Combo with "Combo E-Commerce Exam 2" and 27 others

Lakukan tugas rumah & ujian kamu dengan baik sekarang menggunakan Quizwiz!

lean production

a set of production methods and tools that focuses on the elimination of waste throughout the customer value chain

Press release

a short news article sent to various media channels

(types of e-books) dedicated e-book reader

a single purpose device with a proprietary operating system that can download from the web and read proprietary formatted files created for that device


a personal website with posting that are time-stamped and arranged with the newest item first.

Shopping Cart

an electronic tool used by online consumers to purchase goods or services


an emailing list that receives newsletters and updates


any behavior that weekends connection btw trademark and product


any behavior that would weaken the connection between the trademark and the product p.284

personal identifiable info )pii)

any data that can be used to identify, locate, or contact an individual

Personally identifiable information (PII)

any data that can be used to identify, locate, or contact an individual p.267

Digital Certificates

certificates that verify that the sender of a message is who he or she claims to be and provides the person who receives the message with the public key required to encrypt a reply

Digital Certificates

certificates that verify that the sender of a message is who he or she claims to be and provides the person who receives the message with the public key required to encrypt a reply p.186

ch 10 start

ch 10 start

chapter 11 start

chapter 11 start


characteristics such as age, sex, income, location, education, and religion


charge for each viewing of premium content

speed tiers

charging more for higher speed internet service p293

congestion pricing

charging more for peak hour internet service p.293

usage-based billing

charging on the basis of metered units of internet service p.293

highway (toll) pricing

charging service providers like Netflix for their use of internet based on their bandwidth use p293

Zombie networks

clickbots/botnets -hordes of surreptitiously infiltrated computers, linked and controlled remotely -used to perpetrate click fraud, as well as a variety of other computer security crimes

Depleting click fraud

clicking rival's ads to exhaust their PPC budget

(t8.3) digital wallets (single sign-on services)

client side wallets and software that reveal personal information to web sites verifying the identity of the consumer

Which of the following is the central point of control for an e-market?

collaboration hub


collection of captured bot computers p.171

Each of the following is a benefit of e-learning except

college professors are anxious to develop new online courses.

Multi-Channel Integration

combine traditional store with online, provide integrated shopping experience, leverage value of physical store

2 purposes of trademarks

ensure consumer gets what is paid for and protects owner against piracy


entry into a website

(table 8.8, p 522) Privacy Advocacy Groups,,,,,

The Service Sector: Offline and Online

- accounts for 75% of all of economic activity -"concerned with performing tasks" in and around households, business firms and institutions -domestic establishments providing services to consumers, businesses, governments and other organizations.

direct goods

goods directly involved in the production process

durable goods

goods that are consumed over a longer period of time (generally more than a year)

durable goods

goods that are consumed over a longer period of time (more than a year)

nondurable goods

goods that are consumed quickly and have shorter life spans


grants the owner an exclusive monopoly on the ideas behind an invention for 20 years p.283

gross margin

gross profit divided by net sales

gross margin

gross profit/net sales


group status based on social groupings and economic status, in terms of e-commerce, these groups may or may not be limited by financial security

link farms

groups of Web sites that link to one another, thereby boosting their ranking in search engines pg. 225

(t8.3) trusted computing environments

hardware and software that controls the viewing of copyrighted content and requires users identification

enterprise portals

helps employees find important organizational content like human resource and corporate content

procurement process

how firms purchase goods they need to produce goods for consumers.

Return Policy

how the company deals with a customer who wants to return a purchase



anonymous profiles

identify people as belonging to highly specific and targeted groups p.270

Server farm

massive network of computer servers running software to coordinate their collective use -provide the infrastructure backbone to SaaS and hardware cloud efforts, & many large-scale Internet services

Cost-per-click (CPC)

maximum amount of money an advertiser is willing to pay for each click on their ad

view through rate

measures the 30 day response rate to an ad

trends in online content:

media consumption, technology, content gets social, content goes local, the titans compete, eyeballs, revenue, user-generated content, business models, paid content and free content coexist, convergence in media forms

Industry Convergence

merger of media enterprises into synergistic combinations that create and cross-market content on different platforms

industry convergence

merger of media enterprises into synergistic combinations that create and cross-market content on different platforms.


method of charging for advertising whenever a user performs a specified action such as signing up for a service, requesting material, or making a purchase

tight coupling

method of insuring that suppliers precisely deliver the ordered parts, at a specific time and particular location, to ensure the production process is not interrupted for lack of parts

business process reengineering (BPR)

methodology for conducting a comprehensive redesign of an enterprise's processes

permanent establishment

physical location of an organization

service providers

organizations with computers connected to the internet that provide access to software, data, and storage.


output from two or more web sites combined into one experience


outstanding obligations of the firm


placing content of other sites in a frame on the infringer's site p.289


placing trademarked keywords on web pages


playing trademarked keywords on web pages, either visible or invisible p.288

Telecommunications Act

preserves the vibrant and competitive free market that presently exists for the internet and other interactive computer services

(table 8.9, p 525) Privacy Enhancing Technologies: pop up clockers

prevents calls to ad servers that push pop up, pop under, and leave behind ads; restricts downloading of images at user requrest

(table 8.9, p 525) Privacy Enhancing Technologies: cookie managers

prevents client computer from accepting cookies

3 ways to classify net marketplaces

pricing mechinism, nature of market served, ownership

largest form of b2b commerce

private industrial networks

User authentication

procedure of verifying the identity of a remote user

Valediction Methods

procedures to test website accuracy and availability


process of encoding information using a secret key to produce a string of unintelligible characters


process of encoding information using a secret key to produce a string of unintelligible characters p.180

Search engine optimization (SEO)

process of improving a page's organic search results pg. 224


process of loosing distribution channels when they are no longer needed

currency conversion

process of using a financial formula incorporating current exchange rate

trans-organizational business process

process that requires at least two independent firms to perform

Transaction and payment processing

processes the shopper's request as they proceed to the virtual checkout counter

Lean production

production methods and tools that focuses on the elimination of waste throughout the customer value chain

supply-push model

products are made prior to orders received based on estimated demand

demand pull model

products are not built until an order is received

demand-pull model

products are not built until an order is received

MRO goods

products for maintance, repair, and operations

MRO Goods

products for maintenance, repair and operations.

just in time inventory

products manufactured as needed

social network features and technologies (table 11.2)

profiles: friends network: network discovery: favorites: games, widgets, and apps: e-mail: storage: instand messaging: Message boards: online polling: chat: discussion groups: experts online: membership management tools:

(table 8.9, p 525) Privacy Enhancing Technologies: public key encryption

program that encrypts your mail and documents

potentially unwanted program (PUP)

program that installs itself on a computer, typically without the user's informed consent p.172

Auto responders

programs that analyze incoming email and replies with a canned response

Order fulfillment

in the relationship between buyer and seller, there are many activities that transpire between the buyer's selection of the product and the shipment of the selected product to the buyer selecting merchandise, responding to the order

value chain management services

include automation of a firm's entire procurement process on teh buyer side and automation of the selling business processes on teh seller side

value chain management services

include automation of a firm's entire procurement process on the buyer side and automation of the selling biz processes on the seller side

transaction taxes

include sales taxes, use taxes, etc

malicious code (malware)

includes a variety of threats such as viruses, worms, trojan horses, and bots p.170

information privacy

includes both the claim that certain information should not be collected at all by governments or business firms, and the claim of individuals to control the use of whatever information that is collected about them p.265

organic search

inclusion and ranking of sites depends on a more or less unbiased application of a set of rules imposed by the search engine. pg. 222

(T 8.7: FTC new privacy framework principle) Great transparency

increase transparence of data practices by: -making privacy notices clearer, shorter, and more standardized to enable better comprehension and comparison -providing consumers with reasonable access to data about themselves - providing prominent disclosures and obtaining express affirmative consent before using consumer data in a materially different manner than claimed when data was collected -educating consumers about commercial data privacy practices

e-procurement Net marketplace

independently owned intermediary that connects hundreds of online suppliers offering millions of maintenance and repair parts to business firms who pay fees to join the market. typically used for long term contractual purchases.


independently owned intermediary that connects hundreds of online suppliers offering millions of maintenance and repaire parts to business firms who pay fees to join the market

e-procurement networks

independently owned intermediary that connects hundreds of online suppliers offering millions of maintenence and repair parts to biz firms who pay fees to join the market, typically for longterm contractual purchasing of indirect goods


independently owned online marketplace that connects hundreds to thousands of suppliers and buyers in a dynamic, real life environment- usually vertical markets and buyer-biased


independently owned online mrktplace that connects hundreds to potentially thousands of suppliers & buyers in a dynamic, real-time environment.


individuals, organizations and societies should be held accountable to others for the consequences of their actions p.264

Industry Consortium

industry owned vertical market that enables buyers to purchase direct inputs (both goods and services) from a limited set of invited participants

industry consortium

industry owned vertical market that enables buyers to purchase direct inputs (both goods and services) from a limited set of invited participants.

industry consortia

industry-owned vertical market that enables buyers to purchase direct imputs (both goods and services) from a limited set of invited participants- emphasizes longterm contractual purchasing- ultimate objective is unification of supply chains w/i entire industries through common network and computing platform

How does this shift explain the growth and appeal of online advertising?

instant trackability: calculate return on investment, test creativity, adjust ads quickly


intangible products, they give a benefit or satisfaction

Online travel industry dynamic

intense competition among providers, price competition, industry consolidation, commoditize online travel


intentionally disrupting, defacing, or even destroying a site p. 174

Low latency

low delay


mailing list that people have voluntarily given their email address in order to receive the email from that company

Keyword stuffing

packing site w/ unrelated words to lure users & attract higher-value contextual ads

information rights property rights governance public safety and welfare

page 263

Ethical principles: the golden rule universalism slippery slope collective utilitarian principle risk aversion no free lunch the new york times test (perfect information rule) the social contract rule

page 264-265

taxation of ecommerce sales

page 292

protecting children

page 296

internet drug bazaar

page 299

google books settlement

page 301

online travel services

page 333

ideal web business

page 336

online mortgage and lending services online insurance services online retail services

pages 330-331


pairing internet surfers w/ advertiser & taking a cut along the way -Google's ONE trick

Drawing page

part of the trademark application process where a black and white drawing of the mark is included

Specimen page

part of the trademark application process where a real example of how the mark is used in commerce is included

3 e-book models

pay per download, licesing entire e-libraries of content, advertising supported

click through rate

percentage of email recipiants who clicked through to the offer

delivery rate

percentage of email recipiants who receive an email

retention rate

percentage of existing customers who continue to buy on a regular basis

click through rates

percentage of people exposed to an onliine ad who actually click on the banner


percentage of purchasers who return ina year


percentage of the total number of consumers in a market who will visit a site


percentage of the total number of consumers in a market who will visit a site. pg. 245

conversion rate

percentage who buy something

attrition rate

percentage who purchase once and don't return within a year


percentages of purchases who return in a year. pg. 245

when a consumer willingly provides personal info in order have their name offered in a sweepstake it's called

permission marketing

watch costs

permit the consumer to monitor specific auctions of interest

online stored value payment system

permits consumers to make instant, online payments to merchants and other individuals based on value stored in an online account p.194

(t 8.11) DMCA Title 1: wipo copyright and performances and phonograms treaties implementation

makes it illegal to circumvent technological measure to protect works for either access or copying or to circumvent any electronic rights management information

drive-by download

malware that come with a downloaded file that a user requests p.171


malware that is designed to spread from computer to computer p.171

continuous inventory controls

managed with electric database updated instantaneously best for online selling

Continuous inventory controls

managed with electronic database, updated instantaneously, best for online selling

what is the test for infringement

market confusion and bad faith


markets in which prices are variable and based on the competition among participants who are buying or selling products and services

horizontal markets

markets that serve many different industries

(t 8.11) DMCA Title 3: computer maintenance competition assurance

permits users to make a copy of computer program for maintenance or repair of the computer

project champion

person who ensures the EC project gets the time, attention, and resources required and defends the project from detractors at all times

difference between personal and anonymous profiles

personal- add a personal email, postal address, and/or phone number to behavioral info. anonymous- identify people as belonging to highly specific and target groups


setting up fraudulent web site that contains copies of pages from a legitimate web site

retargeting ads

showing the same as to individuals across multiple Web sites pg. 240

Encryption software

software that scrambles data into a secret code that can only be broken by complicated mathematical algorithms

Discussion group software

software that supports discussion threads

Firewall software

software that surrounds an intranet to prevent unauthorized access by examining each message or request that enters and exits the intranet

Firewall software

software that surrounds an intranet to prevent unauthorized access by examining each message or request that enters and exits the intranet p.190


some businesses and newspapers use _____ as a quick publishing method.

fair market value

the average of prices for a product or service in a variety of dynamic and fixed-price markets around the world

multi-tier supply chain

the chain of primary, secondary, and tertiary suppliers

digital rights management (drm)

the combination of technical and legal means for protecting digital content from unlimited reproduction without permission


the combination or language and atoms

internet infrastructure

the computers and software connected to the internet


the conduct of selling, buying, logistics, or other organization management activities via the web


the connection between the clients and the providers.


the creation of digital images that characterize online individual and group behavior p.270


the default is to collect information unless the consumer takes an affirmative action to prevent the collection of data p.272


the division of a company which hires employees and takes care of all employee-related matters


the exchange of products like on ebay


the exchange of products over the internet


the exchange of products, services, or info between consumers like on

digital milennium copyright act (DMCA)

the first major effort to adjust the copyright laws to the internet age p.281

net margin

the percentage of its gross sales revenue the firm is able to retain after all expenses are deducted; calculated by dividing net income or loss by net sales revenue

business to consumer

this type of e-commerce allows a bushiness to sell a product or service to the general public or end users.

consumer to consumer

this type of e-commerce is an electronic version of the classified ads or an auction.

business to business

this type of e-commerceis a manufacturer-supplier relationship.


to go worldwide in slope and approximation; a consumer can access the internet form anywhere at anytime

Knowledge management uses knowledge

to improve the functioning of an organization.

Shallow Hierarchy

too many sections

stock on hand

too small decreases response time, too large increases cost

Stock on hand

too small/ decreases response time, too large increases cost


top level domain

if you're a ford dealer and you put "honda" in your metatags, you'll violate what law


what's the name of the gov protection of certain words, symbols or devises or a combo

trademark law

2 service industries categories

transaction brokers and hands on service providers

clickstream behavior

transaction log that consumers establish as they move about the web pg. 216

FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

transferring of information from one computer to another

true or false: in general online targeted ads are 4-10 times more effective than nontargeted ads


true or false: many of the rev models for online entertainment industry are the same rev models used in the online content provider models


true or false: under the library project contreversy with google books stems from scanning university texts and providing snipppets to customers for free and scanning public texts whose copywrite protections have expired



true of false: prior to the introduction for eh world wide web in 1991, the internet was all text- no graphics, animations, sound or video.

public key cryptography

two mathematically related digital keys are used: a public key and a private key. The private key is kept secret by the owner and the public key is widely disseminated. Both keys can be used to encrypt and decrypt a message.However, once the keys are used to encrypt a message, that same key cannot be used to encrypt the message. p.182


type of malicious code that can be covertly installed on a computer when attached to the internet. Once installed, the bot responds to external commands sent by the attacker. p171


type of net marketplace. independently owned online marketplace that connects hundreds to potentially thousands of suppliers and buyers in a dynamic, real-time environment. Makes money by commision on each trade.

virtual currency

typically circulates within an internal virtual world community or is issued by a specific corporate entity, and used to purchase virtual goods p.196


typically measured by the number of buyers and sellers in a market, the volume of transactions, and the size of transactions


typically measured by the number of buyers and sellers in a market, the volume of transactions, and the size of transactions.


unauthorized access to computer systems for the purpose of stealing and compiling data

doctrine of fair use

under certain circumstances, permits use of copyrighted material without permission p.280


another file format for pictures

applause ratio

number of Likes or Shares per post pg. 246

conversion ratio

number of comments produced per post pg. 245

unique visitors

number of distinct, unique visitors to a site


number of http requests pg. 243


number of re-tweets or re-shares per post pg 246


number of times an ad is served pg. 243

service occupations

occupations concerned with performin gtasks in and around households, business firms, and institutions

data breach

occurs when an organization loses control over its information to outsiders p.174


of all the activities on the internet, ____ is the most popular.

linear video ad

Pre-roll; takeover; ad takes over video for a certain period of time.

B2B (Business to Business)

Sales, buy, and trade between businesses

**Table 8.7, p 519) The FTC's New Privacy Framework

Scope Privacy by Design Simplified Choice Great Transparency

What are the main points of the Open Data: Why the Crowd Can Be Your Best Analytics Tool article?

Sean Gorman=president and founder of FortiusOne (:brings data and mapping solutions to the mass market through location analysis software) -FortiusOne's GeoIQ platform: geo-enabled data easily shared, visualized & analyzed for more collaborative and better-informed decisions -"data science" and a plethora of new tools to deal with the size and speed of information: Ex:Hadoop, Hbase, Cassandra, MongoDB, NodeJS, Hive, R, and Pig -data mining: social media, financial, CPG, marketers, & gov'ts -challenges: keep track of the many permutations that it creates, know what bits are meaningful and validated; moviing beyond just counting and binning the data, and answer more meaningful questions for businesses -projects like OpenStreetMap replacing NAVTEQs of world -future value will be meaningful questions we can answer with data

Organic or natural search

Search engine results returned and ranked according to relevance

one-to-one marketing

Segmenting the market based on a precise and timely understanding of an individual's needs, targeting specific marketing messages to these individuals, and then positioning the product vis-a-vis competitors to be truly unique. pg. 239


Sell to distributors or retailers and not usually to the consumer.


Sell-side, One major supplier to a others

price matching

Sellers agree informally or formally to set floor prices on auction items below which they will not sell.

price discrimination

Selling products to different people and groups based on their willingness to pay.


Selling the same good, but with different selection and delivery characteristics

automated response system

Sends e-mail order confirmations and acknowledgments of e-mailed inquiries.

psychological profile

Set of needs, drives, motivations, perceptions, and learned behaviors.

URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

The technical term for a web address:

Inline Graphic

a graphic that appears within a line of text


a graphical structure that flows from the most important or most general to the most specific

Balanced Hierarchy

a hierarchical tree that facilitates quick access to information and helps users understand how you have organized content

Linear Hierarchy

a hierarchy that is viewed sequentially in a line one right after the other


a language called _____ is often used to trigger simple interactive features on web pages.


a listing of goods or services that may include photographs or descriptions


a mark used to identify and distinguish goods and indicate their source p.284

ISP services

provide web access and email for a monthly fee

inventory management

relies on how well a seller manages the product inventory

digital signature (e-signature)

"signed" cipher text that can be sent over the internet p.183

Third-party cookies

"tracking cookies" -served by ad networks or other customer profiling firms -used to identify users and record behavior across multiple Web sites

strategy initiation

#1 company analysis, value proposition, competition, mission, objectives, opportunities

strategy formulation

#2 planning, cost-benefit, budget, risk analysis, business plan

strategy implementation

#3 project plan, resource allocation, scheduling teams (what, who, when, where)

strategy assessment

#4 monitor performance, compare, assess, improve, or adjust

Online Retail Sector

$10.7 trillion out of our $15 trillion economy is online retail

net margin

% of its gross sales revenue the firm is able to retain after all expenses are deducted: calculted by net income or loss/net sales revenu

Top 10 Social Network sites

(in order from 1-10) -Facebook -LinkedIn -Twitter -Myspace -iVillage -MyLife -Tumblr -Tagges -hi5

Private Industrial networks

**largest part of B2B E-Comm -the foundation of the "extended enterprise", allowing firms to extend their boundaries and their businesses processes to include supply chain and logisitics partners -DEF: web enabled network for the coordination of trans-organizational business processes

With respect to eCommerce taxation, be able to compare and contrast the following: Internet Tax Freedom Act (1998), Streamlines Sales Tax Project (SSTP) (2002), Internet Tax Nondiscrimination Act (2004)

- Internet Tax Freedom Act (1998) Placed a moratorium (delay) on 'multiple or discriminatory taxes on electronic commerce' and on taxes on internet access. - Streamlined Sales Tax Project (SSTP) (2002) Streamlining and simplifying rules on ecommerce sales tax. Consistent for every state. - Internet Tax Nondiscrimination Act (2004) Prevents taxes on internet useage

Electronic Data Interchange EDI

- communications protocol for exchanging does among computers using technical standards developed by the American National Standards Insititute and international bodies such as the UN -developed to reduce costs, delays and errors inherent in the manual exchanges of documents such as purchase orders, shipping documents, price lists, payments and consumer data

Advantages of Online Retail

- lower supply chain costs - lower costs of distribution -ability to reach and serve a much larger geographic group -react quickly to consumers tastes and demands -change prices nearly instantly -rapidly change visual presentation of goods -avoidance of direct marketing costs of catalogs and physical mail -increase opportunities for personalization -improve info and knowledge delivered to consumer -lower consumers' overall market transaction costs

Amazon's Financial Services

-free shipping on orders over $25, able to do this by focusing on operating expenses and eliminating marketing in offline magazine and TV -relies heavily on affiliates and third party merchs

Online Travel Services

-$400 billion to GDP -more travel is booked online than off

What are the main points of the A Different Game article?

-1879: James Ritty: "incorruptible cashier"=National Cash Register (NCR):reduced pilferage & provided instant overview of business -Sales Data= one of most important assets: BI: only for biggest companies--> mainstream: able to talk to each other, get complete picture of operations, pick out trends, and improve forecasting (all increasingly in real-time!) -IT industry piling into BI of 20th century: Accounting then computing firms (Tech firms are happy :D) -must improve accuracy of info to avoid double-counting Ex: inventory-management system=Retail Link (:leaves stock management in hands of suppliers & doesn't take ownership of goods til moment sold--> shed inventory risk and reduce its costs); Li & Fung (:one of world's biggest supply-chain operators) w/ new web services platform that speeds everything up!, agents audit factories in real-time, & clients monitor details of every stage of order -one of most important tech=videoconferencing (:real-time images) -new awesomeness=cloud computing and open-source software -R=free programing language for big data sets; Hadoop allows ordinary PCs to analyze huge quantities of data previously required by supercomputer

What are the main points of the Clicking for Gold article?

-Amazon: Data mining! Invasion of privacy!: tracks purchases and browsing history to recommendation other books to consumer Ex: FB, eBay, and Google! -fears about consumer unease & unwelcome attention from regulations -data from: purchases, surveys, happenings on site, etc. test new features b4 implementation! -Google:1) vote w/ mouse: PageRank, open to link spam abuse, 2) Wizard spelling: spell-check in almost every language, translation (:over 50 languages) & voice recognition (AI), 3) feedback loop=critical; recycling data exhaust=common; Data Liberation Front: reduce consumer's barriers to exit

What are the main points of the Triangulate case?

-B2B--> B2C--> Wings (got rid of wingmen) -industry: 40 million users total, only 4 million paying customers -mission: one-click dating service: auto-add info based on computer use, 1) ensure it's loved!, 2) valid business model -market: California!: features from other dating sites, dummy photo, survey top 200, customer feedback button,, and -porter's 5 forces: new entrants, power of suppliers (:FB, Netflix, Linked-In), power of buyers (:consumers), substitutibility (:real-life dating, spreed dating), competitive rivalry (:eHarmony-$60/month,$30/month, Zoosk-$25/month & a la carte) -Team: 2 yrs. & if last, get share of company; 10,000 options that VEST over 5 yrs. (CEO: Sunil Nagaraj) -Measurement: coin usage (:conversion ratio), user base (:customer lifetime value (CLV)), user acquisition (:cost per acquisition (CPA)), virality (:# of invitations, virality coefficient), user engagement, & user quality -Burn rate: $50k/month how fast blow money

Trends in Online Placement Services

-Consolidation -Diversification -Localization -Job search engines/aggreggators -Social Network -Mobile

What can you do with a social network?

-Email, chat, message board, instant messaging -interact with people with common interests or ties -removes geographic and time limitations of offline social networks

Online Banking and Brokerage

-Established brand-name national banks have taken substantial lead in market share -Over 100 million people use online banking; expected to rise to 192 million by 2013 -Early innovators in online brokerage (E*Trade) have also been displaced by established brokerages (Fidelity, Schwab)

How do you create an if statement in Excel?

-If a student has a Facebook account AND a Twitter account, his SN activity is "HIGH" -If a student has a Facebook account OR a Twitter account, her SN activity is "MEDIUM" -If neither of the above statements is true, the student's SN activity is "LOW": =IF(AND(A5="Yes",B5="Yes"),"HIGH",IF(OR(A5="Yes",B5="Yes"),"MEDIUM","LOW")) ... =COUNTA(Range) vs. =COUNT(Range)

What are the main points of the How Obama's Data-Crunching Prowess May Get Him Re-Elected article?

-In the mechanics of identifying voters, President Obama's team is ahead of GOP rivals -Obama's re-election campaign is the only one doing cutting-edge work with data President's operation uses a powerful social-networking tool called NationalField: enables everyone to share what they're working on, connects all levels of staff & users can share qualitative information, Higher-level staff get broader view of state and local work below them -GOP presidential campaigns don't fully understand power of data crunching -Facebook page; Obama 2012 - Are You In? FB app: geo-targeting of ads down to ZIP code -devising new kind of social intelligence that will help drive campaign resources where they're most needed -'Data harmonization'=holy grail of data -Power of personal connections: users on the campaign's social networking platform where users create own personalized fundraising campaigns -Since 2008: base on Facebook has soared

Pieces of Collaborative Puzzle

-Industry wide collab resource planning -forecasting and replinshment -product design -marketing coordination -demand chain visibility -supply chain visibility

Strategic Analysis Factors

-Key industry strategic factors Barriers to entry Power of suppliers Power of customers Existence of substitute products Industry value chain Nature of intra-industry competition -Firm-specific factors Firm value chain Core competencies Synergies Technology Social and legal challenges

Benefits of Electronic Auctions

-Liquidity: sellers can find willing buyers and vice versa -Price Discovery: Buyers and Sellers can quickly and efficiently develop prices for items that are difficult to assess, depends on supply and demand - Price transparency: allow everyone in the world to see the asking and bidding prices for items -Market efficiency -Lower transaction costs -Consumer aggregation -Network effects

B2C success factors

-Location and time aren't a factor -Selection & Value -Performance and service -Look and feel -security and reliability

B2B marketplaces

-One-to-many -Many to One Some-to-Many Many-to-Some Many-to- Many

Forms of media and how they're delivered to people

-Online traditional entertainment= produced by professional entertainers and producers -User Generated: voluntarily made my individuals and submitted online to their personal social networks or websites such as YouTube

two categories of service industries

1. transaction brokers 2. hands-on service provides features: knowledge and information intense, amount of personalization and customization

Critically evaluate the risks and challenges of businesses that Google, Microsoft, and other firms are entering.

-Some privacy advocates have voiced concern over how much info Google handles: what if security breach/error -Google's software is based on open standards; competitors have a choice in ad networks, search engines, and other services; switching costs are relatively low; users and advertisers aren't locked into exclusive contracts for the firm's key products and services; and there is little evidence of deliberate, predatory pricing or other "red-flag" activity that usually brings government regulation

Amazon's Strategic Analysis-Technology

-Spent over $1.7 billion on technology in 2010 -transaction processing systems -site management, search, customer interactions, and recommendations -Kindle and Kindle Fire

What are the main points of the Open Society article?

-State=biggest generator, collector, & user of data: Until recently=locked tight puts gov't data online -Obama issued memorandum ordering heads of fed. agencies to release as much data as possible to public--> all on> accountability -anyone can "play": greater openness Ex: Crown copyright prevents most gov't data in Britain & Commonwealth countries=state's property only! vs. U.S.: access to gov't info restricted by financial barriers--> Administrative Office of US Courts (AOUSC) charges all (even themselves) 8 cents/legal doc. --> paying to get docs. online; Google provides some legal docs. online -Change Agent: new transparency requirements used by gov't & public to hold private sector accountable -debate over whether gov'ts should merely supply raw data/get involved in processing & displaying them too

Financial Analysis Factors

-Statements of Operations Revenues Cost of sales Gross margin Operating expenses Operating margin Net margin Pro forma earnings -Balance sheet Assets, current assets Liabilities, current liabilities and long-term debt Working capital

Players in the entertainment industry

-TV -Motion pictures -Video games -Radio -Music

Online Placement Services (Recruitment Sites)

-automatic flow of information, reducing search time, and costs for all parties -save time and money -expand reach -establish market prices and terms and trends in labor market

Challenges of Online Retail

-consumer concerns about the security of transactions -privacy of personal info given to the Web sites -delays in delivery -inconvenience of returning damaged goods -lack of consumer confidence -added expenses for online photography, video and animated presentations -online marketing costs for search, email and displays -added complexity -greater customer info can translate into price competition and lower profits

Risks of Online Auctions

-delayed consumption costs -Monitoring costs -Equipment costs -Trust risks -Fulfillment costs

Characteristics of Private Industrial Networks

-developing efficient purchasing and selling business processes industry-wide -developing industry-wide resource planning

Advantages of Virtual Merchants

-don't have to bear the costs of building and maintaining physical stores -low gross margins -adopt low costs and convenience strategies -extremely effective and efficient -fulfillment processes to ensure fast delivery

7 Segments of Retail Industry

-durable goods=goods consumed over time -general merchandise -food and beverage -specialty stores -gasoline and fuel - mail order/telephone order ( MOTO) -online retail firms *largest segment is consumer durables followed by general merchandise

Amazon's Strategic Analysis- Competition

-eBay, multichannel retailers (Walmart, Sears and JCP), catalog merchs (LL Bean), also other book stores.

4 Factors required to charge for online content

-focused market -specialized content -sole-source monopoly -highly perceived net value

Amazon's Strategic Analysis- Social and Legal Challenges

-lawsuits for patent infringement etc

What are the main points of the Data, Data Everywhere article?

-lots of DATA!: Big Data=industrial revolution of data -possible to: spot business trends, prevent diseases, combat crime, astronomical discoveries, etc. -problems: info exceeds available storage space, & data security & protecting privacy issues -Moore's Law: processing power & storage capacity of computer chips double/ their prices double about every 18 months; capabilities of digital devices soar & prices fall -more ppl interact w/ info: recent financial crisis sparked by big data! :O -raw materials of business -data exhaust: trail of clicks left by users that's value is extracted Ex: Google's search engine extracts this

Content Revenue Models

-marketing -advertising -pay-per-view/download -subscription -and a mix of all of the above

Challenges of Virtual Merchants

-must build a business from scratch, quickly in an entire new channel and confront many virtual merch competitors -learning curve is steep -customer acquistion costs are high -must achieve highly efficient operations in order to preserve a profit

Amazon's Vision

-offer 3 things: lowest prices, best selection and convenience -shopping portal and product search portal -become of the Web's largest suppliers of merch and search services

Describe the infrastructure that powers Google and how its scale and complexity offer key competitive advantages.

-operates from a massive network of server farms containing hundreds of thousands of servers built from standard, off-the-shelf items -cost of the operation is a significant barrier to entry for competitors -reasons driving online ad growth trends: (1) increasing user time online, (2) improved measurement and accountability, and (3) targeting -Pull (instead of push) Advertising, Pricing Method (CPC instead of of CPM), Selling Strategy (auction instead of Prices), & Ad Networks (AdSense)

How do ad networks provide advertiser reach and support niche content providers?

-reaches more potential advertisers as possible customers across more web sites--> attracts more advertisers -increases: prices of advertising, # of ads served, accuracy of user targeting, network effects, & revenue

Online Career Services

-recruitment sites -CareerBuilder and Monster

What are the the mechanics of search, including how Google indexes the Web and ranks its organic search results?

-searches databases, not the actual web -sends "spiders" to crawl the web -use PageRank algorithms to determine the order of organic search results -sites with more pages linking to them are ranked higher

What is demand shaping and supply chain profitability?

-shaping demand according to in-house supply w/ promotions, etc. - P=R-C: Profit=Revenue-Costs

Link fraud

-spamdexing/link farming -process of creating a series of bogus Web sites, all linking back to the pages one is trying to increase pg. results in organic search

Online Financial Services

-storage of and access to funds -Protection of assets -growth -movement of funds (payment)


This function plans and manages financial resources and maintains the records and information related to the business

What are Google's mission statement and unofficial motto?

-to organize the world's info & make it universally accessible & useful -Don't be evil!



content convergence


dynamic pricing


industry convergence


online content revenue models--Marketing:


online content revenue models--Mixed: MSN


online content revenue models--Subscription: bandora, spotify, rhapsody


online content revenue models--advertising: yahoo


online content revenue models--pay-per-view/pay-for-download: apple itunes store


technological convergence


5 types of e-books

1. web accessed (can only be read on publisher's website with a subscription fee) 2. web downloadable 3. dedicated (kindle) 4. general purpose (like a smartphone) 5. print on demand (custom published- can print and bind)

What are the Porters Models?

1) Industry Structure: Potential new Entrants, power of buyers, power of suppliers, threat of substitutes, and rivalry 2) Competitive Strategy: Cost/Differentiation vs. Industry-wide scope/Focused scope--> lowest cost/better g/s vs. across industry/within industry segment 3) Value Chains: [Secondary:] infrastructure: general management, planning, finance, IS; HRM: recruiting, hiring, training, & development; Technology: R&D; Procurement; [Primary:] Inbound Logistics--> Operations--> Outbound Logistics--> Marketing & Sales--> Service/Support 4) Business Processes: how company operates business/ does activity 5) Information Systems: [Computer Side:] Hardware--> Software--> Data (:Bridge)--> [Human Side:] Process--> People Actors: Hardware & People Instructions: Software & Process <--: Automation -->: difficulty of change

3 challenges to making a profit in online retail

1.central/accessible location 2.high prices to cover costs 3.highly efficient inventory system

what percentage of online sales are attributed to online research, blogs, banner ads, and other internet exposure?


4 stages of electronic data interchange (EDI)

1. 1970s-80s document automation 2. early 1990s document elimination 3. mid 1990s move toward continuous replenishment/access model 4. edi provides for exchange of critical biz info between computer applications supporting wide variety of business processes

Ethernet Speed

10 Mybtes per second, the speed at which the data is transported

What are two internet risks to businesses?

1. IP Spoofing 2. DoS attacks


Using trademarks as keywords on search engines in a misleading or confusing manner.

Five Step Process of Analyzing Ethical Dilemmas

1. Identify and clearly describe the facts 2. Define the conflict or dilemma and identify the higher-order values involved 3. identify the stakeholders 4. Identify the options that you can reasonably take 5. Identify the potential consequences of your options

5 online content revenue models

1. marketing (free content drives offline revenues- 2. advertising (fee content paid for by advertising- 3. ppv (charge for premium content- itunes) 4. subscription (monthly charges- rhapsody) 5. mixed (msn)

Etail Sectors

1. Amazon 2. Financial Services-Banking, Mortgages, Insurance, Real Estate 3. Travel 4. Recruitment/employment

What are some controls to mitigate these risks?

1. multi-factor authentication 2. strong passwords 3. anti-virus software 4. intrusion detection system

Ecommerce Retail assumptions

1. reduced search and transaction costs, consumers find lowest prices, 2. lowered market entry costs, lower operating costs, higher efficiency 3. traditional physical store merchants forced out of business 4. some industries disintermediated --> assumptions not all true

Double Spending

_____ is spending a particular piece of electronic cash twice by submitting the same electronic currency to two different vendors.

Trends in Online Retail

1. Growth in social shopping 2. Online retail remained profitable during recession 3. Online retail still fastest growing retail channel 4. Buying online a normal, mainstream experience 5. Selection of goods increases, includes luxury goods 6. Informational shopping for big-ticket items expands 7. Specialty retail sites show most rapid growth

two major segments of online travel

1. Leisure/unmanaged business travel 2. Managed business travel - expected to offer greater growth opportunities

Top online growth scenarios

1. Most significant online growth: Offline general merchandiser giants extending brand to online channel 2. Second area of rapid growth: Specialty merchants with high-end goods, e.g. Blue Nile

What are two types of firewalls?

1. Network level firewalls 2. Application level firewalls

Types of Integration

1. Online order, in-store pickup 2. In-store kiosk or clerk Web order, home delivery 3. Web promotions to drive customers to stores 4. Gift cards usable in any channel

What are three common types of DoS attacks?

1. SYN flood attack 2. Smurf attack 3. DDos attack

What are the 3 primary services of cloud computing?

1. SaaS- host applications over a network 2. IaaS- provision of computing power and disk space to firms who access it from desktop PC's 3. PaaS- enables firms to develop and deploy onto the cloud infrastructure their consumer-generated applications using vendor-provided facilities

What are 5 Internet Protocols and what do they govern?

1. TCP/IP- basic communication of the internet 2. HTTP- web browsers 3. FTP - used to transfer files across the internet 4. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol- email 5. Secure electronic transmission- encryption schemes for credit card transactions

Candidate Ethical Principles

1. The Golden Rule: due unto others as you would have them do until you. putting yourself into the place of others and thinking of your self as the object of the decision can help you think of fairness in decision making 2. Universalism: if action is not right for all situations, it is not right for any specific situation. if we adopted this rule in every case, could the organization or society survive? 3. Slippery Slope: if an action cannot be taken repeatedly, then it is not right to take it at all *descartes rule of change), once started down a slippery path you might not be able to change 4. Collective Utilitarian Principle: take the action that achieves the greater value for all of society. this rule assumes you can prioritize values in a rank order and understand the consequences of vaious courses of action 5. Risk Aversion: take the action that produces the least hard, or lease potential costs; some actions have high failure costs or high failure cost actions 6. No Free Lunch: assume that virtually all tangible and intangible objects are owned by someone else unless there is a specific declaration otherwise. if something someone else has created is useful, you should assume the creator wants compensation 7. The New York Times Test (Perfect Information Rule): assume whatever you do will be on the front page; assume perfect information markets 8. The Social Contract Rule: would you like to live in a society where the principle you are supporting would become an organizing priciple of the entire society?

4 E-tail Business Models

1. Virtual merchant --Amazon 2. Bricks-and-clicks --Wal-Mart, J.C. Penney, Sears 3. Catalog merchant --Lands' End, L.L. Bean, Victoria's Secret 4. Manufacturer-direct --Dell

What are the advantages of EDI? (5)

1. reduction/elimination of data entry 2. reduction of data keying errors, human interpretation, and classification errors 3. reduction of paper 4. reduction of paper processing and postage 5. reduction of inventories

What are 4 areas of concern to internet consumers?

1. theft of credit card numbers 2. theft of passwords 3. consumer privacy 4. identity theft

Benefits of E-commerce? (5) KNOW THIS

1. access to worldwide customer/supplier base 2. reductions in inventory investment/ carrying costs 3. rapid creations of business partnerships 4. reductions in retail prices through lower marketing costs and procurement costs 5. better customer service

Cloud computing issues?

1. already large investment in infrastructure 2. mission critical functions running on legacy systems 3. no interest in a one-size-fits-all mentality 4. internal control and security issues

2 important global trends in financial service industry

1. consolidation 2. movement toward integrated financial services

What are 4 areas of e-commerce risk?

1. data security 2. business policies 3. privacy 4. business process integrity

What is e-commerce? (6)

1. electronic buying and selling of goods and services 2. on line delivery of digital products 3. direct consumer marketing 4. EFT 5. electronic trading of stocks 6. electronic data interchange

What functions do protocols perform? (5)

1. facilitate PHYSICAL CONNECTION 2. synchronize TRANSFER OF DATA 3. provide a basis for ERROR CHECKING and measuring network PERFORMANCE 4. promote COMPATIBILITY 5. Promote network DESIGNS that are flexible, expandable, and cost-effective

What are 4 key features of cloud computing?

1. firms can acquire IT resources on demand and as needed 2. resources are provided over a network and accessed through network terminals at the client location 3. acquisition of resources is rapid and infinitely scalable 4. computing resources are pooled to meet the needs of multiple client firms

4 factors required to charge for online content

1. focused market 2. specialized content 3. sole source monopoly 4. high perceived net value

5 types of social networks

1. general (general audiences organized into general topics- FB) 2. practice (focused discussion groups, help, info- home schooling) 3. interest (focused discussion groups based on a shared interest in a specific topic- harley) 4. affinity (focused discussions and interaction with other people who share the same self or group identification- Blackplanet) 5. sponsored (created for pursuing organizational (and often commercial) goals- Nike

How does a company build a perception of integrity? (2 part approach)

1. implement the technology infrastructure and controls to provide adequate security 2. Adequate safeguards are in place and monitored- data encryption, digital authentication, and firewalls

4 major categories of issues

1. info rights (what rights to their own personal info do people have in a public marketplace) 2. property rights (how can intel property rights be enforced) 3. governance (should internet be subject to public laws) 4. public safety and welfare (what efforts should be taken for equal access to internet)

What are the three business models and what do they mean?

1. information- info about the company 2. transaction- can place orders with customers/suppliers 3. distribution- can deliver digital products to customers over the internet

What are 4 Intranet risks?

1. intercepting network messages; sniffing 2. access to corporate databases 3. privileged employees- may allow unauthorized access to mission critical data 4. reluctance to prosecute

Amazon's Business Model

2 segments= North American and International -serves not only retail customers BUT also merchants and developers ALSO, third party merchant segment= enables third parties to integrate their products into their website and use their cutsomer technologies -Amazon Web Services

_to_% consumers substitute online entertainment for traditional



_____ is the electronic defacing of an existing Web site's page.

Retail industry segments


Animated GIF

A GIF based graphic file that moves


A Know-how is a term for practical knowledge on how to accomplish something, as opposed to "know-what" (facts), "know-why" (science), or "know-who" (communication). Know-how is often tacit knowledge, which means that it is difficult to transfer to another person by means of writing it down or verbalising it


_____ is the electronic defacing of an existing Web site's page. p.174


A Web server can compromise _____ when it allows automatic directory listings.


A Web server can compromise _____ when it allows automatic directory listings. p.168

Postimplementation Audit

A _____ is a formal review of a project after it is up and running.


A _____ is a listing of goods and services.

Smart Card

A _____ is a stored-value card that is a plastic card with an embedded microchip that can store information.

Charge Card

A _____, offered by companies such as American Express, carries no spending limit, and the entire amount charged to the card is due at the end of the billing period.


_____ is the general term to describe the buying and selling of goods on the internet.

over 84 million

How many Americans will have internet access in 2009?

business case

A business plan for a new initiative or large, new project inside an existing organization

Smart card

A card with a microchip embedded containing data that can be programmed for various applications

consumer behavior models

Predict wide range of consumer decisions; based on background demographic factors and other intervening, more immediate variables.

real-time customer service chat systems

A company's customer service representatives interactively exchange text-based messages with one or more customers on a real-time basis.

advertising networks

Presents users with banner advertisements based on a database of user behavioral data.

data warehouse

A database that collects a firm's transactional and customer data in a single location for offline analysis.

view-through rate

Measure the 30-day response rate to an ad. pg. 243

customer profile

A description of the typical behavior of a customer at a Web site.


A disadvantage of _____ wallets is that they are not portable.


A feature of political systems in which a body of law is in place that permits individuals to recovers the damages done to them by other actors, systems, or organizations.

online marketing communications

Methods used by online firms to communicate to the consumer and create strong brand expectations.

Computer Security

_____ is the protection of computer assets from unauthorized accessed, use, alteration, or destruction.


A good or service for which there are many dealers supplying the same product, and all products in the segment are essentially identical.


_____ is the protection of individual rights to nondisclosure.


_____ is used to describe the characteristics of the logic units that make up specific Web services.

Deep Hierarchy

A hierarchy with too many menu-selections, becomes a navigational nightmare for the user


A legal form of computer based currency that allows for the purchase of items by credit card, check or money order


A line of identifying text, assigned and retrieved by a given Web server and stored by your browser


_____ is/are digital cash mired by a company instead of by a government.

balanced scorecard

A management tool that assesses organizational progress toward strategic goals by measuring performance in a number of different areas

Collective Mark

A mark used in commerce by the members of an association


A mark used to identify and distinguish goods and indicate their source.

platform for privacy preferences

A standard designed to communicate to Internet users a Web site's privacy policy, and to compare that policy to the user's own preferences, or to other standards such as the FTC's FIP guildelines or the EU Data Protection Directive.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

A marketing tactic that, when combined with SEO, helps a business or organization attract customers, generate brand awareness, and build trust by increasing its website's visibility


Describes how many pixels are displayed on your screen

Fair use Rule

Describes when and how much of a copyrighted work may be copied or used in another report

technological convergence

Development of hybrid devices that can combine the functionality of two or more existing media platforms into a single device.

enterprise resource planning system

A more sophisticated MRP system that includes human resource and financial components.

Internet & Business

Direct communications round the clock service reduce trans cost extended distribution channels


A name, symbol or other device identifying a product, officially registered and legally restricted to the use of the owner or manufacturer.

online advertising

A paid message on a Web site, online service, or other interactive medium. pg.220

Health club

A place of business with equipment and facilities for exercising and improving physical fitness; example of a service retailer

Home Page

A point of entry into a website

due process

A process in which laws are known and understood and there is an ability to appeal to higher authorities to ensure that the laws have been applied correctly.

Trojan Horse

A(n) _____ is a program hidden inside another program or Web page that masks its true purpose. p.171

safe harbor

A private self-regulating policy and enforcement mechanism that meets the objectives of government regulators and legislation but does not involve government regulation or enforcement.

Safe Harbor

A private self-regulating policy and enforcement mechanism that meets the objectives of government regulators and legislation but does not involve government regulations or enforcement

augmented product

A product with additional benefits to customers beyond the core benefits embodied in the actual product.


A program or add-on that increases user interaction


A(n) _____ is a small application program.

Active X Control

A(n) _____ is an object that contains programs and properties that Web designers place on Web pages to perform particular tasks.


A(n) _____ is software that attaches itself to another program and can cause damage when the host program is activated.


A(n) _____ is software that attaches itself to another program and can cause damage when the host program is activated. p.171

Transaction Processing

_____ occurs when the shopper proceeds to the virtual checkout counter by clicking a checkout button.

customer relationship management system

A repository of customer information that records all of the contacts that a customer has with a firm and generates a customer profile available to everyone in the firm with a need to "know the customer."


A rich media ad that is pre-loaded into a browser's cache and does not play until fully loaded and the user clicks to another page.

Account Manager

A(n) _____ keeps track of multiple Web sites in use by a project or keeps track of the projects that will combine to create a larger Web site.

data mining

A set of analytical techniques that look for patterns in the data of a database or data warehouse, or seek to model the behavior of customers.


A set of expectations that consumers have when consuming, or thinking about consuming, a product or service from a specific company.

brand strategy

A set of plans for differentiating a product from its competitors, and communicating these differences effectively to the marketplace.

dedicated e-book reader

A single-purpose device with a proprietary operating system that can download from the Web and read proprietary formatted files created for that device.

Commerce Service Providers

_____ often offer Web server management and rent application software to businesses.

One the most successful b2c ecommerce segments

TRAVEL with almost 25% in 4 yrs, more convenience than traditional travel agents for consumers, for suppliers is a singular, focused customer pool that can be efficiently reached thru onsite advertising

video ads

TV-like advertisement that appears as an in-page video commercial or before, during, or after content pg. 226


A software application that stores records and attributes.

database management system

A software application used by organizations to create, maintain, and access databases.

Search engine

A software program you can use to find Web sites, Web pages, and Internet files


A specific, measurable standard against which actual performance is compared

closed loop marketing

When marketers are able to directly influence the design of the core product based on market research and feedback from the market.

scenario planning

A strategic planning methodology that generates plausible alternative futures to help decision makers identify actions that can be taken today to ensure success in the future

competitor analysis grid

A strategic planning tool that highlights points of differentiation between competitors and the target firm

Automated Clearing House

ACH is short for _____.

Dynamic online catalog

employs sophisticated database software that quickly retrieves and updates data such as inventory ability.

Materials requirement planning system (MRP)

enables companies to predict, track, and manage all the constituent parts of complex manufactured goods


A technique for diminishing edges of a pixelated graphic

deep packet inspection

A technology for recording every key stroke at the ISP level.


Adding up all the costs involved, such as material, labor, rent, overhead, etc., and adding a percentage mark-up as profit

frequently asked questions

A text-based listing of common questions and answers.

strategy map

A tool that delineates the relationships among the key organizational objectives for all four BSC perspectives

Trade Secrets

A trade secret is a formula, practice, process, design, instrument, pattern, or compilation of information which is not generally known or reasonably ascertainable, by which a business can obtain an economic advantage over competitors or customers


_____ packages allow the merchant to have explicit control over merchandising choices, site layout, internal architecture, and remote and local management options.

full-page spread

Display in which large photos are used to show one or two products.

grid display

Display in which multiple products are shown in very small postage-stamp photos.

banner ad

Displays a promotional message in a rectangular box at the top or bottom of a computer screen. pg 225

psychographic research

Divides a market into different groups based on social class, lifestyle, and/or personality characteristics.


A web-based seminar, where the presentation, lecture, or workshop is transmitted over the Internet instead of in person

IP address

A value used to identify a device that is connected to the Internet -usually expressed as four numbers (from 0 to 255), separated by periods


A video sharing site where users can freely upload their own video content to the site


A way of life that includes behaviors, beliefs, and values for a group of people.

interstitial ad

A way of placing a full-page message between the current and destination pages of a user.


A website or part of a website with posted regular entries of opinion pieces, news, case studies, etc.

Certification Mark

A word or symbol that is used in commerce to certify geographic origin

business plan

A written document that identifies a company's goals and outlines how the company intends to achieve the goals and at what cost


A(n) _____ allows anyone with knowledge of its existence to cause damage by observing transactions, deleting, data, or stealing data.


A(n) _____ allows anyone with knowledge of its existence to cause damage by observing transactions, deleting, data, or stealing data. p.171


A(n) _____ bank is a bank that does business with sellers that want to accept payment cards.


A(n) _____ electronic wallet stores a consumer's information on his/her own computer.


A(n) _____ is a company that offers start-up companies a physical location with offices, accounting and legal assistance, computers, and Internet connections at a very low monthly cost.


A(n) _____ is a person or device that is able to listen in on and copy Internet transmissions.

Project Manager

A(n) _____ is a person with specific training or skills in tracking costs and the accomplishment of specific objectives in a project.

Trojan Horse

A(n) _____ is a program hidden inside another program or Web page that masks its true purpose.

transaction brokering

Acting as an intermediary to facilitate a transaction.


Active X controls run only on computers with _____ operating systems.

rich media/video ad

Ad employing Flash, DHTML, and Java, and streaming audio and/or video.

personal profiles

Add a personal e-mail address, postal address, and/or phone number to behavioral data.


Ads intended to inform potential customers about products or services

social network advertising

Ads on MySpace, Facebook, Youtube, etc.


Ads that run before a user arrives at a Web site's contents

Keyword advertising

Advertisements that are targeted based on a user's query pg. 223

cost per thousand

Advertiser pays for impressions in 1000-unit lots.

cost per action

Advertiser pays only for those users who perform a specific action.

cost per click

Advertiser pays prenegotiated fee for each click an ad receives.

Why Web 2.0 for Business?

Advertising specific to user interests. Ad words and Ad sense


Algorithm developed by Google co-founder Larry Page to rank Web sites

Net Neutrality

All internet activities are charged at the same rate regardless of the amount of bandwidth used.

Mobile government is

All of these. (-a value-added service, enabling government to reach a larger number of citizens. -more cost-effective than other IT applications. -convenient to users.)

indirect goods

All other goods not directly involved in the production process.

b2b commerce

All types of computer enabled inter-firm trade.

proxy bidding

Allows the consumer to enter a maximum price, and the auction software automatically bids for the goods up to that maximum price in small increments.

Container Store

Always among the top five on the list of "100 Best Places To Work"

(table 8.12, p 539) E-commerce Patents

Amazon Eolas Technologies Priceline Sightsound Akamai DoubleClick Overture Acacia Technologies Soverain Software MercExchange Google Google Apple

gaming advertising

Downloadable "advergames;" placing brand-name products within games.

catalog merchants

Established companies that have a national offline catalog operation that is their largest retail channel, but who have recently developed online capabilities.

Operational Partners

_____ provide the venture sponsor with knowledge of industry best practices.


_____ refers to preventing unauthorized data modification.

online social network

An area online, where people who share common ties can interact with one another.

banner swapping

An arrangement among firms that allows each firm to have its banners displayed on other affiliate sites for no cost.

service industries

Establishments providing services to consumers, businesses, governments, and other organizations.

library effect

An attempt to appeal to consumers on the basis of the total number of products offered.

web-accessed e-book

An e-book stored on a publisher's server that consumers access and read on the Web.

web-downloadable e-book

An e-book that can be downloaded from the Web, stored as a file on the client PC, and perhaps even printed.


Establishments that sell goods and services to the general public.

rule-based data mining

Examines demographic and transactional data of groups and individuals at a Web site and attempts to derive general rules of behavior for visitors.


Example of discount stores


Example of service retailers, businesses that help people borrow and save money

Value Added Network

An independent firm that offers connections and EDI transaction services

structured query language

An industry-standard database query and manipulation language used in relational databases.


An inner connected system of things or people; can refer to a social group like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn

lifestyle group

An integrated pattern of activities, interests, and opinions.


An item that is offered or distributed for the consumer to purchase Example: shoes, pencil, television


An online picture that's associated with one's social media accounts

6 typical portal revenue sources

ISP services, general advertising, tenancy deals (fixed charge for number of impressions, exclusive partnerships, "sole providers", commissions on sales, subscription fees (charging for premium content), applications and games

internet service provider

ISP stand for _____

anonymous profiles

Identify people as belonging to highly specific and targeted groups.

Active Content

_____ refers to programs that are embedded transparently in Web pages and that cause action to occur.


Identifying a user's physical location (sometimes called geolocation) for the purpose of delivering tailored ads or other content


_____ refers to protecting against unauthorized data disclosure and ensuring the authenticity of the data source.

Knowledge Management

_____ software is designed to help businesses mange the information in documents, rather than the documents themselves.


Application servers are usually grouped into two types: page-based and _____ systems.

advertising exchanges

Arrange for banner swapping among firm.

Dr. Pepper machine

As a vending machine, it is an example of a non-store retailer

current assets

Assets such as cash, securities, accounts, receivable, inventory, or other investments that are likely to be able to be converted to cash within one year.

bid rigging

Bidders communicate prior to submitting their bids, and rig their bids to ensure that the lowest price is higher that it might otherwise be.


end users who want access to data, programs and storage.

public key infrastructure (PKI)

CAs and digital certificate procedures that are accepted by all parties p.186

operating margin

Calculated by dividing operating income or loss by net sales revenue.


Any act or object that poses a danger to computer assets is known as a _____.


Any behavior that would weaken the connection between the trademark and the product.

supply chain

Firms that purchase goods, their suppliers, and their suppliers' suppliers.

Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

Any data that can be used to identify, locate, or contact an individual

personally identifiable information

Any data that can be used to identify, locate, or contact an individual.


At one time, the largest department store in the world, this company sponsors an internationally famous Thanksgiving Day parade every year


Attachment to an electronic message saying who they are

general purpose portals

Attempt to attract a very large general audience and then retain the audience on-site by providing in-depth vertical content.

vertical market portals

Attempt to attract highly focused, loyal audiences with a deep interest in either community or specialized content.


Audio programs or recordings that are syndicated online and can be streamed or downloaded.


Average length of a time visitors remain at a site. pg. 243


Average number of days elapsed between visits. pg. 245

Auctions: Business-to-Consumer & Consumer-to-Consumer

B2C- auction house sells goods it owns, or controls, using various dynamic pricing models. C2C- auction house is simply an intermediary markt maker, providing a forum where consumers-- buyers & sellers-- can discover prices & trade.

pop-up ad

Banners and buttons that appear on the screen without the user calling for them.

direct marketing

Based on direct mail or phone messages and aimed at segments of the market likely to purchase and which has little variation in price; is most often used for products that can be stratified into different categories.

mass marketing

Based on national media messages aimed at a single national audience and with a single national price; is appropriate for products that are relatively simple and attractive to all consumers in a single form.


HTML formatting instructions are interpreted by the _____.

Different Types of Electronic Merchants

Bricks-and-clicks Catalog merchants Manufacturer-Direct

net marketplaces

Bring together potentially thousands of sellers and buyers in single digital marketplace operated over internet.

private industrial networks

Bring together small number of strategic business partner firms that collaborate to develop highly efficient supply chains.

User Tier

Browsers that request and process web pages

Social Media Marketing

Building network fans, followers, and connections by sharing relevant and interesting content, engaging more people and driving more business

Multi-channel retailers

Businesses that use a variety of methods to sell goods

What makes e-commerce work?

Buyers, Sellers, Market Place, Transaction and Technology


Buying and selling of goods and services over private networks


Buying and selling of retail goods on the Internet.

free products/services

Can be used to build market awareness.


Capable of continuing operation even if a component fails

shopping cart database

Captures all the item selection, purchase, and payment data.

Online Career Services Top Sites

CareerBuilder, Monster - generate over $1bil annually, use traditional and online recruitement


Changing the product, not just the marketing message, according to user preferences. pg. 240

Fair User Considerations to copyright protections

Character of use - nonprofit or education use versus for profit use nature of the work - creative works such as plays or novels receive greater protection than factual accounts ex newspaper accounts amount of work used - a stanza from a poem or a single page from a book would be allowed, but not the entire poem or a book chapter market effect of use - will the use harm the marketability of the original product context of use - a last minute, unplanned use in a classroom versus a planned infringement


Characteristics such as age, sex, income, location, etc.


Charging some customers more money for products and services based on their profiles.


Has to do with social control: Who will control e-commerce, what elements will be controlled, and how the controls will be implemented. p.289

Specialty stores

Have a limited number of merchandise categories; target a specific group of customers


Hiring another company to provide the outside support for all or part of a project is called _____.

supply chain management systems

Continuously link the activities of buying, making, and moving products from suppliers to purchasing firms, as well as integrating the demand side of the business equation by including the order entry system in the process.

content convergence

Convergence in the design, production, and distribution of content.


Corporate LAN or Wan that functions with Internet tech behing company firewall

customer retention costs

Costs incurred in convincing an existing customer to purchase again.


Commerce Server is produced by _____.


Commerce service providers are also called _____ service providers.

patent trolls

Companies that collect patents and seek to enforce them.


Companies that have a network of physical stores as their primary retail channel, but also have introduced online offerings.

Home Shopping Network

Company that sells merchandise to audiences who watch the broadcasts and purchase items by phone or internet; Example of a non-store retailer

Transaction Processing

Completing a transaction online

Web Server

Computer that delivers Web pages

seller's lament

Concern that one will never know how much the ultimate winner might have paid, of the true value to the final winner.

federal trade commission

Conducts research and recommends legislation to congress.

Cross-sell hyperlink

Connects customers to a web site that features similar items to the ones currently being viewed

Upsell hyperlink

Connects customers to a website that features similar but more upscale or expensive items.


Connects you to another location on the same web site or a related web site.

Informed consent,

Consent given with knowledge of all material facts needed to make a rational decision.

informed content

Consent given with knowledge of all material facts needed to make a rational decision.

Web Globalists

Consultants who advise companies on how to design their Web sites for international audiences


Creating multiple versions of information goods and selling essentially the same product to different market segments at different prices.

Serial Numbers

Creating truly anonymous electronic cash requires a bank to issue electronic cash with embedded _____ such that the bank can digitally sign the electronic cash while removing any association of the cash with a particular customer.


Current tagline is "At The Corner Of Happy And Healthy"

Why does taxation of e-commerce raise governance and jurisdiction issues?

Currently sales tax is only charged on items sold by vendors that have a physical presence in the state of the buyer. The question is whether or not it is fair to tax only those that are unfortunate enough to live in a state that is also houses major vendors.

print-on-demand book

Custom-published book.

query-driven data mining

Data mining based on specific queries.

current liabilities

Debts of the firm that will be due within one year.

anonymous information

Demographic and behavioral information, such as age, occupation, income, zip code, ethnicity, and other data that characterizes your life without identifying who you are.

indirect goods

all other goods not directly involved in the production process

direct e-mail marketing

E-mail marketing messages sent directly to interested users.

Enterprise Resource Planning

ERP is the acronym for _____.


Each time an ad is served to a user for viewing

Technology used for B2B

Electronic catalog -trading -data interchange -funds transfer


Electronic checks that provide a handy way to get payment from customers who do not own or use credit cards

Electronic Payment Process

Electronic funds transfer. Atm's, pay by phone, Paypal

intellectual property

Encompasses all the tangible and intangible products of the human mind.

Technologies and business practices that free the workforce from the constraints of legacy communication and productivity tools such as e-mail describes

Enterprise 2.0.

Federal Trademark Dilution Act

Extends protection to owners of famous trademarks against dilution.

T/F: Disintermediation has occurred bc of Online Retailing


What are the main points of the Games and Psychology - Jesse Schell Video (DICE)?

FB=big, strange, & unexpected -lead generation (LG) [ex: sign-up for credits/coins, etc.]>direct payment (DP) -everything about reality: authenticity [greater: raise in value] Ex: Wii, Farmville, Guitar Hero, XBox Achievement, Club Penguin, Mafia Wars, Virtual pets w/ stuffed animal -tech diverges! (exception=iPhone & things that fit in pocket) -games ubiquitous, points, sensors!: tricks to pay attention to ads, yet may inspire us to be better ppl

Chapter 5 Figures and Tables

Figure 5.1 The E-commerce security environment p.168 Figure 5.2 Vulnerable points in an E-commerce transaction p.170 Figure 5.3 An Example of a Nigerian Email Scam p. 173 Figure 5.4 Tools Available to achieve site security p. 181 Figure 5.5 Public Key Cryptography - A Simple Case p. 184 Figure 5.6 Public Key Cryptography with Digital Signatures p.185 Figure 5.7 Digital Certificates and Certification Authorities p.187 Figure 5.8 Secure Negotiated Using SSL/TLS p.189 Figure 5.9 Online Payment methods in the United States p.192 Figure 5.10 How an online credit card transaction works p.193 Table 5.1 Customer and merchant perspectives on different dimensions of e-commerce security p.169


all purchasing activities plus all the monitoring of elements

B2B commerce

all types of inter-firm trade

Chapter 8 Figures and Tables

Figure 8.1 Composition of the US Retail Industry p.314 Figure 8.2 Online retail and B2C E-commerce are alive and well p.316 Figure 8.3 The growth of online banking p.328 Figure 8.4 Online Travel Services Revenues p.332 Table 8.1 Online Retail: advantages and disadvantages p.317 Table 8.2 retail e-commerce: multi-channel integration methods p.318 Table 8.3 Top online banks: October 2012 p.328 Table 8.4 Major Online Travel Sites p.334 Table 8.5 popular online recruitment sites p.337

Major Service Industry Groups

Finance Insurance Real estate Travel Professional services - legal, accounting Business services - consulting, advertising, marketing, etc. Health services Educational services

Knowledge Management

_____ software often includes powerful search tools that use proprietary semantic and statistical algorithms to help users find the content, human experts, and other resources that can aid them in their research and decision-maing tasks.


_____ software packages are business systems that integrate all facets of a business, including accounting, logistics, manufacturing, planning, project management, and treasury functions.

branding communications

Focus on extolling the differentiable benefits of consuming the product or service.

paid inclusion

For a fee, guarantees a Web site's inclusion in its list of sites, more frequent visits by its Web crawler, and suggestions for improving the results of organic searching. pg. 223


Foreign goods that are manufactured in one country and then brought into another country

Input Controls

Form fields that are used to collect data entered by the user


allow consumers to write paperless checks


Found along the top of a Facebook profile or page, these separate areas of content.


Founder= Jeff Bezos -"offer the Earth's biggest selection and to be Earth's most customer-centric company where customers can find and discover anything they may want to buy

4 sectors of online travel

Four major sectors: no less than 40% growth except cruise/tours -Airline tickets -Hotel reservations -Car rentals -Cruises/tours

Other Functionalities of Social Networks

Friends, profiles, storage, membership management *didn't think it was necessary to define these separately

Why does the sale of gambling, cigarettes and drugs over the Internet present such a dilemma when it comes to legal jurisdiction?

Gambling, cigarettes and drugs are typically subject to an excise tax in the United States. If companies off shores sell these products to the US, they can avoid sales and excise taxes.

What are the main points of the Gamers Can Make a Better World - Jane McGonigal Video (TED)?

Games can help solve world's problems w/ epic win in reality -Ex: WOW: lvl-ing up, collaborators, always has something to do -should up hrs. of game-play up;10,000 hrs b4 21 yrs. old & 10,080 hrs. through school up until high school graduation: virtuosos: 1) urgent optimism: attach obstacle w/ positive outlook 2) social fabric: playing together builds relationships more efficiently 3) blissful productivity: happier working hard than hanging out 4) epic meaning: attached to awe inspiring stories -super-empowered indivs., but only believe can change virtual world: not optimal situation -story: Dice games of kingdom of Lydia: alternate day of eating & day of play to get over famine--> 1/2 civilization left in search for diff. world--> saved culture through games Ex: World w/o Oil; Super Strucnt; & Evoke

registration forms

Gather personal data on name, address, phone, ZIP code, e-mail address, and other optional self-confessed information on interests and tastes.

legacy computer systems

Generally are older mainframe and minicomputer systems used to manage key business processes within a firm in a variety of functional areas.


Global Positioning System


Global network using protocol, TCP/IP

direct goods

Goods directly involved in the production process.

durable goods

Goods that are consumed over a longer period of time.

nondurable goods

Goods that are consumed quickly and have shorter life spans.

ad nonsense

Google AdSense ads that are inappropriate for content.


Grant the owner a 20 year monopoly on ideas behind an invention (machines, man-made products, compositions of matter, processing methods). The invention needs to be new, non-obvious and novel.


Grants the owner an exclusive monopoly on ideas behind an invention for 20 years.

Image/display ads

Graphical advertising (as opposed to text ads)

gross margin

Gross profit divided by net sales.

WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative)

Guidelines developed and continually revised since 1999 to ensure that persons with disabilities can access the web

Fast Venturing

In _____, an existing company that wants to launch an electronic commerce initiative joins external equity partners and operational partners that can offer the experience and skills needed to develop and scale up the project very rapidly.

Partial Outsourcing

In _____, the company identifies specific portions of the project that can be completely designed, developed, implemented, and operated by another firm that specializes in a particular function.


In a shopping cart, clicking the Checkout button usually displays a screen that asks for _____ and shipping information.

Closed Loop

In a(n) _____ system, the card issuer pays the merchants that accept the card directly and does not use an intermediary, such as a bank or clearinghouse system.

Early Outsourcing

In many electronic commerce projects, the company outsources the initial site design and development to launch the project quickly. This approach is called _____.


_____ software typically provides tools for linking to an supporting supply and purchasing activities.

e-procurement net marketplace

Independently owned intermediary that connects hundreds of online suppliers offering millions of maintenance and repair parts to business firms who pay fees to join the marker.


Independently owned online marketplace that connects hundreds to potentially thousands of suppliers and buyers in a dynamic, real-time environment.


_____ strategies can be used to improve the value that the business provides to its customers.


_____ strategies focus on reducing costs or generating value by working with suppliers or inbound shipping and freight service providers.

customer co-production

In the Web environment, takes customization one step further by allowing the customer to interactively create the product. pg. 240

Filling Out Online Forms

In the early days of electronic commerce, shoppers deleted items they wanted to purchase by _____.

Merchandising activities

Includes acquiring products to sell, setting prices, displaying products, and making them available for purchase

information privacy

Includes both the claim that certain information should not be collected at all by governments or business firms, and the claim of individuals to control the use of whatever information that is collected about them.

Financial Service Global Trends

Industry Consolidation (banks, brokerage, insurance) and Movement toward integrated financial services

industry consortium

Industry-owned vertical market that enables buyers to purchase direct inputs from a limited set of invited participants.

opinion leaders

Influence the behavior of others through their personality, skills, or other factors.

What are the FOUR moral dimensions of an Internet society?

Information Rights, Property Rights, Public Safety and Welfare, and Governance

e-commerce (seller)

Information about price elasticity

(figure 8.1, p 500) The moral dimensions of an internet society

Information rights: What rights to their own personal info do individuals have? Property rights: how can traditional intellectual property rights be enforced? Governance: should the internet and ecom be subject to public laws and whose jurisdiction? Public safety and welfare: equitable access what efforts should be taken? Mobile commerce form a moving vhicle?? Etc

Opt-out Model (U.S. model)

Informed consent permitting collection of personal information


Intent to divert traffic from the legitimate site to an infringing site.


_____ was initially launched by a student at Harvard University for college students in 2004.

private industrial networks (private trading exchange)

Internet based communication environments that extend far beyond procurement to encompass truly collaborative commerce


Internet payments for items costing from a few cents to approximately a dollar are called _____.

social network

Involves a group of people, shared social interaction, common ties among members, and people who share an area for some period of time.

Deep Linking

Involves bypassing the target site's home page and going directly to a context page

deep linking

Involves bypassing the target site's home page, and going directly to a content page.


Involves displaying the content of another Web site inside your own Web site within a frame or window.


Involves displaying the content of another website inside your own website within a frame or window

contract purchasing

Involves long-term written agreements to purchase specified products, under agreed-upon terms and quality, for an extended period of time.

spot purchasing

Involves the purchase of goods based on immediate needs in larger marketplaces that involve many suppliers.


Involves the registration of an infringing domain name, or other internet use of an existing trademark, for the purpose of extorting payments from the legitimate owners.


Involves the registration of an infringing domain name, or other internet use of an existing trademark, for the purpose of extorting payments from the legitimate owners.


Involves the same behavior as cybersquatting, but with the intent of diverting traffic from the legitimate site to an infringing site.

model-driven data mining

Involves the use of a model that analyzes the key variables of interest to decision makers.

Digital certificates

Issued by a trusted third party; verifies to customers that a company is what it claims to be

Fulfillment company

It warehouses a merchants goods and processes orders for the merchant

Sun Microsystems

Java is a programming language developed by _____.


Large information systems that store the same data in many different physical locations are called _____.

Category killers

Large stores that specialize in a particular type of product; might offer lowest prices available


Larger businesses often prefer to use a _____ application system that separates the presentation logic from the business logic.

materials requirements planning system

Legacy system that enables companies to predict, track, and mange all the constituent parts of complex manufactured goods.


Legal protection that gives the author of a work control over how that work is used


Legal protection that gives the author of a work control over how the work is used

long-term debt

Liabilities that are not due until the passage of a year or more.

Structured Menus

Links are easy to follow and in logical order


Links intranets of business partners using virtual private networks

Web 2.0

Loose cloud of capabilities, tech, bus models, sets e commerce apart -Google example, advertisers pay for ad words

Enterprise resource planning system (ERP)

MRP system that includes HR and financial components


Mail Order, Telephone Order Closest to online retail sector

Snail Mail

Mail sent and received via postal service

utility, ease of use

Main factors in effectiveness of software interface.


Manipulation of information

Many to Many

Many buyers and sellers...auctions

Which revenue model would help a Hollywood company make money for a movie in the long run?

Marketing and Advertising, DVD sales, and making a deal with companies like Netflix

permission marketing

Marketing strategy in which companies obtain permission from consumers before sending them information or promotional messages.


Markets in which prices are variable and based on the competition among participants who are buying or selling products and services.


Maximum amounts of imports allowed into a country

acquisition rate

Measures the percentage of visitors who register or visit product pages. pg. 245

keyword advertising

Merchants purchase keywords through a bidding process at search sites, and whenever a consumer searches for that word, their advertisement shows up somewhere on the page. pg. 223

business process management (BPM)

Method for business restructuring that combines workflow systems and redesign methods; covers three process categories—people-to-people, systems-to-systems, and systems-to-people interactions

english auction

Most common form of auction; the highest bidder wins.

Not-For-Profit Fundraising

Most current scrip offerings, such as eScrip, focus on the _____ market.

Database Administration

Most electronic commerce sites requires a(n) _____ function to support activities such as transaction processing, order entry, inquiry management, or shipment logistics.

Application Specialist

Most large businesses have _____ who maintain accounting, human resources, and logistics software.

Discount stores

Mostly self-service, but many have knowledgeable sales associates


Near field communication -a short-range, wireless communication standard -used to support contactless payment and transactions over equipped mobile devices p.195

Each of the following is a trend that may slow EC and Web 3.0 except

Net neutrality.... (not= security concerns.- copyright complaints.- choppy connectivity.)

network keyword advertising

Network of publishers accepts ads placed by Google on their Web sites, and receive a fee for any click-throughs from those ads. pg. 223

Service retailers

Non-traditional retailers; intangible performances, actions or services

fixed pricing

One national price, everywhere, for everyone.

(Table 8.5, p 517) Federal Trade Commission's Fair Information Practice Principles

Notice/Awareness (core principle) Choice/Consent (core principle) Access/Participation Security Enforcement

What are the TWO FTC Fair Information Practice Principles that are considered 'core'?

Notice/Awareness - Sites must disclose how they collect information on consumers, who is collecting it, how it will be used, consequences of refusal, and how the information will be protected. Choice/Consent - Consumers must have a choice in how their information will be used other than supporting the transaction

(Table 8.6, p 518) FTC Recommendations Regarding Online Profiling

Notice: complete transparency to user by providing disclosure and choice options on the host web site. robust notice for PII, clear and conspicuous notice for non pii Choice: opt in for PII, opt out for non pii. no conversion of non pii to pii without consent. out out from any or all network advetisers from a signle page provided by the host web site Access: reasonable provisions to allow inspection and correction Security: reasonable efforts to secure information from loss, misuse, or improper access Enforcement: done by independent third parties, such as seal programs and accounting firms Restricted collection: advertising networks will not collect information about sensitive financial or medical topics, secual behavior or sexual orientation, or use social security numbers for profiling


Number of http requests received by a firm's server

page views

Number of pages requested by visitors. pg. 243


Number of times an ad is served.

service occupations

Occupations concerned with performing tasks in and around households, business firms, and institutions.

click fraud

Occurs when a competitor hires third parties (typically from low-wage countries) to fraudulently click on competitors ads. pg. 225

channel conflict

Occurs when a new venue for selling products or services threatens to destroy existing venues for selling goods.

Department stores

Offer a broad variety of products, with less depth in assortment

interest-based social networks

Offer members focused discussion groups based on a shared interest in some specific topic.

affinity communities

Offer members focused discussions and interaction with other people who share the same affinity.

general communities

Offer members opportunities to interact with a general audience organized into general topics.


Offers consumers two or more goods for one price.

practice networks

Offers members focused discussion groups, help, information, and knowledge relating to an area of shared practice.


Often described as the more professional of the big three social media networks; profiles are similar to online resumes

affiliate marketing

One Web site agrees to pay another Web site a commission for new business opportunities it refers to the site. pg. 229

indirect reference groups

One's life-cycle stage, social class, and lifestyle group.

blog advertising

Online ads related to content of blogs.

Rich media ad

Online ads that include animation, audio, or video pg. 225


One of the first big social media networks, it's now mainly used by music acts and other entertainers.

sponsored communities

Online communities created for the purpose of pursuing organizational goals.

Serial Number

One way to be able to trace electronic cash is to attach a _____ to each electronic cash transaction.


One way to uniquely identify users and store information about their choices is to create and store _____.

direct reference groups

One's family, profession or occupation, religion, neighborhood, and schools.

What are the main points of the Online Gamers Crack Enzyme Puzzle article?

Online gamersdeciphered the structure of an enzyme of an AIDS-like virus that had thwarted scientists for a decade -monomeric protease enzyme: a cutting agent in the complex molecular tailoring of retroviruses, a family that includes HIV -need a 3-D picture that "unfolds" the molecule and rotates it in order to reveal potential targets for drugs--> Foldit--> -gamers produced an accurate model of the enzyme in just three weeks -first time gamers have resolved a long-standing scientific problem

pop-under ad

Opens underneath a user's active browser window and does not appear until the user closes the active window.

When it comes to informed consent, what is the difference between Opt-in versus Opt-out?

Opt-in - Requires an affirmative action by the consumer to allow collection and use of consumer information Opt-out - The default is to collect information unless the consumer takes an affirmative action to prevent the collection of data.


Originally, the term _____ was used to describe a dedicated programmer who enjoyed writing complex code that tested the limits of technology.


Originally, the term _____ was used to describe a dedicated programmer who enjoyed writing complex code that tested the limits of technology. p.174

Discussion: Consider the expanded list of ethical principles (e.g., Golden Rule). Which of these do you agree with? Disagree with?

Other ethical principles: Golden Rule Universalism - What applies in one case applies in all similar cases Slippery Slope - If repeating an action multiple times leads to a negative outcome, the action should not be taken even once. Collective Utilitarian Principle - Take the action that achieves the greatest value for all of society. Risk Aversion - Take the action that produces the least harm or the least potential cost. No Free Lunch - Assume that virtually all tangible and intangible objects are owned by someone else unless there is a specific declaration otherwise. The New York Times Test - Assume your action will be headlining in the New York Times - how will others react? The Social Contract Rule - Would you want to live in a society where the principle you are supporting would become an organizing principle of the entire society?


Outstanding obligations of the firm.

non-linear video ad

Overlay; Web bugs; ad runs at same time as video content and does not take over full screen.


PayPal earns a profit on the _____, which is money that is deposited in Paypal accounts and not used immediately.

Opt-in Model (European Model)

People have to approve info collection. Informed consent prohibiting organization from collecting any personal info

open rate

Percentage of customers who open the e-mail and are exposed to the message. pg 246

attrition rate

Percentage of customers who purchase once, but do not return within a year. pg. 245

click-through rate (e-mail)

Percentage of e-mail recipients who clicked through to the offer. pg. 246

delivery rate

Percentage of e-mail recipients who received the e-mail. pg 246

bounce-back rate

Percentage of e-mails that could not be delivered. pg. 246

retention rate

Percentage of existing customers who continue to buy on a regular basis. pg. 245

abandonment rate

Percentage of shoppers who begin a shopping cart form, but then fail to complete the form. pg. 245

conversion rate

Percentage of visitors who purchase something pg. 245

watch lists

Permit the consumer to monitor specific auctions of interest.

Brick-and-mortar businesses

Physical stores

When it comes to privacy protection, how does Europe differ from the United States?

Privacy protection is much stronger in Europe. Europe does not allow companies to collect PIIs from consumers for secondary uses (uses other than the transaction) and have agencies in place to pursue complaints made by consumers unlike the US.

What are the main points of the New Rules for Big Data article?

Privacy, security, retention, processing, ownership, and integrity of info: -privacy=one of biggest worries: rules fall short b/c of technical difficulties; exploiting info can be resolved by giving ppl more control -security: benefits=threats averted-->neglected often--> solution=disclose more info, annual info-security audit -retention: data should never be stored for longer than needed--> might be misused/ inadvertently released; regulation pushing in opposite direction: knowledge=power -processing: new regulation might be that data can't discriminate against on hypothetical possibilities -ownership: regulation leaning towards treating personal info as property right Ex: Google's "data liberation" integrity: right of assembly vs. maintenance of network neutrality

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Process for improving the chance that a webpage will rank high in the results for a specific search query


Process of brand creation.


Products sold in a country other than the one in which they were produced


Program that processes HTTP protocol,receives, displays, and processes HTML documents


Programs written in javascript and added to the website

copyright law

Protects original forms of expression such as writings, art, drawings, photographs, music, motion pictures, performances, and computer programs from being copied by others for a minimum of 70 years.

balance sheet

Provides a financial snapshot of a company on a given date and shows its financial assets and liabilities.


Provides electronic catalog that represents the products of thousands of direct manufacturers.

Electronic Funds Transfer

Provides payments and collections for online sales

dutch internet auction

Public ascending price, multiple unit auction. Final price is lowest successful bid, which sets price for all higher bidders.


Purchase of goods for resale


Putting a value on goods and services.

Unregistered copyright

an author does not have to do anything to copyright a work. Pieces after 1989 do not have to contain the c symbol

view-to-cart ratio

Ratio of "Add to cart" clicks to product view. pg. 245

checkout conversion ratio

Ratio of actual orders to checkouts started. pg. 245

browse-to-buy ratio

Ratio of items purchased to product view. pg. 245


Receives and processes SQL requests retrieve and store data

transaction log

Records user activity at a Web site.

Click farms

Recruiting a network of users to engage in click fraud with the goal of spreading IP addresses across several systems and make a fraud effort more difficult to detect

supply chain management

Refers to a wide variety of activities that firms and industries use to coordinate the key players in their procurement process.


Refers to different methods by which goods can be distributed and sold.


Refers to stored value.


Refers to the "Middleman" that exists in the value chain between the manufacturing of the product and its delivery to the buyer

economic viability

Refers to the ability of firms to survive as profitable business firms during a specified period.

digital rights management

Refers to the combination of technical and legal means for protecting digital content from unlimited reproduction without permission.


Removal of organization or business layers responsible for certain steps in value chain

Traffic logs

Reports produced from software on your web server or provided by the company hosting your web site that tell you the domain of your visitors and their referring pages.

relational databases

Represent data as two-dimensional tables with records organized in rows and attributes in columns; data within different tables can be flexibly related as long as the tables share a common data element.

Current Challenges with B2C &B2B

Requires new mindset logistic expense and price conflict Security and hackers

What are the three basic ethical principles discussed in the text?

Responsibility - Individuals, organizations and societies are responsible for the actions they take. Accountability - Individuals, organizations and societies should be held accountable to others for the consequences of their actions. Liability - A body of law permits individuals to recover damages done to them by other individuals, organizations and societies

transactive content

Results from the combination of traditional content, such as articles and product descriptions, with dynamic information culled from product databases, tailored to each user's profile.

Pure-play retailers

Retailers who sell on the internet only

in-text video ad

Rich media; ad is delivered when user mouses over relevant text.

in-banner video ad

Rich media; ad is triggered within banner, may expand outside banner.

B2C (Business to Consumer)

Sales between suppliers and consumers. Web Storefront

social shopping

Sharing product choices with friends online.


Shifting of the intermediary role in value chain into new source...Paypal


Short uniformly organized pieces of information that particularly lend themselves to help presentations


Single or multi-channel manufacturers who sell directly online to consumers without the intervention of retailers.

virtual merchant

Single-channel Web firms that generate almost all of their revenue from online sales.

Big-box retailers

Single-story structures, at least 10,000 square feet building, parking lots could accommodate hundreds of cars

collaborative filtering

Site visitors classify themselves into affinity groups characterized by common interests; products are then recommended based on what other people in the group have recently purchased.

With respect to information rights, be able to provide an example of how Anonymous Information and profiles are used in the Internet age.

Sites can gather useful anonymous information (demographics and behavioral information) on consumers without having to collect any personally identifiable information (PIIs)

financial portals

Sites that provide consumers with comparison shipping services, independent financial advice, and financial planning.

Semantic web

Sites that wrap data in invisible tags that can be recognized by search engines, analysis tools, and other services to make it easier for computer programs to accurately categorize, compare, and present this information


Small text file Web sites place on the hard disk of visitors' client computers every time they visit, and during the visit, as specific pages are visited.


Social media network based on 140-character micro-blog posts.

study of consumer behavior

Social science that attempts to predict/explain what consumers purchase and where, when, how much, and why they buy.


Software application that stores customers' data for easy retrieval during online purchases

Sniffer Programs

Software applications called _____ provide the means to record information that passes through a computer or router that is handling Internet traffic.

Sniffer Programs

Software applications called _____ provide the means to record information that passes through a computer or router that is handling Internet traffic. A type of eavesdropping program that monitors information traveling over a network p.176

Web 2.0 Processing

Software as service, Google, Amazon, virtual marketing

Be familiar with Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) and, generally speaking, how it works.

Software for automating the communication of privacy policies to users. The software translates a sites privacy practices into a simpler standard format for the user.

Machine translation

Software program that changes languages

Spiders, Web crawlers, software robots

Software that traverses available Web links in an attempt to perform a given task -used by search engines to discover documents for indexing and retrieval


Some companies have begun to offer small payment and micropayment services through _____ telephone carriers.

(table 8.9, p 525) Privacy Enhancing Technologies

Spyware blockers Pop-up blockers Secure e-mail Anonymous remailers Anonymous surfing Cookie managers Disk/File erasing programs Policy generators Privacy policy reader Public key encryption


Started in San Antonio in 1950, this is the 25th largest grocery retailer in the nation

2 types of business analysis

Strategic Analysis (industry and firm) Financial Analysis (how firm is performing)


Study of principles used to determine right and wrong courses of action.

promotional sales communications

Suggest the consumer "buy now" and make offers to encourage immediate purchase.

demand aggregators

Suppliers or market makers who group unrelated buyers into a single purchase in return for offering a lower purchase price. Prices on multiple units fall as the number of buyers increase.


Suppliers to one major bidder

(types of e-books) Web-accessed e-book

an e-book stored on a publisher's server that consumer access and read on the web

Chapter 6 Figures and Tables

Table 6.1 why consumers choose the online channel p.213 Table 6.2 factors that influence online purchase decision p.214 Figure 6.1 the consumer decision process and supporting communications p.214 figure 6.2 a model of online consumer behavior p.215 Figure 6.3 Online shoppers and buyers p. 216 Table 6.3 why internet users do not buy online p.218 Figure 6.4 online advertising from 2004-2016 p.220 Table 6.4 online advertising spending for selected formats p.221 figure 6.5 search engine advertising 2004-2016 p.222 Figure 6.6 how an advertising network such as doubleclick works p.227 table 6.5 U.S. mobile ad spending by format and growth (2012) p.235 Table 6.6 Mobile marketing campaigns of selected firms 2012 p.235 Figure 6.7 Average time spent per day with major media p.238 Table 6.7 marketing metrics lexicon p.244 Figure 6.8 An online consumer purchasing model p. 247 Table 6.8 online marketing communications: typical click-through rates p.248 Figure 6.9 Comparative returns on investment p.249 Table 6.9 different pricing models for online advertisements p.250 Table 6.10 Average cost per customer acquisition for select media in the united states 2012 p.251

Chapter 7 Figures and Tables

Table 7.1 Unique features of e-commerce technology and other potential, ethical, social, and/or political implications. p.262 Table 7.2 Personal information collected by e-commerce sites p.267 Table 7.3 The internet's major information-gathering tools and their impact on privacy p.268 Table 7.4 Federal Privacy Laws p.273 Table 7.5 Federal Trade Commission's Fair information practice principles p.274 Table 7.6 The FTC's new privacy framework p.275 Table 7.7 Fair use considerations to copyright protections p.280 Table 7.8 The digital millennium act p.281 Table 7.9 Selected e-commerce patents p.285 Table 7.10 internet trademark law issues p.287 Table 7.11 the evolution of governance of the internet p.290 NET NEUTRALITY page 293 Figure 7.1 The moral dimensions of an internet society p.263


Taxes that governments place on selected imported products


Text color

b2b e-commerce

That portion of B2B commerce that is enabled by the internet.

(types of e-books) web-downloadable e-book

an e-book that can be downloaded from the web, stored as a file on the client pc, and perhaps even printed

Web Services

The W3C defines _____ as software systems that support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network.


The Web is a _____ system, unable to remember anything from one transmission or session to another.

Venture Sponsor

The _____ is the existing company that wants to launch an electronic commerce initiative.


The _____ of an electronic commerce implementation includes the costs of hardware, software, design work outsourced, salaries and benefits for employees involved in the project, and the cost of maintaining the site once it is operational.

Business Manager

The _____ should be a member of the internal team that sets the objectives for the project.

Network Operations

The _____ staff functions include load estimation and load monitoring, and designing and implementing fault-resistant technologies.

Cyber Separating

The act of registering, selling, or using a domain name of someone else's for profit


The basic overall color or design of your website

feature set

The bundle of capabilities and services offered by the product or service.

core product

The core benefit the customer receives from the product.


The creation of digital images that characterize online individual and group behavior.


The default is to collect information unless the consumer takes an affirmative action to prevent the collection of data.

price dispersion

The difference between the highest and lowest prices in a market.

brand equity

The estimated value of the premium customers are willing to pay for using branded product when compared to unbranded competitors.

loser's lament

The feeling of having been too cheap in bidding and failing to win.

Digital Millennium Copyright Act

The first major effort to adjust the copyright laws to the Internet age.

What is the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (DMCA)?

The first major effort to adjust the copyright laws to the internet age. Basically an extension of copyright laws to electronic and intangible assets.

Denial of Service

a condition in which a system can no longer respond to normal requests


The free payment clearing service that PayPal provides to individuals is called a _____ payment system.

Target Audience

The group of people a website from a home page


The legal right granted to an author, composer, playwright, publisher, or distributor to exclusive publication, production, sale, or distribution of an original work such as a literary, musical, dramatic, or artistic work. Typically, the duration of copyright is the whole life of the creator plus fifty to a hundred years from the creator's death.


The language of the world wide web

service sector

The largest and most rapidly expanding part of the economies in advanced industrial nations.

Paper Checks

The largest dollar volume of payments today are made using _____.


The largest of the social networks; a favorite destination for people, businesses, and organizations to connect and share information

Referring page

The last page visited before the current web page


The moral right of individuals to be left alone, free from surveillance or interference from other individuals or organizations, including the state. p.168

dynamic pricing

The price of the product varies, depending directly on the demand characteristics of the customer and the supply situation of the seller.

unique visitors

The number of distinct, unique visitors to a site. pg. 245

customer acquisition costs

The overall costs of converting a prospect into a consumer.

net margin

The percentage of its gross sales revenue the firm able to retain after all expenses are deducted; calculated by dividing net income or loss by net sales revenue.

click-through rate

The percentage of people exposed to an online advertisement who actually click on the banner. pg. 243

Search engine marketing (SEM)

The practice of designing, running and optimizing search engine ad campaigns pg. 221


The process by which the consumer bypasses the services of an intermediary or intermediaries in the chain of distribution to purchase products directly from those who supply or produce them


The process of adapting a business web site to meet the meets of users in various countries

EFT (Electric Funds Transfer)

The process of exchanging account information electronically over private communications networks

viral marketing

The process of getting customers to pass along a company's marketing message to friends, family, and colleagues. pg. 233


The process of moving products from the merchant to the customer

account aggregation

The process of pulling together all of a customer's financial (and even nonfinancial) data at a single personalized Web site.


The protection of assets using nonphysical means is called _____ security.

Web Bug

The purpose of a(n) _____ is to provide a way for a third-party Web site to place cookies from that third-party site on a visitor's computer.

actual product

The set of characteristics designed to deliver the product's core benefits.

Social Media Network

The social media sites where people connect and interact with friends, colleagues, businesses, and organizations.


The strategies and actions firms take to establish a relationship with a consumer and encourage purchases of its products or services.

herd behavior

The tendency to gravitate toward, and bid for, auction listings with one or more existing bids.


The term _____ describes the process of hiding information within another piece of information.

Small Payment

The term _____ refers to all payments of less than $10.

total inter-firm trade

The total flow of value among firms.

clickstream behavior

The transaction log that consumers establish as they move about the Web.

collaborative commerce

The use of digital technologies to permit organizations to collaboratively design, develop, build, and manage products through their life cycles.

Market capitalization (market cap)

The value of a firm calculated by multiplying its share price by the number of shares -firm value= (share price) X (# of shares)


The value of a product/service determined by manufacturer and consumer

procurement process

The way firms purchase the goods they need to produce goods for consumers.

winner's regret

The winner's feeling after an auction that he or she paid too much for an item.

uniform pricing rule

There are multiple winners and they all pay the same price.

Management/ Administration

This function is responsible for developing, implementing, and evaluating the plans and activities of a business


This function is responsible for the process of planning and executing the conception, promotion, and distribution of goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives


Those who favor government protection for domestic producers

web bugs

Tiny (1 pixel) graphic files embedded in e-mail messages and on Web sites.

(table 8.11, page 533) The digital millennium copyright act

Title 1 - WIPO copyright and performances and phonograms treaties implementation Title 2 - online copyright infringement liability limitation Title 3 - computer maintenance competition assurance Title 4 - Miscellaneous provisions


_____ is a technique for committing fraud against the customers of online businesses. p.172

Application Integration

_____ is accomplished by programs that transfer information from one application to another.

A Buffer

_____ is an area of memory set aside to hold data read from a file or database.


To post or re-post content on a social media site


To write program source code

Social Media

Tools that allow the sharing of information and creation of communities through online networks of people

design look, information design, information focus

Top factors in credibility of Web sites.

Free trade

Trade among countries without tariffs or quotas

EDI ( Electric Data Interchange)

Transaction that occurs when one business transmits computer-readable data in an open format.


Transfer or exchange of information


Treaty which declares it illegal to make, distribute, or use devices that circumvent technology-based protections of copyrighted materials, and attaches stiff fines and prison sentences for violations.


Turquoise and White signature colors

Net Present Value

_____ is an example of a return on investment technique.


Two or more models used together.

auctions, yield management

Two types of dynamic pricing.

uniform resource locator

URL stands for ______.

(table 8.1, p 499) Unique features of e-commerce technology and their implications for ethical, social or political concerns

Ubiquity - internet available everywhere Global reach - reach around earch Universal standards - one set of tech standards Richness - video, audio, and text: Screen tech that reduces use of text and potentially ability to read Interactivity - tech works by interacting w user> interactivity can be shallow and meaningless Information density - technology reduces info costs, raises quality: false info increase, trust can be degraded Personalization/Customization - allows personalization: opens privacy concerns Social technology - enables user generated content : opportunities for cyber bullying

Doctrine of fair use

Under certain circumstances, permits of use of copyrighted material without permission

doctrine of fair use

Under certain circumstances, permits use of copyrighted material without permission.


_____ is measured by the ease of expansion of bandwidth, disk space, and additional software (database, traffic analysis, and so on) that can be added to an account as it grows.

Many to Some

Unite major supplies to attract more suppliers

Some to Many

Unite major supplies to target many buyers


Unsolicited commercial e-mail.

auction aggregators

Use computer programs to search thousands of Web auction sites, and aggregate information on products, bids, auction duration, and bid increments.

Non-store retailers

Use methods such as infomercials, door-to-door solicitation, in-home demonstrations and vending machine distribution


Use of electronic communication technology Coordination, content literacy, computing , and commence


Use of trademark that creates confusion with existing trademarks and causes consumers to make market mistakes, or misrepresents the origins of goods.


Used to hold text and/ or graphics so that they do not change sizes on other pages

3 tier architecture

User, Server, and Database tier

blog marketing

Using blogs to market good through commentary and advertising.

Combination Menu

Using both graphics/images and text for websites


Using others' trademarks as metatags in misleading or confusing manner.

internet marketing

Using the Web to develop a positive, long term relationship, with customers, thereby creating a competitive advantage for the firm by allowing it to charge a higher price for products or services than its competitors can charge.

brand leveraging

Using the power of an existing brand to acquire new customers for new product or service.


Using trademarked words in a site's metatags

Secure Electronic transaction standard

Visa and MasterCard


Voice activated software


WeSphere Commerce Suite is produced by _____.

Landing page

Web page displayed when a user clicks on an advertisement

Server tier

Web servers, upon request from browser

trust and utility

What are the two most important factors shaping the decision to purchase online?

Credit and Debit Cards

What payment method dominates online transactions today?


When a cardholder successfully contests a charge, the merchant bank must retrieve the money it placed in the merchant account in a process called a(n) _____.


_____ is pretending to be someone you are not or representing a Web site as an original when it is really a fake.


When content on the internet is shared multiple times without encouragement from the creator(s)

Open Loop

Whenever a third party processes a transaction, the system is called a(n) _____ system.


Where the product/service is distributed for the consumer to purchase (stores, vending machine, mall)


Which of the following techniques measures the amount of income that will be provided by a specific current expenditure?


_____ is pretending to be someone you are not or representing a Web site as an original when it is really a fake. p.175

What are the main points of the Great Tech War of 2012 article?

Why compete?: 1st to breach TV industry (Google TV & Apple TV)! Patents & Intellectual Property (IP) -Google vs. Amazon: deals, payments/checkout, streaming, kindle vs. android, amazon cloud vs. google, shopper, customer reviews, online stores, data mining -Google vs. Apple: iOS vs. Android, iPhone vs. Motorola Mobile, TV, Mac vs. Chromebook, iCloud vs. Google, browse, tablet, Facetime vs. Hangouts, music -Google vs. FB: social media [fb+skype vs. google+], email, search vs. dark web, fb+bing vs. google, deals, payments -FB vs. Amazon: deals, payments -FB vs. Apple: iOS +Twitter, FB phone? vs. iPhone, payments -Apple vs. Amazon: kindle vs. ipad, payments, amazon cloud vs. icloud, itunes vs. amazon -Industry Barriers: 1) Telecommunication service providers 2) video phone 3) CC's -Market Share: Android=40% [70% growth w/o affecting competition], iPhone=28% [50% of all mobile profits to Apple; $368 margin (:highest) on iPhone] Apple: competes on luxury, now on SCM & cash for long-term contracts Revenue: -FB: $1.6 B in 6 months -Apple: $1.6B in 9 days -Amazon: $34B (2010; doubled from 2008)--> $100B (2015), fastest ever! -Google: $30B; doubled since 2007

discriminatory pricing

Winners pay different amounts depending on what they bid.

law of one price

With complete price transparency in a perfect information marketplace, there will be one world price for every product.

Unstructured Menus

Words are hot linked from a home page or other website pages


Words preceded by a # sign that can be used to tie various tweets together and relate them to a topic

Purchase order

Written document that serves as an offer to buy items from a supplier at a specified price.


____ are programs that provide an uncomplicated interface to the internet and web documents.

social networking

____ sites focus on connecting people that share a common interest or activity


_____ CSPs provide small business with an Internet connection, Web site creation tools, and little or no banner advertising clutter.


_____ Refers to preventing data delays or denials.

instant messaging

_____ allows people to contact each other via direct, live communication.

Operational Partners

_____ are firms, such as system integrators and consultants, that have experience in moving projects along and scaling up prototypes.

Equity Partners

_____ are usually banks or venture capitalists that sometimes offer money, but are more likely to offer experience gained from guiding other start-ups that they have funded.

Data Mining

_____ can help businesses find customers with common interest and discover previously unknown relationships among the data.

Web Programmers

_____ design and write the database-driven Web pages.


_____ do not use streaming technology


_____ electronic cash is electronic cash that cannot be traced back to the person who spent it.


_____ encryption encodes a message with an algorithm that uses a single numeric key, such as 456839420783, to encode and decode data.

cloud computing

_____ frees users from owning, maintaing, and storing software and data.

Customer Service Personnel

_____ help design and implement customer relationship management activities in the electronic commerce operation.


_____ is a blogging tool.

Project Management

_____ is a collection of formal techniques for planning and controlling the activities undertaken to achieve a specific goal.

Identify Theft

_____ is a criminal act in which the perpetrator gathers personal information about a victim and then uses that information to obtain credit.


_____ is a key element in a phishing attack.


_____ is a key element in a phishing attack. pg 228


_____ is a message passing protocol that defines how to send marked-up data from one software application to another across a network.


_____ is a technique for committing fraud against the customers of online businesses.


a PUP that serves pop-up ads to your computer p.172


a ____ publishes short sentences that only take a few seconds to write, rather than long stories.


a _____ browser is designed to fit on the small screen of a portable device.


a _____ publishes long stories rather than short sentences that only take a few seconds to write.

merchant account

a bank account that allows companies to process credit card payments and receive funds from those transactions p.193

Channel Rotation

a banner advertisement is placed within a particular category of a web site. This is more focused on the company's target market

General rotation

a banner advertisement is randomly displayed on a web site


a box that is drawn on your storyboard to represent where a graphic would be

Denial of service attack

a bug or virus that will not allow a user to log on to a website

Denial of service attack

a bug or virus that will not allow a user to log on to a website p.175


a business that provides access to the internet via modem

Target market

a clearly identified segment of the market to which the company wants to appeal

secure negotiated session

a client-server session in which the URL of the requested document, along with the contents, contents of forms, and the cookies exchanged are encrypted p.187

Database Software

a collection of data records with fields such as names, addresses, etc

long tail

a colloquial name given to various statistical distributions characterized by a small number of events of high amplitude and a very large number of events with low amplitude pg. 241

electronic data interchange (EDI)

a communications standard for sharing biz documents and settlement info among a small number of firms

electronic data interchange (EDI)

a communications standard for sharing business documents and settlement information among a small number of firms.


a community of interested people that build knowledge over time write collaboratively in a _____.

Registered trademark

a company can register a trademark with the U.S. patent and trademark office. Only registered trademarks use the R symbol

Unregistered trademark

a company does not have to do anything to have trademark protection. To designate an unregistered trademark a company would use "tm"

Page Layout

a detailed sketch of each page

Site Map

a detailed structural outline of a website


a distinctive word, phrase, logo, graphic symbol, slogan, or anything used to identify goods or services and distinguishes them in the marketplace


a feature of political systems in which a body of law is in place that permits individuals to recover the damages done to them by other actors, systems, or organizations p.264

Shopping cart

a feature that allows user to add, delete, view, and update items for purchase


a file format for images used with lots of color


a for profit organization that provides products that allow the web sites to transmit encrypted data to authenticate the web site through the use of digital certificates.

tight coupling

a method for ensuring that suppliers precisely deliver the ordered parts, at a specific time and particular location, to ensure the production process is not interrupted for lack of parts

Just-in-time production

a method of inventory cost management which seeks to eliminate excess inventory to a bare minimum

just in time production

a method of inventory cost management which seeks to eliminate excess inventory to a bare minimum


a negotiated exchange of valuable objects or services between two or more parties (a buyer and a seller); includes all activities that each of the parties undertake to complete the transaction

Asymmetric digital subscriber line

a network that allows your computer to communicate at approximately one mbps

Storage Area Network

a network that exists exclusively to provide storage for the massive amount of data entailed in an e-commerce business


a paid effort to tie an advertiser's name to information, an event, or a venue in a way that reinforces its brand in a positive yet not overtly commercial manner pg. 230


a persistent error in software or hardware. If the bug is in software, it can be corrected by changing the program

Black hat hacker

a person who breaks into a computer system with the purpose of inflicting damage or stealing data


a person who breaks into a computer system without authorization, whose purpose is to do damage


a person who breaks into a computer system without authorization, whose purpose is to do damage p.174

Safe harbor

a private self-regulating policy and enforcement mechanism that meets the objectives of government regulators and legislation but does not involve government regulation or enforcement p.277

due process

a process in which laws are known and understood and there is an ability to appeal to higher authorities to ensure that the laws have been applied correctly p.264

browser parasite

a program that can monitor and change the settings of a user's browser p.172

Flow Chart

a quick sketch of the site's navigational structure

Affiliate programs

a site agrees to place a merchants ad without charge. The affiliate only gets paid when a visitor clicks on the link and buys something

Web Auction

a site which provides a forum for buyers and sellers to trade items


a situation in which there are at least two diametrically opposed actions, each of which supports a desirable outcome

Content adjacency problems

a situation where ads appear alongside text the advertiser would like to avoid


a small piece of information sent from a web server to an individual's web browser so it can later be read back from that browser

Form handler

a software program running on a web server that interprets the data sent by a web page

email client

a special program called an ______ must be installed on your computer to use a client based email account.

deep packet inspection

a technology for recording every key stroke at the isp level

Collective Mark

a trademark or service mark used or intended to be used in commerce, by the members of a cooperative or association, or other group

online auctions

a trend in C2C e-commerce is the popularity of _____.

certification authority (CA)

a trusted third party that issues digital certificates p.186

session key

a unique symmetric encryption key chosen for a single secure session P.189

domain name

a web address used in URLS

Webbed Hierarchy

a web like structure with non traditional linking page


a web-based private network that hosts internet applications on a local area network

Supply Chain Management

a wide variety of activities that firms and industries use to coordinate the key players in their procurement process


a(n) ____ provides a path or connection for individuals to access the internet.

Web analytics

analysis of clickstream data to understand visitor behavior on a website


ability for all persons even with disabilities

Economic Viability of (online) Firms

ability of firms to survive as profitable business firms during specified period (1-3 years)

Ideal web business function of online recruitment

ability to establish market prices and terms (online national marketplace)


ability to get any content, when you want it, on whatever platform you want it

transaction brokering

acting as an intermediary to facilitate a transaction

transaction brokers

acting as an intermediary to facilitate a transaction

transaction brokering

acting as an intermediary to facilitate a transaction p.326

Fair Trade Act

acts that deal with fraudulent sales, protects against misinterpretation

personal profiles

add a personal e-mail address, postal address, and/or phone number to behavioral data p.270


adding a level of the distribution system

4 things online content provider has to be in order to charge money for content

addresses a focused market, has specialized content, sole source of some of this info, has perceived value

trigger pricing

adjust prices based on the location of the consumer

Personalization Pricing

adjust prices based on the merchant's estimate of how much the customer truly values the product

Trigger pricing

adjusts prices based on the location of the consumer

personalization pricing

adjusts prices based on the merchant's estimate of how much the customer truly values the product

Utilization Pricing

adjusts prices based on utilization of the product

utilization pricing

adjusts prices based on utilization of the product

corporate performance management

advanced performance measuring and analysis approach that embraces planning and strategy, balanced Scorecards

cost per thousand (cpm)

advertiser pays for impressions in 1,000-unit lots pg. 249

cost per action

advertiser pays only for those users who perform a specific actiomn pg 249

cost per click

advertiser pays prenegotiated fee for each click an ad receives pg. 249

Pay-per-click (PPC)

advertisers don't pay unless someone clicks on their ad

Contextual advertising

advertising based on a Web site's content- has limitations

(Table 8.3, p 507) The internet's major information-gathering tools and their impact on privacy

advertising networks social networks cookies third-party cookies spyware search engine behavioral targeting deep packet inspection shopping carts forms site transaction logs search engines digital wallets (single sign-on services) digital rights management (DRM) trusted computing environments

name 4 major demographic categories

age, income, race, gender

4 major sectors of online travel market

airline tickets, hotel rez, car rentals, cruises/tours

1998 state street bank and trust vs signature finacial group

allows managers to minitor and record financial transaction info flow and business method patents were now allowed

virtual private network (VPN)

allows remote users to securely access internal networks via the internet, using the Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) p.190

proxy bidding

allows the consumer to enter a maximum price and the auction software automatically bids for the goods up to that maximum price in small incrememnts

Voice Activated Software

allows use of computer by voice commands

Site personalization

allows users to determine what features of a site they want to appear when they come to the site


amount of output to make a profit after expenses are deducted

hash function

an algorithm that produces a fixed-length number called as hash or message digest p.183

digital cash

an alternative payment system in which unique, authenticated tokens represent cash value p.195

online social network

an area online where people who share common ties can interact

online social network

an area online where people who share common ties can interact with one another

Filtering software

an internet filter is a piece of software controlled by authority that filters by keyword

ad exchanges

an online, real time auction where data aggregators sell personal tracking info to advertisers pg. 227

international business

an organization or business which conducts electronic commerce around the globe

key (cipher)

any method for transforming plain text to cipher text p.181

Service mark

any word, name, symbol, device, or any combination used or intended to be used in commerce

Certification Mark

any word, name, symbol, device, or any combination, used a intended to be used in commerce with the owner's permission by someone other than its owner

(T 8.7: FTC new privacy framework principle) scope

applies to all commercial entities tat collect or user consumer data; not limited to those that just collect pii

Non-merchant e-commerce

arranges for the purchase or sell of goods and services. AUCTIONS, CLEARHOUSING, EXCHANGES


as free moral agents, individuals, organizations, and societies are responsible for the actions they take p.264

balance sheet

assets and liabilities at a specific point of time

current assets

assets such as cash, securities, accounts reveivable, inventory, or other investments that are likely to be able to be converted to cash within one year

working capital


general purpose portals

attempt to attract a very large general audience and retain it by providing indepth vertical content (yahoo, msn)

vertical market portals

attempt to attract highly focused, loyal audience with a specific interest in a. community (affinity group-ivillage) or b. specialized content (espn)

consumer-to-consumer (c2c) auctions

auction house acts as an intermediary market maker, providing a forum where consumers can discover prices and trade

business-to-consumer (b2c) auctions

auction house sells goods it owns or controls using various dynamic pricing models

(table 8.9, p 525) Privacy Enhancing Technologies: policy generators

automates the development of an oecd privacy compliance policy


ave length of time on the site


ave number of days between visits


background of your webpage

what are 8/9 of forms of online

banner ads, superstitial ads, interstitial ads, pop up, video, email, pay per click

Why was the movie the Olympus Has Fallen movie filmed in Shreveport, Louisiana?

because everything there is cheap, versus D.C. where the film is actually set.


before a podcast can be run, the media files must be ______.

cigarettes, gambling, and drugs

borderless? page 297

symmetric key encryption (secret key encryption)

both the sender and the receiver use the same key to encrypt and decrypt the message p.182

what is more important to customers who shop online: price or brand


Net Marketplaces

bring together potentially 1000s of sellers and buyers into a single digital marketplace operated over the internet

net marketplaces

bring together potentially thousands of buyers and sellers in a single digital marketplace, it's transacton based, and supports many-to-many as well as one-to-many relationships

private industrial networks

bring together small # of strategic business partner firms that collaborate to develop highly efficient supply chains, it's relationship based, supports many-to-one and many-to-few relationships

Net marketplace

brings hundreds to thousands of suppliers and buyers into a single internet based environment to conduct trade.

Alternate Browsers

browsers that validate websites for use by individuals with disabilities

BOGO, Twofers, and get a pair of socks with shoes for .10 are examples of what


A(n) ________ is defined as a group of people that have some kind of commercial or business relationship such as the relationships between sellers and buyers, buyers among themselves, buyers and suppliers, and colleagues and other colleagues.

business network


business online between two businesses

buyer-side solutions

buyer-biased markets that are owned by buyers and aim to reduce the procurement costs of suppliers for buyers

buyer-side solutions

buyer-biased markets that are owned by buyers and that aim to reduce the procurement costs of supplies for buyers.

operating margin

calculated by dividing operating income or loss by net sales revenue

(t8.3) site transaction logs

can be used to collect and alayyze detailing information on page content viewed by users

(t8.3) shopping carts

can be used to collect detailed payment and purchase information

(t8.3) spyware

can be used to record all the keyboard activitiy of a user, including web sites vidited and security codes used; also used to display advertisements to users based on their searches or other behavior p.172

(t8.3) search engines

can be used to trace user statements and views on newsgroups, chat groups, and other public forums on the web, an provile users social and political views. google returns name, address, and links to a map with directions to the address when a phone number is entered

(T 8.7: FTC new privacy framework principle) privacy by design

companies should prmote consumer privacy throughout the organization and at every stage of development of products and services: data security, reasonable collection limits, reasonable and appropriate data retention policies, data accuracy, comprehensive data management procedures

**(T 8.7: FTC new privacy framework principle) simplified choice

companies should simplify consumer choice. need not provide choice before collecting and using data for commonly accepted practices: product fulfillment, internal operations, fraud prevention, legal compliance, and first party marketing. for all other commercial data collection, choice is required and should be clearly and conspicuously offered at a time and incontext in which ocnsumer is providing data. special choice mechanism for online behavioral advertising: Do Not Track

content fraud

companies that generate large volumes of textual content for multiple Web sites designed to attract viewers and search engines. pg. 225

catelog merchants

companies that have a national offline catalog operation that is their largest retail channel, but recently developed online capabilities

bricks and clicks

companies that have a network of physical stores as their primary retail but also have online offerings


companies that have a network of physical stores as their primary retail channel, but also have introduce online offerings p.320

bricks and clicks

companies that have a network of physical stores as their primary retail channel, but also have introduced online offerings

bricks and clicks etail biz model

companies that have a network of physical stores as their primary retail channel, but also have online offerings (Walmart)


companies that have a network of physical stores as their primary retail channel, but have also introduced online offerings


companies that have a network of physical stores as their primary retail channel, but have also introduced online offerings Ex: Walmart, Macys, Target, Costco

direct distribution channels

company produces goods/services and delivers them

(table 8.9, p 525) Privacy Enhancing Technologies: disk file erasing programs

completely erases hard drive and floppy files

multi-tier supply chain

complex series of transactions between firm and thousands of suppliers


components of a movement in which people have one or more similar characteristics.


computer system or software that prevents unauthorized access to provide data to outside users


computer system or software that prevents unauthorized access to provide data to outside users p.190


connects a computer to the internet a basic account with an isp provides customers with an email address limited or full access to the internet

informed consent

consent given with knowledge of all material facts needed to make a rational decision p.272

online recruitment industry trends:

consolidations, diversification, localization, job search engines/aggregators, social networking, mobile

durable goods

consumed over a long period of time (more than a year)


consumer browsing for information from multiple sites

lergest segment of U.S. retail market

consumer durables

(t8.5) access/participation

consumers should be able to review and contest the accuracy and completeness of data colelcted about them in a timely, inexpensive process: ftc fair information practice principle

Describe the Supply chain order.

consumers--> retailers--> distributors--> manufactures--> suppliers -if disintermediation, omit middlemen: skips retailers & distributors

Amazon's Strategic Analysis- Business

continuation of free shipping; drive the e-book sales by offering continuing enhancements of its Kindle e-reader, invest heavily in supply chain management *KINDLE bring in a LOT of revenue

supply chain management systems

continuously link the activities of buying, making, and moving products from suppliers to purchasing firms, as well as integrating the demand side of the business equation by including the order entry system in the process.

(t8.3) third party cookies

cookies placed by third party advertising networks. used to monitor and track online behavior, searches, and sites visited across thousands of sites that belog to the advertising network for the purpose of displaying relevant advertising

enterprise systems

corporate wide systems that relate to all aspects of production, including finance, human resources, and procurement.

cloud computing

corporations and end users who want to access data, programs and storage from anywhere that there is an internet connection should use _____.


cost per 1000 impressions

Affiliate program

cost-per-action program, where program sponsors (e.g.,, iTunes) pay referring Web sites a percentage of revenue earned from the referral

Manual inventory controls

counting and collecting info manually by hand, if done periodically due to expertise

anticybersquatting consumer protection act (ACPA)

creates civil liabilities for anyone who attempts in bad faith to profit from an existing famous or distincitve trademark by registering an internet domain name that is identical or confusingly similiar to, or dilutive of that trademark p.286

(types of e-books) print-on-demand book

custom-published book


customary beliefs of a social group


cybervandalism and data theft for political purposes p.174

current liabilities

debts of the firm that will be due within one year

Characteristics of the next generation Internet, Web 3.0, are expected to be each of the following except

decreased use of the semantic Web....(not= more uses of 3D tools. - faster, and more far-flung connectivity. - more clout for ordinary people.)

How are media consumption habits shifting?

decreasing time spent through traditional media consumption channels (e.g., radio, TV, newspapers), potentially lowering the audience reach of these old channels and making them less attractive for advertisers-->

disadvantages (risks and costs) of auctions:

delayed consumption costs, monitoring costs, equipment costs, trust risks, fulfillment costs

what model best describes the type of model dell uses for the bulk of their online sales

demand-pull model

anonymous information

demographic and behavioral information that does not include any personal identifiers p.267

E-privacy act

designed to protect individual privacy

(table 8.9, p 525) Privacy Enhancing Technologies: Spyware blockers

detects and removes spyware, adware, keyloggers, and other malware

tracking inventory

determines the ability to respond to inventory

Just in time inventory

determines the amount of ability to respond to customer inquiry, determines ability to anticipate and respond to inventory

Technological Convergence

development of hybrid devices that can combine the functionality of 2 or more existing media platforms into a single device

What are the challenges of maintaining growth as a business and industry mature?

difficult for Google to find new growth markets that make as much as a difference -Emerging advertising outlets such as social networks and mobile have lower click-through rates than conventional advertising: -Google will have to work harder for less money *sad face*

Cable modem

direct connection with the capacity to deliver approximately 5 mbps

some forms of online ads

dispay ads, rich media, video ads, search engine ads, social network, blog, game, sponsorships, referrals, email marketing, online catalogs


displaying two or more web pages at the same time in the same browser window

Expertise location systems are designed to

do all of these.


drawn from online customers banking account

Job Displacement

due to changes in the market place, the demand for certain job types is decreased and in some instances become obsolete



most common type of net marketplace


4 main types of net marketplaces

e-distributors, e-procurement networks, exchanges, industry consortia

A government agency uses an online reverse auction to satisfy the tendering system requirements specified by law. This is an example of


8 segments of the retail industry

eating and drinking, food and beverage, moto, consumer durables, online retain, general merchandising, gas and feul, specialty stores

Secure electronic Payments

ecryptying data between customer, merchant, financial institution SSL (Secure Socket Layer)

social search

effort to provide fewer, more relevant, and trustworthy results based on the social graph. pg. 224


electronic billboards where people post questions and comments, they are broken into interest groups


email addresses have two basic parts, the user's name and the ____ name, which includes the top-level domain.

(table 8.9, p 525) Privacy Enhancing Technologies: secure email

email and document encryption

catalog merchants etail biz model

established companies that have a national offline catalog operation that is their largest retail channel, but have rcently develiped online capabilities (ll bean)

catalog merchants

established companies that have a national offline catalog operation that is their largest retail channel, but who have recently developed online capabilities

catalog merchants

established companies that have a national offline catalog operation that is their largest retail channel, but who have recently developed online capabilities p.321

Catalog merchants

established companies that have a national offline catalog operation that is their largets retail channel, but who have recently developed online capabilities Ex: LL Bean, Lands End, Victoria's Secret

Primary beneficiaries of online retail

established offline retailers with online presence, first mover dot-com companies


establishes where the data travels


establishing the validity of ones claimed identity

service industries

establishments providing services to consumers, businesses, governments, and other organizations

service industries

establishments providing services to consumers, businesses, govs, and other organizations

Site Assessment

evaluating the form and function of your website design

substitution cipher

every occurrence of a given letter is replaced systematically by another letter p.181

G2C performance objectives include

expanding access to information for people with disabilities.

social engineering

exploitation of human fallibility and gullibility to distribute malware p.172

organic search search engine marketing can't get a #1 search rank- a company HAS to pay for the #1 ranking- t or f

false- don't have to pay

MOTO(mail oreder and telephone order)

fastest growing retail segment 70s. physical catelogs and telephone call centers

working capital

firm's current assets minus current liabilities

tenancy deals

fixed charge for guaranteed # of impressions, exclusive partnerships, "sole providers"


for a browser to connect to a web page, the address, also called the ___, must be specified.

electronic billing presentment and payment (EBPP) system

form of online payment systems for monthly bills p.196


free moral agents, individuals, organizations, and societies are responble for the actions they take

(Table 8.4, p 515) Federal and state privacy laws

freedom of information act of 1966 privacy act of 1974 electronic communications privacy act of 1986 computer matching and privacy protection act 1988 computer security act 1987 driver's privacy protection act 1994 e government act 2002 fair credit reporting act 1970 family educational rights and pricacy act 1974 right to financial privacy act 1978 privacy protection act 1980 cable communications policy act 1984 video privacy protection act 1988 children's online privacy protection act 1998 ifnancial modernization act 1999 health insurance protability and accountability act 1996 (HIPPAA) online privacy policies spyware legislation disclosure of security breaches privacy of personal information data encryption

The following are representative characteristics of Web 2.0 except

frequent or short software-upgrade cycles. (not= The ability to tap into the collective intelligence of users. - Making data available in new or never-intended ways. - The presence of lightweight programming techniques and tools that lets nearly anyone act as a developer.)

(t8.5) security

ftc fair information practice principle; data collectors must take reasonable steps to assue that customer information is accurate and secure from unauthorized use

(t8.5) enforcement

ftc fair information practice principle; there must be a mechanism to enforce FIP principles in place. this can involve self regulation, legislation giving consumers legal remedies for violations, or federal statutes and regulation

(t 8.5) notice/awareness

ftc trade commisions fair information practice principle; sites must diclose their informaiton practices before collecting data, includes identification of collector, uses of data, other recipients of data, natiure of collection, voluntary or required, consequesnses of refusal, and steps taken to prodect confidentiality, integrity, and quality of the data

Storefront software packages

fully integrated software packages that provide users with all of the tools necessary to create an e-commerce site

Depleting impression fraud

generating bogus impressions to exhaust rival's CPM budget

when do most european patent laws recognize business methods

if it's based on technology

spam blocker

if you are receiving too much junk email your ____ is not working well.

web based

if you are using email without installing an email client on your computer then you are using ____ email.


imposed on imported goods

top level domain

in a URL, the ____ identifies the type of organization.

web auction

in a _____, sellers post descriptions of products at a website and buyers submit bids electronically

internet service provider

in order to connect to the internet via the web, you will need communications hardware, browser software, and an _______.

Content Convergence

in the design, production, and distribution of content

private industrial networks

internet-based communication environments that extend far beyond procurement to encompass truly collaberative commerce

automated order entry systems

involve the use of telephone modems to send digital orders

social network

involves a group of people, shared social interaction, common ties among members, and people who share an area for some period of time

social network

involves a group of people, shared social interaction, common ties amoung members, and people who share an area for some period of time

contract purchasing

involves long term written agreements to purchase specified products, under agreed upon terms and quality for an extended period of time.

contract purchasing

involves longterm written agreements to purchase specified products, under agreed upon terms and quality, for an extended period of time


involves the concept that businesses and government agencies can use central web sites to exchange info

spot purchasing

involves the purchase of goods based on immediate needs in larger marketplaces that involve many suppliers


involves the registration of an infringing domain name or other internet use of an existing trademark, for the purpose of extorting payments from the legitimate owners p.286

cyber piracy

involves the same behavior as cyber squatting, but with the intent of diverting traffic from the legitimate site to an infringing site p.286

search engine adverising

involves the use of search engines to support direct sales online. pg. 221

collaborative resource planning, forecasting, and replenishment

involves working with network members to forecast demand, develop production plans, and coordinate shipping, warehousing and stocking activites to ensure that retail and wholesale shelf space is replenished with just the right amount of goods.


is a network of over 3 million professionals, mostly in Europe and China, and its primary use is for connecting business contacts.

what is eCap

it enables suppliers to track volkswagons continually updated production plans and meterial requests


it is a scam to steal valuable information such as credit card and social security numbers

why didn't volkswagen join an industry consortium?

it wanted a private platform so it could integrate its suppliers better and have better control

why didn't volkswagen want to use a more open or public exchange for its parts supply?

it would have to use a framework that other companies could use, and would hope they could compete better

due process

laws are known and understood and there's an ability to appeal to higher authorities to ensure that the laws have been applied correctly

Content Literacy

learning and knowledge management

long-term debt

liabilities that are not due until the passage of a yr or more


lifestyle characteristics which include activities, attitudes, customs, and traditions


linkto to content pages on other sites, bypassing the home page p.288 Also see deep linking

benefits of auctions:

liquidity, price discovery, price transparency, market efficiency, lower transaction costs, consumer aggregation, network effects

Domain name service (DNS) listings

list of all public, named servers on network -every online firm provides it


middle man

name the 5 online content revenue models

mixed, advertising, ppv, marketing, subscription


monthly/annually fee for bulk access

Government-to-employee applications lead to significant efficiency improvements for each of the following reasons except

most government employees use handheld digital devices.

Personal information collected by e-commerce sites

name, address, phone number, e-mail address, social security number, band accounts, credit card accounts, gender, age, occupation, education, preference data, transaction data, clickstream data, browser type

Secure socket layer

needed to provide credit card security for browser

Global positioning system (GPS)

network of satellites and supporting technologies used to identify a device's physical location

aquisition rate

new customers


no timing requirement for communication

W3C (WWW Consortium)

non-profit organization that oversees and assists in monitoring the web

Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB)

nonprofit industry trade group for the interactive advertising industry -evaluates and recommends interactive advertising standards and practices -conducts research, education, and legislative lobbying

types of social network/online community: interest based social networks

offer members focused discussion groups based on a shared interest in some specific topic

Internet-based social networks

offer members focused discussion groups based on shared interests in some specific topic Ex. Social Picks (stock market)

Practice Networks

offer members focused discussion groups, help, info and knowledge relating to an area of shared practice Ex. LinkedIn

types of social network/online community: practice networks

offer members focused discussion groups, help, information and knowldge relating to an area of shared practice

types of social network/online community: affinity communities

offer members focused discussions and interaction with other people who share the same affinity

Affinity Communities

offer members focused discussions and interaction with other people who share the same affinity Ex. BlackPlanet and iVillage

types of social network/online community: general communities

offer members opportunities to interact with a general audience organized into general topics

Fulfillment Company

offers services to other companies like transaction processing

legacy computer systems

older mainframe systems used to manage key business processes within a firm in a variety of functional areas

fixed pricing

one national price everywhere for everyone

Fixed Pricing

one national price, everywhere, for everyone

vertical market

one that provides expertise and products for a specific industry

Examples of IEE services include

one-stop recruitment.

Banner advertising

online advertising technique where small hyper lined advertisements are placed on frequently visited pages of a website

real-time bidding process

online auctions where advertisers bid for audience slots

B2B electronic storefronts

online catalogs of products made available to the public marketplace by a single supplier

types of social network/online community: sponsored communities

online communities created for the purpose of pursuing organizational (and often commercial) goals

Sponsored Communities

online communities created for the purpose of pursuing organizational goals Ex.Nike, IBM, Cisco and political candidates

Multi channel vs Pure Online Financial Services

online consumers prefer multichannel firms with physical presence, mutli channel is growing faster, pure firms rely on web site and advertising to get customers

(t8.3) forms

online forms that users voluntarily fill out in return for a promised benefit or reward that are linked with clickstream or other bejavioral data to create a personal profile


online magazines or email newsletters


online mini games created for longer term, immersive brands engagement

Online Retail Sector today

online segment (6%) is the smallest segment of retail industry, growing faster than offline segments, revenues expected to resume growth 10-15%,, and etrade are all examples of what business online model

online service provider


online stock trading, online shopping, and online banking are all the common _____ applications.

Internal hosting

operating and maintaining your own server

operating margin

operating income or loss/net sales revenu

accessibility wizards

option on most computers that allow a user's computer to be configured for visual, hearing,and physical needs

Interstate Tax Freedom act

proposed legislation that suggests the federal government mandate a 5% internet tax on internet commerce

copyright law

protexts original forms of expression such as writings, art, drawings, photographs, music, motion pictures, performances, and computer programs from being copied by others for a minimum of 70 years p.279

(COBS) corporate online-booking solutions

provide integrated airline, hotel, conference center, and auto rental services at a single site

corporate online booking solutions (cobs)

provide integrated airline, hotel, conference center, and auto rental services at a single site

balance sheet

provides a financial snapshot of a company on a givn date and shows its financial assets and liabilities

VAN ( Value Added Network)

provides connections and ensures security for data


provides electronic catalog that represents products of thousands of direct manufacturers, typically owned by intermediaries, typically horizontal, usually have a fixed price but discounts for large customers

E- Distributor

provides electronic catalog that represents the products of 1000s of direct manufacturers


provides electronic catalog that represents the products of thousands of direct manufacturers. operate in horizontal markets with different products and from many different suppliers

Which of the following types of virtual communities just facilitates the exchange of information on a topic of mutual interest and does not support trading?

purpose or interest

cap pricing

putting caps on bandwidth usage, charging more for additional usage in tiers of prices p.293

3 legged stool

quality, service, price

key performance indicator (KPI)

quantifiable measurement, agreed to beforehand, that reflects the critical success factors of a company, department or project

view to cart ratio

radio of add to art clicks to product view

cart conversion rate

ratio of actual orders to add to cart clicks

browse to buy radio

ratio of items bought to product views

sentiment ration

ratio of positive comments to total comments pg. 246

Web server

rats web user requests to e-commerce servers

Read Aloud Software

reads text aloud

Inventory management

relies on how well a seller manages the product inventory---consider cost of shortage, stock on hand, just in time tracking

proxy server

software server that handles all communications originating from or being sent to the Internet, acting as a spokesperson or bodyguard for the organization p. 191

supply chain management (SCM)

refers to a wide variety of activities that firms and industries use to coordinate the key players in their procurement process

indirect distribution channels

refers to all of the steps in the movement of products

product distribution channels

refers to all of the steps in the movement of products or services to the customer


refers to stored value

economic viability

refers to the ability of firms to survive as profitable business firms during a specified period

response time

refers to the amount of time it takes a seller to respond to an inquiry for purchase or service

Response Time

refers to the amount of time it takes a seller to responded to an inquiry for purchase/service.

Digital Rights Management (DRM)

refers to the combination of technical and legal means for protecting digital content from unlimited reproduction without permission


registering an internet name for the purpose of reselling it for a profit


registration of an infringing domain name for the purpose of extorting payments from legit owners

Interstate commerce Act

regulates shipment of products via surface transportation

Internet community type classifications include

relations or practices.

Rank-based impression fraud

repeatedly search keywords linked to rival ads or access pgs. where they appear to generate impression w/o clicks & lower performance rank of rival's ad -possibly lowers rival's ads from rank results so fraudsters ( :P ) can bid less for ad slots


requires an affirmative action by the consumer to allow collection and use of consumer information p. 272


requires an affirmative action by the consumer to allow collection and use of consumer information.

(t 8.11) DMCA Title 4: misc provisions

requires copyright office to report to congress on the use of copyright materials for disance eduaction, allows libraries to make digital copies for works for internal use only; extends musical copyrights to include webcasting.

(t 8.11) DMCA Title 2: online copyright infringement liability limitation

requires isps to take down sites they host if they are infringing copyrights and requires search engines to block access to infringing sites. limits liability of isps and search engines


researching individual businesses, searching for job opportunities, developing extended business networks, and maintaining business contacts are all of the actions that best describe the primary uses of ______.


retail stores use ____ e-commerce to create a presence on the web as another way to reach customers.


revenue minus all expenses


risk introduced to a company when someone accesses a company's website using a browser

(table 8.9, p 525) Privacy Enhancing Technologies: anonymous remailers

send email without a trace

Companies can interface with social networking in each of the following ways except

sending flyers to customer mailboxes.


rules for exchanging data between computers.

B2G (Business to Government)

sales between companies and government organizations

5 rev models for an e-comm site

sales, ad, affiliate, subscription, transaction


same behavior as cybersquatting but with the intent of diverting traffic from the legit site to an infringing site

what is the overwhelming reason consumers shop online

save timw

yahoo and ask jeeves are examples of

search engines/portals

the procurement process 7 steps

search, qualify, negotiate, purchase order, invoicing, shipping, remittance payment

How does the entertainment industry make money electronically?

sell episodes on pay per view bases, on iTunes, entire series online on their own corporate sites -Netflix, CinemaNow is the most successful

5 things a website can do

sell, connect people, offer info, entertain, motivate

seller-side solutions

seller biased markets that are owned by and show only goods from a single seller.

seller-side solutions

seller-biased markets that are owned by, and show only goods from, a single seller

How does Media generate revenue?

similar to online content revenue models

virtual merchant

single channel web firms that generate almost all of their revenue from online sales


single or multi channel manufacturers who sell directly online to consumers without the intervention of retailers

manufacturer direct

single or multi channel manufacturers who sell directly online to consumers without the intervention of retailers p.322

manufacturer direct etail biz model

single or multi channel manufacturs who sell directly online to consuemrs without intervention of retailers (dell)


single- or multi-channel manufacturers who ssell directly online to consumers without the intervention of retailers

virtual merchant

single-channel web firms that generate almost all of their revenue from online sales

virtual merchants

single-channel web firms that generate almost all of their revenue from online sales p.320

virtual merchants etail biz model

single-channel web firms that generate almost all of their revenue online (amazon)


single-or-multi-channel manufacturers who sell directly online to the to consumers without the intervention of retailers Ex. Computer: Hardware: Dell and Apple; Apparel: Ralph Lauren and Nike *simplifies the companies operations, eliminating the need for support a wholesale and retail sales network and cutting out associated mark up

Enriching click fraud

site operators generate bogus ad clicks to earn PPC income

Enriching impression fraud

site operators generate false pg. views to boost CPM earnings

financial portals

sites that provide consumers with comparison shopping service, independent financial advice, and financial planning p.329

financial portals

sites that provide consumers with comparison shopping services, independent financial advice, and financial planning


small computer program that extends the feature set or capabilities of another application


small graphics used to keep loading time down


small piece of information collected and saved in the browser from a site and retrieved when the user returns to that site

What is the Bullwhip Effect?

small raise in demand--> fall in profitability, exaggerated everything when reaches suppliers (forced to keep most inventory [death]), makes goods very expensive up the chain -eliminated w/ equal info for all!

Which of the following refers to the mapping and measuring of relationships and flows between people, groups, organizations, animals, computers or other information- or knowledge-processing entities?

social network analysis

**(t8.3) digital rights management (DRM)

software *windows media player) that requires users of online media to identify themselves before viewing copyrighted content

(table 8.9, p 525) Privacy Enhancing Technologies: privacy policy reader

software for automating the communication of privacy policies to users

Security software

software that provides protection for both merchant and customer data

From handling software

specialized software that allows users to provide responses and submit the data to the servers

marketing communications has a dual purpose to support _ and _

spread brand awareness and sales

start ch 9

start ch 9

Millennium Digital commerce act

states that electronic commerce contracts are valid when signed electronically

How do media distribution companies make money?

strike alliances with traditional media companies, get a share of the revenues


structured query language is the standardized language used to request information from a database

Registered copyright

the author has registered the piece with the us copyright office. Doing this makes it easier to prove copyright infringement

domain extension

suffix that indicates which top level domain it belongs to

hub and spoke system

suppliers connected to a central hub of buyers via private dedicated networks

hub and spoke system

suppliers connected to a central hub of buyers via private dedicated networks.

(table 8.9, p 525) Privacy Enhancing Technologies: anonymous surfing

surf without a trace

Merchant e-commerce

takes title to the goods and services they sell


tangible products, they have a touch and feel

income taxes

taxes that are levied by national, state, and local governments


temporary storage space used to speed computing tasks

Classified Ad

text ad just like a classified ad in print except it is listed on a website

B2B e-commerce

that portion of B2B commerce that is enabled by the Internet

net value

that portion of perceived customer value that can be attributed to the fact that content is available on the internet


the ____ provides an easy-to-use, intuitive, multimedia interface to the sources available on the internet.


the _____ of an email message may include the sender's name, address, and telephone number.


the ability of the government to exert control over a person or corporation


the ability to ensure that an e-commerce site continues to function as intended p.169


the ability to ensure that e-commerce participants do not deny (i.e., repudiate) their online actions p.168


the ability to ensure that information being displayed on a web site of transmitted or received over the internet has not been altered in any way by an unauthorized party


the ability to ensure that messages and data are available only to those who are authorized to view them p.168


the ability to make a profit after expenses are deducted from success


the act of becoming worldwide in scope or application

Cyber Squatting

the act of registering, selling, or using an internet domain name with bad-faith


the actual layout of the website

Supply Chain

the links that connect business firms with one another to coordinate production


the moral right of individuals to be left alone, free from surveillance or interference from other individuals from other organizations, including the state p. 265


the moral right of individuals to be left alone, free from survelliance or interference from other individuals or organizations, including the state

What do all private key techniques have in common?

the more individuals who need to know the key, the greater the probability of it falling into the wrong hands


the navigation features of the website

Number of impressions

the number of times a banner is displayed to individual viewers

Number of click throughs

the number of times viewers click on the banner

Click-through rate (CTR)

the number of users who clicked an ad divided by the number of time the ad was delivered (impression) -measures the percentage of people who clicked on an ad to arrive at a destination-site

transposition cipher

the ordering of the letters in each word is changed in some systematic way p.181

Dynamic Pricing

the price of the product varies depending directly on the demand characteristics of the customer and the supply situation of the seller


the process of developing and diagramming a site's structure that best matches your user's needs

account aggregation

the process of pulling together all of a customers financial (and even non-financial) data at a single personalized web site p.329

account aggregation

the process of pulling together all of a customers financial and even non financial data at a single personalized web site

exchange rate

the ratio at which the principal of two currencies may be traded

Intellectual property

the right an individual or group of individuals has in an idea

domain name

the specific address where the resource is located


the study of principles that individuals and organizations can use to determine right and wrong courses of action p.264

8 elements of a biz plan

value proposition, rev model, market opportunity, comp strategy, comp enviromment, market strategy, organizational development, management trm


the technology that continuously downloads audio and video files to your computer while you are listening to and/or viewing the content.

total inter-firm trade

the total flow of value among firms

customer experience

the totality of experiences that a customer has with a firm, including the search, informing, purchase, consumption, and after-sales support for its products, services, and various retail channels. pg. 219

top level domain

the type of organization

collaborative commerce

the use of digital technologies to permit organizations to collaboratively design, develop, and manage products through their life cycles

social marketing/advertising

the use of online social networks and communities to build brands and drive sales pg. 230


the website's web address

uniform pricing rule

there are multiple winners and they all pay the same price


there are two basic types of email accounts: client based and ____-based.

(t8.5) choice/consent

there must be a choice regime in place allowing consumers to choose how their information will be used for secondary purposes other than supporting the transaction, including internal use and transfer to third parties. opt in/opt out must be available.

Proxy servers

third-party computer that passes traffic to and from a specific address without revealing the address of the connected user


this function creates or obtains products or services for sale


this is a company that offers individuals or enterprises access over the internet to application programs and related services that would otherwise have to be located in their own personal or enterprise computers.

small mom and pop retailers

use ebay, amazon, and yahoo stores sales platforms and other merchants whose primary revenue is from sending traffic to their mother site

Encrypted service/ browser

use in order to protect against unlawful access to a user's credit card number

what are 4 things you can do to increase your search engine optimization

use keywords on your site, appear on other websites, use metatags, pay a search engine and register

Collaborative Commerce

use of digital technologies to permit organizations to collaboratively design, develop, build, and manage products through their life cycles


used to exchange Web pages over the Internet

(t8.3) social networks

used to gather information on user-provided content such as books, music, and other interests, preferences, and lifestyles


used to identify and distinguish goods and indicate their source

(t8.3) Advertising networks

used to track individuals as they more amoung thousands of web sites pg.226

(t8.3) cookies

used to track individuals at a single site


users offered basic service for free but have to pay more for premium

lead generation marketing

uses multiple e-commerce presences to generate leads for businesses who later can be contacted and converted into customers pg. 230

(t8.3) search engine behavioral targeting (google and other search engines)

uses prior search history, demographic, expressed interests, geographic, or other user-entered data to target advertising

(t8.3) deep packet inspection

uses software installed at the isp level to track all user clickstream behavior, sells this information to advertisers, and then attempts to show users relevant ads

External hosting

using an outside company to serve your website

Text Menu

using any keyed text for links from a home page or other website pages

Graphics Menu

using images as links from a home page or other web page

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack

using numerous computers to attack the target network from numerous launch points. They can shut down a systems operations indefinitely. p.176

interest-based advertising (behavioral targeting)

using search queries and clicks on results to behaviorally target customers pg. 240


using trademarket works in a sites metatags p.287

Site certificate

verifies the host's identity to computers that access it


verizon, sprint, and AT&T are examples of _____.

durables and general merchandise

very large firms with developed automated real time inventory contro systems with large notional customer bases.

what type of ads make up the fastest growing online ad channel


dragon naturally speaking

voice activated software

The exclusive online publication of Stephen King's e-book Riding the Bullet

was disrupted by hackers who breached security, then distributed free copies of the book.

order fulfillment

when the selected object is shipped to the buyer

business functionalities net marketplaces have

what businesses buy (direct vs indirect goods), how businesses by (spot purchasing vs long term sourcing)


when a company hires another company to handle some of the tasks related to the creation and maintenance of a web site.


when a segment of the value chain becomes unnecessary or is replaced by another intermediary


when creating a web page, if you would like to be able to click and display another webpage, you should use a _____.


when one business transfers computer readable data into an agreed upon format


windows program with powerful accessibility solution that reads information found on the computer and speaks it

discriminatory pricing

winners pay different amounts depending on what they bid


wireless local-area networking devices -typically connect to an antenna-equipped base station or hotspot, which is then connected to the Internet -use standards known as IEEE 802.11 -various version of this standard (e.g., b, g, n) may operate in different frequency bands and have access ranges

domain name

domain name is what part of the URL?

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