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What happens to the disloyal serving women?

They had to help clean up the bodies but were then killed by swards

In order, where did Ulysses travel to after the trojan war? (*hint* there are 14 places)

Troy, Island of the Cicones, Island of the Lotus Eaters, Island of the Cyclopes, Island of Aeolus, Island of Laestrygonians, Aeaea (Circe's island), The Underworld, Island of the Sirens, Scylla and Charybdis, Island of Helios, Ogygia (Calypso's island), Island of Phaecians, and Ithaca.

What does Athena counsel Telemachus to do to the suitors?

To find away to get back in control because the suitors are taking advantage of him and Penelope

Why did Telemachus sail to Pylos?

To find out any news about his father.

Odysseus enters his home dressed as a beggar in order to _____?

To find out who is still loyal and if anything in his home has changed.

Why does Odysseus lead his men into Polyphemus' cave?

To get information

What is Zeus' command to Calypso?

To let Odysseus go

Why does she test him?

To make sure he's Odysseus. A god might be playing a trick on her.

Why does Laertes wear rags and not bathe?

To not show his identity???????????

What do Odysseus and Telemachus plan to do?

To plot to kill the suitors

Why does Athena want Odysseus to beg from the suitors?

To test the suitors- "so we can tell the innocent from the guilty."


Tries to rescue his mother from the suitors in Ithaca

My child come now wasn't the plan your own? You conceived it yourself: Oh shall return and pay the traitors back. Sail home with all your skill.


Elepnor A young seaman in the crew of Odysseus who dies in an accident on Circe island and whose spirit reproaches Odysseus in Hades.

Zeus king of gods and ruler of Mount Olympus; god of the sky, thunder, and justice


Allies of the Trojans; they killed several of Odysseus' men after they raided them

The episode in which Penelope invites the old beggar to her room is important because it______?

Allows suspense to build


Alternate name for the Acheans

What does Eumaeus do when he sees Odysseus?

Although Eumaeus doesn't recognize the traveler as his master, he invites him inside

"Friends, I've no desire to kill Telemachus, not I- it's a terrible thing to shed the blood of kinds. Wait, sound out the will of the gods- that first. If the decrees of the mighty Zeus commend the work, I'll kill the prince myself and spur on all the rest. If the gods are against it, then I say hold back.


"My friends, we'll never carry off this plotto kill the prince. Let's concentrate on feasting."

Amphinomus Suitor 20

Odysseus kindly tells him to leave—he does not

Amphinomus is offered a reprieve. What is it?

The suitors look down on Odysseus/Ulysses when he first appears because they think he is ....?

An old beggar.

"Friends, at last the mans invincible hands are useless!... so now, no wasting your long spears- all as a single hurl, just 6 of us launch out in the first wave. If Zeus is willing, we may hit Odysseus and carry of the glory."


"Wise Penelope, daughter of Icarius, do we reallyexpect the man to wed you? Unthinkable, I know.But we do recoil at the talk of men and women.One of the island's meaner sort will mutter,'Look at the riffraff courting a king'swife.Weaklings, look, they can't even string his bow.But along came this beggar, drifting out of the blue—strung his bow with ease and shot through all the axes! Gossip will fly. We'll hang our heads in shame."

Eurymachus Suitor 21

"For you i have some good advice, if only you will accept it, fit out a ship with 21 oars , the best in sight, sail in quest of news of you long lost father"


"Good old stranger, here, here is the very place that your after. Ive guided you all the way... you go inside. Be bold, nothing to fear."


"I never had doubt myself no, I knew down deep you would return at last, with all your shipmates lost. But I could not bring myself to fight my father's brother, Poseidon, quaking with anger at you, still enraged because you blinded Cyclops, his dear son.


"Its wrong, telemachus, wrong to rove so far, so long from home, leaving your own holdings unprotected- crowds in your palace so brazen they'll care up all your wealth, devour it all, and then your journey here will come to nothing.


"Royal son of Laertes, Odysseus, master of exploits, hold back now! Call a halt to the greater leveler-war-don't court the rage of Zeus who rules the world."


"Wait ill make you a prophecy, one the immortal gods have planted in my mind- it will come true, i think, though i am hardly a seer or know the flights of the birds."


He has no way to voyage home to his own native and now his dear son Telemachus they plot to will the boy on his way back home.


"Impossible man! Others are quick to trust a weaker comrade, some poor mortal, far less cunning than I.But I am a goddess, look, the very one whoguards you in all your trials to the last.I tell you this straight out:even if fifty bands of mortal fightersclosed around us, hot to kill us off in battle,still you could drive away their herds and sleek flocks!So, surrender to sleep at last. What a misery,keeping watch through the night, wide awake—you'll soon come up from under all your troubles."

Athena 20

"Why still awake? The unluckiest man alive! Here is your house, your wife at home, your son, as fine a boy as one could hope to have."

Athena 20

"Friends!This man will never restrain hishands, invincible hands—now that he's seized that polished bow and quiver, look,he'll shoot from the sill until he's killed us all! So fight—call up the joy of battle! Swords out!Tables lifted—block his arrows winging death!Charge him, charge in a pack—try to rout the man from the sill, the doors,race through town and sound an alarm at once—our friend would soon see he's shot his bolt!"

Eurymachus Suitor 22

"I never took you for someone skilled in games... not a chance. Your some skipper of profiteers, roving the high sea in hi scudding craft...grabbing the gold he can. Or no athlete I see that."-


How does Eurycleia recognize Ulysses?

By a scar on his leg.


God of the sea, does not like Odysseus because he blinded his son

How does Odysseus finally convince Penelope that he IS Odysseus?

By telling her about the bed he made that no one knows about

How does Ulysses prove his identity to Penelope?

By telling her how he built their bed.

"So now at last, you G-ds, you train your spite on me for keeping a mortal man beside me. The man is saved, riding astride his knee board, all-alone, when Zeus with one hurl of a white hot bolt has crushed his racing worship down the wine "


Who was the nymph that offers Ulysses immortality?



Cannibal clan of one-eyed giants


Capital city of Lacedaemon


Captial city of the Cicones, located in Thrace, to the northeast of Greece

The two monsters that Ulysses encountered on his voyage were:

Charylbdis and Scylla.

Why does Odysseus visit the house of Hades?

Circe makes him, so he can consult the ghost of Tiresias

Even though the Cyclops had been warned about Odysseus/Ulysses, he did not expect him to be so.....?


How does Odysseus test the suitors?

Comes in as beggar and sees who gives the most and feels for others

By informing the Cyclops of his true name and the fact that he and his men have escaped, Odysseus/Ulysses...?

Had an endangered his men.

How does Odysseus do identify the unfaithful maids?

Has the women clean up the dead, whichever don't are the disloyal ones

When Odysseus awakens, what is his plan for the day?

Have Penelope stay and home and go and talk to his dad

What happens when Telemachus attempts the challenge?

He can't string the bow

Before Ulysses revealed himself to his father, what did he do?

He complimented him on his gardening.

Once the dog know Odysseus is there and returned after so long what does he do?

He dies because he can finally die in peace knowing his master is back home

How does Elepenor die?

He fell off of Circe's roof drunk.

What happens to Odysseus at the end of Book V?

He finally makes it to shore and sleeps in the woods

How does Ulysses take advantage of the cyclops?

He gets the cyclops drunk with his wine.

Why had Odysseus not yet returned from the Trojan War?

He had gotten lost along the way on his journey and also had been captured

Why does Telemachus not want to bring his gifts from Menelaus to his own house?

a. If the suitors attack him he doesn't want them to take them i. He would rather have Menelaus have them

What words are used to describe the suitors?

a. Mob b. Swagger c. Carousing d. Obscenely e. Lounge f. Gorging

What are Scylla and Charybdis?

a. Monsters b. Scylla- tries to get people to come to her cavern and then keeps them c. Charydbis- makes a whirlpool to get men

Which men does Odysseus spare for the slaughter? (Include name and job)

a. Phemius-bard b. Medon-herald

In the ORAL EPIC, there is much REPETITION. List some lines/phrases that have been repeatedly used by the poet?

a. When dawn with her rose-read fingers shown again b. The long enduring Great Odysseys


abducted Helen and married her in Troy. Wounded Akhilleus by shooting an arrow in his heel. He was killed by Philotete's poison arrow


add beauty to; decorate


aged father of Odysseus


aged nurse of both Odysseys and Telemachus; faithful to the royal family


an enchantress; daughter of Helios and Perse; she detains Odysseus and his men for a year


and elder of Ithaca; he is able to interpret the flight of birds and predicts that Odysseus will return and destroy the unruly suitors like a bird of prey


at a distance; unfriendly


awe-inspiring by reason of excellence; strikingly impressive


bitter hatred; ill will


blind singer of the Phaeacians


brilliant radiant beauty; dazzling


brother of Zeus, god of the Sea. Enemy of Odysseus because of the blinding of his son Polyphemos


caution with wisdom; restraint


cheese-eating cave dweller


commotion; uproar; confusion


compensation; repayment


cousin of Akhilleus, killed by Hektor who was thought he was Akhilleus. When he dies, Akhilleus seeks revenge and kills Hektor.

What kind of creature does Odysseus encounter in the next land?



daughter of Priam and priestess of Apollo. Apollo punishes her for decieving him by giving her the gift of prophecy, but the doom of never having anyone believe her


destroy most of Odysseus's fleet


destroy violently; ruin




earth-shaking god of the sea; father of Cyclops Polyphemus- blinded by Odysseys; in his anger he prevents Odysseus from returning home

Homeric Simile

elaborate, detailed comparison written as a LONG simile


enemy; opponent


faithful dog of Odysseus


father of Odysseus




gave generously

How does Aeolus show goodwill when Odysseus is about to leave?

given them a sack with winds in it


glared; stared angrily


hardship; great misfortune

This is what Eumaeus says is broken for his master


Where does Odysseus go next? In book XXIV

his dad's (Laertes)


honesty; frankness


housekeeper of the royal palace in Ithaca


husband of Helen


in an extremely unpleasant or disgusting manner


is of use; helps

Penelope suggests moving Odysseus' bed in order to discover if he....?

is who he claims to be.


just before the final, next to last


kill six men to each of Odysseus's ships


king of Ithaka, only son of Laertes and Antikleia


king of Troy, he had 50 daughters and sons


large supply; abundance


loyal friend of Telemachus; accompanies him to Pylos


loyal nurse of Odysseus


loyal ox herd of Odysseus

Examples that describe Eumaeus.

loyal, good host, fears the gods, loyal to swine and Odysseus's property


maiden daughter of King Alcinous and Queen Arete; finds Odysseus on the shore after Poseidon has destroyed his raft; she befriends Odysseus and conducts him to her father's palace, where he finds help for his return to Ithaca

What does Athena do when the families of the dead suitors attack Odysseus?

make them forget about the killing of the suitors


merrymaking; festivity


messenger of the gods; he gives Odysseus an herb to protect him from Circe's spell; takes Calypso Zeus's command that she released Odysseus


monster in the form of a giant whirlpool, located across from Scylla


most treacherous of the suitors; charming in speech but cunning in his plots to destroy Telemachus and marry Penelope


mother of Odysseus, he meets her in the underworld


old King of Pylos. He also received Telemakhos as a guest

When Ulysses got back home, Minerva was disguised as a(n) _______?

old woman


on of the most generous and least offensive of the suitors; he lends one of his own ships to Telemachus


one of Odyssey's companions whom Circe transforms into swine and then transforms back into human form; he appears to Odysseus amount the shades in the land of the Cimmerians


one of the Cyclops; one-eyed giant; son of Poseidon; blinded by Odysseus


one of the wise old men of Ithaca; Athene assumes his from several times


passion; enthusiasm


person considered to be a source of wise counsel or prophecy


person who wanders from place to place


pointless labore


portable container for arrows


prediction made under divine inspiration


priest of Apollo in Ismarus; gives Odysseus the wine with which the drugs the Cyclops


prophet of Thebes; foretells all of Odysseus's troubles and wanderings


queen of Troy, she dreamt that her son Paris would destroy Troy and when he was born, sent him into exhile


ruler of the Olympian deities; father of Athena; agreed to allow Odysseus to leave Calypso's island and return home to Ithaca


scornful; regarding someone as beneath you

What does Penelope do that makes Odysseus happy?

she tricks the suitors by telling them that Odysseus told Penelope to marry another person when Telemachus started to grow a beard

Odysseus then tells his father that its him, and when he doesn't believe him what does he do?

shows him his scar

Using a dictionary, define "portent".

something that foreshadows


son of Odysseus and Penelope


son of Odysseus and Penelope; he is young- has just grown to manhood at the opening of the Odyssey; his his meetings with King Nestor and King Menelaus show his mettle


son of Poseidon and a Kyklopes, is stabbed in the eye by Odysseus


superior seamen


surprise attack


the herald; because of his kindness to young Telemachus, his life is spared when the other suitors are killed


the island kingdom of Odysseus, probably located of the western coast of Greece


the leader of the suitors for the hand of Penelope; he leads the more gullible young men to their corruption an destruction; he mocks Telemachus, berates Penelope, and insults Odysseus


the lieutenant of Odysseus; he reports to Odysseus the enchantress Circe has turned half of his men into swine; it is at his suggestion that the Greeks kill Hyperion's sacred cattle; as punishment, Zeus sinks the Greek ship, killing all but Odysseus


the nick name of Arnaeus; greedy vagabond who fights with the disguised Odysseus


the noble youngest on of King Nestor; a skilled charioteer; accompanies Telemachus to Sparta, to the palace of King Menelaus and Queen Helen


the swineheard that shelters Odysseus upon his return


the wise king of Phylos; receives Telemacus when he leaves Ithaca in search of his father

Why, at first, does Penelope not believe that Odysseus is who he says he is?

thinks it may be a "fraud" so the person can become king

The Lotus Eaters

those people who eat the lotus flower; "People who eat the lotus."


treacherous goatherd who taunts the disguised Odysseus; later tries to help the suitors


trembling; shaking


unwilling bard of the suitors; Telemachus asks that his life be spared, and Odysseus grants this wish


wife and sister of Zeus, with Athena. A major supporter of the Greeks in the Troy


wife of Alcinious; famous for her generosity and wisdom


wife of Menelaus and cause of the War with Troy; reputed to be the most beautiful woman alive


wife of Odysseus, queen of Ithaka. She waits faithfully for 20 years for her husband to return to Troy. She is the daughter of Ikarios of Sparta, and cousins of Klytaimnestra


wife of Odysseus; mother of Telemachus; she is being pursued by many suitors who have presumed that Odysseus is dead; she is faithful to the memory of her husband and uses ruses to put off her suitors

What natural phenomenon does Aeolus control?


What reward does the still-disguised Odysseus give Amphinomus for helping him?



Companion of Odysseus who was given a proper burial


Concepts like noble and beggar are not connected with wealth or poverty, but rather with qualities of the inner person.


Cowherd who is loyal to Odysseus and helps fight the suitors

"Listen to me, my fine friends, here's what I say!From the start our guest has had his fair share—it's only right, you know.How impolite it would be, how wrong to scant whatever guest Telemachus welcomes to his house.Look here, I'll give him a proper guest-gift too,a prize he can hand the crone who bathes his feetor a tip for another slave who haunts the hallsof our great king Odysseus!"

Ctesippus Suitor 20


Cyclops that Odysseus blinded; the son of Poseidon; and tricked by making his name "Nobody"


Cyclops whose father is Poseidon, God of the Sea


Daughter of Arete and Alcinous who is the first one who helps Odysseus when he gets to Phaeacia


Daughter of Dolius who mocks Odysseus while he is disguised, later killed by Telemachus


Daughter of King Alcinous, finds Odysseus and takes him in


Daughter of Zeus and Leda. she was married to Menelaos, but was eloped with Paris to Troy. Her face would " launch a thousand ships."


Daughter of Zeus, patron of Odysseus. Goddess of wisdom battle, and wearving. She springs fully formed from the head of Zeus


Daughter of Zeus; goddess of wisdom; helps both Telemachus and Odysseus


Daughter of Zeus; one of the nine who preside over all literature


Daugther of Helios, a witch goddess that posion Odysseus's men into swine and wants Odysseus to be her mate. Odysseus stays on her island for a year.


Defeated by Odysseus in a contest for Achillies armor

How has Telemachus changed since the beginning of Book I, and how does Penelope react?

He has gained more confidence because Athena talked to him and willing to fight against the suitors; Penelope was "astonished" that he was more mature?????

How is Ulysses able to listen safely to the Sirens' song?

He has his men bind him to the ship's mast.

Where did Telemachus hide the suitors' armour?

He hid them in the storage room.

Eurylokhos One of Odysseus men. He is the man who does not drink from Circe's cup and warns Odysseus.

He is also the one who convinces the Odysseus' men to stop at the Island of the cattle of the sun and convinces them to eat the cattle.

Why does Theoclymenus call ("wail") out?

He is mad that Cresippus threw a horse shoe at Odysseus

How does Odysseus feel about the job Eumaeus has done while he was away?

He is pleased with Eumaeus' loyalty

What punishment is Sisyphus enduring?

He is trying to get a bolder to stay on top of a hill but it just keeps rolling down

Why does Ulysses tell Calypso that he wishes to return to Penelope?

He longs to see his home again.

Who does Ulysses make love to on his way back to Ithaca?

He made love to the nymph, Circe.

What action does Odysseus take now? In book XIX

He makes a plan for how to kill the suitors

Describe the one last task that Tiresias told Odysseus to complete. What will be his reward for this task?

He must go to different towns with really poor men, tell someone who cares about his journey, sacrifice things to Poseidon, then go home and offer things to the sky gods. Odysseus will die, and everyone will be in peace around him.

Menelaos King of Sparta, brother of Agamemnon, and husband of Helen, he helped lead the Greeks in the Trojan War.

He offers Telemachus assistance in his quest to find Odysseus when Telemachus visits him in Book 4.

To get help from the swineherd and the cowherd, Odysseus did what?

He offers them wives, cattles, and houses.

How does Ulysses save his crew from the Siren's song?

He plugged their ears with bee's wax.

What did Odysseus prove about his abilities when he shot the arrow through the twelve axes? Why is that important now?

He proved he was Odysseus. This means that he can take revenge on the suitors.

What did Ajax do to bring disaster upon the homecoming Greek fleet?

He raped Cassandra.

Why won't Aelous help Ulysses?

He refuses to go against the Gods.

When Polyphemus asks Ulysses what his name was, what did Ulysses say?

He said his name was Noman/Nobody.

What happened when the cyclops screamed for help?

He screamed, "Noman/Nobody is hurting me!" But, the other cyclopes thought he was foolish that "no man" was hurting him and ignored his calls for help.

After the island of Cicones, Ulysses lands on the island of the lotus eaters. What happens?

He sends out two of his men to scout. Then, they were found eating the lotus, and he tied the two men up and forced them into the ship against their will and sails away.

What happens on Odysseus' first attempt?

He succeeds in firing the arrow through all the axes

Who does Telemachus think Odysseus is when Athena removes his disguise?

He thinks Odysseus is some sort of god

When Ulysses reveals himself to his son, his son is in denial because_____?

He thinks that only a God can do such a transformation.

Why does Odysseus not let his mother come near the blood?

He wanted to question Tiresias first ?????

Odysseus is insulted by Broadsea. What does he accuse Odysseus of being? Why?

He was not very athletic so he feels intimidated by Odysseus; doesn't want to lose to Odysseus in the Olympic Games???

37. Odysseus asks Aeolus for further help. What is his reply?

He will not help Odysseus because he is cursed and he needs to get out of his palace

After Odysseus tells Penelope about all his adventures, he sets off again. What does he go to do? What does he tell Penelope to do?

He's going to visit his dad. News will spread that Odysseus killed the suitors, so Penelope should go to her chamber with her women and see no one.

"Listen to me and will be your prophet... just as the eagle swooped down from the crays where it was born and bred, just as it snatched that goose fattened up for the kill. Odysseus will descend on his house and take revenge."


"To the life he's like the son of great odes. surely he's telem. the boy that here left a babe in arms at home when all you acheans fought at troy, launching your headlong battle just for my sake, shameless ***** that i was."


Who see the eagle as an omen



Herald of Ithaca


Herald spared by Odysseus

"But there are no way you know, for another g-d to thwart the will of storming Zeus and make it come to nothing. Zeus claims you keep beside you almost lucky man".


"But wait, I can save you, free from that great danger. Look here's a potent dry's. Take it to Circes halls- its power alone will shield you form the fatal day. Let me tell you of all the witches subtle craft."


What god or goddess brings Zeus' command to Calypso?


Who helps Odysseus outwit Circe?


Who saved Ulysses from Circe's tricks?


Why did Ulysses not warn his crew about Scylla?

His crew would have panicked and endanger the ship.

Who (or what) is the first to recognize Odysseus, even though he is disguised as an old man?

His dog

Athena gives Telemachus one piece of information about his father. What is it?

His father is not dead

What happened when Ulysses and his crew arrived in the island of cicones?

His men raided the island and the Cicones' army attacked his crew, then Ulysses had lost six benches of his men during the battle.

Which of Telemachus' actions best demonstrates his obedience to his father?

His silence when Antinous confronts Ulysses.


Home of Calypso where Odysseus is held captive for seven years


Home of Circe

Elysian Fields

Home of the fortunate in the Underworld


Home to the Gods and Goddesses (except for Hades)


Homeland of Odysseus

What is the purpose of the first ten lines of the poem?

Homer is asking the muse, goddess of poetry, to inspire him and help him tell a good story

The Achaeans

Homeric name for the Greek people

He was kidnapped by his father's servant.

How did Eumaeus become a swineherd?

A boar he was hunting gored him.

How did Odysseus get the scar on his leg?

They cower in fear.

How do dogs react when they see gods or goddesses?

He kicks him

How does Melanthius treat the beggar?

He tells a story about when Odysseus saved him from freezing to death.

How does Odysseus convince Eumaeus to lend him a cloak?

He hangs from a tree until she spits his raft back up.

How does Odysseus escape Charybdis the second time?

He plans to go raiding.

How does Odysseus plan on recouping what the suitors took from him?

They stop their ears with beeswax.

How does Odysseus's crew keep from succumbing to the sirens?

Penelope accuses her of going insane

How does Penelope first respond to Eurycleia upon hearing the news?


Husband of Helen and brother of Agamemnon. King of Sparta. After the Trojan war, his ships got blown to Egypt where he spent 7 years. He returned to Helen to Sparta and they are hosts to Telemakhos when he arrives.


If Penelope had not mentioned the master's (Odysseus's) feet to her servant Eurycleia, the evidence concerning Odysseus's return would not have been circumstantial.


Immortal man, vulnerable only in his achillies region


Impersonation name taken by Athena

"Here, take this scarf, tie it around your waist- its important. Nothing to fear now, neither pain nor death,"


Who is the beggar


Well I've got a knock-out blow in store for him-ill batter the tramp with both fists, crack every tooth from his jaws, I'll litter the ground with teeth..."


Who is the real beggar that wants to beat up Ulysses?


What occurs between Odysseus and Irus? Why?

Irus: beggar They fight by boozing because he was being rude to Odysseus and telling him to leave


Island home of Circe


Island of Helios, The Sun God


Island ruled by Aeolus

How long did it take Odysseus/Ulysses to complete his journey back to Ithaca?

It took him 20 years; 10 years fighting in the Trojan War and 10 years finding his way back home due to his mishaps with immortal Gods.

Who is the goddess who assists Ulysses?

It was Minerva/Athena, the daughter of Jove/Jupiter.

Who transforms Ulysses' sailors into pigs?

It was the nymph, Circe.

Why does Odysseus reveal his name to Polyphemus after his escape?

It won't matter then because Polyphemus won't be able to get him; and he wants to spite Polyphemus and get him annoyed

Helen is the wife of which king?

King Melanaous .


King Menelaus' wife who was abducted by Paris; her kidnapping started The Trojan War


King of Ithaca; father of Telemachus; husband of Penelope; Only surviver of the Trojan War who has not returned home


King of Phaeacians who offers Odysseus hospitality


King of Pylos who gives Odysseus the bag of winds


King of Sparta, brother of Agamemnon, husband of Helen

"Now that as a fine yarn you told, old timer, now without point, not without profit- either you wont want for clothes or whatever else I due a worn- out travel come for help not for tonight at least. Tomorrow morning you'll have to flap around in rags again.


"Whats got into your heard, what crazy plan? You must be hell- bent on destruction, on the spot, if you're keen to mingle with that of suitors."


"You've moved my heart deeply, with your long tale... such blows, such roving. But one part off the mark. I know- you'll never persuade me.. Who are you, I ask you, to lie for no good reason?


This is the name of Odysseus' swineherd


"Odysseus, wily captain,there he goes again, the infernal nuisance—just as we suspected—back to the storeroom.Give me a clear command!180Do I kill the man—if I can take him down—or drag him back to you, here, to pay in fullfor the dirty work he's plotted in your house?"

Eumaeus Suitor 22

"Friend, do the suitors show you more respector treat you like the dregs of the earth as always?"

Eumaeus swineherd 20

"Good Eurycleia—Telemachus commands you nowto lock the snugly fitted doors to your own rooms.If anyone hears from there the jolting blowsand groans of men, caught in our huge net,not one of you show your face—sit tight, keep to your weaving, not a sound."

Eumaeus swineherd 21

Which two characters does Odysseus reveal his identity to?

Eumaeus and Philoetius and later on Telemachus (swineherd and goat herd)

What is the name of the swineherd that helped Ulysses?


Which swineherd helped Ulysses?


The loyal swineherd who, along with the cowherd Philoetius, helps Odysseus reclaim his throne after his return to Ithaca


"My friends, what a mortal blow this man has dealt to all our people!... He lost the ship and he lost the mean and back he comes again to kill the best of our princes. Quick after him."


"He's here- Odysseus- he's come home, at long last! He's killed the suitors, swaggering young brutes who plagued his house, wolfed his cattle down, rode rough shod over his son!"


"Please, child, don't blame her—your mother's blameless this time.He sat and drank his wine till he'd had his fill.Food? He'd lost his hunger. But she asked him.And when it was time to think of turning in, she told the maids to spread a decent bed, but he—so down-and-out, poor soul, so dogged by fate—said no to snuggling into a bed, between covers.No sir, the man lay down in the entrance-hall,on the raw hide of an ox and sheep's fleece,and we threw a blanket over him, so we did."

Eurycleia Maid 20

"Quick now, look alive, sweep out the house,wet down the floors!You, those purple coverlets,fling them over the fancy chairs!All those tables,sponge them down—scour the winebowls, burnished cups!The rest—now off you go to the spring and fetch some water,fast as your legs can run! Our young gallants won't be long from the palace,they'll be bright and early—today's a public feast."

Eurycleia Maid 20

"And these brutes here just wait, the moment you're gone they'll all be sheming against you. kill you by guile, they will, and carve your birthright up in pieces."


"If you're truly Odysseus of Ithaca, home at last, you're right to accuse these men of what they've done- but here he likes quite dead and he invited it all- Antinous- look, the man who drove us all to crime."


"That man is not alive- he never will be, he never can be born- who'll life a hand against Telemachus, your son, not while I work the land and I can see light."


"Who's there to fear? i ask you. surely not telem. with all his tire some threats. the prince's wealth will be devoured as always, mercilessly- no reparations, ever... not while the queen drags out our hopes to wed her, waiting day after day..."


"Our guest just in from abroad, the man is raving!Quick, my boys, hustle him out of the house,into the meeting grounds, the light of day—everything here he thinks is dark as night!"

Eurymachus Suitor 20

"A black day," he exclaimed in wounded pride,"a blow to myself, a blow to each man here!It's less the marriage that mortifies me now—that's galling too, but lots of women are left,some in seagirt Ithaca, some in other cities.What breaks my heart is the fact we fall so shortof great Odysseus' strength we cannot string his bow. A disgrace to ring in the ears of men to come."

Eurymachus Suitor 21


King of Sparta; married to Helen; has great wealth but would rather have his brother Agamemnon back; the one who orders a crew to be put together to take Telemachus back to Ithaca


King of Sparta; receives Telemachus warmly but has no information for him about his father


King of Troy


King of sandy Pylos

King Alcinous

King of the Phaeacians; He helps Odysseus return home after he tells him all of his tales of adventures


King of the Phaeacians; give Odysseus a royal ship for his return to Ithaca


King of the gods, husband of Hera, father of Athena, Apollo, Artemis, and Dionysus


King who was killed on his arrival home by his wife, Clydemnestra, and her lover.

3 generations of heroes.

Laertes Odysseus Telemachus

"Come stranger, sir wont you try your hand at our contest now> If you have skill in any. Its fit and proper for you to know your sports. What greater glory attend a man, while he's alive."-



Leader of the suitors


Leader of the suitors, plots to kill Telemachus, first one killed by Odysseus


Leads the Greeks to Troy, king of Mykenai. His wife was angry when he sacraficed his daughter and took a lover. Her lover then killed him when he arrived home


Legendary clan of cannibals


Legendary people who live on a plant who's fruit induces stupor and forgetfulness of home

Clashing Rocks

Legendary rocks near Scylla and Charybdis

"I hug your knees, Odysseus- mercy! Spare my life!... But I was just their prophet- my hands are clean, and I'm to die their death."


"Friends,I can't bend it. Take it, someone—try.Here is a bow to rob our best of life and breath, all our best contenders! Still, better be deadthan live on here, never winning the prizethat tempts us all—forever in pursuit,burning with expectation every day.If there's still a suitor here who hopes,who aches to marry Penelope, Odysseus' wife,just let him try the bow; he'll see the truth!He'll soon lay siege to another Argive womantrailing her long robes, and shower her with gifts—and then our queen can marry the one who offers most,190the man marked out by fate to be her husband."

Leodes Suitor 21


Lover of Agamemnon


Lover of Klytaimnestra, he kills Agamemnon when he arrives home.


Loyal servant to Penelope


Loyal swineherd, first person Odysseus goes to when he returned to Ithaca


Loyal wife of Odysseus, helps him by tricking the suitors


Mainland Greece

What trick does Penelope play on the suitors in this book?

Makes them think she like them, so that she'd get gifts. Whoever brings the best gift will be her husband.


Man eating monster that lives across from Charybdis in a cave


Man of pain, bringer of pain, married to Penelope


Man that fell off the roof at Circe's palace and the man that later requests a proper burial when Odysseus meets him in the land of


Man who gave Odysseus his bow, killed by Hercules(Heracles)


Man who killed Aegisthus, who killed Agamemnon; won Kleos for himself by doing so; is compared with Odysseus at various times throughout the Odyssey


Master of the winds

"Hear me men of Ithaca. Not without the hand of the deathless gods did Odysseus do these things. Myself, I saw an immortal fighting at his side- like mentor to the life."


"Now your suitors are plotting worse, harsher, crueler, god forbid they bring it off! they're poised to cut tlem. down with bronze swords on his way back home"


Goat herd, insults Odysseus (as the begger) and kicks Odysseus , Aids the suitors during battle and is tortured for punishment


"One sum nosing another sum along, dirt finds dirt by will of god- it never fails! Wretched pig-boy, where do you take your filthy swine, this sickening beggar who licks the pots at feasts?"


"Still alive? Still hounding your betters, begging round the house?Why don't you cart yourself away? Get out!We'll never part, I swear,till we taste each other's fists. Riffraff,you and your begging make us sick! Get out—we're hardly the only banquet on the island."

Melanthius Goatherd 20

"Not a chance, my lord—the door to the courtyard's much too near,dangerous too, the mouth of the passage cramped.One strong man could block us, one and all!No, I'll fetch you some armor to harness on,out of the storeroom—there, nowhere else, I'm sure,the king and his gallant son have stowed their arms!"

Melanthius Goatherd 22

Athena tells Telemachus to seek information about his father from which men?

Melelas and King Nestor????

From what we see Circe do to Ulysses' men, we can assume that her pet wolves and mountains lions are —

Men that are transformed into animals.

"Help yourselves to food, and welcome! once you've dined well ask you who your are. but your parents blood is hardly lost in you . you must be born of kings, bred by the gods to wield the royal scepter. no mean men could sire sons like you."


"Look Pisastratus- joy of my heart, my friend- the sheen of bronze the blaze of gold and amber, silver, ivory too, through all this echoing mansion surely zeus's court on olympus must be just like this, the boundless glory of all this wealth inside! my eyes dazzle... i am struck with wonder."


"Thats how Odysseus infiltrated troy, and no one knew him at all... i alone, i spotted him for the man he was, kept questioning him- the craft one kept dodging"



Messenger god, sent by Zeus to tell Kalypso to set Odysseus free

Who were the 2 servants odssys s

Minstrel Phemius and the herald medon


Monster in the form of a giant whirlpool


Most powerful God of Olympus, rules the sky and promotes hospitality/xenia

Who is Eumaeus?

Most treacherous of the suitors


Mother of Nausicaa


Mother of odysseus, she dies of grief at the loss of her son


Murders Agamemnon, is killed by Orestes afterward

" Go past him, and grasp my mothers knees- if you wan to see the day of your return. Then there's hope that you will se your loved one, reach your own grand house, your native land at last."-


"Phaecian you see, care nothing for boq or quiver, only for masts and oars and good firm ships themselves- we glory in our ships crossing the foaming seas!"-


"farewell my friend! And when your at home, home in your own land, remember me at times. mainly to me you owe the gift of life."-


"And so, dear by, i made it home from troy in total ignorance, knowing mothering of their fates, the ones who stayed behind; who escaped with their lives and who went down."


"Say a prayer to the lord posiedon, strange, his is the feast you've found on your arrival, but once you've made your libation and your prayer- all according to ancient custom..."


" So, beware, woman, or one day you may lose it all, all your glitter that puts your work-mates in the shade... no women's wildness here in the house escaped the prince's eye, he's come of age at last."


"...Since we've chanced on you, were at your knees in hopes of a warm welcome, even a guest gift, the sort that hosts give strangers. That's the custom. Respect the gods my friend."-


"And a warm farewell too my friend. May the gods grant you good fortune- may you never miss this sword, this gift you give with such salutes. You've made amends full."


"But I must say, your plants are doing better than yourself. Enough to be stopped with age but look how squalid you are, those shabby rags... whose slave are you? Whose orchard are you tending?"


"Don't force me back there captain, king- leave me here on the spot. You will never return yourself, I swear, you'll never bring back a single am alive. Quick, cut and run with the rest of us here- we can still escape the fatal day."


"Listen, Eumaeous... at the crack of dawn I mean to go to town and do my begging, not be a drain on you and all your men."


"Passage home? Never. Surely you're plotting something else.... I wont set foot on a raft until you show good faith, until you can send a swear.... a blinding oath will never plot some new intrigue to harm me."


"So damn those lords and captains those Phaecians! Not entirely honest or upright, were they? Sweeping me off to this, this no-mans land, and they, they swore they'd sail me home to sunny Ithaca- well, they never kept their word."


"So tell Penelope now, anxious as she may be, to wait in the halls until the sun goes down. Then she can ask me all she likes about her husbands journey."


"Tell me, though, do you let yourself be so abused or do people round about, stirred up by prompting of some god, despise you? Id rather die, cut down in my own house than have to look on at their outrage day by day."


"You, after all that I have suffered you are the first I've come to know, no one else, no one in your city, no one in your land. Show me the way to town give me a rag for cover, just some cloth, some wrapper you arrived with you here."-


"Bear up, old heart! You've borne worse, far worse, that day when the Cyclops, man-mountain, boltedyour hardy comrades down. But you held fast—Nobody but your cunning pulled you throughthe monster's cave you thought would be your death."

Odysseus 20

"Father Zeus, if you really willed it so—to bring mehome over land and sea-lanes, home to native groundafter all the pain you brought me—show me a sign,a good omen voiced by someone awake indoors, another sign, outside, from Zeus himself!"

Odysseus 20

"Good Eumaeus, if only the gods would pay back their outrage! Wild and reckless young cubs, conniving herein another's house. They've got no sense of shame."

Odysseus 20

"True, how right you are, goddess, but still this worry haunts me, heart and soul—how can I get these shameless suitors in my clutches? Single-handed, braving an army always camped inside.There's another worry, that haunts me even more.What if I kill them—thanks to you and Zeus—how do I run from under their avengers? Show me the way, I ask you."

Odysseus 20

"Zeus, Father! King of gods and men, now there was a crack of thunder out of the starry sky—and not a cloud in sight!Sure it's a sign you're showing someone now.So, poor as I am, grant me my prayer as well:let this day be the last, the last these suitorsbolt their groaning feasts in King Odysseus' house!These brutes who break my knees—heart-wrenching labor,grinding their grain—now let them eat their last!"

Odysseus 20

"Cowherd, swineherd,what, shall I blurt this out or keep it to myself?No, speak out. The heart inside me says so.How far would you go to fight beside Odysseus?Say he dropped like that from a clear blue skyand a god brought him back—would you fight for the suitors or your king?Tell me how you feel inside your hearts."

Odysseus 21

"I'm right here, here in the flesh—myself—and home at last,after bearing twenty years of brutal hardship.Now I know that of all my men you two alonelonged for my return. From the rest I've heardnot one real prayer that I come back again.So now I'll tell you what's in store for you.If a god beats down the lofty suitors at my hands,I'll find you wives, both of you, grant you property,sturdy houses beside my own, and in my eyes you'll becomrades to Prince Telemachus, brothers from then on.2 Come, I'll show you something—living proof—know me for certain, put your minds at rest.This scar,look, where a boar's white tusk gored me, years ago,hunting on Parnassus, Autolycus' sons and I."

Odysseus 21

"Listen to me, you lords who court the noble queen.I have to say what the heart inside me urges.I appeal especially to Eurymachus, and you,brilliant Antinous, who spoke so shrewdly now. Give the bow a rest for today, leave it to the gods—at dawn the Archer God will grant a victoryto the man he favors most.For the moment,give me the polished bow now, won't you? So,to amuse you all, I can try my hand, my strength the old force still alive inside these gnarled limbs?Or has a life of roaming, years of rough neglect,destroyed it long ago?"

Odysseus 21

"My son, your guest,sitting here in your house, has not disgraced you. No missing the mark, look, and no long labor spentto string the bow. My strength's not broken yet,not quite so frail as the mocking suitors thought.But the hour has come to serve our masters right—supper in broad daylight—then to other revels,song and dancing, all that crowns a feast."

Odysseus 21

"No more weeping. Coming out of the housea man might see us, tell the men inside.Let's slip back in—singly, not in a pack.I'll go first. You're next. Here's our signal.When all the rest in there, our lordly friends,are dead against my having the bow and quiver,good Eumaeus, carry the weapon down the hall and put it in my hands. Then tell the serving-womento lock the snugly fitted doors to their own rooms.If anyone hears from there the jolting blows and groans of men, caught in our huge net,not one of them show her face—sit tight, keep to her weaving, not a sound.You, my good Philoetius, here are your orders.Shoot the bolt of the courtyard's outer gate,lock it, lash it fast."

Odysseus 21

"A bad break in the fight, my boy! One of the women'stipped the odds against us—or could it be the goatherd?"

Odysseus 22

"Look—your crucial test is finished, now, at last!But another target's left that no one's hit before—we'll see if I can hit it—Apollo give me glory!"

Odysseus 22

How does Penelope test Odysseus?

Says that she'll move the bed (the one that Odysseus made) and that gets him to explain that you can't move it

What's the difference between: Scylla and Charybdis?

Scylla is the giant sea monster with six heads. Charybdis is a giant whirlpool.

The Sirens

Sea nymphs who beguile men with their beautiful voices

Describe Penelope's confrontation with Antinous.

She heard that they had planned to kill Telemachus, she confronts him, but then she's calmed by Eurymachus. She she now hates Antinous

What does Athena do when the families of the dead suitors attack Odysseus?

She makes them forget about the killing of the suitors.

How does Penelope put off her choice for a new husband?

She weaves a dress which she unravels during the night. She refuses to marry again until the dress will be finished.

Describe Athena's changes to Odysseus' appearance?

She'll make him look old and like a beggar for disguise. When she makes him young she's showing his true self.

How does Odysseus kill Antinous?

Shoots him through the neck when he takes a drink of wine

Why do you think Homer interrupts the narrative to have Demodocus sing about the love of Ares and Aphrodite?

Show that Odysseus has a soft side when he cried????


Shows influence over other suitors

When Ulysses/Odysseus left Aeolus, he arrived at the island of Laestragonians. What happened when he arrived?

Since the Laestragonians were cannibals, they ate all but one ship of Odysseus' men.

How do the Sirens destroy men, and how do Odysseus and his men avoid destruction?

Sirens: lure people over to their island by singing Odysseus avoids: tell his crew members to not let him go whatever he says and puts beeswax in his ears so not to hear the singing

a vicious sea monster, whom Circe warns Odysseus will eat six of his men with each of its six heads, but better to lose six men then all to the whirlpool Charybdis.


Why does Athena "inspire" the suitors to act even worse, to continue their insulting behavior?

So it'll be easier for them to get beat by Odysseus and Telemachus


Son of Agamemnon and Klytaimnestra. He kills his mother Klytaimnestra and her lover Aegisthos for vengance when they kill Agamemnon


Son of Agamemnon; avenger of his father


Son of Nestor; example for Telemachus to follow Laertes


Troy's greatest hero, son of Priam and Hekuba, dragged by Akhilleus three times around Troy after his death. Married to Andromakhe. Their son was Astyanax, who was thrown over the walls of Troy after Troy fell.

Who, other than Odysseus, had the power and strength to string the bow?


To what men does Odysseus reveal his identity?


What prophecy did Ulysses withhold from his men?

That Ulysses will be the only one to survive and return Ithaca.


That anyone should think that Penelope smarter than Odysseus is a(n) _____ idea.


The 'good' suitor; begs for mercy from Odysseus, but Odysseus still kills him


The King of the Phaiakians,is the husband of Arete he hosts Odysseus and a big welcome feast for three days. He also supplies boats and gifts for Odysseus.

To what civilized people, did Ulysses tell his story of his wanderings?

The Phaeacians.


The Phaiakian's bard


The Queen of the Phaiakians, is the wife of Alkinoos. Odysseus hugs her knees for xenia


The Titan who holds the world upon his shoulders

What does Tiresias warn Odysseus/Ulysses not to harm on his voyage?

The cattle of the sun.

Who joins Odyseeus in his fight with the suitors?

The cowherd, swineherd, and Telemachus join his fight.


The cyclops Odysseus blinds


The daughter of Agamemnon and Klytaimnestra. She openly agrees to be sacrificed when the boat to Troy has no wind.


The daughter of Alkinoos and Arete, is the princess of the Phaiakians


The deathly whirlpool

Who recognizes Odysseus right away? How does he?Who recognizes Odysseus right away? How does he?

The dog Argos; sensed Odysseus standing by


The goat herder and a suitor


The god of Cattle, he takes revenge when Odysseus's men eat his cattle

How is the craftiness and cunning of Odysseus revealed in this escape?

The idea to tie themselves on the bottom of goats so when the Cyclops would open the door he would only think that the goats were going out

The Phaeacians

The inhabitants of the land of Scheria


The island home of the enchantress Circe, located in the unknown western sea (the Atlantic Ocean)


The island home of the nymph Calypso


The island kingdom of Alcinous, the home of the Phaeacians; the location cannot be determined from the information given by Homer and it is evidently meant to be a sort of fairyland, where all people live in peace and prosperity

Where does Circe live?

The island, Aeaea.


The kingdom of Nestor, located on the Peloponnesian Peninsula in southern Greece


The land of the dead in Greek Mythology

Which plant makes his shipmen forget their home? And what is the effect of eating lotus?

The lotus. The after effect of eating a lotus is it makes them lose grip of reality.


The man-eating monster that Odysseus encounters on his way home from Troy


The mightest warrior of the Trojan War, kills Hektor, son of Peleus and Thetis (a sea nymph)


The nymph who imprisons Odysseus for 7 years

Lotus eaters

The people who eat the Lotus


The princes who plague Penelope and tuant Telemacus, and Odysseus kills them


The prophet in the beginning of the book that tells the Eagle omen.


The prophet that traveled with Telemakhus.


The ruler of the Winds, gives Odysseus a bag of winds

How does Euryclea discover Odysseus' identity?

The scar on his leg from when he went boor hunting


The shepard who helps Odysseus


The sirens all sang and played the flute and lyre.


The son of Arete and Alkinoos, he offers his chair for Odysseus


The sorceress who turns Odysseus's men to swine


The suitors all laugh when Antinous hits the beggar with a stool.


The sun


The town's crier, also a suitor. He is spared from being slaughtered by Odysseus.


The whirlpool- making monster in which Odysseus' ship is lost


The wife of Agamamnon. Took Aegistho( her servant) as her lover when he heard her husband sacraficed her daughter. When Agamemnon arrived home from the war her lover killed him


The youngest son of Nestor, is a friend of Telemakhos and travels with him.


Theban prophet in the Underworld

"... Mark my words- I will make you a prophecy quite precise, and ill hold nothing back... I swear Odysseus is on native soil, here and now.


"Just like you, I too have left my land. Because I killed a man of my own tribe, I am a fugitive how doomed to wander across this mortal world."


"Night shrouds your heads, your faces, down to your knees- cries of mourning are bursting into fire-cheeks revering tears- the walls and the handsome crossbeams dripping dank with blood!"


Who is fleeing prosecution?


"Poor men, what terror is this that overwhelms you so?Night shrouds your heads, your faces, down to your knees—cries of mourning are bursting into fire—cheeks rivering tears—the walls and the handsome crossbeams drippingdank with blood!Ghosts, look, thronging the entrance, thronging the court,go trooping down to the realm of death and darkness! The sun is blotted out of the sky—look there—a lethal mist spreads all across the earth!"

Theoclymenus Suitor 20

"Eurymachus, when I want your escort, I'll ask for it myself.I have eyes and ears, and both my feet, still,and a head that's fairly sound,nothing to be ashamed of. These will doto take me past those doors ...Oh I can see it now—the disaster closing on you all! There's no escaping it,no way out—not for a single one of you suitors,wild reckless fools, plotting outrage here, the halls of Odysseus, great and strong as a god!"

Theoclymenus prophiter 20

What happens to the disloyal maids after they clean the blood from the great hall?

They are hanged.

In what year was the Odyssey composed?

700 B.C.E.

At the beginning of book XX, why is Odysseus so angry?



A Phaiakian that insults Odysseus's athletic skills.

What does Aeolus give Ulysses?

A bag of all the bad winds.


A beggar that fights against Odysseus and loses

Who is Tiresias?

A blind seer who gives Ulysses advice in the Land of the Dead.


A female monster in the shape of a whirlpool


A female monster with six heads

Why does Odysseus get in a fight with Iros? Who wins?

Arnaeus, Irus, and he doesn't like Odysseus becasue he wants to be the only beggar and along comes another. Odysseus wins fight.

How does Athena present herself to Telemachus?

As Mentes

What does Athena/Minerva do during the meeting on Mount Olympus?

Asks Poseidon why he is so against Odysseus

What does Athena do during the meeting on Mount Olympus?

Asks Zeus why he is so against Odysseus

Why did Telemachus execute the maids?

Association with the suitors.

" Royal son of Laertes, Odysseus, old campaigner, now is the time, now tell your son the truth. Hold nothing back so the two off you can plot the suitor's doom.


"Come, enough of this now. We're both old hands at the art of intrigue. Here among mortal men you're by far the best at tactics, spinning years, and I am famous among the gods for wisdom, cunning wiles, too."


"Come, lets go wash these clothes at the break of day- ill help you, lend you a hand, and the work will fly! You wont be unwed long...first thing in the morning press your kingly father to harness the mules and wagon for you.."


"Father, son of cronus our high and mighty king, surely he goes down to a death he earned in full!"


Who wrote the Odyssey?

Blind poet, Homer.


Blind prophet in The Underworld who gives Odysseus advice about his future


Blind singer of the Phaeacians


God of the Sun; he is angered when Odysseus' men eat his cattle


Odysseus' son


Odysseus' wife


Odysseus's bard


Odysseus's dog


Odysseus's father


Odysseus's old friend that Athena often disguises herself as.


Old friend of Odysseus, one of the most common disguises of Athena


Old loyal maid, nurse to Telemachus,nurse to the line of Laertes


A house nurse/maid in the Odysseus's home. The lover of Eurymakhos, she insults Odysseus.


A kingdom located on the western coast of Asia Minor (modern day Turkey) which was destroyed by Achean army after a siege lasting 10 years.

What help does Ino give to Odysseus?

A scarf, and tells him to swim to shore


A sea nymph that gave Odysseus her veil to protect himself


A sea nymph who keeps Odysseus on her island, Ogygia. (One who conceals)


A servant of Odysseus who is brutally tortured and murdered in the slaughter and is a son of Dolius

What is Penelope supposedly weaving at the beginning of the epic?

A shroud for Laertes.

Who comes to speak to Odysseus after all the souls of the women have departed? What does he tell him?

Alcornis Odysseus will be murdered by his wife?

What gift does Telemachus accept from Menelaus?

A silver mixing bowl.


A six headed monster that eats up 6 of Odysseus's men

Which encounter do Odysseus and his men have before Polyphemus?



"Son of Atreus"


A suitor and the lover of Melantho.


A suitor that insults Odysseus and throws a ox hoof at him


A suitor, he spares for mercy, but Odysseus kill him anyways.


A suitor, he was deemed innocent and before the slaughter Odysseus warned him to escape while he could, or he will die too. He doesn't heed the warning and dies anyways

In Penelope's archery contest, through how many axes must Ulysses fire his arrow?

A total of 12 axes.

The Laestrygonians

A tribe of cannibal barbarians who seriously defeated Odysseus and his men when the Achean ships land in their country; their home may have been meant to eb located in North Africa

"Away from my island-fast-most cursed man alive! It's a crime to host a man or speed him on his way when the blessed deathless gods despise him so. Crawling back like this- it proves the immortals hate you! Out- get out!" -


Why is it necessary for Odysseus to take some of his men by force away form the land of the Lotus-Eaters?

After one would eat the lotus they wouldn't want to come back to the boat so they could find their way home

When do Odysseus and Penelope finally sleep?

After they both tell of the hardships they had to overcome

Which two characters provide a point of comparison for Odysseus and Telemachus?

Agamemnon and Orestes.


Agamemnon's capital

Eurycleia is the...

Aged nursemaid who remained loyal to Penelope and Telemachus.

"Fair enough, my friends; when a man speaks well we have no grounds for wrangling, no cause for abuse. Hands off this stranger, or any other servant in Kind Odysseus palace."


"Fair enough, my friends; when a man speaks wellwe have no grounds for wrangling, no cause for abuse.Hands off this stranger! Or any other servantin King Odysseus' palace. But now a wordof friendly advice for Telemachus and his mother—here's hoping it proves congenial to them both.So long as your hearts still kept a spark alivethat Odysseus would return—that great, deep man—who could blame you, playing the waiting game at home and holding off the suitors? The better course, it's true.What if Odysseus had returned, had made it home at last?But now it'sclear as day—the man will come no more.So go, Telemachus, sit with your mother, coax herto wed the best man here, the one who offers most,so you can have and hold your father's estate,eating and drinking here, your mind at peacewhile mother plays thewife in another's house."

Agelaus Suitor 20

"Friends, can't someone climb through the hatch?—tell men outside to sound the alarm, be quick—our guest would soon see he'd shot his last!"

Agelaus Suitor 22

"Fighting words, but do let's knuckle under—to our prince. Such abuse, such naked threats!But clearly Zeus has foiled us. Or long before we would have shut his mouth for him in the halls,fluent and flowing as he is."

Antinous Suitor 20

"Eurymachus, it will never come to that, as you well know.Today is a feast-day up and down the islandin honor of the Archer God. Who flexes bows today?Set it aside. Rest easy now. And all the axes, let's just leave them planted where they are.Trust me, no one's about to crash the gatesof Laertes' son and carry off these trophies.Steward, pour some drops for the god in every cup,we'll tip the wine, then put the bow to bed.And first thing in the morning have Melanthiusbring the pick of his goats from all his herdsso we can burn the thighs to Apollo, god of archers—then try the bow and finish off the contest."

Antinous Suitor 21

"Leodes! what are you saying? what's got past your lips?What awful, grisly nonsense—it shocks me to hear it—'here is a bow to rob our best of life and breath!'Just because you can't string it, you're, so weak? Clearly your genteel mother never bred her boyfor the work of bending bows and shooting arrows.We have champions in our ranks to string it quickly.Hop to it, Melanthius!"—he barked at the goatherd—"Rake the fire in the hall, pull up a big stool,heap it with fleece and fetch that hefty ballof lard from the stores inside. So we young lordscan heat and limber the bow and rub it down with greasebefore we try again and finish off the contest!"

Antinous Suitor 21

"Not a shred of sense in your head, you filthy drifter!Not content to feast at your ease with us, the island's pride?Never denied your full share of the banquet, never,you can listen in on our secrets. No one elsecan eavesdrop on our talk,no tramp, no beggar.The wine has overpowered you, heady wine—the ruin of many another man, whoever gulps it down and drinks beyond his limit.Wine—it drove the Centaur, famous Eurytion,mad in the halls of lionhearted Pirithous.There to visit the Lapiths, crazed with winethe headlong Centaur bent to his ugly workin the prince's own house! His hosts sprang up,seized with fury, dragged him across the forecourt,flung him out of doors, hacking his nose and ears offwith their knives, no mercy. The creature reeled away,still blind with drink, his heart like a wild storm, loaded with all the frenzy in his mind!And sothe feud between mortal men and Centaurs had its start.But the drunk was first to bring disaster on himselfby drowning in his cups. You too, I promise youno end of trouble if you should string that bow.You'll meet no kindness in our part of the world—we'll sail you off in a black ship to Echetus,the mainland king who wrecks all men alive.Nothing can save you from his royal grip!3 So drink, but hold your peace,don't take on the younger, stronger men."

Antinous Suitor 21

"Up, friends!One man after another, left to right,starting from where the steward pours the wine."

Antinous Suitor 21

"Yokels, fools—you can't tell night from day!You mawkish idiots, why are you sniveling here?You're stirring up your mistress! Isn't she drownedin grief already? She's lost her darling husband.Sit down. Eat in peace, or take your snufflingout of doors! But leave that bow right here—our crucial test that makes or breaks us all.No easy game, I wager, to string his polished bow.Nota soul in the crowd can match Odysseus—what a man he was ...I saw him once, remember him to this day,though I was young and foolish way back then. Amazing!"

Antinous Suitor 21

When Antinous is killed, the suitors immediately assume that....

Antinous' death was by accident.

Who is the leader of the suitors? He plans to kill Telemachus.


Whom does Odysseus kill first and why?

Antinous; took biggest advantage of wife and house, was the worst suitor

"But in spite of us all look the young cub slips away, jut like that- and this is just the start of the trouble he can make... quick, fetch me a swift ship and twenty men- ill waylay him from ambush... this gallant voyage of his to find his father will find him wrecked at last"


"Well Telemachus, only the gods could teach you to sound so high and mighty! such brave talk. i pray that zeus will never make you king of ithica, though your fathers crown is nodoubt yours by birth."


"Well now, fling your accusations at us? think to pin the blame on us? you think again. its not the suitors here who deserve the blame, its your own dear mother , the matchless queen of cunning."


"You, you clumsy ox, you're better off dead of never born at all, if you cringe at him, paralyzed with fear of an old, broken hulk, ground down by pains that hound his steps I'll toss you into the black ships and sail you off to Echetus."


What does Athena do to help Odysseus and Telemachus dispose the arms?

Athena lights the room for them so that they can see as they work.


Bard spared by Odysseus

Why does Poseidon despise Ulysses?

Because Ulysses had blinded Poseidon's son, Polyphemus.

Why does Odysseus want to test his servants and his wife before revealing his identity?

Because he wants to plot revenge on the suitors and have them be surprised and so the suitors don't find out he's back and kill him because Odysseus want to kill them

Why does Tiresias tell Odysseus to take the Scylla route?

Because he would only lose six of his men rather than all of his men.


Blind poet who authored The Odyssey and sung of Odysseus' adventures

With Athena's help, what athletic feat does Odysseus accomplish?


We do not know if the sacrifice appeased Poseidon or not.

Does Poseidon block the Phaeacian harbor?

How does Odysseus gain access to the underworld?

Dug a hole for the people who died in the war??????


Enchanters of the sea


Endures a long journey from Troy to Ithaca; protagonist


Epic hero of The Trojan War who is trying to return home to Ithaca to see his wife and son


Epithet of Apollo


Epithet of Athena

"If you,you're truly Odysseus of Ithaca, home at last, you're right to accuse these men of what they've done—so much reckless outrage here in your palace,so much on your lands. But here he lies,quite dead, and he incited it all—Antinous—look, the man who drove us all to crime!Not that he needed marriage, craved it so;he'd bigger game in mind—though Zeus barred his way—he'd lord it over Ithaca's handsomecountry, king himself,once he'd lain in wait for your son and cut him down!But now he's received the death that he deserved.60So spare your own people! Later we'll recoupyour costs with a tax laid down upon the land,covering all we ate and drank insideyour halls,and each of us here will pay full measure too—twenty oxen in value, bronze and gold we'll giveuntil we melt your heart. Before we've settled,who on earth could blame you for your rage?"

Eurymachus Suitor 22

How does Odysseus come to be a target for the foot stool again?

Eurymachus is mad at Odysseus because he said that he could beat him if working on a field and Eurymachus is not as good as he thinks he is


Father of Antinoos, gets arrows from Laertes


Father of Antinous; rallies loved ones of the suitors to seek revenge vs Odysseus


Father of Melantho and Melanthius; loyal servant and friend of Laertes


Father of Nausicaa, king of the Phaeacians


Father of Odysseus, works on an Orchard


Father of all gods and goddesses; god of the heavens


Fierce, giant cannibals who throw boulders


Former king of Mycene, killed by Clytemnestra


Friend of Telemachus, travels with him.

He knows what's about to happen and wants to protect her.

From what we know about Telemachus, what is the most likely reason he rudely send his mother to her room?


General region of the Acheans

What does Telemachus plan to do now?

Get on his boat and sail to Sparta and Sandy Pylos


Giant man eaters that destroy all of Odysseus's ships but his own by throwing boulders at them


Giant one-eyed man eating monsters.

How has Penelope manage to hold off the suitors' demands for the past four years?

Giving one hints that they will get married but never ends up doing anything about it


God of Death; The Underworld where the shades of dead people reside


God of arts, archery and music


God of ecstatic release, esp. associated with wine


God of fire and craftsmanship


God of the Sea; Odysseus' adversary


God of the sea; tries to get revenge on Odysseus for the blinding of Polyphemus


God of war


Goddess of Poetry who inspires Homer to sing The Odyssey; there are 9 Muses total


Goddess of Wisdom; intervenes to help Odysseus during his trip


Goddess of childbirth and hunting


Goddess of crops


Goddess of love


Goddess of magic who plays bad tricks and entices Odysseus to be her lover for a year


Goddess of the Underworld

Athena (Pallas Athene)

Goddess of wisdom; patroness of arts and crafts; daughter of Zeus- she sprung from his head; she become the benefactress of Telemachus and Odysseus


Goddess who holds Odysseus on her island for seven years


Godess who watches Odysseus and Telemachus on their journeys; helps them fight suitors


Grandfather of Odysseus, he named Odysseus


Greek code of hospitality; guest friendship


Greek people


Greek warrior at the Trojan War, appears in the First Nekuia

"No, Eurymachus! Not if you paid me all your father's wealth—all you possess now, and all that could pour in from the world's end—no, not even then would I stay my hands from slaughtertill all you suitors had paid for all your crimes!Now life or death—your choice—fight me or fleeif you hope to escape your sudden bloody doom!I doubt one man in the lot will save his skin!"

Odysseus 22

"Run, fetch themwhile I've got arrows leftto defend me—or they'll force me from the doors while I fight on alone!"

Odysseus 22

"You dogs! you never imagined I'd return from Troy— so cocksure that you bled my house to death,ravished my serving-women—wooed my wifebehind my back while I was still alive!No fear of the gods who rule the skies up there,no fear that men's revenge might arrive someday—now all your necks are in the noose—your doom is sealed!"

Odysseus 22


Odysseus and Penelope's son, goes on a jorney to find news of his father

After Odysseus and his men encountered Scylla, they arrived to Thrinacia, island of the sun god's cattle. What happened?

Odysseus fell asleep and his men were starving and ate the cattle of the sun. So, Zeus/Jupiter killed all of his men for ignoring what Tiresias had said.

What is the omen

Odysseus is about to swoop down in his home and exact revenge in his suitors

Complete statement: Odysseus/Ulysses would respond to an insidious member of his crew by___________.

Punishing him


Odysseus threatens Eurycleia, his old loyal nurse, with death.

What does Odysseus promise Elpenor?

Odysseus will not forget him

Why can't Odysseus sleep? How does Athena help?

Odysseus worries that he and Telemachus will never be able to conquer so many suitors, but Athena reassures him that through the gods all things are possible.


Odysseus' co-captain; he does not always trust Odysseus


Odysseus' father


Odysseus' mothers father, " lone wolf" names odysseus and gives him struggle


Odysseus' second in command who attempts mutiny multiple times


One leader of the suitors, killed by Odysseus


One of Odysseus's men, he dies when he's sleeping on Kirke's roof and falls of because he was drunk. He begs Odysseus to bury him when Odysseus visits the Underworld


One of the main suitors. He is the first to die in the slaughter by an arrow going through his jaw. He also helps bend Odysseus's arrow


Only decent suitor wanting to marry Penelope


Orestes avenges the death of what person?

"And you if you have any shame in your own hearts, you must leave my palace! see to your feasting elsewhere, devour your own possessions, house to house by turns."


"Antinuous, how impolite it would be, how wrong, to scant whatever guest Telemachus welcomes to his house. You really think... he'll take me home and claim me as his bride?"


"Come, Eurycleia, move the sturdy bedstead out of our bridal chamber- that room the master built with his own hand. Take it now, sturdy bed that is."


"Few sons are the equals of their fathers, most fall short, all to few surpass them. but you, brave and adept from this day on- odysseus' cunning has hardly given out in you-"


"How i long for my husband- alive in memory, always, that geat man whose fame resounds through hellas right to the depths of argues."


"Madman, why do you weave destruction for Telemachus? Don't you know how your father fled here once? The mobs were set to destroy him... but Odysseus held them back... and this is the man whose house you wasted."


"Make no mistake, you brazen, shameless bitch, none of your ugly work escapes me ether- you will pay for it with your life, you will."


"Telemachus, my high and mighty, fierce young friend, no more nursing those violent words and actions now. come, eat and drink with us, jut like in the old days, whatever you want our people will provide"



Queen of Phaeacians


Race of one-eyed monsters who live lawless and don't fear the gods


River in the Underworld by which the Gods swear binding oaths


Ruler of all the Greek Gods; Lives on Mount Olympus


Ruler of the Winds; Tries to help Odysseus once, but not twice

"Artemis—goddess, noble daughter of Zeus, if onlyyou'd whip an arrow through my breast and tear my life out, now, at once! Or let some whirlwind pluck me upand sweep me awayalong those murky paths andfling me down where the Ocean River runninground the world rolls back upon itself!Quickas the whirlwinds swept away Pandareus' daughters—years ago, when the gods destroyed their parents,leaving the young girls orphans in their house. But radiant Aphrodite nursed them wellon cheese and luscious honey and heady wine,and Hera gave them beauty and sound good sense,more than all other women—virgin Artemis made them talland Athena honed their skills to fashion lovely work.But then, when Aphrodite approached Olympus' peaksto ask for the girls their crowning day as bridesfrom Zeus who loves the lightning—Zeus who knows all,all that's fated, all not fated, for mortal man—then the storm spirits snatched them awayand passed them on to the hateful Furies,yes, for all their loving care. Just somay the gods who rule Olympus blot me out!Artemis with your glossy braids, come shoot me dead—so I can plunge beneath this loathsome earthwith the image of Odysseus vivid in my mind.Never let me warm the heart of a weaker man!Even grief is bearable, true, when someone weepsthrough the days, sobbing, heart convulsed with pain,yet embraced by sleep all night—sweet oblivion, sleepdissolving all, the good and the bad, once it seals our eyes—but even my dreams torment me, sent by wicked spirits.Again—just this night—someone lay beside me Odysseus to the life, when he embarked with his men-at-arms. My heart raced with joy.No dream, I thought, the waking truth at last!"

Penelope 20

"Antinous, how impolite it would be, how wrong, to scantwhatever guest Telemachus welcomes to his house.You really think—if the stranger trusts so to his handsand strength that he strings Odysseus' great bow—he'll take me home and claim me as his bride?He never dreamed of such a thing, I'm sure.Don't let that ruin the feast for any reveler here. Unthinkable—nothing, nothing could be worse."

Penelope 21

"Listen to me, my overbearing friends! You who plague this palace night and day,drinking, eating us out of house and homewith the lord and master absent, gone so long—the only excuse that you can offer is your zestto win me as your bride. So, to arms, my gallants!Here is the prize at issue, right before you, look—I set before you the great bow of King Odysseus now!The hand that can string this bow with greatest ease,that shoots an arrow clean through all twelve axes—he is the man I follow, yes, forsaking this house90where I was once a bride, this gracious houseso filled with the best that life can offer—I shall always remember it, that I know ...even in my dreams."

Penelope 21

"Shame? How can you hope for any public fame at all?You who disgrace, devour a great man's house and home!Why hang your heads in shame over next to nothing?Our friend here is a strapping, well-built manand claims to be the son of a noble father.Come, hand him thebow now, let's just see ...I tell you this—and I'll make good my word—if he strings the bow and Apollo grants him glory,I'll dress him in shirt and cloak, in handsome clothes,I'll give him a good sharp lance to fight off men and dogs,give him a two-edged sword and sandals for his feetand send him off, wherever his heart desires."

Penelope 21

What are Penelope and Odysseus having trouble doing?

Penelope and Odysseus both have trouble sleeping that night.

What is one result of Odysseus' initial exchange with the suitor Antinous?

Penelope summons the "beggar" Odysseus and questions him.


Penelope's faithless maid; mistress of Eurymachu s


Penelope's father


Penelope's maid who knows about the great rooted bed.

Land of the Lotus Eaters

People have lost all memories of home after eating lotus, an addictive plant

"Cheers, old friend, old father,here's to your luck, great days from this day on—saddled now as you are with so much trouble! Father Zeus, no god's more deadly than you.No mercy for men, you give them life yourself then plunge them into misery, brutal hardship.I broke into sweat, my friend, when I first saw you—see, my eyes still brim with tears, remembering him,Odysseus ... He must wear such rags, I know it,knocking about, drifting through the worldif he's still alive and sees the light of day.If he's dead already, lost in the House of Death,my heart aches for Odysseus, my great lord and master.He set me in charge of his herds, in Cephallenian country,when I was just a youngster. How they've grown by now,past counting! No mortal on earth could breeda finer stock of oxen—broad in the brow,they thrive like ears of corn. But just look,these interlopers tell me to drive them infor their own private feasts. Not a thoughtfor the young prince in the house, they never flinch—no regard for the gods' wrath—in their mad rushto carve up his goods, my master gone so long!I'm tossed from horn to horn in my own mind ...What a traitor I'd be, with the prince alive,if I'd run off to some other country, herds and all,to a new set of strangers. Ah, but isn't it worseto hold out here, tending the herds for upstarts,not their owners—suffering all the pains of hell?I could have fled, ages ago, to somegreat kingwho'd give me shelter. It's unbearable here.True, but I still dream of my old master,unlucky man—if only he'd drop in from the blue and drive these suitors all in a rout throughout the halls!"

Philoetius Cowherd 20

"Cowherd, you're no coward, and nobody's fool, I'd say.Even I can see there's sense in that old head.So I tell you this on my solemn, binding oath:I swear by Zeus, the first of all the gods—by the table of hospitality waiting for us,by Odysseus' hearth where Ihave come for help,Odysseus will come home while you're still here.You'll see with your own eyes, if you have the heart,270these suitors who lord it here cut down in blood."

Philoetius Cowherd 20

"Stranger, if only, if only Zeus would make that oath come true—you'd see my power, my fighting arms in action!"

Philoetius Cowherd 20

"Who's this stranger, Eumaeus, just come to the house?What roots does the man claim—who are his people? Where are his blood kin? his father's fields?Poor beggar. But what a build—a royal king's!Ah, once the gods weave trouble into our livesthey drive us across the earth, they drown us all in pain,even kings of the realm."

Philoetius Cowherd 20

"Father Zeus, bring my prayer to pass! Let the master come—some god guide him now! You'd see my power,my fighting arms in action!"

Philoetius Cowherd 21

"Right you are son of Atreus, king menelaus, captain of armies: here is the son of that great here, as you say. but the man is modest he would be ashamed to make a show of himself, his first time here..."



Plant that Hermes offers Odysseus to ward off Circe's magic

At Odysseus' house in Ithaca, we are introduced to the suitors. What are they doing in the house?

Playing with dice and sitting on fur from animals they have killed while the servants are serving them

"Dear old ram, why last of the flock to quit the cave? In the good old days you'd never lag behind the rest. You with your long marching strides, first by far of the flock to graze the fresh young grasses..."


"We... never blink at Zeus' shield of storm and thunder, or any other blessed god- we've got more force by far. I'd never spare you in fear of Zeus' hatred, you or your comrades here, unless I had the urge."-


Why does Ulysses only blind Polyphemus (cyclops) rather than killing him?

Polyphemus was the only one who can move the boulder from the entrance.

"But now ill crush that fine Phaecian cutter out on the misty sea, now on her homeward run from the latest convoy. They will leave at last to cease and desist from escorting every man alive."


"I will lose all my honor now among the immortals, now there are mortal men who show me no respect- phaecians too, born of my own loins. I said to myself that Odysseus would suffer long and hard before he made it home."


"Outrageous! Look how the gods have changed their minds about Odysseus while I was off with my Ethiopians. Just look at him there, hearing phaecians shores are he's fated to escape his noose of pain that's held him till now."


What happens to Odysseus on the eighteenth day, just as he cites land?

Poseidon gets mad because the gods let Odysseus go so he starts a storm; Odysseus' boat breaks and eventually has to swim


Son of Zeus, the son god

Heracles (Hercules)

Son of Zeus; hero of the Labors

Where does Athena find Telemachus and Pisistratus?


Odysseus brags that he is an accomplished athlete but allows one test where the Paeacians would likely win. To which test does he refer? Why?

Sprinting; Odysseus is very tired and his legs have lost their spring because he has been on a boat for so long

What is Odysseus' plan? For killing the suitors

Start killing the suitors with the help of the seine and pig herders through bribery while the nurse and Penelope are in their room; then have the women who were also loving on the suitors clean the blood and bodies up and kill them after they finish

Why does Odysseus lead his men into Polyphemus' cave?

Starts to eat them (Odysseus' men) two at a time

What is the ancient legend/tale to which (King) Alcinous refers?

Story of the Trojan Horse


Suitor who wants to marry Penelope; killed by Odysseus

"Lookat our connoisseur of bows!" "Sly old foxmaybehe's got bows like it, stored in his house." "That or he's bent on making one himself." "Look how he twists and turns it in his hands!" "The clever tramp means trouble—" "I wish him luck, as good as his luck in bending back that weapon!"

Suitors 21

"Where on earth are you going with that bow?" "You, you grubby swineherd, are you crazy?" "The speedy dogs you reared will eat your corpse—" "Out there with your pigs, out in the cold, alone!" "If only Apollo and all the gods shine down on us!"

Suitors 21

"Stranger, shooting at men will cost your life!" "Your game is over—you, you've shot your last!" "You'll never escape your own headlong death!" "You killed the best in Ithaca—our fine prince!" "Vultures will eat your corpse!"

Suitors 22

"Carry on with the bow, old boy!If you serve too many masters, you'll soon suffer. Look sharp, or I'll pelt you back to your farm with flying rocks. I may be younger than youbut I'm much stronger. If only I had that edgein fists and brawn over all this courting crowd,I'd soon dispatch them—licking their wounds at last—clear of our palace where they plot their vicious plots!"

Telemachus 21

"God help me," the inspired prince cried out,"must I be a weakling, a failure all my life? Unless I'm just too young to trust my hands to fight off any man who rises up against me. Come, my betters, so much stronger than I am—try the bow and finish off the contest."

Telemachus 21

"Ctesippus, you can thank your lucky starsyou missed our guest—he ducked your blow, by god!Else I would have planted my sharp spear in your bowels—your father would have been busy with your funeral,not your wedding here. Enough.Don't let me see more offenses in my house,not from anyone! I'm alive to it all, now,the good and the bad—the boy you knew is gone. But I still must bear with this, this lovely sight ...sheepflocks butchered, wine swilled, food squandered—how can a man fight off so many single-handed?But no more of your crimes against me, please!Unless you're bent on cutting me down, now,and I'd rather die, yes, better that by farthan have to look on at your outrage day by day:guests treated to blows, men dragging the serving-womenthrough our noble house, exploiting them all, no shame!"

Telemachus 20

"Dear nurse, how did you treat the stranger in our house? With bed and board? Or leave him to lie untended?That would be mother's way—sensible as she is—all impulse, doting over some worthless stranger,turning a good man out to face the worst."

Telemachus 20

Who is the first to recognize Odysseus and what happens?


Many other heroes speak to Odysseus, and he learns of their fates. What happens to Tantalus?

Tantalus would try to get a drink of water but then the water would vanish and up above him were all these fruits

What happens when Eumaeus and the beggar meet Melanthius (one of the suitors)? List at least three things

Taunted, kicked, and cursed at Odysseus

"But I am a goddess, the very one who guides you in all your trials to the last, I tell you this straight out even if 50 bands of mortal fighters closed around us. Still you would drive them away."


"Dear stranger, would you be shocked by what i say? look at that over there. Nota a car in the world, just lyres and tunes! its easy for them, all right, they feed on anthers goods and go scot-free."


"Eumaeous, good old friend, go quickly, to wise Penelope, tell her I'm home from Pylos safe and sound. Ill stay on right here, but you come back as soon as you've told the news to her alone. No other Achaean must hear- all too many plot to take my life."


"God help me, must I be a weakling, a failure all my life? Unless i am just too young to trust my hands to fight off any man who rises up against me. Come, my betters, so must stronger than I am- try the bow and finish off the contest."


"How kind you are to me Antinous, kind as a father to his son! Encouraging me to send this stranger packing from my house with harsh command."


"I am on the trail of my father's widespread fame, you see, searching the earth to catch some news of great-hearted king odes who, they say, fought with you to demolish Troy some years ago.


"Look, telemachus, the will of god just winged that bird on your right! Why, the moment I saw it, her before my eyes, I knew it was a sign. No line more kingly than yours in all of Ithaca- your will reign forever."


"No man alive could rival Zeus, dear boys, with his everlasting palace and possessions. but among men, i must say, few if any could rival me in riches. believe me , much i suffered many a mile i roved to haul such treasures home in my ships."


"So mother, go back to your quarters. Tend do your own tasks.. And keep the women working hard as well. As for me bow now, men will see to that, but I most of all, I gold the reins of power in this house."


"So mother, go back to your quarters. tend to your own tasks... and keep the women working hard as well. as for giving orders, men will see to that, but i most of all: i hold the reins of power in this house."


Who orders that the bow be given to Odysseus?


"I swear by Zeus, Agelaus, by all my father suffered— dead, no doubt, or wandering far from Ithaca these days—I don't delay my mother's marriage, not a moment,I press her to wed theman who takes her heart.I'll shower her myself with boundless gifts.But I shrink from driving mother from our house,issuing harsh commands against her will.God forbid it ever comes to that!"

Telemachus 20

"Now sit right there. Drink your wine with the crowd. I'll defend you from all their taunts and blows,these young bucks. This is no public place,this is Odysseus' house—my father won it for me, so it's mine.You suitors, control yourselves. No insults now,no brawling, no, or it's war between us all."

Telemachus 20

"Mother, my father's bow—no Achaean on earth has more right than Ito give it or withhold it, as I please.Of all the lords in Ithaca's rocky heightsor the islands facing Elis grazed by horses, not a single one will force or thwart my will,even if I decide to give our guest this bow—a gift outright—to carry off himself.So, mother,go back to your quarters. Tend to your own tasks,the distaff and the loom, and keep the womenworking hard as well. As for the bow now,men will see to that, but I most of all:I hold the reins of power in this house."

Telemachus 21

"Zeus up there has robbed me of my wits.My own dear mother, sensible as she is,says she'll marry again, forsake our house,and look at me—laughing for all I'm worth,giggling like some fool. Step up, my friends!Here is the prize at issue, right before you, look—a woman who has no equal now in all Achaean country,neither in holy Pylos, nor in Argos or Mycenae,not even Ithaca itself or the loamy mainland. You know it well. Why sing my mother's praises?Come, let the games begin! No dodges, no delays,no turning back from the stringing of the bow—we'll see who wins, we will.I'd even take a crack at the bow myself ...If I string it and shoot through all the axes,I'd worry less if my noble mother left our housewith another man and left me here behind—man enoughat last to win my father's splendid prizes!"

Telemachus 21

"Father—now I'll get you a shield and a pair of spears,a helmet of solid bronze to fit your temples!I'll arm myself on the way back and hand outarms to the swineherd, arm the cowherd too—we'd better fight equipped!"

Telemachus 22

"My fault, father, the blame's all mine. That snug door to the vault,I left it ajar—they've kept a better watch than I. Go, Eumaeus, shut the door to the storeroom,check and see if it's one of the women's tricksor Dolius' son Melanthius. He's our man, I'd say."

Telemachus 22

What does Circe and the sirens have in common?

They tempt and destroy men.

How do Odysseus and his remaining men escape from the cave?

They tie themselves on the goat's bellies

Odysseus and his men come within sight of Ithaca. Why don't they land?

They want to open the bag to see what is inside of it, but the bad had wind inside it so it pushed them back to Aeolus' house

Why does Telemahus call the men to assemble?

This is his way to tell them that he is in charge and is tired of the suitors taking advantage of him


Thracian tribe whose capital city s raided by Odysseus after leaving Troy

blind prophet who advised Odysseus


Who does Ulysses want to speak with first when he goes to the underworld? Why?

Tiresias, the blind prophet. He wanted to know what to expect in his upcoming voyage.


Titan; son of Uranus; Father of Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter

"Telemachus, no one's more unlucky with his guests!" "Look what your man dragged in—this mangy trampscraping for bread and wine!" "Not fit for good hard work,the bag of bones—" "A useless dead weight on the land!" "And then this charlatan up and apes the prophet." "Take it from me—you'll be better off by far—toss your friends in a slave-ship—" "Pack them offto Sicily, fast—they'll fetch you one sweet price!"

Unnamed Suitors 20

What contest does Penelope devise to test the suitors?

Using a bow to hit 12 axes

Describe the Laestrygonians.

Very big strong monsters

Why does Penelope wish to see the beggar?

Wants to get information on what happened to her husband

How does Odysseus wound Polyphemus?

Warms a spear and them puts it in the Cyclops's eye


We know from Tiresias that Odysseus will eventually die at sea.

Remarry when Telemachus could grow a beard

What did Odysseus advise Penelope to do when he left?

Sacrifice to Apollo and hope for the best.

What does Antinous think should be done about the bow?

The bow would be the death of the suitors

What does Leodes say about the bow?

A work contest

What does Odysseus challenge Eurymachus to?

Allowing the beggar fight to take place

What does Penelope reprimand Telemachus for?

interrogate the women but spare the field hands for now

What does Telemachus advise Odysseus to do?

Odysseus's line will reign in Ithaca forever

What does Theoclymenus think that the sign of the hawk and the dove means?

Eumaeus seeing Telemachus

What does this passage describe? As a father, brimming with love, welcomes home his darling only son in a warm embrace— what pain he's borne for him and him alone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . his words flew from the heart: "You're home . . . sweet light of my eyes!

She dreams that Odysseus is lying beside her.

What dream torments Penelope?

It appears to him that she forgot the bed won't move.

What finally makes Odysseus mad at Penelope?

Heracles murdered him

What happened to Iphitus?

Why Odysseus's servants neglected Argos

What is Eumaeus discussing here? "Zeus / the Old Thunderer, robs a man of half his virtue the day the yoke clamps down around his neck."


What is Odysseus doing when the men slaughter the cattle?

She is talking about a dream in which the suitors are killed

What is Penelope talking about? "I keep twenty geese in the house, from the water trough they come and peck their wheat—I love to watch them all."

The suitors' families will probably have some questions.

What is the most likely reason Odysseus and company gear for battle?

What does Tiresias tell Odysseus?

What the rest of Odysseus' life will be

"No, its the earht shaker, poseidon unappeased, forever fuming against him for the syclops whose giant eye he blinded"


"Now that royal Odysseus has taken his revenge, let both sides seal their pacts that he shall reign for life, and let us purge their memories of the body slaughter... let them be friends. Let peace and wealth come cresting through the land."


What happens when the suitors retire for the night?

When the suitors retire for the night, Telemachus and Odysseus remove the arms as planned.


Who creates a whirlpool and waterspout?

Helios, Poseidon, Scylla

Who of the following work against Odysseus? Select all that apply.

The beggar is describing a brooch Penelope gave Odysseus

Who says the following and what is being described? "[A] hound clench[ed] a dappled fawn in its front paws, slashing it as it writhed. All marveled to see it, solid gold as it was, the hound slashing, throttling the fawn in its death-throes, hoof flailing to break free."

Helen is interpreting a sign of Odysseus's return.

Who says the following and why? "Just as the eagle swooped down from the crags where it was born and bred, just as it snatched that goose fattened up for the kill inside the house"

Odysseus is lying to the swineherd.

Who says the following and why? "My story—the whole truth—I'm glad to tell it all. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I hail from Crete's broad land, I'm proud to say, and I am a rich man's son." *

Eurymachus is lying to Penelope

Who says the following and why? "That man is not alive— he never will be, he never can be born— who'll lift a hand against Telemachus, your son, not while I walk the land and I can see the light."

Athena is rousing Telemachus to return home.

Who says the following and why? "You know how the heart of a woman always works: she likes to build the wealth of her new groom— of the sons she bore, of her dear, departed husband, not a memory of the dead, no questions asked."

Athena is complimenting Odysseus's imagination.

Who says the following and why? "You terrible man, foxy, ingenious, never tired of twists and tricks— so, not even here, on native soil, would you give up those wily tales that warm the cockles of your heart!"

Odysseus is planning on looking for a handout from the suitors.

Who says the following and why? "[N]o one alive can match me at household chores: building a good fire, splitting kindling neatly, carving, roasting meat and pouring rounds of wine . . . anything menials do to serve their noble masters."

Melantho is abusing Odysseus.

Who says the following and why? ...........................................You still here?— you pest, slinking around the house all night, leering up at the women? Get out, you tramp—be glad of the food you got— or we'll sling a torch at you, rout you out at once.

Odysseus is addressing Antinous.

Who says the following and why? Give me a morsel, friend. You're hardly the worst Achaean here, it seems. The noblest one, in fact. You look like a king to me!

Theoclymenus is reassuring Penelope.

Who says the following and why? I swear Odysseus is on native soil, here and now! Poised or on the prowl, learning of these rank crimes he's sowing seeds of ruin for all [the] suitors. So clear, so true, that bird-sign I saw"

Odysseus waves him off.

Why can't Telemachus string the bow on his fourth try?

To make it seem as if wedding celebrations are taking place

Why does Odysseus order music and dancing?

He does not recognize his homeland—he thinks he is somewhere else.

Why does Odysseus start crying when he looks around his home?

Eumaeus was cruelly fooled by a lying stranger once before.

Why doesn't Eumaeus believe the stranger's claim that Odysseus is still alive?

He hopes Odysseus will return someday.

Why hasn't the cowherd found another job?


Wife of Menelaus, Queen of Sparta


Wife of Menelaus, queen of Sparta, "face that launched a thousand ships" caused the Trojan war to begin by sneaking off to Troy


Wife of Odysseus, Mother of Telemachus


Winged messenger of the Gods who helps Odysseus


Witch of Aeaea, she turns men into pigs and attempts enchants Odysseus


With Athena's proverbial help, Telemachus had become a formidable man.

The Seirenes

Women-bird like seducers that play music that make men crash their boats into the rocky shores.

Hermes/Mercury tells Calypso to let Ulysses leave his island because ______?

Zeus/Jove has ordered it.


a diving nymph who lives on the island of Ogygia, where Odysseus is washed ashore after sinking his ship; Odysseus lives with her for 7 years as her bondsman and husband; Zeus sends Hermes to her with a message to release Odysseys; Although she wants him to stay, he allows him to go and shows him how to build a raft


a goddes who lives on the island of Ogygia. She rescues Odysseus after his ship is wrecked. and wants him to stay with her and become a god. He stays for 7 years


a mountain in Thessaly (northeastern Greece), home of the gods


a young warrior who has fled Argos and is befriended by Telemachus; he foretells the destruction of the suitors

What sign does Zeus send to the assembly, and what is its meaning?

a. 2 eagles b. that there were people watching overhead?????

What two events give Odysseus hope that he is doing the right thing and that his efforts will be successful?

a. Athena tells him when he is trying to go to go to sleep that everything will work b. Cristippus missed when he threw the horse shoe at him

What happens to Odysseus' companions? To Odysseus? In Book XVI

a. Companions- they eat the animals of the sun god's island b. Odysseus- for ten days drifted on the island but finally was able to get onto Ogyia, Calypso's island

What is the difference between the goatherd and the cowherd?

a. Goatherd- bad b. Cowherd-good ?????????

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