COMM 257 Midterm

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Concludes that Buddha is from Indian origin

Buddist Art

Core of _______________ includes burning insense, making prestrations & worshipping before painted/sculpted representations of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas


Cranial protuberance


Critiqued Wagner's "Parsifal: too Christian"


Focuses on art as an experience by discussing esthetic experience, mediums through substance and form, works of art and their meaning/worth


In nude paintings the spectator is always assumed to be


In oil painting the poor are often painted as _________, so that the rich can feel like they are a source of hope for the world.


In order to be __________, craftsmanship must be loving and done with care for the subject matter

Holden's Dead Christ Entombed

Included because it dismantles the conventional way Christ was depicted Image that can 'make someone loose their faith'

work itself is formed into esthetic substance

Is there a distinction btwn form and substance?

Significant Form

Kant- a particular combination of lines and colors that stir our aesthetic emotions


Large enclosed courtyard with a columned covered area at one end, for communal prayer and delivery of the Khutba (Friday sermon)


Likes tragedies because they reflect the world as it is

Madrasas, tombs, shrines, mosques

Muslims religious life formed around

What is the term that Berger uses to describe the act of explaining away what might otherwise be evident? [Term]



Nature of Buddhist narrative art


No historically correct opinion; no specific way of making art has priority over another

social relations

Oil painting did to appearances what capital did to

religion and art

One reason for the historical and intrinsic relationships between ____________and _____________ is because they have psychological functions in common


Opposed to Kant and Hume's theories, _____ did not include morally uplifting messages in all of his works of art

What is the theory of art as ritual?

Ordinary objects acquire symbolic significance through incorporation into a shared belief system.


Religious schools

three blind men

Represents the difficulty of moving forward/achieving enlightenment


To call all art of such cultures this carries a misleading idea that they're driven by religion


Tragedy is good because it "shows life as suffering and violence without meaning or justification"

takes away mystification

Why does Holden's Dead Christ Entombed dismantle conventional way Christ was depicted


Works that 'fail' to become new aren't those which are universal, but rather those which are '_________'


Would it have been better to avoid intellectual and only given expression to their intuitive beliefs/media of the arts


a knowing process which provides insights derived from direct inspection or "immediate experience" without argument or apparent reason


"Aesthetic experience - perceiving, enjoying art/beauty; a set of principles underlying and guiding the work of an artist or art movement; sensation or perception"


"Art and philosophy are linked together; not independent spheres; when philosophy was dealing with pluralism, art is as well"


"Art as communication/language; window to another culture"


"Art embodies meaning; can communicate thoughts and feelings through a physical meaning"


"Art is a copy of an imperfect copy"


"Art is abstract/perfect; transcendent of this world"


"Art is universal but becomes isolated when put in museums"


"Ban artists from the state"


According to Berger, _____________ apply least to his arguments about ownership and capitalism


"Experts should tells us what good art is"


"Like art, _______________ also interprets history imaginatively"


According to Dewey, what is the focus of the aesthetic experience?


"Prefers tragedies where good people mistakenly do bad things"


"The art of any period serve the ideological interests of the ruling class."


"Tragedies are good: catharsis - emotional cleansing of spectator"


"Tragedy confuses audiences because of values; virtues are not always rewarded"


"______________ states meanings, art expresses them"


"anything can be art"


"art expresses unconscious feelings"


"art functions as an experience"


"art is used to _________ products"


"art should be experienced in a cool and detached way"


"beauty is an essential property of God"


"education leads to good taste"


"no right way to make art; difference between art and non-art is not visual, but conceptual; meaning is a matter for philosophers to discover - no way that art should look"


"publicity images never speak of the present"


"the definition of beauty is purposiveness without purpose"


"we are not a material culture but a _______ culture."


-uses what we don't know to fabricate meaning/value; -taking what is plainly obvious and obfuscating; -who has access to art?

feelings and sentiments

....... and ........ naturally linked with imagination are also integral to art and religious experience

sacred objects and material implications

Al Qaeda destroyed Buddhist statues... Village was upset not mainly because of this destruction, but rather because the western people put more aid towards the material statues than helping the starving people -did take away some revenue as a tourist attraction These things are a blending of..


Art ________ focused on institutional religion... more focused on what its institutional focus needs to see


Art becomes ___________ when it continues to inspire new personal realizations in experience.


Art is a form of _____________, each medium is like its own unique language, that cannot be uttered in any other tongue.


Asks how a person can say one style can prove one style trumps another


Based on the idea of prohibition of idolatry and says only God can create art


Berger- _____________ changes what images mean (takes away the uniqueness)


Berger- a sight that has been recreated or reproduced. (detached from place and time)

Evoking a spiritual idea

Both Gandharan and Mathuran Buddhas are more concerned with what over capturing anitomical reality


Brillo Boxes

problems of religion

Bring about a crisis btwn its fundamental knowledge gained by evidence, reasoned arguement, logical proof causing these to become dramatic or tragically fateful


Classical tragedy begins in the 6th century CE with the spring celebration of the god _________

Incorporation of dance into religion

1. expression of emotion through movement 2. Incorporation of movements into forms of worship in connection w rhythm and movement 3. Formalization of movements within religious ceremonies 4. Development of full-time specialists in religious dance

Minbar, Mihrab

2 highly recognizable elements that came to characterize functional life of a prayer hall

descriptive/historical, normative

2 methods for studying religion & the arts

Dance as an offering, dance to achieve one's own spiritual state

2 types of dances

European definition of art separates Emphasis on scripture Religion leaves behind the mankind world

3 reasons for why art is over looked in religion

historical, allegorical, and through the life of objects

3 ways to view iconoclasm

Ancient, medieval, early modern, contemporary

4 ears of iconoclasm

They are the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end of suffering, and the truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering

4 noble truths

Post- Impressionism

Dali's Christ of St. John of the Cross


Dance and perception of whats sacred is ever changing.


Destruction of images (typically religious)


Dewey- "That which is concerned with appreciation, perception, enjoyment."


Differnece between art and non art is NOT visual, its

Classical tragedy begins in the 6th century CE with the spring celebration of the god:


Expand beyond the object

Each glance/gaze broke barriers for boundaries to...

How does Goya's works contradict some of the arguments made by Kant and Hume?

He did not include morally uplifting messages in all of his works of art.

Reaching genuine individualization

How does a work become genuinely universal according to Adorno?


How they should be related


Made a statement on visual arts & Christianity being intrinsic upon each other and mutually dependent


Made affordable etchings so the everyday man could have religious works of art for meditation

William Hunt

Made figure of Jesus more relatable using symbolism/naturalistic surrounding -dirty woodworking studio... rainbow, light from hand

Sacred Icon and secular art

Main conflict with Buddhist art

Post- Impressionism

Major aesthetic movement largely developed without making contact with organized religion

Ruben's "raising of the cross"

Meant to pierce the picture plane/ tumble into the viewer's space

Zen painting

Meditative art associated with asian culture, specifically Buddism

Vision after the sermon

Piece by Gaugin that addresses the statement on states of consciousness/levels of reality

Paradisal Imagery, Triumphal metaphors, A brave new world under Islam

Possible meanings of schema of monuments representations:


Power of religious art apprehended through its destruction


Practice of avoiding representation of the buddha in anthropomorphic form & relying instead on the use of such symbols/signs


Prayer hall-located at the end of the courtyard that lay in direction of the mecca


Process of bringing together a new significance, elements of our experience already given


Publicity can never really afford to be only about the product, it is always about the ________


Publicity helps mask all that is ____________ about a society


Publicity makes the spectator feel _______

Modern pluralism

Questioning the topic of quality and saying 'no longer is there such a thing as correct or incorrect, good or less good/bad


Sacred object, usually traditional depiction, standardized way of depicting

John dewey, parthenon

Says a piece looses universality if told it isn't able to have new personal realizations in experiences... Ex?


Says any attempts to add spiritual meaning/ greater objective validity to art by reintroducing religious content for artistic treatment, are futile


Says art and religion have never really been harmonious even in times of heavy emphasis on the idea

Learning to live with pluralism

Says theres no way of deciding if monists, dualists, or pluralists are actually right... only right way is dealing with the disjunction of accepting all 3


Says you can't make arts message universally relateable because i turn it looses it ability to be exactly that

Gandharan/Mathuran versions of Buddha

Share... Halo-like Mandorla Elongated Earlobes Pronounced cranial protuberance Tuft between the eyes Wearing simple monastic robes & Conceptual similarities

Michalangelo's statues

Show human hesitation is made tangible, audible, and almost visible. An example of life through Iconoclasm


Speaks on lost unity between art/religion

How does Dewey define the term aesthetic (esthetic)?

That which is concerned with appreciation, perception, enjoyment.

creation through negation

The act of Iconoclasm creates a new work when we're left w/remnants > relates to idea that once you have that destruction new images come

When it comes to the aesthetic(esthetic) experience of art, what seems to be the focus of Dewey's analysis?

The consumer/viewer

Islam in visual art

example of religion that adopted permanent form of anichonism


The theory of art as _______ states that ordinary objects acquire symbolic significance through incorporation into a shared belief system.


Theorist who was very condescending to Indian culture/art


Those who lack money become __________

Philosophical notion of beauty

Thought about in terms of art even though they're not necessarily aesthetic

Metonymic representation of God

Understood to represent illumination granted by Qur'anic revelation

social reality

Unity of art and religion is not only due to subjective conventions, but also due to underlying ___________ ___________ and it's objective trend


Uses craftsmanship to suggest also the transcendental nature of Christ - reps human & divine nature of Christ

Potato Eaters

Van gogh's work redefinition of his vocation as a "Christian" artist, but a crucial mutation in the historical development of christian art itself

king's dominance

Versaille's symbolic meaning is related to the


Warhol's "Brillo Boxes" caused _________ to question his own definition of art


What is the mirror often used as a symbol of classical paintings?


When a work is intuited it involves a __________; something true about our minds or about external things which we enjoy without proof or verbal statement


Who says: When someone says a work of art has no meaning... Meaning is so unique it becomes unrelateable because the viewer has no common connections besides esthetically

pop art

___ ____ does not have to be beautiful but does have to communicate thoughts and feelings through a physical medium


_____ is required for the creation of glamour


________ architecture is a symbolic tribute to religious AND secular stories/people


__________ imitates art

oil painting

_________________ is unique because of its ability to depict things in a tangible way.

Iconography of the prayer rug

an example of transference of forms of media/parallel tendencies

Society often thinks of gender roles as: men act and women [action].



art should not serve any utility

John dewey; art as an experience

asking an artist what they mean with a work is pointless because he himself finds different meaning depending on time/stage of life/etc. is a theory from what author/work?


became consistent focus of ornamentation w/in religious architecture


believed anyone was capable of being an artist

Dead Christ entombed

breathed new life into well-known materials; awakened minds


can't be measured/defined by terms of execution; rather by those who perceive and enjoy the product that is excecuted


church is the house of God


critiqued Wagner's opera "Parcifal" because it had a redemption arc and did not show what true tragedy was like

religious ideas

dance is able to give form to


decade in which movements began to fade out and individual's artistic concepts began flourishing

Art is a form of communication because:

each medium is like its own unique language, that cannot be uttered in any other tongue.

According to Hume, who should determine the quality of a work of art?

educated experts

What emotion is required for the creation of glamour?



experience as appreciative, perceiving, and enjoying rather than a producer's standpoint

nonverbal arts

extend rather than limit power of words

Those who lack money become ___________.


In oil painting the poor are often painted as _________, so that the rich can feel like they are a source of hope for the world.




According to Kant, art should be experienced:

in a cool and detached way.

Art becomes universal when:

it continues to inspire new personal realizations in experience.

Nietzsche celebrates the rebirth of tragedy because:

it shows life as suffering and violence without meaning or justification.

What makes oil painting unique from other forms of painting is

its ability to depict things in a tangible way.

According to Berger, which genre of oil painting applies least to his arguments about ownership and capitalism?


Craftmanship in order to be considered artistic must be:

loving and done with care for the subject matter.

In nude paintings the spectator is always assumed to be [who]?


devotional dance

part of many systems of belief about creation, the universe, nature, and the mystery of human existance


product of creative imagination in the visual representations as well as interpretations of their actions and characters


proof of God's existence


property of God - unity


proportion, light, allegory

Medieval cathedrals follow 3 main properties:

proportion, light, allegory.

A phrase associated with Kant's definition of beauty is:

purposiveness without purpose.

works of art

recreated every time esthetically experienced, individualized experiences

Idiomatic speech

refers to experiences each of which is singular, having its own beginning and end


relates religion & the arts

triadic relation

relation of speaker, thing said, one spoken to

Biblical Iconoclasm

reviews the genesis/production of the object


seeing comes before _______

According to Berger, the art of any period tends to:

serve the ideological interests of the ruling class.

Abraham and the Idols

showed that Iconoclasm may be protective creative and oddly preserving of an object's intent

Elongated earlobes

sign of Buddha's renunciation of the material world


skilled craft

Oil painting did to appearances what capital did to

social relations

Publicity can never really afford to be only about the product, it is always about _____________.

social relations

Versaille's symbolic meaning is related to:

the king's dominance

contemporary use of an iconoclast

someone who rejects norms/near and dear traditions

Van gogh

sought to infuse secular motifs with religious significance through the very language of painting itself

What famous work by Andy Warhol, causes Arthur Danto to question his definition of art?

the Brillo Boxes

adam and eve

the first nudes depicted

According to Berger, publicity images never speak of _____________.

the present


to be truly artistic, a work must also be ___________; framed for enjoyed perception

Symbolic, athletic, or decorative aesthetic values

to qualify as dance... movements must embody significant?

dance as an offering

transmitting/presenting spiritual ideas on behalf of the community


tuft btwn the eyes

Publicity helps mask all that is ____________ about a society.



unique form of expression that includes movement, emotion, and symbolism

catholic reformation

used all 5 sense in a work to explode material confines

What is the mirror often used as a symbol of classical paintings? [symbol]


John dewey

wants to restore continuity between refined and intensified forms of experience that are works of art and the everyday experiences

his humanity

what did the light in "Decent from the cross" communicate?

Seeing comes before [what]?


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