Com 101 - Final Exam

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"A liberal arts education is superior to a technical education."


"Campaign finance reform laws violate the Constitution."


"Global warming exists."


"Laws requiring police officers to verify the citizenship of an individual are harmful."


"OJ Simpson is not guilty of murder."


"The American Association of Psychology and pharmaceutical companies have conspired together to over-prescribe Ritalin."


"The US government should restrict advertising to children."


"The US should increase its efforts to combat global warming."

Fact or Value

"The flat tax is the most effective type of income tax."


"You should study for final exams."

Using repetition is an effective means of creating compelling rhythm in a speech.


Straw Man

Addressing only the weak arguments of an opponent

Post Hoc

Also known as the sequential fallacy

"We successfully occupied and rebuilt Japan after World War II. Therefore, we will be able to do the same in Iraq."

Analogy; Flawed Reasoning Attempt


Appeal that uses evidence and reasoning to support a position.


Arguably the most essential, this attention factor shows the direct affect the information has on the audience

What type of propaganda is A company arguing the merits of their product while also inviting potential new customers to join the millions of current customers already purchasing the product.


"While there are others contributing factors, chewing tobacco is the most prevalent cause of tongue cancer."

Causal/Sequential; Acceptable Reasoning Attempt

"President Bush single handedly caused the economic downturn."

Causal/Sequential; Flawed Reasoning Attempt

A standard of evaluation


"All Republican senators will vote "no" on the healthcare bill. Joe Smith is a Republican senator. Therefore, Joe Smith will vote "no" on the healthcare bill."

Deductive; Acceptable Reasoning Attempt

"All cats have 4 legs. Cats are mammals. Therefore, all mammals have 4 legs."

Deductive; Flawed Reasoning Attempt

According to your textbook, it is redundant for persuasive speakers to give their evidence and then to state the point the evidence is meant to prove.


Effective speakers attempt to build credibility with their audience by using lofty language


Lay or peer testimony comes from those who have expertise in that particular field.


The introduction of a speech usually should be prepared before the body of the speech.



Flawed reasoning or proof

"My science class is easy, my brother's science class is easy, my sister's science is easy. Therefore, all science classes are easy."

Generalization/Inductive; Flawed Reasoning Attempt

What type of propaganda is the Bush Administration renaming the U. S. soldiers in Iraq "Peace keepers"

Glittering Generalities

What type of propaganda is President Trump calling Hillary Clinton "crooked Hillary"

Name Calling

What type of propaganda is President Reagan pictured wearing jeans, a flannel shirt, and boots riding his horse on his ranch in California

Plain Folk


Process of drawing a conclusion based on facts and premises.


Reasoning that moves from a generalization to a specific conclusion


Reasoning where a general conclusion is reached based on something common to a whole group after examining a good sample of the group


Reasoning where one assumes that two things which are similar in some respects will be alike in other respects


Reasoning where one assumes the presence or absence of one thing as an indication of the presence or absence of another thing


Reasoning which concludes an effect is produced by one or more circumstances

"The sky is dark gray, the wind is blowing hard, distant thunder can be heard; A storm is likely coming."

Sign; Acceptable Reasoning Attempt


Support material used to prove or disprove something

What type of propaganda is Taylor Swift advertising for Cover Girl makeup


What type of propaganda is President Bush giving a televised speech on board an aircraft carrier surrounded by soldiers in military uniform?


A speaker's ethos is affected by everything he or she says and does during the speech.


Arguments guilty of ad hominem fallacy are attacking the person rather than dealing with the real issue.


Of all kinds of public speaking, persuasion is the most complex and the most challenging.


Persuasion often occurs incrementally


Propositions of policy seek either passive agreement or immediate action from your audience.


When trying to persuade listeners that are skeptical about your position, you need to deal directly with the reasons for their skepticism.


When using causal reasoning, you should take special care to avoid the fallacy of post hoc.



When a speaker builds a story to a surprising climax, he is using which attention factor?


When a speaker gets bogged down in one point, she is failing to use which attention factor?


Which type of persuasive proof appeals to the audience's motives, desires, needs, etc.?


Which type of persuasive proof/appeal boils down to one's credibility or trustworthiness?


Which type of persuasive proof/appeal contains evidence and reasoning?


Which type of persuasive speaking attempts to change an audience's behavior?


Which type of persuasive speaking attempts to change an audience's thinking about an issue?


Which type of proposition argues the audience should support a particular course of action?


Which type of proposition argues the inherent worth of something?


Which type of proposition seeks to persuade the audience of the existence or truth of something?

Which of the following is a way to enhance your credibility in a persuasive speech?

a. explain your expertise on the speech topic, b. deliver your speeches fluently and expressively, c. establish common ground with your audience, (all of the above)

In a persuasive speech, a speaker must be concerned with the audience's:

a. interest in the topic, b. beliefs about the topic, c. knowledge of the topic, (all of the above)

A speech is more likely to be persuasive if:

a. the proposition does not call for too large a change of belief, b. the speech uses logical, credible, ethical materials, c. the speech adapts to audiences attitudes, (all of of the above)

The following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? "Representative Thompson's school proposal may be first-rate, but don't forget that he never attended college himself."

ad hominem

"The flickering light of the fire revealed the fearful faces of the campers" is an example of


Zhu wants to create concern among her listeners about the infringements on civil liberties she fears are resulting from the war on terrorism. She has decided to use words with strong connotative meanings because she knows they will help her

arouse an emotional response

When reasoning from specific instances/generalization, a common fallacy to commit is:

generalizing too hastily

The denotative meaning of a word is

its literal or dictionary meaning

"My grandmother is the glue that holds our family together" is an example of


According to your textbook, "Let every nation know that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty" is an example of


According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of "This was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the momentwhen the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation."


"Asking the administration to police its corruption is like putting Dracula in charge of the blood bank" is an example of


If you were giving a persuasive speech to a hostile target audience, the one thing you would most want to learn from your analysis of that audience would probably be:

their specific objections to your proposal

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