Common English Words - Set A

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24 HOURS [C] A1 a period of 24 hours gün the ___s of the week January has 31 ___s. I saw her the ___before yesterday . LIGHT HOURS [C, U] A2 the period during the day when there is light from the sun gündüz, gün boyu a bright , sunny ___ We've been travelling all ___. WORK HOURS [C] A2 the time that you usually spend at work or school iş günü She's had a very busy ___at the office . the other day B1 a few days ago birkaç gün önce I saw Terry the other ___. day after day B2 every day for a long period of time gün be gün, günlerce ___ after ___ they marched through the mountains . one day A2 used to talk about something that happened in the past bir gün (geçmişte) One ___, I came home to find my windows smashed . one day/some day/one of these days B1 used to talk about something you think will happen in the future elbet bir gün, gelecekte bir gün One of these ___s I'll tell her what really happened . days C1 used to talk about a particular period of time when something happened or existed o günlerde, o günler in my younger ___s a long time B1 a long time günlerce, günler boyu I haven't seen Jack for ___s. these days A2 used to talk about the present time bu günlerde I don't go out much these ___s. in those days B2 used to talk about a period in the past o günlerde, o zamanlar In those ___s, boys used to wear short trousers . the old days C1 a period in the past eski günler (BNL Set: A02)


60 MINUTES [C] A1 a period of time equal to 60 minutes saat half an ___ It's a six-___ flight . The job pays $5 an ___. PERIOD OF TIME [C] A1 the period of time when a particular activity happens or when a shop or public building is open (açılış kapanış veya oluş) saati [usually plural] working ___s Our opening ___s are from 8 to 6. I've got to go to the bank UK in my lunch ___/ US on my lunch ___. hours informal B1 a long time saatlerce I spent ___s doing my homework . the hour B1 the point when a new hour begins saat başı The train leaves at two minutes past the ___. My watch beeps on the ___. all hours B2 very late at night , until early morning , or almost all the time geç saatte Our neighbours are up till all ___s every night , playing loud music . the early/small hours B2 the hours between midnight and the time that the sun rises gece yarısı ile gün doğumu arasındaki saatler (BNL Set: A02)


60 SECONDS A1 a period of time equal to 60 seconds dakika She was ten ___s late for her interview. "Did you have a good holiday ?" "Yes, thanks . I enjoyed every ___ of it." a thirty-___ journey SHORT TIME A2 a very short period of time an, lahza, çok kısa müddet It'll only take a ___ to call him. I'll be with you in a ___. She died within ___s of (= very soon after) the attack . (at) any minute A2 very soon neredeyse, her an, şimdi; çok yakında; hemen Her train should be arriving any ___. the last minute B2 the latest time possible son anda/dakikada The concert was cancelled at the last ___. the minute (that) B2 as soon as derhal, hemen; I'll tell you the ___ we hear any news . Wait/Just a minute; Hold on a minute. B2 used when asking someone to wait for a short time 'Bir dakika!', 'Biraz bekle!', 'Az bekle!' Just a Wait/Just a minute; Hold on a minute. - I've left my coat in the restaurant. Wait/Just a minute; Hold on a minute. B2 used when you disagree with something that someone has said or done 'Dur hele!', 'Bir dakika!', 'Hop hop!', 'Az dinle bir kez!' Hold on a ___, Pete! I never said you could borrow my car . SMALL B2 extremely small çok küçük, ufacık, minnacık a ___ amount / quantity EXACT [always before noun] B2 done in great detail ayrıntılı, çok ince, çok detaylı He explained everything in ___ detail .(BNL Set: A02)


A1 [C] a group of letters or sounds that mean something, or a single letter or sound that means something sözcük, kelime 'Hund' is the German ___ for ' dog '. He has difficulty spelling long ___s. not believe/understand/hear, etc a word B1 to not believe / understand / hear , etc anything hiç bir şey anlamamak/inanmamak/işitmemek vb. I don't believe a ___ he says. have a word with sb B2 to talk to someone for a short time iki kelime etmek, kısa bir süre konuşmak I'll have a ___ with Ted and see if he wants to come. take sb's word for it B2 to believe what someone says without any proof her söylediğine inanmak; sözlerine itibar etmek; sözüne güvenmek in other words B2 used to explain what something means in a different way yâni, diğer bir şekilde; bir başka deyişle He said he's too busy , in other ___s, he isn't interested . (BNL Set: A01)


A1 [I, T] to decide which thing you want seçmek, tercih yapmak I helped my sister ___ a name for her baby . They have to ___ between earning a living or getting an education . There were lots of books to ___ from. [+ question word] How did you choose which school to go to? Adam was chosen as team captain . choose to do sth › to decide to do something bir şeyi yapmayı seçmek, tercih etmek Manuela chose to take a job in Paris . (BNL Set: A01)


A1 a book that contains a list of words in alphabetical order with their meanings explained or written in another language sözlük (BNL Set: A01)


A1 the number 5 beş We have ___ fingers on one hand. (BNL Set: A02)


A1 used to form a negative phrase after verbs like 'be', 'can', 'have', 'will', 'must', etc , usually used in the short form 'n't' in speech yardımcı fiilleri olumsuz yapmak için kullanılır; kısa yazılışı 'n't', I won't tell her. I can't go. He hasn't eaten yet . Don't you like her? It isn't difficult (= It is easy ). The service isn't very good (= it is bad ). You're coming, aren't you? I will not tolerate laziness . A1 used to give the next word or group of words a negative meaning yardımcı fiilllerle olumsuzluk anlamı vermek için kullanılır; kısa yazılışı 'n't', ...değil/yok I told you ___ to do that. I like most vegetables but ___ cabbage . "Come and play football , Dad ." "___ now, Jamie." "Whose are these?" "___ mine." A2 used after verbs like 'be afraid ', ' hope ', ' suspect ', etc in short , negative replies be 'afraid', 'hope', 'suspect' vb. fiillerden sonra kısaca olumsuz yanıt vermek için kullanılır "Do you think it's going to rain ?" "I hope ___." "Have you finished ?" "I'm afraid ___." (BNL Set: A01)


A2 a word that is used to say that someone does something or that something happens . For example the words ' arrive ', 'make', 'be', and ' feel ' are verbs. fiil (BNL Set: A01)


A2 more, or more than usual fazla, fazladan, ek, ilave, ekstra Can I invite a few ___ people ? She's been babysitting to earn some ___ cash . B1 more than usual fazladan, ilaveten Do you get paid ___ for working late?MORE B1 something that costs more when you buy goods or pay for a service ekstra The hi-fi comes with optional ___s such as headphones and remote control . ACTOR › an actor in a film who does not have a main part and usually plays someone in a crowd figüran (BNL Set: A01)


AFTER FIRST A1 referring to the person , thing, or event that comes immediately after the first ikinci You're ___ on the list . This is my ___ piece of chocolate cake. She didn't win but she did come ___ (= was the one after the winner) in one race . NUMBER A1 2nd written as a word ikinci SUPPORT B1 to formally support an idea at a meeting desteklemek, destek vermek [often passive] The chairperson's proposal was ___ed by Ms Jones TIME A2 one of the 60 parts a minute is divided into saniye SHORT TIME informal B1 a very short period of time an, saniye I'll be back in just a ___. PRODUCT B2 something that is sold cheaply because it is damaged or not in perfect condition defolu/özürlü mallar/eşyalar [usually plural] Some of those towels are ___s. TRANSFER B2 to send someone to another job for a fixed period of time geçici göreve ata(n)mak/gönder(il)mek [often passive] He was ___ed from the police to the Department of Transport .(BNL Set: A02)


AGREEING › used when agreeing to do something or when allowing someone to do something 'Tamam!', 'Pekâlâ!', 'Oldu!', 'Tabi ki!', 'Hay hay! "Let's meet this afternoon ." "___." "Can I use the car ?" "___." BEFORE SPEAKING A2 used before you start speaking , especially to a group of people 'Pekâlâ!', 'Evet!', 'Şimdi!', 'Tamam!' ___, I'm going to start by showing you a few figures . GOOD A2 good or good enough iyi, güzel, uygun; iyice, fena değil Is your food ___? It was ___, but it wasn't as good as his last film . SAFE A1 safe or healthy güvenli, sağlıklı, sıhhatli, merak edilecek bir durum yok Is your grandmother ___ now? ALLOWED A2 allowed or acceptable onay, uygun bulma, kabul edilebilir Is it ___ if I leave early today? [+ to do sth] Is it ___ to smoke in here? (BNL Set: A01)


AWAY FROM B1 used to show movement away from the inside of a place or container dışarı, dışarıya He dropped the bag and all the apples fell ___. She opened the window and stuck her head ___. OUTSIDE › outside a building or room dışarda, dışında, açık havada Would you like to wait ___ here? It's bitterly cold ___ today. NOT THERE A2 not in the place where you usually live or work , especially for a short time yerinde değil, dışarda I came round to see you this morning but you were ___. FIRE/LIGHT B1 A fire or light that is out is not burning or shining . (ateş, ışık) yanmıyor, sönmüş, parlamıyor Bring some more wood , the fire's gone ___. AVAILABLE B1 available to buy or see gösterimde, satışta, sunulma, çıkma When's the new Spielberg film ___? FASHION › no longer fashionable or popular moda olmayan, eskisi gibi popüler değil Trousers like that went ___ years ago. NOT ACCURATE › not accurate doğru değil, yanlış, hatalı, eksik Your figures are ___ by £300. GAME › no longer able to play or take part in a game or competition yarış/yarışma/oyun dışı kalma Two of the best players were ___ after ten minutes . APPEAR B1 able to be seen ortaya çıkma, gözükme, doğma, yükselme After a few minutes the sun came ___. NOT POSSIBLE › not possible or not acceptable mümkün olmama, kabul görmeme Next weekend is ___because we're going away.(BNL Set: A01)


GIVE LESSONS [I, T] A1 to give lessons in a particular subject at a school , university , etc öğretmek, ders vermek She taught at Harvard University for several years . He ___es history . SHOW HOW TO [T] A2 to show or explain to someone how to do something öğretmek [+ to do sth] My dad taught me to drive . Can you ___ me how to knit ? GET KNOWLEDGE [T] B1 If a situation teaches you something, it gives you new knowledge or helps you to understand something. ders vermek [+ to do sth] The whole experience taught him to be more careful with money . (BNL Set: A01)


BEFORE A1 coming before all others ilk Who was the ___ person to arrive at the party ? He was nervous on his ___ day at school . They went abroad last year for the ___ time since having children . NUMBER B2 1st written as a word birinci IMPORTANT A2 most important ilk ve tek, en önemli Sheila won ___ prize in the photo competition. BEFORE A1 before everything or everyone else ilk olarak; önde gelen I can go to the cinema, but I've got to do my homework ___. Jason came ___in the 400 metres (= he won ). FIRST TIME B1 for the first time ilk defa; ilkinde I ___ heard the song on the radio . He ___ started playing the piano at school. at first B1 at the beginning of a situation or period of time ilk başta, en başta At ___ I thought she was unfriendly , but actually she is just shy . first; first of all B1 used to introduce the first idea, reason, etc in a series ilk olarak; her şeyden önce ___, I think we have to change our marketing strategy . ORDER A2 before doing anything else ilk başta, ilk önce; öncelikle ___ of all check you have all the correct ingredients . come first B2 to be the most important person or thing önde gelen, önemli Her career always comes ___. put sb/sth first B2 to consider someone or something to be the most important thing ilk sıraya koymak, önemsemek Most couples put their children ___ when sorting out their problems . First come, first served. B2 something you say when there is not enough of something for everyone and only the first people who ask for it will get it İlk gelen alır; sırası gelen alır; sırayla the first B1 the first person, people, thing, or things ilk kişi/insanlar/şey/şeyler Hillary and Norgay were the ___ to climb Everest. be a first B2 to be something that has never happened before bir ilk olmak Man walking on the moon was a ___ in space history. (BNL Set: A02)


BEHAVE [I] B1 to behave in a particular way davranış göstermek, harekette bulunmak to ___ responsibly Jeff's been ___ing strangely recently . Stop ___ing like a child ! DO SOMETHING [I] B2 to do something, especially in order to solve a problem bir problemi çözmede girişimde bulunmak We have to ___ now to stop the spread of this disease . PERFORM [I, T] B1 to perform in a play or film bir film ya da oyunda oynamak He's ___ed in a number of successful Hollywood films . (BNL Set: A01)


BETWEEN POSSIBILITIES A1 used between possibilities , or before the last in a list of possibilities veya, yoksa Would you like toast ___ cereal ? Is that a boy ___ a girl ? You can have beer , wine , ___ mineral water . The house will take two ___ three years to complete . CHANGE B2 used to change or correct something you have said veya, veyahut, ya da We told the truth , ___ most of it. REASON › used to give a reason for something you have said yoksa, aksi takdirde/hâlde She must love him ___ she wouldn't have stayed with him all these years . NOT EITHER A2 used after a negative verb between a list of things to mean not any of those things or people Tim doesn't eat meat ___ fish . (BNL Set: A01)


COMMUNICATION [U] B1 communication between people , usually using words dil, lisan She has done research into how children acquire ___. ENGLISH/SPANISH/JAPANESE ETC [C] A1 a type of communication used by the people of a particular country bir ülkede konuşulan dil, lisan How many ___s do you speak ? TYPE OF WORDS [U] › words of a particular type , especially the words used by people in a particular job belli bir işe ait özel dil, lisan, meslekî dil legal ___ the ___ of business COMPUTERS [C, U] › a system of instructions that is used to write computer programs bilgisayar dili (BNL Set: A01)


CONTAINER [C] A1 a square or rectangular container kutu a cardboard ___ a ___ of chocolates / matches SQUARE SPACE [C] A2 a small square on a page that gives you information or where you write information kağıt üzerindeki kutucuklar Tick the ___ if you would like more details . SMALL PLACE [C] A2 a small area of a theatre , court , etc that is separate from where other people are sitting loca; tiyatro, sinema gibi yerlerde küçük bölme SPORT [I, T] to do the sport of boxing boks yapmak CONTAINER [T] ( also box up) to put something in a box kutulamak, kutuya koymak We ___ed up the old books . (BNL Set: A01)


FOR LOCKS A1 a piece of metal cut into a particular shape and used for locking things such as doors , or for starting an engine anahtar I've lost my car ___s. METHOD B1 a way of explaining or achieving something en önemli nokta, çözüm yolu Hard work is the ___ to success . KEYBOARD B1 one of the parts you press with your fingers on a keyboard or musical instrument to produce letters , numbers , or to make a sound tuşlar MUSIC › a set of musical notes based on one particular note müzik notaları the ___ of D major SYMBOLS › a list which explains the symbols on a map or picture kısaltmalar, açıklamalar ANSWERS A2 a list of answers to an exercise or game cevap anahtarı (BNL Set: A01)


DISCOVER WHEN SEARCHING A1 to discover something or someone that you have been searching for bulmak, I can't ___ my glasses and I've looked everywhere . Police hope to ___ the missing girl at a London railway station . [+ two objects] John will ___ his son a place to live. DISCOVER BY CHANCE A2 to discover something or someone by chance bulmak, anlamak The body was found by a man walking his dog . BECOME AWARE B1 to become aware that something exists , or has happened öğrenmek, farkına varmak I came home to ___ that my cat had had kittens . (BNL Set: A01)


DISTANCE A1 having a small distance from one end to the other kısa ___, brown hair ___legs a ___ skirt TIME A1 continuing for a small amount of time az, kısa a ___ visit There's a ___ break for coffee between classes . BOOK A2 A ___ book or other piece of writing has few pages or words. kısa/ az metin içeren a ___ article / story PERSON A1 A ___ person is not as tall as most people . kısa (kişi) She's ___ and slim with dark hair . NOT HAVING ENOUGH B1 not having enough of something yetersiz, az, biraz I'm a bit ___ of money at the moment . Would you like to play ? We're a couple of people ___. He seemed a bit ___ of breath (= having difficulty breathing ). (BNL Set: A01)


GET SKILL [I, T] A1 to get knowledge or skill in a new subject or activity öğrenmek I ___ed Russian at school . "Can you drive ?" "I'm ___ing." She's ___ed a lot about computers in the last three months . [+ to do sth] I'm ___ing to play the piano . REMEMBER [T] B1 to make yourself remember a piece of writing by reading or repeating it many times ezberlemek I don't know how actors ___ all those lines . UNDERSTAND [I, T] B2 to start to understand that you must change the way you behave öğrenmek; davranışın değiştirmesi gerektiğini kavramak [+ (that)] She'll have to ___ that she can't have everything she wants . The good thing is, he's not afraid to ___ from his mistakes . (BNL Set: A01)


DISTANCE A1 not far away in distance yakın, yakında, uzak olmayan Could you come a bit ___er, please ? I stood ___ the window . Are you going anywhere ___ the post office? be/come near to doing sth B1 to almost achieve or do something bir şeyi yapmaya/başarmaya çok yakın olmak; yapmak üzere olmak This is the ___est I've ever got to winning anything. He came ___ to punching him. STATE B1 If something or someone is near a particular state , they are almost in that state . hemen hemen, neredeyse, yakında She looked ___ exhaustion . She was ___ to tears (= almost crying ) when I told her. TIME B2 not far away in time (zaman) uzakta değil, yakında, hemen hemen She shouldn't be partying so ___ her exams. We can decide ___er the time . SIMILAR B2 similar hemen hemen aynısı, tıpatıp benzeri The feelings I had were ___ hysteria . He is Russia's ___est thing to a rock legend . nowhere near B2 not close in distance , amount , time , or quality (mesafe, miktar, zaman, nitelik vs.) yanından bile geçmemiş, hiç alakası bile yok; eline su dökemez It wasn't me - I was nowhere ___ him. That's nowhere ___ enough for six people. It was nowhere ___ as difficult as I thought it would be. near enough B2 almost yeterince yakın, hemen hemen, neredeyse The books were ordered ___ enough alphabetically . DISTANCE B1 not far away in distance or time yakın, uzak değil The school's very ___. The ___est garage is 10 miles away. The baby's due date was getting ___er. in the near future B2 at a time that is not far away yakın gelecekte Space travel may become very common in the ___ future . TIME B2 to get close to something in distance or time yaklaşmak, yakınlaşmak; zaman daralmak The building work is ___ing completion at last. (BNL Set: A02)


DO A2 used to show the person or thing that does something tarafından She was examined ___ a doctor . a painting ___ Van Gogh HOW A2 through doing or using something ile, yoluyla, vasıtasıyla Can I pay ___ cheque ? We'll get there ___ car . [+ doing sth] Open the file ___ clicking on the icon . HOLDING B2 holding a particular part of someone or something ... dan tutarak, dokunarak; ...erek, arak She grabbed me ___ the arm . NEAR B1 near or next to something or someone yanında, yanıbaşında I'll meet you ___ the post office . A small child stood ___ her side . NOT LATER A2 not later than a particular time or date ... e kadar, ... saatine/tarihine kadar Applications have to be in ___ the 31st. ACCORDING TO B2 according to ... a/a göre, uyarınca ___ law you must be eighteen to purchase alcohol . PAST B2 past yanından, yakınından geçerek He sped ___ me on a motorcycle . AMOUNT B2 used to show measurements or amounts ölçüleri ve miktarları belirtirken, ... lık, ... e ... twelve ___ ten metres of floor space Interest rates have been increased ___ 0.25%. I'm paid ___ the hour . by accident/chance/mistake, etc B1 as a result of an accident / chance / mistake , etc kazara, şans eseri, yanlışlıkla, hatayla I went to the wrong room ___ mistake . by day/night B2 during the day / night gece/gündüz Ali is a student ___ day, but a waiter ___ night. day by day/little by little/one by one, etc B2 used in particular phrases to mean ' gradually ' or 'in units of' günbegün, azar azar, birer birer Day ___ day he grew stronger . B2 past geçerek, geçip giderek, yakınından geçerek A motorcycle sped ___. (BNL Set: A02)


EXAMINE [I, T] A2 to examine something in order to make sure that it is correct or the way it should be kontrol etmek, denetlemek, bakmak [+ (that)] I went to ___ that I'd locked the door . Have you ___ed your facts ? I knelt down beside the body and ___ed for a pulse . FIND OUT [I, T] B1 to find out about something araştırmak, hakkında bilgi almak [+ question word] I'll ___ whether Peter knows about the party . ASK [I] B2 to ask someone for permission to do something izin istemek, müsaade etmesini istemek I'd like to stay overnight , but I need to ___ with my parents . STOP [T] › to stop something bad from increasing or continuing durdurmak, kontrol/denetim altına almak The government needs to find a way to ___ rising inflation . MARK [T] US ( UK tick) › to put a mark by an answer to show that it is correct , or by an item on a list to show that you have dealt with it işaretlemek, kontrol işareti koymak, kontrol edildiğini göstermek LEAVE [T] US › to leave your coat , bags , or other possessions temporarily in someone's care emanete bırakmak, birinin himayesini/gözetimine bırakmak EXAMINATION [C] B1 an examination of something in order to make sure that it is correct or the way it should be kontrol, yoklama We do safety ___s on all our equipment . BANK [C] › US spelling of cheque (= a piece of paper printed by a bank that you use to pay for things) çek RESTAURANT [C] US ( UK bill) › a list that you are given in a restaurant showing how much your meal costs hesap, fiş, hesap pusulası MARK [C] US ( UK tick) › a mark (✓) that shows that an answer is correct , or that you have dealt with something on a list (✓) işareti PATTERN [C, U] › a pattern of squares of different colours ekose; küçük, farklı renkte karelerden oluşan (BNL Set: A01)


EXCELLENT A1 very good mükemmel, çok iyi We had a ___ time . I've had a great idea ! IMPORTANT B2 important or famous önemli, ünlü, meşhur, heyecan verici a ___ statesman / novelist LARGE A2 large in amount , size , or degree büyük, kocaman, iri a ___ crowd of people EXTREME B1 extreme büyük, önemli, son derece büyük ___ success / difficulty (BNL Set: A01)


GAME [C] A2 a sports competition in which two people or teams compete against each other karşılaşma, müsabaka, maç a football / tennis ___ FIRE [C] B2 a thin , wooden stick which produces a flame when you rub one end of it against a rough surface kibrit a box of ___es ATTRACTIVE [no plural] › If something is a good match for something else , it looks attractive next to it, usually because it is the right colour . eş, benzer, uyan, iyi giden, uyum içinde The curtains look nice - they're a perfect ___ for the sofa . RELATIONSHIP [no plural] › If two people who are having a relationship are a good match, they are very suitable for each other. (iki kişi) uyum içinde olan, birbirine yakışanlar be no match for sb/sth › to not be as good as someone or something else boy ölçüşememek, eline su dökememek, aşık atamamak, dengi olamamak Gibson ran well but was no ___ for the young Italian . BE THE SAME [I, T] B1 If two things match, they are the same colour or type . eşleşmek, uymak, tutmak, benzemek I can't find anything to ___ my green shirt . Your socks don't ___. Traces of blood found on Walker's clothing ___ed the victim's blood type . CHOOSE [T] B1 to choose someone or something that is suitable for a particular person , activity , or purpose eşlemek, ...ın/in uyanını bulmak, ...ın/in uygun düşenini bulmak In the first exercise , you have to ___ the famous person to their country of origin . BE AS GOOD AS [T] › to be as good as someone or something else uymak, gitmek, yakışmak It would be difficult to ___ the service this airline gives to its customers . (BNL Set: A01)


GO [I, T] A2 to move behind someone or something and go where they go, sometimes secretly takip etmek, peşinden gitmek, izlemek She ___ ed me into the kitchen . HAPPEN [I, T] B1 to happen or come after something sonradan olmak/meydana gemek, peşinden gelmek There was a bang , ___ ed by a cloud of smoke . follow a path/road, etc B1 to travel along a path / road , etc belli bir yolda/ güzergâhta vs. seyahat etmek; o güzergâhı izlemek ___ the main road down to the traffic lights . follow instructions/orders/rules, etc B1 to do what the instructions / orders / rules , etc say you should do talimat/emir/kuralları takip etmek, izlemek, yerine getirmek I ___ ed your advice and stayed at home . follow sb's example/lead › to copy someone's behaviour or ideas birini izlemek/örnek almak/taklit etmek UNDERSTAND [I, T] B1 to understand something anlamak, kavramak, takip etmek Could you say that again? I didn't quite ___ . BE INTERESTED [T] › to be interested in an event or activity (eylem/faaliyet vb.) takip etmek, izlemek, ilgilenmek I ___ ed the trial closely . (BNL Set: A01)


HEAR A1 to give attention to someone or something in order to hear them dinlemek What kind of music do you ___ to? She does all the talking - I just sit and ___. You haven't ___ed to a word I've said. ___, if you need money , I'm happy to lend you some. TAKE ADVICE B1 to accept someone's advice söz dilemek, kulak vermek, tavsiyeyi tutmak I told you she wouldn't like it but you wouldn't ___ to me! (BNL Set: A01)


HIGHER POSITION A1 in or to a higher position than something else yukarıya, yukarıda, üste doğru There's a mirror ___ the washbasin . I could hear music coming from the room ___. MORE A2 more than an amount or level üstünde, fazlasıyla, ziyadesiyle It says on the box it's for children aged three and ___. Rates of pay are ___average. RANK B2 in a more important or advanced position than someone else üstünde, idarece yukarıda olan, amir konumunda Sally's a grade ___ me. TOO IMPORTANT B2 too good or important for something bir şey için çok önemli ve iyi olan, fevkinde olan No one is ___ suspicion in this matter . above all B1 most importantly en önemlisi ___all, I'd like to thank everyone. HIGHER B1 higher on the same page sayfa başında, tepesinde, sayfanın üst tarafında the ___ diagram the address shown above (BNL Set: A02)


NUMBER A1 the number 4 dört rakamı (BNL Set: A02)


NUMBER A1 the number 6 altı rakamı (BNL Set: A02)


NUMBER A1 the number 7 yedi, yedi rakam (BNL Set: A02)


NUMBER A1 the number 8 sekiz rakamı (BNL Set: A02)


NUMBER A1 the number 9 dokuz (BNL Set: A02)


NUMBER A2 the number 1,000,000 milyon millions informal B1 a lot milyonlarca, çok fazla, epeyce I've seen that film ___s of times . (BNL Set: A02)


IN A1 towards the inside or middle of something içine, içine doğru Stop running around and get ___ bed ! He's gone ___ a shop across the road . CHANGE A2 used to show when a person or thing changes from one form or condition to another bir şeyden bir şeye dönüşünü/geçişi/değişimi belirtmede kullanılır We're planning to turn the smallest bedroom ___ an office . Her last novel was translated ___ nineteen languages . ABOUT A2 involving or about something hakkında, ...ile ilgili an investigation ___ the cause of the fire TOWARDS B1 in the direction of something or someone ...a/e doğru, yönünde/istikametinde She was looking straight ___ his eyes . HIT B1 moving towards something or someone and hitting them ...a/e doğru giderek/ilerleyerek çarpmayı belirtmede I backed the car ___ the garden wall . be into sth informal B1 to be very interested in something aşırı ilgi duymak/ilgili olmak/uğraşmak, tutkun/düşkün/meraklı olmak Kate's really ___ classical music . DIVIDE B1 used when dividing one number by another bölme işleminde What's 5 ___ 125? 25. (BNL Set: A02)


IN A CIRCLE ( also UK round) B2 on all sides of something çevresinde, çevresine They sat ___ the table . DIRECTION ( also UK round) B1 to the opposite direction ters yönde, tersine, arkasına He turned ___ and looked at her. CIRCULAR MOVEMENT ( also UK round) A2 in a circular movement dönerek, döner biçimde This lever turns the wheels ___. ALONG OUTSIDE ( also UK round) B2 along the outside of something, not through it boyunca, yanı boyunca You have to walk ___ the house to get to the garden . TO A PLACE ( also UK round) A2 to or in different parts of a place bir yerin farklı bölgelerinde, çevresine I spent a year travelling ___ Australia . SEVERAL PLACES ( also UK round) B1 from one place or person to another bir yerden veya birinden öbürüne She passed a plate of biscuits ___. HERE B2 here, or near this place buralarda, yakınlarda, yakınlara, buralara Is Roger ___? EXISTING B2 present or available hazır, elde edilebilir, mevcut Mobile phones have been ___ for years now. APPROXIMATELY A2 used before a number or amount to mean ' approximately ' yaklaşık, hemen hemen ___ four o'clock ___ twenty thousand pounds (BNL Set: A02)


INFINITIVE A1 used with a verb to make the infinitive ...mak/mek I want ___ learn Spanish. He forgot ___ feed the cat. REASON A2 used to give the reason for doing something ...mak/mek için I'm just going out ___ get some milk. DIRECTION A1 in the direction of somewhere ...a/e doğru; ...ya/ye Dimitri is going ___ Germany next week . I ran ___the door. ANOTHER PERSON A2 used to show who receives something or experiences an action ...a/e; ...ya/ye Could you give these keys ___ Pete? Anna was speaking ___her mother on the phone. I lent my bike ___ Tom. POSITION B1 almost touching or facing something ...a/e yaslanarak/dokunarak/dönük She stood with her back ___ the window. from ... to ... A2 used to give information about periods of time and distances ...dan/den ... a/e kadar The museum is open from Monday ___ Saturday. The bus goes from London ___ Cambridge. RANGE B2 including ...dan/den ... a/e kadar; içeren/kapsayan The book deals with everything from childhood ___ old age . BEFORE A1 used to say 'before' the hour when you are saying what time it is ...a/e; kala It's five ___ three. COMPARE B1 used to compare two things ...ı/i ... a/e tercihte kullanılır I prefer football ___ cricket . UNTIL B1 until a particular time or state ...a/e; belli bir duruma veya zamana kadar It's only two weeks ___ my birthday. She nursed him back ___ health. SOMEONE'S OPINION B2 used to say what someone's opinion is ...için; birinin fikrinin ne olduğunu belli etmek için Fifty pounds is nothing ___ Matthew (= he would not think it was a lot of money). to sb's disappointment/relief/surprise, etc B2 used to say that someone feels disappointed / relieved / surprised , etc by something duygusal tepkileri ifade ederken; bir de bakmış ki; öylesine şaşırmış ki ___ Pierre's disappointment, Monique wasn't at the party. MEASUREMENT B1 used to say how many parts make up a whole unit of measurement or money ölçümlerde kullanılır; ...da/de There are 100 pence ___ the British pound. BELONGING B1 belonging to or connected with ait olan veya ile bağlantılı olarak anlamında; ...nın/nin Can you give me the keys ___ the car ? (BNL Set: A02)


NUMBER A2 the number 100 yüz hundreds informal B2 a lot yüzlerce, pek çok ___s of people wrote in to complain . (BNL Set: A02)


NUMBER A2 the number 1000 bin thousands informal B1 a lot binlerce She tried on ___s of dresses but didn't like any of them. (BNL Set: A02)


NUMBER A2 the number 30 otuz the thirties B1 the years from 1930 to 1939 otuzlu yıllar be in your thirties B1 to be between the ages of 30 and 39 otuzlu yaşlarda olmak (BNL Set: A02)


NUMBER B2 the number 1,000,000,000 milyar There are ___s of stars in the universe. (BNL Set: A02)


JOIN A1 used to join two words or two parts of a sentence ve anlamına gelen bağlaç tea ___ coffee We were tired ___ hungry . AFTER A1 used to say that one thing happens after another thing birbiri peşi sıra olan hadiseleri anlatırken sıralamada kullanılan bağlaç I got dressed ___ had my breakfast . SO böylece, böylelikle, bu nedenle The car wouldn't start ___ I had to get a taxi . AFTER VERB mainly UK A2 used instead of 'to' after some verbs , such as ' try ' and 'go' bazı fiillerden sonra ' to ' anlamında kullanılır Try ___ eat something. NUMBERS A1 used when saying or adding numbers rakamları söylemede veya toplamada kullanılır It cost a hundred ___ twenty pounds . UK Two ___ three equals five. EMPHASIZE B1 used between two words that are the same to make their meaning stronger aynı iki kelime arasında anlamı daha da kuvvetlendirmek için kullanılır The sound grew louder ___ louder . (BNL Set: A01)


LANGUAGE B1 to change written or spoken words from one language to another çevirmek, tercüme etmek The book has now been ___d from Spanish into more than ten languages. CAUSE formal B2 If an idea or plan translates into an action, it makes it happen. dönüşmek, dönüştürmek So how does this theory ___ into practical policy? (BNL Set: A02)


LENGTH [C] ( written abbreviation m) A2 a unit for measuring length , equal to 100 centimetres metre, 100 cm'ye eşit uzunluk ölçüm birimi Our bedroom is five ___s wide . She finished third in the women's 400 ___s (= running race ). POEMS [C, U] B2 a pattern of rhythm in poetry vezin (BNL Set: A02)


LOWER PLACE A2 towards or in a lower place altta, alta/aşağı doğru The kids ran ___ the hill to the gate . I bent ___ to have a look . LEVEL/AMOUNT B2 towards or at a lower level or amount belli miktarın altında/altına inen Can you turn the music ___? Slow ___so they can see us. SURFACE A1 moving from above and onto a surface yukarıdan bir yüzeyin üzerine doğru/üzerinde I sat ___ and turned on the TV. Put that box ___ on the floor . DIRECTION A2 in or towards a particular direction , usually south güneye doğru/güneyde; aşağı, aşağı doğru Pete's moved ___ to London. down the road/river, etc A2 along or further along the road / river , etc nehir/yol boyunca There's another pub further ___the street. note/write, etc sth down B1 to write something on a piece of paper not almak/tutmak; çalakalem yazmak Can I just take ___ your phone number ? STOMACH B2 inside your stomach mideye doğru/midede He's had food poisoning and can't keep anything ___. be down to sb UK B2 to be someone's responsibility or decision (sorumluluk/yükümlülük) ...e düşmek, iş başa düşmek I've done all I can now, the rest is ___ to you. come/go down with sth B2 to become ill yatağa düşmek; yatak, döşek hasta olmak The whole family came ___ with food poisoning . SAD B2 sad üzgün, kederli, tadı kaçmış What's the matter ? You look a bit ___ today. NOT WORKING B2 If a computer or machine is down, it is temporarily not working . bozuk, geçici bir süre çalışmayan The network was ___ all morning . FEATHERS B2 soft feathers , often used as a warm filling for bed covers yumuşak tüy There was a ___ filled duvet on the bed. DRINK B2 to drink something quickly kafaya dikmek, bir çırpıda içmek He ___ed his beer and left the bar. (BNL Set: A02)


MESSAGE A1 a written message that you send to someone, usually by post mektup I got a ___ from Paul this morning . SYMBOL A2 a symbol that is used in written language and that represents a sound in that language harf the ___ K (BNL Set: A01)


NO MISTAKES A2 accurate , or having no mistakes doğru Check that you have the ___ information. Was that the correct answer ? SUITABLE B1 suitable for a particular situation uygun ___ behaviour Have you got the ___ number of players for the match ? MAKE RIGHT › to make a mistake or problem right or better düzeltmek The new software finds and ___s any errors on the hard disk . IMPROVE › to improve the quality of something kalitesini artırmak These contact lenses will help to ___ your vision . SHOW MISTAKE › to show someone the mistakes in something they have said or written birinin hatasını göstermek, düzeltmek Our teacher normally ___s our pronunciation . (BNL Set: A01)


NOT ANY A1 not any yok, hayır There were ___ signposts anywhere. I had ___ difficulty getting work. There was ___ mention of money. FORBID A2 a word used to say that something is forbidden hayır ___smoking . There was ___ talking in her classes . There's no doing sth B2 something that you say when an action is impossible Yapacak birşey olmamak; ...yapmak faydasız/olanaksız; ...maz/mez; ...ması/mesi yararsız There's ___ pleasing some people (= nothing that you do will make them happy). no ... than B1 not any ...dan/den ...başka The work should be done ___ later than Friday. There were ___ more than ten people there. DISAGREE A1 something that you say in order to disagree, give a negative answer, or say that something is not true hayır "Have you seen Louise?" "___, I haven't." "Have you ever been to Ireland?" "___." "Can I have some more cake ?" "___, you'll be sick ." "He's really ugly ." "___ he isn't!" AGREE A2 something that you say to agree with something that is negative hayır "He's not very bright , is he?" "___, I'm afraid not." Oh no! A2 something that you say when you are shocked and upset A, hayır!' Oh ___! It's gone all over the carpet ! (BNL Set: A02)


NOT TOUCHING A2 not touching or connected to something or not on a surface ...dan/den öteye/uzağa Keep ___ the grass ! A button came ___ my coat . AWAY B1 away from a place or position ...dan/den uzakta/ötede/ayrı He ran ___ to find his friend . I'll be ___ (= will go) soon . NOT OPERATING A2 not operating or being used serbest, boş, çalışmaz Make sure you switch your computer ___. NEAR B2 near to a building or place bir yere/binaya yakın; yakınında an island ___ the coast of Spain PRICE B1 If a price has a certain amount of money off, it costs that much less than the usual price . ...dan/den dah düşük fiyata/ucuz/aşağı/aşağıda These jeans were $10 ___. DISTANCE/TIME B1 far in distance or time ...dan/den uzakta/ötede; zamanından uzakta/ötede My holidays seem a long way ___. go off sth/sb UK B2 to stop liking something or someone soğumak, uzaklaşmak, artık sevmemek I've gone ___ meat . NOT AT WORK A2 not at work izinde, çalışmıyor, boş, mesaide değil I had 6 months ___ when my son was born. NOT CORRECT B2 not correct yanlış, eksik, doğru değil Our sales figures were ___ by ten percent. FOOD B2 If food or drink is off, it is not now fresh and good to eat or drink. bayat, eskimiş, yenilmez, bozuk This milk smells ___. NOT AT WORK A2 not at work izinli, çalışmayan, boş He's ___ today - I think he's ill . (BNL Set: A02)


NUMBER A1 the number 1 bir PARTICULAR PERSON/THING A2 used to refer to a particular person or thing in a group bir, biri, tek, yalnız ___ drawback is the cost of housing in the area. ___ of our daughters has just got married. FUTURE TIME B2 used to refer to a time in the future which is not yet decided (bilinmeyen) bir (gün, hafta vs.) We must have a drink together ___ evening. TIME IN PAST B2 at a particular time in the past (geçmişte bilinmeyen) bir (gün, hafta vs.) I first met him ___ day in the park. ONLY B2 only tek, sadece, yalnız, bir He's the ___ person you can rely on in this place. WITH ADJECTIVE mainly US B2 used to emphasize an adjective sıfatları vurgulamak için kullanılır; bir, yalnız tek That's ___ big ice cream you've got there! one or two B1 a few bir iki, birkaç, bir en fazla iki, cüzi I'd like to make ___ or two suggestions . PARTICULAR PERSON/THING A2 used to refer to a particular person or thing in a group that has already been talked about bir şey/kişi I've just made some biscuits, do you want ___? Throw those gloves away and get some new ___s. Chris is the ___ with glasses . GENERAL formal A2 any person in general biri, herhangi biri ___ ought to respect ___'s parents . one at a time B2 separately ayrı ayrı, birer birer, aynı anda bir tek şeyi yapmayı belirtir Eat them ___at a time . one by one B2 separately, with one thing happening after another birer birer, teker teker ___ by ___ the old buildings have been demolished. one another B1 each other biri diğerine, birbirlerine How can they reach an agreement if they won't talk to ___ another? (all) in one B2 combined into a single thing bir arada; hepsi bir arada It's a vacation and art course all in ___. (BNL Set: A02)


NUMBER A1 the number 10 on rakamı (BNL Set: A02)


NUMBER A1 the number 11 onbir (BNL Set: A02)


NUMBER A1 the number 12 oniki (BNL Set: A02)


NUMBER A1 the number 13 onüç (BNL Set: A02)


NUMBER A1 the number 20 yirmi the twenties B1 the years from 1920 to 1929 1920'li yıllar be in your twenties B1 to be aged between 20 and 29 yirmilerinde olmak (BNL Set: A02)


NUMBER A1 the number 3 üç, üç rakamı (BNL Set: A02)


OTHER SIDE B1 in a position facing something or someone but on the other side karşısında, karşı tarafında on the ___ page in the ___ corner We live on ___ sides of the city . I noticed a gate at the ___ end of the courtyard . DIFFERENT B2 completely different tamamen farklı/ayrı/değişik Police attempts to calm the violence had completely the ___ effect. POSITION B1 in a position facing something or someone but on the other side karşı, zıt, aksi The couple sat down ___her. UK She lives ___ (= on the other side of the road). Is there a bakery ___ your house ? DIFFERENT B1 someone or something that is completely different from another person or thing öteki, öbür, karşı They're complete ___s. He's the exact ___ of my father . (BNL Set: A02)


PAPER A1 a piece of paper in a book , magazine , etc , or one side of a piece of paper sayfa, yaprak The article is on ___ 36. I've only read 50 ___s so far . ELECTRONIC ( also web page) A2 one part of a website that you can see or print separately internet sayfası (BNL Set: A01)


PART OF YEAR A1 one of the twelve periods of time that a year is divided into ay; yılın ayları last/next ___ Your birthday's this ___, isn't it? FOUR WEEKS A1 a period of approximately four weeks ay I saw him about three ___s ago. (BNL Set: A02)


PLACE A1 used to show the place or position of something or someone bir şeyin veya birinin konumunu, yerini göstermede kulanılır, ... de, da We met ___ the station . She's ___ the library . TIME A1 used to show the time something happens ... de, ... da, zamanında The meeting starts ___ three. DIRECTION A1 towards or in the direction of ... e, ... a doğru She threw the ball ___ him. He's always shouting ___ the children . ABILITY B1 used after an adjective to show a person's ability to do something sıfatlardan sonra bir kişinin bir şeyde başarılı, iyi olduğunu belirtir He's good ___ making friends . CAUSE A2 used to show the cause of something, especially a feeling bir şeyin sebebini belirtir, özellikle bir hissin We were surprised ___ the news . AMOUNT B2 used to show the price , speed , level , etc of something ücret, hız, seviye belirtmede kullanılır He denied driving ___ 120 miles per hour. ACTIVITY B2 used to show a state or activity bir durumu veya eylemi bilidrmede a country ___ war INTERNET A1 the @ symbol , used in email addresses to separate the name of a person , department , etc from the name of the organization or company elektronik posta işaretinin '@' okunuşunu belirtir My email is "Steve ___ metu dot edu dot tr" (BNL Set: A02)


POSITION A1 in a lower position than someone or something else aşağıda Send your answers to the address ___ (= lower on the page or on a later page ). LESS B1 less than an amount or level altında, belli bir seviyenin altında The temperature there rarely drops ___ 22°C. His work is ___ average . RANK B2 lower in rank ast, ast rütbede, kademede olan Monica is a grade ___ me. (BNL Set: A02)


POSITION A1 inside or towards the inside of a container , place , or area içinde, içine There's milk ___ the fridge . a shop ___ South London He put his hand ___ his pocket . DURING A1 during part or all of a period of time ...da/de We're going to Italy ___ April . I started working here ___ 1993. USING TIME A2 needing or using no more than a particular amount of time (zaman) ... içinde/süresinde I'll be ready ___ a few minutes . PART OF A2 part of something (bir şeyin içinde) ...da/de Who's the woman ___ the painting ? There's a few spelling mistakes ___ your essay . JOB A2 involved in a particular kind of job (iş, meslek, görev vb.) ...da/de a career ___ publishing / politics SUBJECT B1 connected with a particular subject (konu) ...da/de alanında, sahasında a degree ___ philosophy advances ___ medical science WEARING B1 wearing (kıyafet, elbise) ...lı/li; giymiş, giyinen Do you know that man ___ the grey suit ? EXPRESSED B1 expressed or written in a particular way (açıklamada) ... ile (yaz, tamamla, doldur) Complete the form ___ black ink . She spoke to him ___ Russian . ARRANGED B1 arranged in a particular way (düzenlemede) ... şeklinde/biçiminde, şeklinde We sat down ___ a circle . Is this list ___ alphabetical order ? EXPERIENCE B1 experiencing an emotion or condition (deneyim, durum) ...da/de halinde She's ___ a bad mood this morning . The kitchen's ___ a terrible state . in all B2 used to show the total amount of something toplam olarak, yekün olarak; toplam, hepsi, tamamı Some of the children came, so there were 15 of us ___ all. INTO A SPACE A2 into an area or space from the outside of it içeri, içeri doğru He rushed ___ halfway through the meeting. Annie opened the car door and threw her luggage ___. AT A PLACE B1 at the place where a person usually lives or works (ev, işyeri vb.) orada, içeride, evde, işte I phoned, but she wasn't ___. Could you ask him to ring me when he gets ___? TRAIN/PLANE B1 If a train , plane , etc is in, it has arrived at the place it was going to. (tren, uçak vb.) gelişinde, varışında My train gets ___ at 17.54. SENT B2 given or sent to someone official in order to be read (gönderme) varmayı, ulaşmayı bildirmede Applications must be ___ by 28th February. TOWARDS LAND B2 used when the sea or a ship moves close to land (deniz, gemi vb.) karaya doğru gelmesinde kullanılır Let's go - the tide is coming ___. be in for sth informal B2 If someone is in for a surprise , treat , shock , etc , it will happen to them soon . başına gelecek iş olmak, sonunda muhakkak ... (olacak) olmak, başına ... gelmek If he thinks looking after a baby is easy , he's ___ for a shock. be in on sth informal B2 If you are in on something, you know about it or are involved in it. çorbada tuzu bulunmak, rol almak Were you ___ on the surprise ? Please let me ___ on (= tell me) the secret. be in for it ( also UK be for it) B2 to be in trouble başı belada olmak, başına gelecek iş olmak FASHIONABLE B2 fashionable or popular moda, popüler, Pink is ___ this season . (BNL Set: A02)


PURPOSE A1 If you use something, you do something with it for a particular purpose . kullanmak Can I ___ your pen ? She uses her car for work . [+ to do sth] Nick ___d the money to buy a CD player . MAKE LESS B1 to take an amount from a supply of something almak, kullanmak A shower ___s less water than a bath . USING [U] A2 when you use something, or when something is being used kullanma, kullanım an increase in the ___ of mobile phones Guests have free ___ of the hotel swimming pool . Turn the machine off when it's not in ___ (= being used). PURPOSE [C] B1 a purpose for which something is used fayda, yarar A food processor has a variety of ___s in the kitchen . Can you find a ___ for this box ? be (of) any/some ___ B2 to be useful faydalı olm(ma)ak, işe yara(ma)mak Is this book of any ___ to you? be (of) no ___ B2 to not be useful faydası olmamak, hiç bir işe yaramamak His advice was no ___ at all. be no ___; be no ___ doing sth B2 used to say that trying to do something has no effect hiç bir yararı olmamak; en küçük bir etkisi olmamak; faydasız/işe yaramaz olmak It was no ___ talking to him - he wouldn't listen . WORD [C] B1 one of the meanings of a word, or the way that a particular word is used (sözcük) kullanım; kullanım şekli Can you list all the ___s of the verb 'go'? (BNL Set: A01)


TYPICAL [C] A1 something that is typical of the group of things that you are talking about örnek, misal, numune This is a good ___ of medieval Chinese architecture . for ___ A1 used to give an example of what you are talking about örneğin, meselâ, söz gelimi Some people , students for ___, can get cheaper tickets . VERY GOOD [C] › someone or something that is very good and should be copied örnek, model; örnek/model alınacak kişi/şey He is a very good ___ to the rest of the class . (BNL Set: A01)


QUESTION [I, T] A1 to say something to someone as a question which you want them to answer sormak [+ two objects] Can I ___ you a few questions ? I ___ed him about his hobbies . [+ question word] I ___ed why the plane was so late. WANT SOMETHING [I, T] B1 to say something to someone because you want them to give you something istemek, dilemek He's ___ed for a bike for his birthday . REQUEST [I, T] B1 to say something to someone because you want them to do something istekte bulunmak [+ to do sth] They've ___ed me to look after their dog while they're away. INVITE [T] A2 to invite someone to do something ricada bulunmak She ___ed him out to lunch the next day . WANT PERMISSION [I, T] B1 to say something to someone because you want to know if you can do something talep etmek Bruce ___ed if he could stay with us for a few days . [+ to do sth] She asked to leave early. PRICE [T] B1 to want a particular amount of money for something which you sell para talebinde, isteğinde bulunmak How much are you ___ing for it? (BNL Set: A01)


REPEAT A1 once more tekrar, yine, yeniden I'll ask her ___. I'll see you ___ next week . AS BEFORE A2 as before önceden olduğu gibi, öncesindeki gibi Get some rest and you'll soon be well ___. AGAIN AND AGAIN B1 many times tekrar tekrar, durmaksızın, biteviye He played the same song ___ and ___. all over ___ B2 repeated from the beginning tekrar, yeni baştan We had to start all over ___. (BNL Set: A01)


REPEAT [I, T] A1 to repeat something regularly in order to improve your ability alıştırma/pratik yapmak You need to ___ your pronunciation . They're practising for tomorrow's concert . WORK [I, T] › to work as a doctor or a lawyer hekimlik/avukatlık yapmak to ___ medicine / law CUSTOM/RELIGION [T] › to do something regularly according to a custom , religion , or a set of rules (gelenek, din, kurallar) gereklerini yerine getirmek, uygulamak to ___ a religion REPEATING [U] A2 when you repeat an activity to improve your ability çalışma, idman, pratik, antreman We need a bit more practice before the concert . I've got basketball practice tonight . ACTIVITY [C, U] › what people do or how they do it uygulama, âdet, alışkanlık, gelenek business / working practices [+ of + doing sth] the illegal practice of copying CDs [+ to do sth] It is common practice to bury waste in landfills . WORK [C] › a business in which several doctors or lawyers work together, or the work that they do avukatlık veya doktorluk vb. mesleklerde bir araya gelerek çalışma; muayenehane, büro a legal / medical practice (BNL Set: A01)


SAY WITHOUT KNOWING [I, T] › to give an answer or opinion about something without having all the facts tahmin etmek, kestirmeye çalışmak, tahminde bulunmak Can you ___ how old he is? SAY CORRECTLY WITHOUT KNOWING [I, T] A2 to give a correct answer without having all the facts tahmin ederek bilmek, atıp tutturmak "You've got a promotion !" "Yes, how did you ___?" [+ (that)] I'd never have guessed that you two were related . I guess B1 used when you think that something is probably true or likely 'Sanırım', 'Zannedersem', 'Galiba' I've known her for about 12 years , I ___. I ___ so/not B2 used when you agree / disagree but are not completely certain about something 'Öyle sanıyorum'/'sanmıyorum ki'; 'Tahminime göre öyle/öyle değil' ___ what? A2 something you say when you have some surprising news for someone 'Bak ne diyeceğim', 'Bak ne olmuş', 'Tahmin bile edemezsin', 'Ne olduğunu tahmin edebilir misin?' ___ what? I'm pregnant . ATTEMPT B1 an attempt to give the right answer when you are not certain what it is tahmin, varsayım, öngörü, zan, farz etme How old do you think John is? Go on, UK have a ___/ US take a ___. At a ___, I'd say there were about 70 people there. OPINION › an opinion that you have formed by guessing tahmin, varsayılan, öngörü My ___ is they'll announce their engagement soon . (BNL Set: A01)


SAY WORDS [I] A1 to say something using your voice konuşmak to ___ loudly / quietly There was complete silence - nobody spoke. ___ to sb mainly UK ( mainly US ___ with sb) › to talk to someone biriyle konuşmak Could I ___ to Mr Davis, please ? Have you spoken with your new neighbors yet ? speak about/of sth › to talk about something bir şey hakkında konuşmak He refused to ___ about the matter in public . speak English/French/German, etc A1 to be able to communicate in English / French / German , etc yabancı dil konuşmak Do you ___ English ? IN PUBLIC [I] › to make a speech to a large group of people konuşma yapmak She was invited to ___ at a conference in Madrid. speak for/on behalf of sb › to express the feelings , opinions , etc of another person or of a group of people birisi adına konuşmak I've been chosen to ___ on behalf of the whole class . generally/personally, etc speaking B2 used to explain that you are talking about something in a general / personal , etc way genel/kişisel anlamda Personally ___ing, I don't like cats . so to speak › used to explain that the words you are using do not have their usual meaning tâbiri caizse, deyim yerindeyse, neredeyse, âdeta, sanki (BNL Set: A01)


SAY [I] A1 to say things to someone konuşmak We were just ___ing about Simon's new girlfriend . It was nice ___ing to you. US It was nice ___ing with you. DISCUSS [I] B2 to discuss something with someone, often to try to find a solution to a disagreement görüşmek, tartışmak The two sides have agreed to ___. CONVERSATION [C] B1 a conversation between two people , often about a particular subject konuşma, görüşme I had a long ___with Chris at the weekend about going to university . PEOPLE [U] › when people talk about what might happen or be true görüş, düşünce, konuşma, fikir There's been some ___ of possible job losses . TO A GROUP [C] B2 when someone speaks to a group of people about a particular subject konuşma, konferans Someone's coming to the school to give a ___ about road safety . (BNL Set: A01)


SAY [T] A1 to say something to someone, usually giving them information söylemek, demek, anlatmak He told me about his new school . [+ (that)] Sally told me that the play didn't start until 9 o'clock. [+ question word] Can you ___ me what time the next bus leaves ? tell sb to do sth A2 to order someone to do something emretmek, söylemek I told you to stay here. can tell B2 to know or recognize something from what you hear , see , etc ayırtedebilmek, bilebilmek, farkedebilmek [+ (that)] You could ___ that he was tired . [+ question word] You can never ___ whether Hajime's being serious or not. I can't ___ the difference between them. UNDERSTAND FROM [T] B2 If something tells you something, it gives you information . anlatmak, söylemek, haber vermek What does the survey ___ us about the lives of teenagers ? (BNL Set: A01)


SAY/DO AGAIN A2 to say or do something more than once tekrar etmek, yinelemek He ___ed the number . The test must be ___ed several times . TELL › to tell someone something that someone else has told you tekrar söylemek, aktarmak I've got some news for you but you mustn't ___ it to anyone. (BNL Set: A01)


SEE [I] A1 to turn your eyes in the direction of something or someone so that you can see them bakmak ___ at the picture on page two. He was ___ing out of the window . I ___ed around and there she was. SEARCH [I] A1 to try to find someone or something bakmak, göz atmak, şöyle bir bakmak I'm ___ing for my keys . I've ___ed everywhere but I can't find my bag . look nice/strange, etc; look like/as if A2 used to describe the appearance of a person or thing güzel/acayip vs. gözükmek; gibi/sanki gibi gözükmek That food ___s nice . You ___ tired , my love . Do I ___ silly in this hat ? He ___ed like a drug addict . it looks like; it looks as if B1 used to say that something is likely to happen gibi gözüküyor; sanki gibi gözüküyor It ___s like there'll be three of us. It ___s as if he isn't coming. be ___ing to do sth › to plan to do something yapmayı planlamak I'm ___ing to start my own business . Look! › something you say when you are annoyed and you want people to know that what you are saying is important 'Bak!', 'Bakın!', 'Bakınız!' 'Dinle!' ___, I've had enough of your complaints . (BNL Set: A01)


SENTENCE [C] A1 a sentence or phrase that asks you for information soru, sual Is it OK if I ask you a few ___s? He refused to answer my ___. If you have any ___s about the scheme, do ask me. "So where's the money coming from?" "That's a good ___." (= I do not know ). SITUATION [C] B2 a situation or problem that needs to be considered sorun, mesele, problem This documentary raises important ___s about the American legal system . Two important ___s arise from this debate . DOUBT [U] B2 doubt şüphe, kuşku [+ that] There is no ___ that this was an accidental fire . His ability as a chef has never been in ___. "So you agree she's the right person for the job ." "Yes, absolutely , without ___." The report brings / calls into ___(= causes doubts about) the safety of this drug . ASK QUESTIONS B2 to ask someone questions soru sormak/yöneltmek Detectives were ___ing a boy about the murder . [often passive] Two out of three people ___ed in the survey were non-smokers . DOUBT B2 to show or feel doubt about something şüphe etmek, kuşku duymak; dan/den pek emin olamamak I'm not for a moment ___ing your decision . [+ question word] I'm just ___ing whether we need the extra staff (BNL Set: A01)


SKY A2 a ball of burning gases that you see as a small point of light in the sky at night yıldız FAMOUS PERSON A2 a famous singer , actor , sports person , etc yıldız, meşhur şarkıcı/aktör/sporcu vb. a pop ___ BEST PERSON › someone in a group of people who is the best at doing something grubun en iyisi/yıldızı Baggio is one of our ___ players . SHAPE A2 a shape that has five or more points yıldız, yıldız şekli B1 If a film , play , etc stars someone, or if someone stars in a film , play , etc , they are the main person in it. yıldız yapmak, yıldızlaşmak, yıldızı parlamak a film ___ring Meg Ryan Tom Hanks ___red in ' Sleepless in Seattle'. (BNL Set: A01)


SPACE B1 an empty space or hole in the middle of something, or between two things aralık, açıklık, boşluk There's quite a big ___ between the door and the floor . The sun was shining through a ___ in the curtains . DIFFERENCE B2 a difference between two groups of people , two situations , etc (kişi, durum) fark, ayrılık an age ___ This course bridges the ___ between school and university . ABSENT THING B2 something that is absent and stops something from being complete boşluk, eksiklik There are huge ___s in my memory . a gap in the market B2 an opportunity for a product or service that does not already exist pazar boşluğu; ürün veya hizmet eksikliği TIME B2 a period of time when nothing happens, or when you are doing something different from usual boşluk, ara, kopukluk I decided to go back to teaching after a ___ of 10 years . (BNL Set: A02)


STARTING PLACE A1 used to show the place, time, or level that someone or something started at ... den/dan Did you walk all the way ___ Bond Street? The museum is open ___ 9.30 to 6.00, Tuesday to Sunday . Prices start ___ £5,595. HOME A1 used to say where someone was born , or where someone lives or works (bir yerden) oralı, ...den/dan olan/gelen His mother's originally ___ Poland. Our speaker tonight is ___ the BBC . DISTANCE A1 used to say how far away something is ... den/dan ötede Their holiday cottage is about 15 kilometres ___ the coast . GIVING A1 used to say who gave or sent something to someone ...den/dan gelme/gelen Have you had a Christmas card ___ Faye yet ? REMOVING B2 If you take something from a person , place , or amount , you take it away. ...den/dan öteye/uzağa Two ___ ten leaves eight. We had to borrow some money ___ my father to pay the bill . PRODUCED A1 used to say where something was produced or grown bir şeyin geldiği/üretildiği yeri göstermede kullanılır These vegetables are fresh ___the garden. MATERIAL A2 used to say what something is made of bir şeyin neden mamül olduğunu/üretildiğini belirtmede kullanılır juice made ___ oranges AVOID B2 used to show something that you want to avoid or prevent bir şeyden uzak durmada/önlem almayı belirtmede kullanılır There's a bar across the front to prevent you ___ falling out. POSITION B2 used to show where you are when you look at something or how you see something ...den/dan bakıldığında/görüldüğünde anlamında The view ___ the top was absolutely breathtaking . REASON B2 used to say why you think or believe something bir şeye inanmada/neden öyle düşünüldüğünü belirmede kullanılır I guessed ___ her accent that she must be French . ___what I've heard , the new exam is going to be a lot more difficult . CAUSE B2 used to say what causes something bir şeyin neden kaynaklandığını belirtmede kullanılır Deaths ___ heart disease continue to rise every year . He was rushed to hospital suffering ___ severe burns . COMPARE B1 used when you are saying how similar or different two things, people , or places are kıyaslama/ayrım/benzerlik belirtmede University is very different ___ school . a week/six months/ten years, etc from now A1 a week /six months /ten years , etc after the time when you are speaking içinde bulunulan andan bir hafta/altı ay/on yıl sonra vb. belirtmede Who knows what we'll all be doing five years ___ now? from now/then, etc on A1 starting now/then, etc and continuing into the future şu andan/o andan itibaren They were good friends ___ that day on. (BNL Set: A02)


STUDENTS [C] A1 a group of students who have lessons together sınıf Katie and Sarah are in the same ___ at school . LESSON [C, U] A1 a period of time in which students are taught something ders My first ___ starts at 8.30. He was told off for talking in ___ (= during the lesson ). SOCIAL GROUP [C, U] B2 one of the groups in a society with the same social and economic position , or the system of dividing people into these groups zümre, tabaka, sınıf, toplumsal sınıf, toplum She's from a working-___ background . QUALITY [C] A2 a group into which people or things are put according to their quality tabaka, niteliğine göre sınıflandırma When it comes to mathematics , he's in a different ___ to his peers . second-class mail SIMILARITY [C] › a group of similar or related things, especially plants and animals tür, çeşit, tip, nevi STYLE [U] informal › the quality of being stylish or fashionable mükemmel, klas, a player with real ___ (BNL Set: A01)


STUPID B1 stupid aptal, şaşkın, sersem ___ games / hats I feel ___ in this hat . It's a bit ___ spending all that money on something we don't need. UNIMPORTANT B1 small and not important küçük, önemsiz, değersiz She gets upset over such ___ things. (BNL Set: A02)


SUBJECT A1 relating to a particular subject or person hakkında, ile ilgili a book about the Spanish Civil War What was she talking ___? DIRECTION UK ( US around) B2 to or in different parts of a place , often without purpose or order bir yerde ya da orada rastgele bulunma, oralarda olma We heard someone moving ___ outside . what/how ___...? SUGGESTION B2 used to make a suggestion öneride bulunmak How ___ France for a holiday ? OPINION B1 used to ask for someone's opinion on a particular subject dersin? .... sence nasıl olur? What ___ Ann - is she nice ? APPROXIMATELY A1 used before a number or amount to mean approximately yaklaşık olarak It happened ___ two months ago. DIRECTION UK ( US around) B2 to or in different parts of a place , often without purpose or order bir yerde ya da orada rastgele bulunma, oralarda olma She's always leaving her clothes lying ___. NEAR UK informal ( US around) B2 If someone or something is about, they are near to the place where you are now. oracıkta, hemen yanıbaşında, neredeyse Is Kate ___? be about to do sth B2 to be going to do something very soon bir şeyi yapmak üzere olmak I stopped her just as she was ___ to leave. (BNL Set: A02)


SUBJECT [U] A1 the way you combine words and change their form and position in a sentence , or the rules or study of this dilbilgisi BOOK [C] mainly UK B2 a book of grammar rules dilbilgisi kitabı (BNL Set: A02)


SURFACE A1 on a surface of something üstüne, üstünde We put all of our medicine ___ a high shelf. PLACE A2 in a particular place ...da/de the diagram ___ page 22 I met her ___ a ship . RECORDING/PERFORMANCE A2 used to show the way in which something is recorded or performed (tv. vs.) ...da/de; gösterimde; programda What's ___ television tonight ? TOUCHING B2 used to show what happens as a result of touching something ...ile; kullanımında I cut myself ___ a broken glass. SUBJECT B1 about hakkında, ...da/de/dair; ...ile ilgili a book ___ pregnancy MONEY/TIME A2 used to show what money or time is used for (zaman ve para sarfetmede) ...da/de I've wasted too much time ___ this already. She refuses to spend more than £20 ___ a pair of shoes . NEXT TO B1 next to or along the side of (yanında, civarda) ...da/de The post office is ___ Bateman Street. DATE/DAY A1 used to show the date or day when something happens (gün ve tarih belirtmede) ...tarihinde; ...gününde; ...da/de He's due to arrive ___ 14 February . I'm working ___ my birthday . USING B1 using something (telefon vs.)...da/de I spoke to Mum ___ the phone . AFTER B2 happening after something and often because of it ...da/de The Prince was informed ___ his return to the UK. TRANSPORT A2 used to show some methods of travelling (araç, vasıta vs.) ...ile; ...da/de Did you go over ___ the ferry ? Sam loves travelling ___ buses . FOOD/FUEL/DRUGS B2 used to show something that is used as food , fuel , or a drug (yiyecek, yakıt, ilaç vs.) ...ile; kullanarak This radio runs ___batteries. I can't drink wine because I'm ___ antibiotics. be on a committee/panel, etc B2 to be a member of a group or organization kurul/jüri/komite üyesi olmak She's ___ the playgroup committee . have/carry sth on you B2 to have something with you yanında/üstünde bulundurmak/taşımak Do you have your driving licence ___ you? be on me/him, etc informal B2 used to show who is paying for something parası/ödemesi benden/ondan vs. olmak This meal is ___ me. CONTINUE B2 used to show that an action or event continues devamlı; süren/devam eden eylem ve olayları belirtmede The old tradition lives ___. It was a complicated situation that dragged ___ for weeks . WEAR A2 If you have something on, you are wearing it. üzerinde/giyiyor olmada She's got a black coat ___. Why don't you put your new dress ___? WORKING B1 working or being used çalışıyor/kullanılıyor olmada The heating has been ___ all day . TRAVEL B1 into a bus , train , plane , etc (otobüs, tren, uçak vs.) ...da/de, ...ile Amy got ___ in Stamford. HAPPENING B2 happening or planned olan, planlanan I've got a lot ___ at the moment . Have you checked what's ___ at the cinema? (BNL Set: A02)


SYMBOL A1 a symbol or word used in a counting system or used to show the position or order of something numara, sayı, rakam Think of a ___ smaller than 100 . The Prime Minister lives at ___ 10, Downing Street. Look at item ___ three on your agenda. GROUP OF NUMBERS A1 a group of numbers that represents something (telefon vs.) numara What's your phone ___? Each person receives a membership ___ when they join. AMOUNT B1 an amount miktar, sayı, adet a small ___ of (= a few) a large ___ of (= many) There were a ___ of (= several) soldiers present at the rally . Scientists have noticed a drop in the ___ of song birds in Britain . GIVE A NUMBER B1 to give something a number numaralandırmak, numara vermek, sayı belirtmek [often passive] Each volume was ___ed and indexed . BE AN AMOUNT B2 If people or things number a particular amount, there are that many of them. ...a/e varmak; toplamı ...ı/i bulmak Our company's sales force ___ed over 5,000. (BNL Set: A02)


TELL B1 to tell someone about something haber vermek, bilgi vermek, bildirmek If he calls me again, I shall ___ the police . [+ (that)] He ___ed us that we would have to leave . GIVE INFORMATION B1 to give someone information about something bir şey hakkında birine bilgi vermek [often passive] Patients should be ___ed about the risks . He keeps his parents ___ed of his whereabouts . (BNL Set: A01)


TIME A2 a period of 100 years , especially used in giving dates yüzyıl, asır the twentieth ___ (BNL Set: A02)


TWO THINGS A2 two things that look the same and that are used together çift a ___ of socks / shoes TWO PARTS A2 something that is made of two parts that are joined together iki parçadan oluşan bir şey a ___ of scissors a new ___ of jeans / trousers TWO PEOPLE A1 two people who are doing something together ikili, çift For the next exercise , you'll need to work in ___. (BNL Set: A01)


WORDS [I, T] A1 to speak or write back to someone who has asked you a question or spoken to you cevap vermek, yanıtlamak I asked when she was leaving but she didn't ___. I must ___his letter . DOOR [I, T] A1 to open the door when someone has knocked on it or rung a bell kapıya bakmak I knocked several times but no one ___ed. TELEPHONE [I, T] A2 to pick up the telephone receiver (= part that you hold to your ear ) when it rings telefona cevap vermek, cevaplamak Could someone ___ the phone ? TEST [T] B1 to write or say something as a reply to a question in a test or competition sınavda cevap vermek, yanıtlamak, soruları cevaplamak (BNL Set: A01)


WHAT B1 what someone is writing or talking about konu, mevzuu a series of programmes on the ___ of homelessness STUDY A1 an area of knowledge studied in school or university ders, konu, çalışma alanı Chemistry is my favourite ___. GRAMMAR B1 the person or thing which performs the action described by the verb . In the sentence ' Bob phoned me yesterday .', ' Bob ' is the ___. özne PERSON › someone who is from a particular country , especially a country with a king or queen vatandaş, uyruk a British ___ subject to sth › often affected by something, especially something unpleasant maruz kalabilir, uğrayabilir, karşı karşıya Departure times are ___ to alteration . › only able to happen if something else happens ...a/e bağlı olarak/göre The pay rise is ___ to approval by management . (BNL Set: A01)


WHOLE B1 with all parts eksiksiz, tam, bütün, komple the ___ works of Oscar Wilde The report comes ___ with (= including ) diagrams and colour photographs . TOTAL [always before noun] B1 used to emphasize what you are saying tam, adamakıllı, iyice a ___ waste of time FINISHED › finished bitmiş, tamamlanmış, tamam Our report is almost ___. FINISH A2 to finish doing or making something tamamlamak, bitirmek The palace took 15 years to ___. MAKE STH WHOLE A2 to provide the last part needed to make something whole tamamlamak,bir bütünün gerekli son parçasını sağlamak ___ the sentence with one of the adjectives provided. WRITE A2 to write all the details asked for on a form or other document bir formu doldurmak, istenilen bilgileri yazmak (BNL Set: A01)


WORD A2 a word that is the name of a person, place, thing, or idea isim, ad (BNL Set: A02)


WORDS A1 to speak words söylemek, demek "I'd like to go home ," she said. I couldn't hear what they were ___ing. How do you ___ this word? TELL B1 to tell someone about a fact , thought , or opinion söylemek, belirtmek, ifade etmek [+ question word] Did she ___ where she was going? [+ (that)] The jury said that he was guilty . INFORMATION B1 to give information in writing, numbers , or signs bilgi vermek, göstermek, belirtmek My watch ___s one o'clock. What do the papers ___ about the election ? (BNL Set: A01)


WORDS [C] A1 a group of words, usually containing a verb, that expresses a complete idea cümle PUNISHMENT [C, U] B2 a punishment that a judge gives to someone who has committed a crime ceza, hüküm a 30-year ___ B2 to give a punishment to someone who has committed a crime mahkûm etmek, hüküm giydirmek, ceza vermek [often passive] She was ___d to six months in prison . (BNL Set: A01)


WORDS [I, T] A1 to look at words and understand what they mean okumak What was the last book you ___? I've been ___ing about John F Kennedy. [+ that] I've ___ that the economy is going to improve by the end of the year . SAY [I, T] A2 to look at words that are written and say them aloud for other people to listen to sesli okumak Do you want me to ___ it to you? [+ two objects] I ___ him a story at bedtime . SIGNS [T] › to look at signs and be able to understand them okuyup anlamak Can you ___ music ? MEASUREMENT [T] › to show the temperature , time , etc on a piece of measuring equipment (ısı, zaman vs.) göstermek The thermometer ___ 20 degrees this morning . (BNL Set: A01)


WORDS [I, T] A1 to produce words, letters , or numbers on a surface using a pen or pencil yazmak, yazıya dökmek ___ your name at the top of the page . She can't read or ___. BOOK [I, T] B1 to create a book , story , article , etc or a piece of music kitap/hikaye/makale/şarkı sözü vb. yazmak He's writing a book on Russian literature . She ___s for Time magazine . LETTER [I, T] A2 to send someone a letter mektup yazmak [+ two objects] I wrote her a letter last week . Has Bill written to you recently ? (BNL Set: A01)


be present › to be in a particular place orada olmak, mevcut olmak The whole family was ___. B1 [always before noun] happening or existing now mevcut, var olan the ___ situation What is your ___ occupation ? present tense A1 the form of the verb which is used to show what happens or exists now geniş zaman the present B1 the period of time that is happening now bugün, şu an; içinde bulunulan an The play is set in the ___. A1 the form of the verb which is used to show what happens or exists now şu an varolan veya olan eylemleri göstermek için kullanılan fiil biçimi A2 [C] something that you give to someone, usually for a particular occasion hediye, armağan a birthday / wedding ___ to give someone a ___ at present B1 now şu an, şimdi At ___ she's working abroad . GIVE B2 to give something to someone, often at a formal ceremony sunmak, vermek, takdim etmek to ___ a prize They ___ed her with a bouquet . INFORMATION › to give people information in a formal way bilgi vermek; bilgilendirmek He ___ed the report to his colleagues . (BNL Set: A01)


next week/year/Monday, etc A1 the week / year / Monday , etc that follows the present one gelecek/önümüzdeki/ertesi hafta/ay/yıl vs. I'm planning to visit California ___ year . Are you doing anything ___ Wednesday ? ___ time, ask my permission before you borrow the car . AFTER A2 The next time , event , person , or thing is the one nearest to now or the one that follows the present one. sonraki, sıradaki, gelecek What time's the ___ train to London? We're going to be very busy for the ___ few months. NEAR A2 The next place is the one nearest to the present one. yakın, yandaki, bitişiğindeki She only lives in the ___ village . Turn left at the ___ roundabout . the next best thing B1 the thing that is best , if you cannot have or do the thing you really want en iyi ikinci/bir diğer şey; en uygun olan şey Coaching football is the ___ best thing to playing . the next thing I knew B1 used to talk about part of a story that happens in a sudden and surprising way hatırladığım/bildiğim tek şey A car came speeding round the corner , and the ___ thing I knew I was lying on the ground. AFTER A2 immediately after ...dan/den hemen sonra gelen, bir sonraki You'll never guess what happened ___. Where shall we go ___? AGAIN B1 The time when you next do something is the first time you do it again. ikinci kez, tekrar, yine Could you get some coffee when you ___ go to the supermarket ? next to sth/sb A2 very close to something or someone, with nothing in between ...ın/in yanına/yanında/bitişiğine/bitişiğinde Come and sit ___ to me. The factory is right ___ to a residential area. PRONOUN B2 the person or thing that follows the present person or thing sıradaki, sırası gelen, bir sonraki Who's ___ to see the nurse ? Blue roses ? Whatever ___? (= What other strange things might happen ?) the weekend/week/Thursday, etc after next B2 the weekend / week / Thursday, etc that follows the next one öbür hafta sonu/hafta/perşembe vs. (BNL Set: A02)


the inside B2 the part of something that is under its surface içi, içinde, iç kısım/taraf I cleaned the ___ of the oven . inside out B2 If a piece of clothing is inside out, the part that is usually outside is on the inside. tersyüz, içi dışında, ters Harry , you've got your sweater on ___ out again. CONTAINER A2 in or into a room , building , container , etc içeriye, içeriye doğru I'm freezing , let's go back ___. FEELING B2 If you have a feeling inside, people do not know about it if you do not tell them. (duygu) içinde, kendisinde, gizli, açıkta olmayan She looked calm but was feeling nervous ___. PRISON informal B2 in prison hapiste olan POSITION B2 [always before noun] in or on the part of something under its surface iç Put your wallet ___ the inside pocket of your jacket . inside information/knowledge, etc B2 information that is only known by people who are part of an organization , group , etc gizli bilgi, sadece ilgilisinin bildiği bilgi/malumat CONTAINER A1 in or into a room, building, container, etc içinde, içeride There were some keys ___ the box . Luckily , no one was ___ the house when the fire started . TIME B2 in less than a particular length of time (zaman) içinde The doctor's promised to be here ___ an hour . ORGANIZATION B2 in an organization , group , etc and not known or happening outside it (grup, kurum) içinde, içeride rumours of disputes ___ the company (BNL Set: A02)

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