Communication Applications

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A critical threat of mutual respect between the leader and the group members. It is collaborative in nature based on a clear vision, goals, and participation. The leader, however, ultimately makes the final decision, but the team is essential to the decision-making process.

Best be described as interference

A loud cooling system

If you were trying to determine what an audience may already know about the topic, which of the following attributes might you be examining?


An open system

All organizations and teams are open systems which means they must have interaction with the outside world in order to exist.

Cheryl gave her father skybox tickets to the Dallas Cowboys game on Sunday. What type listening/viewing might Cheryl's father employ?


Kristina is attending a concert by Los Lonely Boys this evening. What type listening should Kristina employ?


The person who functions in this role is an "all about me" type of person. The person may pull antics such as acting goofy or take an ego trip expounding on his/her great accomplishments of the past.

Attention Seeker

If you were analyzing your audience to determine who might be in favor of the topic on which you will be speaking and who might not be in favor, what characteristic of an audience might you be examining?



Basically anything which disrupts or changes a message between the sender and the receiver.

The decoding phase of the communication process takes place . . .

By the receiver


Called a "build a strong team and stay out of the way." This type of leadership promotes autonomy as long as the job gets done correctly. It is also built on trust that each group member will contribute with creative and innovative ideas. There is little or no direction provided.

The person who functions in this role controls verbal communication by ensuring that every team member has the opportunity to share views. This person ensures that norms are followed and that no one person dominates the discussion.


If employees in my company were failing to turn in timesheets at the appointed time, my primary goal with the employees would likely be to -

Change what they do

As a team member, you want to sharpen your vision, focus your energy on the project and have an objective view. Which of the components of system theory would best describe this?

Clear view of your vision and assumptions

The person who functions in this role takes ideas that others have shared and builds upon them. This person also functions in the role of taking ideas and pulling them together.


The person who functions in this role concentrates on getting everyone's perspective.

Consensus Seeker

The person who functions in this role may be seen as a bully who offers harsh criticism of other ideas.


Micalia has been asked to listen to a presidential debate and explain the issues from all candidates. What type listening should Micalia employ?


Ricardo is attending a panel discussion at the art museum for a presentation he will be making in his art history course. What type listening should Ricardo employ?


Xavier is attending a Senate hearing during the Texas legislative session. The hearing is on education changes, and he is required to give a 5 minute update in his political science class. What type listening should Xavier employ?


A political science class visited with the representative in the legislature before the session begins. The class members want the legislator to support a bill on tax reform. What type listening does the class hope the legislator will employ?


LaChondra received an phone call inviting her to participate in a rally at the capitol. She was encouraged to take a stand for the cause. What type listening did LaChondra employ?


The person who functions in this role looks at the guidelines, principles, or models/schematics for the task and assesses whether the ideas generated fit within these standards. This person looks at the other side of issues and argues for them in hopes of making the solution on the table stronger.

Devil's Advocate/Critic

Aidan forgot his lunch when he set out for school. Once he got to school, he checked his pockets for change to buy something but found none. He stopped by the counselor's office to share his situation. What type listening does Aidan hope the counselor will employ?


Martin dropped his notebook when getting off the bus, and all his papers blew away in a wind gust, including his homework for math class. He relates the story to his teacher. What type listening does Martin hope the teacher will employ?


Ryan's dog had to have surgery. The dog had a few complications, which Ryan was sharing with his best friend. What type listening should Ryan's friend employ?


If you are the leader of a group, how might you best safeguard against groupthink?

Every member should be assigned the role of evaluator/critic.

The girl was frowning while she was telling a sad story

Facial Expression

Crossing your arms always indicates a defiant response to the message


Nonverbal cues always alert the speaker to what the receiver is thinking/feeling about the message.


The person who functions in this role is the one who keeps the group on task, summarizes salient points often, and finds ways to steer members who try to veer from the discussion.


The speaker was energetic and waving his arms around during his presentation


If you are involved in a conversation and you reach out and touch the other person on the arm, what type of nonverbal communication would that be?


When my Aunt Tia speaks, she is always touching my arm


The person who functions in this role serves somewhat like a fact checker. This person requests relevant facts and/or missing information before the group moves forward.

Information Guru

Open self from Johari window

Information about you that both you and others know

Unknown Self from Johari window

Information about you that neither you nor others know

Blind Self from Johari window

Information about you that you don't know but others do know

Hidden Self from Johari window

Information about you that you know but others don't know


Initiates communication by encoding a message. Must determine whether the communication will be oral, written, symbolic, or nonverbal. Next, choose the channel or medium for sending the message to the receiver. Much of the burden for communication rests on the shoulders of this person.

The person who functions in this role offers ideas that are original to help the group move towards completing the task. This role begins conversations and moves the group to think "outside of the box."


The person who functions in this role builds a warm and cordial environment through affirmation and verbal support of team members.


Examples of Primary sources

Interview transcripts, newspaper articles, personal experience, artifact, diary, manuscript, recording

As a team member, you want to examine those assumptions that determine how you view the world and what actions you might take as a result of those assumptions. How could this help the team?

It would equip you to be a more cooperative and collaborative team member.

If you are visiting with someone about a task that you needs to be completed, and the person crosses their arms across his/her body, what type of nonverbal message might the person be sending?


The person who functions in this role has an opinion on everything and upon taking the floor to speak, seldom relinquishes it.


Information about your audience that would be helpful in preparing your speech

Likes and dislikes regarding the subject of your presentation. Age of participants. Interests in the topic of your presentation.

Critical Listening

Listening to comprehend ideas and information in order to achieve a specific purpose or goal. Example would be listening to a lecture.

Appreciative Listening

Listening to enjoy a speaker's message or a performance on an artistic level. Example would be watching a drama production.

Deliberative Listening

Listening to understand, analyze, and evaluate messages so you can accept or reject a point of view, make a decision, or take action. Example would be listening to a political speech.

Empathic Listening

Listening to understand, participate in, and build a relationship. Example would be listening to a friend's story with understanding.

If you knew that your participants were being forced to attend your presentation, what attribute of the audience would you be examining?


What is an advantage for using Google Docs?

Multiple users can work at the same time on the same document.

The person who functions in this role opposes every idea, but has nothing to offer in place of the ideas that are rebuffed.


The person who functions in this role is willing to give up support for all or part of his/her idea in order to allow the group to move forward to task completion.


If someone is giggling when telling you that your friendship is over, this likely is a case of -

Opposites Don't Attract

Rolling your eyes while congratulating someone

Opposites Don't Attract

If you and your mom are in a conversation and her pitch gets higher and her volume gets louder, what type of nonverbal signaling is she using?


The person who functions in this role serves as a mediator to relieve tensions often using humor.


Disadvantages in using discussion boards?

People forget to visit the discussion board regularly.

If my purpose was to convince others to agree with me, what primary goal might I be targeting?


I was talking to a friend in class, when the teacher moved to my desk and just stood there


Decoding a message

The interpretation of the sender's message.

As a team member, you want to keep a grip on your assumptions which might be flawed so that you can begin to think cooperatively as a team. What should you do?

Reflect on underlying assumptions that affect your world view.

Giving a "thumbs up" sign

Replacement Theory

When someone crosses the arms and glares at you, never uttering a word, it is called -

Replacement Theory

The person who functions in this role takes notes, carefully recording ideas. This person keeps the history of the project.


Before accepting a speaking engagement, the speaker must know -

Should know the purpose and topic for the presentation.

If I wanted to enhance my personal identity with the audience, I would likely try to-

Show confidence and competence

If you are in a conversation with someone and that person takes a step closer to you, what type of nonverbal behavior are you sensing?


The audience was smiling and applauding

The Perfect Match

When the speaker's verbal and nonverbal message connect in harmony, it is called

The Perfect Match

Medium of communication

The channel or means of transmitting the message to the receiver. Can be used by speaking, writing, signaling, gesturing, etc.


The information being conveyed. This information needs to be clear, precise, and thought out.


The receiver will often send a message back to the original sender. This is essential to clarify the meaning because it allows the sender to evaluate how effective the original message was. The sender can, if correction is needed, take steps to clear up misunderstood messages. Barriers to clear communication may come through differences in backgrounds, variations of the meaning of certain words, or even the state of mind of the receiver.


The recipient of the message. The message may be received through hearing, seeing, gesturing, etc. Has the responsibility of decoding the message. Will translate the message into thoughts to understand and analyze it. Effective communication can only occur when both the sender and the receiver interpret the message using the same or similar meanings.

Is it most likely a topic or a thesis? Dreams will always be challenged, but believing in yourself, refusing to be discouraged, and setting realistic goals keep the dreams alive.


Is it most likely a topic or a thesis? Politicians in the next session will be faced with hard decisions about school funding, state assessments, and child protection.


What is the purpose of the Johari Window?

To develop self-awareness

Is it most likely a topic or a thesis? Austin, Texas has the best year-round weather in the United States


Is it most likely a topic or a thesis? Butterflies migrate to Mexico every year.


Is it most likely a topic or a thesis? Parks for camping are available throughout the state.


If my purpose for my presentation was to instruct the participants in a way that they learn a new skill, what goal might I be targeting?


A message is strongest when the verbal message and the nonverbal cues match.


It is possible to spend too much time analyzing nonverbal cues to the point that you never heard the message


Many researchers believe that the nonverbal signals may be stronger and read more easily than the words used to communicate


To best protect yourself from engaging in groupthink, which of the following should you do?

Try to keep an open mind, ever searching for alternative ways of viewing the problem.

On the third request from my mom to get up for school, she was screaming



When organizations, society, groups are without direction. Decisions will be made by the leader until the group gets on track again. These leaders can become very adaptable.

As a team member, you want to be authentic in unveiling shared images for the future, so that there exists real and genuine commitment rather than compliance. How will this help you be a strong team member?

You will be able to cooperate with team members in a productive way.

You just won a pair of tickets to ACL, a musical venue for the weekend. You want to invite your buddy, so you pick up the phone to make the call. You know your audience is your friend and the purpose is to invite him. What language style would be the best to use in your message?

blend of informal and standard

Encoding a message

converting the idea (message) into a form that can be communicated to others.

The healthy organization/team is both ____________and __________.

dynamic, fluid.

Examples of Secondary sources

encyclopedias, journals, books, photos, diagrams, charts, graphs, magazine, articles, textbooks, films

A false statement that damages another person violates . . .


A closed system

has firm boundaries and can exist outside the system. An example would be a battery or a wind-up run watch. Once it is powered up, it does not need anything outside the components of the watch in order to operate.

The communication process does not require . . .


Of the four panes of the Johari Window - open, blind, hidden, and unknown - in which pane would you find name, sex, and age?


Throughout the process of completing a task, it is important to practice ________________ and _______________ of the processes.

self-reflection, ongoing evaluation

Communication is the process of . . .

sending and receiving messages

Solid communication occurs when . . .

shared meaning is reached


the interaction of elements that when combined produce a total effect that is greater than the sum of the individual elements, contributions, etc.

A system

viewed as an entity (organization, group, family) that is composed of interdependent parts. Each of the parts contribute to the whole.

The best way to start a presentation is-

with an engaging story, personal experience, or visual

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