Colorado Title 18 Criminal Code (other)

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Vehicular Homicide 18-3-106

(1) (a) If a person operates or drives a motor vehicle in a reckless manner, and such conduct is the proximate cause of the death of another. (b) (I) If a person operates or drives a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or one or more drugs, or a combination of both alcohol and one or more drugs, and such conduct is the proximate cause of the death of another. This is a strict liability crime. F4 F3 in result of DUI

Disarming a Peace Officer 18-8-116

A person commits this crime if he or she: A. knowingly, without justification and without consent; B. removes the firearm or self-defense electronic control device, direct-contact stun device, or other similar device; C. of a peace officer who is acting under color of his or her official authority.

3rd Degree Trespass 18-4-504

A person commits this crime if such person unlawfully enters or remains in or upon premises of another.

Prostitution Prohibited 18-7-201

Any person who performs or offers or agrees to perform any act of: a. sexual intercourse, fellatio, cunnilingus, masturbation; or b. anal intercourse with any person not his spouse in exchange for money: or c. other thing of value

Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification 18-3-405.6

CMS Knowingly i. observes or takes a photograph of another person's intimate parts without that person's consent, in a situation where the person observed or photographed has a reasonable expectation of privacy, for the purpose of the observer's own sexual gratification F6

Criminal Conspiracy 18-2-201

CMS: Intent i. to promote or facilitate its commission, ii. he agrees with another person or persons that they, or one or more of them, iii. will engage in conduct which constitutes a crime or an attempt to commit a crime iv. he agrees to aid the other person or persons in the planning or commission of a crime or of an attempt to commit such crime. v. Requires an Overt act in pursuance of conspiracy F6, M3

Menacing 18-3-206

CMS: Knowingly i. A person if by any threat or physical action, he or she knowingly places or attempts to place another person in fear of imminent serious bodily injury. M3 F5 if deadly weapon involved

Duty to Report use of Force by Peace Officers 18-8-802

(1) (a) A peace officer who, in pursuance of such officer's law enforcement duties, witnesses another peace officer, in carrying out an arrest of any person, placing any person under detention, taking any person into custody, booking any person, or in the process of crowd control or riot control, use physical force which exceeds the degree of physical force permitted pursuant to section 18-1-707 must report such use of force to such officer's immediate supervisor.

Arrest by Peace Officer 16-3-102

(1) A peace officer may arrest a person when: (a) He has a warrant commanding that such person be arrested; or (b) Any crime has been or is being committed by such person in his presence; or (c) He has probable cause to believe that an offense was committed and has probable cause to believe that the offense was committed by the person to be arrested.

Stopping of Suspect 16-3-103

(1) A peace officer may stop any person a. who he reasonably suspects is committing, has committed, or is about to commit a crime and b. may require him to give his name and address, identification if available, and an explanation of his actions. 2) When a peace officer has stopped a person for questioning pursuant to this section and reasonably suspects that his personal safety requires it, he may conduct a pat-down search of that person for weapons.

Compounding 18-8-108

(1) A person commits this crime if he accepts or agrees to accept any pecuniary benefit as consideration for: (a) Refraining from seeking prosecution of an offender; or (b) Refraining from reporting to law enforcement authorities the commission or suspected commission of any crime or information relating to a crime.

Intimidating a Juror 18-8-608

(1) A person commits this crime if he intentionally attempts by use of a threat of harm or injury to any person or property to influence a juror's vote, opinion, decision, or other action as a juror

Bribing A Juror 18-8-606

(1) A person commits this crime if he offers, confers, or agrees to confer any benefit upon a juror with intent to influence the juror's vote, opinion, decision, or other action as a juror.

Disorderly Conduct 18-9-106

(1) A person commits this crime if he or she intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly: (a) Makes a coarse and obviously offensive utterance, gesture, or display in a public place and the utterance, gesture, or display tends to incite an immediate breach of the peace; or (b) Makes unreasonable noise in a public place or near a private residence that he has no right to occupy; or (c) Fights with another in a public place except in an amateur or professional contest of athletic skill; or (d) Not being a peace officer, discharges a firearm in a public place except when engaged in lawful target practice or hunting; or (e) Not being a peace officer, displays a deadly weapon, displays any article used or fashioned in a manner to cause a person to reasonably believe that the article is a deadly weapon, or represents verbally or otherwise that he or she is armed with a deadly weapon in a public place in a manner calculated to alarm.

Inciting a Riot 18-9-102

(1) A person commits this crime if he: (a) Incites or urges a group of five or more persons to engage in a current or impending riot; or (b) Gives commands, instructions, or signals to a group of five or more persons in furtherance of a riot.

Perjury in the 1st Degree 18-8-502

(1) A person commits this crime if in any official proceeding he knowingly makes a materially false statement, which he does not believe to be true, under an oath required or authorized by law.

Harrassment 18-9-111

(1) A person commits this crime if, with intent to harass, annoy, or alarm another person, he or she: (a) Strikes, shoves, kicks, or otherwise touches a person or subjects him to physical contact; or (b) In a public place directs obscene language or makes an obscene gesture to or at another person; or (c) Follows a person in or about a public place; or (d) Initiates communication with a person, anonymously or otherwise, by telephone, telephone network, data network, text message, instant message, computer, computer network, or computer system in a manner intended to harass or threaten bodily injury or property damage (e) Makes a telephone call or causes a telephone to ring repeatedly, whether or not a conversation ensues, with no purpose of legitimate conversation; or (f) Makes repeated communications at inconvenient hours that invade the privacy of another and interfere in the use and enjoyment of another's home or private residence (g) Repeatedly insults, taunts, challenges, or makes communications in offensively coarse language to, another in a manner likely to provoke a violent or disorderly response

Engaging in a Riot 18-9-104

(1) A person commits this offense if he or she engages in a riot M2: No deadly weapon involved F4: Deadly weapon involved or appears to have

Peace Officer - Gen Auth. 16-2.5-101

(1) A person who is included within the provisions of this article and who meets all standards imposed by law on a peace officer is a peace officer, and, (a.) notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person other than a person designated in this article is a peace officer has the authority to enforce all laws of the state of Colorado while acting within the scope of his or her authority and in the performance of his or her duties (2) A peace officer certified by the peace officers standards and training board shall have the authority to carry firearms at all times, concealed or otherwise, subject to the written firearms policy created by the agency employing the peace officer. All other peace officers shall have the authority to carry firearms, concealed or otherwise, while engaged in the performance of their duties or as otherwise authorized by the written policy of the agency employing the officer.

2nd Degree Official Misconduct 18-8-405

(1) A public servant commits this crime if he knowingly, arbitrarily, and capriciously: (a) Refrains from performing a duty imposed upon him by law; or (b) Violates any statute or lawfully adopted rule or regulation relating to his office.

Arrest - when and how made 16-3-101

(1) An arrest may be made on any day and at any time of the day or night. (2) All necessary and reasonable force may be used in making an arrest. (3) All necessary and reasonable force may be used to effect an entry upon any building or property or part thereof to make an authorized arrest.

Pandering of a Child 18-7-403

(1) Any person who does any of the following for money or other thing of value commits this crime: (a) Inducing a child by menacing or criminal intimidation to commit prostitution; or (b) Knowingly arranging or offering to arrange a situation in which a child may practice prostitution. F2: if Menacing F3: Offers to arrange

Keeping a place of child prositution 18-7-404

(1) Any person who has or exercises control over the use of any place which offers seclusion or shelter for the practice of prostitution and who performs any one or more of the following commits keeping a place of child prostitution if he: (a) Knowingly grants or permits the use of such place for the purpose of prostitution of a child or by a child; or (b) Permits the continued use of such place for the purpose of prostitution of a child or by a child after becoming aware of facts or circumstances from which he should reasonably know that the place is being used for purposes of such prostitution.

Perjury in the 2nd Degree 18-8-503

(1) If, other than in an official proceeding, with an intent to mislead a public servant in the performance of his duty, he makes a materially false statement, which he does not believe to be true, under an oath required or authorized by law.

Criminal Solicitation 18-2-301

(1) a person is guilty of this if he or she commands, induces, entreats, or otherwise attempts to persuade another person, or offers his or her services or another's services to a third person, to commit a felony, whether as principal or accomplice, with intent to promote or facilitate the commission of that crime, and under circumstances strongly corroborative of that intent. CMS: Intent

Peace Officers - Duties 16-3-110

(2) A peace officer shall have the authority to act in any situation in which a felony or misdemeanor has been or is being committed in such officer's presence, and such authority shall exist regardless of whether such officer is in the jurisdiction of the law enforcement agency that employs such officer or in some other jurisdiction within the state of Colorado or whether such officer was acting within the scope of such officer's duties when he or she observed the commission of the crime, when such officer has been authorized by such agency to so act. The local law enforcement agency having jurisdiction shall be immediately notified of the arrest and any person arrested shall be released to the custody of the local law enforcement agency.

Disobedience of Public Safety Orders under Riot Conditions 18-9-105

(a) During a riot or when one is impending, he knowingly disobeys a reasonable public safety order to move, disperse, or refrain from specified activities in the immediate vicinity of the riot. (b) A public safety order is an order designed to prevent or control disorder or promote the safety of persons or property issued by an authorized member of the police, fire, military, or other forces concerned with the riot.

Arming Riots 18-9-103

(a) Knowingly supplies a deadly weapon or destructive device for use in a riot; or (b) Teaches another to prepare or use a deadly weapon or destructive device with intent that any such thing be used in a riot.

Soliciting for Child Prostitution 18-7-402

(a) Solicits another for the purpose of prostitution of a child or by a child; (b) Arranges or offers to arrange a meeting of persons for the purpose of prostitution of a child or by a child; or (c) Directs another to a place knowing such direction is for the purpose of prostitution of a child or by a child.

Peace Officer - Authority to Arrest while off Duty

A peace officer, who, while off duty, is employed in a capacity specifically permitted by policies and procedures adopted by such officer's governmental entity employer shall possess the status and authority which would otherwise be afforded an on-duty peace officer as described in section 16-2.5-101, acting within the course and scope of such officer's employment.

CMS - Recklessly 18-1-501(8)

A person acts ________ when he consciously disregards a substantial and unjustifiable risk that a result will occur or that a circumstance exists. General Intent

CMS Criminal Negligence 18-1-501(3)

A person acts through a gross deviation from the standard of care that a reasonable person would exercise, he fails to perceive a substantial and unjustifiable risk that a result will occur or that a circumstance exists.

Impersonating a Public Servant 18-8-113

A person commits this crime if he falsely pretends to be a public servant other than a peace officer and performs any act in that pretended capacity.

Soliciting for Prositution 18-7-202

A person commits this crime if he: a. Solicits another for the purpose of prostitution; or b. Arranges or offers to arrange a meeting of persons for the purpose of prostitution; or c. Directs another to a place knowing such direction is for the purpose of prostitution.

Obstructing Government Operations

A person commits this crime if he: a. intentionally obstructs, impairs, or hinders the performance of a governmental function by a public servant, b. by using or threatening to use violence, force, or physical interference or obstacle.

Child Abuse 18-6-401

A person commits this crime if such person causes an injury to a child's life or health, or permits a child to be unreasonably placed in a situation that poses a threat of injury to the child's life or health, or engages in a continued pattern of conduct that results in malnourishment, lack of proper medical care, cruel punishment, mistreatment, or an accumulation of injuries that ultimately results in the death of a child or serious bodily injury to a child.

False Reporting to Authorities 18-8-111

A person commits this crime, if: (a) He knowingly causes a false alarm of fire or other emergency to be transmitted to or within an official or volunteer fire department, ambulance service, or any other government agency which deals with emergencies involving danger to life or property; or (b) He makes a report or knowingly causes the transmission of a report to law enforcement authorities of a crime or other incident within their official concern when he knows that it did not occur; or (c) He or she makes a report or knowingly causes the transmission of a report to law enforcement authorities pretending to furnish information relating to an offense or other incident within their official concern when he or she knows that he or she has no such information or knows that the information is false; or (d) He or she knowingly provides false identifying information to law enforcement authorities.

Obstructing a Peace Officer, Figher Fighter, EMS 18-8-104

A person commits this crime: (a) by using or threatening to use violence, force, physical interference, or an obstacle, such person knowingly obstructs, impairs, or hinders the enforcement of the penal law or the preservation of the peace by a peace officer, acting under color of his or her official authority; (b) knowingly obstructs, impairs, or hinders the prevention, control, or abatement of fire by a firefighter, acting under color of his or her official authority; (c) knowingly obstructs, impairs, or hinders the administration of medical treatment or emergency assistance by an emergency medical service provider or rescue specialist, acting under color of his or her official authority; It is no defense to a prosecution under this section that the peace officer was acting in an illegal manner, if he was acting under color of his official authority as defined in section 18-8-103 (2).

CMS - Knowingly 18-1-501(6)

A person is aware that his/her conduct is of such nature or that such circumstance exists and is aware that their conduct is practically certain to cause the result. General Intent

Minor 18-7-101(1.5)

A person under the 18yrs of age

1st Degree Murder of Peace Officer 18-3-107

A person who commits murder in the first degree and the victim is a peace officer or firefighter engaged in the performance of his or her duties. Life Imprisonment w/out parole

Impersonating a Peace Officer 18-8-112

A person who falsely pretends to be a peace officer and performs an act in that pretended capacity.

Criminal Invasion of Privacy 18-7-801

A person who knowingly observes or takes a photograph of another person's intimate parts, as defined in section 18-3-401 (2), without that person's consent, in a situation where the person observed or photographed has a reasonable expectation of privacy.

Official Oppression 18-8-403

A public servant, while acting or purporting to act in an official capacity or taking advantage of such actual or purported capacity, commits this crime if, with actual knowledge that his conduct is illegal, he: A. Subjects another to arrest, detention, search, seizure, mistreatment, dispossession, assessment, or lien; or B. Has legal authority and jurisdiction of any person legally restrained of his liberty and denies the person restrained the reasonable opportunity to consult in private with a licensed attorney-at-law, if there is no danger of imminent escape and the person in custody expresses a desire to consult with such attorney.

Murder in the 1st 18-3-102

A. Commits this crime if: i. After deliberation and with the INTENT to cause the death of a person other than himself, ii. he causes the death of that person or of another person F1

Murder in the 2nd 18-3-103

A. Commits this crime if: i.CMS: Knowingly, ii. causes the death of a person F3 if caused during heat of passion F2 in all other cases.

Criminal Attempt 18-2-101

Acting with the kind of culpability otherwise required for commission of an offense, a person engages in conduct constituting a substantial step toward the commission of the offense. Attempt to commit:

Pimping of a Child 18-7-405

Any Person who Knowningly: 1. lives on or is supported or maintained in whole or in part 2. by money or other thing of value earned, received, procured, or realized 3. by a child through prostitution

Person with a Disability

Any Person who: unable to walk, see, hear, or speak OR unable to breathe without mechanical assistance; OR Is developmentally disabled

Attempt to Influence 18-8-306

Any person who attempts to influence any public servant by means of deceit or by threat of violence or economic reprisal against any person or property, with the intent thereby to alter or affect the public servant's decision, vote, opinion, or action concerning any matter which is to be considered or performed by him or the agency or body of which he is a member

Criminally Negligent Homicide 18-3-105

Any person who causes the death of another person by conduct amounting to criminal negligence commits this crime F5

Pandering 18-7-203

Any person who does any of the following for money or other thing of value commits this crime: a. Inducing a person by menacing or criminal intimidation to commit prostitution; or b. Knowingly arranging or offering to arrange a situation in which a person may practice prostitution M3: Knowingly arranges F5: Menancing or Intimidates

Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrom Test for Persons Convicted of Prostitution 18-7-201.5

Any person who is convicted of prostitution pursuant to section 18-7-201 or a comparable municipal ordinance shall be ordered by the court to submit to a diagnostic test for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome. The court shall order that such person shall pay the cost of such diagnostic test as a part of the costs of the action.

Unlawful Sexual Contact 18-3-404(1.7)

Any person who knowingly observes or takes a photograph of another person's intimate parts without that person's consent, in a situation where the person observed has a reasonable expectation of privacy, for the purpose of the observer's own sexual gratification, commits unlawful sexual contact. For purposes of this subsection "photograph" includes any photograph, motion picture, videotape, print, negative, slide, or other mechanically, electronically, or chemically reproduced visual material.

Unlawful Sexual Contact 18-3-404(1.5)

Any person who knowingly, with or without sexual contact, induces or coerces a child by any of the means set forth in section 18-3-402 to expose intimate parts or to engage in any sexual contact, intrusion, or penetration with another person, for the purpose of the actor's own sexual gratification.

Pimping 18-7-206

Any person who knowingly: a. lives on or is supported or b. maintained in whole or in part by money or c. other thing of value earned, received, procured or d. realized by any other person through prostitution

Public Indecency 18-7-301

Any person who performs any of the following in a public place or where the conduct may reasonably be expected to be viewed by members of the public: (a) An act of sexual intercourse; or (b) A lewd exposure of an intimate part as defined by section 18-3-401 (2) of the body, not including the genitals, done with intent to arouse or to satisfy the sexual desire of any person; or (c) A lewd fondling or caress of the body of another person; or (e) A knowing exposure of the person's genitals to the view of a person under circumstances in which such conduct is likely to cause affront or alarm to the other person.

Patronizing a Prosititute 18-7-205

Any person who performs any of the following with a person not his spouse commits this crime: a. Engages in an act of sexual intercourse or of deviate sexual conduct with a prostitute; or b. Enters or remains in a place of prostitution with intent to engage in an act of sexual intercourse or deviate sexual conduct

False report of explosives, weapons, or harmful substances. 18-8-110

Any person who reports to any other person that a bomb or other explosive, any chemical or biological agent, any poison or weapon, or any harmful radioactive substance has been placed in any public or private place or vehicle designed for the transportation of persons or property, knowing that the report is false

Accessory to Crime 18-8-105

CMS Inent: with intent to hinder, delay, or prevent the discovery, detection, apprehension, prosecution, conviction, or punishment of another for the commission of a crime, he renders assistance to such person. F4: Offender knew person committed or was convicted and crime was classified as F1 or F2 F5: Offender knew person is suspected or wanted for a F1 or F2 crime PO1: Offender knew person committed or was convicted of any M class crimes.

Theft 18-4-401

CMS Intent i. he knowingly obtains or exercises control over anything of value of another without authorization, or by threat or deception, and a. Intends to deprive the other person permanently of the use or benefit of the thing of value; b. Knowingly uses, conceals, or abandons the thing of value in such manner as to deprive the other person permanently of its use or benefit; or c. Uses, conceals, or abandons the thing of value intending that such use, concealment, or abandonment will deprive the other person permanently of its use and benefit; or d. Demands any consideration to which he is not legally entitled as a condition of restoring the thing of value to the other person.

1st Degree Burglary 18-4-202

CMS Knowingly i. enters unlawfully, or remains unlawfully after a lawful or unlawful entry ii. in a building or occupied structure with intent to commit a crime iii. against another person or property iv. and in effecting entry or while in the building or occupied structure or in immediate flight therefrom, the person or another participant in the crime assaults or menaces any person v. or the person or another participant is armed with explosives or a deadly weapon

Introducing Contraband 1st Degree 18-8-203

CMS Knowingly and Unlawfully: A. Introduces or attempts to introduce a dangerous instrument, malt, vinous, or spirituous liquor, as defined in section 12-47-103, C.R.S., fermented malt beverage, as defined in section 12-46-103, C.R.S., controlled substance, as defined in section 18-18-102 (5), or marijuana or marijuana concentrate; B. into a detention facility or at any location where an inmate is or is likely to be located, while the inmate is in the custody F6

4th Degree Arson 18-4-105

CMS Knowingly or Recklessly i. starts or maintains a fire or causes an explosion ii. on his own property or that of another, AND iii. and by so doing places another in danger of death or serious bodily injury iv. places any building or occupied structure of another in danger of damage F4 if a person is endangered M2 $100 or more M3 Less than $100

Resisting Arrest 18-8-103

CMS Knowingly; (a) prevents or attempts to prevent a peace officer, acting under color of his official authority, from effecting an arrest of the actor or another; by (b) Using or threatening to use physical force or violence against the peace officer or another; or (c) Using any other means which creates a substantial risk of causing bodily injury to the peace officer or another. It is no defense to a prosecution under this section that the peace officer was attempting to make an arrest which in fact was unlawful, if he was acting under color of his official authority, and in attempting to make the arrest he was not resorting to unreasonable or excessive force giving rise to the right of self-defense.

Enticement of a Child 18-3-305

CMS: Intent i. A person invites or persuades, or attempts to invite or persuade, a child under the age of fifteen years to enter any vehicle, building, room, or secluded place with the intent to commit sexual assault or unlawful sexual contact upon said child F3 with prior conviction or bodily injury F4

Bribery 18-8-302

CMS: Intent A. He offers, confers, or agrees to confer any pecuniary benefit upon a public servant with the intent to influence the public servant's vote, opinion, judgment, exercise of discretion, or other action in his official capacity; or B. While a public servant, he solicits, accepts, or agrees to accept any pecuniary benefit upon an agreement or understanding that his vote, opinion, judgment, exercise of discretion, or other action as a public servant will thereby be influenced.

Unlawful Manufacture of a Financial Transaction Device 18-5-707

CMS: Intent I. A person commits this crime if, with intent to defraud, he a. Falsely makes or manufactures, by printing, embossing, or magnetically encoding, a financial transaction device; or b. Falsely alters or adds uniform product codes, optical characters, or holographic images to a device which is or purports to be, or which is calculated to become or to represent if completed, a financial transaction device; or c. Falsely completes a financial transaction device by adding to an incomplete device to make it a complete one.

Criminal Possesion of Forgery Device 18-5-706

CMS: Intent I. Possesses any tools, photographic equipment, printing equipment, or any other device adapted, designed, or commonly used for committing or facilitating the commission of an offense involving the unauthorized manufacture, printing, embossing, or magnetic encoding of a financial transaction device or the altering or addition of any uniform product codes, optical characters, or holographic images to a financial transaction device, and intends to use the thing possessed, or knows that some person intends to use the thing possessed, in the commission of such an offense.

2nd Degree Criminal Tampering 18-4-506

CMS: Intent i. They tamper with property of another ii. with intent to cause injury, inconvenience, or annoyance to that person or to another iii. knowingly makes an unauthorized connection with property of a utility

2nd Degree Assault 18-3-203

CMS: Intent i. cause bodily injury to another person, he or she causes such injury to any person by means of a deadly weapon; or ii. to prevent peace officer or firefighter from performing a lawful duty, he or she intentionally causes bodily injury to any person; or iii. recklessly causes serious bodily injury to another person by means of a deadly weapon;

Theft of Trade Secrets 18-4-408

CMS: Intent i. intent to deprive or withhold from the owner thereof the control of a trade secret ii. with an intent to appropriate a trade secret to his own use or to the use of another, steals or discloses to an unauthorized person a trade secret iii. or, without authority, makes or causes to be made a copy of an article representing a trade secret,

3rd Degree Burglary 18-4-204

CMS: Intent i. to commit a crime he enters or breaks into any, ii. vault, safe, cash register, coin vending machine, product dispenser, money depository, safety deposit box, coin telephone, coin box or iii. other apparatus or equipment whether or not coin operated

Unlawfully using Slugs 18-5-111

CMS: Intent i. to defraud the vendor of property or a service sold by means of a coin machine, he knowingly inserts, deposits, or uses a slug in such machine or causes the machine to be operated by any other unauthorized means ii. He makes, possesses, or disposes of a slug or slugs with intent to enable a person to use it or them fraudulently in a coin machine

2nd Degree Forgery 18-5-104

CMS: Intent i. to defraud, such person falsely makes, completes, alters, or utters a written instrument of a kind not described in section 18-5-102 or 18-5-104.5

Forgery 18-5-102

CMS: Intent i. to defraud, such person falsely makes, completes, alters, or utters a written instrument which is or purports to be, or which is calculated to become or to represent if completed: ii. A deed, will, codicil, contract, assignment, commercial instrument, promissory note, check, or other instrument which does or may evidence, create, transfer, terminate, or otherwise affect a legal right, interest, obligation, or status; or iii. A written instrument officially issued or created by a public office, public servant, or government agency

Use of Forged Academic Record 18-5-104.5

CMS: Intent i. to seek employment or with intent to seek admission to a public or private institution of higher education in this state or for the purpose of securing a scholarship or other form of financial assistance from the institution itself or from other public or private sources of financial assistance, such person falsely makes, completes, alters, or utters a written instrument which is or purports to be, or is calculated to become or to represent if completed, a bona fide academic record of an institution of secondary or higher education.

Criminal Extortion 18-3-207

CMS: Intent i. without legal authority and with the intent to induce another person against that other person's will to perform an act or to refrain from performing a lawful act ii. makes a substantial threat to confine or restrain iii. cause economic hardship or bodily injury to, or damage the property or reputation of, the threatened person or another person F4

Aggravated Criminal Extortion 18-3-207(2)

CMS: Intent i. without legal authority and with the intent to induce another person against that other person's will to perform an act or to refrain from performing a lawful act ii. makes a substantial threat to confine or restrain iii. cause economic hardship or bodily injury to, or damage the property or reputation of, the threatened person or another person iv. AND If the person threatens to cause the results by means of chemical, biological, or harmful radioactive agents, weapons, or poison. F3

1st Degree Official Misconduct 18-8-404

CMS: Intent and Knowingly 1. with intent to obtain a benefit for the public servant or another or maliciously to cause harm to another, he or she knowingly: (a) Commits an act relating to his office but constituting an unauthorized exercise of his official function; or (b) Refrains from performing a duty imposed upon him by law; or (c) Violates any statute or lawfully adopted rule or regulation relating to his office.

Fraud by Check 18-5-205

CMS: Intent and Knowingly i. knowing he has insufficient funds with the drawee, who, with intent to defraud, issues a check for the payment of services, wages, salary, commissions, labor, rent, money, property, or other thing of value.

3rd Degree Arson 18-4-104

CMS: Intent(ionally) i. by means of fire or explosives, intentionally damages any property ii. with intent to defraud

1st Degree Criminal Tampering 18-4-505

CMS: Intent. i. to cause interruption or impairment of a service rendered to the public by a utility or by an institution providing health or safety protection ii. They tamper with property of a utility or institution

1st Degree Assault 18-3-202

CMS: Intent: i. cause SBI to another person or any person, means of a deadly weapon; or ii. to disfigure another person seriously and permanently, or to destroy, amputate, or disable permanently a member or organ of his body, he causes such an injury to any person; or iv. Causes SBI to Public Safety Officicals with threat of Deadly weapon while engaged in their duties F5 with heat of passion F3 in all other cases.

1st Degree Kidnapping 18-3-301

CMS: Intent: i. to force the victim or any other person to make any concession or give up anything of value in order to secure a release of a person under the offender's actual or apparent control ii. Forcibly seizes and carries any person from one place to another; OR iii. Entices or persuades any person to go from one place to another; OR iv. Imprisons or forcibly secretes any person F1 if person suffered bodily injury F2 if person is liberated

Indecent Exposure 18-7-302

CMS: Knowingly (1) exposes his or her genitals to the view of any person under circumstances in which such conduct is likely to cause affront or alarm to the other person with the intent to arouse or to satisfy the sexual desire of any person; (2) performs an act of masturbation in a manner which exposes the act to the view of any person under circumstances in which such conduct is likely to cause affront or alarm to the other person.

Aiding Escape 18-8-201

CMS: Knowingly A. aids, abets, or assists another person; B. to escape or attempt to escape from custody or confinement

Gathering Identity Information by Deception 18-5-904

CMS: Knowingly I. He or she knowingly makes or conveys a materially false statement, without permission or lawful authority, with the intent to obtain, record, or access the personal identifying information or financial identifying information of another.

Aggravated Incest 18-6-302

CMS: Knowingly I. Marries his or her natural child or inflicts sexual penetration or sexual intrusion on or; ii. subjects to sexual contact, as defined in section 18-3-401, his or her natural child, stepchild, or child by adoption, iii. Marries, inflicts sexual penetration or sexual intrusion on, or subjects to sexual contact, as defined in section 18-3-401, a descendant, a brother or sister of the whole or half blood, or an uncle, aunt, nephew, or niece of the whole blood who is under ten years of age.

Harboring a Minor 18-6-601

CMS: Knowingly I. person knowingly provides shelter to a minor without the consent of a parent, guardian, custodian of the minor, II. or the person with whom the child resides the majority of the time pursuant to a court order allocating parental responsibilities and III. if the person intentionally: a. Fails to release the minor to a law enforcement officer after being requested to do so by the officer; or b. Fails to disclose the location of the minor to a law enforcement officer when requested to do so c. Obstructs a law enforcement officer from taking the minor into custody; d. Assists the minor in avoiding or attempting to avoid the custody of a law enforcement officer; e. Fails to notify the parent, guardian, custodian of the minor, or the person with whom the child resides the majority of the time pursuant to a court order allocating parental responsibilities or a law enforcement officer that the minor is being sheltered w/in 24hrs after shelter has been provided.

Criminal Possession of an Identification Document 18-5-903.5

CMS: Knowingly I. the person knowingly has in his or her possession or under his or her control another person's actual driver's license, actual government-issued identification card, actual social security card, or actual passport, knowing that he or she does so without permission or lawful authority

Unlawful Sexual Contact 18-3-404

CMS: Knowingly The Offender conducts sex acts upon the victim AND i. that the victim does not consent ii. knows that the victim is incapable of appraising the nature of the victim's conduct; or iii. The victim is physically helpless and the actor knows that the victim is physically helpless and the victim has not consented iv. The actor has substantially impaired the victim's power to appraise or control the victim's conduct by employing, without the victim's consent, any drug, intoxicant, or other means for the purpose of causing submission M1 and extraordinary risk crime

Criminal Possession of Forgey Devices 18-5-109

CMS: Knowingly i. A person makes or possesses with knowledge of its character any plate, die, or other device, apparatus, equipment, or article specifically designed for use in counterfeiting, unlawfully simulating, or otherwise forging written instruments or counterfeit marks; or ii. Such person unlawfully makes, produces, possesses, or utters a document-making implement knowing that such document-making implement may be used or is used in the production of a false identification document or counterfeit mark or another implement for the production of false identification documents or counterfeit marks

Sexual Assualt on a Child 18-3-405

CMS: Knowingly i. Any actor who knowingly subjects another not his or her spouse to any sexual contact with a child if the victim is less than fifteen years of age and the actor is at least four years older than the victim F3 F4

Marrying a Bigamist 18-6-202

CMS: Knowingly i. Any unmarried person who knowingly marries or cohabits with another in this state under circumstances known to him which would render the other person guilty of bigamy under the laws of this state commits marrying a bigamist

Criminal Impsonation 18-5-113

CMS: Knowingly i. Assumes a false or fictitious identity or legal capacity, and in such identity or capacity he or she: a. Marries, or pretends to marry, or to sustain the marriage relation toward another without the connivance of the latter ii. Performs an act that, if done by the person falsely impersonated, might subject such person to an action or special proceeding, civil or criminal, or to liability, charge, forfeiture, or penalty iii. Performs any other act with intent to unlawfully gain a benefit for himself, herself, or another or to injure or defraud another

Incest 18-6-301

CMS: Knowingly i. Marries, inflicts sexual penetration or sexual intrusion on, ii. Or subjects to sexual contact, as defined in section 18-3-401, iii. An ancestor or descendant, including a natural child, child by adoption, or stepchild twenty-one years of age or older, a brother or sister of the whole or half blood, or an uncle, aunt, nephew, or niece of the whole blood

Theft of Rental Property 18-4-402

CMS: Knowingly i. Obtains the temporary use of personal property of another, which is available only for hire, by means of threat or deception ii. Having lawfully obtained possession for temporary use of the personal property of another which is available only for hire, knowingly fails to reveal the whereabouts of or to return said property to the owner within 72hr

2nd Degree Criminal Trespass 18-4-503

CMS: Knowingly i. Unlawfully enters or remains in or upon the premises of another which are enclosed in a manner designed to exclude intruders or are fenced; or ii. Knowingly and unlawfully enters or remains in or upon the common areas of a hotel, motel, condominium, or apartment building; or iii. Knowingly and unlawfully enters or remains in a motor vehicle of another

1st Degree Criminal Trespass 18-4-502

CMS: Knowingly i. and unlawfully enters or remains in a dwelling of another ii. or if such person enters any motor vehicle with intent to commit a crime therein

2nd Degree Burglary 18-4-203

CMS: Knowingly i. breaks an entrance into ii. enters unlawfully in, or remains unlawfully after a lawful or unlawful entry iii. in a building or occupied structure with intent to commit therein a crime iv. against another person or property

Internet Luring of a Child 18-3-306

CMS: Knowingly i. communicates over a computer or computer network, telephone network, or data network or by a text message or instant message to a person who the actor knows or believes to be under fifteen years of age and, in that communication or in any subsequent communication by computer, computer network, telephone network, data network, text message, or instant message; ii. makes a statement persuading or inviting the person to meet the actor for any purpose, iii. the actor is more than four years older than the person or than the age the actor believes the person to be. F4 with intent to meet for sexual exploitation F5

False Imprisonment 18-3-303

CMS: Knowingly i. confines or detains another without the other's consent and without proper legal authority F5 with force or threat of force; confined or detained for 12hrs of more. M2 if F5 circumstances don't apply

Criminal Mischief 18-4-501

CMS: Knowingly i. damages the real or personal property of one or more other persons; ii. including property owned by the person jointly with another person or property owned by the person in which another person has a possessory or proprietary interest, in the course of a single criminal episode.

Stalking 18-3-602

CMS: Knowingly i. directly, or indirectly through another person, ii. Makes a credible threat to another person and, in connection with the threat, repeatedly follows, approaches, contacts, or places under surveillance that person, a member of that person's immediate family, or someone with whom that person has or has had a continuing relationship; or iii. Makes a credible threat to another person and, in connection with the threat, repeatedly makes any form of communication with that person, a member of that person's immediate family, or someone with whom that person has or has had a continuing relationship, regardless of whether a conversation ensues iv. Repeatedly follows, approaches, contacts, places under surveillance, or makes any form of communication with another person, a member of that person's immediate family, or someone with whom that person has or has had a continuing relationship in a manner that would cause a reasonable person to suffer serious emotional distress and does cause that person, a member of that person's immediate family, or someone with whom that person has or has had a continuing relationship to suffer serious emotional distress. F6

Sex Assault 18-3-402

CMS: Knowingly i. inflicts sexual intrusion or sexual penetration on a victim; ii. causes submission of the victim by means of sufficient consequence reasonably calculated to cause submission against the victim's will; or iii. The actor knows that the victim is incapable of appraising the nature of the victim's conduct; or iv. The actor knows that the victim submits erroneously, believing the actor to be the victim's spouse; or v. At the time of the commission of the act, the victim is less than fifteen years of age and the actor is at least four years older than the victim and is not the spouse of the victim; or vi. At the time of the commission of the act, the victim is at least fifteen years of age but less than seventeen years of age and the actor is at least ten years older than the victim and is not the spouse of the victim F2(aided or abetted, deadly weapon, SBI) F3( F4 M1 if victim is at least 15 yrs of age and the actor is at least ten yrs of age and is not the spouse. Extraordinary risk

2nd Degree Aggravated Motor Vehicle Theft 18-4-409(4)

CMS: Knowingly i. obtains or exercises control over the motor vehicle of another ii. without authorization or by threat or deception and if none of the aggravating factors are present

2nd Degree Kidnapping 18-3-302

CMS: Knowingly i. seizes and carries any person from one place to another, without his consent and without lawful justification, ii. takes, entices, or decoys away any child not his own under the age of eighteen years with intent to keep or conceal the child from his parent or guardian or with intent to sell, trade, or barter such child for consideration F2 if victim is of a sexual offense or of a robbery F3 (intent to sell, trade, or barter. Deadly Weapon is involved or resonably believed to be involved) F4 if F2 or F3 circumstances don't apply

1st Degree Arson 18-4-102

CMS: Knowingly i. sets fire to, burns, causes to be burned, or by the use of any explosive damages or destroys, or causes to be damaged or destroyed ii. any building or occupied structure of another without his consent F3

2nd Degree Arson 18-4-103

CMS: Knowingly i. sets fire to, burns, causes to be burned, or by the use of any explosive damages or destroys, or causes to be damaged or destroyed ii. any property of another without his consent, other than a building or occupied structure,

Robbery 18-4-301

CMS: Knowingly i. takes anything of value ii. from the person or presence of another iii. by the use of force, threats, or intimidation

1st Degree Aggravated Motor Vehicle Theft 18-4-409(2)(a)-(h)

CMS: Knowingly i. he or she knowingly obtains or exercises control over the motor vehicle of another without authorization or by threat or deception and: a. Retains vehicle for more than 24hrs b. Alters or disguises vehicle c. Alters or removes VIN d. Uses vehicle in commission of crime other than traffic e. Cause $500 or more property damage f. Cause Bodily Injury g. Removes vehicle from state for more than 12hrs.

Obtaining Signature by Deception 18-5-112

CMS: Knowingly and Intent i. A person commits this crime if, by deception and with intent to defraud or to acquire a benefit for himself or another, he causes another to sign or execute a written instrument

Criminal Possession of a Forged Instrument 18-5-105

CMS: Knowingly and Intent i. with knowledge that it is forged and with intent to use to defraud, such person possesses any forged instrument of a kind described in section 18-5-102

Identity Theft 18-5-902

CMS: Knowingly and Intent: I. uses the personal identifying information, financial identifying information, or financial device of another without permission or lawful authority with the intent to obtain cash, credit, property, services, or any other thing of value or to make a financial payment; II. With the intent to defraud, falsely makes, completes, alters, or utters a written instrument or financial device containing any personal identifying information or financial identifying information of another; III. Knowingly uses or possesses the personal identifying information of another without permission or lawful authority with the intent to obtain a government-issued document;

Introducing Contraband 2nd Degree 18-8-204

CMS: Knowingly and Unlawfully; A. Introduces or attempts to introduce contraband into a detention facility; F6

Promotion of Obscenity 18-7-102(1)(a)

CMS: Knowingly and with Intent: 1. person commits this crime if, knowing its content and character; 2. such person wholesale promotes or possesses with intent to wholesale promote any obscene material

3rd Degree Assault 18-3-204

CMS: Knowingly/Recklessly i. causes bodily injury to another person or with criminal negligence the person causes bodily injury to another person by means of a deadly weapon; ii. with intent to infect, injure, harm, harass, annoy, threaten, or alarm another person whom the actor knows or reasonably should know to be a peace officer, a firefighter, an emergency medical care provider, or an emergency medical technician, causes such other person to come into contact with blood, seminal fluid, urine, feces, saliva, mucus, vomit, or any toxic, caustic, or hazardous material by any means, including but not limited to throwing, tossing, or expelling such fluid or material. M1: Extraordinary Risk Crime

Possession of Contraband 2nd Degree 18-8-204.2

CMS: Knowingly: A. A person being confined in a detention facility; B. obtains or has in his possession contraband as defined in section 18-8-204 (2) unless possession is authorized by rule or regulation promulgated by the administrative head of the detention facility. M1

Possession of Contraband 1st Degree 18-8-204.1

CMS: Knowingly: A. A person being confined in a detention facility; B. obtains or has in his possession contraband as listed in section 18-8-203 (1) (a) or alcohol; except that this subsection (1) shall not apply to contraband specified in section 18-18-405. F6: Other than Dangerous instrument F4: Dangerous Instrument

Reckless Endangerment 18-3-208

CMS: Recklessly i. engages in conduct which creates a substantial risk of serious bodily injury to another person. M3

Manslaughter 18-3-104

CMS: Recklessly, i. Causes the death of another person; OR ii. Intentionally causes or aids another person to commit suicide F4

Difference between 1st Degree and 2nd Degree Kidnapping?

Concession. 1st Degree kidnapping requires a concession.

Offical Proceeding 18-8-501

Definition of _______ "A proceeding heard before any legislative, judicial, administrative, or other government agency, or official authorized to hear evidence under oath, including any magistrate, hearing examiner, commissioner, notary, or other person taking testimony or depositions in any such proceedings."

Intimate Relationship 18-6-800.3(2)

Definition of _______ "A relationship between spouses, former spouses, past or present unmarried couples, or persons who are both the parents of the same child regardless of whether the persons have been married or have lived together at any time."

Materially False Statment 18-8-501

Definition of _______ "Any false statement, regardless of its admissibility under the rules of evidence, which could have affected the course or outcome of an official proceeding, or the action or decision of a public servant, or the performance of a governmental function."

Juror 18-8-601

Definition of _______ "Any person who is a member of any jury or grand jury impaneled by any court of this state or by any public servant authorized by law to impanel a jury."

Testimony 18-8-601

Definition of _______ "Includes oral or written statements, documents, or any other evidence that may be offered by or through a witness in an official proceeding."

Riot 18-9-101

Definition of _______ "Means a public disturbance involving an assemblage of (a) three or more persons which by tumultuous and violent conduct; (b) creates grave danger of damage or injury to property or persons or (c) substantially obstructs the performance of any governmental function."

Building 18-4-101(1)

Definition of _______ "a structure which has the capacity to contain, and is designed for the shelter of, man, animals, or property, and includes a ship, trailer, sleeping car, airplane, or other vehicle or place adapted for overnight accommodations of persons or animals, or for carrying on of business therein, whether or not a person or animal is actually present"

Forged Instrument 18-5-101(5)

Definition of _______ "a written instrument which has been falsely made, completed, or altered."

Oath 18-8-501

Definition of _______ "an affirmation and every other mode authorized by law of attesting to the truth of that which is stated."

Occupied Structure 18-4-101(2)

Definition of _______ "any area, place, facility, or enclosure which, for particular purposes, may be used by persons or animals upon occasion, whether or not included within the definition of "building" in subsection (1) of this section, and which is in fact occupied by a person or animal, and known by the defendant to be thus occupied at the time he acts in violation"

Benefit 18-8-301(1)

Definition of _______ "any gain or advantage to the beneficiary, including any gain or advantage to a third person pursuant to the desire or consent of the beneficiary"

Document Making Implement 18-5-101(1.5)

Definition of _______ "any implement or impression, including, but not limited to, a template or a computerized template or form, specially designed or primarily used for making identification documents, false identification documents."

Financial Transaction Device 18-5-701(3)

Definition of _______ "any instrument or device whether known as a credit card, banking card, debit card, electronic fund transfer card, or guaranteed check card, or account number representing a financial account or affecting the financial interest, standing, or obligation of or to the account holder, that can be used to obtain cash, goods, property, or services or to make financial payments, but shall not include a "check", a "negotiable order of withdrawal", and a "share draft"

Automated Banking Device 18-5-701(2)

Definition of _______ "any machine which, when properly activated by a financial transaction device or a personal identification code, may be used for any of the purposes for which a financial transaction device may be used."

Slugs 18-5-111(3)

Definition of _______ "any object or article which, by virtue of its size, shape, or any other quality, is capable of being inserted, deposited, or otherwise used in a coin machine as an improper but effective substitute for a genuine coin, bill, or token, and of thereby enabling a person to obtain without valid consideration the property or service sold through the machine."

Issuer 18-5-701(4)

Definition of _______ "any person or banking, financial, or business institution, corporation, or other business entity that assigns financial rights by acquiring, distributing, controlling, or cancelling a financial transaction device"

Public Servant 18-8-301(4)

Definition of _______ "as used in sections 18-8-302 to 18-8-308, includes persons who presently occupy the position of a public servant as defined in section 18-8-101 (3) or have been elected, appointed, or designated to become a public servant although not yet occupying that position."

Government 18-1-901

Definition of _______ "includes the United States, any state, county, municipality, or other political unit, any branch, department, agency, or subdivision of any of the foregoing, and any corporation or other entity established by law to carry out any governmental function."

Performance 18-7-101(5)

Definition of _______ "means a play, motion picture, dance, or other exhibition performed before an audience"

Public Servant 18-1-901

Definition of _______ "means any officer or employee of government, whether elected or appointed, and any person participating as an advisor, consultant, process server, or otherwise in performing a governmental function, but the term does not include witnesses."

Written Instrument 18-5-101(9)

Definition of _______ "means any paper, document, or other instrument containing written or printed matter or the equivalent thereof, used for purposes of reciting, embodying, conveying, or recording information, and any money, credit card, token, stamp, seal, badge, or trademark or any evidence or symbol of value, right, privilege, or identification, which is capable of being used to the advantage or disadvantage of some person."

Promote 18-7-101(6)

Definition of _______ "means to manufacture, issue, sell, give, provide, lend, mail, deliver, transfer, transmit, publish, distribute, circulate, disseminate, present, exhibit, or advertise, or to offer or agree to do the same"

Wholesale Promote

Definition of _______ "means to manufacture, issue, sell, provide, mail, deliver, transfer, transmit, publish, distribute, circulate, disseminate, or to offer or agree to do the same for purpose of resale"

Account Holder 18-5-701(1)

Definition of _______ "the person or business entity named on the face of a financial transaction device to whom or for whose benefit the financial transaction device is issued by an issuer"

Falsly Alter a Written Instrument 18-5-101(2)

Definition of _______ "to change a written instrument without the authority of anyone entitled to grant such authority, whether it be in complete or incomplete form, by means of erasure, obliteration, deletion, insertion of new matter, transposition of matter, or any other means, so that such instrument in its thus altered form falsely appears or purports to be in all respects an authentic creation of or fully authorized by its ostensible maker."

Falsly Make a Written Instrument 18-5-101(4)

Definition of _______ "to make or draw a written instrument, whether complete or incomplete, which purports to be an authentic creation of its ostensible maker, but which is not, either because the ostensible maker is fictitious or because, if real, he did not authorize the making or the drawing thereof."

Utter 18-5-101(8)

Definition of _______ "to transfer, pass, or deliver, or attempt or cause to be transferred, passed, or delivered, to another person any written instrument, article, or thing."

Bigamy 18-6-201

I. Any married person who, while still married, marries or cohabits in this state with another commits bigamy, unless as an affirmative defense it appears that at the time of the cohabitation or subsequent marriage: a. The accused reasonably believed the prior spouse to be dead; or b. The prior spouse had been continually absent for a period of five years during which time the accused did not know the prior spouse to be alive; or c. The accused reasonably believed that he was legally eligible to remarry

Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor 18-6-701

I. Any person who induces, aids, or encourages a child to II. violate any federal or state law, municipal or county ordinance, or court order

Contraband 18-8-204(2)

Items described in the definition of________: (a) Any key, key pattern, key replica, or lock pick; (b) Any tool or instrument that could be used to cut fence or wire, dig, pry, or file; (c) Any money or coin of United States or foreign currency or any written instrument of value; (d) Any uncancelled postage stamp or implement of the United States postal service; (e) Any counterfeit or forged identification card; (f) Any combustible material other than safety matches; (g) Any drug, other than a controlled substance as defined in section 12-22-303 (7), C.R.S., in quantities other than those authorized by a physician; (h) Any mask, wig, disguise, or other means of altering normal physical appearance which could hinder ready identification; (i) Any drug paraphernalia as defined in section 18-18-426; (j) Any material which is "obscene" as defined in section 18-7-101; (k) Any chain, rope, or ladder;

Obscene 18-7-101(2)

Material or Performance that: average person would find that taken as a whole appeals to the prurient interest in sex; Depicts or Describes: Patently offensive representations or descriptions of ultimate sex acts, normal or perverted, actual or simulated, including sexual intercourse, sodomy, and sexual bestiality

Child 18-7-401 (3)

Person under the age of 18yrs old

Renunciation of Criminal Purpose 18-2-203

What is the affirmative defense to a charge of conspiracy called that the offender, after conspiring to commit a crime, thwarted the success of the conspiracy.

Prostitution by a Child 18-7-401(6)

a child performing or offering or agreeing to perform any act of sexual intercourse, fellatio, cunnilingus, masturbation, or anal intercourse with any person not the child's spouse in exchange for money or other thing of value or any person performing or offering or agreeing to perform any act of sexual intercourse, fellatio, cunnilingus, masturbation, or anal intercourse with any child not the person's spouse in exchange for money or other thing of value.

Render Assistant 18-8-105 (2)(a)(a.5)(b)(c)(d)(e)

a. Harbor or conceal the other; or b. Harbor or conceal the victim or a witness to the crime; or c. Warn such person of impending discovery or apprehension; except that this does not apply to a warning given in an effort to bring such person into compliance with the law; or d. Provide such person with money, transportation, weapon, disguise, or other thing to be used in avoiding discovery or apprehension

Domestic Violence 18-6-800.3 (1)

an act or threatened act of violence upon a person with whom the actor is or has been involved in an intimate relationship.

Substantial Step (Criminal Attempt)

any conduct, whether act, omission, or possession, which is strongly corroborative of the firmness of the actor's purpose to complete the commission of the offense

At-Risk Adult 18-6.5-102

any person who is seventy years of age or older or any person who is eighteen years of age or older and is a person with a disability

At-Risk-Juvenile 18-6.5-102

any person who is under the age of eighteen years and is a person with a disability

CMS - Intent 18-1-501(5)

his/her conscious objective is to cause the specific result proscribed by the statute defining the offense. Specific Inent

Coercion of Involuntary Servitude 18-3-503

i. A person commits this crime if he or she coerces another person to perform labor or services by; ii. Withholding or threatening to destroy documents relating to a person's immigration status iii. Threatening to notify law enforcement officials that a person is present in the United States in violation of federal immigration laws iv. Threatening serious harm or physical restraint against that person or another person; v. Means of a scheme, plan, or pattern intended to cause the person to believe that, if the person does not perform the labor or services, he or she or another person would suffer serious harm or physical restraint; or vi. Abusing or threatening abuse of law or the legal process F6

Trafficking in Children 18-3-502

i. A person commits this crime if he or she; ii. Sells, exchanges, barters, or leases a child and receives any money or other consideration or thing of value for the adult as a result of such transaction; or iii. Receives a child as a result of a transaction F2

Trafficking in Adults 18-3-501

i. A person commits this crime if he or she; ii. Sells, exchanges, barters, or leases an adult and receives any money or other consideration or thing of value for the adult as a result of such transaction; or iii. Receives an adult as a result of a transaction F2 if trafficked adults are illegally present in the US F3

Possession of Burglary Tools 18-4-205

i. A person commits this crime if he possesses any explosive, tool, instrument ii. or other article adapted, designed, or commonly used for committing iii. or facilitating the commission of an offense involving forcible entry into premises or theft by a physical taking, iv. and intends to use the thing possessed, or knows that some person intends to use the thing possessed, in the commission of such an offense

Aggravated Robbery 18-4-302

i. A person who commits this crime if during the act of robbery or immediate flight therefrom ii. is armed with a deadly weapon with intent a. if resisted, to kill, maim, or wound the person robbed or any other person iii. knowingly wounds or strikes the person robbed or any other person a. with a deadly weapon or by the use of force, threats, b. or intimidation with a deadly weapon knowingly puts the person robbed or any other person in reasonable fear of death or bodily injury

Incohate Offenses

i. Criminal Attempt ii. Criminal Conspiracy iii. Criminal Solicitation

Culpable Mental States

i. Intent ii. Knowingly or Willfully iii. Recklessly iv. Criminal Neglegence

Vehicular Assault 18-3-205

i. a person operates or drives a motor vehicle in a reckless manner, and this conduct is the proximate cause of serious bodily injury to another. ii. If a person operates or drives a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or one or more drugs, or a combination of both alcohol and one or more drugs, and this conduct is the proximate cause of a serious bodily injury to another. STRICT LIABILITY CRIME (Read 18-3-205(4)(a) F4 in result of DUI F5

Prositution of a Child 18-7-401(7)

inducing a child to perform or offer or agree to perform any act of sexual intercourse, fellatio, cunnilingus, masturbation, or anal intercourse with any person not the child's spouse by coercion or by any threat or intimidation or inducing a child, by coercion or by any threat or intimidation or in exchange for money or other thing of value or to allow any person not the child's spouse to perform or offer or agree to perform any act of sexual intercourse, fellatio, cunnilingus, masturbation, or anal intercourse with or upon such child. Such coercion, threat, or intimidation need not constitute an independent criminal offense and shall be determined solely through its intended or its actual effect upon the child.

Unathorized Use of a Financial Transaction Device 18-5-702

person commits this crime if he uses such device for the purpose of obtaining cash, credit, property, or services or for making financial payment, with intent to defraud, and with notice that either: i. The financial transaction device has expired, has been revoked, or has been cancelled; or ii. For any reason his use of the financial transaction device is unauthorized either by the issuer thereof or by the account holder.

Promotion of Obscenity 18-7-102(2)(a)(I)

person commits this crime if, knowing its content and character, such person: a. Promotes or possesses with intent to promote any obscene material; OR b. Produces, presents, or directs an obscene performance or participates in a portion thereof that is obscene or that contributes to its obscenity

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