COM 100 Midterm

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A ____________ outline is a brief outline used to jog a speaker's memory during the presentation of a speech.


Our perception of what others communicate to us about ourselves influences how we see ourselves. Sometimes called out "looking glass self."

Symbolic interactionism

In an informative speech, the speaker acts as a(n) _______________


How does a the dominate culture differ from a non-dominant culture?

The dominant culture makes the rules.

Which of the following statements about speaker credibility is true?

The same speaker can have high credibility for one audience and low credibility for another audience

Which of the following is an example of hearing rather than listening?

The sound of firecrackers filled the nighttime air.

As explained in your textbook, at which of the following would you be most likely to hear a persuasive speech on a question of fact?

a graduation ceremony

When you analyse the speaker and the situation to make judgments about the message presented, you are engaging in

critical thinking.

What error in reasoning is exemplified by the following statement? A random survey of 20 adults coming out of subway stations in New York City revealed that 16 considered owning a car to be of little importance. Clearly, 80 percent of Americans don't care much about owning cars.

hasty generalization

Upon walking into a crowded bar on a Friday night, Daniel begins to get uncomfortable because it is so crowded. There are many people very close to him and some even bumping into him as they pass. These people are in Daniel's

Intimate space.

According to your textbook, what is the most important reason for limiting the number of main points in a speech?

It is hard for the audience to keep track of too many main points.

The conclusion of a speech is an appropriate time to ______________________

Reinforce your listeners' commitment to the central idea.

When you remember how wonderful your mother was but forget how often she made you feel inadequate, then you are exhibiting the perception concept called

Selective retention

_________is a non-judgmental self-description of who you are


__________ is a measure of how valuable you think you are.


What is an example of selective attention?

She immediately spotted the guy with the earring who looked so much like someone she had known before.

A very brief statement that indicates where a speaker is in the speech or that focuses attention on key ideas (examples: second, next) is called a ________________


"Conversational quality" in speech delivery means that the speech ___________________

Sounds spontaneous even though it has been rehearsed.

What does your textbook say about eye contact for public speakers who address audiences in the United States?

Speakers should look at the audience about 80 to 90 percent of the time they are talking.

"To persuade my audience that the U.S. space program provides many important benefits to people here on earth" is an example of a(n) _____________________

Specific purpose statement

The ____________ is a single infinitive phrase that states precisely what a speaker hopes to accomplish in her or his speech.

Specific purpose statement

________ is where you assume that all members of a group are alike.


What is not a basic objective of a speech introduction?

Support your main points.

Which of the following is an instance of persuasive speaking?

a scientist urging the FDA to ban plastics containing the chemical BPA

With whom are you most likely to stand the closest?

a person of the same race

__________ is the part of our consciousness that interprets and assigns meaning to thing we hear

working memory

When you are listening and attempting to understand the other person's worldview, what type of listening are you utilizing?


Empathic listening differs from active listening in that

empathic listening adds the goal of understanding.

"You need to remember this because it will be on the quiz." What type of lecture cue is this statement?


As your textbook explains, whenever you give a persuasive speech on a question of value, you need to

justify your value judgment against a set of standards or criteria.

According to your textbook, when using emotional appeal in a persuasive speech, you should

let emotional appeal grow naturally out of the speech content.

Evidence and reasoning are the two major elements of persuasion that Aristotle called


Communication by touch is called

tactile communication.

Persuasive speeches on questions of __________ judge whether something is good or bad, right or wrong, fair or unfair.


To persuade my audience that doctor-assisted suicide is morally acceptable" is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of


When reasoning analogically, you infer that

what is true in one case will also be true in a similar case.

The first step in the listening process is


Research has found that effective notetaking improves grades on exams by more than ___%


Good speech delivery has ___________________

A conversational quality and does not call attention to itself.

Which of the following statements about active listening is FALSE?

Active listening and empathic listening are exactly the same thing.

In an persuasive speech, the speaker acts as a(n) ________________


Two men are arguing at the bar when the smaller one says something unkind about the other's mother. The bigger fellow glares straight ahead at his opponent. He is using a nonverbal signal that is best described as being an

Affect display

NOT an example of ethnocentrism

American workers get higher pay for less work than most people in the world.

As the woman shaded her eyes with her open hand on her brow, she said, "Wow, is it ever bright out here." The nonverbal cue here is

An illustrator.

The most important thing is a speech is the _____________


"Police officers need extra life insurance to protect their wives and children," said city council member Heather Carpenter. Carpenter's language violated which of the guidelines for inclusive language discussed in your textbook?

Avoid stereotyping jobs and social roles by gender.

Which of the following is discussed in your textbook as a guideline for effective informative speaking?

Be creative.

It is usually best to begin your speech writing by working on your __________


The ____________ is a one-sentence statement that sums up or encapsulates the main points of a speech.

Central idea

The laser is a highly versatile instrument with important uses in medicine, industry, and art" is an example of a _____________

Central idea

Which of the following body movements would most likely be used to indicate liking?

Close proximity

In which type of culture would it be more likely for extended family members to live with nuclear family members?


Words or phrases that indicate when a speaker has completed one thought and is moving on to another are called _______________________


Which is the best definition of persuasion?

Creating, reinforcing, and/or changing people's beliefs or actions

Which statement reflects the relationship between language and culture?

Culture creates a lens through which we perceive the world and create shared meaning.

Unique combinations of rituals, religion, thought patterns, and behaviors are known as _______________


Which of the following is recommended in your textbook as a way to enhance your credibility in a persuasive speech?

Deliver your speeches with genuine conviction.

Which of the following is recommended by your textbook as a method for generating emotional appeal in a persuasive speech?

Develop vivid examples.

What is not necessary in a preparation outline?

Directions for delivering the speech.

One of the advantages of using the extemporaneous method of delivery is that it _______________

Encourages conversational quality.

Strong evidence can

Enhance a speaker's credibility. Increase the persuasiveness of a speech. Inoculate listeners against counterpersuasion.

When people bring prejudices of their culture to intercultural interactions (everyone should act like us), they are being:


According to your textbook, you can establish your credibility in a speech introduction by ______________________

Explaining your firsthand knowledge and experience with the topic, and explaining your firsthand knowledge and experience with the topic.

A speech that is fully prepared in advance but that is delivered from a brief set of notes or a speaking outline is called a(n) __________ speech.


Listening involves only verbal communication


Listening is the act of receiving sound


Sandra is giving a presentation in her physics class and is worried about what she should do with her hands. Which of the following recommendations would she find in your textbook?

Focus on communicating, and your gestures will usually take care of themselves.

When used in a speech introduction, telling a story, asking a question, making a startling statement, and arousing curiosity are all methods of ___________________

Gaining the attention of the audience.

What does your textbook advise regarding the use of gestures in a speech?

Gestures should be suited to the audience and occasion, and gestures should appear natural and spontaneous.

Nonverbal communication includes a speaker's ____________

Gestures, eye contact, and rate of speech.

Which of the following is NOT characteristic of a collectivist culture?

High levels of divorce

__________is sharing personal details in order to present an idealized self

Impression management

The denotative meaning of a word is ________________

In the person

Where is the best place to find the meaning of a word?

In the person.

According to your instructor, the most effective way to be persuade an individual is

Linking to an existing value

Four types of listening are identified by Pearson. They are active listening, empathetic listening, critical listening, and listening for enjoyment. Which of the following is involved in active listening?

Listening using all available senses Paraphrasing what we hear both mentally and verbally Checking our understanding to ensure accuracy Provide feedback

According to your textbook, when you are in a formal speaking situation the most effective way of gaining the initial attention of your audience after you walk to the front of the room is _______________________________

Looking directly at the audience without saying a word.

According to your textbook, when you reach the end of your speech, you should _________________

Maintain eye contact for a few moments to let your last line sink in.

As your textbook explains, upon reaching the lectern to start a speech, you should __________________

Make eye contact with your listeners.

As your textbook explains, when using emotional appeal in a persuasive speech, you should

Make sure it is appropriate to your speech topic. Use it in combination with evidence and reasoning. Supplement it with causal reasoning.

According to your textbook, persuasive speakers have an ethical obligation to

Make sure their goals are ethically sound. Learn about all sides of an issue. Present their evidence fairly and accurately.

Which of the following is a correctly worded main point for a speech preparation outline?

Many movie special effects are created with computer-generated graphics.

Which gender likes short, concise, unambiguous, and error-free communication


Which gender tends to listen in order to solve problems, is less attentive to nonverbal cues, and interrupts to switch topics?


What organizational method for persuasive speeches is designed to take the audience through the five steps of attention, need, satisfaction, visualization, and action?

Monroe's motivated sequence

Example of concreteness

My hometown is Isle, Minnesota, population 409.

During her speech about improving student services in campus, Louise gave each member of her audience a handout listing all the current services. Did Louise follow the guidelines for visual aids presented in your textbook?

No. Louise risked losing attention by distributing the handout during her speech.

Bodily movement, facial expression, the use of time, and vocal cues, among other actions, are examples of

Nonverbal codes

One of the difficulties of interpreting nonverbal codes is

One code may communicate several different meanings.

According to your instructor, the body of your speech should contain __________ main points.

One to three.

A person groups stimuli into meaningful units during which part of perception?


________ is where you have a negative attitude toward a group of people just because of who they are.


A formal ____________ outline is a detailed outline developed during the planning stage of a speech and contains everything you plan on saying.


The ____________ is usually the last element of a speech introduction and provides a smooth lead-in to the body of the speech by indicating the main points of the body.

Preview statement

Perception is more important than __________


Heather was in the midst of an excellent speech on campus history when she made a minor mistake by giving the wrong date for the opening of a campus building. She suddenly stopped speaking and said, "Oh, I messed up." Then she provided the correct date. The rest of her speech went well, but all she could think about afterward was her mistake. What is the major piece of advice from your textbook that Heather needs to be reminded about?

There is no such thing as a perfect speech.

Which of the following is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of fact?

To persuade my audience that capital punishment fails to deter people from committing murder.

After discussing the first main point in his speech on sustainable agriculture, Rasheed said: So far, I have explained the problems associated with our present agricultural system. Next, I will explain what sustainable agriculture is and why it is superior to the current system. According to your textbook, what type of connective did Rasheed use?


In a preparation outline, main points and subpoints should be written as full sentences.


Listening involves responding to a message


Listening is an active process of receiving and constructing meaning


The central idea for a speech should be stated as a full sentence reflecting the main points of the body.


The first words of a specific purpose for an informative speech should be "To inform my audience about


When practicing your speech delivery, you should not _____________

Try to learn your speech word for word.

What does your textbook advise regarding the ethical use of emotional appeals in a persuasive speech?

Use emotional appeals to supplement your evidence and reasoning.

As your textbook explains, studies have found that public speakers will usually be more persuasive when they

Use specific evidence. Use evidence from credible sources. Use evidence that is new to the audience.

According to your textbook, which of the following is an advantage of using visual aids in a speech?

Using visual aids can increase the clarity of a speaker's message, using visual aids can increase the audience's retention of a speaker's message, and using visual aids can increase the persuasiveness of a speaker's message

The connotative meaning of a word is ________________

What the word suggests or implies.

Research has shown that the anxiety level of most speakers drops off significantly ________________

When they are 30 to 60 seconds into the speech.

Which gender tends to be attentive and have sustained eye contact with the other person


Which gender tends to listen to understand the other person's emotions and to find common interests


Which of the following does your textbook recommend as a way to help you deal with nervousness in your speeches?

Work especially hard on your speech introduction.

Gillian prepared beautiful photographs in Keynote to illustrate various parts of her speech about the Grand Canyon. When Gillian finished explaining each photograph, she left it on the screen for her audience to study until it was time for the next slide. Did Gillian make any mistakes in her use of visual aids?

Yes. She should have displayed blank slides between the photographs.

Which of the following best typifies the meaning of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?

Your language shapes your perception.

According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? People who say Barbie dolls are bad for girls' self-esteem are a bunch of liberal do-gooders who don't want anybody to have fun.

ad hominem

According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? There can't be anything wrong with cheating on exams if 75 percent of college students do it.


According to your textbook, what kind of reasoning is used in the following statement? If you're frequently bothered by nightmares, you might want to change your sleeping position. An article in Prevention magazine reports that a study of 700 people showed that sleeping on your stomach produces the scariest and strangest dreams. Therefore, if you are a stomach-sleeper and are having nightmares, the solution is simple—roll over.

causal reasoning

When you paraphrase the speaker's message and intent, ask questions, or invite corrections, you are

checking your understanding or perception of the speaker.

Which organizational pattern will you be using in your persuasive speech?

comparative advantages order

A speaker's credibility is affected above all by how the audience regards the speaker's

competence and character.

___________ is the name used by Aristotle for what modern students of communication refer to as credibility.


The three types of questions that give rise to persuasive speeches are questions of

fact, value, and policy.

A persuasive speech exploring the truth or falsity of an assertion is known as a speech on a question of


According to your textbook, an error in reasoning is called a


What error in reasoning is exemplified by the following statement? The New England Journal of Medicine has discovered that countries that consume the most chocolate have produced over time the greatest number of Nobel Prize winners. Therefore, if you want to increase your chances of winning a Nobel Prize, you should eat plenty of chocolate

false cause

Suggestions for lecture listening include

finding areas of interest to you, avoiding distractions, and listening for main ideas.

According to your textbook, research has shown that

speakers can enhance their credibility by delivering their speeches fluently and expressively.

Julio's persuasive speech contained the following statement: Shortages of prescription drugs have tripled between 2007 and 2014, according to the New York Times. In a survey of 214 doctors who regularly prescribe drugs for cancer patients, the New England Journal of Medicine reported that almost 83 percent couldn't prescribe their preferred chemotherapy drug sometime within the last six months. More than half of those doctors said they had to substitute a more expensive brand-name drug as a result. Which of the three basic issues of persuasive speeches on questions of policy did Julio address in this excerpt?


Regardless of whether your aim is to encourage passive agreement or immediate action, you must deal with three basic issues whenever you discuss a question of policy. They are

need, plan, and practicality.

According to your textbook, emotional appeal is

often necessary when a speaker is trying to move an audience to action.

Using evidence is especially critical in a persuasive speech when your target audience

opposes your point of view.

During a lecture Dr. Washington stated, "Now I will move on to my fourth topic..." What type of lecture cue was Dr. Washington using?


The study of nonword sounds that communicate meaning is called


Perceptual constancy results because of

past experiences and roles.

Appeals to audience emotions such as fear, compassion, guilt, or pride are the kinds of appeals that Aristotle referred to as


Hearing is a ________ process, and listening is a ________ process.

physical; mental

Cliff's persuasive speech contained the following statement: Reducing the problem of bullying will require a combination of measures. To begin with, school personnel need to be trained to recognize the signs of bullying and to respond appropriately. In addition, students need to be reminded that bullying is everybody's problem and that every student has a responsibility to report it to school officials. Finally, parents and teachers need to know how to empower students with appropriate ways to respond when they find themselves a victim of bullying. Which of the three basic issues of persuasive speeches on questions of policy did Cliff address in this excerpt?


Persuasive speeches on questions of __________ argue for or against particular courses of action.


To persuade my audience that colleges should adhere to stricter standards when investigating and deciding cases of sexual assault on campus" is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of


In a speech seeking to persuade his audience to donate blood, Ian explained how little time the donation process would take from their busy schedules. Which of the three basic issues of persuasive speeches on questions of policy did Ian address in this part of his speech?


If you give a persuasive speech advocating a change in policy, your main points often will fall naturally into __________ order.


What method of organization is used in a persuasive speech with the following main points?I. Fraudulent charity fundraising has become a widespread problem.II. The problem can be solved by a combination of government initiative and individual awareness.

problem-solution order

According to your textbook, what kind of reasoning is used in the following statement? Providing a quality education is one of the fundamental responsibilities of any nation. Thousands of American students are stuck in poor-performing schools that barely provide minimal skills. Therefore, the United States is failing to fulfill one of its fundamental obligations as a nation.

reasoning from principle

What kind of reasoning is used in the following statement? In recent months, newspapers have carried reports of vicious dogs attacking people in Los Angeles, St. Louis, Boston, and Orlando. These reports show that dog attacks are an increasingly serious problem nationwide.

reasoning from specific instances

According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? Why should we be concerned about Siberian tigers becoming extinct when there are more and more homeless people who need our support?

red herring

The least efficient of our memory systems is the

short-term memory

The temporary storage place for information is the____________

short-term memory

If __________________ is the Post-it note in the listening process, the _____________ is the supercomputer

short-term memory; long-term memory

Blake circulated a questionnaire to gauge his classmates' attitudes toward implementing a special tax on junk food. He discovered that 5 audience members already agreed there should be such a tax, 6 were firmly opposed, and 10 were undecided. From these results, Blake decided that the 10 undecided class members were the __________ for his speech.

target audience

The __________ is that portion of the whole audience that the speaker most wants to persuade.

target audience

Asking questions to clarify information, paraphrasing messages, and identifying confusing areas are examples of

techniques for checking your understanding of a message.

The more ambiguous the stimuli, ___________________________________

the more room for interpretation.

The initial goal at the beginning of a speech should be _______________

to make the audience want to listen.

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