COMM: Persuasion- Final

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When considering the situation, which of the following is true?

A persuader must adapt his/her message to the listener's frame of reference.

An inoculation defense is

A set of weak arguments attacking a message and arguments that refute attacks

Rob presents his strong arguments first and his weak arguments last when trying to convince his wife why they should buy a new boat. His overall message is said to have a/an

Anticlimax order

Males tend to be more persuasive than females, partly because

Audience stereotypes regarding appropriate behavior provide males with more choices when choosing influence strategies

Bjorn has decided to join a fraternity, but before he gets in, he has to go through an initiation. During the initiation he has to endure all sorts of pain and humiliation. Based on this account, which of the following is most likely to occur?

Bjorn will join the frat and feel more committed to it than he would have without the initiation.

Which of the following statements best summarizes the life-stage hypothesis?

Compared to youthful and elderly people, middle-aged people are less persuadable

The stage at which cult members demonstrate their allegiance by abandoning their careers or their academic goals, donate their possessions to the cult, and begin to recruit members, is termed the

Consolidation Stage

All of the following are reasons why advertisers and marketers are relying increasingly on segmentation to target consumers except

Consumers tend to have similar tastes and values because of globalization.

__________ refers to how being in a group causes members to become less aware of themselves and less concerned with others' evaluations of them.


_________ is the belief that one's own culture is the best standard by which all others should be evaluated.


___________ is best put to use when receivers rely on central processing.


Reference groups are all of the following except:

Groups of people who are unlike us

Groups sometimes make bad decisions because members engage in consensus seeking and simply reinforce one another's opinions, rather than questioning or disagreeing. This is known as:


According to Reinforcement Expectancy Theory, ______________ are more easily influenced by reference groups than ________________.

High self-monitors, low self-monitors

Babbs is trying to persuade her three friends, James, Peter, and Jacob, to change political parties. While James has always believed that he is inferior to other people, Peter has a healthy self-esteem. Jacob's self-esteem is somewhere in between, neither strong nor weak. According to what we know about self-esteem and persuasion, who should Babbs have the easiest time persuading?


Which theory states that language choices can either facilitate or inhibit persuasion, depending on whether violations of language norms are perceived positively or negatively?

Language expectancy theory

The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis posits that:

Language influences the nature of thought processes.

The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis argues that

Language shapes thought

Based on the studies reviewed in the text, which of the following is true about intelligence and persuasion?

Less intelligent people are generally easier to persuade

Because people, in general, tend to be risk averse, the best strategy to use is

Loss framed, emphasizing what they stand to lose

Deindividuation best explains why

Mob psychology takes over

Persuaders who target particular 'niche' groups, such as soccer moms, Nascar dads, affluent gays, or Hispanic teens, are using


Which of the following has not been used to explain why group polarization occurs?

Social Impact Theory

The fact that people working in a group do not expend as much effort as they do when working alone is known as

Social Loafing

To be effective, viral marketing relies on this tactic of persuasion.

Social Proof

When salespeople call a product popular, cool, or in great demand, which tactic of persuasion are they using?

Social Proof

____ suggest that as a group becomes larger, its members are ____.

Social impact theory/more likely to conform

A politician who was designing a campaign ad would be better off

Telling voters what they stand to gain if they vote for him/her

Which of the following affects how likely a person is to conform to a group?

The size of the group

An example of a symbol is

The word "chicken"

Which of the following is generally true of people from collectivistic cultures?

They tend to use persuasive strategies that are appropriate to the context.

Which of the following sayings best describes Mere Exposure Theory?

Things tend to grow on us

Under which circumstances would the quality, rather than the quantity, of arguments matter most?

When listeners have high involvement

Which of the following slogans would be best suited for a collectivistic culture?

"Making friends everywhere"

Hedges are a form of powerless language. An example of a hedge is

'sort of'

People who use powerless language include a lot of intensifiers when speaking. An example of an intensifier is


Hanisch examined whether fragrances could reduce arachnophobia (fear of spiders) among females. The results revealed that

A pleasant fragrance reduced fear the most

Abby and Giovanni attended an art show and listened to an artist speak about the lack of funding for the arts. Abby did not find the topic personally relevant. On the contrary, Giovanni was very passionate about the topic. Based on the ELM, how will Abby and Giovanni process the speaker's argument?

Abby will focus on the amount of arguments provided, and Giovanni will focus on the number of strong arguments

According to Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory,

Adolescents take cues from films to know how to behave.

Which of the following is the best definition of a motivational appeal?

An external inducement to increase a receiver's drive to do something

Cynical consumers who have become skeptical of advertising are the primary targets of


People with a high preference for consistency, compared to people with a low preference for consistency:

Are more susceptible to the effects of cognitive dissonance.

Chevy uses the Bob Seager song 'Like a rock?' in its truck commercials to reinforce the theme that Chevy trucks are tough. This use of music best illustrates which of the following?


Warmth appeals operate primarily through


Which concept is most closely associated with emotional marketing?

Attachment theory

Which statement best reflects Gass & Seiter's perspective on verbal aggression in political campaigns?

Attacks aimed at a politician's character, so long as they are truthful, are useful in helping voters make an informed choice.

Familiar phrases such as "Money doesn't grow on trees" tend to be most persuasive when

Audience members are distracted

According to Gass & Seiter, NLP relies too much on

Cause-effect inferences rather than sign reasoning

Gretchen is a public speaker who recognizes differences in perspectives among her audiences. She attempts to cater her messages to her listeners and, consequently is more successful at persuading. According to persuasion researchers, Gretchen can be considered

Cognitively complex

Which of the following theories is used to explain why people who use intense language are more persuaded by people who also use intense language?

Communication Accommodation Theory

Gass & Seiter's advice on subliminal messages is

Consumers have little to fear from subliminal messages

Fear appeals which trigger ________________ are more likely to lead to positive, constructive responses to avoid the danger

Danger control

"A marriage partner" is a __________ for the word "spouse." "A lifetime pain in the neck" is a ____________ for the word "spouse."


The _________ meaning of a word is the dictionary definition of that word, whereas the _______ meaning of a word refers to the thoughts and emotions the word conjures up.


According to Richard Weaver's theory of language, the term 'dead-beat dad' is an example of a/an

Devil term

Research shows that inoculating people against one particular argument

Does make them more resistant to other, different arguments

Instead of straightforwardly informing Cameron that he is fired, Darin explains that the company is down-sizing its personnel. This is an example of

Double speak

Euphemisms with longer "careers"

Draw less attention and are more familiar

Which of the following states about the effect of color is false?

Drivers of red cars tend to receive more speeding tickets than drivers of white cars.

Brandi lost her little sister Margie's camera while out on a day trip with her friends. Margie is furious. If Margie were to use a guilt appeal in order to persuade her sister to buy her a new camera, which of the following should Margie do?

Emphasize positive self-feelings that come from doing the right thing.

Saying "Oh fudge" rather than other, more colorful terms (i.e., profanity) is an example of


Which of the following decreases children's vulnerability?

Family interaction that focuses on looking at ads critically

Which type of motivational appeal is most effective when receivers rely on central processing?

Fear appeals

When a defense attorney informs the jury that her opponent will try to scare them about what kind of monster her client is, she is using


Fatima was asked to answer a difficult hypothetical question. The question stated, 'If you were an animal shelter director and you were given the following choices, which action would you choose'? The options were: Option 1: Guarantee that 20 out of 60 animals will not be euthanized. Option 2: Given a 33.3 percent chance that all 60 animals will be saved, and a 66.6 percent chance that all of the animals will be euthanized. This set of options is best termed:

Gain-Framed Messages

Binky and Babbs are running for political office and will each have a chance to give one televised speech. The schedule for speeches looks like this: one candidate will speak for 10 minutes and then the second candidate will speak for 10 minutes as soon as the first speaker is finished. A week later, the public will cast votes. Based on what you know about order effects and persuasion, if Binky can choose when he wants to speak, which of the following options should he choose?

He should speak before Babbs

According to studies on voting preferences and message effects, primacy effects seem to prevail when we ________ vote for one of the candidates.

Hear one candidate speak right after another and then wait a week before we

Embedding images in magazine ads appears to be ________________ as a means of influencing brand preferences.

Highly ineffective

The bottom line on humor, according to Gass & Seiter, is

Humor indirectly facilitates persuasion, but is no more effective than using evidence and reasoning.

According to the text, the Marlboro Man symbolizes the Old West and such American values as freedom and rugged individualism. The Marlboro Man is persuasive due to which characteristic of images?


If one subscribes to the belief that 'size matters,' then those countries and economies with the tallest skyscrapers would be viewed as the most powerful and/or successful in the world. Such a perception illustrates which persuasive aspect of architecture?


Which of the following is not characteristic of icons?

Icons document that an event took place

Which of the following statements regarding logical and emotional appeals is most accurate?

If I disagree with your position, I'm more likely to think you are using emotional appeals

The "most interesting man in the world" mingles with beautiful women, wrestles with dictators, performs stunning feats, and drinks Dos Equis beer. This advertising campaign is an example of

Image-based advertising

Charlie decides to sell fish with this advertisement: "Research shows that people love to have their choice of fresh, frozen, or smoked fish. Chillin-Guppy and Zippy-fish only offer frozen fish, but Charlie's Fish has all three. Where do you want to go to get your fish?" Charlie's advertisement is using a/an

Implicit conclusion

Pictures from a store surveillance camera might prove that a shopper removed price tags from articles of clothing before placing them in a bag. This documentary aspect of images is called


A kindergarten teacher tries to 'catch' kids in the act of behaving properly, rather than when they are misbehaving. For example, she says, 'Tommy is doing a good job of keeping his hands to himself,' 'Jenny is being nice by sharing her crayons,' or 'Jeremy is being thoughtful by cleaning up his area.' The use of such social labeling is a form of


When people agree with a message, they tend to perceive the message as more _____, whereas when they disagree with the message, they tend to perceive the message as more______.


People generally fear risking something they already have ($1000) over the prospect of gaining something they don?t have ($4000) this tendency is reflected in:

Loss-framed messages

People from _______ power distance cultures are less likely to conform than those from ________ power distance cultures.

Low, high

Which of the following statements regarding the use of guilt appeals is most accurate?

Making people feel guilty can increase their willingness to comply with a request on another, unrelated issue.

According to the text, women are more persuasive with ________ when they use __________ forms of speech.


A company is set to launch a new product line. At first, only the brand's logo is displayed in various media, without any explanation of what the brand is or what the brand does. Greater familiarity with the logo, in and of itself, tends to make consumers like the brand more. This strategy is known as:

Mere exposure effect

According to Gass & Seiter,

Most Americans believe that subliminal persuasion is common, and most believe it works.

Which of the following statements about visual persuasion is most accurate?

Movies can be more persuasive than television commercials, because when people watch a movie they don't expect to be persuaded.

All of the strategies below have been shown to be effective except


People often go along with the group, even if they think the group is wrong, because they want to be liked and accepted. This is known as:

Normative Influence

Glenn believes that his circle of friends is wrong about a political issue but does not say anything because he does not want to be ostracized. This is an example of

Normative influence in groups

_______ are the expectations we have about what behaviors are right or wrong.


A two-sided message tends to be ineffective if

Opposing arguments are only acknowledged, but not refuted, in the message

Which of the following statements regarding order effects is most accurate?

Order is important when messages are presented through auditory channels.

Mai was not accepted into the chess club. Although she knew that they often stole food from the cafeteria for snacks, she still wanted them to notice her and ask her to join. This is an example of the effects of


According to the text, which type of person is likely to increase social loafing?

People who are diligent isolates

According to the text, people with disabilities can be referred to with such terms as: 1) heroic, e.g., visually challenged, handicapped; 2) normal, e.g., they "use a wheelchair" and are not much different from anyone else; 3) disabled, e.g., they are confined to a wheelchair and are helpless and dependent; or 4) pathetic, e.g., retarded, gimpy, pathetic. Which of the following is true of using such language to seek donations for people with disabilities?

People who use "heroic" language are seen as less credible but more persuasive than people who use "normal" language.

Which of the following statements best describes the morality as motivated resistance hypothesis?

People with stronger moral convictions are more resistant to majority influence than people with weaker moral convictions

According to Petty and Cacioppo (1986), humor tends to operate via the ______ route to persuasion.


In the terms used in the Elaboration Likelihood Model, a person low in the need for cognition is more likely to be persuaded via the _________ route to persuasion.


Sex appeals typically function as ____________ cues to persuasion.


When viewing a photograph of an event, such as a suicide bombing in the Middle East, one should remember that

Photographs are neutral, impartial representations of reality

An airline company creates two types of emergency pamphlets. One pamphlet contains only written instructions. The other contains written instructions and images. After surveying their passengers, the airline company found that passengers? recall of the information was higher for the pamphlet that featured written instructions and images. Which of the following best explains this phenomenon?

Picture superiority effect

Today, researchers are fairly confident that the relationship between fear level or intensity and attitude change is

Positive and linear

Which of the following is not a type of Ultimate term?

Powerful terms

According to Gass & Seiter, the most effective approach for an advertiser to use is

Product placement

Generally, research on argument order suggests that when organizing a speech, ________ is your best strategy for being the most persuasive.

Putting your strongest argument either first or last

According to research on message organization, the least effective approach is a/an

Pyramidal order

A group that has the power to influence us through the process of identification is known as a/an ________ group.


________ Theory assumes that people are motivated to seek pleasure and avoid pain.


Based upon findings from the "swear word" booklets of E. Scott Baudhuin (1973), _________ profanities are the least offensive category of profanity.


Cultivation Theory states that:

Seeing violence on TV and in movies creates an impression of a mean, scary world

A physician tells a middle-aged, female patient, 'You are developing osteoporosis. You need to start jogging. Jogging has been shown to increase bone density.' However, the patient protests, saying, 'I have bad knees. It is too painful for me to jog.' The physician responds, 'Well in that case, try walking or swimming. That should be easier on your knees.' The physician's response focuses on which aspect of the EPPM?


Wendy's neighbors asked her if she could babysit over the weekend. Wendy responded, 'Oh, I'm sorry, I can't. I'm volunteering at the soup kitchen this weekend.' Wendy is engaging in which type of ingratiation?


All of the following are true about sexual appeals in advertising except

Sexual objectification of males is fairly rare

Which theory states that is it the second or third member who is added to a group who exerts the greatest influence on group conformity?

Social influence model

_________ predicts that (a) the second or third member added to a group has the most effect on group conformity, and (b) individual group members may suspect collusion if the other members unanimously agree on some issue or decision.

Social influence model

Which theory or model states that messages that fall within a listener's latitude of acceptance will be assimilated and perceived as closer to the listener's position than the message actually is?

Social judgment theory

When trying to indoctrinate new members, cults often use 'love bombing' to shower the recruit with affection and attention. At what stage of indoctrination is this most likely to occur?

Softening-up Stage

In general, which of the following is most true?

Statistical proof is more persuasive than anecdotal proof

Music functions as a mnemonic device by

Stimulating brand recall.

All of the following appear to affect people's moods, with the exception of

Subaudible messages

Which of the following best describes segmentation analysis?

Tailoring a message to a specific sub-group or niche audience based on their unique characteristics

Derrick is the sheriff of a small town with trouble on his hands. A mob has just marched to the jail and is planning on lynching one of Derrick's prisoners. Based on what you know about deindividuation, what would you advise Derrick to do in order to prevent the lynching?

Tell the individuals in the crowd to reflect on their personal views about the wrongness of lynching.

An advertisement or commercial is better off using an explicit, as opposed to an implicit conclusion, if/when:

The audience has little knowledge about the topic or issue

Using intense language is most effective if/when

The listeners also use intense language

Controversy over whether to call a person an 'illegal alien', 'illegal immigrant,' 'person who is here illegally,' 'undocumented worker,' or 'undocumented immigrant' best illustrates:

The power of labeling

Product placement is

The practice of inserting brand name items into movie scenes and TV episodes

Which of the following is true of social facilitation?

The presence of other people causes us to perform better on simple tasks

A methodological weakness in many fragrance studies is that

The results could be due to the placebo effect

Research suggests that subliminal priming may act as a trigger but only if

There is a need, goal, or drive that must be satisfied.

Which of the following statements about NLP is most accurate?

There is little or no evidence that NLP works at all.

Which of the following statements about backward-masked messages or reverse speech is most accurate?

They have no discernible effect on behavior

People tend to feel more sympathy toward a person with a disability, and more likely to donate money or volunteer assistance, if/when

They think the person has no control over the disability

Some commercials often serve up 'visual extravaganzas' with eye-popping images and vivid graphics. The goal of such ads is

To stand out against the background of media clutter

A/An ______ is stable across situations and a/an ________ varies across situations.

Trait, state

In most cases, the most effective strategy when arguing against an opposing message is:

Two-sided Refutational Message

The best advice regarding self-disparaging humor is

Use it, primarily to increase likeability

Communication Accommodation Theory shows which language style to be most persuasive?

Using intense language with people who also use intense language

Linda gets very angry with her spouse for not taking care of their children on weekends when she wants to go out with friends. During arguments, she will call him names and threaten to leave him if he doesn't change his ways. This is an example of

Verbal aggressiveness

The use of ________ is generally more effective than ______ at holding our attention.

Vivid words/pallid information

Advertisements which make us feel sentimental about life, such as a television commercial depicting a family reunion full of hugs and smiles, rely on


A cultural truism is a belief

Whose truth is taken for granted

Pfau (1992) and colleagues' study on seventh graders and smoking prevention suggests that inoculation

Works for students with high self-esteem, but not with students with low self-esteem

An overall assessment of ingratiation research to date suggests the strategy

Works well

A new mascara brush is advertised as hip and cool. It features rebellious yellow, blue, and purple hues for eyelashes. Which of the following common product associations is being portrayed?

Youth culture

.'I know I am not the worlds best public speaker, but'... is an example of

a disclaimer

The political practice of sending in hecklers to interfere with an opponent's campaign is known as?


Yancy evaluates others solely by whether they are of the same religion as he. According to persuasion researchers, Yancy can be considered to be

cognitively simple

When German music was playing in the background in a wine store

customers bought more German wine

In order for a fear appeal to be effective, it must

emphasize response efficacy and self-efficacy

According to the text, Colombians' influence attempts center around the concept of confianza, or

having trust or closeness in a relationship

Who would probably be most persuaded by an advertisement promising viewers that using a product would make them popular?

high self-monitors

The fact that some media events are staged and wouldn't take place were it not for the presence of the cameras, illustrates the risk of relying on which persuasive aspect of images?


The best example of social proof below is

laugh tracks on TV sitcoms

Making prison inmates wear pink underwear illustrates the use of color as

method of power and control

Advertising jingles for baby back ribs and $5 foot-long sandwiches help consumers remember specific brands. This use of music best illustrates which of the following?

mnemonic device

The practice of showing brand-name items in movies and TV shows is called

product placement

Which of the following focuses on whether the recipient of a fear appeal can personally carry out the recommendation that is made?


Suppose you are a registered dietician in charge of a school cafeteria. Your goal is to reduce the number of "empty" calories (e.g., high in sugar and fat, low in protein and other nutrients) that school children consume at lunch. You should

serve foods that are high in sugar and fat on red plates

______ suggest one of the ways individuals determine their identities and also explains the influence of others on individuals to stop certain behaviors and increases conformity

social comparison theory

______ predicts that (a) the 2nd or 3rd member added to a group has the most effect on group conformity, and (b) individual group members may suspect collusion if the other members unanimously agree on some issue or decision

social influence model

Frank is the member of an "art group" that is given the task of judging the quality of several paintings. He likes the group and wants to fit in, but finds that he disagrees about the quality of all the paintings with every member of the group but one: Tim, who wears glasses that are so thick that everyone in the group wonders if he can even see the paintings. According to what we learned about conformity, having Tim in the group will probably cause Frank to

state that his judgments about the paintings are in disagreement with the majority's judgments and in agreement with Tim's

Kevin wants to try to persuade Bubbles to do something but is not sure it's possible because Bubbles is so authoritarian. Based on what you know from the text, which type of influence tactic would work best on Bubbles?

threaten Bubbles by telling him that something bad will happen if he doesn't comply

As a tool for influence, music persuade

via central and peripheral processing

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