Comm 2000 Public Speaking

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Dyadic communication is another term for?

Interpersonal communication.

When a police officer questions a witness to a crime what kind of communication is occuring?

Interpersonal communication.

Which of the following accurately contain the elements of the "Triangle of Meaning?"

Interpreter, symbol and referent

Attaching meaning to stimuli is called?


Which type of communication involves only one person?

Intrapersonal communication.

Of the below statements which one is NOT true about listening? 1. It is active. 2. It is a learned skill. 3. It is intermittent 4. It is natural.

It is natural.

An audience centered speaker should approach diversity by?

Recognizing that the speaker is part of the audience and respecting the listeners.

An orderly list of works consulted during the preperation and delivery of a speech is known as a(n)?


Clarifying something for the audience may be as simple as _______ or ___________ the problem statement. (Seperate words with a space.)

Repeating rephrasing.

___________ is the process of gathering evidence and arguments to understand, develop, and explain a speech topic.


Serena an assistant district attorney , has always dreamed of becoming a Supreme Court Justice. Realizing this goalwould fulfill which level of Maslow's hierarchy?

Self-actualization needs.

Students who have difficulty paying attention to a lecturer because they do not understands his bombastic terms are experiencing?

Semantic Distractions.

According to Grice and Skinner, communication can best be defined as.

Sharing meaning by sending and receiving symbolic cues.

The correct order of the 4S's is?

Signpost, state, support, summarize.

Words such as "first," "initially," and "finally" are examples of?


What is the principal kind of supporting material in the following? "According to an article in th November 1991 issue of Esquire, Led Zeppling IV had sold more than 10 million copies as of Jan 7, 1991. The average rock hit sells 10,000-15,000 copies of sheet music; 'Stairway to heaven' has sold more than a million copies."


Which of the following is true of the elements in the triangle of meaning?

Symbols are anything to which we attach or assign meaning.

The term "Y2K" and "cool" are what in the triangle of meaning?


A speech about earthquakes could be organized with a ______ ________ pattern.

Casual Division.

To avoid plagiarizing, you must record, what?

Complete source citations.

"Your speech was good because it gave us information that we can use to improve our study habits." The preceeding statement includes?

A judgement and a reason.

A good transition serves as a ______.


You _________ introduce your key idea(s) by asking a question.


Which of the following are acting ethically? 1) A student who delivers a classroom speech that her roommate researched and developed 2 semesters ago. 2) A student who buys a research paper, complete with a list of sources used from a research service and submits it as his own work. 3) A student who purchases transcripts of televised news programs, quotes from them, and cites these sources in her speech. 4) a person who presents a speech found on a web site because the material was never delivered in front of an audience.

A student who purchases transcripts of televised news programs, quotes from them, and cites these sources in her speech.

In defending the 68 cents each 'Merican taxpayer pays to support the National Endowment for the Arts (which makes it sound like we are supporting well endowed pornstars with back problems). Republican Claudine Schneider listed some of the projects supported by the NEA in Rhode Island. What kind of supporting material is this?

Actual Examples.

A statement expressing an individual's approval or disapproval, like or dislike is a(n)?


You pick a topic, "what to do on a Friday night, when you can't drink." because 73.68% of your audience us under 21. You feel that your speech wwill be useful to over 21 students, but your main focus is the under 21s. Your strategy is called?

Audeince targeting.

Which of the following is not part of audience psychographics? 1) Beliefs 2) Vakues 3) Behaviors 4) Belonging


Preparing an effective speech is best done by keeping in mind the two principles of public speaking. 1. Thorough preperation leads to better delivery and greater confidence. 2. Every public speech is a blend of?

Content, organization and listening.

Used effectively supporting materials give your speech?

Credibility, vividness and clarity.

The process of choosing symbols to carry a message is called?


Which level of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs would you probably want to emphasize in a persuasive speech designed to persuade listeners to enter the Rim of Rockies Marathon?

Esteem needs.

Which type of public speaker considers the the diversity of their audiences and uses appropriate channels to communicate with as many of them as possible?

Ethical publice speakers.

In ch2 the text states, "The word plagiarize comes from the Latin word meaning 'to Kidnap' so in a sense, a plagiarist is a kidnapper of the ideas and words of another." The text used definition by?


As Tiana listens to Kevin's speech, she thinks to herself, "his evidence is a load of bollocks." She is engaged in?


What is the principle type of supporting material the text uses in chapter 8 to illustrate the different types of supporting materials a speaker can use?


Listeners may experience ___________ if they are overwhelmed by a flood of facts or complex details presented by a speaker?

Factual Distractions.

Microbiologist Robert Massung stated in his 1996 research that your hand are like limousines;

Figurative contrast.

If Janet presented a persuasive speech entitled "How to talk to a stobborn Liberal." She likely overlooked which demographic trait?

Group Membership.

Which statement expresses an attitude? 1) The benefits of surveillance technology in the workplace outweighs it's harm. 2) The placement of toxic landfills discriminates against poor and ethnic minority population. 3) I favour evening and weekend college classes to give students over traditional age (SOTA) the opportunity to sipport their families while continuing their education. 4) College places too much emphasis on athletics.

I favour evening and weekend college classes to give students over traditional age (SOTA) the opportunity to sipport their families while continuing their education.

The deliberate, unattributed use of another's ideas, words, or pattern of organization is?

Intentional Plagiarism.

Knowing your ____________ political affiliations is DEFINATELY necessary as you prepare persuasive speeches.


Alyse opened her persuasive speech as follows: "A hundered years ago, the lack of a local railroad stop condemned many towns to a slow death. Thirty years ago, interstate highwayshelped many communities prosper, while those on the back roads stagnated. Now the information superhighway' is coming... Just as railroads and interstates brought prosperity to some communities and left others to become ghost towns, the information superhighway offers promise to those it reaches and threatens to leave others to slowly die."

Literal comparison.

If your research is productive, you could gather too _____ or too ________ information for your speech.

Much little.

In his speech on computer literacy, blah blah blah blah blah who the hell cares...... windshield wiper blades...Scott used what type of supporting materials? (Seperate words with a space.)

Narration comparison.

"A digital camera looks almost identical to a traditional camera. However, similarities stop inside the case. Instead of film, a digital Camera records images electronically on it's "hard drive," a diskette or flash card. The electronic image can be downloaded directly to your home computer, printed on your computer...... Blah, blah, blah.......... A consumer grade digital camera will pay for itself in less than a <- (WTF) 18 months." This statement uses definition by?


The benefits of studying and practising public speaking are three-fold. They are? (The first letter of all answers will be upper-case. All answers will finish with a period.)

Personal, Proffessional and Public benefits.

Clint had difficulty listening to Karri's speech advocating more aggresive enforcement of existing gun laws because he is a member of the fraternal Order of Police Clint is experiencing what?

Psychological Distractions.

A(n) _____________ file is a collection of passages a speaker finds memoriable or important, together with the source citation for each passage.


Warren sold Todd a fake ID, it was a pretty legit one. Todd went drinking with his three friends after buying a keg of beer from Joe's Lounge. Todd with a blood alcohol level of 0.21 crashed his van and killed all of his friends. Who is ethically responsible?

Todd and Warren share responsibility both behaved unethically.

The _____ and __________ content of audience questions will tell you a great deal about how the audience recieved your message. (Seperate words with a space.)

Tone content.

Careful audience analysis before your speech will guide your _____ selection, and it DOES help you focus and ______ your subject. (Seperate words with a space.)

Topic develop.

To appreciate the power of communication, you must?

Understand just what it is.

A word or phrase expressing a judgement of what is desirable or undesirable, right or wrong, good or bad is a(n)?


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