COMM112 Exam 1 Multiple Choice

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Egocentric people cannot take the perspectives of others, making them less competent communicators. Select one: TRUE or FALSE


Literal listening involves focusing only on the content-level meaning of a message and ignoring the relationship-level meaning. TRUE or FALSE


Nonverbal communication is continuous and may be either deliberately controlled or unintentional. TRUE or FALSE


The perspectives that impact us the most, beginning at birth, are those of Particular Others. TRUE or FALSE


The self has multiple dimensions. TRUE or FALSE


The sense of touch is called haptics. TRUE or FALSE


The use of silence in communication can be perceived as either confirming or disconfirming. TRUE or FALSE


We follow communication rules even when we are not consciously aware of them. TRUE or FALSE


Across all cultures, maintaining direct eye contact is always a sign of respect and attentiveness. TRUE or FALSE


Based on the definition we use in our class, Communication is the process of a source and a receiver exchanging words with each other. TRUE or FALSE


Because words are powerful, verbal communication tends to be perceived as more believable. TRUE or FALSE


Being mindful happens naturally when listening to others. TRUE or FALSE


By labeling Barack Obama as "the first Black president" in the 2008 U.S. Presidential election, some media commentators engaged in stereotyping. TRUE or FALSE


Competent communicators don't need to check perceptions with others, because they have mastered how to interpret communication in the way that it is intended. (This is almost like mind-reading, which is equally effective!) TRUE or FALSE


Direct definitions, self-fulfilling prophecies, attachment styles, and social comparisons can all be considered as family influences on our self-concept. Select one: TRUE or FALSE


Fathers are more likely than mothers to specialize in protecting children and emotionally reassuring them. TRUE or FALSE


Immediately after hearing a message, most people remember less than ___ of what they have heard. A. 50% or half B. 70% C. 10% D. 25% or a quarter E. 35%

A. 50% or half

Carson doesn't reply when his roommate speaks to him and seems very preoccupied. His roommate says, "Hey, Carson, you're not very responsive today... are you okay?" The roommate's comment is an example of: A. Metacommunication B. I-It Communication C. Systemic Communication D. Linear Communication

A. Metacommunication

Sandy is walking into a mall and a homeless person approaches her and asks for money. Sandy keeps walking without speaking to or looking at the person. The communication between Sandy and the homeless person is: A. I-You B. I-It C. I-Thou D. I-We

B. I-It

Pat and John are Chemistry lab partners. Pat says to John, "You are so stupid! I really wonder how you got into college in the first place. You know, the reason you always question yourself in lab and can't seem to grasp this chemistry class isn't because the information is difficult to understand; it's because you are so darn dumb!" Pat's communication is an example of: A. being a vulture. B. being a downer. C. making a social comparison. D. being an upper.

A. being a vulture

Individuals who are more _____ are better able to integrate new information about others and situations when interacting with them. A. cognitively complex B. empathic C. adept at mindreading D. socially aware

A. cognitively complex

Interpersonal Communication includes _______ and _______ levels of meaning. Select one: A. content and relationship B. linear and interactive C. diverse and similar D. simple and complex

A. content and relationship

Perceiving personal attacks and criticism in the neutral or positive messages we receive is called: A. defensive listening. B. critical listening. C. selective listening. D. intentional listening.

A. defensive listening.

Sarah and Ellen apply for the same job. Sarah says, "I didn't get the job offer because the interviewer was in a bad mood and asked me stupid, irrelevant questions. Plus it was a nasty day outside, so the odds were basically against me! However, Ellen didn't get the job offer because she wasn't very qualified, her suit wasn't professional enough, and overall, she's not that smart." This is an example of: A. fundamental attribution error. B. self-serving bias. C. internal attributions. D. implicit personality theory.

A. fundamental attribution error.

Using ____ language allows you to own your own feelings while explaining to others how you interpret their behaviors. A. "We" B. "You" C. "I" D. "They"

C. "I"

After his supervisor reprimands James for being late to work multiple times, James says of his supervisor, "She makes me feel worthless." Making this statement, James has used ________. A. "I" language B. Loaded language C. "You" language D. "We" language

C. "You" language

Which of the following is NOT a symbolic ability? A. Self-Reflection B. Abstract Thought C. Linguistic Determinism D. Hypothetical Thought

C. Linguistic Determinism

According to the text, some scholars estimate that nonverbal communication accounts for what percentage of the total meaning in interpersonal communication? A. 100% B. 25% C. Approx. 50% D. Anywhere from 65% - 93%

D. Anywhere from 65% - 93%

_______________ is (are) behaviors that increase perceived closeness between communicators. A. Rituals B. Paralanguage C. Liking D. Immediacy

D. Immediacy

After performing a comprehensive job search, job seekers put together a resume, write a cover letter, apply for select jobs, and then go on job interviews. This statement best exemplifies: A. personal constructs. B. stereotypes. C. prototypes. D. scripts.

D. Scripts

Jorge talks with a different accent and most people find it difficult to understand him at first. This is an example of what kind of Noise? A. Psychological B. Physiological C. Physical D. Semantic

D. Semantic

Which of the following is NOT included in the Transactional Model of communication? A. Social Systems B. Time C. Noise D. Sender

D. Sender

Psychologists define ________ as rules for living and identity, defining our roles and how we are to play them (in society, in our family, in our relationships). A. direct definitions B. attachment styles C. reflected appraisals D. identity scripts

D. identity scripts

Cosmetic surgery and eating disorders are associated with _____, one type of nonverbal communication. A. kinesics B. paralanguage C. haptics D. physical appearance

D. physical appearance

Men tend to interject more than women with vocal and verbal feedback to show that they are listening and interested. TRUE or FALSE


Most psychologists believe that the basic identity scripts for our lives are formed before we are even born. TRUE or FALSE


Perceptions are objective and tend to reflect reality. TRUE or FALSE


Proxemics refers to time and how we use it. TRUE or FALSE


Regulative rules do not vary across cultures and social groups, so what is acceptable communicative behavior in one context is typically the same expectation in other contexts. TRUE or FALSE


Research shows that eyewitness testimony is highly reliable. TRUE or FALSE


Responsiveness, Liking, and Power are dimensions of relationship-level meanings that are rarely expressed through nonverbal communication. TRUE or FALSE


The average person spends at least 25% of her or his waking time listening to others. TRUE or FALSE


The self is constant. TRUE or FALSE


We use stereotypes to make predictions about people and situations based on generalizations, which is always never a good thing to do. TRUE or FALSE


Although words don't mean exactly the same thing to everyone, within a culture many symbols have an agreed-upon range of meanings. TRUE or FALSE


One dimension of attribution is LOCUS, which deals specifically with the internal factors or the external factors of an individual's actions. TRUE or FALSE


Physical Noise is any interference during communication in our environments, such as noises made by others, music playing in the background, overly dim or bright lights, spam and pop-up ads, or lawnmowers cutting grass outside. TRUE or FALSE


Punctuation defines the beginning and ending of an interaction. TRUE or FALSE


Regulative rules specify when, how, where, and with whom we can communicate about particular topics. TRUE or FALSE


Research indicates that we are more likely to recall behaviors that are consistent with our labels for people than behaviors that are inconsistent. TRUE or FALSE


Scripts are useful in guiding us through many of our interactions; however, they are not always accurate or constructive. Therefore, we should not accept them uncritically. TRUE or FALSE


Self-disclosure can also be an important way for us to learn about ourselves. TRUE or FALSE


The attachment style we develop as a child can change over the course of our life. Select one: TRUE or FALSE


The informal style of writing common in e-mail, text messages, and social network postings is beginning to affect writing in more formal contexts. TRUE or FALSE


Potential romantic partners can be evaluated based on how attractive or unattractive they are. This statement best represents: A. stereotypes. B. prototypes. C. personal constructs. D. scripts.

C. personal constructs.

During a student speech, the campus landscapers begin mowing the lawn, making the student's presentation difficult to hear. The audience is experiencing _____, a listening obstacle. A. message overload. B. preoccupation. C. physical noise. D. message complexity.

C. physical noise.

The perspectives of ______ reflect the views generally held by society (members of society or segments of society). A. the Social Other B. the Emotional Other C. the Generalized Other D. Particular Others

C. the Generalized Other

"When I do badly on a math exam, it is the professor's fault - he isn't fair with his questions, and he never grades the class on a curve. Besides, it's kind of difficult to find time to study for an exam in his class when you also have HW to complete. However, I always do well on my English exams, because I'm an avid reader and naturally a good writer. I read various books all the time, so it's pretty easy for me to comprehend the vocabulary & underlying themes in our reading assignments." This is an example of: A. perception checking. B. fundamental attribution error. C. standpoint. D. self-serving bias.

D. Self Serving bias

James discovers that all of his friends scored lower on an exam than he did, and James concludes that he is really smart. His conclusion is based on: A. Self-fulfilling prophecy. B. Reflected appraisals. C. Identity scripts. D. Social comparison.

D. Social comparison

Kim says, "I would never join Kappa Omega Sigma sorority. I saw two members last weekend partying like crazy! All those sorority girls do is party." Kim's statement is an example of: A. a personal construct. B. a script. C. a prototype. D. a stereotype.

D. a stereotype.

Edmund is very attentive and supportive to his son Myles when he is sober, but when Edmund drinks, he often ignores his son and sometimes verbally abuses him. Myles never knows which way his father will act. If the father is Myles' primary care giver, Myles is likely to develop which attachment style? A. dismissive attachment style B. secure attachment style C. fearful attachment style D. anxious-ambivalent attachment style

D. anxious ambivalent attachment style

If you point across campus while giving directions to Hopwood Auditorium, you have used nonverbal communication to ___________ your verbal communication. A. substitute for B. regulate C. contradict D. complement

D. complement

ason is having trouble listening effectively in his advanced philosophy course. Usually he listens well in class, but the professor in this case is presenting such complicated ideas that Jason has difficulty following and retaining the lectures. Jason is experiencing a listening obstacle known as: A. prejudgment. B. noise. C. message overload. D. message complexity.

D. message complexity.

Two broad types of barriers to mindful listening are obstacles in the communication situation and obstacles within the communicators. Some examples of these obstacles are: A. being wide awake, not letting your thoughts drift, and attending fully. B. giving nonverbal responses, evaluating your listening, and avoiding reframing. C. paying attention, adopting an involved posture, keeping eye contact, and indicating interest in what the other person is saying. D. message overload, message complexity, noise, and reacting to emotionally loaded language. E. being open to the person, concentrating on what the person is saying, and refocusing on what is being said.

D. message overload, message complexity, noise, and reacting to emotionally loaded language.

Attachment styles are: A. where an individual stops and the rest of the world begins. B. communication styles we use in our relationships with others. C. ways we satisfy our needs for belonging. D. parenting patterns that teach us who we are and how to approach relationships.

D. parenting patterns that teach us who we are and how to approach relationships

Priscilla is angry with her boyfriend, so she refuses to sit near him in class or to let him get close to her while they are walking across the Dell. To communicate her anger, Priscilla is relying on: A. silence B. haptics C. chronemics D. proxemics

D. proxemics

Ed and Sonny are arguing, and Sonny tells Ed to stop shouting. Ed shouts, "I'm shouting, because you're shouting at me!" Sonny shouts back, "Well, I'm shouting at you, because you're shouting at me!" The difference between how Ed and Sonny see the cause of shouting is due to differences in: A. evaluation. B. abstraction. C. ambiguity. D. punctuation.

D. punctuation.

Shannon believes that she is lovable and that other people are also loving and can be trusted. Shannon has a/an ______ attachment style. A. anxious-ambivalent B. dismissive C. fearful D. secure

D. secure

Mike was responsible for taking care of his two younger siblings while growing up. As a result, Mike engaged in various experiences of nurturing others and deferring his needs for the sake of his siblings' needs. As an adult, Mike is more nurturing and more attentive to others' needs than most of his male peers. Mike's greater care-giving inclination is best explained by his: A. prototype for caregiving. B. cognitive schemata for caregivers. C. selective perception of caregiving. D. social location, or social role of caregiver.

D. social location, or social role of caregiver.

People act as ______ when they communicate positively about us and reflect positive appraisals of our self-worth. A. downers B. appraisers C. vultures D. uppers

D. uppers

Ego boundaries refer to: A. ways we satisfy our needs for belonging. B. boundaries that keep us grounded and our own ego in check. C. social standpoints such as race, class, and gender. D. where an individual ends and the rest of the world begins.

D. where an individual ends and the rest of the world begins

Effective listening is learning one good listening behavior and knowing when it is appropriate; we shouldn't worry with varying our listening behaviors. TRUE or FALSE


Mary Kate attends the first meeting of LC's Student Activities Board (SAB). Eager to participate and share ideas for events the student body will enjoy, Mary Kate offers numerous comments and suggestions during the opening discussion. Then Mary Kate realizes that others aren't speaking up and she says to herself, "I'd better hold it down a bit and say less before others think I'm trying to monopolize the discussion." Mary Kate has engaged in: A. Monitoring B. Relationship Level of Meaning C. Symbolic Management D. I-You Communication

A. Monitoring

Deborah is surprised when her friend reaches across the table in front of her to get the salt and pepper shakers. Deborah thinks to herself, "You don't reach across the table in front of someone; that is rude." Deborah's perception of her friend's behavior is based on a/an ____ rule she has for dining interactions. A. regulative B. constitutive C. intuitive D. constructive

B. constitutive

We can draw connections from Cicero's Five Canons of Rhetoric for public speaking to an Interpersonal Communication context. For example, in an interpersonal context the second canon Disposition deals with: A. Order and organization - Determining what to say at the beginning, middle, and end of the conversation. B. Thinking about what topics we want to talk about with the person, as well as the best place and time to discuss them. C. Remembering what we want to discuss during the conversation, as well as what we already know about the person or situation. D. Language Use - The words we choose to use during a conversation.

A. Order and organization - Determining what to say at the beginning, middle, and end of the conversation.

According to the overall process of human perception, the selection part of the process includes all of the following EXCEPT: A. rational judgment. B. qualities of the phenomena. C. self-indication. D. culture.

A. Rational judgement

A guidance counselor encourages Jessica to take Calculus for her senior year math, as it will strengthen her college applications. Jessica's mother doesn't believe Jessica has a strong aptitude for math and criticizes Jessica for putting herself in a "losing situation". As a result, Jessica internalizes her mother's expectation of her and doesn't put much effort into her Calculus class, viewing it as a losing battle. Jessica ends up performing poorly in the class and failing, supporting her mother's initial belief. This is an example of a/an: A. Self-fulfilling prophecy. B. Identity script. C. Reflected appraisal. D. Direct definition.

A. Self-fulfilling prophecy

In general, masculine-gender speech communities tend to follow this communication rule: A. Use talk to accomplish instrumental and practical goals. B. Include others in conversations. C. Be expressive. D. Use talk cooperatively.

A. Use talk to accomplish instrumental and practical goals.

The French word "rue" and the American word "road" mean the same thing in their respective cultures. These different symbols used for the same thing remind us that language is: A. arbitrary B. ambiguous C. objective D. abstract

A. arbitrary

By _____, we communicate attention and interest during the listening process. A. responding B. remembering C. hearing D. selectively listening

A. responding

Symbols are: A. Ambiguous B. All of these choices C. Abstract D. Arbitrary

B. All of these choices

A cellphone, a briefcase, and a bracelet are all examples of ___________. A. Physical Appearance B. Artifacts C. Environmental Factors D. Proxemics

B. Artifacts

______ is the first and most important principle in effective listening. A. Adapting B. Being mindful C. Listening actively D. Carefully selecting

B. Being mindful

Which of the following is NOT a constitutive rule of communication? A. Wearing a suit is essential to demonstrating professionalism. B. Business e-mail must be answered within 24 hours. C. Not turning off a cell phone before class starts is rude. D. Using ALL CAPS in e-mails comes across as "shouting".

B. Business e-mail must be answered within 24 hours.

"You are a very smart girl", Tammy tells her daughter. Tammy's statement is an example of a (or an): A. Reflected appraisal. B. Direct definition. C. Identity script. D. Social comparison.

B. Direct definition

Jed arrives late to class and doesn't make any contributions during the class discussion. Based on what you know, which of the following is an inference about Jed? A. Jed didn't contribute to class discussion. B. Jed is lazy and doesn't care about the class. C. Jed didn't engage in group work during class discussion. D. Jed arrived after the class had started.

B. Jed is lazy and doesn't care about the class.

Professor Johnson assigns a paper in which students are to demonstrate a "conceptual understanding by applying concepts learned in class to the real world." Professor Johnson is surprised when many of the students' papers include extended examples from the MTV program "The Real World" instead of including analyses of observations made of real-world society. The difference between what Professor Johnson's words meant to him and what the words meant to the students reflects which characteristic of language? A. Symbolic language is arbitrary. B. Symbolic language is ambiguous. C. Symbolic language is objective. D. Symbolic language is abstract.

B. Symbolic language is ambiguous.

The _________ Model of communication highlights the dynamic nature of interpersonal communication by the multiple roles people assume during the process. In addition, this model introduces the important feature of time. A. Linear B. Transactional C. Physical D. Interactive

B. Transactional

Which of the following is NOT a guideline for improving the accuracy of our perception and interpersonal communication? A. Recognize that all perceptions are partial and subjective. B. Understand that Inferences are basically the same as Facts. C. Guard against self-serving bias. D. Avoid mind-reading.

B. Understand that Inferences are basically the same as Facts.

When we listen carefully for the purpose of attacking the speaker, we are engaging in ______. A. selective listening B. ambushing C. pseudolistening D. defensive listening

B. ambushing

Marta came to the United States from Mexico six months ago, and she is still having trouble understanding Americans' tendency to rush all the time. She is also surprised when her teachers are irritated if she joins class a while after the class has started. Marta's confusion about American pace of life is based on which aspect of nonverbal communication? A. environmental factors B. chronemics C. kinesics D. artifacts

B. chronemics

We should be careful when explaining others' behaviors, as well as our own. Unfortunately, we have a tendency to overestimate the internal causes of others' undesirable behaviors, misfortunes or failures, and underestimate the external causes. Conversely, we are likely to underestimate the internal causes of our own misdeeds and failures, and overestimate the external causes. This is called: A. stereotype. B. fundamental attribution error. C. locus of control. D. self-serving bias.

B. fundamental attribution error.

When Mark's son doesn't obey him the first two times Mark tells him they are ready to leave the playground, Mark says, "Get your toys and let's go, son. I REALLY mean it; we are leaving NOW!". Mark spoke loudly and emphasized "really" and "now" to show his son that he's serious and expects him to obey. Mark has relied on _____ to communicate this meaning of seriousness and authority to his son. A. kinesics B. paralanguage C. proxemics D. chronemics

B. paralanguage

Randy says, "Man, I am really bummed about not getting any job offers." His roommate, Jeremy, responds, "It sounds as if you're feeling pretty low about the results of your job search so far. Have you determined a new strategy?" Jeremy's communication is an example of: A. using minimal encouragers. B. paraphrasing. C. relying on mnemonics. D. listening for complexity.

B. paraphrasing.

As soon as the news program begins an interview with the president, Cindy quits paying attention and mumbles to herself, "I already know everything he has to say about healthcare, and I certainly don't want to hear it!" Cindy's ability to listen is being hindered by: A. preoccupation. B. prejudgment. C. message overload. D. message complexity.

B. prejudgment

I think my boss Susan is a great supervisor; she listens to her employees' concerns and ideas, and she is always available. Every supervisor should uphold this standard. In my mind, Susan is a _____ for supervisors. A. stereotype B. prototype C. personal construct D. script

B. prototype

Christine doesn't want to be interrupted while she is speaking, so she avoids looking at others until she has said all she wants to say. Then, after speaking, she looks at the person who wants to respond. Christine has used nonverbal behavior to: A. demonstrate status & power. B. regulate interaction with others. C. establish relationship-level meanings. D. establish content-level meanings.

B. regulate interaction with others.

In face-to-face classrooms, students are typically instructed to raise their hands before speaking to the class. This is an example of what type of communication rule? A. instructive B. regulative C. comparative D. constitutive

B. regulative

While visiting her parents on a break from school, Joan doesn't pay attention to much of what they say. She lets most of their communication go in one ear and out the other without ever listening. However, when her mother mentions going shopping to get some new clothes and shoes for Joan to take back to school, Joan listens attentively. This is an example of ______, one form of nonlistening. A. literal listening B. selective listening C. defensive listening D. pseudolistening E. ambushing

B. selective listening

Men and women tend to differ somewhat in their listening. Men tend to focus their listening on specific content areas of communication, while women tend to focus on: A. development of response. B. the whole communication. C. background noise. D. critical points of communication. E. selected passages.

B. the whole communication.

While listening to her friend Bill, Ellie occasionally says, "Really? Tell me more." or "That's interesting, go on." Ellie is: A. relying on mnemonics. B. using minimal encouragers. C. listening for pleasure. D. paraphrasing.

B. using minimal encouragers.

Best Friends who talk with each other about the details of their lives and know each other in great depth exemplify: A. I-You Communication B. I-We Communication C. I-Thou Communication D. I-It Communication

C. I-Thou Communication

Members of John's project group at work consistently comment on his excellent performance as a team leader. As a result, John begins to view himself as an effective leader, and considers applying for higher-level management positions some day. The process through which John developed this sense of self is called: A. Social comparison. B. Identity script. C. Reflected appraisal. D. Direct definition.

C. Reflected appraisal

Which one of the following is NOT a paralanguage behavior? A. Pausing betwen words for emphasis B. Raising volume when speaking C. Refusing to speak D. Speaking with a pronounced accent

C. Refusing to speak

Cindy just moved into a new apartment and spent the first day hanging pictures, putting out souvenirs of important times with family & friends, and placing her favorite books and CDs on the bookshelves. Cindy has relied on what form of nonverbal communication to personalize her new apartment? A. physical appearance B. environmental factors C. artifacts D. proxemics

C. artifacts

This refers to how we perceive and use time to define identities and interaction. A. proxemics B. environmental factors C. chronemics D. artifacts

C. chronemics

"One day I will not have to worry about money. One day I'll make a great salary." These statements illustrate how the symbolic nature of language allows for: A. symbolic organization. B. symbolic evaluation. C. hypothetical thought. D. loaded language.

C. hypothetical thought.

Corey thinks that people who smile and are pleasant are also confident, love being around groups of people, and have a good sense of humor. Corey's assumption that people who smile and are pleasant are also confident, enjoy groups of people, and have a good sense of humor is an inference based on his ________ of the qualities that accompany someone who seems pleasant. A. standpoint B. mind reading C. implicit personality theory D. self-indication

C. implicit personality theory

As the faculty meeting stretches to three hours, Renee starts to experience listening fatigue, or _____, an internal listening obstacle. A. failure to adapt B. imposing preconceptions C. lack of effort D. reacting to emotionally loaded language

C. lack of effort

Because nonverbal communication is ______, selective perception is likely to occur. A. continuous B. symbolic C. multi-channeled D. intentional

C. multi-channeled

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