Common mental and behavioral disorder

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What causes physical changes to neurons in the brain that can cause addiction?

Needing to use the substance regularly

List three possible symptoms of substance use disorder.

Needing to use the substance regularly Inability to focus on anything other than using the substance Having to increase the quantity of the substance for the same effects Using more of the substance than you intended Not being able to stop using the substance when you try Having withdrawal symptoms when trying to stop using the substance

Besides psychotherapy and medication, what else might be included in treatment for someone with bulimia?

Nutrition education Hospitalization

What medications are used to treat depression?

SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOIs, atypical antidepressants, and tricyclic antidepressants.

What types of feelings can be an indicator of depression?

Sadness Emptiness Hopelessness Worthlessness Feeling like a failure Guilt Anger Irritability Frustration No interest in regular activities No pleasure in regular activities

What types of medications are used to treat binge eating disorder?

Stimulant, Anticonvulsant, Antidepressants

Describe the additional symptoms of bipolar disorder that are caused by the transition between mania and depression?

The manic state involves extreme emotional highs. It includes feelings of euphoria, energy, and possibly irritability. Depression is marked by extreme feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and disinterest among other characteristics.

What can impact the type of bipolar disorder symptoms a person is experiencing at any given time?

The symptoms of bipolar disorder vary among people. Additionally, many of the symptoms are dependent on whether a person is experiencing mania or depression.

What extreme symptoms can be attributed to depression?

Thoughts of death and suicide, making suicide attempts, and actual suicide are also symptoms of depression.

What methods are commonly used by people that have Bulimia to purge after binge eating?

Vomiting Laxative misuse Weight-loss supplements Diuretics Enemas Fasting Extreme dieting Extreme exercising

What are some visible signs that could indicate a person has anorexia?

abnormally underweight and yet have intense and unreasonable fear of gaining weight.

What is addiction?

affects the brain and behavior. Substance use disorder leads to a compulsive use of harmful substances, legal or illegal. The substance use continues despite negative and harmful consequences.

What is phychotherapy?

also called talk therapy. It involves a therapist helping a patient talk through issues in order to help control or eliminate symptoms.

What is an anxiety disorder?

are characterized by a person feeling strong emotions of fear, worry, or apprehension.

What is a mood disorder?

are classified as prolonged and intense emotional disturbances.

What is a phobia?

are overwhelming or unreasonable fears of objects or situations.

What is an eating disorder?

are unhealthy preoccupations with food and body weight.

What is post traumatic stress disorder?

can affect anyone who has experienced or witnessed a terrifying event.

What do obsession and compulsion mean in regard to OCD?

checking something repeatedly, such as locks or on/off switches.

How is PTSD typically treated?

cognitive therapy, exposure therapy, EMDR, antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications.

What are some reasons why treating a person with anorexia can be challenging?

do not want treatment because they feel they don't need it or that they will gain weight.

What are some observable symptoms of bulimia?

forcing themselves to purge food by any method or going to extremes to prevent weight gain. Obsessively complaining or worrying about being fat Having a distorted body image Going to the bathroom during a meal or after eating, possibly for a long time Sores, scars, or calluses on the knuckles or hands (caused by self-inducing vomiting) Unhealthy teeth and gums (a result of stomach acid in the mouth from vomiting) Swollen hands and feet Swollen face and cheeks Noticeable weight loss or gain

What is binge eating disorder?

involves eating a very large amount of food in a short time. feels guily at the end

What is depression?

is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest that can go on for a long time.

What is a panic attack?

is a sudden occurrence of overwhelming fear.

What is EMDR?

is exposure therapy that includes guided eye movements.

What is detox?

is withdrawal therapy that focuses on helping people get substance-free quickly and safely.

Why can bulimia go unnoticed by others

kept a secret. Because most people with bulimia are binge-eating and purging in private, and because people with bulimia are often of average or slightly above average weight, this disorder may go unnoticed by others for long periods.

Treatment for bipolar disorder focuses on ___________ the symptoms of the disease.


List the types of medications that are used to treat bipolar disorder.

mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, antidepressants, antidepressant-antipsychotics, and anti-anxiety medications.

What is obsessive compulsive disorder?

obsession is a feeling of constantly having to focus on a person, object, or activity.

What to characteristics could indicate that someone is experiencing PTSD rather than a normal reaction to a traumatic event?

the effects must last for months or years after the incident and they must interfere with daily life.

What are common treatment for phobias?

treated with CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) and ERP (exposure and response prevention). Common medications used to treat phobias are beta blockers and sedatives.

What is a relapse in regard to a substance use disorder?

when someone with a substance use disorder uses the substance after being "clean," or abstaining from it, for a significant period of time

List the symptoms of phobias.

- Feeling of intense fear when exposed to the source - Feeling of panic and anxiety just thinking about the source - Knowing that the reaction is unreasonable, but still not able to control it - Avoiding the source - Physical reactions to the source can include: sweating, rapid heart rate, breathing issues, nausea, dizziness, and fainting

Describe the difference between mania and hypomania?

- Mania involves extreme emotional highs. It includes feelings of euphoria, energy, and possibly irritability. Mania is considered very severe when it causes psychotic effects like hallucinations. - Hypomania is a less severe type of mania that does not include psychotic symptoms.

What paths my pyschotherapy for depression take?

- Recognizing the sources that lead to depression - Identifying and replacing negative thoughts and behaviors with positive ones - Encouraging and developing good relationships and experiences - Developing better ways to respond to and cope with problems that bring on depression - Finding satisfaction and control - Learning to better tolerate stress - Setting goals that are attainable

What are the most common types of medications used to treat panic disorders?

- SSRIs:are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. They are antidepressants that work by blocking the reuptake of serotonin into neurons in the central nervous system. - SNRIs:are serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors. They are antidepressants that work by disrupting the ability of neurons to reabsorb serotonin and norepinephrine. - Benzodiazepines: are CNS depressants that work by depressing or sedating central nervous system activity.

Name and describe the 2 common psychotherapy used to treat OCD.

1. CBT aims to alter the actions or thought processes that are causing a person's obsessive-compulsive behavior. 2. ERP is a method that gradually exposes people to their obsession without allowing the compulsive response to follow.

What two standards signify an anxiety disorder?

1. The anxiety must be out of proportion to either the situation or the age of the person. 2. The anxiety must in some way negatively impact your ability to function.

What are some symptoms of anorexia that might be detected by a healthcare professional?

Abnormal blood count Irregular heart rhythm Low blood pressure

Least common things that people are addicted to.

Alcohol Marijuana Hallucinogens (PCP, LSD) Inhalants (paint thinner, glue) Opioids (codeine, oxycodone, heroin) Sedatives, hypnotics, and anxiolytics (anxiety medications and tranquilizers) Stimulants (cocaine, methamphetamine) Tobacco

What program is often used in self-help groups for substance use disorder treatment?

Alcoholics Anonymous

What is bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder that is characterized by drastic mood swings between mania or hypomania and depression.

Which OCD therapy is a method that aims to alter the actions or thought processes that are causing a person's obsessive-compulsive behavior?

Cognitive behavioral therapy

What types of psychotherapy are typically used to treat binge eating disorder?

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) Interpersonal psychotherapy Dialectical behavioral therapy

Which part of OCD is to act in a ritualistic and excessive manner?


List three symptoms of binge eating disorder.

Consuming large amounts of food in a short time Never feeling full while binge-eating Preferring to eat alone Changes in eating habits Withdrawal from friends and family Hiding food Feelings of disgust and guilt after binging Weight gain Low self-esteem Stomach cramps

What types of topics might behavior therapy treatment for substance use include?

Education on coping with substance cravings Avoiding situations that are a high risk for relapsing Dealing with relapsing Working through broken personal and professional relationships Addressing legal issues resulting from substance use Dealing with other mental health disorders

Which OCD psychotherapy is a method that gradually exposes people to their obsession without allowing the compulsive response to follow?

Exposure and response prevention

What are some discreet symptoms that could indicate a person has anorexia

Extremely thin Bluish fingers Thin and breaking hair Growth of soft body hair Dry, yellow skin tone Swollen arms and legs Damaged teeth Calluses on knuckles Not eating in public Complaining about being fat Denying hunger

Mood disorders are always a constant issue for those that have them.


Symptoms of OCD are the same for everyone.


What types of physical symptoms can be an indicator of depression?

Feeling teary, or ready to cry Inability to sleep or sleeping too much Lack of energy Weight loss or weight gain Anxiety Headaches Churning stomach or stomach pains Slowed thought processes or physical movement Difficulty concentrating Difficulty with recall Difficulty making decisions

List psychotherapy options for treating bipolar disorder.

Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy (IPSRT) Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) Psychoeducation Family-focused therapy Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT):

What is bulimia nervosa?

Like binge eating but they purge after binging.

Which part of OCD is having an unreasonable fear?


What types of feelings are associated with panic disorders and panic attacks?

Palpitations Sweating Shaking Shortness of breath Numbness Chills Hot flashes Nausea Chest pain Headache Dizziness Feelings of impending doom, loss of control, and unreality or detachment

It's perfectly normal to be aware of your appearance and how you present yourself to the people around you.


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