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- Scientists once debated the significance of fossils. - Fossil evidence and a new understanding of earth's geologic history told scientists the earth was much older than they previously thought.

Which of the following best explains how enzymes speed up a chemical reaction?

Enzymes lower the activation energy of a chemical reaction

Which of the following best explains how enzymes speed up a chemical reaction? Enzymes lower the activation energy of a chemical reaction. Enzymes are not changed as a result of a chemical reaction. Enzymes add heat to a chemical reaction. Enzymes remove heat from a chemical reaction.

Enzymes lower the activation energy of a chemical reaction.

Which type of cell contains DNA enclosed in a nucleus?

Eukaryotes contain DNA in their cell nucleus. Prokaryotes contain DNA, just not enclosed in a nucleus.

Which of the following can occur to two segments of a population if they are geographically isolated?

Eventually, they become separate species.


Function: Contains RNA, where ribosomes are made out of RNA. Found in Eukaryotic cells (plant, animal, fungi, protist), dense area inside the nucleus


Function: Digests/ breaks down nutrients and recycles old organelles. Found ONLY in some Eukaryotic cells

Cell Wall

Function: Extra protection and support. Found in Bacteria and Plant cells


Function: Fills up cell, contains all the organelles. Fond in ALL cells = criteria for cells

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

Function: Has ribosomes on the surface, where proteins are made for cell membrane. Found in Eukaryotic cells (plant, animal, fungi, protist)

DNA (makes chromosomes)

Function: Instructions for protein synthesis (making proteins). Found in ALL cells (even those without a nucleus) = criteria for cells

Flagella/ Cilia

Function: Locomotion (helps cell move). Found mostly in Prokaryotic cells, but also in some specialized Eukaryotic cells.

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

Function: Makes lipids for cell membrane, as well as hormones and steroids. Found in Eukaryotic cells (plant, animal, fungi, protist)


Function: Makes proteins. Found in most types of cells, but NOT all cells.

Golgi Apparatus

Function: Packages proteins for use (by cell) or export (being sent out of cell). Found in Eukaryotic cells (plant, animal, fungi, protist)

Cell Membrane

Function: Protective barrier, holds cell together, controls what enters and leaves the cell. Found in ALL cells = criteria for cells


Function: Transforms one form of energy into a form usable for the cell (turns sugar into energy molecule ATP). Found in ALL Eukaryotic cells (plant, animal, fungi, protist)


Function: Used to store water, nutrients, or waste for later use or transport. Found in Eukaryotic cells (plant, animal, fungi, protist). Large and permanent in plant cells, small temporary ones found in animal cells.

What is a major difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

Prokaryotes have no nucleus.

Why do scientists study proteins to find evidence for evolution?

Proteins reflect DNA sequences, so scientists study proteins to look for genetic similarities and differences in organisms.

A leafy sea dragon's enzyme is being made in a cell. Which two codons represent the amino acid phenylalanine?


ased on the current model of evolutionary history, the first living cells to evolve on earth were


what type of organism converts nitrogen into a usuable form for plants? (becteria, earthworms, mold, fungus)


This is the actions of organisms in response to stimuli.


The migration of a large group of animals from a summer breeding ground to a warmer winter ground would be considered which of the following? chemical adaptation behavioral adaptation structural adaptation

behavioral adaptation

In a typical cell membrane, phospholipids arrange themselves to form a


This is the study of the past and present geological distributions of species, the habitats they occupy, and their ecological relationships


The natural ability of an organism to overcome, retard, suppress, prevent infection, or avoid adverse abiotic factors. For example, some organisms natural immunity to certain diseases

biological resistance

How do scientists produce new genetic variations not found in nature? By

by causing mutations with chemicals or radiation

Products of the light reactions of photosynthesis that are required by the dark reactions are Select one: a. oxygen and ATP. b. water and oxygen. c. ATP and NADPH. d. oxygen and NADPH.

c. ATP and NADPH.

This is the idea that pre-biological changes slowly transformed simple atoms and molecules into the more complex chemicals needed to produce life. This theory suggests that life originated on Earth by means of the slow evolution of nonliving matter.

chemical evolution

substances that enter the cell without the expense of cellular ATP, but are too large to directly pass through the membrane, use _____ in order to gain access to the inside of the cell


Lipids are important to living things for all of the following reasons, EXCEPT that they are

chained together to form proteins.

Which part of a leaf contains all the chemicals necessary for photosynthesis?


the krebs cycle occurs in the.....


Chromosomes, which contain DNA have several functions. all but one of these statements is a function of chromsomes

chromosomes help an organism produce unusable energy

The projection on the cells outer membrane allow for rapid movement. These projections are called


You may have learned about the sheep clone Dolly in your science class. Although this experiment was greeted as a great success, there are many problems with cloning. One of the ethical issues surrounding cloning has to do with population genetics. The potential problem is that

cloning could lead to a reduction of genetic variation.

What is the process of evolution in which different species that are in a close relationship evolve adaptations that complement each other?


The "light reactions" of photosynthesis can occur only under light conditions, and the "dark reactions" occur only during the dark hours. Select one: True False


When light hits a plant, all of the wavelengths of light are absorbed by chlorophyll. Select one: True False


While the rate of photosynthesis is independent of temperature, it has been shown to be markedly affected by changes in light intensity. Select one: True False


Biological organization extends beyond the organism to include which of the following?

family, genus, and species

In yeast cells, the process that occurs when there is not enough oxygen for aerobic respiration is called


Haploid sperm and egg are produced via meiosis. What process is responsible for producing the 2n zygote?


What process restores the 2n chromosome number in a zygote's somatic cells for growth and development to continue?


What is the outcome when a cell undergoes meiosis?

four haploid cells

A _______ is a segment of a chromosome that codes for a specific protein.


A portion of this DNA, known as a ________, is responsible for the inheritance of a trait, like eye color or blood type in humans.


Color in the East African cichlid is an inherited trait. Other traits that vary among these fish include teeth and jaw shape. The code for each one of these traits is found in ____________ located within the fish DNA.


What is the lac operon in E. coli a classic example of?

gene expression occurring at transcription

The cutting of DNA by specific enzymes known as restriction endonucleases. The cut piece from one organism is added to the DNA of another

gene splicing

The nucleus contains the cells genetic material in the form of DNA. DNA is organized into our chromosomes, which are made up thousands of ___ that determine our traits.


What do sexual reproduction, mutation, and crossing-over generate in a population?

genetic diversity

Scientists have changed the DNA of a type of cabbage so that it contains a tiny amount of poison from a scorpion's tail. The poison in the cabbage kills caterpillars that try to eat it. This is an example of

genetic engineering

Antibiotic resistance in bacteria is the result of

genetic variation

Mutation, genetic recombination, and gene flow all add what to a population?

genetic variation

According to the modern synthesis of evolution, __________.

genetics and mutation generate some of the variety that natural selection acts on

In this organelle carbon dioxide and water are concerted to ___ and oxygen.


This type of molecule is the MOST common energy source for all cells and enters the cell by facilitated diffusion. The molecule is


When blood glucose levels are high and the glucose is not utilized for cellular respiration, the human body will store this glucose in the liver and muscles. In what form is this glucose stored?


If the green nitrogen base in the DNA model represents adenine, the blue nitrogen base COULD represent


Energy is released from an ATP molecule for cellular processes when it Select one: a. has a phosphate group removed. b. stores an extra phosphate group. c. converts a phosphate group to ADP. d. produces a sugar molecule.

has a phosphate group removed

Chromosomes, which contain DNA, have several functions. All BUT ONE of these statements is a function of chromosomes

help an organism produce usable energy.

A male bird with bright red plumage mates and has offspring, which also have bright red plumage. Which characteristic of life is this an example of?


Which of the following individuals is most likely to allow a recessive lethal gene to be kept in a population over several generations?


Aquatic salamanders and tadpoles obtain oxygen from water when it pases over the gill filaments. Which condition would lead to maximum absorption of O2 by the gills?

high oxygen in the water, low oxygen in the blood

Aquatic salamanders and tadpoles obtain oxygen from water when it passes over the gill filaments. Which condition would lead to maximum absorption of 02 by the gills?

high oxygen in the water, low oxygen in the blood

The forelimbs of mice, bats, and whales all have a similar bone structure. This is an example of which type of evidence of shared ancestry?

homologous structures

Which term describes a type of trait that is usually expressed only when an organism has two identical alleles for the trait?


What genetic condition results in the trait indicated by the blue color being expressed in the individuals shown here?

homozygous recessive

The selective breeding of wild mustard has _________ _________ and produced at least four other vegetable crops.

increased biodiversity

These are are plants or animals remains used to define and identify geologic periods

index fossils

What would happen to a freshwater protozoan if removed from its normal habitat and placed into a saltwater pool?

loss of water through osmosis

Which of the following is always single stranded?


Which type of RNA carries a genetic code from DNA to the ribosome?


Which of the following types of RNA carries genetic instructions for building a specific protein?

mRNA only

Which process is the total of all the chemical reactions in an organism?


Which amino acids are in the code AUGGUCGGU?

methionine, valine, and glycine

This is an organism exhibiting characteristics similar to one known to be dangerous


Where in a cell does most ATP production take place?


the calvin cycle occurs in the....


The process during cell division in which the chromosomes in its nucleus divides in two is


What process produces the 2n sporophyte in the moss life cycle?


Gene therapy, which includes the correction of defective genes, is a significant part of the human genome project. Which of these is an application of the technique?

new gene, which codes for the protein that can repair defective genes, is introduced.

Which element IS found in proteins, but NOT found in carbohydrates?


Bacteria cells have no


The sequence of ________________ in a DNA molecule determines the protein that will be produced.


A virus is referred to as a particle rather than a cell because structurally it is a

nucleus surrounded by a protein coat.



The gene for melanin (skin pigment) is transcribed similarly in humans and apes. Where does the transcription of the melanin gene take place?

only in the nucleus

memebers of which phyla contain the most species and are parasites of humans?


A ___________ chain is a sequence of amino acids that is the foundation for the basic structure of a protein.


The first organisms on Earth were mostly likely ________ cells.


Large molecules and wastes move through the membrane through ____ ______

protein channels

Large molecules and wastes move through the membrane through ____ ______.

protein channels

If DNA makes RNA, then what does RNA make?


Without ribosomes, a cell would not produce


which kingdom consist of both autotrophic and heterotrophic organism


Which statement below BEST summarizes the role of the DNA molecule in cells?

provides the instructions for making proteins

This is a type of evolution that suggests that a lot of evolutionary change takes place in short periods of time tied to speciation events

punctuated equilibrium

This is some barrier to reproduction among a species of organisms. It often results in genetic change over time and the development of new species

reproductive isolation

At the beginning of winter, frogs burrow into the mud at the bottom of lakes, where they go into a hibernation-like state. Which characteristic of life is this an example of?


Some types of aquatic frogs bury themselves in the mud and spend the winter hibernating at the bottom of lakes and ponds. Which characteristic of life does this behavior represent?


Which structure or organelle is found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?


As the messenger RNA is translated by the ribosome, the growing polypeptide chain is inserted into the membrane of the _____________ before being sent to its final destination.

rough ER

directional selection

selection that tends to favor one extreme form of a trait over another Directional selection favors one type of variation.

A membrane that only "lets" certain molecules in while keeping other molecules out is ___ ___

selectively permeable

A membrane that only "lets" certain molecules in while keeping other molecules out is ___ ___.

selectively permeable

Following the nuclear reactor accidents in Japan in April, 2011, some people were exposed to high levels of radiation. Children born to these people in the future could have mutations if these mutations occurred in the parents'

sex cells

Haploid cells

sex cells with half the original chromosome number

Which type of reproduction is MOST advantageous for the production of a wide variety of different organisms?

sexual reproduction

if placed in a hypertonic solution, a cell will......?

shrink in size

Facilitated diffusion and ________________ are alike since neither requires energy.

simple diffusion

Small, uncharged substances enter and leave the cell membrane through the process of

simple diffusion

The portion of the membrane system in eukaryotic cells that is responsible for the making lipids and breaking down toxic substances is the

smooth ER

The sodium potassium pump functions to pump

sodium and potassium ions in both directions across the cell membrane

In mitosis of a single cell, the nucleus

splits into two

What are the proteins in the connective tissues of your foot examples of?

structural proteins

vestigial structures

structures that appear to have no function for the organism but probably had a function in an ancestral organism

Which phrase best defines the term homologous structures?

structures that are so similar that they imply a common ancestor

homologous structures

structures that occur in different species but are similar enough to suggest that the species had a common ancestor

What is the backbone of DNA made of?

sugar and phosphates

Benedicts reagent is an indicator for the presence of ______________ in solution.


bacterial wall is made out of

sugars and amino acids

The main difference between a prokaryotic cell and a eukaryotic cell is

the presence of a true nucleus.

All but one factor lays a part in water movement in and out of the cell. That is

the presence of sodium potassium pumps

Biotechnology is best defined as __________.

the science that involves using living organisms to produce needed materials

comparative anatomy

the study of similarities and differences in the anatomy of different organisms

comparative embryology

the study of similarities and differences in the embryos of different organisms

Stem cells may prove useful in the treatment of Type 1 diabetes because

they can be differentiated to form insulin-producing cells.

Which amino acid corresponds to the codon ACC?


Which of the following is one role of RNA polymerase during transcription? to build a molecule of mRNA to produce a start sequence to switch uracil with thymine on the exposed gene to break down an already existing protein

to build a molecule of mRNA

What is the function of the cell membrane?

to control what enters and leaves the cell

What is the main purpose of the light-dependent reactions?

to energize electrons

Which of the following can regulate gene expression in eukaryotes?

transcription factors

What type of RNA acts like a delivery truck, delivers amino acids to the ribosome for protein synthesis ant then leaves empty again, to go collect another amino acid?

transfer RNA

ATP is a portable form of "energy currency" inside cells. Select one: True False


During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and water, in the presence of light, are used to form sugars and oxygen gas. Select one: True False


Heterotrophs obtain the chemical energy used in metabolism from autotrophs or from other heterotrophs. Select one: True False


Most of the three-carbon sugars formed during the Calvin Cycle are used to generate the initial five-carbon compounds. Select one: True False


Photosynthesis is a process that takes place in autotrophs. Select one: True False


Mitosis results in

two identical daughter cells

Structurally, DNA and RNA nucleotides are similar, although their three basic components differ slightly. One way DNA and RNA differ is in their

type of 5-carbon sugars.

Which of the following bases are found in RNA but not in DNA?


This part of the cell stores wastes, water or food.


Cells often store materials like water, salts, proteins and carbohydrates in sac-like structures called


Certain flightless beetles have wings. Their wings are an example of which type of structure?

vestigial structure

Which of the following would most likely cause geographic isolation?

volcanic eruption

Which of these chemicals is needed in order for the metabolic reactions of photosynthesis to occur?


This is a high energy photon resulting from the redistribution of the charge within the nucleus


The diagram shows the incorporation of a virus containing a healthy gene for insulin, into the pancreas cell of a diabetic. This procedure is known as __________.


The process of manipulating the DNA code of living organisms


This refers to a plant whose roots grow down into the soil as a response to gravity.


______________ is the continuation of growth by a plant embryo.


What is the largest suspected environmental problem associated with the burning of fossil fuels?


Which is a correct statement about this illustration?

Genetic variation within chromosomes has increased.

Which statement is true about cell differentiation? It produces identical cells. It happens in all cells. It causes cells to change and specialize. It happens during cell division.

It causes cells to change and specialize.

What is the most important role of hydrogen bonding between water molecules?

It enables water molecules to bond to each other.

Which of the following occurs after mRNA is transcribed?

It enters the cytoplasm and moves toward ribosomes.

Whihc is an advantage of sexual reproduction?

It leads to genetically diverse offspring

Jessica's mother has the blood type AB and her father has the blood type O. Which blood type could Jessica have?


A compound containing carbon produced by a living thing.


Which of the following is true about the DNA molecule during transcription?

Only a small area is opened.

What change occurred in the environment of the arc-crested dove population?

Predators such as snakes came to live there.

All organisms require energy to carry out life processes. Select one: True False


Life would cease to exist without energy from the sun or some other source


Life would cease to exist without energy from the sun or some other source.


change in the structure of a protein due to changes in the environment


What does sugar does dna contain?

deoxyribose sugar

Which variable is measured in an experiment?

dependent variable

If a cell starts with 48 chromosomes, then each new cell, or gamete, produced at the end of the process will contain ________ chromosomes.


Most scientists come up with questions to investigate out of the blue.


Define Genetic drift

- Genetic drift is a random change in allele frequency that usually leads to a loss of genetic variation. - a change in the gene frequency of a population due to random events

The conclusion of a study should always be that the hypothesis is correct


The conclusion of a study should always be that the hypothesis is correct.


Define mutation

- a change in a DNA molecule or in the structure of a chromosome - All the variation on earth originated through the process of mutation. - A mutation is a change in a gene or a chromosome - Mutations can be helpful, harmful, or neutral.


- a regular movement of animals to a different location because of weather conditions, or of food, water, or shelter requirements

Define population

- all of the members of one species that live in a common area and whose population dynamics are different from those of other populations - For a given trait, the phenotypic ratios of that trait reflect the genotypic makeup for that trait in the population.

Define gene pool

- all the genes in all the members of a population - The total of all genes for all traits in a population constitutes a gene pool. - The ratios of alleles for a given trait are not fixed. They can change.

Define genetic variation

- genetic diversity in a population - Gene flow also introduces variation into populations. - Mutation, gene flow, and genetic recombination all add genetic diversity to populations. - Variation in populations is important to the survival of species.

stabilizing selection

- selection that favors the average form of a trait over extreme forms - Stabilizing selection favors individuals with average characteristics.

suppose that the great green galoofus lizard has fifty-two chromosomes in the nucleus of its body or somatic cells how many chromosomes will be in the unfertilized egg of a great green galoofus lizard?


Define adaptation

- structural, behavioral, and physiological traits that make an organism fit for its environment - As you read through the lesson online, use the space below to take notes. Adaptations are characteristics that help organisms survive in their environment. - The characteristics you see in the organisms around you are adaptations. - Adaptations are traits that help an organism survive and reproduce in its environment. - Many structures in living organisms are adaptations that help those organisms carry out particular functions. - Many unrelated organisms have similar adaptations that carry out similar functions. - Environment shapes the needs of organisms, and similar environments lead to similar adaptations. - Animal behavior can also be an adaptation. - Migration is a behavior, and it is also an adaptation. - Pay special attention to the use of the words "adaptation" and "adapting."

Define evolution

- the change in allele frequencies in a population over time - Evolution occurs in a population when there is a change in the genetic makeup of the population over a period of time. - Evolution occurs in a population when its genetic makeup changes over time. - For evolution to occur, there must be variation in a population. - Mutation, migration, genetic drift, recombination, and natural selection all play a role in evolution. - Charles Darwin was influenced by many other scientists as he developed the theory of evolution by natural selection. - Like the study of science itself, the study of evolution has a history based on past discoveries. - Darwin was influenced by and built on the work of many other scholars as he developed his theory of evolution. - Darwin gathered a large body of data and began asking questions about the patterns he saw emerging from that data.

Define genetic recombination

- the movement of genes from one homologous chromosome to another via crossing-over during meiosis

Define natural selection

- the process in which the natural environment acts on individuals so that those with favorable traits survive and reproduce and those that do not have those traits are eliminated - Natural selection acts on the variation in populations. - Natural selection is an important mechanism for evolution. - Natural selection can take place in several different patterns. - After exhaustive study of his data, Darwin proposed that natural selection could lead to changes in species. - Advances in technology made possible continued learning about genetics and evolution.

disruptive selection

- type of natural selection in which individuals with both extreme traits are favored and individuals with the average trait are not favored - Disruptive selection favors individuals with extreme characteristics.

Which chemical equation best represents the process of photosynthesis? Which chemical equation best represents the process of photosynthesis?


Which two structures are first to combine in translation?

1 and 4

Cell theory

1. All living things are made of cells. 2. Cells are the basic unit of structure and function 3. All cells come from other cells.

Criteria to be considered a cell:

1. DNA 2. Cell Membrane 3. Cytoplasm

Which structure will become the product of translation?


Which structure is responsible for bringing in the amino acids?


A horticulturalist wants to produce geraniums with specific characteristics. She knows that the trait of red flowers is governed by the allele R (RR and Rr) and the trait of white flowers is governed by the allele r (rr). The horticulturalist crosses two geraniums from the F1 generation. Look at the Punnett square to see this cross. What ratio of red- to white-flowering plants would you expect to see in the phenotypes of the F2 generation?

2 red : 2 white

Thinking quickly, Kentucky Bob sends a tissue sample from the horse to Zerox DNA labs, which can clone animals. Zerox DNA labs will need to correctly follow a series of steps to clone 'Ding-dong'. 1) Cloned horse born. 2) Collect tissue from dead horse. 3) Remove nucleus from dead horse skin cell. 4) X-ray donor egg to destroy nucleus. 5) Impregnate surrogate mare with modified egg. 6) Implant desired nucleus into donor egg. 7) Collect donor egg from surrogate mother horse

2, 3, 7, 4, 6, 5, 1

Regular human body cells contain a total of 46 chromosomes. Therefore, because of meiosis, sperm cells contain (this many chromosomes)


Which structure holds the original code from the DNA gene?


If a cell loses control of gene expression, what happens?

Abnormal, unhealthy cells develop.


Function: Contains DNA, control center or "brain" of the cell. Found in Eukaryotic cells (plant, animal, fungi, protist)

If a segment of one side of a DNA molecule has 500 adenine bases, how many thymine bases does the other side have?


During the Cambrian period on Earth, the ___________ layer developed along with the massive production of oxygen. A) ozone B) ocean C) mantel D) carbon dioxide


Enzymes, such as the one shown in the picture, work by fitting onto the substrate molecule like a lock-and-key action. Which statement is true, with regard to the enzyme and the substrate? A) The enzyme weakens chemical bonds in the substrate and catalyzes a change into the product. The enzyme itself remains unchanged. B) The enzyme weakens chemical bonds in the substrate and catalyzes a change into the product. The enzyme is also consumed in the reaction. C) The substrate reacts with the enzyme in the active site to produce a product. The enzyme, though changed, does not become a part of the product. D) The substrate reacts with the enzyme in the active site to produce a product. Both the enzyme and the substrate combine and change into a product.


One major difference between plant and animal cells is that plant cells are the only ones with A) cellulose. B) lysosomes. C) nuclei. D) vacuoles.


Place the developments in evolutionary history in the proper time frame. I) Charles Darwin writes 'On the Origin of Species'. II) LaMarck writes about evolution through acquired traits, using a giraffe as his model. III) DNA sequencing is developed, allowing the comparison of the genes of different organisms. IV) Malthus, an economist, writes about the inevitability that people will exhaust a food supply by reproducing too often.


Which image shows a cell's DNA condensed into chromosomes?


in gymnosperms, male and female gametes develop in separate a)cones b) cotyledons c)ovules D) sepals


in which type of cellular transport to molecules bind to channel proteins in order to move across a selectively permeable membrane against a concentration gradient? A facilitated transport B active transport C diffusion D osmosis


the variety of functional groups in organic compounds can be explained by the face that A carbon atoms can form branches, long chains, rings B carbon atoms can bond with several other common elements C carbon atoms are usually attached to other hydrogen atoms D carbon atoms are much less electronegative than the other common atoms


Which statement is an accurate summary of meiosis?

A cell divides into gametes.

Which of the following occurs prior to speciation?

A population is divided.

Which process releases energy instead of using energy?

A sandwich is digested and converted to carbon dioxide and water

A wide range of molecular compounds dissolve in water. This allows water to act a medium for moving molecules into and out of cells and tissues. All BUT ONE of these compounds dissolve in water. They are A) lipids. B) sugars. C) amino acids. D) carbohydrates.

A) lipids Only lipids do not dissolve in water. Non-polar lipids, fats and oils do not dissolve in water. Remember, phospholipids comprise the cell membrane that acts a a barrier between the watery environment of living cells. DNA and large proteins also do not dissolve.

What words are missing from the diagram?

A, chlorophyll; B, ATP

If part of the DNA gene being transcribed is TGCAAT, what will the mRNA code be for that part?


The cellular process in which materials are moved across a membrane from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration is called


This bonds to thymine (T) in DNA.


Which of the following best explains how the structure of ATP helps provide energy to the cell?

ATP contains energy in the chemical bonds between its phosphate groups.

Which of the following best explains how the structure of ATP helps provide energy to the cell? ATP production requires energy. ATP contains energy in the chemical bonds between its phosphate groups. ATP contains energy in the chemical bonds between adenine and ribose. ATP is recycled inside the cell.

ATP contains energy in the chemical bonds between its phosphate groups.

Plant tissue culture is a method of asexual reproduction used to produce clones of a plant with desirable traits. Plant tissue culture relies on the fact that plant cells have the ability to regenerate a whole plant. Single cells are dosed with certain chemicals that trigger dividing cells to produce roots, shoots, and leaves. Which tenet of cell theory BEST serves as a basis for this type of biotechnology?

All cells come from other cells by cell division

All organisms contain DNA, and every organism's DNA is made of the same four nucleotides. The differences between organisms is simply based on the order of these nucleotides. Since all organisms have the same basic, universal structure for DNA, which of these must also be universal?

All codons in all organisms' DNA code for the same amino acids.

All organisms contain DNA, and every organism's DNA is made of the same four nucleotides. The differences between organisms is simply based on the order of these nucleotides. Since all organisms have the same basic, universal structure for DNA, which of these must also be universal?

All codons in all organisms' DNA code for the same amino acids..

Have you had the chance to watch a tree grow over a span of several years? Did you notice that the tree grew thicker and taller? Deep in the roots of the tree and high in the growing shoots are meristem cells. Each year, the meristem cells help the tree continue to grow. When the seed of a tree first starts to grow, what would happen if the cells did not differentiate?

All of the cells would be identical.

Which genes are present in your liver cells?

All your genes are present in your liver cells

How does speciation start to take place on a genetic level between two isolated populations?

Allele frequencies change in different ways.

Examine the illustration. Which structure in the cell contains the cell's genetic information?


Active transport occurs in cells, for example, when the Na-K pump is at work. Any process that involves active transport most often involves the A) movement of molecules without any predictable pattern. B) movement of molecules from a lower concentration to a higher concentration. C) movement of molecules from a higher concentration to a lower concentration. D) movement of molecules from a lower to higher concentration and then back to the point of origin.


Cyanobacteria are important to the evolution and advancements of other life on Earth because they A) were the first lifeform on earth. B) produced oxygen from photosynthesis. C) were the first group of organisms to leave a fossil record. D) were thought to have become mitochondria in the cells of animals.


Fill in the missing blanks in the equation below: Active Enzyme + (1)______ → (2)______ + (3)______ A) (1) Product (2) Substrate (3) Active Enzyme B) (1) Substrate (2) Product (3) Active Enzyme C) (1) Substrate (2) Product (3) Inactive Enzyme D) (1) Product (2) Substrate (3) Inactive Enzyme


How does the asexual reproduction of a lily differ from sexual reproduction? All BUT ONE statement describes a difference between asexual and sexual reproduction of this lily, namely: A) Asexual reproduction only requires one plant. B) Asexual reproduction requires only that one flower be present. C) Sexual reproduction requires both male and female flower parts. D) Sexual reproduction requires an egg and pollen containing sperm.


In rabbits, white fur is a recessive trait. Based on this fact, what statement BEST describes this rabbit's genotype? A) It must have the genotype Bb. B) It is homozygous for fur color. C) It cannot have the genotype bb. D) It is heterozygous for fur color.


One statement BEST describes biological evolution. That is A) things changes over time. B) descent from a common ancestor through modification. C) changes in gene frequency in a population from one generation to the next. D) organisms adapt to changes in their environment.


Which atom is a carbon atom?


what feature do prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells share?


Which of the following best shows how primary structure relates to protein function?

Changing one amino acid in the protein hemoglobin causes sickle-cell anemia.

Which Statement is True about cell differentiation?

It causes cells to change and specialize.

This is the total amount of all living things within a specific area


These are large chemical compounds, primarily consisting of carbon and hydrogen, that exist in living organisms


The characteristics listed above describe the domain:prokaryotic cells cell walls contain peptidoglycan sensitive to traditional antibacterial antibiotic


Scientists have learned a great deal from studying and using stem cells. Which diseases/disorders are not involved in stem cell research?

Bird flu

The white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus, is common in the Eastern United States. Most deer have reddish brown fur, but occasionally a deer may be born with a genetic condition known as albinism which results in white fur. Albinism is caused by the inheritance of two recessive alleles for the production of coloration pigments. If an albino deer is born to two parents who each have normal fur coloration, what conclusion may be drawn about the genotypes of the parent deer?

Both parents must be heterozygous for the coloration gene.

Only characteristic that viruses share with cells A they are alive B they are autotrophs C they contain nucleic acid and proteins D they have a nuclues enclosed in the membrane


Sponges, members of the Porifera, might be the simplest multicellular animals on Earth. They do not have any tissues, organs, or organ systems. In order for sponges to have evolved, what MUST have happened first? A) the organization of cells into groups B) symbiotic relationships among various cells C) the evolution of cells with nuclei and organelles D) the development of the cell wall as a protective mechanism


The pygmy hippo, shown in the photograph, typically weighs no more than 500 pounds and is about the size of a large pig. The much larger river hippopotamus usually weighs between 3,000 and 6,000 pounds. There are no living species of hippos that are medium-sized. Which term is used to describe evolutionary selection which results in greater numbers of individuals at the extremes of the distribution and few at the center of the distribution? A) adaptive B) directional C) disruptive D) validating


Which of these is the BEST source of stem cells and minimizes the risk associated with stem cell transplantation? A) stem cells from a donor having the same blood group B) stem cells from a donor who is the same age as the patient C) stem cells preserved from the umbilical cord of the person D) stem cells from rejected grafts that initiated an immune response


Which of these scientists is best known for his idea that characteristics an individual gains in its lifetime could be passed on to future generations, eventually leading to the creation of new species? A) Darwin B) Lamarck C) Linnaeus D) Mendel


n 2010 a new type of life form was found in California's Lake Mono. The microbe found has a variation in the structure of its DNA. DNA usually consists of nitrogen bases, sugars and phosphates. However, this newly-discovered microbe uses arsenic if phosphorus is not available. This fact might lead to the discovery of A) new DNA sequences in mammals. B) new DNA structures in mammals. C) possible life in non earthlike environments. D) phosphorus being unnecessary for DNA structures in mammals.


sodium chloride ( salt) is an example of A an element B a radioactive isotope C chemical compound D chemical formula


The major light-absorbing pigment in plant photosynthesis is chlorophyll. Select one: True False


Which of the following is a reactant in photosynthesis?


This is the process that releases energy by breaking down food molecules in the presence of oxygen.


Energy stored in chemical bonds of molecules


The changing of substances to other substances by the breaking of bonds in reactants and the formation of bonds in products


This is a range of adaptations evolved by organisms which improve their survival rate when subjected to potentially harmful or lethal chemicals


All BUT one of the following are involved in the transfer of a genetic message from the nucleus to the ribosome. That is A) CO2. B) DNA. C) mRNA. D) tRNA.


This is the process of preserving or protecting a natural resource.


This law states that, in any process, energy is neither created nor destroyed. It can only be converted from one form to another


This bonds to guanine (G) in DNA.



Can provide insulation

Living cells use ____________ as their main source of energy.


_________ are responsible for the transport of substances down a concentration gradient during facilitated diffusion.

Carrier proteins

Nucleic Acid

Carries genetic information

Which of the following best shows how primary structure relates to protein function? High temperatures cause proteins to denature. The shape and chemistry of an enzyme's active site determine its function. Proteins are sensitive to changes in pH. Changing one amino acid in the protein hemoglobin causes sickle-cell anemia.

Changing one amino acid in the protein hemoglobin causes sickle-cell anemia.

Farmer Brown grows corn for a living. One day, Farmer Green suggests to Farmer Brown that he should clone his best corn plant in order to produce more ears of corn per plant. Farmer Brown is not sure about Farmer Green's idea. Why might Farmer Brown be hesitant to clone his corn?

Cloning eliminates the ability to sexually reproduce and provide genetic variability

Eukaryotic cell

Complex. Found in multicellular (many celled) organisms. Have a nucleus to contain DNA, and other advanced cell organelles. Examples: Plant, Animal, Fungi, and Protist. YOUR body contains this class of cell (type: Animal cells).

All BUT ONE statement describes an advantage of meiosis. A) Variation is aided by crossing-over which occurs during meiosis. B) Meiosis ensures daughter cells receive one of each kind of gene and half the chromosome number. C) Independent assortment provides a huge number of possible genetic combinations in daughter cells. D) Meiosis occurs often because it allows growth and repair of body tissues in multicellular organisms.


How can the knowledge of the human genome be useful for in-vitro fertilization techniques? A) Genes with the desired traits can be introduced into the sperm of infertile males. B) The genes that cause infertility can be removed from the female ovum. C) Proteins can be injected into infertile individuals to increase fertility. D) Disease-free sperm and ova could be identified and used.


Outcrossing is the introduction of an unrelated genetic material from one group of individuals into another. What is a possible disadvantage of outcrossing to the group which receives the genetic material? A) The group loses all of its original traits. B) The genetic diversity of the group is reduced. C) The genetic material may be rejected by the group. D) A disease in recessive form could be introduced into the group.


the kingdom protista includes: a)most viral agents b)prokarytic organisms c)yeast and bread molds d) most single celled eukarytotes


which organisms would be most closely related A organisms in the same kingdom B organisms in the same phlya C organims in teh same species D organisms in the same genus


A. Stimulate cell division B. Deliver baby C. Remove and discard the nucleus from the egg cell D. Isolate donor cells from egg donor and germ cell donor E. Transfer the somatic cell nucleus into the egg cell F. Implant embryo into a surrogate mother

D, C, E, F, A, B

This is the process of giving form to an idea. Form for an idea could be a plan of action or a description of a physical thing.


Where do the instructions for building a protein originally come from?


A(n) _____________ is a pattern of dark bands on photographic film that is made when DNA fragments are separated by gel electrophoresis and tagged. The photograph produced is often used to determine whether or not suspects were involved in a crime.


Which of the following tools of biotechnology do investigators use when trying to connect a suspect with a crime?

DNA fingerprinting

Which process MUST occur before mitosis and meiosis can occur?

DNA replication

Hemlocks are a common type of tree in the northern forests of the United States. In studying one forest, a forester noticed that mature hemlocks were abundant but there were very few young hemlocks. She wondered why there were so few young hemlocks. By reading the records that other foresters in that area had kept, she learned that the population of deer living in the forest had doubled in the last five years. By reading studies on forests that other scientists had performed, she also learned that deer in similar forests like to eat young hemlocks and the young trees of other species. Which statement is a hypothesis that would best address the question Are deer eating the young hemlocks and preventing them from growing?

Deer are eating young hemlocks.

In cells, __________ are proteins that are needed to lower the amount of energy required to start chemical reactions.


In cells, hydrogen peroxide is converted to water and oxygen through the activity of


How did this change affect the population of the arc-crested dove population ?

Easily-seen purple crested birds were eaten more often.

What is the first, most immediate, thing that happens when light strikes a chlorophyll molecule?

Electrons are energized.

Meiosis is different from the process shown because, during meiosis,

Four gametes are produced for every original cell

Most populations on earth are affected by several factors, such as genetic drift, mutations, and natural selection. Which of the following statements can be made about a population that experiences changes in gene frequencies?

Evolution is occurring in the population.

Which of the following statements is accurate about evolution?

Evolution means that a population undergoes changes in its gene frequencies over time.

This is a process by which substances are transported across cell membranes by means of protein carrier molecules


T/F viruses are made of cells


This is an organic substance made of the elements C,H, and O; it is usually found in long chains in lipids; a glycerol and three of these form a fat or lipid


As seen in the Venn diagram, meiosis is responsible for the production of haploid gametes. Somatic or body cells are 2N cells. This change in chromosome number is the result of


This is a path for the transfer of matter and energy through an ecosystem by eating and being eaten


A hypothesis is a lucky guess.


As light intensity increases indefinitely, the rate of photosynthesis increases indefinitely. Select one: True False


Because they share similar structures, cells all carry out the same function.


DNA translates the information in RNA to make proteins.


DNA translates the information in RNA to make proteins. True or False?


Most scientists come up with questions to investigate out of the blue


Which is a correct statement about this illustration?

Genetic variation within chromosomes has increased.

Which of the following would happen to a cell if cellular respiration suddenly ceased?

Glucose breakdown would nearly stop or cease entirely.

Proteins destined for extracellular release are packaged in specific vesicles. After packaging, the vesicles bud off and are stored in the cell until a signal is given for their release. When the appropriate signal is received they move towards the membrane and fuse to release their contents. The cellular organelle, involved in the process described above, is the

Golgi apparatus

In the chart, the organism Rr represents a genetically _____________ individual.


A solution that causes a cell to shrink because of the high concentration of solute in the solution surrounding the cell.


Which statement describes a process that takes place in meiosis but not mitosis?

Homologous chromosomes pair up.

Which advance in biotechnology has benefited mankind by providing a DNA catalogue for further research in genetics and disease prevention?

Human Genome Project

I am: double stranded found in the nucleus have four nitrogen bases contain deoxyribose sugar contain thymine instead of uracil What important molecule am I?

I am: A) DNA DNA is double-stranded molecule which is often also it's most known feature. Perhaps less known (depends on who you ask) are facts that it also has thymine and not uracil (uracil is found in RNA). It has four nitrogen bases and it contains deoxyribose sugar (another hint that it's DNA and not RNA).

This is a trait that is a blend of the dominant and recessive gene


This is a particular type of natural selection illustrated by the darkening of a moth species after the industrial revolution in England. Pollutants caused the tree bark to darken, birds ate the most visible moths, and as a result, the moth population turned from light gray to dark gray


This is rivalry or competition between individuals of different species within a specific habitat


This is when members of the same species are competing for limited resources


When DNA replication occurs before meiosis, the original DNA strand CAG TGT CCG TAG is copied into complementary strand GTC CTA CGG ACA. What type of mutation has occurred?


The fish in a pound are dying because of algal bloom. Algal bloom is caused by the presence of excess phosphorus or sulfur in the pond. An investigation into the matter indicates that chemical fertilizers made in a factory nearby are responsible for the presence of these chemicals in water. Under what conditions might this data be considered biased?

If the farms nearby use chemical fertilizers that could be washed into the pond.

Gene splicing is used to produce


Which statement best explains why carbon is present in so many kinds of molecules? It is abundant on earth. It can form four covalent bonds. It has valence electrons. It can become an ion.

It can form four covalent bonds

Which of the following best describes the role of DNA? It speeds up chemical reactions inside of cells. It transmits genetic information to the next generation. It directly forms proteins. It provides a form of energy for cells.

It transmits genetic information to the next generation.

Maggie went on a diet a few months before summer and swim suit season. Through careful eating and daily exercise, Maggie lost eight pounds of fat in two months.What happened to the weight or biomass that Maggie lost?

It was converted to energy and used up.

The human genome project is dedicated to the sequencing of the human genetic code. Some people are opposed to sequencing the genomes of individuals, for privacy, among other reasons. However, there are two sides to this issue. What is one potential benefit of genome sequencing that can be weighed against possible negative effects?

Knowledge of your genome could help you prepare for, or even prevent, some diseases

A catalyzed reaction will have a _____ activation energy, and this leads to a _____ in the reaction rate.


What is a disadvantage of asexual reproduction?

Like genetic information is passed to the offspring with no genetic variation

This is a process where a parent cell divides into four sex cells with half the chromosomes


This is a type of protein found in the cell membrane, which regulates the coming and going of substances into or out of the cell


This is the simplest type of carbohydrate, commonly known as a simple sugar, which acts as a building block for larger carbohydrates such as starches



Made of microtubules and helps in cell division (mitosis). Found in animal cells but NOT found in plant cells.

What process accounts for species diversity?


All BUT ONE statement describes an advantage of meiosis.

Meiosis occurs often because it allows growth and repair of body tissues in multicellular organisms

Have you had the chance to watch a tree grow over a span of several years? Did you notice that the tree grew thicker and taller? Deep in the roots of the tree and high in the growing shoots are meristem cells. Each year, the meristem cells help the tree continue to grow. As a tree ages, it needs to keep making more xylem and phloem cells to carry water and food. Which statement explains how this occurs?

Meristem cells divide and some of the new cells differentiate into xylem and phloem.

Which process results in two daughter cells each having the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell?

Mitosis Mitosis is the term that refers to the process of nuclear division. Meiosis is another method of cell division mostly for reproductive cells. The other two options are two stages in the process of mitosis in which DNA is forming chromosomes and then splitting apart after metaphase.

Even though scorpions are related to spiders, there are many differences between the two organisms. One difference is that scorpion young do not hatch from eggs as spiders do. Scorpions are born live, two at a time, and they immediately crawl onto the mother's back for protection and care. They remain there for 2 weeks as they grow big enough to take care of themselves. As baby scorpions grow larger, which process occurs in their body (somatic) cells?

Mitosis separates one cell into four cells.

Which of the following would you expect to see in a family that carries an X-linked recessive trait?

More males than females express the trait.

This is the role of a species in an ecosystem, consisting of such things as what it eats, when it eats, and where it lives


This is the the biological process by which nitrogen (N2) in the atmosphere is converted into ammonia by certain prokaryotes


The energy stored in bonds within the nucleus of an atom; energy released from a fission or fusion reaction


A population of crocodiles is said to be in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. If so, which of the following must be true?

No new mutations have occurred.

____________ are cellular macromolecules containing hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and phosphorous.

Nucleic acids

contains DNA control center has a membrane found in eukaryote cells These characteristics describe the _______________ of a cell.


About two-thirds of a cell is composed of water. What is the name of the process in which water moves into or out of the cell membrane to maintain homeostasis?

Osmosis osmosis is the movement of water across a membrane from higher to lower concentration.

In some plants, flower color, or __________ of the plant, is dependent upon environmental factors such as the acidity of soil.


This is one of the biogeochemical cycles; it is entirely sedimentary, with reserves of the element coming from phosphate rock and it enters biological cycles through photosynthesis.


This is a chemical process that uses light to process carbon dioxide in plants.


This is any living thing without the power of locomotion that obtain energy from sunlight or make their own food


This is an organism that supplies matter and energy, also known as an autotroph


A macromolecule that contains carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, which is used by the body for growth and repair


Channels within the structure of the cell membrane are composed of


Which of these organic molecules functions to help speed up biological chemical reactions?


rapid change in species that rarely leaves behind fossil evidence is referred to as


1. Imagine a mother and a father who both have freckles and are heterozygous for the trait, or Ff. They are the P generation, or parent generation. Create a Punnett square to show their offspring, the F1 generation.

Part 1 Punnett Square F f F FF Ff f Ff ff


Part of the cytoskeleton that is more flexible to help in movement of the cell and its organelles


Part of the cytoskeleton that provides support to help the cell keep its shape

_____________ form the majority of the plasma membrane of cells.


Which of the following is true of natural populations?

Populations are all the individuals of a species living in a defined area

Madison is looking at a cell under the microscope. The organism has only one cell, and it has a nucleus and membrane bound organelles. It has no cell wall and uses flagella for movement. In which kingdom should this organism be classified?


A DNA molecule that is produced by combining DNA from different sources or organisms is called


This is the copying process by which a cell duplicates its DNA.


Which of the following describes translation?

RNA makes proteins.

A DNA molecule that is produced by combining DNA from different sources or organisms is called

Recombinant DNA

A segment of DNA that is artificially created from two or more organisms, through use of DNA enzymes in a laboratory is called

Recombinant DNA

In pigs, the allele for a wavy, rough coat (R) is dominant to the allele for a soft, fine coat (r). A rough coat boar and a soft coat sow mate. They produce several litters, 50% are rough coat and 50% are smooth coat. What were the genotypes of the parents?

Rr × Rr

__________ fats or lipids form animal body fat that is used for stored energy and insulation.


The process of developing a cultivated group of domesticated anima


This is a DNA mutation that does not result in a change to the amino acid sequence of a protein


These are groups of reproducing populations that are isolated from other groups.


This is an undifferentiated cell whose "job" within the organism is yet to be determined.


Which part of an angiosperm is sticky and collects pollen


This is the energy needed to drive photosynthesis.


Prokaryotic cell

Simple. Found in unicellular (one celled) organisms. Do not have Nucleus or other organelles. DO have cell membrane, cytoplasm, and free floating DNA. Example: Bacteria


Some are stringy and fibrous and provide support (i.e., collagen and keratin) Help speed up cellular reactions

This is a plant response to contact with solid objects. Plant parts grow on or around things


What is the term for a plant's movement or growth in response to touch or contact?


This is the second step of production of proteins where mRNA is decoded to produce a specific polypeptide


An ecosystem dominated by lichens, mosses, grasses, and woody plants. It is generally found at high latitudes. It is described as having a marshy surface where mosses, lichens, berries and low shrubs grow with mucky soil and permafrost underneath


In cells, the production of proteins is handled by the ribosomes and endoplasmic reticulum, while the processing and packaging of proteins is handled by the _________ body.

The Golgi body is a stacked, membranous organelle that functions to finalize, package, and ship proteins.

All amino acids have a central carbon with four components attached to it. One of these components is called the R group. Which of the following best describes the R group?

The R group is the same in all amino acids.

Dense Denise is an emergency room nurse at hopeless hospital. She notices that the hospital is running short on blood, so she decides to dilute the blood with water to make it last longer. Later, Dr.Dingo, the attending physician gets ready to five a patient a transplant. As a precaution he puts a sample under the microscope, sees this image. He immediately begins angrily barking at Denise. What happened to the blood cells?

The blood ells burst because they were placed in water, a hypotonic solution.

What will be the effect of placing a plant cell in a hypotonic solution?

The cell will expand and become turgid

Read the following prompt and type your response in the space provided. Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are often described in two ways: (1) they are chemically opposite; and (2) they have a relationship to each other. Explain what these two statements mean. Be sure to include the specific substances used and released by each process.

The chemical equations for photosynthesis and cellular respiration are exactly opposite. What photosynthesis creates, cellular respiration uses. The opposite is true, too: What cellular respiration makes, photosynthesis uses. Each process feeds the other. Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight (energy) to produce glucose and oxygen. Cellular respiration uses glucose and oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water, and energy. The two processes are related because their products and reactants cycle between them. Cellular respiration uses the glucose and oxygen that photosynthesis produces; photosynthesis begins with the carbon dioxide and water produced during cellular respiration.

What happened to the allele frequency in the arc-crested dove population?

There is now more green-crested birds instead of pruple-crested birds as a way to hide from the snakes.

Which of the following statements is true about photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

The chemical equations for the processes are opposite of each other.

Compare the food energy in calories from burning the chip and the saltine. How can you explain this differences in terms of chemical composition?

The chip contains more lipids than the saltine.

What happens to E. coli when lactose is not present?

The genes that produce the enzymes needed to break down lactose are not expressed.

Which statement correctly describes the cells produced by meiosis?

The genetic material of the original cell is divided among the new cells.

Which statement correctly describes the cells produced by meiosis? The new cells are identical. The genetic material of the new cells is diploid. The new cells are exact copies of the original cell. The genetic material of the original cell is divided among the new cells.

The genetic material of the original cell is divided among the new cells.

Which organelle, found in this plant cell, breaks down sugars for cellular energy?

The mitochondria is the site of cellular respiration, where glucose is broken down to produce usable energy. All eukaryotic cells have mitochondria.

Which statement is true about water molecules? Water molecules cannot dissolve many substances. Water molecules move randomly around each other. The oxygen atom has a negative charge. The hydrogen atoms do not share electrons.

The oxygen atom has a negative charge.

When is gene expression blocked in the lac operon system?

The repressor protein blocks the genes from making mRNA.

All of the following EXCEPT the resistance of _________ demonstrate artificially selected resistance.

The resistance of Anatarctic fish to freezing, due to antifreeze proteins in their blood.

In your body, why do muscle cells and skin cells look and behave differently?

Their genes are being expressed differently.

How many birds are in the entire population of arc-crested fruit-doves on the island of Hoi Polloi?

There are 25,000 birds. (There are 50,000 alleles in the gene pool, with each bird having 2 alleles; therefore, there are 25,000 birds.)

The zebra danios are a new type of pet fish, marketed as Glo-Fish. The fish were produced by transferring genes from jellyfish (green and yellow fish) and corals (red fish) into regular zebra danio fish (striped blue and white normally) embryos. Which of the following statements is NOT true about these fish?

These fish could have been produced by introducing the DNA of a coral or jellyfish into an empty fish egg

Which of the following best explains why organisms of the same species that become isolated eventually become different from each other over time?

They are exposed to different environments.

Which of the following must be true of their individuals if two populations are no longer the same species?

They cannot reproduce successfully with each other.

Which of the following is a difference between DNA and RNA?

They have different sugars.

Which of the following statements is true for all cells? Select one: a. They use solar energy. b. They use photosynthesis. c. They use chemical energy. d. They use chemosynthesis.

They use chemical energy.

A developer wants to turn part of a local woodlot into a new housing development. In the springtime, a vernal pool exists in the part of the woodlot marked for development. How might this proposed development affect the salamanders that live in the woodlot?

They would have no place to mate and lay their eggs.

North Carolina ranks second in production of Christmas trees in the United States. Scientists in North Carolina use living cells and their enzymes to create industrially useful products from the trees, like ethanol to fuel cars. All BUT ONE of these statements is an advantage of this biotechnology.

This is a an expensive, time consuming process

Why are some scientists studying the bacteria that live in the guts of termites?

Those bacteria may contain genes that will help convert plant material to ethanol.

What type of RNA acts like a delivery truck, delivers amino acids to the ribosome for protein synthesis, and then leaves empty again, to go collect another amino acid?

Transfer RNA


Transforms one form of energy into a form usable for the cell (uses sunlight to make sugar). Found in Plant cells.

Gene expression can occur at several points along the pathway from DNA to RNA to proteins. In one example of gene expression, the protein insulin must be trimmed to a smaller size. How is this is an example of gene expression?

Until the protein is trimmed, it is not useful to the cell.


Used as main source of energy for a cell

Cells often store materials like water, salts, proteins and carbohydrates in sac-like structures called

Vacuoles Vacuoles store a variety of substances for cells.

In which direction will water molecules (the small blue spheres) move across the membrane in the illustration shown here?

Water will move from B to A.

How does water relate to the ability of a living thing to generate energy?

Without the proper balance of water, chemical reactions in cells could not take place.

Your gender, whether you are male or female, is determined by the

X or Y chromosomes, inherited from father.

DNA encodes the information necessary to produce the proteins needed by your body. While this is true for humans, is it the case for other organisms?

Yes, all organisms use DNA for the production of proteins.

How does ATP provide energy to your body?

Your body produces ATP through the breakdown of glucose and converts the energy in glucose into a form that the body can use. This energy is contained in the chemical bonds between phosphate groups in the tail of the ATP molecule.

Which of the following is the best description of an adaptation? a characteristic that helps an organism find food a characteristic that evolves a characteristic that helps an organism survive and reproduce a characteristic that helps an organism avoid predators

a characteristic that helps an organism survive and reproduce

phylogenetic tree

a diagram displaying the evolutionary relationships of types of organisms

Which term best describes the role carbon plays in the structure of compounds present in living things? a minimal role a fundamental role a somewhat important role

a fundamental role

What is ribose?

a nitrogenous base found in both DNA and RNA

What does a nucleotide consist of?

a nitrogenous base, a sugar, and a phosphate

All cells contain ____________

a nucleic acid

All cells contain ____________.

a nucleic acid

What is a gene in its simplest form?

a segment of DNA

Translation of the DNA sequence AAGCTGGGA would MOST directly result in

a sequence of three amino acids, linked by peptide bonds.

Which of the following is the best definition of a gene?

a specific segment of DNA on a chromosome

Which of the following reactions provides the chemical energy for most cell functions? Select one: a. ATP - P mc055-1.jpg ADP b. ATP + P mc055-2.jpg ADP c. ADP - P mc055-3.jpg ATP d. ADP + P mc055-4.jpg ATP

a. ATP - P mc055-1.jpg ADP

When a phosphate group is removed from an ATP molecule, Select one: a. a substantial amount of energy is released. b. an enzyme is formed. c. energy is stored. d. activation energy is increased.

a. a substantial amount of energy is released.

The light-independent reactions of photosynthesis need Select one: a. carbon dioxide. b. oxygen. c. water. d. cellulose.

a. carbon dioxide

During photosynthesis, the series of reactions that create the complex carbohydrates needed for energy and growth is called Select one: a. the Calvin cycle. b. the Krebs cycle. c. the electron transport chain. d. None of the above

a. the Calvin cycle.

Because of photosynthesis, Select one: a. the atmosphere is rich in oxygen gas. b. animals can get energy directly from the sun. c. plants produce carbon dioxide. d. All of the above

a. the atmosphere is rich in oxygen gas.

Most of the energy used by life on Earth comes from Select one: a. the sun. b. the rotation of the Earth. c. the moon. d. None of the above

a. the sun

The total amount of ATP that a cell gains for each glucose molecule depends on the presence of Select one: a. water. b. carbon dioxide. c. oxygen. d. glucose.

a. water

In sunflowers, tall stems (T) is a dominant trait while short stems (t) is a recessive trait. In a field of 1000 sunflowers, 820 are tall plants and 180 are short. Which statement BEST describes the genotype of the sunflowers in the field?

about 50% will be heterozygous for tall stems

The cellular process in which materials are moved across a membrane from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration is called

active transport

what mechanism of homeostasis expands energy

active transport

In nerve cells the sodium potassium pump is used to generate gradients of both sodium and potassium ions to propagate electrical signals that travel along nerves. This is an

active transport mechanism

Darwin discovered twenty different species of finches in the Galapagos islands. He hypothesized that as new islands arose, finches colonized the islands and rapidly changed into new species, depending on what food was available on each new island. The rapid formation of many new species, as in this case, is called

adaptive radiation

In the desert, saguaro cacti, owls, horned lizards, and fire ants all share the same space. Which of the following can be considered a population?

all cacti in the same area

Which of the following constitutes a gene pool?

all genes of all individuals in a specific population

A cell is lacking in its supply of amino acids. Which of the following will occur? mRNA will not be formed because enzymes may not be present. The ribosomes will not work properly because there will be no proteins. tRNA may not be able to fulfill its job. all of the above

all of the above

The controlled timing of gene expression is crucial to an organism because it allows for which of the following? differentiation specialization development all of the above

all of the above

Proteins are composed of chains of _____________ which are joined together with peptide bonds.

amino acids

Which of the following repeating units make up a protein? amino acids carboxylic acids peptide acids fatty acids

amino acids

Which of the following is a variant of a gene?

an allele

Which of the following is not an example of an adaptation? the secretions made by a clown fish to protect the organism from sea anemones the white fur of polar bears an individual choosing to put on a coat to stay warm

an individual choosing to put on a coat to stay warm

The early organisms on earth also needed to break down glucose to generate energy to survive. Which of the following processes did they most likely use?

anaerobic respiration

Which term is used to descibe body structures that look alike and serve a similar function but are not descended from a common ancestor?

analougous structures

One major difference between asexual and sexual reproduction is that

asexual reproduction created clones

In an experiment to study the breakdown of protein, a student uses the enzyme amylase and an indicator. What could be a reason why there is no change in color? A) Protein reacts instantly with amylase and this change cannot be detected by the indicator. B) Protein does not react with amylase as it cannot fit into the active sites present in amylase. C) The indicator inhibits the reaction between protein and amylase by occupying the active sites of the enzyme. D) The indicator becomes inactive upon reacting with protein and cannot indicate the formation of the products.


fungi have filamentous bodies, are heterotrohpic, and have cell walls that are made of chitin.... which resembles a fungus? A bacteria B molds C algae D amoebas


in paramecia, genetic information is carried in one macronuclues and several smaller (a)micronucleoli (B)nucleoli (C)trychosysts (D)vacuoles


which environmental change is most likely to slow chemical reactions in cells A increased temperature B decreased temperature C increase in number of substrate molecules in solution D neutralization of the acidic environment


Which of the following statements is true of ATP? Select one: a. It stores energy as glucose. b. It transfers energy to cell processes. c. It releases energy when it gains a phosphate group. d. It converts sunlight into chemical energy.

b. It transfers energy to cell processes

The function of the light-dependent reactions is to Select one: a. build sugars. b. capture and transfer energy. c. release carbon dioxide. d. form water molecules.

b. capture and transfer energy.

Which phrase best describes the function of the ATP molecule? Select one: a. stores energy b. carries energy c. absorbs energy d. converts energy

b. carries energy

Energy released from ATP Select one: a. contains five phosphate groups. b. drives most of a cell's activities. c. is found only in bacteria. d. All of the above

b. drives most of a cell's activities.

Low temperatures may cause photosynthesis to occur Select one: a. more quickly. b. more slowly. c. at a constant rate. d. None of the above

b. more slowly

Many autotrophs obtain the energy they need for metabolism through Select one: a. fermentation. b. photosynthesis. c. cellular respiration. d. eating food.

b. photosynthesis

What is the term for an organism that makes its own source of chemical energy? Select one: a. decomposer b. producer c. chloroplast d. protist

b. producer

Where in plant cells are the energy-absorbing molecules for photosynthesis located? Select one: a. stroma b. thylakoids c. ATP synthase d. mitochondria

b. thylakoids

The source of oxygen produced during photosynthesis is Select one: a. carbon dioxide. b. water. c. the air. d. glucose.

b. water.

Which of the following is the best explanation for the presence of both chloroplasts and mitochondria in plant cells? Select one: a. In the light, plants are photosynthetic autotrophs. In the dark, they are heterotrophs. b. If plants cannot produce enough ATP in the process of photosynthesis to meet their energy needs, they can produce it in aerobic respiration. c. Sugars are produced in chloroplasts. These sugars can be stored in the plant for later use. d. The leaves and sometimes the stems of plants contain chloroplasts, which produce ATP to meet the energy needs of these plant parts. The roots of plants contain mitochondria, which produce ATP to meet the energy needs of these plant parts.

c. Sugars are produced in chloroplasts. These sugars can be stored in the plant for later use.

What happens to the sugars that are made during photosynthesis? Select one: a. They move directly into an electron transport chain. b. They go back into the Calvin cycle. I c. They can be used for cellular respiration. d. They make ATP by bonding together.

c. They can be used for cellular respiration

The main light-absorbing molecules found in plant leaves are called Select one: a. chloroplasts. b. thylakoids c. chlorophyll. d. grana.

c. chlorophyll.

nar001-1.jpg Refer to the illustration above. Graph A demonstrates that the rate of photosynthesis Select one: a. decreases in response to increasing light intensity. b. increases indefinitely in response to increasing light intensity. c. increases in response to increasing light intensity, but only to a certain point. d. is unaffected by changes in light intensity.

c. increases in response to increasing light intensity, but only to a certain point.

As light intensity increases, the rate of photosynthesis Select one: a. increases indefinitely. b. decreases indefinitely. c. increases until the light saturation point is reached. d. decreases until the light saturation point is reached.

c. increases until the light saturation point is reached

Chlorophyll is green because Select one: a. it absorbs green wavelengths of light. b. it absorbs blue and yellow wavelengths, which make green. c. it reflects green wavelengths of light. d. of an optical illusion caused by transmitted light.

c. it reflects green wavelengths of light.

Heterotrophs are organisms that Select one: a. produce food from inorganic molecules or sunlight. b. can survive without energy. c. must consume other organisms to get energy. d. None of the above

c. must consume other organisms to get energy.

Cells produce ATP most efficiently in the presence of a. water. b. carbon dioxide. Incorrect c. oxygen. d. glucose.

c. oxygen

Light energy is converted to chemical energy through the process of Select one: a. cellular respiration. b. fermentation. c. photosynthesis. d. glycolysis.

c. photosynthesis.

The process in which plants capture energy and make organic molecules is known as a. homeostasis. b. evolution. c. photosynthesis. d. development.

c. photosynthesis.

When cells break down food molecules, energy is Select one: a. released all at once. b. released entirely as body heat into the environment. c. temporarily stored in ATP molecules. d. None of the above

c. temporarily stored in ATP molecules.

Events that damage the cells regulatory apparatus, trapping it in the G1 phase of the cell cycle cause the uncontrolled division of cells called


Living things require specific organic molecules in order to survive. The picture above represents some specific examples of foods that are mainly composed of one of these necessary organic molecules. The organic molecules found in these types of food are

carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are found in foods like sugars and grains. Their main function is to be an energy source for living things.

Breads and other whole grain foods are composed of very large polysaccharide molecules which contain hydrogen, oxygen, and which other element?


Breads and other whole grain foods are composed of very large polysaccharide molecules which contain hydrogen, oxygen, and which other element?

carbon Breads contain are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The carbon is what is used to classify it as a organic compound. Polysaccharides are composed of large chains of monosaccharides, but they all contain just those three elements.

A soybean plant uses cellular respiration to generate usable chemical energy, released within the cell as molecules of what substance?

carbon dioxide

The by-products of cellular respiration include

carbon dioxide and water.

The carbohydrates seen here contain three common elements. They are

carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Carbohydrates have three elements in common:carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.. Think carbon + hydrate. Hydrate is another way to indicate the presence of water which contains hydrogen and oxygen.

___ are responsible for the transport of substances down a concentration gradient during facilitated diffusion

carrier proteins

Have you had the chance to watch a tree grow over a span of several years? Did you notice that the tree grew thicker and taller? Deep in the roots of the tree and high in the growing shoots are meristem cells. Each year, the meristem cells help the tree continue to grow. Which process is most critical for different types of tree cells to develop?

cell differentiation

Which process occurs directly after meiosis II?

cell differentiation

The ___ ___ is responsible for maintaining homeostasis within any cell.

cell membrane

Which structure will you find in a prokaryotic cell?

cell membrane

osmosis is a type of diffusion that occurs on the.....?

cell membrane

what structure would you expect to examine when looking at a prokaryotic cell under a microscope

cell membrane

Unlike animal cells,plant cells have cell walls that make them rigid. Which organelle. other than the cell wall. also plays a vital role in providing rigidity to plant cells?

central vacuole

A bat's wing is used for flight while a monkey uses its hand to grasp objects. These structures have different functions, but on an anatomical level, they have a very similar bone structure. Darwin used this evidence to suggest that bats and monkeys share which of the following?

common ancestors

The BEST possible way to test the paternity of a child would be to

compare a small number of short sequences of DNA derived from the father and the child's genomes

What geological theory explains how llamas and camels, close relatives, might be found on different sides of the world?

continental drift

Paramecium possess ____ that help counteract the effects of osmosis

contractile vacuoles

Heterotrophic organisms use light energy to make organic compounds. Select one: True False


in H2O, the molecules are held together by

covalent bonds

You are studying the inheritance of two characteristics in plants: red flowers (RR and Rr), which are dominant to yellow flowers (rr), and green leaves (GG and Gg), which are dominant to yellow leaves (gg). You cross a double heterozygous (RrGg) with a double recessive (rrgg), and expect to see a 1:1:1:1 ratio in the offspring. Instead, you see these results: Which phenomenon would you hypothesize accounts for the pattern you see?


scaffolding of protein fibers that help keep a cells shape, and it assist cell division and cell movement


substances like oxygen pass through the cell without the use of energy move from an area from high concentration to low concentration.... this is called? A osmosis B filtration C active transport D passive transport


Energy flows from the sun through the living world when Select one: a. plants capture sunlight and produce carbohydrates. b. animals eat plants. c. animals eat other animals that have eaten plants. d. All of the above

d. All of the above

The dark reactions of photosynthesis Select one: a. require ATP and NADPH. b. are light-independent. c. generate sugars. d. All of the above

d. All of the above

Which of the following statements best describes the process of photosynthesis? Select one: a. Plants use oxygen to make simple sugars. b. Chlorophyll builds sugars in the thylakoid membrane. c. Light breaks down water molecules and releases carbon dioxide. d. Chloroplasts absorb sunlight and store chemical energy.

d. Chloroplasts absorb sunlight and store chemical energy.

Heterotrophs get energy a. from organic molecules. Incorrect b. through cellular respiration. c. from breaking down food molecules. d. All of the above

d. all of the above

ATP is called a cell's "energy currency" because Select one: a. ATP catalyzes all metabolic reactions. b. ATP allows one organelle to be exchanged for another between cells. c. glucose is made of ATP. d. most of the energy that drives metabolism is supplied by ATP.

d. most of the energy that drives metabolism is supplied by ATP.

The major atmospheric by-product of photosynthesis is Select one: a. nitrogen. b. carbon dioxide. c. water. d. oxygen.

d. oxygen.

Select one: a. photosynthesis is independent of environmental influences. Incorrect b. increases in light intensity cause increases in temperature. c. as the rate of photosynthesis increases, the temperature of a plant eventually decreases. d. the rate of photosynthesis is affected by changes in the environment.

d. the rate of photosynthesis is affected by changes in the environment.

Darwin noticed that some of the species on the Galápagos Islands looked similar to species he saw on the mainland of South America. He suggested that ancestors of those species migrated from South America to the Galápagos Islands, and then changed gradually after their arrival. What did Darwin call this type of change, when a species diverges from a common ancestor?

descent with modification

Gene therapy is an integral part of genome projects. It includes the correction of abnormal genes responsible for diseases. Which of these is an application of gene therapy?

designing drugs to inhibit the function of a protein coded by an abnormal gene

How could stem cells prove helpful in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases?

differentiated to form heart muscle cells

Jim is in a crowd of people at the mall looking for his girlfriend Tammy who was supposed to meet him for dinner. Jim realized Tammy is across the room as he catches a whiff of her overpowering perfume. Which process explains why Jim is able to smell the perfume?


Large molecules like glucose enter cells by

diffusion through protein channels in the cell membrane

When gametes combine to form a zygote, the chromosomes number of the zygote is now referred to as


This is the process of identifying the sequence of nucleotides along a segment of DNA

dna sequencing

What kind of allele results in the trait indicated by the green color being expressed in the individuals shown here?


Which of these is an ethical issue associated with stem cell therapy?

embryos are destroyed when stem cells are obtained from them

Transport of materials into a cell against a concentration gradient, from low to high, requires


The mitochondrion in a cell is most like an ___ in its funtion


in cells, ______ are proteins that are needed to lower the amount of energy required to start chemical reactions


A(n) ________ cell has a nucleus and typical organelles.

eukaryotic Based on physical features, this cell is most likely a(n) ____________ cell.

eukaryotic animal

Cells are able to remove large amounts of material using


During _____________, vesicles in the cell fuse with the cell membrane, releasing their contents to the outside.


Which mechanism requires energy?


As carbon dioxide concentration increases indefinitely, the rate of photosynthesis increases indefinitely. Select one: True False


Energy moves through food chains from heterotrophs to autotrophs. Select one: True False


Most plants are heterotrophic. Select one: True False


A drug that has been used effectively against viruses works by deactivating the active site of certain viral enzymes. The virus uses the protease enzyme to destroy host cell proteins to open the cell. With the active site blocked, the virus cannot grab on to and destroy the host cells. The drug is called


This is an organism's response to a stimulus developed without being taught or watching another organism.

innate behavior

Bt corn is a genetically modified crop that contains a gene from another species. Which characteristic does this gene give the plant?

insect resistance

Which type of protein plays an important role in transmitting signals in the nervous system?

ion channel membrane proteins

how is a eukaryotic cell different from a prokarytic

it has membrane bound organelles

What is the total collection of DNA in an organism called?

its genome

According to cell theory, viruses are considered nonliving because they

lack the ability to reproduce without a host. Viruses lack the ability to reproduce without a host. This violates 'all cells come from other cells'.

This phylogenetic tree shows similarities in the amino acids in cytochrome-C of several organisms. Use the information in the phylogenetic tree to answer the question. Of the animals in this phylogenetic tree, which is most distantly related to the rhesus monkey?


biology is the study of


The water molecules l are going to the thylakoids to take part in which process? Select one: a. light-dependent reactions b. Krebs cycle c. Calvin cycle Incorrect d. light-independent reactions

light dependent reactions

Most receptor proteins are embedded in the __________ of the cell membrane.

lipid bilayer

Which macromolecule includes steroids?


You are studying the amino acid sequence of a protein shared by four organisms. You want to know which organism is most closely related to organism A. You have data that shows the number of amino acid differences between organism A and each of the other organisms. Study the data in the chart and use it to answer the question. Which organism does this data suggest is most closely related to organism A?

organism D

Most marine invertebrates are classified as


The process by which water crosses a selectively permeable membrane is called


a red blood cell will shrink in size when placed in a more concentrated salt solution because of he passive process called


water leaves the tubules of the kidneyin reponse to the hypertonic fluid around the tubules. this is an examples of


Where do new cells come from?

other cells

Cellular (aerobic) respiration takes place in the presence of and with the use of which of the following?


Photosynthesis is the main method by which primary production takes place in an ecosystem. What abiotic factor is a beneficial by-product of primary production


Scientists believe that the Earth's early atmosphere lacked __________ gas because photosynthetic organisms did not yet exist.


This is the chemical reaction that occurs during photosynthesis; identify which of these is a product in this chemical reaction.


Gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide cross the plasma membrane by

passive diffusion through the lipid bilayer

Gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide cross the plasma membrane by

passive diffusion through the lipid bilayer.

Substances like oxygen pass through the cell without the use of energy and move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. This process is called

passive transport.

found in cell membrane and helps protect the cell or organelles by allowing/ not allowing molecules to enter


One way of balancing the concentration of ions and molecules within a cell is use all but ____. ATP transfers one of its phosphate groups (becoming ADP) to a transfer protein. This protein changes it conformation so it can bring needed ions into the cell and get rids of unnecessary ions.

phospholipid channels

Vacuoles are LARGEST in ___ cells


Which feature is found only in prokaryotic cells?


a circular, double stranded molecule that is capable of independent replication


Vegetable farmers often plant soybeans every few years. Rotating crops breaks up the life cycles of many insect pests, and the soybean plants provide the soil with nitrogen. Other crop plants need the nitrogen to grow well. A field of soybean seeds has been planted on a farm in Indiana. As soon as the first leaves emerge from the seed, photosynthesis begins. Which substance is the chemical food source for the soybean plants?


This phrase, found in Darwin's Origin of Species, suggests that species adapt and change by natural selection and the changes aid in the survival of the organism

survival of the fittest

From the lesson, which of the following is considered a population?

the arc-crested fruit-doves of Hoi Polloi

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder that creates excessive mucus in human organs. What is a person with this disorder missing?

the gene that codes for an important cell membrane protein

Which of the following will a bacterium produce when a human gene is added to its genome?

the human protein coded for by the human gene

Living matter is a t least sixty percent water. It makes sense, then, that cell membranes are made of phospholipids because

the lipids form an insoluble barrier

Selective breeding is the process of breeding plants or animals so that they inherit particular traits from their parents. What is a possible consequence of selectively breeding a crop species?

the offspring have the same traits as the parents.

amino acids

the organic molecules that serve as the units from which proteins are made

Define genotype

the particular alleles present in an organism for a character or set of characters

Define phenotype

the physical or detectable traits of an organism

When two solvents are separated by a semi permeable membrane water flows from low solute concentrations to high solute concentrations. What would happen if external pressure is applied to the solution with higher solute concentration?

water will flow more freely across the semi-permeable membrane

Which order of events is correct?

zygote → stem cells → cell differentiation

Which order of events is correct? zygote → stem cells → cell differentiation zygote → cell differentiation → mitosis stem cells → zygote → cell differentiation mitosis → cell differentiation → stem cells

zygote → stem cells → cell differentiation

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