: <b> doorway <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dC:wei</font>]</b><br>

A: A doorway is a space in a wall where a door opens and closes.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hannah looked up to see David and another man standing in the doorway.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We were escorted through a low doorway.</font><br><br>A doorway is a covered space just outside the door of a building.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...homeless people sleeping in shop doorways.</font><br>

Q: <b> dose <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dEus</font>]</b><br>

A: A dose of medicine or a drug is a measured amount of it which is intended to be taken at one time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One dose of penicillin can wipe out the infection.</font><br><br>You can refer to an amount of something as a dose of that thing, especially when you want to emphasize that there is a great deal of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was born with a healthy dose of self-confidence.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The West is getting a heavy dose of snow and rain today.</font><br><br>If you dose a person or animal with medicine, you give them an amount of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The doctor fixed the rib, dosed him heavily with drugs, and said he would probably get better.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I dosed myself with quinine.</font><br><br>Dose up means the same as dose.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I dosed him up with Valium.</font><br>

Q: <b> dot <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dCt</font>]</b><br>

A: A dot is a very small round mark, for example one that is used as the top part of the letter `i', as a full stop, or as a decimal point.<br><br>You can refer to something that you can see in the distance and that looks like a small round mark as a dot.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Soon they were only dots above the hard line of the horizon.</font><br><font color=red>= speck, spot</font><br><br>When things dot a place or an area, they are scattered or spread all over it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Small coastal towns dot the landscape.</font><br><br>If you arrive somewhere or do something on the dot, you arrive there or do it at exactly the time that you were supposed to.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They appeared on the dot of 9.50 pm as always.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At nine o' clock on the dot, they have breakfast.</font><br><font color=red>= punctually</font><br><br>If you say that someone dots the i's and crosses the t's, you mean that they pay great attention to every small detail in a task; often used to express your annoyance because such detailed work seems unnecessary and takes a very long time.<br><br>The year dot is used to mean a very long time ago. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You've wanted to be a barrister since the year dot.</font><br>

Q: <b> drawer <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5drC:E</font>]</b><br>

A: A drawer is part of a desk, chest, or other piece of furniture that is shaped like a box and is designed for putting things in. You pull it towards you to open it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He opened a drawer in his writing-table and brought out a sheet of notepaper.</font><br><br>Drawers are underpants, especially ones worn by women. (OLD-FASHIONED)<br>

Q: <b> drawing <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5drC:iN</font>]</b><br>

A: A drawing is a picture made with a pencil or pen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She did a drawing of me.</font><br>See also draw.<br>

Q: <b> drill <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dril</font>]</b><br>

A: A drill is a tool or machine that you use for making holes.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...pneumatic drills.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a dentist's drill.</font><br><br>When you drill into something or drill a hole in something, you make a hole in it using a drill.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He drilled into the wall of Lili's bedroom.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I drilled five holes at equal distance.</font><br><br>When people drill for oil or water, they search for it by drilling deep holes in the ground or in the bottom of the sea.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There have been proposals to drill for more oil.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The team is still drilling.</font><br><font color=red>* drilling </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Drilling is due to start early next year.</font><br><br>A drill is a way that teachers teach their students something by making them repeat it many times.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The teacher runs them through a drill -- the days of the week, the weather and some counting.</font><br><br>If you drill people, you teach them to do something by making them repeat it many times.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He drills the choir to a high standard.</font><br><font color=red>* drilling </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...stimulation rather than repetitive drilling.</font><br><br>A drill is repeated training for a group of people, especially soldiers, so that they can do something quickly and efficiently.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Marines carried out landing exercises in a drill that includes 18 ships and 90 aircraft.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His hands were clasped behind him like a drill sergeant.</font><br><br>A drill is a routine exercise or activity, in which people practise what they should do in dangerous situations.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a fire drill.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...air-raid drills.</font><br><br>Drill is thick cotton material which is used for making uniforms and trousers.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...cotton drill.</font><br><br>A drill is a long line in the earth, a few centimetres deep, which a farmer or gardener makes to plant seeds in.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sow the seeds in drills about 1/2in. deep and 12in. apart.</font><br>

Q: <b> drought <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">draut</font>]</b><br>

A: A drought is a long period of time during which no rain falls.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a country where drought and famines have killed up to two million people during the last eighteen years...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He told a press conference that Spain was suffering one of the worst droughts of the century.</font><br>

Q: <b> drummer <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5drQmE</font>]</b><br>

A: A drummer is a person who plays a drum or drums in a band or group.<br>

Q: <b> duck <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dQk</font>]</b><br>

A: A duck is a very common water bird with short legs, a short neck, and a large flat beak.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chickens and ducks scratch around the outbuildings.</font><br><br>Duck is the flesh of this bird when it is eaten as food.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...honey roasted duck.</font><br><br>A duck is a female duck. The male is called a drake.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I brought in one drake and three ducks.</font><br><br>If you duck, you move your head or the top half of your body quickly downwards to avoid something that might hit you, or to avoid being seen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He ducked in time to save his head from a blow from the poker.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He ducked his head to hide his admiration.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I wanted to duck down and slip past but they saw me.</font><br><br>If you duck something such as a blow, you avoid it by moving your head or body quickly downwards.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hans deftly ducked their blows.</font><br><font color=red>= dodge</font><br><br>If you duck into a place, you move there quickly, often in an attempt to avoid danger or to avoid being seen. (mainly INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Matt ducked into his office.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He ducked through the door and looked about frantically.</font><br><font color=red>= dart</font><br><br>You say that someone ducks a duty or responsibility when you disapprove of the fact that they avoid it. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Opposition reckons the Health Secretary has ducked all the difficult decisions.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had ducked the confrontation with United Nations inspectors last summer.</font><br><font color=red>= shirk</font><br><br>If someone ducks someone else, they force them or their head under water for a short time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She splashed around in the pool with Mark, rowdily trying to duck him.</font><br><br>Some people call other people duck or ducks as a sign of affection. (BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Oh, I am glad to see you, duck.</font><br><br>You say that criticism is like water off a duck's back or water off a duck's back to emphasize that it is not having any effect on the person being criticized.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All the criticism is water off a duck's back to me.</font><br><br>If you take to something like a duck to water, you discover that you are naturally good at it or that you find it very easy to do.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some mothers take to breastfeeding like a duck to water, while others find they need some help to get started.</font><br>

Q: <b> bubble up <br>BUBBLE UP </b><br>

A: A feeling that is bubbling up inside you is growing stronger and stronger.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She could feel the anger growing, bubbling up inside her.</font><br>

Q: <b> haven <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5heivn</font>]</b><br>

A: A haven is a place where people or animals feel safe, secure, and happy.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's a real haven at the end of a busy working day.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Lake Baringo, a freshwater haven for a mixed variety of birds.</font><br>See also safe haven.<br><font color=red>= refuge</font><br>

Q: <b> faint <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">feint</font>]</b><br>

A: A faint sound, colour, mark, feeling, or quality has very little strength or intensity.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He became aware of the soft, faint sounds of water dripping.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The room held the faint, sweet odour of pipe tobacco.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He could see faint lines in her face.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was still the faint hope deep within him that she might never need to know.</font><br><font color=red>* faintly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was already asleep in the bed, which smelled faintly of mildew.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She felt faintly ridiculous.</font><br><font color=red>= slightly</font><br><br>A faint attempt at something is one that is made without proper effort and with little enthusiasm.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Caroline made a faint attempt at a laugh.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A faint smile crossed the Monsignor's face and faded quickly.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ten years ago today the US Center for Disease Control published the first faint warnings of a worldwide epidemic.</font><br><font color=red>* faintly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;John smiled faintly and shook his head.</font><br><br>If you faint, you lose consciousness for a short time, especially because you are hungry, or because of pain, heat, or shock.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She suddenly fell forward on to the table and fainted.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;& </b></font><br>

Q: <b> fairy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fZEri</font>]</b><br>

A: A fairy is an imaginary creature with magical powers. Fairies are often represented as small people with wings.<br><br>If someone describes a man as a fairy, they mean that he is a homosexual and they disapprove of this. (OLD-FASHIONED, OFFENSIVE)<br>

Q: <b> fake <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">feik</font>]</b><br>

A: A fake fur or a fake painting, for example, is a fur or painting that has been made to look valuable or genuine, in order to deceive people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The bank manager is said to have issued fake certificates.</font><br><br>A fake is something that is fake.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is filled with famous works of art, and every one of them is a fake.</font><br><br>If someone fakes something, they try to make it look valuable or genuine, although in fact it is not.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's safer to fake a tan with make-up rather than subject your complexion to the harsh rays of the sun.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He faked his own death last year to collect on a $1 million insurance policy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...faked evidence.</font><br><br>Someone who is a fake is not what they claim to be, for example because they do not have the qualifications that they claim to have.<br><font color=red>= fraud</font><br><br>If you fake a feeling, emotion, or reaction, you pretend that you are experiencing it when you are not.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jon faked nonchalance.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Maturity and emotional sophistication can't be faked.</font><br>

Q: <b> fatal <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5feitl</font>]</b><br>

A: A fatal action has very undesirable effects.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It would clearly be fatal for Europe to quarrel seriously with America.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He made the fatal mistake of compromising early.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It would deal a fatal blow to his fading chances of success.</font><br><font color=red>* fatally </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Failure now could fatally damage his chances in the future.</font><br><br>A fatal accident or illness causes someone's death.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the fatal stabbing of a police sergeant...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A hospital spokesman said she had suffered a fatal heart attack.</font><br><font color=red>* fatally </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The dead soldier is reported to have been fatally wounded in the chest.</font><br>

Q: <b> fax <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fAks</font>]</b><br>

A: A fax or a fax machine is a piece of equipment used to copy documents by sending information electronically along a telephone line, and to receive copies that are sent in this way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a modern reception desk with telephone and fax...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These days, cartoonists send in their work by fax.</font><br><font color=red>= facsimile</font><br><br>If you fax a document to someone, you send it from one fax machine to another.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I faxed a copy of the agreement to each of the investors.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Did you fax him a reply?.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Pop it in the post, or get your secretary to fax it.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I faxed 10 hotels in the area to check room size.</font><br><br>You can refer to a copy of a document that is transmitted by a fax machine as a fax.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I sent him a long fax, saying I didn't need a maid.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a 2,000 word fax message.</font><br><font color=red>= facsimile</font><br>

Q: <b> feast <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fi:st</font>]</b><br>

A: A feast is a large and special meal.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lunch was a feast of meat and vegetables, cheese, yoghurt and fruit, with unlimited wine.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The fruit was often served at wedding feasts.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;On the following day a feast was given in King John's honour.</font><br><font color=red>= banquet</font><br><br>If you feast on a particular food, you eat a large amount of it with great enjoyment.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They feasted well into the afternoon on mutton and corn stew.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Starving dogs feasted on the human corpses.</font><br><br>If you feast, you take part in a feast.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Only a few feet away, their captors feasted in the castle's banqueting hall.</font><br><font color=red>* feasting </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The feasting, drinking, dancing and revelry continued for several days.</font><br><br>You can refer to a large number of good, interesting, or enjoyable things as a feast of things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This new series promises a feast of special effects and set designs.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chicago provides a feast for the ears of any music lover.</font><br><font color=red>= cornucopia</font><br><br>A feast is a day or time of the year when a special religious celebration takes place.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Jewish feast of Passover began last night.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp </b></font><br>

Q: <b> feminist <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5feminist</font>]</b><br>

A: A feminist is a person who believes in and supports feminism.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Only 16 per cent of young women in a 1990 survey considered themselves feminists.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a daunting feminist academic.</font><br><br>Feminist groups, ideas, and activities are involved in feminism.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the concerns addressed by the feminist movement.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the reconstruction of history from a feminist perspective.</font><br>

Q: <b> ferry <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5feri</font>]</b><br>

A: A ferry is a boat that transports passengers and sometimes also vehicles, usually across rivers or short stretches of sea.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They had recrossed the River Gambia by ferry.</font><br><br>If a vehicle ferries people or goods, it transports them, usually by means of regular journeys between the same two places.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Every day, a plane arrives to ferry guests to and from Bird Island Lodge.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was still dark when five coaches started to ferry the miners the 140 miles from the Silverhill colliery.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A helicopter ferried in more soldiers to help in the search.</font><br><font color=red>= transport</font><br>

Q: <b> fisherman <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fiFEmEn</font>]</b><br>

A: A fisherman is a person who catches fish as a job or for sport.<br>

Q: <b> fitting <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fitiN</font>]</b><br>

A: A fitting is one of the smaller parts on the outside of a piece of equipment or furniture, for example a handle or a tap.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...brass light fittings.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...industrial fittings for kitchen and bathroom...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has made fittings for antique cars.</font><br><br>Fittings are things such as ovens or heaters, that are fitted inside a building, but can be removed if necessary.<br><br>Something that is fitting is right or suitable.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A solitary man, it was perhaps fitting that he should have died alone.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The President's address was a fitting end to a bitter campaign.</font><br><font color=red>= appropriate, proper</font><br><font color=red>* fittingly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a fittingly eccentric figure.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the four-storeyed, and fittingly named, High House...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fittingly, she will spend her year off training her voice to sing blues and jazz.</font><br><font color=red>= appropriately</font><br><br>If someone has a fitting, they try on a piece of clothing that is being made for them to see if it fits.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She lunched and shopped and went for fittings for clothes she didn't need.</font><br>

Q: <b> flame <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fleim</font>]</b><br>

A: A flame is a hot bright stream of burning gas that comes from something that is burning.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The heat from the flames was so intense that roads melted.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a huge ball of flame.</font><br><br>If someone's face flames, it suddenly looks red, usually because they are angry. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her cheeks flamed an angry red.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Christopher's listening face flamed at the contempt.</font><br><br>You can refer to a feeling of passion or anger as a flame of passion or a flame of anger.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...that burning flame of love.</font><br><br>If something bursts into flames or bursts into flame, it suddenly starts burning strongly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She managed to scramble out of the vehicle as it burst into flames.</font><br><br>If someone or something fans the flames of a situation or feeling, usually a bad one, they make it more intense or extreme in some way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He accused the Tories of `fanning the flames of extremism'.</font><br><br>If something goes up in flames, it starts to burn strongly and is destroyed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fires broke out everywhere, the entire city went up in flames.</font><br><br>Something that is in flames is on fire.<br> </b></font><br>

Q: <b> flare <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">flZE</font>]</b><br>

A: A flare is a small device that produces a bright flame. Flares are used as signals, for example on ships.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a ship which had fired a distress flare.</font><br><br>If a fire flares, the flames suddenly become larger.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Camp fires flared like beacons in the dark.</font><br><br>Flare up means the same as flare.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Don't spill too much fat on the barbecue as it could flare up.</font><br><br>If something such as trouble, violence, or conflict flares, it starts or becomes more violent.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Even as the President appealed for calm, trouble flared in several American cities.</font><br><br>Flare up means the same as flare.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dozens of people were injured as fighting flared up.</font><br><br>If people's tempers flare, they get angry.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tempers flared and harsh words were exchanged.</font><br><br>If someone's nostrils flare or if they flare them, their nostrils become wider, often because the person is angry or upset.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I turned to Jacky, my nostrils flaring in disgust.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He stuck out his tongue and flared his nostrils.</font><br><br>If </b></font><br>

Q: <b> flock <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">flCk</font>]</b><br>

A: A flock of birds, sheep, or goats is a group of them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They kept a small flock of sheep.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They are gregarious birds and feed in flocks.</font><br><br>You can refer to a group of people or things as a flock of them to emphasize that there are a lot of them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These cases all attracted flocks of famous writers.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...his flock of advisers.</font><br><br>If people flock to a particular place or event, a very large number of them go there, usually because it is pleasant or interesting.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The public have flocked to the show.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The criticisms will not stop people flocking to see the film.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His greatest wish must be that huge crowds flock into the beautiful park.</font><br><br>A clergyman's flock is the group of Christians who come to his church or live in the area that he has responsibility for. (OLD-FASHIONED)<br><font color=red>= congregation</font><br>

Q: <b> fluid <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5flu(:)id</font>]</b><br>

A: A fluid is a liquid. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The blood vessels may leak fluid, which distorts vision.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Make sure that you drink plenty of fluids.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...fluid retention.</font><br><br>Fluid movements or lines or designs are smooth and graceful.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His painting became less illustrational and more fluid.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...long, fluid dresses.</font><br><font color=red>= flowing</font><br><font color=red>* fluidity </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She dances with an exquisite fluidity of movement.</font><br><br>A situation that is fluid is unstable and is likely to change often.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The situation is extremely fluid and it can be changing from day to day.</font><br><font color=red>= changeable</font><br><font color=red>* fluidity </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the complexity and fluidity of the crisis.</font><br>

Q: <b> follow-up <br>FOLLOW-UP </b><br>

A: A follow-up is something that is done to continue or add to something done previously.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They are recording a follow-up to their successful 1989 album.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One man was arrested during the raid and another during a follow-up operation.</font><br>

Q: <b> follower <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fClEuE</font>]</b><br>

A: A follower of a particular person, group, or belief is someone who supports or admires this person, group, or belief.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...followers of the Zulu Inkatha movement.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Democratic Party's most loyal followers.</font><br>See also camp follower.<br><font color=red>= supporter</font><br>

Q: <b> fork <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fC:k</font>]</b><br>

A: A fork is a tool used for eating food which has a row of three or four long metal points at the end.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...knives and forks.</font><br><br>If you fork food into your mouth or onto a plate, you put it there using a fork.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ann forked some fish into her mouth.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He forked an egg onto a piece of bread and folded it into a sandwich.</font><br><br>A garden fork is a tool used for breaking up soil which has a row of three or four long metal points at the end.<br><br>If you fork something such as manure or hay, you move it from one place to another using a large garden fork.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They started me off in the gardens as a handyman. Digging, forking manure, that kind of thing.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Farmers cut the hay, fork it on to a cart and then store it in barns.</font><br><br>A fork in a road, path, or river is a point at which it divides into two parts and forms a `Y' shape.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We arrived at a fork in the road.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The road divides; you should take the right fork.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the fork of the Delaware and Lehigh rivers.</font><br><br>If a road, path, or river forks, it forms a fork.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beyond the village the road forked.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The path dipped down to a sort of cove, and then it forked in two directions.</font><br><br>

Q: <b> fort <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fC:t</font>]</b><br>

A: A fort is a strong building or a place with a wall or fence around it where soldiers can stay and be safe from the enemy.<br><br>If you hold the fort for someone, or, in American English, if you hold down the fort, you look after things for them while they are somewhere else or are busy doing something else.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His business partner is holding the fort while he is away.</font><br>

Q: <b> forthcoming <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fC:W5kQmiN</font>]</b><br>

A: A forthcoming event is planned to happen soon.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...his opponents in the forthcoming elections.</font><br><br>If something that you want, need, or expect is forthcoming, it is given to you or it happens. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They promised that the money would be forthcoming.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We must first see some real evidence. So far it has not been forthcoming.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One source predicts no major shift in policy will be forthcoming at the committee hearings.</font><br><br>If you say that someone is forthcoming, you mean that they willingly give information when you ask them.<br>

Q: <b> fortnight <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fC:tnait</font>]</b><br>

A: A fortnight is a period of two weeks. (mainly BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I hope to be back in a fortnight.</font><br>

Q: <b> forum <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fC:rEm</font>]</b><br>

A: A forum is a place, situation, or group in which people exchange ideas and discuss issues, especially important public issues.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Members of the council agreed that it still had an important role as a forum for discussion.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The organisation would provide a forum where problems could be discussed.</font><br><br>In ancient Roman towns, the forum was a square where people met to discuss business and political matters.<br>

Q: <b> fossil <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fCsl</font>]</b><br>

A: A fossil is the hard remains of a prehistoric animal or plant that are found inside a rock.<br>

Q: <b> fountain <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fauntin</font>]</b><br>

A: A fountain is an ornamental feature in a pool or lake which consists of a long narrow stream of water that is forced up into the air by a pump.<br><br>A fountain of a liquid is an amount of it which is sent up into the air and falls back. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The volcano spewed a fountain of molten rock 650 feet in the air.</font><br><font color=red>= jet</font><br><br>If you describe a person or thing as a fountain of something, you mean they are an important source of it and supply a lot of it. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You are a fountain of ideas.</font><br>

Q: <b> fridge <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fridV</font>]</b><br>

A: A fridge is a large metal container which is kept cool, usually by electricity, so that food that is put in it stays fresh. (mainly BRIT; in AM use refrigerator)<br><font color=red>= refrigerator</font><br>

Q: <b> fox <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fC:ks</font>]</b><br>

A: A fox is a wild animal which looks like a dog and has reddish-brown fur, a pointed face and ears, and a thick tail. Foxes eat smaller animals.<br><br>If you are foxed by something, you cannot understand it or solve it. (mainly BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I admit I was foxed for some time.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Only once did we hit on a question which foxed one of these formidable experts.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They're a bit foxed by the colours of the riders' jerseys and hats.</font><br><br>If you describe someone as a fox, you mean they are very clever and deceitful.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Enrico was too good, an old fox, cunning.</font><br>

Q: <b> fraction <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5frAkFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: A fraction is a tiny amount or proportion of something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She hesitated for a fraction of a second before responding.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Here's how to eat like the stars, at a fraction of the cost.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I opened my eyes just a fraction.</font><br><br>A fraction is a number that can be expressed as a proportion of two whole numbers. For example, *1/2 and *1/3 are both fractions.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The students had a grasp of decimals, percentages and fractions.</font><br>

Q: <b> fracture <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5frAktFE</font>]</b><br>

A: A fracture is a slight crack or break in something, especially a bone.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At least one-third of all women over ninety have sustained a hip fracture.</font><br><br>If something such as a bone is fractured or fractures, it gets a slight crack or break in it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You've fractured a rib, maybe more than one.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One strut had fractured and been crudely repaired in several places.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He suffered a fractured skull.</font><br><br>If something such as an organization or society is fractured or fractures, it splits into several parts or stops existing. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His policy risks fracturing the coalition.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It might be a society that could fracture along class lines.</font><br><font color=red>* fractured </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; a world of fractured cultures and global interdependence.</font><br>

Q: <b> fragment <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5frAgmEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: A fragment of something is a small piece or part of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The only reminder of the shooting is a few fragments of metal in my shoulder.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She read everything, digesting every fragment of news.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; fragments.</font><br><font color=red>= piece</font><br><br>If something fragments or is fragmented, it breaks or separates into small pieces or parts.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The clouds fragmented and out came the sun.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fierce rivalries have traditionally fragmented the region.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;By the first century BC, Buddhism was in danger of fragmenting into small sects.</font><br><font color=red>* fragmentation </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the extraordinary fragmentation of styles on the music scene.</font><br><font color=red>* fragmented </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Europe had become infinitely more unstable and fragmented.</font><br><font color=red>= divided</font><br>

Q: <b> framework <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5freimwE:k</font>]</b><br>

A: A framework is a particular set of rules, ideas, or beliefs which you use in order to deal with problems or to decide what to do.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;... within the framework of federal regulations.</font><br><br>A framework is a structure that forms a support or frame for something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...wooden shelves on a steel framework.</font><br>

Q: <b> franchise <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5frAntFaiz</font>]</b><br>

A: A franchise is an authority that is given by an organization to someone, allowing them to sell its goods or services or to take part in an activity which the organization controls.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; franchises.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the franchise to build and operate the tunnel...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Talk to other franchise holders and ask them what they think of the parent company.</font><br><br>If a company franchises its business, it sells franchises to other companies, allowing them to sell its goods or services.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She has recently franchised her business.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Though the service is available only in California, its founder Michael Cane says he plans to franchise it in other states.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It takes hundreds of thousands of dollars to get into the franchised pizza business.</font><br><font color=red>* franchising </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One of the most important aspects of franchising is the reduced risk of business failure it offers to franchisees.</font><br><br>Franchise is the right to vote in an election, especially one in which people elect a parliament.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the introduction of universal franchise...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The 1867 Reform Act extended the franchise to much of the male working class.</font><br>

Q: <b> freak <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fri:k</font>]</b><br>

A: A freak event or action is one that is a very unusual or extreme example of its type.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Weir broke his leg in a freak accident playing golf.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The ferry was hit by a freak wave off the North Wales coast.</font><br><font color=red>= bizarre, chance</font><br><br>If you describe someone as a particular kind of freak, you are emphasizing that they are very enthusiastic about a thing or activity, and often seem to think about nothing else. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Oat bran became the darling of health freaks last year.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; freaks.</font><br>See also control freak.<br><font color=red>= fanatic</font><br><br>People are sometimes referred to as freaks when their behaviour or attitude is very different from that of the majority of people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;However, outside of these institutions the black thinking woman is looked upon as a freak.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Not so long ago, transsexuals were regarded as freaks.</font><br><br>If you refer to someone as a freak, you mean that they are physically abnormal in some way. This use could cause offence.<br><br>If someone freaks, or if something freaks them, they suddenly feel extremely surprised, upset, angry, or confused. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I saw five cop cars pull into the driveway. And I literally freaked.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I think they got freaked by women laughing at them.</font><br><br>Freak out means the same as freak.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I remember the first time I went onstage. I freaked out completely.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I think our music freaks people out sometimes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It sort of frightens me. I guess I am kind of freaked out by it.</font><br>

Q: <b> fringe <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">frindV</font>]</b><br>

A: A fringe is hair which is cut so that it hangs over your forehead. (BRIT; in AM use bangs)<br><br>A fringe is a decoration attached to clothes, or other objects such as curtains, consisting of a row of hanging strips or threads.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The jacket had leather fringes.</font><br><br>To be on the fringe or the fringes of a place means to be on the outside edge of it, or to be in one of the parts that are farthest from its centre.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; townships located on the fringes of the city...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They lived together in a mixed household on the fringe of a campus.</font><br><br>The fringe or the fringes of an activity or organization are its less important, least typical, or most extreme parts, rather than its main and central part.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The party remained on the fringe of the political scene until last year.</font><br><br>Fringe groups or events are less important or popular than other related groups or events.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The monarchists are a small fringe group who quarrel fiercely among themselves.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the numerous fringe meetings held during the party conference.</font><br>

Q: <b> front-page <br>FRONT-PAGE </b><br>

A: A front-page article or picture appears on the front page of a newspaper because it is very important or interesting.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a front-page article in last week's paper.</font><br>

Q: <b> frontier <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5frQntjE</font>]</b><br>

A: A frontier is a border between two countries. (BRIT; in AM usually use border)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It wasn't difficult then to cross the frontier.</font><br><br>When you are talking about the western part of America before the twentieth century, you use frontier to refer to the area beyond the part settled by Europeans.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a far-flung outpost on the frontier.</font><br><br>The frontiers of something, especially knowledge, are the limits to which it extends.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...pushing back the frontiers of science.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...technological frontiers.</font><br>

Q: <b> funeral <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fju:nErEl</font>]</b><br>

A: A funeral is the ceremony that is held when the body of someone who has died is buried or cremated.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His funeral will be on Thursday at Blackburn Cathedral.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was given a state funeral.</font><br><br>If someone says to you `It's your funeral', they think your decision or your actions will have bad consequences for you, but they are unwilling to interfere. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;None of my business, I guess. It's your funeral.</font><br>

Q: <b> gamble <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5gAmbl</font>]</b><br>

A: A gamble is a risky action or decision that you take in the hope of gaining money, success, or an advantage over other people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yesterday, he named his cabinet and took a big gamble in the process.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the French president's risky gamble in calling a referendum.</font><br><font color=red>= risk</font><br><br>If you gamble on something, you take a risky action or decision in the hope of gaining money, success, or an advantage over other people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Few firms will be willing to gamble on new products.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They are not prepared to gamble their careers on this matter.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Who wants to gamble with the life of a friend?.</font><br><br>If you gamble an amount of money, you bet it in a game such as cards or on the result of a race or competition. People who gamble usually do it frequently.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Most people visit Las Vegas to gamble their hard-earned money.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;John gambled heavily on the horses.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Britain is the only country in Europe that allows minors to gamble.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He gambled away his family estates on a single throw of the dice.</font><br><font color=red>= bet</font><br>

Q: <b> garage <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5gArB:(d)V</font>]</b><br>

A: A garage is a building in which you keep a car. A garage is often built next to or as part of a house.<br><br>A garage is a place where you can get your car repaired. In Britain, you can also buy fuel for your car, or buy cars.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nancy took her car to a local garage for a check-up.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nelson Garage has the used car you're after.</font><br>

Q: <b> gardener <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5gB:dnE(r)</font>]</b><br>

A: A gardener is a person who is paid to work in someone else's garden.<br><br>A gardener is someone who enjoys working in their own garden growing flowers or vegetables.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The majority of sweet peas are still bred by enthusiastic amateur gardeners.</font><br>

Q: <b> garment <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5gB:mEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: A garment is a piece of clothing; used especially in contexts where you are talking about the manufacture or sale of clothes.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many of the garments have the customers' name tags sewn into the linings.</font><br>

Q: <b> gasp <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">gB:sp</font>]</b><br>

A: A gasp is a short quick breath of air that you take in through your mouth, especially when you are surprised, shocked, or in pain.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;An audible gasp went round the court as the jury announced the verdict.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She gave a small gasp of pain.</font><br><br>When you gasp, you take a short quick breath through your mouth, especially when you are surprised, shocked, or in pain.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She gasped for air and drew in a lungful of water.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I heard myself gasp and cry out.</font><br><br>You describe something as the last gasp to emphasize that it is the final part of something or happens at the last possible moment.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the last gasp of a dying system of censorship.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He snatched a last gasp winner.</font><br>

Q: <b> hen <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">hen</font>]</b><br>

A: A hen is a female chicken. People often keep hens in order to eat or sell their eggs.<br><br>The female of any bird can be referred to as a hen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...ostrich hens.</font><br>

Q: <b> gathering <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5gATEriN</font>]</b><br>

A: A gathering is a group of people meeting together for a particular purpose.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the twenty-second annual gathering of the South Pacific Forum.</font><br><br>If there is gathering darkness, the light is gradually decreasing, usually because it is nearly night.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The lighthouse beam was quite distinct in the gathering dusk.</font><br>See also gather.<br>

Q: <b> generator <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dVenEreitE</font>]</b><br>

A: A generator is a machine which produces electricity.<br><br>A generator of something is a person, organization, product, or situation which produces it or causes it to happen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The US economy is still an impressive generator of new jobs.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The company has been a very good cash generator.</font><br>

Q: <b> genre <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">VB:Nr</font>]</b><br>

A: A genre is a particular type of literature, painting, music, film, or other art form which people consider as a class because it has special characteristics. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...his love of films and novels in the horror genre.</font><br>

Q: <b> ghost <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">gEust</font>]</b><br>

A: A ghost is the spirit of a dead person that someone believes they can see or feel.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the ghost of Marie Antoinette...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The village is haunted by the ghosts of the dead children.</font><br><br>The ghost of something, especially of something bad that has happened, is the memory of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The President is using the two visits to lay the ghosts of the Munich Agreement.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the ghost of anti-Americanism.</font><br><br>If there is a ghost of something, that thing is so faint or weak that it hardly exists.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He gave the ghost of a smile.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The sun was warm and there was just a ghost of a breeze from the north-west.</font><br><br>If a book or other piece of writing is ghosted, it is written by a writer for another person, for example a politician or sportsman, who then publishes it as his or her own work.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I published his autobiography, which was very competently ghosted by a woman journalist from the Daily Mail.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I ghosted his weekly rugby column for the Telegraph.</font><br><font color=red>= ghost-write</font><br><br>If someone does not stand or does not have a ghost of a chance of doing something, they have very little chance of succeeding in it. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He doesn't stand a ghost of a chance of selling the house.</font><br><br>If someone gives up the ghost, they stop trying to do something because they no longer believe they can do it successfully. If a machine gives up the ghost, it stops working. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some firms give up the ghost before they find what they are looking for.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The battery in my car gave up the ghost.</font><br><font color=red>= give up</font><br>

Q: <b> gig <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">gig</font>]</b><br>

A: A gig is a live performance by someone such as a musician or a comedian. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The two bands join forces for a gig at the Sheffield Arena on November 28.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He supplemented his income with occasional comedy gigs.</font><br><font color=red>= show</font><br><br>When musicians or other performers gig, they perform live in public. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;By the time he was 15, Scott had gigged with a handful of well-known small bands.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...ten years of gigging in bars and clubs all over Kentucky.</font><br><font color=red>= perform</font><br>

Q: <b> gilt <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">gilt</font>]</b><br>

A: A gilt object is covered with a thin layer of gold or gold paint.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...marble columns and gilt spires.</font><br><br>Gilts are gilt-edged stocks or securities. (BRIT)<br>

Q: <b> gland <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">glAnd</font>]</b><br>

A: A gland is an organ in the body which produces chemical substances for the body to use or get rid of.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the hormones secreted by our endocrine glands.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...sweat glands.</font><br>

Q: <b> glow <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">glEu</font>]</b><br>

A: A glow is a dull, steady light, for example the light produced by a fire when there are no flames.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The cigarette's red glow danced about in the darkness.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The rising sun casts a golden glow over the fields.</font><br><br>A glow is a pink colour on a person's face, usually because they are healthy or have been exercising.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The moisturiser gave my face a healthy glow that lasted all day.</font><br><br>If you feel a glow of satisfaction or achievement, you have a strong feeling of pleasure because of something that you have done or that has happened.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Exercise will give you a glow of satisfaction at having achieved something.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As he looked around he felt a glow of pride in Katrina as he realized what she had accomplished.</font><br><br>If something glows, it produces a dull, steady light.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The night lantern glowed softly in the darkness.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Even the mantel above the fire glowed white.</font><br><br>If a place glows with a colour or a quality, it is bright, attractive, and colourful.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Used together these colours will make your interiors glow with warmth and vitality.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...carved wood bathed in glowing colors and gold leaf.</font><br><br>If something glows, it looks bright because it is reflecting light.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The instruments glowed in the bright orange </b></font><br>

Q: <b> goalkeeper <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5gEulki:pE(r)</font>]</b><br>

A: A goalkeeper is the player in a sports team whose job is to guard the goal.<br><font color=red>= goalie</font><br>

Q: <b> goat <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">gEut</font>]</b><br>

A: A goat is a farm animal or a wild animal that is about the size of a sheep. Goats have horns, and hairs on their chin which resemble a beard.<br>

Q: <b> golfer <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5gClfE(r),5gCf-</font>]</b><br>

A: A golfer is a person who plays golf for pleasure or as a profession.<br>

Q: <b> gym <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dVim</font>]</b><br>

A: A gym is a club, building, or large room, usually containing special equipment, where people go to do physical exercise and get fit.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;While the lads are golfing, I work out in the gym.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the school gym.</font><br><br>Gym is the activity of doing physical exercises in a gym, especially at school. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...gym classes.</font><br>

Q: <b> goose <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">gu:s</font>]</b><br>

A: A goose is a large bird that has a long neck and webbed feet. Geese are often farmed for their meat.<br><br>Goose is the meat from a goose that has been cooked.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...roast goose.</font><br><br>If you cook someone's goose, you prevent their plans from succeeding.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He said that what they were up to would cook Krasky's goose.</font><br><br>If someone kills the goose that lays the golden egg, they harm or destroy the person or thing that gives them their money, power, or advantage.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Unregulated tourism can kill the goose that laid their golden egg.</font><br><br>If you say what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, you mean what is acceptable for one person in a particular situation should be acceptable for another person in a similar situation.<br>

Q: <b> gown <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">gaun</font>]</b><br>

A: A gown is a dress, usually a long dress, which women wear on formal occasions.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The new ball gown was a great success.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; gowns.</font><br><br>A gown is a loose black garment worn on formal occasions by people such as lawyers and academics.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; old headmaster in a flowing black gown.</font><br>

Q: <b> gradual <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5grAdjuEl</font>]</b><br>

A: A gradual change or process occurs in small stages over a long period of time, rather than suddenly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Losing weight is a slow, gradual process.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You can expect her progress at school to be gradual rather than brilliant.</font><br>

Q: <b> grate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">greit</font>]</b><br>

A: A grate is a framework of metal bars in a fireplace, which holds the coal or wood.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A wood fire burned in the grate.</font><br><br>If you grate food such as cheese or carrots, you rub it over a metal tool called a grater so that the food is cut into very small pieces.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Grate the cheese into a mixing bowl.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...grated carrot.</font><br><br>When something grates, it rubs against something else making a harsh, unpleasant sound.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His chair grated as he got to his feet.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The gun barrel grated against the floor.</font><br><br>If something such as someone's behaviour grates on you or grates, it makes you feel annoyed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His manner always grated on me.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What truly grates is the painful banter.</font><br>

Q: <b> greenhouse <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5gri:nhaus</font>]</b><br>

A: A greenhouse is a glass building in which you grow plants that need to be protected from bad weather.<br><br>Greenhouse means relating to or causing the greenhouse effect.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the consequences of the buildup of greenhouse gases.</font><br>

Q: <b> grill <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">gril</font>]</b><br>

A: A grill is a part of a stove which produces strong heat to cook food that has been placed underneath it. (BRIT; in AM use broiler)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Place the omelette under a gentle grill until the top is set.</font><br><br>A grill is a flat frame of metal bars on which food can be cooked over a fire.<br><br>When you grill food, or when it grills, you cook it using very strong heat directly above or below it. (BRIT; in AM use broil)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Grill the meat for 20 minutes each side.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Apart from peppers and aubergines, many other vegetables grill well.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...grilled chicken.</font><br><font color=red>* grilling </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The breast can be cut into portions for grilling.</font><br><br>If you grill someone about something, you ask them a lot of questions for a long period of time. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Grill your travel agent about the facilities for families with children.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The police grilled him for hours.</font><br><font color=red>= interrogate</font><br><font color=red>* grilling grillings </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They gave him a grilling about the implications of a united Europe.</font><br><br>A grill is a restaurant that serves grilled food.<br>

Q: <b> groove <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">gru:v</font>]</b><br>

A: A groove is a deep line cut into a surface.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Prior to assembly, grooves were made in the shelf, base and sides to accommodate the back panel.</font><br><br>In popular music, a groove is a rhythm. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Latin and African grooves.</font><br>

Q: <b> grove <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">grEuv</font>]</b><br>

A: A grove is a group of trees that are close together.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; fields and groves of trees.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; olive grove.</font><br><br>Grove is often used as part of the name of a street. (mainly BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...47 Canada Grove, Bognor Regis.</font><br>

Q: <b> grower <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5grEuE(r)</font>]</b><br>

A: A grower is a person who grows large quantities of a particular plant or crop in order to sell them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;England's apple growers are fighting an uphill battle against foreign competition.</font><br>

Q: <b> guardian <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5gB:djEn</font>]</b><br>

A: A guardian is someone who has been legally appointed to look after the affairs of another person, for example a child or someone who is mentally ill.<br><br>The guardian of something is someone who defends and protects it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The National Party is lifting its profile as socially conservative guardian of traditional values.</font><br>

Q: <b> guild <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">gild</font>]</b><br>

A: A guild is an organization of people who do the same job.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Writers' Guild of America.</font><br>

Q: <b> gunman <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5gQnmEn</font>]</b><br>

A: A gunman is a man who uses a gun to commit a crime such as murder or robbery.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Two policemen were killed when gunmen opened fire on their patrol vehicle.</font><br>

Q: <b> hammer <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hAmE</font>]</b><br>

A: A hammer is a tool that consists of a heavy piece of metal at the end of a handle. It is used, for example, to hit nails into a piece of wood or a wall, or to break things into pieces.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He used a hammer and chisel to chip away at the wall.</font><br><br>If you hammer an object such as a nail, you hit it with a hammer.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;To avoid damaging the tree, hammer a wooden peg into the hole.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Builders were still hammering outside the window.</font><br><br>Hammer in means the same as hammer.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The workers kneel on the ground and hammer the small stones in.</font><br><font color=red>* hammering </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The noise of hammering was dulled by the secondary glazing.</font><br><br>If you hammer on a surface, you hit it several times in order to make a noise, or to emphasize something you are saying when you are angry.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We had to hammer and shout before they would open up.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A crowd of reporters was hammering on the door.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He hammered his two clenched fists on the table.</font><br><font color=red>= pound</font><br><font color=red>* hammering </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As he said it, there was a hammering outside.</font><br><br>If you hammer something such as an idea into people or you hammer at it, you keep repeating it forcefully so that it will have a </b></font><br>

Q: <b> handful <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hAndful</font>]</b><br>

A: A handful of people or things is a small number of them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He surveyed the handful of customers at the bar.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One spring morning a handful of potential investors assembled in Quincy.</font><br><br>A handful of something is the amount of it that you can hold in your hand.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She scooped up a handful of sand and let it trickle through her fingers.</font><br><br>If you say that someone, especially a child, is a handful, you mean that they are difficult to control. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zara can be a handful sometimes.</font><br>

Q: <b> handicap <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hAndikAp</font>]</b><br>

A: A handicap is a physical or mental disability.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He lost his leg when he was ten, but learnt to overcome his handicap.</font><br><br>A handicap is an event or situation that places you at a disadvantage and makes it harder for you to do something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was away from school for 15 weeks, a handicap she could have done without.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Being a foreigner was not a handicap.</font><br><br>If an event or a situation handicaps someone or something, it places them at a disadvantage.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Greater levels of stress may seriously handicap some students.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The industrial injuries scheme takes into account the actual disability and whether it handicaps a person in working.</font><br><br>In golf, a handicap is an advantage given to someone who is not a good player, in order to make the players more equal. As you improve, your handicap gets lower.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I see your handicap is down from 16 to 12.</font><br><br>In horse racing, a handicap is a race in which some competitors are given a disadvantage of extra weight in an attempt to give everyone an equal chance of winning.<br>

Q: <b> handsome <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hAnsEm</font>]</b><br>

A: A handsome man has an attractive face with regular features.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a tall, dark, handsome sheep farmer.</font><br><font color=red>= good-looking</font><br><br>A handsome woman has an attractive appearance with features that are large and regular rather than small and delicate and that are considered to show strength of character.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; extremely handsome woman with a beautiful voice.</font><br><br>A handsome sum of money is a large or generous amount. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They will make a handsome profit on the property.</font><br><font color=red>* handsomely </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was rewarded handsomely for his efforts.</font><br><br>A place such as a building or garden that is handsome is large and well made with an attractive appearance.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the ports of Dubrovnik and Zadar, with their handsome Renaissance buildings.</font><br><font color=red>* handsomely </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The drawing-room is handsomely proportioned.</font><br><br>If someone has a handsome win or a handsome victory, they get many more points or votes than their opponent.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The opposition won a handsome victory in the election.</font><br><font color=red>* handsomely </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The car ran perfectly to the finish, and we won handsomely.</font><br>

Q: <b> hasty <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5heisti</font>]</b><br>

A: A hasty movement, action, or statement is sudden, and often done in reaction to something that has just happened.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One company is giving its employees airplane tickets in the event they need to make a hasty escape.</font><br><font color=red>= swift, quick</font><br><font color=red>* hastily </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`It may be satisfying, but it's not fun.' `No, I'm sure it's not,' said Virginia hastily. `I didn't mean that.'</font><br><font color=red>= swiftly</font><br><br>A hasty event or action is one that is completed more quickly than normal.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;After the hasty meal, the men had moved forward to take up their positions.</font><br><font color=red>= quick, hurried</font><br><font color=red>* hastily </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He said good night hastily, promising that he would phone Hans in the morning.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The survivors were recovering in hastily erected tents.</font><br><font color=red>= hurriedly</font><br><br>If you describe a person or their behaviour as hasty, you mean that they are acting too quickly, without thinking carefully, for example because they are angry.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;So let's not be hasty. After all, he can't run away.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A number of the United States' allies had urged him not to take a hasty decision.</font><br><font color=red>= rash</font><br><font color=red>* hastily </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I decided that nothing should be done hastily, that things had to be sorted out carefully.</font><br>

Q: <b> herb <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">hE:b</font>]</b><br>

A: A herb is a plant whose leaves are used in cooking to add flavour to food, or as a medicine.<br>

Q: <b> hawk <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">hC:k</font>]</b><br>

A: A hawk is a large bird with a short, hooked beak, sharp claws, and very good eyesight. Hawks catch and eat small birds and animals.<br><br>If you refer to someone as a hawk, you mean that they believe in using force and violence to achieve something, rather than using more peaceful or diplomatic methods. Compare dove.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Both hawks and doves have expanded their conditions for ending the war.</font><br><font color=red><> dove</font><br><br>If someone hawks goods, they sell them by walking through the streets or knocking at people's houses, and asking people to buy them. (OLD-FASHIONED)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...vendors hawking trinkets.</font><br><font color=red>= peddle</font><br><br>You can say that someone is hawking something if you do not like the forceful way in which they are asking people to buy it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Developers will be hawking cut-price flats and houses.</font><br><br>Hawk around means the same as hawk. (BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is hawking around a 15-minute, {Pound}5,000 promotional video.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Most of the women were hawking food around the various prisons.</font><br><br>If someone hawks, they noisily clear mucus from their throat and spit it out. (OLD-FASHIONED)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He hawked and spat.</font><br><br>If you watch someone like a hawk, you observe them very carefully, usually to make sure that they do not make a mistake or do something you do not want them to do.<br>

Q: <b> hazard <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hAzEd</font>]</b><br>

A: A hazard is something which could be dangerous to you, your health or safety, or your plans or reputation.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A new report suggests that chewing-gum may be a health hazard.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Oil leaking from a barge in the Mississippi River poses a hazard to the drinking water of New Orleans.</font><br><br>If you hazard someone or something, you put them into a situation which might be dangerous for them. (mainly WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He could not believe that, had the Englishman known how much he was at risk, he would have hazarded his grandson.</font><br><font color=red>= endanger</font><br><br>If you hazard or if you hazard a guess, you make a suggestion about something which is only a guess and which you know might be wrong.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I would hazard a guess that they'll do fairly well in the next election.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Fifteen or sixteen?' Mrs Dearden hazarded.</font><br>

Q: <b> heap <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">hi:p</font>]</b><br>

A: A heap of things is a pile of them, especially a pile arranged in a rather untidy way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a heap of bricks.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a compost heap...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has dug up the tiles that cover the floor and left them in a heap.</font><br><font color=red>= mound</font><br><br>If you heap things in a pile, you arrange them in a large pile.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mrs. Madrigal heaped more carrots onto Michael's plate.</font><br><br>Heap up means the same as heap.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Off to one side, the militia was heaping up wood for a bonfire.</font><br><br>If you heap praise or criticism on someone or something, you give them a lot of praise or criticism.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The head of the navy heaped scorn on both the methods and motives of the conspirators.</font><br><br>Heaps of something or a heap of something is a large quantity of it. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You have heaps of time.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a job that might suit someone with heaps of experience...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I got in a heap of trouble.</font><br><font color=red>= loads</font><br><br>Someone who is at the bottom of the heap or at the top of the heap is low down or high up in society or an organization.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...those at the top of the social heap...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ordinary workers in state industry, once favoured, suddenly found themselves at the bottom of the heap. </b></font><br>

Q: <b> heated <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hi:tid</font>]</b><br>

A: A heated discussion or quarrel is one where the people involved are angry and excited.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was a very heated argument and they were shouting at each other.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Our discussions were rather heated.</font><br><font color=red><> calm</font><br><br>If someone gets heated about something, they get angry and excited about it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You will understand that people get a bit heated about issues such as these.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The baron became increasingly heated over the hypocrisy of it all.</font><br><font color=red>= worked up</font><br><font color=red>* heatedly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The crowd continued to argue heatedly about the best way to tackle the problem.</font><br>

Q: <b> hedge <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">hedV</font>]</b><br>

A: A hedge is a row of bushes or small trees, usually along the edge of a garden, field, or road.<br><br>If you hedge against something unpleasant or unwanted that might affect you, especially losing money, you do something which will protect you from it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You can hedge against redundancy or illness with insurance.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Today's clever financial instruments make it possible for firms to hedge their risks.</font><br><br>Something that is a hedge against something unpleasant will protect you from its effects.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Gold is traditionally a hedge against inflation.</font><br><br>If you hedge, you avoid answering a question or committing yourself to a particular action or decision.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They hedged in answering various questions about the operation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`I can't give you an answer now,' he hedged.</font><br><br>If you hedge your bets, you reduce the risk of losing a lot by supporting more than one person or thing in a situation where they are opposed to each other.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hawker Siddeley tried to hedge its bets by diversifying into other fields.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Forecasters are hedging their bets about the outcome of this Saturday's Louisiana governor's race.</font><br>

Q: <b> helmet <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5helmit</font>]</b><br>

A: A helmet is a hat made of a strong material which you wear to protect your head.<br>See also crash helmet.<br>

Q: <b> heterosexual <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7hetErEu5seksjuEl</font>]</b><br>

A: A heterosexual relationship is a sexual relationship between a man and a woman.<br><br>Someone who is heterosexual is sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex.<br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In Denmark the age of consent is fifteen for both heterosexuals and homosexuals.</font><br><font color=red>* heterosexuality </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a challenge to the assumption that heterosexuality was `normal'.</font><br>

Q: <b> hierarchy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5haiErB:ki</font>]</b><br>

A: A hierarchy is a system of organizing people into different ranks or levels of importance, for example in society or in a company.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Like most other American companies with a rigid hierarchy, workers and managers had strictly defined duties.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She rose up the Tory hierarchy by the local government route.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Even in the desert there was a kind of social hierarchy.</font><br><br>The hierarchy of an organization such as the Church is the group of people who manage and control it.<br><br>A hierarchy of ideas and beliefs involves organizing them into a system or structure. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the notion of `cultural imperialism', implies a hierarchy of cultures, some of which are stronger than others.</font><br>

Q: <b> hike <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">haik</font>]</b><br>

A: A hike is a long walk in the country, especially one that you go on for pleasure.<br><font color=red>= walk</font><br><br>If you hike, you go for a long walk in the country.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You could hike through the Fish River Canyon -- it's entirely up to you.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We plan to hike the Samaria Gorge.</font><br><font color=red>= walk</font><br><font color=red>* hiking </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...some harder, more strenuous hiking on cliff pathways.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...heavy hiking boots.</font><br><br>A hike is a sudden or large increase in prices, rates, taxes, or quantities. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a sudden 1.75 per cent hike in Italian interest rates...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His economic plan, with its tax hikes and spending cuts, will slow the economy.</font><br><font color=red>= rise</font><br><br>To hike prices, rates, taxes, or quantities means to increase them suddenly or by a large amount. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It has now been forced to hike its rates by 5.25 per cent.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;TSB's monthly credit card rate is now hiked from 1.95% to 2.05%.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The federal government hiked the tax on hard liquor.</font><br><font color=red>= raise</font><br><br>Hike up means the same as hike.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The insurers have started hiking up premiums by huge amounts.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Big banks were hiking their rates up.</font><br>

Q: <b> hobby <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hCbi</font>]</b><br>

A: A hobby is an activity that you enjoy doing in your spare time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My hobbies are letter writing, football, music, photography, and tennis.</font><br><font color=red>= pastime</font><br>

Q: <b> hostel <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hCstEl</font>]</b><br>

A: A hostel is a large house where people can stay cheaply for a short period of time. Hostels are usually owned by local government authorities or charities. (mainly BRIT)<br>See also youth hostel.<br>

Q: <b> hound <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">haund</font>]</b><br>

A: A hound is a type of dog that is often used for hunting or racing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Rainey's chief interest in life is hunting with hounds.</font><br><br>If someone hounds you, they constantly disturb or speak to you in an annoying or upsetting way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Newcomers are constantly hounding them for advice.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;From the start of the season, the Arsenal striker has been hounded by the press.</font><br><br>If someone is hounded out of a job or place, they are forced to leave it, often because other people are constantly criticizing them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is a general view around that he has been hounded out of office by the press.</font><br>

Q: <b> human being <br>HUMAN BEING </b><br>

A: A human being is a man, woman, or child.<br>

Q: <b> humble <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hQmbl</font>]</b><br>

A: A humble person is not proud and does not believe that they are better than other people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He gave a great performance, but he was very humble.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Andy was a humble, courteous and gentle man.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a humble apology.</font><br><font color=red>= unassuming <> proud</font><br><font color=red>* humbly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`I'm a lucky man, undeservedly lucky,' he said humbly.</font><br><br>People with low social status are sometimes described as humble.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Spyros Latsis started his career as a humble fisherman in the Aegean.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He came from a fairly humble, poor background.</font><br><font color=red>= lowly</font><br><br>A humble place or thing is ordinary and not special in any way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There are restaurants, both humble and expensive, that specialize in them.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Varndell made his own reflector for these shots from a strip of humble kitchen foil.</font><br><br>People use the word humble in a phrase such as in my humble opinion as a polite way of emphasizing what they think, even though they do not feel humble about it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is, in my humble opinion, perhaps the best steak restaurant in Great Britain.</font><br><font color=red>= modest</font><br><font color=red>* humbly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;So may I humbly suggest we all do something next time.</font><br><br>If you eat humble pie, you speak or behave in a way which tells people that you admit you were wrong about something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Anson was forced to eat humble pie and publicly apologise to her.</font><br><br>

Q: <b> hurdle <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hE:dl</font>]</b><br>

A: A hurdle is a problem, difficulty, or part of a process that may prevent you from achieving something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Two-thirds of candidates fail at this first hurdle and are packed off home.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The weather will be the biggest hurdle so I have to be ready.</font><br><font color=red>= obstacle</font><br><br>Hurdles is a race in which people have to jump over a number of obstacles, that are also called hurdles. You can use hurdles to refer to one or more races.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Davis won the 400m. hurdles in a new Olympic time of 49.3 sec.</font><br><br>If you hurdle, you jump over something while you are running.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He crossed the lawn and hurdled the short fence.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She learnt to hurdle by leaping over bales of hay on her family's farm.</font><br>

Q: <b> hurricane <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hQrikEn, -kin</font>]</b><br>

A: A hurricane is an extremely violent wind or storm.<br>

Q: <b> hut <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">hQt</font>]</b><br>

A: A hut is a small house with only one or two rooms, especially one which is made of wood, mud, grass, or stones.<br><br>A hut is a small wooden building in someone's garden, or a temporary building used by builders or repair workers.<br><font color=red>= shed</font><br>

Q: <b> hybrid <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5haibrid</font>]</b><br>

A: A hybrid is an animal or plant that has been bred from two different species of animal or plant. (TECHNICAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All these brightly coloured hybrids are so lovely in the garden.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a hybrid between watermint and spearmint.</font><br><br>Also an adjective.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the hybrid maize seed.</font><br><br>You can use hybrid to refer to anything that is a mixture of other things, especially two other things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a hybrid of solid and liquid fuel.</font><br><br>Also an adjective.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a hybrid system.</font><br>

Q: <b> jack <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dVAk</font>]</b><br>

A: A jack is a device for lifting a heavy object off the ground, for example a car.<br><br>A jack is a playing card whose value is between a ten and a queen. A jack is usually represented by a picture of a young man.<br><font color=red>= knave</font><br>

Q: <b> jar <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dVB:</font>]</b><br>

A: A jar is a glass container with a lid that is used for storing food.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...yellow cucumbers in great glass jars.</font><br><br>You can use jar to refer to a jar and its contents, or to the contents only.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She opened up a glass jar of plums.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...two jars of filter coffee.</font><br><br>If you have a jar, you have a drink with friends in a pub. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They had a few jars together.</font><br><br>If something jars on you, you find it unpleasant, disturbing, or shocking.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sometimes a light remark jarred on her father.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...televised congressional hearings that jarred the nation's faith in the presidency...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You shouldn't have too many colours in a small space as the effect can jar.</font><br><font color=red>* jarring </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In the context of this chapter, Dore's comments strike a jarring note.</font><br><font color=red>= grating</font><br><br>If an object jars, or if something jars it, the object moves with a fairly hard shaking movement.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The ship jarred a little.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The impact jarred his arm.</font><br>

Q: <b> jewel <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dVu:El</font>]</b><br>

A: A jewel is a precious stone used to decorate valuable things that you wear, such as rings or necklaces.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a golden box containing precious jewels.</font><br>See also crown jewels.<br><br>If you describe something or someone as a jewel, you mean that they are better, more beautiful, or more special than other similar things or than other people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Walk down Castle Street and admire our little jewel of a cathedral.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Alan, you're a jewel.</font><br><font color=red>= treasure</font><br><br>If you refer to an achievement or thing as the jewel in someone's crown, you mean that it is considered to be their greatest achievement or the thing they can be most proud of.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His achievement is astonishing and this book is the jewel in his crown.</font><br>

Q: <b> jockey <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dVCki</font>]</b><br>

A: A jockey is someone who rides a horse in a race.<br><br>If someone is jockeying for position, they are using whatever methods they can in order to get into a better position than their rivals.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The rival political parties are already jockeying for power.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Already, both sides are jockeying to belittle the other side.</font><br>

Q: <b> jumper <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dVQmpE</font>]</b><br>

A: A jumper is a warm knitted piece of clothing which covers the upper part of your body and your arms. (BRIT; in AM use sweater)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;With her simple jumper and skirt, Isabel looked like a young girl again.</font><br><font color=red>= sweater, pullover</font><br><br>A jumper is a sleeveless dress that is worn over a blouse or sweater. (AM; in BRIT use pinafore)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She wore a checkered jumper and had ribbons in her hair.</font><br><br>If you refer to a person or a horse as a particular kind of jumper, you are describing how good they are at jumping or the way that they jump.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is a terrific athlete and a brilliant jumper.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Horses are not natural jumpers.</font><br><br>A particular kind of jumper is an athlete who takes part in a particular jumping event.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Packer began her career as a long jumper.</font><br>

Q: <b> junction <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dVQNkFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: A junction is a place where roads or railway lines join. In American English, the more usual word is intersection, especially when referring to roads.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Follow the road to a junction and turn left.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Leave the M1 at junction 25.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There's a good British Rail link at Clapham Junction.</font><br>

Q: <b> ladder <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lAdE</font>]</b><br>

A: A ladder is a piece of equipment used for climbing up something or down from something. It consists of two long pieces of wood, metal, or rope with steps fixed between them.<br><br>You can use ladder to refer to something such as a society, organization, or system which has different levels that people can progress up or drop down.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If they want to climb the ladder of success they should be given that opportunity.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She admired her mother's sister for moving up the social ladder.</font><br><br>A ladder is a hole or torn part in a woman's stocking or tights, where some of the vertical threads have broken, leaving only the horizontal threads. (mainly BRIT; in AM use run)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her hair was a mess and there was a ladder in her tights.</font><br>

Q: <b> jungle <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dVQNgl</font>]</b><br>

A: A jungle is a forest in a tropical country where large numbers of tall trees and plants grow very close together.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the mountains and jungles of Papua New Guinea...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The seventy square miles of the mountain area were covered entirely in dense jungle.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a remote jungle area.</font><br><br>If you describe a place as a jungle, you are emphasizing that it is full of lots of things and very untidy.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a jungle of stuffed sofas, stuffed birds, knick-knacks, potted plants.</font><br><br>If you describe a situation as a jungle, you dislike it because it is complicated and difficult to get what you want from it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Social security law and procedure remain a jungle of complex rules.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the examination jungle.</font><br><br>If you refer to the law of the jungle, you are referring to a situation in which there are no laws or rules to govern the way that people behave and people use force to get what they want.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If you make aggression pay, this becomes the law of the jungle.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The law of the jungle demands: kill or be killed.</font><br><br>Jungle is a style of dance music with a fast drum beat.<br>

Q: <b> justification <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dVQstifi5keiF(E)n</font>]</b><br>

A: A justification for something is an acceptable reason or explanation for it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;To me the only justification for a zoo is educational.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I knew from the beginning that there was no justification for what I was doing.</font><br><font color=red>= defence, excuse</font><br>

Q: <b> juvenile <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dVu:vinail</font>]</b><br>

A: A juvenile is a child or young person who is not yet old enough to be regarded as an adult. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The number of juveniles in the general population has fallen by a fifth in the past 10 years.</font><br><br>Juvenile activity or behaviour involves young people who are not yet adults.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Juvenile crime is increasing at a terrifying rate.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a scheme to lock up persistent juvenile offenders.</font><br><font color=red>= childish</font><br><br>If you describe someone's behaviour as juvenile, you are critical of it because you think that it is silly or childish.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's a typical male, as he gets older he becomes more juvenile.</font><br><font color=red>= childish</font><br><br>Young animals are sometimes referred to as juveniles.<br>

Q: <b> kindly <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kaindli</font>]</b><br>

A: A kindly person is kind, caring, and sympathetic.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was a stern critic but an extremely kindly man.</font><br><font color=red>* kindliness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His kindliness and warmth made him particularly effective with staff welfare.</font><br><br>If someone kindly does something for you, they act in a thoughtful and helpful way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He kindly carried our picnic in a rucksack.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had very kindly asked me to the cocktail party that evening.</font><br><br>If someone asks you to kindly do something, they are asking you in a way which shows that they have authority over you, or that they are angry with you. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Will you kindly obey the instructions I am about to give?</font><br><br>If you look kindly on or look kindly upon someone or something, you support them or approve of what they are doing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Recent historical work looks kindly on the regime.</font><br><br>If someone does not take kindly to something, they do not like it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She did not take kindly to being offered advice on her social life.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is hard to imagine her taking kindly to too much interference.</font><br>

Q: <b> kingdom <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kiNdEm</font>]</b><br>

A: A kingdom is a country or region that is ruled by a king or queen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The kingdom's power declined.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the United Kingdom.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Kingdom of Denmark.</font><br><br>A kingdom is a place or area that is thought to be under the control of a person or organization.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was infamous as a kingdom of brigands, scoundrels, and slave-traders.</font><br><br>All the animals, birds, and insects in the world can be referred to together as the animal kingdom. All the plants can be referred to as the plant kingdom.<br>

Q: <b> kit <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kit</font>]</b><br>

A: A kit is a group of items that are kept together, often in the same container, because they are all used for similar purposes.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Make sure you keep a well-stocked first aid kit ready to deal with any emergency.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The kit consisted of about twenty cosmetic items and a lady's shaver.</font><br><br>Kit is special clothing and equipment that you use when you take part in a particular activity, especially a sport. (mainly BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I forgot my gym kit.</font><br><br>A kit is a set of parts that can be put together in order to make something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her popular potholder is also available in do-it-yourself kits.</font><br><br>If someone gets their kit off or takes their kit off, they take off all their clothes. If they keep their kit on, they do not take off all their clothes, even though people may be expecting them to. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I don't like taking my kit off on screen.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Back in the Fifties, social convention required that males models keep their kit on.</font><br>

Q: <b> lamb <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">lAm</font>]</b><br>

A: A lamb is a young sheep.<br><br>Lamb is the flesh of a lamb eaten as food.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Laura was basting the leg of lamb.</font><br><br>People sometimes use lamb when they are addressing or referring to someone who they are fond of and who is young, gentle, or unfortunate.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She came and put her arms around me. `You poor lamb. What's wrong?'</font><br><br>If you say that people do something like lambs or like lambs to the slaughter, you mean that they do what someone wants them to do without complaining or fighting.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The pair surrendered to him like lambs.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We follow their every word like lambs to the slaughter.</font><br>

Q: <b> lamp <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">lAmp</font>]</b><br>

A: A lamp is a light that works by using electricity or by burning oil or gas.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She switched on the bedside lamp.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In the evenings we eat by the light of an oil lamp.</font><br><br>A lamp is an electrical device which produces a special type of light or heat, used especially in medical or beauty treatment.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a sun lamp.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the use of infra-red lamps.</font><br>

Q: <b> landmark <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lAndmB:k</font>]</b><br>

A: A landmark is a building or feature which is easily noticed and can be used to judge your position or the position of other buildings or features.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Ambassador Hotel is a Los Angeles landmark.</font><br><br>You can refer to an important stage in the development of something as a landmark.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a landmark arms control treaty...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The baby was one of the big landmarks in our relationship.</font><br>

Q: <b> large-scale <br>LARGE-SCALE </b><br>

A: A large-scale action or event happens over a very wide area or involves a lot of people or things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a large scale military operation.</font><br><br>A large-scale map or diagram represents a small area of land or a building or machine on a scale that is large enough for small details to be shown.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a large-scale map of the county.</font><br>

Q: <b> laser <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5leizE</font>]</b><br>

A: A laser is a narrow beam of concentrated light produced by a special machine. It is used for cutting very hard materials, and in many technical fields such as surgery and telecommunications.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; laser technology...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Researchers realised that a tunable laser beam might be useful in surgery.</font><br><br>A laser is a machine that produces a laser beam.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the first-ever laser, built in 1960.</font><br>

Q: <b> lawmaker <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lC:meikE(r)</font>]</b><br>

A: A lawmaker is someone such as a politician who is responsible for proposing and passing new laws. (AM)<br>

Q: <b> lawn <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">lC:n</font>]</b><br>

A: A lawn is an area of grass that is kept cut short and is usually part of someone's garden or backyard, or part of a park.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They were sitting on the lawn under a large beech tree.</font><br>

Q: <b> lawsuit <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lC:su:t, 5lC:sju:t</font>]</b><br>

A: A lawsuit is a case in a court of law which concerns a dispute between two people or organizations. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The dispute culminated last week in a lawsuit against the government.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a lawsuit brought by Barclays Bank.</font><br>

Q: <b> lead-in <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5li:d5in</font>]</b><br>

A: A lead-in is something that is said or done as an introduction before the main subject or event, especially before a radio or television programme.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They were thrilled, finally, to have a decent lead-in for their 9 a.m. local programs.</font><br>

Q: <b> leaflet <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5li:flit</font>]</b><br>

A: A leaflet is a little book or a piece of paper containing information about a particular subject.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Campaigners handed out leaflets on passive smoking.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a leaflet called `Sexual Harassment at Work'.</font><br><br>If you leaflet a place, you distribute leaflets there, for example by handing them to people, or by putting them through letter boxes.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We've leafleted the university today to try to drum up some support.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The only reason we leafleted on the Jewish New Year was because more people than usual go to the synagogue on that day.</font><br>

Q: <b> lecturer <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lektFErE</font>]</b><br>

A: A lecturer is a teacher at a university or college.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a lecturer in law at Southampton University.</font><br>

Q: <b> legacy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5legEsi</font>]</b><br>

A: A legacy is money or property which someone leaves to you when they die.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You could make a real difference to someone's life by leaving them a generous legacy.</font><br><br>A legacy of an event or period of history is something which is a direct result of it and which continues to exist after it is over.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a programme to overcome the legacy of inequality and injustice created by Apartheid...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The old system has left a mixed legacy.</font><br>

Q: <b> legend <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5ledVEnd</font>]</b><br>

A: A legend is a very old and popular story that may be true.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the legends of ancient Greece.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Robin Hood legend...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The play was based on Irish legend.</font><br><br>If you refer to someone as a legend, you mean that they are very famous and admired by a lot of people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...blues legends John Lee Hooker and B.B. King.</font><br><br>A legend is a story that people talk about, concerning people, places, or events that exist or are famous at the present time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The incident has since become a family legend.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His frequent brushes with death are the stuff of legend among the press.</font><br>

Q: <b> liner <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lainE</font>]</b><br>

A: A liner is a large ship in which people travel long distances, especially on holiday.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ocean liners.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the cruise liner, the QE2.</font><br>See also bin liner.<br>

Q: <b> lion <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5laiEn</font>]</b><br>

A: A lion is a large wild member of the cat family that is found in Africa. Lions have yellowish fur, and male lions have long hair on their head and neck.<br>

Q: <b> lemon <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lemEn</font>]</b><br>

A: A lemon is a bright yellow fruit with very sour juice. Lemons grow on trees in warm countries.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a slice of lemon.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...lemon juice.</font><br><br>Lemon is a drink that tastes of lemons.<br><br>Lemon is the same as lemon yellow.<br><br>If you think that something is a failure, or not as good or as useful as it should be, you can say that it is a lemon. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He took a little test drive and agreed the car was a lemon.</font><br><br>If you think that someone looks foolish because they are shy or slow to take action, you can say that they are like a lemon. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I just stood there like a lemon.</font><br>

Q: <b> lender <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lendE</font>]</b><br>

A: A lender is a person or an institution that lends money to people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the six leading mortgage lenders.</font><br>

Q: <b> levy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5levi</font>]</b><br>

A: A levy is a sum of money that you have to pay, for example as a tax to the government.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; annual motorway levy on all drivers.</font><br><br>If a government or organization levies a tax or other sum of money, it demands it from people or organizations.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They levied religious taxes on Christian commercial transactions.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Taxes should not be levied without the authority of Parliament.</font><br>

Q: <b> lid <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">lid</font>]</b><br>

A: A lid is the top of a box or other container which can be removed or raised when you want to open the container.<br><font color=red>= top</font><br><br>Your lids are the pieces of skin which cover your eyes when you close them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A dull pain began to throb behind his lids.</font><br><font color=red>= eyelid</font><br><br>If you say that someone is keeping the lid on an activity or a piece of information, you mean that they are restricting the activity or are keeping the information secret. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The soldiers' presence seemed to keep a lid on the violence.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their finance ministry is still trying to put a lid on the long-simmering securities scandal.</font><br><br>If you say that you want to keep a lid on the cost of doing something, you mean that you want to prevent it costing you more than you feel is reasonable.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If our industry is to remain competitive it must mean keeping a lid on prices.</font><br><font color=red>= limit</font><br>

Q: <b> lieutenant <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">lef5tenEnt; le5tenEnt; lju:5tenEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: A lieutenant is a person who holds a junior officer's rank in the army, navy, marines, or air force, or in the American police force.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lieutenant Campbell ordered the man at the wheel to steer for the gunboat.</font><br><br>Also a combining form.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Lieutenant Colonel Gale Carter.</font><br><br>If you refer to someone as a person's lieutenant, you mean they are that person's assistant, especially their main assistant, in an organization or activity.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was my right-hand man, my lieutenant on the field, a cool, calculated footballer.</font><br><font color=red>= second-in-command</font><br>

Q: <b> lifetime <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5laiftaim</font>]</b><br>

A: A lifetime is the length of time that someone is alive.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;During my lifetime I haven't got around to much travelling.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a trust fund to be administered throughout his wife's lifetime.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; extraordinary lifetime of achievement.</font><br><br>The lifetime of a particular thing is the period of time that it lasts.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the lifetime of a parliament.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a satellite's lifetime.</font><br><br>If you describe something as the chance or experience of a lifetime, you are emphasizing that it is the best or most important chance or experience that you are ever likely to have.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This could be not just the trip of a lifetime but the experience of a lifetime.</font><br>

Q: <b> lime <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">laim</font>]</b><br>

A: A lime is a green fruit that tastes like a lemon. Limes grow on trees in tropical countries.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...peeled slices of lime...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Oranges, lemons and limes were found to cure scurvy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Add a few drops of lime juice.</font><br><br>Lime is a drink that tastes of limes.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a pint of lager and lime.</font><br><br>A lime is a large tree with pale green leaves. It is often planted in parks in towns and cities.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...dilapidated avenues of limes.</font><br><font color=red>= linden</font><br><br>Lime is a substance containing calcium. It is found in soil and water.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If your soil is very acid, add lime.</font><br><br>Also a combining form.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...lime-rich sand.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...old lime-stained baths.</font><br>

Q: <b> line-up <br>LINE-UP </b><br>

A: A line-up is a group of people or a series of things that have been gathered together to be part of a particular event.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ryan Giggs is likely to be in Wales's starting line-up for their World Cup qualifying match.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The programme is back for a new series with a great line-up of musicians and comedy acts.</font><br><br>At a line-up, a witness to a crime tries to identify the criminal from among a line of people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He failed to identify Graham from photographs, but later picked him out of a police line-up.</font><br><font color=red>= identity parade</font><br>

Q: <b> liquid <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5likwid</font>]</b><br>

A: A liquid is a substance which is not solid but which flows and can be poured, for example water.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Drink plenty of liquid.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Boil for 20 minutes until the liquid has reduced by half.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Solids turn to liquids at certain temperatures.</font><br><br>A liquid substance is in the form of a liquid rather than being solid or a gas.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wash in warm water with liquid detergent.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...liquid nitrogen...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fats are solid at room temperature, and oil is liquid at room temperature.</font><br><br>Liquid assets are the things that a person or company owns which can be quickly turned into cash if necessary. (TECHNICAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The bank had sufficient liquid assets to continue operations.</font><br>

Q: <b> listener <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lisnE</font>]</b><br>

A: A listener is a person who listens to the radio or to a particular radio programme.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm a regular listener to her show.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Each week Dr Buczacki chooses a listener's question and gives a detailed answer.</font><br><br>If you describe someone as a good listener, you mean that they listen carefully and sympathetically to you when you talk, for example about your problems.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dr Brian was a good listener.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If you can be a sympathetic listener, it may put your own problems in perspective.</font><br>

Q: <b> listing <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5listiN</font>]</b><br>

A: A listing is a published list, or an item in a published list.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A full listing of the companies will be published quarterly.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;For details of the nearest performance look in the local listings magazines.</font><br>

Q: <b> loaded <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lEudid</font>]</b><br>

A: A loaded question or word has more meaning or purpose than it appears to have, because the person who uses it hopes it will cause people to respond in a particular way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That's a loaded question.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the loaded word `sexist'.</font><br><br>If something is loaded with a particular characteristic, it has that characteristic to a very great degree.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The President's visit is loaded with symbolic significance.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The phrase is loaded with irony.</font><br><br>If you say that something is loaded in favour of someone, you mean it works unfairly to their advantage. If you say it is loaded against them, you mean it works unfairly to their disadvantage.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The press is loaded in favour of this present government.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The article was heavily loaded against Morrissey.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...very loaded experiments carried out by General Bobby Marshall.</font><br><font color=red>= biased</font><br>

Q: <b> locomotive <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7lEukE5mEutiv</font>]</b><br>

A: A locomotive is a large vehicle that pulls a railway train. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Steam locomotives pumped out clouds of white smoke.</font><br>

Q: <b> lodge <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">lCdV</font>]</b><br>

A: A lodge is a house or hut in the country or in the mountains where people stay on holiday, especially when they want to shoot or fish.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a Victorian hunting lodge.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a ski lodge.</font><br><br>A lodge is a small house at the entrance to the grounds of a large house.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I drove out of the gates, past the keeper's lodge.</font><br><br>In some organizations, a lodge is a local branch or meeting place of the organization.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My father would occasionally go to his Masonic lodge.</font><br><br>If you lodge a complaint, protest, accusation, or claim, you officially make it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has four weeks in which to lodge an appeal.</font><br><font color=red>= make</font><br><br>If you lodge somewhere, such as in someone else's house or if you are lodged there, you live there, usually paying rent.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the story of the farming family she lodged with as a young teacher...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The building he was lodged in turned out to be a church.</font><br><br>If someone lodges you somewhere, they give you a place to stay, for example because they are responsible for your safety or comfort.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They took me into custody, ques </b></font><br>

Q: <b> log <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">lCg</font>]</b><br>

A: A log is a piece of a thick branch or of the trunk of a tree that has been cut so that it can be used for fuel or for making things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He dumped the logs on the big stone hearth.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the original log cabin where Lincoln was born.</font><br><br>A log is an official written account of what happens each day, for example on board a ship.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The family made an official complaint to a ship's officer, which was recorded in the log.</font><br><br>If you log an event or fact, you record it officially in writing or on a computer.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They log everyone and everything that comes in and out of here.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Details of the crime are then logged in the computer.</font><br><font color=red>= record</font><br>

Q: <b> long-range <br>LONG-RANGE </b><br>

A: A long-range piece of military equipment or vehicle is able to hit or detect a target a long way away or to travel a long way in order to do something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is very keen to reach agreement with the US on reducing long-range nuclear missiles.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the growing use on the North Atlantic routes of long-range twin-engined aircraft.</font><br><br>A long-range plan or prediction relates to a period extending a long time into the future.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Eisenhower was intensely aware of the need for long-range planning.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a bold, complex, and long-range strategy for improving US education.</font><br>

Q: <b> enzyme <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5enzaim</font>]</b><br>

A: An enzyme is a chemical substance that is found in living creatures which produces changes in other substances without being changed itself. (TECHNICAL)<br>

Q: <b> long-standing <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lCNstAdiN</font>]</b><br>

A: A long-standing situation has existed for a long time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They are on the brink of resolving their long-standing dispute over money.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...long-standing economic links between Europe and much of Africa.</font><br>

Q: <b> loop <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">lu:p</font>]</b><br>

A: A loop is a curved or circular shape in something long, for example in a piece of string.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mrs. Morrell reached for a loop of garden hose.</font><br><br>If you loop something such as a piece of rope around an object, you tie a length of it in a loop around the object, for example in order to fasten it to the object.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He looped the rope over the wood.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He wore the watch and chain looped round his neck like a medallion.</font><br><br>If something loops somewhere, it goes there in a circular direction that makes the shape of a loop.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The enemy was looping around the south side.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The helicopter took off and headed north. Then it looped west, heading for the hills.</font><br><br>If someone is in the loop, they are part of a group of people who make decisions about important things, or they know about these decisions. If they are out of the loop, they do not make or know about important decisions. (mainly AM, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I think that the vice president was in the loop.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These activists don't want to feel out of the loop.</font><br> </b></font><br>

Q: <b> lump <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">lQmp</font>]</b><br>

A: A lump of something is a solid piece of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The potter shaped and squeezed the lump of clay into a graceful shape.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a lump of wood...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They used to buy ten kilos of beef in one lump.</font><br><br>A lump on or in someone's body is a small, hard swelling that has been caused by an injury or an illness.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I've got a lump on my shoulder.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Howard had to have cancer surgery for a lump in his chest.</font><br><br>A lump of sugar is a small cube of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a nugget of rough gold about the size of a lump of sugar...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`No sugar,' I said, and Jim asked for two lumps.</font><br>See also sugar lump.<br><br>If you say that someone will have to lump it, you mean that they must accept a situation or decision whether they like it or not. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The crew will be sleeping in the hull and will have to lump it.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;William was going to kick up a fuss, but he realized he'd have to lump it.</font><br><br>If you say that you have a lump in your throat, you mean that you have a tight feeling in your throat because of a strong emotion such as sorrow or gratitude.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I stood there with a lump in my throat and tried to fight back tears.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was a great reception and it brought a lump to my throat.</font><br>

Q: <b> maid <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">meid</font>]</b><br>

A: A maid is a woman who works as a servant in a hotel or private house.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A maid brought me breakfast at half past eight.</font><br>See also old maid.<br>

Q: <b> beard <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">biEd</font>]</b><br>

A: A man's beard is the hair that grows on his chin and cheeks.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's decided to grow a beard.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Charlie's bushy black beard.</font><br>

Q: <b> manifesto <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7mAni5festEu</font>]</b><br>

A: A manifesto is a statement published by a person or group of people, especially a political party, or a government, in which they say what their aims and policies are.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Tories are currently drawing up their election manifesto.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His manifesto promised measures to protect them.</font><br>

Q: <b> manor <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mAnE</font>]</b><br>

A: A manor is a large private house in the country, usually built in the Middle Ages, and also includes the land and smaller buildings around it. (BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thieves broke into the manor at night.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Bawdsey Manor on the Suffolk coast.</font><br><br>Some people, especially police officers, refer to the area where they work as their manor. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Chief Constable deeply resented any intrusions into his manor.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thank God they're not on my manor any more.</font><br><font color=red>= patch, turf</font><br>

Q: <b> mansion <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mAnFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: A mansion is a very large house.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; eighteenth century mansion in Hampshire...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The very best properties, however, the colonial mansions and villas, were reserved for the government.</font><br><br>Mansions is often used in the names of blocks of flats. (BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Delaware Mansions, a block of 167 flats opposite the BBC Radio studios.</font><br>

Q: <b> manuscript <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mAnjuskript</font>]</b><br>

A: A manuscript is a handwritten or typed document, especially a writer's first version of a book before it is published.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had seen a manuscript of the book.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...discovering an original manuscript of the song in Paris...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I am grateful to him for letting me read his early chapters in manuscript.</font><br><br>A manuscript is an old document that was written by hand before printing was invented.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...early printed books and rare manuscripts.</font><br>

Q: <b> instructor <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5strQktE</font>]</b><br>

A: An instructor is someone who teaches a skill such as driving or skiing. In American English, instructor can also be used to refer to a schoolteacher or to a university teacher of low rank.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I recommend that you drive under tuition from an approved driving instructor.</font><br>

Q: <b> marathon <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mArEWEn</font>]</b><br>

A: A marathon is a race in which people run a distance of 26 miles, which is about 42 km.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...running in his first marathon...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Rodgers can also claim four victories in the New York Marathon.</font><br><br>The marathon is the sport of running marathon races.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...when I took up the marathon.</font><br><br>If you use marathon to describe an event or task, you are emphasizing that it takes a long time and is very tiring.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;People make marathon journeys to buy glass here.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a marathon session of talks with government representatives.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the medical team which successfully carried out the marathon operation.</font><br>

Q: <b> mistress <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mistris</font>]</b><br>

A: A married man's mistress is a woman who is not his wife and with whom he is having a sexual relationship. (OLD-FASHIONED)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was his mistress for three years.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has a wife and a mistress.</font><br><br>A mistress is a female teacher. (BRIT, OLD-FASHIONED)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My history mistress was extremely helpful.</font><br><font color=red>= teacher</font><br><br>A servant's mistress is the woman that he or she works for. (OLD-FASHIONED)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It must be really bad, for her to ignore a summons from her mistress!</font><br><br>A dog's mistress is the woman or girl who owns it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The huge wolfhound danced in circles around his mistress.</font><br><br>If a woman is mistress of a situation, she has complete control over it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She had always been mistress of her own destiny.</font><br><br>If you say that a woman is a mistress of a particular activity, you mean that she is very skilled at it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She is a mistress of disguise.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...another winner from the mistress of historical romance.</font><br><font color=red>= queen</font><br>

Q: <b> masterpiece <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mB:stEpi:s</font>]</b><br>

A: A masterpiece is an extremely good painting, novel, film, or other work of art.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His book, I must add, is a masterpiece.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...masterpieces by artists like Rembrandt, Raphael and Ingres.</font><br><br>An artist's, writer's, or composer's masterpiece is the best work that they have ever produced.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Man's Fate,' translated into sixteen languages, is probably his masterpiece.</font><br><br>A masterpiece is an extremely clever or skilful example of something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The whole thing was a masterpiece of crowd management.</font><br>

Q: <b> measurement <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5meVEmEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: A measurement is a result, usually expressed in numbers, that you obtain by measuring something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We took lots of measurements.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The measurements are extraordinarily accurate.</font><br><br>Measurement of something is the process of measuring it in order to obtain a result expressed in numbers.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Measurement of blood pressure can be undertaken by practice nurses.</font><br><br>The measurement of the quality, value, or effect of something is the activity of deciding how great it is.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the measurement of output in the non-market sector.</font><br><br>Your measurements are the size of your waist, chest, hips, and other parts of your body, which you need to know when you are buying clothes.<br>

Q: <b> mechanic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mi5kAnik</font>]</b><br>

A: A mechanic is someone whose job is to repair and maintain machines and engines, especially car engines.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If you smell something unusual (gas fumes or burning, for instance), take the car to your mechanic.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;An elevator mechanic can work the machinery directly by turning this lever.</font><br><br>The mechanics of a process, system, or activity are the way in which it works or the way in which it is done.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What are the mechanics of this new process?.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The mechanics of the job, however, have changed little since then.</font><br><br>Mechanics is the part of physics that deals with the natural forces that act on moving or stationary objects.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the other great theory of 20th-century physics, quantum mechanics...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has not studied mechanics or engineering.</font><br>

Q: <b> mechanical <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mi5kAnikl</font>]</b><br>

A: A mechanical device has parts that move when it is working, often using power from an engine or from electricity.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a small mechanical device that taps out the numbers.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the oldest working mechanical clock in the world...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Most mechanical devices require oil as a lubricant.</font><br><font color=red>* mechanically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The air was circulated mechanically.</font><br><br>Mechanical means relating to machines and engines and the way they work.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...mechanical engineering...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The company undertakes mechanical work on all types of cars.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The train had stopped due to a mechanical problem.</font><br><font color=red>* mechanically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The car was mechanically sound, he decided.</font><br><br>If you describe a person as mechanical, you mean they are naturally good at understanding how machines work.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was a very mechanical person, who knew a lot about sound.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm not mechanical like my father; I have to follow the instructions.</font><br><font color=red>* mechanically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm not mechanically minded.</font><br><br>If you describe someone's action as mechanical, you mean that they do it automatically, without thinking about it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is real prayer, and not mechanical repetition.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many girls have a kind of mechanical attitude towards sex.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her retort was mechanical.</font><br><font color=red>* mechanically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He nodded mechanically, his eyes fixed on the girl.</font><br>

Q: <b> mode <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mEud</font>]</b><br>

A: A mode of life or behaviour is a particular way of living or behaving. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the capitalist mode of production...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He switched automatically into interview mode.</font><br><br>A mode is a particular style in art, literature, or dress.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a slightly more elegant and formal mode of dress...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Levi is best known for work in a very different mode from what is to be found here.</font><br><font color=red>= style</font><br><br>On some cameras or electronic devices, the different modes available are the different programs or settings that you can choose when you use them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...when the camera is in manual mode.</font><br>

Q: <b> memorial <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mi5mC:riEl</font>]</b><br>

A: A memorial is a structure built in order to remind people of a famous person or event.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Building a memorial to Columbus has been his lifelong dream.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Every village had its war memorial.</font><br><br>A memorial event, object, or prize is in honour of someone who has died, so that they will be remembered.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A memorial service is being held for her at St Paul's Church.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; plaques to local regiments...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He went on to win the James E. Sullivan Memorial Trophy as the outstanding amateur athlete of 1962.</font><br><br>If you say that something will be a memorial to someone who has died, you mean that it will continue to exist and remind people of them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The museum will serve as a memorial to the millions who passed through Ellis Island.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The city's rather uncompromising bleakness is a permanent memorial to its dark and mysterious founders.</font><br>

Q: <b> metaphor <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5metEfE</font>]</b><br>

A: A metaphor is an imaginative way of describing something by referring to something else which is the same in a particular way. For example, if you want to say that someone is very shy and frightened of things, you might say that they are a mouse.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the avoidance of `violent expressions and metaphors' like `kill two birds with one stone'.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the writer's use of metaphor.</font><br><br>If one thing is a metaphor for another, it is intended or regarded as a symbol of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The divided family remains a powerful metaphor for a society that continued to tear itself apart.</font><br><br>If you mix your metaphors, you use two conflicting metaphors. People do this accidentally, or sometimes deliberately as a joke.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;To mix yet more metaphors, you were trying to run before you could walk, and I've clipped your wings.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Despite the mixed metaphor, there is some truth in this judgement.</font><br>

Q: <b> meter <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mi:tE</font>]</b><br>

A: A meter is a device that measures and records something such as the amount of gas or electricity that you have used.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was there to read the electricity meter.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They have the right to come in and inspect the meter.</font><br><br>To meter something such as gas or electricity means to use a meter to measure how much of it people use, usually in order to calculate how much they have to pay.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Only a third of these households thought it reasonable to meter water.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Metered taxis are relatively inexpensive.</font><br><br>A meter is the same as a parking meter.<br>

Q: <b> microphone <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5maikrEfEun</font>]</b><br>

A: A microphone is a device that is used to make sounds louder or to record them on a tape recorder.<br>

Q: <b> migrant <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5maigrEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: A migrant is a person who moves from one place to another, especially in order to find work.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The government divides asylum-seekers into economic migrants and genuine refugees.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...migrant workers following harvests northward.</font><br><br>Migrants are birds, fish, or animals that migrate from one part of the world to another.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Migrant birds shelter in the reeds.</font><br>

Q: <b> millionaire <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7miljE5nZE</font>]</b><br>

A: A millionaire is a very rich person who has money or property worth at least a million pounds or dollars.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;By the time he died, he was a millionaire.</font><br>

Q: <b> mine 2 <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">main</font>]</b><br>

A: A mine is a place where deep holes and tunnels are dug under the ground in order to obtain a mineral such as coal, diamonds, or gold.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...coal mines.</font><br><br>When a mineral such as coal, diamonds, or gold is mined, it is obtained from the ground by digging deep holes and tunnels.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The pit is being shut down because it no longer has enough coal that can be mined economically.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the finest gems, mined from all corners of the world.</font><br><br>A mine is a bomb which is hidden in the ground or in water and which explodes when people or things touch it.<br><br>If an area of land or water is mined, mines are placed there which will explode when people or things touch them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The approaches to the garrison have been heavily mined.</font><br><br>If you say that someone is a mine of information, you mean that they know a great deal about something.<br>

Q: <b> mob <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mCb</font>]</b><br>

A: A mob is a large, disorganized, and often violent crowd of people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bottles and cans were hurled on the terraces by the mob.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The inspectors watched a growing mob of demonstrators gathering.</font><br><br>People sometimes use the mob to refer in a disapproving way to the majority of people in a country or place, especially when these people are behaving in a violent or uncontrolled way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If they continue like this there is a danger of the mob taking over.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They have been exercising what amounts to mob rule.</font><br><br>You can refer to the people involved in organized crime as the Mob. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...casinos that the Mob had operated...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was a Mob killing.</font><br><br>If you say that someone is being mobbed by a crowd of people, you mean that the people are trying to talk to them or get near them in an enthusiastic or threatening way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her car was mobbed by the media.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They found themselves being mobbed in the street for autographs.</font><br>

Q: <b> monarchy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mCnEki</font>]</b><br>

A: A monarchy is a system in which a country has a monarch.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In a few years we may no longer have a monarchy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a serious debate on the future of the monarchy.</font><br><font color=red><> republic</font><br><br>A monarchy is a country that has a monarch.<br><font color=red><> republic</font><br><br>The monarchy is used to refer to the monarch and his or her family.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The monarchy has to create a balance between its public and private lives.</font><br><font color=red>= royal family</font><br>

Q: <b> monkey <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mQNki</font>]</b><br>

A: A monkey is an animal with a long tail which lives in hot countries and climbs trees.<br><br>If you refer to a child as a monkey, you are saying in an affectionate way that he or she is very lively and naughty.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She's such a little monkey.</font><br><font color=red>= scamp</font><br>

Q: <b> monster <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mCnstE</font>]</b><br>

A: A monster is a large imaginary creature that looks very ugly and frightening.<br><br>A monster is something which is extremely large, especially something which is difficult to manage or which is unpleasant.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the monster which is now the London marathon.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the monster of apartheid.</font><br><br>Monster means extremely and surprisingly large. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a monster weapon...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The film will be a monster hit.</font><br><font color=red>= giant</font><br><br>If you describe someone as a monster, you mean that they are cruel, frightening, or evil.<br><font color=red>= fiend</font><br>

Q: <b> monument <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mCnjumEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: A monument is a large structure, usually made of stone, which is built to remind people of an event in history or of a famous person.<br><br>A monument is something such as a castle or bridge which was built a very long time ago and is regarded as an important part of a country's history.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the ancient monuments of England, Scotland and Wales.</font><br><br>If you describe something as a monument to someone's qualities, you mean that it is a very good example of the results or effects of those qualities.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;By his international achievements he leaves a fitting monument to his beliefs.</font><br>

Q: <b> moor <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">muE</font>]</b><br>

A: A moor is an area of open and usually high land with poor soil that is covered mainly with grass and heather. (mainly BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Colliford is higher, right up on the moors.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Exmoor National Park stretches over 265 square miles of moor.</font><br><br>If you moor a boat somewhere, you stop and tie it to the land with a rope or chain so that it cannot move away.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She had moored her barge on the right bank of the river.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I decided to moor near some tourist boats.</font><br><font color=red>= tie up</font><br><br>The Moors were a Muslim people who established a civilization in North Africa and Spain between the 8th and the 15th century A.D.<br>

Q: <b> mortar <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mC:tE</font>]</b><br>

A: A mortar is a big gun which fires missiles high into the air over a short distance.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The two sides exchanged fire with artillery, mortars and small arms.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was killed in a mortar attack.</font><br><br>Mortar is a mixture of sand, water, and cement or lime which is put between bricks to hold them together.<br><br>A mortar is a bowl in which you can crush things such as herbs, spices, or grain using a rod called a pestle.<br>

Q: <b> motorway <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mEutEwei</font>]</b><br>

A: A motorway is a major road that has been specially built for fast travel over long distances. Motorways have several lanes and special places where traffic gets on and leaves. (BRIT; in AM usually use freeway)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the M1 motorway.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the national motorway network.</font><br>

Q: <b> mouse <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">maus</font>]</b><br>

A: A mouse is a small furry animal with a long tail.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a mouse running in a wheel in its cage.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the problem of rats and mice.</font><br><br>A mouse is a device that is connected to a computer. By moving it over a flat surface and pressing its buttons, you can move the cursor around the screen and do things without using the keyboard.<br>

Q: <b> mug <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mQg</font>]</b><br>

A: A mug is a large deep cup with straight sides and a handle, used for hot drinks.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He spooned instant coffee into two of the mugs.</font><br><br>A mug of something is the amount of it contained in a mug.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had been drinking mugs of coffee to keep himself awake.</font><br><br>If someone mugs you, they attack you in order to steal your money.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was walking out to my car when this guy tried to mug me.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has been mugged more than once.</font><br><font color=red>* mugging muggings </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bank robberies, burglaries and muggings are reported almost daily in the press.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We usually think of a victim of mugging as being someone elderly.</font><br><br>If you say that someone is a mug, you mean that they are stupid and easily deceived by other people. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's a mug as far as women are concerned.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I feel such a mug for signing the agreement.</font><br><br>If you say that an activity is a mug's game, you mean that it is not worth doing because it does not give the person who is doing it any benefit or satisfaction. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I used to be a very heavy gambler, but not any more. It's a mug's game.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dieting is a mug's game.</font><br><br>Someone's mug is their face. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He managed to get his ugly mug on the telly.</font><br>

Q: <b> multinational <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mQlti5nAFEn(E)l</font>]</b><br>

A: A multinational company has branches or owns companies in many different countries.<br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...multinationals such as Ford and IBM.</font><br><br>Multinational armies, organizations, or other groups involve people from several different countries.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The US troops would be part of a multinational force.</font><br><br>Multinational countries or regions have a population that is made up of people of several different nationalities.<br>

Q: <b> nail <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">neil</font>]</b><br>

A: A nail is a thin piece of metal with one pointed end and one flat end. You hit the flat end with a hammer in order to push the nail into something such as a wall.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A mirror hung on a nail above the washstand.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He hammered the nail into the branch.</font><br><br>If you nail something somewhere, you fix it there using one or more nails.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Frank put the first plank down and nailed it in place.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They nail shut the front door.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The windows were all nailed shut.</font><br><br>Your nails are the thin hard parts that grow at the ends of your fingers and toes.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Keep your nails short and your hands clean.</font><br><br>To nail someone means to catch them and prove that they have been breaking the law. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The prosecution still managed to nail him for robberies at the homes of leading industrialists.</font><br><font color=red>= nab</font><br><br>If you say that someone is as hard as nails or hard as nails, you mean that they are extremely tough and aggressive, either physically or in their attitude towards other people or other situations.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's a shrewd businessman and hard as nails.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He simply looked mean and hard as nails.</font><br><br>If you say that someone has hit the nail on the head, you think they are exactly right about something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nb </b></font><br>

Q: <b> embarrassed <br>EMBARRASSED </b><br>

A: A person who is embarrassed feels shy, ashamed, or guilty about something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He looked a bit embarrassed.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; embarrassed silence.</font><br>

Q: <b> cripple <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kripl</font>]</b><br>

A: A person with a physical disability or a serious permanent injury is sometimes referred to as a cripple. (OFFENSIVE)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She has gone from being a healthy, fit, and sporty young woman to being a cripple.</font><br><br>If someone is crippled by an injury, it is so serious that they can never move their body properly again.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mr Easton was seriously crippled in an accident and had to leave his job.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had been warned that another bad fall could cripple him for life.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He heaved his crippled leg into an easier position.</font><br><br>If you describe someone as an emotional cripple, you mean that they have a particular psychological or emotional problem which prevents them from living a normal life.<br><br>If something cripples a person, it causes them severe psychological or emotional problems.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Howard wanted to be a popular singer, but stage fright crippled him.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm not perfect but I'm also not emotionally crippled or lonely.</font><br><br>To cripple a machine, organization, or system means to damage it severely or prevent it from working properly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Let's try to cripple their communications.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A total cut-off of supplies would cripple Jordan's economy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The pilot was able to maneuver the crippled aircraft out of the hostile area.</font><br>

Q: <b> destiny <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5destini</font>]</b><br>

A: A person's destiny is everything that happens to them during their life, including what will happen in the future, especially when it is considered to be controlled by someone or something else.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We are masters of our own destiny.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is my destiny one day to be king.</font><br><font color=red>= fate</font><br><br>Destiny is the force which some people believe controls the things that happen to you in your life.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Is it destiny that brings people together, or is it accident?</font><br><font color=red>= fate</font><br>

Q: <b> gut <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">gQt</font>]</b><br>

A: A person's or animal's guts are all the organs inside them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;By the time they finish, the crewmen are standing ankle-deep in fish guts.</font><br><br>When someone guts a dead animal or fish, they prepare it for cooking by removing all the organs from inside it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is not always necessary to gut the fish prior to freezing.</font><br><br>The gut is the tube inside the body of a person or animal through which food passes while it is being digested.<br><br>Guts is the will and courage to do something which is difficult or unpleasant, or which might have unpleasant results. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The new Chancellor has the guts to push through unpopular tax increases.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It takes more guts than I've usually got to go and see him.</font><br><br>A gut feeling is based on instinct or emotion rather than reason.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Let's have your gut reaction to the facts as we know them.</font><br><br>You can refer to someone's stomach as their gut, especially when it is very large and sticks out. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His gut sagged out over his belt.</font><br>See also beer gut.<br><br>The guts of something, for example a subject or a machine, are the key elements of it, which make it work. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She has a reputation for gett </b></font><br>

Q: <b> grim <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">grim</font>]</b><br>

A: A situation or piece of information that is grim is unpleasant, depressing, and difficult to accept.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They painted a grim picture of growing crime.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was further grim economic news yesterday.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The mood could not have been grimmer.</font><br><font color=red>* grimness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; unrelenting grimness of tone.</font><br><br>A place that is grim is unattractive and depressing in appearance.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The city might be grim at first, but there is a vibrancy and excitement.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the tower blocks on the city's grim edges.</font><br><br>If a person or their behaviour is grim, they are very serious, usually because they are worried about something. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was a stout, grim woman with a turned-down mouth.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her expression was grim and unpleasant.</font><br><font color=red>* grimly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`It's too late now to stop him,' Harris said grimly.</font><br><br>If you say that something is grim, you think that it is very bad, ugly, or depressing. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Things were pretty grim for a time.</font><br>

Q: <b> kidnap <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kidnAp</font>]</b><br>

A: AM) also kidnaped, kidnaping</b></font><br>To kidnap someone is to take them away illegally and by force, and usually to hold them prisoner in order to demand something from their family, employer, or government.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Police in Brazil uncovered a plot to kidnap him.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The aim of the terrorists is to kidnap rather than kill.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The kidnapped man was said to have been seized by five people.</font><br><font color=red>= abduct</font><br><font color=red>* kidnapper kidnappers </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His kidnappers have threatened that they will kill him unless three militants are released from prison.</font><br><font color=red>= abductor</font><br><font color=red>* kidnapping kidnappings </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Two youngsters have been arrested and charged with kidnapping.</font><br><br>Kidnap or a kidnap is the crime of taking someone away by force.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Stewart denies attempted murder and kidnap.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was charged with the kidnap of a 25 year-old woman.</font><br><font color=red>= abduction</font><br>

Q: <b> appal <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5pC:l</font>]</b><br>

A: AM) appall</b></font><br>If something appals you, it disgusts you because it seems so bad or unpleasant.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The new-found strength of Hindu militancy appals many observers.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My wife now looks like her mother, which appals me.</font><br><font color=red>= horrify</font><br>

Q: <b> armour <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5B:mE</font>]</b><br>

A: AM) armor</b></font><br>In former times, armour was special metal clothing that soldiers wore for protection in battle.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the collection of weapons and armour in the historic White Tower.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...knights in armour.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a medieval suit of armour.</font><br><br>Armour consists of tanks and other military vehicles used in battle. (MILITARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the biggest movement of heavy British armour since the Second World War.</font><br><br>Armour is a hard, usually metal, covering that protects a vehicle against attack.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a formidable warhead that can penetrate the armour of most tanks.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...armour-piercing missiles.</font><br>

Q: <b> armoured <br>ARMOURED </b><br>

A: AM) armored</b></font><br>Armoured vehicles are fitted with a hard metal covering in order to protect them from gunfire and other missiles.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;More than forty armoured vehicles carrying troops have been sent into the area.</font><br><br>Armoured troops are troops in armoured vehicles.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These front-line defences are backed up by armoured units in reserve.</font><br>

Q: <b> applause <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5plC:z</font>]</b><br>

A: Applause is the noise made by a group of people clapping their hands to show approval.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They greeted him with thunderous applause.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a round of applause.</font><br>

Q: <b> axe <br>AXE </b><br>

A: AM) ax</b></font><br>An axe is a tool used for cutting wood. It consists of a heavy metal blade which is sharp at one edge and attached by its other edge to the end of a long handle.<br><br>If someone's job or something such as a public service or a television programme is axed, it is ended suddenly and without discussion.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Community projects are being axed by hard-pressed social services departments.</font><br><font color=red>= cut</font><br><br>If a person or institution is facing the axe, that person is likely to lose their job or that institution is likely to be closed, usually in order to save money. (JOURNALISM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;St Bartholomew's is one of four London hospitals facing the axe.</font><br><br>If someone has an axe to grind, they are doing something for selfish reasons. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He seems like a decent bloke and I've got no axe to grind with him.</font><br>

Q: <b> backwards <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bAkwEdz</font>]</b><br>

A: AM) backward</b></font><br>If you move or look backwards, you move or look in the direction that your back is facing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The diver flipped over backwards into the water.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He took two steps backward.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bess glanced backwards.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Keeping your back straight, swing one leg backwards.</font><br><font color=red><> forwards</font><br><br>Also an adjective.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Without so much as a backwards glance, he steered her towards the car.</font><br><br>If you do something backwards, you do it in the opposite way to the usual way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He works backwards, building a house from the top downwards.</font><br><br>You use backwards to indicate that something changes or develops in a way that is not an improvement, but is a return to old ideas or methods.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Greater government intervention in businesses would represent a step backwards.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...unshakable traditions that look backward rather than ahead.</font><br><font color=red><> forwards</font><br><br>If someone or something moves backwards and forwards, they move repeatedly first in one direction and then in the opposite direction.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Using a gentle, sawing motion, draw the floss backwards and forwards between the teeth.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...people travelling backwards and forwards to and from London.</font><br><font color=red>= to and fro</font><br><br>In British English, if you say that someone knows something backwards, you are emphasizing that they know it very well. In American English, you say that someone knows something backward and forward.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I asked about one or two things that interest me and she really did know it all backwards.</font><br>

Q: <b> cheque <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">tFek</font>]</b><br>

A: AM) check</b></font><br>A cheque is a printed form on which you write an amount of money and who it is to be paid to. Your bank then pays the money to that person from your account.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He wrote them a cheque for {Pound}10,000.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'd like to pay by cheque.</font><br>See also blank cheque, traveller's cheque.<br>

Q: <b> colourful <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kQlEful</font>]</b><br>

A: AM) colorful</b></font><br>Something that is colourful has bright colours or a lot of different colours.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The flowers were colourful and the scenery magnificent.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;People wore colorful clothes and seemed to be having a good time.</font><br><font color=red>* colourfully </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the sight of dozens of colourfully dressed people.</font><br><br>A colourful story is full of exciting details.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The story she told was certainly colourful, and extended over her life in England, Germany and Spain.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the country's colourful and often violent history.</font><br><br>A colourful character is a person who behaves in an interesting and amusing way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Casey Stengel was probably the most colorful character in baseball.</font><br><br>If someone has had a colourful past or a colourful career, they have been involved in exciting but often slightly shocking things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;More details surfaced of her colourful past as the story developed.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a well-known City business man with a rather colourful background.</font><br><br>Colourful language is rude or offensive language.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bryant is alleged to have used colourful language.</font><br><font color=red>= bad</font><br>

Q: <b> councillor <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kaunsilE</font>]</b><br>

A: AM) councilor</b></font><br>A councillor is a member of a local council.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the first black New York City councillor, Benjamin Davis Jr.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Councillor Michael Poulter.</font><br>

Q: <b> counselling <br>COUNSELLING </b><br>

A: AM) counseling</b></font><br>Counselling is advice which a therapist or other expert gives to someone about a particular problem.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She will need medical help and counselling to overcome the tragedy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She brought her husband in for marriage counseling.</font><br>

Q: <b> counsellor <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kaunsElE</font>]</b><br>

A: AM) counselor</b></font><br>A counsellor is a person whose job is to give advice to people who need it, especially advice on their personal problems.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Children who have suffered like this should see a counsellor experienced in bereavement.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They sought the help of a marriage counsellor.</font><br>

Q: <b> cosy <br>COSY </b><br>

A: AM) cozy</b></font><br>A house or room that is cosy is comfortable and warm.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Downstairs there's a breakfast room and guests can relax in the cosy bar.</font><br><font color=red>= homely</font><br><font color=red>* cosily </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We took time to relax in the cosily decorated drawing room.</font><br><font color=red>* cosiness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In the evening a log fire would provide cosiness.</font><br><br>If you are cosy, you are comfortable and warm.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They like to make sure their guests are comfortable and cosy.</font><br><font color=red>* cosily </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was settled cosily in the corner with an arm round Lynda.</font><br><br>You use cosy to describe activities that are pleasant and friendly, and involve people who know each other well.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a cosy chat between friends...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My mood this year is for a cosy, nice and thoroughly wholesome Christmas.</font><br><font color=red>= intimate</font><br><font color=red>* cosily </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...chatting cosily with friends over coffee.</font><br><font color=red>* cosiness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the cosiness and solidity of family life.</font><br>

Q: <b> breeder <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bri:dE</font>]</b><br>

A: Breeders are people who breed animals or plants.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her father was a well-known racehorse breeder.</font><br>See also fast-breeder reactor.<br>

Q: <b> cruel <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kruEl</font>]</b><br>

A: AM) crueler, cruelest</b></font><br>Someone who is cruel deliberately causes pain or distress to people or animals.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Children can be so cruel.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Don't you think it's cruel to cage a creature up?</font><br><font color=red><> kind</font><br><font color=red>* cruelly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Douglas was often cruelly tormented by jealous siblings.</font><br><br>A situation or event that is cruel is very harsh and causes people distress.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...struggling to survive in a cruel world with which they cannot cope...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;By a cruel irony, his horse came down on a flat part of the course.</font><br><font color=red>* cruelly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His life has been cruelly shattered by an event not of his own making.</font><br>

Q: <b> draught <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">drB:ft</font>]</b><br>

A: AM) draft</b></font><br>A draught is a current of air that comes into a place in an undesirable way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Block draughts around doors and windows.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;On a cold day there can be quite a draught from the letterbox.</font><br><br>Beer that is on draught is kept in and served from a barrel rather than a bottle.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Draught beer is available too.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They drink bitter on draught in the local bar.</font><br><font color=red>= on tap</font><br><br>A draught of liquid is a large amount that you swallow.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He took a draught of beer.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Having added more fruit juice on top, drink it down in one draught.</font><br><br>Draughts is a game for two people, played with 24 round pieces on a board. (BRIT; in AM use checkers)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was in the study playing draughts by the fire with Albert.</font><br><br>A draught is one of the round pieces which are used in the game of draughts. (BRIT; in AM use checker)<br><br>A draught animal is one which pulls heavy loads, for example on a farm.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Irish draught mare.</font><br><br>A draught is a medicine in the form of a liquid which you drink. (OLD-FASHIONED)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One of the night-duty nuns gave her a sleeping draught.</font><br>

Q: <b> endeavour <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5devE</font>]</b><br>

A: AM) endeavor</b></font><br>If you endeavour to do something, you try very hard to do it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I will endeavour to arrange it.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They are endeavouring to protect trade union rights.</font><br><font color=red>= strive</font><br><br>An endeavour is an attempt to do something, especially something new or original. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His first endeavours in the field were wedding films.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the benefits of investment in scientific endeavour.</font><br>

Q: <b> fibre <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5faibE</font>]</b><br>

A: AM) fiber</b></font><br>A fibre is a thin thread of a natural or artificial substance, especially one that is used to make cloth or rope.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If you look at the paper under a microscope you will see the fibres.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a variety of coloured fibres.</font><br><font color=red>= strand</font><br><br>A particular fibre is a type of cloth or other material that is made from or consists of threads.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The ball is made of rattan -- a natural fibre.</font><br><br>Fibre consists of the parts of plants or seeds that your body cannot digest. Fibre is useful because it makes food pass quickly through your body.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Most vegetables contain fibre.</font><br><br>A fibre is a thin piece of flesh like a thread which connects nerve cells in your body or which muscles are made of.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the nerve fibres.</font><br><br>If you say that you feel something with every fibre of your being, you mean that you feel it very deeply. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I wanted to be an actress with every fibre of my being.</font><br>See also moral fibre.<br>

Q: <b> jewellery <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dVu:Elri</font>]</b><br>

A: AM) jewelry</b></font><br>Jewellery is ornaments that people wear, for example rings, bracelets, and necklaces. It is often made of a valuable metal such as gold, and sometimes decorated with precious stones.<br>

Q: <b> litre <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">li:tE(r)</font>]</b><br>

A: AM) liter</b></font><br>A litre is a metric unit of volume that is a thousand cubic centimetres. It is equal to 1.76 British pints or 2.11 American pints.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...15 litres of water...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This tax would raise petrol prices by about 3.5p per litre.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a Ford Escort with a 1.9-litre engine.</font><br>

Q: <b> manoeuvre <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mE5nu:vE</font>]</b><br>

A: AM) maneuver</b></font><br>If you manoeuvre something into or out of an awkward position, you skilfully move it there.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We attempted to manoeuvre the canoe closer to him.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I manoeuvred my way among the tables to the back corner of the place.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The pilot instinctively maneuvered to avoid them.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a ship capable of high speed and rapid manoeuvre.</font><br><br>If you manoeuvre a situation, you change it in a clever and skilful way so that you can benefit from it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The authorities have to manoeuvre the markets into demanding a cut in interest rates.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He brilliantly manoeuvred himself back to power.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He manoeuvres to foster recovery.</font><br><font color=red>= manipulate</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...manoeuvres to block the electoral process.</font><br><font color=red>= ploy</font><br><font color=red>* manoeuvring manoeuvrings </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...his unrivalled skill in political manoeuvring.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...his manoeuvrings on the matter of free trade.</font><br><br>Military manoeuvres are training exercises which involve the movement of soldiers and equipment over a large area.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Allied troops begin maneuvers tomorrow to show how quickly forces could be mobilized in case of a new invasion.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The camp was used for military manoeuvres.</font><br><font color=red>= exercises</font><br>

Q: <b> marshal <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mB:FEl</font>]</b><br>

A: AM) marshaling, marshaled</b></font><br>If you marshal people or things, you gather them together and arrange them for a particular purpose.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Richard was marshalling the doctors and nurses, showing them where to go.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the way in which Britain marshalled its economic and political resources to protect its security interests.</font><br><font color=red>= organize</font><br><br>A marshal is an official who helps to supervise a public event, especially a sports event.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The grand prix is controlled by well-trained marshals.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;During the demonstration, marshals handed over to the police a young man caught breaking shop windows.</font><br><br>In the United States and some other countries, a marshal is a police officer, often one who is responsible for a particular area.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A federal marshal was killed in a shoot-out.</font><br><br>A marshal is an officer in a fire department. (AM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was ordered out of her home by a fire marshal because the house next door had an explosion from a leaking gas main.</font><br><br>In Britain and some other countries, a marshal is an officer who has the highest rank in an army or air force.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Air Chief Marshal Sir Kenneth Cross.</font><br>

Q: <b> marvellous <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mB:vilEs</font>]</b><br>

A: AM) marvelous</b></font><br>If you describe someone or something as marvellous, you are emphasizing that they are very good.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He certainly is a marvellous actor.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She made marvellous fish pie.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He looked marvellous.</font><br><font color=red>= splendid</font><br><font color=red>* marvellously </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He always painted marvellously.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Isabel gave me a marvellously funny birthday card.</font><br>

Q: <b> mould <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mEuld</font>]</b><br>

A: AM) mold</b></font><br>A mould is a hollow container that you pour liquid into. When the liquid becomes solid, it takes the same shape as the mould.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Spoon the mixture carefully into the mould.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The moulds for the foundry are made in the toolroom area.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...jelly moulds.</font><br><br>If you say that someone breaks the mould, you mean that they do completely different things from what has been done before or from what is usually done.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At first sight, Joe Pesci is not exactly cast in the leading man mould.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was from the same mould as the men she had gazed at worshipfully when a child: rich, handsome, of impeccable social standing.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Memorial services have become tedious and expected. I would like to help break the mould.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When they first started, they said they were going to break the mould of British politics.</font><br><br>If you mould a soft substance such as plastic or clay, you make it into a particular shape or into an object.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Using 2 spoons, mould the cheese mixture into small balls or ovals.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Before we left the camp, my twin brother and I moulded a chair out of mud.</font><br><br>To mould someone or something means to change or influence them over a period of time so that they develop in a particular way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was only 17 at the time and the experience moulded her personality.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Here we outline some of the sometimes conflicting forces moulding the debate.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Too often we try to mold our children into something they do not wish to be.</font><br><font color=red>= form</font><br><br>When something moulds to an object or when you mould it there, it fits round the object tightly so that the shape of the object can still be seen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You need a malleable pillow that will mould to the curves of your neck.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She stepped onto the catwalk and stood there, the wind moulding the smock around her.</font><br><br>Mould is a soft grey, green, or blue substance that sometimes forms in spots on old food or on damp walls or clothes.<br>See also leaf mould.<br>

Q: <b> capitalism <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kApitElizEm</font>]</b><br>

A: Capitalism is an economic and political system in which property, business, and industry are owned by private individuals and not by the state.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the two fundamentally opposed social systems, capitalism and socialism.</font><br>

Q: <b> humanity <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">hju(:)5mAniti</font>]</b><br>

A: All the people in the world can be referred to as humanity.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They face charges of committing crimes against humanity.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a young lawyer full of illusions and love of humanity.</font><br><br>A person's humanity is their state of being a human being, rather than an animal or an object. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was under discussion and it made him feel deprived of his humanity.</font><br><br>Humanity is the quality of being kind, thoughtful, and sympathetic towards others.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her speech showed great maturity and humanity.</font><br><br>The humanities are the subjects such as history, philosophy, and literature which are concerned with human ideas and behaviour.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The number of students majoring in the humanities has declined by about half.</font><br><font color=red>= arts</font><br>

Q: <b> dive <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">daiv</font>]</b><br>

A: American English sometimes uses the form dove for the past tense</b></font><br>If you dive into some water, you jump in head-first with your arms held straight above your head.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He tried to escape by diving into a river.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was standing by a pool, about to dive in.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Joanne had just learnt to dive.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Pat had earlier made a dive of 80 feet from the Chasm Bridge.</font><br><br>If you dive, you go under the surface of the sea or a lake, using special breathing equipment.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bezanik is diving to collect marine organisms.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This sighting occurred during my dive to a sunken wreck off Sardinia.</font><br><br>When birds and animals dive, they go quickly downwards, head-first, through the air or through water.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a pelican which had just dived for a fish...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The shark dived down and swam under the boat.</font><br><br>If an aeroplane dives, it flies or drops down quickly and suddenly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was killed when his monoplane stalled and dived into the ground.</font><br><br>

Q: <b> costume <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCstju:m, -5tju:m</font>]</b><br>

A: An actor's or performer's costume is the set of clothes they wear while they are performing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Even from a distance the effect of his fox costume was stunning.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The performers, in costume and make-up, were walking up and down backstage.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In all, she has eight costume changes.</font><br><font color=red>= outfit</font><br><br>The clothes worn by people at a particular time in history, or in a particular country, are referred to as a particular type of costume.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; and women in eighteenth-century costume...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In the colourful markets at Chincero and Pisac, women still wear their traditional costume.</font><br><font color=red>= dress</font><br><br>A costume play or drama is one which is set in the past and in which the actors wear the type of clothes that were worn in that period.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a lavish costume drama set in Ireland and the US in the 1890s.</font><br>

Q: <b> applicant <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5AplikEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: An applicant for something such as a job or a place at a college is someone who makes a formal written request to be given it.<br>

Q: <b> flank <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">flANk</font>]</b><br>

A: An animal's flank is its side, between the ribs and the hip.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He put his hand on the dog's flank.</font><br><br>A flank of an army or navy force is one side of it when it is organized for battle.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The assault element, led by Captain Ramirez, opened up from their right flank.</font><br><br>The side of anything large can be referred to as its flank.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They continued along the flank of the mountain.</font><br><br>If something is flanked by things, it has them on both sides of it, or sometimes on one side of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The altar was flanked by two Christmas trees.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bookcases flank the bed.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She crossed the room and sat in the armchair flanking the window seat.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He walks briskly, flanked by heavily armed guards.</font><br>

Q: <b> apology <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5pClEdVi</font>]</b><br>

A: An apology is something that you say or write in order to tell someone that you are sorry that you have hurt them or caused trouble for them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I didn't get an apology.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We received a letter of apology.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He made a public apology for the team's performance.</font><br><br>If you offer or make your apologies, you apologize. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His mother offered her apologies to the Jones family.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When Mary finally appeared, she made her apologies to Mrs Madrigal.</font><br><br>If you say that you make no apologies for what you have done, you are emphasizing that you feel that you have done nothing wrong.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was a battling performance and I make no apologies for the way we played.</font><br>

Q: <b> appliance <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5plaiEns</font>]</b><br>

A: An appliance is a device or machine in your home that you use to do a job such as cleaning or cooking. Appliances are often electrical. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He could also learn to use the vacuum cleaner, the washing machine and other household appliances.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Maytag, one of America's biggest domestic appliance manufacturers.</font><br><br>The appliance of a skill or of knowledge is its use for a particular purpose.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They were the result of the intellectual appliance of science.</font><br>

Q: <b> approximate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5prCksimeit</font>]</b><br>

A: An approximate number, time, or position is close to the correct number, time, or position, but is not exact.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The approximate cost varies from around {Pound}150 to {Pound}250.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The times are approximate only.</font><br><font color=red>= rough <> exact</font><br><font color=red>* approximately </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Approximately $150 million is to be spent on improvements.</font><br><br>An idea or description that is approximate is not intended to be precise or accurate, but to give some indication of what something is like.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They did not have even an approximate idea what the Germans really wanted.</font><br><br>If something approximates to something else, it is similar to it but is not exactly the same.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Something approximating to a just outcome will be ensured.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The mixture described below will approximate it, but is not exactly the same.</font><br><font color=red>= resemble</font><br>

Q: <b> apt <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">Apt</font>]</b><br>

A: An apt remark, description, or choice is especially suitable.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The words of this report are as apt today as in 1929.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; apt description of the situation.</font><br><font color=red>= apposite</font><br><font color=red>* aptly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the beach in the aptly named town of Oceanside.</font><br><br>If someone is apt to do something, they often do it and so it is likely that they will do it again.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was apt to raise her voice and wave her hands about.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This type of weather is apt to be more common in winter.</font><br><font color=red>= liable</font><br>

Q: <b> arch <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">B:tF</font>]</b><br>

A: An arch is a structure that is curved at the top and is supported on either side by a pillar, post, or wall.<br><br>An arch is a curved line or movement.<br><font color=red>= arc</font><br><br>The arch of your foot is the curved section at the bottom in the middle.<br><br>If you arch a part of your body such as your back or if it arches, you bend it so that it forms a curve.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Don't arch your back, keep your spine straight.</font><br><br>If you arch your eyebrows, you move them upwards as a way of showing surprise or disapproval. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Oh really?' he said, arching an eyebrow.</font><br><font color=red>= raise</font><br><br>If something arches in a particular direction, it makes a curved line or movement.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I gazed up at the domed ceiling arching overhead.</font><br><br>An arch look is mysterious and mischievous.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Both of them looked at him with that curious, slightly amused and even arch expression.</font><br><font color=red>* archly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She looked at me rather archly.</font><br><br>If you say that someone is arch, you are criticizing them for talking or behaving as if they are better or more important than other people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their attempts to be casual have so far just looked arch or patronising.</font><br><font color=red>= superior</font><br><font color=red>* archly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`You can't fool me,' Shirley said archly.</font><br>

Q: <b> architect <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5B:kitekt</font>]</b><br>

A: An architect is a person who designs buildings.<br><br>You can use architect to refer to a person who plans large projects such as landscaping or railways.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Merrick Denton-Thompson, the landscape architect for Hampshire county council.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Paul Andreu, chief architect of French railways.</font><br><br>The architect of an idea, event, or institution is the person who invented it or made it happen. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Russia's chief architect of economic reform.</font><br>

Q: <b> arena <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5ri:nE</font>]</b><br>

A: An arena is a place where sports, entertainments, and other public events take place. It has seats around it where people sit and watch.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the largest indoor sports arena in the world.</font><br><font color=red>= stadium</font><br><br>You can refer to a field of activity, especially one where there is a lot of conflict or action, as an arena of a particular kind.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He made it clear he had no intention of withdrawing from the political arena.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Oil speculation proved a natural arena for his skills.</font><br>

Q: <b> array <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5rei</font>]</b><br>

A: An array of different things or people is a large number or wide range of them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As the deadline approached she experienced a bewildering array of emotions.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A dazzling array of celebrities are expected at the Mayfair gallery to see the pictures.</font><br><br>An array of objects is a collection of them that is displayed or arranged in a particular way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was an impressive array of pill bottles stacked on top of the fridge.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We visited the local markets and saw wonderful arrays of fruit and vegetables.</font><br><br>An array of instruments such as telescopes or solar panels is a number of them that are connected together to form a single unit.<br><br>In science and mathematics, an array of things such as atoms or numbers is a regular pattern or structure that is formed by them. (TECHNICAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...methods which can be used to create an ordered array of molecules within materials...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The image is then stored on the computer hard disk as a vast array of black or white dots.</font><br>

Q: <b> arrow <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5ArEu</font>]</b><br>

A: An arrow is a long thin weapon which is sharp and pointed at one end and which often has feathers at the other end. An arrow is shot from a bow.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Warriors armed with bows and arrows and spears have invaded their villages.</font><br><br>An arrow is a written or printed sign that consists of a straight line with another line bent at a sharp angle at one end. This is a printed arrow: ->. The arrow points in a particular direction to indicate where something is.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A series of arrows points the way to the modest grave of Andrei Sakharov.</font><br>

Q: <b> ass <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">As</font>]</b><br>

A: An ass is an animal which is related to a horse but which is smaller and has long ears.<br><br>If you describe someone as an ass, you think that they are silly or do silly things. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was generally disliked and regarded as a pompous ass.</font><br><br>Your ass is your bottom. ([!] VERY RUDE) (INFORMAL) (AM; in BRIT use arse or bum)<br><br>To kick ass or to kick someone's ass means to show them that you are angry with them, either by telling them or by using physical force. (AM, INFORMAL, RUDE)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They've really been kicking ass lately -- busting places up, harassing everybody.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He damn well better not try it now or he will damn well get his ass kicked.</font><br><br>Saying that someone can kiss your ass is a very rude way of expressing anger or disagreement. ([!] VERY RUDE) (AM, INFORMAL)<br><br>If you say that someone makes an ass of themselves, you mean they behave in a way that you think is very silly. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I find no pleasure in seeing people make asses of themselves.</font><br>

Q: <b> assignment <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5sainmEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: An assignment is a task or piece of work that you are given to do, especially as part of your job or studies.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The assessment for the course involves written assignments and practical tests.</font><br><br>You can refer to someone being given a particular task or job as their assignment to the task or job.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;An Australian division scheduled for assignment to Greece was ordered to remain in Egypt.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I hardly ever take photographs except on assignment.</font><br>

Q: <b> astronomer <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5strCnEmE(r)</font>]</b><br>

A: An astronomer is a scientist who studies the stars, planets, and other natural objects in space.<br>

Q: <b> asylum <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5sailEm</font>]</b><br>

A: An asylum is a psychiatric hospital. (OLD-FASHIONED)<br><br>If a government gives a person from another country asylum, they allow them to stay, usually because they are unable to return home safely for political reasons.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He applied for asylum in 1987 after fleeing the police back home.</font><br><font color=red>= sanctuary</font><br>

Q: <b> atom <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5AtEm</font>]</b><br>

A: An atom is the smallest amount of a substance that can take part in a chemical reaction.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A methane molecule is composed of one carbon atom attached to four hydrogens.</font><br>

Q: <b> atrocity <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5trCsiti</font>]</b><br>

A: An atrocity is a very cruel, shocking action.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The killing was cold-blooded, and those who committed this atrocity should be tried and punished.</font><br>

Q: <b> attempted <br>ATTEMPTED </b><br>

A: An attempted crime or unlawful action is an unsuccessful effort to commit the crime or action.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a case of attempted murder...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The attempted coup took place in January.</font><br>

Q: <b> attendant <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5tendEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: An attendant is someone whose job is to serve or help people in a place such as a petrol station, a car park, or a cloakroom.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tony Williams was working as a car-park attendant in Los Angeles.</font><br><font color=red>= assistant</font><br><br>You use attendant to describe something that results from a thing already mentioned or that is connected with it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mr Branson's victory, and all the attendant publicity, were well deserved.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the risks attendant on the exploration of the unknown.</font><br><font color=red>= resulting</font><br>

Q: <b> authentic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">C:5Wentik</font>]</b><br>

A: An authentic person, object, or emotion is genuine.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...authentic Italian food...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She has authentic charm whereas most people simply have nice manners.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They have to look authentic.</font><br><font color=red>= genuine, real <> fake, imitation</font><br><font color=red>* authenticity </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There are factors, however, that have cast doubt on the statue's authenticity.</font><br><font color=red>* authentically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Consumers are increasingly interested in the authentically exotic tastes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The enamel gives new brass an authentically tarnished finish.</font><br><br>If you describe something as authentic, you mean that it is such a good imitation that it is almost the same as or as good as the original.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...patterns for making authentic frontier-style clothing.</font><br><font color=red>* authentically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The team decided to try and replicate the missing curtains as authentically as possible.</font><br><br>An authentic piece of information or account of something is reliable and accurate.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I had obtained the authentic details about the birth of the organization.</font><br><font color=red>* authentically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The book authentically and intimately describes the small details of her daily life.</font><br><font color=red>* authenticity </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The film's authenticity of detail has impressed critics.</font><br>

Q: <b> collected <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kE5lektid</font>]</b><br>

A: An author's collected works or letters are all their works or letters published in one book or in a set of books.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the collected works of Rudyard Kipling...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His collected poems have just been published.</font><br><font color=red>= complete</font><br><br>If you say that someone is collected, you mean that they are very calm and self-controlled, especially when they are in a difficult or serious situation.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Police say she was cool and collected during her interrogation.</font><br>

Q: <b> automobile <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5C:tEmEubi:l, 7C:tE5mEubil, 7C:tEmE5bi:l</font>]</b><br>

A: An automobile is a car. (mainly AM)<br>

Q: <b> autonomous <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">C:5tCnEmEs</font>]</b><br>

A: An autonomous country, organization, or group governs or controls itself rather than being controlled by anyone else.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They proudly declared themselves part of a new autonomous province.</font><br><font color=red>= independent</font><br><font color=red>* autonomously </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a highly decentralised company, with each of its subsidiaries operating autonomously.</font><br><br>An autonomous person makes their own decisions rather than being influenced by someone else.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He treated us as autonomous individuals who had to learn to make up our own minds about important issues.</font><br><font color=red>= independent</font><br>

Q: <b> awkward <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5C:kwEd</font>]</b><br>

A: An awkward situation is embarrassing and difficult to deal with.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was the first to ask him awkward questions but there'll be harder ones to come.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was an awkward moment as couples decided whether to stand next to their partners.</font><br><font color=red>= tricky <> easy</font><br><font color=red>* awkwardly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was an awkwardly long silence.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; awkwardly timed meeting.</font><br><br>Something that is awkward to use or carry is difficult to use or carry because of its design. A job that is awkward is difficult to do.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was small but heavy enough to make it awkward to carry.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Full-size tripods can be awkward, especially if you're shooting a low-level subject.</font><br><font color=red>= tricky <> easy</font><br><font color=red>* awkwardly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The autoexposure button is awkwardly placed under the lens release button.</font><br><br>An awkward movement or position is uncomfortable or clumsy.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Amy made an awkward gesture with her hands.</font><br><font color=red>* awkwardly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He fell awkwardly and went down in agony clutching his right knee.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He lay beside her awkwardly, propped on an elbow.</font><br><br>Someone who feels awkward behaves in a shy or embarrassed way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Women frequently say </b></font><br>

Q: <b> earthquake <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5E:Wkweik</font>]</b><br>

A: An earthquake is a shaking of the ground caused by movement of the earth's crust.<br>

Q: <b> eel <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">i:l</font>]</b><br>

A: An eel is a long, thin fish that looks like a snake.<br><br>Eel is the flesh of this fish which is eaten as food.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...smoked eel.</font><br>

Q: <b> electron <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">i5lektrCn</font>]</b><br>

A: An electron is a tiny particle of matter that is smaller than an atom and has a negative electrical charge. (TECHNICAL)<br>

Q: <b> elephant <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5elifEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: An elephant is a very large animal with a long, flexible nose called a trunk, which it uses to pick up things. Elephants live in India and Africa.<br>See also white elephant.<br>

Q: <b> embryo <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5embriEu</font>]</b><br>

A: An embryo is an unborn animal or human being in the very early stages of development.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The embryo lives in the amniotic cavity.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the remarkable resilience of very young embryos.</font><br><br>An embryo idea, system, or organization is in the very early stages of development, but is expected to grow stronger.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They are an embryo party of government.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was an embryo idea rather than a fully worked proposal.</font><br><br>Something that is in embryo is at a very early stage of its development.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These developments were foreseen in embryo more than a decade ago.</font><br>

Q: <b> emission <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">i5miFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: An emission of something such as gas or radiation is the release of it into the atmosphere. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The emission of gases such as carbon dioxide should be stabilised at their present level.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sulfur emissions from steel mills become acid rain.</font><br>

Q: <b> endowment <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5daumEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: An endowment is a gift of money that is made to an institution or community in order to provide it with an annual income.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The company revived the finances of the Oxford Union with a generous {Pound}1m endowment.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the National Endowment for the Arts.</font><br><br>If someone has an endowment of a particular quality or ability, they possess it naturally. (FORMAL)<br><br>In finance, an endowment policy or mortgage is an insurance policy or mortgage which you pay towards each month and which should then provide you with enough money to pay for your house at the end of a fixed period. (BRIT)<br>

Q: <b> engagement <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5geidVmEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: An engagement is an arrangement that you have made to do something at a particular time. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had an engagement at a restaurant in Greek Street at eight.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; social engagements.</font><br><br>An engagement is an agreement that two people have made with each other to get married.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I've broken off my engagement to Arthur.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Announcing our engagement was a relief.</font><br><br>You can refer to the period of time during which two people are engaged as their engagement.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I felt our engagement was quite an unhappy time.</font><br><br>A military engagement is an armed conflict between two enemies.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The constitution prohibits them from military engagement on foreign soil.</font><br>

Q: <b> entity <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5entiti</font>]</b><br>

A: An entity is something that exists separately from other things and has a clear identity of its own. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the earth as a living entity...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;North and South will remain separate entities within a commonwealth until the year 2000.</font><br>

Q: <b> epic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5epik</font>]</b><br>

A: An epic is a long book, poem, or film, whose story extends over a long period of time or tells of great events.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Middle High German epic, `Nibelungenlied', written about 1200...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At three hours and 21 minutes, it is an over-long, standard Hollywood epic.</font><br><br>Also an adjective.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...epic narrative poems...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Like `Gone With The Wind' it's an unashamed epic romance.</font><br><br>Something that is epic is very large and impressive.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Columbus's epic voyage of discovery.</font><br>

Q: <b> equation <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">i5kweiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: An equation is a mathematical statement saying that two amounts or values are the same, for example 6x4=2x2.<br><br>An equation is a situation in which two or more parts have to be considered together so that the whole situation can be understood or explained.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The equation is simple: research breeds new products.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The party fears the equation between higher spending and higher taxes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;New plans have taken chance out of the equation.</font><br>

Q: <b> essay <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5esei, 5esi</font>]</b><br>

A: An essay is a short piece of writing on one particular subject written by a student.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We asked Jason to write an essay about his hometown and about his place in it.</font><br><br>An essay is a short piece of writing on one particular subject that is written by a writer for publication.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Thomas Malthus's essay on population.</font><br><br>If you essay something, you try to do it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sinclair essayed a smile but it could hardly have been rated as a success.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His first essay in running a company was a notoriously tough undertaking.</font><br>

Q: <b> exam <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">ig5zAm, eg-</font>]</b><br>

A: An exam is a formal test that you take to show your knowledge or ability in a particular subject, or to obtain a qualification.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I don't want to take any more exams.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kate's exam results were excellent.</font><br><font color=red>= examination</font><br><br>If you have a medical exam, a doctor looks at your body, feels it, or does simple tests in order to check how healthy you are. (mainly AM)<br><font color=red>= examination</font><br>

Q: <b> explosive <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">iks5plEusiv</font>]</b><br>

A: An explosive is a substance or device that can cause an explosion.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; pounds of Semtex explosive...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There were traces of explosives in the bedroom.</font><br><br>Something that is explosive is capable of causing an explosion.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The explosive device was timed to go off at the rush hour.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Highly explosive gas is naturally found in coal mines.</font><br><font color=red>* explosively </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hydrogen is explosively flammable when mixed with oxygen.</font><br><br>An explosive growth is a sudden, rapid increase in the size or quantity of something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The explosive growth in casinos is one of the most conspicuous signs of Westernisation.</font><br><font color=red>* explosively </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These transactions grew explosively in the early 1980s.</font><br><br>An explosive situation is likely to have difficult, serious, or dangerous effects.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He appeared to be treating the potentially explosive situation with some sensitivity.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nobody knows what explosive arguments the future of Europe will bring.</font><br><font color=red>* explosively </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A referendum next year would coincide explosively with the election campaign.</font><br><br>If you describe someone as explosive, you mean that they tend to express sudden violent anger.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was unpredictable, explosive, impulsive and easily distracted.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's inherited his father's explosive temper.</font><br><font color=red>= fiery</font><br><font color=red>* explosively </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Are you mad?' David asked explosively.</font><br><br>A sudden loud noise can be described as explosive.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He made a loud, explosive noise of disgust.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; explosive drumbeat.</font><br><font color=red>* explosively </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The </b></font><br>

Q: <b> extension <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">iks5tenFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: An extension is a new room or building which is added to an existing building or group of buildings.<br><br>An extension is a new section of a road or rail line that is added to an existing road or line.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Jubilee Line extension.</font><br><br>An extension is an extra period of time for which something lasts or is valid, usually as a result of official permission.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He first entered Britain on a six-month visa, and was given a further extension of six months.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ian Lentern has been granted a three-year extension.</font><br><br>Something that is an extension of something else is a development of it that includes or affects more people, things, or activities.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many Filipinos see the bases as an extension of American colonial rule.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That's the logical extension of my approach.</font><br><br>An extension is a telephone line that is connected to the switchboard of a company or institution, and that has its own number. The written abbreviation ext. is also used.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She can get me on extension 308.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;For further information, please contact 414 3925, extension 2253.</font><br><br>An extension is a part which is connected to a piece of equipment in order to make it reach something further away.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a 30-foot extension cord...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some of the best extensions are made from sections of rod tube or drainpipe.</font><br>

Q: <b> ideology <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7aidi5ClEdVi, id-</font>]</b><br>

A: An ideology is a set of beliefs, especially the political beliefs on which people, parties, or countries base their actions.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...capitalist ideology.</font><br><font color=red>= philosophy</font><br>

Q: <b> illusion <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">i5lu:VEn, i5lju:-</font>]</b><br>

A: An illusion is a false idea or belief.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Do not have any illusions that an industrial tribunal will right all employment wrongs.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;No one really has any illusions about winning the war.</font><br><font color=red>= delusion</font><br><br>An illusion is something that appears to exist or be a particular thing but does not actually exist or is in reality something else.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Floor-to-ceiling windows can look stunning, giving the illusion of extra height.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This eerie calm is an illusion.</font><br>

Q: <b> dragon <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5drAgEn</font>]</b><br>

A: In stories and legends, a dragon is an animal like a big lizard. It has wings and claws, and breathes out fire.<br><br>If someone calls a woman, especially an older woman, a dragon, they mean that she is fierce and unpleasant. (INFORMAL)<br>

Q: <b> impulse <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5impQls</font>]</b><br>

A: An impulse is a sudden desire to do something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Unable to resist the impulse, he glanced at the sea again.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He still couldn't understand the impulse that had made him confide in Cassandra.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wade resisted an impulse to smile.</font><br><br>An impulse is a short electrical signal that is sent along a wire or nerve or through the air, usually as one of a series.<br><br>An impulse buy or impulse purchase is something that you decide to buy when you see it, although you had not planned to buy it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The curtains were an impulse buy.</font><br><br>If you do something on impulse, you suddenly decide to do it, without planning it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sean's a fast thinker, and he acts on impulse.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;After lunch she decided on impulse to take a bath.</font><br>

Q: <b> incumbent <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5kQmbEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: An incumbent is someone who holds an official post at a particular time. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In general, incumbents have a 94 per cent chance of being re-elected.</font><br><br>Also an adjective.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the only candidate who defeated an incumbent senator.</font><br><br>If it is incumbent upon you to do something, it is your duty or responsibility to do it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is incumbent upon all of us as loyal citizens to make an extra effort.</font><br>

Q: <b> indicator <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5indikeitE</font>]</b><br>

A: An indicator is a measurement or value which gives you an idea of what something is like.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...vital economic indicators, such as inflation, growth and the trade gap...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The number of wells is a fair indicator of the demand for water.</font><br><br>A car's indicators are the flashing lights that tell you when it is going to turn left or right. (mainly BRIT; in AM usually use blinkers or turn signals)<br>

Q: <b> indirect <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7indi5rekt, indai5rekt</font>]</b><br>

A: An indirect result or effect is not caused immediately and obviously by a thing or person, but happens because of something else that they have done.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Businesses are feeling the indirect effects from the recession that's going on elsewhere.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Millions could die of hunger as an indirect result of the war.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His influence has been profound, but it has been indirect.</font><br><font color=red><> direct</font><br><font color=red>* indirectly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Drugs are indirectly responsible for the violence.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The president is indirectly elected by parliament.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Indirectly, I did cause her death. I shouldn't have left her there.</font><br><br>An indirect route or journey does not use the shortest or easiest way between two places.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The goods went by a rather indirect route.</font><br><font color=red><> direct</font><br><br>Indirect remarks and information suggest something or refer to it, without actually mentioning it or stating it clearly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His remarks amounted to an indirect appeal for economic aid.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There were indirect references to his opponent.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;So far the evidence is only indirect.</font><br><font color=red>* indirectly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He referred indirectly to the territorial dispute.</font><br>

Q: <b> infant <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5infEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: An infant is a baby or very young child. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...young mums with infants in prams...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The family were forced to flee with their infant son.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the infant mortality rate in Britain.</font><br><br>Infants are children between the ages of five and seven, who go to an infant school. (BRIT)<br><br>You use the infants to refer to a school or class for such children.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You've been my best friend ever since we started in the infants.</font><br><br>Infant means designed especially for very young children.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; infant carrier in the back of a car.</font><br><br>An infant organization or system is new and has not developed very much.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The infant company was based in Germany.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the infant health service.</font><br>

Q: <b> innings <br>INNINGS </b><br>

A: An innings is a period in a game of cricket during which a particular team or player is batting.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The home side were all out for 50 in their second innings.</font><br>

Q: <b> innovation <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7inEu5veiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: An innovation is a new thing or a new method of doing something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They produced the first vegetarian beanburger -- an innovation which was rapidly exported to Britain.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the transformation wrought by the technological innovations of the industrial age.</font><br><br>Innovation is the introduction of new ideas, methods, or things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We must promote originality, inspire creativity and encourage innovation.</font><br>

Q: <b> insider <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5saidE(r)</font>]</b><br>

A: An insider is someone who is involved in a situation and who knows more about it than other people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;An insider said, `Katharine has told friends it is time to end her career.'.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;German banks have more insider knowledge than most.</font><br>

Q: <b> installation <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7instE5leiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: An installation is a place that contains equipment and machinery which are being used for a particular purpose.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The building was turned into a secret military installation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a nuclear installation.</font><br>See also install.<br>

Q: <b> interpretation <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in7tE:pri5teiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: An interpretation of something is an opinion about what it means.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The opposition Conservative Party put a different interpretation on the figures.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Analysis and interpretation is a very personal thing.</font><br><br>A performer's interpretation of something such as a piece of music or a role in a play is the particular way in which they choose to perform it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...her full-bodied interpretation of the role of Micaela.</font><br><font color=red>= portrayal, rendition</font><br>

Q: <b> interpreter <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5tE:pritE</font>]</b><br>

A: An interpreter is a person whose job is to translate what someone is saying into another language.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speaking through an interpreter, Aristide said that Haitians had hoped coups were behind them.</font><br><br>The interpreter of something such as a piece of music is the person who performs it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Over the years Freni has been one of the supreme interpreters of Puccini's heroines.</font><br>

Q: <b> interval <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5intEvEl</font>]</b><br>

A: An interval between two events or dates is the period of time between them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The ferry service between Burnham and Wallasea Island has restarted after an interval of 12 years.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was a long interval of silence.</font><br><font color=red>= gap</font><br><br>An interval during a film, concert, show, or game is a short break between two of the parts. (mainly BRIT; in AM usually use intermission)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;During the interval, wine was served.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;England were two goals behind at the interval.</font><br><br>In music, an interval is the difference in pitch between two musical notes. (TECHNICAL)<br><br>If something happens at intervals, it happens several times with gaps or pauses in between.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She woke him for his medicines at intervals throughout the night.</font><br><br>If things are placed at particular intervals, there are spaces of a particular size between them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Several red and white barriers marked the road at intervals of about a mile.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The trees which gave the road its name stood at regular intervals along the kerb.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At intervals there were red warning lights.</font><br>

Q: <b> invention <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5venFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: An invention is a machine, device, or system that has been invented by someone.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's been a tricky business marketing his new invention.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The spinning wheel was a Chinese invention.</font><br><br>Invention is the act of inventing something that has never been made or used before.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;More than eight million books were printed within fifty years after the invention of the printing press.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the invention of the telephone.</font><br><br>If you refer to someone's account of something as an invention, you think that it is untrue and that they have made it up.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In these and several other respects, there are many inventions and exaggerations.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The story was certainly a favourite one, but it was undoubtedly pure invention.</font><br><font color=red>= fabrication</font><br><br>Invention is the ability to invent things or to have clever and original ideas.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Perhaps, with such powers of invention and mathematical ability, he will be offered a job in computers.</font><br><font color=red>= creativity</font><br>

Q: <b> investigator <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5vestigeitE(r)</font>]</b><br>

A: An investigator is someone who carries out investigations, especially as part of their job.<br>

Q: <b> isle <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">ail</font>]</b><br>

A: An isle is an island; often used as part of an island's name, or in literary English.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the paradise isle of Bali.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Isle of Man.</font><br>

Q: <b> isolated <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5aisEleitid</font>]</b><br>

A: An isolated place is a long way away from large towns and is difficult to reach.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many of the refugee villages are in isolated areas.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Aubrey's family's farm is very isolated.</font><br><font color=red>= cut off, remote</font><br><br>If you feel isolated, you feel lonely and without friends or help.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Men can feel isolated at work.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some patients may become very isolated and depressed.</font><br><font color=red>= cut off</font><br><br>An isolated example is an example of something that is not very common.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They said the allegations related to an isolated case of cheating.</font><br><font color=red>= untypical</font><br>

Q: <b> antibody <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5Anti7bCdi</font>]</b><br>

A: Antibodies are substances which a person's or an animal's body produces in their blood in order to destroy substances which carry disease.<br>

Q: <b> appreciation <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E7pri:Fi5eiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Appreciation of something is the recognition and enjoyment of its good qualities.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; investigation into children's understanding and appreciation of art...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Brian whistled in appreciation.</font><br><br>Your appreciation for something that someone does for you is your gratitude for it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He expressed his appreciation for what he called Saudi Arabia's moderate and realistic oil policies.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the gifts presented to them in appreciation of their work.</font><br><font color=red>= gratitude</font><br><br>An appreciation of a situation or problem is an understanding of what it involves.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They have a stronger appreciation of the importance of economic incentives.</font><br><font color=red>= grasp</font><br><br>Appreciation in the value of something is an increase in its value over a period of time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You have to take capital appreciation of the property into account.</font><br><font color=red><> depreciation</font><br><br>An appreciation of an artist or performer or of their work is a speech or piece of writing in which they are discussed and assessed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I had written an appreciation of Hernandez for a magazine.</font><br><font color=red>= review, critique</font><br>

Q: <b> Apr. <br>APR. </b><br>

A: Apr.<br>Apr. is a written abbreviation for April.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;An agreement was reached on Apr. 27.</font><br>

Q: <b> Aquarius <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5kwZEriEs</font>]</b><br>

A: Aquarius </b></font><br>Aquarius is one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Its symbol is a person pouring water. People who are born approximately between 20th January and 18th February come under this sign.<br><br>An Aquarius is a person whose sign of the zodiac is Aquarius.<br>

Q: <b> archaeology <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7B:ki5ClEdVi</font>]</b><br>

A: Archaeology is the study of the societies and peoples of the past by examining the remains of their buildings, tools, and other objects.<br><font color=red>* archaeological </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; of the region's most important archaeological sites.</font><br><font color=red>* archaeologist archaeologists </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The archaeologists found a house built around 300 BC, with a basement and attic.</font><br>

Q: <b> architectural <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7B:ki5tektFErEl</font>]</b><br>

A: Architectural means relating to the design and construction of buildings.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Tibet's architectural heritage.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the unique architectural style of towns like Lamu.</font><br><font color=red>* architecturally </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The old city centre is architecturally rich.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Architecturally, the chapel would be the perfect match for the school.</font><br>

Q: <b> architecture <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5B:kitektFE</font>]</b><br>

A: Architecture is the art of planning, designing, and constructing buildings.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He studied classical architecture and design in Rome.</font><br><br>The architecture of a building is the style in which it is designed and constructed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...modern architecture.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a fine example of Moroccan architecture.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the architecture of the city's buildings.</font><br><br>The architecture of something is its structure. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the crumbling intellectual architecture of modern society.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the architecture of muscle fibres.</font><br>

Q: <b> Aries <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5ZEri:z</font>]</b><br>

A: Aries </b></font><br>Aries is one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Its symbol is a ram. People who are born approximately between 21st March and 19th April come under this sign.<br><br>An Aries is a person whose sign of the zodiac is Aries.<br>

Q: <b> artery <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5B:tEri</font>]</b><br>

A: Arteries are the tubes in your body that carry blood from your heart to the rest of your body.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...patients suffering from blocked arteries.</font><br><br>You can refer to an important main route within a complex road, railway, or river system as an artery.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Clarence Street was one of the north-bound arteries of the central business district.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the point where the Ohio River, itself a great artery, joins the Mississippi.</font><br>

Q: <b> artificial <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7B:ti5fiFEl</font>]</b><br>

A: Artificial objects, materials, or processes do not occur naturally and are created by human beings, for example using science or technology.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a wholefood diet free from artificial additives, colours and flavours...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The city is dotted with small lakes, natural and artificial.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He did not want his life to be prolonged by artificial means.</font><br><font color=red>= synthetic <> natural</font><br><font color=red>* artificially </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...artificially sweetened lemonade.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...drugs which artificially reduce heart rate.</font><br><br>An artificial state or situation exists only because someone has created it, and therefore often seems unnatural or unnecessary.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Even in the artificial environment of an office, our body rhythms continue to affect us.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He foresaw an open society without artificial barriers of background, religion or race.</font><br><font color=red>* artificiality </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...another example of the capriciousness and artificiality of our adversarial system of justice.</font><br><font color=red>* artificially </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...state subsidies that have kept retail prices artificially low.</font><br><br>If you describe someone or their behaviour as artificial, you disapprove of them because they pretend to have attitudes and feelings which they do not really have.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The voice was patronizing and affected, the accent artificial.</font><br><font color=red>* artificiality </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the novel's use of homosexuality to suggest the artificiality of all relationships in that nervous city.</font><br><br>If you say that food tastes or looks artificial, you do not like it because its taste or appearance does not seem genuine, and seems to be created by added substances.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The meat was chewy and the sauce was glutinous and tasted artificial.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...complaints that their tinned peas were an artificial shade of </b></font><br>

Q: <b> artillery <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">B:5tilEri</font>]</b><br>

A: Artillery consists of large, powerful guns which are transported on wheels and used by an army.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Using tanks and heavy artillery, they seized the town.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the sound of artillery fire.</font><br><br>The artillery is the section of an army which is trained to use large, powerful guns.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At some stage he left the Artillery to command a radar unit.</font><br>

Q: <b> ash <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">AF</font>]</b><br>

A: Ash is the grey or black powdery substance that is left after something is burnt. You can also refer to this substance as ashes.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A cloud of volcanic ash is spreading across wide areas of the Philippines.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He brushed the cigarette ash from his sleeve.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He ordered their villages burned to ashes.</font><br><br>A dead person's ashes are their remains after their body has been cremated.<br><br>An ash is a tree that has smooth grey bark and loses its leaves in winter.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a high forest of oak and ash.</font><br><br>Ash is the wood from this tree.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The rafters are made from ash.</font><br>

Q: <b> athletic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">AW5letik</font>]</b><br>

A: Athletic means relating to athletes and athletics.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They have been given college scholarships purely on athletic ability.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Most athletic activities are about individual effort.</font><br><font color=red>* athletically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...she's academically able and athletically outstanding.</font><br><br>An athletic person is fit, and able to perform energetic movements easily.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Xandra is an athletic 36-year-old with a 21-year-old's body.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was tall, with an athletic build.</font><br><font color=red>* athletically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He jumped athletically out of the car.</font><br>

Q: <b> athletics <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">AW5letiks</font>]</b><br>

A: Athletics refers to track and field sports such as running, the high jump, and the javelin. (mainly BRIT; in AM use track and field)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As the modern Olympics grew in stature, so too did athletics.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the International Amateur Athletics Federation.</font><br><br>Athletics refers to any kind of physical sports, exercise, or games. (AM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...students who play intercollegiate athletics.</font><br>

Q: <b> atomic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5tCmik</font>]</b><br>

A: Atomic means relating to power that is produced from the energy released by splitting atoms.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...atomic energy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...atomic weapons.</font><br><font color=red>= nuclear</font><br><br>Atomic means relating to the atoms of substances.<br>

Q: <b> attraction <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5trAkFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Attraction is a feeling of liking someone, and often of being sexually interested in them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Our level of attraction to the opposite sex has more to do with our inner confidence than how we look.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was never a physical attraction, just a meeting of minds.</font><br><br>An attraction is a feature which makes something interesting or desirable.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the attractions of living on the waterfront.</font><br><br>An attraction is something that people can go to for interest or enjoyment, for example a famous building.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The walled city is an important tourist attraction.</font><br>

Q: <b> audio <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5C:diEu</font>]</b><br>

A: Audio equipment is used for recording and reproducing sound.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She uses her vocal training to record audio tapes of books for blind people.</font><br>

Q: <b> autonomy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">C:5tCnEmi</font>]</b><br>

A: Autonomy is the control or government of a country, organization, or group by itself rather than by others.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Activists stepped up their demands for local autonomy last month.</font><br><font color=red>= independence</font><br><br>Autonomy is the ability to make your own decisions about what to do rather than being influenced by someone else or told what to do. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Each of the area managers enjoys considerable autonomy in the running of his own area.</font><br><font color=red>= independence</font><br>

Q: <b> avenue <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5Avinju:</font>]</b><br>

A: Avenue is sometimes used in the names of streets. The written abbreviation Ave. is also used.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the most expensive stores on Park Avenue.</font><br><br>An avenue is a wide, straight road, especially one with trees on either side.<br><br>An avenue is a way of getting something done.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Talbot was presented with 80 potential avenues of investigation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is another avenue to pursue -- it involves further negotiations.</font><br><font color=red>= line</font><br>

Q: <b> aviation <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7eivi5eiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Aviation is the operation and production of aircraft.<br>

Q: <b> apologize <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5pClEdVaiz</font>]</b><br>

A: BRIT) also apologise</b></font><br>When you apologize to someone, you say that you are sorry that you have hurt them or caused trouble for them. You can say `I apologize' as a formal way of saying sorry.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Two years ago, Congress formally apologized for the internment.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I apologize for being late, but I have just had a message from the hospital.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Costello later apologized, saying he'd been annoyed by the man.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He apologized to the people who had been affected.</font><br>

Q: <b> authorize <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5C:WEraiz</font>]</b><br>

A: BRIT) also authorise</b></font><br>If someone in a position of authority authorizes something, they give their official permission for it to happen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It would certainly be within his power to authorize a police raid like that.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We are willing to authorize the president to use force if necessary.</font><br><font color=red>= sanction</font><br><font color=red>* authorization authorizations </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The United Nations will approve his request for authorization to use military force to deliver aid.</font><br>

Q: <b> characterize <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kAriktEraiz</font>]</b><br>

A: BRIT) also characterise</b></font><br>If something is characterized by a particular feature or quality, that feature or quality is an obvious part of it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This election campaign has been characterized by violence.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A bold use of colour characterizes the bedroom.</font><br><font color=red>= typify</font><br><br>If you characterize someone or something as a particular thing, you describe them as that thing. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Both companies have characterized the relationship as friendly.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This play is characterized as a comedy.</font><br><font color=red>= describe</font><br><font color=red>* characterization characterizations </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I don't fully agree with that characterization of the welfare system.</font><br>

Q: <b> civilization <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7sivilai5zeiFLn;-li5z-</font>]</b><br>

A: BRIT) also civilisation</b></font><br>A civilization is a human society with its own social organization and culture.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The ancient civilizations of Central and Latin America were founded upon corn.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It seemed to him that western civilization was in grave economic and cultural danger.</font><br><br>Civilization is the state of having an advanced level of social organization and a comfortable way of life.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...our advanced state of civilisation.</font><br><br>You can refer to a place where you can enjoy the comforts that you consider to be necessary as civilization.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...when I returned to civilization.</font><br>

Q: <b> comedown <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kQmdaun</font>]</b><br>

A: BRIT) also come-down</b></font><br>If you say that something is a comedown, you think that it is not as good as something else that you have just done or had.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;After getting your degree and being on a high, it's quite a comedown to experience constant rejection.</font><br><font color=red>= let-down</font><br>

Q: <b> computerize <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEm5pju:tEraiz</font>]</b><br>

A: BRIT) also computerise</b></font><br>To computerize a system, process, or type of work means to arrange for a lot of the work to be done by computer.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm trying to make a spreadsheet up to computerize everything that's done by hand at the moment.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many hospitals say they simply can't afford to computerize.</font><br><font color=red>* computerization </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the benefits of computerization.</font><br>

Q: <b> dispatch <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5pAtF</font>]</b><br>

A: BRIT) also despatch</b></font><br>If you dispatch someone to a place, you send them there for a particular reason. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had been continually dispatching scouts ahead.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Italian government was preparing to dispatch 4,000 soldiers to search the island.</font><br><font color=red>= send</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The despatch of the task force is purely a contingency measure.</font><br><br>If you dispatch a message, letter, or parcel, you send it to a particular person or destination. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The victory inspired him to dispatch a gleeful telegram to Roosevelt.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Free gifts are dispatched separately so please allow 28 days for delivery.</font><br><font color=red>= send</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We have 125 cases ready for dispatch.</font><br><br>A dispatch is a special report that is sent to a newspaper or broadcasting organization by a journalist who is in a different town or country.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...this despatch from our West Africa correspondent.</font><br><font color=red>= bulletin</font><br><br>If a soldier is mentioned in dispatches, he or she is considered to have been extremely brave in a battle, and is recommended for a medal.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was carrying dispatches from the ambassador.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was hailed as a hero, mentioned in dispatches and finally given a medal.</font><br><br>To dispatch a person or an animal means to kill them. (OLD-FASHIONED)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The fox takes his chance with a pack of hounds which may catch him and despatch him immediately.</font><br><br>To dispatch a job or task means to finish it quickly and efficiently without wasting time. (OLD-FASHIONED)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Amy sat outside in the sun while Ge </b></font><br>

Q: <b> fertilizer <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fE:ti7laizE</font>]</b><br>

A: BRIT) also fertiliser</b></font><br>Fertilizer is a substance such as solid animal waste or a chemical mixture that you spread on the ground in order to make plants grow more successfully.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...farming without any purchased chemical, fertilizer or pesticide...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Work in a balanced fertiliser before planting.</font><br>

Q: <b> gram <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">grAm</font>]</b><br>

A: BRIT) also gramme</b></font><br>A gram is a unit of weight. One thousand grams are equal to one kilogram.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A football weighs about 400 grams.</font><br>

Q: <b> medieval <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7medi5i:vEl</font>]</b><br>

A: BRIT) also mediaeval</b></font><br>Something that is medieval relates to or was made in the period of European history between the end of the Roman Empire in 476 AD and about 1500 AD.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a medieval castle.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the medieval chroniclers.</font><br>

Q: <b> minimize <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5minimaiz</font>]</b><br>

A: BRIT) also minimise</b></font><br>If you minimize a risk, problem, or unpleasant situation, you reduce it to the lowest possible level, or prevent it increasing beyond that level.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Concerned people want to minimize the risk of developing cancer.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many of these problems can be minimised by sensible planning.</font><br><font color=red>= reduce <> maximize</font><br><br>If you minimize something, you make it seem smaller or less significant than it really is.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some have minimized the importance of ideological factors.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At his trial, he tried to minimize his behavior.</font><br><font color=red>= play down <> maximize</font><br><br>If you minimize a window on a computer screen, you make it very small, because you do not want to use it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Click the square icon again to minimize the window.</font><br>

Q: <b> Capricorn <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kAprikC:n</font>]</b><br>

A: Capricorn </b></font><br>Capricorn is one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Its symbol is a goat. People who are born approximately between the 22nd of December and the 19th of January come under this sign.<br><br>A Capricorn is a person whose sign of the zodiac is Capricorn.<br>

Q: <b> mobilize <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mEubilaiz</font>]</b><br>

A: BRIT) also mobilise</b></font><br>If you mobilize support or mobilize people to do something, you succeed in encouraging people to take action, especially political action. If people mobilize, they prepare to take action.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The best hope is that we will mobilize international support and get down to action.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The purpose of the journey is to mobilise public opinion on the controversial issue.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Faced with crisis, people mobilized.</font><br><font color=red>* mobilization </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the rapid mobilization of international opinion in support of the revolution.</font><br><br>If you mobilize resources, you start to use them or make them available for use.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If you could mobilize the resources, you could get it done.</font><br><font color=red>= marshal</font><br><font color=red>* mobilization </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the mobilisation of resources for education.</font><br><br>If a country mobilizes, or mobilizes its armed forces, or if its armed forces mobilize, they are given orders to prepare for a conflict. (MILITARY or JOURNALISM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sudan even threatened to mobilize in response to the ultimatums.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;India is now in a better position to mobilise its forces.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It means that their whole army will mobilize.</font><br><font color=red>* mobilization </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a demand for full-scale mobilisation to defend the republic.</font><br>

Q: <b> bail <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">beil</font>]</b><br>

A: Bail is a sum of money that an arrested person or someone else puts forward as a guarantee that the arrested person will attend their trial in a law court. If the arrested person does not attend it, the money will be lost.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was freed on bail pending an appeal.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The high court set bail at $8,000.</font><br><br>Bail is permission for an arrested person to be released after bail has been paid.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was yesterday given bail by South Yorkshire magistrates.</font><br><br>If someone is bailed, they are released while they are waiting for their trial, after paying an amount of money to the court.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was bailed for probation reports.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was bailed to appear before local magistrates on 5 November.</font><br><br>In cricket, the bails are the two small pieces of wood that are laid across the top of the stumps to form the wicket.<br><br>If you bail, you use a container to remove water from a boat or from a place which is flooded.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We kept her afloat for a couple of hours by bailing frantically.</font><br><br>Bail out means the same as bail.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A crew was sent down the shaft to close it off and bail out all the water.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The flood waters have receded since then, but residents are still bailing out.</font><br><br>If a prisoner jumps bail, he or she does not come back for his or her trial after being released on bail.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had jumped bail last year while being tried on drug charges.</font><br>

Q: <b> bait <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">beit</font>]</b><br>

A: Bait is food which you put on a hook or in a trap in order to catch fish or animals.<br><br>If you bait a hook or trap, you put bait on it or in it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He baited his hook with pie.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The boys dug pits and baited them so that they could spear their prey.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...baited lures.</font><br><br>To use something as bait means to use it to trick or persuade someone to do something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Service stations make only a nominal profit on petrol, using it as a bait to lure motorists into the restaurants and other facilities.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Television programmes are essentially bait to attract an audience for advertisements.</font><br><br>If you bait someone, you deliberately try to make them angry by teasing them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He delighted in baiting his mother.</font><br><font color=red>= needle</font><br><br>If you take the bait, you react to something that someone has said or done exactly as they intended you to do. The expression rise to the bait is also used, mainly in British English.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When she attempts to make you feel guilty, don't take the bait.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their behaviour may seem insulting, but it's important not to rise to the bait and get cross.</font><br>

Q: <b> ballet <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bAlei, bA5lei</font>]</b><br>

A: Ballet is a type of very skilled and artistic dancing with carefully planned movements.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I trained as a ballet dancer.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She is also keen on the ballet.</font><br><br>A ballet is an artistic work that is performed by ballet dancers.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The performance will include the premiere of three new ballets.</font><br>

Q: <b> bankruptcy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bANkrEp(t)si</font>]</b><br>

A: Bankruptcy is the state of being bankrupt.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Pam Am is the second airline in two months to file for bankruptcy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many established firms were facing bankruptcy.</font><br><font color=red>= insolvency</font><br><br>A bankruptcy is an instance of an organization or person going bankrupt.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The number of corporate bankruptcies climbed in August.</font><br><font color=red>= insolvencies</font><br><br>If you refer to something's bankruptcy, you are emphasizing that it is completely lacking in value or worth.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The massacre laid bare the moral bankruptcy of the regime.</font><br><font color=red>= vacuum</font><br>

Q: <b> canvas <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kAnvEs</font>]</b><br>

A: Canvas is a strong, heavy cloth that is used for making things such as tents, sails, and bags.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a canvas bag.</font><br><br>A canvas is a piece of canvas or similar material on which an oil painting can be done.<br><br>A canvas is a painting that has been done on canvas.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The show includes canvases by masters like Carpaccio, Canaletto and Guardi.</font><br><font color=red>= painting, picture</font><br><br>If you are living and sleeping under canvas, you are living and sleeping in a tent.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Campsites in the New Forest quickly filled up as thousands decided to spend the holiday under canvas.</font><br>

Q: <b> battery <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bAtEri</font>]</b><br>

A: Batteries are small devices that provide the power for electrical items such as radios and children's toys.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The shavers come complete with batteries.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a battery-operated cassette player.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...rechargeable batteries.</font><br><br>A car battery is a rectangular box containing acid that is found in a car engine. It provides the electricity needed to start the car.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a car with a flat battery.</font><br><br>A battery of equipment such as guns, lights, or computers is a large set of it kept together in one place.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They stopped beside a battery of abandoned guns.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...batteries of spotlights set up on rooftops.</font><br><br>A battery of people or things is a very large number of them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a battery of journalists and television cameras...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Crack is part of a battery of drugs used by addicts.</font><br><font color=red>= horde</font><br><br>A battery of tests is a set of tests that is used to assess a number of different aspects of something, such as your health.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We give a battery of tests to each patient.</font><br><br>Battery farming is a system of breeding chickens and hens in which large numbers of them are kept in small cages, and used for their meat and eggs. (BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...battery hens being raised in dark, cramped conditions.</font><br>

Q: <b> bent <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bent</font>]</b><br>

A: Bent is the past tense and past participle of bend.<br><br>If an object is bent, it is damaged and no longer has its correct shape.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The trees were all bent and twisted from the wind.</font><br><br>If a person is bent, their body has become curved because of old age or disease. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a bent, frail, old man.</font><br><font color=red>= hunched</font><br><br>If someone is bent on doing something, especially something harmful, they are determined to do it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's bent on suicide.</font><br><br>If you have a bent for something, you have a natural ability to do it or a natural interest in it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His bent for natural history directed him towards his first job.</font><br><font color=red>= flair</font><br><br>If someone is of a particular bent, they hold a particular set of beliefs.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...economists of a socialist bent.</font><br><font color=red>= persuasion</font><br><br>If you say that someone in a position of responsibility is bent, you mean that they are dishonest or do illegal things. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...this bent accountant.</font><br><br>Homosexuals are sometimes described as bent. This use could cause offence. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><br>If someone is bent double, the top part of their body is leaning forward towards their legs, usually because they are in great pain or because they are laughing a lot. In American English, you can also say that someone is bent over double.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He left the courtroom on the first day bent double with stomach pain.</font><br>

Q: <b> biological <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">baiE5lCdVikEl</font>]</b><br>

A: Biological is used to describe processes and states that occur in the bodies and cells of living things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The living organisms somehow concentrated the minerals by biological processes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This is a natural biological response.</font><br><font color=red>* biologically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Much of our behaviour is biologically determined.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Possibly we are accustomed, biologically speaking, to this background radiation.</font><br><br>Biological is used to describe activities concerned with the study of living things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...all aspects of biological research associated with leprosy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the university's school of biological sciences.</font><br><br>Biological weapons and biological warfare involve the use of bacteria or other living organisms in order to attack human beings, animals, or plants.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Such a war could result in the use of chemical and biological weapons.</font><br><br>Biological pest control is the use of bacteria or other living organisms in order to destroy other organisms which are harmful to plants or crops.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Jim Litsinger, a consultant on biological control of agricultural pests.</font><br><br>A child's biological parents are the man and woman who caused him or her to be born, rather than other adults who look after him or her.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...foster parents for young teenagers whose biological parents have rejected them.</font><br><font color=red>= natural</font><br><br>A biological washing powder contains substances called enzymes which dissolve dirt.<br>

Q: <b> biology <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bai5ClEdVi</font>]</b><br>

A: Biology is the science which is concerned with the study of living things.<br><font color=red>* biologist biologists </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...biologists studying the fruit fly.</font><br><br>The biology of a living thing is the way in which its body or cells behave.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The biology of these diseases is terribly complicated.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...human biology.</font><br>

Q: <b> brake <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">breik</font>]</b><br>

A: Brakes are devices in a vehicle that make it go slower or stop.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The brakes began locking.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A seagull swooped down in front of her car, causing her to slam on the brakes.</font><br><br>When a vehicle or its driver brakes, or when a driver brakes a vehicle, the driver makes it slow down or stop by using the brakes.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He heard tires squeal as the car braked to avoid a collision.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She braked sharply to avoid another car.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He lit a cigarette and braked the car slightly.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She braked to a halt and switched off.</font><br><br>You can use brake in a number of expressions to indicate that something has slowed down or stopped.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Illness had put a brake on his progress.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You can take the financial brakes off in June.</font><br>

Q: <b> brass <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">brB:s</font>]</b><br>

A: Brass is a yellow-coloured metal made from copper and zinc. It is used especially for making ornaments and musical instruments.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The instrument is beautifully made in brass.</font><br><br>The brass is the section of an orchestra which consists of brass wind instruments such as trumpets and horns.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He once again raised his baton and brought in the brass.</font><br><br>Brasses are flat pieces of brass with writing or a picture cut into them, which are often found in churches.<br>See also brass rubbing.<br><br>In the army or in other organizations, the brass are the people in the highest positions. (INFORMAL) (AM; in BRIT use top brass)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The brass are reluctant to fraternise with the enlisted men.</font><br><br>If you get down to brass tacks, you discuss the basic, most important facts of a situation.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Angola's ruling party was due to get down to brass tacks today with a debate on the party's record.</font><br>

Q: <b> brick <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">brik</font>]</b><br>

A: Bricks are rectangular blocks of baked clay used for building walls, which are usually red or brown. Brick is the material made up of these blocks.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She built bookshelves out of bricks and planks.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a tiny garden surrounded by high brick walls.</font><br><br>If you say that someone is a brick, you mean that they have helped you or supported you when you were in a difficult situation. (OLD-FASHIONED, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You were a brick, a real friend in need.</font><br><font color=red>= pal, mate</font><br><br>If you are banging your head against a brick wall, what you are saying or doing is not having any effect although you keep saying or doing it. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I wanted to sort out this problem with him, but it was like banging my head against a brick wall.</font><br><br>If you hit a brick wall or come up against a brick wall, you are unable to continue or make progress because something stops you. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;After that my career just seemed to hit a brick wall.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The discussions in Brussels hit a brick wall.</font><br><br>You can use bricks and mortar to refer to houses and other buildings, especially when they are considered as an investment.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Paying rent simply helps to line the pockets of landlords. It's far better to put your money into bricks and mortar of your own.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As an investment, bricks and mortar are not what they were.</font><br> </b></font><br>

Q: <b> Brit <br>BRIT </b><br>

A: Brit Brits </b></font><br>British people are sometimes referred to as Brits. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Holiday mad Brits are packing their buckets and spades and heading for the sun.</font><br>

Q: <b> Briton <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5britEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Briton Britons </b></font><br>A Briton is a British citizen, or a person of British origin. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The role is played by seventeen-year-old Briton Jane March.</font><br>

Q: <b> bubble <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bQbl</font>]</b><br>

A: Bubbles are small balls of air or gas in a liquid.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ink particles attach themselves to air bubbles and rise to the surface.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a bubble of gas trapped under the surface.</font><br><br>A bubble is a hollow ball of soapy liquid that is floating in the air or standing on a surface.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;With soap and water, bubbles and boats, children love bathtime.</font><br><br>In a cartoon, a speech bubble is the shape which surrounds the words which a character is thinking or saying.<br><br>When a liquid bubbles, bubbles move in it, for example because it is boiling or moving quickly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Heat the seasoned stock until it is bubbling.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The coffeepot bubbled, filling the room with fragrance.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The fermenting wine has bubbled up and over the top.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Danny looked down at the stream bubbling through the trees nearby.</font><br><br>If something bubbles, it is very active. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At the same time, the press bubbles with stories of the sale of Russian arms to Serbia.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The show bubbles like pink champagne with pretty sets, exquisite costumes and enchanting dance routines.</font><br><br>A feeling, influence, or activity that is bubbling away continues to occur.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...political tensions that have been bubbling awa </b></font><br>

Q: <b> bureaucratic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7bjuErEu5krAtik</font>]</b><br>

A: Bureaucratic means involving complicated rules and procedures which can cause long delays.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Diplomats believe that bureaucratic delays are inevitable.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The department has become a bureaucratic nightmare.</font><br>

Q: <b> calcium <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kAlsiEm</font>]</b><br>

A: Calcium is a soft white element which is found in bones and teeth, and also in limestone, chalk, and marble.<br>

Q: <b> calorie <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kAlEri</font>]</b><br>

A: Calories are units used to measure the energy value of food. People who are on diets try to eat food that does not contain many calories.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A glass of wine does have quite a lot of calories.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...calorie controlled diets.</font><br>See also -calorie.<br>

Q: <b> Cancer <br>CANCER </b><br>

A: Cancer </b></font><br>Cancer is one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Its symbol is a crab. People who are born between the 21st of June and the 22nd of July come under this sign.<br><br>A Cancer is a person whose sign of the zodiac is Cancer.<br>

Q: <b> cane <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kein</font>]</b><br>

A: Cane is used to refer to the long, hollow, hard stems of plants such as bamboo. Strips of cane are often used to make furniture, and some types of cane can be crushed and processed to make sugar.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...cane furniture.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...cane sugar...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bamboo produces an annual crop of cane.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dig out and burn infected canes.</font><br><br>A cane is a long thin stick with a curved or round top which you can use to support yourself when you are walking, or which in the past was fashionable to carry with you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He wore a grey suit and leaned heavily on his cane.</font><br><font color=red>= walking stick</font><br><br>A cane is a long, thin, flexible stick which in the past was used to hit people, especially children at school, as a punishment.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Until the 1980s some criminals were still flogged with a rattan cane as a punishment.</font><br><br>The cane is used to refer to the punishment of being hit with a cane.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In school, you knew if you misbehaved you would get the cane.</font><br><br>If a child is caned, he or she is hit with a cane as a punishment.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In Wales in the same era, boys were caned for speaking Welsh in the playground.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have caned my son when necessary.</font><br><br>A cane is a tall, narrow stick, usually made of bamboo, which is used for supporting plants.<br>

Q: <b> carbohydrate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kB:bEu5haidreit</font>]</b><br>

A: Carbohydrates are substances, found in certain kinds of food, that provide you with energy. Foods such as sugar and bread that contain these substances can also be referred to as carbohydrates.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Food is made up of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...carbohydrates such as bread, pasta or chips.</font><br>

Q: <b> carbon dioxide <br>CARBON DIOXIDE </b><br>

A: Carbon dioxide is a gas. It is produced by animals and people breathing out, and by chemical reactions.<br>

Q: <b> cattle <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kAtl</font>]</b><br>

A: Cattle are cows and bulls.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the finest herd of beef cattle for two hundred miles.</font><br>

Q: <b> caution <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kC:FEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Caution is great care which you take in order to avoid possible danger.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Extreme caution should be exercised when buying part-worn tyres.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Chancellor is a man of caution.</font><br><br>If someone cautions you, they warn you about problems or danger.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tony cautioned against misrepresenting the situation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The statement clearly was intended to caution Seoul against attempting to block the council's action again.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He cautioned that opposition attacks on the ruling party would not further political co-operation.</font><br><font color=red>= warn</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was a note of caution for the Treasury in the figures.</font><br><font color=red>= warning</font><br><br>If someone who has broken the law is cautioned by the police, they are warned that if they break the law again official action will be taken against them. (BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The two men were cautioned but police say they will not be charged.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tapp was eventually cautioned for wasting police time.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In November 1987 Paula escaped with a caution. In October 1988 she was fined.</font><br><br>If someone who has been arrested is cautioned, the police warn them that anything they say may be used as evidence in a trial. (BRIT)<br><font color= </b></font><br>

Q: <b> cement <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">si5ment</font>]</b><br>

A: Cement is a grey powder which is mixed with sand and water in order to make concrete.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Builders have trouble getting the right amount of cement into their concrete.</font><br><br>Cement is the same as concrete.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the hard cold cement floor.</font><br><font color=red>= concrete</font><br><br>Glue that is made for sticking particular substances together is sometimes called cement.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Stick the pieces on with tile cement.</font><br><br>Something that cements a relationship or agreement makes it stronger.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nothing cements a friendship between countries so much as trade.</font><br><br>The cement of a relationship or agreement is something that makes it stronger and more long-lasting. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the power of the party, once the cement that held the Soviet Union together...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In the old days, television was the cement of society.</font><br><br>If things are cemented together, they are stuck or fastened together.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Most artificial joints are cemented into place.</font><br>

Q: <b> ceramic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">si5rAmik</font>]</b><br>

A: Ceramic is clay that has been heated to a very high temperature so that it becomes hard.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...ceramic tiles.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...items made from hand-painted ceramic.</font><br><br>Ceramics are ceramic ornaments or objects.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a collection of Chinese ceramics.</font><br><br>Ceramics is the art of making artistic objects out of clay.<br>

Q: <b> cereal <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5siEriEl</font>]</b><br>

A: Cereal or breakfast cereal is a food made from grain. It is mixed with milk and eaten for breakfast.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have a glass of fruit juice and a bowl of cereal every morning.</font><br><br>Cereals are plants such as wheat, corn, or rice that produce grain.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the rich cereal-growing districts of the Paris Basin.</font><br>

Q: <b> certainty <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5sE:tEnti</font>]</b><br>

A: Certainty is the state of being definite or of having no doubts at all about something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have told them with absolute certainty there'll be no change of policy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is too little certainty about the present state of the German economy.</font><br><br>Certainty is the fact that something is certain to happen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A general election became a certainty three weeks ago.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the certainty of more violence and bloodshed...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I began to realize the certainty of freezing to death if I remained where I was.</font><br><font color=red>= inevitability</font><br><br>Certainties are things that nobody has any doubts about.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There are no certainties in modern Europe.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The collapse of old certainties.</font><br>

Q: <b> communal <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCmjunl</font>]</b><br>

A: Communal means relating to particular groups in a country or society.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Communal violence broke out in different parts of the country.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...inter-communal relations.</font><br><br>You use communal to describe something that is shared by a group of people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The inmates ate in a communal dining room.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...communal ownership.</font><br><font color=red>* communally </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Meals are taken communally in the dining room.</font><br>

Q: <b> left-hand <br>LEFT-HAND </b><br>

A: If something is on the left-hand side of something, it is positioned on the left of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They drive on the left-hand side of the road.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The keys are in the back left-hand corner of the drawer.</font><br><font color=red><> right-hand</font><br>

Q: <b> charm <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">tFB:m</font>]</b><br>

A: Charm is the quality of being pleasant or attractive.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs', the 1937 Disney classic, has lost none of its original charm.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The house had its charms, not the least of which was the furniture that came with it.</font><br><br>Someone who has charm behaves in a friendly, pleasant way that makes people like them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was a man of great charm and distinction.</font><br><br>If you charm someone, you please them, especially by using your charm.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He even charmed Mrs Prichard, carrying her shopping and flirting with her, though she's 83.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Indians, in turn, were charmed by the famous author's cultured and civilised outlook.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You can't force -- or even charm -- him into behaving differently if he doesn't want to.</font><br><br>If you charm your way into or out of a place or situation, you use your charm to get into or out of that place or situation.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...charming his way into the British Embassy in Teheran...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He charmed his way out of trouble.</font><br><br>If you say that someone charmed something out of you or from you, you mean that they used their charm to persuade you to give it to them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is good at charming money out of companies.</font><br><br>A charm is a sma </b></font><br>

Q: <b> chemistry <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kemistri</font>]</b><br>

A: Chemistry is the scientific study of the structure of substances and of the way that they react with other substances.<br><br>The chemistry of an organism or a material is the chemical substances that make it up and the chemical reactions that go on inside it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We have literally altered the chemistry of our planet's atmosphere.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If the supply of vitamins and minerals in the diet is inadequate, this will result in changes in body chemistry.</font><br><br>If you say that there is chemistry between two people, you mean that is obvious they are attracted to each other or like each other very much.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the extraordinary chemistry between Ingrid and Bogart...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Janis and I became friends but we were never close. The chemistry wasn't there.</font><br>

Q: <b> cherry <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5tFeri</font>]</b><br>

A: Cherries are small, round fruit with red skins.<br><br>A cherry or a cherry tree is a tree that cherries grow on.<br>

Q: <b> chess <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">tFes</font>]</b><br>

A: Chess is a game for two people, played on a chessboard. Each player has 16 pieces, including a king. Your aim is to move your pieces so that your opponent's king cannot escape being taken.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the world chess championships.</font><br>

Q: <b> Chief of Staff <br>CHIEF OF STAFF </b><br>

A: Chief of Staff Chiefs of Staff </b></font><br>The Chiefs of Staff are the highest-ranking officers of each service of the armed forces.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...General Carl Vano, the chief of staff of the Army.</font><br>

Q: <b> daddy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dAdi</font>]</b><br>

A: Children often call their father daddy. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Look at me, Daddy!.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I wrote a letter to Daddy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She wanted her mummy and daddy.</font><br>

Q: <b> china <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5tFainE</font>]</b><br>

A: China is a hard white substance made from clay. It is used to make things such as cups, bowls, plates, and ornaments.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a small boat made of china.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...china cups.</font><br>See also bone china.<br><br>Cups, bowls, plates, and ornaments made of china are referred to as china.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Judy collects blue and white china.</font><br>

Q: <b> cholesterol <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kE5lestErEul, -rCl</font>]</b><br>

A: Cholesterol is a substance that exists in the fat, tissues, and blood of all animals. Too much cholesterol in a person's blood can cause heart disease.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a dangerously high cholesterol level.</font><br>

Q: <b> Christianity <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7kristi5Aniti</font>]</b><br>

A: Christianity </b></font><br>Christianity is a religion that is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and the belief that he was the son of God.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He converted to Christianity that day.</font><br>

Q: <b> chunk <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">tFQNk</font>]</b><br>

A: Chunks of something are thick solid pieces of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They had to be careful of floating chunks of ice.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a chunk of meat...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cut the melon into chunks.</font><br><font color=red>= lump</font><br><br>A chunk of something is a large amount or large part of it. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The company owns a chunk of farmland near Gatwick Airport.</font><br>

Q: <b> civil rights <br>CIVIL RIGHTS </b><br>

A: Civil rights are the rights that people have in a society to equal treatment and equal opportunities, whatever their race, sex, or religion.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the civil rights movement.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...violations of civil rights.</font><br>

Q: <b> Easter <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5i:stE</font>]</b><br>

A: Easter Easters </b></font><br>Easter is a Christian festival when Jesus Christ's return to life is celebrated. It is celebrated on a Sunday in March or April.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Happy Easter,' he yelled.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the first Easter morning.</font><br><br>Easter is the period of several days around and including Easter Sunday.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They usually have a walking holiday at Easter.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She spends her Easter holidays taking groups of children to France.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The government declared Easter Monday a public holiday.</font><br>

Q: <b> clay <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">klei</font>]</b><br>

A: Clay is a kind of earth that is soft when it is wet and hard when it is dry. Clay is shaped and baked to make things such as pots and bricks.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the heavy clay soils of Cambridgeshire...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As the wheel turned, the potter shaped and squeezed the lump of clay into a graceful shape.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a little clay pot.</font><br><br>In tennis, matches played on clay are played on courts whose surface is covered with finely crushed stones or brick.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Most tennis is played on hard courts, but a substantial amount is played on clay.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Agassi was equally impressive in beating Frana, a clay court specialist.</font><br><br>If you say that a person who is respected or admired has feet of clay or has clay feet, you mean that they have serious faults which you or other people did not know about before. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When those idols are found to have feet of clay, the pain of disenchantment can be profound.</font><br>

Q: <b> clinical <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5klinikEl</font>]</b><br>

A: Clinical means involving or relating to the direct medical treatment or testing of patients. (MEDICAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The first clinical trials were expected to begin next year.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a clinical psychologist.</font><br><font color=red>* clinically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was diagnosed as being clinically depressed.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It has been clinically proved that it is better to stretch the tight muscles first.</font><br><br>You use clinical to describe thought or behaviour which is very logical and does not involve any emotion.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All this questioning is so analytical and clinical -- it kills romance.</font><br><font color=red>= impersonal</font><br>

Q: <b> cloth <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">klC(:)W</font>]</b><br>

A: Cloth is fabric which is made by weaving or knitting a substance such as cotton, wool, silk, or nylon. Cloth is used especially for making clothes.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She began cleaning the wound with a piece of cloth.</font><br><font color=red>= fabric, material</font><br><br>A cloth is a piece of cloth which you use for a particular purpose, such as cleaning something or covering something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Clean the surface with a damp cloth.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a tray covered with a cloth.</font><br><br>The cloth is sometimes used to refer to Christian priests and ministers.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I've got as much respect for the cloth as the next man.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a man of the cloth.</font><br><font color=red>= clergy <> laity</font><br>

Q: <b> coarse <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kC:s</font>]</b><br>

A: Coarse things have a rough texture because they consist of thick threads or large pieces.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a jacket made of very coarse cloth.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a beach of coarse sand.</font><br><font color=red>= rough <> fine</font><br><font color=red>* coarsely </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...coarsely ground black pepper.</font><br><br>If you describe someone as coarse, you mean that he or she talks and behaves in a rude and offensive way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The soldiers did not bother to moderate their coarse humour in her presence.</font><br><font color=red>= vulgar, crude</font><br><font color=red>* coarsely </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The women laughed coarsely at some vulgar joke.</font><br><font color=red>* coarseness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The coarseness of her cursing amazed the workmen.</font><br>

Q: <b> cola <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kEulE</font>]</b><br>

A: Cola is a sweet brown non-alcoholic fizzy drink.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a can of cola.</font><br>

Q: <b> Cold War <br>COLD WAR </b><br>

A: Cold War also cold war.</b></font><br>The Cold War was the period of hostility and tension between the Soviet bloc and the Western powers that followed the Second World War.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the end of the cold war and the decline in armaments spending.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the first major crisis of the post-Cold War era.</font><br>

Q: <b> collaboration <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kE7lAbE5reiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Collaboration is the act of working together to produce a piece of work, especially a book or some research.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is substantial collaboration with neighbouring departments.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Close collaboration between the Bank and the Fund is not merely desirable, it is essential.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...scientific collaborations...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Drummond was working on a book in collaboration with Zodiac Mindwarp.</font><br><br>A collaboration is a piece of work that has been produced as the result of people or groups working together.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was also a writer of beautiful stories, some of which are collaborations with his fiancee.</font><br><br>Collaboration is the act of helping an enemy who is occupying your country during a war.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...rumors of his collaboration with the occupying forces during the war.</font><br>

Q: <b> colonial <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kE5lEunjEl</font>]</b><br>

A: Colonial means relating to countries that are colonies, or to colonialism.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the 31st anniversary of Jamaica's independence from British colonial rule.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the colonial civil service.</font><br><br>People who have lived for a long time in a colony but who belong to the colonizing country are sometimes referred to as colonials.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a group of ex-colonials.</font><br><br>A Colonial building or piece of furniture was built or made in a style that was popular in America in the 17th and 18th centuries. (mainly AM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the white colonial houses on the north side of the campus...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I sat on the Colonial bench that was just to the left of the office doorway.</font><br>

Q: <b> compact <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCmpAkt</font>]</b><br>

A: Compact things are small or take up very little space. You use this word when you think this is a good quality.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; compact office in Washington.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the new, more compact Czech government.</font><br><font color=red>* compactness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The very compactness of the cottage made it all the more snug and appealing.</font><br><br>A compact person is small but strong.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was compact, probably no taller than me.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He looked physically very powerful, athletic in a compact way.</font><br><br>A compact cassette, camera, or car is a small type of cassette, camera, or car.<br><br>To compact something means to press it so that it becomes more solid. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Smith boy was compacting the trash.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The soil settles and is compacted by the winter rain.</font><br><font color=red>= compress</font><br><font color=red>* compacted </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a pile of compacted earth.</font><br><font color=red>* compaction </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Regular forking of beds and borders relieves the compaction caused by rain.</font><br><br>A compact is a small, flat case that contains face powder and a mirror.<br>

Q: <b> competing <br>COMPETING </b><br>

A: Competing ideas, requirements, or interests cannot all be right or satisfied at the same time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They talked about the competing theories of the origin of life.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the competing interests of beach development and sea turtle protection.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the competing demands of work and family.</font><br>See also compete.<br><font color=red>= conflicting</font><br>

Q: <b> complexity <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEm5pleksiti</font>]</b><br>

A: Complexity is the state of having many different parts connected or related to each other in a complicated way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a diplomatic tangle of great complexity.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the increasing complexity of modern weapon systems.</font><br><font color=red><> simplicity</font><br>

Q: <b> compost <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCmpCst</font>]</b><br>

A: Compost is a mixture of decayed plants and vegetable waste which is added to the soil to help plants grow.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a small compost heap.</font><br><br>Compost is specially treated soil that you buy and use to grow seeds and plants in pots.<br><br>To compost things such as unwanted bits of plants means to make them into compost.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cut down and compost spent cucumbers, tomatoes and other crops.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All garden waste should be composted and returned to the garden.</font><br><font color=red>* composting </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Composting is the ideal way of getting rid of vegetable, garden and organic waste.</font><br>

Q: <b> condemnation <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7kCndem5neiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Condemnation is the act of saying that something or someone is very bad and unacceptable.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was widespread condemnation of Saturday's killings.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The raids have drawn a strong condemnation from the United Nations Security Council.</font><br>

Q: <b> consequently <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCnsikwEntli</font>]</b><br>

A: Consequently means as a result. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Grandfather Dingsdale had sustained a broken back while working in the mines. Consequently, he spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Relations between the two companies had, consequently, never been close.</font><br><font color=red>= as a result</font><br>

Q: <b> conservation <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7kCnsE(:)5veiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Conservation is saving and protecting the environment.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a four-nation regional meeting on elephant conservation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...tree-planting and other conservation projects.</font><br><br>Conservation is saving and protecting historical objects or works of art such as paintings, sculptures, or buildings.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Then he began his most famous work, the conservation and rebinding of the Book of Kells.</font><br><br>The conservation of a supply of something is the careful use of it so that it lasts for a long time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...projects aimed at promoting energy conservation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...rules concerning the conservation of fishery resources.</font><br>

Q: <b> conspiracy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5spirEsi</font>]</b><br>

A: Conspiracy is the secret planning by a group of people to do something illegal.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Seven men, all from Bristol, admitted conspiracy to commit arson.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He believes there probably was a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy in 1963.</font><br><font color=red>= plot</font><br><br>A conspiracy is an agreement between a group of people which other people think is wrong or is likely to be harmful.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's all part of a conspiracy to dispense with the town centre all together and move everything out to Meadowhall.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was like some kind of conspiracy against men.</font><br><br>If there is a conspiracy of silence about something, people who know about it have agreed that they will not talk publicly about it, although it would probably be a good thing if people in general knew about it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Detectives have run into a conspiracy of silence in the tight-knit communities of the peninsula.</font><br>

Q: <b> ecological <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7ekE5lCdVikEl</font>]</b><br>

A: Ecological means involved with or concerning ecology.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Large dams have harmed Siberia's delicate ecological balance.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...ecological disasters, such as the destruction of rainforest.</font><br><font color=red>* ecologically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is economical to run and ecologically sound.</font><br><br>Ecological groups, movements, and people are concerned with preserving the environment and natural resources, so that they can be used in a sensible way, rather than being wasted.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ecological groups say that nothing is being done to tackle the problem.</font><br>

Q: <b> continental <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7kCnti5nentl</font>]</b><br>

A: Continental means situated on or belonging to the continent of Europe except for Britain. (mainly BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He sees no signs of improvement in the UK and continental economy.</font><br><br>A continental is someone who comes from the continent of Europe. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><br>If you describe someone or something as continental, you think that they are typical of the continent of Europe. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's very continental.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Torquay is undeniably continental.</font><br><br>Continental is used to refer to something that belongs to or relates to a continent.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Since these substances are not licensed, they cannot be sold in the continental United States.</font><br><br>The continental United States consists of all the states which are situated on the continent of North America, as opposed to Hawaii and territories such as the Virgin Islands. (mainly AM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shipping is included on orders sent within the continental U.S.</font><br><br>Continental means existing or happening in the American colonies during the American Revolution. (AM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...George Washington, Commander of the Continental Army...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Continental Congress called upon the 13 states to draft new constitutions establishing governments more conducive to `republican' principles.</font><br><br>Continentals were soldiers who fought in the Continental Army against the British in the American Revolution. (AM)<br>

Q: <b> conversion <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5vE:FEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Conversion is the act or process of changing something into a different state or form.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the conversion of disused rail lines into cycle routes...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A loft conversion can add considerably to the value of a house.</font><br><br>If someone changes their religion or beliefs, you can refer to their conversion to their new religion or beliefs.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...his conversion to Christianity...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's hard to trust the President's conversion.</font><br><br>In rugby, if a player makes or kicks a conversion, he scores points by kicking the ball over the goal after a try has been scored.<br>

Q: <b> copper <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCpE</font>]</b><br>

A: Copper is reddish brown metal that is used to make things such as coins and electrical wires.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chile is the world's largest producer of copper.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a copper mine.</font><br><br>Copper is sometimes used to describe things that are reddish-brown in colour. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His hair has reverted back to its original copper hue.</font><br><br>Coppers are brown metal coins of low value. (mainly BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><br>A copper is a policeman or a policewoman. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...your friendly neighbourhood copper.</font><br>

Q: <b> cord <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kC:d</font>]</b><br>

A: Cord is strong, thick string.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The door had been tied shut with a length of nylon cord.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...gilded cords and tassels.</font><br><br>Cord is wire covered in rubber or plastic which connects electrical equipment to an electricity supply.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...electrical cord...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We used so many lights that we needed four extension cords.</font><br><font color=red>= cable, flex</font><br><br>Cords are trousers made of corduroy.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had bare feet, a T-shirt and cords on.</font><br><br>Cord means made of corduroy.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a pair of cord trousers.</font><br>

Q: <b> corn <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kC:n</font>]</b><br>

A: Corn is used to refer to crops such as wheat and barley. It can also be used to refer to the seeds from these plants. The American word is grain.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...fields of corn...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He filled the barn to the roof with corn.</font><br><br>Corn is the same as maize.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...rows of corn in an Iowa field.</font><br><br>Corns are small, painful areas of hard skin which can form on your foot, especially near your toes.<br>

Q: <b> cosmetic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kCz5metik</font>]</b><br>

A: Cosmetics are substances such as lipstick or powder, which people put on their face to make themselves look more attractive.<br><font color=red>= make-up</font><br><br>If you describe measures or changes as cosmetic, you mean they improve the appearance of a situation or thing but do not change its basic nature, and you are usually implying that they are inadequate.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is a cosmetic measure which will do nothing to help the situation long term.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In general, the students view these changes as merely cosmetic.</font><br><font color=red>= superficial</font><br>

Q: <b> courtesy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kE:tisi, 5kC:-</font>]</b><br>

A: Courtesy is politeness, respect, and consideration for others. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a gentleman who behaves with the utmost courtesy towards ladies...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He did not even have the courtesy to reply to my fax.</font><br><font color=red>= politeness <> rudeness</font><br><br>If you refer to the courtesy of doing something, you are referring to a polite action. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;By extending the courtesy of a phone call to my clients, I was building a personal relationship with them.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At least if they're arguing, they're doing you the courtesy of being interested.</font><br><br>Courtesies are polite, conventional things that people say in formal situations. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hugh and John were exchanging faintly barbed courtesies.</font><br><font color=red>= formalities</font><br><br>Courtesy is used to describe services that are provided free of charge by an organization to its customers, or to the general public.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A courtesy shuttle bus operates between the hotel and the town.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a courtesy phone.</font><br><br>A courtesy call or a courtesy visit is a formal visit that you pay someone as a way of showing them politeness or respect.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The President paid a courtesy call on Emperor Akihito.</font><br><br>A courtesy title is a title that someone is allowed to use, although it has no legal or official status.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Both were accorded the courtesy title of Lady.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My title, by courtesy only, is the Honourable Amalia Lovell.</font><br><br>If something is provided courtesy of someone or by courtesy of someone, they provide it. You often use this expression in order to thank them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The waitress brings over some congratulatory glasses of ch </b></font><br>

Q: <b> greater <br>GREATER </b><br>

A: Greater is the comparative of great.<br><br>Greater is used with the name of a large city to refer to the city together with the surrounding urban and suburban area.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Greater London.</font><br><br>Greater is used with the name of a country to refer to a larger area which includes that country and other land which used to belong to it, or which some people believe should belong to it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...greater Syria.</font><br>

Q: <b> credible <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kredEbl, -ibl</font>]</b><br>

A: Credible means able to be trusted or believed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a credible threat of terrorist action...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Baroness Thatcher's claims seem credible to many.</font><br><font color=red>= convincing <> unconvincing</font><br><font color=red>* credibly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ministers can equally credibly claim that the opposition is to blame.</font><br><br>A credible candidate, policy, or system, for example, is one that appears to have a chance of being successful.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mr Robertson would be a credible candidate.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The challenge before the opposition is to offer credible alternative policies for the future.</font><br><font color=red>* credibly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was the only figure who could credibly run the country.</font><br>

Q: <b> cross-country <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">krCs5kQntri; (us) 5krC:s-</font>]</b><br>

A: Cross-country is the sport of running, riding, or skiing across open countryside rather than along roads or around a running track.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She finished third in the world cross-country championships in Antwerp.</font><br><br>A cross-country journey involves less important roads or railway lines, or takes you from one side of a country to the other.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...cross-country rail services...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The group made a 13-concert cross-country tour, including a stop in New York.</font><br><br>Also an adverb.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I drove cross-country in his van.</font><br>

Q: <b> cruelty <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kru:Elti</font>]</b><br>

A: Cruelty is behaviour that deliberately causes pain or distress to people or animals.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Britain had laws against cruelty to animals but none to protect children.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had been unable to escape the cruelties of war.</font><br><font color=red><> kindness</font><br>

Q: <b> curiosity <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7kjuEri5Csiti</font>]</b><br>

A: Curiosity is a desire to know about something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ryle accepted more out of curiosity than anything else.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; enthusiasm and genuine curiosity about the past...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;To satisfy our own curiosity we traveled to Baltimore.</font><br><font color=red>= inquisitiveness</font><br><br>A curiosity is something that is unusual, interesting, and fairly rare.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is much to see in the way of castles, curiosities, and museums.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Reed International is a curiosity in the international world of publishing.</font><br>

Q: <b> custody <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kQstEdi</font>]</b><br>

A: Custody is the legal right to keep and look after a child, especially the right given to a child's mother or father when they get divorced.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm going to go to court to get custody of the children.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Child custody is normally granted to the mother.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a bitter custody battle.</font><br><br>Someone who is in custody or has been taken into custody has been arrested and is being kept in prison until they can be tried in a court.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Three people appeared in court and two of them were remanded in custody.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was taken into custody later that day.</font><br><br>If someone is being held in a particular type of custody, they are being kept in a place that is similar to a prison.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The youngster got nine months' youth custody.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Barrett was taken into protective custody.</font><br>

Q: <b> customs <br>CUSTOMS </b><br>

A: Customs is the official organization responsible for collecting taxes on goods coming into a country and preventing illegal goods from being brought in.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...components similar to those seized by British customs.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...customs officers.</font><br><br>Customs is the place where people arriving from a foreign country have to declare goods that they bring with them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He walked through customs.</font><br><br>Customs duties are taxes that people pay for importing and exporting goods.<br>

Q: <b> damn <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dAm</font>]</b><br>

A: Damn, damn it, and dammit are used by some people to express anger or impatience. (INFORMAL, RUDE)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Don't be flippant, damn it! This is serious.</font><br><br>Damn is used by some people to emphasize what they are saying. (INFORMAL, RUDE)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There's not a damn thing you can do about it now.</font><br><br>Also an adverb.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As it turned out, I was damn right.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Let's have a damn good party.</font><br><br>If you say that a person or a news report damns something such as a policy or action, you mean that they are very critical of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a sensational book in which she damns the ultra-right party.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a report damning the chocolate advertising people for targeting women in their campaigns.</font><br><font color=red>= slam</font><br><br>If you say that someone does not give a damn about something, you are emphasizing that they do not care about it at all. (INFORMAL, RUDE)<br><br>People use damn near to emphasize that what they are saying is not actually true, but is very close to being true. (INFORMAL, RUDE)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I damn near went crazy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That's a question damn near every woman who ever lived has had to answer for herself.</font><br><br>Some people say as near as damn it or as near as dammit to emphasize that what they have said is almost completely accurate, but not quite. (BRIT, INFORMAL, RUDE)<br> </b></font><br>

Q: <b> doll up <br>DOLL UP </b><br>

A: If a woman dolls herself up, she puts on smart or fashionable clothes in order to try and look attractive for a particular occasion. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We used to doll ourselves up and go into town.</font><br><font color=red>= dress up</font><br><font color=red>* dolled up </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was dolled up for the occasion.</font><br>

Q: <b> dawn <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dC:n</font>]</b><br>

A: Dawn is the time of day when light first appears in the sky, just before the sun rises.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nancy woke at dawn.</font><br><font color=red>= sunrise, daybreak</font><br><br>The dawn of a period of time or a situation is the beginning of it. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We can only guess what went through the mind of a man who could look back to the dawn of powered flight.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the dawn of the radio age.</font><br><br>If something is dawning, it is beginning to develop or come into existence. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Throughout Europe a new railway age, that of the high-speed train, has dawned.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A new era seemed to be about to dawn for the coach and his young team.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Now there is a dawning realisation that drastic action is necessary.</font><br><font color=red>* dawning </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the dawning of the space age...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tettlinger uncovered his eyes in the first dawning of hope.</font><br><br>When you say that a particular day dawned, you mean it arrived or began, usually when it became light. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When the great day dawned, the inevitable first concern was the weather.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The next day dawned sombre and gloomy.</font><br>

Q: <b> debris <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5debri:, 5deib-</font>]</b><br>

A: Debris is pieces from something that has been destroyed or pieces of rubbish or unwanted material that are spread around.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I stood at the foot of the collapsed tower and watched the rescue workers sifting through the debris.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A number of people were killed by flying debris.</font><br>

Q: <b> deficiency <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5fiFEnsi</font>]</b><br>

A: Deficiency in something, especially something that your body needs, is not having enough of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They did blood tests on him for signs of vitamin deficiency.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There are serious deficiencies in the numbers of suitable aircraft.</font><br><br>A deficiency that someone or something has is a weakness or imperfection in them. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The most serious deficiency in Nato's air defence is the lack of an identification system to distinguish friend from foe.</font><br><font color=red>= weakness</font><br>

Q: <b> dental <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dentl</font>]</b><br>

A: Dental is used to describe things that relate to teeth or to the care and treatment of teeth.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You can get free prescriptions and dental treatment while you are pregnant.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the dental profession.</font><br>

Q: <b> despair <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5pZE</font>]</b><br>

A: Despair is the feeling that everything is wrong and that nothing will improve.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I looked at my wife in despair.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is always someone to whom you can admit feelings of despair or inadequacy.</font><br><br>If you despair, you feel that everything is wrong and that nothing will improve.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Oh, I despair sometimes,' he says in mock sorrow.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He does despair at much of the press criticism.</font><br><br>If you despair of something, you feel that there is no hope that it will happen or improve. If you despair of someone, you feel that there is no hope that they will improve.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He wished to earn a living through writing but despaired of doing so.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...efforts to find homes for people despairing of ever having a roof over their heads...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There are signs that many voters have already despaired of politicians.</font><br>

Q: <b> dessert <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5zE:t</font>]</b><br>

A: Dessert is something sweet, such as fruit or a pudding, that you eat at the end of a meal.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She had homemade ice cream for dessert.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I am partial to desserts that combine fresh fruit with fine pastry.</font><br><font color=red>= sweet, pudding</font><br>

Q: <b> detention <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5tenFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Detention is when someone is arrested or put into prison, especially for political reasons.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the detention without trial of government critics...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They have been held in detention since the end of June.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The government says the detentions are necessary on national security grounds.</font><br><br>Detention is a punishment for naughty schoolchildren, who are made to stay at school after the other children have gone home.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The teacher kept the boys in detention after school.</font><br>

Q: <b> diabetes <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7daiE5bi:ti:z, -ti:s</font>]</b><br>

A: Diabetes is a medical condition in which someone has too much sugar in their blood.<br>

Q: <b> diagnosis <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7daiEg5nEusis</font>]</b><br>

A: Diagnosis is the discovery and naming of what is wrong with someone who is ill or with something that is not working properly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I need to have a second test to confirm the diagnosis.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Symptoms may not appear for some weeks, so diagnosis can be difficult.</font><br>

Q: <b> dictatorship <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dik5teitEFip</font>]</b><br>

A: Dictatorship is government by a dictator.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a new era of democracy after a long period of military dictatorship in the country.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...countries which are ruled by dictatorships.</font><br><br>A dictatorship is a country which is ruled by a dictator or by a very strict and harsh government.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Every country in the region was a military dictatorship.</font><br><font color=red>= tyrant</font><br>

Q: <b> diesel <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5di:zEl</font>]</b><br>

A: Diesel or diesel oil is the heavy oil used in a diesel engine.<br><br>A diesel is a vehicle which has a diesel engine.<br>

Q: <b> dim <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dim</font>]</b><br>

A: Dim light is not bright.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She stood waiting, in the dim light.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Below decks, the lights were dim.</font><br><font color=red>* dimly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Two lamps burned dimly.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He followed her into a dimly lit kitchen.</font><br><font color=red>* dimness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the dimness of an early September evening.</font><br><br>A dim place is rather dark because there is not much light in it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The room was dim and cool and quiet.</font><br><font color=red>* dimness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I stood just inside the doorway, squinting to adjust my eyes to the dimness.</font><br><br>A dim figure or object is not very easy to see, either because it is in shadow or darkness, or because it is far away.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Pete's torch picked out the dim figures of Bob and Chang.</font><br><font color=red>= faint</font><br><font color=red>* dimly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The shoreline could be dimly seen.</font><br><br>If you have a dim memory or understanding of something, it is difficult to remember or is unclear in your mind.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It seems that the '60s era of social activism is all but a dim memory.</font><br><font color=red>= hazy</font><br>

Q: <b> diplomacy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5plEumEsi</font>]</b><br>

A: Diplomacy is the activity or profession of managing relations between the governments of different countries.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Today's Security Council resolution will be a significant success for American diplomacy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The talks have now gone into a stage of quiet diplomacy.</font><br>See also shuttle diplomacy.<br><br>Diplomacy is the skill of being careful to say or do things which will not offend people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He stormed off in a fury, and it took all Minnelli's powers of diplomacy to get him to return.</font><br>

Q: <b> disagreement <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">disE5gri:mEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: Disagreement means objecting to something such as a proposal.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Britain and France have expressed some disagreement with the proposal.</font><br><font color=red>= objection</font><br><br>When there is disagreement about something, people disagree or argue about what should be done.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The United States Congress and the President are still locked in disagreement over proposals to reduce the massive budget deficit.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Plans for a peace conference failed due to disagreement on who should be allowed to attend.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Disagreements among the twelve EC countries prevented them from taking any concerted action.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My instructor and I had a brief disagreement.</font><br><font color=red>= dispute</font><br>

Q: <b> discomfort <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5kQmfEt</font>]</b><br>

A: Discomfort is a painful feeling in part of your body when you have been hurt slightly or when you have been uncomfortable for a long time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She carried her left arm at an awkward angle, as if it were causing her discomfort.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Steve had some discomfort, but no real pain.</font><br><font color=red>= soreness</font><br><br>Discomfort is a feeling of worry caused by shame or embarrassment.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He sniffed, fidgeting in discomfort, uneasy at the suggestion.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She hears the discomfort in his voice.</font><br><font color=red>= uneasiness</font><br><br>Discomforts are conditions which cause you to feel physically uncomfortable.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the discomforts of camping.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...reducing the physical discomforts and difficulties faced by women.</font><br>

Q: <b> discretion <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5kreFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Discretion is the quality of behaving in a quiet and controlled way without drawing attention to yourself or giving away personal or private information. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Larsson sometimes joined in the fun, but with more discretion.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He appreciated his discretion and his fidelity.</font><br><br>If someone in a position of authority uses their discretion or has the discretion to do something in a particular situation, they have the freedom and authority to decide what to do. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This committee may want to exercise its discretion to look into those charges.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;School governors have the discretion to allow parents to withdraw pupils in exceptional circumstances.</font><br><br>If something happens at someone's discretion, it can happen only if they decide to do it or give their permission. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We may vary the limit at our discretion and will notify you of any change.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Where there are no service charges added to the bill, tip at your discretion.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Visits are at the discretion of the owners.</font><br><br>If you say discretion is the better part of valour, you mean that avoiding a dangerous or unpleasant situation is sometimes the most sensible thing to do.<br>

Q: <b> dismay <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5mei</font>]</b><br>

A: Dismay is a strong feeling of fear, worry, or sadness that is caused by something unpleasant and unexpected. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Local councillors have reacted with dismay and indignation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lucy discovered to her dismay that she was pregnant.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The ministers expressed dismay at the continued practice of ethnic cleansing.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Meg looked up at her in dismay.</font><br><br>If you are dismayed by something, it makes you feel afraid, worried, or sad. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The committee was dismayed by what it had been told.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;McKee suddenly realized she was crying and the thought dismayed him.</font><br><font color=red>* dismayed </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was dismayed at the cynicism of the youngsters.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was dismayed to find that his hands were shaking.</font><br>

Q: <b> dissent <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5sent</font>]</b><br>

A: Dissent is strong disagreement or dissatisfaction with a decision or opinion, especially one that is supported by most people or by people in authority.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is the toughest military ruler yet and has responded harshly to any dissent.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Political dissent would no longer be tolerated.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I made a gesture of dissent.</font><br><font color=red>= opposition</font><br><br>If you dissent, you express disagreement with a decision or opinion, especially one that is supported by most people or by people in authority. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Just one of the 10 members dissented.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;No one dissents from the decision to unify.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There are likely to be many dissenting voices.</font><br>

Q: <b> distant <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5distEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: Distant means very far away.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The mountains rolled away to a distant horizon.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the war in that distant land.</font><br><font color=red>= faraway <> nearby</font><br><br>You use distant to describe a time or event that is very far away in the future or in the past.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is little doubt, however, that things will improve in the not too distant future.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Last summer's drought is a distant memory.</font><br><font color=red>= faraway <> near</font><br><br>A distant relative is one who you are not closely related to.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's a distant relative of the mayor.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They were distant cousins.</font><br><font color=red><> close</font><br><font color=red>* distantly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His father's distantly related to the Royal family.</font><br><br>If you describe someone as distant, you mean that you find them cold and unfriendly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He found her cold, ice-like and distant.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is direct and courteous but distant.</font><br><font color=red>= aloof <> approachable</font><br><br>If you describe someone as distant, you mean that they are not concentrating on what they are doing because they are thinking about other things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was a distant look in her eyes from time to time, her thoughts elsewhere.</font><br><font color=red>= detached</font><br>< </b></font><br>

Q: <b> distress <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5tres</font>]</b><br>

A: Distress is a state of extreme sorrow, suffering, or pain.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jealousy causes distress and painful emotions.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her mouth grew stiff with pain and distress.</font><br><font color=red>= suffering</font><br><br>Distress is the state of being in extreme danger and needing urgent help.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He expressed concern that the ship might be in distress.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The constable received a distress call, and saw two youths attacking his colleague.</font><br><br>If someone or something distresses you, they cause you to be upset or worried.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The idea of Toni being in danger distresses him enormously.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I did not want to frighten or distress the horse.</font><br>

Q: <b> Downing Street <br>DOWNING STREET </b><br>

A: Downing Street </b></font><br>Downing Street is the street in London in which the Prime Minister and the Chancellor of the Exchequer live. You can also use Downing Street to refer to the Prime Minister and his or her officials.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Prime Minister arrived back at Downing Street from Paris this morning.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Downing Street is taking the French opinion polls very seriously indeed.</font><br>

Q: <b> downtown <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dauntaun</font>]</b><br>

A: Downtown places are in or towards the centre of a large town or city, where the shops and places of business are. (mainly AM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; office in downtown Chicago.</font><br><font color=red><> uptown</font><br><br>Also an adverb.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;By day he worked downtown for American Standard.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You have to be downtown in a hurry.</font><br><font color=red><> uptown</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; a large vacant area of the downtown.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Ardastra Gardens, a short taxi ride from downtown.</font><br>

Q: <b> dressage <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dre5sB:V, 5dresEV</font>]</b><br>

A: Dressage is a competition in which horse riders have to make their horse perform controlled movements.<br>

Q: <b> dried <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">draid</font>]</b><br>

A: Dried food or milk has had all the water removed from it so that it will last for a long time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; infusion which may be prepared from the fresh plant or the dried herb...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thirty-six trucks were loaded with some 100 tons of dried milk and bandages.</font><br>See also dry.<br><font color=red>= dehydrated</font><br>

Q: <b> dying <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5daiiN</font>]</b><br>

A: Dying is the present participle of die.<br><br>A dying person or animal is very ill and likely to die soon.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a dying man.</font><br><br>The dying are people who are dying.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;By the time our officers arrived, the dead and the dying were everywhere.</font><br><br>You use dying to describe something which happens at the time when someone dies, or is connected with that time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It'll stay in my mind till my dying day.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was compelled to fulfil the dying wishes of her mother.</font><br><br>The dying days or dying minutes of a state of affairs or an activity are its last days or minutes.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The islands were seized by the Soviet army in the dying days of the second world war.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A penalty by Thierry Lacroix broke the deadlock in the dying minutes of the game.</font><br><font color=red>= final</font><br><br>A dying tradition or industry is becoming less important and is likely to disappear completely.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shipbuilding is a dying business.</font><br><br>A dying fire is no longer hot and bright and will not burn for much longer.<br>

Q: <b> electrical <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">i5lektrik(E)l</font>]</b><br>

A: Electrical goods, equipment, or appliances work by means of electricity.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...shipments of electrical equipment.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...electrical appliances.</font><br><font color=red>* electrically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...electrically-powered vehicles.</font><br><br>Electrical systems or parts supply or use electricity.<br><br>Electrical energy is energy in the form of electricity.<br><font color=red>* electrically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...electrically charged particles...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The researchers stimulated the muscle electrically.</font><br><br>Electrical industries, engineers, or workers are involved in the production and supply of electricity or electrical goods.<br>

Q: <b> encouragement <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5kQridVmEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: Encouragement is the activity of encouraging someone, or something that is said or done in order to encourage them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I also had friends who gave me a great deal of encouragement.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thanks for your advice and encouragement.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the notion that tax encouragements and the like would be sufficient to increase people's appetite for supporting charity.</font><br>

Q: <b> envy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5envi</font>]</b><br>

A: Envy is the feeling you have when you wish you could have the same thing or quality that someone else has.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Gradually he began to acknowledge his feelings of envy towards his mother.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They gazed in a mixture of envy and admiration at the beauty of the statue.</font><br><br>If you envy someone, you wish that you had the same things or qualities that they have.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I don't envy the young ones who've become TV superstars and know no other world.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have a rich brother and a lot of people envy the fact.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He envied Caroline her peace.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`You must've seen the world by now,' said Frannie, `I envy you that.'</font><br><br>If a thing or quality is the envy of someone, they wish very much that they could have or achieve it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Britain is now the envy of the world's record companies.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; economic expansion that was the envy of many other states.</font><br>

Q: <b> er <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">Q:, E:7E</font>]</b><br>

A: Er is used in writing to represent the sound that people make when they hesitate, especially while they decide what to say next.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I would challenge the, er, suggestion that we're in third place.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;People that are addicted to drugs get er help from the government one way or another.</font><br>

Q: <b> ethical <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5eWikEl</font>]</b><br>

A: Ethical means relating to beliefs about right and wrong.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the moral and ethical standards in the school.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the medical, nursing and ethical issues surrounding terminally-ill people.</font><br><font color=red>* ethically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Attorneys are ethically and legally bound to absolute confidentiality.</font><br><br>If you describe something as ethical, you mean that it is morally right or morally acceptable.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...ethical investment schemes...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Does the party think it is ethical to link tax policy with party fund-raising?</font><br><font color=red>* ethically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mayors want local companies to behave ethically.</font><br>

Q: <b> expulsion <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">iks5pQlFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Expulsion is when someone is forced to leave a school, university, or organization.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her hatred of authority led to her expulsion from high school.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the high number of school expulsions...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This led to his suspension and, finally, expulsion from the party in 1955.</font><br><br>Expulsion is when someone is forced to leave a place. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the expulsion of Yemeni workers.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a new wave of mass expulsions.</font><br><br>Expulsion is when something is forced out from your body. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the expulsion of waste products.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...their expulsion from the digestive tract.</font><br>

Q: <b> facial <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5feiFEl</font>]</b><br>

A: Facial means appearing on or being part of your face.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cross didn't answer; his facial expression didn't change.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I ended up in hospital with facial injuries.</font><br><br>A facial is a sort of beauty treatment in which someone's face is massaged, and creams and other substances are rubbed into it.<br>

Q: <b> fatigue <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fE5ti:g</font>]</b><br>

A: Fatigue is a feeling of extreme physical or mental tiredness.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She continued to have severe stomach cramps, aches, fatigue, and depression.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Clarke says his team could have lasted another 15 days before fatigue would have begun to take a toll.</font><br><font color=red>= exhaustion</font><br><br>You can say that people are suffering from a particular kind of fatigue when they have been doing something for a long time and feel they can no longer continue to do it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...compassion fatigue caused by endless TV and celebrity appeals.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the result of four months of battle fatigue.</font><br><br>Fatigues are clothes that soldiers wear when they are fighting or when they are doing routine jobs.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He never expected to return home wearing US combat fatigues.</font><br><br>Fatigue in metal or wood is a weakness in it that is caused by repeated stress. Fatigue can cause the metal or wood to break.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The problem turned out to be metal fatigue in the fuselage.</font><br>

Q: <b> fiction <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fikFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Fiction refers to books and stories about imaginary people and events, rather than books about real people or events.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Immigrant tales have always been popular themes in fiction.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Diana is a writer of historical fiction.</font><br>See also science fiction.<br><font color=red><> non-fiction</font><br><br>A statement or account that is fiction is not true.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The truth or fiction of this story has never been truly determined.</font><br><font color=red><> fact</font><br><br>If something is a fiction, it is not true, although people sometimes pretend that it is true.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Total recycling is a fiction.</font><br><font color=red><> fact</font><br>

Q: <b> fixture <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fikstFE</font>]</b><br>

A: Fixtures are pieces of furniture or equipment, for example baths and sinks, which are fixed inside a house or other building and which stay there if you move.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a detailed list of what fixtures and fittings are included in the purchase price.</font><br><br>A fixture is a sports event which takes place on a particular date. (BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;City won this fixture 3-0 last season.</font><br><br>If you describe someone or something as a fixture in a particular place or occasion, you mean that they always seem to be there.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was a fixture in New York's nightclubs.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The cordless kettle may now be a fixture in most kitchens.</font><br>

Q: <b> flesh <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fleF</font>]</b><br>

A: Flesh is the soft part of a person's or animal's body between the bones and the skin.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Illness had wasted the flesh from her tall, willowy body.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the pale pink flesh of trout and salmon.</font><br><br>You can use flesh to refer to human skin and the human body, especially when you are considering it in a sexual way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the warmth of her flesh.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the sins of the flesh.</font><br><br>The flesh of a fruit or vegetable is the soft inside part of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cut the flesh from the olives and discard the stones.</font><br><br>You use flesh and blood to emphasize that someone has human feelings or weaknesses, often when contrasting them with machines.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm only flesh and blood, like anyone else.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...skills of a precision unmatched by any flesh and blood worker.</font><br><br>If you say that someone is your own flesh and blood, you are emphasizing that they are a member of your family.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The kid, after all, was his own flesh and blood. He deserved a second chance.</font><br><br>If something makes your flesh creep or makes your flesh crawl, it makes you feel disgusted, shocked or frightened.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It makes my flesh creep to think of it.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was heading on a secret mission that m </b></font><br>

Q: <b> flour <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5flauE</font>]</b><br>

A: Flour is a white or brown powder that is made by grinding grain. It is used to make bread, cakes, and pastry.<br><br>If you flour cooking equipment or food, you cover it with flour.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lightly flour a rolling pin.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Remove the dough from the bowl and put it on a floured surface.</font><br>

Q: <b> ft <br>FT </b><br>

A: Flying at 1,000 ft, he heard a peculiar noise from the rotors.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; area of 2,750 sq ft.</font><br>

Q: <b> foil <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fCil</font>]</b><br>

A: Foil consists of sheets of metal as thin as paper. It is used to wrap food in.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Pour cider around the meat and cover with foil.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...aluminium foil.</font><br><br>If you foil someone's plan or attempt to do something, for example to commit a crime, you succeed in stopping them from doing what they want. (JOURNALISM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A brave police chief foiled an armed robbery on a jewellers' by grabbing the raiders' shotgun.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The idea of building a roof terrace was also foiled by the planning authorities.</font><br><font color=red>= thwart</font><br><br>If you refer to one thing or person as a foil for another, you approve of the fact that they contrast with each other and go well together, often in a way that makes the second thing or person seem better or less harmful.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He thought of her serenity as a foil for his intemperance.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A cold beer is the perfect foil for a curry.</font><br><font color=red>= complement</font><br><br>A foil is a thin light sword used in fencing, which has a button on its tip to prevent injury.<br>

Q: <b> crisp <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">krisp</font>]</b><br>

A: Food that is crisp is pleasantly hard, or has a pleasantly hard surface.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bake the potatoes for 15 minutes, till they're nice and crisp.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...crisp bacon.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...crisp lettuce.</font><br><font color=red><> soggy</font><br><font color=red>* crispness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The pizza base retains its crispness without becoming brittle.</font><br><font color=red>* crisply </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...crisply fried onion rings.</font><br><br>If food crisps or if you crisp it, it becomes pleasantly hard, for example because you have heated it at a high temperature.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cook the bacon until it begins to crisp.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Spread breadcrumbs on a dry baking sheet and crisp them in the oven.</font><br><br>Crisps are very thin slices of fried potato that are eaten cold as a snack. (BRIT; in AM use chips or potato chips)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a packet of crisps.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...cheese and onion potato crisps.</font><br><br>Weather that is pleasantly fresh, cold, and dry can be described as crisp.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a crisp autumn day.</font><br><br>Crisp cloth or paper is clean and has no creases in it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He wore a panama hat and a crisp white suit.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I slipped between the crisp clean sheets.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbs </b></font><br>

Q: <b> foster <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fCstE</font>]</b><br>

A: Foster parents are people who officially take a child into their family for a period of time, without becoming the child's legal parents. The child is referred to as their foster child.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Little Jack was placed with foster parents.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The foster mother was a wonderful, warm person.</font><br><br>If you foster a child, you take it into your family for a period of time, without becoming its legal parent.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She has since gone on to find happiness by fostering more than 100 children.</font><br><br>To foster something such as an activity or idea means to help it to develop.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He said that developed countries had a responsibility to foster global economic growth to help new democracies.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Its cash crisis has been fostered by declining property values.</font><br>

Q: <b> freely <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fri:li</font>]</b><br>

A: Freely means many times or in large quantities.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We have referred freely to his ideas.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;George was spending very freely.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the United States, where consumer goods are freely available.</font><br><br>If you can talk freely, you can talk without needing to be careful about what you say.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She wondered whether he had someone to whom he could talk freely.</font><br><font color=red>= unreservedly</font><br><br>If someone gives or does something freely, they give or do it willingly, without being ordered or forced to do it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Danny shared his knowledge freely with anyone interested.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Williams freely admits he lives for racing.</font><br><font color=red>= willingly, voluntarily</font><br><br>If something or someone moves freely, they move easily and smoothly, without any obstacles or resistance.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The clay court was slippery and he was unable to move freely.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You must allow the clubhead to swing freely.</font><br>

Q: <b> Frenchman <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5frentFmEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Frenchman Frenchmen </b></font><br>A Frenchman is a man who comes from France.<br>

Q: <b> Frenchwoman <br>FRENCHWOMAN </b><br>

A: Frenchwoman Frenchwomen </b></font><br>A Frenchwoman is a woman who comes from France.<br>

Q: <b> Fri. <br>FRI. </b><br>

A: Fri.<br>Fri. is a written abbreviation for Friday.<br>

Q: <b> frozen <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5frEuzn</font>]</b><br>

A: Frozen is the past participle of freeze.<br><br>If the ground is frozen it has become very hard because the weather is very cold.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was bitterly cold now and the ground was frozen hard.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the frozen bleakness of the Far North.</font><br><br>Frozen food has been preserved by being kept at a very low temperature.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Frozen fish is a very healthy convenience food.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...frozen desserts like ice cream.</font><br><br>Frozen stiff means the same as frozen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He put one hand up to his frozen face.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm frozen to the bone out here.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was cold and damp; he pulled up his collar and was aware of being frozen stiff.</font><br><br>If you describe someone as frozen, you mean that their body is fixed in a particular position, for example because they are very worried or afraid.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One boy, aged about 11, looks frozen with fright.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Katherine was frozen in horror.</font><br>

Q: <b> fur <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fE:</font>]</b><br>

A: Fur is the thick and usually soft hair that grows on the bodies of many mammals.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This creature's fur is short, dense and silky.</font><br><br>Fur is the fur-covered skin of an animal that is used to make clothing or small carpets.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She had on a black coat with a fur collar.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Women are also wearing fur again.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the trading of furs from Canada.</font><br><br>A fur is a coat made from real or artificial fur, or a piece of fur worn round your neck.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There were women in furs and men in comfortable overcoats.</font><br><br>Fur is an artificial fabric that looks like fur and is used, for example, to make clothing, soft toys, and seat covers.<br><br>If an event sets the fur flying, it causes a great argument.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Last week's meeting of the 1922 Committee set the fur flying again on the Tory backbenches.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The fur will really fly over this.</font><br>

Q: <b> furthermore <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fE:TE5mC:(r)</font>]</b><br>

A: Furthermore is used to introduce a piece of information or opinion that adds to or supports the previous one. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Furthermore, they claim that any such interference is completely ineffective.</font><br><font color=red>= moreover</font><br>

Q: <b> fury <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fjuEri</font>]</b><br>

A: Fury is violent or very strong anger.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She screamed, her face distorted with fury and pain.</font><br><font color=red>= wrath</font><br><br>If you are in a fury, you are very angry.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I had reacted in a fury of grief.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He rose to his feet in a fury to leave no doubt about where he stood on the issue.</font><br>

Q: <b> grief <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">gri:f</font>]</b><br>

A: Grief is a feeling of extreme sadness.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a huge outpouring of national grief for the victims of the shootings...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their grief soon gave way to anger.</font><br><br>If something comes to grief, it fails. If someone comes to grief, they fail in something they are doing, and may be hurt.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;So many marriages have come to grief over lack of money.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was driving a Mercedes racer at 100 mph and almost came to grief.</font><br><br>Some people say `Good grief' when they are surprised or shocked.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`He's been arrested for theft and burglary.' --- `Good grief!'</font><br>

Q: <b> fuss <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fQs</font>]</b><br>

A: Fuss is anxious or excited behaviour which serves no useful purpose.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I don't know what all the fuss is about.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He just gets down to work without any fuss.</font><br><font color=red>= bother</font><br><br>If you fuss, you worry or behave in a nervous, anxious way about unimportant matters or rush around doing unnecessary things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Carol fussed about getting me a drink.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My wife was fussing over the food and clothing we were going to take.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She fussed with a wisp of hair over her ear.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A team of waiters began fussing around the table.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Stop fussing,' he snapped.</font><br><font color=red>= flap</font><br><br>If you fuss over someone, you pay them a lot of attention and do things to make them happy or comfortable.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Auntie Hilda and Uncle Jack couldn't fuss over them enough.</font><br><br>If you make a fuss or kick up a fuss about something, you become angry or excited about it and complain. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I don't know why everybody makes such a fuss about a few mosquitoes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I kick up a fuss if my wife wants to spend time alone.</font><br><br>If you make a fuss of someone, you pay them a lot of attention and do things to make them happy or comfortable. (BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When I arrived my nephews made a big fuss of me.</font><br>

Q: <b> GDP <br>GDP </b><br>

A: GDP </b></font><br>GDP is the total value of goods and services produced within a country in a year. GDP is an abbreviation for `gross domestic product'.<br>

Q: <b> GMT <br>GMT </b><br>

A: GMT <br>GMT is the standard time in Great Britain which is used to calculate the time in the rest of the world. GMT is an abbreviation for `Greenwich Mean Time'.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;New Mexico is seven hours behind GMT.</font><br>

Q: <b> GNP <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dVi:en5pi:</font>]</b><br>

A: GNP GNPs </b></font><br>In economics, a country's GNP is the total value of all the goods produced and services provided by that country in one year. GNP is an abbreviation for `Gross National Product'.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;By 1973 the government deficit equalled thirty per cent of GNP.</font><br>

Q: <b> GP <br>GP </b><br>

A: GP GPs </b></font><br>A GP is a doctor who does not specialize in any particular area of medicine, but who has a medical practice in which he or she treats all types of illness. GP is an abbreviation for `general practitioner'.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her husband called their local GP.</font><br>

Q: <b> galaxy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5gAlEksi</font>]</b><br>

A: Galaxy.</b></font><br>A galaxy is an extremely large group of stars and planets that extends over many billions of light years.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Astronomers have discovered a distant galaxy.</font><br><br>The Galaxy is the extremely large group of stars and planets to which the Earth and the Solar System belong.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Galaxy consists of 100 billion stars.</font><br><br>If you talk about a galaxy of people from a particular profession, you mean a group of them who are all famous or important.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is one of a small galaxy of Dutch stars on German television.</font><br><font color=red>= array</font><br>

Q: <b> gambling <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5gAmbliN</font>]</b><br>

A: Gambling is the act or activity of betting money, for example in card games or on horse racing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Gambling is a form of entertainment.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...gambling casinos.</font><br>

Q: <b> garlic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5gB:lik</font>]</b><br>

A: Garlic is the small, white, round bulb of a plant that is related to the onion plant. Garlic has a very strong smell and taste and is used in cooking.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a clove of garlic.</font><br>

Q: <b> gasoline <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5gAsEli:n</font>]</b><br>

A: Gasoline is the same as petrol. (AM)<br>

Q: <b> Gemini <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dVeminai</font>]</b><br>

A: Gemini </b></font><br>Gemini is one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Its symbol is a pair of twins. People who are born approximately between 21st May and 20th June come under this sign.<br><br>A Gemini is a person whose sign of the zodiac is Gemini.<br>

Q: <b> geography <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dVi5CgrEfi, 5dViCg-</font>]</b><br>

A: Geography is the study of the countries of the world and of such things as the land, seas, climate, towns, and population.<br><br>The geography of a place is the way that features such as rivers, mountains, towns, or streets are arranged within it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...policemen who knew the local geography.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a pictorial journey through the history, geography and culture of the Caribbean.</font><br>

Q: <b> Georgian <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dVC:dVjEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Georgian </b></font><br>Georgian means belonging to or connected with Britain in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, during the reigns of King George I to King George IV.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the restoration of his Georgian house.</font><br>

Q: <b> global warming <br>GLOBAL WARMING </b><br>

A: Global warming is the gradual rise in the earth's temperature caused by high levels of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The threat of global warming will eventually force the US to slow down its energy consumption.</font><br>

Q: <b> guidance <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5gaidEns</font>]</b><br>

A: Guidance is help and advice.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; opportunity for young people to improve their performance under the guidance of professional coaches...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The nation looks to them for guidance.</font><br>

Q: <b> glory <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5glC:ri</font>]</b><br>

A: Glory is the fame and admiration that you gain by doing something impressive.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Walsham had his moment of glory when he won a 20km race</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...we were still basking in the glory of our Championship win.</font><br><br>A person's glories are the occasions when they have done something people greatly admire which makes them famous.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The album sees them re-living past glories but not really breaking any new ground.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the military glories of Frederick the Great.</font><br><br>The glory of something is its great beauty or impressive nature.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The glory of the idea blossomed in his mind.</font><br><br>The glories of a culture or place are the things that people admire most about it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a tour of Florence, to enjoy the artistic glories of the Italian Renaissance...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One of the glories of the island has always been its bird population.</font><br><br>If you glory in a situation or activity, you enjoy it very much.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The workers were glorying in their new-found freedom.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He does not glory in his past successes and looks forward to achieving more.</font><br><font color=red>= revel</font><br><br>If you go out in a blaze of glory, you do something very dramatic at the end of your career or your life which makes you famous.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I </b></font><br>

Q: <b> glue <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">glu:</font>]</b><br>

A: Glue is a sticky substance used for joining things together, often for repairing broken things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a tube of glue.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...high quality glues.</font><br><br>If you glue one object to another, you stick them together using glue.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Glue the fabric around the window.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The material is cut and glued in place.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They are glued together.</font><br><br>If you say that someone keeps their eyes glued to something, you mean that they are watching it with all their attention.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They are all glued to the Olympic Games.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He kept his eyes glued to the clock.</font><br>

Q: <b> goodwill <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">gud5wil</font>]</b><br>

A: Goodwill is a friendly or helpful attitude towards other people, countries, or organizations.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I invited them to dinner, a gesture of goodwill.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They depend on the goodwill of visitors to pick up rubbish.</font><br>

Q: <b> gossip <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5gCsip</font>]</b><br>

A: Gossip is informal conversation, often about other people's private affairs.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He spent the first hour talking gossip.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There has been much gossip about the possible reasons for his absence.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Don't you like a good gossip?</font><br><br>If you gossip with someone, you talk informally, especially about other people or local events. You can also say that two people gossip.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We spoke, debated, gossiped into the night.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Eva gossiped with Sarah.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mrs Lilywhite never gossiped.</font><br><br>If you describe someone as a gossip, you mean that they enjoy talking informally to people about the private affairs of others.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was a vicious gossip.</font><br>

Q: <b> governmental <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7gQvEn5mentl</font>]</b><br>

A: Governmental means relating to a particular government, or to the practice of governing a country.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a governmental agency for providing financial aid to developing countries.</font><br>

Q: <b> grammar <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5grAmE</font>]</b><br>

A: Grammar is the ways that words can be put together in order to make sentences.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He doesn't have mastery of the basic rules of grammar.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the difference between Sanskrit and Tibetan grammar.</font><br><br>Someone's grammar is the way in which they obey or do not obey the rules of grammar when they write or speak.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His vocabulary was sound and his grammar excellent.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a deterioration in spelling and grammar among teenagers.</font><br><br>A grammar is a book that describes the rules of a language.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; advanced English grammar.</font><br><br>A particular grammar is a particular theory that is intended to explain the rules of a language.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Transformational grammars are more restrictive.</font><br>

Q: <b> grape <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">greip</font>]</b><br>

A: Grapes are small green or dark purple fruit which grow in bunches. Grapes can be eaten raw, used for making wine, or dried.<br><br>If you describe someone's attitude as sour grapes, you mean that they say something is worthless or undesirable because they want it themselves but cannot have it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These accusations have been going on for some time now, but it is just sour grapes.</font><br>

Q: <b> gravity <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5grAviti</font>]</b><br>

A: Gravity is the force which causes things to drop to the ground.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Arrows would continue to fly forward forever in a straight line were it not for gravity, which brings them down to earth.</font><br>See also centre of gravity.<br><br>The gravity of a situation or event is its extreme importance or seriousness.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The president said those who grab power through violence deserve punishment which matches the gravity of their crime.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Not all acts of vengeance are of equal gravity.</font><br><br>The gravity of someone's behaviour or speech is the extremely serious way in which they behave or speak.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was an appealing gravity to everything she said.</font><br>

Q: <b> heroin <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5herEuin</font>]</b><br>

A: Heroin is a powerful drug which some people take for pleasure, but which they can become addicted to.<br>

Q: <b> guilt <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">gilt</font>]</b><br>

A: Guilt is an unhappy feeling that you have because you have done something wrong or think that you have done something wrong.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her emotions had ranged from anger to guilt in the space of a few seconds.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some cancer patients experience strong feelings of guilt.</font><br><br>Guilt is the fact that you have done something wrong or illegal.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The trial is concerned only with the determination of guilt according to criminal law.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You weren't convinced of Mr Matthews' guilt.</font><br>

Q: <b> gum <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">gQm</font>]</b><br>

A: Gum is a substance, usually tasting of mint, which you chew for a long time but do not swallow.<br>See also bubblegum, chewing gum.<br><br>Your gums are the areas of firm, pink flesh inside your mouth, which your teeth grow out of.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The toothbrush gently removes plaque without damaging the gums or causing bleeding.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...gum disease.</font><br><br>Gum is a type of glue that is used to stick two pieces of paper together. (mainly BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was holding up a pound note that had been torn in half and stuck together with gum.</font><br><font color=red>* gummed </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...gummed labels.</font><br><br>If two things are gummed together, they are stuck together. (BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is a mild infection in which a baby's eyelashes can become gummed together.</font><br><font color=red>= stuck</font><br><br>Gum is a sticky substance which comes from the eucalyptus tree or from various other trees and shrubs.<br>

Q: <b> halfway <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hB:f5wei</font>]</b><br>

A: Halfway means in the middle of a place or between two points, at an equal distance from each of them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Half-way across the car-park, he noticed she was walking with her eyes closed.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was halfway up the ladder.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was halfway down when she heard the noise.</font><br><br>Halfway means in the middle of a period of time or of an event.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;By then, it was October and we were more than halfway through our tour.</font><br><br>Also an adjective.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Welsh international Matthew Postle was third fastest at the halfway point.</font><br><br>If you meet someone halfway, you accept some of the points they are making so that you can come to an agreement with them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Democrats are willing to meet the president halfway.</font><br><font color=red>= compromise</font><br><br>Halfway means fairly or reasonably. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You need hard currency to get anything halfway decent.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All I had to do was be halfway cool.</font><br>

Q: <b> ham <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">hAm</font>]</b><br>

A: Ham is meat from the top of the back leg of a pig, specially treated so that it can be kept for a long period of time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a huge baked ham.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...ham sandwiches.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a dozen slices of ham.</font><br><br>A ham is a person whose hobby consists of using special radio equipment to talk to other people with the same hobby, often people who are in other countries.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I became a ham radio operator at the age of eleven.</font><br><br>A ham actor is someone who acts badly, exaggerating every emotion and gesture.<br><br>If actors or actresses ham it up, they exaggerate every emotion and gesture when they are acting, often deliberately because they think that the audience will be more amused.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thrusting themselves into the spirit of the farce, they ham it up like mad.</font><br>

Q: <b> harassment <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hArEsmEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: Harassment is behaviour which is intended to trouble or annoy someone, for example repeated attacks on them or attempts to cause them problems.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Another survey found that 51 per cent of women had experienced some form of sexual harassment in their working lives.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...racial harassment...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The party has accused the police of harassment.</font><br>

Q: <b> harsh <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">hB:F</font>]</b><br>

A: Harsh climates or conditions are very difficult for people, animals, and plants to live in.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The weather grew harsh, chilly and unpredictable.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the harsh desert environment.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...after the harsh experience of the war.</font><br><font color=red>= severe <> mild</font><br><font color=red>* harshness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the harshness of their living conditions.</font><br><font color=red>= severity</font><br><br>Harsh actions or speech are unkind and show no understanding or sympathy.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the cold, harsh cruelty of her husband...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He said many harsh and unkind things about his opponents.</font><br><font color=red>= cruel, severe</font><br><font color=red>* harshly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She's been told that her husband is being harshly treated in prison.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Why didn't you tell me before?' asked Hunter harshly.</font><br><font color=red>* harshness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...treating him with great harshness.</font><br><font color=red>= severity</font><br><br>Something that is harsh is so hard, bright, or rough that it seems unpleasant or harmful.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tropical colours may look rather harsh in our dull northern light.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...harsher detergents that can leave hair brittle.</font><br><font color=red>* harshness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; the wine ages, losing its bitter harshness.</font><br><br>Harsh voices and sounds are ones that are rough and unpleasant to listen to.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's a pity she has such a loud harsh voice.</font><br><font color=red><> soft, gentle</font><br><font color=red>* harshly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chris laughed harshly.</font><br><font color=red>* harshness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Then in a tone of abrupt harshness, he added, `Open these trunks!'.</font><br><br>If you talk about harsh realities or facts, or the harsh truth, you are emphasizing that they are true or </b></font><br>

Q: <b> hatred <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5heitrid</font>]</b><br>

A: Hatred is an extremely strong feeling of dislike for someone or something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her hatred of them would never lead her to murder.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My hatred for her is so intense it seems to be destroying me.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has been accused of inciting racial hatred.</font><br><font color=red><> love</font><br>

Q: <b> heating <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hi:tiN</font>]</b><br>

A: Heating is the process of heating a building or room, considered especially from the point of view of how much this costs.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You can still find cottages for {Pound}150 a week, including heating.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...heating bills.</font><br><br>Heating is the system and equipment that is used to heat a building.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is no heating in the shed, so the dogs would be bitterly cold at night.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I wish I knew how to turn on the heating.</font><br>See also central heating.<br>

Q: <b> hers <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">hE:z</font>]</b><br>

A: Hers is a third person possessive pronoun.<br><br>You use hers to indicate that something belongs or relates to a woman, girl, or female animal.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His hand as it shook hers was warm and firm.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He'd never seen eyes as green as hers.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Professor Camm was a great friend of hers.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hers was the suggestion I acted upon.</font><br><br>In written English, hers is sometimes used to refer to a person without saying whether that person is a man or a woman. Some people dislike this use and prefer to use `his or hers' or `theirs'.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The author can report other people's results which more or less agree with hers.</font><br><br>Hers is sometimes used to refer to a country or nation. (FORMAL or WRITTEN)<br><br>People sometimes use hers to refer to a car, machine, or ship. (INFORMAL)<br>

Q: <b> hidden <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hidn</font>]</b><br>

A: Hidden is the past participle of hide.<br><br>Hidden facts, feelings, activities, or problems are not easy to notice or discover.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Under all the innocent fun, there are hidden dangers, especially for children.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The precise details of the origins of life remain hidden.</font><br><br>A hidden place is difficult to find.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As you descend, suddenly you see at last the hidden waterfall.</font><br><font color=red>= concealed</font><br>

Q: <b> hostility <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">hCs5tiliti</font>]</b><br>

A: Hostility is unfriendly or aggressive behaviour towards people or ideas.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The last decade has witnessed a serious rise in the levels of racism and hostility to Black and ethnic groups.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Christabel looked at Ron with open hostility.</font><br><br>Your hostility to something you do not approve of is your opposition to it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is hostility among traditionalists to this method of teaching history.</font><br>

Q: <b> hunger <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hQNgE</font>]</b><br>

A: Hunger is the feeling of weakness or discomfort that you get when you need something to eat.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hunger is the body's signal that levels of blood sugar are too low.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Seized by morning hunger pangs, Robert made a beeline for the chocolate vending machine.</font><br><br>Hunger is a severe lack of food which causes suffering or death.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Three hundred people in this town are dying of hunger every day.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a desire to alleviate hunger and suffering in the Third World.</font><br><font color=red>= starvation</font><br><br>If you have a hunger for something, you want or need it very much. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Geffen has a hunger for success that seems bottomless.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...his hunger to equal Vardon's record of six wins.</font><br><font color=red>= craving</font><br><br>If you say that someone hungers for something or hungers after it, you are emphasizing that they want it very much. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;But Jules was not eager for classroom learning, he hungered for adventure.</font><br><font color=red>= hanker</font><br>

Q: <b> hype <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">haip</font>]</b><br>

A: Hype is the use of a lot of publicity and advertising to make people interested in something such as a product.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We are certainly seeing a lot of hype by some companies.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My products aren't based on advertising hype, they sell by word of mouth.</font><br><br>To hype a product means to advertise or praise it a lot.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We had to hype the film to attract the financiers.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These gurus are being promoted by publishers and hyped in the business press.</font><br><br>Hype up means the same as hype.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The media seems obsessed with hyping up individuals or groups.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He felt the film was hyped up too much.</font><br>

Q: <b> ibid <br>IBID </b><br>

A: Ibid is used in books and journals to indicate that a piece of text taken from somewhere else is from the same source as the previous piece of text.<br>

Q: <b> contrary <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCntrEri</font>]</b><br>

A: Ideas, attitudes, or reactions that are contrary to each other are completely different from each other.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This view is contrary to the aims of critical social research for a number of reasons.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Several of those present, including Weinberger, had contrary information.</font><br><br>If you say that something is true contrary to other people's beliefs or opinions, you are emphasizing that it is true and that they are wrong.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Contrary to popular belief, moderate exercise actually decreases your appetite.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Contrary to what you might think, neither man was offended.</font><br><br>You use on the contrary when you have just said or implied that something is not true and are going to say that the opposite is true.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is not an idea around which the Community can unite. On the contrary, I see it as one that will divide us.</font><br><br>You can use on the contrary when you are disagreeing strongly with something that has just been said or implied, or are making a strong negative reply.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`People just don't do things like that.' --- `On the contrary, they do them all the time.'</font><br><br>You can use quite the contrary to emphasize a previous negative statement, or when you are making a strong negative reply.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm not a feminist, quite the contrary.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Are there any signs that he may quit soon?' --- `Quite the contrary.'</font><br><font color=red>= quite the opposite</font><br>

Q: <b> diverse <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dai5vE:s</font>]</b><br>

A: If a group or range of things is diverse, it is made up of a wide variety of things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...shops selling a diverse range of gifts...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Society is now much more diverse than ever before.</font><br><font color=red>= varied</font><br><br>Diverse people or things are very different from each other.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Albert Jones' new style will inevitably put him in touch with a much more diverse and perhaps younger audience.</font><br>

Q: <b> escalate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5eskEleit</font>]</b><br>

A: If a bad situation escalates or if someone or something escalates it, it becomes greater in size, seriousness, or intensity. (JOURNALISM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Both unions and management fear the dispute could escalate.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The protests escalated into five days of rioting.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Defeat could cause one side or other to escalate the conflict.</font><br><font color=red>* escalation escalations </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The threat of nuclear escalation remains.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a sudden escalation of violence.</font><br>

Q: <b> junk bond <br>JUNK BOND </b><br>

A: If a company issues junk bonds, it borrows money from investors, usually at a high rate of interest, in order to finance a particular deal, for example the setting up or the taking over of another company.<br>

Q: <b> monopoly <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mE5nCpEli</font>]</b><br>

A: If a company, person, or state has a monopoly on something such as an industry, they have complete control over it, so that it is impossible for others to become involved in it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Russian moves to end a state monopoly on land ownership.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the governing party's monopoly over the media.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; inquiry by the Monopolies Commission.</font><br><br>A monopoly is a company which is the only one providing a particular product or service.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a state-owned monopoly.</font><br><br>If you say that someone does not have a monopoly on something, you mean that they are not the only person who has that thing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Women do not have a monopoly on feelings of betrayal.</font><br>

Q: <b> dawn on, dawn upon <br>DAWN ON, DAWN UPON </b><br>

A: If a fact or idea dawns on you, you realize it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It gradually dawned on me that I still had talent and ought to run again.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Then the chilling truth dawned on Captain Gary Snavely.</font><br>

Q: <b> decisive <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5saisiv</font>]</b><br>

A: If a fact, action, or event is decisive, it makes it certain that there will be a particular result.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...his decisive victory in the presidential elections...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The election campaign has now entered its final, decisive phase.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The meeting between Molotov, Bidault and Bevin was decisive.</font><br><font color=red>* decisively </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The plan was decisively rejected by Congress three weeks ago.</font><br><br>If someone is decisive, they have or show an ability to make quick decisions in a difficult or complicated situation.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He should give way to a younger, more decisive leader.</font><br><font color=red>* decisively </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`I'll call for you at half ten,' she said decisively.</font><br><font color=red>* decisiveness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His supporters admire his decisiveness.</font><br>

Q: <b> deport <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5pC:t</font>]</b><br>

A: If a government deports someone, usually someone who is not a citizen of that country, it sends them out of the country because they have committed a crime or because it believes they do not have the right to be there.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a government decision earlier this month to deport all illegal immigrants...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;More than 240 England football fans are being deported from Italy following riots last night.</font><br><font color=red>= expel</font><br><font color=red>* deportation deportations </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...thousands of Albanian migrants facing deportation...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Civil rights lawyers tried to halt the deportations.</font><br>

Q: <b> dilute <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dai5lju:t7 di5l-</font>]</b><br>

A: If a liquid is diluted or dilutes, it is added to or mixes with water or another liquid, and becomes weaker.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If you give your baby juice, dilute it well with cooled, boiled water.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The liquid is then diluted.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The poisons seeping from Hanford's contaminated land quickly dilute in the water.</font><br><font color=red>* dilution </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...ditches dug for flood protection, drinking-water supply and sewage dilution.</font><br><br>A dilute liquid is very thin and weak, usually because it has had water added to it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a dilute solution of bleach.</font><br><br>If someone or something dilutes a belief, quality, or value, they make it weaker and less effective.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was a clear intention to dilute black voting power.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Serious attention is being given to diluting the value of personal tax allowances.</font><br><font color=red>* dilution </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The result was a potentially devastating dilution of earnings per share.</font><br>

Q: <b> lump together <br>LUMP TOGETHER </b><br>

A: If a number of different people or things are lumped together, they are considered as a group rather than separately.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Policemen and prostitutes, bankers and butchers are all lumped together in the service sector.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Because she was lumped together with alcoholics and hard-drug users, Claire felt out of place.</font><br><font color=red>= join</font><br>

Q: <b> dart <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dB:t</font>]</b><br>

A: If a person or animal darts somewhere, they move there suddenly and quickly. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ingrid darted across the deserted street.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The girl turned and darted away through the trees.</font><br><br>If you dart a look at someone or something, or if your eyes dart to them, you look at them very quickly. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She darted a sly sideways glance at Bramwell.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The conductor's eyes darted to Wilfred, then fixed on Michael again.</font><br><br>A dart is a small, narrow object with a sharp point which can be thrown or shot.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Markov died after being struck by a poison dart.</font><br><br>Darts is a game in which you throw darts at a round board which has numbers on it.<br>

Q: <b> limp <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">limp</font>]</b><br>

A: If a person or animal limps, they walk with difficulty or in an uneven way because one of their legs or feet is hurt.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I wasn't badly hurt, but I injured my thigh and had to limp.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had to limp off with a leg injury.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A stiff knee following surgery forced her to walk with a limp.</font><br><br>If you say that something such as an organization, process, or vehicle limps along, you mean that it continues slowly or with difficulty, for example because it has been weakened or damaged.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In recent years the newspaper had been limping along on limited resources.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A British battleship, which had been damaged severely in the battle of Crete, came limping into Pearl Harbor.</font><br><br>If you describe something as limp, you mean that it is soft or weak when it should be firm or strong.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was told to reject applicants with limp handshakes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A residue can build up on the hair shaft, leaving the hair limp and dull looking.</font><br><font color=red>* limply </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Flags and bunting hung limply in the still, warm air.</font><br><br>If someone is limp, their body has no strength and is not moving, for example because they are asleep or unconscious.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He carried her limp body into the room and laid her on the bed.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He hit his head against a rock and went limp.</font><br>

Q: <b> humanitarian <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">hju(:)7mAni5tZEriEn</font>]</b><br>

A: If a person or society has humanitarian ideas or behaviour, they try to avoid making people suffer or they help people who are suffering.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Air bombardment raised criticism on the humanitarian grounds that innocent civilians might suffer.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...humanitarian aid.</font><br><br>A humanitarian is someone with humanitarian ideas.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I like to think of myself as a humanitarian.</font><br>

Q: <b> default <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5fC:lt</font>]</b><br>

A: If a person, company, or country defaults on something that they have legally agreed to do, such as paying some money or doing a piece of work before a particular time, they fail to do it. (LEGAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The credit card business is down, and more borrowers are defaulting on loans.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The first warning signals came in March when the company defaulted on its initial payment of {Pound}40 million.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The corporation may be charged with default on its contract with the government.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The creditors haven't declared them in default.</font><br><br>A default situation is what exists or happens unless someone or something changes it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sometimes he simply keyed in default passwords installed on commercial machines and left unaltered by buyers.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Death, not life, is the default state of cells.</font><br><br>If something happens by default, it happens only because something else which might have prevented it or changed it has not happened. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Spassky won the first game, and was awarded by the second by default, when Fischer failed to put in an appearance.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I would rather pay the individuals than let the money go to the State by default.</font><br><br>If something happens in default of something else, it happens because that other thing does not happen or proves to be impossible. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Malvolio becomes, in default of competition, the play's moral centre.</font><br>

Q: <b> hail <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">heil</font>]</b><br>

A: If a person, event, or achievement is hailed as important or successful, they are praised publicly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Faulkner has been hailed as the greatest American novelist of his generation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;US magazines hailed her as the greatest rock'n'roll singer in the world.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The deal was hailed by the Defence Secretary.</font><br><br>Hail consists of small balls of ice that fall like rain from the sky.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a sharp short-lived storm with heavy hail.</font><br><br>When it hails, hail falls like rain from the sky.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It started to hail, huge great stones.</font><br><br>A hail of things, usually small objects, is a large number of them that hit you at the same time and with great force.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The victim was hit by a hail of bullets.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The riot police were met with a hail of stones and petrol bombs.</font><br><br>Someone who hails from a particular place was born there or lives there. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I hail from Brighton.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The band hail from Glasgow.</font><br><br>If someone or something hails from a particular background, they come from it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He hails from an affluent background.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This is a film which seems to hail from the hippie era.</font><br><br>If you hail someone, you call to them. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jill saw him and hailed him.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Suddenly, a voice hailed us and there was Miss Quigley.</font><br><br>If you hail a taxi, you wave at it in order to stop it because you want the driver to take you somewhere.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I hurried away to hail a t </b></font><br>

Q: <b> circulate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5sE:kjuleit</font>]</b><br>

A: If a piece of writing circulates or is circulated, copies of it are passed round among a group of people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The document was previously circulated in New York at the United Nations.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Public employees, teachers and liberals are circulating a petition for his recall.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This year anonymous leaflets have been circulating in Peking.</font><br><font color=red>* circulation </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; inquiry into the circulation of `unacceptable literature'.</font><br><br>If something such as a rumour circulates or is circulated, the people in a place tell it to each other.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Rumours were already beginning to circulate that the project might have to be abandoned.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I deeply resented those sort of rumours being circulated at a time of deeply personal grief.</font><br><font color=red>= spread</font><br><br>When something circulates, it moves easily and freely within a closed place or system.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a virus which circulates via the bloodstream and causes ill health in a variety of organs...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cooking odors can circulate throughout the entire house.</font><br><font color=red>* circulation </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The north pole is warmer than the south and the circulation of air around it is less well contained.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the principle of free circulation of goods.</font><br><br>

Q: <b> crowded <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kraudid</font>]</b><br>

A: If a place is crowded, it is full of people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He peered slowly around the small crowded room.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The street was crowded and noisy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The old town square was crowded with people.</font><br><font color=red><> empty, deserted</font><br><br>If a place is crowded, a lot of people live there.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a crowded city of 2 million...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The best housing they could afford was crowded and filthy.</font><br><font color=red>= overpopulated</font><br><br>If your timetable, your life, or your mind is crowded, it is full of events, activities, or thoughts.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Never before has a European Community summit had such a crowded agenda.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a long life crowded with incident...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She slept fitfully, her mind crowded with confusing dreams.</font><br><font color=red>= packed</font><br>

Q: <b> gloomy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5glu:mi</font>]</b><br>

A: If a place is gloomy, it is almost dark so that you cannot see very well.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Inside it's gloomy after all that sunshine.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All the electric lamps in this huge gloomy church were extinguished.</font><br><br>If people are gloomy, they are unhappy and have no hope.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Miller is gloomy about the fate of the serious playwright in America.</font><br><font color=red>= despondent</font><br><font color=red>* gloomily </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He tells me gloomily that he has been called up for army service.</font><br><br>If a situation is gloomy, it does not give you much hope of success or happiness.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a gloomy picture of an economy sliding into recession...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Officials say the outlook for next year is gloomy.</font><br><font color=red>= grim</font><br>

Q: <b> enclose <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5klEuz</font>]</b><br>

A: If a place or object is enclosed by something, the place or object is inside that thing or completely surrounded by it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The rules state that samples must be enclosed in two watertight containers.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Enclose the pot in a clear polythene bag.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The surrounding land was enclosed by an eight foot wire fence.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the enclosed waters of the Baltic.</font><br><br>If you enclose something with a letter, you put it in the same envelope as the letter.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have enclosed a cheque for {Pound}10.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He tore open the creamy envelope that had been enclosed in the letter.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The enclosed leaflet shows how Service Care can ease all your worries.</font><br>

Q: <b> inhabit <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5hAbit</font>]</b><br>

A: If a place or region is inhabited by a group of people or a species of animal, those people or animals live there.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The valley is inhabited by the Dani tribe.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the people who inhabit these islands.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the beautifully coloured fish that inhabit the Egyptian reefs.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a land primarily inhabited by nomads.</font><br>

Q: <b> miscarriage <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mis5kAridV</font>]</b><br>

A: If a pregnant woman has a miscarriage, her baby dies and she gives birth to it before it is properly formed.<br>

Q: <b> momentum <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mEu5mentEm</font>]</b><br>

A: If a process or movement gains momentum, it keeps developing or happening more quickly and keeps becoming less likely to stop.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This campaign is really gaining momentum.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They are each anxious to maintain the momentum of the search for a solution.</font><br><font color=red>= impetus</font><br><br>In physics, momentum is the mass of a moving object multiplied by its speed in a particular direction. (TECHNICAL)<br>

Q: <b> bleak <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bli:k</font>]</b><br>

A: If a situation is bleak, it is bad, and seems unlikely to improve.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The immediate outlook remains bleak.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many predicted a bleak future.</font><br><font color=red>= gloomy <> bright</font><br><font color=red>* bleakness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The continued bleakness of the American job market was blamed.</font><br><br>If you describe a place as bleak, you mean that it looks cold, empty, and unattractive.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The island's pretty bleak.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...bleak inner-city streets.</font><br><br>When the weather is bleak, it is cold, dull, and unpleasant.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The weather can be quite bleak on the coast.</font><br><br>If someone looks or sounds bleak, they look or sound depressed, as if they have no hope or energy.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His face was bleak.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Alberg gave him a bleak stare.</font><br><font color=red>* bleakly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`There is nothing left,' she says bleakly.</font><br>

Q: <b> deepen <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5di:pEn</font>]</b><br>

A: If a situation or emotion deepens or if something deepens it, it becomes stronger and more intense.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If this is not stopped, the financial crisis will deepen.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If anything, Sloan's uneasiness deepened.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My marriage was rough, but it deepened my emotions, it made me think about life.</font><br><br>If you deepen your knowledge or understanding of a subject, you learn more about it and become more interested in it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The course is an exciting opportunity for anyone wishing to deepen their understanding of themselves and other people.</font><br><font color=red>= extend</font><br><br>When light or a colour deepens or is deepened, it becomes darker. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dusk was deepening as they drove back to the lights of Shillingham.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This spice is used particularly in poultry feed to deepen the colour of egg yolks.</font><br><br>When a sound deepens or is deepened, it becomes lower in tone.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her voice has deepened and coarsened with the years.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The music room had been made to reflect and deepen sounds.</font><br><br>When your breathing deepens, or you deepen it, you take more air into your lungs when you breathe.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He heard her breathing deepen.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When you are ready to finish the exercise, gradually deepen your breathing.</font><br><br>If people deepen something, they increase its depth by digging out its lower surface.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A major project has now begun to deepen the main approach channel to a depth of between 12.5m and 13.0m.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The tunnels have been widened and deepened.</font><br><br>Something such as a river or a sea deepens where the bottom begins to slope downwards.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As we drew nearer to it the water gradually deepened.</font><br>

Q: <b> compel <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEm5pel</font>]</b><br>

A: If a situation, a rule, or a person compels you to do something, they force you to do it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the introduction of legislation to compel cyclists to wear a helmet...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Leonie's mother was compelled to take in washing to help support her family.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Local housing authorities have been compelled by the housing crisis to make offers of sub-standard accommodation.</font><br><br>If you feel compelled to do something, you feel that you must do it, because it is the right thing to do.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dickens felt compelled to return to the stage for a final good-bye.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I felt morally compelled to help.</font><br>

Q: <b> dissolve <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5zClv</font>]</b><br>

A: If a substance dissolves in liquid or if you dissolve it, it becomes mixed with the liquid and disappears.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Heat gently until the sugar dissolves.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dissolve the salt in a little boiled water.</font><br><br>When an organization or institution is dissolved, it is officially ended or broken up.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The committee has been dissolved.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The King agreed to dissolve the present commission.</font><br><br>When a parliament is dissolved, it is formally ended, so that elections for a new parliament can be held.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The present assembly will be dissolved on April 30th.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kaifu threatened to dissolve the Parliament and call an election.</font><br><br>When a marriage or business arrangement is dissolved, it is officially ended.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The marriage was dissolved in 1976.</font><br><br>If something such as a problem or feeling dissolves or is dissolved, it becomes weaker and disappears.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His new-found optimism dissolved.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lenny still could not dissolve the nagging lump of tension in his chest.</font><br><font color=red>= dissipate</font><br> </b></font><br>

Q: <b> lynch <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">lintF</font>]</b><br>

A: If an angry crowd of people lynch someone, they kill that person by hanging them, without letting them have a trial, because they believe that that person has committed a crime.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They were about to lynch him when reinforcements from the army burst into the room and rescued him.</font><br><font color=red>* lynching lynchings </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some towns found that lynching was the only way to drive away bands of outlaws.</font><br>

Q: <b> howl <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">haul</font>]</b><br>

A: If an animal such as a wolf or a dog howls, it makes a long, loud, crying sound.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Somewhere in the streets beyond a dog suddenly howled, baying at the moon.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The dog let out a savage howl and, wheeling round, flew at him.</font><br><br>If a person howls, they make a long, loud cry expressing pain, anger, or unhappiness.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He howled like a wounded animal as blood spurted from the gash.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The baby was howling for her 3am feed.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;With a howl of rage, he grabbed the neck of a broken bottle and advanced.</font><br><br>When the wind howls, it blows hard and makes a loud noise.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The wind howled all night, but I slept a little.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It sank in a howling gale.</font><br><br>If you howl something, you say it in a very loud voice. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Get away, get away, get away' he howled.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The crowd howled its approval.</font><br><br>If you howl with laughter, you laugh very loudly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Joe, Pink, and Booker howled with delight.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The crowd howled, delirious.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His stories caused howls of laughter.</font><br>

Q: <b> fire 3 <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5faiE</font>]</b><br>

A: If an employer fires you, they dismiss you from your job.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If he hadn't been so good at the rest of his job, I probably would have fired him.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was sent a box of chocolates along with a letter saying she was fired.</font><br><font color=red>= sack</font><br><font color=red>* firing </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was yet another round of firings.</font><br> </b></font><br>

Q: <b> melt down <br>MELT DOWN </b><br>

A: If an object is melted down, it is heated until it melts, so that the material can be used to make something else.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some of the guns were melted down and used to help build a statue.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When Jefferson didn't like a pair of goblets given to him as a gift, he asked a local smith to melt them down and make eight new cups without stems and handles.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some thieves do not even bother to melt down stolen silver for its scrap value.</font><br>

Q: <b> gleam <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">gli:m</font>]</b><br>

A: If an object or a surface gleams, it reflects light because it is shiny and clean.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His black hair gleamed in the sun.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a gleaming red sports car.</font><br><br>You can refer to the light reflected from something as a gleam. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the gleam of the dark river...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In the light that fell on her from the hall her fair hair had a golden gleam.</font><br><br>If a light or the sun or moon gleams, it shines faintly. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Neon lights gleamed in the deepening mists.</font><br><br>A gleam of light is a pale, clear light. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the gleam of the headlights.</font><br><br>If your eyes gleam, they look bright and show that you are excited or happy. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His eyes gleamed almost wickedly.</font><br><font color=red>= glisten, shine</font><br><br>If someone has a gleam in their eye, their eyes show a particular feeling. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was a gleam in her eye when she looked at me.</font><br><br>A gleam of something is a faint sign of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was a gleam of hope for a peaceful settlement.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...gleams of wit.</font><br><font color=red>= glimmer</font><br><br>If you say that something is only a gleam in someone's eye at present, you mean that it is only being planned or considered, and has not yet been properly begun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The product is still only a gleam in an engineer's eye.</font><br>

Q: <b> irregular <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">i5regjulE</font>]</b><br>

A: If events or actions occur at irregular intervals, the periods of time between them are of different lengths.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cars passed at irregular intervals.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was taken to hospital suffering from an irregular heartbeat.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He worked irregular hours.</font><br><font color=red><> regular</font><br><font color=red>* irregularly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was eating irregularly, steadily losing weight.</font><br><font color=red>* irregularity irregularities </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a dangerous irregularity in her heartbeat.</font><br><br>Something that is irregular is not smooth or straight, or does not form a regular pattern.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The paint was drying in irregular patches.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had bad teeth, irregular and discolored.</font><br><font color=red>= uneven <> regular</font><br><font color=red>* irregularly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Located off-center in the irregularly shaped lake was a fountain.</font><br><font color=red>* irregularity </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...treatment of abnormalities or irregularities of the teeth.</font><br><br>Irregular behaviour is dishonest or not in accordance with the normal rules.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the minister accused of irregular business practices...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Will you do this for me, Leo? It's the only way.' --- `It's highly irregular, Ralph.'</font><br><font color=red>* irregularity </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...charges arising from alleged financial irregularities.</font><br>

Q: <b> embargo <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">em5bB:gEu</font>]</b><br>

A: If one country or group of countries imposes an embargo against another, it forbids trade with that country.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The United Nations imposed an arms embargo against the country.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has called on the government to lift its embargo on trade with Vietnam.</font><br><font color=red>= ban</font><br><br>If goods of a particular kind are embargoed, people are not allowed to import them from a particular country or export them to a particular country.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The fruit was embargoed.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They embargoed oil shipments to the U.S.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A lot of embargoed goods were still crossing the border.</font><br><font color=red>= ban</font><br>

Q: <b> conquer <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCNkE</font>]</b><br>

A: If one country or group of people conquers another, they take complete control of their land.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;During 1936, Mussolini conquered Abyssinia.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Early in the eleventh century the whole of England was again conquered by the Vikings.</font><br><br>If you conquer something such as a problem, you succeed in ending it or dealing with it successfully.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was certain that love was quite enough to conquer our differences.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has never conquered his addiction to smoking.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the first man in history to conquer Everest.</font><br>

Q: <b> coincide <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7kEuin5said</font>]</b><br>

A: If one event coincides with another, they happen at the same time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The exhibition coincides with the 50th anniversary of his death.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Although his mental illness had coincided with his war service it had not been caused by it.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The beginning of the solar and lunar years coincided every 13 years.</font><br><br>If the ideas or interests of two or more people coincide, they are the same.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The kids' views on life don't always coincide, but they're not afraid of voicing their opinions.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a case in which public and private interests coincide...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He gave great encouragement to his students, especially if their passions happened to coincide with his own.</font><br>

Q: <b> dwarf <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dwC:f</font>]</b><br>

A: If one person or thing is dwarfed by another, the second is so much bigger than the first that it makes them look very small.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His figure is dwarfed by the huge red McDonald's sign.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The US air travel market dwarfs that of Britain.</font><br><br>Dwarf is used to describe a particular kind of star which is quite small and not very bright.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a white dwarf star.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a red dwarf.</font><br><br>Dwarf is used to describe varieties or species of plants and animals which are much smaller than the usual size for their kind.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...dwarf shrubs.</font><br><br>In children's stories, a dwarf is an imaginary creature that is like a small man. Dwarfs often have magical powers.<br><br>In former times, people who were much smaller than normal were called dwarfs. (OLD-FASHIONED, OFFENSIVE)<br>

Q: <b> complement <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCmplimEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: If one thing complements another, it goes well with the other thing and makes its good qualities more noticeable.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nutmeg, parsley and cider all complement the flavour of these beans well.</font><br><font color=red>= set off</font><br><br>If people or things complement each other, they are different or do something different, which makes them a good combination.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There will be a written examination to complement the practical test.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We complement one another perfectly.</font><br><br>Something that is a complement to something else complements it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The green wallpaper is the perfect complement to the old pine of the dresser.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Political knowledge is a necessary complement to science in approaching solutions to these problems.</font><br><br>The complement of things or people that something has is the number of things or people that it normally has, which enable it to function properly. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Each ship had a complement of around a dozen officers and 250 men.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Not one house on the Close still had its full complement of windows.</font><br><br>In grammar, the complement of a link verb is an adjective group or noun group which comes after the verb and describes or identifies the subject. For example, in the sentence `They felt very tired', `very tired' is the complement. In `They were students', `students' is the complement.<br>

Q: <b> harmony <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hB:mEni</font>]</b><br>

A: If people are living in harmony with each other, they are living together peacefully rather than fighting or arguing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the notion that man should dominate nature rather than live in harmony with it...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He projected himself as the protector of national unity and harmony.</font><br><font color=red>= accord</font><br><br>Harmony is the pleasant combination of different notes of music played at the same time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...complex vocal harmonies.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...singing in harmony.</font><br><br>The harmony of something is the way in which its parts are combined into a pleasant arrangement.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the ordered harmony of the universe...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He looked more relaxed, as if some of the harmony from his surroundings had flowed into him.</font><br>

Q: <b> correspond <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kCris5pCnd</font>]</b><br>

A: If one thing corresponds to another, there is a close similarity or connection between them. You can also say that two things correspond.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Racegoers will be given a number which will correspond to a horse running in a race.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A 22 per cent increase in car travel corresponds with a 19 per cent drop in cycle mileage per person.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The two maps of London correspond closely.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her expression is concerned but her body-language does not correspond.</font><br><font color=red>* corresponding </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;March and April sales this year were up 8 per cent on the corresponding period in 1992.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the inexorable rise in Britain's fortunes and the corresponding decline of France as an international power.</font><br><br>If you correspond with someone, you write letters to them. You can also say that two people correspond.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She still corresponds with American friends she met in Majorca nine years ago.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We corresponded regularly.</font><br>

Q: <b> displace <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5pleis</font>]</b><br>

A: If one thing displaces another, it forces the other thing out of its place, position, or role, and then occupies that place, position, or role itself.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These factories have displaced tourism as the country's largest source of foreign exchange.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Coal is to be displaced by natural gas and nuclear power.</font><br><br>If a person or group of people is displaced, they are forced to moved away from the area where they live.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In Europe alone thirty million people were displaced.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Most of the civilians displaced by the war will be unable to return to their homes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the task of resettling refugees and displaced persons.</font><br>

Q: <b> incorporate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5kC:pEreit</font>]</b><br>

A: If one thing incorporates another thing, it includes the other thing. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The new cars will incorporate a number of major improvements.</font><br><font color=red>= include</font><br><br>If someone or something is incorporated into a large group, system, or area, they become a part of it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The agreement would allow the rebels to be incorporated into a new national police force.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The party vowed to incorporate environmental considerations into all its policies.</font><br><font color=red>= include</font><br><font color=red>* incorporation </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the incorporation of Piedmont Airlines and PSA into US Air.</font><br>

Q: <b> connected <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kE5nektid</font>]</b><br>

A: If one thing is connected with another, there is a link or relationship between them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Have you ever had any skin problems connected with exposure to the sun?.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The dispute is not directly connected to the negotiations.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was born at Ambala, India, her family being closely connected with the Indian army.</font><br>See also connect, well-connected.<br>

Q: <b> merge <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mE:dV</font>]</b><br>

A: If one thing merges with another, or is merged with another, they combine or come together to make one whole thing. You can also say that two things merge, or are merged.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My life merged with his.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bank of America merged with a rival bank.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The rivers merge just north of a vital irrigation system.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The two countries merged into one.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He sees sense in merging the two agencies while both are new.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Then he showed me how to merge the graphic with text on the same screen.</font><br><br>If one sound, colour, or object merges into another, the first changes so gradually into the second that you do not notice the change.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Like a chameleon, he could merge unobtrusively into the background.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His features merged with the darkness.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Night and day begin to merge.</font><br>

Q: <b> lag <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">lAg</font>]</b><br>

A: If one thing or person lags behind another thing or person, their progress is slower than that of the other thing or person.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Britain still lags behind most of Europe in its provisions for women who want time off to have babies.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The restructuring of the pattern of consumption in Britain also lagged behind.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He now lags 10 points behind the champion.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A poll for the Observer showed Labour on 39 per cent with the Tories lagging a point behind.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hague was lagging badly in the polls.</font><br><br>A time lag or a lag of a particular length of time is a period of time between one event and another related event.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There's a time lag between infection with HIV and developing AIDS.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Price rises have matched rises in the money supply with a lag of two or three months.</font><br><br>If you lag the inside of a roof, a pipe, or a water tank, you cover it with a special material in order to prevent heat escaping from it or to prevent it from freezing. (mainly BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If you have to take the floorboards up, take the opportunity to lag any pipes at the same time.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Water tanks should be well lagged and the roof well insulated.</font><br>See also lagging.<br>

Q: <b> differ <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5difE</font>]</b><br>

A: If two or more things differ, they are unlike each other in some way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The story he told police differed from the one he told his mother.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Management styles differ.</font><br><br>If people differ about something, they do not agree with each other about it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The two leaders had differed on the issue of sanctions.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That is where we differ.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Since his retirement, Crowe has differed with the President on several issues.</font><br>

Q: <b> erect <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">i5rekt</font>]</b><br>

A: If people erect something such as a building, bridge, or barrier, they build it or create it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Opposition demonstrators have erected barricades in roads leading to the parliament building.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The building was erected in 1900-1901 for the Glasgow Parish Council.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We all unconsciously erect barriers against intimacy.</font><br><font color=red>= build</font><br><br>If you erect a system, a theory, or an institution, you create it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Japanese proprietors are erecting a complex infrastructure of political influence throughout America.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He erected a new doctrine of precedent.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the whole edifice of free trade which has been erected since the Second World War.</font><br><font color=red>= put up</font><br><br>People or things that are erect are straight and upright.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Stand reasonably erect, your arms hanging naturally.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her head was erect and her back was straight.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the short, stiff, erect stems of almost bead-like blue flowers.</font><br>

Q: <b> enforce <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5fC:s</font>]</b><br>

A: If people in authority enforce a law or a rule, they make sure that it is obeyed, usually by punishing people who do not obey it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Until now, the government has only enforced the ban with regard to American ships.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The measures are being enforced by Interior Ministry troops.</font><br><br>To enforce something means to force or cause it to be done or to happen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They struggled to limit the cost by enforcing a low-tech specification.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;David is now living in Beirut again after an enforced absence.</font><br>

Q: <b> loot <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">lu:t</font>]</b><br>

A: If people loot shops or houses, they steal things from them, for example during a war or riot.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The trouble began when gangs began breaking windows and looting shops.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There have been reports of youths taking advantage of the general confusion to loot and steal.</font><br><font color=red>= plunder</font><br><font color=red>* looting </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In the country's largest cities there has been rioting and looting.</font><br><br>If someone loots things, they steal them, for example during a war or riot.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The town has been plagued by armed thugs who have looted food supplies and terrorized the population.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...lists of looted material ranging from tanks to office fittings.</font><br><br>Loot is stolen money or goods. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Most criminals steal in order to sell their loot for cash on the black market.</font><br><font color=red>= plunder, spoils</font><br>

Q: <b> migrate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mai5greit, 5maigreit</font>]</b><br>

A: If people migrate, they move from one place to another, especially in order to find work or to live somewhere for a short time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;People migrate to cities like Jakarta in search of work.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Farmers have learned that they have to migrate if they want to survive.</font><br><font color=red>* migration migrations </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the migration of Soviet Jews to Israel.</font><br><br>When birds, fish, or animals migrate, they move at a particular season from one part of the world or from one part of a country to another, usually in order to breed or to find new feeding grounds.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Most birds have to fly long distances to migrate.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a dam system that kills the fish as they migrate from streams to the ocean.</font><br><font color=red>* migration </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the migration of animals in the Serengeti.</font><br>

Q: <b> idle <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5aidl</font>]</b><br>

A: If people who were working are idle, they have no jobs or work.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Employees have been idle almost a month because of shortages.</font><br><font color=red><> busy</font><br><br>If machines or factories are idle, they are not working or being used.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Now the machine is lying idle.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...factories that had been idle for years.</font><br><br>If you say that someone is idle, you disapprove of them because they are not doing anything and you think they should be.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...idle bureaucrats who spent the day reading newspapers...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I never met such an idle bunch of workers in all my life!</font><br><font color=red>= lazy</font><br><font color=red>* idleness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Idleness is a very bad thing for human nature.</font><br><font color=red>* idly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We were not idly sitting around.</font><br><br>Idle is used to describe something that you do for no particular reason, often because you have nothing better to do.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Brian kept up the idle chatter for another five minutes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...idle curiosity.</font><br><font color=red>* idly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We talked idly about magazines and baseball.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Has there been an accident?' Ga </b></font><br>

Q: <b> erode <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">i5rEud</font>]</b><br>

A: If rock or soil erodes or is eroded by the weather, sea, or wind, it cracks and breaks so that it is gradually destroyed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;By 1980, Miami beach had all but totally eroded.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Once exposed, soil is quickly eroded by wind and rain.</font><br><font color=red>= wear away</font><br><font color=red>* eroded </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the deeply eroded landscape.</font><br><br>If someone's authority, right, or confidence erodes or is eroded, it is gradually destroyed or removed. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His critics say his fumbling of the issue of reform has eroded his authority.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;America's belief in its own God-ordained uniqueness started to erode.</font><br><br>If the value of something erodes or is eroded by something such as inflation or age, its value decreases.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Competition in the financial marketplace has eroded profits.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The value of the dollar began to erode rapidly just around this time.</font><br>

Q: <b> assert <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5sE:t</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone asserts a fact or belief, they state it firmly. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mr. Helm plans to assert that the bill violates the First Amendment.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The defendants, who continue to assert their innocence, are expected to appeal.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Altman asserted, `We were making a political statement about western civilisation and greed.'</font><br><font color=red>= declare</font><br><font color=red>* assertion assertions </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is no concrete evidence to support assertions that the recession is truly over.</font><br><br>If you assert your authority, you make it clear by your behaviour that you have authority.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;After the war, the army made an attempt to assert its authority in the south of the country.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The people have asserted their power and that will be very difficult to reverse.</font><br><font color=red>= establish</font><br><font color=red>* assertion </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The decision is seen as an assertion of his authority within the company.</font><br><br>If you assert your right or claim to something, you insist that you have the right to it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The republics began asserting their right to govern themselves.</font><br><font color=red>* assertion </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These institutions have made the assertion of ethnic identity possible.</font><br><br>If you assert yourself, you speak and act in a forceful way, so that people take notice of you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's speaking up and asserting himself and doing things he enjoys.</font><br>

Q: <b> bang on about <br>BANG ON ABOUT </b><br>

A: If someone bangs on about something, they keep talking about it in a boring or annoying way. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has been banging on about education reform for years.</font><br>

Q: <b> bash in <br>BASH IN </b><br>

A: If someone bashes a person's or animal's head in, they hit it very hard and cause severe injuries to it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The butt of a rifle had been used to bash in his skull.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a dead fox with its head bashed in.</font><br>

Q: <b> bash up <br>BASH UP </b><br>

A: If someone bashes you up, they attack you violently and injure you. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The two sisters apparently bashed each other up when their long overdue reconciliation turned sour.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I've been bashed up by people with baseball bats because they said I was thieving on their patch.</font><br><font color=red>= beat up</font><br>

Q: <b> brew up <br>BREW UP </b><br>

A: If someone brews up or if they brew up some tea, they make tea by pouring hot water over tea leaves. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Brew up, Curly. We could all do with a cup of tea.</font><br><br>If someone is brewing up an unpleasant situation or if an unpleasant situation is brewing up, it is starting to develop.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I realized the extent of the trouble that Mary Morse was brewing up.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There's another security scandal brewing up.</font><br>

Q: <b> bitch <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bitF</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone calls a woman a bitch, they are saying in a very rude way that they think she behaves in a very unpleasant way. (INFORMAL) ([!] VERY RUDE)<br>See also son of a bitch.<br><br>If you describe a situation as a bitch, you mean that it is very unpleasant or difficult to deal with. (INFORMAL, RUDE)<br><br>If you say that someone is bitching about something, you mean that you disapprove of the fact that they are complaining about it in an unpleasant way. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They're forever bitching about everybody else.</font><br><br>A bitch is a female dog.<br>

Q: <b> enforcement <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5fC:smEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone carries out the enforcement of an act or rule, they enforce it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The doctors want stricter enforcement of existing laws, such as those banning sales of cigarettes to children.</font><br>

Q: <b> cheat on <br>CHEAT ON </b><br>

A: If someone cheats on their husband, wife, or partner, they have a sexual relationship with another person. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'd found Philippe was cheating on me and I was angry and hurt.</font><br><font color=red>= be unfaithful to</font><br><br>If someone cheats on something such as an agreement or their taxes, they do not do what they should do under a set of rules. (mainly AM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their job is to check that none of the signatory countries is cheating on the agreement.</font><br>

Q: <b> head-on <br>HEAD-ON </b><br>

A: If two vehicles hit each other head-on, they hit each other with their fronts pointing towards each other.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Pulling out to overtake, the car collided head-on with a van.</font><br><br>Also an adjective.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their car was in a head-on smash with an articulated lorry.</font><br><br>A head-on conflict or approach is direct, without any attempt to compromise or avoid the issue.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The only victors in a head-on clash between the president and the assembly would be the hardliners on both sides.</font><br><br>Also an adverb.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Once again, I chose to confront the issue head-on.</font><br>

Q: <b> confess <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5fes</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone confesses to doing something wrong, they admit that they did it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had confessed to seventeen murders.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her husband confessed to having had an affair.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I had expected her to confess that she only wrote these books for the money.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Most rape victims confess a feeling of helplessness.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ray changed his mind, claiming that he had been forced into confessing.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`I played a very bad match,' he confessed.</font><br><font color=red>= admit <> deny</font><br><br>If someone confesses or confesses their sins, they tell God or a priest about their sins so that they can be forgiven.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You just go to the church and confess your sins.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Once we have confessed our failures and mistakes to God, we should stop feeling guilty.</font><br><br>You use expressions like `I confess', `I must confess', or `I have to confess' to apologize slightly for admitting something you are ashamed of or that you think might offend or annoy someone.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I confess it's got me baffled.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I must confess I'm not a great enthusiast for long political programmes.</font><br><font color=red>= admit</font><br> </b></font><br>

Q: <b> convene <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5vi:n</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone convenes a meeting or conference, they arrange for it to take place. You can also say that people convene or that a meeting convenes. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Last August he convened a meeting of his closest advisers at Camp David.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Senior officials convened in October 1991 in London.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the convening of an international peace conference.</font><br>

Q: <b> giggle <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5gigl</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone giggles, they laugh in a childlike way, because they are amused, nervous, or embarrassed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Both girls began to giggle.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`I beg your pardon?' she giggled.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a giggling little girl.</font><br><font color=red>= titter</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She gave a little giggle.</font><br><br>If you say that someone has the giggles, you mean they cannot stop giggling.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was so nervous I got the giggles.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She had a fit of the giggles.</font><br><br>If you say that something is a giggle, you mean it is fun or is amusing. (INFORMAL, mainly BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I might buy one for a friend's birthday as a giggle.</font><br>

Q: <b> heart attack <br>HEART ATTACK </b><br>

A: If someone has a heart attack, their heart begins to beat very irregularly or stops completely.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He died of a heart attack brought on by overwork.</font><br><br>If you say that someone will have a heart attack about something, you are emphasizing that they will be very shocked or angry. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She'll have a heart attack if I tell her.</font><br>

Q: <b> copyright <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCpirait</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone has copyright on a piece of writing or music, it is illegal to reproduce or perform it without their permission.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;To order a book one first had to get permission from the monastery that held the copyright.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She threatened legal action against the Sun for breach of copyright.</font><br>

Q: <b> mercy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mE:si</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone in authority shows mercy, they choose not to harm someone they have power over, or they forgive someone they have the right to punish.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Neither side took prisoners or showed any mercy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They cried for mercy but their pleas were met with abuse and laughter.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;May God have mercy on your soul.</font><br><br>Mercy is used to describe a special journey to help someone in great need, such as people who are sick or made homeless by war. (JOURNALISM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She vanished nine months ago while on a mercy mission to West Africa.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's the first so-called mercy flight for a fortnight as the Americans have been waiting for enough people to fill a 747 jet.</font><br><br>If you refer to an event or situation as a mercy, you mean that it makes you feel happy or relieved, usually because it stops something unpleasant happening.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It really was a mercy that he'd gone so rapidly at the end.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The two cars finished up in a run-off area, clear of the circuit, and that was a mercy.</font><br><font color=red>= blessing</font><br><br>If one person or thing is at the mercy of another, the first person or thing is in a situation where they cannot prevent themselves being harmed or affected by the second.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Buildings are left to decay at the mercy of vandals and the weather.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Emperor must realize that he has us at his mercy.</font><br><br>If you tell someone who is in an unpleasant situation that they should be grateful or thankful for small mercies, you mean that although their situation is bad, it could be even worse, and so they should be happy.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;But so low has morale sunk that the team and the fans would have been grateful for small mercies.</font><br><br>

Q: <b> insult <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5insQlt</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone insults you, they say or do something that is rude or offensive.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I did not mean to insult you.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Buchanan said he was insulted by the judge's remarks.</font><br><font color=red>* insulted </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I mean, I was a bit insulted that they thought I needed bribing to shut up.</font><br><br>An insult is a rude remark, or something a person says or does which insults you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their behaviour was an insult to the people they represent.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The prison Governor criticised some of his officers who shouted insults at prisoners on the roof.</font><br><br>You say to add insult to injury when mentioning an action or fact that makes an unfair or unacceptable situation even worse.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The driver of the car that killed Smith got a {Pound}250 fine and five penalty points on his licence. To add insult to injury, he drove away from court in his own car.</font><br>

Q: <b> loser <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lu:zE</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone is a good loser, they accept that they have lost a game or contest without complaining. If someone is a bad loser, they hate losing and complain about it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Dallas Cowboys and Buffalo Bills, the winners and losers of this year's Super Bowl.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm sure the prime minister will turn out to be a good loser.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You are a very bad loser Lou, aren't you?</font><br><br>If you refer to someone as a loser, you have a low opinion of them because you think they are always unsuccessful. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They've only been trained to compete with other men, so a successful woman can make them feel like a real loser.</font><br><font color=red>= failure</font><br><br>People who are losers as the result of an action or event, are in a worse situation because of it or do not benefit from it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some of Britain's top business leaders of the 1980s have become the country's greatest losers in the recession.</font><br><font color=red><> beneficiary</font><br>

Q: <b> ashamed <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5Feimd</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone is ashamed, they feel embarrassed or guilty because of something they do or they have done, or because of their appearance.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I felt incredibly ashamed of myself for getting so angry.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was ashamed that she looked so shabby.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm a lesbian and I'm not ashamed about it.</font><br><font color=red><> proud</font><br><br>If you are ashamed of someone, you feel embarrassed to be connected with them, often because of their appearance or because you disapprove of something they have done.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I've never told this to anyone, but it's true, I was terribly ashamed of my mum.</font><br><font color=red><> proud</font><br><br>If someone is ashamed to do something, they do not want to do it because they feel embarrassed about it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Women are often ashamed to admit they are being abused.</font><br><font color=red><> proud</font><br>

Q: <b> batter <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bAtE</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone is battered, they are regularity hit and badly hurt by a member of their family or by their partner.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...evidence that the child was being battered.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...boys who witness fathers battering their mothers.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...battered wives.</font><br><font color=red>* battering </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Leaving the relationship does not mean that the battering will stop.</font><br><br>To batter someone means to hit them many times, using fists or a heavy object.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He battered her around the head.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A karate expert battered a man to death.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was battered unconscious.</font><br><font color=red>* battered </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her battered body was discovered in a field.</font><br><br>If a place is battered by wind, rain, or storms, it is seriously damaged or affected by very bad weather.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The country has been battered by winds of between fifty and seventy miles an hour.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a storm that's been battering the Northeast coastline.</font><br><font color=red>= pound</font><br><br>If you batter something, you hit it many times, using your fists or a heavy object.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They were battering the door, they were breaking in.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Batter the steaks flat.</font><br><br>Batter is a mixture of flour, eggs, and milk that is used in cooking.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...pancake batter.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; in batter.</font><br><br>In sports such as baseball and softball, a batter is a person who hits the ball with a wooden bat.<br><font </b></font><br>

Q: <b> bundle off <br>BUNDLE OFF </b><br>

A: If someone is bundled off somewhere, they are sent there or taken there in a hurry.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The pair were then bundled off to a neighbour's house by waiting police.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We want to bundle them off to bed quickly.</font><br>

Q: <b> expel <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">iks5pel</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone is expelled from a school or organization, they are officially told to leave because they have behaved badly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;More than five-thousand secondary school students have been expelled for cheating.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the mother of a 14-year-old boy expelled from school for refusing to take a shower.</font><br><br>If people are expelled from a place, they are made to leave it, often by force.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;An American academic was expelled from the country yesterday.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They were told at first that they should simply expel the refugees.</font><br><br>To expel something means to force it out from a container or from your body.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Daily brushing of the skin helps the skin expel toxins.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As the lungs exhale this waste, gas is expelled into the atmosphere.</font><br>

Q: <b> extradite <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5ekstrEdait</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone is extradited, they are officially sent back to their own or another country to be tried for a crime that they have been accused of. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was extradited to Britain from the Irish Republic to face explosives charges.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The authorities refused to extradite him.</font><br><font color=red>* extradition extraditions </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A New York court turned down the British government's request for his extradition.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There were no plans to reopen extradition proceedings against him.</font><br>

Q: <b> foolish <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fu:liF</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone's behaviour or action is foolish, it is not sensible and shows a lack of good judgement.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It would be foolish to raise hopes unnecessarily.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is foolish to risk skin cancer.</font><br><font color=red>* foolishly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He admitted that he had acted foolishly.</font><br><font color=red>* foolishness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They don't accept any foolishness when it comes to spending money.</font><br><br>If you look or feel foolish, you look or feel so silly or ridiculous that people are likely to laugh at you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I just stood there feeling foolish and watching him.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I didn't want him to look foolish and be laughed at.</font><br><font color=red>= ridiculous</font><br><font color=red>* foolishly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He saw me standing there, grinning foolishly at him.</font><br>

Q: <b> frank <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">frANk</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone is frank, they state or express things in an open and honest way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`It is clear that my client has been less than frank with me,' said his lawyer.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They had a frank discussion about the issue.</font><br><font color=red>= candid</font><br><font color=red>* frankly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You can talk frankly to me.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He now frankly admits that much of his former playboy lifestyle was superficial.</font><br><font color=red>* frankness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The reaction to his frankness was hostile.</font><br><br>When a letter or parcel is franked, it is marked with a symbol that shows that the proper charge has been paid or that no stamp is needed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The letter was franked in London on August 6.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a self-addressed, franked envelope.</font><br><br>You can say `to be frank' or `to be frank with you' to introduce a statement which is your honest opinion, especially when the person you are talking to might not like it. (SPOKEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;To be frank, he could also be a bit of a bore.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;To be frank with you, Harvey, I may have made a mistake.</font><br> </b></font><br>

Q: <b> horrify <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hCrifai</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone is horrified, they feel shocked or disgusted, usually because of something that they have seen or heard.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His family were horrified by the change.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a crime trend that will horrify all parents.</font><br><font color=red>= appal</font><br><font color=red>* horrified </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When I saw these figures I was horrified.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We are so horrified by the enormity of the crime that we want somebody brought to justice quickly.</font><br>

Q: <b> imprison <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">im5prizn</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone is imprisoned, they are locked up or kept somewhere, usually in prison as a punishment for a crime or for political opposition.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The local priest was imprisoned for 18 months on charges of anti-state agitation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dutch colonial authorities imprisoned him for his part in the independence movement.</font><br>

Q: <b> hiding <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5haidiN</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone is in hiding, they have secretly gone somewhere where they cannot be seen or found.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Gray is thought to be in hiding near the France/Italy border.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hundreds of people are said to have gone into hiding to avoid arrest.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The duchess is expected to come out of hiding to attend the ceremony.</font><br><br>If you give someone a hiding, you punish them by hitting them many times. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=red>= beating</font><br><br>If you say that someone who is trying to achieve something is on a hiding to nothing, you are emphasizing that they have absolutely no chance of being successful. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As regards commercial survival, a car manufacturer capable of making only 50,000 cars a year is on a hiding to nothing.</font><br>

Q: <b> jealous <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dVelEs</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone is jealous, they feel angry or bitter because they think that another person is trying to take a lover or friend, or a possession, away from them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She got insanely jealous and there was a terrible fight.</font><br><font color=red>* jealously </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The formula is jealously guarded.</font><br><br>If you are jealous of another person's possessions or qualities, you feel angry or bitter because you do not have them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was jealous of his wealth.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You're jealous because the record company rejected your idea.</font><br><font color=red>* jealously </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Gloria eyed them jealously.</font><br>

Q: <b> lazy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5leizi</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone is lazy, they do not want to work or make any effort to do anything.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lazy and incompetent police officers are letting the public down.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was too lazy to learn how to read music.</font><br><font color=red><> hardworking</font><br><font color=red>* laziness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Current employment laws will be changed to reward effort and punish laziness.</font><br><br>You can use lazy to describe an activity or event in which you are very relaxed and which you do or take part in without making much effort.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her latest novel is perfect for a lazy summer's afternoon reading.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We would have a lazy lunch and then lie on the beach in the sun.</font><br><font color=red>= relaxed</font><br><font color=red>* lazily </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Liz went back into the kitchen, stretching lazily.</font><br><br>If you describe something as lazy, you mean that it moves or flows slowly and gently. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a valley of rolling farms spread out along a lazy river.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the lazy, loose grace of the born athlete.</font><br><font color=red>* lazily </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Salzach river threaded its way lazily between the old city and the new.</font><br>

Q: <b> escort <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">is5kC:t</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone is taken somewhere under escort, they are accompanied by guards, either because they have been arrested or because they need to be protected.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He arrived with a police escort shortly before half past nine.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A man was injured when gunmen attacked a group of Hindus being taken under police escort to the city outskirts.</font><br><br>An escort is a person who accompanies another person of the opposite sex to a social event. Sometimes people are paid to be escorts.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My sister needed an escort for a company dinner.</font><br><br>If you escort someone somewhere, you accompany them there, usually in order to make sure that they leave a place or get to their destination.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I escorted him to the door.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The vessel was escorted to an undisclosed port.</font><br>

Q: <b> mediate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mi:diit, -djEt</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone mediates between two groups of people, or mediates an agreement between them, they try to settle an argument between them by talking to both groups and trying to find things that they can both agree to.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My mom was the one who mediated between Zelda and her mom.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;United Nations officials have mediated a series of peace meetings between the two sides.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Vatican successfully mediated in a territorial dispute between Argentina and Chile in 1984.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;UN peacekeepers mediated a new cease-fire.</font><br><font color=red>* mediation </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The agreement provides for United Nations mediation between the two sides.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is still a possibility the two sides could reach a compromise through the mediation of a third party.</font><br><font color=red>* mediator mediators </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;An archbishop has been acting as mediator between the rebels and the authorities.</font><br><br>If something mediates a particular process or event, it allows that process or event to happen and influences the way in which it happens. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the thymus, the organ which mediates the response of the white blood cells...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;People's responses to us have been mediated by their past experience of life.</font><br><font color=red>* mediation </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This works through the mediation of the central nervous system.</font><br>

Q: <b> grace <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">greis</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone moves with grace, they move in a smooth, controlled, and attractive way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He moved with the grace of a trained boxer.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ballet classes are important for poise and grace.</font><br><br>If someone behaves with grace, they behave in a pleasant, polite, and dignified way, even when they are upset or being treated unfairly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The new King seemed to be carrying out his duties with grace and due decorum.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The young woman had grace beyond her years.</font><br><br>The graces are the ways of behaving and doing things which are considered polite and well-mannered.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She didn't fit in and she had few social graces.</font><br><br>Grace is used in expressions such as a day's grace and a month's grace to say that you are allowed that amount of extra time before you have to finish something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She wanted a couple of days' grace to get the maisonette cleaned before she moved in.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We have only a few hours' grace before the soldiers come.</font><br><br>If you say that something graces a place or a person, you mean that it makes them more attractive. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He went to the beautiful old Welsh dresser that graced this homely room.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her shoulders were graced with mink and her fingers sparkled with diamonds.</font><br><br>If you say that someone important will grace an event or a </b></font><br>

Q: <b> comply <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEm5plai</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone or something complies with an order or set of rules, they are in accordance with what is required or expected.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The commander said that the army would comply with the ceasefire.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some beaches had failed to comply with European directives on bathing water.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There are calls for his resignation, but there is no sign yet that he will comply.</font><br>

Q: <b> credibility <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7kredi5biliti</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone or something has credibility, people believe in them and trust them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The police have lost their credibility.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The president will have to work hard to restore his credibility.</font><br>

Q: <b> excellence <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5eksElEns</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone or something has the quality of excellence, they are extremely good in some way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the top US award for excellence in journalism and the arts.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a school once noted for its academic excellence.</font><br>See also par excellence.<br>

Q: <b> inspire <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5spaiE</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone or something inspires you to do something new or unusual, they make you want to do it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These herbs will inspire you to try out all sorts of exotic-flavoured dishes!.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Our challenge is to motivate those voters and inspire them to join our cause.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;And what inspired you to change your name?</font><br><font color=red>= encourage</font><br><br>If someone or something inspires you, they give you new ideas and a strong feeling of enthusiasm.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In the 1960s, the electric guitar virtuosity of Jimi Hendrix inspired a generation.</font><br><br>If a book, work of art, or action is inspired by something, that thing is the source of the idea for it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The book was inspired by a real person, namely Tamara de Treaux.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a political murder inspired by the same nationalist conflicts now wrecking the country.</font><br><font color=red>* -inspired </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Mediterranean-inspired ceramics in bright yellow and blue...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jamaica's socialist government is adopting US-inspired free market practices.</font><br><br>Someone or something that inspires a particular emotion or reaction in people makes them feel this emotion or reaction.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The car's performance is effortless and its handling is precise and quickly inspires confidence.</font><br> </b></font><br>

Q: <b> injustice <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5dVQstis</font>]</b><br>

A: Injustice is a lack of fairness in a situation.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They'll continue to fight injustice.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They resented the injustices of the system.</font><br><br>If you say that someone has done you an injustice, you mean that they have been unfair in the way that they have judged you or treated you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Calling them a bunch of capricious kids with half-formed ideas does them an injustice.</font><br>

Q: <b> diagnose <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5daiEgnEuz</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone or something is diagnosed as having a particular illness or problem, their illness or problem is identified. If an illness or problem is diagnosed, it is identified.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The soldiers were diagnosed as having flu.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Susan had a mental breakdown and was diagnosed with schizophrenia.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In 1894 her illness was diagnosed as cancer.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He could diagnose an engine problem simply by listening.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This disorder is easily diagnosed but not so easily treated.</font><br>

Q: <b> dub <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dQb</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone or something is dubbed a particular thing, they are given that description or name. (JOURNALISM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the man whom the Labour opposition dubbed as the `no change Prime Minister'...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At the height of her career, Orson Welles dubbed her `the most exciting woman in the world'.</font><br><br>If a film or soundtrack in a foreign language is dubbed, a new soundtrack is added with actors giving a translation.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was dubbed into Spanish for Mexican audiences.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a badly dubbed foreign film.</font><br>

Q: <b> exempt <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">ig5zempt</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone or something is exempt from a particular rule, duty, or obligation, they do not have to follow it or do it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Men in college were exempt from military service.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Children under two years are exempt.</font><br><br>Also a combining form.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The fund was in danger of losing its tax-exempt status.</font><br><br>To exempt a person or thing from a particular rule, duty, or obligation means to state officially that they are not bound or affected by it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;South Carolina claimed the power to exempt its citizens from the obligation to obey federal law.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Companies with fifty-five or fewer employees would be exempted from the requirements.</font><br><font color=red>* exemption exemptions </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the exemption of employer-provided health insurance from taxation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; exemptions for students and the low-paid.</font><br>

Q: <b> kit out <br>KIT OUT </b><br>

A: If someone or something is kitted out, they have everything they need at a particular time, such as clothing, equipment, or furniture. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was kitted out with winter coat, skirts, jumpers, nylon stockings.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The place is kitted out in upmarket Italian cafe style.</font><br><font color=red>= fit out</font><br>

Q: <b> exhibit <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">ig5zibit</font>]</b><br>

A: If someone or something shows a particular quality, feeling, or type of behaviour, you can say that they exhibit it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has exhibited symptoms of anxiety and overwhelming worry.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Two cats or more in one house will also exhibit territorial behaviour.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The economy continued to exhibit signs of decline in September.</font><br><font color=red>= demonstrate, show</font><br><br>When a painting, sculpture, or object of interest is exhibited, it is put in a public place such as a museum or art gallery so that people can come to look at it. You can also say that animals are exhibited in a zoo.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His work was exhibited in the best galleries in America, Europe and Asia.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a massive elephant exhibited by London Zoo in the late 19th Century.</font><br><font color=red>* exhibition </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Five large pieces of the wall are currently on exhibition in London.</font><br><br>When artists exhibit, they show their work in public.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;By 1936 she was exhibiting at the Royal Academy.</font><br><br>An exhibit is a painting, sculpture, or object of interest that is displayed to the public in a museum or art gallery.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shona showed me round the exhibits.</font><br><br>An exhibit is a public display of paintings, sculpture, or objects of interest, for example in a museum or art gallery. (AM; in BRIT use exhibition)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.</font><br><br>An exhibit is an object that a lawyer shows in court as evidence in a legal case.<br><br>If you say that someone exhibits something, you mean that they are showing it openly or publicly in order to be admired, noticed, or believed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Other women seemed content and even exhibite </b></font><br>

Q: <b> bind <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">baind</font>]</b><br>

A: If something binds people together, it makes them feel as if they are all part of the same group or have something in common.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is the memory and threat of persecution that binds them together.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the social and political ties that bind the USA to Britain.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a group of people bound together by shared language, culture, and beliefs.</font><br><br>If you are bound by something such as a rule, agreement, or restriction, you are forced or required to act in a certain way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Luxembourg-based satellite service is not bound by the same strict rules as the BBC.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The authorities will be legally bound to arrest any suspects.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is a bottom deck though, so you're not bound to sit on top.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The treaty binds them to respect their neighbour's independence.</font><br><font color=red>* bound </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The world of advertising is obviously less bound by convention than the world of banking.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Few of them feel bound by any enduring loyalties.</font><br><br>If you bind something or someone, you tie rope, string, tape, or other material around them so that they are held firmly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bind the ends of the cord together with thread.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the red tape which was used to bind the files...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He said there were cases where prisoners were tightly bound, often for several days.</font><br><br>When a book is bound, the pages are joined together and the cover is put on.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Each volume is bound in bright-coloured cloth.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their business came from a few big publishers, all of whose books they bound.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...four immaculately bound hardbacks.</font><br><font color=red>* -bound </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...leather-bound stamp albums.</font><br><br>If one chemical or particle is bound to another, it becomes attached to it or reacts with it to form a single particle or substance. (TECHNICAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At present nobody understands why these three quarks which are in the proton are bound together.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These may bind to receptor molecules on the surfaces of cells.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These compounds bind with genetic material in the liver.</font><br><br>In cookery, if you bind a mixture of food, you form it into a mass by mixing it with a sticky substance.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bind the mixture with the raw minced liver and cook for 3 minutes more.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a divine mixture of vegetarian cheeses bound with egg.</font><br><br>If you are in a bind, you are in a difficult situation, usually because you have to make a decision or a choice and whatever decision or choice you make will have unpleasant consequences. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This puts the politicians in a bind </b></font><br>

Q: <b> bob <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bCb</font>]</b><br>

A: If something bobs, it moves up and down, like something does when it is floating on water.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Huge balloons bobbed about in the sky above.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The raft bobbed along more quietly.</font><br><br>If you bob somewhere, you move there quickly so that you disappear from view or come into view.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She handed over a form, then bobbed down again behind a typewriter.</font><br><br>When you bob your head, you move it quickly up and down once, for example when you greet someone.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A hostess stood at the top of the steps and bobbed her head at each passenger.</font><br><font color=red>= nod</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The young man smiled with a bob of his head.</font><br><font color=red>= nod</font><br><br>In Britain, people used to refer to a shilling as a bob. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I've only got ten bob on me.</font><br><br>A bob is a fairly short hair style in which the hair is the same length all the way round, except for the front.<br><br>Bits and bobs are small objects or parts of something. (mainly BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The microscope contains a few hundred dollars-worth of electronic bits and bobs.</font><br><font color=red>= bits and pieces</font><br> </b></font><br>

Q: <b> buzz <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bQz</font>]</b><br>

A: If something buzzes or buzzes somewhere, it makes a long continuous sound, like the noise a bee makes when it is flying.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The intercom buzzed and he pressed down the appropriate switch.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Attack helicopters buzzed across the city.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the irritating buzz of an insect.</font><br><font color=red>* buzzing </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He switched off the transformer and the buzzing stopped.</font><br><br>If people are buzzing around, they are moving around quickly and busily. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A few tourists were buzzing about.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was intimidated by the number of businessmen buzzing around the saleroom.</font><br><font color=red>= race</font><br><br>If questions or ideas are buzzing around your head, or if your head is buzzing with questions or ideas, you are thinking about a lot of things, often in a confused way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many more questions were buzzing around in my head.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Top style consultants will leave you buzzing with new ideas.</font><br><br>If a place is buzzing with activity or conversation, there is a lot of activity or conversation there, especially because something important or exciting is about to happen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The rehearsal studio is buzzing with lunchtime activity.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The capital is buzzing with rumours of possible demonstrations.</font><br><fo </b></font><br>

Q: <b> click <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">klik</font>]</b><br>

A: If something clicks or if you click it, it makes a short, sharp sound.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The applause rose to a crescendo and cameras clicked.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He clicked off the radio.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Blake clicked his fingers at a passing waiter, who hurried across to them.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The telephone rang three times before I heard a click and then her recorded voice.</font><br><br>If you click on an area of a computer screen, you point the cursor at that area and press one of the buttons on the mouse in order to make something happen. (COMPUTING)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I clicked on a link and recent reviews of the production came up.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You can check your email with a click of your mouse.</font><br><br>When you suddenly understand something, you can say that it clicks. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When I saw the television report it all clicked.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It suddenly clicked that this was fantastic fun.</font><br><br>If you click with someone, you like each other and become friendly as soon as you meet. You can also say that two people click. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They clicked immediately. They loved the same things.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the man who clicks with the world's most beautiful women.</font><br> </b></font><br>

Q: <b> crumble <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5krQmbl</font>]</b><br>

A: If something crumbles, or if you crumble it, it breaks into a lot of small pieces.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Under the pressure, the flint crumbled into fragments.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Roughly crumble the cheese into a bowl.</font><br><br>If an old building or piece of land is crumbling, parts of it keep breaking off.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The high and low-rise apartment blocks built in the 1960s are crumbling.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The cliffs were estimated to be crumbling into the sea at the rate of 10ft an hour.</font><br><font color=red>= disintegrate</font><br><br>Crumble away means the same as crumble.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Britain's coastline stretches 4000 kilometres and much of it is crumbling away.</font><br><br>If something such as a system, relationship, or hope crumbles, it comes to an end.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their economy crumbled under the weight of United Nations sanctions.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The traditional marriage is crumbling fast.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It only takes a minute for the football hopes of an entire country to crumble.</font><br><font color=red>= fall apart</font><br><br>Crumble away means the same as crumble.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Opposition more or less crumbled away.</font><br><br>If someone crumbles, they stop resisting or trying to win, or become unable to cope.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Brighton have too many experienced players to crumble just because we are in town.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is a skilled and ruthless leader who isn't likely to crumble under pressure.</font><br><br>A crumble is a baked pudding made from fruit covered with a mixture of flour, butter, and sugar. (BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; crumble.</font><br>

Q: <b> deteriorate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5tiEriEreit</font>]</b><br>

A: If something deteriorates, it becomes worse in some way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There are fears that the situation might deteriorate into full-scale war.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The weather conditions are deteriorating.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Grant's health steadily deteriorated.</font><br><font color=red><> improve</font><br><font color=red>* deterioration </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...concern about the rapid deterioration in relations between the two countries.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the slow steady deterioration of a patient with Alzheimer's disease.</font><br><font color=red><> improvement</font><br>

Q: <b> exceed <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">ik5si:d</font>]</b><br>

A: If something exceeds a particular amount or number, it is greater or larger than that amount or number. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Its research budget exceeds $700 million a year.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The demand for places at some schools exceeds the supply.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His performance exceeded all expectations.</font><br><br>If you exceed a limit or rule, you go beyond it, even though you are not supposed to or it is against the law. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He accepts he was exceeding the speed limit.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I would be exceeding my powers if I ordered the march to be halted.</font><br>

Q: <b> excite <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">ik5sait</font>]</b><br>

A: If something excites you, it makes you feel very happy, eager, or enthusiastic.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I only take on work that excites me, even if it means turning down lots of money.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We'd not been excited by anything for about three years.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Where the show really excites is in the display of avant-garde photography.</font><br><br>If something excites a particular feeling, emotion, or reaction in someone, it causes them to experience it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;By all accounts, the monarchy does not excite strong feelings among the majority of Romanians.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Daniel's early exposure to motor racing did not excite his interest.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Reports of the plot of this unusual film tend to excite revulsion.</font><br><font color=red>= arouse</font><br><br>If something or someone excites you, they cause you to feel sexual desire.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Don't try exciting your partner with dirty magazines.</font><br><font color=red>* excited </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She makes you feel warm and comfortable, and maybe a little excited.</font><br><font color=red>* exciting </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a sexually exciting thought.</font><br><br>To excite a physical object such as an atomic particle or an organ in your body means to increase the amount of energy, movement, or activity in it. (TECHNICAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The amount of nicotine in these nicotine substitutes can be enough to excite the heart.</font><br><font color=red>* excited </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...when an electron drops from an excited state to a less excited state.</font><br>

Q: <b> flick <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">flik</font>]</b><br>

A: If something flicks in a particular direction, or if someone flicks it, it moves with a short, sudden movement.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His tongue flicked across his lips.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The man's gun flicked up from beside his thigh.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His glance flicked round my face and came to rest on my eyes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He flicked his cigarette out of the window.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a flick of a paintbrush.</font><br><br>If you flick something away, or off something else, you remove it with a quick movement of your hand or finger.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shirley flicked a speck of fluff from the sleeve of her black suit.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Alan stretched out his hand and flicked the letter away.</font><br><br>If you flick something such as a whip or a towel, or flick something with it, you hold one end of it and move your hand quickly up and then forward, so that the other end moves.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He helped her up before flicking the reins.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She sighed and flicked a dishcloth at the counter.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The jockey said he tended to flick horses with the whip.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a flick of the whip.</font><br><br>If you flick a switch, or flick an el </b></font><br>

Q: <b> flourish <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5flQriF</font>]</b><br>

A: If something flourishes, it is successful, active, or common, and developing quickly and strongly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Business flourished and within six months they were earning 18,000 roubles a day.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Racism and crime still flourish in the ghetto.</font><br><font color=red>= thrive <> decline</font><br><font color=red>* flourishing </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;London quickly became a flourishing port.</font><br><font color=red>= thriving</font><br><br>If a plant or animal flourishes, it grows well or is healthy because the conditions are right for it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The plant flourishes particularly well in slightly harsher climes.</font><br><font color=red>= thrive</font><br><font color=red>* flourishing </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Britain has the largest and most flourishing fox population in Europe.</font><br><font color=red>= thriving</font><br><br>If you flourish an object, you wave it about in a way that makes people notice it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He flourished the glass to emphasize the point.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He took his peaked cap from under his arm with a flourish and pulled it low over his eyes.</font><br><br>If you do something with a flourish, you do in a showy way so that people notice it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She tended to finish dancing with a flouris </b></font><br>

Q: <b> glitter <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5glitE</font>]</b><br>

A: If something glitters, light comes from or is reflected off different parts of it every moment.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The bay glittered in the sunshine.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Palace glittered with lights.</font><br><font color=red>= sparkle</font><br><br>If someone's eyes glitter, they are bright and express a particular emotion such as excitement or interest. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His eyes glittered with a tense amusement.</font><br><font color=red>= gleam</font><br><br>Glitter consists of tiny shining pieces of metal. It is glued to things for decoration.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Decorate the tunic with sequins or glitter.</font><br><br>You can use glitter to refer to superficial attractiveness or to the excitement connected with something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was blinded by the glitter and the glamour of her own life.</font><br>

Q: <b> heighten <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5haitn</font>]</b><br>

A: If something heightens a feeling or if the feeling heightens, the feeling increases in degree or intensity.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The move has heightened tension in the state.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These latest murders have heightened fears of further attacks.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cross's interest heightened.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a heightened awareness of the dangers that they now face.</font><br><font color=red>= intensify</font><br>

Q: <b> hum <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">hQm</font>]</b><br>

A: If something hums, it makes a low continuous noise.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The birds sang, the bees hummed.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Within five hours, the equipment will be humming away again.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was a low humming sound in the sky.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the hum of traffic...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was a general hum of conversation around them.</font><br><br>When you hum a tune, you sing it with your lips closed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was humming a merry little tune.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He hummed to himself as he opened the trunk.</font><br><font color=red>* humming </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The guard stopped his humming and turned his head sharply.</font><br><br>If you say that a place hums, you mean that it is full of activity.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The place is really beginning to hum.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;On Saturday morning, the town hums with activity and life.</font><br><br>Hum is sometimes used to represent the sound people make when they are not sure what to say.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hum, I am sorry but I thought you were French.</font><br>

Q: <b> invariably <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5veEriEb(E)li</font>]</b><br>

A: If something invariably happens or is invariably true, it always happens or is always true.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They almost invariably get it wrong.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their teamwork was invariably good.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Invariably, he keeps the refrigerator well stocked.</font><br>

Q: <b> irritate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5iriteit</font>]</b><br>

A: If something irritates you, it keeps annoying you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their attitude irritates me.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Perhaps they were irritated by the sound of crying.</font><br><font color=red>= annoy</font><br><font color=red>* irritated </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Not surprisingly, her teacher is getting irritated with her.</font><br><br>If something irritates a part of your body, it causes it to itch or become sore.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wear rubber gloves while chopping chillies as they can irritate the skin.</font><br>

Q: <b> incentive <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5sentiv</font>]</b><br>

A: If something is an incentive to do something, it encourages you to do it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is little or no incentive to adopt such measures.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many companies in Britain are keen on the idea of tax incentives for R&D.</font><br><font color=red>= inducement</font><br>

Q: <b> denounce <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5nauns</font>]</b><br>

A: If you denounce a person or an action, you criticize them severely and publicly because you feel strongly that they are wrong or evil.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The letter called for trade union freedom and civil rights, but did not openly denounce the regime.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;German leaders all took the opportunity to denounce the attacks and plead for tolerance.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some 25,000 demonstrators denounced him as a traitor.</font><br><br>If you denounce someone who has broken a rule or law, you report them to the authorities.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They were at the mercy of informers who might at any moment denounce them.</font><br>

Q: <b> calculated <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kAlkjuleitid</font>]</b><br>

A: If something is calculated to have a particular effect, it is specially done or arranged in order to have that effect.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their movements through the region were calculated to terrify landowners into abandoning their holdings.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These tracks were calculated to be controversial and attract attention to the album.</font><br><font color=red>= designed</font><br><br>If you say that something is not calculated to have a particular effect, you mean that it is unlikely to have that effect.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;German names were not calculated to attract patrons to America's movie theaters in 1941.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Such a statement was hardly calculated to deter future immigrants.</font><br><font color=red>= likely</font><br><br>You can describe a clever or dishonest action as calculated when it is very carefully planned or arranged.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Irene's use of the mop had been a calculated attempt to cover up her crime.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a calculated and coherent strategy for winning power.</font><br><br>If you take a calculated risk, you do something which you think might be successful, although you have fully considered the possible bad consequences of your action.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The President took a calculated political risk in throwing his full support behind the rebels.</font><br>

Q: <b> confined <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5faind</font>]</b><br>

A: If something is confined to a particular place, it exists only in that place. If it is confined to a particular group, only members of that group have it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The problem is not confined to Germany.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These dangers are not confined to smokers.</font><br><font color=red>= restricted</font><br><br>A confined space or area is small and enclosed by walls.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His long legs bent up in the confined space.</font><br><br>If someone is confined to a wheelchair, bed, or house, they have to stay there, because they are disabled or ill.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had been confined to a wheelchair since childhood.</font><br>

Q: <b> contaminate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5tAmineit</font>]</b><br>

A: If something is contaminated by dirt, chemicals, or radiation, they make it dirty or harmful.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Have any fish been contaminated in the Arctic Ocean?</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...vast tracts of empty land, much of it contaminated by years of army activity.</font><br><font color=red>* contaminated </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nuclear weapons plants across the country are heavily contaminated with toxic wastes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;More than 100,000 people could fall ill after drinking contaminated water.</font><br><font color=red>* contamination </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The contamination of the sea around Capri may be just the beginning.</font><br>

Q: <b> deadly <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dedli</font>]</b><br>

A: If something is deadly, it is likely or able to cause someone's death, or has already caused someone's death.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was acquitted on charges of assault with a deadly weapon.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a deadly disease currently affecting dolphins...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Passive smoking can be deadly too.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The authorities are looking into last week's deadly gas explosions.</font><br><font color=red>= lethal, fatal</font><br><br>If you describe a person or their behaviour as deadly, you mean that they will do or say anything to get what they want, without caring about other people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His mother's voice was one he knew; ice cold and deadly.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Duchess levelled a deadly look at Nikko.</font><br><font color=red>= menacing</font><br><br>If you describe someone or something as deadly, you mean that you think they are very dull and boring. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She finds these parties deadly.</font><br><font color=red>= boring</font><br><br>You can use deadly to emphasize that something has a particular quality, especially an unpleasant or undesirable quality.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Broadcast news was accurate and reliable but deadly dull.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The north wind was bitter and deadly cold.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The United States had been deadly serious in its threat of military action.</font><br><font color=red>= dreadfully</font><br><br>A deadly situation has unpleasant or dang </b></font><br>

Q: <b> distinct <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5tiNkt</font>]</b><br>

A: If something is distinct from something else of the same type, it is different or separate from it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Engineering and technology are disciplines distinct from one another and from science.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This book is divided into two distinct parts.</font><br><font color=red>* distinctly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a banking industry with two distinctly different sectors.</font><br><br>If something is distinct, you can hear, see, or taste it clearly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; impart a distinct flavor with a minimum of cooking fat.</font><br><font color=red>* distinctly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I distinctly heard the loudspeaker calling passengers for the Turin-Amsterdam flight.</font><br><br>If an idea, thought, or intention is distinct, it is clear and definite.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Now that Tony was no longer present, there was a distinct change in her attitude.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have distinct memories of him in his last years.</font><br><font color=red>* distinctly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I distinctly remember wishing I had not got involved.</font><br><br>You can use distinct to emphasize that something is great enough in amount or degree to be noticeable or important.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Being 6ft 3in tall has some distinct disadvantages!.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Another Cup marathon between the two sides is now a distinct possibility.</font><br><font color=red>= definite</font><br><font color=red>* distinctly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His government is looking distinctly shaky.</font><br><br>If you say that you are talking about one thing as distinct from another, you are indicating exactly which thing you mean.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There's a lot of evidence that oily fish, as distinct from fatty meat, has a beneficial effect.</font><br>

Q: <b> moving <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mu:viN</font>]</b><br>

A: If something is moving, it makes you feel strongly an emotion such as sadness, pity, or sympathy.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is very moving to see how much strangers can care for each other.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was a moving moment for Marianne.</font><br><font color=red>= touching</font><br><font color=red>* movingly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You write very movingly of your sister Amy's suicide.</font><br><br>A moving model or part of a machine moves or is able to move.<br><br>The moving spirit or moving force behind something is the person or thing that caused it to start and to keep going, or that influenced people to take part in it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She alone must have been the moving spirit behind the lawsuit that lost me my position.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Professor Krauss has been a moving force in the world of academic art criticism.</font><br>

Q: <b> earnest <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5E:nist</font>]</b><br>

A: If something is done or happens in earnest, it happens to a much greater extent and more seriously than before.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Campaigning will begin in earnest tomorrow.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The two countries can finally start negotiating in earnest about issues of mutual concern.</font><br><font color=red>= seriously</font><br><br>Earnest people are very serious and sincere in what they say or do, because they think that their actions and beliefs are important.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ella was a pious, earnest woman.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His expression is as earnest when he smiles as when he is arguing.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Despite their earnest efforts, they still struggle to win support.</font><br><font color=red>= sincere</font><br><font color=red>* earnestness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was admired by many for his earnestness.</font><br><font color=red>= sincerity</font><br><br>If you are in earnest, you are sincere in what you are doing and saying.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It presented in satirical terms points made in earnest by Catholic writers.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;No one could tell whether he was in earnest or in jest.</font><br>

Q: <b> doomed <br>DOOMED </b><br>

A: If something is doomed to happen, or if you are doomed to a particular state, something unpleasant is certain to happen, and you can do nothing to prevent it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their plans seemed doomed to failure.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He knew that if he lived, he would be doomed to spend the war as a prisoner.</font><br><br>Someone or something that is doomed is certain to fail or be destroyed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fireman battled through the smoke in a doomed attempt to rescue the children.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I used to pour time and energy into projects that were doomed from the start.</font><br><font color=red>= hopeless</font><br>

Q: <b> edged <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">edVd</font>]</b><br>

A: If something is edged with a particular thing, that thing forms a border around it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a large lawn edged with flowers and shrubs.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...blank pages edged in black.</font><br><br>Also a combining form.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...clutching a lace-edged handkerchief.</font><br>

Q: <b> evident <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5evidEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: If something is evident, you notice it easily and clearly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His footprints were clearly evident in the heavy dust.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The threat of inflation is already evident in bond prices.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the best-publicised cases of evident injustice.</font><br><font color=red>= noticeable, unmistakable</font><br><br>You use evident to show that you are certain about a situation or fact and your interpretation of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was evident that she had once been a beauty.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The cities are bombarded day after day in an evident effort to force their surrender.</font><br><font color=red>= obvious</font><br>

Q: <b> flounder <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5flaundE</font>]</b><br>

A: If something is floundering, it has many problems and may soon fail completely.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What a pity that his career was left to flounder.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The economy was floundering.</font><br><font color=red>= founder</font><br><br>If you say that someone is floundering, you are criticizing them for not making decisions or for not knowing what to say or do.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Right now, you've got a president who's floundering, trying to find some way to get his campaign jump-started.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I know that you're floundering around, trying to grasp at any straw.</font><br><font color=red>= dither</font><br><br>If you flounder in water or mud, you move in an uncontrolled way, trying not to sink.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Three men were floundering about in the water.</font><br><br>A flounder is a flat fish that you can eat.<br><br>Flounder is this fish eaten as food.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mr. Dambar had loaded his plate with stuffed flounder.</font><br>

Q: <b> forbidden <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fE5bidn</font>]</b><br>

A: If something is forbidden, you are not allowed to do it or have it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Smoking was forbidden everywhere.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is forbidden to drive faster than 20mph.</font><br><br>A forbidden place is one that you are not allowed to visit or enter.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This was a forbidden area for foreigners.</font><br><font color=red>= out of bounds</font><br><br>Forbidden is used to describe things that people strongly disapprove of or feel guilty about, and that are not often mentioned or talked about.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The war was a forbidden subject.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Men fantasise as a substitute for acting out forbidden desires.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Divorce? It was such a forbidden word.</font><br><font color=red>= taboo</font><br>

Q: <b> inadequate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5Adikwit</font>]</b><br>

A: If something is inadequate, there is not enough of it or it is not good enough.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Supplies of food and medicines are inadequate.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The problem goes far beyond inadequate staffing.</font><br><font color=red>= insufficient <> adequate</font><br><font color=red>* inadequately </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The projects were inadequately funded.</font><br><br>If someone feels inadequate, they feel that they do not have the qualities and abilities necessary to do something or to cope with life in general.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I still feel inadequate, useless and mixed up.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mary Ann felt painfully inadequate in the crisis.</font><br><font color=red>= incapable</font><br>

Q: <b> located <br>LOCATED </b><br>

A: If something is located in a particular place, it is present or has been built there. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The restaurant is located near the cathedral.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A boutique and beauty salon are conveniently located within the grounds.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...well-located buildings.</font><br><font color=red>= situated</font><br>

Q: <b> loom <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">lu:m</font>]</b><br>

A: If something looms over you, it appears as a large or unclear shape, often in a frightening way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Vincent loomed over me, as pale and grey as a tombstone.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the bleak mountains that loomed out of the blackness and towered around us.</font><br><br>If a worrying or threatening situation or event is looming, it seems likely to happen soon. (JOURNALISM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Another government spending crisis is looming in the United States.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The threat of renewed civil war looms ahead.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the looming threat of recession.</font><br><br>If something, especially a problem or worry looms large, it occupies a lot of your thoughts and seems important.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the terrible problem of armed crime now looming large in our society...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As such tensions increase, they loom larger in Russia's domestic politics.</font><br><br>A loom is a machine that is used for weaving thread into cloth.<br>

Q: <b> magnetic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mAg5netik</font>]</b><br>

A: If something metal is magnetic, it acts like a magnet.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...magnetic particles.</font><br><br>You use magnetic to describe something that is caused by or relates to the force of magnetism.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The electrically charged gas particles are affected by magnetic forces.</font><br><font color=red>* magnetically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...metal fragments held together magnetically.</font><br><br>You use magnetic to describe tapes and other objects which have a coating of a magnetic substance and contain coded information that can be read by computers or other machines.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...her magnetic strip ID card.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...magnetic recording tape.</font><br><br>If you describe something as magnetic, you mean that it is very attractive to people because it has unusual, powerful, and exciting qualities.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the magnetic effect of the prosperous German economy on would-be immigrants.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the magnetic pull of his looks and her personality.</font><br>

Q: <b> connect <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kE5nekt</font>]</b><br>

A: If something or someone connects one thing to another, or if one thing connects to another, the two things are joined together.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You can connect the machine to your hi-fi.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The traditional method is to enter the exchanges at night and connect the wires.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Two cables connect to each corner of the plate.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a television camera connected to the radio telescope.</font><br><font color=red>= attach <> disconnect</font><br><br>If a piece of equipment or a place is connected to a source of power or water, it is joined to that source so that it has power or water.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These appliances should not be connected to power supplies.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ischia was now connected to the mainland water supply.</font><br><br>Connect up means the same as connect.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The shower is easy to install -- it needs only to be connected up to the hot and cold water supply.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They turned the barricade into a potential death trap by connecting it up to the mains.</font><br><br>If a telephone operator connects you, he or she enables you to speak to another person by telephone.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;To call the police, an ambulance or the fire brigade dial 999 and the operator will connect you.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He asked to be connected to the central switchboard.</font><br><font color=red>= put through</font><br><br>If </b></font><br>

Q: <b> definite <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5definit</font>]</b><br>

A: If something such as a decision or an arrangement is definite, it is firm and clear, and unlikely to be changed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's too soon to give a definite answer.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her Royal Highness has definite views about most things.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She made no definite plans for her future.</font><br><br>Definite evidence or information is true, rather than being someone's opinion or guess.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We didn't have any definite proof.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If you have any definite news of my husband, please let me know.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The police had nothing definite against her.</font><br><br>You use definite to emphasize the strength of your opinion or belief.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There has already been a definite improvement.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That's a very definite possibility.</font><br><font color=red>= real</font><br><br>Someone who is definite behaves or talks in a firm, confident way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mary is very definite about this.</font><br><br>A definite shape or colour is clear and noticeable.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Studying his face in the bathroom mirror he wished he had more definite features.</font><br>

Q: <b> flap <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">flAp</font>]</b><br>

A: If something such as a piece of cloth or paper flaps or if you flap it, it moves quickly up and down or from side to side.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Grey sheets flapped on the clothes line.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They would flap bath towels from their balconies as they chatted.</font><br><font color=red>= flutter</font><br><br>If a bird or insect flaps its wings or if its wings flap, the wings move quickly up and down.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The bird flapped its wings furiously.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A pigeon emerges, wings flapping noisily, from the tower.</font><br><br>If you flap your arms, you move them quickly up and down as if they were the wings of a bird.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a kid running and flapping her arms.</font><br><br>A flap of cloth or skin, for example, is a flat piece of it that can move freely up and down or from side to side because it is held or attached by only one edge.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He drew back the tent flap and strode out into the blizzard.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a loose flap of skin.</font><br><br>A flap on the wing of an aircraft is an area along the edge of the wing that can be raised or lowered to control the movement of the aircraft.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the sudden slowing as the flaps were lowered.</font><br><br>A flap is a sudden noise or movement made by a bird's wing or by a piece of paper or cloth when it flaps.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nothin </b></font><br>

Q: <b> haunt <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">hC:nt</font>]</b><br>

A: If something unpleasant haunts you, you keep thinking or worrying about it over a long period of time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The decision to leave her children now haunts her.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He would always be haunted by that scene in Well Park.</font><br><br>Something that haunts a person or organization regularly causes them problems over a long period of time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The stigma of being a bankrupt is likely to haunt him for the rest of his life.</font><br><font color=red>= plague</font><br><br>A place that is the haunt of a particular person is one which they often visit because they enjoy going there.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Channel Islands are a favourite summer haunt for UK and French yachtsmen alike.</font><br><br>A ghost or spirit that haunts a place or a person regularly appears in the place, or is seen by the person and frightens them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His ghost is said to haunt some of the rooms, banging a toy drum.</font><br>

Q: <b> epidemic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7epi5demik</font>]</b><br>

A: If there is an epidemic of a particular disease somewhere, it affects a very large number of people there and spreads quickly to other areas.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A flu epidemic is sweeping through Moscow.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a killer epidemic of yellow fever.</font><br><br>If an activity that you disapprove of is increasing or spreading rapidly, you can refer to this as an epidemic of that activity.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; epidemic of serial killings...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Drug experts say it could spell the end of the crack epidemic.</font><br>

Q: <b> confusion <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5fju:VEn</font>]</b><br>

A: If there is confusion about something, it is not clear what the true situation is, especially because people believe different things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There's still confusion about the number of casualties.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Omissions in my recent article must have caused confusion.</font><br><br>Confusion is a situation in which everything is in disorder, especially because there are lots of things happening at the same time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was confusion when a man fired shots.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The rebel leader appears to have escaped in the confusion.</font><br><br>If your mind is in a state of confusion, you do not know what to believe or what you should do.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We always left his office in a state of confusion.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the pressures and confusions of puberty.</font><br>

Q: <b> dirt <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dE:t</font>]</b><br>

A: If there is dirt on something, there is dust, mud, or a stain on it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I started to scrub off the dirt.</font><br><font color=red>= grime</font><br><br>You can refer to the earth on the ground as dirt, especially when it is dusty.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They all sit on the dirt in the dappled shade of a tree.</font><br><font color=red>= earth</font><br><br>A dirt road or track is made from hard earth. A dirt floor is made from earth without any cement, stone, or wood laid on it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I drove along the dirt road.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The rooster chased me across the dirt floor of the barn.</font><br><br>If you say that you have dirt on someone, you mean that you have information that could harm their reputation or career. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Steve was mad keen to get all the dirt he could on the Langenbach woman.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Both parties use computers to dig up dirt on their opponents.</font><br><br>If someone dishes the dirt on you, they say bad things about you, without worrying if they are true or not, or if they will damage your reputation. (mainly BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He dishes the dirt on his buddies.</font><br><br>If you say that someone treats you like dirt, you are angry with them because you think that they treat you unfairly and with no respect.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;People think they can treat me like dirt!</font><br>

Q: <b> compatible <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEm5pAtEbl</font>]</b><br>

A: If things, for example systems, ideas, and beliefs, are compatible, they work well together or can exist together successfully.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Free enterprise, he argued, was compatible with Russian values and traditions.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Marriage and the life I live just don't seem compatible.</font><br><font color=red><> incompatible</font><br><font color=red>* compatibility </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;National courts can freeze any law while its compatibility with European Community legislation is being tested.</font><br><font color=red><> incompatibility</font><br><br>If you say that you are compatible with someone, you mean that you have a good relationship with them because you have similar opinions and interests.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mildred and I are very compatible. She's interested in the things that interest me.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In a large city you're almost certain to find a physician with whom you are compatible and feel comfortable.</font><br><font color=red><> incompatible</font><br><font color=red>* compatibility </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As a result of their compatibility, Haig and Fraser were able to bring about wide-ranging reforms.</font><br><font color=red><> incompatibility</font><br><br>If one make of computer or computer equipment is compatible with another make, especially IBM, they can be used together and can use the same software.<br>

Q: <b> mail order <br>MAIL ORDER </b><br>

A: Mail order is a system of buying and selling goods. You choose the goods you want from a company by looking at their catalogue, and the company sends them to you by post.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The toys are available by mail order from Opi Toys.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many of them also offer a mail-order service.</font><br><br>Mail orders are goods that have been ordered by mail order. (mainly AM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I supervise the packing of all mail orders.</font><br>

Q: <b> derive <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5raiv</font>]</b><br>

A: If you derive something such as pleasure or benefit from a person or from something, you get it from them. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mr Ying is one of those happy people who derive pleasure from helping others.</font><br><br>If you say that something such as a word or feeling derives or is derived from something else, you mean that it comes from that thing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The name Anastasia is derived from a Greek word meaning `of the resurrection'.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...defensive behaviour patterns which derive from our subconscious fears.</font><br><font color=red>= stem from</font><br>

Q: <b> anticipate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">An5tisipeit</font>]</b><br>

A: If you anticipate an event, you realize in advance that it may happen and you are prepared for it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At the time we couldn't have anticipated the result of our campaigning.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is anticipated that the equivalent of 192 full-time jobs will be lost.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Officials anticipate that rivalry between leaders of the various drug factions could erupt into full scale war.</font><br><font color=red>= expect</font><br><br>If you anticipate a question, request, or need, you do what is necessary or required before the question, request, or need occurs.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What Jeff did was to anticipate my next question.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Do you expect your partner to anticipate your needs?</font><br><br>If you anticipate something, you do it, think it, or say it before someone else does.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In the 50s, Rauschenberg anticipated the conceptual art movement of the 80s.</font><br> </b></font><br>

Q: <b> attached <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5tAtFt</font>]</b><br>

A: If you are attached to someone or something, you like them very much.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She is very attached to her family and friends.</font><br><br>If someone is attached to an organization or group of people, they are working with them, often only for a short time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ford was attached to the battalion's first line of transport.</font><br><br>If one organization or institution is attached to a larger organization, it is part of that organization and is controlled and run by it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At one time the schools were mainly attached to the church.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a think-tank, attached to the Academy of Sciences.</font><br><font color=red>= linked with</font><br>

Q: <b> besiege <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bi5si:dV</font>]</b><br>

A: If you are besieged by people, many people want something from you and continually bother you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was besieged by the press and the public.</font><br><br>If soldiers besiege a place, they surround it and wait for the people in it to stop fighting or resisting.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The main part of the army moved to Sevastopol to besiege the town.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Afghan air force was using helicopters to supply the besieged town.</font><br>

Q: <b> blunt <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">blQnt</font>]</b><br>

A: If you are blunt, you say exactly what you think without trying to be polite.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She is blunt about her personal life.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She told the industry in blunt terms that such discrimination is totally unacceptable.</font><br><font color=red>* bluntly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`I don't believe you!' Jeanne said bluntly.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;To put it bluntly, he became a pain.</font><br><font color=red>* bluntness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His bluntness got him into trouble.</font><br><br>A blunt object has a rounded or flat end rather than a sharp one.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One of them had been struck 13 times over the head with a blunt object.</font><br><font color=red><> pointed</font><br><br>A blunt knife or blade is no longer sharp and does not cut well.<br><font color=red><> sharp</font><br><br>If something blunts an emotion, a feeling or a need, it weakens it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The constant repetition of violence has blunted the human response to it.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Our appetite was blunted by the beer.</font><br>

Q: <b> bored <br>BORED </b><br>

A: If you are bored, you feel tired and impatient because you have lost interest in something or because you have nothing to do.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I am getting very bored with this entire business.</font><br>

Q: <b> energetic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7enE5dVetik</font>]</b><br>

A: If you are energetic in what you do, you have a lot of enthusiasm and determination.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Blackwell is 59, strong looking, enormously energetic and accomplished.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The next government will play an energetic role in seeking multilateral nuclear disarmament.</font><br><font color=red>* energetically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He talked on energetically.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had worked energetically all day on his new book.</font><br><br>An energetic person is very active and does not feel at all tired. An energetic activity involves a lot of physical movement and power.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ten year-olds are incredibly energetic.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; energetic exercise routine.</font><br><font color=red>* energetically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Gretchen chewed energetically on the gristled steak.</font><br>

Q: <b> casual <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kAVjuEl</font>]</b><br>

A: If you are casual, you are, or you pretend to be, relaxed and not very concerned about what is happening or what you are doing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's difficult for me to be casual about anything.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's an easy-going, friendly young man with a casual sort of attitude towards money.</font><br><font color=red>= unconcerned</font><br><font color=red>* casually </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`No need to hurry,' Ben said casually.</font><br><font color=red>* casualness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bayldon asked the question with studied casualness.</font><br><br>A casual event or situation happens by chance or without planning.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What you mean as a casual remark could be misinterpreted.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Even a casual observer could hardly have failed to notice the heightening of an already tense atmosphere.</font><br><br>Casual clothes are ones that you normally wear at home or on holiday, and not on formal occasions.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I also bought some casual clothes for the weekend.</font><br><font color=red><> formal</font><br><font color=red>* casually </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They were smartly but casually dressed.</font><br><br>Casual work is done for short periods and not on a permanent or regular basis.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...establishments which employ people on a casual basis, such as pubs and restaurants...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It became increasingly expensive to hire casual workers.</font><br><font color=red>= </b></font><br>

Q: <b> confused <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5fju:zd</font>]</b><br>

A: If you are confused, you do not know exactly what is happening or what to do.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A survey showed people were confused about what they should eat to stay healthy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Things were happening too quickly and Brian was confused.</font><br><font color=red>= bewildered</font><br><font color=red>* confusedly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He shook his head confusedly.</font><br><br>Something that is confused does not have any order or pattern and is difficult to understand.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The situation remains confused as both sides claim success.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a modern society in which values have become increasingly confused.</font><br>

Q: <b> content 2 <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5tent</font>]</b><br>

A: If you are content with something, you are willing to accept it, rather than wanting something more or something better.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I am content to admire the mountains from below.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm perfectly content with the way the campaign has gone.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Not content with rescuing one theatre, Sally Green has taken on another.</font><br><br>If you are content, you are fairly happy or satisfied.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He says his daughter is quite content.</font><br><br>If you content yourself with something, you accept it and do not try to do or have other things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He wisely contented himself with his family and his love of nature.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Most manufacturers content themselves with updating existing models.</font><br>

Q: <b> crouch <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5krautF</font>]</b><br>

A: If you are crouching, your legs are bent under you so that you are close to the ground and leaning forward slightly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We were crouching in the bushes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I crouched on the ground.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The man was crouched behind the Mercedes.</font><br><font color=red>= squat</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They walked in a crouch, each bent over close to the ground.</font><br><br>Crouch down means the same as crouch.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He crouched down and reached under the mattress.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He crouched down beside him.</font><br><br>If you crouch over something, you bend over it so that you are very near to it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Meantime, here I crouch over a cup of tea in my unheated study.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...sitting crouched over the steering wheel.</font><br>

Q: <b> discreet <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5kri:t</font>]</b><br>

A: If you are discreet, you are polite and careful in what you do or say, because you want to avoid embarrassing or offending someone.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They were gossipy and not always discreet.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He followed at a discreet distance.</font><br><font color=red>* discreetly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I took the phone, and she went discreetly into the living room.</font><br><br>If you are discreet about something you are doing, you do not tell other people about it, in order to avoid being embarrassed or to gain an advantage.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We were very discreet about the romance.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She's making a few discreet inquiries with her mother's friends.</font><br><font color=red>* discreetly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Everyone worked to make him welcome, and, more discreetly, to find out about him.</font><br><br>If you describe something as discreet, you approve of it because it is small in size or degree, or not easily noticed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She is wearing a noticeably stylish, feminine dress, plus discreet jewellery.</font><br><font color=red>* discreetly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...stately houses, discreetly hidden behind great avenues of sturdy trees...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The two rooms were relatively small and discreetly lit.</font><br>

Q: <b> enthusiastic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in7Wju:zi5Astik</font>]</b><br>

A: If you are enthusiastic about something, you show how much you like or enjoy it by the way that you behave and talk.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tom was very enthusiastic about the place.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bob Dole seemed less than enthusiastic about the proposed move.</font><br><font color=red>= excited</font><br><font color=red>* enthusiastically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The announcement was greeted enthusiastically.</font><br>

Q: <b> excited <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">ik5saitid</font>]</b><br>

A: If you are excited, you are so happy that you cannot relax, especially because you are thinking about something pleasant that is going to happen to you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm very excited about the possibility of playing for England's first team.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was so excited when I went to sign the paperwork I could hardly write.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; excited teenager on a trek through the London shops.</font><br><font color=red>* excitedly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`You're coming?' he said excitedly. `That's fantastic! That's incredible!'</font><br><br>If you are excited, you are very worried or angry about something, and so you are very alert and cannot relax.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I don't think there's any reason to get excited about inflation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Excited voices were shouting that the road was blocked by soldiers.</font><br><font color=red>= agitated</font><br><font color=red>* excitedly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Larry rose excitedly to the edge of his seat, shook a fist at us and spat.</font><br>

Q: <b> fearful <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fiEful</font>]</b><br>

A: If you are fearful of something, you are afraid of it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bankers were fearful of a world banking crisis.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I had often been very fearful, very angry, and very isolated.</font><br><font color=red>* fearfully </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`What are you going to do to me?' Alex asked fearfully.</font><br><br>You use fearful to emphasize how serious or bad a situation is. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The region is in a fearful recession.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the fearful consequences which might flow from unilateral military moves.</font><br><font color=red>= terrible</font><br><br>Fearful is used to emphasize that something is very bad. (OLD-FASHIONED, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You gave me a fearful shock!.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`It sounds the most fearful hard work,' Sybil said later.</font><br><font color=red>* fearfully </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This is fearfully expensive compared with the last one I bought.</font><br>

Q: <b> fond <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fCnd</font>]</b><br>

A: If you are fond of someone, you feel affection for them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I am very fond of Michael.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was especially fond of a little girl named Betsy.</font><br><font color=red>* fondness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a great fondness for children.</font><br><br>You use fond to describe people or their behaviour when they show affection.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a fond father...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He gave him a fond smile.</font><br><font color=red>* fondly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Liz saw their eyes meet fondly across the table.</font><br><br>If you are fond of something, you like it or you like doing it very much.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was fond of marmalade.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She is fond of collecting rare carpets.</font><br><font color=red>* fondness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I've always had a fondness for jewels.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...his fondness for cooking.</font><br><br>If you have fond memories of someone or something, you remember them with pleasure.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have very fond memories of living in our village.</font><br><font color=red>= pleasant</font><br><font color=red>* fondly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My dad took us there when I was about four and I remembered it fondly.</font><br><br>You use fond to describe hopes, wishes, or beliefs which you think are foolish because they seem unlikely to be fulfilled.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My fond hope is that we will be ready by Christmastime.</font><br><font color=red>* fondly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I fondly imagined that surgery meant a few stitches and an overnight stay in hospital.</font><br>

Q: <b> frightened <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5frait(E)nd</font>]</b><br>

A: If you are frightened, you are anxious or afraid, often because of something that has just happened or that you think may happen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was frightened of flying.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Miriam was too frightened to tell her family what had happened.</font><br>

Q: <b> grateful <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5greitful</font>]</b><br>

A: If you are grateful for something that someone has given you or done for you, you have warm, friendly feelings towards them and wish to thank them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was grateful to him for being so good to her.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I should like to extend my grateful thanks to all the volunteers.</font><br><font color=red>* gratefully </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`That's kind of you, Sally,' Claire said gratefully.</font><br>

Q: <b> helpless <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5helplis</font>]</b><br>

A: If you are helpless, you do not have the strength or power to do anything useful or to control or protect yourself.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Parents often feel helpless, knowing that all the cuddles in the world won't stop the tears.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Children are dying, and I am helpless to do anything.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Once aboard we were soon helpless with laughter at the absurdity of it.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They are not merely helpless victims.</font><br><font color=red>* helplessly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their son watched helplessly as they vanished beneath the waves.</font><br><font color=red>* helplessness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I remember my feelings of helplessness.</font><br>

Q: <b> hopeful <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hEupful</font>]</b><br>

A: If you are hopeful, you are fairly confident that something that you want to happen will happen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I am hopeful this misunderstanding will be rectified very quickly.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Surgeons were hopeful of saving the sight in Sara's left eye.</font><br><font color=red>* hopefully </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Am I welcome?' He smiled hopefully, leaning on the door.</font><br><br>If something such as a sign or event is hopeful, it makes you feel that what you want to happen will happen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The result of the election in is yet another hopeful sign that peace could come to the Middle East.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...hopeful forecasts that the economy will improve.</font><br><br>A hopeful action is one that you do in the hope that you will get what you want to get.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We've chartered the aircraft in the hopeful anticipation that the government will allow them to leave.</font><br><br>If you refer to someone as a hopeful, you mean that they are hoping and trying to achieve success in a particular career, election, or competition.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His soccer skills continue to be put to good use in his job as football coach to young hopefuls.</font><br>

Q: <b> hostile <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hCstail</font>]</b><br>

A: If you are hostile to another person or an idea, you disagree with them or disapprove of them, often showing this in your behaviour.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many people felt would be hostile to the idea of foreign intervention.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The West has gradually relaxed its hostile attitude to this influential state.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Governor faced hostile crowds when he visited the town yesterday.</font><br><font color=red>= antagonistic <> receptive</font><br><br>Someone who is hostile is unfriendly and aggressive.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Drinking may make a person feel relaxed and happy, or it may make her hostile, violent, or depressed.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The prisoner eyed him in hostile silence.</font><br><font color=red>= aggressive <> cordial</font><br><br>Hostile situations and conditions make it difficult for you to achieve something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...some of the most hostile climatic conditions in the world...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If this round of talks fails, the world's trading environment is likely to become increasingly hostile.</font><br><br>In a war, you use the word hostile to describe your enemy's forces, organizations, weapons, land, and activities.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The city is encircled by a hostile army.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They were in hostile territory.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...hostile aircraft.</font><br><font color=red>= enemy</font><br>

Q: <b> impatient <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">im5peiFEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: If you are impatient, you are annoyed because you have to wait too long for something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is impatient as the first hour passes and then another.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The big clubs are becoming increasingly impatient at the rate of progress.</font><br><font color=red>* impatiently </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;People have been waiting impatiently for a chance to improve the situation.</font><br><font color=red>* impatience </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is considerable impatience with the slow pace of political change.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Impatience is growing after three days in which nothing has been achieved.</font><br><br>If you are impatient, you are easily irritated by things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beware of being too impatient with others.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He threw it aside with an impatient gesture and another oath and walked off.</font><br><font color=red>* impatiently </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Come on, David,' Harry said impatiently.</font><br><font color=red>* impatience </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was a hint of impatience in his tone.</font><br><br>If you are impatient to do something or impatient for something to happen, you are eager to do it or for it to happen and do not want to wait.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He didn't want to tell Mr Morrisson why he was impatient to get home.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They are impatient for jobs and security.</font><br><font color=red>* impatience </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She showed impatience to continue the climb.</font><br>

Q: <b> disguise <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5gaiz</font>]</b><br>

A: If you are in disguise, you are not wearing your usual clothes or you have altered your appearance in other ways, so that people will not recognize you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You'll have to travel in disguise.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was wearing that ridiculous disguise.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She's adopted so many disguises her own mother wouldn't recognize her.</font><br><br>If you disguise yourself, you put on clothes which make you look like someone else or alter your appearance in other ways, so that people will not recognize you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She disguised herself as a man so she could fight on the battlefield.</font><br><font color=red>* disguised </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The extremists entered the building disguised as medical workers.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was heavily disguised.</font><br><br>To disguise something means to hide it or make it appear different so that people will not know about it or will not recognize it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He made no attempt to disguise his agitation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their healthy image disguises the fact that they are highly processed foods.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I played along, and disguised my voice.</font><br><font color=red>* disguised </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The proposal is a thinly disguised effort to revive the price controls of the 1970s.</font><br>

Q: <b> midst <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5midst</font>]</b><br>

A: If you are in the midst of doing something, you are doing it at the moment.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Congress is in the midst of rewriting the nation's banking laws.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We are in the midst of one of the worst recessions for many, many years.</font><br><font color=red>= in the middle of</font><br><br>If something happens in the midst of an event, it happens during it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Eleanor arrived in the midst of a blizzard.</font><br><font color=red>= during</font><br><br>If someone or something is in the midst of a group of people or things, they are among them or surrounded by them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many were surprised to see him exposed like this in the midst of a large crowd.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Angelo laid the gun carefully on the table, in the midst of brochures and other papers.</font><br><font color=red>= amid</font><br><br>You say that someone is in your midst when you are drawing attention to the fact that they are in your group. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We're lucky to have such a man in our midst.</font><br>

Q: <b> breach <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bri:tF</font>]</b><br>

A: If you breach an agreement, a law, or a promise, you break it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The newspaper breached the code of conduct on privacy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The film breached the criminal libel laws.</font><br><font color=red>= violate</font><br><br>A breach of an agreement, a law, or a promise is an act of breaking it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The congressman was accused of a breach of secrecy rules.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a $1 billion breach of contract suit.</font><br><font color=red>= violation</font><br><br>A breach in a relationship is a serious disagreement which often results in the relationship ending. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their actions threatened a serious breach in relations between the two countries.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the breach between Tito and Stalin.</font><br><font color=red>= rift, rupture</font><br><br>If someone or something breaches a barrier, they make an opening in it, usually leaving it weakened or destroyed. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The limestone is sufficiently fissured for tree roots to have breached the roof of the cave.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fire may have breached the cargo tanks and set the oil ablaze.</font><br><font color=red>= rupture</font><br><br>If you breach someone's security or their defences, you manage to get through and attack an area that is heavily guarded and protected.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The bomber had breached security by hurling his dynamite from a roof overlooking the building.</font><br><font color=red>= violate</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...widespread breaches of security at Ministry of Defence bases.</font><br>

Q: <b> inclined <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5klaind</font>]</b><br>

A: If you are inclined to behave in a particular way, you often behave in that way, or you want to do so.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nobody felt inclined to argue with Smith.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was inclined to self-pity.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If you are so inclined, you can watch TV.</font><br><br>If you say that you are inclined to have a particular opinion, you mean that you hold this opinion but you are not expressing it strongly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I am inclined to think that the ancient Greeks understood this better than we do.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I am inclined to agree with Alan.</font><br><font color=red>= tend</font><br><br>Someone who is mathematically inclined or artistically inclined, for example, has a natural talent for mathematics or art.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bratby's grandfather had been artistically inclined.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the needs of academically inclined pupils.</font><br>

Q: <b> insecure <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7insi5kjuE</font>]</b><br>

A: If you are insecure, you lack confidence because you think that you are not good enough or are not loved.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In effect she is punishing her parents for making her feel threatened and insecure.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Most mothers are insecure about their performance as mothers.</font><br><font color=red><> secure</font><br><font color=red>* insecurity insecurities </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She is always assailed by self-doubt and emotional insecurity.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His behaviour is an attempt to cover up his insecurities.</font><br><br>Something that is insecure is not safe or protected.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...low-paid, insecure jobs...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cellular phones are inherently insecure, as anyone can listen to and record conversations.</font><br><font color=red><> secure</font><br><font color=red>* insecurity </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the increase in crime, which has created feelings of insecurity in the population.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the harshness and insecurity of agricultural life.</font><br>

Q: <b> intent <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5tent</font>]</b><br>

A: If you are intent on doing something, you are eager and determined to do it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The rebels are obviously intent on keeping up the pressure.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The play starred a well-known retired actress who was intent on a come-back.</font><br><br>If someone does something in an intent way, they pay great attention to what they are doing. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She looked from one intent face to another.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Rodney had been intent on every word.</font><br><font color=red>* intently </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He listened intently, then slammed down the phone.</font><br><br>A person's intent is their intention to do something. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The timing of this strong statement of intent on arms control is crucial.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Two men will appear before Birmingham magistrates' court today charged with possession of arms with intent to endanger life.</font><br><font color=red>= intention</font><br><br>You say to all intents and purposes to suggest that a situation is not exactly as you describe it but the effect is the same as if it were.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;To all intents and purposes he was my father.</font><br>

Q: <b> miserable <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mizErEbl</font>]</b><br>

A: If you are miserable, you are very unhappy.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I took a series of badly paid secretarial jobs which made me really miserable.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She went to bed, miserable and depressed.</font><br><font color=red>* miserably </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He looked miserably down at his plate.</font><br><br>If you describe a place or situation as miserable, you mean that it makes you feel unhappy or depressed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was nothing at all in this miserable place to distract him.</font><br><font color=red>= depressing</font><br><br>If you describe the weather as miserable, you mean that it makes you feel depressed, because it is raining or dull.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;On a grey, wet, miserable day our teams congregated in Port Hamble.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was very cold, damp and miserable.</font><br><font color=red>= depressing</font><br><br>If you describe someone as miserable, you mean that you do not like them because they are bad-tempered or unfriendly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He always was a miserable man. He never spoke to me nor anybody else, not even to pass the time of day.</font><br><font color=red>= grumpy</font><br><br>You can describe a quantity or quality as miserable when you think that it is much smaller or worse than it ought to be.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Our speed over the ground was a miserable 2.2 knots.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It has so far accepted a miserable 1,100 refugees from the former Yugoslavia.</font><br><font color=red>= paltry </b></font><br>

Q: <b> assign <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5sain</font>]</b><br>

A: If you assign a piece of work to someone, you give them the work to do.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When I taught, I would assign a topic to children which they would write about.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Later in the year, she'll assign them research papers.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When teachers assign homework, students usually feel an obligation to do it.</font><br><br>If you assign something to someone, you say that it is for their use.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The selling broker is then required to assign a portion of the commission to the buyer broker.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He assigned her all his land in Ireland.</font><br><font color=red>= allocate</font><br><br>If someone is assigned to a particular place, group, or person, they are sent there, usually in order to work at that place or for that person.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was assigned to Troop A of the 10th Cavalry.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Did you choose Russia or were you simply assigned there?.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Each of us was assigned a minder, someone who looked after us.</font><br><font color=red>= detail</font><br><br>If you assign a particular function or value to someone or something, you say they have it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Under Mr. Harel's system, each business must assign a value to each job.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Assign the letters of the alphabet their numerical values--A equals 1, B equals 2, etc.</font><br> </b></font><br>

Q: <b> assure <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5FuE</font>]</b><br>

A: If you assure someone that something is true or will happen, you tell them that it is definitely true or will definitely happen, often in order to make them less worried.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He hastened to assure me that there was nothing traumatic to report.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Are you sure the raft is safe?' she asked anxiously. `Couldn't be safer,' Max assured her confidently.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Government officials recently assured Hindus of protection.</font><br>See also assured.<br><font color=red>= reassure</font><br><br>To assure someone of something means to make certain that they will get it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Last night's resounding victory over Birmingham City has virtually assured them of promotion.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ways must be found to assure our children a decent start in life.</font><br><font color=red>= guarantee</font><br><br>You use phrases such as I can assure you or let me assure you to emphasize the truth of what you are saying.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I can assure you that the animals are well cared for.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This may sound trivial, but I assure you it is quite important!.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;And let me assure you I will use whatever force is necessary to restore order.</font><br><font color=red>= believe me</font><br> </b></font><br>

Q: <b> avert <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5vE:t</font>]</b><br>

A: If you avert something unpleasant, you prevent it from happening.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Talks with the teachers' union over the weekend have averted a strike.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A fresh tragedy was narrowly averted yesterday.</font><br><br>If you avert your eyes or gaze from someone or something, you look away from them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He avoids any eye contact, quickly averting his gaze when anyone approaches.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He kept his eyes averted.</font><br>

Q: <b> barge in <br>BARGE IN </b><br>

A: If you barge in or barge in on someone, you rudely interrupt what they are doing or saying. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm sorry to barge in like this, but I have a problem I hope you can solve.</font><br>

Q: <b> bathe <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">beiT</font>]</b><br>

A: If you bathe in a sea, river, or lake, you swim, play, or wash yourself in it. Birds and animals can also bathe. (mainly BRIT, FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The police have warned the city's inhabitants not to bathe in the polluted river.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...small ponds for the birds to bathe in.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fifty soldiers were taking an early morning bathe in a nearby lake.</font><br><font color=red>* bathing </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nude bathing is not allowed.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Britain's 440 designated bathing beaches.</font><br><br>When you bathe, you have a bath. (AM; BRIT, FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At least 60% of us now bathe or shower once a day.</font><br><font color=red>= bath</font><br><br>If you bathe someone, especially a child, you wash them in a bath. (AM; ALSO BRIT, FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Back home, Shirley plays with, feeds and bathes the baby.</font><br><font color=red>= bath</font><br><br>If you bathe a part of your body or a wound, you wash it gently or soak it in a liquid.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bathe the infected area in a salt solution.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She paused long enough to bathe her blistered feet.</font><br><br>If a place is bathed in light, it is covered with light, especially a gentle, pleasant light.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The arena was bathed in warm sunshine.</ </b></font><br>

Q: <b> beg <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">beg</font>]</b><br>

A: If you beg someone to do something, you ask them very anxiously or eagerly to do it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I begged him to come back to England with me.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I begged to be allowed to leave.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We are not going to beg for help any more.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They dropped to their knees and begged forgiveness.</font><br><font color=red>= beseech</font><br><br>If someone who is poor is begging, they are asking people to give them food or money.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was surrounded by people begging for food.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There are thousands like him in Los Angeles, begging on the streets and sleeping rough.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was living alone, begging food from neighbors.</font><br><font color=red>= panhandle</font><br><br>You say `I beg to differ' when you are politely emphasizing that you disagree with someone.<br><br>If you say that something is going begging, you mean that it is available but no one is using it or accepting it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is other housing going begging in town.</font><br><br>If you say that something begs a particular question, you mean that it makes people want to ask that question; some people consider that this use is incorrect.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hopewell's success begs the question: why aren't more companies doing the same?</font><br><br>If you say that something begs a particular question, you mean that it assumes that the question has already been answered and so does not deal with it. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The research begs a number of questions.</font><br>

Q: <b> clutch <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">klQtF</font>]</b><br>

A: If you clutch at something or clutch something, you hold it tightly, usually because you are afraid or anxious.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I staggered and had to clutch at a chair for support.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was clutching a photograph.</font><br><font color=red>= grasp, grip</font><br><br>If someone is in another person's clutches, that person has captured them or has power over them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tony fell into the clutches of an attractive American who introduced him to drugs.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Stojanovic escaped their clutches by jumping from a moving vehicle.</font><br><font color=red>= grasp</font><br><br>In a vehicle, the clutch is the pedal that you press before you change gear.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Laura let out the clutch and pulled slowly away down the drive.</font><br><br>A clutch of eggs is a number of eggs laid by a bird at one time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the second clutch of eggs.</font><br><br>A clutch of people or things is a small group of them. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The party has attracted a clutch of young southern liberals.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a clutch of songs about adolescent experiences.</font><br>

Q: <b> betray <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bi5trei</font>]</b><br>

A: If you betray someone who loves or trusts you, your actions hurt and disappoint them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When I tell someone I will not betray his confidence I keep my word.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The President betrayed them when he went back on his promise not to raise taxes.</font><br><font color=red>* betrayer betrayers </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was her friend and now calls her a betrayer.</font><br><br>If someone betrays their country or their friends, they give information to an enemy, putting their country's security or their friends' safety at risk.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They offered me money if I would betray my associates.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The group were informers, and they betrayed the plan to the Germans.</font><br><font color=red>* betrayer </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Traitor!' she screamed. `Betrayer of England!'</font><br><br>If you betray an ideal or your principles, you say or do something which goes against those beliefs.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We betray the ideals of our country when we support capital punishment.</font><br><font color=red>= renege on</font><br><font color=red>* betrayer </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Babearth regarded the middle classes as the betrayers of the Revolution.</font><br><br>If you betray a feeling or quality, you show it without intending to.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She studied his face, but it betrayed nothing.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He nodded his head instead of saying anything where his voice might betray him.</font><br><font color=red><> conceal</font><br>

Q: <b> blank out <br>BLANK OUT </b><br>

A: If you blank out a particular feeling or thought, you do not allow yourself to experience that feeling or to have that thought.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I learned to blank those feelings out.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was trying to blank out previous situations from my mind.</font><br><font color=red>= block out</font><br>

Q: <b> blend <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">blend</font>]</b><br>

A: If you blend substances together or if they blend, you mix them together so that they become one substance.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Blend the butter with the sugar and beat until light and creamy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Blend the ingredients until you have a smooth cream.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Put the soap and water in a pan and leave to stand until they have blended.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Most whiskies are blended whiskies.</font><br><br>A blend of things is a mixture or combination of them that is useful or pleasant.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The public areas offer a subtle blend of traditional charm with modern amenities.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a blend of wine and sparkling water...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He makes up his own blends of flour.</font><br><br>When colours, sounds, or styles blend, they come together or are combined in a pleasing way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You could paint the walls and ceilings the same colour so they blend together.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the picture, furniture and porcelain collections that blend so well with the house itself.</font><br><br>If you blend ideas, policies, or styles, you use them together in order to achieve something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His `cosmic vision' is to blend Christianity with `the wisdom of all world religions'.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a band that blended jazz, folk and classical music.</font><br> </b></font><br>

Q: <b> bolster <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bEulstE</font>]</b><br>

A: If you bolster something such as someone's confidence or courage, you increase it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hopes of an early cut in interest rates bolstered confidence.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a number of measures intended to bolster morale.</font><br><font color=red>= boost</font><br><br>If someone tries to bolster their position in a situation, they try to strengthen it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Britain is free to adopt policies to bolster its economy.</font><br><font color=red>= boost</font><br><br>Bolster up means the same as bolster.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; aid programme to bolster up their troubled economy.</font><br><br>A bolster is a firm pillow shaped like a long tube which is sometimes put across a bed under the ordinary pillows.<br>

Q: <b> bounce back <br>BOUNCE BACK </b><br>

A: If you bounce back after a bad experience, you return very quickly to your previous level of success, enthusiasm, or activity.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We lost two or three early games in the World Cup, but we bounced back.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is young enough to bounce back from this disappointment.</font><br><font color=red>= recover</font><br>

Q: <b> bow out <br>BOW OUT </b><br>

A: If you bow out of something, you stop taking part in it. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Royal Family should bow out gracefully, while they still can.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had bowed out gracefully when his successor had been appointed.</font><br>

Q: <b> brace <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">breis</font>]</b><br>

A: If you brace yourself for something unpleasant or difficult, you prepare yourself for it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He braced himself for the icy plunge into the black water.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She braced herself, as if to meet a blow.</font><br><br>If you brace yourself against something or brace part of your body against it, you press against something in order to steady your body or to avoid falling.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Elaine braced herself against the dresser and looked in the mirror.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He braced his back against the wall.</font><br><br>If you brace your shoulders or knees, you keep them stiffly in a particular position.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He braced his shoulders defiantly as another squall of wet snow slashed across his face.</font><br><br>To brace something means to strengthen or support it with something else.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Overhead, the lights showed the old timbers, used to brace the roof.</font><br><br>You can refer to two things of the same kind as a brace of that thing. The plural form is also brace.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a brace of bottles of Mercier Rose champagne.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a few brace of grouse.</font><br><br>A brace is a device attached to a part of a person's body, for example to a weak leg, in order to strengthen or support it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He wore leg braces after polio in childhood.</font><b </b></font><br>

Q: <b> brew <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bru:</font>]</b><br>

A: If you brew tea or coffee, you make it by pouring hot water over tea leaves or ground coffee.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'll get Venner to brew some tea.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He brewed a pot of coffee.</font><br><br>A brew is a particular kind of tea or coffee. It can also be a particular pot of tea or coffee.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She swallowed a mouthful of the hot strong brew, and wiped her eyes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a mild herbal brew.</font><br><br>If a person or company brews beer, they make it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I brew my own beer.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The beer is brewed at the Charles Wells Brewery.</font><br><font color=red>* brewing </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the brewing of home-made alcohol.</font><br><br>A brew is a particular kind of beer or beer that is produced in a particular place at a particular time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Britons still consume more than 29 million pints a day, ranging over 1,000 or more different brews.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...low-alcohol brews.</font><br>See also home-brew.<br><br>If a storm is brewing, large clouds are beginning to form and the sky is becoming dark because there is going to be a storm.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We'd seen the storm brewing when we were out in the boat.</font><br><br>If an unpleasant or difficult situation is brewing, it is starting to develop.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At home a crisis was brewing.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There's trouble brewing.</font><br><br </b></font><br>

Q: <b> brick up <br>BRICK UP </b><br>

A: If you brick up a hole, you close it with a wall of bricks.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We bricked up our windows.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All the doors have been bricked up to deter vandals.</font><br>

Q: <b> buck up <br>BUCK UP </b><br>

A: If you buck someone up or buck up their spirits, you say or do something to make them more cheerful. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Anything anybody said to him to try and buck him up wouldn't sink in.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The aim, it seemed, was to buck up their spirits in the face of the recession.</font><br><font color=red>= cheer up</font><br><br>If you tell someone to buck up or to buck up their ideas, you are telling them to start behaving in a more positive and efficient manner. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;People are saying if we don't buck up we'll be in trouble.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Buck up your ideas or you'll get more of the same treatment.</font><br><font color=red>= pull one's socks up</font><br>

Q: <b> bump into <br>BUMP INTO </b><br>

A: If you bump into someone you know, you meet them unexpectedly. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I happened to bump into Mervyn Johns in the hallway.</font><br><font color=red>= run into</font><br>

Q: <b> bump <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bQmp</font>]</b><br>

A: If you bump into something or someone, you accidentally hit them while you are moving.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They stopped walking and he almost bumped into them.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was a jerk as the boat bumped against something.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He bumped his head on the low beams of the house.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Small children often cry after a minor bump.</font><br><br>A bump is the action or the dull sound of two heavy objects hitting each other.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I felt a little bump and I knew instantly what had happened.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The child took five steps, and then sat down with a bump.</font><br><br>A bump is a minor injury or swelling that you get if you bump into something or if something hits you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She fell against our coffee table and got a large bump on her forehead.</font><br><font color=red>= lump</font><br><br>If you have a bump while you are driving a car, you have a minor accident in which you hit something. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=red>= collision</font><br><br>A bump on a road is a raised, uneven part.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The truck hit a bump and bounced.</font><br><br>If a vehicle bumps over a surface, it travels in a rough, bouncing way because the surface is very uneven.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We left the road, and again bumped over the mountainside.</font><br><font color= </b></font><br>

Q: <b> bundle up <br>BUNDLE UP </b><br>

A: If you bundle up a mass of things, you make them into a bundle by gathering or tying them together.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Francis bundled up her clothes again into their small sack.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her mother had bundled all her Forties clothes up and burnt them.</font><br><br>If you bundle up, you dress in a lot of warm clothes, usually because the weather is very cold. If you bundle someone up, you dress them in a lot of warm clothes.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;After the coffee we bundled up and walked down to the river.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The next morning, Franklin and Eleanor bundled up the baby and carried him to New York.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I spent much of my time bundled up in sweaters in an effort to keep warm.</font><br><font color=red>= wrap up</font><br>

Q: <b> cock up <br>COCK UP </b><br>

A: If you cock something up, you ruin it by doing something wrong. (BRIT, INFORMAL, RUDE)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Seems like I've cocked it up,' Egan said.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They've cocked up the address.</font><br>See also cock-up.<br>

Q: <b> commute <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kE5mju:t</font>]</b><br>

A: If you commute, you travel a long distance every day between your home and your place of work.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mike commutes to London every day.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;McLaren began commuting between Paris and London.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's going to commute.</font><br><font color=red>* commuter commuters </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The number of commuters to London has dropped by 100,000.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a commuter train.</font><br><br>A commute is the journey that you make when you commute. (mainly AM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The average Los Angeles commute is over 60 miles a day.</font><br><br>If a death sentence or prison sentence is commuted to a less serious punishment, it is changed to that punishment.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Prison sentences have been commuted.</font><br>

Q: <b> bypass <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5baipB:s; (us) 5baipAs</font>]</b><br>

A: If you bypass someone or something that you would normally have to get involved with, you ignore them, often because you want to achieve something more quickly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A growing number of employers are trying to bypass the unions altogether.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Regulators worry that controls could easily be bypassed.</font><br><font color=red>= sidestep</font><br><br>A bypass is a surgical operation performed on or near the heart, in which the flow of blood is redirected so that it does not flow through a part of the heart which is diseased or blocked.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...heart bypass surgery.</font><br><br>If a surgeon bypasses a diseased artery or other part of the body, he or she performs an operation so that blood or other bodily fluids do not flow through it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Small veins are removed from the leg and used to bypass the blocked up stretch of coronary arteries.</font><br><br>A bypass is a main road which takes traffic around the edge of a town rather than through its centre.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A new bypass around the city is being built.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Hereford bypass.</font><br><br>If a road bypasses a place, it goes around it rather than through it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; for new roads to bypass cities.</font><br><br>If you bypass a place when you are travelling, you avoid going through it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The rebel forces simply bypassed Zwedru on their way further south.</font><br>

Q: <b> calculate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kAlkjuleit</font>]</b><br>

A: If you calculate a number or amount, you discover it from information that you already have, by using arithmetic, mathematics, or a special machine.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;From this you can calculate the total mass in the Galaxy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We calculate that the average size farm in Lancaster County is 65 acres.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A computer calculates by switching currents on or off.</font><br><font color=red>= work out</font><br><br>If you calculate the effects of something, especially a possible course of action, you think about them in order to form an opinion or decide what to do.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I believe I am capable of calculating the political consequences accurately.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The President is calculating that this will somehow relieve the international pressure on him.</font><br>

Q: <b> distinguish <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5tiNgwiF</font>]</b><br>

A: If you can distinguish one thing from another, you can see or understand the difference between them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Could he distinguish right from wrong?.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Research suggests that babies learn to see by distinguishing between areas of light and dark.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is necessary to distinguish the policies of two successive governments.</font><br><font color=red>= tell apart</font><br><br>A feature or quality that distinguishes one thing from another causes the two things to be regarded as different, because only the first thing has the feature or quality.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is something about music that distinguishes it from all other art forms.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The bird has no distinguishing features.</font><br><font color=red>= set apart</font><br><br>If you can distinguish something, you can see, hear, or taste it although it is very difficult to detect. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There were cries, calls. He could distinguish voices.</font><br><font color=red>= make out</font><br><br>If you distinguish yourself, you do something that makes you famous or important.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Over the next few years he distinguished himself as a leading constitutional scholar.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They distinguished themselves at the Battle of Assaye.</font><br>

Q: <b> conceive <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5si:v</font>]</b><br>

A: If you cannot conceive of something, you cannot imagine it or believe it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I just can't even conceive of that quantity of money.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was immensely ambitious but unable to conceive of winning power for himself.</font><br><br>If you conceive something as a particular thing, you consider it to be that thing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The ancients conceived the earth as afloat in water.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We conceive of the family as being in a constant state of change.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Elvis conceived of himself as a ballad singer.</font><br><br>If you conceive a plan or idea, you think of it and work out how it can be done.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She had conceived the idea of a series of novels, each of which would reveal some aspect of Chinese life.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He conceived of the first truly portable computer in 1968.</font><br><br>When a woman conceives, she becomes pregnant.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Women, he says, should give up alcohol before they plan to conceive.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;About one in six couples has difficulty conceiving.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A mother who already has non-identical twins is more likely to conceive another set of twins.</font><br>

Q: <b> conceal <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5si:l</font>]</b><br>

A: If you conceal something, you cover it or hide it carefully.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Frances decided to conceal the machine behind a hinged panel.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Five people were arrested for carrying concealed weapons.</font><br><br>If you conceal a piece of information or a feeling, you do not let other people know about it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Robert could not conceal his relief.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She knew at once that he was concealing something from her.</font><br><font color=red><> reveal</font><br><br>If something conceals something else, it covers it and prevents it from being seen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a pair of carved Indian doors which conceal a built-in cupboard...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The hat concealed her hair.</font><br>

Q: <b> carve <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kB:v</font>]</b><br>

A: If you carve an object, you make it by cutting it out of a substance such as wood or stone. If you carve something such as wood or stone into an object, you make the object by cutting it out.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One of the prisoners has carved a beautiful wooden chess set.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He carves his figures from white pine.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I picked up a piece of wood and started carving.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...carved stone figures.</font><br>See also carving.<br><font color=red>= sculpt</font><br><br>If you carve writing or a design on an object, you cut it into the surface of the object.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He carved his name on his desk.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The ornately carved doors were made in the seventeenth century.</font><br><br>If you carve a piece of cooked meat, you cut slices from it so that you can eat it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Andrew began to carve the chicken.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Carve the beef into slices.</font><br><br>If you carve a career or a niche for yourself, you succeed in getting the career or the position that you want by your own efforts.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She has carved a niche for herself as a comic actor.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They may be loyally standing by their men, but they are also carving their own careers.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The girl from nowhere clearly means to carve herself a place in history.</font><br><br>Carve out means the same as carve.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;H </b></font><br>

Q: <b> chew up <br>CHEW UP </b><br>

A: If you chew food up, you chew it until it is completely crushed or soft.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I took one of the pills and chewed it up.</font><br><br>If something is chewed up, it has been destroyed or damaged in some way. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Every spring the ozone is chewed up, and the hole appears.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...rebels who are now chewing up Government-held territory...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This town is notorious for chewing people up and spitting them out.</font><br>

Q: <b> chew out <br>CHEW OUT </b><br>

A: If you chew someone out, you tell them off in a very angry way. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He chewed out the player, who apologized the next time I saw him.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When Tom got back to Dallas, Perot called him over and chewed him out.</font><br>

Q: <b> chew over <br>CHEW OVER </b><br>

A: If you chew something over, you keep thinking about it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He tends to chew things over too much in his mind.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Goldstone chewed over the idea further.</font><br>

Q: <b> choke back <br>CHOKE BACK </b><br>

A: If you choke back tears or a strong emotion, you force yourself not to show your emotion.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Choking back tears, he said Mary died in his arms.</font><br><font color=red>= suppress</font><br>

Q: <b> chuck away <br>CHUCK AWAY </b><br>

A: If you chuck something away, you throw it away or waste it. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You cannot chuck money away on little luxuries like that.</font><br>

Q: <b> chuck out <br>CHUCK OUT </b><br>

A: If you chuck something out, you throw it away, because you do not need it or cannot use it. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many companies have struggled valiantly to use less energy and chuck out less rubbish.</font><br><font color=red>= throw away</font><br><br>If a person is chucked out of a job, a place, or their home, they are forced by other people to leave. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Any head teacher who made errors like this would be chucked out.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was chucked out of my London flat in 1960.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her parents are going to chuck her out on the street.</font><br>

Q: <b> clinch <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">klintF</font>]</b><br>

A: If you clinch something you are trying to achieve, such as a business deal or victory in a contest, you succeed in obtaining it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hibernian clinched the First Division title when they beat Hamilton 2-0.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This has fuelled speculation that he is about to clinch a deal with an American engine manufacturer.</font><br><font color=red>= secure</font><br><br>The thing that clinches an uncertain matter settles it or provides a definite answer.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Evidently this information clinched the matter.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That was the clue which clinched it for us.</font><br><br>If two people who love each other are in a clinch, they are holding each other tightly. (JOURNALISM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They were caught in a clinch when their parents returned home unexpectedly.</font><br>

Q: <b> cling <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kliN</font>]</b><br>

A: If you cling to someone or something, you hold onto them tightly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Another man was rescued as he clung to the riverbank.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She had to cling onto the door handle until the pain passed.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They hugged each other, clinging together under the lights.</font><br><br>If someone clings to a position or a possession they have, they do everything they can to keep it even though this may be very difficult.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Instead, he appears determined to cling to power.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Another minister clung on with a majority of only 18.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Japan's productivity has overtaken America in some industries, but elsewhere the United States has clung on to its lead.</font><br><br>Clothes that cling to you stay pressed against your body when you move.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His sodden trousers were clinging to his shins.</font><br><font color=red>* clinging </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...clinging black garments.</font><br><br>Something that is clinging to something else is stuck on it or just attached to it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her glass had bits of orange clinging to the rim.</font><br><br>If someone clings to a person they are fond of, they do not allow that person to be free or independent.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was terrified he would leave me, so I was clinging to him.</font><br><font color=red>* clinging </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was anxious not to appear clinging.</font><br><br>If you cling to an idea or way of behaving, you continue to believe in its value or importance, even though it may no longer be valid or useful.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They know scholars reject their legend, but they still cling to their belief.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They're clinging to the past.</font><br>

Q: <b> innocence <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5inEsns</font>]</b><br>

A: Innocence is the quality of having no experience or knowledge of the more complex or unpleasant aspects of life.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the sweet innocence of youth...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Youngsters are losing their childhood innocence too quickly.</font><br><br>If someone proves their innocence, they prove that they are not guilty of a crime.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He claims he has evidence which could prove his innocence.</font><br><font color=red><> guilt</font><br>

Q: <b> confuse <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5fju:z</font>]</b><br>

A: If you confuse two things, you get them mixed up, so that you think one of them is the other one.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Great care is taken to avoid confusing the two types of projects.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I can't see how anyone could confuse you with another!</font><br><font color=red>* confusion </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Use different colours of felt pen on your sketch to avoid confusion.</font><br><br>To confuse someone means to make it difficult for them to know exactly what is happening or what to do.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;German politics surprised and confused him.</font><br><font color=red>= bewilder</font><br><br>To confuse a situation means to make it complicated or difficult to understand.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;To further confuse the issue, there is an enormous variation in the amount of sleep people feel happy with.</font><br>

Q: <b> congratulate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5grAtjuleit</font>]</b><br>

A: If you congratulate someone, you say something to show you are pleased that something nice has happened to them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She congratulated him on the birth of his son.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was absolutely astonished by the reaction to our engagement. Everyone started congratulating us.</font><br><font color=red>* congratulation </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We have received many letters of congratulation.</font><br><br>If you congratulate someone, you praise them for something good that they have done.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I really must congratulate the organisers for a well run and enjoyable event.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We specifically wanted to congratulate certain players.</font><br><br>If you congratulate yourself, you are pleased about something that you have done or that has happened to you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Waterstone has every reason to congratulate himself.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Journalists have been congratulating themselves on the role the press has played in the investigations.</font><br>

Q: <b> console <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5sEul</font>]</b><br>

A: If you console someone who is unhappy about something, you try to make them feel more cheerful.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Never mind, Ned,' he consoled me.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Often they cry, and I have to play the role of a mother, consoling them.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He will have to console himself by reading about the success of his compatriots.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I can console myself with the fact that I'm not alone.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He consoled himself that Emmanuel looked like a nice boy, who could be a good playmate for his daughter.</font><br><font color=red>= comfort</font><br><font color=red>* consoling </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is not a consoling thought to Germans to see that Americans have the same kind of problem, too.</font><br><font color=red>= cheering</font><br><font color=red>* consolation consolations </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The only consolation for the Scottish theatre community is that they look likely to get another chance.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He knew then he was right, but it was no consolation.</font><br><font color=red>= comfort</font><br><br>A console is a panel with a number of switches or knobs that is used to operate a machine.<br>

Q: <b> consolidate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5sClideit</font>]</b><br>

A: If you consolidate something that you have, for example power or success, you strengthen it so that it becomes more effective or secure.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The question is: will the junta consolidate its power by force?.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Brydon's team-mate Martin Williamson consolidated his lead in the National League when he won the latest round.</font><br><font color=red>* consolidation </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;But change brought about the growth and consolidation of the working class.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Even if not total, the Romans' hold was sufficient for them to begin the task of consolidation.</font><br><br>To consolidate a number of small groups or firms means to make them into one large organization.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Judge Charles Schwartz is giving the state 60 days to disband and consolidate Louisiana's four higher education boards.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;IBM, which consolidated some operations last summer, has made clear that it needs to continue to streamline them.</font><br><font color=red>* consolidation consolidations </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This consolidation meant having to reduce the numerical strength of the Army.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Further consolidations in the industry could follow.</font><br>

Q: <b> contemplate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCntempleit</font>]</b><br>

A: If you contemplate an action, you think about whether to do it or not.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;For a time he contemplated a career as an army medical doctor.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She contemplates leaving for the sake of the kids.</font><br><font color=red>= consider</font><br><br>If you contemplate an idea or subject, you think about it carefully for a long time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As he lay in his hospital bed that night, he cried as he contemplated his future.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That makes it difficult to contemplate the idea that the present policy may not be sustainable.</font><br><font color=red>* contemplation </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is a place of quiet contemplation.</font><br><br>If you contemplate something or someone, you look at them for a long time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He contemplated his hands, still frowning.</font><br><font color=red>* contemplation </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was lost in the contemplation of the landscape for a while.</font><br>

Q: <b> creep up on <br>CREEP UP ON </b><br>

A: If you creep up on someone, you move slowly closer to them without being seen by them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They'll creep up on you while you're asleep.</font><br><br>If a feeling or state creeps up on you, you hardly notice that it is beginning to affect you or happen to you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The desire to be a mother may creep up on you unexpectedly.</font><br>

Q: <b> Jul. <br>JUL. </b><br>

A: Jul.<br>Jul. is a written abbreviation for July.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Eat before Jul 14' was stamped on the label.</font><br>

Q: <b> Jun. <br>JUN. </b><br>

A: Jun.<br>Jun. is a written abbreviation for June.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Wed 21 Jun.</font><br>

Q: <b> cultivate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kQltiveit</font>]</b><br>

A: If you cultivate land or crops, you prepare land and grow crops on it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She also cultivated a small garden of her own.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the few patches of cultivated land.</font><br><font color=red>* cultivation </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the cultivation of fruits and vegetables...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Farmers with many acres under cultivation profited.</font><br><br>If you cultivate an attitude, image, or skill, you try hard to develop it and make it stronger or better.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has written eight books and has cultivated the image of an elder statesman.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cultivating a positive mental attitude towards yourself can reap tremendous benefits.</font><br><font color=red>* cultivation </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the cultivation of a positive approach to life and health.</font><br><br>If you cultivate someone or cultivate a friendship with them, you try hard to develop a friendship with them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Howe carefully cultivated Daniel C. Roper, the Assistant Postmaster General.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Estonia has done much to cultivate the friendship of western European countries.</font><br>

Q: <b> curb <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kE:b</font>]</b><br>

A: If you curb something, you control it and keep it within limits.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...advertisements aimed at curbing the spread of Aids...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Inflation needs to be curbed in Russia.</font><br><font color=red>= check, restrain</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He called for much stricter curbs on immigration.</font><br><br>If you curb an emotion or your behaviour, you keep it under control.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He curbed his temper.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You must curb your extravagant tastes.</font><br><font color=red>= check, restrain</font><br>

Q: <b> curse <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kE:s</font>]</b><br>

A: If you curse, you use rude or offensive language, usually because you are angry about something. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I cursed and hobbled to my feet.</font><br><font color=red>= swear</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He shot her an angry look and a curse.</font><br><br>If you curse someone, you say insulting things to them because you are angry with them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Grandma protested, but he cursed her and rudely pushed her aside.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He cursed himself for having been so careless.</font><br><br>If you curse something, you complain angrily about it, especially using rude language.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;So we set off again, cursing the delay, towards the west.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She silently cursed her own stupidity.</font><br><br>If you say that there is a curse on someone, you mean that there seems to be a supernatural power causing unpleasant things to happen to them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Maybe there is a curse on my family.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's been the object of a voodoo curse.</font><br><br>You can refer to something that causes a great deal of trouble or harm as a curse.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Apathy is the long-standing curse of British local democracy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Summer colds are a terrible curse.</font><br><font color=red>= plague</font><br>

Q: <b> dash <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dAF</font>]</b><br>

A: If you dash somewhere, you run or go there quickly and suddenly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Suddenly she dashed down to the cellar.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She dashed in from the garden.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a 160-mile dash to hospital.</font><br><br>If you say that you have to dash, you mean that you are in a hurry and have to leave immediately. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Oh, Tim! I'm sorry but I have to dash.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;See you tomorrow night. Must dash now.</font><br><font color=red>= rush</font><br><br>A dash of something is a small quantity of it which you add when you are preparing food or mixing a drink.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Pour over olive oil and a dash of balsamic vinegar to accentuate the sweetness.</font><br><br>A dash of a quality is a small amount of it that is found in something and often makes it more interesting or distinctive.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a story with a dash of mystery thrown in.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...A fake fur collar or cuff adds a dash of glamour to even the simplest style.</font><br><br>If you dash something somewhere, you throw or push it violently, often so hard that it breaks. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She seized the doll and dashed it against the stone wall with tremendous force.</font><br> </b></font><br>

Q: <b> defy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5fai</font>]</b><br>

A: If you defy someone or something that is trying to make you behave in a particular way, you refuse to obey them and behave in that way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This was the first (and last) time that I dared to defy my mother.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nearly eleven-thousand people have been arrested for defying the ban on street trading.</font><br><br>If you defy someone to do something, you challenge them to do it when you think that they will be unable to do it or too frightened to do it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I defy you to come up with one major accomplishment of the current Prime Minister.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He looked at me as if he was defying me to argue.</font><br><font color=red>= dare</font><br><br>If something defies description or understanding, it is so strange, extreme, or surprising that it is almost impossible to understand or explain.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When the flowers open in spring they fill the night air with a fragrance that defies description.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's a devastating and barbaric act that defies all comprehension.</font><br><br>If you say that someone defies their age, or defies the years, you mean that their appearance or behaviour suggests that they are younger than they really are.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The singer continues to defy her age by wearing the scantiest of outfits.</font><br>

Q: <b> descend <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5send</font>]</b><br>

A: If you descend or if you descend a staircase, you move downwards from a higher to a lower level. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Things are cooler and more damp as we descend to the cellar.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She walked over to the carpeted stairs at the end of the corridor and descended one flight.</font><br><font color=red>= go down <> rise</font><br><br>When a mood or atmosphere descends on a place or on the people there, it affects them by spreading among them. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;An uneasy calm descended on the area.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A reverent hush descended on the multitude.</font><br><font color=red>= fall</font><br><br>If a large group of people arrive to see you, especially if their visit is unexpected or causes you a lot of work, you can say that they have descended on you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some 3,000 city officials will descend on Capitol Hill on Tuesday to lobby for more money.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Curious tourists and reporters from around the globe are descending upon the peaceful villages.</font><br><font color=red>= invade</font><br><br>When night, dusk, or darkness descends, it starts to get dark. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Darkness has now descended and the moon and stars shine hazily in the clear sky.</font><br><font color=red>= fall</font><br><br>If you say that someone descends to behaviour which you consider unacceptable, you are expressing your disapproval of the fact that they do it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We're not going to descend to such methods.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She's got too much dignity to descend to writing anonymous letters.</font><br><font color=red>= stoop, sink</font><br><br>When you want to emphasize that the situation that someone is entering is very bad, you can say that they are descending into that situation.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was ultimately overthrown and the country descended into chaos.</font><br><font color=red>= fall, slide</font><br>

Q: <b> justified <br>JUSTIFIED </b><br>

A: If you describe a decision, action, or idea as justified, you think it is reasonable and acceptable.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In my opinion, the decision was wholly justified.</font><br><br>If you think that someone is justified in doing something, you think that their reasons for doing it are good and valid.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's absolutely justified in resigning. He was treated shamefully.</font><br>

Q: <b> heroic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">hi5rEuik</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe a person or their actions as heroic, you admire them because they show extreme bravery.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The heroic sergeant risked his life to rescue 29 fishermen from their blazing trawler.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His heroic deeds were celebrated in every corner of India.</font><br><font color=red>= courageous</font><br><font color=red>* heroically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had acted heroically during the liner's evacuation.</font><br><br>If you describe an action or event as heroic, you admire it because it involves great effort or determination to succeed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The company has made heroic efforts at cost reduction.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He finally faltered in the last game of a heroic match.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their dogged single-mindedness is almost heroic.</font><br><font color=red>* heroically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Single parents cope heroically in doing the job of two people.</font><br><br>Heroic means being or relating to the hero of a story.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the book's central, heroic figure.</font><br><br>Heroics are actions involving bravery, courage, or determination.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the man whose aerial heroics helped save the helicopter pilot...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;England need heroics from the captain now.</font><br><br>If you describe someone's actions or plans as heroics, you think that they are foolish or dangerous because they are too difficult or brave for the situation in which they occur. (SPOKEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He said his advice was: `No heroics, stay within the law'.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cut it out, Perry. You've performed your heroics. It's all over now.</font><br>

Q: <b> distinguished <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5tiNgwiFt</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe a person or their work as distinguished, you mean that they have been very successful in their career and have a good reputation.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a distinguished academic family.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a distinguished career.</font><br><font color=red>= illustrious</font><br><br>If you describe someone as distinguished, you mean that they look very noble and respectable.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His suit was immaculately cut and he looked very distinguished.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a distinguished gentleman.</font><br>

Q: <b> fragile <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5frAdVail</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe a situation as fragile, you mean that it is weak or uncertain, and unlikely to be able to resist strong pressure or attack. (JOURNALISM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The fragile economies of several southern African nations could be irreparably damaged.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Prime Minister's fragile government was on the brink of collapse.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His overall condition remained fragile.</font><br><font color=red>= unstable</font><br><font color=red>* fragility </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;By mid-1988 there were clear indications of the extreme fragility of the Right-wing coalition.</font><br><br>Something that is fragile is easily broken or damaged.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He leaned back in his fragile chair.</font><br><font color=red><> sturdy</font><br><font color=red>* fragility </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Older drivers are more likely to be seriously injured because of the fragility of their bones.</font><br><br>Something that is fragile is very delicate or fine in appearance.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The haircut emphasised her fragile beauty.</font><br><font color=red>= delicate</font><br><br>If someone feels fragile, they feel weak, for example because they are ill or have drunk too much alcohol.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He felt irritated and strangely fragile, as if he were recovering from a severe bout of flu.</font><br>

Q: <b> extremist <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">iks5tri:mist</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe someone as an extremist, you disapprove of them because they try to bring about political change by using violent or extreme methods.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He said the country needed a strong intelligence service to counter espionage, terrorism and foreign extremists.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A previously unknown extremist group has said it carried out Friday's bomb attack.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a marked rise in extremist violence.</font><br><br>If you say that someone has extremist views, you disapprove of them because they believe in bringing about change by using violent or extreme methods.<br>

Q: <b> articulate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">B:5tikjulit</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe someone as articulate, you mean that they are able to express their thoughts and ideas easily and well.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She is an articulate young woman.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The child was unable to offer an articulate description of what she had witnessed.</font><br><font color=red>* articulacy </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;To start a revolution, you need discipline, incisiveness and articulacy.</font><br><br>When you articulate your ideas or feelings, you express them clearly in words. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The president has been accused of failing to articulate an overall vision in foreign affairs.</font><br><br>If you articulate something, you say it very clearly, so that each word or syllable can be heard.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He articulated each syllable.</font><br>

Q: <b> cynical <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5sinikEl</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe someone as cynical, you mean they believe that people always act selfishly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...his cynical view of the world.</font><br><font color=red><> idealistic</font><br><font color=red>* cynically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As a backpacker said cynically, `He's probably pocketed the difference!'</font><br><br>If you are cynical about something, you do not believe that it can be successful or that the people involved are honest.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's hard not to be cynical about reform.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It has also made me more cynical about relationships.</font><br>

Q: <b> dynamic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dai5nAmik</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe someone as dynamic, you approve of them because they are full of energy or full of new and exciting ideas.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He seemed a dynamic and energetic leader.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Marcus was handsome, dynamic and ambitious.</font><br><font color=red>* dynamically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's one of the most dynamically imaginative jazz pianists still functioning.</font><br><br>If you describe something as dynamic, you approve of it because it is very active and energetic.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;South Asia continues to be the most dynamic economic region in the world.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...90 minutes of dynamic Indian folk dance.</font><br><br>A dynamic process is one that constantly changes and progresses.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a dynamic, evolving worldwide epidemic...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Political debate is dynamic.</font><br><font color=red><> static</font><br><font color=red>* dynamically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Germany has a dynamically growing market at home.</font><br><br>The dynamic of a system or process is the force that causes it to change or progress.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The dynamic of the market demands constant change and adjustment.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Politics has its own dynamic.</font><br><br>The dynamics of a situation or group of people are the opposing forces within it that cause it to change.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What is needed is insight into the dynamics of the social system.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The interchange of ideas aids an understanding of family dynamics.</font><br><br>Dynamics are forces which produce power or movement. (TECHNICAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Scientists observe the same dynamics in fluids.</font><br><br>Dynamics is the scientific study of motion, energy, and forces.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His idea was to apply geometry to dynamics.</font><br>

Q: <b> helpful <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5helpful</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe someone as helpful, you mean that they help you in some way, such as doing part of your job for you or by giving you advice or information.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The staff in the London office are helpful but only have limited information.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;James is a very helpful and cooperative lad.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thank you, you've been most helpful.</font><br><font color=red>* helpfully </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They had helpfully provided us with instructions on how to find the house.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Perhaps you could check the book?' Moira said helpfully.</font><br><font color=red>* helpfulness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The level of expertise and helpfulness is far higher in smaller shops.</font><br><br>If you describe information or advice as helpful, you mean that it is useful for you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The catalog includes helpful information on the different bike models available.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The following information may be helpful to readers.</font><br><font color=red><> unhelpful</font><br><br>Something that is helpful makes a situation more pleasant or more easy to tolerate.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A predominantly liquid diet for a day or two may be helpful.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is often helpful to have your spouse in the room when major news is expected.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Group discussion is also immensely helpful in convincing patients that they can choose a course that feels right to them.</font><br>

Q: <b> mean 2 <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mi:n, min</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe someone as mean, you are being critical of them because they are unwilling to spend much money or to use very much of a particular thing. (mainly BRIT; in AM use cheap or stingy)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Don't be mean with fabric, otherwise curtains will end up looking skimpy.</font><br><font color=red>= stingy</font><br><font color=red>* meanness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This very careful attitude to money can sometimes border on meanness.</font><br><br>If you describe an amount as mean, you are saying that it is very small. (BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the meanest grant possible from the local council.</font><br><br>If someone is being mean, they are being unkind to another person, for example by not allowing them to do something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The little girls had locked themselves in upstairs because Mack had been mean to them.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'd feel mean saying no.</font><br><font color=red>= unkind</font><br><font color=red>* meanly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had been behaving very meanly to his girlfriend.</font><br><br>If you describe a person or animal as mean, you are saying that they are very bad-tempered and cruel. (mainly AM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The state's former commissioner of prisons once called Leonard the meanest man he'd ever seen.</font><br><font col </b></font><br>

Q: <b> naive <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">nB:5i:v</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe someone as naive, you think they lack experience and so expect things to be easy or people to be honest or kind.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's naive to think that teachers are always tolerant.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I must have been naive to think we would get my parents' blessing.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...naive idealists...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their view was that he had been politically naive.</font><br><font color=red>= unrealistic</font><br><font color=red>* naively </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...naively applying Western solutions to Eastern problems...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I thought, naively, that this would be a nine-to five job.</font><br><font color=red>* naivety </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was alarmed by his naivety and ignorance of international affairs.</font><br>

Q: <b> bland <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">blAnd</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe someone or something as bland, you mean that they are rather dull and unexciting.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Serle has a blander personality than Howard.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It sounds like an advert: easy on the ear but bland and forgettable.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a bland, 12-storey office block.</font><br><font color=red>* blandness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the blandness of television.</font><br><br>Food that is bland has very little flavour.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It tasted bland and insipid, like warmed cardboard.</font><br>

Q: <b> convincing <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5vinsiN</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe someone or something as convincing, you mean that they make you believe that a particular thing is true, correct, or genuine.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Scientists say there is no convincing evidence that power lines have anything to do with cancer.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He sounded very convincing.</font><br><font color=red>= plausible <> unconvincing</font><br><font color=red>* convincingly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He argued forcefully and convincingly that they were likely to bankrupt the budget.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Benito Garozzo won convincingly.</font><br><font color=red><> unconvincingly</font><br>

Q: <b> dull <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dQl</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe someone or something as dull, you mean they are not interesting or exciting.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They are both nice people but can be rather dull.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I felt she found me boring and dull.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The documentary lasts for more than two-and-a-half hours, and there is scarcely a dull minute.</font><br><font color=red>= boring <> lively</font><br><font color=red>* dullness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They enjoy anything that breaks the dullness of their routine life.</font><br><br>Someone or something that is dull is not very lively or energetic.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The body's natural rhythms mean we all feel dull and sleepy between 1 and 3pm.</font><br><font color=red>= sluggish</font><br><font color=red>* dully </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His giant face had a rough growth of stubble, his eyes looked dully ahead.</font><br><font color=red>* dullness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Did you notice any unusual depression or dullness of mind?</font><br><br>A dull colour or light is not bright.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The stamp was a dark, dull blue colour with a heavy black postmark.</font><br><font color=red>= sombre</font><br><font color=red>* dully </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The street lamps gleamed dully through the night's mist.</font><br><br>You say the weather is dull when it </b></font><br>

Q: <b> glamorous <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5glAmErEs</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe someone or something as glamorous, you mean that they are more attractive, exciting, or interesting than ordinary people or things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...some of the world's most beautiful and glamorous women...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The south coast is less glamorous but full of clean and attractive hotels.</font><br>

Q: <b> imposing <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">im5pEuziN</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe someone or something as imposing, you mean that they have an impressive appearance or manner.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was an imposing man.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the imposing wrought-iron gates at the entrance to the estate.</font><br>

Q: <b> legendary <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5ledVEndEri</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe someone or something as legendary, you mean that they are very famous and that many stories are told about them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the legendary Jazz singer Adelaide Hall...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His political skill is legendary.</font><br><br>A legendary person, place, or event is mentioned or described in an old legend.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The hill is supposed to be the resting place of the legendary King Lud.</font><br>

Q: <b> imaginative <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">i5mAdVinEtiv</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe someone or their ideas as imaginative, you are praising them because they are easily able to think of or create new or exciting things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; imaginative writer.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...hundreds of cooking ideas and imaginative recipes...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They should adopt a more imaginative approach and investigate alternative uses for their property.</font><br><font color=red>= inventive <> unimaginative</font><br><font color=red>* imaginatively </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The hotel is decorated imaginatively and attractively.</font><br>

Q: <b> hardline <br>HARDLINE </b><br>

A: If you describe someone's policy or attitude as hardline, you mean that it is strict or extreme, and they refuse to change it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The United States has taken a lot of criticism for its hard-line stance.</font><br>

Q: <b> devastating <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5devEsteitiN</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe something as devastating, you are emphasizing that it is very harmful or damaging.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The city of Ormac took the full force of the winds and devastating floods.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Affairs do have a devastating effect on marriages.</font><br><br>You can use devastating to emphasize that something is very shocking, upsetting, or terrible.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The diagnosis was devastating. She had cancer.</font><br><br>You can use devastating to emphasize that something or someone is very impressive.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He returned to his best with a devastating display of galloping and jumping.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was devastating, if I do say so myself.</font><br><font color=red>* devastatingly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Its advertising is devastatingly successful.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was charming and devastatingly beautiful too.</font><br>

Q: <b> first-class <br>FIRST-CLASS </b><br>

A: If you describe something or someone as first-class, you mean that they are extremely good and of the highest quality.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The food was first-class.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She has a first-class brain and is a damned good writer.</font><br><font color=red>= first-rate</font><br><br>You use first-class to describe something that is in the group that is considered to be of the highest standard.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He officially announced his retirement from first-class cricket yesterday.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Harriet graduated with a first class degree in literature.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Altea is a newly built first-class hotel.</font><br><br>First-class accommodation on a train, aeroplane, or ship is the best and most expensive type of accommodation.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a first-class carriage...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He won himself two first-class tickets to fly to Dublin.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...first-class passengers.</font><br><br>Also an adverb.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She had never flown first class before.</font><br><br>First-class is the first-class accommodation on a train, aeroplane, or ship.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He paid for and was assigned a cabin in first class.</font><br><br>In Britain, first-class postage is the quicker and more expensive type of postage. In the United States, first-class postage is the type of postage that is used for sending letters and postcards.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Two first class stamps, please.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The price of mailing a first-class letter will not be increasing this year.</font><br><br>Also an adverb.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It took six days to arrive despite being p </b></font><br>

Q: <b> dubious <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dju:bjEs</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe something as dubious, you mean that you do not consider it to be completely honest, safe, or reliable.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This claim seems to us to be rather dubious.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Soho was still a highly dubious area.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Those figures alone are a dubious basis for such a conclusion.</font><br><font color=red>= questionable</font><br><font color=red>* dubiously </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Carter was dubiously convicted of shooting three white men in a bar.</font><br><br>If you are dubious about something, you are not completely sure about it and have not yet made up your mind about it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My parents were a bit dubious about it all at first but we soon convinced them.</font><br><font color=red>= uncertain</font><br><font color=red>* dubiously </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He eyed Coyne dubiously.</font><br><br>If you say that someone has the dubious honour or the dubious pleasure of doing something, you are indicating that what they are doing is not an honour or pleasure at all, but is, in fact, unpleasant or bad.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nagy has the dubious honour of being the first athlete to be banned in this way.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;El Salvador has earned the dubious distinction of having the worst soil erosion in continental America.</font><br>

Q: <b> exclusive <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">iks5klu:siv</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe something as exclusive, you mean that it is limited to people who have a lot of money or who belong to a high social class, and is therefore not available to everyone.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is already a member of Britain's most exclusive club.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The City was criticised for being too exclusive and uncompetitive.</font><br><font color=red>* exclusiveness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a rising middle class, which objected to the exclusiveness of the traditional elite.</font><br><font color=red>* exclusivity </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;While residents enjoy the exclusivity of their homes, they take more pride in their advanced degrees and ambitious jobs.</font><br><br>Something that is exclusive is used or owned by only one person or group, and not shared with anyone else.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Our group will have exclusive use of a 60-foot boat.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many of their cheeses are exclusive to our stores in Britain.</font><br><font color=red>* exclusivity </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Only 250 are to be sold in Europe, so exclusivity is guaranteed.</font><br><br>If a newspaper, magazine, or broadcasting organization describes one of its reports as exclusive, they mean that it is a special report which does not appear in any other publication or on any other channel.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He told the magazine in an exclusive interview: `All my problems stem from drink'.</font><br><br>An exclusive is an exclusive article or repor </b></font><br>

Q: <b> foul <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">faul</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe something as foul, you mean it is dirty and smells or tastes unpleasant.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...foul polluted water...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The pot-pourri of smells in the air was quite foul.</font><br><font color=red>= disgusting</font><br><br>Foul language is offensive and contains swear words or rude words.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was sent off for using foul language in a match last Sunday.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had a foul mouth.</font><br><font color=red>= filthy</font><br><br>If someone has a foul temper or is in a foul mood, they become angry or violent very suddenly and easily.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Collins was in a foul mood even before the interviews began.</font><br><font color=red>= bad</font><br><br>Foul weather is unpleasant, windy, and stormy.<br><br>If a place is fouled by someone or something, they make it dirty.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A village's entire beach and harbor can be fouled by a single rotting whale.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Two oil-related accidents near Los Angeles have fouled the ocean and the skies there.</font><br><br>If an animal fouls a place, it drops faeces onto the ground.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is an offence to let your dog foul a footpath.</font><br><font color=g </b></font><br>

Q: <b> infinite <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5infinit</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe something as infinite, you are emphasizing that it is extremely great in amount or degree.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; infinite variety of landscapes...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;With infinite care, John shifted position.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The choice is infinite.</font><br><font color=red>= immense</font><br><font color=red>* infinitely </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His design was infinitely better than anything I could have done.</font><br><br>Something that is infinite has no limit, end, or edge.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; infinite number of atoms...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Obviously, no company has infinite resources.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...God's infinite mercy.</font><br><font color=red>= boundless</font><br><br>The infinite is something which is infinite.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...pondering on the infinite.</font><br><font color=red>* infinitely </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A centimeter can be infinitely divided into smaller units.</font><br>

Q: <b> intriguing <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5tri:giN</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe something as intriguing, you mean that it is interesting or strange.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This intriguing book is both thoughtful and informative.</font><br><font color=red>= fascinating</font><br><font color=red>* intriguingly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the intriguingly-named newspaper Le Canard Enchaine (The Chained Duck).</font><br>

Q: <b> formidable <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fC:midEbl</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe something or someone as formidable, you mean that you feel slightly frightened by them because they are very great or impressive.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We have a formidable task ahead of us.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Marsalis has a formidable reputation in both jazz and classical music.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She looked every bit as formidable as her mother.</font><br><font color=red>= daunting</font><br><font color=red>* formidably </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sofia was attractive and formidably intelligent.</font><br>

Q: <b> invisible <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5vizEbl</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe something as invisible, you mean that it cannot be seen, for example because it is transparent, hidden, or very small.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The lines were so finely etched as to be invisible from a distance.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The belt is invisible even under the thinnest garments.</font><br><font color=red><> visible</font><br><font color=red>* invisibly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A thin coil of smoke rose almost invisibly into the sharp, bright sky.</font><br><br>You can use invisible when you are talking about something that cannot be seen but has a definite effect. In this sense, invisible is often used before a noun which refers to something that can usually be seen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All the time you are in doubt about the cause of your illness, you are fighting against an invisible enemy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her father's face had suddenly tightened as though he was being strangled by invisible hands.</font><br><font color=red>* invisibly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the tradition that invisibly shapes things in the present.</font><br><br>If you say that you feel invisible, you are complaining that you are being ignored by other people. If you say that a particular problem or situation is invisible, you are complaining that it is not being considered or dealt with.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was strange, how invisible a clerk could feel.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The problems of the poor are largely invisible.</font><br><font color=red>* invisibility </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She takes up the issue of the invisibility of women and women's concerns in society.</font><br><br>In stories, invisible people or things have a magic quality which makes people unable to see them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...The Invisible Man.</font><br><br>In economics, invisible earnings are the money that a country makes as a result of services such as banking and tourism, rather than by producing goods. (TECHNICAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The revenue from tourism is the biggest single item in the country's invisible earnings.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The invisible trade surplus was {Pound}900 million lower than reported.</font><br><font color=red><> visible</font><br><br>Invisibles are services such as banking and tourism, </b></font><br>

Q: <b> lavish <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lAviF</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe something as lavish, you mean that it is very elaborate and impressive and a lot of money has been spent on it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a lavish party to celebrate Bryan's fiftieth birthday...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He staged the most lavish productions of Mozart.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The sets and costumes are lavish.</font><br><font color=red>= grand</font><br><font color=red>* lavishly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the train's lavishly furnished carriages.</font><br><br>If you say that spending, praise, or the use of something is lavish, you mean that someone spends a lot or that something is praised or used a lot.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Critics attack his lavish spending and flamboyant style.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The book drew lavish praise from literary critics.</font><br><font color=red>= extravagant</font><br><br>If you say that someone is lavish, you mean that they give, spend, or use a lot of something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;American reviewers are lavish in their praise of this book.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was always a lavish spender.</font><br><font color=red>* lavishly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Entertaining in style needn't mean spending lavishly.</font><br><br>If you lavish money, affection, or praise on someone or something, you spend a lot of money on them or give them a lot of affection or praise.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Prince Sadruddin lavished praise on Britain's contributions to world diplomacy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The emperor promoted the general and lavished him with gifts.</font><br>

Q: <b> marginal <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mB:dVinEl</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe something as marginal, you mean that it is small or not very important.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This is a marginal improvement on October.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The role of the opposition party proved marginal.</font><br><br>If you describe people as marginal, you mean that they are not involved in the main events or developments in society because they are poor or have no power.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The tribunals were established for the well-integrated members of society and not for marginal individuals.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I don't want to call him marginal, but he's not a major character.</font><br><font color=red><> mainstream</font><br><br>In political elections, a marginal seat or constituency is one which is usually won or lost by only a few votes, and is therefore of great interest to politicians and journalists. (BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the views of voters in five marginal seats.</font><br><br>A marginal is a marginal seat. (BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The votes in the marginals are those that really count.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The coalition won a majority of the vote but failed to win enough of the key marginals.</font><br><br>Marginal activities, costs, or taxes are not the main part of a business or an economic system, but often make the difference between its success or failure, and are therefore important to control.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The analysts applaud the cuts in marginal businesses, but insist the company must make deeper sacrifices.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;For low-paid workers, the marginal tax rate is at least 75%.</font><br><br>Marginal land is not very good for growing crops or grass for animals. (TECHNICAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The poor are forced to farm in more marginal lands higher up the mountains.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...helping farmers, so they do not have to exploit marginal lands.</font><br>

Q: <b> meaningful <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mi:niNful</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe something as meaningful, you mean that it is serious, important, or useful in some way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She believes these talks will be the start of a constructive and meaningful dialogue.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He asked people to tell him about a meaningful event or period in their lives.</font><br><font color=red>= significant</font><br><font color=red>* meaningfully </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This in effect denied them their right to participate meaningfully in elections.</font><br><font color=red>= significantly</font><br><br>A meaningful look or gesture is one that is intended to express something, usually to a particular person, without anything being said.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Upon the utterance of this word, Dan and Harry exchanged a quick, meaningful look.</font><br><font color=red>* meaningfully </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He glanced meaningfully at the other policeman, then he went up the stairs.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Who's your publisher?' --- `Lockett Press,' she said, and she raised an eyebrow meaningfully.</font><br>

Q: <b> misleading <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mis5li:diN</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe something as misleading, you mean that it gives you a wrong idea or impression.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It would be misleading to say that we were friends.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The article contains several misleading statements.</font><br><font color=red>* misleadingly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The data had been presented misleadingly.</font><br>

Q: <b> delightful <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5laitful</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe something or someone as delightful, you mean they are very pleasant.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was the most delightful garden I had ever seen.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She remembered Lucy as beautiful, charming and absolutely delightful.</font><br><font color=red>= agreeable</font><br><font color=red>* delightfully </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This delightfully refreshing cologne can be splashed on liberally.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...fine cheese and delightfully packaged foie gras.</font><br>

Q: <b> horrible <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hCrEbl</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe something or someone as horrible, you do not like them at all. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The record sounds horrible.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a horrible small boy.</font><br><font color=red>= horrid <> lovely</font><br><font color=red>* horribly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When trouble comes they behave selfishly and horribly.</font><br><br>You can call something horrible when it causes you to feel great shock, fear, and disgust.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Still the horrible shrieking came out of his mouth.</font><br><font color=red>= frightful</font><br><font color=red>* horribly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A two-year-old boy was horribly murdered.</font><br><br>Horrible is used to emphasize how bad something is.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That seems like a horrible mess that will drag on for years.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Unless you respect other people's religions, horrible mistakes and conflict will occur.</font><br><font color=red>= awful</font><br><font color=red>* horribly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Our plans have gone horribly wrong.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You got horribly drunk.</font><br>

Q: <b> irresistible <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7iri5zistEbl</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe something such as a desire or force as irresistible, you mean that it is so powerful that it makes you act in a certain way, and there is nothing you can do to prevent this.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It proved an irresistible temptation to Hall to go back.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...irresistible pressure from the financial markets...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They feel the case for change is irresistible.</font><br><font color=red>= overwhelming</font><br><font color=red>* irresistibly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I found myself irresistibly drawn to Steve's world.</font><br><br>If you describe something or someone as irresistible, you mean that they are so good or attractive that you cannot stop yourself from liking them or wanting them. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The music is irresistible.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...irresistible granary bread.</font><br><font color=red>* irresistibly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She had a gamine charm which men found irresistibly attractive.</font><br>

Q: <b> irrelevant <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">i5relivEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: If you describe something such as a fact or remark as irrelevant, you mean that it is not connected with what you are discussing or dealing with.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...irrelevant details...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The government decided that their testimony would be irrelevant to the case.</font><br><font color=red><> relevant</font><br><font color=red>* irrelevantly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She would have hated the suit, I thought irrelevantly.</font><br><br>If you say that something is irrelevant, you mean that it is not important in a situation.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their old hard-won skills were irrelevant.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The choice of subject matter is irrelevant.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He said politics has become increasingly irrelevant to most Americans.</font><br>

Q: <b> devise <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5vaiz</font>]</b><br>

A: If you devise a plan, system, or machine, you have the idea for it and design it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We devised a scheme to help him.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;New long-range objectives must be devised.</font><br>

Q: <b> devote <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5vEut</font>]</b><br>

A: If you devote yourself, your time, or your energy to something, you spend all or most of your time or energy on it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He decided to devote the rest of his life to scientific investigation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Considerable resources have been devoted to proving him a liar.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She gladly gave up her part-time job to devote herself entirely to her art.</font><br><font color=red>= dedicate</font><br><br>If you devote a particular proportion of a piece of writing or a speech to a particular subject, you deal with the subject in that amount of space or time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He devoted a major section of his massive report to an analysis of US aircraft design.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Page upon page is devoted to the chain of events leading to the Prime Minister's resignation.</font><br>

Q: <b> dictate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dik5teit</font>]</b><br>

A: If you dictate something, you say or read it aloud for someone else to write down.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sheldon writes every day of the week, dictating his novels in the morning.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Everything he dictated was signed and sent out the same day.</font><br><br>If someone dictates to someone else, they tell them what they should do or can do.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had warned the West against trying to dictate to the Soviet Union.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What right has one country to dictate the environmental standards of another?.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He cannot be allowed to dictate what can and cannot be inspected.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What gives them the right to dictate to us what we should eat?.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The officers were more or less able to dictate terms to successive governments.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The rules of court dictate that a defendant is entitled to all evidence which may help his case.</font><br><br>If one thing dictates another, the first thing causes or influences the second thing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The film's budget dictated a tough schedule.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The way in which they dress is dictated by very rigid fashion rules.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Of course, a number of factors will dictate how long an apple tree can survive.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Circumstances dictated that they played a defensive rather than attacking game.</font><br><br>You say that reason or common sense dictates that a particular thing is the case when you believe strongly that it is the case </b></font><br>

Q: <b> dine on <br>DINE ON </b><br>

A: If you dine on a particular sort of food, you have it for dinner. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My daughters could dine on caviar and champagne for the rest of their lives.</font><br>

Q: <b> dine out <br>DINE OUT </b><br>

A: If you dine out, you have dinner away from your home, usually at a restaurant.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She does not enjoy parties or dining out.</font><br>

Q: <b> made <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">meid</font>]</b><br>

A: Made is the past tense and past participle of make.<br><br>If something is made of or made out of a particular substance, that substance was used to build it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The top of the table is made of glass.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What is the statue made out of?</font><br><br>If you say that someone has it made or has got it made, you mean that they are certain to be rich or successful. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When I was at school, I thought I had it made.</font><br>

Q: <b> dip <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dip</font>]</b><br>

A: If you dip something into a liquid, you put it into the liquid for a short time, so that only part of it is covered, and take it out again.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They dip the food into the sauce.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Quickly dip the base in and out of cold water.</font><br><font color=red>= dunk</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One dip into the bottle should do an entire nail.</font><br><br>If you dip your hand into a container or dip into the container, you put your hand into it in order to take something out of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She dipped a hand into the jar of sweets and pulled one out.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Watch your fingers as you dip into the pot.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ask the children to guess what's in each container by dipping their hands in.</font><br><br>If something dips, it makes a downward movement, usually quite quickly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Blake jumped in expertly; the boat dipped slightly under his weight.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The sun dipped below the horizon.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I noticed little things, a dip of the head, a twitch in the shoulder.</font><br><br>If an area of land, a road, or a path dips, it goes down quite suddenly to a lower level.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The road dipped and rose again as it neared the top of Parker Mountain.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a path which suddenly dips down into a tunnel.</font><br><br </b></font><br>

Q: <b> disagree <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7disE5gri:</font>]</b><br>

A: If you disagree with someone or disagree with what they say, you do not accept that what they say is true or correct. You can also say that two people disagree.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You must continue to see them no matter how much you may disagree with them.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They can communicate even when they strongly disagree.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`I think it is inappropriate to put up a statue.'`Well, I disagree. We've got a statue for Churchill and Nelson.'.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The two men had disagreed about reincarnation.</font><br><font color=red><> agree</font><br><br>If you disagree with a particular action or proposal, you disapprove of it and believe that it is wrong. (mainly BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I respect the president but I disagree with his decision.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I disagree with drug laws in general.</font><br><font color=red>= oppose</font><br><br>If a particular food or drink disagrees with you, it makes you feel unwell.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Orange juice seems to disagree with some babies.</font><br>

Q: <b> discard <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5kB:d</font>]</b><br>

A: If you discard something, you get rid of it because you no longer want it or need it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Read the manufacturer's guidelines before discarding the box.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...looking for discarded cigarette butts.</font><br><font color=red>= dispose of</font><br>

Q: <b> disclose <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5klEuz</font>]</b><br>

A: If you disclose new or secret information, you tell people about it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Neither side would disclose details of the transaction.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The company disclosed that its chairman will step down in May.</font><br><font color=red>= reveal</font><br>

Q: <b> dislike <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5laik</font>]</b><br>

A: If you dislike someone or something, you consider them to be unpleasant and do not like them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Liver is a great favourite of his and we don't serve it often because so many people dislike it.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;David began to dislike all his television heroes who smoked.</font><br><br>Dislike is the feeling that you do not like someone or something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My dislike of thunder and even small earthquakes was due to Mother.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Years of dislike boiled over and blows were exchanged.</font><br><font color=red>= loathing</font><br><br>Your dislikes are the things that you do not like.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Consider what your likes and dislikes are about your job.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Strong irrational dislikes of other people can easily be picked up from others.</font><br><br>If you take a dislike to someone or something, you decide that you do not like them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I took a violent dislike to him.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He may suddenly take a dislike to foods that he's previously enjoyed.</font><br>

Q: <b> dismantle <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5mAntl</font>]</b><br>

A: If you dismantle a machine or structure, you carefully separate it into its different parts.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He asked for immediate help from the United States to dismantle the warheads.</font><br><br>To dismantle an organization or system means to cause it to stop functioning by gradually reducing its power or purpose.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...opposition to the president's policy of dismantling apartheid...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Public services of all kinds are being dismantled.</font><br>

Q: <b> dispose of <br>DISPOSE OF </b><br>

A: If you dispose of something that you no longer want or need, you throw it away.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Just fold up the nappy and dispose of it in the normal manner.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the safest means of disposing of nuclear waste...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Engine oil cannot be disposed of down drains.</font><br><font color=red>= discard</font><br><br>If you dispose of a problem, task, or question, you deal with it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You did us a great favour by the manner in which you disposed of that problem.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The justices have been arguing about how the case should be disposed of.</font><br><font color=red>= settle</font><br><br>To dispose of a person or an animal means to kill them. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He alleged that they had hired an assassin to dispose of him.</font><br>

Q: <b> dissolve into <br>DISSOLVE INTO </b><br>

A: If you dissolve into or dissolve in tears or laughter, you begin to cry or laugh, because you cannot control yourself.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She dissolved into tears at the mention of Munya's name.</font><br>

Q: <b> distort <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5tC:t</font>]</b><br>

A: If you distort a statement, fact, or idea, you report or represent it in an untrue way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The media distorts reality; categorises people as all good or all bad.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The minister has said his remarks at the weekend have been distorted.</font><br><font color=red>* distorted </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These figures give a distorted view of the significance for the local economy.</font><br><br>If something you can see or hear is distorted or distorts, its appearance or sound is changed so that it seems unclear.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A painter may exaggerate or distort shapes and forms.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His size was persistently distorted by the cartoonists.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His face was beginning to distort, and there was a strange tone to his voice.</font><br><font color=red>* distorted </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sound was becoming more and more distorted through the use of hearing aids.</font><br>

Q: <b> distribute <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5tribju(:)t</font>]</b><br>

A: If you distribute things, you hand them or deliver them to a number of people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Students shouted slogans and distributed leaflets.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thousands of soldiers are working to distribute food and blankets to the refugees.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In the move most of the furniture was left to the neighbours or distributed among friends.</font><br><br>When a company distributes goods, it supplies them to the shops or businesses that sell them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We didn't understand how difficult it was to distribute a national paper.</font><br><br>If you distribute things among the members of a group, you share them among those members.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Immediately after his election he began to distribute major offices among his friends and supporters.</font><br><br>To distribute a substance over something means to scatter it over it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Distribute the topping evenly over the fruit.</font><br>

Q: <b> disturb <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5tE:b</font>]</b><br>

A: If you disturb someone, you interrupt what they are doing and upset them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Did you sleep well? I didn't want to disturb you. You looked so peaceful.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Find a quiet, warm, comfortable room where you won't be disturbed.</font><br><font color=red>= interrupt</font><br><br>If something disturbs you, it makes you feel upset or worried.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I dream about him, dreams so vivid that they disturb me for days.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had been disturbed by the news of the attack on Hector Coyne.</font><br><font color=red>= worry</font><br><br>If something is disturbed, its position or shape is changed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He'd placed his notes in the brown envelope. They hadn't been disturbed.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The old woman put her arm gently around Mona's shoulders, taking care not to disturb the costume.</font><br><br>If something disturbs a situation or atmosphere, it spoils it or causes trouble.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Neither Baker nor Levy seemed eager to disturb the cordial atmosphere by discussing more sensitive issues..</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What could possibly disturb such tranquility?</font><br><br>If someone is accused of disturbing the peace, they are accused of behaving in a noisy and offensive way in public. (LEGAL)<br>

Q: <b> dodge <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dCdV</font>]</b><br>

A: If you dodge, you move suddenly, often to avoid being hit, caught, or seen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He dodged amongst the seething crowds of men.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We dodged behind a pillar out of sight of the tourists.</font><br><br>If you dodge something, you avoid it by quickly moving aside or out of reach so that it cannot hit or reach you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He desperately dodged a speeding car trying to run him down.</font><br><font color=red>= sidestep</font><br><br>If you dodge something, you deliberately avoid thinking about it or dealing with it, often by being deceitful.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He boasts of dodging military service by feigning illness.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many struggling firms are ready to break the law by dodging tax.</font><br><font color=red>= evade</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This was not just a tax dodge.</font><br>

Q: <b> dole out <br>DOLE OUT </b><br>

A: If you dole something out, you give a certain amount of it to each member of a group.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I got out my wallet and began to dole out the money.</font><br>

Q: <b> donate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dEu5neit</font>]</b><br>

A: If you donate something to a charity or other organization, you give it to them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He frequently donates large sums to charity.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Others donated secondhand clothes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The silver trophy was donated by a Leicester businessman.</font><br><font color=red>* donation </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the donation of his collection to the art gallery.</font><br><br>If you donate your blood or a part of your body, you allow doctors to use it to help someone who is ill.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...people who are willing to donate their organs for use after death...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All donated blood is screened for HIV.</font><br><font color=red>* donation </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...measures aimed at encouraging organ donation.</font><br>

Q: <b> hopeless <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hEuplis</font>]</b><br>

A: If you feel hopeless, you feel very unhappy because there seems to be no possibility of a better situation or success.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had not heard her cry before in this uncontrolled, hopeless way.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The economic crisis makes jobs almost impossible to find and even able pupils feel hopeless about job prospects.</font><br><font color=red>* hopelessly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I looked around hopelessly.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a young woman hopelessly in love with a handsome hero.</font><br><font color=red>* hopelessness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She had a feeling of hopelessness about the future.</font><br><br>Someone or something thing that is hopeless is certain to fail or be unsuccessful.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I don't believe your situation is as hopeless as you think. If you love each other, you'll work it out.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A doctor is there to treat and to cure, not to dismiss anyone as a hopeless case.</font><br><br>If someone is hopeless at something, they are very bad at it. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'd be hopeless at working for somebody else.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was fine at sports, but pretty hopeless academically.</font><br><br>You use hopeless to emphasize how bad or inadequate something or someone is.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I don't drive and the buses are quite hopeless.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Argentina's economic policies were a hopeless mess.</font><br><font color=red>* hopelessly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The story is hopelessly confusing.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They were on the other side of Berlin and Harry was hopelessly lost.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;By October 1990, when arrested, he was hopelessly in debt.</font><br>

Q: <b> distinction <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5tiNkFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: If you draw a distinction or make a distinction, you say that two things are different.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There are obvious distinctions between the two wine-making areas.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The distinction between craft and fine art is more controversial.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I did not yet make a distinction between the pleasures of reading and of writing fiction.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He draws a distinction between art and culture.</font><br><br>Distinction is the quality of being very good or better than other things of the same type. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lewis emerges as a composer of distinction and sensitivity.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...pieces of furniture of distinction.</font><br><br>A distinction is a special award or honour that is given to someone because of their very high level of achievement.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The order was created in 1902 as a special distinction for eminent men and women.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I did an M.A. at Liverpool University in Latin American Studies and got a distinction.</font><br><font color=red>= honour</font><br><br>If you say that someone or something has the distinction of being something, you are drawing attention to the fact that they have the special quality of being that thing. Distinction is normally used to refer to good qualities, but can sometimes also be used to refer to bad qualities.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has the distinction of being regarded as the Federal Republic's greatest living writer.</font><br>

Q: <b> dread <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dred</font>]</b><br>

A: If you dread something which may happen, you feel very anxious and unhappy about it because you think it will be unpleasant or upsetting.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm dreading Christmas this year.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I dreaded coming back, to be honest.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I suffer badly from cold sores and dread them appearing on my wedding day.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'd been dreading that the birth would take a long time.</font><br><font color=red><> look forward to</font><br><br>Dread is a feeling of great anxiety and fear about something that may happen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She thought with dread of the cold winters to come.</font><br><font color=red>= apprehension</font><br><br>Dread means terrible and greatly feared. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a more effective national policy to combat this dread disease.</font><br><font color=red>= dreaded</font><br><br>You can use dread to describe something that you, or a particular group of people, find annoying or undesirable. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the dread phrase `politically correct'.</font><br><font color=red>= dreaded</font><br><br>If you say that you dread to think what might happen, you mean that you are anxious about it because it is likely to be very unpleasant.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I dread to think what will happen in the case of a major emergency.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I dread to think what Hollywood is planning to do with this interesting little story.</font><br>

Q: <b> duck out <br>DUCK OUT </b><br>

A: If you duck out of something that you are supposed to do, you avoid doing it. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;George ducked out of his forced marriage to a cousin.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You can't duck out once you've taken on a responsibility.</font><br>

Q: <b> dye <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dai</font>]</b><br>

A: If you dye something such as hair or cloth, you change its colour by soaking it in a special liquid.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The women prepared, spun and dyed the wool.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She had dyed black hair.</font><br><br>Dye is a substance made from plants or chemicals which is mixed into a liquid and used to change the colour of something such as cloth or hair.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...bottles of hair dye.</font><br>

Q: <b> embark <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">im5bB:k</font>]</b><br>

A: If you embark on something new, difficult, or exciting, you start doing it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's embarking on a new career as a writer.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The government embarked on a programme of radical economic reform.</font><br><br>When someone embarks on a ship, they go on board before the start of a journey.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They travelled to Portsmouth, where they embarked on the battle cruiser HMS Renown.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bob ordered brigade HQ to embark.</font><br><font color=red>* embarkation </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Embarkation was scheduled for just after 4 pm.</font><br>

Q: <b> embrace <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">im5breis</font>]</b><br>

A: If you embrace someone, you put your arms around them and hold them tightly, usually in order to show your love or affection for them. You can also say that two people embrace.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Penelope came forward and embraced her sister.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At first people were sort of crying for joy and embracing each other.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He threw his arms round her and they embraced passionately.</font><br><font color=red>= hug</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a young couple locked in an embrace.</font><br><br>If you embrace a change, political system, or idea, you accept it and start supporting it or believing in it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He embraces the new information age.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The new rules have been embraced by government watchdog organizations.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The marriage signalled James's embrace of the Catholic faith.</font><br><br>If something embraces a group of people, things, or ideas, it includes them in a larger group or category. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a theory that would embrace the whole field of human endeavour.</font><br>

Q: <b> emigrate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5emigreit</font>]</b><br>

A: If you emigrate, you leave your own country to live in another country.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He emigrated to Belgium.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They planned to emigrate.</font><br><font color=red>* emigration </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the huge emigration of workers to the West.</font><br>

Q: <b> endorse <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5dC:s</font>]</b><br>

A: If you endorse someone or something, you say publicly that you support or approve of them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I can endorse their opinion wholeheartedly.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...policies agreed by the Labour Party and endorsed by the electorate.</font><br><br>If someone's driving licence is endorsed, an official record is made on it that they have been found guilty of a driving offence. (BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;For failing to report the accident, his licence was endorsed.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He also had his licence endorsed with eight penalty points.</font><br><br>When you endorse a cheque, you write your name on the back of it so that it can be paid into someone's bank account.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The payee of the cheque must endorse the cheque.</font><br><br>If you endorse a product or company, you appear in advertisements for it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The twins endorsed a line of household cleaning products.</font><br>

Q: <b> endure <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5djuE</font>]</b><br>

A: If you endure a painful or difficult situation, you experience it and do not avoid it or give up, usually because you cannot.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The company endured heavy financial losses.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...unbearable pain, which they had to endure in solitude because not even the doctors could get near them.</font><br><font color=red>= undergo</font><br><br>If something endures, it continues to exist without any loss in quality or importance.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Somehow the language endures and continues to survive.</font><br><font color=red>= last</font><br><font color=red>* enduring </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This chance meeting was the start of an enduring friendship.</font><br>

Q: <b> envisage <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5vizidV, en-</font>]</b><br>

A: If you envisage something, you imagine that it is true, real, or likely to happen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He envisages the possibility of establishing direct diplomatic relations in the future.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had never envisaged spending the whole of his working life in that particular job.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Personally, I envisage them staying together.</font><br><font color=red>= imagine, envision</font><br>

Q: <b> equip <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">i5kwip</font>]</b><br>

A: If you equip a person or thing with something, you give them the tools or equipment that are needed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They become obsessed with trying to equip their vehicles with gadgets to deal with every possible contingency.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Owners of restaurants would have to equip them to admit disabled people.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The country did not possess the modern guns to equip the reserve army properly.</font><br><font color=red>* equipped </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...well-equipped research buildings...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The greenhouses come equipped with a ventilating system and aluminium screen door.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Each caravan is equipped for four persons.</font><br><br>If something equips you for a particular task or experience, it gives you the skills and attitudes you need for it, especially by educating you in a particular way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Relative poverty, however, did not prevent Martin from equipping himself with an excellent education.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A basic two-hour first aid course would equip you to deal with any of these incidents.</font><br><font color=red>* equipped </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some students unburden themselves of emotional problems that faculty members feel ill equipped to handle.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When they leave school, they will be equipped for obtaining office jobs.</font><br>

Q: <b> exclude <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">iks5klu:d</font>]</b><br>

A: If you exclude someone from a place or activity, you prevent them from entering it or taking part in it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Academy excluded women from its classes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The army should be excluded from political life.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many of the youngsters feel excluded.</font><br><br>If you exclude something that has some connection with what you are doing, you deliberately do not use it or consider it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They eat only plant foods, and take care to exclude animal products from other areas of their lives.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In some schools, Christmas carols are being modified to exclude any reference to Christ.</font><br><br>To exclude a possibility means to decide or prove that it is wrong and not worth considering.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I cannot entirely exclude the possibility that some form of pressure was applied to the neck.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the pathological evidence, which does not exclude suicide.</font><br><br>To exclude something such as the sun's rays or harmful germs means to prevent them physically from reaching or entering a particular place.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This was intended to exclude the direct rays of the sun.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They have spent $3 million building fences around the National Park to exclude such pests.</font><br><font color=red>= keep out</font><br>

Q: <b> dizzy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dizi</font>]</b><br>

A: If you feel dizzy, you feel that you are losing your balance and are about to fall.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her head still hurt, and she felt slightly dizzy and disoriented.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He began to get dizzy spells.</font><br><font color=red>* dizzily </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her head spins dizzily as soon as she sits up.</font><br><font color=red>* dizziness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His complaint causes dizziness and nausea.</font><br><br>You can use dizzy to describe a woman who is careless and forgets things, but is easy to like.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She is famed for playing dizzy blondes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a charmingly dizzy great-grandmother.</font><br><br>If something dizzies you, it causes you to feel unsteady or confused.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The sudden height dizzied her and she clung tightly.</font><br><font color=red>* dizzying </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We're descending now at dizzying speed.</font><br><br>If you say that someone has reached the dizzy heights of something, you are emphasizing that they have reached a very high level by achieving it. (HUMOROUS)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I escalated to the dizzy heights of director's secretary.</font><br>

Q: <b> fetch <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fetF</font>]</b><br>

A: If you fetch something or someone, you go and get them from the place where they are.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sylvia fetched a towel from the bathroom.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fetch me a glass of water.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The caddie ran over to fetch something for him.</font><br><br>If something fetches a particular sum of money, it is sold for that amount.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The painting is expected to fetch between two and three million pounds.</font><br><font color=red>= raise</font><br><br>If you fetch and carry, you perform simple, often boring tasks for someone, such as collecting and carrying things for them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I helped out in the tents fetching and carrying.</font><br> </b></font><br>

Q: <b> fetch up <br>FETCH UP </b><br>

A: If you fetch up somewhere, you arrive there, especially when you have not planned to go there. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He spent the first few months on a walking and sketching tour, before fetching up in Dublin.</font><br><font color=red>= end up</font><br>

Q: <b> flesh out <br>FLESH OUT </b><br>

A: If you flesh out something such as a story or plan, you add details and more information to it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He talked with him for an hour and a half, fleshing out the details of his original five-minute account.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has since fleshed out his story.</font><br>

Q: <b> fling <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fliN</font>]</b><br>

A: If you fling something somewhere, you throw it there using a lot of force.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The woman flung the cup at him.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He once seized my knitting, flinging it across the room.</font><br><br>If you fling yourself somewhere, you move or jump there suddenly and with a lot of force.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He flung himself to the floor.</font><br><br>If you fling a part of your body in a particular direction, especially your arms or head, you move it there suddenly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She flung her arms around my neck and kissed me.</font><br><font color=red>= throw</font><br><br>If you fling someone to the ground, you push them very roughly so that they fall over.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The youth got him by the front of his shirt and flung him to the ground.</font><br><br>If you fling something into a particular place or position, you put it there in a quick or angry way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Peter flung his shoes into the corner.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He flung it down on the desk.</font><br><br>If you fling yourself into a particular activity, you do it with a lot of enthusiasm and energy.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She flung herself into her career.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I flung myself into poetry.</font><br><br>

Q: <b> flip <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">flip</font>]</b><br>

A: If you flip a device on or off, or if you flip a switch, you turn it on or off by pressing the switch quickly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He didn't flip on the headlights until he was two blocks away.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Then he walked out, flipping the lights off.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He flipped the timer switch.</font><br><font color=red>= flick</font><br><br>If you flip through the pages of a book, for example, you quickly turn over the pages in order to find a particular one or to get an idea of the contents.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was flipping through a magazine in the living room.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He flipped the pages of the diary and began reading the last entry.</font><br><br>If something flips over, or if you flip it over or into a different position, it moves or is moved into a different position.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The plane then flipped over and burst into flames.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He flipped it neatly on to the plate.</font><br><br>If you flip something, especially a coin, you use your thumb to make it turn over and over, as it goes through the air.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I pulled a coin from my pocket and flipped it.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I flipped a butt out of the window and drove on.</font><br><font color=red>= toss</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...having gambled all on the flip of a coin.</font><br><br>If someone flips, they suddenly become extremely upset or angry because of something that has happened. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He got so provoked that he flipped.</font><br><font color=red>= snap</font><br><br>If you say that someone is being flip, you disapprove of them because you think that what they are saying shows they are not being serious enough about something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a flip answer...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The tone of the book is sometimes too flip.</font><br><font color=red>= flippant, glib</font><br>

Q: <b> flop <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">flCp</font>]</b><br>

A: If you flop into a chair, for example, you sit down suddenly and heavily because you are so tired.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bunbury flopped down upon the bed and rested his tired feet.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She flopped, exhausted, on to a sofa.</font><br><font color=red>= collapse</font><br><br>If something flops onto something else, it falls there heavily or untidily.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The briefcase flopped onto the desk.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His hair flopped over his left eye.</font><br><br>If something is a flop, it is completely unsuccessful. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is the public who decide whether a film is a hit or a flop.</font><br><font color=red>= failure</font><br><br>If something flops, it is completely unsuccessful. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The film flopped badly at the box office.</font><br>

Q: <b> flush <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">flQF</font>]</b><br>

A: If you flush, your face goes red because you are hot or ill, or because you are feeling a strong emotion such as embarrassment or anger.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Do you sweat a lot or flush a lot?.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He turned away embarrassed, his face flushing red.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was a slight flush on his cheeks.</font><br><font color=red>* flushed </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her face was flushed with anger.</font><br><br>When someone flushes a toilet after using it, they fill the toilet bowl with water in order to clean it, usually by pressing a handle or pulling a chain. You can also say that a toilet flushes.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She flushed the toilet and went back in the bedroom.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the sound of the toilet flushing.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He heard the flush of a toilet.</font><br><br>If you flush something down the toilet, you get rid of it by putting it into the toilet bowl and flushing the toilet.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was found trying to flush banknotes down the toilet.</font><br><br>If you flush a part of your body, you clean it or make it healthier by using a large amount of liquid to get rid of dirt or harmful substances.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Flush the eye with clean cold water for at least 15 minutes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Water is ideal to flush the kidneys and the urinary tract.</font><br><font color=red>= cleanse</font><br><br>Flush out means the same as flush.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; `alternative' therapy that gently flushes out the colon to remove toxins.</font><br><br>If you flush dirt or a harmful substance out of a place, you get rid of it by using a large amount of liquid.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That won't flush out all the sewage, but it should unclog some stinking drains.</font><br><br>If you flush people or animals out of a place where they are hiding, you find or capture them by forcing them to come out of that place.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They flushed them out of their hiding places.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Guyana Defence Force is engaged in flushing out illegal Brazilian miners operating in the country.</font><br><br>I </b></font><br>

Q: <b> down 3 <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">daun</font>]</b><br>

A: If you say that someone downs food or a drink, you mean that they eat or drink it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We downed bottles of local wine.</font><br><font color=red>= consume</font><br><br>If something or someone is downed, they fall to the ground because they have been hurt or damaged in some way. (JOURNALISM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A couple of jet fighters were downed during the five-week rebellion.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A bank guard shot him in the leg and downed him.</font><br><font color=red>* downing </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the downing of an airliner, which killed 107 people.</font><br>

Q: <b> forbid <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fE5bid</font>]</b><br>

A: If you forbid someone to do something, or if you forbid an activity, you order that it must not be done.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They'll forbid you to marry.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was shut away and forbidden to read.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Brazil's constitution forbids the military use of nuclear energy.</font><br><font color=red>= prohibit</font><br><br>If something forbids a particular course of action or state of affairs, it makes it impossible for the course of action or state of affairs to happen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His own pride forbids him to ask Arthur's help.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Custom forbids any modernisation.</font><br>

Q: <b> foresee <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fC:5si:</font>]</b><br>

A: If you foresee something, you expect and believe that it will happen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He did not foresee any problems.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a dangerous situation which could have been foreseen...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He could never have foreseen that one day his books would sell in millions.</font><br><font color=red>= predict</font><br>

Q: <b> forgive <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fE5giv</font>]</b><br>

A: If you forgive someone who has done something bad or wrong, you stop being angry with them and no longer want to punish them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hopefully she'll understand and forgive you, if she really loves you.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She'd find a way to forgive him for the theft of the money.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Still, for those flashes of genius, you can forgive him anything.</font><br><br>If you say that someone could be forgiven for doing something, you mean that they were wrong or mistaken, but not seriously, because many people would have done the same thing in those circumstances.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Looking at the figures, you could be forgiven for thinking the recession is already over.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If the research which enticed them to Britain is removed, they can be forgiven for feeling betrayed.</font><br><font color=red>= be excused for</font><br><br>Forgive is used in polite expressions and apologies like `forgive me' and `forgive my ignorance' when you are saying or doing something that might seem rude, silly, or complicated.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Forgive me, I don't mean to insult you.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I do hope you'll forgive me but I've got to leave.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Forgive my manners,' she said calmly. `I neglected to introduce myself.'</font><br><br>If an organization such as a bank forgives someone's debt, they agree not to ask for that money to be repaid.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The American Congress has agreed to forgive Egypt's military debt.</font><br> </b></font><br>

Q: <b> fork out <br>FORK OUT </b><br>

A: If you fork out for something, you spend a lot of money on it. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He will have to fork out for private school fees for Nina.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You don't ask people to fork out every time they drive up the motorways.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Britons fork out more than a billion pounds a year on toys.</font><br>

Q: <b> formulate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fC:mjuleit</font>]</b><br>

A: If you formulate something such as a plan or proposal, you invent it, thinking about the details carefully.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Little by little, he formulated his plan for escape.</font><br><font color=red>= devise</font><br><br>If you formulate a thought, opinion, or idea, you express it or describe it using particular words.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was impressed by the way he could formulate his ideas.</font><br><font color=red>= express</font><br>

Q: <b> foul up <br>FOUL UP </b><br>

A: If you foul up something such as a plan, you spoil it by doing something wrong or stupid.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There are serious risks that laboratories may foul up these tests.</font><br><font color=red>= mess up</font><br>

Q: <b> frighten away, frighten off <br>FRIGHTEN AWAY, FRIGHTEN OFF </b><br>

A: If you frighten away a person or animal or frighten them off, you make them afraid so that they run away or stay some distance away from you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The fishermen said the company's seismic survey was frightening away fish.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He fired into the air, hoping that the noise would frighten them off.</font><br><br>To frighten someone away or frighten them off means to make them nervous so that they decide not to become involved with a particular person or activity.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Building society repossessions have frightened buyers off.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The government is convinced that the bombers want to frighten away foreign investors.</font><br><font color=red>= put off</font><br>

Q: <b> frighten into <br>FRIGHTEN INTO </b><br>

A: If you frighten someone into doing something they would not normally do, you make them do it by making them afraid not to do it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was a bully. He tried to frighten people into doing what he wanted.</font><br>

Q: <b> insight <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5insait</font>]</b><br>

A: If you gain insight or an insight into a complex situation or problem, you gain an accurate and deep understanding of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The project would give scientists new insights into what is happening to the earth's atmosphere.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I hope that this talk has given you some insight into the kind of the work that we've been doing.</font><br><br>If someone has insight, they are able to understand complex situations.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was a man of forceful character, with considerable insight and diplomatic skills.</font><br><font color=red>= understanding</font><br>

Q: <b> leisure <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5leVE; 5li:VE</font>]</b><br>

A: Leisure is the time when you are not working and you can relax and do things that you enjoy.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a relaxing way to fill my leisure time.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; of Britain's most popular leisure activities.</font><br><br>If someone does something at leisure or at their leisure, they enjoy themselves by doing it when they want to, without hurrying.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You will be able to stroll at leisure through the gardens.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He could read all the national papers at his leisure.</font><br>

Q: <b> gauge <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">gedV</font>]</b><br>

A: If you gauge the speed or strength of something, or if you gauge an amount, you measure or calculate it, often by using a device of some kind.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He gauged the wind at over thirty knots.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Distance is gauged by journey time rather than miles.</font><br><br>A gauge is a device that measures the amount or quantity of something and shows the amount measured.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...temperature gauges.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...pressure gauges.</font><br><br>If you gauge people's actions, feelings, or intentions in a particular situation, you carefully consider and judge them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Plans flickered through Derec's mind as he gauged possible enemy moves and his own responses.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His mood can be gauged by his reaction to the most trivial of incidents.</font><br><font color=red>= assess</font><br><br>A gauge of someone's feelings or a situation is a fact or event that can be used to judge them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The index is the government's chief gauge of future economic activity.</font><br><font color=red>= measure</font><br><br>A gauge is the distance between the two rails on a railway line.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a narrow gauge railway.</font><br><br>A gauge is the thickness of something, especially metal or wire.<br> </b></font><br>

Q: <b> gaze <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">geiz</font>]</b><br>

A: If you gaze at someone or something, you look steadily at them for a long time, for example because you find them attractive or interesting, or because you are thinking about something else.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...gazing at herself in the mirror...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sitting in his wicker chair, he gazed reflectively at the fire.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The girls stood still, gazing around the building, trying to picture life there fifty years before.</font><br><font color=red>= stare</font><br><br>You can talk about someone's gaze as a way of describing how they are looking at something, especially when they are looking steadily at it. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Monsignor turned his gaze from the flames to meet the Colonel's.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She felt increasingly uncomfortable under the woman's steady gaze.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The interior was shielded from the curious gaze of passersby.</font><br><br>If someone or something is in the public gaze, they are receiving a lot of attention from the general public.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You won't find a couple more in the public gaze than Michael and Lizzie.</font><br>

Q: <b> glimpse <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">glimps</font>]</b><br>

A: If you get a glimpse of someone or something, you see them very briefly and not very well.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some of the fans had waited 24 hours outside the Hyde Park Hotel to catch a glimpse of their heroine.</font><br><br>If you glimpse someone or something, you see them very briefly and not very well.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She glimpsed a group of people standing on the bank of a river.</font><br><br>A glimpse of something is a brief experience of it or an idea about it that helps you understand or appreciate it better.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As university campuses become increasingly multi-ethnic, they offer a glimpse of the conflicts society will face tomorrow.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a glimpse into the future.</font><br>

Q: <b> feedback <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fi:dbAk</font>]</b><br>

A: If you get feedback on your work or progress, someone tells you how well or badly you are doing, and how you could improve. If you get good feedback you have worked or performed well.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Continue to ask for feedback on your work.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was getting great feedback from my boss.</font><br><br>Feedback is the unpleasant high-pitched sound produced by a piece of electrical equipment when part of the signal that comes out goes back into it.<br>

Q: <b> assurance <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5FuErEns</font>]</b><br>

A: If you give someone an assurance that something is true or will happen, you say that it is definitely true or will definitely happen, in order to make them feel less worried.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He would like an assurance that other forces will not move into the territory that his forces vacate.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He will have been pleased by Marshal Yazov's assurance of the armed forces' loyalty.</font><br><font color=red>= promise</font><br><br>If you do something with assurance, you do it with a feeling of confidence and certainty.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Masur led the orchestra with assurance.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The EC is now acquiring greater assurance and authority.</font><br><font color=red>= assuredness</font><br><br>Assurance is insurance that provides cover in the event of death. (BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...endowment assurance.</font><br>See also life assurance.<br>

Q: <b> go-ahead <br>GO-AHEAD </b><br>

A: If you give someone or something the go-ahead, you give them permission to start doing something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Greek government today gave the go-ahead for five major road schemes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Don't do any major repair work until you get the go-ahead from your insurers.</font><br><br>A go-ahead person or organization tries hard to succeed, often by using new methods.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fairview Estate is one of the oldest and the most go-ahead wine producers in South Africa.</font><br>

Q: <b> groan <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">grEun</font>]</b><br>

A: If you groan, you make a long, low sound because you are in pain, or because you are upset or unhappy about something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Slowly, he opened his eyes. As he did so, he began to groan with pain.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They glanced at the man on the floor, who began to groan.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was making small groaning noises.</font><br><font color=red>= moan</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She heard him let out a pitiful, muffled groan.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As his ball flew wide, there was a collective groan from the stands.</font><br><font color=red>= moan</font><br><br>If you groan something, you say it in a low, unhappy voice.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`My leg -- I think it's broken,' Eric groaned.</font><br><br>If you groan about something, you complain about it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His parents were beginning to groan about the price of college tuition.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Listen sympathetically to your child's moans and groans about what she can't do.</font><br><br>If wood or something made of wood groans, it makes a loud sound when it moves.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The timbers groan and creak and the floorboards shift.</font><br><br>If you say that something such as a table groans under the weight of food, you are emphasizing that there is a lot of food on it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The bar counter groans under the weight of huge plates of the freshest fish.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a table groaning with food.</font><br><br>If you say that someone or something is groaning under the weight of something, you think there is too much of that thing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Consumers were groaning under the weight of high interest rates.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bookshelves groan under the burden of books on threats to the environment.</font><br>

Q: <b> consent <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5sent</font>]</b><br>

A: If you give your consent to something, you give someone permission to do it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At approximately 11:30 p.m., Pollard finally gave his consent to the search.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Can my child be medically examined without my consent?</font><br><br>If you consent to something, you agree to do it or to allow it to be done. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He finally consented to go.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He asked Ginny if she would consent to a small celebration after the christening.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was a little surprised when she consented.</font><br><font color=red>= agree</font><br><br>If something happens by common consent or by mutual consent, it happens as the result of an agreement between the people or groups involved.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;By common consent their talk avoided the reason for their being there at all.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He left the company by mutual consent last September.</font><br><br>You can use by general consent or by common consent to indicate that most people agree that something is true.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;By common consent this election constituted a historic step on the road to democracy.</font><br>

Q: <b> glare <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">glZE</font>]</b><br>

A: If you glare at someone, you look at them with an angry expression on your face.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The old woman glared at him.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jacob glared and muttered something.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...glaring eyes.</font><br><br>A glare is an angry, hard, and unfriendly look.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His glasses magnified his irritable glare.</font><br><br>If the sun or a light glares, it shines with a very bright light which is difficult to look at.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The sunlight glared.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...glaring searchlight beams.</font><br><br>Glare is very bright light that is difficult to look at.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the glare of a car's headlights...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Special-purpose glasses reduce glare.</font><br><br>If someone is in the glare of publicity or public attention, they are constantly being watched and talked about by a lot of people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Norma is said to dislike the glare of publicity.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She attacked police in the full glare of TV cameras.</font><br>

Q: <b> downstairs <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">daun5steEz</font>]</b><br>

A: If you go downstairs in a building, you go down a staircase towards the ground floor.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Denise went downstairs and made some tea.</font><br><font color=red><> upstairs</font><br><br>If something or someone is downstairs in a building, they are on the ground floor or on a lower floor than you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The telephone was downstairs in the entrance hall.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Everybody was downstairs watching a movie.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the woman who lives in the flat downstairs.</font><br><font color=red><> upstairs</font><br><br>Downstairs means situated on the ground floor of a building or on a lower floor than you are.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She repainted the downstairs rooms and closed off the second floor.</font><br><font color=red><> upstairs</font><br><br>The downstairs of a building is its lower floor or floors.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The downstairs of the two little houses had been entirely refashioned.</font><br><font color=red><> upstairs</font><br>

Q: <b> grasp <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">grB:sp</font>]</b><br>

A: If you grasp something, you take it in your hand and hold it very firmly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He grasped both my hands.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was trying to grasp at something.</font><br>See also grasping.<br><br>A grasp is a very firm hold or grip.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His hand was taken in a warm, firm grasp.</font><br><br>If you say that something is in someone's grasp, you disapprove of the fact that they possess or control it. If something slips from your grasp, you lose it or lose control of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The people in your grasp are not guests, they are hostages.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She allowed victory to slip from her grasp.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the task of liberating a number of states from the grasp of tyrants.</font><br><br>If you grasp something that is complicated or difficult to understand, you understand it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Government has not yet grasped the seriousness of the crisis.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He instantly grasped that Stephen was talking about his wife.</font><br><br>A grasp of something is an understanding of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They have a good grasp of foreign languages.</font><br><br>If you say that something is within someone's grasp, you mean that it is very likely that they will achieve it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Peace is now within our grasp.</font><br><b </b></font><br>

Q: <b> grind <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">graind</font>]</b><br>

A: If you grind a substance such as corn, you crush it between two hard surfaces or with a machine until it becomes a fine powder.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Store the peppercorns in an airtight container and grind the pepper as you need it.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the odor of fresh ground coffee.</font><br><br>Grind up means the same as grind.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He makes his own paint, grinding up the pigment with a little oil.</font><br><br>If you grind your teeth, you rub your upper and lower teeth together as though you are chewing something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Well,' I said, grinding my cigarette nervously into the granite step.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If you know you're grinding your teeth, particularly at night, see your dentist.</font><br><br>If you grind something, you make it smooth or sharp by rubbing it against a hard surface.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was beyond my ability to grind a blade this broad.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The tip can be ground to a much sharper edge to cut smoother and faster.</font><br><br>If a vehicle grinds somewhere, it moves there very slowly and noisily.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tanks had crossed the border at five fifteen and were grinding south.</font><br><br>The grind of a machine is the harsh, scraping noise that it makes, usually because it is old or is working too hard.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The grind of heavy machines could get on their nerves.</font><br><br>If you refer to routine tasks or activities as the grind, you mean they are boring and take up a lot of time and effort. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The daily grind of government is done by Her Majesty's Civil Service.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Life continues to be a terrible grind for the ordinary person.</font><br><br>If a country's economy or something such as a process grinds to a halt, it gradually becomes slower or less active until it stops.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The peace process has ground to a halt while Israel struggles to form a new government.</font><br><br>If a vehicle grinds to a halt, it stops slowly and noisily.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The tanks ground to a halt after a hundred yards because the fuel had been siphoned out.</font><br>

Q: <b> Leo <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5li(:)Eu</font>]</b><br>

A: Leo </b></font><br>Leo is one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Its symbol is a lion. People who are born approximately between the 23rd of July and the 22nd of August come under this sign.<br><br>A Leo is a person whose sign of the zodiac is Leo.<br>

Q: <b> hack <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">hAk</font>]</b><br>

A: If you hack something or hack at it, you cut it with strong, rough strokes using a sharp tool such as an axe or knife.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;An armed gang barged onto the train and began hacking and shooting anyone in sight.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some were hacked to death with machetes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Matthew desperately hacked through the leather.</font><br><br>Hack away means the same as hack.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He started to hack away at the tree bark.</font><br><br>If you hack your way through an area such as a jungle or hack a path through it, you move forward, cutting back the trees or plants that are in your way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We undertook the task of hacking our way through the jungle.</font><br><br>If you hack at or hack something which is too large, too long, or too expensive, you reduce its size, length, or cost by cutting out or getting rid of large parts of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He hacked away at the story, throwing out much of the flashback material and eliminating one character entirely.</font><br><br>If you refer to a professional writer, such as a journalist, as a hack, you disapprove of them because they write for money without worrying very much about the quality of their writing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...tabloid hacks, always eager to find victims in order to sell newspapers.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a hack writer of cheap romances.</font><br><br>If you refer to a politician as a hack, you disapprove of them because they are too loyal to their party and perhaps do not deserve the position they have.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Far too many party hacks from the old days still hold influential jobs.</font><br><br>If someone hacks into a computer system, they break into the system, especially in order to get secret information.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The saboteurs had demanded money in return for revealing how they hacked into the systems.</font><br><font color=red>* hacking </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the common and often illegal art of computer hacking.</font><br><br>If you hack or go hacking, you go out for a ride on horseback. (BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The children could be seen hacking across the hillside on their ponies.</font><br><font color=red>* hacking </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hacking is a major activity in the horse world.</font><br><br>A hack is a ride on horseback. (BRIT)<br>

Q: <b> hammer away <br>HAMMER AWAY </b><br>

A: If you hammer away at a task or activity, you work at it constantly and with great energy.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Palmer kept hammering away at his report.</font><br><br>If you hammer away at an idea or subject, you keep talking about it, especially because you disapprove of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They also hammered away at Labor's plans to raise taxes.</font><br>

Q: <b> haul <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">hC:l</font>]</b><br>

A: If you haul something which is heavy or difficult to move, you move it using a lot of effort.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A crane had to be used to haul the car out of the stream.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He hauled himself to his feet.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She hauled up her bedroom window and leaned out.</font><br><br>If someone is hauled before a court or someone in authority, they are made to appear before them because they are accused of having done something wrong.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was hauled before magistrates for refusing to reveal her age to a policeman.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was hauled before the managing director and fired.</font><br><br>Haul up means the same as haul.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was hauled up before the Board of Trustees.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was late for the interview after being hauled up for speeding.</font><br><br>A haul is a quantity of things that are stolen, or a quantity of stolen or illegal goods found by police or customs.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The size of the drugs haul shows that the international trade in heroin is still flourishing.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Another break-in yielded a {Pound}4,000 haul of jewellery.</font><br><br>If you say that a task or a journey is a long haul, you mean that it takes a long time and a lot of effort.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Revitalising the Romanian economy will be a long haul.</font>< </b></font><br>

Q: <b> bout <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">baut</font>]</b><br>

A: If you have a bout of an illness or of an unpleasant feeling, you have it for a short period.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was recovering from a severe bout of flu.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was suffering with a bout of nerves.</font><br><br>A bout of something that is unpleasant is a short time during which it occurs a great deal.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The latest bout of violence has claimed twenty four lives.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A half-hour daily walk can be more beneficial than one hard bout of exercise a week.</font><br><font color=red>= spell</font><br><br>A bout is a boxing or wrestling match.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This will be Eubank's eighth title bout in 19 months.</font><br>4 bout <br>Some writers use 'bout or bout to represent about when the first syllable is not pronounced.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How 'bout some coffee?.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I just felt the need to write bout it, I guess.</font><br>

Q: <b> fever <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fi:vE</font>]</b><br>

A: If you have a fever when you are ill, your body temperature is higher than usual and your heart beats faster.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My Uncle Jim had a high fever.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Symptoms of the disease include fever and weight loss.</font><br>See also hay fever, rheumatic fever, scarlet fever.<br><font color=red>= temperature</font><br><br>A fever is extreme excitement or nervousness about something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Angie waited in a fever of excitement.</font><br><font color=red>= frenzy</font><br>

Q: <b> headache <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hedeik</font>]</b><br>

A: If you have a headache, you have a pain in your head.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have had a terrible headache for the last two days.</font><br><br>If you say that something is a headache, you mean that it causes you difficulty or worry.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The airline's biggest headache is the increase in the price of aviation fuel.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This is a real headache for us.</font><br><font color=red>= problem</font><br>

Q: <b> holding <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hEuldiN</font>]</b><br>

A: If you have a holding in a company, you own shares in it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That would increase Olympia & York's holding to 35%.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sid's amazing wealth comes from holdings in oil, gas, land and property.</font><br><font color=red>= investment</font><br><br>A holding is an area of farm land which is owned or rented by the person who grows crops on it.<br><br>The holdings of a place such as a museum, library, or art gallery are the items such as books or paintings which are kept there.<br><br>A holding operation or action is a temporary one that is intended to keep a situation under control and to prevent it from becoming worse.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A garden is, at best, a holding operation against nature.</font><br>

Q: <b> intimate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5intimit</font>]</b><br>

A: If you have an intimate friendship with someone, you know them very well and like them a lot.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I discussed with my intimate friends whether I would immediately have a baby.</font><br><br>An intimate is an intimate friend. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They are to have an autumn wedding, an intimate of the couple confides.</font><br><font color=red>* intimately </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He did not feel he had got to know them intimately.</font><br><br>If two people are in an intimate relationship, they are involved with each other in a loving or sexual way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I just won't discuss my intimate relationships.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...their intimate moments with their boyfriends.</font><br><font color=red>* intimately </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You have to be willing to get to know yourself and your partner intimately.</font><br><br>An intimate conversation or detail, for example, is very personal and private.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He wrote about the intimate details of his family life.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I hate to interrupt your intimate conversation but we do have an assignment to discuss.</font><br><font color=red>= private</font><br><font color=red>* intimately </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was the first time they had attempted to talk intimately.</font><br><br>If you use intimate to describe an occasion or the atmosphere of a place, you like it because it is quiet and pleasant, and seems suitable for close conversations between friends.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; intimate candlelit dinner for two.</font><br><br>An intimate connection between ideas or organizations, for example, is a very strong link between them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; intimate connection between madness and wisdom...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;France has kept the most intimate links with its former African territories.</font><br><font color=red>* intimately </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Property and equities are intimately connected in Hong Kong.</font><br><br>An intimate knowledge of something is a deep and detailed knowledge of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He surprised me with his intimate knowledge of Kierkegaard and Schopenhauer.</font><br><font color=red>= thorough</font><br><font color=fuchsia </b></font><br>

Q: <b> contempt <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5tempt</font>]</b><br>

A: If you have contempt for someone or something, you have no respect for them or think that they are unimportant.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has contempt for those beyond his immediate family circle.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I hope voters will treat his advice with the contempt it deserves.</font><br><font color=red><> respect</font><br><br>Contempt means the same as contempt of court. (LEGAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mr. Kelly was sentenced to six months in prison for contempt.</font><br><font color=red>= contempt of court</font><br><br>If you hold someone or something in contempt, you feel contempt for them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Small wonder that many voters hold their politicians in contempt.</font><br>familiarity breeds contempt: see familiarity.<br>

Q: <b> curl <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kE:l</font>]</b><br>

A: If you have curls, your hair is in the form of tight curves and spirals.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the little girl with blonde curls...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A curl of black hair fell loosely across his forehead.</font><br><br>If your hair has curl, it is full of curls.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dry curly hair naturally for maximum curl and shine.</font><br><br>If your hair curls or if you curl it, it is full of curls.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She has hair that refuses to curl.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Maria had curled her hair for the event.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Afro hair is short and tightly curled.</font><br><br>A curl of something is a piece or quantity of it that is curved or spiral in shape.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A thin curl of smoke rose from a rusty stove.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...curls of lemon peel.</font><br><br>If your toes, fingers, or other parts of your body curl, or if you curl them, they form a curved or round shape.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His fingers curled gently round her wrist.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Raise one foot, curl the toes and point the foot downwards.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She sat with her legs curled under her.</font><br><font color=red>= bend</font><br><br>If something curls somewhere, or if you curl it there, it moves there in a spiral or curve.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Smoke was curling up the chimney.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He curled th </b></font><br>

Q: <b> capability <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7keipE5biliti</font>]</b><br>

A: If you have the capability or the capabilities to do something, you have the ability or the qualities that are necessary to do it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;People experience differences in physical and mental capability depending on the time of day.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The standards set four years ago in Seoul will be far below the athletes' capabilities now.</font><br><font color=red>= ability</font><br><br>A country's military capability is its ability to fight in a war.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their military capability has gone down because their air force has proved not to be an effective force.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They have the capability to destroy the enemy in days rather than weeks.</font><br>

Q: <b> contend <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5tend</font>]</b><br>

A: If you have to contend with a problem or difficulty, you have to deal with it or overcome it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is time, once again, to contend with racism.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;American businesses could soon have a new kind of lawsuit to contend with.</font><br><br>If you contend that something is true, you state or argue that it is true. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The government contends that he is fundamentalist.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`You were just looking,' contends Samantha. `I was the one doing all the work.'</font><br><br>If you contend with someone for something such as power, you compete with them to try to get it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the two main groups contending for power.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...with 10 UK construction yards contending with rivals from Norway, Holland, Italy and Spain.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a binding political settlement between the contending parties.</font><br>

Q: <b> drastic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5drAstik</font>]</b><br>

A: If you have to take drastic action in order to solve a problem, you have to do something extreme and basic to solve it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Drastic measures are needed to clean up the profession.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's not going to do anything drastic about economic policy.</font><br><font color=red>= radical</font><br><br>A drastic change is a very great change.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Elderly people are not in a position to make drastic changes at this stage of their life.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Foreign food aid has led to a drastic reduction in the numbers of people dying of starvation.</font><br><font color=red>* drastically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As a result, services have been drastically reduced.</font><br>

Q: <b> hesitate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5heziteit</font>]</b><br>

A: If you hesitate, you do not speak or act for a short time, usually because you are uncertain, embarrassed, or worried about what you are going to say or do.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The telephone rang. Catherine hesitated, debating whether to answer it.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She hesitated a long time and then she said `Yes'.</font><br><font color=red>* hesitation hesitations </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Asked if he would go back, Mr Searle said after some hesitation, `I'll have to think about that'.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mirella approached him and, after a brief hesitation, shook his hand.</font><br><br>If you hesitate to do something, you delay doing it or are unwilling to do it, usually because you are not certain it would be right. If you do not hesitate to do something, you do it immediately.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some parents hesitate to take these steps because they suspect that their child is exaggerating.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I hesitated to apply the word `vulnerable' to him but it came into my mind.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I will not hesitate to take unpopular decisions.</font><br><br>You can use hesitate in expressions such as `don't hesitate to call me' or `don't hesitate to contact us' when you are telling someone that they should do something as soon as it needs to be done and should not worry about disturbing other people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In the event of difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service Department.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please don't hesitate to tell either Mr Schrader or myself should you feel ill again.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Do not hesitate to laugh at anything you find amusing.</font><br>

Q: <b> hop <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">hCp</font>]</b><br>

A: If you hop, you move along by jumping on one foot.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I hopped down three steps.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Malcolm hopped rather than walked.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`This really is a catching rhythm, huh?' he added, with a few little hops.</font><br><br>When birds and some small animals hop, they move along by jumping on both feet.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A small brown fawn hopped across the trail in front of them.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The rabbit got up, took four hops and turned round.</font><br><br>If you hop somewhere, you move there quickly or suddenly. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My wife and I were the first to arrive and hopped on board.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I hopped out of bed quickly.</font><br><font color=red>= jump</font><br><br>A hop is a short, quick journey, usually by plane. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is a three-hour drive from Geneva but can be reached by a 20-minute hop in a private helicopter.</font><br><br>A hop is a social event at which people mix together and dance in an informal way. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They were afraid of being turned down when they asked girls to dance at high school hops.</font><br><br>Hops are flowers that are dried and used for making beer.<br><br>If you tell someone to hop it, you are telling them in a rude way to go away. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Hop it', I snapped at the bloke. `She's with me.'</font><br><font color=red>= clear off</font><br><br>Someone who is hopping mad is very angry. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The family's hopping mad that she left them nothing.</font><br><br>If you are caught on the hop, you are surprised by someone doing something when you were not expecting them to and so you are not prepared for it. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His plans almost caught security chiefs and hotel staff on the hop.</font><br>

Q: <b> hurl <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">hE:l</font>]</b><br>

A: If you hurl something, you throw it violently and with a lot of force.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Groups of angry youths hurled stones at police.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One prisoner set fire to rags and hurled them into the courtyard.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Simon caught the grenade and hurled it back.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Gangs rioted last night, breaking storefront windows and hurling rocks and bottles.</font><br><br>If you hurl abuse or insults at someone, you shout insults at them aggressively.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How would you handle being locked in the back of a cab while the driver hurled abuse at you?</font><br>

Q: <b> hurry <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hQri</font>]</b><br>

A: If you hurry somewhere, you go there as quickly as you can.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Claire hurried along the road.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When she finished work she had to hurry home and look after her son.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bob hurried to join him, and they rode home together.</font><br><br>If you hurry to do something, you start doing it as soon as you can, or try to do it quickly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mrs Hardie hurried to make up for her tactlessness by asking her guest about his holiday..</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was no longer any reason to hurry.</font><br><br>If you are in a hurry to do something, you need or want to do something quickly. If you do something in a hurry, you do it quickly or suddenly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kate was in a hurry to grow up, eager for knowledge and experience.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Eric left the barge in a hurry.</font><br><br>To hurry something means the same as to hurry up something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...The President's attempt to hurry the process of independence.</font><br><br>If you hurry someone to a place or into a situation, you try to make them go to that place or get into that situation quickly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Rachel hurried him to his bed.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They say they are not going to be hurried into any decision.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I don't want to hurry you.</font><br><font color=red>= rush</font><br><font color=gre </b></font><br>

Q: <b> incur <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5kE:</font>]</b><br>

A: If you incur something unpleasant, it happens to you because of something you have done. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The government had also incurred huge debts.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She falls in love and incurs the wrath of her father.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the terrible damage incurred during the past decade.</font><br><font color=red>= sustain</font><br>

Q: <b> inherit <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5herit</font>]</b><br>

A: If you inherit money or property, you receive it from someone who has died.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has no son to inherit his land.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...paintings that he inherited from his father.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...people with inherited wealth.</font><br><br>If you inherit something such as a task, problem, or attitude, you get it from the people who used to have it, for example because you have taken over their job or been influenced by them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Endara government inherited an impossibly difficult situation from its predecessors.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Our legal system inherited laws from the English system.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the inherited wisdoms contained in its social hierarchy.</font><br><br>If you inherit a characteristic or quality, you are born with it, because your parents or ancestors also had it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We inherit from our parents many of our physical characteristics.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her children have inherited her love of sport.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Stammering is probably an inherited defect.</font><br>

Q: <b> loyalty <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lCiElti</font>]</b><br>

A: Loyalty is the quality of staying firm in your friendship or support for someone or something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have sworn an oath of loyalty to the monarchy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This is seen as a reward for the army's loyalty during a barracks revolt earlier this month.</font><br><br>Loyalties are feelings of friendship, support, or duty towards someone or something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She had developed strong loyalties to the Manet family.</font><br>

Q: <b> initiate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">i5niFieit</font>]</b><br>

A: If you initiate something, you start it or cause it to happen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They wanted to initiate a discussion on economics.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The trip was initiated by the manager of the community centre.</font><br><br>If you initiate someone into something, you introduce them to a particular skill or type of knowledge and teach them about it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He initiated her into the study of other cultures.</font><br><br>If someone is initiated into something such as a religion, secret society, or social group, they become a member of it by taking part in ceremonies at which they learn its special knowledge or customs.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In many societies, young people are formally initiated into their adult roles.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the lengthy ceremony that initiated Golden Dawn members into the Second Order.</font><br><br>An initiate is a person who has been accepted as a member by a particular group or club and been taught its secrets and skills.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chen was an initiate of a Chinese spiritual discipline.</font><br>

Q: <b> inquire <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5kwaiE</font>]</b><br>

A: If you inquire about something, you ask for information about it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Is something wrong?' he enquired.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Who are you?' he enquired of the first man.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I rang up to inquire about train times.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He asked for his key and inquired whether there had been any messages for him.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was so impressed that he inquired the young shepherd's name.</font><br><br>If you inquire into something, you investigate it carefully.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Inspectors were appointed to inquire into the affairs of the company.</font><br>

Q: <b> insert <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5sE:t</font>]</b><br>

A: If you insert an object into something, you put the object inside it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He took a small key from his pocket and slowly inserted it into the lock.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wait for a couple of minutes with your mouth closed before inserting the thermometer.</font><br><font color=red>* insertion insertions </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the first experiment involving the insertion of a new gene into a human being.</font><br><br>If you insert a comment into a piece of writing or a speech, you include it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They joined with the monarchists to insert a clause calling for a popular vote on the issue.</font><br><font color=red>* insertion </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He saw no point whatsoever in recording an item for insertion in the programme.</font><br><br>An insert is something that is inserted somewhere, especially an advertisement on a piece of paper that is placed between the pages of a book or magazine.<br>

Q: <b> instruct <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5strQkt</font>]</b><br>

A: If you instruct someone to do something, you formally tell them to do it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The family has instructed solicitors to sue Thomson for compensation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Go and have a word with her, Ken,' Webb instructed.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I want you to instruct them that they've got three months to get the details sorted out.</font><br><br>Someone who instructs people in a subject or skill teaches it to them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He instructed family members in nursing techniques.</font><br>

Q: <b> insure <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5FuE</font>]</b><br>

A: If you insure yourself or your property, you pay money to an insurance company so that, if you become ill or if your property is damaged or stolen, the company will pay you a sum of money.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;For protection against unforeseen emergencies, you insure your house, your furnishings and your car.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;While many people insure against death, far fewer take precautions against long-term loss of income because of sickness.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We automatically insure your furniture, belongings and decorations against theft, fire, vandalism or burst pipes.</font><br><br>If you insure yourself against something unpleasant that might happen in the future, you do something to protect yourself in case it happens, or to prevent it happening.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...if he can further insure himself against ambitious party rivals by achieving a strong election result in his home state next April...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All the electronics in the world cannot insure against accidents, though.</font><br>

Q: <b> intensify <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5tensifai</font>]</b><br>

A: If you intensify something or if it intensifies, it becomes greater in strength, amount, or degree.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Britain is intensifying its efforts to secure the release of three British hostages.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The conflict is almost bound to intensify.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Groups of refugees are on the move following intensified fighting in the region.</font><br><font color=red>= heighten</font><br><font color=red>* intensification </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The country was on the verge of collapse because of the intensification of violent rebel attacks.</font><br>

Q: <b> interpret <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5tE:prit</font>]</b><br>

A: If you interpret something in a particular way, you decide that this is its meaning or significance.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The whole speech might well be interpreted as a coded message to the Americans.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The judge quite rightly says that he has to interpret the law as it's been passed.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Both approaches agree on what is depicted in the poem, but not on how it should be interpreted.</font><br><br>If you interpret what someone is saying, you translate it immediately into another language.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The chambermaid spoke little English, so her husband came with her to interpret.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Three interpreters looked it over for about three or four hours and found that they could not interpret half of it.</font><br>

Q: <b> interrupt <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7intE5rQpt</font>]</b><br>

A: If you interrupt someone who is speaking, you say or do something that causes them to stop.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Turkin tapped him on the shoulder. `Sorry to interrupt, Colonel.'.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He tried to speak, but she interrupted him.</font><br><font color=red>* interruption interruptions </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The sudden interruption stopped Beryl in mid-flow.</font><br><br>If someone or something interrupts a process or activity, they stop it for a period of time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has rightly interrupted his holiday in Spain to return to London.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The match took nearly three hours and was interrupted at times by rain.</font><br><font color=red>= disrupt</font><br><font color=red>* interruption </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...interruptions in the supply of food and fuel...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Motherhood did not constitute much of an interruption to her career.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was able to get on with my work without interruption.</font><br><font color=red>= disruption</font><br><br>If something interrupts a line, surface, or view, it stops it from being continuous or makes it look irregular.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Taller plants interrupt the views from the house.</font><br>

Q: <b> intervene <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7intE5vi:n</font>]</b><br>

A: If you intervene in a situation, you become involved in it and try to change it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The situation calmed down when police intervened.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Government is doing nothing to intervene in the crisis.</font><br><br>If you intervene, you interrupt a conversation in order to add something to it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hattie intervened and told me to stop it.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`I've told you he's not here,' Irena intervened.</font><br><font color=red>= interject</font><br><br>If an event intervenes, it happens suddenly in a way that stops, delays, or prevents something from happening.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The South African mailboat arrived on Friday mornings unless bad weather intervened.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I pray that death may not intervene to prevent our meeting with my darling children.</font><br>

Q: <b> intimidate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5timideit</font>]</b><br>

A: If you intimidate someone, you deliberately make them frightened enough to do what you want them to do.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jones had set out to intimidate and dominate Paul.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Attempts to intimidate people into voting for the governing party did not work.</font><br><font color=red>= browbeat</font><br><font color=red>* intimidation </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; inquiry into allegations of intimidation during last week's vote.</font><br>

Q: <b> invent <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5vent</font>]</b><br>

A: If you invent something such as a machine or process, you are the first person to think of it or make it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He invented the first electric clock.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Writing had not been invented as yet.</font><br><br>If you invent a story or excuse, you try to make other people believe that it is true when in fact it is not.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I stood still, trying to invent a plausible excuse.</font><br>

Q: <b> jack in <br>JACK IN </b><br>

A: If you jack in something such as an activity or job, you stop doing it. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Four of the cast jacked it in about Christmas.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;After she jacked in the teaching, Jane got herself a job with a shipping line.</font><br><font color=red>= pack in</font><br>

Q: <b> jack up <br>JACK UP </b><br>

A: If you jack up a heavy object such as a car, you raise it off the ground using a jack.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They jacked up the car.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All I had to do was get everyone out of the car, jack it up, and put on the spare.</font><br><br>To jack up the price or amount of something means to increase it to an unreasonable or unacceptable level. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The plan would cost so much that the company would have to jack up its prices.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Inflation has jacked up the rate of unemployment.</font><br><font color=red>= hike, hike up</font><br>

Q: <b> jerk <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dVE:k</font>]</b><br>

A: If you jerk something or someone in a particular direction, or they jerk in a particular direction, they move a short distance very suddenly and quickly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mr Griffin jerked forward in his chair.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The car jerked to a halt.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`This is Brady Coyne,' said Sam, jerking his head in my direction.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mike kept snatching him up by the collar and jerking him up.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Eleanor jerked her wrist free.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Foley raised his chin and jerked his neck as if his collar were too tight.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He indicated the bedroom with a jerk of his head.</font><br><br>If you call someone a jerk, you are insulting them because you think they are stupid or you do not like them. (INFORMAL, OFFENSIVE)<br>

Q: <b> ideally <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">ai5diEli</font>]</b><br>

A: If you say that ideally a particular thing should happen or be done, you mean that this is what you would like to happen or be done, but you know that this is may not be possible or practical.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;People should, ideally, be persuaded to eat a diet with much less fat or oil.</font><br><font color=red>= preferably</font><br><br>If you say that someone or something is ideally suited, ideally located, or ideally qualified, you mean that they are as well suited, located, or qualified as they could possibly be.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They were an extremely happy couple, ideally suited.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The hotel is ideally situated for country walks.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The General is ideally qualified for the job.</font><br><font color=red>= perfectly</font><br>

Q: <b> knit <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">nit</font>]</b><br>

A: If you knit something, especially an article of clothing, you make it from wool or a similar thread by using two knitting needles or a machine.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I had endless hours to knit and sew.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have already started knitting baby clothes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She knitted him 10 pairs of socks to take with him.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;During the war, Joan helped her mother knit scarves for soldiers.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She pushed up the sleeves of her grey knitted cardigan and got to work.</font><br><br>Also a combining form.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ferris wore a heavy knit sweater.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a cotton-knit sweater.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...hand-knit garments.</font><br><font color=red>* knitter knitters </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Pattern charts with small print are often difficult for older knitters to use.</font><br><br>If someone or something knits things or people together, they make them fit or work together closely and successfully.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The best thing about sport is that it knits the whole family close together.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ordinary people have some reservations about their president's drive to knit them so closely to their neighbors.</font><br><br>Also a combining form.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a closer-knit European Community.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a tightly knit society.</font><br><br>When broke </b></font><br>

Q: <b> lash out <br>LASH OUT </b><br>

A: If you lash out, you attempt to hit someone quickly and violently with a weapon or with your hands or feet.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Riot police fired in the air and lashed out with clubs to disperse hundreds of demonstrators.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her husband has a terrible temper and lashes out at her for no good reason.</font><br><br>If you lash out at someone or something, you speak to them or about them very angrily or critically.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As a politician Jefferson frequently lashed out at the press.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Cuban leader lashed out against the policy of the US President.</font><br>

Q: <b> locate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">lEu5keit</font>]</b><br>

A: If you locate something or someone, you find out where they are. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The scientists want to locate the position of the gene on a chromosome.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We've simply been unable to locate him.</font><br><font color=red>= find</font><br><br>If you locate something in a particular place, you put it there or build it there. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Atlanta was voted the best city in which to locate a business by more than 400 chief executives.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tudor Court represents your opportunity to locate at the heart of the new Birmingham.</font><br><br>If you locate in a particular place, you move there or open a business there. (mainly AM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; breaks for businesses that locate in run-down neighborhoods.</font><br>

Q: <b> moan <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mEun</font>]</b><br>

A: If you moan, you make a low sound, usually because you are unhappy or in pain.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tony moaned in his sleep and then turned over on his side.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`My head, my head,' he moaned. `I can't see.'</font><br><font color=red>= groan</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Suddenly she gave a low, choking moan and began to tremble violently.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...her moan of sorrow.</font><br><br>To moan means to complain or speak in a way which shows that you are very unhappy.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I used to moan if I didn't get at least six hours' sleep at night.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...moaning about the weather...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They moan on a lot about money.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Meg moans, `I hated it!'.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The gardener was moaning that he had another garden to do later that morning.</font><br><font color=red>= complain, whinge</font><br><br>A moan is a complaint. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They have been listening to people's gripes, moans and praise.</font><br><br>If you have a moan, you complain about something. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You can go see him and have a good old moan.</font><br><br>A moan is a low noise. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the occasional moan of the wind round the corners of the house.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the moan of distant traffic.</font><br>

Q: <b> modify <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mCdifai</font>]</b><br>

A: If you modify something, you change it slightly, usually in order to improve it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The club members did agree to modify their recruitment policy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The plane was a modified version of the C-130.</font><br><font color=red>= adapt</font><br><font color=red>* modification modifications </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Relatively minor modifications were required.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...behaviour modification techniques.</font><br><br>A word or group of words that modifies another word describes or classifies something, or restricts the meaning of the word.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is a rule of English that adjectives generally precede the noun they modify: we say `a good cry', not `a cry good'.</font><br>

Q: <b> murmur <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mE:mE</font>]</b><br>

A: If you murmur something, you say it very quietly, so that not many people can hear what you are saying.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He turned and murmured something to the professor.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She murmured a few words of support.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`How lovely,' she murmured.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Murmuring softly that they must go somewhere to talk, he led her from the garden.</font><br><br>A murmur is something that is said which can hardly be heard.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They spoke in low murmurs.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She gave a little murmur.</font><br><br>A murmur is a continuous low sound, like the noise of a river or of voices far away.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The piano music mixes with the murmur of conversation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I could hear the murmur of the sea.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The clamor of traffic has receded to a distant murmur.</font><br><font color=red>= hum</font><br><br>A murmur of a particular emotion is a quiet expression of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The promise of some basic working rights draws murmurs of approval.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Already there are murmurs of discontent.</font><br><br>A murmur is an abnormal sound which is made by the heart and which shows that there is probably something wrong with it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The doctor said James had now developed a heart murmur.</font><br>

Q: <b> muse <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mju:z</font>]</b><br>

A: If you muse on something, you think about it, usually saying or writing what you are thinking at the same time. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many of the papers muse on the fate of the President.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`As a whole,' she muses, `the `organized church' turns me off'.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He once mused that he would have voted Labour in 1964 had he been old enough.</font><br><font color=red>= ponder</font><br><font color=red>* musing musings </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His musings were interrupted by Montagu who came and sat down next to him.</font><br><br>A muse is a person, usually a woman, who gives someone, usually a man, a desire to create art, poetry, or music, and gives them ideas for it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Once she was a nude model and muse to French artist Henri Matisse.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the muses who fuel his inspiration.</font><br>

Q: <b> mutter <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mQtE</font>]</b><br>

A: If you mutter, you speak very quietly so that you cannot easily be heard, often because you are complaining about something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`God knows,' she muttered, `what's happening in that madman's mind.'.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She can hear the old woman muttering about consideration.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He sat there shaking his head, muttering to himself.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was staring into the fire muttering.</font><br><font color=red>= mumble</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They make no more than a mutter of protest.</font><br><font color=red>* muttering mutterings </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He heard muttering from the front of the crowd.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He will lead the party into the election, in spite of the mutterings about his leadership.</font><br>

Q: <b> nail down <br>NAIL DOWN </b><br>

A: If you nail down something unknown or uncertain, you find out exactly what it is.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It would be useful if you could nail down the source of this tension.</font><br><font color=red>= pin down</font><br><br>If you nail down an agreement, you manage to reach a firm agreement with a definite result.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Secretary of State and his Russian counterpart met to try to nail down the elusive accord.</font><br><br>If you nail something down, you fix it firmly onto something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lay strips of 4mm ply over the mesh and nail these down with panel pins.</font><br>

Q: <b> nail up <br>NAIL UP </b><br>

A: If you nail something up, you fix it to a wall, post, or tree using nails.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He fished and nailed up his catch to dry on the wall of the byre.</font><br><font color=red>= fix</font><br><br>If you nail up a wooden container, you secure the lid with nails.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He took a hammer from his boot and nailed up the lid.</font><br>

Q: <b> feat <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fi:t</font>]</b><br>

A: If you refer to an action, or the result of an action, as a feat, you admire it because it is an impressive and difficult achievement.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A racing car is an extraordinary feat of engineering.</font><br>no mean feat...see mean.<br><font color=red>= accomplishment</font><br>

Q: <b> inability <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">inE5biliti</font>]</b><br>

A: If you refer to someone's inability to do something, you are referring to the fact that they are unable to do it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her inability to concentrate could cause an accident.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the government's inability to provide basic services.</font><br><font color=red><> ability</font><br>

Q: <b> indictment <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5daitmEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: If you say that one thing is an indictment of another thing, you mean that it shows how bad the other thing is.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's a sad indictment of society that policeman are regarded as easy targets by thugs.</font><br><br>An indictment is a formal accusation that someone has committed a crime. (mainly AM, LEGAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Prosecutors may soon seek an indictment on racketeering and fraud charges.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The government's indictment against the three men alleged unlawful trading.</font><br><font color=red>= charge</font><br>

Q: <b> bash out <br>BASH OUT </b><br>

A: If you say that someone bashes something out, you mean that they produce it quickly or in large quantities, but without much care or thought. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Up to then, they'd merrily bashed out albums in between tours.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their ambitions are to bash out good grub with minimal fuss.</font><br>

Q: <b> mortal <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mC:tl</font>]</b><br>

A: If you refer to the fact that people are mortal, you mean that they have to die and cannot live for ever.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A man is deliberately designed to be mortal. He grows, he ages, and he dies.</font><br><font color=red><> immortal</font><br><font color=red>* mortality </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She has suddenly come face to face with her own mortality.</font><br><br>You can describe someone as a mortal when you want to say that they are an ordinary person.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tickets seem unobtainable to the ordinary mortal.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...impossible needs for any mere mortal to meet.</font><br><font color=red>= human</font><br><br>You can use mortal to show that something is very serious or may cause death.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The police were defending themselves and others against mortal danger.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Broadcasting was regarded at the time as the mortal enemy of live music-making.</font><br><font color=red>* mortally </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He falls, mortally wounded.</font><br><br>You can use mortal to emphasize that a feeling is extremely great or severe.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When self-esteem is high, we lose our mortal fear of jealousy.</font><br><font color=red>* mortally </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Candida admits to having been `mortally embarrassed'.</font><br> </b></font><br>

Q: <b> bow down <br>BOW DOWN </b><br>

A: If you refuse to bow down to another person, you refuse to show them respect or to behave in a way which you think would make you seem weaker or less important than them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We should not have to bow down to anyone.</font><br><font color=red>= kow-tow</font><br>

Q: <b> anonymous <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5nCnimEs</font>]</b><br>

A: If you remain anonymous when you do something, you do not let people know that you were the person who did it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You can remain anonymous if you wish.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;An anonymous benefactor stepped in to provide the prize money.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...anonymous phone calls.</font><br><font color=red><> known, named</font><br><font color=red>* anonymity </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Both mother and daughter, who have requested anonymity, are doing fine.</font><br><font color=red>* anonymously </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The latest photographs were sent anonymously to the magazine's Paris headquarters.</font><br><br>Something that is anonymous does not reveal who you are.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Of course, that would have to be by anonymous vote.</font><br><font color=red>* anonymity </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He claims many more people would support him in the anonymity of a voting booth.</font><br><br>If you describe a place as anonymous, you dislike it because it has no unusual or interesting features and seems unwelcoming.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the most anonymous part of north-west Washington...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's nice to stay in a home rather than in an anonymous holiday villa.</font><br><font color=red>* anonymity </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the anonymity of the rented room.</font><br>

Q: <b> graphic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5grAfik</font>]</b><br>

A: If you say that a description or account of something unpleasant is graphic, you are emphasizing that it is clear and detailed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The descriptions of sexual abuse are graphic.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...graphic scenes of drug taking.</font><br><font color=red>= explicit</font><br><font color=red>* graphically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Here, graphically displayed, was confirmation of the entire story.</font><br><br>Graphic means concerned with drawing or pictures, especially in publishing, industry, or computing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the graphic design department.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...fine and graphic arts.</font><br><br>Graphics is the activity of drawing or making pictures, especially in publishing, industry, or computing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a computer manufacturer which specialises in graphics.</font><br><br>Graphics are drawings and pictures that are composed using simple lines and sometimes strong colours.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The articles are noticeably shorter with strong headlines and graphics.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Agriculture Department today released a new graphic to replace the old symbol.</font><br>

Q: <b> miracle <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mirEkl</font>]</b><br>

A: If you say that a good event is a miracle, you mean that it is very surprising and unexpected.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is a miracle no one was killed.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Italian economic miracle has always been a mystery.</font><br><br>A miracle drug or product does something that was thought almost impossible. (JOURNALISM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a miracle drug that is said to be a cure for Aids and cancer.</font><br><br>A miracle is a wonderful and surprising event that is believed to be caused by God.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the miracle of the Virgin Birth.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Jesus's ability to perform miracles.</font><br>

Q: <b> carve up <br>CARVE UP </b><br>

A: If you say that someone carves something up, you disapprove of the way they have divided it into small parts.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has set about carving up the company which Hammer created from almost nothing.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They have begun carving the country up like a pie.</font><br><br>To carve someone up means to hurt them badly using a knife. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He wanted to go into the street and carve someone's face up.</font><br>

Q: <b> dedicate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dedikeit</font>]</b><br>

A: If you say that someone has dedicated themselves to something, you approve of the fact that they have decided to give a lot of time and effort to it because they think that it is important.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Back on the island, he dedicated himself to politics.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bessie has dedicated her life to caring for others.</font><br><font color=red>= devote</font><br><font color=red>* dedicated </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's quite dedicated to his students.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a company staffed by capable and dedicated people.</font><br><font color=red>* dedication </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We admire her courage, compassion and dedication to the cause of humanity, justice and peace.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;To be successful takes hard work and dedication.</font><br><br>If someone dedicates something such as a book, play, or piece of music to you, they mention your name, for example in the front of a book or when a piece of music is performed, as a way of showing affection or respect for you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She dedicated her first album to Woody Allen, whom she says understands her obsession.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This book is dedicated to the memory of my mother.</font><br><br>If a building or church is dedicated to someone, a formal ceremony is held to show that the building will always be associated with them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The other day, in a little church near Brighton, a window was dedicated to the memory of the Revd. Michael Scott.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The church is dedicated to St Mary of Bec.</font><br><font color=red>* dedication </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the dedication of the Holocaust Museum...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some 250 guests attended the dedication ceremony.</font><br>

Q: <b> interfere <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7intE5fiE</font>]</b><br>

A: If you say that someone interferes in a situation, you mean they get involved in it although it does not concern them and their involvement is not wanted.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I wish everyone would stop interfering and just leave me alone.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The UN cannot interfere in the internal affairs of any country.</font><br><font color=red>= meddle</font><br><br>Something that interferes with a situation, activity, or process has a damaging effect on it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Drug problems frequently interfered with his work.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Alexander wasn't going to let a lack of space interfere with his plans.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Smoking and drinking interfere with your body's ability to process oxygen.</font><br>

Q: <b> beam <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bi:m</font>]</b><br>

A: If you say that someone is beaming, you mean that they have a big smile on their face because they are happy, pleased, or proud about something. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Frances beamed at her friend with undisguised admiration.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Welcome back,' she beamed.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the beaming face of a 41-year-old man on the brink of achieving his dreams.</font><br><br>A beam is a line of energy, radiation, or particles sent in a particular direction.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...high-energy laser beams.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a beam of neutrons.</font><br><br>If radio signals or television pictures are beamed somewhere, they are sent there by means of electronic equipment.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The interview was beamed live across America.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Soon, CMTV will be beaming into British homes via the Astra satellite.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a ship which is due to begin beaming radio broadcasts to China.</font><br><br>A beam of light is a line of light that shines from an object such as a lamp.<br><br>If something such as the sun or a lamp beams down, it sends light to a place and shines on it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A sharp white spot-light beamed down on a small stage.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All you see of the outside world is the sunlight beaming through the cracks in the roof.</font><br><br>A beam is a long thick bar of wood, m </b></font><br>

Q: <b> challenged <br>CHALLENGED </b><br>

A: If you say that someone is challenged in a particular way, you mean that they have a disability in that area. Challenged is often combined with inappropriate words for humorous effect.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...terms like `vertically-challenged' -- meaning short...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She ran off with an intellectually challenged ski instructor.</font><br>

Q: <b> cop out <br>COP OUT </b><br>

A: If you say that someone is copping out, you mean they are avoiding doing something they should do. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Will you call the board to alert them that I feel I should resign?' --- `I'll do it. But I think you're copping out.'</font><br>See also cop-out.<br>

Q: <b> defiant <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5faiEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: If you say that someone is defiant, you mean they show aggression or independence by refusing to obey someone.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The players are in defiant mood as they prepare for tomorrow's game.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Despite the risk of suspension, he remained defiant.</font><br><font color=red>* defiantly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They defiantly rejected any talk of a compromise.</font><br>

Q: <b> eccentric <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">ik5sentrik</font>]</b><br>

A: If you say that someone is eccentric, you mean that they behave in a strange way, and have habits or opinions that are different from those of most people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is an eccentric character who likes wearing a beret and dark glasses.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Mr Thomas, a businessman with eccentric views.</font><br><font color=red>= odd</font><br><br>An eccentric is an eccentric person.<br><font color=red>* eccentrically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...painters, eccentrically dressed and already half drunk.</font><br>

Q: <b> jerk around <br>JERK AROUND </b><br>

A: If you say that someone is jerking you around, you mean that they are not being honest with you about something. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Don't jerk me around, Mr Crook.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We're being jerked around, and I don't like it.</font><br>

Q: <b> costly <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCstli</font>]</b><br>

A: If you say that something is costly, you mean that it costs a lot of money, often more than you would want to pay.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Having professionally made curtains can be costly, so why not make your own?</font><br><font color=red>= expensive <> cheap</font><br><br>If you describe someone's action or mistake as costly, you mean that it results in a serious disadvantage for them, for example the loss of a large amount of money or the loss of their reputation.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Psychometric tests can save organizations from grim and costly mistakes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This sort of scandal in international banking has been politically costly.</font><br>

Q: <b> manipulate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mE5nipjuleit</font>]</b><br>

A: If you say that someone manipulates people, you disapprove of them because they skilfully force or persuade people to do what they want.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is a very difficult character. He manipulates people.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She's always borrowing my clothes and manipulating me to give her vast sums of money.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They'll have kids who are two, three, who are manipulating them into buying toys.</font><br><font color=red>* manipulation manipulations </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...repeated criticism or manipulation of our mind...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I don't like manipulations or lies.</font><br><br>If you say that someone manipulates an event or situation, you disapprove of them because they use or control it for their own benefit, or cause it to develop in the way they want.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was unable, for once, to control and manipulate events.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They felt he had been cowardly in manipulating the system to avoid the draft.</font><br><font color=red>= manoeuvre</font><br><font color=red>* manipulation </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...accusations of political manipulation.</font><br><br>If you manipulate something that requires skill, such as a complicated piece of equipment or a difficult idea, you operate it or process it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The technology uses a pen to manipulate a computer.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The puppets are expertly manipulated by Liz Walker.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His mind moves in quantum leaps, manipulating ideas and jumping on to new ones as soon as he can.</font><br><font color=red>* manipulation </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; that requires only the simplest of mathematical manipulations.</font><br><br>If someone manipulates your bones or muscles, they skilfully move and press them with their hands in order to push the bones into their correct position or make the muscles less stiff.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The way he can manipulate my leg has helped my arthritis so much.</font><br><font color=red>* manipulation </font><br </b></font><br>

Q: <b> liability <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7laiE5biliti</font>]</b><br>

A: If you say that someone or something is a liability, you mean that they cause a lot of problems or embarrassment.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As the president's prestige continues to fall, they're clearly beginning to consider him a liability</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;... what was once a vote catching policy, is now a political liability.</font><br><br>A company or organization's liabilities are the sums of money which it owes. (TECHNICAL or LEGAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The company had assets of $138 million and liabilities of $120.5 million.</font><br><font color=red><> asset</font><br>

Q: <b> fortunate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fC:tFEnit</font>]</b><br>

A: If you say that someone or something is fortunate, you mean that they are lucky.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was extremely fortunate to survive.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Central London is fortunate in having so many large parks and open spaces.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was fortunate that the water was shallow.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She is in the fortunate position of having plenty of choice.</font><br>

Q: <b> comprise <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEm5praiz</font>]</b><br>

A: If you say that something comprises or is comprised of a number of things or people, you mean it has them as its parts or members. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The special cabinet committee comprises Mr Brown, Mr Mandelson, and Mr Straw.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The exhibition comprises 50 oils and watercolours.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The task force is comprised of congressional leaders, cabinet heads and administration officials.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A crowd comprised of the wives and children of scientists staged a demonstration.</font><br><br>The things or people that comprise something are the parts or members that form it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the multitude of ideas, ambitions and regrets that comprises the culture of Russia today...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Women comprise 44% of hospital medical staff.</font><br><font color=red>= form, make up</font><br>

Q: <b> grind on <br>GRIND ON </b><br>

A: If you say that something grinds on, you disapprove of the fact that it continues to happen in the same way for a long time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Civil war in the Sudan has been grinding on for nine years.</font><br>

Q: <b> charming <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5tFB:miN</font>]</b><br>

A: If you say that something is charming, you mean that it is very pleasant or attractive.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a charming little fishing village.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the charming custom of wearing a rose on that day.</font><br><font color=red><> charmless</font><br><font color=red>* charmingly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There's something charmingly old-fashioned about his brand of entertainment.</font><br><font color=red>= delightfully</font><br><br>If you describe someone as charming, you mean they behave in a friendly, pleasant way that makes people like them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a charming young man...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He found her as smart and beautiful as she is charming.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He can be charming to his friends.</font><br><font color=red>* charmingly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Calder smiled charmingly and put out his hand. `A pleasure, Mrs Talbot.'</font><br><br>You can say `Charming!' to indicate your disapproval when someone has just been rude to you or told you about someone's bad behaviour.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`I'm glad I'm not going with you, that's for sure.' --- `Oh, charming!'.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`They wanted to stop my dole money for those days.' --- `Charming!'</font><br>

Q: <b> lyric <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lirik</font>]</b><br>

A: Lyric poetry is written in a simple and direct style, and usually expresses personal emotions such as love.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Lawrence's splendid short stories and lyric poetry.</font><br><br>The lyrics of a song are its words.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Kurt Weill's Broadway opera with lyrics by Langston Hughes.</font><br>

Q: <b> dreadful <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dredful</font>]</b><br>

A: If you say that something is dreadful, you mean that it is very bad or unpleasant, or very poor in quality.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They told us the dreadful news.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My financial situation is dreadful.</font><br><font color=red>= awful, appalling</font><br><font color=red>* dreadfully </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You behaved dreadfully.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They treated him dreadfully.</font><br><br>Dreadful is used to emphasize the degree or extent of something bad.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We've made a dreadful mistake.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I had a dreadful headache.</font><br><br>If someone looks or feels dreadful, they look or feel very ill, tired, or upset.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Are you all right? You look dreadful.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I feel absolutely dreadful about what has happened.</font><br>

Q: <b> endless <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5endlis</font>]</b><br>

A: If you say that something is endless, you mean that it is very large or lasts for a very long time, and it seems as if it will never stop.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They turned into an endless street.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The war was endless.</font><br><font color=red>* endlessly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They talk about it endlessly.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...endlessly long arcades of shops.</font><br>

Q: <b> fantastic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fAn5tAstik</font>]</b><br>

A: If you say that something is fantastic, you are emphasizing that you think it is very good or that you like it a lot. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have a fantastic social life.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I thought she was fantastic.</font><br><font color=red>= great</font><br><br>A fantastic amount or quantity is an extremely large one.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...fantastic amounts of money.</font><br><font color=red>* fantastically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a fantastically expensive restaurant.</font><br><br>You describe something as fantastic or fantastical when it seems strange and wonderful or unlikely.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Unlikely and fantastic legends grew up around a great many figures, both real and fictitious.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The book has many fantastical aspects.</font><br>

Q: <b> gorgeous <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5gC:dVEs</font>]</b><br>

A: If you say that something is gorgeous, you mean that it gives you a lot of pleasure or is very attractive. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...gorgeous mountain scenery...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's a gorgeous day.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some of the Renaissance buildings are gorgeous.</font><br><font color=red>= lovely</font><br><font color=red>* gorgeously </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She has a gorgeously warm speaking voice.</font><br><br>If you describe someone as gorgeous, you mean that you find them very sexually attractive. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The cosmetics industry uses gorgeous women to sell its skincare products.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All the girls in my house are mad about Ryan, they think he's gorgeous.</font><br><font color=red>= beautiful</font><br><br>If you describe things such as clothes and colours as gorgeous, you mean they are bright, rich, and impressive.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a red-haired man in the gorgeous uniform of a Marshal of the Empire.</font><br><font color=red>* gorgeously </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...gorgeously embroidered clothing.</font><br>

Q: <b> imminent <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5iminEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: If you say that something is imminent, especially something unpleasant, you mean it is almost certain to happen very soon.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There appeared no imminent danger.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They warned that an attack is imminent.</font><br><font color=red>* imminence </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The imminence of war was on everyone's mind.</font><br>

Q: <b> manifest <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mAnifest</font>]</b><br>

A: If you say that something is manifest, you mean that it is clearly true and that nobody would disagree with it if they saw it or considered it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the manifest failure of the policies...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There may be unrecognised cases of manifest injustice of which we are unaware.</font><br><font color=red>= patent</font><br><font color=red>* manifestly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She manifestly failed to last the mile and a half of the race.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the manifestly obvious health and social advantages of chastity.</font><br><font color=red>= patently</font><br><br>If you manifest a particular quality, feeling, or illness, or if it manifests itself, it becomes visible or obvious. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He manifested a pleasing personality on stage.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The virus needs two weeks to manifest itself.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...and so their frustration and anger will manifest itself in crying and screaming...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's only convincing when that inner fury manifests itself.</font><br><font color=red>= show</font><br><br>Also an adjective.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The same alarm is manifest everywhere.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some of her social aspirations were made manifest.</font><br>

Q: <b> essence <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5esns</font>]</b><br>

A: If you say that something is of the essence, you mean that it is absolutely necessary in order for a particular action to be successful. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The essence of consultation is to listen to, and take account of, the views of those consulted.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the essence of life...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Others claim that Ireland's very essence is expressed through the language.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Though off-puttingly complicated in detail, local taxes are in essence simple.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Time is of the essence.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speed was of the essence in a project of this type.</font><br><font color=red>= crucial</font><br><br>Essence is a very concentrated liquid that is used for flavouring food or for its smell.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a few drops of vanilla essence.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...exotic bath essences.</font><br>

Q: <b> magnificent <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mAg5nifisnt</font>]</b><br>

A: If you say that something or someone is magnificent, you mean that you think they are extremely good, beautiful, or impressive.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a magnificent country house in wooded grounds.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...magnificent views over the San Fernando Valley...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She is magnificent at making you feel you can talk quite naturally to her.</font><br><font color=red>= splendid</font><br><font color=red>* magnificence </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I shall never forget the magnificence of the Swiss mountains and the beauty of the lakes.</font><br><font color=red>= splendour</font><br><font color=red>* magnificently </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The team played magnificently throughout the competition.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a magnificently elaborate head-dress.</font><br><font color=red>= splendidly</font><br>

Q: <b> lone <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">lEun</font>]</b><br>

A: If you talk about a lone person or thing, you mean that they are alone.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A lone woman motorist waited for six hours for the RAC yesterday because of a name mix-up.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was shot by a lone gunman.</font><br><br>A lone parent is a parent who is looking after her or his child or children and who is not married or living with a partner. (mainly BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ninety per cent of lone parent families are headed by mothers.</font><br><font color=red>= single</font><br>

Q: <b> developing <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5velEpiN</font>]</b><br>

A: If you talk about developing countries or the developing world, you mean the countries or the parts of the world that are poor and have few industries.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In the developing world cigarette consumption is increasing.</font><br>

Q: <b> hurry up <br>HURRY UP </b><br>

A: If you tell someone to hurry up, you are telling them do something more quickly than they were doing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Franklin told Howe to hurry up and take his bath; otherwise, they'd miss their train.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hurry up with that coffee, will you.</font><br>

Q: <b> knot <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">nCt</font>]</b><br>

A: If you tie a knot in a piece of string, rope, cloth, or other material, you pass one end or part of it through a loop and pull it tight.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One lace had broken and been tied in a knot.</font><br><br>If you knot a piece of string, rope, cloth, or other material, you pass one end or part of it through a loop and pull it tight.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He knotted the laces securely together.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He knotted the bandanna around his neck.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a knotted rope.</font><br><br>A knot of people is a group of people who are standing very close together. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A little knot of men stood clapping.</font><br><br>If you feel a knot in your stomach, you get an uncomfortable tight feeling in your stomach, usually because you are afraid or excited.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was a knot of tension in his stomach.</font><br><br>If your stomach knots or if something knots it, it feels tight because you are afraid or excited.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I felt my stomach knot with apprehension.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The old dread knotted her stomach.</font><br><br>If part of your face or your muscles knot, they become tense, usually because you are worried or angry.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His forehead knotted in a frown.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...his knotted muscles.</font><br><f </b></font><br>

Q: <b> established <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">is5tAbliFt</font>]</b><br>

A: If you use established to describe something such as an organization, you mean that it is officially recognized or generally approved of because it has existed for a long time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their religious adherence is not to the established church.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...qualified lawyers with established and prestigious business addresses.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the established names of Paris fashion.</font><br>

Q: <b> ignorance <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5ignErEns</font>]</b><br>

A: Ignorance of something is lack of knowledge about it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I am beginning to feel embarrassed by my complete ignorance of non-European history.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is so much ignorance about mental illness.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In my ignorance I had never heard country & western music.</font><br>

Q: <b> imperial <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">im5piEriEl</font>]</b><br>

A: Imperial is used to refer to things or people that are or were connected with an empire.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Imperial Palace in Tokyo...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They executed Russia's imperial family in 1918.</font><br><br>The imperial system of measurement uses inches, feet, and yards to measure length, ounces and pounds to measure weight, and pints and gallons to measure volume.<br>

Q: <b> black and white <br>BLACK AND WHITE </b><br>

A: In a black and white photograph or film, everything is shown in black, white, and grey.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a black-and-white photo of the two of us together.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...old black and white film footage...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The pictures were in black and white.</font><br><br>A black and white television set shows only black and white pictures.<br><br>A black and white issue or situation is one which involves issues which seem simple and therefore easy to make decisions about.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;But this isn't a simple black and white affair, Marianne.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She saw things in black and white.</font><br><font color=red>= clear-cut</font><br><br>You say that something is in black and white when it has been written or printed, and not just said.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He'd seen the proof in black and white.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Maybe you don't want to read about Doug's death in black and white.</font><br>

Q: <b> backward <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bAkwEd</font>]</b><br>

A: In American English, backward is usually used as an adverb instead of backwards. Backward is also sometimes used in this way in formal British English. See backwards for these uses.<br><br>A backward movement or look is in the direction that your back is facing. Some people use backwards for this meaning.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He unlocked the door of apartment two and disappeared inside after a backward glance at Larry.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He did a backward flip.</font><br><font color=red><> forward</font><br><br>If someone takes a backward step, they do something that does not change or improve their situation, but causes them to go back a stage.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At a certain age, it's not viable for men to take a backward step into unskilled work.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many dentists will no longer treat National Health Service patients, which is a big backward step in this country.</font><br><font color=red>= forward</font><br><br>A backward country or society does not have modern industries and machines.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We need to accelerate the pace of change in our backward country.</font><br><font color=red><> developed</font><br><font color=red>* backwardness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was astonished at the backwardness of our country at the time.</font><br><br>A backward child has difficulty in learning.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...research into teaching techniques to help backward children...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was slow to walk and talk and my parents thought I was backward.</font><br><font color=red>= slow</font><br><font color=red>* backwardness </f </b></font><br>

Q: <b> constable <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kQnstEbl</font>]</b><br>

A: In Britain and some other countries, a constable is a police officer of the lowest rank.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was a constable at Sutton police station.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Constable Stuart Clark...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thanks for your help, Constable.</font><br>See also Chief Constable.<br><br>In the United States, a constable is an official who helps keep the peace in a town. They are lower in rank than a sheriff.<br>

Q: <b> building society <br>BUILDING SOCIETY </b><br>

A: In Britain, a building society is a business which will lend you money when you want to buy a house. You can also invest money in a building society, where it will earn interest. Compare savings and loan association.<br>

Q: <b> high school <br>HIGH SCHOOL </b><br>

A: In Britain, a high school is a school for children aged between eleven and eighteen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Sunderland High School.</font><br><br>In the United States, a high school is a school for children usually aged between fourteen and eighteen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 18-year-old inner-city kid who dropped out of high school.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the high school football team.</font><br>

Q: <b> cater <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5keitE</font>]</b><br>

A: In British English, to cater for a group of people means to provide all the things that they need or want. In American English, you say you cater to a person or group of people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Minorca is the sort of place that caters for families.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We cater to an exclusive clientele.</font><br><br>In British English, to cater for something means to take it into account. In American English, you say you cater to something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We have to cater for demand.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...shops that cater for the needs of men...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Exercise classes cater to all levels of fitness.</font><br><br>If a person or company caters for an occasion such as a wedding or a party, they provide food and drink for all the people there.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nunsmere Hall can cater for receptions of up to 300 people.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The chef is pleased to cater for vegetarian diets.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Does he cater parties too?</font><br>See also catering, self-catering.<br>

Q: <b> barrister <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bAristE</font>]</b><br>

A: In England and Wales, a barrister is a lawyer who represents clients in the higher courts of law. Compare solicitor.<br>

Q: <b> devil <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5devl</font>]</b><br>

A: In Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the Devil is the most powerful evil spirit.<br><font color=red>= Satan</font><br><br>A devil is an evil spirit.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the idea of angels with wings and devils with horns and hoofs.</font><br><font color=red>= demon</font><br><br>You can use devil to emphasize the way you feel about someone. For example, if you call someone a poor devil, you are saying that you feel sorry for them. You can call someone you are fond of but who sometimes annoys or irritates you an old devil or a little devil. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I felt sorry for Blake, poor devil.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Manfred, you're a suspicious old devil.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Susie, you're a determined little devil.</font><br><br>If you refer to someone as a devil, you mean that they do not behave very well but you like them and are not angry with them. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`I think he was a bit of a devil,' Constance said.</font><br><br>Devil can be used to emphasize what you think about someone or something. For example, if you say that someone is a devil of a nuisance, you mean that they are very annoying. If you say that something is a devil of a problem, you mean that it is a very difficult problem.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was always a devil of a nuisance.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's a devil of a tricky problem,isn't it?</font><br><br>If you say better the devil you know or better the devil you know than the devil you don't know, you mean that you would prefer to have contact with or do business with a person you already know </b></font><br>

Q: <b> keeper <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5ki:pE</font>]</b><br>

A: In soccer, the keeper is the same as the goalkeeper. (BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><br>In American football, a keeper is a play in which the quarterback keeps the ball. (AM)<br><br>A keeper at a zoo is a person who takes care of the animals.<br><br>The keeper of a museum or art gallery, or of one part of it, is the person who is responsible for the things in it. (mainly BRIT; in AM usually use curator)<br><font color=red>= curator</font><br><br>If you say that you are not someone's keeper, you mean that you are not responsible for what they do or for what happens to them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`I don't know where he is,' Hughes replied. `I'm not his keeper.'</font><br>

Q: <b> landing <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lAndiN</font>]</b><br>

A: In a house or other building, the landing is the area at the top of the staircase which has rooms leading off it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I ran out onto the landing.</font><br><br>A landing is an act of bringing an aircraft or spacecraft down to the ground.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I had to make a controlled landing into the sea.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The plane had been cleared for landing at Brunswick's Glynco Airport.</font><br><font color=red>= touchdown</font><br><br>When a landing takes place, troops are unloaded from boats or aircraft at the beginning of a military invasion or other operation.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;American forces have begun a big landing.</font><br><br>A landing is the same as a landing stage.<br>

Q: <b> lounge <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">laundV</font>]</b><br>

A: In a house, a lounge is a room where people sit and relax. (mainly BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Holmbergs were sitting before a roaring fire in the lounge, sipping their cocoa.</font><br><font color=red>= living room, sitting room</font><br><br>In a hotel, club, or other public place, a lounge is a room where people can sit and relax.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I spoke to her in the lounge of a big Johannesburg hotel where she was attending a union meeting.</font><br><br>In an airport, a lounge is a very large room where people can sit and wait for aircraft to arrive or leave.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Instead of taking me to the departure lounge they took me right to my seat on the plane.</font><br><br>If you lounge somewhere, you sit or lie there in a relaxed or lazy way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They ate and drank and lounged in the shade.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If you don't want to lounge on the beach, you can go on a guided walk along the nature trail.</font><br><font color=red>= laze</font><br>

Q: <b> logical <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lCdVikEl</font>]</b><br>

A: In a logical argument or method of reasoning, each step must be true if the step before it is true.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Only when each logical step has been checked by other mathematicians will the proof be accepted.</font><br><font color=red>* logically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My professional training has taught me to look at things logically.</font><br><br>The logical conclusion or result of a series of facts or events is the only one which can come from it, according to the rules of logic.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If the climate gets drier, then the logical conclusion is that even more drought will occur.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...this is the logical result of a long evolution in which we moved from working by the sweat of our brow and by muscle to industrial work and finally to knowledge work.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a society that dismisses God as a logical impossibility.</font><br><font color=red>* logically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;From that it followed logically that he would not be meeting Hildegarde.</font><br><br>Something that is logical seems reasonable or sensible in the circumstances.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Connie suddenly struck her as a logical candidate.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was a logical explanation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is logical to take precautions.</font><br><font color=red>= sensible</font><br><font color=red>* logically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This was the one possibility I hadn't taken into consideration, though logically I should have done.</font><br>

Q: <b> menu <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5menju:</font>]</b><br>

A: In a restaurant or cafe, or at a formal meal, the menu is a list of the meals and drinks that are available.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A waiter offered him the menu.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Even the most elaborate dishes on the menu were quite low on calories.</font><br><br>A menu is the food that you serve at a meal.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Try out the menu on a few friends.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The menu is all-important. Every component of every meal should create contrasts.</font><br><br>On a computer, a menu is a list of choices. Each choice represents something that you can do using the computer.<br>

Q: <b> hardware <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hB:dwZE</font>]</b><br>

A: In computer systems, hardware refers to the machines themselves as opposed to the programs which tell the machines what to do. Compare software.<br><br>Military hardware is the machinery and equipment that is used by the armed forces, such as tanks, aircraft, and missiles.<br><br>Hardware refers to tools and equipment that are used in the home and garden, for example saucepans, screwdrivers, and lawnmowers.<br>

Q: <b> hey <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">hei</font>]</b><br>

A: In informal situations, you say or shout `hey' to attract someone's attention, or to show surprise, interest, or annoyance.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Hey! Look out!' shouted Patty.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hey, can I ask you a question?</font><br>

Q: <b> creation <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kri5eiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: In many religions, creation is the making of the universe, earth, and creatures by God.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Creation of the universe as told in Genesis Chapter One...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;For the first time since creation, the survival of the Earth is entirely in our hands.</font><br><br>People sometimes refer to the whole universe as creation. (LITERARY)<br><br>You can refer to something that someone has made as a creation, especially if it shows skill, imagination, or artistic ability.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The bathroom is entirely my own creation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Featured are both his classics and his latest creations.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You'll be amazed at the culinary creations possible in a Dutch oven.</font><br>

Q: <b> knight <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">nait</font>]</b><br>

A: In medieval times, a knight was a man of noble birth, who served his king or lord in battle.<br><br>If someone is knighted, they are given a knighthood.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was knighted in the Queen's birthday honours list in June 1988.</font><br><br>A knight is a man who has been knighted.<br><br>In chess, a knight is a piece which is shaped like a horse's head.<br><br>If you refer to someone as a knight in shining armour, you mean that they are kind and brave, and likely to rescue you from a difficult situation.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The love songs tricked us all into believing in happy endings and knights in shining armor.</font><br>

Q: <b> gospel <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5gCspEl</font>]</b><br>

A: In the New Testament of the Bible, the Gospels are the four books which describe the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the parable in St Matthew's Gospel.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; illustrated and illuminated manuscript of the four gospels.</font><br><br>In the Christian religion, the gospel refers to the message and teachings of Jesus Christ, as explained in the New Testament.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I didn't shirk my duties. I visited the sick and I preached the gospel.</font><br><br>You can use gospel to refer to a particular way of thinking that a person or group believes in very strongly and that they try to persuade others to accept.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It taught only materialism, the gospel of mammon.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the gospel according to my mom.</font><br><font color=red>= doctrine</font><br><br>Gospel or gospel music is a style of religious music that uses strong rhythms and vocal harmony. It is especially popular among black Christians in the southern United States of America.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I had to go to church, so I grew up singing gospel.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The group perform variations on soul and gospel music.</font><br><br>If you take something as gospel, or as gospel truth, you believe that it is completely true.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The results were not to be taken as gospel.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He wouldn't say this if it weren't the gospel truth.</font><br>

Q: <b> meantime <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mi:n5taim</font>]</b><br>

A: In the meantime or meantime means in the period of time between two events.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Eventually your child will leave home to lead her own life as a fully independent adult, but in the meantime she relies on your support.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It now hopes to hold elections in February. Meantime, the state will continue to be run from Delhi.</font><br><font color=red>= meanwhile</font><br><br>For the meantime means for a period of time from now until something else happens.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Prime Minister has, for the meantime, seen off the challenge of the opposition.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;For the meantime, the opinion polls have to be taken on trust.</font><br><font color=red>= for the moment</font><br>

Q: <b> income tax <br>INCOME TAX </b><br>

A: Income tax is a certain percentage of your income that you have to pay regularly to the government.<br>

Q: <b> indie <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5indi</font>]</b><br>

A: Indie music refers to rock or pop music produced by new bands working with small, independent record companies. (BRIT, mainly INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a multi-racial indie band.</font><br><font color=red><> mainstream</font><br><br>An indie is an indie band or record company.<br><font color=red>= major</font><br>

Q: <b> indoor <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5indC:</font>]</b><br>

A: Indoor activities or things are ones that happen or are used inside a building and not outside.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;No smoking in any indoor facilities.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; indoor market.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...indoor plants.</font><br><font color=red><> outdoor</font><br>

Q: <b> inefficient <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7ini5fiFEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: Inefficient people, organizations, systems, or machines do not use time, energy, or other resources in the best way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their communication systems are inefficient in the extreme.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the closure of outdated and inefficient factories.</font><br><font color=red><> efficient</font><br><font color=red>* inefficiency inefficiencies </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The inefficiency of the distribution system has led to the loss of millions of tons of food.</font><br><font color=red>* inefficiently </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Energy prices have been kept low, so energy is used inefficiently.</font><br>

Q: <b> informal <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5fC:mEl</font>]</b><br>

A: Informal speech or behaviour is relaxed and friendly rather than serious, very correct, or official.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She is refreshingly informal.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His friend was less good-looking, but a lot more informal and relaxed.</font><br><font color=red><> formal</font><br><font color=red>* informally </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was always there at half past eight, chatting informally to the children.</font><br><font color=red>* informality </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was overwhelmed by their cheerfulness and friendly informality.</font><br><br>An informal situation is one which is relaxed and friendly and not very serious or official.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I would like it to be an informal occasion.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The house has an informal atmosphere.</font><br><font color=red><> formal</font><br><font color=red>* informality </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Eleanor enjoyed the relative informality of island life.</font><br><br>Informal clothes are casual and suitable for wearing when you are relaxing, but not on formal occasions.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Most of the time Jenny needs informal clothes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;For lunch, dress is informal.</font><br><font color=red>= casual <> formal</font><br><font color=red>* informally </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Everyone dressed informally in shorts or faded jeans, and baggy sweatshirts.</font><br><br>You use informal to describe something that is done unofficially or casually without planning.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The two leaders will retire to Camp David for informal discussions.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; informal meeting of EC ministers...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We had an informal party at a hotel, and people just flooded in.</font><br><font color=red>* informally </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He began informally to handle Ted's tax affairs for him.</font><br>

Q: <b> confidential <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kCnfi5denFEl</font>]</b><br>

A: Information that is confidential is meant to be kept secret or private.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She accused them of leaking confidential information about her private life.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We'll take good care and keep what you've told us strictly confidential, Mr. Lane.</font><br><font color=red><> public</font><br><font color=red>* confidentially </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;People can phone in the knowledge that any information they give will be treated confidentially.</font><br><font color=red>= privately</font><br><font color=red>* confidentiality </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the confidentiality of the client-solicitor relationship.</font><br><br>If you talk to someone in a confidential way, you talk to them quietly because what you are saying is secret or private.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Look,' he said in a confidential tone, `I want you to know that me and Joey are cops.'.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His face suddenly turned solemn, his voice confidential.</font><br><font color=red>* confidentially </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nash hadn't raised his voice, still spoke rather softly, confidentially.</font><br>

Q: <b> input <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5input</font>]</b><br>

A: Input consists of information or resources that a group or project receives.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's up to the teacher to provide a variety of types of input in the classroom.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They may need some additional inputs and advice on how to improve the management of their farms.</font><br><br>Input is information that is put into a computer.<br><font color=red><> output</font><br><br>If you input information into a computer, you feed it in, for example by typing it on a keyboard.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The computer acts as a word processor where the text of a speech can be input at any time.</font><br>

Q: <b> inspiration <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7inspE5reiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Inspiration is a feeling of enthusiasm you get from someone or something, which gives you new and creative ideas.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My inspiration comes from poets like Baudelaire and Jacques Prevert.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What better way of finding inspiration for your own garden than by visiting others.</font><br><br>If you describe someone or something good as an inspiration, you mean that they make you or other people want to do or achieve something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Powell's unusual journey to high office is an inspiration to millions.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was a great inspiration. She was the person who impressed us with the importance of research.</font><br><br>If something or someone is the inspiration for a particular book, work of art, or action, they are the source of the ideas in it or act as a model for it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;India's myths and songs are the inspiration for her books.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The inspiration behind the reforms was a paper written in 1985.</font><br><br>If you suddenly have an inspiration, you suddenly think of an idea of what to do or say.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Alison had an inspiration. `Wouldn't it be good if we made a tunnel out of hardboard'.</font><br>

Q: <b> instability <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7instE5biliti</font>]</b><br>

A: Instability is the quality of being unstable.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...unpopular policies, which resulted in social discontent and political instability.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Caligula's inherent mental instability...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The length of the fuselage was increased due to a degree of directional instability.</font><br><font color=red><> stability</font><br>

Q: <b> instinct <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5instiNkt</font>]</b><br>

A: Instinct is the natural tendency that a person or animal has to behave or react in a particular way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I didn't have as strong a maternal instinct as some other mothers.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The basis for training relies on the dog's natural instinct to hunt and retrieve.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He always knew what time it was, as if by instinct.</font><br><br>If you have an instinct for something, you are naturally good at it or able to do it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Farmers are increasingly losing touch with their instinct for managing the land.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Irene is so incredibly musical and has a natural instinct to perform.</font><br><font color=red>= aptitude</font><br><br>If it is your instinct to do something, you feel that it is right to do it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I should've gone with my first instinct, which was not to do the interview.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She hadn't followed her instinct and because of this Frank was dead.</font><br><font color=red>= gut feeling</font><br><br>Instinct is a feeling that you have that something is the case, rather than an opinion or idea based on facts.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is scientific evidence to support our instinct that being surrounded by plants is good for health.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He seems so honest and genuine and my every instinct says he's not.</font><br><font color=red>= intuition</font><br>

Q: <b> institutional <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7insti5tju:FEnEl</font>]</b><br>

A: Institutional means relating to a large organization, for example a university, bank, or church.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;NATO remains the United States' chief institutional anchor in Europe.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The share price will be determined by bidding from institutional investors.</font><br><br>Institutional means relating to a building where people are looked after or held.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Outside the protected environment of institutional care he could not survive.</font><br><br>An institutional value or quality is considered an important and typical feature of a particular society or group, usually because it has existed for a long time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; and institutional values.</font><br>

Q: <b> intensive <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5tensiv</font>]</b><br>

A: Intensive activity involves concentrating a lot of effort or people on one particular task in order to try to achieve a great deal in a short time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...after several days and nights of intensive negotiations...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Each counsellor undergoes an intensive training programme before beginning work.</font><br><font color=red>* intensively </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ruth's parents opted to educate her intensively at home.</font><br><br>Intensive farming involves producing as many crops or animals as possible from your land, usually with the aid of chemicals.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Elsewhere large areas have been drained and levelled for industry or intensive farming.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...intensive methods of rearing poultry.</font><br><font color=red>* intensively </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Will they farm the rest of their land less intensively?</font><br>

Q: <b> intercourse <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5intE(:)kC:s</font>]</b><br>

A: Intercourse is the act of having sex. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...sexual intercourse...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We didn't have intercourse.</font><br><br>Social intercourse is communication between people as they spend time together. (OLD-FASHIONED)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was social intercourse between the old and the young.</font><br><font color=red>= contact</font><br>

Q: <b> interference <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7intE5fiErEns</font>]</b><br>

A: Interference by a person or group is their unwanted or unnecessary involvement in something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The parliament described the decree as interference in the republic's internal affairs.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Airlines will be able to set cheap fares without interference from the government.</font><br><font color=red>= meddling</font><br><br>When there is interference, a radio signal is affected by other radio waves or electrical activity so that it cannot be received properly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...electrical interference...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They have been accused of deliberately causing interference to transmissions.</font><br>

Q: <b> irony <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5aiErEni</font>]</b><br>

A: Irony is a subtle form of humour which involves saying things that you do not mean.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They find only irony in the narrator's concern.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sinclair examined the closed, clever face for any hint of irony, but found none.</font><br><br>If you talk about the irony of a situation, you mean that it is odd or amusing because it involves a contrast.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The irony is that many officials in Washington agree in private that their policy is inconsistent.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Opposition parties lost no time in stressing the irony of his return to power after being rejected by voters in November.</font><br>

Q: <b> irritation <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7iri5teiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Irritation is a feeling of annoyance, especially when something is happening that you cannot easily stop or control.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;For the first time Leonard felt irritation at her methods.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He tried not to let his irritation show as he blinked in the glare of the television lights.</font><br><font color=red>= annoyance</font><br><br>An irritation is something that keeps annoying you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Don't allow a minor irritation in the workplace to mar your ambitions.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He describes the tourists as an irritation.</font><br><font color=red>= annoyance</font><br><br>Irritation in a part of your body is a feeling of slight pain and discomfort there.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These oils may cause irritation to sensitive skins.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This is an irritation and inflammation of the edge of the eyelid.</font><br>

Q: <b> isolation <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7aisEu5leiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Isolation is the state of feeling alone and without friends or help.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many deaf people have feelings of isolation and loneliness.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He also talked briefly about the isolation he endured while in captivity.</font><br>See also isolate.<br><br>If something is considered in isolation from other things that it is connected with, it is considered separately, and those other things are not considered.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Punishment cannot, therefore, be discussed in isolation from social and political theory.</font><br><font color=red>= separately</font><br><br>If someone does something in isolation, they do it without other people being present or without their help.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Malcolm, for instance, works in isolation but I have no doubts about his abilities.</font><br><font color=red>= alone</font><br>

Q: <b> ivory <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5aivEri</font>]</b><br>

A: Ivory is a hard cream-coloured substance which forms the tusks of elephants. It is valuable and can be used for making carved ornaments.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the international ban on the sale of ivory.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...intricate ivory carvings.</font><br><br>Ivory is a creamy-white colour.<br>

Q: <b> jam <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dVAm</font>]</b><br>

A: Jam is a thick sweet food that is made by cooking fruit with a large amount of sugar, and that is usually spread on bread. (mainly BRIT; in AM usually use jelly)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...home-made jam.</font><br><br>If you jam something somewhere, you push or put it there roughly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He picked his cap up off the ground and jammed it on his head.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Pete jammed his hands into his pockets.</font><br><br>If something such as a part of a machine jams, or if something jams it, the part becomes fixed in position and is unable to move freely or work properly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The second time he fired his gun jammed.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A rope jammed the boat's propeller.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cracks appeared in the wall and a door jammed shut.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The intake valve was jammed open.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Every few minutes the motor cut out as the machinery became jammed.</font><br><br>If vehicles jam a road, there are so many of them that they cannot move.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hundreds of departing motorists jammed roads that had been closed during the height of the storm.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;400 trucks may sit in a jam for ten hours waiting to cross the limited number of bridges.</font><br><font color=red>* jammed </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nearby roads and the dirt track to the beach were jammed with cars.</font><br><br>If a lot of people jam a place, or jam into a place, they are pressed tightly together so that they can hardly move.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hundreds of people jammed the boardwalk to watch.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They jammed into buses provided by the Red Cross and headed for safety.</font><br><font color=red>= cram</font><br><font color=red>* jammed </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The stadium was jammed and they had to turn away hundreds of disappointed fans.</font><br><font color=red>= packed</font><br><br>To jam a radio or electronic signal means to interfere with it and prevent it from being received or heard clearly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They will try to jam the transmissions electronically.</font><br><font color=red>* jamming </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The plane is used for electronic jamming and radar detection.</font><br><br>If callers are jamming telephone lines, there are so many callers that the people answering the telephones find it difficult to deal with them all.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hundreds of callers </b></font><br>

Q: <b> Jamaican <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dVE5meikEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Jamaican </b></font><br>Jamaican means belonging or relating to Jamaica or to its people or culture.<br><br>A Jamaican is a person who comes from Jamaica.<br>

Q: <b> jealousy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dVelEsi</font>]</b><br>

A: Jealousy is the feeling of anger or bitterness which someone has when they think that another person is trying to take a lover or friend, or a possession, away from them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At first his jealousy only showed in small ways -- he didn't mind me talking to other guys.</font><br><br>Jealousy is the feeling of anger or bitterness which someone has when they wish that they could have the qualities or possessions that another person has.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her beauty causes envy and jealousy.</font><br>

Q: <b> jeans <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dVi:ns</font>]</b><br>

A: Jeans are casual trousers that are usually made of strong blue cotton cloth called denim.<br>

Q: <b> Jr <br>JR </b><br>

A: Jr (AM) Jr.<br>Jr is a written abbreviation for Junior. It is used after a man's name to distinguish him from an older member of his family with the same name.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Harry Connick Jr.</font><br><font color=red>= Jnr</font><br>

Q: <b> junk <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dVQNk</font>]</b><br>

A: Junk is old and used goods that have little value and that you do not want any more.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Rose finds her furniture in junk shops.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What are you going to do with all that junk, Larry?</font><br><br>If you junk something, you get rid of it or stop using it. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Consumers will not have to junk their old cassettes to use the new format.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Socialists junked dogma when they came to office in 1982.</font><br><font color=red>= ditch, jettison</font><br><br>A junk is a Chinese sailing boat that has a flat bottom and square sails.<br>

Q: <b> Kremlin <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kremlin</font>]</b><br>

A: Kremlin </b></font><br>The Kremlin is the building in Moscow where Russian government business takes place.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a two hour meeting in the Kremlin.</font><br><br>The Kremlin is also used to refer to the central government of Russia and of the former Soviet Union.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Kremlin is still insisting on a diplomatic solution to the crisis.</font><br>

Q: <b> LP <br>LP </b><br>

A: LP LPs </b></font><br>An LP is a record which usually has about 25 minutes of music or speech on each side; LP is an abbreviation for `long-playing record'.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...his first LP since 1986.</font><br>

Q: <b> lace <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">leis</font>]</b><br>

A: Lace is a very delicate cloth which is made with a lot of holes in it. It is made by twisting together very fine threads of cotton to form patterns.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She finally found the perfect gown, a beautiful creation trimmed with lace.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a plain white lace bedspread.</font><br><br>Laces are thin pieces of material that are put through special holes in some types of clothing, especially shoes. The laces are tied together in order to tighten the clothing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Barry was sitting on the bed, tying the laces of an old pair of running shoes.</font><br><br>If you lace something such as a pair of shoes, you tighten the shoes by pulling the laces through the holes, and usually tying them together.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have a good pair of skates, but no matter how tightly I lace them, my ankles wobble.</font><br><font color=red>= tie</font><br><br>Lace up means the same as lace.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He sat on the steps, and laced up his boots.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nancy was lacing her shoe up when the doorbell rang.</font><br><br>To lace food or drink with a substance such as alcohol or a drug means to put a small amount of the substance into the food or drink.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She laced his food with sleeping pills.</font><br><br>If you lace your speech or writing with words of a particular kind, you include a lot of those words in what you say or write.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbs </b></font><br>

Q: <b> fertile <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fE:tail; 5fE:til</font>]</b><br>

A: Land or soil that is fertile is able to support the growth of a large number of strong healthy plants.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...fertile soil.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the rolling fertile countryside of East Cork.</font><br><font color=red>= rich</font><br><font color=red>* fertility </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was able to bring large sterile acreages back to fertility.</font><br><br>A fertile mind or imagination is able to produce a lot of good, original ideas.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a product of Flynn's fertile imagination...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A chess player must have a fertile imagination and rich sense of fantasy.</font><br><font color=red>= prolific</font><br><br>A situation or environment that is fertile in relation to a particular activity or feeling encourages the activity or feeling.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a fertile breeding ground for this kind of violent racism.</font><br><br>A person or animal that is fertile is able to reproduce and have babies or young.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The operation cannot be reversed to make her fertile again.</font><br><font color=red><> sterile</font><br><font color=red>* fertility </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Doctors will tell you that pregnancy is the only sure test for fertility.</font><br><font color=red><> sterility</font><br>

Q: <b> Latin American <br>LATIN AMERICAN </b><br>

A: Latin American </b></font><br>Latin American means belonging or relating to the countries of South America, Central America, and Mexico. Latin American also means belonging or relating to the people of culture of these countries.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Leaders of eight Latin American countries are meeting in Caracas, Venezuela, today.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Latin American art.</font><br><br>A Latin American is someone who lives in or comes from South America, Central America, or Mexico.<br>

Q: <b> lead 2 <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">li:d</font>]</b><br>

A: Lead is a soft, grey, heavy metal.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...drinking water supplied by old-fashioned lead pipes.</font><br><br>Lead is sometimes used to refer to bullets. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Eventually Bogart pumps him full of lead.</font><br><font color=red>= bullets</font><br><br>The lead in a pencil is the centre part of it which makes a mark on paper.<br>

Q: <b> left-wing <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5leftwiN</font>]</b><br>

A: Left-wing people have political ideas that are based on socialism.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They said they would not be voting for him because he was too left-wing.</font><br><font color=red><> right-wing</font><br><br>The left wing of a group of people, especially a political party, consists of the members of it whose beliefs are closer to socialism than are those of its other members.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The left-wing of the party is confident that the motion will be carried.</font><br><font color=red><> right wing</font><br>

Q: <b> legislative <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5ledVis7leitiv</font>]</b><br>

A: Legislative means involving or relating to the process of making and passing laws. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Today's hearing was just the first step in the legislative process.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the country's highest legislative body.</font><br>

Q: <b> leverage <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5li:vEridV</font>]</b><br>

A: Leverage is the ability to influence situations or people so that you can control what happens.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His function as a Mayor affords him the leverage to get things done through attending committee meetings.</font><br><br>Leverage is the force that is applied to an object when something such as a lever is used.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The spade and fork have longer shafts, providing better leverage.</font><br><br>In business, to leverage a company or investment means to use borrowed money in order to buy it or pay for it. (TECHNICAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He might feel that leveraging the company at a time when he sees tremendous growth opportunities would be a mistake.</font><br><font color=red>* leveraged </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The committee voted to limit tax refunds for corporations involved in leveraged buyouts.</font><br>

Q: <b> libel <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5laibEl</font>]</b><br>

A: Libel is a written statement which wrongly accuses someone of something, and which is therefore against the law. Compare slander. (LEGAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Warren sued him for libel over the remarks.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If the jury decided there was a libel, it would have to consider its effect on Miss Smith's position.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a libel action against the paper.</font><br><br>To libel someone means to write or print something in a book, newspaper, or magazine which wrongly damages that person's reputation and is therefore against the law. (LEGAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The newspaper which libelled him had already offered compensation.</font><br>

Q: <b> Liberal Democrat <br>LIBERAL DEMOCRAT </b><br>

A: Liberal Democrat </b></font><br>In Britain, a Liberal Democrat is a member of the Liberal Democrat Party.<br>

Q: <b> Libra <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5laibrE</font>]</b><br>

A: Libra </b></font><br>Libra is one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Its symbol is a pair of scales. People who are born approximately between the 23rd of September and the 22nd of October come under this sign.<br><br>A Libra is a person whose sign of the zodiac is Libra.<br>

Q: <b> lightning <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5laitniN</font>]</b><br>

A: Lightning is the very bright flashes of light in the sky that happen during thunderstorms.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One man died when he was struck by lightning.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Another flash of lightning lit up the cave.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...thunder and lightning.</font><br>See also forked lightning.<br><br>Lightning describes things that happen very quickly or last for only a short time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Driving today demands lightning reflexes.</font><br>

Q: <b> linen <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5linin</font>]</b><br>

A: Linen is a kind of cloth that is made from a plant called flax. It is used for making clothes and things such as tablecloths and sheets.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a white linen suit.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...cottons, woolens, silks and linens.</font><br><br>Linen is tablecloths, sheets, pillowcases, and similar things made of cloth that are used in the home.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...embroidered bed linen...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All linens and towels are provided.</font><br>to wash your dirty linen in public: see dirty.<br>

Q: <b> lipstick <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lipstik</font>]</b><br>

A: Lipstick is a coloured substance in the form of a stick which women put on their lips.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was wearing red lipstick.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...glossy lipsticks made from natural oils and waxes.</font><br><br>A lipstick is a small tube containing this substance.<br>

Q: <b> litter <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5litE</font>]</b><br>

A: Litter is rubbish that is left lying around outside.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If you see litter in the corridor, pick it up.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;On Wednesday we cleared a beach and woodland of litter.</font><br><font color=red>= rubbish</font><br><br>A litter of things is a quantity of them that are lying around in a disorganized way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He pushed aside the litter of books and papers and laid two places at the table.</font><br><br>If a number of things litter a place, they are scattered untidily around it or over it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Glass from broken bottles litters the pavement.</font><br><font color=red>* littered </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The entrance hall is littered with toys and wellington boots.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Concrete purpose-built resorts are littered across the mountainsides.</font><br><br>If something is littered with things, it contains many examples of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;History is littered with men and women spurred into achievement by a father's disregard.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Charles' speech is littered with lots of marketing buzzwords like `package' and `product'.</font><br><font color=red>= full of</font><br><br>A litter is a group of animals born to the same mother at the same time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a litter of pups.</font><br><br>

Q: <b> logic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lCdVik</font>]</b><br>

A: Logic is a method of reasoning that involves a series of statements, each of which must be true if the statement before it is true.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Apart from criminal investigation techniques, students learn forensic medicine, philosophy and logic.</font><br><br>The logic of a conclusion or an argument is its quality of being correct and reasonable.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I don't follow the logic of your argument.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There would be no logic in upsetting the agreements.</font><br><br>A particular kind of logic is the way of thinking and reasoning about things that is characteristic of a particular type of person or particular field of activity.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The plan was based on sound commercial logic.</font><br>

Q: <b> manual <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mAnjuEl</font>]</b><br>

A: Manual work is work in which you use your hands or your physical strength rather than your mind.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...skilled manual workers...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They have no reservations about taking factory or manual jobs.</font><br><font color=red>= blue-collar</font><br><br>Manual is used to talk about movements which are made by someone's hands. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; designed to help develop manual dexterity.</font><br><br>Manual means operated by hand, rather than by electricity or a motor.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is a manual pump to get rid of the water.</font><br><font color=red>* manually </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The device is manually operated, using a simple handle.</font><br><br>A manual is a book which tells you how to do something or how a piece of machinery works.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the instruction manual.</font><br>

Q: <b> marble <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mB:bl</font>]</b><br>

A: Marble is a type of very hard rock which feels cold when you touch it and which shines when it is cut and polished. Statues and parts of buildings are sometimes made of marble.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The house has a superb staircase made from oak and marble.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The entrance-hall was paved with black and white marble tiles.</font><br><br>Marbles are sculptures made of marble.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...marbles and bronzes from the Golden Age of Athens.</font><br><br>Marbles is a children's game played with small balls, usually made of coloured glass. You roll a ball along the ground and try to hit an opponent's ball with it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;On the far side of the street, two boys were playing marbles.</font><br><br>A marble is one of the small balls used in the game of marbles.<br><br>If you say that someone has lost their marbles, you mean that their ideas or behaviour are very strange, as if they have become insane. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'll tell it to you, although you'll probably think I've lost my marbles.</font><br><font color=red>= go mad</font><br>

Q: <b> martial <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mB:FEl</font>]</b><br>

A: Martial is used to describe things relating to soldiers or war. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The paper was actually twice banned under the martial regime.</font><br>See also court-martial.<br>

Q: <b> Marxist <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mB:ksist</font>]</b><br>

A: Marxist </b></font><br>Marxist means based on Marxism or relating to Marxism.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a Marxist state.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Marxist ideology.</font><br><br>A Marxist is a person who believes in Marxism or who is a member of a Marxist party.<br>

Q: <b> massage <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mAsB:V</font>]</b><br>

A: Massage is the action of squeezing and rubbing someone's body, as a way of making them relax or reducing their pain.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Alex asked me if I wanted a massage.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Massage isn't a long-term cure for stress.</font><br><br>If you massage someone or a part of their body, you squeeze and rub their body, in order to make them relax or reduce their pain.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She continued massaging her right foot, which was bruised and aching.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...if you wish to massage your family and friends yourself.</font><br><br>If you say that someone massages statistics, figures, or evidence, you are criticizing them for changing or presenting the facts in a way that misleads people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their governments have no reason to `massage' the statistics.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...efforts to massage the unemployment figures for electoral purposes.</font><br><font color=red>= doctor</font><br>

Q: <b> mathematics <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7mAWi5mAtiks</font>]</b><br>

A: Mathematics is the study of numbers, quantities, or shapes.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Elizabeth studied mathematics and classics.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a professor of mathematics at Boston College.</font><br><br>The mathematics of a problem is the calculations that are involved in it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Once you understand the mathematics of debt you can work your way out of it.</font><br>

Q: <b> maturity <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mE5tjuEriti</font>]</b><br>

A: Maturity is the state of being fully developed or adult.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Humans experience a delayed maturity; we arrive at all stages of life later than other mammals.</font><br><br>Someone's maturity is their quality of being fully developed in their personality and emotional behaviour.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her speech showed great maturity and humanity.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lacking self-confidence and maturity, many teenagers are left feeling very vulnerable.</font><br><br>When an investment such as a savings policy or pension plan reaches maturity, it reaches the stage when you stop paying money and the company pays you back the money you have saved, and the interest your money has earned.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Customers are told what their policies will be worth on maturity, not what they are worth today.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Treasury bonds have maturities that extend out as far as 25 years or more.</font><br>

Q: <b> mushroom <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mQFrum</font>]</b><br>

A: Mushrooms are fungi that you can eat. They have short stems and round tops.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There are many types of wild mushrooms.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...eggs, bacon, sausage, and mushrooms.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...mushroom omelette.</font><br>See also button mushroom.<br><br>If something such as an industry or a place mushrooms, it grows or comes into existence very quickly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The media training industry has mushroomed over the past decade.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A sleepy capital of a few hundred thousand people has mushroomed to a crowded city of 2 million.</font><br><font color=red>* mushrooming </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the mushrooming of commercial art galleries in Barcelona and Madrid.</font><br>

Q: <b> meant <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">ment</font>]</b><br>

A: Meant is the past tense and past participle of mean.<br><br>You use meant to to say that something or someone was intended to be or do a particular thing, especially when they have failed to be or do it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I can't say any more, it's meant to be a big secret.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The decor was meant to keep the mind concentrated on the making of money.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm meant to be on holiday.</font><br><font color=red>= be supposed to</font><br><br>If something is meant for particular people or for a particular situation, it is intended for those people or for that situation.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fairy tales weren't just meant for children.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The seeds were not meant for human consumption.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The letter might not have been meant for me at all.</font><br><font color=red>= intended</font><br><br>If you say that something is meant to happen, you mean that it is expected to happen or that it ought to happen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The peculiar thing about getting engaged is that you're meant to announce it to everyone.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Parties are meant to be fun.</font><br><font color=red>= be supposed to</font><br><br>If you say that something is meant to have a particular quality or characteristic, you mean that it has a reputation for being like that.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Spurs are meant to be one of the top teams in the world.</font><br><font color=red>= be thought to</font><br>

Q: <b> medication <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7medi5keiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Medication is medicine that is used to treat and cure illness.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She stopped taking the prescribed medications.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When somebody comes for treatment I always ask them if they are on any medication.</font><br>

Q: <b> meditation <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">medi5teiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Meditation is the act of remaining in a silent and calm state for a period of time, as part of a religious training, or so that you are more able to deal with the problems of everyday life.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many busy executives have begun to practice yoga and meditation.</font><br>See also transcendental meditation.<br><br>A meditation is a particular exercise that is used in meditation.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Having chosen a meditation it is important that you stick to that meditation for, at the very least, a fortnight.</font><br><br>Meditation is the act of thinking about something very carefully and deeply for a long time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the man, lost in meditation, walking with slow steps along the shore...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In his lonely meditations Antony had been forced to the conclusion that there had been rumours.</font><br><font color=red>= contemplation</font><br><br>A meditation on a particular subject is something such as a piece of writing or a speech which expresses deep thoughts about that subject.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In fact, the entire novel is a long meditation on child-bearing and mortality.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The title track is a pointed meditation on a continent gone wrong.</font><br>

Q: <b> Member of Parliament <br>MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT </b><br>

A: Member of Parliament Members of Parliament </b></font><br>A Member of Parliament is a person who has been elected by the people in a particular area to represent them in a country's parliament. The abbreviation MP is often used.<br><font color=red>= MP</font><br>

Q: <b> metropolitan <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">metrE5pClit(E)n</font>]</b><br>

A: Metropolitan means belonging to or typical of a large busy city.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the metropolitan district of Miami.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a dozen major metropolitan hospitals.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...metropolitan sophistication and rustic naivety.</font><br><br>A metropolitan is an important priest in the Orthodox and Catholic Churches. He has authority over other priests and is in charge of a particular area.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Ukrainian Catholic representatives, Metropolitan Volodymyr and Bishop Sofron.</font><br>

Q: <b> mighty <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5maiti</font>]</b><br>

A: Mighty is used to describe something that is very large or powerful. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was a flash and a mighty bang.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a land marked with vast lakes and mighty rivers.</font><br><br>Mighty is used in front of adjectives and adverbs to emphasize the quality that they are describing. (mainly AM, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's something you'll be mighty proud of.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Being paper money, it rotted away mighty fast.</font><br>

Q: <b> min. <br>MIN. </b><br>

A: Min. is a written abbreviation for minimum, or for minutes or minute.<br>

Q: <b> mining <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mainiN</font>]</b><br>

A: Mining is the industry and activities connected with getting valuable or useful minerals from the ground, for example coal, diamonds, or gold.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...traditional industries such as coal mining and steel making...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was born at Aberdare in South Wales, the son of a mining engineer.</font><br>

Q: <b> mint <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mint</font>]</b><br>

A: Mint is a herb with fresh-tasting leaves.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Garnish with mint sprigs.</font><br><br>A mint is a sweet with a peppermint flavour. Some people suck mints in order to make their breath smell fresher.<br><br>The mint is the place where the official coins of a country are made.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In 1965 the mint stopped putting silver in dimes.</font><br><br>To mint coins or medals means to make them in a mint.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the right to mint coins.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...its collection of locally minted Saxon coins.</font><br><font color=red>* minting </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the minting of new gold coins.</font><br><br>If you say that someone makes a mint, you mean that they make a very large amount of money. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Everybody thinks I'm making a mint.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They were worth a mint.</font><br><font color=red>= pile</font><br><br>If you say that something is in mint condition, you mean that it is in perfect condition.<br>

Q: <b> misery <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mizEri</font>]</b><br>

A: Misery is great unhappiness.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All that money brought nothing but sadness and misery and tragedy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the miseries of his youth.</font><br><br>Misery is the way of life and unpleasant living conditions of people who are very poor.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A tiny, educated elite profited from the misery of their two million fellow countrymen.</font><br><font color=red>= deprivation</font><br><br>If you say that someone is a misery, you are critical of them because they are always complaining. (mainly BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm not such a misery now! I gave up drink a few years back and that has changed things a lot.</font><br><br>If someone makes your life a misery, they behave in an unpleasant way towards you over a period of time and make you very unhappy.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I would really like living here if it wasn't for the gangs of kids who make our lives a misery.</font><br><font color=red>= make your life hell</font><br><br>If you put someone out of their misery, you tell them something that they are very anxious to know. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please put me out of my misery. How do you do it?</font><br><br>If you put an animal out of its misery, you kill it because it is sick or injured and cannot be cured or healed.<br><font color=red>= put down</font><br>

Q: <b> mist <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mist</font>]</b><br>

A: Mist consists of a large number of tiny drops of water in the air, which make it difficult to see very far.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thick mist made flying impossible.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A bluish mist hung in the air.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mists and fog swirled about the road.</font><br><br>If a piece of glass mists or is misted, it becomes covered with tiny drops of moisture, so that you cannot see through it easily.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The windows misted, blurring the stark streetlight.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The temperature in the car was misting the window.</font><br><br>Mist over and mist up mean the same as mist.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The front windshield was misting over.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She stood in front of the misted-up mirror.</font><br><br>If someone's eyes mist, they cannot see easily because there are tears in their eyes.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her eyes misted with tears.</font><br><br>Mist over means the same as mist.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His eyes misted over and he started to shake.</font><br>

Q: <b> moisture <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mCistFE</font>]</b><br>

A: Moisture is tiny drops of water in the air, on a surface, or in the ground.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When the soil is dry, more moisture is lost from the plant.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Rainfall affects the moisture content of the atmosphere.</font><br>

Q: <b> Mon. <br>MON. </b><br>

A: Mon.<br>Mon. is a written abbreviation for Monday.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Mon Oct 19.</font><br>

Q: <b> morale <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mC5rB:l</font>]</b><br>

A: Morale is the amount of confidence and cheerfulness that a group of people have.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many pilots are suffering from low morale.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They hope to boost the morale of their troops.</font><br>

Q: <b> morality <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mC5rAliti</font>]</b><br>

A: Morality is the belief that some behaviour is right and acceptable and that other behaviour is wrong.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...standards of morality and justice in society.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; effort to preserve traditional morality.</font><br><font color=red>= ethics</font><br><br>A morality is a system of principles and values concerning people's behaviour, which is generally accepted by a society or by a particular group of people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a morality that is sexist.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...communities and their shared moralities.</font><br><font color=red>= ethic</font><br><br>The morality of something is how right or acceptable it is.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the arguments about the morality of blood sports.</font><br>

Q: <b> mounted <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mauntid</font>]</b><br>

A: Mounted police or soldiers ride horses when they are on duty.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A dozen mounted police rode into the square.</font><br>See also mount.<br>

Q: <b> mud <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mQd</font>]</b><br>

A: Mud is a sticky mixture of earth and water.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His uniform was crumpled, untidy, splashed with mud.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their lorry got stuck in the mud.</font><br>

Q: <b> municipal <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mju(:)5nisipEl</font>]</b><br>

A: Municipal means associated with or belonging to a city or town that has its own local government.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The municipal authorities gave the go-ahead for the march.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; month's municipal elections.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the municipal library.</font><br>

Q: <b> muscular <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mQskjulE</font>]</b><br>

A: Muscular means involving or affecting your muscles.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As a general rule, all muscular effort is enhanced by breathing in as the effort is made.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Early symptoms include anorexia, muscular weakness and fatigue.</font><br><br>If a person or their body is muscular, they are very fit and strong, and have firm muscles which are not covered with a lot of fat.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Like most female athletes, she was lean and muscular.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...his tanned muscular legs.</font><br>

Q: <b> landlord <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lAndlC:d</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone's landlord is the man who allows them to live or work in a building which he owns, in return for rent.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His landlord doubled the rent.</font><br><br>The landlord of a pub is the man who owns or runs it, or the husband of the woman who owns or runs it. (mainly BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The landlord refused to serve him because he considered him too drunk.</font><br><br>A landlord is the man who owns or runs a boarding house or inn. (AM; ALSO BRIT, OLD-FASHIONED)<br>

Q: <b> bastard <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bAstEd</font>]</b><br>

A: N-COUNT</b></font><br><br><br>Some people say things such as lucky bastard or poor bastard to refer to a person, usually a man, who they think is very lucky, or very unlucky. (INFORMAL, RUDE)<br><br>A bastard is a person whose parents were not married to each other at the time that he or she was born. This use could cause offence. (OLD-FASHIONED)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...King Arthur's bastard son, Mordred.</font><br><font color=red>= illegitimate</font><br><br>If someone describes a problem or a situation as a bastard, they mean that it is extremely annoying or difficult to deal with. (INFORMAL, RUDE)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Life can be a real bastard at times.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I had to go early 'cos it's a bastard to get your motor out of the car park.</font><br>

Q: <b> NASA <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5nAsE</font>]</b><br>

A: NASA </b></font><br>NASA is the American government organization concerned with spacecraft and space travel. NASA is an abbreviation for `National Aeronautics and Space Administration'.<br>

Q: <b> horn <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">hC:n</font>]</b><br>

A: On a vehicle such as a car, the horn is the device that makes a loud noise as a signal or warning.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He sounded the car horn.</font><br><br>The horns of an animal such as a cow or deer are the hard pointed things that grow from its head.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A mature cow has horns.</font><br><br>Horn is the hard substance that the horns of animals are made of. Horn is sometimes used to make objects such as spoons, buttons, or ornaments.<br>See also horn-rimmed.<br><br>A horn is a musical instrument of the brass family. It is a long circular metal tube, wide at one end, which you play by blowing.<br><font color=red>= French horn</font><br><br>A horn is a simple musical instrument consisting of a metal tube that is wide at one end and narrow at the other. You play it by blowing into it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a hunting horn.</font><br><br>A horn is a hollow curved object that is narrow at one end and wide at the other.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a wind-up gramophone with a big horn.</font><br><br>If you blow your own horn, you boast about yourself. (mainly AM; in BRIT usually use blow your own trumpet)<br><br>If two people lock horns, they argue about something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;During his six years in office, Seidman has often locked horns with lawmakers.</font><br><br>If you are on the horns of a dilemma, you have to choose between two things, both of which are unpleasant or difficult.<br><font color= </b></font><br>

Q: <b> bankrupt <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bANkrQpt</font>]</b><br>

A: People or organizations that go bankrupt do not have enough money to pay their debts.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If the firm cannot sell its products, it will go bankrupt.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was declared bankrupt after failing to pay a {Pound}114m loan guarantee.</font><br><font color=red>= insolvent</font><br><br>To bankrupt a person or organization means to make them go bankrupt.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The move to the market nearly bankrupted the firm and its director.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Uninsured people can be bankrupted by big medical bills.</font><br><br>A bankrupt is a person who has been declared bankrupt by a court of law.<br><br>If you say that something is bankrupt, you are emphasizing that it lacks any value or worth.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He really thinks that European civilisation is morally bankrupt.</font><br><font color=red>= deficient</font><br>

Q: <b> goodness <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5gudnis</font>]</b><br>

A: People sometimes say `goodness' or `my goodness' to express surprise.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Goodness, I wonder if he knows.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My goodness, he's earned millions in his career.</font><br>thank goodness: see thank.<br><br>Goodness is the quality of being kind, helpful, and honest.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He retains a faith in human goodness.</font><br>

Q: <b> daring <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dZEriN</font>]</b><br>

A: People who are daring are willing to do or say things which are new or which might shock or anger other people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bergit was probably more daring than I was.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He realized this to be a very daring thing to ask.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; of the most daring political theatres in Prague.</font><br><font color=red>= bold</font><br><font color=red>* daringly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Cheers,' he said and winked daringly at her.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a daringly low-cut dress.</font><br><br>A daring person is willing to do things that might be dangerous.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the heroic and daring Charlie Pierce...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His daring rescue saved the lives of the youngsters.</font><br><font color=red>= bold</font><br><br>Daring is the courage to do things which might be dangerous or which might shock or anger other people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His daring may have cost him his life.</font><br><font color=red>= bravery, boldness <> cowardice</font><br>

Q: <b> mainstream <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5meinstri:m</font>]</b><br>

A: People, activities, or ideas that are part of the mainstream are regarded as the most typical, normal, and conventional because they belong to the same group or system as most others of their kind.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...people outside the economic mainstream...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This was the company's first step into the mainstream of scientific and commercial computing.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The show wanted to attract a mainstream audience.</font><br>

Q: <b> fashionable <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fAFEnEbl</font>]</b><br>

A: Something or someone that is fashionable is popular or approved of at a particular time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It became fashionable to eat certain kinds of fish.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chelsea Harbour is renowned for its fashionable restaurants.</font><br><font color=red>* fashionably </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...women who are perfectly made up and fashionably dressed.</font><br>

Q: <b> hardy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hB:di</font>]</b><br>

A: Plants that are hardy are able to survive cold weather.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The silver-leaved varieties of cyclamen are not quite as hardy.</font><br><font color=red>* hardiness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the hardiness of other species that have blue flowers.</font><br><br>People and animals that are hardy are strong and able to cope with difficult conditions.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They grew up to be farmers, round-faced and hardy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hardy antelope wander in from the desert.</font><br><font color=red>* hardiness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the hardiness, endurance, and courage of my companions...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These Pacific oysters are known for their hardiness.</font><br><br>If you describe a group of people as hardy, you mean that they have been very patient or loyal, or have been trying hard to do something in difficult conditions.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the ten hardy supporters who had made the trek to Dublin from Riga.</font><br><font color=red>= trusty</font><br>

Q: <b> ed. <br>ED. </b><br>

A: SUFFIX</b></font><br>

Q: <b> dominant <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dCminEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone or something that is dominant is more powerful, successful, influential, or noticeable than other people or things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a change which would maintain his party's dominant position in Scotland...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was a dominant figure in the French film industry.</font><br><font color=red>= pre-eminent</font><br><br>A dominant gene is one that produces a particular characteristic, whether a person has only one of these genes from one parent, or two genes, one from each parent. Compare recessive. (TECHNICAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Because it is carried by a dominant gene, an affected individual can expect about half of his or her children to inherit the illness.</font><br>

Q: <b> influential <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7influ5enFEl</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone or something that is influential has a lot of influence over people or events.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It helps to have influential friends.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the influential position of president of the chamber...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had been influential in shaping economic policy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; of the most influential books ever written.</font><br>

Q: <b> mysterious <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mis5tiEriEs</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone or something that is mysterious is strange and is not known about or understood.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He died in mysterious circumstances.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A mysterious illness confined him to bed for over a month.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The whole thing seems very mysterious.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He began to feel sympathy for this slightly mysterious man.</font><br><font color=red>* mysteriously </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A couple of messages had mysteriously disappeared.</font><br><br>If someone is mysterious about something, they deliberately do not talk much about it, sometimes because they want to make people more interested in it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As for his job -- well, he was very mysterious about it.</font><br><font color=red>= enigmatic</font><br><font color=red>* mysteriously </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Asked what she meant, she said mysteriously: `Work it out for yourself'.</font><br><font color=red>= enigmatically</font><br>

Q: <b> arrogant <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5ArEgEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone who is arrogant behaves in a proud, unpleasant way towards other people because they believe that they are more important than others.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was so arrogant.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That sounds arrogant, doesn't it?</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; air of arrogant indifference.</font><br><font color=red>* arrogance </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At times the arrogance of those in power is quite blatant.</font><br><font color=red>* arrogantly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Later, Simpson arrogantly claimed: `We won't lose another game.'</font><br>

Q: <b> checked <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">tFekt</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is checked has a pattern of small squares, usually of two colours.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was wearing blue jeans and checked shirt.</font><br><font color=red>= check</font><br>

Q: <b> artistic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">B:5tistik</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone who is artistic is good at drawing or painting, or arranging things in a beautiful way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They encourage boys to be sensitive and artistic.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mary's got it all so nice -- you remember how artistic she always was with colors.</font><br><br>Artistic means relating to art or artists.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the campaign for artistic freedom.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...their 1,300 year old artistic traditions.</font><br><font color=red>* artistically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...artistically gifted children...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Artistically, the photographs are stunning.</font><br><br>An artistic design or arrangement is beautiful.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; artistic arrangement of stone paving.</font><br><font color=red>* artistically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...artistically carved vessels.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...vegetarian dishes which can be presented artistically.</font><br>

Q: <b> asleep <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5sli:p</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone who is asleep is sleeping.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My four year-old daughter was asleep on the sofa.</font><br><font color=red><> awake</font><br><br>When you fall asleep, you start sleeping.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sam snuggled down in his pillow and fell asleep.</font><br><br>Someone who is fast asleep or sound asleep is sleeping deeply.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They were both fast asleep in their cots.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Turning over, she was soon sound asleep again.</font><br><font color=red><> wide awake</font><br>

Q: <b> awake <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5weik</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone who is awake is not sleeping.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I don't stay awake at night worrying about that.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nightmares kept me awake all night.</font><br><br>Someone who is wide awake is fully awake and unable to sleep.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I could not relax and still felt wide awake.</font><br><br>When you awake or when something awakes you, you wake up. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At midnight he awoke and listened to the radio for a few minutes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I awoke to the sound of the wind in the trees.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The sound of many voices awoke her with a start.</font><br><font color=red>= wake up</font><br>

Q: <b> bald <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bC:ld</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone who is bald has little or no hair on the top of their head.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The man's bald head was beaded with sweat.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She is going bald.</font><br><font color=red>* baldness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He wears a cap to cover a spot of baldness.</font><br><br>If a tyre is bald, its surface has worn down and it is no longer safe to use.<br><br>A bald statement is in plain language and contains no extra explanation or information.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The announcement came in a bald statement from the official news agency.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The bald truth is he's just not happy.</font><br><font color=red>= blunt</font><br><font color=red>* baldly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`The leaders are outdated,' he stated baldly. `They don't relate to young people.'</font><br><font color=red>= bluntly</font><br>

Q: <b> bold <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bEuld</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone who is bold is not afraid to do things which involve risk or danger.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Amrita becomes a bold, daring rebel.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In 1960 this was a bold move.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Poland was already making bold economic reforms.</font><br><font color=red>= brave <> cautious</font><br><font color=red>* boldly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You can and must act boldly and confidently.</font><br><font color=red>* boldness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Don't forget the boldness of his economic programme.</font><br><br>Someone who is bold is not shy or embarrassed in the company of other people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I don't feel I'm being bold, because it's always been natural for me to just speak out about whatever disturbs me.</font><br><font color=red>= brave <> timid</font><br><font color=red>* boldly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`You should do it,' the girl said, boldly.</font><br><br>A bold colour or pattern is very bright and noticeable.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...bold flowers in various shades of red, blue or white.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...bold, dramatic colours.</font><br><font color=red>* boldly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The design is pretty startling and very boldly coloured.</font><br><br>Bold lines or designs are drawn in a clear, strong way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Each picture is shown in colour on one page and as a bold outline on the opposit </b></font><br>

Q: <b> cheerful <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5tFiEful</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone who is cheerful is happy and shows this in their behaviour.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They are both very cheerful in spite of their colds.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jack sounded quite cheerful about the idea.</font><br><font color=red>= cheery</font><br><font color=red>* cheerfully </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`We've come with good news,' Pat said cheerfully.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She greeted him cheerfully.</font><br><font color=red>* cheerfulness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I remember this extraordinary man with particular affection for his unfailing cheerfulness.</font><br><br>Something that is cheerful is pleasant and makes you feel happy.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The nursery is bright and cheerful, with plenty of toys.</font><br><br>If you describe someone's attitude as cheerful, you mean they are not worried about something, and you think that they should be.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is little evidence to support many of Mr Will's cheerful assumptions.</font><br><font color=red>= optimistic</font><br><font color=red>* cheerfully </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...cheerfully ignoring medical advice which could have prolonged his life.</font><br>

Q: <b> competent <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCmpitEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone who is competent is efficient and effective.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was a loyal, distinguished and very competent civil servant.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a competent performance.</font><br><font color=red>* competently </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The government performed competently in the face of multiple challenges.</font><br><br>If you are competent to do something, you have the skills, abilities, or experience necessary to do it well.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Most adults do not feel competent to deal with a medical emergency involving a child.</font><br><font color=red>= able</font><br>

Q: <b> corrupt <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kE5rQpt</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone who is corrupt behaves in a way that is morally wrong, especially by doing dishonest or illegal things in return for money or power.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; save the nation from corrupt politicians of both parties.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...corrupt police officers...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had accused three opposition members of corrupt practices.</font><br><font color=red><> fair, honest, just</font><br><font color=red>* corruptly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...several government officials charged with acting corruptly.</font><br><br>If someone is corrupted by something, it causes them to become dishonest and unjust and unable to be trusted.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is sad to see a man so corrupted by the desire for money and power.</font><br><br>To corrupt someone means to cause them to stop caring about moral standards.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...warning that television will corrupt us all...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cruelty depraves and corrupts.</font><br><br>If something is corrupted, it becomes damaged or spoiled in some way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some of the finer type-faces are corrupted by cheap, popular computer printers.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They can ensure that traditional cuisines are not totally corrupted by commercial practices.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...corrupted data.</font><br>

Q: <b> cross 2 <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">krCs</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone who is cross is rather angry or irritated.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The women are cross and bored.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm terribly cross with him.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was rather cross about having to trail across London.</font><br><font color=red>= annoyed</font><br><font color=red>* crossly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`No, no, no,' Morris said crossly.</font><br> </b></font><br>

Q: <b> deaf <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">def</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone who is deaf is unable to hear anything or is unable to hear very well.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She is now profoundly deaf.</font><br><br>The deaf are people who are deaf.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many regular TV programs are captioned for the deaf.</font><br><font color=red>* deafness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Because of her deafness she was hard to make conversation with.</font><br><br>If you say that someone is deaf to people's requests, arguments, or criticisms, you are criticizing them because they refuse to pay attention to them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The provincial assembly were deaf to all pleas for financial help.</font><br><font color=red>= impervious</font><br>

Q: <b> devoted <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5vEutid</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone who is devoted to a person loves that person very much.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a loving and devoted husband...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Today, 50 years on and three children later, the couple are still devoted to one another.</font><br><br>If you are devoted to something, you care about it a lot and are very enthusiastic about it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have personally been devoted to this cause for many years.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Horace is so devoted to his garden that he hasn't been away for 10 years.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Joyce Bryt is a devoted Star Trek fan.</font><br><br>Something that is devoted to a particular thing deals only with that thing or contains only that thing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a major touring exhibition devoted to the work of disabled artists.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the original Jane Churchill shop, now devoted to a new range of accessories.</font><br>

Q: <b> divorced <br>DIVORCED </b><br>

A: Someone who is divorced from their former husband or wife has separated from them and is no longer legally married to them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Princess Margaret is divorced from Lord Snowdon.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is divorced, with a young son.</font><br><br>If you say that one thing is divorced from another, you mean that the two things are very different and separate from each other.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...speculative theories divorced from political reality.</font><br><font color=red>= unconnected</font><br><br>If you say that someone is divorced from a situation, you mean that they act as if they are not affected by it in any way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This just shows how divorced from reality she's become.</font><br>

Q: <b> drunk <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">drQNk</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone who is drunk has drunk so much alcohol that they cannot speak clearly or behave sensibly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Stewart could not remember exactly why he had done it because he was so drunk.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I got drunk and had to be carried home.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving.</font><br><font color=red>= inebriated</font><br><br>A drunk is someone who is drunk or frequently gets drunk.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A drunk lay in the alley.</font><br><font color=red>= drunkard</font><br><br>If you are drunk with a strong emotion or an experience, you are in a state of great excitement because of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They are currently drunk with success.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I felt drunk with the excitement of life.</font><br>4 drunk <br>Drunk is the past participle of drink.<br>

Q: <b> educated <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5edju:keitid</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone who is educated has a high standard of learning.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The general secretary of the TUC is an educated, amiable and decent man.</font><br><font color=red>= learned</font><br>

Q: <b> eligible <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5elidVEbl</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone who is eligible to do something is qualified or able to do it, for example because they are old enough.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Almost half the population are eligible to vote in today's election.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You could be eligible for a university scholarship.</font><br><font color=red>* eligibility </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The rules covering eligibility for benefits changed in the 1980s.</font><br><br>An eligible man or woman is not yet married and is thought by many people to be a suitable partner.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's the most eligible bachelor in Japan.</font><br>

Q: <b> engaged <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5geidVd</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone who is engaged in or engaged on a particular activity is doing that thing. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The police said they found the three engaged in target practice.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the various projects he was engaged on.</font><br><br>When two people are engaged, they have agreed to marry each other.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We got engaged on my eighteenth birthday.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was engaged to Miss Julia Maria Boardman.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the engaged couple.</font><br><br>If a telephone or a telephone line is engaged, it is already being used by someone else so that you are unable to speak to the person you are phoning. (BRIT; in AM use busy)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The line is engaged.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We tried to call you back but you were engaged.</font><br><br>If a public toilet is engaged, it is already being used by someone else. (BRIT; in AM usually use occupied)<br>

Q: <b> faithful <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5feiWful</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone who is faithful to a person, organization, idea, or activity remains firm in their belief in them or support for them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She had been faithful to her promise to guard this secret.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Older Americans are among this country's most faithful voters.</font><br><br>The faithful are people who are faithful to someone or something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He spends his time making speeches at factories or gatherings of the Party faithful.</font><br><font color=red>* faithfully </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has since 1965 faithfully followed and supported every twist and turn of government policy.</font><br><br>Someone who is faithful to their husband, wife, or lover does not have a sexual relationship with anyone else.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She insisted that she had remained faithful to her husband.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm very faithful when I love someone.</font><br><font color=red><> unfaithful</font><br><br>The faithful are the group of people who believe in a particular religion.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The faithful revered him then as a prophet.</font><br><br>A faithful account, translation, or copy of something represents or reproduces the original accurately.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Colin Welland's screenplay is faithful to the novel.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...faithful copies of household items used in the mid-1800s.</font><br><font color=red>* faithfully </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When I adapt something I translate from one meaning to another as faithfully as I can.</font><br><br>You can refer to something that has been used or has existed for a long time as an old faithful, especially when it is something you can rely on.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We tested a selection of vacuum cleaners, from old faithfuls to those with the latest features.</font><br>

Q: <b> finished <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5finiFt</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone who is finished with something is no longer doing it or dealing with it or is no longer interested in it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One suspects he will be finished with boxing.</font><br><br>Something that is finished no longer exists or is no longer happening.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I go back on the dole when the shooting season's finished.</font><br><font color=red>= over</font><br><br>Someone or something that is finished is no longer important, powerful, or effective.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her power over me is finished.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He confessed: `I thought I was finished.'</font><br><br>Something that is finished or finished off in a particular way has been given a particular appearance or decoration.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The dining room is finished in deep red.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Each dress is beautifully finished off with piped seams and fitted underskirts.</font><br>

Q: <b> furious <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fjuEriEs</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone who is furious is extremely angry.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is furious at the way his wife has been treated.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I am furious that it has taken so long to uncover what really happened.</font><br><font color=red>* furiously </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door furiously behind him.</font><br><br>Furious is also used to describe something that is done with great energy, effort, speed, or violence.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A furious gunbattle ensued.</font><br><font color=red>* furiously </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Officials worked furiously to repair the centre court.</font><br>

Q: <b> good-looking <br>GOOD-LOOKING </b><br>

A: Someone who is good-looking has an attractive face.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cassandra noticed him because he was good-looking.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a good-looking woman.</font><br>

Q: <b> handicapped <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hAndikApt</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone who is handicapped has a physical or mental disability that prevents them living a totally normal life.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm going to work two days a week teaching handicapped kids to fish.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Alex was mentally handicapped.</font><br><br>You can refer to people who are handicapped as the handicapped.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...measures to prevent discrimination against the handicapped.</font><br>

Q: <b> jobless <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dVCblis</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone who is jobless does not have a job, although they would like one.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One in four people are now jobless in inner areas like Tottenham and Peckham.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the number of jobless people.</font><br><font color=red>= unemployed</font><br><br>The jobless are people who are jobless.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They joined the ranks of the jobless.</font><br><font color=red>* joblessness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Concern over the rising level of joblessness was a feature of yesterday's debate.</font><br><font color=red>= unemployment</font><br>

Q: <b> geographical <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7dViE5grAfikEl</font>]</b><br>

A: The form geographic is also used.</b></font><br>Geographical or geographic means concerned with or relating to geography.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Its geographical location stimulated overseas mercantile enterprise.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a vast geographical area.</font><br><font color=red>* geographically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is geographically more diverse than any other continent.</font><br>

Q: <b> jolly <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dVCli</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone who is jolly is happy and cheerful in their appearance or behaviour.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was a jolly, kindhearted woman.</font><br><br>A jolly event is lively and enjoyable.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was looking forward to a jolly party.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She had a very jolly time in Korea.</font><br><br>Jolly is sometimes used to emphasize an adjective or adverb. (BRIT, INFORMAL, OLD-FASHIONED)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was jolly good at jigsaws.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was jolly hard work, but I loved it.</font><br><font color=red>= very, extremely</font><br><br>Jolly well is sometimes used to emphasize an opinion or intention, and to express annoyance or anger. (BRIT, INFORMAL, OLD-FASHIONED)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We can hardly just tell him what we jolly well think of him can we?.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was jolly well not going to let them get away with it.</font><br>

Q: <b> kind 2 <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kaind</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone who is kind behaves in a gentle, caring, and helpful way towards other people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She is warmhearted and kind to everyone and everything.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I must thank you for being so kind to me.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was very kind of you to come.</font><br><font color=red>* kindly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`You seem tired this morning, Jenny,' she said kindly.</font><br><br>You can use kind in expressions such as please be so kind as to and would you be kind enough to in order to ask someone to do something in a firm but polite way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please be so kind as to see to it that all the alterations are made at once!.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I wonder if you'd be kind enough to call him.</font><br><br>Something that is kind emphasizes the good qualities in something, and perhaps makes it appear better than it really is.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Summer clothes are invariably less kind to fuller figures.</font><br><font color=red>= flattering</font><br> </b></font><br>

Q: <b> lonely <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lEunli</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone who is lonely is unhappy because they are alone or do not have anyone they can talk to.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...lonely people who just want to talk...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I feel lonelier in the middle of London than I do on my boat in the middle of nowhere.</font><br><br>The lonely are people who are lonely.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He looks for the lonely, the lost, the unloved.</font><br><br>A lonely situation or period of time is one in which you feel unhappy because you are alone or do not have anyone to talk to.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I desperately needed something to occupy me during those long, lonely nights.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...her lonely childhood.</font><br><br>A lonely place is one where very few people come.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It felt like the loneliest place in the world.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...dark, lonely streets.</font><br>

Q: <b> loving <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lQviN</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone who is loving feels or shows love to other people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jim was a most loving husband and father.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The children there were very loving to me.</font><br><font color=red>= affectionate</font><br><font color=red>* lovingly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Brian gazed lovingly at Mary Ann.</font><br><br>Loving actions are done with great enjoyment and care.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The house has been restored with loving care.</font><br><font color=red>* lovingly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I lifted the box and ran my fingers lovingly over the top.</font><br>

Q: <b> loyal <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lCiEl</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone who is loyal remains firm in their friendship or support for a person or thing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They had remained loyal to the president.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He'd always been such a loyal friend to us all.</font><br><font color=red>= faithful <> disloyal</font><br><font color=red>* loyally </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They have loyally supported their party and their leader.</font><br>

Q: <b> mute <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mju:t</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone who is mute is silent for a particular reason and does not speak.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was mute, distant, and indifferent.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I threw a mute look of appeal at Paula.</font><br><br>Also an adverb.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He could watch her standing mute by the phone.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He sat mute, speechless with ecstasy, gazing into the sky.</font><br><font color=red>* mutely </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I crouched by him and grasped his hand, mutely offering what comfort I could.</font><br><br>Someone who is mute is unable to speak. (OLD-FASHIONED)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Marianna, the duke's daughter, became mute after a shock.</font><br><br>If someone mutes something such as their feelings or their activities, they reduce the strength or intensity of them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The corruption does not seem to have muted the country's prolonged economic boom.</font><br><font color=red>* muted </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The threat contrasted starkly with his administration's previous muted criticism.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The financial markets gave a muted response to the Democrats' triumph.</font><br><font color=red>= subdued</font><br><br>If you mute a noise or sound, you lower its volume or make it less distinct.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They begin to mute their voices, not be as assertive.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At first the wooded hillsides muted the sounds.</font><br><font color=red>* muted </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Yes,' he muttered, his voice so muted I hardly heard his reply.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There were muted cheers from the public gallery.</font><br><br>A mute is a device which can be used to make </b></font><br>

Q: <b> finding <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5faindiN</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone's findings are the information they get or the conclusions they come to as the result of an investigation or some research.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One of the main findings of the survey was the confusion about the facilities already in place.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We hope that manufacturers will take note of the findings and improve their products accordingly.</font><br><br>The findings of a court are the decisions that it reaches after a trial or an investigation.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The government hopes the court will announce its findings before the end of the month.</font><br><font color=red>= judgement</font><br>

Q: <b> girlfriend <br>GIRLFRIEND </b><br>

A: Someone's girlfriend is a girl or woman with whom they are having a romantic or sexual relationship.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had been going out with his girlfriend for seven months.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Has he got a girlfriend?</font><br><br>A girlfriend is a female friend.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I met a girlfriend for lunch.</font><br>

Q: <b> naked <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5neikid</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone who is naked is not wearing any clothes.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her naked body was found wrapped in a sheet in a field.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The hot paving stones scorched my naked feet.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They stripped me naked.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He stood naked in front of me.</font><br><font color=red>= bare</font><br><font color=red>* nakedness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had pulled the blanket over his body to hide his nakedness.</font><br>See also stark naked.<br><br>If an animal or part of an animal is naked, it has no fur or feathers on it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The nest contained eight little mice that were naked and blind.</font><br><br>If you say that someone is naked or feels naked, you mean they are powerless or have no way of protecting themselves.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If the reports are accurate, the deal leaves the authorities and the President virtually naked.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Bevan's appeal against going `naked into the conference chamber'.</font><br><font color=red>= defenceless</font><br><br>You can describe an object as naked when it does not have its normal covering.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a naked bulb dangling in a bare room...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The water was heated by a naked gas flame.</font><br><br>Naked emotions are easy to recognize, because they are very strongly felt. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The naked hatred in the woman's face shocked me.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There h </b></font><br>

Q: <b> aspiration <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7AspE5reiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone's aspirations are their desire to achieve things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the needs and aspirations of our pupils...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is unlikely to send in the army to quell nationalist aspirations.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the republic's aspiration to statehood.</font><br>

Q: <b> attendance <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5tendEns</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone's attendance at an event or an institution is the fact that they are present at the event or go regularly to the institution.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her attendance at school was sporadic.</font><br><br>The attendance at an event is the number of people who are present at it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Average weekly cinema attendance in February was 2.41 million.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This year attendances were 28% lower than forecast.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some estimates put the attendance at 60,000.</font><br><br>If someone is in attendance at a place or an event, they are there.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Councillor Paul Tisley will be in attendance at the start of the meeting to welcome us.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Police with riot gear and several fire engines are in attendance.</font><br><br>If someone is in attendance on an important person, they are accompanying that person as a servant or assistant. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He lived in considerable style, travelling widely, usually with a cook, valet, butler and chauffeur in attendance.</font><br>

Q: <b> boyfriend <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bCifrend</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone's boyfriend is a man or boy with whom they are having a romantic or sexual relationship.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Brenda and her boyfriend Anthony...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I don't know if she's got a boyfriend or not.</font><br>

Q: <b> contention <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5tenFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone's contention is the idea or opinion that they are expressing in an argument or discussion.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is my contention that death and murder always lurk as potentials in violent relationships.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sufficient research evidence exists to support this contention.</font><br><font color=red>= belief</font><br><br>If something is a cause of contention, it is a cause of disagreement or argument.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They generally tried to avoid subjects of contention between them.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A particular source of contention are plans to privatise state-run companies.</font><br>See also bone of contention.<br><br>If you are in contention in a contest, you have a chance of winning it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was in contention for a place in the European championship squad.</font><br>

Q: <b> dealings <br>DEALINGS </b><br>

A: Someone's dealings with a person or organization are the relations that they have with them or the business that they do with them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has learnt little in his dealings with the international community.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...her family's business dealings.</font><br>

Q: <b> ego <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5i:gEu</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone's ego is their sense of their own worth. For example, if someone has a large ego, they think they are very important and valuable.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had a massive ego, never would he admit he was wrong.</font><br>See also alter ego, super-ego.<br>

Q: <b> insistence <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5sistEns</font>]</b><br>

A: Someone's insistence on something is the fact that they insist that it should be done or insist that it is the case.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Raeder's insistence that naval uniform be worn...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He admired your insistence on understanding things and making your point, even when he preferred his own.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She had attended an interview, at her boyfriend's insistence.</font><br>

Q: <b> briefly <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5brifli</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that happens or is done briefly happens or is done for a very short period of time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He smiled briefly.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Guerillas captured and briefly held an important provincial capital.</font><br><br>If you say or write something briefly, you use very few words or give very few details.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There are four basic alternatives; they are described briefly below.</font><br><font color=red>= in brief</font><br><br>You can say briefly to indicate that you are about to say something in as few words as possible.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Briefly, no less than nine of our agents have passed information to us.</font><br>

Q: <b> herald <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5herEld</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that heralds a future event or situation is a sign that it is going to happen or appear. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the sultry evening that heralded the end of the baking hot summer...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their discovery could herald a cure for some forms of impotence.</font><br><br>Something that is a herald of a future event or situation is a sign that it is going to happen or appear. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I welcome the report as a herald of more freedom, not less.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;For her, it was the herald of summer.</font><br><br>If an important event or action is heralded by people, announcements are made about it so that it is publicly known and expected. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Janet Jackson's new album has been heralded by a massive media campaign.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tonight's clash between Real Madrid and Arsenal is being heralded as the match of the season.</font><br><br>In former times, a herald was a person who delivered and announced important messages.<br><font color=red>= messenger</font><br>

Q: <b> appalling <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5pC:liN</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is appalling is so bad or unpleasant that it shocks you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They have been living under the most appalling conditions for two months.</font><br><font color=red>= dreadful</font><br><font color=red>* appallingly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He says that he understands why they behaved so appallingly.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The detection rate for racial crimes is appallingly low.</font><br><br>You can use appalling to emphasize that something is very great or severe.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I developed an appalling headache.</font><br><font color=red>* appallingly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's been an appallingly busy morning.</font><br>

Q: <b> astonishing <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">Es5tCniFiN</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is astonishing is very surprising.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's astonishing, he's learned Latin in three hours!</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; astonishing display of physical strength.</font><br><font color=red>= amazing</font><br><font color=red>* astonishingly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Isabella was an astonishingly beautiful young woman.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was wearing, astonishingly, a frilly pink apron over shirt and trousers.</font><br>

Q: <b> bizarre <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bi5zB:</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is bizarre is very odd and strange.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The game was also notable for the bizarre behaviour of the team's manager.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You know, that book you lent me is really bizarre.</font><br><font color=red>= weird</font><br><font color=red>* bizarrely </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She dressed bizarrely.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bizarrely, death is not a disqualification for voting although non-attendance at party meetings is.</font><br>

Q: <b> blank <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">blANk</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is blank has nothing on it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We could put some of the pictures over on that blank wall over there.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He tore a blank page from his notebook.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...blank cassettes.</font><br><br>A blank is a space which is left in a piece of writing or on a printed form for you to fill in particular information.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Put a word in each blank to complete the sentence.</font><br><br>If you look blank, your face shows no feeling, understanding, or interest.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Abbot looked blank. `I don't quite follow, sir.'.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His daughter gave him a blank look.</font><br><font color=red>* blankly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She stared at him blankly.</font><br><font color=red>* blankness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His eyes have the blankness of someone half-asleep.</font><br><br>If your mind or memory is a blank, you cannot think of anything or remember anything.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm sorry, but my mind is a blank.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I came round in hospital and did not know where I was. Everything was a complete blank.</font><br><br>Blanks are gun cartridges which contain explosive but do not contain a bullet, so that they cause no harm when the gun is fired.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a starter pistol which only fires blanks.</font><br> </b></font><br>

Q: <b> boiling <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bCiliN</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is boiling or boiling hot is very hot.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`It's boiling in here,' complained Miriam.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Often the food may be bubbling and boiling hot on the top, but the inside may still be cold.</font><br><font color=red>= baking</font><br><br>If you say that you are boiling or boiling hot, you mean that you feel very hot, usually unpleasantly hot.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When everybody else is boiling hot, I'm freezing!</font><br><font color=red>= sweltering</font><br>

Q: <b> circular <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5sE:kjulE</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is circular is shaped like a circle.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a circular hole twelve feet wide and two feet deep...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Place your hands on your shoulders and move your elbows up, back, and down, in a circular motion.</font><br>See also semi-circular.<br><br>A circular journey or route is one in which you go to a place and return by a different route.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Both sides of the river can be explored on this circular walk.</font><br><br>A circular argument or theory is not valid because it uses a statement to prove something which is then used to prove the statement.<br><br>A circular is an official letter or advertisement that is sent to a large number of people at the same time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The proposal has been widely publicised in BBC-TV press information circulars sent to 1,800 newspapers.</font><br>

Q: <b> comparable <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCmpErEbl</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is comparable to something else is roughly similar, for example in amount or importance.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...paying the same wages to men and women for work of comparable value...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Farmers were meant to get an income comparable to that of townspeople.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The risk it poses is comparable with smoking just one cigarette every year.</font><br><font color=red>= equal</font><br><font color=red>* comparably </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; assess a number of comparably qualified students.</font><br><font color=red>* comparability </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The rises are the result of a comparability study.</font><br><br>If two or more things are comparable, they are of the same kind or are in the same situation, and so they can reasonably be compared.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In other comparable countries real wages increased much more rapidly.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;By contrast, the comparable figure for the Netherlands is 16 per cent.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Published rates are not always directly comparable.</font><br><font color=red>= equivalent</font><br><font color=red>* comparability </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The result is a lack of comparability between the accounts of similar companies.</font><br>

Q: <b> confusing <br>CONFUSING </b><br>

A: Something that is confusing makes it difficult for people to know exactly what is happening or what to do.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The statement is highly confusing.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The uncertainty created by this situation must be confusing for you.</font><br><font color=red><> clear</font><br><font color=red>* confusingly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Confusingly, blind people also respond to the light.</font><br>

Q: <b> damp <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dAmp</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is damp is slightly wet.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her hair was still damp.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the damp, cold air...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She wiped the table with a damp cloth.</font><br><font color=red>= moist</font><br><br>Damp is moisture that is found on the inside walls of a house or in the air.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was damp everywhere and the entire building was in need of rewiring.</font><br>See also rising damp.<br><br>If you damp something, you make it slightly wet.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hillsden damped a hand towel and laid it across her forehead.</font><br><font color=red>= dampen</font><br>

Q: <b> decorative <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dekErEtiv</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is decorative is intended to look pretty or attractive.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The curtains are for purely decorative purposes and do not open or close.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...highly decorative iron brackets.</font><br>

Q: <b> definitive <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5finitiv</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is definitive provides a firm conclusion that cannot be questioned.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;No one has come up with a definitive answer as to why this should be so.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is no definitive test as yet for the condition.</font><br><font color=red>* definitively </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Constitution did not definitively rule out divorce.</font><br><br>A definitive book or performance is thought to be the best of its kind that has ever been done or that will ever be done.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His `An Orkney Tapestry' is still the definitive book on the islands.</font><br>

Q: <b> delicate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5delikit</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is delicate is small and beautifully shaped.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had delicate hands.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; evergreen tree with large flame-coloured leaves and delicate blossom.</font><br><font color=red>= dainty</font><br><font color=red>* delicately </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was a shy, delicately pretty girl with enormous blue eyes.</font><br><font color=red>= daintily</font><br><br>Something that is delicate has a colour, taste, or smell which is pleasant and not strong or intense.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Young haricot beans have a tender texture and a delicate, subtle flavour.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The colours are delicate and shimmering.</font><br><font color=red>= subtle <> strong</font><br><font color=red>* delicately </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a soup delicately flavoured with nutmeg.</font><br><font color=red>= subtly</font><br><br>If something is delicate, it is easy to harm, damage, or break, and needs to be handled or treated carefully.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Although the coral looks hard, it is very delicate.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a washing machine catering for every fabric -- even the most delicate.</font><br><font color=red>= fragile <> robust</font><br><br>Someone who is delicate is not healthy and strong, and becomes ill easily.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was physically delicate and psychologically unstable.</font><br><font color=red>= frail, sickly</font><br><font c </b></font><br>

Q: <b> dense <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dens</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is dense contains a lot of things or people in a small area.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Where Bucharest now stands, there once was a large, dense forest.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Its fur is short, dense and silky.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They went out on to the pavement, thrusting their way again through the dense crowd.</font><br><font color=red><> sparse, thin</font><br><font color=red>* densely </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Java is a densely populated island.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The fire struck a densely wooded area of Oakland.</font><br><font color=red><> sparsely</font><br><br>Dense fog or smoke is difficult to see through because it is very heavy and dark.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A dense column of smoke rose several miles into the air.</font><br><font color=red>= thick <> thin</font><br><br>In science, a dense substance is very heavy in relation to its volume. (TECHNICAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a small dense star.</font><br><br>If you describe writing or a film as dense, you mean that it is difficult to understand because it contains a lot of information and ideas.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His prose is vigorous and dense, occasionally to the point of obscurity.</font><br><br>If you say that someone is dense, you mean that you think they are stupid and that they take a long time to understand simple things. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's not a bad man, just a bit dense.</font><br><font color=red>= thick</font><br>

Q: <b> depressing <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5presiN</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is depressing makes you feel sad and disappointed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yesterday's unemployment figures were as depressing as those of the previous 22 months.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm rather keen to go on holiday in February because I think it's a very dismal, depressing month.</font><br><font color=red>* depressingly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It all sounded depressingly familiar to Janet.</font><br>

Q: <b> desirable <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5zaiErEbl</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is desirable is worth having or doing because it is useful, necessary, or popular.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Prolonged negotiation was not desirable.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The crowd moved indoors for what were deemed the most desirable items.</font><br><font color=red>* desirability </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the desirability of democratic reform.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the debate on the desirability of banning the ivory trade.</font><br><br>Someone who is desirable is considered to be sexually attractive.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the young women of his own age whom his classmates thought most desirable.</font><br><font color=red>* desirability </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had not at all overrated Veronica's desirability.</font><br>

Q: <b> destructive <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5trQktiv</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is destructive causes or is capable of causing great damage, harm, or injury.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the awesome destructive power of nuclear weapons...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Guilt can be very destructive.</font><br><font color=red>* destructiveness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the size of armies and the destructiveness of their weapons.</font><br><font color=red>* destructively </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Power can be used creatively or destructively.</font><br>

Q: <b> disappointing <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7disE5pCintiN</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is disappointing is not as good or as large as you hoped it would be.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The wine was excellent, but the meat was overdone and the vegetables disappointing.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The recession is largely blamed for the disappointing response to the appeal.</font><br><font color=red>= unsatisfactory</font><br><font color=red>* disappointingly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Progress is disappointingly slow.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Disappointingly, this show is only on view for a week.</font><br>

Q: <b> distinctive <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5tiNktiv</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is distinctive has a special quality or feature which makes it easily recognizable and different from other things of the same type.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the distinctive odour of chlorine.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a distinctive blue and yellow flag...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His voice was very distinctive.</font><br><font color=red>* distinctively </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the distinctively fragrant taste of elderflowers...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Each room is distinctively decorated with light, bright colors and floral prints.</font><br><font color=red>* distinctiveness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His own distinctiveness was always evident at school.</font><br>

Q: <b> durable <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5djuErEbl</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is durable is strong and lasts a long time without breaking or becoming weaker.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fine bone china is eminently practical, since it is strong and durable.</font><br><font color=red>= hard-wearing</font><br><font color=red>* durability </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Airlines recommend hard-sided cases for durability.</font><br>

Q: <b> embarrassing <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">im5bArEsiN</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is embarrassing makes you feel shy or ashamed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That was an embarrassing situation for me.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Men find it embarrassing to be honest.</font><br><font color=red>= uncomfortable, awkward</font><br><font color=red>* embarrassingly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The lyrics of the song are embarrassingly banal.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Stephens had beaten him embarrassingly easily.</font><br><br>Something that is embarrassing to a politician or a political party causes problems for them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has put the Bonn government in an embarrassing position.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The speech was deeply embarrassing to Cabinet ministers.</font><br>

Q: <b> encouraging <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5kQridViN</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is encouraging gives people hope or confidence.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There are encouraging signs of an artistic revival.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The results have been encouraging.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was encouraging that he recognised the dangers facing the company.</font><br><font color=red>* encouragingly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The people at the next table watched me eat and smiled encouragingly.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Against all expectations, the theatre reopened to encouragingly large audiences.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;But, most encouragingly, there'd been no sign of any recurrence of the hallucinations.</font><br>

Q: <b> eternal <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">i(:)5tE:nl</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is eternal lasts for ever.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the quest for eternal youth.</font><br><font color=red>= everlasting</font><br><font color=red>* eternally </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She is eternally grateful to her family for their support.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The whole universe exists eternally in that one infinite being.</font><br><br>If you describe something as eternal, you mean that it seems to last for ever, often because you think it is boring or annoying.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In the background was that eternal hum.</font><br><font color=red>= interminable, never-ending</font><br><br>Eternal truths, values, and questions never change and are believed to be always true and to be relevant in all situations.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the eternal truths of the Indian subcontinent.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the eternal question.</font><br>

Q: <b> exaggerated <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">ig5zAdVEreitid</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is exaggerated is or seems larger, better, worse, or more important than it actually needs to be.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They should be sceptical of exaggerated claims for what such courses can achieve.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Western fears, he insists, are greatly exaggerated.</font><br><font color=red>* exaggeratedly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; exaggeratedly feminine appearance...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She laughed exaggeratedly at their jokes.</font><br>

Q: <b> exotic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">ig5zCtik</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is exotic is unusual and interesting, usually because it comes from or is related to a distant country.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...brilliantly coloured, exotic flowers...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She flits from one exotic location to another.</font><br><font color=red>* exotically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...exotically beautiful scenery.</font><br>

Q: <b> experimental <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">eks7peri5mentl</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is experimental is new or uses new ideas or methods, and might be modified later if it is unsuccessful.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; experimental air conditioning system...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He tends to write bizarre and highly experimental pieces of music.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The technique is experimental, but the list of its practitioners is growing.</font><br><br>Experimental means using, used in, or resulting from scientific experiments.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the main techniques of experimental science.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the use of experimental animals...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We have experimental and observational evidence concerning things which happened before and after the origin of life.</font><br><font color=red>* experimentally </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ecology laboratory, where communities of species can be studied experimentally under controlled conditions.</font><br><br>An experimental action is done in order to see what it is like, or what effects it has.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The British Sports Minister is reported to be ready to argue for an experimental lifting of the ban.</font><br><font color=red>* experimentally </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This system is being tried out experimentally at many universities.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Before opening the front door he lifted the cases experimentally.</font><br>

Q: <b> explicit <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">iks5plisit</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is explicit is expressed or shown clearly and openly, without any attempt to hide anything.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sexually explicit scenes in films and books were taboo under the old regime</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...explicit references to age in recruitment advertising.</font><br><font color=red>= overt</font><br><font color=red>* explicitly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The play was the first commercially successful work dealing explicitly with homosexuality.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their intention is not to become involved in explicitly political activities.</font><br><font color=red>= overtly</font><br><font color=red>* explicitness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When the book was published, the energy and explicitness caught the popular imagination.</font><br><br>If you are explicit about something, you speak about it very openly and clearly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was explicit about his intention to overhaul the party's internal voting system.</font><br><font color=red>* explicitly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She has been talking very explicitly about AIDS to these groups.</font><br>

Q: <b> exquisite <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5ekskwizit</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is exquisite is extremely beautiful or pleasant, especially in a delicate way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Indians brought in exquisite beadwork to sell.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mr Zhang's photography is exquisite.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...her exquisite manners.</font><br><font color=red>* exquisitely </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...exquisitely crafted dolls' houses.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; exquisitely beautiful young woman.</font><br><br>Exquisite is used to emphasize that a feeling or quality is very great or intense. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The words issuing from her lips gave exquisite pleasure as they flowed over him.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She peeled it with exquisite care.</font><br>

Q: <b> glorious <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5glC:riEs</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is glorious is very beautiful and impressive.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a glorious rainbow in the air...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She had missed the glorious blooms of the Mediterranean spring.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a glorious Edwardian opera house.</font><br><font color=red>= magnificent</font><br><font color=red>* gloriously </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A tree, gloriously lit by autumn, pressed against the windowpane.</font><br><br>If you describe something as glorious, you are emphasizing that it is wonderful and it makes you feel very happy.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The win revived glorious memories of his championship-winning days.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We opened the windows and let in the glorious evening air.</font><br><font color=red>= heavenly</font><br><font color=red>* gloriously </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...her gloriously happy love life.</font><br><br>A glorious career, victory, or occasion involves great fame or success.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Harrison had a glorious career spanning more than six decades.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her future could be more glorious even than her past.</font><br><font color=red>= illustrious</font><br><font color=red>* gloriously </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;But the mission was successful, gloriously successful.</font><br><br>Glorious weather is hot and sunny.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I got dressed and emerged into glorious sunshine.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The sun was out again, and it was a glorious day.</font><br><font color=red>* gloriously </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;For a change, it was a gloriously sunny day.</font><br>

Q: <b> handy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hAndi</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is handy is useful.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The book gives handy hints on looking after indoor plants.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Credit cards can be handy -- they mean you do not have to carry large sums of cash.</font><br><br>If something comes in handy, it is useful in a particular situation.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That key will come in handy if you lock yourself out.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The $20 check came in very handy.</font><br><br>A thing or place that is handy is nearby and therefore easy to get or reach.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It would be good to have a pencil and paper handy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Keep handy a lightweight sweater or cardigan.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This lively town is handy for Londoners.</font><br><br>Someone who is handy with a particular tool is skilful at using it. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If you're handy with a needle you could brighten up your sweater with giant daisies.</font><br>

Q: <b> harmful <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hB:mful</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is harmful has a bad effect on something else, especially on a person's health.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the harmful effects of smoking...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It believed the affair was potentially harmful to British aviation.</font><br><font color=red>= damaging <> harmless</font><br>

Q: <b> harmless <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hB:mlis</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is harmless does not have any bad effects, especially on people's health.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Industry has been working at developing harmless substitutes for these gases.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This experiment was harmless to the animals.</font><br><font color=red>= safe <> harmful</font><br><font color=red>* harmlessly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Another missile exploded harmlessly outside the town.</font><br><br>If you describe someone or something as harmless, you mean that they are not important and therefore unlikely to annoy other people or cause trouble.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He seemed harmless enough.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I would not want to deny them a harmless pleasure.</font><br><font color=red>= inoffensive</font><br><font color=red>* harmlessly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It started harmlessly enough, with a statement from the Secretary of State for Social Security.</font><br>

Q: <b> hollow <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hClEu</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is hollow has a space inside it, as opposed to being solid all the way through.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a hollow tree.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a hollow cylinder.</font><br><br>A surface that is hollow curves inwards.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He looked young, dark and sharp-featured, with hollow cheeks.</font><br><br>A hollow is a hole inside a tree.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I made my home there, in the hollow of a dying elm.</font><br><br>A hollow is an area that is lower than the surrounding surface.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Below him the town lay warm in the hollow of the hill.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...where water gathers in a hollow and forms a pond.</font><br><br>If you describe a statement, situation, or person as hollow, you mean they have no real value, worth, or effectiveness.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Any threat to bring in the police is a hollow one.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a hollow man who's coasted on charm for far too long.</font><br><font color=red>= empty</font><br><font color=red>* hollowness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One month before the deadline we see the hollowness of these promises.</font><br><br>If someone gives a hollow laugh, they laugh in a way that shows that they do not really find something amusing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Murray Pick's hollow laugh had no mirth in it.</ </b></font><br>

Q: <b> implicit <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">im5plisit</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is implicit is expressed in an indirect way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is taken as an implicit warning to the Moroccans not to continue or repeat the military actions they began a week ago.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Branagh says that it was his intention to make explicit in the film what was only implicit in the play.</font><br><font color=red>= tacit <> explicit</font><br><font color=red>* implicitly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;An inquest jury implicitly criticised the Home Office's administration of Armley Jail by returning an open verdict on a teenager who was found hanging in his cell.</font><br><font color=red>= tacitly <> explicitly</font><br><br>If a quality or element is implicit in something, it is involved in it or is shown by it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Implicit in snobbery is timidity -- being afraid to take a risk for fear of what your posh friends may think.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Try and learn from the lessons implicit in the failure of your marriage.</font><br><font color=red>= inherent</font><br><br>If you say that someone has an implicit belief or faith in something, you mean that they have complete faith in it and no doubts at all.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had implicit faith in the noble intentions of the Emperor.</font><br><font color=red>= absolute</font><br><font color=red>* implicitly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I trust him implicitly.</font><br>

Q: <b> inappropriate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7inE5prEupriit</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is inappropriate is not useful or suitable for a particular situation or purpose.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The industry is inappropriate to the region's present and future needs.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is no suggestion that clients have been sold inappropriate policies.</font><br><font color=red>= unsuitable <> appropriate</font><br><font color=red>* inappropriately </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was dressed inappropriately for the heat in a dark suit.</font><br><br>If you say that someone's speech or behaviour in a particular situation is inappropriate, you are criticizing it because you think it is not suitable for that situation.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I feel the remark was inappropriate for such a serious issue.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is inappropriate for a judge to belong to a discriminatory club.</font><br><font color=red>* inappropriately </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You have the law on your side if the bank is acting inappropriately.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...behavior that may appear inappropriately childish.</font><br>

Q: <b> inferior <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5fiEriE</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is inferior is not as good as something else.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The cassettes were of inferior quality.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This resulted in overpriced and often inferior products.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If children were made to feel inferior to other children their confidence declined.</font><br><font color=red><> superior</font><br><br>If one person is regarded as inferior to another, they are regarded as less important because they have less status or ability.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He preferred the company of those who were intellectually inferior to himself.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the inferior status of women in pre-revolutionary Russia...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Most career women make me feel inferior.</font><br><font color=red><> superior</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was a gentleman's duty always to be civil, even to his inferiors.</font><br><font color=red>* inferiority </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I found it difficult to shake off a sense of social inferiority.</font><br>

Q: <b> innovative <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5inEuveitiv</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is innovative is new and original.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...products which are cheaper, more innovative and more reliable than those of their competitors.</font><br><br>An innovative person introduces changes and new ideas.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was one of the most creative and innovative engineers of his generation.</font><br>

Q: <b> insufficient <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7insE5fiFEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is insufficient is not large enough in amount or degree for a particular purpose. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He decided there was insufficient evidence to justify criminal proceedings.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These efforts were insufficient to contain the burgeoning crisis.</font><br><font color=red>= inadequate</font><br><font color=red>* insufficiency </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Late miscarriages are usually not due to hormonal insufficiency.</font><br><font color=red>* insufficiently </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Food that is insufficiently cooked can lead to food poisoning.</font><br>

Q: <b> intact <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5tAkt</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is intact is complete and has not been damaged or changed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Customs men put dynamite in the water to destroy the cargo, but most of it was left intact.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If the family unit is still intact, the patient frequently does very well.</font><br><font color=red>= in one piece</font><br>

Q: <b> legitimate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">l i5dVitimit</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is legitimate is acceptable according to the law.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The French government has condemned the coup in Haiti and has demanded the restoration of the legitimate government.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The government will not seek to disrupt the legitimate business activities of the defendant.</font><br><font color=red>* legitimacy </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The opposition parties do not recognise the political legitimacy of his government.</font><br><font color=red>* legitimately </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The government has been legitimately elected by the people.</font><br><br>If you say that something such as a feeling or claim is legitimate, you think that it is reasonable and justified.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That's a perfectly legitimate fear.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The New York Times has a legitimate claim to be a national newspaper.</font><br><font color=red>* legitimacy </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sampras beat Carl-Uwe Steeb by 6-1, 6-2, 6-1 to underline the legitimacy of his challenge for the title.</font><br><font color=red>* legitimately </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They could quarrel quite legitimately with some of my choices.</font><br><br>A legitimate child is one whose parents were married before he or she was born.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We only married in order that the child should be legitimate.</font><br><font color=red><> illegitimate</font><br><br>To legitimate something means the same as to legitimize it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We want to legitimate this process by passing a law.</font><br><font color=red>* legitimation </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the legitimation of state constitutions.</font><br>

Q: <b> lightweight <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5laitweit</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is lightweight weighs less than most other things of the same type.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...lightweight denim...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The company manufactures a range of innovative light-weight cycles.</font><br><br>Lightweight is a category in some sports, such as boxing, judo, or rowing, based on the weight of the athlete.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;By the age of sixteen he was the junior lightweight champion of Poland.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He changed from lightweight (under 71kg) to light middleweight (under 78kg).</font><br><br>A lightweight is a person who is in the lightweight category in a particular sport.<br><br>If you describe someone as a lightweight, you are critical of them because you think that they are not very important or skilful in a particular area of activity.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hill considered Sam a lightweight, a real amateur.</font><br><font color=red><> heavyweight</font><br><br>Also an adjective.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some of the discussion in the book is lightweight and unconvincing.</font><br>

Q: <b> magical <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mAdVikEl</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is magical seems to use magic or to be able to produce magic.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the story of Sin-Sin, a little boy who has magical powers.</font><br><font color=red>* magically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the story of a young boy's adventures after he is magically transported through the cinema screen.</font><br><br>You can say that a place or object is magical when it has a special mysterious quality that makes it seem wonderful and exciting.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The beautiful island of Cyprus is a magical place to get married.</font><br>

Q: <b> mathematical <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7mAWi5mAtikEl</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is mathematical involves numbers and calculations.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...mathematical calculations...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Given the sheer number of stars that exist it's a mathematical certainty that there is life on other planets.</font><br><font color=red>* mathematically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a mathematically complicated formula...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mathematically, it made sense.</font><br><br>If you have mathematical abilities or a mathematical mind, you are clever at doing calculations or understanding problems that involve numbers.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...children who display extraordinary mathematical ability.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a mathematical genius.</font><br><font color=red>* mathematically </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Anyone can be an astrologer as long as they are mathematically minded.</font><br>

Q: <b> memorable <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5memErEbl</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is memorable is worth remembering or likely to be remembered, because it is special or very enjoyable.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the perfect setting for a nostalgic memorable day...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Annette's performance as Eliza Doolittle in `Pygmalion' was truly memorable.</font><br><font color=red>* memorably </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The National Theatre's production is memorably staged.</font><br>

Q: <b> minimal <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5minimEl</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is minimal is very small in quantity, value, or degree.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The co-operation between the two is minimal.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One aim of these reforms is effective defence with minimal expenditure.</font><br><font color=red>= negligible</font><br><font color=red>* minimally </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was paid, but only minimally.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was minimally successful.</font><br>

Q: <b> nasty <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5nAsti</font>]</b><br>

A: Something that is nasty is very unpleasant to see, experience, or feel.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; extremely nasty murder...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This divorce could turn nasty.</font><br><font color=red>= horrible</font><br><font color=red>* nastiness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the nastiness of war.</font><br><font color=red>= unpleasantness</font><br><br>If you describe a person or their behaviour as nasty, you mean that they behave in an unkind and unpleasant way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What nasty little snobs you all are.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The guards looked really nasty.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mummy is so nasty to me when Daddy isn't here.</font><br><font color=red>= disagreeable <> nice, kind</font><br><font color=red>* nastily </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She took the money and eyed me nastily.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nikki laughed nastily.</font><br><font color=red>* nastiness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As the years went by his nastiness began to annoy his readers.</font><br><br>If you describe something as nasty, you mean it is unattractive, undesirable, or in bad taste.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Emily's nasty little house in Balham...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That damned Farrel made some nasty jokes here about Mr. Lane.</font><br><font color=red>= unpleasant <> nice</font><br><br>A nasty problem or situation is very worrying and difficult </b></font><br>

Q: <b> commonwealth <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCmEnwelW</font>]</b><br>

A: The Commonwealth is an organization consisting of the United Kingdom and most of the countries that were previously under its rule.<br><br>Commonwealth is used in the official names of some countries, groups of countries, or parts of countries.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Commonwealth of Australia.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Commonwealth of Independent States, which replaced the Soviet Union.</font><br><br>If you refer to a commonwealth of nations, you are referring to a group of countries who are friendly towards each other and have something in common. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a commonwealth of nations without economic borders.</font><br>

Q: <b> mafia <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mB:fiE</font>]</b><br>

A: The Mafia is a criminal organization that makes money illegally, especially by threatening people and dealing in drugs.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Mafia is by no means ignored by Italian television.</font><br><br>You can use mafia to refer to an organized group of people who you disapprove of because they use unfair or illegal means in order to get what they want.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They are well-connected with the south-based education-reform mafia.</font><br>

Q: <b> archive <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5B:kaiv</font>]</b><br>

A: The archive or archives are a collection of documents and records that contain historical information. You can also use archives to refer to the place where archives are stored.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the archives of the Imperial War Museum...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I decided I would go to the Archive the next day and look up the appropriate issue.</font><br><br>Archive material is information that comes from archives.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...archive material.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...pieces of archive film.</font><br>

Q: <b> franc <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">frANk</font>]</b><br>

A: The franc is the unit of currency that is used in France, Switzerland, Belgium, and some other countries where French is spoken.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The price of grapes has shot up to 32 francs a kilo.</font><br><br>The franc is also used to refer to the currency systems of France, Switzerland, Belgium, and some other countries where French is spoken.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In Paris the French franc is suffering from uncertainty surrounding the new government.</font><br>

Q: <b> bank 2 <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bANk</font>]</b><br>

A: The banks of a river, canal, or lake are the raised areas of ground along its edge.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...30 miles of new developments along both banks of the Thames.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; old warehouse on the banks of a canal.</font><br><font color=red>= side</font><br><br>A bank of ground is a raised area of it with a flat top and one or two sloping sides.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...resting indolently upon a grassy bank.</font><br><font color=red>= knoll</font><br><br>A bank of something is a long high mass of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;On their journey south they hit a bank of fog off the north-east coast of Scotland.</font><br><br>A bank of things, especially machines, switches, or dials, is a row of them, or a series of rows.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The typical laborer now sits in front of a bank of dials.</font><br> </b></font><br>

Q: <b> basement <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5beismEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: The basement of a building is a floor built partly or completely below ground level.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They bought an old schoolhouse to live in and built a workshop in the basement.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They live in a basement flat in North London.</font><br>

Q: <b> batsman <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bAtsmEn</font>]</b><br>

A: The batsman in a game of cricket is the player who is batting.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The batsman rose on his toes and played the rising ball down into the ground.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was the greatest batsman of his generation.</font><br>

Q: <b> belly <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5beli</font>]</b><br>

A: The belly of a person or animal is their stomach or abdomen. In British English, this is an informal or literary use.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She laid her hands on her swollen belly.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a horse with its belly ripped open...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You'll eat so much your belly'll be like a barrel.</font><br>See also beer belly, pot belly.<br><font color=red>= stomach</font><br><br>If a company goes belly up, it does not have enough money to pay its debts. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I really can't afford to see this company go belly up.</font><br><font color=red>= go bust</font><br>

Q: <b> blade <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bleid</font>]</b><br>

A: The blade of a knife, axe, or saw is the edge, which is used for cutting.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many of them will have sharp blades.</font><br><br>The blades of a propeller are the long, flat parts that turn round.<br><br>The blade of an oar is the thin flat part that you put into the water.<br><br>A blade of grass is a single piece of grass.<br>

Q: <b> boundary <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5baundEri</font>]</b><br>

A: The boundary of an area of land is an imaginary line that separates it from other areas.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Bow Brook which forms the western boundary of the wood...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Drug traffickers operate across national boundaries.</font><br><font color=red>= border</font><br><br>The boundaries of something such as a subject or activity are the limits that people think that it has.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The boundaries between history and storytelling are always being blurred and muddled.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...extending the boundaries of press freedom.</font><br><font color=red>= perimeters</font><br>

Q: <b> bowler <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bEulE(r)</font>]</b><br>

A: The bowler in a game of cricket is the player who is bowling the ball.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's a rather good fast bowler.</font><br><br>A bowler is someone who plays bowls or goes bowling.<br><br>A bowler is the same as a bowler hat. (mainly BRIT)<br>

Q: <b> box office <br>BOX OFFICE </b><br>

A: The box office in a theatre, cinema, or concert hall is the place where the tickets are sold.<br><br>When people talk about the box office, they are referring to the degree of success of a film or play in terms of the number of people who go to watch it or the amount of money it makes.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The film has taken {Pound}180 million at the box office.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The film was a huge box-office success.</font><br>

Q: <b> break-up <br>BREAK-UP </b><br>

A: The break-up of a marriage, relationship, or association is the act of it finishing or coming to an end because the people involved decide that it is not working successfully.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Since the break-up of his marriage he had not formed any new relationships.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the acrimonious break-up of the meeting's first session.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a marital break-up.</font><br><font color=red>= collapse</font><br><br>The break-up of an organization or a country is the act of it separating or dividing into several parts.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the break-up of British Rail for privatisation...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At no time did a majority of Czechoslavakia's citizens support the country's break-up.</font><br>

Q: <b> breakdown <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5breikdaun</font>]</b><br>

A: The breakdown of something such as a relationship, plan, or discussion is its failure or ending.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the breakdown of trade talks between the US and EC officials.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the irretrievable breakdown of a marriage...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He argues that the breakdown in the legal system has spawned a black market.</font><br><font color=red>= collapse</font><br><br>If you have a breakdown, you become very depressed, so that you are unable to cope with your life.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My personal life was terrible. My mother had died, and a couple of years later I had a breakdown.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They often seem depressed and close to emotional breakdown.</font><br>See also nervous breakdown.<br><br>If a car or a piece of machinery has a breakdown, it stops working.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her old car was unreliable, so the trip was plagued by breakdowns.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If you stop on the hard shoulder, wait for the police or breakdown service.</font><br><br>A breakdown of something is a list of its separate parts.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The organisers were given a breakdown of the costs.</font><br><font color=red>= analysis</font><br>

Q: <b> circulation <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7sE:kju5leiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: The circulation of a newspaper or magazine is the number of copies that are sold each time it is produced.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Daily News once had the highest circulation of any daily in the country.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The paper has proved unable to maintain its circulation figures.</font><br><br>Your circulation is the movement of blood through your body.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Anyone with heart, lung or circulation problems should seek medical advice before flying.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...cold spots in the fingers caused by poor circulation.</font><br><br>If something such as money is in circulation, it is being used by the public. If something is out of circulation or has been withdrawn from circulation, it is no longer available for use by the public.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The supply of money in circulation was drastically reduced overnight.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a society like America, with perhaps 180 million guns in circulation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the decision to take 50 and 100 ruble bills out of circulation.</font><br><br>If someone is out of circulation, they do not appear in public or at social gatherings for a period of time. You can also say that someone is out of circulation when they are in prison.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Political trials were being used to keep prominent activists out of circulation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I had been out of circulation for a month and knew that many friends would be there.</font><br>

Q: <b> climax <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5klaimAks</font>]</b><br>

A: The climax of something is the most exciting or important moment in it, usually near the end.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;For Pritchard, reaching an Olympics was the climax of her career.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was the climax to 24 hours of growing anxiety.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The last golf tournament of the European season is building up to a dramatic climax.</font><br><br>The event that climaxes a sequence of events is an exciting or important event that comes at the end. You can also say that a sequence of events climaxes with a particular event. (JOURNALISM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The demonstration climaxed two weeks of strikes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They've just finished a sell-out UK tour that climaxed with a three-night stint at Brixton Academy.</font><br><br>A climax is an orgasm.<br><br>When someone climaxes, they have an orgasm.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Often, a man can enjoy making love but may not be sufficiently aroused to climax.</font><br>

Q: <b> collar <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kClE</font>]</b><br>

A: The collar of a shirt or coat is the part which fits round the neck and is usually folded over.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His tie was pulled loose and his collar hung open.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a coat with a huge fake fur collar.</font><br>See also blue-collar, dog-collar, white-collar.<br><br>A collar is a band of leather or plastic which is put round the neck of a dog or cat.<br><br>If you collar someone who has done something wrong or who is running away, you catch them and hold them so that they cannot escape. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As Kerr fled towards the exit, Boycott collared him at the ticket barrier.</font><br><font color=red>= grab</font><br><br>If you collar someone, you stop them and make them listen to you. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beattie managed to collar Atkins in a hallway.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bernard was once collared by an aggressive stranger in Soho.</font><br><br>If someone gets hot under the collar about something, they get very annoyed, angry, or excited about it. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some of you were getting very hot under the collar about Royals.</font><br>

Q: <b> consumption <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5sQmpFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: The consumption of fuel or natural resources is the amount of them that is used or the act of using them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The laws have led to a reduction in fuel consumption in the US.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a tax on the consumption of non-renewable energy resources.</font><br><br>The consumption of food or drink is the act of eating or drinking something, or the amount that is eaten or drunk. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Most of the wine was unfit for human consumption.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The average daily consumption of fruit and vegetables is around 200 grams.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Excessive alcohol consumption is clearly bad.</font><br><br>Consumption is the act of buying and using things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They were prepared to put people out of work and reduce consumption by strangling the whole economy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The production and consumption of goods and services is the ultimate aim of all economic endeavour.</font><br><br>If you do or say something for a particular person's or group's consumption, you do or say it especially for them, although your private thoughts or plans may be very different.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The hard-line speech appears to be mostly for domestic consumption.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The report was obviously designed for the consumption of members of the War Committee.</font><br><br>Consumption is the same as tuberculosis. (OLD-FASHIONED)<br>

Q: <b> creator <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kri:5eitE(r)</font>]</b><br>

A: The creator of something is the person who made it or invented it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Ian Fleming, the creator of James Bond...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have always believed that a garden dies with its creator.</font><br><br>God is sometimes referred to as the Creator.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This was the first object placed in the heavens by the Creator.</font><br>

Q: <b> format <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fC:mAt, -mB:t</font>]</b><br>

A: The format of something is the way or order in which it is arranged and presented.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I had met with him to explain the format of the programme and what we had in mind.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a large-format book.</font><br><br>The format of a piece of computer software or a musical recording is the type of equipment on which it is designed to be used or played. For example, possible formats for a musical recording are record, CD, and cassette.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His latest album is available on all formats.</font><br><br>To format a computer disk means to run a program so that the disk can be written on.<br>

Q: <b> decoration <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7dekE5reiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: The decoration of a room is its furniture, wallpaper, and ornaments.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The decoration and furnishings had to be practical enough for a family home.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;With its simple decoration, the main bedroom is a peaceful haven.</font><br><font color=red>= decor</font><br><br>Decorations are features that are added to something in order to make it look more attractive.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The only wall decorations are candles and a single mirror.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The planting of winter and spring-flowering bulbs will supply colourful decoration at a time when most gardens are looking fairly desolate.</font><br><br>Decorations are brightly coloured objects such as pieces of paper and balloons, which you put up in a room on special occasions to make it look more attractive.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Colorful streamers and festive paper decorations had been hung from the ceiling.</font><br><br>A decoration is an official title or honour which is given to someone, usually in the form of a medal, as a reward for military bravery or public service.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was awarded several military decorations by grateful Allied governments.</font><br><font color=red>= award</font><br>

Q: <b> diameter <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dai5AmitE</font>]</b><br>

A: The diameter of a round object is the length of a straight line that can be drawn across it, passing through the middle of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a tube less than a fifth of the diameter of a human hair.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a length of 22-mm diameter steel pipe.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a tiny capsule, between 1 and 3 millimetres in diameter.</font><br>

Q: <b> dining room <br>DINING ROOM </b><br>

A: The dining room is the room in a house where people have their meals, or a room in a hotel where meals are served.<br>

Q: <b> director general <br>DIRECTOR GENERAL </b><br>

A: The director general of a large organization such as the BBC is the person who is in charge of it.<br>

Q: <b> diversity <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dai5vE:siti</font>]</b><br>

A: The diversity of something is the fact that it contains many very different elements.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the cultural diversity of British society.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; introduce more choice and diversity into the education system.</font><br><font color=red>= variety</font><br><br>A diversity of things is a range of things which are very different from each other.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Forslan's object is to gather as great a diversity of genetic material as possible.</font><br>

Q: <b> elder <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5eldE(r)</font>]</b><br>

A: The elder of two people is the one who was born first.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...his elder brother.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the elder of her two daughters.</font><br><br>A person's elder is someone who is older than them, especially someone quite a lot older. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The young have no respect for their elders.</font><br><br>In some societies, an elder is one of the respected older people who have influence and authority.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a meeting of political figures and tribal elders.</font><br><br>In some Christian churches, an elder is one of the people who hold a position of responsibility, but not usually a minister.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is now an elder of the village church.</font><br><br>An elder is a bush or small tree which has groups of small white flowers and black berries.<br>

Q: <b> exit <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5eksit, -zit</font>]</b><br>

A: The exit is the door through which you can leave a public building.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He picked up the case and walked towards the exit.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There's a fire exit by the downstairs ladies room.</font><br><br>An exit on a motorway or highway is a place where traffic can leave it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Take the A422 exit at Old Stratford.</font><br><br>If you refer to someone's exit, you are referring to the way that they left a room or building, or the fact that they left it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I made a hasty exit and managed to open the gate.</font><br><font color=red>= departure</font><br><br>If you refer to someone's exit, you are referring to the way that they left a situation or activity, or the fact that they left it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...after England's exit from the European Championship...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They suggested that she make a dignified exit in the interest of the party.</font><br><font color=red>= departure</font><br><br>If you exit from a room or building, you leave it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She exits into the tropical storm.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As I exited the final display, I entered a hexagonal room.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She walked into the front door of a store and exited from the rear.</font><br>

Q: <b> bust <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bQst</font>]</b><br>

A: The form bust is used as the present tense of the verb, and can also be used as the past tense and past participle</b></font><br>If you bust something, you break it or damage it so badly that it cannot be used. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They will have to bust the door to get him out.</font><br><br>If someone is busted, the police arrest them. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They were busted for possession of cannabis.</font><br><br>If police bust a place, they go to it in order to arrest people who are doing something illegal. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...police success in busting UK-based drug factories.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Six tons of cocaine were seized last week in Panama's biggest drug bust.</font><br><br>A bust company or fund has no money left and has been forced to close down. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is taxpayers who will pay most of the bill for bailing out bust banks.</font><br><br>If a company goes bust, it loses so much money that it is forced to close down. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a Swiss company which went bust last May.</font><br><br>A bust is a statue of the head and shoulders of a person.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a bronze bust of the Queen.</font </b></font><br>

Q: <b> front line <br>FRONT LINE </b><br>

A: The front line is the place where two opposing armies are facing each other and where fighting is going on.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a massive concentration of soldiers on the front line.</font><br><br>A front line state shares a border with a country that it is at war with or is in conflict with.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the front-line states bordering South Africa.</font><br><br>Someone who is in the front line has to play a very important part in defending or achieving something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Information officers are in the front line of putting across government policies.</font><br>

Q: <b> gloom <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">glu:m</font>]</b><br>

A: The gloom is a state of near darkness.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the gloom of a foggy November morning...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was peering about me in the gloom.</font><br><br>Gloom is a feeling of sadness and lack of hope.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the deepening gloom over the economy.</font><br>

Q: <b> habitat <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hAbitAt</font>]</b><br>

A: The habitat of an animal or plant is the natural environment in which it normally lives or grows.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In its natural habitat, the hibiscus will grow up to 25ft.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Few countries have as rich a diversity of habitat as South Africa.</font><br><font color=red>= home</font><br>

Q: <b> hardliner <br>HARDLINER </b><br>

A: The hardliners in a group such as a political party are the people who support a strict, fixed set of ideas that are often extreme, and who refuse to accept any change in them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Unionist hardliners warned the U.S. President he would not be welcome.</font><br>

Q: <b> harvest <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hB:vist</font>]</b><br>

A: The harvest is the gathering of a crop.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was about 300 million tons of grain in the fields at the start of the harvest.</font><br><br>A harvest is the crop that is gathered in.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a bumper potato harvest...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Millions of people are threatened with starvation as a result of drought and poor harvests.</font><br><br>When you harvest a crop, you gather it in.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many farmers are refusing to harvest the cane.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...freshly harvested beetroot.</font><br><font color=red>* harvesting </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...war is hampering harvesting and the distribution of food aid.</font><br><br>If you harvest a large number of things, you collect them, often by making great efforts. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In his new career as a restaurateur he has blossomed and harvested many awards.</font><br><font color=red>= collect</font><br><br>If you reap the harvest, you benefit or suffer from the results of your past actions or of someone else's past actions. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Israeli Prime Minister must be convinced that he will reap a richer harvest of votes by going to the electorate well before October.</font><br>

Q: <b> heroine <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5herEuin</font>]</b><br>

A: The heroine of a book, play, film, or story is the main female character, who usually has good qualities.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The heroine is a senior TV executive.</font><br><font color=red>= protagonist <> villain</font><br><br>A heroine is a woman who has done something brave, new, or good, and who is therefore greatly admired by a lot of people.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The national heroine of the day was Xing Fen, winner of the first Gold medal of the Games.</font><br><br>If you describe a woman as your heroine, you mean that you admire her greatly, usually because of a particular quality or skill that she has.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My heroine was Elizabeth Taylor.</font><br><font color=red>= idol</font><br>

Q: <b> horizon <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">hE5raizn</font>]</b><br>

A: The horizon is the line in the far distance where the sky seems to meet the land or the sea.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A grey smudge appeared on the horizon. That must be Calais, thought Fay.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The sun had already sunk below the horizon.</font><br><br>Your horizons are the limits of what you want to do or of what you are interested or involved in.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As your horizons expand, these new ideas can give a whole new meaning to life.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;By embracing other cultures and genres, we actually broaden our horizons, rather than narrow any existing ones.</font><br><br>If something is on the horizon, it is almost certainly going to happen or be done quite soon.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;With breast cancer, as with many common diseases, there is no obvious breakthrough on the horizon.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Suddenly, with war on the horizon, the army seemed in danger of disintegration.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There are glimmers of hope on the horizon.</font><br>

Q: <b> identification <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">ai7dentifi5keiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: The identification of something is the recognition that it exists, is important, or is true.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Early identification of a disease can prevent death and illness.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their work includes the identification of genes which govern the growth rate and fertility.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There should be some identification of goals, and how far these have been achieved.</font><br><br>Your identification of a particular person or thing is your ability to name them because you know them or recognize them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Officials are awaiting positive identification before charging the men with war crimes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's made a formal identification of the body.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Hamlyn identification guide to wild flowers of Britain.</font><br><br>If someone asks you for some identification, they want to see something such as a driving licence, which proves who you are.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The woman who was on passport control asked me if I had any further identification.</font><br><font color=red>= ID</font><br><br>The identification of one person or thing with another is the close association of one with the other.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Throughout the Balkans, there is a close identification of nationhood with language.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the identification of Spain with Catholicism.</font><br><font color=red>= association</font><br><br>Identification with someone or something is the feeling of sympathy and support for them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I need your full, emotional identification with the problem and with me.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Marilyn had an intense identification with animals.</font><br><font color=red>= empathy</font><br>

Q: <b> infantry <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5infEntri</font>]</b><br>

A: The infantry are soldiers who fight on foot rather than in tanks or on horses.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The infantry were advancing to attack the ridge.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The enemy infantry was hiding.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; infantry division.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...regiments of infantry.</font><br>

Q: <b> inherent <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5hiErEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: The inherent qualities of something are the necessary and natural parts of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Stress is an inherent part of dieting.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the dangers inherent in an outbreak of war.</font><br><font color=red>= intrinsic</font><br><font color=red>* inherently </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Aeroplanes are not inherently dangerous.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;War is inherently a dirty business.</font><br><font color=red>= intrinsically</font><br>

Q: <b> introduction <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7intrE5dQkFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: The introduction to a book or talk is the part that comes at the beginning and tells you what the rest of the book or talk is about.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ellen Malos, in her introduction to `The Politics of Housework', provides a summary of the debates.</font><br><font color=red>= foreword</font><br><br>If you refer to a book as an introduction to a particular subject, you mean that it explains the basic facts about that subject.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;On balance, the book is a friendly, down-to-earth introduction to physics.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...`Psychology and Language: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics'.</font><br><br>You can refer to a new product as an introduction when it becomes available in a place for the first time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There are two among their recent introductions that have greatly impressed me.</font><br><br>If you say that someone or something needs no introduction, you mean that they are so well known that everyone knows who or what they are.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Michael Jackson, of course, needs no introduction.</font><br>

Q: <b> keyboard <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5ki:bC:d</font>]</b><br>

A: The keyboard of a typewriter or computer is the set of keys that you press in order to operate it.<br><br>The keyboard of a piano or organ is the set of black and white keys that you press in order to play it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tanya's hands rippled over the keyboard.</font><br><br>People sometimes refer to musical instruments that have a keyboard as keyboards.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Sean O'Hagan on keyboards.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the keyboard player.</font><br>

Q: <b> legislature <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5ledVis7leitFE</font>]</b><br>

A: The legislature of a particular state or country is the group of people in it who have the power to make and pass laws. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The proposals before the legislature include the creation of two special courts to deal exclusively with violent crimes.</font><br>

Q: <b> lifestyle <br>LIFESTYLE </b><br>

A: The lifestyle of a particular person or group of people is the living conditions, behaviour, and habits that are typical of them or are chosen by them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They enjoyed an income and lifestyle that many people would envy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the change of lifestyle occasioned by the baby's arrival.</font><br>

Q: <b> lighting <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5laitiN</font>]</b><br>

A: The lighting in a place is the way that it is lit, for example by electric lights, by candles, or by windows, or the quality of the light in it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the bright fluorescent lighting of the laboratory...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The whole room is bathed in soft lighting.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...street lighting.</font><br><br>The lighting in a film or play is the use of different electric lights to give a particular effect.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Peter Mumford's lighting and David Freeman's direction make a crucial contribution to the success of the staging.</font><br>

Q: <b> likelihood <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5laiklihud</font>]</b><br>

A: The likelihood of something happening is how likely it is to happen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The likelihood of infection is minimal.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There didn't seem much likelihood of it happening.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is every likelihood that sanctions will work.</font><br><font color=red>= probability</font><br><br>If something is a likelihood, it is likely to happen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;But the likelihood is that people would be willing to pay if they were certain that their money was going to a good cause.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That, as we all know, is not only a possibility but a likelihood.</font><br><font color=red>= probability</font><br><br>If you say that something will happen in all likelihood, you mean that it will probably happen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These factories would in all likelihood take five to seven years to work up to full production.</font><br><font color=red>= in all probability</font><br>

Q: <b> limitation <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7limi5teiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: The limitation of something is the act or process of controlling or reducing it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All the talk had been about the limitation of nuclear weapons.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...damage limitation.</font><br><br>A limitation on something is a rule or decision which prevents that thing from growing or extending beyond certain limits.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a limitation on the tax deductions for people who make more than $100,000 a year...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There is to be no limitation on the number of opposition parties.</font><br><br>If you talk about the limitations of someone or something, you mean that they can only do some things and not others, or cannot do something very well.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I realized how possible it was to overcome your limitations, to achieve well beyond what you believe yourself capable of.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Parents are too likely to blame schools for the educational limitations of their children.</font><br><font color=red>= shortcomings</font><br><br>A limitation is a fact or situation that allows only some actions and makes others impossible.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This drug has one important limitation. Its effects only last six hours.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; acute disc collapse in the spine, causing limitation of movement.</font><br>

Q: <b> lining <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lainiN</font>]</b><br>

A: The lining of something such as a piece of clothing or a curtain is a layer of cloth attached to the inside of it in order to make it thicker or warmer, or in order to make it hang better.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a padded satin jacket with quilted lining.</font><br><br>You can use lining to refer to a layer of paper, plastic, metal, or another substance that is attached to the inside of something, for example in order to protect it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...brake linings...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Moss makes an attractive lining to wire baskets.</font><br><br>The lining of your stomach or other organ is a layer of tissue on the inside of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a bacterium that attacks the lining of the stomach.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the uterine lining.</font><br>

Q: <b> logo <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lCgEu</font>]</b><br>

A: The logo of a company or organization is the special design or way of writing its name that it puts on all its products, notepaper, or advertisements.<br>

Q: <b> maintenance <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5meintinEns</font>]</b><br>

A: The maintenance of a building, vehicle, road, or machine is the process of keeping it in good condition by regularly checking it and repairing it when necessary.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...maintenance work on government buildings...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The window had been replaced last week during routine maintenance.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; maintenance lessons.</font><br><br>Maintenance is money that someone gives regularly to another person to pay for the things that the person needs.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the government's plan to make absent fathers pay maintenance for their children.</font><br><br>If you ensure the maintenance of a state or process, you make sure that it continues.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the maintenance of peace and stability in Asia.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the importance of natural food to the maintenance of health.</font><br>

Q: <b> making <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5meikiN</font>]</b><br>

A: The making of something is the act or process of producing or creating it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Salamon's book about the making of this movie...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ducks' eggs are particularly prized for cake making.</font><br><br>If you describe a person or thing as something in the making, you mean that they are going to become known or recognized as that thing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her drama teacher is confident Julie is a star in the making.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I think it's a disaster in the making.</font><br><br>If something is the making of a person or thing, it is the reason that they become successful or become very much better than they used to be.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This discovery may yet be the making of him.</font><br><br>If you say that a person or thing has the makings of something, you mean it seems possible or likely that they will become that thing, as they have the necessary qualities.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Godfrey had the makings of a successful journalist.</font><br><br>If you say that something such as a problem you have is of your own making, you mean you have caused or created it yourself.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some of the university's financial troubles are of its own making.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Prime Minister, however, is now caught in a trap of her own making.</font><br>

Q: <b> managing director <br>MANAGING DIRECTOR </b><br>

A: The managing director of a company is the most important working director, and is in charge of the way the company is managed. (mainly BRIT; in AM usually use chief executive officer)<br>

Q: <b> nadir <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5neidiE, -dE</font>]</b><br>

A: The nadir of something such as someone's career or the history of an organization is its worst time. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1945 to 1946 was the nadir of Truman's presidency.</font><br><font color=red><> zenith</font><br><br>In astronomy, the nadir is the point at which the sun or moon is directly below you, on the other side of the earth. Compare zenith. (TECHNICAL)<br>

Q: <b> in. <br>IN. </b><br>

A: The plural can be `in.' or `ins'.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...30.4 x 25.4 cm (12 x 10 in)...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is 24 ins wide and 16 ins high.</font><br>

Q: <b> gm <br>GM </b><br>

A: The plural can be gm or gms<br>gm is a written abbreviation for gram.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...450 gm (1 lb) mixed soft summer fruits.</font><br>

Q: <b> bail out <br>BAIL OUT </b><br>

A: The spelling bale is also used</b></font><br>If you bail someone out, you help them out of a difficult situation, often by giving them money.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They will discuss how to bail the economy out of its slump.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He desperately needed cash to bail out the ailing restaurant.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The airline had losses of $35m and was bailed out by Qantas.</font><br><br>If you bail someone out, you pay bail on their behalf.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has been jailed eight times. Each time, friends bailed him out.</font><br><br>If a pilot bails out of an aircraft that is crashing, he or she jumps from it, using a parachute to land safely.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Reid was forced to bail out of the crippled aircraft.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The pilot bailed out safely.</font><br>

Q: <b> co-ordinate <br>CO-ORDINATE </b><br>

A: The spelling coordinate is also used.</b></font><br>If you co-ordinate an activity, you organize the various people and things involved in it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Government officials visited the earthquake zone on Thursday morning to co-ordinate the relief effort.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the setting up of an advisory committee to co-ordinate police work.</font><br><font color=red>* co-ordinated </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a rapid and well co-ordinated international rescue operation.</font><br><font color=red>* co-ordinator co-ordinators </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the party's campaign co-ordinator, Mr Peter Mandelson.</font><br><br>If you co-ordinate clothes or furnishings that are used together, or if they co-ordinate, they are similar in some way and look nice together.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She'll show you how to co-ordinate pattern and colours.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tie it with fabric bows that co-ordinate with other furnishings.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Colours and looks must fit the themes of the seasons so that the shops co-ordinate well.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...curtains and co-ordinating bed covers.</font><br><br>Co-ordinates are pieces of clothing or soft furnishings which are similar and which are intended to be worn or used together.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; lingerie co-ordinates.</font><br><br>If you co-ordinate the different parts of your body, you make them work together efficiently to perform particular movements.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They spend several weeks each year undergoing intensive treatment which enables them to coordinate their limbs better.</font><br><br>The co-ordinates of a point on a map or graph are the two sets of numbers or letters that you need in order to find that point. (TECHNICAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Can you give me your co-ordinates?</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the latitude and longitude co-ordinates of any location in the world.</font><br>

Q: <b> disc <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">disk</font>]</b><br>

A: The spelling disk is also used in American English, mainly for meaning 1.</b></font><br>A disc is a flat, circular shape or object.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Most shredding machines are based on a revolving disc fitted with replaceable blades.</font><br><br>A disc is one of the thin, circular pieces of cartilage which separates the bones in your back.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I had slipped a disc and was frozen in a spasm of pain.</font><br><br>A disc is a record that you play on a record player. (OLD-FASHIONED)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This disc includes the piano sonata in C minor.</font><br>

Q: <b> forever <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fE5revE</font>]</b><br>

A: The spelling for ever is also used</b></font><br>If you say that something will happen or continue forever, you mean that it will always happen or continue.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I think that we will live together forever.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was great fun but we knew it wouldn't go on for ever.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I will forever be grateful for his considerable input.</font><br><br>If something has gone or changed forever, it has gone or changed completely and permanently.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The old social order was gone forever.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their lives changed forever.</font><br><font color=red>= for good</font><br><br>If you say that something takes forever or lasts forever, you are emphasizing that it takes or lasts a very long time, or that it seems to. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The drive seemed to take forever.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They didn't cost anything and they lasted forever.</font><br><font color=red>= ages</font><br><br>If you say that someone is forever doing a particular thing, especially something which annoys or amuses you, you are emphasizing that they do it very often. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was forever attempting to arrange deals.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was forever dragging him away from the fireplace.</font><br><font color=red>= always, constantly</font><br><br>You use forever to emphasize that someone always has or shows the quality mentioned.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Katherine was forever secretive.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;To this end the young child is forever watchful.</font><br><font color=red>= ever, eternally</font><br>

Q: <b> gel <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dVel</font>]</b><br>

A: The spelling jell is usually used in American English and sometimes used in British English</b></font><br>If people gel with each other, or if two groups of people gel, they work well together because their skills and personalities fit together well.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They have gelled very well with the rest of the side.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Palace have lost only once in their last six matches and there were signs on Saturday that the team is starting to gel at last.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their partnership gelled and scriptwriting for television followed.</font><br><br>If a vague shape, thought, or creation gels, it becomes clearer or more definite.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Even if her interpretation has not yet gelled into a satisfying whole, she displays real musicianship.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was not until 1974 that his ability to write gelled again.</font><br><br>Gel is a thick jelly-like substance, especially one used to keep your hair in a particular style.<br>

Q: <b> compose <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEm5pEuz</font>]</b><br>

A: The things that something is composed of are its parts or members. The separate things that compose something are the parts or members that form it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The force would be composed of troops from NATO countries.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Protein molecules compose all the complex working parts of living cells.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They agreed to form a council composed of leaders of the rival factions.</font><br><font color=red>= make up</font><br><br>When someone composes a piece of music, they write it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Vivaldi composed a large number of very fine concertos.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cale also uses electronic keyboards to compose.</font><br><br>If you compose something such as a letter, poem, or speech, you write it, often using a lot of concentration or skill. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He started at once to compose a reply to Anna.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The document composed in Philadelphia transformed the confederation of sovereign states into a national government.</font><br><br>If you compose a picture or image, you arrange it in an attractive and artistic way. (TECHNICAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Anthony dismounted with his camera and walked away from the walls to compose a shot.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The drawing is beautifully composed.</font><br><br>If you compose yourself or if you compose your features, you succeed in becoming calm after you have been angry, excited, or upset.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She quickly composed herself as the car started off.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Then he composed his features, took Godwin's hand awkwardly and began to usher him from the office.</font><br>

Q: <b> bureau <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bjuE5rEu, 5bjuErEu</font>]</b><br>

A: The usual plural in British English is bureaux. The usual plural in American English is bureaus</b></font><br>A bureau is an office, organization, or government department that collects and distributes information.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Federal Bureau of Investigation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Citizens' Advice Bureau.</font><br><br>A bureau is an office of a company or organization which has its main office in another town or country. (mainly AM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Wall Street Journal's Washington bureau.</font><br><font color=red>= office</font><br><br>A bureau is a writing desk with shelves and drawers and a lid that opens to form the writing surface. (BRIT)<br><font color=red>= writing desk</font><br><br>A bureau is a chest of drawers. (AM)<br>

Q: <b> dependent <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5pendEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: To be dependent on something or someone means to need them in order to succeed or be able to survive.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The local economy is overwhelmingly dependent on oil and gas extraction.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Up to two million people there are dependent on food aid.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Britain became increasingly dependent upon American technology.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In his own way, he was dependent on her.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Just 26 per cent of households are married couples with dependent children.</font><br><font color=red>= reliant <> independent</font><br><br>If one thing is dependent on another, the first thing will be affected or determined by the second.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The results you get from weight training are largely dependent upon how you use those weights and what type of exercise programme you follow.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...companies whose earnings are largely dependent on the performance of the Chinese economy.</font><br><font color=red>= contingent <> independent</font><br>

Q: <b> bump off <br>BUMP OFF </b><br>

A: To bump someone off means to kill them. (INFORMAL, OFTEN HUMOROUS)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They will probably bump you off anyway!</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the hit man he's hired to bump off his wife.</font><br>

Q: <b> chill out <br>CHILL OUT </b><br>

A: To chill out means to relax after you have done something tiring or stressful. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;After raves, we used to chill out in each others' bedrooms.</font><br><font color=red>= relax</font><br>

Q: <b> clarify <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5klArifai</font>]</b><br>

A: To clarify something means to make it easier to understand, usually by explaining it in more detail. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thank you for writing and allowing me to clarify the present position.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A bank spokesman was unable to clarify the situation.</font><br><font color=red>* clarification clarifications </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The union has written to Zurich asking for clarification of the situation.</font><br>

Q: <b> cleanse <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">klenz</font>]</b><br>

A: To cleanse a place, person, or organization of something dirty, unpleasant, or evil means to make them free from it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Straight after your last cigarette your body will begin to cleanse itself of tobacco toxins.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It urged the party to cleanse its own ranks of those found guilty of human rights violations.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Confession cleanses the soul.</font><br>See also ethnic cleansing.<br><br>If you cleanse your skin or a wound, you clean it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Catherine demonstrated the proper way to cleanse the face.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...cleansing lotions.</font><br>

Q: <b> commemorate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kE5memEreit</font>]</b><br>

A: To commemorate an important event or person means to remember them by means of a special action, ceremony, or specially created object.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One room contained a gallery of paintings commemorating great moments in baseball history.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The 200th anniversary of Mozart's death is being commemorated around the world with concerts featuring his work.</font><br><font color=red>= celebrate</font><br><font color=red>* commemoration commemorations </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the 50th Anniversary Commemoration of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a service of commemoration.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a march in commemoration of Malcolm X.</font><br>

Q: <b> compensate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCmpEnseit</font>]</b><br>

A: To compensate someone for money or things that they have lost means to pay them money or give them something to replace that money or those things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The official promise to compensate people for the price rise clearly hadn't been worked out properly.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;To ease financial difficulties, farmers could be compensated for their loss of subsidies.</font><br><br>If you compensate for a lack of something or for something you have done wrong, you do something to make the situation better.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The company agreed to keep up high levels of output in order to compensate for supplies lost.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She would then feel guilt for her anger and compensate by doing even more for the children.</font><br><font color=red>= make up</font><br><br>Something that compensates for something else balances it or reduces its effects.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MPs say it is crucial that a mechanism is found to compensate for inflation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The pluses more than compensated for the inconveniences involved in making the trip.</font><br><br>If you try to compensate for something that is wrong or missing in your life, you try to do something that removes or reduces the harmful effects.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;People who sense that they are inferior have to compensate, and often over-compensate by way of outward achievement.</font><br>

Q: <b> confine <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCnfain</font>]</b><br>

A: To confine something to a particular place or group means to prevent it from spreading beyond that place or group.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Health officials have successfully confined the epidemic to the Tabatinga area.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The US will soon be taking steps to confine the conflict.</font><br><font color=red>= restrict</font><br><br>If you confine yourself or your activities to something, you do only that thing and are involved with nothing else.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He did not confine himself to the one language.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yoko had largely confined her activities to the world of big business.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His genius was not confined to the decoration of buildings.</font><br><font color=red>= limit, restrict</font><br><br>If someone is confined to a mental institution, prison, or other place, they are sent there and are not allowed to leave for a period of time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The woman will be confined to a mental institution.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He announced that the army and police had been confined to barracks.</font><br><br>Something that is within the confines of an area or place is within the boundaries enclosing it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The movie is set entirely within the confines of the abandoned factory.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the wild grass and weeds that grew in the confines of the grandstand.</font><br><br>The confines of a situation, system, or activity are the limits or restrictions it involves.<br><font col </b></font><br>

Q: <b> convey <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5vei</font>]</b><br>

A: To convey information or feelings means to cause them to be known or understood by someone.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When I returned home, I tried to convey the wonder of this machine to my husband.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In every one of her pictures she conveys a sense of immediacy.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mr Boucher said the Americans had conveyed their views to the Romanian government.</font><br><font color=red>= communicate</font><br><br>To convey someone or something to a place means to carry or transport them there. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The railway company extended a branch line to Brightlingsea to convey fish direct to Billingsgate.</font><br><font color=red>= transport</font><br>

Q: <b> court 2 <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kC:t</font>]</b><br>

A: To court a particular person, group, or country means to try to please them or improve your relations with them, often so that they will do something that you want them to do. (JOURNALISM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Both Democratic and Republican parties are courting former supporters of Ross Perot.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Stars are courted by manufacturers who value their influence on style-conscious fans.</font><br><font color=red>= cultivate</font><br><br>If you court something such as publicity or popularity, you try to attract it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Having spent a lifetime avidly courting publicity, Paul has suddenly become secretive.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...his ability to get things done, usually by manipulating, courting favour or cleverly finding a way around opponents.</font><br><br>If you court something unpleasant such as disaster or unpopularity, you act in a way that makes it likely to happen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If he thinks he can remain in power by force he is courting disaster.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They argue that the commission should risk courting unpopularity and push on with its legislative programmes.</font><br><font color=red>= invite</font><br><br>If you are courting someone of the opposite sex, you spend a lot of time with them, because you are intending to get married. You can also say that a man and a woman are courting. (OLD-FASHIONED)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was courting Billy at 19 and married him when I was 21.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </b></font><br>

Q: <b> crush <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">krQF</font>]</b><br>

A: To crush something means to press it very hard so that its shape is destroyed or so that it breaks into pieces.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Andrew crushed his empty can.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their vehicle was crushed by an army tank.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Peel and crush the garlic.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...crushed ice.</font><br><br>To crush a protest or movement, or a group of opponents, means to defeat it completely, usually by force.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The military operation was the first step in a plan to crush the uprising.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; his bid to crush the rebels.</font><br><font color=red>* crushing </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the violent crushing of anti-government demonstrations.</font><br><br>If you are crushed by something, it upsets you a great deal.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Listen to criticism but don't be crushed by it.</font><br><font color=red>= devastate</font><br><br>If you are crushed against someone or something, you are pushed or pressed against them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We were at the front, crushed against the stage.</font><br><br>A crush is a crowd of people close together, in which it is difficult to move.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His thirteen-year-old son somehow got separated in the crush.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Everywhere he went he was mobbed by a crush of fans.</font><br>< </b></font><br>

Q: <b> damp down <br>DAMP DOWN </b><br>

A: To damp down something such as a strong emotion, an argument, or a crisis means to make it calmer or less intense.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His hand moved to his mouth as he tried to damp down the panic.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The entire spending boost could go on wage demands unless expectations are damped down.</font><br><font color=red>= calm</font><br>

Q: <b> depict <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5pikt</font>]</b><br>

A: To depict someone or something means to show or represent them in a work of art such as a drawing or painting.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a gallery of pictures depicting Nelson's most famous battles.</font><br><br>To depict someone or something means to describe them or give an impression of them in writing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Margaret Atwood's novel depicts a gloomy, futuristic America.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Children's books often depict farmyard animals as gentle, lovable creatures.</font><br><font color=red>= portray</font><br>

Q: <b> deplete <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5pli:t</font>]</b><br>

A: To deplete a stock or amount of something means to reduce it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...substances that deplete the ozone layer...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They fired in long bursts, which depleted their ammunition.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Most native mammal species have been severely depleted.</font><br><font color=red>* depleted </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Robert E. Lee's worn and depleted army.</font><br><font color=red>* depletion </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the problem of ozone depletion.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the depletion of underground water supplies.</font><br>

Q: <b> deploy <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5plCi</font>]</b><br>

A: To deploy troops or military resources means to organize or position them so that they are ready to be used.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The president said he had no intention of deploying ground troops.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the US-made Patriot anti-missile system which was deployed in the Gulf war.</font><br>

Q: <b> detect <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5tekt</font>]</b><br>

A: To detect something means to find it or discover that it is present somewhere by using equipment or making an investigation.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a sensitive piece of equipment used to detect radiation...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Most skin cancers can be cured if detected and treated early.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Doctors have developed a device which can detect who is more at risk from sudden death following a mild heart attack.</font><br><br>If you detect something, you notice it or sense it, even though it is not very obvious.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Arnold could detect a certain sadness in the old man's face.</font><br><font color=red>= sense</font><br>

Q: <b> deter <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5tE:</font>]</b><br>

A: To deter someone from doing something means to make them not want to do it or continue doing it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Supporters of the death penalty argue that it would deter criminals from carrying guns.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Arrests and jail sentences have done nothing to deter the protesters.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jeremy was not deterred by this criticism.</font><br><font color=red>= discourage</font><br>

Q: <b> devalue <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di:5vAlju:</font>]</b><br>

A: To devalue something means to cause it to be thought less impressive or less deserving of respect.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They spread tales about her in an attempt to devalue her work.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wabel's victory was in no way devalued by the absence of series leader Tom Fisher.</font><br><font color=red>* devalued </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Selling tickets for a devalued championship is becoming increasingly difficult.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The child will be able to accept punishment without feeling devalued and worthless.</font><br><br>To devalue the currency of a country means to reduce its value in relation to other currencies.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;India has devalued the Rupee by about eleven per cent.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Pound would be devalued, we were told.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Economic theory suggests that the devalued pound will boost the economy.</font><br><font color=red>* devaluation devaluations </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It will lead to devaluation of a number of European currencies.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There were massive devaluations of several currencies.</font><br>

Q: <b> discredit <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5kredit</font>]</b><br>

A: To discredit someone or something means to cause them to lose people's respect or trust.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a secret unit within the company that had been set up to discredit its major rival...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He says his accusers are trying to discredit government foreign-aid policies.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He said such methods would discredit the party worldwide.</font><br><font color=red>* discredited </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The previous government is now thoroughly discredited.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the old, discredited regimes.</font><br><br>To discredit an idea or evidence means to make it appear false or not certain.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They realized there would be difficulties in discrediting the evidence.</font><br>

Q: <b> divert <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5vE:t</font>]</b><br>

A: To divert vehicles or travellers means to make them follow a different route or go to a different destination than they originally intended. You can also say that someone or something diverts from a particular route or to a particular place. (BRIT; in AM use detour)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Rainham Marshes, east London, where a new bypass will divert traffic from the A13...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;During the strike, ambulances will be diverted to private hospitals.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We diverted a plane to rescue 100 passengers.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She insists on diverting to a village close to the airport.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The capital remained jammed with diverted traffic.</font><br><br>To divert money or resources means to cause them to be used for a different purpose.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The government is trying to divert more public funds from west to east.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...government departments involved in diverting resources into community care.</font><br><br>To divert a phone call means to send it to a different number or place from the one that was dialled by the person making the call.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He instructed switchboard staff to divert all Laura's calls to him.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Customers will only incur additional call charges if the call is diverted outside the UK.</font><br><br>If you say that someone diverts your attention from something important or serious, you disapprove of them behaving or talking in a way that stops you thinking about it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They want to divert the attention of the people from the real issues.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The President needed to divert attention away from his own economic record.</font><br><font color=red>= distract</font><br>

Q: <b> endanger <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5deindVE</font>]</b><br>

A: To endanger something or someone means to put them in a situation where they might be harmed or destroyed completely.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The debate could endanger the proposed Mideast peace talks.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...endangered species such as lynx, wolf and several species of vulture.</font><br>

Q: <b> evacuate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">i5vAkjueit</font>]</b><br>

A: To evacuate someone means to send them to a place of safety, away from a dangerous building, town, or area.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They were planning to evacuate the seventy American officials still in the country.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Since 1951, 18,000 people have been evacuated from the area.</font><br><font color=red>* evacuation evacuations </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the evacuation of the sick and wounded...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;An evacuation of the city's four-million inhabitants is planned for later this week.</font><br><br>If people evacuate a place, they move out of it for a period of time, especially because it is dangerous.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The fire is threatening about sixty homes, and residents have evacuated the area.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Officials ordered the residents to evacuate.</font><br><font color=red>* evacuation evacuations </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the mass evacuation of the Bosnian town of Srebrenica...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Burning sulfur from the wreck has forced evacuations from the area.</font><br>

Q: <b> evoke <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">i5vEuk</font>]</b><br>

A: To evoke a particular memory, idea, emotion, or response means to cause it to occur. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the scene evoking memories of those old movies...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A sense of period was evoked by complementing pictures with appropriate furniture.</font><br>

Q: <b> invade <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5veid</font>]</b><br>

A: To invade a country means to enter it by force with an army.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In autumn 1944 the allies invaded the Italian mainland at Anzio and Salerno.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When the Romans and later the Normans came to Britain they did so as invading armies.</font><br><br>If you say that people or animals invade a place, you mean that they enter it in large numbers, often in a way that is unpleasant or difficult to deal with.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;People invaded the streets in victory processions almost throughout the day.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Every so often the kitchen would be invaded by ants.</font><br>

Q: <b> license <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5laisEns</font>]</b><br>

A: To license a person or activity means to give official permission for the person to do something or for the activity to take place.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a proposal that would require the state to license guns...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Under the agreement, the council can license a U.S. company to produce the drug.</font><br>

Q: <b> extract <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">iks5trAkt</font>]</b><br>

A: To extract a substance means to obtain it from something else, for example by using industrial or chemical processes.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the traditional method of pick and shovel to extract coal...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Citric acid can be extracted from the juice of oranges, lemons, limes or grapefruit.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...looking at the differences in the extracted DNA.</font><br><font color=red>* extraction </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Petroleum engineers plan and manage the extraction of oil.</font><br><br>If you extract something from a place, you take it out or pull it out. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He extracted a small notebook from his hip pocket.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Patterson went straight to the liquor cabinet and extracted a bottle of Scotch.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She reached into the wardrobe and extracted another tracksuit.</font><br><br>When a dentist extracts a tooth, they remove it from the patient's mouth.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A dentist may decide to extract the tooth to prevent recurrent trouble.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She is to go and have a tooth extracted at 3 o'clock today.</font><br><font color=red>* extraction extractions </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In those days, dentistry was basic. Extractions were carried out without anaesthetic.</font><br><br>If you say that someone extracts something, you disapprove of them because they take it for t </b></font><br>

Q: <b> filter <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5filtE</font>]</b><br>

A: To filter a substance means to pass it through a device which is designed to remove certain particles contained in it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The best prevention for cholera is to boil or filter water, and eat only well-cooked food.</font><br><br>A filter is a device through which a substance is passed when it is being filtered.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a paper coffee filter.</font><br><br>A filter is a device through which sound or light is passed and which blocks or reduces particular sound or light frequencies.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You might use a yellow filter to improve the clarity of a hazy horizon.</font><br><br>If light or sound filters into a place, it comes in weakly or slowly, either through a partly covered opening, or from a long distance away.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Light filtered into my kitchen through the soft, green shade of the honey locust tree.</font><br><br>When news or information filters through to people, it gradually reaches them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It took months before the findings began to filter through to the politicians.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;News of the attack quickly filtered through the college.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; indications filter in from polling stations.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the horror stories which were beginning to filter out of Germany.</font><br><br>A traffic filter is a traffic signal or l </b></font><br>

Q: <b> filter out <br>FILTER OUT </b><br>

A: To filter out something from a substance or from light means to remove it by passing the substance or light through something acting as a filter.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Children should have glasses which filter out UV rays.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Plants and trees filter carbon dioxide out of the air and produce oxygen.</font><br>

Q: <b> hover <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hCvE</font>]</b><br>

A: To hover means to stay in the same position in the air without moving forwards or backwards. Many birds and insects can hover by moving their wings very quickly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beautiful butterflies hovered above the wild flowers.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A police helicopter hovered overhead.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mist hovered in all the valleys.</font><br><br>If you hover, you stay in one place and move slightly in a nervous way, for example because you cannot decide what to do.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Judith was hovering in the doorway.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;With no idea of what to do for my next move, my hand hovered over the board.</font><br><br>If you hover, you are in an uncertain situation or state of mind.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She hovered on the brink of death for three months as doctors battled to save her.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Just as at the turn of the century, we hover between great hopes and great fears.</font><br><br>If a something such as a price, value, or score hovers around a particular level, it stays at more or less that level and does not change much.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In September 1989 the exchange rate hovered around 140 yen to the dollar.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His golf handicap hovered between 10 and 12.</font><br>

Q: <b> induce <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5dju:s</font>]</b><br>

A: To induce a state or condition means to cause it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Doctors said surgery could induce a heart attack.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; economic crisis induced by high oil prices.</font><br><br>If you induce someone to do something, you persuade or influence them to do it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I would do anything to induce them to stay.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;More than 4,000 teachers were induced to take early retirement.</font><br><font color=red>= persuade</font><br><br>If a doctor or nurse induces labour or birth, they cause a pregnant woman to start giving birth by using drugs or other medical means. (MEDICAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He might decide that it is best to induce labour.</font><br><font color=red>* induction </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...if there are obvious medical reasons for induction.</font><br>

Q: <b> inject <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5dVekt</font>]</b><br>

A: To inject someone with a substance such as a medicine means to put it into their body using a device with a needle called a syringe.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His son was injected with strong drugs.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The technique consists of injecting healthy cells into the weakened muscles.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He needs to inject himself once a month.</font><br><br>If you inject a new, exciting, or interesting quality into a situation, you add it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She kept trying to inject a little fun into their relationship.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The result might inject more sense into future bargaining.</font><br><br>If you inject money or resources into a business or organization, you provide more money or resources for it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has injected {Pound}5.6 billion into the health service.</font><br>

Q: <b> lure <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">ljuE</font>]</b><br>

A: To lure someone means to trick them into a particular place or to trick them into doing something that they should not do.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He lured her to his home and shot her with his father's gun.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They did not realise that they were being lured into a trap.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The company aims to lure smokers back to cigarettes.</font><br><font color=red>= trick</font><br><br>A lure is an object which is used to attract animals so that they can be caught.<br><br>A lure is an attractive quality that something has, or something that you find attractive.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The excitement of hunting big game in Africa has been a lure to Europeans for 200 years.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The lure of rural life is proving as strong as ever.</font><br>

Q: <b> mar <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mB:</font>]</b><br>

A: To mar something means to spoil or damage it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A number of problems marred the smooth running of this event.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That election was marred by massive cheating.</font><br><font color=red>= ruin</font><br>

Q: <b> can 2 <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kAn, kEn</font>]</b><br>

A: WEAK STRONG; cans </b></font><br>A can is a metal container in which something such as food, drink, or paint is put. The container is usually sealed to keep the contents fresh.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Several young men were kicking a tin can along the middle of the road.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...empty beer cans.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...cans of paint and brushes.</font><br><font color=red>= tin</font><br><br>When food or drink is canned, it is put into a metal container and sealed so that it will remain fresh.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...fruits and vegetables that will be canned, skinned, diced or otherwise processed...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was always roast lamb and canned peas for Sunday lunch.</font><br><font color=red>= tin</font><br><br>The can is the toilet. (AM, INFORMAL)<br><br>If you are canned, you are dismissed from your job. (AM, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The extremists prevailed, and the security minister was canned.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When I got canned, I took these keys as souvenirs.</font><br><br>If you have to carry the can, you have to take all the blame for something. (mainly BRIT, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We are a luxury restaurant and if people have a bad experience, we have to carry the can.</font><br><font color=red>= take the blame</font><br><br>If you say that something such as a job that you are doing is in the can, you mean that it is completely finished. (INFORMAL)<br> </b></font><br>

Q: <b> hatch <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">hAtF</font>]</b><br>

A: When a baby bird, insect, or other animal hatches, or when it is hatched, it comes out of its egg by breaking the shell.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As soon as the two chicks hatch, they leave the nest burrow.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The young disappeared soon after they were hatched.</font><br><br>When an egg hatches or when a bird, insect, or other animal hatches an egg, the egg breaks open and a baby comes out.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The eggs hatch after a week or ten days.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;During these periods the birds will lie on the cage floor as if trying to lay or hatch eggs.</font><br><br>Hatch out means the same as hatch.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Seeing the eggs hatch out for the first time is a moment that I will never forget.</font><br><br>If you hatch a plot or a scheme, you think of it and work it out.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has accused opposition parties of hatching a plot to assassinate the Pope.</font><br><br>A hatch is an opening in the deck of a ship, through which people or cargo can go. You can also refer to the door of this opening as a hatch.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He stuck his head up through the hatch.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All deck fittings, windows, hatches and doors had been fastened.</font><br><br>A hatch is an opening in a ceiling or a wall, especially between a kitchen and a dining room, which you can pass something such as food through. (mainly BRIT)<br><br>If someone battens down the hatches, they prepare themselves so that they will be able to survive a coming difficulty or crisis.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many firms are battening down the hatches and preparing to ride out the storm.</font><br>

Q: <b> mature <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mE5tjuE</font>]</b><br>

A: When a child or young animal matures, it becomes an adult.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You will learn what to expect as your child matures physically.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The eggs hatched and the chicks matured.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...young girls who'd not yet matured.</font><br><font color=red>= grow up</font><br><br>When something matures, it reaches a state of complete development.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When the trees matured they were cut in certain areas.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their songwriting has matured.</font><br><font color=red>= develop</font><br><br>If someone matures, they become more fully developed in their personality and emotional behaviour.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hopefully after three years at university I will have matured.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I thought you had matured enough not to be giggly and silly about serious art.</font><br><font color=red>= develop</font><br><br>If you describe someone as mature, you think that they are fully developed and balanced in their personality and emotional behaviour.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They are emotionally mature and should behave responsibly.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You and I are mature, freethinking adults.</font><br><br>If you describe the work of an artist, writer, or musician as mature, you mean that it is thoughtful and skilful and shows that their abilities have fully developed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is his most mature comedy yet.</font><br><br>If something such as wine or cheese matures or is matured, it is left for a time to allow its full flavour or strength to develop.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Unlike wine, brandy matures only in wood, not glass.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the cellars where the cheeses are matured.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...our b </b></font><br>

Q: <b> inter <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5tE:</font>]</b><br>

A: When a dead person is interred, they are buried. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the spot where his bones were originally interred.</font><br>

Q: <b> bark <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bB:k</font>]</b><br>

A: When a dog barks, it makes a short, loud noise, once or several times.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Don't let the dogs bark.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A small dog barked at a seagull he was chasing.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Doberman let out a string of roaring barks.</font><br><br>If you bark at someone, you shout at them aggressively in a loud, rough voice.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I didn't mean to bark at you.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A policeman held his gun in both hands and barked an order.</font><br><br>Bark is the tough material that covers the outside of a tree.<br><br>If you say that someone's bark is worse than their bite, you mean that they seem much more unpleasant or hostile than they really are. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was used to Wu's invective. Usually, his bark was far worse than his bite.</font><br>

Q: <b> blaze <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bleiz</font>]</b><br>

A: When a fire blazes, it burns strongly and brightly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Three people died as wreckage blazed, and rescuers fought to release trapped drivers.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The log fire was blazing merrily.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a blazing fire.</font><br><br>A blaze is a large fire which is difficult to control and which destroys a lot of things. (JOURNALISM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Two fireman were hurt in a blaze which swept through a tower block last night.</font><br><br>If something blazes with light or colour, it is extremely bright. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The gardens blazed with colour.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I wanted the front garden to be a blaze of colour.</font><br><br>If someone's eyes are blazing with an emotion, or if an emotion is blazing in their eyes, their eyes look very bright because they are feeling that emotion so strongly. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He got to his feet and his dark eyes were blazing with anger.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Eva stood up and indignation blazed in her eyes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His eyes blazed intently into mine.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Miss Turner turned blazing eyes on the victim.</font><br><font color=red>= burn</font><br><br>A blaze of publicity or attention is a great amount of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was arrested in a blaze of publicity.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the sporting career that began in a blaze of glory.</font><br><br>If guns blaze, or blaze away, they fire continuously, making a lot of noise.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Guns were blazing, flares going up and the sky was lit up all around.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She took the gun and blazed away with calm and deadly accuracy.</font><br><br>If someone blazes a trail, they discover or develop something new.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These surgeons have blazed the trail in the treatment of bomb victims.</font><br><font color=red>= lead the way</font><br>

Q: <b> enact <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">i5nAkt</font>]</b><br>

A: When a government or authority enacts a proposal, they make it into a law. (TECHNICAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The authorities have failed so far to enact a law allowing unrestricted emigration.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The bill would be submitted for public discussion before being enacted as law.</font><br><br>If people enact a story or play, they perform it by acting.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She often enacted the stories told to her by her father.</font><br><font color=red>= perform</font><br><br>If a particular event or situation is enacted, it happens; used especially to talk about something that has happened before. (JOURNALISM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was a scene which was enacted month after month for eight years.</font><br>

Q: <b> applaud <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5plC:d</font>]</b><br>

A: When a group of people applaud, they clap their hands in order to show approval, for example when they have enjoyed a play or concert.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The audience laughed and applauded.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Every person stood to applaud his unforgettable act of courage.</font><br><br>When an attitude or action is applauded, people praise it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He should be applauded for his courage.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This last move can only be applauded.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She applauds the fact that they are promoting new ideas.</font><br>

Q: <b> melt <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">melt</font>]</b><br>

A: When a solid substance melts or when you melt it, it changes to a liquid, usually because it has been heated.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The snow had melted, but the lake was still frozen solid.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Meanwhile, melt the white chocolate in a bowl suspended over simmering water.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Add the melted butter, molasses, salt, and flour.</font><br><br>If something such as your feelings melt, they suddenly disappear and you no longer feel them. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His anxiety about the outcome melted, to return later but not yet.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He would have struggled but his strength had melted.</font><br><br>Melt away means the same as melt.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When he heard these words, Shinran felt his inner doubts melt away.</font><br><br>If a person or thing melts into something such as darkness or a crowd of people, they become difficult to see, for example because they are moving away from you or are the same colour as the background. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The youths dispersed and melted into the darkness.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The squadron's armour is draped in sand-coloured nets that melt into the landscape.</font><br><font color=red>= disappear</font><br><br>If someone or something melts your heart, or if your heart melts, you start to feel love or sympathy towards them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When his lips break into a smile, it is enough to melt any woman's heart.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When a bride walk </b></font><br>

Q: <b> erupt <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">i5rQpt</font>]</b><br>

A: When a volcano erupts, it throws out a lot of hot, melted rock called lava, as well as ash and steam.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The volcano erupted in 1980, devastating a large area of Washington state.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Scientists say Mount Pinatubo could erupt again soon.</font><br><font color=red>* eruption eruptions </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the volcanic eruption of Tambora in 1815.</font><br><br>If violence or fighting erupts, it suddenly begins or gets worse in an unexpected, violent way. (JOURNALISM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Heavy fighting erupted there today after a two-day cease-fire.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Violence erupted as the boys were driven away in two police vans.</font><br><font color=red>= break out</font><br><font color=red>* eruption </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...this sudden eruption of violence.</font><br><br>When people in a place suddenly become angry or violent, you can say that they erupt or that the place erupts. (JOURNALISM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In Los Angeles, the neighborhood known as Watts erupted into riots.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This region which had been relatively calm erupted in violence again this spring.</font><br><br>You say that someone erupts when they suddenly have a change in mood, usually becoming quite noisy.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Then, without warning, she erupts into laughter.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Newman fled barefoot as the cheated husband erupted in fury.</font><br><font color=red>* eruption </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; eruption of despair.</font><br><br>If your skin erupts, sores or spots suddenly appear there.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At the end of the second week, my skin erupted in pimples.</font><br><font color=red>* eruption </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...eruptions of adolescent acne.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; unpleasant skin eruption.</font><br>

Q: <b> dismissal <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5misEl</font>]</b><br>

A: When an employee is dismissed from their job, you can refer to their dismissal.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Mr Low's dismissal from his post at the head of the commission.</font><br><br>Dismissal of something means deciding or saying that it is not important.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...bureaucratic indifference to people's rights and needs, and high-handed dismissal of public opinion.</font><br>

Q: <b> beloved <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bi5lQvd, bi5lQvid</font>]</b><br>

A: When the adjective is not followed by a noun it is pronounced </b></font><br>A beloved person, thing, or place is one that you feel great affection for.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He lost his beloved wife last year.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The rose is the most romantic of flowers, beloved of poets, singers, and artists.</font><br><font color=red>= cherished</font><br><br>Your beloved is the person that you love. (OLD-FASHIONED)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He takes his beloved into his arms.</font><br>

Q: <b> bounce <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bauns</font>]</b><br>

A: When an object such as a ball bounces or when you bounce it, it moves upwards from a surface or away from it immediately after hitting it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I bounced a ball against the house.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My father would burst into the kitchen bouncing a football.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a falling pebble, bouncing down the eroded cliff...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They watched the dodgem cars bang and bounce.</font><br><font color=red>= rebound</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The wheelchair tennis player is allowed two bounces of the ball.</font><br><font color=red>= rebound</font><br><br>The bounce of a sports field is the condition of it, which determines how high a ball will bounce on it.<br><br>If sound or light bounces or is bounced off a surface, it reaches the surface and is reflected back.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Your arms and legs need protection from light bouncing off glass.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They work by bouncing microwaves off solid objects.</font><br><br>If something bounces or if something bounces it, it swings or moves up and down.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her long black hair bounced as she walked.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Then I noticed the car was bouncing up and down as if someone were jumping on it.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The wind was bouncing the branches of the big oak trees.</font><br><font color=red>= bob</font><br><br>

Q: <b> diversify <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dai5vE:sifai</font>]</b><br>

A: When an organization or person diversifies into other things, or diversifies their range of something, they increase the variety of things that they do or make.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The company's troubles started only when it diversified into new products.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As demand has increased, so manufacturers have been encouraged to diversify and improve quality.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These firms have been given a tough lesson in the need to diversify their markets.</font><br><font color=red>= branch out</font><br><font color=red>* diversification diversifications </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The seminar was to discuss diversification of agriculture.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These strange diversifications could have damaged or even sunk the entire company.</font><br>

Q: <b> graze <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">greiz</font>]</b><br>

A: When animals graze or are grazed, they eat the grass or other plants that are growing in a particular place. You can also say that a field is grazed by animals.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Five cows graze serenely around a massive oak.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The hills have been grazed by sheep because they were too steep to be ploughed.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Several horses grazed the meadowland.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a large herd of grazing animals.</font><br><br>If you graze a part of your body, you injure your skin by scraping against something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I had grazed my knees a little.</font><br><font color=red>* grazed </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...grazed arms and legs.</font><br><br>A graze is a small wound caused by scraping against something.<br><br>If something grazes another thing, it touches that thing lightly as it passes by.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A bullet had grazed his arm.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wright managed a shot but it grazed the near post and rolled harmlessly across the goal.</font><br><font color=red>= brush</font><br>

Q: <b> evolve <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">i5vClv</font>]</b><br>

A: When animals or plants evolve, they gradually change and develop into different forms.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The bright plumage of many male birds was thought to have evolved to attract females.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Maize evolved from a wild grass in Mexico.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...when amphibians evolved into reptiles.</font><br><br>If something evolves or you evolve it, it gradually develops over a period of time into something different and usually more advanced.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a tiny airline which eventually evolved into Pakistan International Airlines...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Popular music evolved from folk songs.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As medical knowledge evolves, beliefs change.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This was when he evolved the working method from which he has never departed.</font><br>

Q: <b> digest <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5dVest; dai5dVest</font>]</b><br>

A: When food digests or when you digest it, it passes through your body to your stomach. Your stomach removes the substances that your body needs and gets rid of the rest.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Do not undertake strenuous exercise for a few hours after a meal to allow food to digest.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She couldn't digest food properly.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nutrients from the digested food can be absorbed into the blood.</font><br><br>If you digest information, you think about it carefully so that you understand it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They learn well but seem to need time to digest information.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She read everything, digesting every fragment of news.</font><br><br>If you digest some unpleasant news, you think about it until you are able to accept it and know how to deal with it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All this has upset me. I need time to digest it all.</font><br><br>A digest is a collection of pieces of writing. They are published together in a shorter form than they were originally published.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The organization publishes a regular digest of environmental statistics.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Middle East Economic Digest.</font><br>

Q: <b> greet <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">gri:t</font>]</b><br>

A: When you greet someone, you say `Hello' or shake hands with them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She liked to be home to greet Steve when he came in from school.</font><br><br>If something is greeted in a particular way, people react to it in that way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The European Court's decision has been greeted with dismay by fishermen.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is unlikely that this suggestion will be greeted enthusiastically in the Baltic States.</font><br><br>If you are greeted by something, it is the first thing you notice in a particular place. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was greeted by a shocking sight.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The savoury smell greeted them as they went through the door.</font><br>

Q: <b> drip <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">drip</font>]</b><br>

A: When liquid drips somewhere, or you drip it somewhere, it falls in individual small drops.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sit your child forward and let the blood drip into a tissue or on to the floor.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Amid the trees the sea mist was dripping and moisture formed on Tom's glasses.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...harassed parents trying to stop their children from dripping Coke on the carpets.</font><br><br>When something drips, drops of liquid fall from it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A tap in the kitchen was dripping.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lou was dripping with perspiration.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was holding a cloth that dripped pink drops upon the floor.</font><br><br>A drip is a small individual drop of a liquid.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Drips of water rolled down the trousers of his uniform.</font><br><br>A drip is a piece of medical equipment by which a liquid is slowly passed through a tube into a patient's blood.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I had a bad attack of pneumonia and spent two days in hospital on a drip.</font><br><br>If you say that something is dripping with a particular thing, you mean that it contains a lot of that thing. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They were dazed by window displays dripping with diamonds and furs.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His voice was dripping with sarcasm.</font><br><br>If you call someone a drip, you mean that they are rather stupid and lacking in enthusiasm or energy. (INFORMAL)<br>

Q: <b> assemble <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5sembl</font>]</b><br>

A: When people assemble or when someone assembles them, they come together in a group, usually for a particular purpose such as a meeting.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There wasn't even a convenient place for students to assemble between classes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thousands of people, mainly Zulus, assembled in a stadium in Thokoza.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The assembled multitude cheered and whistled as the political leaders arrived.</font><br><font color=red>= gather</font><br><br>To assemble something means to collect them together or to fit the different parts of it together.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Greenpeace managed to assemble a small flotilla of inflatable boats to waylay the ship at sea.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She had been trying to assemble the bomb when it went off in her arms.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is assembling evidence concerning a murder.</font><br>

Q: <b> interact <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7intEr5Akt</font>]</b><br>

A: When people interact with each other or interact, they communicate as they work or spend time together.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;While the other children interacted and played together, Ted ignored them.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...rhymes and songs to help parents interact with their babies.</font><br><font color=red>* interaction interactions </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This can sometimes lead to somewhat superficial interactions with other people.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...our experience of informal social interaction among adults.</font><br><br>When people interact with computers, or when computers interact with other machines, information or instructions are exchanged.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Millions of people want new, simplified ways of interacting with a computer.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There will be a true global village in which telephones, computers and televisions interact.</font><br><font color=red>* interaction interactions </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...experts on human-computer interaction.</font><br><br>When one thing interacts with another or two things interact, the two things affect each other's behaviour or condition.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You have to understand how cells interact.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Atoms within the fluid interact with the minerals that form the grains.</font><br><font color=red>* interaction </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the interaction between physical and emotional illness.</font><br>

Q: <b> creep <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kri:p</font>]</b><br>

A: When people or animals creep somewhere, they move quietly and slowly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Back I go to the hotel and creep up to my room.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The rabbit creeps away and hides in a hole.</font><br><br>If something creeps somewhere, it moves very slowly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mist had crept in again from the sea.</font><br><br>If something creeps in or creeps back, it begins to occur or becomes part of something without people realizing or without them wanting it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Insecurity might creep in.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;An increasing ratio of mistakes, perhaps induced by tiredness, crept into her game.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a proposal that crept through unnoticed at the National Council in December...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Now his other major works are creeping back into concert programmes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their organisation has been subjected to creeping privatisation since 1981.</font><br><br>If a rate or number creeps up to a higher level, it gradually reaches that level.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The inflation rate has been creeping up to 9.5 per cent.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The average number of students in each class is creeping up from three to four.</font><br><br>If you describe someone as a creep, you mean that you dislike them a great deal, especially because they are insincere and flatter people. (INFORMAL)<br><br>If someone or something gives you the creeps, they make you feel ver </b></font><br>

Q: <b> detain <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5tein</font>]</b><br>

A: When people such as the police detain someone, they keep them in a place under their control. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The act allows police to detain a suspect for up to 48 hours.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was arrested and detained for questioning.</font><br><br>To detain someone means to delay them, for example by talking to them. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Millson stood up. `Thank you. We won't detain you any further, Mrs Stebbing.'</font><br>

Q: <b> attacker <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5tAkE</font>]</b><br>

A: You can refer to a person who attacks someone as their attacker.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There were signs that she struggled with her attacker before she was repeatedly stabbed.</font><br>

Q: <b> cheat <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">tFi:t</font>]</b><br>

A: When someone cheats, they do not obey a set of rules which they should be obeying, for example in a game or exam.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Students may be tempted to cheat in order to get into top schools.</font><br><font color=red>* cheating </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In an election in 1988, he was accused of cheating by his opponent.</font><br><br>Someone who is a cheat does not obey a set of rules which they should be obeying.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cheats will be disqualified.</font><br><br>If someone cheats you out of something, they get it from you by behaving dishonestly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The company engaged in a deliberate effort to cheat them out of their pensions.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Many brokers were charged with cheating customers in commodity trades.</font><br><br>If you say that someone cheats death, you mean they only just avoid being killed. (JOURNALISM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He cheated death when he was rescued from the roof of his blazing cottage.</font><br><br>If you feel cheated, you feel that you have been let down or treated unfairly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The storyline is fatally compromised by an ending that leaves you feeling horribly cheated.</font><br>

Q: <b> drown <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">draun</font>]</b><br>

A: When someone drowns or is drowned, they die because they have gone or been pushed under water and cannot breathe.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Forty-eight people have drowned after their boat capsized during a storm.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A child can drown in only a few inches of water.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Last night a boy was drowned in the river.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He walked into the sea and drowned himself.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dolphins have sometimes been known to save drowning swimmers.</font><br><br>If you say that a person or thing is drowning in something, you are emphasizing that they have a very large amount of it, or are completely covered in it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We were drowning in data but starved of information.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...people who gradually find themselves drowning in debt...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The potatoes were drowned in chilli.</font><br><font color=red>= inundate</font><br><br>If something drowns a sound, it is so loud that you cannot hear that sound properly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Clapping drowned the speaker's words for a moment.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The conversation was drowned by the arrival of the taxi.</font><br><br>Drown out means the same as drown.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their cheers drowned out the protests of demonstrators.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her voice was drowned out by a loud crash.</font><br><br>If you say that someone is drowning their sorrows, you mean that they are drinking </b></font><br>

Q: <b> frown <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fraun</font>]</b><br>

A: When someone frowns, their eyebrows become drawn together, because they are annoyed, worried, or puzzled, or because they are concentrating.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nancy shook her head, frowning.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He frowned at her anxiously.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a frowning man.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was a deep frown on the boy's face.</font><br>

Q: <b> assassinate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5sAsineit</font>]</b><br>

A: When someone important is assassinated, they are murdered as a political act.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Would the USA be radically different today if Kennedy had not been assassinated?.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The plot to assassinate Martin Luther King had started long before he was actually killed.</font><br><font color=red>* assassination assassinations </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She would like an investigation into the assassination of her husband.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He lives in constant fear of assassination.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; assassination plot.</font><br>

Q: <b> discharge <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5tFB:dV</font>]</b><br>

A: When someone is discharged from hospital, prison, or one of the armed services, they are officially allowed to leave, or told that they must leave.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has a broken nose but may be discharged today.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You are being discharged on medical grounds.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the regulation that gay people should be discharged from the military...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Five days later Henry discharged himself from hospital.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was given a conditional discharge and ordered to pay Miss Smith {Pound}100 compensation.</font><br><br>If someone discharges their duties or responsibilities, they do everything that needs to be done in order to complete them. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the quiet competence with which he discharged his many college duties.</font><br><br>If someone discharges a debt, they pay it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The goods will be sold for a fraction of their value in order to discharge the debt.</font><br><br>If something is discharged from inside a place, it comes out. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The resulting salty water will be discharged at sea.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The bird had trouble breathing and was discharging blood from the nostrils.</font><br><br>

Q: <b> log in, log on <br>LOG IN, LOG ON </b><br>

A: When someone logs in or logs on, or logs into a computer system, they start using the system, usually by typing their name or identity code and a password.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Customers pay to log on and gossip with other users.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They would log into their account and take a look at prices and decide what they'd like to do.</font><br>

Q: <b> incidentally <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">insi5dentEli</font>]</b><br>

A: You use incidentally to introduce a point which is not directly relevant to what you are saying, often a question or extra information that you have just thought of.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`I didn't ask you to come. Incidentally, why have you come?'.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The tower, incidentally, dates from the twelfth century.</font><br><font color=red>= by the way</font><br><br>If something occurs only incidentally, it is less important than another thing or is not a major part of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The letter mentioned my great-aunt and uncle only incidentally.</font><br>

Q: <b> elevate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5eliveit</font>]</b><br>

A: When someone or something achieves a more important rank or status, you can say that they are elevated to it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was elevated to the post of prime minister.</font><br><font color=red>= promote</font><br><font color=red>* elevation </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Prime Minister is known to favour the elevation of more women to the Cabinet.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;After his elevation to the papacy, he reigned for two years.</font><br><br>If you elevate something to a higher status, you consider it to be better or more important than it really is.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Don't elevate your superiors to superstar status.</font><br><br>To elevate something means to increase it in amount or intensity. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Emotional stress can elevate blood pressure.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...overweight individuals who have elevated cholesterol levels.</font><br><font color=red>= raise</font><br><br>If you elevate something, you raise it above a horizontal level. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jack elevated the gun at the sky.</font><br>

Q: <b> bless <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bles</font>]</b><br>

A: When someone such as a priest blesses people or things, he asks for God's favour and protection for them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...asking for all present to bless this couple and their loving commitment to one another.</font><br><br>Bless is used in expressions such as `God bless' or `bless you' to express affection, thanks, or good wishes. (INFORMAL, SPOKEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Bless you, Eva,' he whispered.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;God bless and thank you all so much.</font><br><br>You can say `bless you' to someone who has just sneezed. (SPOKEN)<br>

Q: <b> educate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5edju(:)keit</font>]</b><br>

A: When someone, especially a child, is educated, he or she is taught at a school or college.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was educated at Haslingden Grammar School.</font><br><br>To educate people means to teach them better ways of doing something or a better way of living.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Drinkwise Day is mainly designed to educate people about the destructive effects of alcohol abuse.</font><br><font color=red>= inform</font><br>

Q: <b> decrease <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di:5kri:s</font>]</b><br>

A: When something decreases or when you decrease it, it becomes less in quantity, size, or intensity.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Population growth is decreasing by 1.4% each year.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The number of independent firms decreased from 198 to 96.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Raw-steel production by the nation's mills decreased 2.1% last week.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Since 1945 air forces have decreased in size.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Gradually decrease the amount of vitamin C you are taking when you begin to feel better.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We've got stable labor, decreasing interest rates, low oil prices.</font><br><br>A decrease is a reduction in the quantity, size, or intensity of something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In Spain and Portugal there has been a decrease in the number of young people out of work.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bank base rates have fallen from 10 per cent to 6 per cent -- a decrease of 40 per cent.</font><br>

Q: <b> diminish <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5miniF</font>]</b><br>

A: When something diminishes, or when something diminishes it, it becomes reduced in size, importance, or intensity.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The threat of nuclear war has diminished.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Federalism is intended to diminish the power of the central state.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Universities are facing grave problems because of diminishing resources.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This could mean diminished public support for the war.</font><br><font color=red><> increase</font><br><br>If you diminish someone or something, you talk about them or treat them in a way that makes them appear less important than they really are.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He never put her down or diminished her.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He could no longer cope; he relied on me, and felt diminished by it.</font><br><font color=red>= belittle</font><br>

Q: <b> disperse <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dis5pE:s</font>]</b><br>

A: When something disperses or when you disperse it, it spreads over a wide area.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The oil appeared to be dispersing.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The intense currents disperse the sewage.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Because the town sits in a valley, air pollution is not easily dispersed.</font><br><br>When a group of people disperses or when someone disperses them, the group splits up and the people leave in different directions.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Police fired shots and used teargas to disperse the demonstrators.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The crowd dispersed peacefully after prayers.</font><br><font color=red>= scatter</font><br>

Q: <b> harden <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hB:dn</font>]</b><br>

A: When something hardens or when you harden it, it becomes stiff or firm.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mould the mixture into shape while hot, before it hardens.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Give the cardboard two or three coats of varnish to harden it.</font><br><br>When an attitude or opinion hardens or is hardened, it becomes harsher, stronger, or fixed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their action can only serve to harden the attitude of landowners.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The bitter split which has developed within Solidarity is likely to harden further into separation.</font><br><font color=red>* hardening </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a hardening of the government's attitude towards rebellious parts of the army.</font><br><br>When prices and economies harden, they become much more stable than they were.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Property prices are just beginning to harden again.</font><br><br>When events harden people or when people harden, they become less easily affected emotionally and less sympathetic and gentle than they were before.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her years of drunken bickering hardened my heart.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was hardened by the rigours of the Siberian steppes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All of a sudden my heart hardened against her.</font><br><br>If you say that someone's face or eyes harden, you mean that they suddenly look serious or angry.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His smile died and the look in his face hardened.</font><br>

Q: <b> liable <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5laiEbl</font>]</b><br>

A: When something is liable to happen, it is very likely to happen.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Only a small minority of the mentally ill are liable to harm themselves or others.</font><br><font color=red>= be likely to</font><br><br>If people or things are liable to something unpleasant, they are likely to experience it or do it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She will grow into a woman particularly liable to depression.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Steroids are used to reduce the inflammation, which makes the muscles of the airways liable to constriction.</font><br><font color=red>= prone</font><br><br>If you are liable for something such as a debt, you are legally responsible for it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The airline's insurer is liable for damages to the victims' families.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As the killings took place outside British jurisdiction, the Ministry of Defence could not be held liable.</font><br><font color=red>* liability </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is claiming damages from London Underground, which has admitted liability but dispute the amount of his claim.</font><br>

Q: <b> jingle <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dViNgl</font>]</b><br>

A: When something jingles or when you jingle it, it makes a gentle ringing noise, like small bells.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Brian put his hands in his pockets and jingled some change.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her bracelets jingled like bells.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...jingling bottles.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the jingle of money in a man's pocket.</font><br><br>A jingle is a short, simple tune, often with words, which is used to advertise a product or programme on radio or television.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...advertising jingles.</font><br>

Q: <b> multiply <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mQltipli</font>]</b><br>

A: When something multiplies or when you multiply it, it increases greatly in number or amount.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Such disputes multiplied in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her husband multiplied his demands on her time.</font><br><br>When animals and insects multiply, they increase in number by giving birth to large numbers of young.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These creatures can multiply quickly.</font><br><br>If you multiply one number by another, you add the first number to itself as many times as is indicated by the second number. For example 2 multiplied by 3 is equal to 6.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What do you get if you multiply six by nine?</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the remarkable ability to multiply huge numbers correctly without pen or paper.</font><br>

Q: <b> depart <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5pB:t</font>]</b><br>

A: When something or someone departs from a place, they leave it and start a journey to another place.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Our tour departs from Heathrow Airport on 31 March and returns 16 April.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In the morning Mr McDonald departed for Sydney.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The coach departs Potsdam in the morning for the drive to Leipzig.</font><br><br>If you depart from a traditional, accepted, or agreed way of doing something, you do it in a different or unexpected way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Why is it in this country that we have departed from good educational sense?.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It takes a brave cook to depart radically from the traditional Christmas menu.</font><br><font color=red>= deviate</font><br><br>If someone departs from a job, they resign from it or leave it. In American English, you can say that someone departs a job.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lipton is planning to depart from the company he founded.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a number of staff departed during his reign as rector of the Royal College of Art...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He had the good fortune to depart baseball in the '60s at just about that moment when it was becoming tarnished.</font><br><font color=red>= leave</font><br><br>When someone departs this life, or departs this earth, they die. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He departed this world with a sense of having fulfilled his destiny.</font><br>

Q: <b> decay <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5kei</font>]</b><br>

A: When something such as a dead body, a dead plant, or a tooth decays, it is gradually destroyed by a natural process.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The bodies buried in the fine ash slowly decayed.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The ground was scattered with decaying leaves.</font><br><font color=red>= rot</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When not removed, plaque causes tooth decay and gum disease.</font><br><font color=red>* decayed </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Even young children have teeth so decayed they need to be pulled.</font><br><font color=red>= rotten</font><br><br>If something such as a society, system, or institution decays, it gradually becomes weaker or its condition gets worse.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In practice, the agency system has decayed. Most `agents' now sell only to themselves or their immediate family.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Congress has tried dozens of approaches to revitalize decaying urban and rural areas.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There are problems of urban decay and gang violence.</font><br>

Q: <b> linger <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5liNgE</font>]</b><br>

A: When something such as an idea, feeling, or illness lingers, it continues to exist for a long time, often much longer than expected.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The scent of her perfume lingered on in the room.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A guerrilla war has lingered into its fourth decade.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was ashamed. That feeling lingered, and he was never comfortable in church after that.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He would rather be killed in a race than die a lingering death in hospital.</font><br><br>If you linger somewhere, you stay there for a longer time than is necessary, for example because you are enjoying yourself.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Customers are welcome to linger over coffee until around midnight.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I lingered on in Atlanta for a few days, spending much of my time with an artist friend.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is a dreary little town where few would choose to linger.</font><br>

Q: <b> fog <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fCg</font>]</b><br>

A: When there is fog, there are tiny drops of water in the air which form a thick cloud and make it difficult to see things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The crash happened in thick fog.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These ocean fogs can last for days.</font><br><br>A fog is an unpleasant cloud of something such as smoke inside a building or room.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a fog of stale cigarette smoke.</font><br><br>You can use fog to refer to a situation which stops people from being able to notice things, understand things, or think clearly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The most basic facts about him are lost in a fog of mythology and folklore.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Synchronizing these attacks may also be difficult in the fog of war.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His mind was in a fog when he finally got up.</font><br><br>If a window, mirror, or other glass surface fogs or is fogged, it becomes covered with very small drops of water so that you cannot see things clearly through it or in it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The windows fogged immediately.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Water had fogged his diving mask and he couldn't remember how to clear it.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The car windows were fogged with vapor.</font><br><br>Fog up means the same as fog.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The car windows fogged up.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It'd fog up their telescopes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His hair was all wet and his glasses were fogged up.</font><br>

Q: <b> hungry <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hQNgri</font>]</b><br>

A: When you are hungry, you want some food because you have not eaten for some time and have an uncomfortable or painful feeling in your stomach.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My friend was hungry, so we drove to a shopping mall to get some food.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She is reduced to stealing to feed her hungry family.</font><br><font color=red><> full</font><br><font color=red>* hungrily </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;James ate hungrily.</font><br><br>If people go hungry, they do not have enough food to eat.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Leonidas' family had been poor, he went hungry for years.</font><br><br>If you say that someone is hungry for something, you are emphasizing that they want it very much. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Susan was certainly hungry for a life different from the one she had made for herself.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I left Oxford in 1961 hungry to be a critic.</font><br><font color=red>= eager</font><br><br>Also a combining form.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...power-hungry politicians.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; peasants.</font><br><font color=red>* hungrily </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He looked at her hungrily. What eyes! What skin!</font><br>

Q: <b> bleed <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bli:d</font>]</b><br>

A: When you bleed, you lose blood from your body as a result of injury or illness.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His head had struck the sink and was bleeding.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was bleeding profusely.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She's going to bleed to death!</font><br><font color=red>* bleeding </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This results in internal bleeding.</font><br><br>If the colour of one substance bleeds into the colour of another substance that it is touching, it goes into the other thing so that its colour changes in an undesirable way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The colouring pigments from the skins are not allowed to bleed into the grape juice.</font><br><br>If someone is being bled, money or other resources are gradually being taken away from them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We have been gradually bled for twelve years.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They mean to bleed the British to the utmost.</font><br><br>If someone is being bled dry or is being bled white, all of their money or other resources are gradually being taken away from them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The war has bled the once-strong Armenian economy dry.</font><br>

Q: <b> inner city <br>INNER CITY </b><br>

A: You use inner city to refer to the areas in or near the centre of a large city where people live and where there are often social and economic problems.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...helping kids deal with the fear of living in the inner city...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Schools in 20 inner-city areas produced the worst results in last year's tests.</font><br>

Q: <b> blink <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bliNk</font>]</b><br>

A: When you blink or when you blink your eyes, you shut your eyes and very quickly open them again.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kathryn blinked and forced a smile.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Suddenly, Momma's eyes blinked.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was blinking her eyes rapidly.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He blinked at her.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He kept giving quick blinks.</font><br><br>When a light blinks, it flashes on and off.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Green and yellow lights blinked on the surface of the harbour.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The plane was flying normally for about 15 minutes before a warning light blinked on.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the blinking lights at the top of the Tutweiler Hotel.</font><br><br>If you say that something happens in the blink of an eye, you mean that it happens very quickly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was all over in the blink of an eye.</font><br><br>If a machine goes on the blink, it stops working properly. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; old TV that's on the blink.</font><br>

Q: <b> bow 1 <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bau</font>]</b><br>

A: When you bow to someone, you briefly bend your body towards them as a formal way of greeting them or showing respect.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They bowed low to Louis and hastened out of his way.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He bowed slightly before taking her bag.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I gave a theatrical bow and waved.</font><br><br>If you bow your head, you bend it downwards so that you are looking towards the ground, for example because you want to show respect or because you are thinking deeply about something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Colonel bowed his head and whispered a prayer of thanksgiving.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She stood still, head bowed, hands clasped in front of her.</font><br><font color=red>= lower</font><br><br>If you bow to pressure or to someone's wishes, you agree to do what they want you to do.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some shops are bowing to consumer pressure and stocking organically grown vegetables.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Parliament has bowed to the demand for a referendum next year.</font><br><br>If you are bowed by something, you are made unhappy and anxious by it, and lose hope.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...their determination not to be bowed in the face of the allied attacks.</font><br><br>To be bowed down means the same as to be bowed.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I am bowed down by my sins.</font><br><br>If someone bows to the inevitable and does something that they do not want to do, they do it, because circumstances force them to do it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He bowed to the inevitable and announced that he was willing to resume diplomatic relations.</font><br><br>If an actor or entertainer takes a bow, he or she shows appreciation of an audience's applause by bowing to them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They ran to the center of the tent to take their bows.</font><br>

Q: <b> chew <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">tFu:</font>]</b><br>

A: When you chew food, you use your teeth to break it up in your mouth so that it becomes easier to swallow.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Be certain to eat slowly and chew your food extremely well.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Daniel leaned back on the sofa, still chewing on his apple.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the sound of his mother chewing and swallowing.</font><br><br>If you chew gum or tobacco, you keep biting it and moving it around your mouth to taste the flavour of it. You do not swallow it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One girl was chewing gum.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He chews tobacco constantly.</font><br><br>If you chew your lips or your fingernails, you keep biting them because you are nervous.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He chewed his lower lip nervously.</font><br><br>If a person or animal chews an object, they bite it with their teeth.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They pause and chew their pencils.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One owner left his pet under the stairs where the animal chewed through electric cables.</font><br><font color=red>= bite</font><br><br>A chew is a sweet that you have to chew very hard before it becomes soft. (BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a selection of penny chews.</font><br><br>If you say that someone has bitten off more than they can chew, you mean that they are trying to do something which is too difficult for them.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Micky is used to handling dodgy deals but this time fears he may have bitten off more than he can chew.</font><br><br>If people chew the fat, they talk in a relaxed, informal way. (INFORM </b></font><br>

Q: <b> chill <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">tFil</font>]</b><br>

A: When you chill something or when it chills, you lower its temperature so that it becomes colder but does not freeze.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chill the fruit salad until serving time.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These doughs can be rolled out while you wait for the pastry to chill.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a glass of chilled champagne.</font><br><font color=red><> heat</font><br><br>When cold weather or something cold chills a person or a place, it makes that person or that place feel very cold.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The marble floor was beginning to chill me.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;An exposed garden may be chilled by cold winds.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wade placed his chilled hands on the radiator and warmed them.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The boulder sheltered them from the chilling wind.</font><br><font color=red>= freeze</font><br><br>If you say that something you see, hear, or feel chills you, you mean that it frightens you. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was a coldness in her that chilled him.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some films chill you to the marrow of your bones.</font><br><br>If something sends a chill through you, it gives you a sudden feeling of fear or anxiety.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The violence used against the students sent a chill through Indonesia.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He smiled, an odd, dreamy smile that sent chills up my back.</font><br><font color=red>= shiver</font><br><br>A chill is a mild illness which can give you a </b></font><br>

Q: <b> choke <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">tFEuk</font>]</b><br>

A: When you choke or when something chokes you, you cannot breathe properly or get enough air into your lungs.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The coffee was almost too hot to swallow and made him choke for a moment.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A small child could choke on the doll's hair.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dense smoke swirled and billowed, its rank fumes choking her.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The girl choked to death after breathing in smoke.</font><br><br>To choke someone means to squeeze their neck until they are dead.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The men pushed him into the entrance of a nearby building where they choked him with his tie.</font><br><font color=red>= strangle</font><br><br>If a place is choked with things or people, it is full of them and they prevent movement in it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The village's roads are choked with traffic.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His pond has been choked by the fast-growing weed.</font><br><br>The choke in a car, truck, or other vehicle is a device that reduces the amount of air going into the engine and makes it easier to start.<br> </b></font><br>

Q: <b> chuck <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">tFQk</font>]</b><br>

A: When you chuck something somewhere, you throw it there in a casual or careless way. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I took a great dislike to the clock, so I chucked it in the dustbin.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That second night, Sid Vicious chucked a bottle at the stage.</font><br><font color=red>= throw</font><br><br>If you chuck your job or some other activity, you stop doing it. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Last summer, he chucked his 10-year career as a London stockbroker and headed for the mountains.</font><br><br>If someone chucks it all, they stop doing their job, and usually move somewhere else. In British English you can also say that someone chucks it all up or chucks it all in.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Almost half the British public think about chucking in their jobs and doing their own thing at least once a month.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Then I met my husband, and I chucked it all up for him.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sometimes I'd like to chuck it all and go fishing.</font><br><br>If your girlfriend or boyfriend chucks you, they end the relationship. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There wasn't a great hoo-ha when I chucked her.</font><br><br>A chuck is a device for holding a tool in a machine such as a drill.<br>

Q: <b> compile <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEm5pail</font>]</b><br>

A: When you compile something such as a report, book, or programme, you produce it by collecting and putting together many pieces of information.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Councils were required to compile a register of all adults living in their areas.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The book took 10 years to compile.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A report compiled by the Fed's Philadelphia branch described the economy as weak.</font><br><font color=red>* compilation </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There have been enormous advances in the compilation of data on suspected terrorists.</font><br>

Q: <b> crawl <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">krC:l</font>]</b><br>

A: When you crawl, you move forward on your hands and knees.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Don't worry if your baby seems a little reluctant to crawl or walk.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I began to crawl on my hands and knees towards the door.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As he tried to crawl away, he was hit in the shoulder.</font><br><br>When an insect crawls somewhere, it moves there quite slowly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I watched the moth crawl up the outside of the lampshade.</font><br><br>If someone or something crawls somewhere, they move or progress slowly or with great difficulty.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I crawled out of bed at nine-thirty.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They had not foreseen the higher inflation in France when most of Western Europe was crawling out of recession.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hairpin turns force the car to crawl at 10 miles an hour in some places.</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The traffic on the approach road slowed to a crawl.</font><br><br>If you say that a place is crawling with people or animals, you are emphasizing that it is full of them. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This place is crawling with police.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...rock-hard earth littered with rubbish and crawling with vermin.</font><br><br>The crawl is a kind of swimming stroke which you do lying on your front, swinging one arm over your head, and then the other arm.<br><br>If something makes your skin crawl or makes your flesh crawl, it makes you feel shocked or disgusted.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I hated this man, his very touch made my skin crawl.</font><br>

Q: <b> deduct <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5dQkt</font>]</b><br>

A: When you deduct an amount from a total, you subtract it from the total.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The company deducted this payment from his compensation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Up to 5% of marks in the exams will be deducted for spelling mistakes.</font><br>

Q: <b> designate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dezigneit</font>]</b><br>

A: When you designate someone or something, you formally give them a particular description or name.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a man interviewed in one of our studies whom we shall designate as E...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There are efforts under way to designate the bridge a historic landmark.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I live in Exmoor, which is designated as a national park.</font><br><br>If something is designated for a particular purpose, it is set aside for that purpose.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some of the rooms were designated as offices.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; designated for minorities...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Smoking is allowed in designated areas.</font><br><br>When you designate someone as something, you formally choose them to do that particular job.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Designate someone as the spokesperson.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The President's designated successor is his son.</font><br><br>Designate is used to describe someone who has been formally chosen to do a particular job, but has not yet started doing it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Japan's Prime Minister-designate is completing his Cabinet today.</font><br>

Q: <b> dine <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dain</font>]</b><br>

A: When you dine, you have dinner. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He dines alone most nights.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;That night the two men dined at Wilson's club.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They used to enjoy going out to dine.</font><br>to wine and dine: see wine.<br>

Q: <b> enlarge <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">in5lB:dV</font>]</b><br>

A: When you enlarge something or when it enlarges, it becomes bigger.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the plan to enlarge Ewood Park into a 30,000 all-seater stadium...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The glands in the neck may enlarge.</font><br><font color=red>* enlarged </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The UN secretary-general yesterday recommended an enlarged peacekeeping force.</font><br><br>To enlarge a photograph means to develop a bigger print of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...newly-weds wishing to enlarge snaps of their big day.</font><br><br>If you enlarge on something that has been mentioned, you give more details about it. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He didn't enlarge on the form that the interim government and assembly would take.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I wish to enlarge upon a statement made by Gary Docking.</font><br><font color=red>= expand</font><br>

Q: <b> grin <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">grin</font>]</b><br>

A: When you grin, you smile broadly.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He grins, delighted at the memory.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sarah tried several times to catch Philip's eye, but he just grinned at her.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a statue of a grinning old man cutting the throat of a deer.</font><br><br>A grin is a broad smile.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a big grin on her face...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bobby looked at her with a sheepish grin.</font><br>to wipe the grin off someone's face: see wipe.<br><br>If you grin and bear it, you accept a difficult or unpleasant situation without complaining because you know there is nothing you can do to make things better.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They cannot stand the sight of each other, but they will just have to grin and bear it.</font><br>

Q: <b> hug <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">hQg</font>]</b><br>

A: When you hug someone, you put your arms around them and hold them tightly, for example because you like them or are pleased to see them. You can also say that two people hug each other or that they hug.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She had hugged him exuberantly and invited him to dinner the next day.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They hugged each other like a couple of lost children.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We hugged and kissed.</font><br><font color=red>= embrace</font><br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Syvil leapt out of the back seat, and gave him a hug.</font><br><br>If you hug something, you hold it close to your body with your arms tightly round it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shaerl trudged toward them, hugging a large box.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She hugged her legs tight to her chest.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She stood hugging her quilted jacket round her.</font><br><br>Something that hugs the ground or a stretch of land or water stays very close to it. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The road hugs the coast for hundreds of miles.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Our pilot reduced height until we hugged the ground.</font><br>

Q: <b> ironic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">aiE5rCnik</font>]</b><br>

A: When you make an ironic remark, you say something that you do not mean, as a joke.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At the most solemn moments he will flash a mocking smile or make an ironic remark.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;People used to call me Mr Popularity at high school, but they were being ironic.</font><br><br>If you say that it is ironic that something should happen, you mean that it is odd or amusing because it involves a contrast.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Does he not find it ironic that the sort of people his movie celebrates hardly ever watch this kind of movie?</font><br>

Q: <b> faithfully <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5feiWfuli</font>]</b><br>

A: When you start a formal or business letter with `Dear Sir' or `Dear Madam', you write Yours faithfully before your signature at the end. (BRIT; in AM use Sincerely yours)<br>See also faithful.<br>

Q: <b> composition <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kCmpE5ziFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: When you talk about the composition of something, you are referring to the way in which its various parts are put together and arranged.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Television has transformed the size and social composition of the audience at great sporting occasions.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Forests vary greatly in composition from one part of the country to another.</font><br><font color=red>= make-up</font><br><br>The compositions of a composer, painter, or other artist are the works of art that they have produced.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mozart's compositions are undoubtedly amongst the world's greatest.</font><br><font color=red>= creation</font><br><br>A composition is a piece of written work that children write at school.<br><font color=red>= essay</font><br><br>Composition is the technique or skill involved in creating a work of art.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He taught the piano, organ and composition.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The course is designed to help students with colour and composition.</font><br><br>Composition is the act of composing something such as a piece of music or a poem.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These plays are arranged in their order of composition.</font><br>

Q: <b> darling <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dB:liN</font>]</b><br>

A: You call someone darling if you love them or like them very much.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thank you, darling.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Oh darling, I love you.</font><br><br>In some parts of Britain, people call other people darling as a sign of friendliness.<br><br>Some people use darling to describe someone or something that they love or like very much. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;To have a darling baby boy was the greatest gift I could imagine.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What a darling film -- everyone adored it.</font><br><br>If you describe someone as a darling, you are fond of them and think that they are nice. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's such a darling.</font><br><br>The darling of a group of people is someone who is especially liked by that group.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Rajneesh was the darling of a prosperous family.</font><br>

Q: <b> lively <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5laivli</font>]</b><br>

A: You can describe someone as lively when they behave in an enthusiastic and cheerful way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She had a sweet, lively personality.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Josephine was bright, lively and cheerful.</font><br><font color=red>* liveliness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Amy could sense his liveliness even from where she stood.</font><br><br>A lively event or a lively discussion, for example, has lots of interesting and exciting things happening or being said in it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It turned out to be a very interesting session with a lively debate.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their 4-1 win in Honduras was a particularly lively affair.</font><br><font color=red>* liveliness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Some may enjoy the liveliness of such a restaurant for a few hours a day or week.</font><br><br>Someone who has a lively mind is intelligent and interested in a lot of different things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was a very well educated girl with a lively mind, a girl with ambition.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...her very lively imagination.</font><br><br>A lively feeling or awareness is a strong or enthusiastic one.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The papers also show a lively interest in European developments.</font><br>

Q: <b> beast <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bi:st</font>]</b><br>

A: You can refer to an animal as a beast, especially if it is a large, dangerous, or unusual one. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the threats our ancestors faced from wild beasts.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a centaur: half man, half beast.</font><br><br>If you refer to a man as a beast, you mean that his behaviour, especially his sexual behaviour, is very violent and uncontrolled. (JOURNALISM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a sex beast who subjected two sisters to a terrifying ordeal.</font><br><br>If you call someone a beast, you think that they are behaving in a selfish, unkind, or unpleasant way. (OLD-FASHIONED, INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bully! Hooligan! Beast! Let me go, let go!</font><br><br>You can use beast to refer to something or someone in a light-hearted way, and to mention that they have a particular quality.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...that rare beast, a sports movie that isn't boring.</font><br><font color=red>= animal</font><br>

Q: <b> episode <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5episEud</font>]</b><br>

A: You can refer to an event or a short period of time as an episode if you want to suggest that it is important or unusual, or has some particular quality.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This episode is bound to be a deep embarrassment for Washington.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Unfortunately it was a rather sordid episode of my life.</font><br><br>An episode of something such as a series on radio or television or a story in a magazine is one of the separate parts in which it is broadcast or published.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The final episode will be shown next Sunday.</font><br><font color=red>= instalment</font><br><br>An episode of an illness is short period in which a person who suffers from it is affected by it particularly badly. (MEDICAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...people who'd suffered a third episode of depression in two years...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The new drug lessens the severity of pneumonia episodes.</font><br><font color=red>= attack</font><br>

Q: <b> creature <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kri:tFE</font>]</b><br>

A: You can refer to any living thing that is not a plant as a creature, especially when it is of an unknown or unfamiliar kind. People also refer to imaginary animals and beings as creatures.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Alaskan Eskimos believe that every living creature possesses a spirit.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The garden is surrounded by a hedge in which many small creatures can live.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They have been visited by creatures from outer space.</font><br><font color=red>= animal</font><br><br>If you say that someone is a particular type of creature, you are focusing on a particular quality they have.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She's charming, a sweet creature.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I am not a vain creature.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was a creature of the emotions, rather than reason.</font><br>a creature of habit: see habit.<br><br>If you describe someone as someone else's creature, you mean that they are controlled by or depend on that person.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We are not creatures of the Conservative government.</font><br>

Q: <b> bulk <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">bQlk</font>]</b><br>

A: You can refer to something's bulk when you want to emphasize that it is very large. (WRITTEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The truck pulled out of the lot, its bulk unnerving against the dawn.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the shadowy bulk of an ancient barn.</font><br><br>You can refer to a large person's body or to their weight or size as their bulk.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bannol lowered his bulk carefully into the chair.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Despite his bulk he moved lightly on his feet.</font><br><br>The bulk of something is most of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The bulk of the text is essentially a review of these original documents.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The vast bulk of imports and exports are carried by sea.</font><br><font color=red>= majority</font><br><br>Also a pronoun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They come from all over the world, though the bulk is from the Indian subcontinent.</font><br><br>If you buy or sell something in bulk, you buy or sell it in large quantities.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Buying in bulk is more economical than shopping for small quantities.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...bulk purchasing.</font><br><font color=red>= in quantity</font><br>

Q: <b> mainland <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5meinlEnd,-lAnd</font>]</b><br>

A: You can refer to the largest part of a country or continent as the mainland when contrasting it with the islands around it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She was going to Nanaimo to catch the ferry to the mainland.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the islands that lie off the coast of mainland Britain.</font><br>

Q: <b> elite <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">ei5li:t</font>]</b><br>

A: You can refer to the most powerful, rich, or talented people within a particular group, place, or society as the elite.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a government comprised mainly of the elite.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...China's intellectual elite.</font><br><br>Elite people or organizations are considered to be the best of their kind.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the elite troops of the President's bodyguard.</font><br>

Q: <b> globe <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">glEub</font>]</b><br>

A: You can refer to the world as the globe when you are emphasizing how big it is or that something happens in many different parts of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...bottles of beer from every corner of the globe...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;70% of our globe's surface is water.</font><br><font color=red>= planet</font><br><br>A globe is a ball-shaped object with a map of the world on it. It is usually fixed on a stand.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a globe of the world...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Three large globes stand on the floor.</font><br><br>Any ball-shaped object can be referred to as a globe.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The overhead light was covered now with a white globe.</font><br>

Q: <b> ironically <br>IRONICALLY </b><br>

A: You use ironically to draw attention to a situation which is odd or amusing because it involves a contrast.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ironically, for a man who hated war, he would have made a superb war cameraman.</font><br><br>If you say something ironically, you do not mean it and are saying it as a joke.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Classmates at West Point had ironically dubbed him Beauty.</font><br>

Q: <b> contributor <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5tribju(:)tE</font>]</b><br>

A: You can use contributor to refer to one of the causes of an event or situation, especially if that event or situation is an unpleasant one.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Old buses are major contributors to pollution in British cities.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All this can lead to divisive family arguments to which guilt is a major contributor.</font><br>See also contribute.<br>

Q: <b> lasting <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lB:stiN</font>]</b><br>

A: You can use lasting to describe a situation, result, or agreement that continues to exist or have an effect for a very long time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We are well on our way to a lasting peace.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She left a lasting impression on him.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...but there was no lasting damage.</font><br>See also last.<br>

Q: <b> literally <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5litErEli</font>]</b><br>

A: You can use literally to emphasize an exaggeration. Some careful speakers of English think that this use is incorrect.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We've got to get the economy under control or it will literally eat us up.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The views are literally breath-taking.</font><br><br>You use literally to emphasize that what you are saying is true, even though it seems exaggerated or surprising.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Putting on an opera is a tremendous enterprise involving literally hundreds of people.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I literally crawled to the car.</font><br><br>If a word or expression is translated literally, its most simple or basic meaning is translated.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The word `volk' translates literally as `folk'.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A stanza is, literally, a room.</font><br><br>If you take something literally, you think that a word or expression is being used with its most simple or basic meaning.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If you tell a person to `step on it' or `throw on your coat,' they may take you literally, with disastrous consequences.</font><br>

Q: <b> machinery <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mE5Fi:nEri</font>]</b><br>

A: You can use machinery to refer to machines in general, or machines that are used in a factory or on a farm.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...quality tools and machinery.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...your local garden machinery specialist...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Farmers import most of their machinery and materials.</font><br><br>The machinery of a government or organization is the system and all the procedures that it uses to deal with things.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The machinery of democracy could be created quickly.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the government machinery and administrative procedures concerned with social provision...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The full state and police machinery ground into action.</font><br>

Q: <b> goodbye <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7gud5bai</font>]</b><br>

A: You say `Goodbye' to someone when you or they are leaving, or at the end of a telephone conversation.<br><br>When you say your goodbyes, you say something such as `Goodbye' when you leave.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He said his goodbyes knowing that a long time would pass before he would see his child again.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I said a hurried goodbye and walked home in the cold.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Perry and I exchanged goodbyes.</font><br><br>When you say goodbye to someone, you say something such as `Goodbye', `Bye', or `See you', when you or they are leaving. You can also wave goodbye to someone.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He left without saying goodbye.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He wanted to say goodbye to you.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They came to the front door to wave goodbye.</font><br><br>If you say goodbye or wave goodbye to something that you want or usually have, you accept that you are not going to have it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has probably said goodbye to his last chance of Olympic gold.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We can wave goodbye to the sort of protection that people at work need and deserve.</font><br>

Q: <b> hopefully <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5hEupfuli</font>]</b><br>

A: You say hopefully when mentioning something that you hope will happen. Some careful speakers of English think that this use of hopefully is not correct, but it is very frequently used.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Both of them have been through an awful lot and hopefully now I can help them rebuild their lives.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hopefully, you won't have any problems after reading this.</font><br>

Q: <b> honesty <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5Cnisti</font>]</b><br>

A: You say in all honesty when you are saying something that might be disappointing or upsetting, and you want to soften its effect by emphasizing your sincerity.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They said the greatest virtues in a politician were integrity, correctness and honesty.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In all honesty, aren't there already far too many pages of scientific research published every week?.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;But in all honesty, I wish it had never happened.</font><br><br>Honesty is a plant whose seeds are contained in silvery-white papery discs.<br>

Q: <b> assuming <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">E5su:miN</font>]</b><br>

A: You use assuming or assuming that when you are considering a possible situation or event, so that you can think about the consequences.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Assuming you're right,' he said, `there's not much I can do about it, is there?'.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;But assuming that the talks make progress, won't they do too little, too late?</font><br><font color=red>= if</font><br>

Q: <b> burning <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5bE:niN</font>]</b><br>

A: You use burning to describe something that is extremely hot.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the burning desert of Central Asia.</font><br><br>Also an adverb.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He touched the boy's forehead. It was burning hot.</font><br><font color=red>= scorching</font><br><br>If you say that someone has burning eyes, you mean they look at you in an intense way or have bright eyes because of a strong feeling. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She glared at both of them with burning, reproachful eyes.</font><br><br>If you have a burning interest in something or a burning desire to do something, you are extremely interested in it or want to do it very much.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I had a burning ambition to become a journalist.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She had a burning desire to wreak revenge.</font><br><font color=red>= passionate</font><br><br>A burning issue or question is a very important or urgent one that people feel very strongly about.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The burning question in this year's debate over the federal budget is: whose taxes should be raised?</font><br>

Q: <b> civic <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5sivik</font>]</b><br>

A: You use civic to describe people or things that have an official status in a town or city.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the businessmen and civic leaders of Manchester.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Bromley Civic Centre.</font><br><font color=red>= municipal</font><br><br>You use civic to describe the duties or feelings that people have because they belong to a particular community.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a sense of civic pride.</font><br>

Q: <b> comparative <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEm5pArEtiv</font>]</b><br>

A: You use comparative to show that you are judging something against a previous or different situation. For example, comparative calm is a situation which is calmer than before or calmer than the situation in other places.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...those who manage to reach the comparative safety of Fendel...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The task was accomplished with comparative ease.</font><br><font color=red>= relative</font><br><font color=red>* comparatively </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a comparatively small nation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...children who find it comparatively easy to make and keep friends.</font><br><br>A comparative study is a study that involves the comparison of two or more things of the same kind.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a comparative study of the dietary practices of people from various regions of India.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a professor of English and comparative literature.</font><br><br>In grammar, the comparative form of an adjective or adverb shows that something has more of a quality than something else has. For example, `bigger' is the comparative form of `big', and `more quickly' is the comparative form of `quickly'. Compare superlative.<br><br>Also a noun.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The comparative of `pretty' is `prettier'.</font><br>

Q: <b> concerning <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">kEn5sE:niN</font>]</b><br>

A: You use concerning to indicate what a question or piece of information is about. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;For more information concerning the club contact I. Coldwell.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...various questions concerning pollution and the environment.</font><br><font color=red>= about</font><br>

Q: <b> dedicated <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dedikeitid</font>]</b><br>

A: You use dedicated to describe someone who enjoys a particular activity very much and spends a lot of time doing it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Her great-grandfather had clearly been a dedicated and stoical traveller.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...dedicated followers of classical music.</font><br><br>You use dedicated to describe something that is made, built, or designed for one particular purpose or thing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Such areas should also be served by dedicated cycle routes.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the world's first museum dedicated to ecology.</font><br>

Q: <b> defensive <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5fensiv</font>]</b><br>

A: You use defensive to describe things that are intended to protect someone or something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Government hastily organized defensive measures, deploying searchlights and anti-aircraft guns around the target cities.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The union leaders were pushed into a more defensive position by the return of a Republican Congress in November.</font><br><br>Someone who is defensive is behaving in a way that shows they feel unsure or threatened.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Like their children, parents are often defensive about their private lives.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She heard the blustering, defensive note in his voice and knew that he was ashamed.</font><br><font color=red>* defensively </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Oh, I know, I know,' said Kate, defensively.</font><br><font color=red>* defensiveness </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's just our national defensiveness. We're always worried about what people will think of us.</font><br><br>If someone is on the defensive, they are trying to protect themselves or their interests because they feel unsure or threatened.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The civil service is on the defensive, scorned by people impatient of red tape and regulations.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He smiled, not wanting to put the man on the defensive.</font><br><br>In sports, defensive play is play that is intended to prevent your opponent from scoring goals or points against you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'd always played a defensive game, waiting for my opponent to make a mistake.</font><br><font color=red><> attacking</font><br><font color=red>* defensively </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mexico did it not by playing defensively. They did it with exciting, flowing, attacking football.</font><br>

Q: <b> divine <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">di5vain</font>]</b><br>

A: You use divine to describe something that is provided by or relates to a god or goddess.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He suggested that the civil war had been a divine punishment.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...divine inspiration.</font><br><font color=red>* divinely </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The law was divinely ordained.</font><br><br>A divine is a priest who specializes in the study of God and religion. (OLD-FASHIONED)<br><br>People use divine to express their pleasure or enjoyment of something. (OLD-FASHIONED)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Isn't it divine?' she said. `I wish I had the right sort of brooch to lend you for it.'.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Darling how lovely to see you, you look simply divine.</font><br><font color=red>= heavenly</font><br><font color=red>* divinely </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...divinely glamorous singer Jeffrey McDonald.</font><br><br>If you divine something, you discover or learn it by guessing. (LITERARY)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The child developed an unconscious ability to intuit or divine the needs of the parents and respond to them.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We may divine that kings did not sleep any better than peasants.</font><br><br>If you divine, you try to find underground supplies of water or minerals, using a special rod or pair of rods.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The only reason I was divining for water was because of the drought.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nb </b></font><br>

Q: <b> elaborate <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">i5lAbErEt</font>]</b><br>

A: You use elaborate to describe something that is very complex because it has a lot of different parts.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; elaborate research project.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; elaborate ceremony that lasts for eight days.</font><br><font color=red>= complicated</font><br><br>Elaborate plans, systems, and procedures are complicated because they have been planned in very great detail, sometimes too much detail.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...elaborate efforts at the highest level to conceal the problem...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The company has worked out an elaborate management training scheme for graduates.</font><br><font color=red>= complicated</font><br><font color=red>* elaborately </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was clearly an elaborately planned operation.</font><br><br>Elaborate clothing or material is made with a lot of detailed artistic designs.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He is known for his elaborate costumes.</font><br><font color=red>* elaborately </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...elaborately costumed dolls.</font><br><br>If you elaborate a plan or theory, you develop it by making it more complicated and more effective.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His task was to elaborate policies which would make a market economy compatible with a clean environment.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the plan elaborated by the five permanent members of the UN Security Council.</font><br><font color=red>* elaboration </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the elaboration of specific policies and mechanisms.</font><br><br>If you elaborate on something that has been said, you say more about it, or give more details.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A spokesman decl </b></font><br>

Q: <b> eventual <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">i5ventjuEl</font>]</b><br>

A: You use eventual to indicate that something happens or is the case at the end of a process or period of time.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There are many who believe that civil war will be the eventual outcome of the racial tension in the country.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The eventual aim is the reunification of Korea.</font><br><font color=red>= ultimate</font><br>

Q: <b> everyday <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5evridei</font>]</b><br>

A: You use everyday to describe something which happens or is used every day, or forms a regular and basic part of your life, so it is not especially interesting or unusual.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In the course of my everyday life, I had very little contact with teenagers.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...opportunities for improving fitness in your everyday routine.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the everyday problems of living in the city...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A paint finish can transform something everyday and mundane into something more elaborate.</font><br>

Q: <b> evidently <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5evidEntli</font>]</b><br>

A: You use evidently to say that something is obviously true, for example because you have seen evidence of it yourself.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The man wore a bathrobe and had evidently just come from the bathroom.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The two Russians evidently knew each other.</font><br><font color=red>= clearly, obviously</font><br><br>You use evidently to show that you think something is true or have been told something is true, but that you are not sure, because you do not have enough information or proof.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;From childhood, he was evidently at once rebellious and precocious.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ellis evidently wished to negotiate downwards after Atkinson had set the guidelines.</font><br><br>You can use evidently to introduce a statement or opinion and to emphasize that you feel that it is true or correct. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Quite evidently, it has nothing to do with social background.</font><br>

Q: <b> lately <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5leitli</font>]</b><br>

A: You use lately to describe events in the recent past, or situations that started a short time ago.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dad's health hasn't been too good lately.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lord Tomas had lately been appointed Chairman of the Centre for Policy Studies.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Have you talked to her lately? --- Not lately, really.'.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Optimism about the US economy has been a rare commodity lately.</font><br><font color=red>= recently</font><br><br>You can use lately to refer to the job a person has been doing until recently. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Timothy Jean Geoffrey Pratt, lately deputy treasury solicitor...</font><br>

Q: <b> exceptional <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">ik5sepFEnl</font>]</b><br>

A: You use exceptional to describe someone or something that has a particular quality, usually a good quality, to an unusually high degree.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...children with exceptional ability...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His translation is exceptional in its poetic quality.</font><br><font color=red>= extraordinary</font><br><font color=red>* exceptionally </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's an exceptionally talented dancer and needs to practice several hours every day.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The conditions under ground were exceptionally hot.</font><br><font color=red>= extremely</font><br><br>Exceptional situations and incidents are unusual and only likely to happen very infrequently. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...if the courts hold that this case is exceptional...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;School governors have the discretion to allow parents to withdraw pupils in exceptional circumstances.</font><br><font color=red>= unusual</font><br><font color=red>* exceptionally </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Exceptionally, in times of emergency, we may send a team of experts.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At your request we may agree, exceptionally, to work outside usual working hours.</font><br><font color=red>= unusually</font><br>

Q: <b> excitement <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">ik5saitmEnt</font>]</b><br>

A: You use excitement to refer to the state of being excited, or to something that excites you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Everyone is in a state of great excitement.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the excitement of a thunderstorm...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This game had its challenges, excitements and rewards.</font><br>

Q: <b> mistaken <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">mis5teikEn</font>]</b><br>

A: You use expressions such as if I'm not mistaken and unless I'm very much mistaken as a polite way of emphasizing the statement you are making, especially when you are confident that it is correct.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I see I was mistaken about you.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You couldn't be more mistaken, Alex. You've utterly misread the situation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I think he wanted to marry her, if I am not mistaken.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Unless I'm mistaken, he didn't specify what time.</font><br><br>A mistaken belief or opinion is incorrect.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I had a mistaken view of what was happening.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a limited understanding of addiction and mistaken beliefs about how it can be overcome.</font><br><font color=red>* mistakenly </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He says they mistakenly believed the standard licenses they held were sufficient.</font><br>

Q: <b> fascist <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fAFist</font>]</b><br>

A: You use fascist to describe organizations, ideas, or systems which follow the principles of fascism.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; upsurge of support for extreme rightist, nationalist and fascist organisations.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the threatening nature of fascist ideology.</font><br><br>A fascist is someone who has fascist views.<br><br>If you refer to someone as a fascist, you are expressing disapproval of the fact that they have extreme views on something, and do not tolerate alternative views.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the so-called health fascists who would meddle in their lives and regulate their calorie intake.</font><br>

Q: <b> frankly <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5frANkli</font>]</b><br>

A: You use frankly when you are expressing an opinion or feeling to emphasize that you mean what you are saying, especially when the person you are speaking to may not like it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`You don't give a damn about my feelings, do you.' --- `Quite frankly, I don't.'.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Frankly, Thomas, this question of your loan is beginning to worry me.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I was frankly astonished at the degree to which different singers can affect the interpretation of a song.</font><br>See also frank.<br>

Q: <b> hence <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">hens</font>]</b><br>

A: You use hence to indicate that the statement you are about to make is a consequence of what you have just said. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The trade imbalance is likely to rise again in 1990. Hence a new set of policy actions will be required soon.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Whatever is hidden is harmful (hence revelation equals security).</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;European music happens to use a scale of eight notes, hence the use of the term octave.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Socialist Party was profoundly divided and hence very weak.</font><br><font color=red>= therefore, thus</font><br><br>You use hence in expressions such as `several years hence' or `six months hence' to refer to a time in the future, especially a long time in the future. (FORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The gases that may be warming the planet will have their main effect many years hence.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the much larger peacekeeping force that is meant to be fully deployed five months hence.</font><br>

Q: <b> honestly <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5Cnistli</font>]</b><br>

A: You use honestly to emphasize that you are referring to your, or someone else's, true beliefs or feelings.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I honestly feel I cannot do any more to prove myself.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I honestly don't know.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;But did you honestly think we wouldn't notice?</font><br><br>You use honestly to emphasize that you are telling the truth and that you want people to believe you. (SPOKEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Honestly, I don't know anything about it.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We didn't play with him, honestly we didn't.</font><br><br>You use honestly to indicate that you are annoyed or impatient. (SPOKEN)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Honestly, Nev! Must you be quite so crude!.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Oh, honestly, I don't know what they will think of next.</font><br><font color=red>= really</font><br>

Q: <b> blood pressure <br>BLOOD PRESSURE </b><br>

A: Your blood pressure is the amount of force with which your blood flows around your body.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Your doctor will monitor your blood pressure.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Prime Minister Pavlov had been taken ill with high blood pressure.</font><br>

Q: <b> lesser <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5lesE</font>]</b><br>

A: You use lesser in order to indicate that something is smaller in extent, degree, or amount than another thing that has been mentioned.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;No medication works in isolation but is affected to a greater or lesser extent by many other factors.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The more obvious potential allies are Ireland, Denmark and, to a lesser degree, the Netherlands.</font><br><font color=red><> greater</font><br><br>Also an adverb.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...lesser known works by famous artists.</font><br><br>You can use lesser to refer to something or someone that is less important than other things or people of the same type.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They pleaded guilty to lesser charges of criminal damage.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was feared by other, lesser, men.</font><br><br>Lesser is used in the names of some species of birds, animals, and plants.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the lesser spotted woodpecker.</font><br>

Q: <b> likewise <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5laik7waiz</font>]</b><br>

A: You use likewise when you are comparing two methods, states, or situations and saying that they are similar.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All attempts by the Socialists to woo him back were spurned. Similar overtures from the right have likewise been rejected.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The V2 was not an ordinary weapon: it could only be used against cities. Likewise the atom bomb.</font><br><font color=red>= similarly</font><br><br>If you do something and someone else does likewise, they do the same or a similar thing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He lent money, made donations and encouraged others to do likewise.</font><br>

Q: <b> ministerial <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">minis5tiEriEl</font>]</b><br>

A: You use ministerial to refer to people, events, or jobs that are connected with government ministers.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The prime minister's initial ministerial appointments haven't pleased all his supporters.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the recent ministerial meeting.</font><br>

Q: <b> minus <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mainEs</font>]</b><br>

A: You use minus to show that one number or quantity is being subtracted from another.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One minus one is zero.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They've been promised their full July salary minus the hardship payment.</font><br><font color=red>= less <> plus</font><br><br>Minus before a number or quantity means that the number or quantity is less than zero.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The aircraft was subjected to temperatures of minus 65 degrees and plus 120 degrees.</font><br><font color=red><> plus</font><br>3 minus <br>Teachers use minus in grading work in schools and colleges. `B minus' is not as good as `B', but is a better grade than `C'.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm giving him a B minus.</font><br><font color=red><> plus</font><br><br>To be minus something means not to have that thing.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The film company collapsed, leaving Chris jobless and minus his life savings.</font><br><font color=red>= without</font><br><br>A minus is a disadvantage. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The minuses far outweigh that possible gain.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The plusses and minuses were about equal.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;None of these minus points will have been mentioned.</font><br><font color=red>= drawback <> plus</font><br><br>You use plus or minus to give the amount by which a particular number may vary.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 5 per cent.</font><br>

Q: <b> multiple <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5mQltipl</font>]</b><br>

A: You use multiple to describe things that consist of many parts, involve many people, or have many uses.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He died of multiple injuries.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The most common multiple births are twins, two babies born at the same time.</font><br><br>If one number is a multiple of a smaller number, it can be exactly divided by that smaller number.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Their numerical system, derived from the Babylonians, was based on multiples of the number six.</font><br><br>A multiple or a multiple store is a shop with a lot of branches in different towns. (BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It made it almost impossible for the smaller retailer to compete against the multiples.</font><br>

Q: <b> namely <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5neimli</font>]</b><br>

A: You use namely to introduce detailed information about the subject you are discussing, or a particular aspect of it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One group of people seems to be forgotten, namely pensioners.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This shows how little they were aware of the challenge facing them, namely, to re-establish prosperity and the rule of law.</font><br><font color=red>= that is</font><br>

Q: <b> appetite <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5Apitait</font>]</b><br>

A: Your appetite is your desire to eat.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He has a healthy appetite.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Symptoms are a slight fever, headache and loss of appetite.</font><br><br>Someone's appetite for something is their strong desire for it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...his appetite for success.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...Americans' growing appetite for scandal...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She gave him just enough information to whet his appetite.</font><br>

Q: <b> autobiography <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7C:tEbai5CgrEfi</font>]</b><br>

A: Your autobiography is an account of your life, which you write yourself.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He published his autobiography last autumn.</font><br>

Q: <b> cheek <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">tFi:k</font>]</b><br>

A: Your cheeks are the sides of your face below your eyes.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tears were running down her cheeks.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She kissed him lightly on both cheeks.</font><br><font color=red>* -cheeked </font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...rosy-cheeked children.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a fat, chubby-cheeked fellow.</font><br><br>You say that someone has a cheek when you are annoyed or shocked at something unreasonable that they have done. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm amazed they had the cheek to ask in the first place.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I still think it's a bit of a cheek sending a voucher rather than a refund.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The cheek of it, lying to me like that!</font><br><br>If you turn the other cheek when someone harms or insults you, you do not harm or insult them them in return.<br>

Q: <b> chin <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">tFin</font>]</b><br>

A: Your chin is the part of your face that is below your mouth and above your neck.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a double chin...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He rubbed the gray stubble on his chin.</font><br><br>If you say that someone took something on the chin, you mean that they accepted an unpleasant or difficult situation bravely and without making a lot of fuss about it. (INFORMAL)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When the police arrived he took it on the chin and apologised for the trouble he'd caused them.</font><br>

Q: <b> conscience <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kCnFEns</font>]</b><br>

A: Your conscience is the part of your mind that tells you whether what you are doing is right or wrong. If you have a guilty conscience, you feel guilty about something because you know it was wrong. If you have a clear conscience, you do not feel guilty because you know you have done nothing wrong.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have battled with my conscience over whether I should actually send this letter.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What if he got a guilty conscience and brought it back?.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I could go away again with a clear conscience.</font><br><br>Conscience is doing what you believe is right even though it might be unpopular, difficult, or dangerous.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He refused for reasons of conscience to sign a new law legalising abortion.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the law on freedom of conscience and religious organizations.</font><br>See also prisoner of conscience.<br><br>Conscience is a feeling of guilt because you know you have done something that is wrong.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm so glad he had a pang of conscience.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They have shown a ruthless lack of conscience.</font><br><font color=red>= guilt</font><br><br>If you say that you cannot do something in all conscience, in good conscience, or in conscience, you mean that you cannot do it because you think it is wrong.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She could not, in good conscience, back out on her deal with him.</font><br><br>If you have something on your conscience, you feel guilty because you know you have done something wrong.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Now the murderer has two deaths on his conscience.</font><br>

Q: <b> creditor <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5kreditE</font>]</b><br>

A: Your creditors are the people who you owe money to.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The company said it would pay in full all its creditors except Credit Suisse.</font><br><font color=red><> debtor</font><br>

Q: <b> elbow <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5elbEu</font>]</b><br>

A: Your elbow is the part of your arm where the upper and lower halves of the arm are joined.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He slipped and fell, badly bruising an elbow.</font><br><br>If you elbow people aside or elbow your way somewhere, you push people with your elbows in order to move somewhere.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They also claim that the security team elbowed aside a steward.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mr Smith elbowed me in the face.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Brand elbowed his way to the centre of the group of bystanders.</font><br><font color=red>= jostle</font><br><br>If someone or something elbows their way somewhere, or elbows other people or things out of the way, they achieve success by being aggressive and determined.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Non-state firms gradually elbow aside the inefficient state-owned ones.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;With the survival of the whole planet in mind, environmental concerns will elbow their way right to the top of the agenda.</font><br>

Q: <b> faculty <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fAkElti</font>]</b><br>

A: Your faculties are your physical and mental abilities.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He was drunk and not in control of his faculties.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is also a myth that the faculty of hearing is greatly increased in blind people.</font><br><br>A faculty is a group of related departments in some universities, or the people who work in them. (BRIT)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.</font><br><br>A faculty is all the teaching staff of a university or college, or of one department. (AM)<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The faculty agreed on a change in the requirements.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How can faculty improve their teaching so as to encourage creativity?</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...eminent Stanford faculty members.</font><br>

Q: <b> forehead <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5fCrid, 5fC:hed</font>]</b><br>

A: Your forehead is the area at the front of your head between your eyebrows and your hair.<br><font color=red>= brow</font><br>

Q: <b> grandfather <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5grAnd7fB:TE</font>]</b><br>

A: Your grandfather is the father of your father or mother.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His grandfather was a professor.</font><br>

Q: <b> fist <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">fist</font>]</b><br>

A: Your hand is referred to as your fist when you have bent your fingers in towards the palm in order to hit someone, to make an angry gesture, or to hold something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Angry protestors with clenched fists shouted their defiance.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Gary clutched a penny in his fist.</font><br><br>An iron fist policy or approach is one which deals with people and situations in a very strict and cruel way.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The iron-fist policy towards the fundamentalists is unlikely to be interrupted.</font><br>hand over fist: see hand.<br>

Q: <b> heel <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">hi:l</font>]</b><br>

A: Your heel is the back part of your foot, just below your ankle.<br><br>The heel of a shoe is the raised part on the bottom at the back.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He kicked it shut with the heel of his boot.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the shoes with the high heels.</font><br><br>Heels are women's shoes that are raised very high at the back.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...two well-dressed ladies in high heels...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...the old adage that you shouldn't wear heels with trousers.</font><br><br>The heel of a sock or stocking is the part that covers your heel.<br><br>The heel of your hand is the rounded pad at the bottom of your palm.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He shoved the heel of his hand against the side of my face.</font><br><br>If a person or an animal is at your heels, they are following close behind you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She strode off down the restaurant with Cavendish following close at her heels.</font><br><br>If you bring someone to heel, you force them to obey you.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It's still not clear how the president will use his power to bring the republics to heel.</font><br><br>If someone such as a soldier clicks their heels, they make a sound by knocking the heels of their shoes together when saluting or greeting someone.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a courtly European who still clicked his heels when he met a lady.</font><br>

Q: <b> immune system <br>IMMUNE SYSTEM </b><br>

A: Your immune system consists of all the organs and processes in your body which protect you from illness and infection.<br>

Q: <b> intake <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5inteik</font>]</b><br>

A: Your intake of a particular kind of food, drink, or air is the amount that you eat, drink, or breathe in.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Your intake of alcohol should not exceed two units per day.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Reduce your salt intake.</font><br><br>The people who are accepted into an organization or place at a particular time are referred to as a particular intake.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; of this year's intake of students...</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was a proposal in the United States to quadruple its annual intake of immigrants.</font><br><br>When someone takes an intake of breath, they breathe in quickly and noisily, usually because they are shocked at something.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I heard, even over the babble of the crowd, a sharp, shocked intake of breath.</font><br>

Q: <b> jaw <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">dVC:</font>]</b><br>

A: Your jaw is the lower part of your face below your mouth. The movement of your jaw is sometimes considered to express a particular emotion. For example, if your jaw drops, you are very surprised.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He thought for a moment, stroking his well-defined jaw.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Meg's jaw dropped in amazement.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His jaw was set, but his voice sounded thin and unsure.</font><br><br>A person's or animal's jaws are the two bones in their head which their teeth are attached to.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...a forest rodent with powerful jaws.</font><br><br>If you talk about the jaws of something unpleasant such as death or hell, you are referring to a dangerous or unpleasant situation.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A family dog rescued a newborn boy from the jaws of death.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...caught in the jaws of world recession.</font><br><font color=red>= clutches</font><br>

Q: <b> motivation <br>[<font face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">7mEuti5veiFEn</font>]</b><br>

A: Your motivation for doing something is what causes you to want to do it.<br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Money is my motivation.</font><br><font color=blue>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The timing of the attack, and its motivations, are unknown.</font><br>

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