Combo with Organic Chemistry Reactions and 23 others

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"Electron-loving" [Lewis Acids] Positively polarized species in a reaction Accepts a pair of electrons from a nucleophile


"Nucleus-loving" [Lewis Bases] An electron rich or neutral species in a reaction C=C act as nucleophiles

explain the crazy ass Hydroboration transition state

"four-centered": four atoms are involved; in one giant ass step the pi bond and H-BH2 bond are broken and two new sigma bonds are formed (syn addition)



friedel crafts

(benzene ring with R group) make R group add to benzene ring with AlCl3 catalyst

Montreal Protocol

- (1987) - agreement to phase out CFCs - atmosphere will recover by 2070 - nobel prize

Electrophillic addition to conjugated dienes

- 78°C --> 1,2 addition predominates (essentialy irreversible, no eq, faster rate) - 40-60°C --> 1,4 addition predominates (more stable) - gradual warming or acid catalyst creates a higher temp - if pure 1,2 or 1,4 addition is added with Lewis acid catalyst, equilibrium is formed

3 ways of naming alcohols

- Add the suffix -ol to the stem of the parent hydrocarbon; if the location must be specified, the number of the carbon atom to which it is attached is given. - Name the parent hydrocarbon as a group and attach the name alcohol, ex. ethyl alcohol. - Name the -OH group as a substituent, in which case the name hydroxy is used, ex. 2-hydroxybutane.

explain Hydro-halogenation stereochemistry

- Addition of Hydrogen occurs from both above and below, which can generate enantiomers (if a stereogenic center is formed). then the Nucliophilic attack by X⁻ occurs from both sides of the Carbocation, which can again produce 2 stereoisomers for each enantiomer (for a total of 4 stereoisomers; 2ⁿ where n = # stereoisomers). In other words: both syn and anti addition occur.

Synthesis: How do you prepare an ether?

- Addition of an alcohol, ROH (RO is the good leaving group). Mechanism: same as hydration.


- Cleavage of alkene or alkyne by reaction with ozone (O₃) - syn addition, but none at the end - Markovnikov's rule irrelevant - no electrophile

In which mechanism/s is a bridged halonium ion formed instead of a carbo-cation?

- Halogenation - Halohydrin formation

check this one out..Which mechanisms have 3 steps?

- Hydration - Halohydrin formation, water acts twice.

In which mechanisms does BOTH syn and anti addition occur?

- Hydro-halogenation - Hydration

Addition of Br₂ and Cl₂

- Markovnikov's rule irrelevant (no H) - anti addition - exhibits backside attack - as Br₂ approaches molecule it becomes polarized

Which mechanisms have 2 steps?

- SN1 - E1 - Hydrohalogenation - Halogenation - Hydroboration-oxiation -if considering BOTH mechanisms)

In which mechanism/s are carbocation intermediates formed?

- SN1 - E1 - Hydrohalogenation - Hydration

Which mechanisms have 1 step?

- SN2 - E2 - the Hydroboration part (oxidation is a separate mechanism) - Oxidation (hydroboration is a separate mechanism)

Arenium Ion

- a carbocation formed by an electrophilic attack on an aromatic ring - a reactive intermediate in EAS - be deprotonated, form pi bond fate restores aromaticity/is favored

Oxonium ion

- a cation with an oxygen with three bonds and a positive formal charge

Diazonium cation

- a cation with the general structure R-N⁺≡N

Azo Dye

- a dye molecule which includes the diazo functional group between two aromatic rings - most dyes are red, orange, or yellow

Sulfonic Acid

- a functional group characterized by a sulfur doubly bonded to two oxygens, a hydroxyl group, and a carbon of any hybridization

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

- a molecule containing only Cl, F, and C - used as refrigerants, spray can propellants, etc. - long atmospheric half-life

Elimination Reaction

- a molecule loses atoms or groups from adjacent atoms - results in a pi bond - useful for synthesis of alkenes & alkynes


- a molecule that consumes reactive oxygen species, thereby preventing oxidative damage - biological defenses against radicals


- a molecule that has a hydroxyl group attached directly to an alkene

Add to a Pi Bond

- a radical fate

Atom Transfer

- a radical fate

Radical Combination

- a radical fate

Addition Reaction

- a reaction in which groups are added to opposite ends of a pi bond - the process is generally exothermic, as most pi bonds are weaker than sigma bonds - rate is bimolecular


- a reaction in which the absorption of light results in the breaking of bonds

Substitution Reaction

- a reaction where part of a molecule is replaced

Chain Reaction

- a reaction whose mechanism includes one or more steps that are repeated indefinitely until the chain is terminated - the term is usually reserved for free radical reactions Mechanism: 1. initiation 2. propagation 3. termination

Acylium Ion

- a resonance stabilized cation - most often encountered as a reactive intermediate of the friedel-crafts acylation reaction


- a sp2 carbon with 3 trigonal planar attachments and a formal positive charge - pz orbital is empty - common intermediates in organic mechanisms - wants electrons - desperate and not fussy stabilizing features: 1. resonance 2. degree of substitution carbocation fates: 1. capture nucleophile 2. deprotonation (base) 3. rearrangement

Free Radical

- a species with an unpaired electron - once formed, radicals react quickly - free radicals are electrophiles because they have open valence shells Fates: 1. add to a pi bond 2. atom transfer 3. radical combination


- a structure which is not a starting material, a product, or a transition state


- a substance in which other substances are dissolved so they can mingle & achieve transition state orientation

Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution (EAS)

- a substitution reaction in which an atom or group attached to an aromatic ring is replaced by some other atom or group - H is the most commonly replaced attachment - attack of the aromatic ring by an electrophile Factors: 1. arenium ion stability (1°, 2°, 3°, resonance) 2. number of positions (2:2:1 = o:m:p) 3. steric effects Rate depends on: 1. nucleophilicity of benzene ring 2. arenium ion stability 3. strength of electrophile

Dielectric Constant (ε)

- ability of a solvent to insulate opposite charges from each other - ε > 20 = polar solvent - ε < 20 = nonpolar solvent


- accelerates a chemical reaction

Carbonyl Group

- acts as both an electrophile and nucleophile due to polarity - trigonal planar Three Fates: 1. accept nucleophile at C 2. accept electrophile at O 3. form enolate Reaction Rate Factors 1. resonance stabilization 2. δ⁺ on carbonyl C 3. LG 4. steric hindrance Mechanisms: 1. nucleophilic carbonyl substitution 2. addition

Catalytic Hydrogenation

- addition of H₂ in the presence of a catalyst - syn addition - Markovnikov's rule irrelevant (H₂ symmetrical) - H₂ is not an electrophile - catalyst usually Pt, Pd, Ni - calalyst alters mechanism but not [K eq]

Carbocation Rearrangement

- adjacent σ bond switches without base - in equilibrium, proceeds in a way that will increase stability

Concerted Reaction

- all reaction steps are synchronous


- an addition reaction in which a ring is formed

Syn Addition

- an addition reaction in which bonds are formed on the same face of the reactant molecule

Anti Addition

- an addition reaction in which two substituents are added to opposite sides of a pi bond - decreases bond order - increases number of substituents

Deactivating Group

- an aromatic ring substituent that decreases nucleophilicity and arenium ion stability - decelerates reaction compared to benzene by decreasing nucleophilicity Examples 1. Halogens

Activating Group

- an aromatic ring substituent that enhances nucleophilicity and arenium ion stability - accelerates reaction compared to benzene by increasing nucleophilicity - any carbocation stabilizing group - better electron donors = more powerful activators Examples 1. alkyl groups (-CH₃, -CH₂CH₃, etc.) 2. pi bonds (aromatic rings) 3. lone pairs (-OH, -OR, - NH₂, -NHR, -NR₂)

Steric Effect

- any effect on molecule or reaction due to the size of atoms or groups


- any molecule in a set of constitutional isomers that are conceptually related by the shift of a hydrogen atom and one or more pi bonds

Azo Compound

- any molecule with the general formula R-N=N-R


- any process in which there is a decrease in the number of covalent bonds between an atom and atoms that are more electronegative - generally seen as decreasing number of C-O bonds


- any process in which there is an increase in the number of covalent bonds between an atom and atoms that are more electronegative - generally seen as increasing number of C-O bonds

Regioselective Reaction

- any process that favors bond formation at a particular atom over other possible atoms

Antibonding (σ*) Orbital

- approached by nucleophile during backside attack

Leaving Group (LG)

- atom or group of atoms which break away from the molecule - accepts electrons from C-LG bond Factors: 1. resonance (increases electron accommodation) 2. atomic radius (larger radius increases electron accommodation) 3. electronegativity (high EN increases electron accommodation) 4. inductive effects 5. formal charge Excellent: 1. sulfonate ions 2. iodide ion Moderate: 1. bromide ion 2. chloride ion 3. water 4. alcohols Rare: 1. fluoride ion 2. amines 3. oxyanions 4. nitranions Never: 1. alkyl group

Cahn-Ingold-Prelog priorities

- based on atomic weight

Homolytic Bond Cleavage

- bond breaking in which the bonding electron pair is split evenly between the products - often produces radicals

Heterolytic Bond Cleavage

- bond breaking in which the bonding electron pair is split unevenly between the products - often produces at least one ion


- carbon groups on opposite alkene face - more stable than cis (steric strain)


- carbon groups on same alkene face - less stable than trans (steric strain)

Electron Withdrawing Group (EWG)

- destabilize an adjacent carbocation - reduce nucleophilicity of aromatic ring by removing electron density


- electron deficient


- electrophilic addition - halonium ion (Cl or Br w/ Lewis acid) - mechanism: (1) Cl₂ + FeCl₃ makes molecular complex (2) Cl+ reacts with aromatic π cloud to form resonance cation intermediate (3) that loses proton to give aryl chloride product


- electrophillic addition (NO₂+ ion→ Nitric + sulphuric acid) - mechanism: (1) protonation of nitric acid by sulfuric acid (2) loss of water (3) resonance stabalized cation

E2 (Elimination Bimolecular)

- follows Zaitsev's rule - consider before SN2 (exception: alkyl halides) reaction checklist: ☐ base (usually strong; RO-, not ROH) ☐ leaving group (moderate or better) ☐ molecular geomentry (periplanar β-hydrogen)

Halogenation pt 2

- halogenation of aromatic ring w/ -OH, OR & -NH₂ does not require Lewis acid catalyst

Transition State

- highest energy structure for each mechanism step in the reaction - has partial bonds


- highest priority (Cahn-Ingold-Prelog) groups on opposite alkene face


- highest priority (Cahn-Ingold-Prelog) groups on same alkene face

Chichibabin Reaction

- hydride ion is a leaving group

Protic Solvent

- hydrogen bond donor


- hydrogen bonded to a β-carbon

Crutzen, Rowland, and Molina

- implicate CFCs in ozone depletion

Meta Director

- in EAS, a substituent that favors electrophilic attack meta to the substituent - most meta directors are deactivators - any carbocation destabilizing group Examples 1. -NO₂ 2. -NH₃⁺, - NH₂R⁺, -NHR₂⁺, -NR₃⁺ 3. ketone, aldehyde, ester, carboxylic acid, etc. 4. C≡N 5. CF₃ 6. SO₃H (sulfonic acid)

Ortho/Para Director

- in EAS, a substituent that favors electrophilic attack ortho or para to the substituent - most ortho/para directors are activators (except for halogens) - any carbocation stabilizing group Examples 1. alkyl groups (-CH₃, -CH₂CH₃, etc.) 2. pi bonds (aromatic rings) 3. lone pairs (-OH, -OR, - NH₂, -NHR, -NR₂, Halogens) resonance outweighs electron withdrawing

Markovnikov Addition

- in an addition reaction of generic electrophile HX to a pi bond, the H of HX gets bonded to the carbon atom that has the greatest number of H atoms in the starting alkene/alkyne

Anti-Markovnivov Addition

- in an addition reaction of generic electrophile HX to a pi bond, the H of HX gets bonded to the carbon atom that has the least number of H atoms in the starting alkene/alkyne


- increases alkene stability

Degree of Substitution

- increasing substitution increases stability

E1 (Elimination Unimolecular)

- k [R-LG] reaction checklist: ☐ leaving group (moderate or better) ☐ carbocation (2° or better) ☐ solvent (polar, protic preferred)

SN1 (Substitution Nucleophilic Unimolecular)

- k[R3C-LG] - substitution at sp3 carbon in which C-LG bond is broken to give a carbocation intermediate becore C-Nuc is formed - there is a mixture of inversion & retention reaction checklist: ☐ leaving group (moderate or better) ☐ carbocation intermediate (stability must be 1° w/ resonance or better) ☐ solvent (polar, protic preferred)

Terminal Alkene

- less stable than internal alkene

explain Alkenes physical properties. solubility, melting and boiling point.

- low melting andboiling point that increase with chain length. -insoluble in water. -soluble in organic solvents

Arrhenius equation

- lower transition state energy leads to faster reaction rate

Hofmann elimination

- major E2 product is less highly substituted alkene occurs when: 1. base = (CH3)3CO- 2. LG = NR3, SR2, or F-

Zaitsev's Rule

- major elimination product is the more stable alkene

Chain Initiation

- mechanism step in a chain reaction that has no radical reactants and gives radical products

Chain Propagation

- mechanism step in a chain reaction that has radical reactants and gives radical products

Chain Termination

- mechanism step in a chain reaction that has radical reactants but gives no radical products

Internal Alkene

- more stable than terminal alkene


- must have parallel p orbitals between H-C and C-LG

Aprotic Solvent

- not a hydrogen bond donor


- not very reactive

Back Side Attack

- nucleophile approaches antibonding orbital - causes inversion of substituents

Accept Nucleophile at Carbon

- one of three carbonyl fates

Accept Electrophile at Oxygen

- one of three carbonyl fates - requires strong acid

Nucleophilic Carbonyl Substitution

- one of two fates of a tetrahedral adduct - shown in all but ketones and aldehydes - faster because it is within the molecule (as opposed to addition which requires other molecules)


- one of two fates of a tetrahedral adduct - shown in ketones and aldehydes (no LG)

Energy Profile

- plot of reaction coordinate versus energy

Tetrahedral Adduct

- produced by nucleophilic attack on carbonyl C - changes from sp² to sp³ hybridization Fates: 1. nucleophilic carbonyl substitution 2. addition


- protein or RNA that catalyzes biochemical reactions How? 1. stabilize transition state 2. destabilize reactants


- proton acceptor


- proton donor


- reaction in which solvent is a reactant, and becomes part of reaction product - frequent phenomenon in SN1 reactions

Nonconcerted Reaction

- reaction steps are asynchronous

Electron Donating Group (EDG)

- stabilize an adjacent carbocation - increase nucleophilicity of aromatic ring by releasing electron density into the ring

Reaction Mechanism

- step by step accounting of bond changes

Furchgott, Murad, and Ignarro

- studied nitric oxide - nobel prize in medicine (1998) - UCLA!


- substituents flip the opposite way after the transition state - due to approach of nucleophile to C-LG σ* antibonding orbital


- substituents remain facing the direction they were after the transition state

SN2 (Bimolecular Nucleophilic Substitution)

- substitution at sp3 carbon - nucleophile-carbon bond formation simultaneous with LG-carbon bond scission - k[nucleophile][electrophile] - substitution at sp3 carbon in which C-Nuc and C-LG bonds change simultaneously - no carbocation is formed - always exhibits inversion Checklist: ☐ nucleophile (moderate or better) ☐ leaving group (moderate or better) ☐ steric hindrance (LG carbon cannot be 3°) ☐ solvent (moderately polar, aprotic preferred)


- supply electron for bond with carbon Factors: 1. resonance (decreases nucleophilicity) 2. atomic radius (larger radius decreases nucleophilicity) 3. electronegativity (high EN reduces nucleophilicity) 4. inductive effects 5. formal charge (negative enhances nucleophilicity)

Pulmonary Surfactant

- surface active agent - collection of phospholipids - contains three fatty acid esters whose hydrocarbon tails can suffer oxidative cleavage upon reaction with ozone - assists migration of O₂ from air to bloodstream

Hydroboration-Oxidation Reaction

- syn addition - anti-markovnikov - BH₃ is electrophile

Azo Coupling

- the EAS reaction of a diazonium cation with another aromatic ring to form a diazo compound mechanism

Bond Dissociation Energy (BDE)

- the amount of energy needed to cause homolytic cleavage of a covalent bond - a measure of bond strength


- the electron from a C-H bond is used and the H is taken by a base


- the process of isomerization of one tautomer into another tautomer


- the study of chemical processes induced by the absorption of light photons


- trade name for molecules formed of C, H, F, Cl, and Br

Inductive Effect

- transfer of charge through a chain of atoms in a molecule by electrostatic induction

Rate-Determining Step (Rate-Limiting Step)

- transition state with largest Ea - has greatest effect on reaction rate


- undergoes addition mechanism (no LG) - faster than ketone (steric hindrance/inductive effects)


- undergoes addition mechanism (no LG) - slower than aldehyde (steric hindrance/inductive effects)

Carboxylic acid

- undergoes nucleophilic carbonyl substitution mechanism


- undergoes nucleophilic carbonyl substitution mechanism - faster than ester (better LG, less resonance stabilization) - slower than anhydride


- undergoes nucleophilic carbonyl substitution mechanism - faster than amide (resonance stabilization/inductive effects/better LG) - slower than thioester (worse LG, more resonance stabilization)

Acid Chloride

- undergoes nucleophilic carbonyl substitution mechanism - faster than anhydride


- undergoes nucleophilic carbonyl substitution mechanism - faster than thioester (inductive effects/LG with resonance) - slower than acid chloride


- undergoes nucleophilic carbonyl substitution mechanism - slower than ester (resonance stabilization/inductive effects/bad LG)


- usually favored over periplanar

Nonpolar Solvents

- ε < 20 Examples: 1. dichloromethane 2. tetrahydrofuran (THF) 3. acetic acid 4. ether 5. hexane

Polar Solvents

- ε > 20 Examples: 1. water 2. methanol 3. ethanol 4. dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) 5. N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) 6. acetone

Radical Addition of HBr to an Alkene

-A radical addition mechanism is followed -Br bonds to the less substituted carbon atom to form the more substituted, more stable radical

What is the electrophile in hydroboration?

-BH2 gets added as the electrophile.


-CH-CH₂-CH₃ ↓ CH₃

Functional Groups: Aldehyde



-CH⁻CH₃ ↓ CH₃





Functional Groups: Ketone


Functional Groups: Amide


Carboxyl Group


Functional Groups: Carboxylic Acid


Functional Groups: Ester


Preparing an Epoxide - Method 1/3 - By treatment of an alkene with peroxyacid (peracid)

-Cis/trans configuration kept

Hydration formation of an Ester

-In this case the reactant is changed to H-OR and the product is thus changed from OH to OR. -The mechanism has three steps. -Carbocations are formed as intermediates. -Carbocations rearrangements are possible. -Markovnikov's rule is followed. H bonds to the less substituted C to form the more stable carbocation. -Syn and anti addition occur.

Functional Groups: Amine


Amino Group


Functional Groups: Ether


Functional Groups: Alcohol, phenol


Hydroxyl group

-OH A polar group.

Examples of nucleophiles

-OH and H₂O; the oxygen, in both cases. ex. water in hydrolysis


-One step mechanism. -No rearrangements can occur. -OH bonds to the less substituted C. -Syn addition of H2O results. -9-BBN can be used as a substitute for the BH3


-The mechanism has three steps. -Bridged halonium ions are formed as intermediates. -No rearrangements occur. -X bonds to the less substituted C. -Anti addition occurs. -NBS in DMSO and H2O adds BR and OH in the same fashion.

Hydration formation of an Alcohol

-The mechanism has three steps. -Carbocations are formed as intermediates. -Carbocations rearrangements are possible. -Markovnikov's rule is followed. H bonds to the less substituted C to form the more stable carbocation. -Syn and anti addition occur.


-The mechanism has two steps. -Bridged halonium ions are formed as intermediates. -No rearrangements can occur, -Anti-addition occurs.


-The mechanism has two steps. -Carbocations are formed as intermediates. -Carbocation rearrangements are possible. -Markovnikov's rule is followed. H bonds to the less substituted C to form the more stable carbocation. -Syn and anti addition occur.

Halogenation of Alkanes

-The reaction follows a radical chain mechanism -The weaker the C-H bond, the more readily the hydrogen is replaced by X. -Chlorination is faster and less selective than bromination. -Radical substitution at a stereogenic center results in racemization

Functional Groups: Halides (= F, Cl, Br, or I)


Naming linear alkenes

-ene suffix Prefixed by a number corresponding to the second carbon bonded in the chain, ex. CH₃CH=CHCH₃ : 2-butane CH₂=CH-CH=CH₂ : 1,3-butadiene

***uyama Coupling


***uyama Reduction


Atomic Radius


Baeyer-Villiger Oxidation


Baker-Venkataraman Rearrangement


Balz-Schiemann Reaction


Bamford-Stevens Reaction


Barton Decarboxylation


Barton-McCombie Reaction (Barton Desoxygenation)


Baylis-Hillman Reaction


Beckmann Rearrangement


Benzilic Acid Rearrangement


Benzoin Condensation


Bergman Cyclization


Bestmann-Ohira Reagent


Biginelli Reaction


Birch Reduction


Bischler-Napieralski Reaction


Blaise Reaction


Blanc Reaction


Bohlmann-Rahtz Pyridine Synthesis


Boronic Acid Mannich Reaction


Bouveault-Blanc Reduction


Brook Rearrangement


Brown Hydroboration


Bucherer-Bergs Reaction


Buchwald-Hartwig Cross Coupling Reaction


CBS Reduction


Cadiot-Chodkiewicz Coupling


Cannizzaro Oxidation Reduction


Capture a Nucleophile


Chan-Lam Coupling


Claisen Condensation


Claisen Rearrangement


Clemmensen Reduction


Click Chemistry


Collins Reagent


Conia-Ene Reaction


Cope Elimination


Cope Rearrangement


Corey-Bakshi-Shibata Reduction


Corey-Chaykovsky Reaction


Corey-Fuchs Reaction


Corey-Kim Oxidation


Corey-Seebach Reaction


Corey-Suggs Reagent


Corey-Winter Olefin Synthesis


Coumarin Synthesis


Criegee Mechanism for Ozonolysis


Cross Metathesis


Curtius Rearrangement (Reaction)


Dakin Reaction


Darzens Condensation


Darzens Reaction


Delépine Reaction




Dess-Martin Oxidation




Dieckmann Condensation


Diels-Alder Reaction


Directed ortho Metalation


Doebner Modification


Eglinton Reaction




Ene Reaction


Enyne Metathesis




Eschweiler-Clarke Reaction


Ester Pyrolysis




Favorskii Reaction


Finkelstein Reaction


Fischer Esterification


Fischer Indole Synthesis


Fleming-Tamao Oxidation


Formal Charge


Friedel-Crafts Acylation


Friedel-Crafts Alkylation


Friedlaender Synthesis


Fries Rearrangement


Gabriel Synthesis


Gewald Reaction


Glaser Coupling


Griesbaum Coozonolysis


Grignard Reaction


Grubbs Reaction


Haloform Reaction


Hantzsch Dihydropyridine Synthesis (Pyridine Synthesis)


Hay Coupling


Heck Reaction


Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky Reaction


Henry Reaction


Hiyama Coupling


Hiyama-Denmark Coupling


Hofmann Elimination


Hofmann's Rule


Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons Reaction


Hosomi-Sakurai Reaction


Huisgen Cycloaddition


Hunsdiecker Reaction




Ireland-Claisen Rearrangement


Itsuno-Corey Reduction


Iwanow Reaction (Reagent)


Jacobsen Epoxidation


Jacobsen-Katsuki Epoxidation


Jocic Reaction


Johnson-Corey-Chaykovsky Reaction


Jones Oxidation


Julia-Kocienski Olefination


Julia-Lythgoe Olefination


Kabachnik-Fields Reaction




Kindler Reaction


Kinetic Control


Knoevenagel Condensation


Kochi Reaction


Kolbe Electrolysis


Kolbe Nitrile Synthesis


Kolbe-Schmitt Reaction


Kulinkovich Reaction


Kulinkovich-Szymoniak Reaction


Kulinkovich-de Meijere Reaction


Kumada Coupling


Lawesson's Reagent


Leuckart Thiophenol Reaction


Luche Reduction


Malonic Ester Synthesis


Mannich Reaction


Markovnikov's Rule


McMurry Reaction


Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley Reduction






Michael Addition


Michaelis-Arbuzov Reaction


Mitsunobu Reaction


Miyaura Borylation Reaction


Modified Julia Olefination


Mukaiyama Aldol Addition


Myers' Modification of the Ramberg-Bäcklund Reaction


Myers-Saito Cyclization


Nazarov Cyclization


Nef Reaction


Negishi Coupling


Newman-Kwart Rearrangement


Nitroaldol Reaction


Nozaki-Hiyama Coupling


Nucleophilic Substitution (SN1 / SN2)


Ohira-Bestmann Reagent


Olefin Metathesis


Oppenauer Oxidation




Overman Rearrangement


Oxy-Cope Rearrangement




Paal-Knorr Furan Synthesis


Paal-Knorr Pyrrole Synthesis


Paal-Knorr Thiophene Synthesis




Passerini Reaction


Paterno-Büchi Reaction


Pauson-Khand Reaction


Pechmann Condensation


Petasis Reaction


Peterson Olefination


Pinacol Coupling Reaction


Pinacol Rearrangement


Pinner Reaction


Prilezhaev Reaction


Primary (1°)


Prins Reaction


Prévost Reaction


Pschorr Reaction


Ramberg-Bäcklund Reaction


Rate expression


Reaction Rate


Reformatsky Reaction




Ring Closing Metathesis


Ring Opening Metathesis (Polymerization)


Ritter Reaction


Robinson Annulation


Rosenmund Reduction


Rosenmund-von Braun Reaction


Rubottom Oxidation


Sakurai Reaction


Sandmeyer Reaction


Sarett Reagent


Saytzeff's Rule


Schiemann Reaction


Schlosser Modification


Schmidt Reaction


Schotten-Baumann Reaction


Secondary (2°)


Seebach Umpolung


Seyferth-Gilbert Homologation


Shapiro Reaction


Sharpless Aminohydroxylation


Sharpless Dihydroxylation


Sharpless Epoxidation


Shi Epoxidation


Simmons-Smith Reaction


Sonogashira Coupling


Staudinger Cycloaddition


Staudinger Reaction


Staudinger Reduction


Staudinger Synthesis


Steglich Esterification


Steric Strain


Stetter Reaction


Stille Coupling


Strecker Synthesis


Suzuki Coupling


Swern Oxidation


Synthesis: Alcohol to Aldehydes


Synthesis: Alcohol to Alkenes


Synthesis: Alcohol to Alkoxides


Synthesis: Alcohol to Alkyloxonium ions


Synthesis: Alcohol to Ketones


Tamao-Kumada Oxidation


Tebbe Olefination


Tertiary (3°)


Thermodynamic Control


Tishchenko Reaction


Tortional Strain


Trost Allylation


Tsuji-Trost Reaction


Ugi Reaction


Ullmann Reaction


Upjohn Dihydroxylation


Van Leusen Imidazole Synthesis


Van Leusen Oxazole Synthesis


Van Leusen Reaction


Vicarious Nucleophilic Substitution


Vilsmeier Reaction


Wacker-Tsuji Oxidation


Weinreb Ketone Synthesis


Wenker Synthesis


What is a Diels-Alder Reaction?


Willgerodt-Kindler Reaction


Williamson Synthesis


Wittig Reaction


Wittig-Horner Reaction


Wohl-Ziegler Reaction


Wolff Rearrangement


Wolff-Kishner Reduction


Woodward Reaction


Woodward cis-Hydroxylation


Wurtz Reaction


Wurtz-Fittig Reaction


Yamaguchi Esterification



........CH₃ ........ ↑ -CH₂-CH ........↓ ......CH₃

Base (proton acceptor)



1,2 positions


1,3 positions


1,4 positions

How are Radical Reactions Formed

1. Adding Energy in the form of heat or light. 2. Radical initiator, a compound that contains an especially weak bond that serves as a source of radicals. Peroxides RO-OR are most common radical initiators.

Chloronation vs. Bromination

1. Chlorination is faster than bromination. 2. Although chlorination is unselective, yielding a mixture of products, bromination is often selective, yielding one major product. **In bromination, the major product results from cleavage of the weakest C-H bond.

Goldilocks Solvents

1. DMF 2. Methanol 3. Ethanol 4. Acetone

Types of Steps in a Chemical Reaction

1. Formation of a bond (covalent) 2. Breaking of a bond (homo/heterogenic) 3. Oxidation of a functional group 4. Reduction of a functional group

Radical Addition Reactions to Double Bonds

1. HBr adds to alkenes to form alkyl bromides in the presence of light, heat, or peroxides. Br atom is added to the less substituted carbon.

What factors will help carbocation formation and therefore increase the rate of an Sn1 reaction?

1. Highly substituted carbons. 2. Polar solvents (Surround and isolate the carbocation) 3. Good leaving groups (Weak bases)

explain Hydroboration-oxidation: stereochemistry

1. Hydroboration step: occurs with syn addition (but with cycloalkenes, occurs both above and below the double bond, forming enantiomers!) 2. Oxidation step: occurs with retention of configuration

Steps in Radical Addition

1. Initiation- Abstraction of H from Hbr occurs by a two step process. Roor in reaction requires to steps in order to form Br- from HBr 2. Propagation- The PIE bond is broken and the C-H and C-BR sigma bonds are foremed. 3. Two radicals react to form a bond.

The Steps of Radical Halogenation

1. Initiation: Two radicals are formed by homolysis of a sigma bond and this begins the reaction. 2. Propagation: A radical reactions with another reactant to form a new sigma bond and another radical. HCL produced. Ch3 Ch2. is formed. 3. Termination: Two radicals combine to forma stable bond. Removing radicals from the reaction mixture without generating any new radicals stops the reaction.

Three Facts about halogenation that suggest the mechanism involves radical, not ionic, intermediates.

1. Light, heat, or added peroxide is necessary for the reaction. 2. O₂ inhibits the reaction. 3. No rearrangement are observed.

Two Main Reactions of Radicals

1. They react with sigma bonds. A radical X abstracts a hydrogen atom from a C-H sigma bond to form H-X and a carbon radical. 2. They add to Pie bond. A radical X adds to the Pie bond of a carbon- carbon double bond. One electron from the double bond is used to form a new C-X bond, and the other electron remains on the other carbon originally part of the double bond.

Nomenclature: what to do when there are 2 double bonds?

1. number longest chain that includes both double bonds. 2. use di-ene, tri-ene, etc suffix

explain how to determine degree of unsaturation.

1. number of carbons times 2 plus 2. 2. Subtract the actual number of H's; 3. subtract number of halogens. 4. add 1 for each Nitrogen. 5. divide total by 2. ignore oxygen.

Things to know about titration of amino acids...

1.Buffering capacity is greatest at the Ka's 2. Two moles of base need to be added in order to deprotonate one mole of most a.a. 3. When adding base, the carboxyl group looses the H first. 4. Titrations can be done in reverse starting with a basic solution and adding acid.

Acid (proton donor


explain Hydro-halogenation mechanism

2 step addition. 1. pi bond attacks the H of the H-X , forming an intermediate carbocation. this step is. Rate-determining. 2. the left over X- Nucleophile attacks the carbo cation, forming the new C-X bond.


2,4,6-trinitrotoluene, the 3 nitro groups give explosive properties

Conjugate acid


How many moles of acid are needed to neutralize 1 mole of a basic amino acid?

3 moles because of the extra R amino group.

-NO2, -SO2, -CN

3 possible deactivating groups




3abe3 the 3ew5s ac5d

-OH2, -NH2, -OR, -NR2, alkyl

5 possible activating groups

Carbonyl Group

>C=O Occurs in two closely related families of compounds: Aldehydes and Ketones.

Grignard Reagent + CO₂ =

A Grignard reagent reacts with carbon dioxide to produce a carboxylic acid. Grignard Reagent + CO₂ --> COOH

Acid Chloride + H₂/Pd/C =

A acid chloride reacts with H2/Pd/C to produce an aldehyde. Acid Chloride + H₂/Pd/C --> Aldehyde


A benzene with one additional group is....


A benzene with two additional groups is...

Stereo Isomers

A carbon that has 4 different things attached to it is considered "chiral" There is a mirror image of the molecule, they are stereoisomers or enantiomers, bend light oppositely (optically active)

Carboxylate Ion + Ethyl Iodide =

A carboxylate ion reacts with ethyl iodide to produce an ester. COO⁻ + Ethyl-I --> Ester

Carboxylic Acid + LiAlH₄ =

A carboxylic acid reacts with LiAlH₄ to produce a primary alcohol COOH + LiAlH₄ --> 1⁰OH

Carboxylic Acid + Alcohol =

A carboxylic acid reacts with an alcohol (e.g. ethanol) to produce an ester COOH + OH --> Ester

Carboxylic Acid + Base =

A carboxylic acid reacts with base to produce a carboxylate anion. COOH + OH⁻ --> COO⁻

Amino Acid

A carboxylic acid that contains an amino acid as well as a carboxyl group.

Ziegler-Natta Catalyst

A catalyst containing titanium tetrachloride and triethylaluminum which is used to ensure that polymers are stereoregular.

Radical Initiator

A compound that contains an especially weak bond that serves as a source of radicals.


A compound that stops an oxidation reaction from occurring.


A compound with two hydroxy groups. ex. ethylene glycol, used as antifreeze.

Graft Copolymer

A copolymer consisting of a long chain of one monomer with shorter side chains of another monomer attached as side groups.

Block Copolymer

A copolymer in which a long segment of one monomer is followed by a block of another monomer.

Random Copolymer

A copolymer in which different monomers are linked in no particular order.

Alternating Copolymer

A copolymer where the differing subunits alternate.

aromatic compound

A cyclic hydrocarbon with delocalised pi electrons


A form of a molecule in which a basic part has been protonated and an acidic part deprotonated; in an amino acid, the amino group would have been protonated and the carboxyl group deprotonated.

hydroxyl group

A functional group consisting of a hydrogen atom joined to an oxygen atom by a polar covalent bond. Molecules possessing this group are soluble in water and are called alcohols.

Substitution Reaction

A halogen is added to a hydrocarbon; first goes for a tertiary, then secondary, then primary.

Ketone + NaBH₄ =

A ketone reacts with NaBH₄ to produce a secondary alcohol Ketone + NaBH₄ = 2⁰ OH

Ketone + Grignard Reagent =

A ketone reacts with a Grignard reagent to produce a tertiary alcohol Ketone + Grignard Reagent = 3⁰ OH

Chain mechanism

A mechanism like radical halogenation that involves two or more repeating steps where each propagation step involves a reactive radical abstracting an atom from a stable bond to form a new bond and another radical that continues the chain. Repeat propagation can occur thousands of times before termination occurs.

Chain Mechanism

A mechanism that involves two or more repeating steps.


A meta substituent of a benzene is in position ___ relative to the primary substituent


A molecule formed by the condensation of two or more amino acids.

Chiral molecule

A molecule that is not identical to its mirror image; all chiral molecules are optical isomers.

Nitrile + LiAlH₄ =

A nitrile reacts with LiAlH4 to produce an amine. Nitrile + LiAlH₄ --> Amine

Nitrile + H⁺/H₂O =

A nitrile reacts with aqueous acid to produce a carboxylic acid. Nitrile + H⁺/H₂O --> COOH


A para substituent of a benzene is in position ___ relative to the primary substituent


A peptide containing only a few amino acids.


A peptide with only two residues.


A polymer formed from the condensation polymerization of amines with carboxylic acids. Commoly known as nylons.

Thermoplastic Polymer

A polymer that can be softened again after having been molded.

Thermosetting Polymer

A polymer that cannot be remolded after taking on a hardened shape.

Primary Alcohol + CrO₃/Pyridine =

A primary alcohol reacts with CrO3/pyridine to produce an aldehyde 1⁰OH + CrO3/Pyridine --> Aldehyde

Primary Alcohol + HBr =

A primary alcohol reacts with HBr to produce an alkyl halide 1⁰OH + HBr --> Alkyl Halide

1⁰ Alcohol + KMnO₄ -->

A primary alcohol reacts with KMnO₄ to produce a carboxylic acid 1⁰ Alcohol + KMnO₄ --> COOH

Addition Polymerization

A process in which alkenes react with themselves to form long chains.


A process in which reactive groups of atoms are introduced to alkanes.

quaternary Structure

A protein structure in which neighboring polypeptide units stack together in a specific arrangement.

Radical Polymerization of Alkenes

A radical addition mechanism is followed.


A radical reacts with another reactant to form a new sigma bond and another radical.


A reactant that is attracted to regions of high electron density.


A reactant that seeks out centers of positive charge in a molecule.

Substitution Reaction

A reaction in which an atom or group of atoms replaces an atom (in alkanes, a H atom) in the original molecule.

Addition Reaction for Alkenes

A reaction in which atoms supplied by the reactant form σ-bonds to the two atoms originally joined by the double bond.


A reaction in which halogens are added.

Hydrogenation Reaction

A reaction in which hydrogens are added.

Elimination Reaction

A reaction in which two groups or atoms on neighboring carbon atoms are removed from a molecule, leaving a multiple bond.

Condensation Reaction

A reaction in which two molecules combine to form a larger one and a small molecule, usually water, is eliminated. The reaction can be catalyzed by a small amount of strong acid.


A reactive intermediate with a single unpaired electron, formed by homolysis of a covalent bond. Contains an atom that does not have an octet of electrons, making it reactive and unstable.

What is an amino acid called after it becomes a part of a peptide?

A residue.


A rule to keep in mind is that charge delocalization is always a stabilizing factor

2⁰ OH + Na₂CrO₇ (or CrO₃/Pyridine) =

A secondary alcohol reacts with Na2CrO7 or CrO3/pyridine to produce a ketone 2⁰ OH + Na₂CrO₇ (or CrO₃/Pyridine) > Ketone

Condensed Structural Formula

A simple way of writing out the formula of hydrocarbons that shows how the atoms are grouped. ex. CH₃CH₃(CH₃)CH₃

Geometric Isomers

A stereoisomer in which the atoms have different arrangements on either side of a double bond or above and below the ring of a cycloalkane or cycloalkene. Geometrical isomers are distinguished by the prefixes cis- and trans-.


A substance's ability to return to its original shape after being stretched.


A substituent of a disubstituted benzene that is next to the primary substituent


A substituent of a disubstituted benzene that is three down from the primary substituent


A substituent of a disubstituted benzene that is two down from the primary substituent

deactivating group, meta director

A substituent of an aromatic compound that slows down electrophilic substitution

activating group, O-P director

A substituent of an aromatic compound that speeds up electrophilic substitution


A subunit of a polymer.

What free radical is most is likely to be formed from bromination?

A tertiary radical (Most stable)

Quaternary Ammonium Ion

A tetrahedral ion of the form R₄N⁺.


A toluene as a substituent without a hydrogen on its methyl group is called a ____ group


A unit consisting of a nitrogenous base and a ribose sugar.


A unit consisting of a nitrogenous base, ribose sugar, and phosphate group.


A way of producing alkenes by the removal of a hydrogen atom and a halogen atom from neighboring carbon atoms.

Achiral Chiral

A- Always gives either an achiral or a racemic product. C- If a rection does not occur at a stereogenic center, the configuration at a stereogenic center is retained. If new stereogenic center is created then diastereomers are formed. If rx occurs at stereo center, teh we must know the mechanism to predict the stereochemistry.

When is vacuum filtration used?

ABOVE 150 C BOILING POINTS! Vacuum will lower the pressure of the apparatus to ensure that the liquids do not decompensate under the extreme temperatures.

Nucleophilic Addition of Amines to Aldehydes/Ketones: Imine and Enamine Formation

Acid Catalyzed|- If pH I too low product will not form. Optimal pH ~4.5|- Through a Carbinolamine Intermediate

Acid Chloride +1⁰/2⁰ Amine =

Acid Chloride reacts with 1⁰ or 2⁰ Amine to produce an Amide Acid-Cl + 1⁰ or 2⁰ Amine --> Amide

Acid Chloride + Alcohol =

Acid Chloride reacts with an Alcohol (e.g. ethanol) to produce an Ester Acid Chloride + OH --> Ester

Acid Chloride + (2x) Grignard Reagent =

Acid chloride reacts with a Grignard Reagent to produce a 3⁰ Alcohol Acid-Cl + (2x) Grignard Reagent --> 3⁰ Alcohol

Esterification/Condensation Reactions

Acid+Alcohol→Ester+H₂O ( O ) ( || ) ( C - O ) (Always have a C double bonded to an O and single bonded to another O in the middle of the molecule ((↑)O=C-O)

When carbonyl's are attacked by hydrolysis, what does the nucleophile look like in acidic vs basic conditions?

Acidic: H₂O is attacking Basic: OH- is attacking In acidic conditions the carbonyl oxygen is protonated.


Acidity increases from left to right when we compare compounds in a given row of the periodic table.

What is the order of reactivity for carboxylic acid derivatives?

Acyl halide > anhydrides > esters > amides



Alpha Halogenation of Aldehydes and Ketones

Add heat in pyridine solvent to remove halogen leaving C=C

Types of Organic Reactions (4)

Addition - 2 Molecules combine Elimination - One molecule splits Substitution - exchange portions of molecules Rearrangement - Connections between atoms change

define Halogenation. what is added?

Addition of 2 chlorines or 2 bromines to an alkene. forming a vicinal dihalide (X atoms are on the same side).

explain Hydration stereochemistry

Addition of H and OH occurs in Both syn and anti directions, potentially forming 4 stereoisomers.

How do you form an ester with a carboxylic acid?

Addition of a primary alcohol under ACIDIC conditions.

define Hydration. what does it produce? what are common methods?

Addition of water to an alkene to form an alcohol. can use acid catalyzed or hydro boration.

Addition of Grignards to Ethylene Oxide

Adds -CH2CH2OH|Acyclic and larger ring ethers do not work

what does Hydro-halogenation add? is it endo or exo thermic?

Adds Hydrogen and Chloride, bromide or Iodide. Exothermic!

Hydrolysis of Nitriles|(Formation of a Carboxylic Acid through Nitrile from an Alkyl Halide)

Adds carbon

How do you get glycosides from your hemiacetal monosaccharide?

Alcohol in the presence of ACID!!

Dehydration Reactions/Ether

Alcohol+Alcohol→Ether+H₂O (Have the formula R-O-R')

19.7 Esters Summary

Alcohols condense with carboxylic acids to form esters.

Carbonyl Condensation: The Aldol Reaction

Aldehyde R group: CH3/1° - product favored, 2°/3° product not favored (sterics)|Product is always unfavored with ketones

19.5 Aldehydes and Ketones Summary

Aldehydes and ketones can be prepared by the oxidation of alcohols. Aldehydes can be more easily oxidized than ketones can.

Systematic names for aldehydes and ketones

Aldehydes are named by replacing the ending -e with -al, ex methane → methanal. Ketones are named using the suffix -one.

Types of Aliphatic Hydrocarbons

Aliphatic hydrocarbons are distinguished from one another by the types of bonds between carbons; the bonds determine what sorts of reactions a hydrocarbon can undergo.

18.4 Alkane Substitution Reactions Summary

Alkane substitution takes place by a radical chain mechanism.


Alkanes that contain rings of carbon atoms.

Haloalkanes, aka Alkyl Halides

Alkanes with at least one hydrogen atom replaced with a halogen atom.

Addition Reaction

Alkene+Small molecule→Saturated Compound

19.9 Addition Polymerization Summary

Alkenes undergo addition polymerization. When a Ziegler-Natta catalyst is used, the polymer is stereoregular and has a high density.




All Lewis acids are electrophiles

Monosaccharide ester formation

All hydroxyl groups will be esterified!

How does isoelectric focusing work?

All proteins have an isoelectric point (no charge). When the molecule reaches the field that is equal to its isoelectric point, it will stop moving!

Aliphatic Compounds

All shared electrons are held specifically to the bonding atoms

Amide + LiAlH₄ =

Amide reacts with LiAlH₄ to produce an Amine Amide + LiAlH₄ --> Amine *(REDUCTION)

Amide Formation

Amine+Acid→Amide+Water (Amides always have -NH-C=O(↑) in the middle)

19.8 Amines, Amino Acids, and Amides Summary

Amines are derived from ammonia by the replacement of hydrogen atoms with organic groups. Amides result from the condensation of amines with carboxylic acids. Amines and many amides take part in hydrogen bonding.

Amine nomenclature

Amines are named by specifying the groups attached to the nitrogen atom in alphabetical order followed by the suffix -amine. Amines with two amino groups are called diamines. The -NH₂ group is called amino- when it is a substituent.

α-amino acids

Amino acids in which the -NH₂ group is attached to the carbon atom next to the carboxyl group, ex. glycine, NH₂CH₂COOH.


Amylose consists of chains of several thousand glucose molecules. Amylopectin consists of chains of glucose molecules with branches. Each molecule contains ~1 million glucose.

Acetal + aqueous Acid =

An acetal reacts with aqueous acid to produce an aldehyde Acetal + aqueous Acid --> Aldehyde

Acid Chloride + NaBH₄ =

An acid chloride reacts with NaBH₄ to produce a primary alcohol. Acid Chloride + NaBH₄ --> 1⁰OH

Aldehyde + KMnO₄ =

An aldehyde reacts with KMnO₄ to produce a carboxylic acid. Aldehyde + KMnO₄ --> COOH

Aldehyde + NaBH₄ =

An aldehyde reacts with NaBH₄ to produce a primary or secondary alcohol. Aldehyde + NaBH₄ --> 1⁰ or 2⁰ OH

Aldehyde + Grig. Reagent / Ether

An aldehyde reacts with a Grignard reagent and ether to produce a secondary alcohol Aldehyde + Grignard Reagent+Ether --> 2⁰ OH

Aldehyde + 1⁰ Amine =

An aldehyde reacts with a primary amine to produce an imine Aldehyde + 1⁰ Amine --> Imine

Aldehyde + alcohol and acid =

An aldehyde reacts with an alcohol (e.g. ethanol) and acid to produce an acetal. Note that using with less EtOH/H+, a hemiacetal will form Aldehyde + alcohol and acid (x2) = Acetal Aldehyde + alcohol and acid (x1) = Hemiacetal

Aldehyde + aqueous NaCN =

An aldehyde reacts with aqueous NaCN

Unsaturated Hydrocarbon

An aliphatic hydrocarbon containing at least one multiple bonds.

Saturated Hydrocarbon

An aliphatic hydrocarbon containing only single bonds.

Alkyl Halide + Mg/Ether =

An alkyl halide reacts with Mg/ether to produce a Grignard reagent. Alkyl Halide + Mg/Ether --> Grignard Reagent

Alkyl Halide + NaCN =

An alkyl halide reacts with NaCN to produce a nitrile. Alkyl Halide + NaCN --> Nitrile

What is hofmann rearrangement?

An amide to a primary amine (Pg 389)


An electrophilic intermediate capable of accepting an e- pair

Ester + LiAlH₄ =

An ester reacts with LiAlH4 to produce a primary alcohol. Ester + LiAlH₄ --> Primary Alcohol

Ester + (2x) Grignard Reagent =

An ester reacts with a Grignard reagent to produce a tertiary alcohol. Ester + (2x) Grignard Reagent --> Tertiary Alcohol


An example of a powerful electrophile


An example of an addition reaction; the addition of two halogen atoms at an alkene's double bond.

Imine + NaBH₄ =

An imine reacts with NaBH4 to produce a secondary amine. Imine + NaBH₄ --> 2⁰Amine

Disulfide Link

An important link found in tertiary structures; -S-S-


An isotope of hydrogen that contains one proton and two neutrons per atom.


An organic compound containing NH₃. Amines are classified according to the number of R groups on the nitrogen: - Primary: RNH₂ - Secondary: R₂NH - Tertiary: R₃NH In all cases the N atom is sp³ hybridized.


An organic compound containing a hydroxyl group not connected directly to a benzene ring or to a >C=O group.


An organic compount of the form R-O-R.


An organic ion in which a carbon atom has a positive charge


An organic molecule containing a hydroxyl group attached directly to an aromatic ring. Many occur naturally and are often components of essential oils.


An ortho substituent of a benzene is in position ___ relative to the primary substituent

Reaction Mechanism

An overall description of how a particular reaction occurs.


Another name for aromatic hydrocarbons; they contain an aromatic ring, often benzene.

Addition of halogens Cl2 and Br2

Anti addition is observed through a halonium ion intermediate

Hydroxylation by acid-catalyzed epoxide hydrolysis

Anti stereochemistry occurs

Carboxylic Acids

Are made by oxidizing aldehydes (-C-OH) ( || ) ( O ) End in -oic


Are made by oxidizing secondary alcohols (-OH on a non-end carbon; can't oxidize any further)

18.7 Nomenclature of Arenes Summary

Aromatic compounds are named by giving the substituents on the benzene ring the lowest numbers. When the benzene ring itself is named as substituent, it is called a phenyl group.

Friedel Crafts Acylation

Aromatic ring acylated through electrophillic aromatic substitution.

18.8 Electrophilic Substitution Summary

Aromatic rings are much less reactive than their double-character would suggest; they commonly undergo substitution rather than addition. Electrophilic substitution of benzene with electron-donating substituents is accelerated and takes place at the ortho and para positions preferentially. Electrophilic substitution of benzene with electron-withdrawing substituents takes place at a reduced rate and primarily at the meta position.

phenyl, aryl

As a substituent, an aromatic ring is called either a ___ or a ___ group

Heterolytic Cleavage

Asymmetrical distribution of electrons after bond breaking.

When does an amino acid take on the zwitterion form?

At the isoelectric point or isoelectric pH between pKa₁ and pKa₂

What kind of bond does Cellulose have vs Starch and glycogen?

BETA 1, 4 vs the ALPHA of starch and glycogen (some α 1,6 in there too!)

How do Agrose gel and SDS-PAGE electrophoresis separate molecules?

Based on SIZE


Because oppositely charged ions attract each other, their separation requires considerable energy..Heterolysis requires separation of oppositely charged ions.

Polymer properties

Because synthetic polymers consist of chains of varying lengths, there can only be averages - average chain lengths, molar masses, etc. Properties are from averages.


Because the concentrations of the products of the reaction are written in the numerator and the concentration of the undissociated acid in the denominator, a large value of Ka means the acid is a strong acid and a small value of Ka means the acid is a weak acid.

False vice versa

Because the concentrations of the products of the reaction are written in the numerator and the concentration of the undissociated acid in the denominator, a large value of Ka means the acid is a weak acid and a small value of Ka means the acid is a strong acid.

Phenyl Group

Benzene as a functional group


Benzene ring with -CH₃


Benzene ring with -OH


Benzene ring with NH₂


Benzene ring with an OH group directly attached to it


Benzene with two methyl groups in ortho, para, or meta positions


Bond strength to the proton decreases as we move down the column, increasing its acidity.

Secondary Carbon

Bonded to 2 other carbons

Tertiary Carbon

Bonded to 3 other carbons

H, NBS, CCl₄

Br replaces __. Reaction occurs with ____ over ____.

OH, PBr₃, ether

Br replaces __. Reaction occurs with ____ over ____.

4 Carbons


Addition of water to Alkenes

By Oxymercuration: Markovnikov addition|By Hydroboration: Anti-Markovnikov addition


C-O-C, a compound containing an oxygen bonded to 2 carbon atoms

phenyl group

C6H5-, Benzene ring attached to a parent compound


C6H6, leukemia


CH₃ ↑ -C-CH₃ ↓ CH₃

Carbon Radical

Can be primary to tertiary depending ont he amount of R groups. A carbon radical is sp² hybridized and trigonal planar.

19.14 Carbohydrates Summary

Carbohydrates include sugars, starches, and cellulose. Glucose is an alcohol and an aldehyde that polymerizes to form starch and cellulose.

Aromatic Compounds

Carbon rings with alternating single/double bonds

COOH + SOCl₂/PCl₅ =

Carboxylic Acid reacts with SOCl₂ or PCl₅ to produce an Acid Chloride COOH + SOCl₂ or PCl₅ --> Acid Chloride

False.....Carboxylic acids are weak acids

Carboxylic acids are strong acids

The production of carboxylic acids

Carboxylic acids can be prepared by oxidizing primary alcohols and aldehydes with a strong oxidizing agent; in some cases an alkyl group can be oxidized directly to a carboxyl group.

19.6 Carboxylic Acids Summary

Carboxylic acids have an -OH group attached to a carbonyl group to form the carboxylic group, -COOH.

What is the purpose of Infrared (IR) spectroscopy?

Certain bonds absorb infrared light at different frequencies and this can then be measured through what is absorbed vs what is transmitted. Used for FUNCTIONAL GROUP identification.

Naming Esters

Change the -anol of he alcohol to -yl and the -oic acid of the parent acid to -oate. CH₃COOCH₃ Methanol + Ethanoic Acid → Methyl Ethanoate

OH, SOCl₂, Pyridine

Cl replaces __. Reaction occurs with ____ over ____.

18.10 Coal Summary

Coal is primarily aromatic in nature.

Naming single-chain alkanes.

Combine a prefix denoting the number of carbon atoms with the suffix -ane.


Compound derived from benzene

Acidity of Alpha Hydrogens

Compound ~ pKa Alkanes ~ 60 Esters ~ 25 Ketones ~ 19 Aldehydes ~ 17 Acid Halides ~ 16 1,3 Diketones ~ 9 Carboxylic Acids ~ 5


Compounds built from only carbon and hydrogen.

Radical Inhibitors

Compounds that prevent radical reactions from occurring.


Compounds with the general structure RO-OR, the most common radical indicators.


Connections between atoms change Products and reactants are isomers (CH3CH2)CH=CH2 --> (CH3)CH=CH(CH3)

19.11 Copolymers Summary

Copolymers combine the advantages of more than one component material.

Crown Ethers

Cyclic ethers with alternating -CH₂CH₂-O- units; named for their crownline structure.

10 Carbons


Substituents in a molecule; prefixes, and how to arrange them

Di, tri, tetra, penta, hexa, etc. Numbers set off by hyphens specify to which carbon atoms the groups are attached, ex. 1-Ethyl-2-methylcyclopentane. Substituents are listed in alphabetical order, disregarding the prefixes.

What are epimers?

Diastereomers that differ in the configuration of ONE carbon.

Nucleophilic Addition of Alcohols to Aldehydes/Ketones

Diols can be used to protect carbonyl groups

Prion Diseases

Diseases caused by the infectious misfolding of proteins.

Three classes of alcohol

Divided by the number of organic groups attached to the carbon atom connected to the -OH group: - Primary; one R group - Secondary: two R groups - Tertiary: 3 R groups; often shortened to "tert"

Why ortho and para are preferred

Draw a benzene, look at the resonance structure and where negative charges would be placed.

in which reactions are carbo cations intermediates not formed

E2. SN2. Hydro-boration. halo hydrin formation. Halogenation

Lewis base

Electron pair donor

What are nucleophiles?

Electron-rich species that are attracted to a positively polarized atom (i.e. a carbonyl carbon)

Synthesis: How do you prepare an alkene?

Elimination reaction - dehydrohalogenation - dehydration

2 Carbons


19.3 Ethers Summary

Ethers are not very reactive. They are more volatile than alcohols with similar molar masses because their molecules cannot form hydrogen bonds with one another. Crown ethers adopt shapes that can enclose ions and carry them into nonpolar solvents.

Ethanol, aka...

Ethyl alcohol, grain alcohol.

Lipophobic (Hydrophilic) Antioxidants

Examples: 1. ascorbate 2. uric acid

Lipophilic (Hydrophobic) Antioxidants

Examples: 1. α-tocopherol 2. ubiquinone 3. carotenes


Exchange of pieces of molecules CH3Br + KOH --> CH3OH + KBr

Methane and Cl₂

Exothermic. Because the rate-determining step in chlorination is exotermic, the transition sate resembles the starting material, both radicals are formed, and a mixture of products results.

Saturated lipids are more easily oxidized than saturated ones resulting in eventual rancid smell

False. Unsaturated.

Carboxylic acid Alcoholysis

Fischer Esterification

Ester Preparation

Fischer Esterification is a type of Alcoholysis involving Carboxylic acids.|Esters can also be made by Alcoholysis of Acid halides and Acid anhydrides

What is a better nucleophile I or F?


How do you make OH- a good leaving group for Sn1 and Sn2 reactions?

For Sn1 you can protonate it and make water the leaving group. For Sn2 you can convert it to tosylate which is also a good leaving group.

Nucleophilic Substitution

For haloalkanes, a substitution in which a nucleophile replaces the halogen atom.

Acid anhydride Hydrolysis

Forms Carboxylic acids

How do you get a disaccharide?

From the same reaction that gave us the glycoside! Its just that now the alcohol is.....ANOTHER MONOSACCHARIDE! YAY!

How what is Gabriel Synthesis for?

Gabriel drank ammonia! OH NO!

What is the only amino acid that is NOT CHIRAL?


Gravity filtration vs vacuum filtration

Gravity filtration is used for when the desired product is in solution (usually hot) where as vacuum filtration has the desired product being a solid.

When numbering atoms in the chain, the lowest numbers are given preferentially to:

Groups of atoms named by suffixes Double bonds Triple bonds Groups named by prefixes

Why polyester molecules make good fibers

Growth can only occur at the functional groups, so chain branching is much less likely, keeping the polymers linear.


H replaced with __.

Reduction of Nitriles (cyano group) to form an Amine

H: adds to carbon twice the N(-2) is protonated by water

19.1 Haloalkanes Summary

Haloalkanes are alkanes in which at least one hydrogen atom has been replaced by a halogen atom; they undergo nucleophilic substitution.



In which mechanisms can anti addition occur?

Halogenation and Halohydrin formation do only anti....but... Hydration and Hydro-halogenation do syn and anti. in the mechanisms with halonium ion/ the ones involving Xs with. Think about how this looks.

Synthesis: How do you form a halohydrin (alkane chain with an -OH and an -X)? Where do the additives go, and how are they arranged?

Halohydrin formation. OH goes to most substituted. Halogen goes to least substituted. they are anti. oriented.


Have -NH2 in them


Have a carbonyl (C=O) group in the molecule. End in -one


Have a carbonyl group on the end carbon. End in -al. Are made by oxidizing primary alcohols (-OH on end carbon)


Have a hydroxyl group (-OH). End in -ol

Unsaturated Hydrocarbons

Have double or triple bonds (they can react and get more atoms in the molecule; alkenes and alkynes)

7 Carbons


Names of common alkanes (7-12)

Heptane : CH₃(CH₂)₅CH₃ Octane : CH₃(CH₂)₆CH₃ Nonane : CH₃(CH₂)₇CH₃ Decane : CH₃(CH₂)₈CH₃ Undecane : CH₃(CH₂)₉CH₃ Dodecane : CH₃(CH₂)₁₀CH₃

6 Carbons


What are the reagents for Clemmensen Reduction?

Hg(Zn) and HCl

Volatility of Alcohols

Higher than hydrocarbons of the same mass due to their ability to form H-bonds.


Hydrates of carbon.

Synthesis: 2 ways to prepare an alcohol?

Hydration and Hydro-boration-oxidation

We have 3 reactions that add OH to an alkene. In which reaction does the OH get added to the least substituted carbon.

Hydro boration. the OH goes to the least substituted carbon.

In which mechanisms can Syn addition occur?

Hydroboration does syn only...but...... Hydration and Hydro-halogenation do syn and anti remember: it is boring to be the same.

Hydration of Terminal Alkynes

Hydroboration/Oxidation yields an Aldehyde|Mercury(II)-Catalyzed hydration yields a methyl ketone


Hydrocarbons containing at least one carbon-carbon double bond.


Hydrocarbons containing at least one carbon-carbon triple bond.


Hydrocarbons with at least one double bond. (CnH₂n)


Hydrocarbons with at least one triple bond.

Phenol Group

Hydroxy Group bonded to a benzene ring.

Reduction of acyl halide?

H₂ Pd/BaSO₄ Quinoline

What are the reagents for Wolff-Kishner Reduction of al and ke?

H₂NNH₂, then a base and heat.

Dehydration of Beta-hydroxy carbonyl compounds (aldol products):|Synthesis of Enones

If heat isn't shown give aldol product (resonance structure)

Iodoform Test - for methyl ketones

If yellow ppt. (HCI3) appears then methyl ketone present


In electrophilic aromatic substitution, this replaces a hydrogen in the original molecule

How the carbonyl group is written in different situations

In ketones, it is written as -CO- In aldehydes, it is written as -CHO


In the presence of a deactivating group, the electrophile is most likely to be added at this position

O, P

In the presence of an activating group, the electrophile is most likely to be added at this position

Halogenation of Alkanes

In the presence of light or heat, alkanes react with halogens to form alkyl halides. This is a radical substitution reaction that is only useful with Cl₂ and Br₂ not F₂.


Inductive effects weaken steadily as the distance between the substituent and the acidic group increases

Steps in a radical chain mechanism

Initiation Propagation Termination

positive charge stabilised by resonance

Intermediate step in an electrophilic substitution reaction

What is a better leaving group I or F?


Column Chromatography

Ion Exchange Chromatography Size-Exclusion Chromatography Affinity Chromatography

How can you think of Lithium Aluminum Hydride?

It is like an H- nucleophile.

What doesn't a nucleophile play a role in the rate of an Sn1 reaction?

It is not involved in the rate-determining step...the formation of the carbocation.

What role does tosylate usually play in reactions?

It usually acts as a good leaving group and a good protecting group.

Why is a Sn2 reaction bimolecular?

Its rate-determining step is dependent on TWO species; both the substrate and the nucleophile.


Joining together of monomers to make polymers

What oxidizes an aldehyde and what do you get?

KMnO₄, CrO₃, Ag₂O, H₂O₂ and you get a carboxylic acid.

acidity constant


What reduces aldehydes and ketones?

LAH or NaBH₄

Reactivity-Selectivity Principle

Less reactive reagents are more selective.

Linear vs branched chain packing

Linear chains can pack more tightly than branched ones, so materials with aligned linear chains tend to be dense and tough.

Enolate Alkylation

Lithium diisopropylamide (LDA) can be used to form enolate

Parent Chain

Longest carbon chain

Do ethers boil at high or low temperatures? H-bonding.


Macromolecular compounds in which chains or networks of small repeating units form giant molecules. They are made mainly by addition and condensation reactions.


Made from diamines and diacids (Amine + Acid > Amide + H2O) (Condensation reaction)

Properties of haloalkanes

Many a highly toxic; many pesticides are aromatic compounds with several halogen atoms.

Properties of Esters

Many esters are fragrant and contribute to the flavor of fruits. Other esters are oils or fats.


Many of the reactions that occur in organic chemistry are either acid-base reactions themselves or they involve an acid-base reaction at some stage

Halohydrin formation

Markovinkov regiochemistry (water on more substituted) and anti stereochemistry occurs

Addition of water by oxymercuration-demurcuration

Markovnikov regiochemistry occurs

Addition of HCl,HBr,and HI

Markovnikov regiochemistry occurs, with H adding to the less highly substituted alkene carbon and the halogen adding to the more highly substituted

1 Carbon


Names of common alkanes (1-6)

Methane : CH₄ Ethane : CH₃CH₃ Propane : CH₃CH₂CH₃ Butane : CH₃(CH₂)₂CH₃ Pentane : CH₃(CH₂)₃CH₃ Hexane : CH₃(CH₂)₄CH₃

Achiral Molecule

Molecules that are not chiral.


Molecules that are not isomers, but that may appear so due to the rotation of the orientation of the depicted molecule.


Molecules with the same formula and their constituent atoms connected the same, but arranged differently in space. Consists of two kinds: geometric, and optical.

Structural Isomers

Molecules with the same formula but with their constituent atoms connected differently


Monomers are "diacid" and "diol" (Acid + Alcohol > Ester + H2O *Chain*) (Condensation reaction)

Volatility of Ethers

More volatile than alcohols of the same molar mass because they do not form H-bonds to one another; also less soluble in water for the same reason.

19.10 Condensation Polymerization Summary

Most condensation polymers are formed by the reaction of a carboxylic acid with an alcohol to form a polyester or with an amine to form a polyamide.

Oxidation of Ketones to form two Carboxylic acids

Most practical for symmetrical ketones

Radical Halogenation at an Allylic Carbon (Carbon adjacent to a double bond).

Most stable***Smallest Delta H. The true structure of the allyl radical is a hybrid of the two resonance structures. In the hybdi, the PIE bond and the unpaired electron are delocalized. Delocalizing electron density lowers the energy of teh hybrid, thus stabilizing the allyl radical.

Benzene Ring

Most well known aromatic compound. Stable because electrons aren't held in their positions; the pi electrons are delocalized and shared among all bonded carbons.


N-Bromosuccinimide. Selectively halogenates the weaker allylic C-H bonds.

what can NBS in DMSO do?

NBS is a source of Bromine. Forms a bromohydrin (halohydrin);

Naming halides

Name the halogen atom as a substituent by changing the -ine to an -o, ex. 2-chlorobutane.



Acid halide Preparation

No mechanism needed

Carboxylic acid Aminolysis

No mechanism needed


No resonance structures can be drawn for either ethanol or ethoxide anion.

9 Carbons


Functional Group

Non-H branches (Ex; methyl group)

Addition of water by hydroboration-oxidation

Non-Markovinkov syn addition occurs

19.15 Nucleic Acids

Nucleic acids are copolymers of four nucleotides joined by phosphate ester links. The nucleotide sequence stores all genetic information.

Ring Opening of Epoxides - Acid catalyzed

Nucleophile adds to less hindered carbon (Sn2-like) unless a 3° Carbon is available (Sn1-like)


OCH3 attached to a benzene ring


OH replaced with __.


OH replaced with __.


OH replaced with __.

8 Carbons


The difference between oligo and polysaccharide?

Oligo is short poly is long.

Where do you start numbering a carbohydrate?

On the carbonyl end.

Primary Carbon

On the end of the chain

Elimination Reaction

One molecule splits into pieces CH3CH2Br --> H2C=CH2 + HBr

Aromatic Hydrocarbons

One of two broad classes of hydrocarbons. Contains a benzene ring as part of its molecular structure.

Aliphatic Hydrocarbon

One of two broad classes of hydrocarbons. Does not contains a benzene ring as part of its molecular structure.

What is a conjugated protein?

One that gets part of their function from a prosthetic group.

Claisen Condensation reaction (beta-keto ester formation)

Only covering ethyl esters


Ortho- : o- : located at carbon 2. Meta0 : m- : located at carbon 3. Para- : p- : located at carbon 4.



How can you get ketones or aldehydes?

Oxidation of primary or secondary alcohols. Or ozonolysis of alkenes.

Radicals Reacting with Each Other

O₂ with X. forms a new radical, thus preventing X. from reacting with an organic substrate. *Radical inhibitor or radical scavengers are compounds that prevent radical reactions from occuring. ex. 02, Vit E.


Parent chain continues on the opposite side of the double bond


Parent chain continues on the same side of the double bond

5 Carbons


18.9 Gasoline Summary

Petroleum consists mainly of hydrocarbons, which are then separated by molar mass in fractional distillation during the refining process.

19.4 Phenols Summary

Phenols are weak acids as a result of delocalization and stabilization of the conjugate base.


Polymeric materials that return to their original shapes after stretching.


Polymeric species built from nucleotide units.

Radical Polymerization

Polymerization by a radical chain reaction.


Polymers formed by linking together monomers that have carboxylic acid groups with those that have alcohol groups.


Polymers made of more than one type of repeating unit.

Condensation Polymers

Polymers made via condensation reactions.

19.12 Physical Properties of Polymers Summary

Polymers melt over a high range of temperatures, and polymers consisting of long chains tend to have high viscosities. Polymer strength increases with increasing chain length and the extent of crystallization. Thermoplastic polymers are recyclable.


Polymers of glucose.

State and explain Zaitsev rule. what type of reactions does it apply to? what does it predict?

Predicts minor and major products in elimination reactions. Predicts location of double bond in product. Predicts which beta hydrogen is likely to leave. States that the beta Carbon with the least Hydrogens is more likey to lose its hydrogens (poor get poorer).

3 Carbons


Polar Reactions

Process which involve asymmetrical (heterolytic/heterogenic) bond-breaking or bond-making Much more common in organic reactions

Radical Reactions

Processes which involve symmetrical (homolytic/homogenic) bond-breaking or bond-making

19.13 Proteins Summary

Proteins are polymers made of amino acid units. The primary structure of a polypeptide is the sequence of amino acid residues; secondary structure is the formation of helices and sheets; tertiary structure is the folding into a compact unit; quaternary structure is the packing of individual protein units together.

How can one make an anhydride?

React a carboxylic acid with a carboxylate salt or heat! to stabilize the carboxylic acid.

Substitutions reaction

Reaction when a group of atoms, replaces another atom or group of atoms

Radical Halogenation

Reactions occur with racemixation at a stereogenic center. From the front and back.


Reactive intermediate with a single unpaired electron, formed by homolysis (breaking into same parts) of a covalent bond.

H₂, Pt/2000 psi

Reduction of Ring and Substituent to Single Bonds


Reduction of Substituent to Single Bonds

Zn(Hg), HCl or NH₂ NH₂ + OH-

Reduction to Alkyl

Pd/H₂ or Fe/HCL or Sn/ HCL

Reduction to Aniline

Fractional distillation

Repeated distillations on inert objects like glass beads that help separate two liquids with boiling points less than 25 C apart.

Naming of carboxylic acids

Replace the -e of the parent hydrocarbon with -oic acid.

Why are carboxylic acids that much more acidic?

Resonance stabilization of between the alcoholic oxygen and the carbonyl oxygen.

2 R-Li, CuI, ether

Results from ______ + ______. Reaction occurs in ______.

R₂CuLi, R'-X, ether

Results from ______ + ______. Reaction occurs in ______.

R-X, 2 Li, Pentane

Results from ______. Reaction occurs with ____ over ____.

R-X, Mg, ether

Results from ______. Reaction occurs with ____ over ____.

R-Mg-X, H₃O⁺

Results from ______. Reaction occurs with ____.

R-R', RCu, LiX

Results in ______ + ______ + ______.


Results in ______ + ______.

R-Li, LiX

Results in ______ + ______.

[R-Cu-R]⁻ Li⁺, LiI

Results in ______ + ______.


Results in ______.


Results in _______.

How do you get an acyl halide from a carboxylic acid?



Same formula, different structure

18.1 Types of Aliphatic Hydrocarbons Summary

Saturated hydrocarbons have only single bonds; unsaturated hydrocarbons have one or more multiple bonds. Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons. Alkenes and alkynes are unsaturated hydrocarbons; the former have carbon-carbon double bonds and the latter have triple bonds.


Saturated hydrocarbons. In an alkane, the bonds lie in a tetrahedral arrangement with sp³ hybridization. They are the most "flexible" hydrocarbons.

What level of structure is guided by hydrogen bonds for proteins?

Secondary structure resulting in α-helix and β-pleated sheets.

Thin-Layer Chromatography

Silica gel is polar!!

Functional Groups

Small groups of atoms that lend characteristic properties to molecules they are attached to.

With respect to optical activity, what do your end products of Sn1 and Sn2 reactions become?

Sn1 = racemic mixture (nucleophile can attack from either the top or the bottom of the planar carbocation), therefore loss of optical activity. Sn2 = inversion of configuration and remains optically active.

Ring Opening of Epoxides - Base catalyzed

Sn2 like mechanism

Preparation of Nitriles|(Replace Halide with cyano)

Sn2 mechanism - preferably 1°


Solvation of any species decreases the entropy of the solvent because the solvent molecules become much more ordered as they surround molecules of the solute


Solvation of any species decreases the entropy of the solvent because the solvent molecules become much more ordered as they surround molecules of the solute.

Starch composition

Starch is made of two components: 20-25% amylose, and amylopectin.

Optical Isomers

Stereoisomers that are each others' nonsuperimposable mirror images.


Straight chain hydrocarbons with all single bonds. (CnH₂n+₂)

18.2 Isomers Summary

Structural isomers have identical molecular formulas, but their atoms are linked to different neighbors. Geometrical isomers have the same molecular and structural formulas but different arrangements in space. Molecules with four different groups attached ti a single carbon are chiral; they are optical isomers.


Substitution of a nitro group (-NO2) for one of the ring H. The reaction occurs when benzene reacts with nitric accid in the presence of sulfuric acid as catalyst

Naming alkynes

Suffix -yne Prefixed by a number corresponding to the second carbon bonded in the chain, etc.



Homolytic Cleavage

Symmetrical distribution of electrons after bond breaking.

Acid anhydride Preparation

Symmetrical, unsymmetrical and 5 or 6 membered rings

Catalytic hydrogenation

Syn addition occurs

Epoxidation with a peroxyacid

Syn addition occurs

Hydroxylation with OsO4

Syn addition occurs

what the difference between syn and anti addition?

Syn is when both are added to the same side.. anti is both are added from opposite sides. resuts in gauche or staggered or anti alkane.

The weaker the C-H Bond, teh more readily the hydrogen atom is removed in radical halogenation

Tertiary carbons have less C-H bond strength (Lower Delta H and more stable radical) and as a result the ease of H abstraction is higher.

What level of structure determines whether you have collagen or myoglobin?

Tertiary structure in that at this level you have the determination of fibrous vs globular proteins.

What happens in a Benedict's test?

Testing for the presence of a reducing sugar. Aldoses and ketose can be oxidized to carboxylic acids and therefore producing Cu₂O (red) from benedict's reagent (started with Cu(OH)₂

What happens in a Tollens' Test?

Testing for the presence of a reducing sugar. Aldoses and ketose can be oxidized to carboxylic acids and therefore reduce Ag+ in the Tollens' test to metallic silver (Ag+ to Ag)

Peptide Bond

The -CO-NH- link found in a peptide.


The act or process of spread out or the condition of being disperse

Mechanism of amide formation

The amine could act as a base and simply accept a proton from the carboxylic acid; however, upon heating, a thermodynamically more favorable reaction takes place, the proton transfer is reversed and the amine acts as a nucleophile as it attacks the carbon of the carboxyl group.

Essential Amino Acids

The amino acids that the human body cannot produce and thus must obtain by via consumption.

free-energy change

The amount of free energy released (negative DG) or absorbed (positive DG) in a reaction at constant temperature and pressure.


The bonding orientation of atoms, etc. and such.

What looses an H first in basic titration, the amino or carboxyl group?

The carboxyl group duh!

protonated alcohol

The conjugate acid of the alcohol is often called a

alkyloxonium ion

The conjugate acid of the alcohol is often called a protonated alcohol, although more formally it is called an

oxonium ion.

The conjugate acid of the alcohol is often called a protonated alcohol, although more formally it is called an alkyloxonium ion or simply an


The delocalised pi electrons in an aromatic compound mean it is very...

18.5 Properties of Alkenes Summary

The double bonds in alkenes can be generated by elimination reactions.

In gas chromatography what is the eluant and what is the stationary phase?

The eluant or mobile phase is a gas (He or N) and the stationary phase is the temperature-regulated column. Retention time: How long it took for each compound to travel through the column.

equilibrium constant

The equilibrium constant is Keq. It gives you information about the equilibrium concentrations of reactants and products.

19.2 Alcohols Summary

The formulas of alcohols are derived from that of water by replacing one of the hydrogen atoms with an organic group. Like water, they form intermolecular hydrogen bonds.


The gain of oxygen and/or the loss of hydrogen


The general principle to apply is this: Acid-base reactions always favor the formation of the weaker acid and the weaker base.

of the weaker acid and the weaker base.

The general principle to apply is this: Acid-base reactions always favor the formation WHAT COMBONATION

What is a wittig reaction and what is its goal?

The goal is to make CARBON-CARBON double bonds by converting aldehydes and ketones into alkenes.


The greater the difference in electronegativity, the greater is the

False; The larger the value of the pKa, the weaker is the acid.

The larger the value of the pKa, the stronger is the acid.


The less effective the orbital overlap, the weaker is the bond, and the stronger is the acid

18.6 Electrophilic Addition Summary

The mechanism of addition to alkenes is electrophilic attack.

Electrophilic Substitution

The mechanism of substitution on an electron-rich benzene ring; the electrophilic attack on an atom and replacement of one atom by another or by a group of atoms.

Radical Polymerization

The mechanism resembles the radical addition of HBR to an alkene, except that a carbon radical ranter than abromine atom is added to the double bond. 1. Initiation- A carbon radical is formed by a two step-progress 2. Propagation: The polymer adds chain growth. The more substituted radical adds to the less substituted end of the double bond. 3. Termination: Two radicals combine to form a bond.


The most common secondary structure in animal proteins; a helical conformation of a polypeptide chain held in place by H-bonds between residues.

electrophilic aromatic substitution

The most important reaction of aromatic rings


The name given to a benzene ring that is named as a substituent

The conversion of a carboxylic acid into ANYTHING depends on what?

The nucleophile!!


The orientation of a reaction taking place on an unsymmetrical substrate. positional isomers


The pairing of a chiral molecule and its mirror image.


The process of creating esters, ex. the heating of acetic acid and ethanol to produce ethyl acetate and water.

Why is temperature important in recrystallization?

The product needs to be soluble in high temps and insoluble in lower temperatures. IMPURITIES need to be soluble at all temperatures so that they stay in solution.


The product of a reaction between a carboxylic acid and an alcohol.


The product of an amine condensing with a carboxylic acid.


The property the electrophile must have to participate in electrophilic aromatic substitution

Allylic Halogenation

The reaction follows a radical chain mechanism.


The second most common secondary structure found in animal proteins; consisting of pleated sheets.

Primary Structure of a Protein

The sequence of residues in a peptide chain.

Secondary Structure of a Protein

The shape adopted by the polypeptide chain; in particular, how it forms coils or sheets.

Tertiary Structure of a Protein

The shape into which a protein's secondary structure is folded into as a result of interactions between residues.


The simplest aromatic compound

Why substitution but not addition occurs on benzene rings

The stability from the delocalized π-electrons is not makes the ring reluctant to allow an addition as that would destabilize the ring.

18.3 Properties of Alkanes Summary

The strength of the London forces between alkane molecules increases as the molar mass of the molecules increases; hydrocarbons with unbranched chains pack together more closely than their branched isomers and so it takes more energy to separate their molecules. Alkanes are not very reactive, but they do undergo oxidation (combustion) and substitution reactions.

conjugate base

The stronger the acid, the weaker will be its


The structural material of plants, held together by hydrogen bonds.

Repeating Unit

The structure that repeats over and over to produce a polymer chain.


The substitution of a single H by X can be achieved experimentally by adding X2 to an excess of alkane.

cyclic, delocalised pi electrons

The two defining features of an aromatic compound

Why is rotation of the peptide bond limited?

There is resonance about the C-N bond giving it some double bond character.

What is a zwitterion and how does an amino acid look as such?

They are dipolar ions where each half neutralizes the other.

Reactivity of Ethers

They are not very reactive and have low molecular polarity, making them useful solvents for other organic compounds. However, they are flammable.

What is significant about the α hydrogens on a β-dicarboxylic acid?

They are very acidic due to stabalization!

Properties of Crown Ethers

They bind very strongly to some metal cations, ex. encasing a K⁺, with the Os pointing towards the K⁺ and the hydrocarbons wrapped around the outside. This lets you mix polar solutes into nonpolar solvent.

Amino acids are amphoteric. Why?

They can act as an acid or a base. They have at least two dissociation constants (from H's on the n and c terminus)

There are four possible forms of an amino acid

They differ in the extend of protonation of the two functional groups, i.e. changed/changed, changed/unchanged, u/c, u/u.

What are anomers?

They differ only in the newly formed chiral carbon (after ring formation). Can be α vs β. Glucose the α anomer is trans and the β anomer is cis (both pointing up!)

Nucleophilic Addition of Phosphorus ylides to Aldehydes/Ketones: The Wittig Reaction

Through Betaine Intermediate

Hydroxylation of Alkenes

Through Osmate intermediate: anti addition|Through Epoxide intermediate: syn addition

Acid halide Reduction

Through aldehyde intermediate

Conjugate Nucleophilic Addition to alpha,beta-Unsaturated Aldehydes and Ketones

Through resonance stabilized enolate ion

define Halohydrin formation. what is added? what are reacants.

Treatment of an alkene with X₂and water add chlorine or bromine and OH

Whenever two different resonance structures can be drawn for an allylic radical, two different allylic halides are formed



True or False.....Questions Many of the reactions that occur in organic chemistry are either acid-base reactions themselves or they involve an acid-base reaction at some stage

Only primary alcohols can be oxidized to carboxylic acids. T/F?


Naturally-occuring amino acids are L-enantiomers. T/F? Fischer projection?

True!! Fischer projections of amino acids have amino group to the left!

A low concentration of Br2 favors allylic substitution over addition. If concentrations of both intermediates-bromonium ion and Br- are low, the overall rate of addition is very slow.


The stability of a radical increases as the number of alkyl groups bonded to the radical carbon increases.

True. Ch3<RCH2,R2CH<R3 C Increasing alkyl substitution increases radical stability. More stability equals lower bond dissociation energy of the C-H bond.

In radical addition (Hbr with added light, heat or ROOR, Br- adds first to generate the more stable radical and in ionic addition H+ adds first to genreate the more stable carbocation.

True. HBR adds to alkenes under radical conditions, but HCL and HI do not.

Transition states in endothermic rx resemenble the products. The more stable product is formed faster. T or F

True. In exothermic reactions the transition states resemble the starting materials. The relative stability of products does not greatly affect the relative energy of the transition states, so a mixture of products often results. *Because the rate-determing step in bromination is endothermic, the more stable radical is formed faster, and often a single radical halogenation product predominates.

Addition Reaction

Two molecules combine H2C=CH2 + H2 --> CH3CH3

Chlorination of Ethane

Two propagation steps results in two energy barriers. The first step is rate-determining because its transition state is at higher energy. Rate is exothermic.


Two radicals are formed by homolysis of a sigma bond and this begins the reaction.


Two radicals combine to form a stable bond. Removing radicals from the reaction mixture without generating any new radicals stops the reaction.

9-BBN is used where?

Undergoes hydroboration in the same manner as BH₃ (general structure: R₂BH)

Addition Polymers

Unsaturated Compound →Radical Initiator→ Pi bonds break and C's string together to make long chain; chain grows until all monomers are used up.

when do we use the E / Z nomenclature?

Used when there are 4 different groups on an alkene (unable to assign cis/trans). - Assign priorities to the substituents on each end using rules for R/S - Assign E or Z based on location of higher priority groups (E = opposite sides; Z = same sides)

Ester Hydrolysis

Using Base is called Saponification

Can nitrogen-containing compounds be optically active?

Usually not because of nitrogen inversion but sometimes they can be isolated if the structure hinders inversion.


Very long chains of repeating units (monomers) (Simplest polymer: -(-CH₂CH₂CH₂CH₂CH₂-)- =Polyethylene)



Carboxylic Acids

Weak acids of the form R-COOH.


What each monomer used to form a peptide is called.


When a protein loses its structure; contrary to the MCB definition, the Chem 204 version also includes the cleavage of primary structure sequences.

Markovnikov's Rule

When adding to an alkene, put the H on the C with the most H's already. ("The rich get richer")

What is a cyanohydrin?

When al and ke react with HCN.

How do you get an acetal or ketal?

When an aldehyde or ketone reacts with two equivalents of alcohol. A hemiketal or hemiacetal you get from one equivalent of alcohol.

When might decarboxylation occur?

When carboxylic acids are heated, they may spontaneously loose a CO₂


When each unit or repeating unit has the same relative orientation.

What is zaitsev's rule?

When producing alkenes (usually from elimination reactions) there will be a major and minor product, the major one being the more subsituted and stable form.

When would distillation be favored over a separatory funnel?

When two liquids are miscible, the separatory funnel cannot be used therefore distillation is more ideal.

What is a wash?

When you are using the extraction to remove impurities rather than separate out the desired product.

Acid halide Alcoholysis - Acylation of alcohols

Will react preferentially with 1°>2°>3° OH


With hybrid orbitals, having more s character means that the electrons of the anion will, on the average, be lower in energy, and the anion will be more stable


With hybrid orbitals, having more s character means that the electrons of the anion will, on the average, be lower in energy, and the anion will be more stable.

Electron withdrawing vs donating...what do each do to a negative charge and acidity?

Withdrawing delocalize/stabillize the negative charge (spread it over the molecule) which increase acidity. Donating do the opposite.

Acidic cleavage of ethers

X = Br, I

OH, HX, ether

X replaces __. Reaction occurs with ____ over ____.

Reactions Involving Sulfer|Thiol - Sulfone

Y = Cl, Br, I, Tos

Can nitrogen containing compounds form hydrogen bonds?

Yes, but the are not as strong as the hydrogen bond between H and oxygen! (Therefore lower boiling point).

What are the best conditions for an Sn2 reaction?

You must have a strong nucleophile for the backside attack (thats what she said) with no steric hindrance.

acidity of phenols

[Section 21.4B] - weak acids (pKa≈ 10)

Hydrogenolysis of benzyl ethers

[Section 21.4C] - catalytic hydrogenation - benzyllic esters cleaved

Reaction of Phenols with strong bases

[Section 21.4C] - react with strong bases to form water soluble salts

Kolbe synthesis: carboxylation fo phenols

[Section 21.4E] - Nu addition - reactants: phenoxide ion + CO₂ - products: substituted cyclohexadione --(keto/enol)--> aromatic ring

Oxidation of Phenols to Quinones

[Section 21.4F] - oxidation - reactants: phenol + H₂CrO₄ - product: 1,2-quinones or 1,4 quinones

Oxidation at a Benzylic position

[Section 21.5A] - oxidation with H₂CrO₄ - benzyllic carbon w/ at least 1 H is oxidized to carboxyllic group

Halogenation at a Benzylic position

[Section 21.5B] - halogenation; can use NBS - regioselective: benzyllic position favored; Br more regioselective than Cl - mechanism: radical chain mechanism (1) X₂ --> X∗ radical (2) X∗ radical abstracts benzyllic radical (3) reacts with X₂ to give halogenated product

Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution: Bromination / Chloronation



a benzene ring w/ a methyl group

simmons smith

a carbenoid reacts with a alkene to form a cyclopropane


a chemical reaction in which monomers are binded together


a common name for any molecule containing an -SH group

aryl group

a group derived from an arene by removal of an H atom from an arene and given the symbol Ar-

steric effects

a group influences another group by filling space

polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon

a hydrocarbon containing two or more benzene rings, each of which shares two carbon atoms with another benzene ring


a measure of the disorder of a system


a ring with a non carbon atom


a simple compound whose molecules can join together to form polymers

Hydrogen Bonding

acceptor must have: 1. lone pair 2. anion or small (O,N) neutral atom

Whats another word for ethyne?



acid strength of alkanes


acid strength of alkenes

Synthesis: How do you form an alkyl halide?

add H and X to an alkane or add them twice to a alkyne. called Hydro-halogenation

describe the electrophilic acid catalyzed Hydration mechanism.

addition reaction. (not sure if this pic matches) THREE steps: (protonation of H₂O occurs prior to actual mechanism) 1. pi bond attacks hydrogen of hydronium. snatching it, and forming a new C-H bond. an intermediate Carbocation is formed. 2. water Nucleophilic attacks carbocation, forming new C-O bond 3. water now as base de-pronates the water added in the prevous step, leaving the OH. the acid can go on to do it again.

define Hydroboration-Oxidation. what is added?

adds water slash converts an alkene to an alcohol. actually 2 reactions: a hydro boration then an peroxide oxidation.


akenes pka is


alcohol pka is


alkanes pka is


alkynes pka is


amines pka is

acidity constant

an equilibrium constant for the ionization of an acid in water *KA= conj. base H3O+ weak acid *K H2O= A- H3O+ HA

zwitter ion

an ion with both + and - charges in same ion


an isotope of hydrogen which has one neutron (as opposed to zero neutrons in hydrogen)


an isotope of hydrogen which has one neutron (as opposed to zero neutrons in hydrogen)

explain Hydroboration: regioselectivity

aniti anti anti anti ANTI-Markovnikov! With unsymmetrical alkanes, the Boron atom bonds to the LESS substituted carbon atom (and therefore, the OH group also bonds to the less substituted carbon).


any of a class of alcohols having 2 hydroxyl groups in each molecule

explain Markovnikov's Rule. when does it apply?

applies to addition reactions to unsymmetrical alkene. predicts where things get added. predicts that the hydrogen bonds to the less substituted Carbon, and x bonds to more substitued Carbon. considered with hydrohalogenation and hydration

Kahn Ingold Prelog rules

are a set of rules used in organic chemistry to name the stereoisomers of a molecule. assign an R or S descriptor to each stereocenter and an E or Z descriptor to each double bond

inductive effect

are electronic effects transmitted through bonds

Inductive effects

are electronic effects transmitted through bonds. The inductive effect of a group can be electron donating or electron withdrawing. Inductive effects weaken as the distance from the group increases


are reagents that seek electrons so as to achieve a stable shell of electrons like that of a noble gas.

lewis base acid definition

broader definition of acids 5s +


can you resonance structures can be drawn for either ethanol or ethoxide anion.

geminal carbon

carbon attached to same parent carbon


carboxylic acid pka is


chemical bond cleavage of a neutral molecule generating an anion and cation. The anion receives both electrons.

electrophilic aromatic substitution

chemistry of benzene rings

aromatic sextet

closed loop of electrons (two from the second bond of each double bond) characteristic of a benzene ring

Exaplin E and Z affects in physical propertes of alkenes.

compared to trans, Cis or Z have higher melting point and boioiling point, due to partially re-enforcing dipole moments.

wurtz reaction

coupling of C atoms to make alkane (couple free radicals)

Lewis acid

electron pair acceptor

in contrast to alkanes, what type of compound does alkene especially react with?


explain the Hydroboration-oxidation mechanism

first, in one step called Hydroboration, the pi attacks the BH3, resulting in syn addition of 1 Hydrogen and 1 BH3. next, oxidation substitutes the BH2 with a OH. no intermediate carbo cat ion is formed;

hoffman product

formed by reaction with a big bulky base. Potassium T Butoxide

zaietz's rule

formed by reaction with a small base. Sodium Matn Oxide.


found in chili peppers, contains phenol and phenol ether.


free radical that starts polymerization


functional group, OH bonded to tetrahedral carbon atom


hoffman product


hydrogen pka is

in terms of regio selectivity, What goes to the least substituted carbon in each of the 4 addition reactions.

in Halo-hydro formation, X goes goes to least substituted. in Hydro- halogenation and electrophilic hydration, H goes to least. In hydro boration, OH goes to least.

markovnikov's rule

in addition of H-X to an alkene, the hydrogen becomes attached to the carbon atom that is already bonded to more hydrogens

In which mechanism/s is carbon rearrangement (1,2 methyl or 1,2 H shifts) possible?

in the reactions with carbo- cation intermediates. - SN1 and E1 plus the following easy addition reactions: - Hydro-halogenation - Hydration


is a Lewis base that seeks a positive center such as a positively charged carbon atom.

acid strength

is characterized in terms of acidity constant (Ka) or pKa values

hydroxide ions

is the strongest base that can exist in water to any significant extent: Any base stronger than hydroxide will remove a proton from water to form hydroxide ions

What is jones reagent and what does it do?

it is CrO₃, H₂SO₄ in acetone and it oxidizes primary alcohols to carboxylic acids (STRONG!)

describe the Halohydrin formation mechanism

look for weird 3-way first step. 1. the pi attacks one of the halogens, who dumps his electrons to the other halogen and forms a bridged halonium + ion. 2. now the water nucliophilic attacks the most substituted carbon. 3. then another water, as a base stips off a hydrogen (see RIGHT product in image)

explain the Halogenation mechanism.

look for weird 3-way first step. 1. the pi attacks one of the halogens, who dumps his electrons to the other halogen and forms a bridged halonium + ion. 2. the mad dumped halogen ion now nucliophilic backside attacks one of the carbons forming a vic di halide. (see left product in image)





Friedel-Crafts Alkylation






Is there a way to convert primary and secondary alkyl halides into carboxylic acids? Sure!!

nitrile formation followed by acid or base catalyzed hydrolysis.


organic compounds containing sulfhydryls (-SH) group bonded to a tetrahedral carbon


pKa is directly proportional to the ph and inversely proportional to the ka

For addition reactions, what bond is broken and what bonds are formed.

pi bond of an alkene broken; two new sigma bonds are formed.

kinetic control

product are determined by the relative rates of formation

thermodynamic control

products are determined by the relative stability of each

G. N. Lewis

proposed a theory that significantly broadened the understanding of acids and bases.

Brønsted-Lowry Bases

proton acceptor

Brønsted-Lowry Acids

proton donor

inductive effect

pull of e- density through sigma bonds caused by electronegativity differences of atoms

Lindlar reaction

reduces triple bonds to double bonds using a heterogenous catalyst. This stops a reaction

electrostatic potential

shows attraction or repulsions between molecules

will this app allow curse words

sofa king good.

protic solvent

solvents with protons in solution, e.g. water or alcohol. large atoms tend to be better nucleophiles in here because they can shed the solvating protons around them and are more polarizable


sp2 hybridized carbon atom, has a lone pair


stability controlled by: 1. internal vs. terminal 2. conjugation 3. degree of substitution 4. strain

In the book, they make a big deal out of pointing out the exception in the halonium formation reaction. explain what to remember about this discussion

the OH bonds to the most substituted Carbon. THe halogen ends up on the least substituted carbon.

explain Halogenation stereochemistry

the backside attack of the last step forms a anti addition, racemic mixture because ...I dont' know


the concept in which bonding electrons are not confined to the region between two atoms, but may be spead over several atoms or a whole piece of metal


the elimination of a molecule of water from an alcohol. OH is removed from one carbon and H is removed from the other


the heat content of a system at constant pressure

hydrogen bonding

the intermolecular force in which a hydrogen atom that is bonded to a highly electronegative atom is attracted to an unshared pair of electrons of an electronegative atom in a nearby molecule

equilibrium constant

the ratio of product concentrations to reactant concentrations at equilibrium, with each concentration raised to a power equal to the number of moles of that substance in the balanced chemical equation

explain Halohydrin - stereochemistry / regioselectivity

trickey exceptions here. Regioselectivity: electrophile bonds to less substituted C and -OH binds to MORE substituted C. Stereochemistry: anti addition occurs


type of reaction

Synthesis of Ethers - Method 1/3 Williamson Ether Synthesis

via Sn2 mechanism - inversion of configuration of R'-Y= Cl, Br, I, Tos


water pka is

homolysis; radicals

what forms after the bond break


what is it, the bond is always polarize


whenever the base has a larger number in pka the reaction goes?

when do we consider methyl and H shifts?

whenever there are carbo cation intermediates. like in SN1, E1 and in Hydro-halogenation and electrophillic hydration


which has the greatest acidity


which one increase 1 or 2


zaietz's rule

Dehydration of Alcohols to yield Alkenes - Method 1/2 - Acid Catalyzed

|-E1 mechanism|-Multiple Products (Zaitsev's Rule)

Dehydration of Alcohols to yield Alkenes - Method 2/2 - Using Phosphorus oxychloride

|-E2 mechanism|-Ester intermediate = R-O-PCl2

Preparation of Epoxides

•A two step-reaction sequence: [1] Removal of a proton with base forms an alkoxide [2] Intramolecular SN2 reaction forms the epoxide.

Reaction with HX to form RX

•Order of reactivity: R3COH > R2CHOH > RCH2OH. •The mechanism for 2o and 3o ROH is SN1; carbocations are intermediates and rearrangements occur. •The mechanism for CH3OH and 1o ROH is SN2.

Dehydration of an Alcohol (Strong Acid)

•Order of reactivity: R3COH > R2CHOH > RCH2OH. •The mechanism for 2o and 3o ROH is E1; carbocations are intermediates and rearrangements occur. •The mechanism for 1o ROH is E2. •The Zaitsev rule is followed.

Reaction with other Reagents to form RX

•Reactions occur with CH3OH and 1o and 2o ROH. •The reactions follow an SN2 mechanism.

Reactions of Alkyl Tosylates

•Substitution is carried out with strong :Nu- so the mechanism is SN2. •Elimination is carried out with strong bases so the mechanism is E2.

Reaction with Tosyl Chloride

•The C-O bond is not broken so the configuration at a stereogenic center is retained.

Dehydration of an Alcohol

•The mechanism is E2. •No carbocation rearrangements occur.

Preparation of Alcohols

•The mechanism is SN2. •The reaction works best for CH3X and 1 degree RX.

Preparation of Ethers

•The mechanism is SN2. •The reaction works best for CH3X and 1 degree RX.

Reactions of Epoxides

•The reaction occurs with backside attack, resulting in trans or anti products. •With :Nu-, the mechanism is SN2, and nucleophilic attack occurs at the less substituted C. •With HZ, the mechanism is between SN1 and SN2, and attack of Z- occurs at the more substituted C.

Reactions of Ethers

•With 2o and 3o R groups, the mechanism is SN1. •With 1o R groups the mechanism is SN2.

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