combo mistake"The Roaring Twenties: Sex, Alcohol, and Jazz" and 24 others

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Brains Trust: from which previous idea/was a/ex/later included (3)

Wisconsin Idea/group of advisors to Roosevelt/professors gave Roosevelt ideas on bank regulation/lawyers, military, economists

Africans in WW2: what did they want/who threatened to do what/why/FDR reaction (2)

jobs in plants/Philip Randolph threatened to march on washington/equal opportunity for blacks in jobs/issued executive order against discrimination, created Fair Employment Practices Commission

Japanese: what did gov do (2)/why (2)/Supreme Court cases/declared

seized property and forced into holding camps/prevent sabotage and spying/Korematsu v. United States/constitutional

Neutrality Acts of 1935/7: forbade citizens from (3)/later changed with which system/where belligerent nations had to/favoured

selling arms, making loans, traveling on ships of nations in war/cash and carry/carry the goods on their own ships/British with strong navy

E*Radar: what incentivised creation/who made/when/which particular battle/what were they able to do

sinking of Titanic/Marconi and American scientists/WWII/Battle of Britain/intercept waves of German planes they saw on radar

SEC - developed a system/currently requires

to slow large sellouts/publication of financial documents

Eleanor Roosevelt: did what (3)/how did she help husband/gov/led the

travelled, gave lectures and radio broadcasts, wrote newspaper column/told him about average Americans/face for New Deal/Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Atlantic Charter of 1941: agreement between/said that neither/people have the right to/who must be destroyed/need for/what about seas

Britain and US/country wanted new territory/self-determination/Nazis/disarmament/freedom of seas preserved

Relief - CCC: stood for/purpose

Civilian Conservation Corps/provide employment for young men in forestry

Teapot Dome Scandal

During the Harding administration, many executive men were indicted for using Harding for money (like Albert B. Fall of the Ohio Gang"). Fall was appointed to oversee the oil reserves at Teapot Dome, and instead leased them for profit.

Charles Lindbergh

First to fly from NYC to Paris, won $25,000 His son was kidnapped/killed, became a gigantic news story Traveled Germany between world wars, thought Hitler was great. Opposed American involvement in WWII, became a combat pilot

1939 - Spanish Civil War ended and who took over/who did he help and how (2) each/reaction by US and Europe

Francisco Franco/Germany and Italy with arms and men/no action

Relief, Recovery, Reform: what were used as precedents/gov gave (2)/1st priority was to

Freedman's and Indian Bureau/welfare payments and public works projects/relief - provide for basic needs of unemployed

Marcus Garvey

From Jamaica, worked for the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) Advocated that freed slaves go back to live in Africa, complete segregation for blacks' independence Served 2 years in jail for stealing money, then deported

Frances Perkins: stood for (3)

laws against child labour, UE insurance, Civilian Conservation Corps

Tennessee Valley Authority - TVA - arose from a/where/who suggested/what/who opposed/why

WWI hydroelectric dam/Muscle Shoals, Alabama/George Norris/wanted plants to produce fertilizer/Coolidge and Hoover/public should not compete with private


100,000 small secret bars in NYC, bootlegging liquor.


14 year long period after the 18th amendment, repealed by 21st. Part of the Prohibition movement/temperance movement (Second Great Awakening) Abused by Al Capone, the Mafia 21st passed so the gov't could tax liquor

Flu Epidemic

1918-19, came from WWI trenches, killed 20-25 mil. Killed more Americans than had the Civil War, dramatically impacted the social fabric of the US

Recovery: AAA - for/purpose/how (2)

Agricultural Adjustment Act/eliminate surpluses/gave federal aid to farmers, controlled production of crops through quotas

1942 - Battle of Midway: between/led by respectively/end result - Japan vs. America/saved and equalized

American and Japanese aircraft/Admiral Nimitz and Yamamoto/4 aircraft carriers down vs. 1/Midway Island and naval force

Palmer Raids

Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer had a series of mass arrests of labor union workers, anarchists, socialists, and bystanders-first Red Scare. 2,700 arrested, justified it by regarding these people as "a clear and present danger" Palmer was almost killed by a mail bomb

1933 - Adolf Hitler: Born in/after war political role in which party/called for a what/result/later appointed

Austria/National Socialist or Nazi Party/attack on government/failed and jailed/chancellor of Germany

1944 - Dec Battle of the Bulge: where/result of who's order to do what/ended when which two forces/met where/ultimately ended in

Belgian border/Hitler's choice to sent last soldiers to attack Allies/Soviets and Allies/Elbe river/surrender in May 1945

1943 - Tehran Conference: involved who/USSR agreed to/Britain and US agreed to

FDR, Churchill, Stalin/attack Japan after Germany was defeated/open second front in France with Normandy invasion

E*Quarantine Speech: by who/when/stated that

FDR/1937/US would break off trade with dictators

1944 - who was elected/competitor was

FDR/Harry Truman

Who won election in 1940/who opposed/appointed who as secretary of war/with Congress approved the first/called

FDR/Henry Stimson/Committee to defend America First/peacetime draft/Selective Service and Training Act

Lend-Lease Act of 1941: signed by/purpose/allowed prez to

FDR/help British receive war supplies despite lack of credit/transfer resources to countries deemed vital to defence of U.S>

Who led U.S. forces/who commanded European front/who led British efforts (generals):

George Marshall/Dwight Eisenhower/Bernard Montgomery

Lost Generation

Gertrude Stein's name for expatriate literary figures who felt alienated from traditional values by the chaotic WWI, like Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and T.S. Eliot.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation: by which act/guaranteed/need for this arose from/gave the/what

Glass-Steagall Banking Act/individual banking deposits up to $5000 per account/bankruptcy in early Depression/Federal Reserve/power to prevent unsound banking practices

Pacific: won at which island/gained/who led/gained which islands/next Japanese defeat at Battle of/used suicide pilots when

Guadalcanal/air base/Admiral Nimitz/Solomon, Marshall/Philippine Sea/Battle of Leyte Gulf

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

Labor organization, Bill Haywood was the leader, known as "The Wobbies" and openly approved murder/sabotage Its crimes inflamed the Red Scare, reached its peak in 1923

1941 - Pearl Harbour: where/who attacked what/U.S. reaction

Hawaii/Japanese attacked US naval bases/Congress declared war with one dissenting vote

Joseph P Kennedy: was an/where/appointed/did what smart thing/prez made him/later became

Irish banker's son/Boston/prez at 25/pulled out cash before crash/head of Securities and Exchange Commission/ambassador to UK

Sacco and Vanzetti Case

Italian immigrants arrested in 1927 for murder, convicted on insufficient evidence. Liberal/radical Americans participated in mass demonstrations to demand their release A committee reviewed the case and deemed the execution appropriate, the men were executed; speaks to the abuses of civil liberties during Red Scare

Huey P Long: from/ran for/did what when he got position

Louisiana/gov against oil-backed Democrats/taxed oil to build highways and schools


Made around 1900, used as a major producer of standardized American culture, then as a political tool with FDR's 1930s Fireside Chats

H.L. Mencken

Muckraker, cynical Baltimore critic for The American Mercury magazine, hated American democracy, antagonized Scopes (in the Monkey Trial) Many abandoned his pessimism during the depression

Wagner Act: created the/to do what/purpose

National Labor relations board/review elections of labour leaders to determine legitimacy/eliminate corruption in collective bargaining


Openly used tobacco/alcohol, wore more revealing dresses, shocked older generations

Atomic Bombs/Manhatten Project: who oversaw/tested where/what happened politically/so who took over/ordered what to happen/dropped where (2)/when/Japan surrender when/deaths

Oppenheimer/New Mexico/FDR died in fourth term/Truman took over/bombing/Hiroshima, Nagasaki/1945/August 14/110 000

Andrew Mellon

PA banker, backed successful businessmen, Harding's Secretary of the Treasury Introduced the idea of cutting taxes and lowering spending to boost the economy Proved that Americans wanted to invest, not excessively spend Became a philanthropist in later years

Henry Ford

Rags-to-riches, introduced a traditionally expensive product to the middle class. Introduced $5/day min. wage, 8 hr workday Manufactured materiel during WWI, but didn't make it into politics Founded the philanthropic Ford Foundation

Calvin Coolidge

Replaced Harding, had hands-off policies (like Jefferson). Ruled during a calm period with a good economy.

Warren G. Harding

Repub, ran in 1920 with a "return to normalcy" after WWI and Progressive Reform Turned out to be incompetent, especially his corrupt foreign policy group the Washington Naval Conference

Home Front: which act raised funds to help war/did what to who in particular

Revenue Act of 1942/increased income tax for wealthiest

1939 - who signed what with Germany (allowing them to attack Europe)/Germany then invaded where (2)/result

Stalin/nonaggression treaty/Czech and Poland/Britain and France declared war due to alliance

Three Conferences between powers:

Tehran, Yalta, Potsdam

Scopes Monkey Trial

Tennessee banned the teaching of evolution in public schools Bio teacher John Scopes was arrested by the American Civil Liberties Union The case was a fight between Fundamentalist Christianity and modernity Scopes was found guilty, TN/South ridiculed

Red Scare

The panic about the Communist propaganda against Western nations. The Communist Party existed in the US in 1919, also caused by labor movement (which people thought the Bolsheviks infiltrated) in the 1920s, many civil liberties denied because of the suspicion

McNary-Haugan Bill: law purpose/vetoed by

aid farmers by buying up surplus crops/Calvin Coolidge

E*Axis Powers: created after Germany had (3)/combined forces with/who later joined

annexed Austria, stole parts of France and Czech/Italian Mussolini and Japanese fascists/Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria

1938 Munich Pact: countries adopted policy of/who agreed/to give up what/exchange for

appeasement/Britain, France, Italy/Czech Sudetenland to Germany/no further aggression

Relief, Recovery, Reform: recovery purpose (2)/reform purpose/(3) measures

boost consumption, confidence of employers/preventing Great Depression from happening again/regulation of banking, stock market, deficit spending

National Recovery Administration: NRA - designed to/modelled after/dependent on

boost industrial and business activity/compliance system of WWI/self-regulation of business owners based on gov-created codes

AAA - refinanced/to/authorized prez to/later ruled/prez got around by

farm mortgages/slow foreclosures/create inflation with silver coins and paper currency/unconstit/said subsidies were for soil conservation

Bank Holiday: what/purpose/after holiday what happened/effect on federal banks

four-day national bank holiday/end transactions to stop bankruptcy/5000 banks reopened/3/4 of them were supported

Huey P Long: proposed that gov/what happened/where

give every family income of 2500/assassinated/Capitol Building in Baton Rouge

1942 - War Production Board: when/did what (2) halted and redirected/effect on jobs/created more

halted nonessential New Deal projects, redirected towards production of war machines/almost complete employment/weapons than rest of Axis powers combined

Beer and Wine Revenue Act: purpose

relax prohibition

Frances Perkins: how did she come to attention of Roosevelt/appointed/what was she

work on industrial boards/secretary of labor/first women to hold a cabinet post

Wagner Act: heard/could issue/prevented

worker's grievances/injunctions and cease and desist orders/strikes from economy could not afford them

New Deal from when?


E*Holocaust: where first/Nazi plan called/killed how many/who/process

Poland/Final Solution/six million/Jews, disabled, communists, Gypsies, homosexuals/ghettos, camps, showers

First Hundred Days: how many components of new deal/first when what/last/which were later dubbed what

8/Emergency Banking Relief Act/National Industrial Recovery/Agricultural Adjustment and NIR unconstitutional

Relief - FERA:

Federal Emergency Relief Act/support state and local treasuries without funds

John Maynard Keynes: from/viewed what act from war as what/book/advocated for/from which president

Britain/Treaty of Versailles as economically unfeasible/Economic Consequences of the Peace/interest rate adjustments like in Federal reserve/Woodrow Wilson

1945 - Yalta Conference: where/who had most power/wanted what in Germany/agreed on what in Germany/disagreed over (2)/ultimately

Crimea/UN San Francisco/de-nazification/self-determination of nations in eastern europe, reparations from germany/agreed to hold free elections

1944 - June Battle of Normandy: named/involved who where/crucial/who oversaw/operation called

D-Day/Americans, Canadians, and British in west/Second Front/Dwight Eisenhower/Overlord

1922 - Italian gov taken over by which party/led by/what did he do/invaded where when

Facist Party/Mussolini/dissolved labour unions, abolished opposing parties, suspended freedom of the press/Ethiopia 1934

1940 - USSR attacked where/why/Germans invaded where (2)/eventually invaded which major country/allowing for major battle in

Finland/buffer against Germans/took Denmark, Norway, Belgium/France/Britain

1945: two major battles against Japan called/gained a place where they could put

Iwo Jima and Okinawa/aircraft carriers to bomb Japan

Asia: 1931 - who seized which province/changed name to/who condemned/US used what to condemn/what did Japan do to a US boat/boat was called the

Japanese seized Manchuria from China/Manchukuo/League of Nations/Stimson Doctrine/sunk/Panay

Jazz Age

Jazz is the only music form to originate in the US, found in places like the Cotton Club Syncopation represented the revolt of modern youth, cultural impact seen in the movie The Jazz Singer (where a white man played a black performer)

Douglas McArthur: served in/why were they concerned about Pacific/tactic used/originally forced from

Philippines, Japan, WWI/Japan took over Hong Kong, Indochina, Malaysia/leapfrogging from island to island/Philippine islands

Alphabet Soup Agencies: created due to what Congress/used by critics to describe

Rubber Stamp/disorganization of FDR's New Deal

Model T

Type of car developed by Ford that could be sold for under $300 and made by an assembly line. Prepared us industrially for world wars.

1941 - Leading up to War: Germans first attacked what/leading Roosevelt to issue/Japan joined/signed

U.S. destroyer/shoot on sight order/Axis/Tripartite Pact

Europe 1942: Soviets did what/Operation Torch where/led by/defeat of/which was led by/ultimate result to Axis

defeated Germans at Stalingard/North Africa/Eisenhower/German Afrika Korps/Rommel

John Maynard Keynes: suggested govs do what in depression

deficit spending to hire unemployed

Agricultural Adjustment Act: AAA - gov tried to/by/to/examples of what subsidized

eliminate farm surpluses/paying farmers not to produce/reduce supply and raise prices/corn, cotton, wheat

Public Works Administration: PWA funded/why (2)/was the/discontinued when why

construction of roads, post office, public buildings/relief for workers and recovery when they spend/last New Deal agency during 100 days/1941 with war

Unions: what event set them back/why - led to passing of/which (2)

coal miners strike/Smith-Connolly War Labor Disputes Act/limited right to strike in essential industries and allowed president to take control of firms on strike

FDIC: main reforms (2)

power to stop speculative investments on credit, prevent banks from using deposit money for investment

First Hundred Days: politically what happened/purpose of these (4)

huge number of bills to Congress/fixing banking, bolstering industry, managing labor, relief

Frances Perkins: advocate for/after the/which killed/helped (politics)

hygiene and safety for workers/Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire/146 women/guide legislation to reduce work week from 54 to 48 hours

Unions: how affected by war/secured what (2)/from who/

increased membership as more employed/health plans and fewer hours/National War Labor Board

Office of Price Administration: battle against/oversaw what program/purpose/and sale of what to help fund war

inflation/rationing program/ stop new purchases/war bonds

NRA: who enforced codes/agreement made with who were/controlled/determined to be what when

pres/pres exempt from antitrust prosecution/500 institutions/unconstitutional 1935

Charles Mitchell: elected/thought that/so he/and reinvested in

prez of NY national city bank/stocks would be popular investment for middle class/sale of stocks in bank/investment schemes

TVA - purpose (2)/later made (3)/used in

provide electricity, prevent flooding/aluminum, fertilizers, explosives/Manhatten Project

Civilian Conservation Corps: CCC - did what/examples/describe life - lived in, wore, led by/salary

provided work for unemployed young men/planting trees, building roads, flood-control facilities/camps, uniforms, army/30 went to familities

SEC - prohibited (3)/measures were designed to

pump and dump schemes, insider trading, excess margin buying/stop speculation that led to crash

Securities and Exchange Commission: SEC/aimed at which R/was a/with the/how

reform/licensing agency/power to regulate sale of stocks and securities/by denying licenses to unethical exchanges

FDIC: impact (2)

restored confidence in banks/more banks joined federal reserve

1934 - Johnson Debt-Default Act: forbade/to/created what in Germany

sale of U.S. securities to any nation that failed/to pay war debts to U.S./economic hardship

Bank Holiday: later economic effect/what tactic did Roosevelt employ afterwards

stock prices rose/fireside chats

Feminism in WW2: what were women encouraged to do (2)/ad used - name of woman/female corp examples

take on jobs of men conscripted/Rosie the Riveter/WAC

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