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"The Way" In Chinese philosophy. It is the single unified source where all life in the universe originated

The history of philosophy is?

"The history of heresy" - walter kaufmann


"all-pervading Mind which imposes an intelligible pattern in an otherwise unintelligible universe."


"nothing occurs at random."

Sophos "stranger to the world"

"wise men" used reason and observation to figure out their sophisticated questions about things; essence of life, natural process, and the origins of life.

Aristotle thought of women as "____"

'mistakes' of nature, 'incomplete' or misbegotten men.

professional codes of conduct

(.p10) set forth by associations of professionals, promises by professions to regulate themselves in the general interest of society. By doing business you explicitly agree to follow codes of conduct,adherence to a professional code does not exempt you form scrutiny from the broader perspective of morality.


(P. 5)i, the principles of right and wrong that guide an individual in making decisions

our environment dictates our morals

(p.11)yet the philosopher asks not how we came about our morals but whether they are justified

We do not need religion to be moral

(p.12) #1-people do not act morally to escape hell, but out of habbit. #2-the moral reasoning of religions is general they do not relieve us of moral reasoning ourselves-ex. do no kill , yet we fight wars. # 3-the divine command theory is rejected by most philosophers because killing another person is not only wrong because god has said it but because it is immoral, no religion needed to justify this.

ethical relativism

(p.13) when some people do not believe that morality boils down to religion but rather it is merely a function of what a particular society believes. Thus the only ethical standard for judging an action is the moral system in which the act occurs. -disagreement in opinion doe snot mean that all opinions are equally correct.ethical relativism has unsatisfactory implications: #1-it undermines any moral criticism of the practices of other societies as long as their action conform to their own standards #2-for the ethical relativist there is not such thing as ethical progress. moralities cannot get better or worse #3-people cannot criticize principles or practices accepted by their own society, people can be censured for not living up to their society's moral code. the moral code itself cannot be judged. thus social reformers are only being immoral by pointing out injustices ( slavery) . not until majority of people start to think this too, minorities can never be right on moral matters.

Albert Carr

(p.15)business relativism theory analogy to poker

richard Brandt

(p.16)Accepting a moral principal is not purely an intellectual act like accepting a scientific hypothesis. rather it also involves the desire to follow this principle and feel guilty when not.


(p.16)motivation deriving logically from ethical or moral principles that govern a person's thoughts and actions ( ex. when doing bad the feeling of guilt is similar to our parent's scolding ).following you conscience is not right at all !

morality in a narrow sense

(p.19) Concerns the principles that do or should regulate people's conduct and relationship with others, ( can be debated)

morality in a broad sense

(p.19)meaning not only just the principles of conduct we embrace but also the values, ideals and aspirations that shape our lives.


(p.20) there is more to living a morally good life, that being a good business person. We should achieve excellence also as human beings

organizational norms

(p.21) Unwritten guidelines or expectations that prescribe the kinds of behavior employees should adopt in particular situations and regulate the way they behave toward each other.Also the acceptance whether explicit or implicit is always there as a business counts can operate when its workers are together.

conformity and Solomon Asch

(p.21)how easy it is for a person to behave as one around them


(p.22)the mode of thinking that occurs when the desire for harmony in a decision-making group overrides a realistic appraisal of alternatives.

bystander apathy

(p.24)People are less likely to help someone if they see other people who are in an equally good position to help.

diffusion of responsibility

(p.24)giving help is no more their responsibility than anyone else's -in larger groups people assume someone else will take care of the problem

invalid argument

(p.25)an argument whose premises do not entail its conclusion


(p.25)an example which is consistent with the example but is inconsistent with its conclusion


(p.25)group of statements one of which is (called a conclusion) claimed to follow from the others (premises)

sound arguments

(p.25)have true premises and valid reasoning

Business ethics

(p.5), principles and standards that determine acceptable conduct in business. Cicero Example

Business , business people

(p.6) any organization who whose objective is to provide goods or services for profit. Businesspeople are those who participate in the planning and organizing or directing the work of business

constitutional law

(p.8)Law based on the constitution and supreme court decisions( doe snot enforce laws but has greatest power on array of issues some of which are ethics)

administrative regulations

(p.8)Rules made by state and federal administrative agencies.( boards set up by legislatures

Two crucial principles started by ancient Greeks

1. there's a difference between the way things appear and the way they really are. 2.There are unseen causes of events


4 kinds of law: statutes, regulations, common law and constitutional law


A monist who characterized the one real thing as "being." Being is purely positive. "not being," is negitive, complex, and unintelligible. uses two key premises: "what is, is" and "what is not, is not."


An image that has been shared by the human race from the earliest times.


Belief that any claim to knowledge must be personally verified by their own sensory experience.

The void

Democritus term for no things or empty space. No-thing is not the same as nothing.


Ethos: practical reasoning, good and bad, virtues and vices, character. the philosophical study of moral values and rules

explain Homers era

Everything happened for a "divine" agency. Ex sun was carried around the heavens by apollos garden chariot.

The most important mythical view of life was expressed in the ___ and the ____, two epic poems attributed to the ancient Greek ___


common law

Judge-made law that originated in England from decisions shaped according to prevailing custom. Decisions were applied to similar situations and gradually became common to the nation.


Knowledge: asks questions about knowledge, nature and its origins, standards of evidence, truth, memory and perception the philosophical theory of knowledge

What do ethics philosophers specialize in?

Medical ethics, business ethics, and the nature of good life.

morality and self interest

Morality restrains our self-interested desires.A society's moral standards allow conflict to be resolved by appeal of shared principles of justification. Thus social existence is possible. When morality and self-interest collide what you choose to do depends on the person you are.


One of the most important presocratics, from ephesus, made the term Logos. said logos is like god but is a process, not an entity.

What did Parmenides of Elea transform?

Radically transformed the early philosophers' interest in cosmology into ontology. Work was a huge influence on Plato.

Social and political philosophy

Study of questions about government, social issues; sovereignty, the exercise of power, ethnicity, etc.


The forms of behavior of polite society


Ultimate reality: Free will, mind and body, supernatural existence, nature of being the philosophical study of being and knowing

De Rerum Natura

Written by Lucretius. "On the Nature of Things" didactic poem purpose was to promote Epicurus' views and comprehensive account of the world. World does not have god interference.

mere belief

a conviction is true that something is true for which the only evidence is the conviction itself. "validates itself"


a form of true belief

philosophical archetype

a philosopher who represents an original or influential point of view in a way that significantly affects philosophers and non-philosophers

"on nature"

a poem that Parmenides Of Elea created that recounts how a goddess revealed three possible "paths" of study and understanding and indicates that only one is true.


a presocratic Athenian philosopher who rejected empedocles two fundamental motions, and in their place he posited Nous, "mind." which provided one of the most powerful intuitions in the whole course of presocratic philosophy, the the principle is an infinite reality, separate from everything else.


a presocratic Greek philosopher and associate of Anaximander who believed that all things are made of air in different degrees of density (6th century BC)

Difference between Stereotype and archetype?

a stereotype is a simplistic distortion of someone and an archetype is a powerful representation of a fundamental response to universal experiences.


according to Anaximander, the first principle from which all existing things develop; a vast Definite-Indefinite


according to Democritus have such properties such as size, shape, position, arrangement, and motion but they do not posses sensible qualities. However they can grow large enough for us to perceive

Difference between ideal and archetype?

an archetype doesn't need to be good or perfect

valid argument

an argument whose premises logically entail its conclusion

moral question

are different then other questions. when we ask amoral question or make a moral judgement, we appeal to moral standards

Leucippus and Democritus

argued that there are actually many "ones," (atoms).

mellow relativism

believing whatever you want.


concluded that reality must be "completely full." reality is a plenum without any gaps. Greek philosopher who taught that all matter is composed of particles of fire and water and air and earth (fifth century BC)

"sweet exists by___, bitter by ___, color by ____; but inn reality atoms and the void alone exist." -Democritus

convention, convention, convention


disciple of Thaleis and also thought principle of structural unity. Whatever was basic unit of universe was much smaller than water (infinitely small) is alive and constantly in motion. Believed in evolution. First living creatures emerged in the sea and eventually evolved into man.

empedocles four basic roots are, ___ ,___ ,___, ___ and two basic motions are, ___ and ____.

earth, ait, fire, and water. love and strife

paradox of hedonism

individuals who care only about their own happiness will generally be less happy than those who care about others


involves not only a formal system of worship but prescriptions for social relationships. " do unto others as you would have them do unto you ".

an organization

is a group of people who work together to achieve a common purpose

Practical knowledge

knowing what to do and how to do it. actions. skills. (emphasized by Romans) involve adequate evidence


laws enacted by legislative bodies

plato thought of women as "____"

lesser men

____ still out number ____ philosophers

men, women

The principle of sufficient reason

nothing happens without a reason

According to Parmenidea, ___ cannot be apprehended by the senses. ___ and ___ are only appearances they are not real.

reality, change, variety


someone who believes that the value of a thing depends on its utility behavior should be max. pleasure is inherently good and pain is inherently bad.

Where does the term Philo-sopher come from?

sophos were more of a prophet not a teacher and philosophers think about things in a certain way living in a philosophical life.

according to heraculitus in both nature and convention, ____ is the result of ____ between both equal and opposite forces.

stability, tension


study of rules of correct reasoning

In the beginning the difference between a philosopher and a proto-scientiest was one _____ of matter, later it became one of ____.

subject, method

moral standards

t(p.6) # 1 They concern behavior that is of serious consequence to human welfare that can promptly injure or benefit people. #2They take priority over other standards, including self-interest # 3Their soundness depends on the adequasy of the reasons that support or justify them-Laws are made by legislators, while morals are made by such bodies and they depend on the argument that supports them.

Theoretical knowledge

the accurate compilation and assessment of factual and systematic relationships. Thinking. theory.


the belief that realty is essentially one.


the belief that there exsist many realities or substances


the branch of philosophy dealing with beauty and taste (emphasizing the evaluative criteria that are applied to art)


the earliest western philosophers; also called proto-scientiest because they transformed mythology into rational inquiry about nature and the cosmos.


the first western philosopher. lived in the city of miletus. Known for trying to figure out the single substance underlying all things. Observed that everything is "moist"

Rational discourse

the interplay of carefully argued ideas; the use of reason to order, clarify, and identify reality and truth according to agreed-upon standards of verification -presocratic


the materialistic view that the universe consists entirely of empty space and ultimately simple entities that combine to form objects.


the philosophical doctrine that all criteria of judgment are relative to the individuals and situations involved; knowledge is determined by specific qualities of the observer


the rule according to which all things are accomplished and the law which is found in all things.


the study of "being."


the study of the universe as a rationally ordered system


the study of values and value judgments


the subject mental assistance that a claim is true. Beliefs don't have to be true, but someone can believe one is true because of mental states.


the ultimate, pervasive spirit that holds the world together; all things are produced by either ''rarefaction'' of the pneuma


the wisdom of love

sometimes relativism is advocated as a form of ____


What are issues that ethics deals with?

truth telling, relativism, universality

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